Thứ Bảy, 6 tháng 1, 2018

Youtube daily report Jan 6 2018

The Harry Potter series has some of the most dedicated fans, who travel all over the world

to put their wizardry skills to use and participate in events that replicate the magical universe.

Whether it's taking in a Quidditch match, having a few butterbeers, or throwing on a

robe before heading to an all-out Potterhead convention, fans will do just about anything

to feel like they're part of this seemingly wonderful world.

And that's kind of ironic.

Because while J.K.

Rowling may have been able to put a positive spin on a lot of the happenings in the wizard

world, living in the Harry Potter universe would actually kind of suck.

Here's why.

Birthright blues

Harry definitely relished in the opportunity to study wizardry, mainly because his room

at Hogwarts was a massive step up from sleeping in the cupboard under the stairs.

But who's to say that every young witch or wizard is happy about their magical gifts

suddenly springing up like this?

Maybe Harry wanted to study to become a social worker so he could make sure other children

weren't ever treated like he was.

Perhaps Hermione simply wanted to follow in her parents' footsteps and practice dentistry

in the muggle world before receiving her acceptance letter to Hogwarts.

And Ron, well, perhaps he shouldn't have been allowed to touch a wand until his third or

fourth year.

Aside from having no choice in the matter, being a witch or wizard means you're always

around other witches and wizards.

Imagine going to a high school where at any moment one of your classmates could make you

vomit slugs with a simple flick of their wrist.

Or, worse, attempt to make you vomit slugs and accidentally turn you into some kind of

strange mutant because they've yet to master the pronunciation and proper flick of the

Slugulus Eructo charm.

It's something like this that could cause your prepubescent years to scar you for life.

Creature comforts

Adjusting to wizard life must be difficult for those born and raised in the muggle world.

While realizing you're a witch or wizard can certainly provide a person with some awesome

tricks and conveniences the muggle world doesn't have just yet, there would definitely be a

few things that most people would have a hard time giving up.

For example, it's likely that the professors at Hogwarts would frown upon any student taking

notes on a laptop or tablet.

And the school doesn't exactly seem like the kind of place that would be hooked up to Wi-Fi

anyway, so all those selfies and news feed reads would be history.

It's also unlikely your favorite pizza spot from your childhood delivers to Hogwarts or

anywhere near Godric's Hollow.

And you can probably forget about ordering your favorite sesame chicken or pick up some

Chipotle -- you'll have to take what the house elves will give you.

On the bright side, you'll never have to cook or clean again, but these can be disadvantages

if they're things you enjoyed in the muggle world.

Even Mr. Weasley can't seem to get over just how fascinating the muggle world is with his

massive collection of appliances.

Would you be willing to give all that up?

Polyjuice pretenders

Admit it: you'd be pretty freaked out if all it took was a single strand of your hair for

someone to pull off a full-body impersonation of you.

As we saw throughout the series, Polyjuice Potion is a concoction that can temporarily

transform someone you've never even met before into your exact doppelganger.

"Bloody hell."

This can earn them access to your workplace or your bank vault without much trouble, 'cause

even the wizarding world's foremost minds have had trouble spotting an imposter in their

midst from time to time.

If you thought identity theft was a real issue of the 21st century, well, that's nothing

compared to what might commence if the realm of magic ever mixed with the iPhone's X's

facial recognition software.

There'd be a whole black market for ill-gotten celebrity locks.

Wandering wand

The laws associated with wands aren't exactly cut and dry, but every Harry Potter fan knows

that the wand chooses the wizard.

But being chosen by a dragon heartstring at Ollivander's Wand Shop doesn't mean its allegiance

is stuck with you forever.

It can be difficult, but when dueling with another wizard, they can change your wand's

allegiance by winning and disarming you.

Even if you manage to find the wand on the floor after the scuffle, if its allegiance

has changed, it won't work as well for you anymore.

And just ask Snape how important a wand's loyalty is.

Privacy problems

There's absolutely no privacy in the wizarding world.

At Hogwarts, there is always someone watching, whether it be one of the many nosey ghosts

who roam the halls or the obnoxious members of history who live in the frames that hang

on the walls.

You can't even leave the common room without a dozen "people" noticing.

Once the Marauder's Map was gifted to Potter, everyone's privacy at Hogwarts went out the

window, with the exception of a few hidden spots (none of which, as it happens, include

a bathroom).

At home in the wizarding world, privacy is just as rare.

Anyone can apparate into your bedroom once they carry a license, so snoopy parents, friends,

and significant others will always be able to find out when you're up to no good, and

your enemies will constantly be on the prowl for an excuse to embarrass you.

That's no way to live, people.

No way at all.

Thanks for watching!

Click the Grunge icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Why You Would Never Want To Live In The Harry Potter Universe - Duration: 4:24.


How I Changed From Fat Weirdo To A Good Looking Guy - Duration: 13:40.

Hey, what's up?

John Sonmez here from

I did this video where I talked about—what was it?

Man, I can't even remember what this video was on.

Uh, let me see.

Why can't I do it now?

What was this video?

It was something about—oh, yeah.

La, la, la, la, la.

I know what it was.

It was like do you need to be good looking as a guy, like do you need to be attractive,

like does looks matter, something like that.

You can check out the video here.

All right, so I get this comment on the video.

This guy said, "Ma bro.

I would really appreciate if you make a video about how you went from fat guy to bodybuilding


This is from Carlos Garcia.

In that video, I had this like before and after picture where I showed myself—maybe

we'll show the pictures here of me, fat, kind of ugly, nerdy, pimply face kind of John to—well,

to me that I am now, the stud that I am now.

A lot of you were like, "What the fuck, dude?"

like there was a lot of comments on that and this is where this comment came from.

I thought I would talk about this a little bit, address this, answer this question of

how I went from fat guy to bodybuilding guy.

I'd have to tell you my whole life story to really get into the weeds here, but I'm going

to give you sort of the short, condensed version.

Maybe I'll do some more videos talking about some more aspects of this.

Let's see.

Where to begin?

What should we talk about?

The transformation is not exactly what it appears like from those 2 pictures.

I actually went through multiple transformations in my life and I'll say it too.

I want to say this by saying that most of the transformation that has occurred in my

life have not been physical in nature.

They have been mental, psychological in nature and the psychological changes, the inner changes

are the changes that manifest themselves outwardly.

You will always manifest the reality externally of what your current inner reality is.

What you believe about yourself, how you feel about yourself, what your perceptions are,

your self-identity is, that will determine what your external reality is.

It really will.

Not just from your physical reality of your body, but also your environment, your financial

situation, your relationships.

All of those things that exist outside of you are influenced greatly by what is inside

of you.

Change begins internally.

You change mindset and then that becomes outward.

To give you a little bit of back story, I, as a kid, I was very shy, very lazy.

I've talked about this before and I eventually ended up becoming—like changing who I was,

like deciding—I've told this story.

You can listen to the story here on the five things every—five soft skills every software

developer should know.

I talked about that in this talk, about that moment, that experience I had.

I'll give you a quick rehash.

Basically, at one point when I was around in high school, I had this mindset.

I woke up one morning and said, "Well, why not me?"

Why can other people like do these things or be these things?" and I was kind of this


I was kind of lazy.

I was overweight and out of shape and I wasn't athletic.

I didn't have any style and girls didn't like me, and all these things.

I had this whole list of like being this dork and nerd.

I said, "Why me?

Why not me?

Why can't I just be what I want to be?"

I envision it in my head who I wanted to become, the best version of myself possible.

Let's start pretending like I was that person.

Start acting that person, like that person, and I eventually became that person.

It took time.

I'm still on the process of it.

I'm always on the process of it.

I'm always envisioning who I want to become and stepping into that role pretending that

I'm already that person, but that was sort of the—that was the hack that I discovered

in life.

When I discovered that—I didn't immediately have all the changes.

I didn't become the person I am today or you can see just in my videos in the past

four or five years how I've changed drastically as a person, but I've had so many transformations

in my life from fit to fat, from fat to fit, from all of these types of things based on

what was going on internally as I torn apart my psychology and myself, and rebuild it up

in different ways.

Hopefully, in most cases with a stronger foundation everytime.

At least I know that's where I'm going now.

It might not have been where I was going before, but, again, I don't want to make this too


Essentially after that, what happened was, at least in my high school days, I enrolled

in track, in wrestling, football.

I started to actually visualize myself as an athlete.

I said I can be and I started becoming an athlete and I had never really done physical

activity in my life.

I started lifting weights.

I started running.

I started, like I said, doing track.

I did pole vaulting.

I did wrestling.

I did the football team.

I didn't end up staying on a football team because I had so many other activities going

on, but I ended up doing that.

I ended up changing how I dress.

I ended up changing how I talk and what I thought about myself.

Again, not as confident as I was—as I am now.

Definitely had a lot more deficiencies, but I stopped being lazy.

You know what I mean?

I changed a lot of things about myself.

Eventually, what ended up happening after I graduated high school is that I got a little

bit more into fashion and I had started looking good.

I started to shape my body and I got approached by a modeling agency and I became a model

in a modeling agency, and I did some acting as well.

I got signed on with an agency actually in Costa Mesa where I moved to—if you followed

my career story, which you can check out the career story here.

This is kind of the back story I didn't talk about and that I ended up going and signed

with this agency that was in Costa Mesa.

It was around the same time that I took this job with doing contracting for Xerox.

It's a $75 an hour job.

I was 19 years old.

It was awesome.

Again, you can check it out in that career story video, but that's where I was at that


I've got some online pictures.

Maybe we'll throw some up here.

They're kind of embarrassing.

Rodrigo will—it's an embarrassing photo year apparently because I have got—this

video will have lots of embarrassing photos.

I was fit, I was fit.

I was in shape.

I was looking pretty good.

I didn't have the confidence that I have now.

I didn't have the—I still had a lot of—I don't want to tell you that like I had figured

it all out because I was so—I was like 10% of what I've got figured out—not even 10%,

1%, okay?

I was 1% as confident.

I was 1% of everything that I kind of depict today.

I don't want to pretend like that happened.

What ended up happening was I had a fall from there.

I've maintained my fitness level.

I did good, but then what ended up happening where I really had the fall—what ended up

happening was that I tore my pec—Okay.

I've told this story before and it totally devastated me.

I lost my identity because my identity was wrapped up in being the biggest guy at the


Again, I was not fit at that time, like I wasn't ripped like I am.

I never was.

I never achieved the physique level that I wanted to.

That was my mindset, but that was big.

At one point, I was close to 300 pounds or about 300 pounds and benching 405.

Actually, benching more than 405.

I was definitely like big, but I tore my pec.

After that happened, I ended up actually losing a lot of weight because I couldn't really

lift and then I actually ended up gaining a bunch of weight.

I went from like 300 pounds of maybe 20% body fat, which 300 pounds and 20% body fat, that's

pretty freakin' tank mode, okay?

I went from that to 300 pounds and more like 30% body fat or 35.

I don't know.

I was fat.

You could see it on those pictures, my dorky pictures with my long hair.

My skin went to shit.

You would not have guessed that like five years before that or so that I was actually

a model doing modeling and acting, and then I was getting signed to do like modeling shoots

and do runway, and all this stuff.

Not of that ever—I never made it big time in the modeling or acting.

I'm not going to pretend like I did, but I was getting signed to do stuff.

I was going on casting calls like I was—I had a potentially promising career before

I went full bore into software development because—or else I wasn't going to make any

fucking money doing the modeling and acting stuff.

My mindset actually is different now.

Now, I could have actually killed that shit, but I didn't believe in myself at that point.

My point is that—okay, so I had that transformation and a lot of it was mental.

You could see it in my skin.

I mean like when you look at me as a person there, it was—a lot of it—again, if I

can describe this, what I would say is that I had a false—like some part of me did change.

There were definitely aspects of me—I mean you should have seen me before that way, way

back when in high school when I was a dorky, whatever, but some of that change was not


It was still an illusion.

I was still fucking fooling myself.

I was still operating at this level where I wasn't fully changing and embracing that


I changed in some ways, but there were still a lot of underlying deficiencies.

There's a lot of fears.

There's a lot of deficiencies that I hadn't overcome in my life that I didn't face,

a lot of obstacles I didn't face and my identity was wrapped up in this thing.

At one point, it was wrapped up in my looks.

At one point, it was wrapped in being the biggest guy at the gym.

My identity got fucking smashed with a fucking hammer.

I lost it all and everything fucking collapsed and I had to rebuild it up.

I had to really—no.

There were some changes that were still there.

I mean I was a hard worker at that point.

I had a lot more wisdom than I had before.

I had more confidence, but a miniscule amount compared to what I have now.

There were some good foundations that were laid there, but I had to break it all down

when that identity shattered and I had to rebuild it up.

How did I rebuild it up?

How did I go from fat to fit in that case?

A lot of it, like I said, is the mindset.

A lot of it changed in my mind because I had this moment where, again, I said, "You know


You need to build a new identity like you're never going to be the biggest fucking guy

in the gym again.

That's fine but that doesn't need to be your identity," and that's where things started

to change.

The best thing I could point you to is I did this video on what my life was like seven

years ago.

I know I'm linking a lot of videos on this one, but you should watch that video and that

explains more of that.

Essentially, what happened was that I regained that—I started reading a lot of positive


I started looking into self—personal improvement and self-development.

I started focusing more, more, more on the inner game on changing.

Instead of just making money, instead of just like trying to change my external world, instead

of seeking validation from other people, I started to care about changing myself internally

and growing as a person.

What shifted from the fat John to the bodybuilder John that you see today was a shift from my

external validation, wanting the world to validate me.

Wanting women to validate me.

Wanting other people to validate me.

Wanting people to tell me I did a good job or telling me that I was worthy.

That shift to wanting to actually really dig deep and grow myself, and build myself as

a person and become the person that I want to be, become the best person possible from

an honest level.

Not just from a superficial level, but from a core identity.

I really am this.

I really own this level, so I started reading a lot of books.

I'm going to wrap up the video here.

I could talk about this more and more, but that's a good intro.

Maybe I'll do a part of this video and I'll talk more about making that actual change,

but it was developing that bulldog mindset.

It was all about changing to that internal growth.

Once I started to focus on that internal growth and start growing internally, I've gotten

the best physique, the best shape I ever got in my life.

I got more shit done than I ever fucking did in my life.

I accomplished so many—I mean in the last year, I've ran like—I mean changes have


Now, I've ran like—what's it like—nine marathons, a full marathon like—just like

all kind of things have changed and grown in my life because of that focus.

I've gotten in the best shape, I've gotten in the best physique and it all has to do

with that internal change that has influenced the external.

Again, I'll probably do a part two on this.

If you guys are interested to hear more.

Give me some questions and stuff about this that I can answer in a part two and talk more

about that shift of going from fat to fit from—what's the comment?

I appreciate if you can make a video from fat guy to bodybuilding guy.

I want to give you guys the honest background though, so that—because it wasn't like I

just like had one transformation and I just went from fat guy to bodybuilding guy.

I did that transformation, but there were some other curves in the road before I got

there, and then recently in the last seven years I made that transformation.

I could talk more about that exact process of how that happened if you guys are interested,

but I need some questions.

Give me questions that you want answered about that and maybe I'll do part two.

All right.

That's all I got for you today.

I hope that if you found this useful, you'll click that Subscribe button below and click

the bell so you don't miss any videos.

I'll talk to you next time.

Take care.

For more infomation >> How I Changed From Fat Weirdo To A Good Looking Guy - Duration: 13:40.



Oh no!

We have some serious problems, and yes, more than one, AC Family.

I just returned home after a two week vacation, and I usually return to my ants being ok as

usual, but this time, we have some news.

I'm afraid, it's not all good!

Today, I update you on what has happened with our five ant colonies while I was away, and

I will certainly need your help so please keep on watching until the end!

Welcome everyone to the AntsCanada Ant Channel.

Please SUBSCRIBE to my channel and hit the bell icon.

Welcome to the AC Family.

Tired of Nature Channels not showing nature shows.

Just watch this channel.


So it's 3AM in the morning, I just returned home from a two week getaway for the holidays,

checking out the ants in Maldives, Malaysia, and Cambodia.

While I am away on such vacations, I have a very skilled house helper who cares for

my ants, and knows how to feed, maintain, and clean up after them.

Even still, I admit that every time I return home from being away, I hold my breath before

entering my ant room, and I certainly did this time.

By the way, if you're excited about this video be sure to hit the LIKE button and let me


Opening the door.

No ants on the floor or the walls.

That was a good sign.

AC Family, Let's take a look around the Ant Room and check up on our ant colonies since

our Christmas video.

Let's inspect how the Fire Nation has been doing while we were away.

In case you're new to the channel or missed our Christmas episode, we gave the Fire Nation,

our aggressive and ravenous colony of fire ants a Cockroach Christmas Tree drizzled with

honey, and topped with a chocolate coin.

And here is the Fire Nation's cockroach Christmas tree now.

All cockroaches have been eaten off, honey drank, and what is left of the chocolate coin

is on the ground.

This was all ok, but then I noticed something that concerned me greatly.


The Fire Nation had managed to inch their way so close to the top edge of the Fire Palace,

this Rubbermaid bin!


And look here!

That is way too close for comfort.

The fire ants are persistent and the baby powder barrier is usually effective enough

to keep the ants inside the Fire Palace, but this barrier is not infinitely effective against

these fire ants of the Fire Nation.

Every time an ant slips off it, the ant brings with it a tiny amount of the powder in its

claws, and when you're talking thousands and thousands of ants crawling and slipping at

this barrier over an extended period of time, the ants are able to inch closer and closer

to the edge.

The Fire Nation are definitely escape artists!

So, I had to pull out the baby powder and replenish the barrier.

That should keep them in now and remain effective for the next few weeks.

I drop the powdered cotton ball full of caught up ants into the Fire Palace.

It will naturally decompose with the help of the ants.

Moving on to the Golden Empire, our awesome colony of Yellow Crazy Ants, it seems all

is ok with this colony.

They have finished up all their honey and have left some honeycomb, but they always

seem to love filling their emptied out honey test tubes at Golden Rock with dead bodies,

making them their designated colony cemeteries.

It's ok.

More fish food for my fish!

Now if you recall in our Christmas video, we stumbled upon the praying mantis which

for weeks we thought had died or escaped from the Hacienda Del Dorado.

Well, it was now living in a separate container, and I enjoy feeding it cockroaches.

It has quite the appetite.

I wanted to ask, you though, AC Family, should we keep her or set her free?

She was after all wild-caught as a nymph.

Let me know what you think in this poll here!

Let's check out the Dark Knights, our black crazy ants who received for Christmas a cool

Uncle Milton ant farm.

Lifting the cover, and wow!

Looks like they've managed to fortify a single tunnel leading through the sand and out towards

the other end of the ant farm.

It seems they haven't dug too extensively, but it was still really cool to watch them

move sand around and pile them in one area.

Have a look!

They look so cute carrying the grains of sand.

I thoroughly appreciated that this ant farm was the pit stop between the Dark Knights

of the south and the Dark Knights of the North.

I bet they loved all that moisture, too!

Look at how happy they seem.

But not all ants are experiencing good times, it seems, for when I checked up on the Titans,

our Asian Marauder ants, what I saw made my heart sink.

I was happy to see that the honey sticks, which the Titans received for Christmas were

now only partially full, meaning ants had been drinking from them, but when I looked

closer, inside drinking the honey were not our Titans!

They were wild pharaoh ants!

The wild pharaoh ants had returned to the Garden of Eden!

And there wasn't even a Titan in sight anywhere.

Oh no!

What should we do?

I acted quickly and pulled out all honey sticks and placed them into Tomb Raiders' territory,

the home of our new Pharaoh ants.

This was only a temporary solution, though.

We eventually will need to think of another way to get them out of the Garden of Eden.

But now, AC Family, it was time to have a look at our Tomb Raiders, who also were going

through some great crises since we acquired them.

First they were threatened by an unknown mold, which we managed to control, but then last

we checked on them, they were infested with body mites which looked grotesque and truly


In the Christmas video, we gave the Tomb Raiders some lemons to try to battle these mites,

as well as a shot of superworms.

Peeking into the Tomb Raiders' territory now, it seems the shot glass was full of springtails,

which was normal.

They were cleaning up after the Tomb Raiders discarded superworm parts, but looking up,

I noticed that the Tomb Raiders had decided to now setup station in Club Oasis.

It was time to have a closer look and see if our lemon therapy had worked over the course

of two weeks.

I used my camera zoom to inspect the colony.

AC Family, look!

Off hand, it seemed most of the body mites were gone from the workers, which was great

news, but looking at one of the queens, it seemed as though she was still very infested

with mites.

Our lemon therapy was not completely working.

This truly made me shudder!

Here's where I need your help, AC Family.

How should we save our Titans from this second invasion of pharaoh ants, and what other things

should we try to get rid of the mites from our Tomb Raiders, our captive pharaoh ants?

Funny how in one case we're trying to get rid of pharaoh ants and in the other trying

to save them so we can keep them alive.

Let me know your thoughts in the comments section, AC Family.

As usual, the fate of our ant colonies lays in your hands.

It's time to put our ideas together like ants and problem-solve!

May God help our Titans and Tomb Raiders.

Oh man!

AC Family, there is so much that needs to be done!

I am hoping we can come up with solutions to both these ant crises!

What a way to start the new year!

By the way, guys happy new year!

AC Inner Colony, I have left a hidden cookie for you here, if you would just like to watch

extended play footage of all the ants as I saw them upon returning home.

Now speaking of new beginnings, before proceeding to the AC Question of the Week, I wanted to

quickly plug my new daily vlogging channel, for those who might be curious as to what

happens beyond these epic ant videos.

You can find my new daily vlogging channel by clicking here, but just a warning, guys,

if you do check it out, you WILL NOT be able to unsee.

Many AC Family have already subscribed but most seem surprised at what they find, but

if you do end up subscribing, thank you for choosing the red pill, but I totally respect

if you chose the blue pill.


Alright, and now it's time for the AC Question of the Week.

Last Week we asked:

Name any of the two species of ants in this video that are not

native to Maldives Islands.

Congratulations to Uvuvwevwevwe onyetenyevwe ugwemubwem ossas

who correctly answered:

Black Crazy Ants and Ghost ants.

Congratulations user with a long name, you just won a free ebook handbook from our shop!

In this week's AC Question of the Week, we ask:

What does the Golden Empire seem to like doing to their emptied

out honey test tubes?

Leave your answer in the comments section and you could also win a free ebook handbook

from our shop!

Hope you can subscribe to the channel as we upload every Saturday at 8AM EST.

Please remember to LIKE, COMMENT, SHARE, & SUBSCRIBE if you enjoyed this video to help us keep

making more.

It's ant love forever!

For more infomation >> COMING BACK HOME TO ANT DISASTER! PLEASE HELP! - Duration: 11:40.


[ENG] Blackpink's Rosé pick her new room! - Duration: 1:16.

[Rosé is the third person to enter]

[She sings to release the nervousness]


Where are you?


[Chaeyoung Park is making the biggest decision in life]


I don't know what to do

[I will choose the room by twirling]

I'm so dizzy, but I think I choose that room

Unnie, I'm coming in!

I think they're all in this room already

[We're doomed!!]

Does Rosé get her own room?

Chaeyoung, come out here!

I thought everyone would be in this room!

I think I really like the sunlight.

Do we have any other member who likes sunlight?

I especially like it

For more infomation >> [ENG] Blackpink's Rosé pick her new room! - Duration: 1:16.


Bachatas 2018 Romanticas - Romeo Santos, Prince Royce, Shakira - Bachatas Nuevas 2018 - Duration: 1:05:42.

Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, like, comment and share the mix if you enjoy it!

For more infomation >> Bachatas 2018 Romanticas - Romeo Santos, Prince Royce, Shakira - Bachatas Nuevas 2018 - Duration: 1:05:42.


Let's Drive - Driving In My Car Song | Nursery Rhymes and Songs for Children - Duration: 3:03.

Come on everybody, let's drive [beep beep] in our car

Seatbelts on. Everyone ready? Yes we are!

With the windows down and the wind in our hair The sun in the sky shining everywhere, let's drive

Our little car takes us everywhere, riding on four wheels (plus one spare)

Down to the beach on a summer's day Or out in the country far away, hey hey!

[Hey hey!] Hey hey [Hey hey!] Hey hey... aaaahh beep beep!

We play games like eye spy, what can I see with my little eye?

A tree or a sign or a big rainbow A cloud in the shape of a buffalo, oh oh!

[Oh oh!] Oh oh [Oh Oh!] Oh Oh

Let's drive [beep beep!] in our car Seatbelts on. Everyone ready? Yes we are!

With the windows down and the wind in our hair The sun in the sky shining everywhere, let's drive

We see so many wonderful places So many people, and so many faces

Playgrounds where we can stop and play Let's have a picnic in a park today, hey hey!

[Hey hey] Hey Hey [Hey Hey] Hey Hey Aaahhh beep beep!

We drive through the city streets with our favourite songs playing on repeat

We stop at the red lights because we know that red means STOP!

and green means hey let's go! Let's go! [Oh oh] Let's go [Oh oh]

Let's drive [beep beep!] in our car Seatbelts on. Everyone ready? Yes we are!

With the windows down and the wind in our hair The sun in the sky shining everywhere

We drive when it's too far to walk I love it in the car where we get to talk

We listen to music and laugh and sing And see places we've never been, let's drive

Beep beep! In our car

Seatbelts on. Everyone ready? Yes we are!

With the windows down and the wind in our hair The sun in the sky shining everywhere, let's drive

Beep beep! Beep beep! Come on everybody, let's drive

For more infomation >> Let's Drive - Driving In My Car Song | Nursery Rhymes and Songs for Children - Duration: 3:03.


RUDE Foreigners in Japan - Duration: 4:46.

what are the ** doing in Japan? this

Japanese mentality is stupid...

this ***k boy is obviously passing through while I'm filming!

Japanese people are so boring!

people that didn't live here long enough to understand Japanese behaviors

Hello guys and welcome to a new video of Sebastiano Serafini in Japan

well, I'm at Ravenna (Italy) today, I'm like doing a tour of Italy during these holidays

since a couple of days ago I uploaded the video about my 2 months on YT

where I said a sentence about people that are not so competent in speaking about Japan

and someone of you asked me in the comments, to whom I was referring

I wasn't referring about one specific person

but from all the things that did happen

(let's not speak about Logan Paul's video)

(or about two italian YouTuber's that I already talked about)

I need to say that a lot of people that I see on the street

or that I hear while I'm drinking a coffee

are speaking about non-sence and about things that they don't know about, it's really annoying

and sometimes I hear YouTubers that say things that bothers me

like this:

(when you go out with Japanese people they're so annoying, can't believe it how annoying they are

both female and male

when you go out with a Japanese man, the only reaction that he will do is this one:

ok, ehm how can you define the Japanese people annoying?

or that they can't speak properly

it really bothers me

one reason is maybe the communication, because you can't speak very well their language

I have the highest level in Japanese language, and I've been here for 10 years, so I know

the Japanese language has different levels of speaking

and depending on the level, you can communicate differently

so, or it's that the problem,

or it's a cultural problem

if you don't know the rules that they have you can't do a properly conversation, since it's a very polite country

so, it's very difficult, because maybe you're not polite enough for the japanese standards

for the italian standards your polite but maybe not enough for the japanese ones

and I've seen a video from her that I tho it was unfair from her

but I thought maybe that day was a bad day for her

maybe she was depressed that's why she was talking so badly about Japan

but after opening one other video I've seen some footage that were even worse

she is claims she is ironic

but what do you think? check out this clip

what japanese slxxt do in japan? here!

Hi idxxt

I'm gonna film the back of the girl in front of me

I'm shooting it for you and just for you

and for you girls the back of the guy next to her


yeah there isn't anything to see, actually (--she is basically saying Japanese people don't have nice xxx--)

I really hate that when I record my video japanese people are walking in front of me

is the thing I hate the most in this world

look, here he is again, walking in front of me!

a dxxk head person is again walking in front of me while I'm shooting my video

I don't want to judge her the same she is judging japanese people

but In my opinion, her judgments are non-accurate, unfair and true

am I'm telling you this as a person who loves japanese from the bottom of his heart,

and as somebody who is living in japan for over 10 years

please let me know what is your opinion about it

and please, to all the people that are talking online about Japan, it's ok to be ironic and funny

however be careful the way you say it

because on youtube what you say can be missunderstand

especially you say to the younger generation who has never been in Japan, that Japanese people are booring, cold, they don't care about you

for example you say Japanese people get married to videogames what does that mean?

Japanese people are so lonely that they ended up getting married with videogames characters

if there is 1 japanese every 100.000.000, it doesn't mean that Japanese people do that

but in my opinion if you tell that on a yt video and you introduce that topic that outrageous way

people will get the wrong impression of Japanese people that is not OK to me

and this is the reason why I'm doing youtube, and I'm doing it almost as a mission

to show you the real Japan from a more objective prospective

anyway let me know what you think

and see you tomorrow 2pm italian time with another video ciao ciao

For more infomation >> RUDE Foreigners in Japan - Duration: 4:46.


Ben Plans to Take Down Queen Mal - Part 22 - Descendants Reversed Disney - Duration: 10:06.

Disney Doll Story

Evie. Why is Ben pretending like he hates me?

I'm not sure. He doesn't hate you.

Was it all a lie? True love?

how can true love be a lie?

Evie. What if.

what if he hates me so much that it doesn't matter whether it's true love or not.

That's not possible.

What if he is not planning to stay here at Auradon?

Maybe that's why?

I'll find out for you.

You are trying to become a dark fairy?


Please give her some time to learn dark magic.

You have two days to show me that you learned at least one dark magic spell.


If you can't perform any dark magic by then, I will take away your magic.

Ok. I understand.

On the day of Mal's coronation, we are going to take down the barrier.


We have to make sure Maleficent can't use her magic that day.

That's not going to be so easy.

She's the most powerful sorceress Auradon has ever known.

Lonnie. I need you to break Maleficent's magic staff, so she can't ever wield it.

But her magic staff is protected behind a force field.

That's why we need to figure out how that force field works.

Find out for us.

What about Mal?

Whatever her mother can do, Mal can do it too.

I'll take care of Mal.

She will not be a problem.

No one else can find out what we are about to do.

What will happen to Mal and Maleficent and all the other villains afterward?

They will suffer just as we suffered.

There is no way I can learn dark magic in two days.

Let's start with something simple.

Something really simple. Here.

A leaf?


See, it's really simple.

Make it die out.


No no no

You need to go opposite.



I can't.

this could be a problem.

You need to learn this in two days.

What are you looking at so hard? Oh. Nothing.

No one can break open that force field.

Only Mal and Maleficent can reach inside.

Jay, in other timeline, Uma said heroes won and villains lost.

Good thing that didn't happen here or I would be behind the barrier.

Feybelle said if you go to the coronation with Mal, this timeline will cease to exist.

Maybe I should conveniently disappear until the coronation.

Make sure I'm not at Auradon that day.

Maybe the other timeline is better for me?

You are now one of us, villains.

Auradon is yours too.

McKeyla. I need your help.

this is not an easy mission.

I need your help taking down the force field around Maleficent's magic staff.

I'm analyzing Lonnie's data.

I think if we apply enough electromagnetic force, we can disable the force field.

Not necessarily. It's a magical barrier.

We still don't understand everything.

What are the odds of success?

After analyzing all possible scenarios using my highly intelligent algorithms, I can only

put the odds of successs at 55%.

that's only a little bit better than pure luck.

Did you count for the variations in force field amplitude?

Yes. I split up the data into.

Just tell me this.

Can you do it?

We need to test this before we try for real.

What do you need?

A force field of similar strength in our lab.

Ok. I'll find you someone with magic.

Ben. I know you are planning something in two weeks.

No, there is no plan.

I didn't tell anyone about the trolls or the barrier or your plan to take down Maleficent

and my mom.

Whatever you heard, it's not true.

After you take down the barrier, what will happen to me and Mal?

Whatever you are thinking of, it's not going to happen.

You are not planning to go to the coronation, are you?

I will be there with Audrey.

Is something going to happen on Mal's coronation day?

No, nothing's going to happen.

Don't break Mal's heart, because then I will go to the ends of the Earth and take out yours.


Whatever you are planning, it will fail.

Don't think I will do nothing.

I don't get it.

I don't understand dark magic.

Do you need some help?

Feybelle said she will help me, but she's not here.

The essence of dark magic is the law of equivalent exchange.

Uh what?

To get something, you need to give something of equal value in return.

I don't understand how that could help me.

Simply put, to make someone happy, another must suffer.

That's just evil.

Us villains are not inherently evil.

Dark magic just makes us that way.

Jane, are you ready to show me what you learned?

Yes. It's not much, but I learned one trick.

Go ahead.

Show it to me.


Impressive. Is that all you learned?

I learned that dark magic is about law of equal exchange.

To make someone happy, someone else must suffer.

Good. Jane, who gave you that magic wand?

I. I.

Tell me and I will make you a villain.

I can't possibly. No.

Tell me. Who was it?

No. I will never ever sell out my friends.

It couldn't have been Ben, Lonnie or Audrey.

None of them can do magic.

So is it someone you met recently?

Please. I promised I will never ever tell.

I commend you for your loyalty to your friends.

I need more people like you. Leave me.


Report to me every week.

I want to see how much you learned.

In the meantime, report back to Lady Tremaine.

What did she say?

I'm not sure.

I think I passed, but I'm not sure.

That's good.

At least you are going to be here with me longer.

Ben. Come in.


Jane is learning dark magic.

It's good that you didn't take away her magic.

She is very talented with magic.

Jafar still thinks you are not evil.

I want a proof that you are one of us.

What should I do take away your doubt?

Give me Snow White.

Make her a villain.

Even her own sister, Evie, couldn't change her mind.

Nobody could do it.

So can you do it?

I'll try.

Good. If you can do that, I just might actually like you.

I need more talented and smart villains.

Maybe that's you.

Come. Come.

Mal. I need to get back.

I'm so busy.


We didn't have time for just us.

What's this?

I prepared a picnic just for us.

So advise me, my royal advisor.

What do you need?

There is a person who I want to take to my coronation, but he doesn't want to go with


Mal. It's.

The rumor has it that he is taking someone else.

I think you should go with Jay.


Is there something else I need to know about?


I know what you want from me, but it's not possible.


Why is it so impossible?

It's just one day.

Jafar wouldn't allow it and

Jafar is my subject.

My mother's subject.

He will do as he is told.


Yes, just tell me.

I need to get back.

Ben. Ben.

Mal. You and I can never be.

Do you love me?

Like you said, maybe in other timelines, we fell in love.

But it's not possible in this timeline.

Why? Why is it so impossible?

What are you not telling me? I gotta go.


Mal. I think you should forget about Ben.

Evie, what do you know?

I think he came to Auradon with a special mission.

Ben is your enemy.

Remember that.

For more infomation >> Ben Plans to Take Down Queen Mal - Part 22 - Descendants Reversed Disney - Duration: 10:06.


Liverpool make move to replace Philippe Coutinho with Leicester star Riyad Mahrez ● News Now ● #LFC - Duration: 2:04.

LIVERPOOL have reportedly made an approach for Leicester star Riyad Mahrez.

The Algerian has been touted as a potential replacement for Barcelona target Philippe


The Reds have also been monitoring Monaco winger Thomas Lemar, however the Frenchman

would prove more costly and has several clubs vying for his signature.

L'Equipe report that Liverpool have made first contact with The Foxes in an effort

to secure the signing of Mahrez this month.

Jurgen Klopp is desperate to add to his squad and has already brought in record-signing

Virgil van Dijk, who scored the winner on his debut against Everton on Friday.

Leicester boss Claude Puel has no desires to lose Mahrez, but the board have promised

the 26-year-old he can leave the club if his asking price is met.

He's been in stunning form since the French boss replaced Craig Shakespeare, scoring four

goals and providing three assists in his last seven games.

Klopp is keen to add him to his devastating forward line alongside Mohamed Salah, Sadio

Mane and Roberto Firmino.

Coutinho is expected to finalise his move to the Nou Camp next week.

Liverpool are currently fourth in the Premier League, three points behind second-placed

Manchester United.

They're back in action next Sunday as they host runaway leaders Manchester City.

Leicester are enjoying a resurgence under Puel and find themselves eighth in the table.

They visit Fleetwood in the FA Cup this afternoon (12.45pm).

For more infomation >> Liverpool make move to replace Philippe Coutinho with Leicester star Riyad Mahrez ● News Now ● #LFC - Duration: 2:04.


Đời Trước Làm Gì Đời Này Bị Quả Đó, Cái kết...khiên những kẻ Không Nghe Lời Phật - CHÂN LÝ ĐẠO PHẬT - Duration: 1:48:27.

For more infomation >> Đời Trước Làm Gì Đời Này Bị Quả Đó, Cái kết...khiên những kẻ Không Nghe Lời Phật - CHÂN LÝ ĐẠO PHẬT - Duration: 1:48:27.


Mermaid Secrets of The Deep - PRINCESS - S11E4 - Duration: 6:50.

previously on mermaid secrets of the deep I'm happy I can't wait to tell apex

excuse me excuse me how you see a boy yes I did keep that way no we haven't

seen anyone that shades but just a shame

music what music I don't hear any music

you heard the music didn't you

how about some tea whoa thank you

did you like the music yes I'm happy apex was right about you did you like

the tea that cup belong to your great-great-great grandmother she

explained that the music I heard could only be heard by a descendent of a

long-lost mermaid princess Percy which meant that I am the mermaid princess now

the special mission to film I would learn the details from the recordings

made by the past firm apprentices on the ancient music box now you have to be

patient and give me a minute but you are welcome to listen to the music box you

will instinctively know how to run I'll be right back

for the first millennia the seas were as balanced the chiral mermaid queen ruled

the Seas with ease all the gifts she had been given over the years had created a

massive treasure trove then a submarine sank near the royal mermaid palace the

mermaids were able to save a few of the sailors and returned to them to lay

ahead however one of one others had seen the

impalas and returned to steal the treasure treasure treasure there was an

accident and the mermaid Queen was killed

the Sailor was injured but did escape with a few jewels and the Queen's

newborn mer maybe this caused the oceans to become unbalanced Queen kaliya the

first came into power she create a special defense force led by mermen of

Aquarius to patrol the bay looking for anything unusual

then the water temperatures began to rise and the oceans became polluted

fearing extinction the merpeople begged apex to help them find the lost mermen

if she could be found there would be hope that the oceans could be returned

to balance apex searched for centuries searching for the missing link to the

royal blood of the mermaids the stolen mermaid was found the

great-great-great-great granddaughter of the original Merc weaned Apex guided her

for a time then the Royals used the trainer titania to help her develop her

special abilities only the stolen mermaid can hear the music and and hear

these recording listened to all the recordings of fell asleep mesmerized

I wasn't all of it you have one for me I don't know I do

oh the amber bracelet of both yeah I've only heard of this from the legend it's

supposed to give you clarity and here the only wounds the pink diamond

necklace of Shambala catch you from the dark forces the only one of a kind that

can only be clasped on the neck of the prophesized princess

what magic could behold

it is cold outside take this and put it in its proper spot that only a princess

can crystal pearl I think I know where this goes thank you for all of your

service to my family

and please subscribe by clicking the picture the quality of your screen and

like us by clicking the thumbs up button


For more infomation >> Mermaid Secrets of The Deep - PRINCESS - S11E4 - Duration: 6:50.


North Korea THREAT: Kim Jong-un will sell nuclear weapons to ANYONE and could spark WW3 - DAILY NEWS - Duration: 3:41.

North Korea THREAT: Kim Jong-un will sell nuclear weapons to ANYONE and could spark WW3

NORTH KOREA will sell its technology to "aspiring

nuclear powers" if the United States do not act quickly, a defence expert said today.

North Korea would not hesitate to pass its nuclear technology to paying customers John

Bolton former US ambassador to the United Nations claimed, sparking huge World War 3


The warning comes as President Donald Trump has tried to increase pressure on the rogue

state which has refused to shut down its nuclear development programme.

Mr Bolton warned that if the United States did not act, there could soon be more countries

with nuclear capabilities.

He said: "The President was right in the September speech to the UN General Assembly

when he said that denuclearisation is the only way forward.

"The north is never going to give up its nuclear weapons voluntarily, we've seen

that over 25 years.

"I think the President has tried to put pressure on China, they have not responded,

so we are getting down to some pretty unattractive options.

"But I think it is important that the President makes the case that a North Korea with nuclear

weapons is a threat to the United States, Japan, others in the region and a threat globally

because they will sell any of this technology to other aspiring nuclear powers for hard


Mr Bolton also told Fox Business that the United States was "running out of time"

in putting a stop to Kim Jong-un as the regime develops its weapons.

But the former US ambassador to the United Nations did argue that President Donald Trump

had the rogue dictator "nervous" as pressure mounts up.

The warning comes as East Asia expert and author of 'Nuclear Showdown', Gordon Chang,

said that three nations could be ready to join Kim Jong-un in a war against the US.

He said: "If we strike North Korea first, you can see China cause trouble in the South

China Sea.

You can see Russia go after the Baltics.

The Iranians will do something.

"We could see Asia being embroiled on both sides.

It's close to a world war.

This thing could spread very fast and that's the real danger here.

"This can spread to the US homeland because the Chinese and the Russians could actually

get into a nuclear exchange with the United States.

I'm not saying it's going to happen but I'm saying that's a possibility."

The United Nations placed harsh sanctions on North Korea after its missile testing.

The resolution seeks to ban nearly 90 percent of refined petroleum product exports to North


But fears have been raised that China has not been complying with the sanctions.

China is considered to be Pyongyang's only formal ally in the region due to a long-established

mutual support treaty which is up for renewal in 2021.

The North Korea foreign ministry responded to the UN sanctions and branded them an "act of war".

For more infomation >> North Korea THREAT: Kim Jong-un will sell nuclear weapons to ANYONE and could spark WW3 - DAILY NEWS - Duration: 3:41.





Natural Remedies To Get Fair and Glowing Skin - Duration: 4:06.

skin whitening best home remedies many people desire for fair and flawless skin

the market is flooded with skin lightening creams and lotions but such

products have harmful chemicals that can ultimately damage your skin but you can

save yourself by using natural remedies that will effectively brighten and

lighten your skin complexion one tomato yogurt and oatmeal

this remedy suits for all skin types all you have to do is to mix a tablespoon of

oatmeal with two tablespoons of tomato juice

and yogurt each

mix well until you get a thick paste apply this on your face just like you

would with your regular face mask and leave it on for 20 minutes wash off with

cold water to milk honey and lemon juice this ingredients make a magic that

lightens your skin better than most expensive cosmetic products mix a 2

tablespoons of milk and lemon juice each in a bowl

then add in a teaspoon of honey honey access moisturizing agent that balances

out the drying property of lemon mix these ingredients well and apply warwick

cleans in the face leave it on for 30 minutes before rinsing off 3-grand floor

this remedy not only lightens your complexion but also will keep blackheads

at bay it removes excess oils smartly unleashed behind just enough oil to keep

the skin moist make a fine paste out of two to three tablespoons of Graham floor

and rosewater

later rub this mixture all over your face and let it sit for 20 minutes

before rinsing off for turmeric and sandalwood with milk this is another

trusted and proven way to whiten your skin naturally all you need is two

tablespoons of sandalwood powder

a teaspoon of turmeric powder and some milk add in the milk a little by little

to the dry ingredients until a thick paste is formed let her apply this on

your face and leave it on for about 20 minutes before rinsing off these

ingredients or some well-known natural whitening agents and they remove

impurities from skin effectively 5 Oliveira the genuine aloe vera leaf

reduces hyperpigmentation naturally and reveals bright and smooth complexion it

helps in repairing skin cells and tissues and promotes the growth of new

fairer beautiful looking skin extract the aloe vera gel and apply on your skin

leave it for 30 minutes and wash off do this twice for at least two weeks for

noticeable results thank you for watching this video

like on subscribe for more videos

For more infomation >> Natural Remedies To Get Fair and Glowing Skin - Duration: 4:06.


Don't Get Stuck :: How to Drive Through Snow Banks and Deep Snow - Duration: 11:36.


Hi there smart drivers Rick with smart drive test we had a huge dump snow here

in Vernon in the last few days I mean a lot of snow we probably have 18 inches

of snow on the ground the plows haven't quite been out yet because it's a

holiday weekend here it's gonna be New Year's Eve and I'm just gonna go out and

I'm gonna show you how to drive in deeper snow so stick around we'll be

right back with that information

either smart drivers welcome back Rick with smart drive test talking to you

today about driving in deeper snow when you get it piled up at the end of a

laneway and what not now just before we get started here smart drive test helps

new drivers acquire a license regardless of class and helps veteran drivers to

remain crash free so if you're new here hit that subscribe button and as well

hit that belt that way you'll get instant notification when I get the

videos available for you now driving in deeper snow as I said in the

introduction we've had a lot of snow here in Vernon in the last few days and

it's overwhelmed the plows because it's the holiday weekend last weekend was

Christmas this weekend as New Year's and because of that they are concentrating

their efforts on the main roads so know that that's what they're doing and as

well I can guarantee you that these maintenance crews have not slept in 36

hours or 48 hours some of them are going pretty hard so know that now what I want

to show you today is driving in deeper snow you can see here in the dashcam

that this roadway has not been plowed and so you're going to be driving in

deeper snow it's going to push you around a little bit if you're on

multi-lane roads you're going to have a bit of a pile of snow between the two

lanes of traffic you can see here that in the dashcam in front of me there's a

snowbank here now this is very important you need to get a bit of a run at that

so you need to make sure you need to stop back and you need to make sure

there's no traffic coming and you need to get a run at that before you go

through that because if you just go through that and you stop you're

probably going to get stuck so you need to make sure there's no traffic coming

and we get a bit of a run at it and you see I shifted in the second gear there

to get over through that because if you don't do that that's what's gonna happen

you're gonna get stuck so same thing we're gonna run up here to the alleyway

and we're gonna go into the alleyway now the other way he's not going to be too

bad because I've already been in you want to move left so you have a bit of a

run at it and try and get the vehicle straight into that that way it's not

going to push you around as much get my gear and I go into the pile of snow the

snow bank can get across the snow bank this is similar for those of you in

Australia and Brisbane and Queensland in places like that and other places where

you drive out onto the beach to drive along the beach and have your beach

party getting across the soft sand it's gonna push you around in the deep snow

it's exactly like that it's like soft sand with a four-wheel drive trying to

get through that if you're driving an automatic just moderate throttle okay

just control the throttle and again it's snow there and you can see we've got

decent Tigers on the truck so we can just keep going here alright so we're

gonna go one more place and

so you can see it's gonna push you around a little bit so don't get your

speed too high just know that the snow is going to push you around a little bit

all right so we've got the snow bank here we can see the snow bank we're just

going to pull up far enough so we can see clear on both sides the traffic

she's not coming now we get a bit of a run at that and we don't stop once we're

committed because if you you are gonna be stuck I can almost guarantee you

because what happens is the snow is so deep that your vehicle is gonna

hovercraft the snow is going to lift up the middle on between the wheels and

especially if you're driving a car that doesn't have a very high clearance and

it's just gonna hovercraft over that and if you stop and don't have that forward

momentum you're probably not going to get your car going again and you're

probably going to get stuck so make sure that you've got a bit of momentum and

you keep the vehicle moving and be especially careful at intersections when

it's like this because you cannot guarantee that other vehicles are going

to come to a stop so take your time here's a good one

okay so I got my and I've gone I got my foot on the throttle and I bang through

it okay and know that it's gonna push you around a little bit but if you're

not going too fast you're probably gonna be alright and you can see here there's

a fair bit of snow on the road as well and it's kind of pushing me around I'm

staying in the tracks a little bit okay down into second gear oh great and

this is the other thing this person can't make it up the hill in front of me

so they're backing up you can see the reverse lights so I'm just gonna give

them space so I'm just gonna go down here and I'm gonna back up in the corner

and just turn around

I was gonna try and make it up there and show you how to do that actually screw

it let's go okay up the hill this is another good one driving in deep snow

you want to be into second gear here

and you can see I've got momentum here

and I don't let off the momentum you can see now I'm starting to go downhill so

now I've got gravity that's what you got to do you got to get a bit of a run at

it and don't let off it's gonna move around just let the throttle off real

quick and then back on the throttle because the Suze you let the throttle

off and the tires start stop spinning and regain traction then back on the

throttle so really briefly off the throttle and then back on the throttle

and hit it again that's what happens when you start to lose a little bit of

control in deep snow just off the throttle and then hit it again because

as soon as you stop the tyres from spinning it's going to regain traction

and it's going to go again it's going to straighten out so that's what you got to

do you got to manipulate the throttle while you're doing that okay and again I

don't want to get up here too close and I'm just sneaking up and now I'm going

now I'm committed

and you can see on a manual transmission I'm shifting into second there as soon

as I get a little bit of gold because I get more torque to the wheels and it

reduces the spin on the wheels so the faster you can get into a higher gear

the less likely the wheels are going to spin

you can see the dodge you're having trouble with the two-wheel drive alright

so we're going up what used to be called suicide hill here in Vernon it's a very

steep hill but you can see that they've kept it really salted otherwise vehicles

spin out on the hill there

so this whole host bear there's a reason it's huncles bear

because they put an enormous amount of salt on it for cars coming up there so

they don't spin out because people get spun out on the hill and they don't know

how to back up down the hill and they get into trouble so they try and keep it

clear so again we're into the snow here

you can see the big pile of snow right at the end here they've piled it up at

the snowplow so you just don't stop just bang into that

we're back into the deep snow because they haven't plowed the roads the

residential roads in the neighborhoods and suburban areas and whatnot because

they're concentrating all of their efforts on the main roads to get those

cleared to keep those cleared for the holidays

the other thing you got to be careful there I don't know whether you saw that

in the dash camera not I didn't see it until I hit it because of the white

color was that some homeowners will plow their snow out into the roadway and

that's essentially what the person did was they plowed their snow out into the

rock weight and I hit it there's another one all right so this is going to be a

bit tricky here because we're going uphill

there we go you see that I didn't stop I just kept going because if I stopped I

would have got stuck in the snow there so make sure that you keep and keep your

foot on the throttle and keep a bit of momentum in the vehicle otherwise you're

gonna get stuck and gravity is either going to help you oder it's going to be

a liability one way or the other so just know that if you're going uphill you're

going to need more of a run at it because gravity is gonna hold you back

and make it tougher for you to get through the deep snow if you're going

downhill you won't need as much momentum to go forward because gravity is going

to help you so think about that - while you're driving in deep snow uphill

downhill and you saw when I went up the hill there I needed a fair bit of

throttle to get the vehicle to go up the roadway quick review of driving in deep

snow know that in the winter time if there's a lot of snow all at once that

crews are going to be overwhelmed they're going to focus their attention

on the main roads the residential streets are going to have banks of snow

that they plowed across in front of them and you're gonna have to get through

that because if you don't get through that with a bit of momentum your vehicle

is going to hovercraft over top of that especially essentially the snow is going

to build up underneath the belly of your vehicle it's gonna lift it off the

ground and if you don't have enough forward momentum you're gonna get stuck

so know that you've got to have a bit of momentum when you go through that deep

snow and also pay attention uphill downhill because that's gonna impact how

much throttle you're going as well and when you saw going up the hill there

when you're going up the hill and there's lots of snow and it could

potentially be slippery give it lots of throttle if it starts to deviate left or

right take your foot off the throttle and then hammer back down on the

throttle again because as soon as you take the foot off the throttle it's

gonna regain traction and then go again but you don't want to lose that upward

momentum so you got to kind of work the throttle question for my smart drivers

have you got stuck in deep snow because your vehicle has hovercraft over a bank

of snow and lift it up the middle of the vehicle leave a comment down in the

comment section there all that helps out the new drivers working towards getting

your license or veteran drivers working to beat crash free if you like what you

see here share subscribe leave a comment down in the comment section as well hit

that thumbs up on head over to the smart drive test website passion Road test

first time its course for new drivers and get it for about thirty eight bucks

there's a coupon down in the and box there 30% off you pick it out

for about 20 bucks and over there and get that 60 day money back gaurantee

passion road test first time or you get your money back because we all know

failing your road test is a super drag I'm Rick with smart drive test thanks

very much for watching good luck on your road test and remember pick the best

answer not necessarily the right answer have a great day bye now let's eat on my

toes here I'm sure that GoPro GoPro is doing all right there on the side of the

car it's recalled over there

For more infomation >> Don't Get Stuck :: How to Drive Through Snow Banks and Deep Snow - Duration: 11:36.


How to Use Adjectives and Adverbs in English | Grammar Lesson - Duration: 5:53.

These are adjectives, and these, are adverbs! adverbs! and a lot of these guys

are tricky for native speakers like me, as well! so let's start by understanding

how to use them, and then we will look at the tricksters! so if you like these

videos, become a patron, support For Your English! so I can keep making more

of the stuff that you like! click here and become a patron

anyways, so adjectives! what are adjectives? an adjective describes or

modifies a noun or pronoun. they tell us color, size, shape, opinion, age, material,

observation, and purpose! some adjectives, like friendly costly and deadly, end in

-ly. -ly endings are more characteristic of adverbs. a lot of adverbs end in -ly, but

these adjectives are not adverbs! let me show you some common adjectives. there's

a big car next to the blue house that is located in a great city. these adjectives

are describing the car, the house, and the city. size, color and importance. sometimes,

though much less frequently, you will see adjectives that are nouns. I put it on

the coffee table. here coffee is a noun, but it's working as an adjective to tell

us what type of ??? to tell us what type of table. the purpose of the table. good

and bad are also adjectives. we use adjectives after sense verbs and to be

verbs. so we feel good or bad. we look good or bad. we smell good or bad. Yeah it's good. It's good, don't worry :D

and we are good or bad. very very very often native speakers use this

incorrectly! and we say that we feel well or we feel badly. It's grammatically

incorrect, but it's okay for conversational English. I'm going to give

you some adjectives that you might have confused with the adverb, right now we're

going to define the adjective and it's use and then once we get to adverbs we

will describe the adverbially usage usage. hard. hard is an adjective. It has

two meanings 1) solid or firm and the other meaning 2) means difficult, requiring a lot

of effort. I baked the cake too long and now it's hard. this homework is too hard.

sure. sure is an adjective. it means positive, certain. I am sure that after

the adverb example you will understand the difference. near. near can be an

active, verb, preposition and adverb! as an adjective, it talks about the distance

between physical things, and more commonly, moments in time! I will see you

in the near future. all right, now let's move on to adverbs. an adverb can

describe or modify the adjectives that we were just talking about, as well as

verbs and other adverbs. to describe an adjective: she was a very nice lady.

how nice? very nice! to describe a verb: he quickly ran to the store. how did he run?

quickly! and to describe another adverb: the

concert ended too quickly. how quickly? too quickly!

the most common mistake, so common that it's acceptable in conversational, spoken

English, is to use good instead of well. but try really try to remember that with

action verbs it sounds better to use well. verbs like play live and do. Monfils

plays tennis very well. we live well thanks to our jobs. you need to do well

on the exam. the same with badly, we often confuse the usage here. badly most often

refers to the skill with which you do something, how well you do it. he plays

basketball very badly. though in spoken English, it can be incorrectly used to

describe how you feel, especially after doing something bad! he feels badly for

yelling at you like that. hardly. the adverb hardly is very

different from the adjective hard. hardly means barely, slightly. he hardly

has a chance of winning the game. you hardly started, why are you quitting now?

surely. the adverb surely's meaning is not that different from the adjective,

but when we use it is quite different. we need to use it when describing an action.

before, I told you I'm sure you will understand the difference. I was very

confident when I said that. so you could say that I told you that surely. here,

surely is describing how I told you, not how I felt. and nearly. nearly most often

means almost, but not quite. almost, but not enough! what a game, they nearly won

but lost in the last minute of overtime! we're nearly there. and now as a bonus

let's talk about flat adverbs. because we have a choice sometimes to use adverbs

that end in the -ly or not! and me personally, I like the sound of these

flat adverbs when we can use them. for example, slow or slowly. bright/brightly.

safe/safely. they're all adverbs and it's your choice

which one you want to use. sometimes though, they're not perfect synonyms and

there's a great video that will explain all of this stuff about flat adverbs

under the video! So listen up! if you're a GOOD English student, and you want to

do WELL improving your English, write examples now!!! write your examples in the

comments! it's the best way to improve by yourself, and I'm here to correct your

BAD examples, so you don't speak BADLY in the future! these videos and everything

that For Your English does is made possible thanks to my patrons! support

For Your English, and get a lot of cool shit! become a patron

For more infomation >> How to Use Adjectives and Adverbs in English | Grammar Lesson - Duration: 5:53.


WOWEscape WOW - Alien Planet Escape Walkthrough 2018 - Duration: 10:30.

WOWEscape WOW - Alien Planet Escape

For more infomation >> WOWEscape WOW - Alien Planet Escape Walkthrough 2018 - Duration: 10:30.


Deep Freeze Blankets NYC In Frigid Temps - Duration: 2:26.

For more infomation >> Deep Freeze Blankets NYC In Frigid Temps - Duration: 2:26.


Mary Had a Little Lamb Nursery Rhyme for Kids! Best Children Song - Duration: 1:39.

Mary had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb

Mary had a little lamb its fleece was white as snow

and everywhere that Mary went, Mary went, Mary went

Everywhere that Mary went the lamb was sure to go

It followed her to school one day school one day, school one day

It followed her to school one day which was against the rules

It made the children laugh and play laugh and play, laugh and play

It made the children laugh and play to see a lamb at school

and so the teacher turned it out turned it out, turned it out

and so the teacher turned it out but still it lingered near

"Why does the lamb love Mary so?"

"Love Mary so? Love Mary so?"

"Why does the lamb love Mary so?"

The eager children cry

"Why, Mary loves the lamb, you know, the lamb, you know, the lamb, you know"

"Why, Mary loves the lamb, you know" The teacher did reply

For more infomation >> Mary Had a Little Lamb Nursery Rhyme for Kids! Best Children Song - Duration: 1:39.


First Alert: Upper 20s for Saturday; wintry mix Sunday - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> First Alert: Upper 20s for Saturday; wintry mix Sunday - Duration: 0:56.


【DIGEST 02】 FREE Tribute Band "ALL FREE" at The Play House on Dec 2nd 2017 - Duration: 20:02.












For more infomation >> 【DIGEST 02】 FREE Tribute Band "ALL FREE" at The Play House on Dec 2nd 2017 - Duration: 20:02.


Kia Rio 1.0 T-GDI FIRST EDITION 100PK 5DRS - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Kia Rio 1.0 T-GDI FIRST EDITION 100PK 5DRS - Duration: 0:58.


Kia Picanto 1.0 CVVT 67pk 5-zits First Edition - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Kia Picanto 1.0 CVVT 67pk 5-zits First Edition - Duration: 0:54.


Cách để Loại bỏ Quầng thâm Dưới Mắt - Duration: 5:40.

For more infomation >> Cách để Loại bỏ Quầng thâm Dưới Mắt - Duration: 5:40.


Ngâm Giấy Vệ Sinh Với Giấm Để Tạo Ra Dụng Cụ Tẩy Rửa Mọi Vết Mảng Bám - Duration: 3:14.

For more infomation >> Ngâm Giấy Vệ Sinh Với Giấm Để Tạo Ra Dụng Cụ Tẩy Rửa Mọi Vết Mảng Bám - Duration: 3:14.


Alumni Success Story

For more infomation >> Alumni Success Story


For more infomation >> Alumni Success Story


Une maman s'attendait à avoir des jumeaux, médecins lui ont révélé qu'ils n'avaient jamai - Duration: 3:31.

For more infomation >> Une maman s'attendait à avoir des jumeaux, médecins lui ont révélé qu'ils n'avaient jamai - Duration: 3:31.


For more infomation >> Une maman s'attendait à avoir des jumeaux, médecins lui ont révélé qu'ils n'avaient jamai - Duration: 3:31.


Club van Oud Prinsen - 1x Per Joar - Carnavalskraker - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> Club van Oud Prinsen - 1x Per Joar - Carnavalskraker - Duration: 3:30.


For more infomation >> Club van Oud Prinsen - 1x Per Joar - Carnavalskraker - Duration: 3:30.


| Présentation | - Duration: 0:27.

For more infomation >> | Présentation | - Duration: 0:27.


For more infomation >> | Présentation | - Duration: 0:27.


Amir Tsarfati Europe Ready for the Rise of the Antichrist - Duration: 56:11.

For more infomation >> Amir Tsarfati Europe Ready for the Rise of the Antichrist - Duration: 56:11.


For more infomation >> Amir Tsarfati Europe Ready for the Rise of the Antichrist - Duration: 56:11.


La longueur de votre index peut indiquer votre personnalité - conseils - Duration: 8:19.

For more infomation >> La longueur de votre index peut indiquer votre personnalité - conseils - Duration: 8:19.


For more infomation >> La longueur de votre index peut indiquer votre personnalité - conseils - Duration: 8:19.


Honda Civic : la voiture de tourisme la plus vendue pour une 20e année consécutive - Duration: 1:52.

For more infomation >> Honda Civic : la voiture de tourisme la plus vendue pour une 20e année consécutive - Duration: 1:52.


For more infomation >> Honda Civic : la voiture de tourisme la plus vendue pour une 20e année consécutive - Duration: 1:52.


Porsche Mission E : jusqu'à 670 ch - Duration: 0:39.

For more infomation >> Porsche Mission E : jusqu'à 670 ch - Duration: 0:39.


For more infomation >> Porsche Mission E : jusqu'à 670 ch - Duration: 0:39.


La remise en liberté de Geumdeung et Daepo - Duration: 3:10.

For more infomation >> La remise en liberté de Geumdeung et Daepo - Duration: 3:10.


For more infomation >> La remise en liberté de Geumdeung et Daepo - Duration: 3:10.


Where Do We Go

For more infomation >> Where Do We Go


Mazda CX-3 2.0 SKYACTIV-G 120 6MT GT-M 2WD - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Mazda CX-3 2.0 SKYACTIV-G 120 6MT GT-M 2WD - Duration: 0:54.


RUDE Foreigners in Japan - Duration: 4:46.

what are the ** doing in Japan? this

Japanese mentality is stupid...

this ***k boy is obviously passing through while I'm filming!

Japanese people are so boring!

people that didn't live here long enough to understand Japanese behaviors

Hello guys and welcome to a new video of Sebastiano Serafini in Japan

well, I'm at Ravenna (Italy) today, I'm like doing a tour of Italy during these holidays

since a couple of days ago I uploaded the video about my 2 months on YT

where I said a sentence about people that are not so competent in speaking about Japan

and someone of you asked me in the comments, to whom I was referring

I wasn't referring about one specific person

but from all the things that did happen

(let's not speak about Logan Paul's video)

(or about two italian YouTuber's that I already talked about)

I need to say that a lot of people that I see on the street

or that I hear while I'm drinking a coffee

are speaking about non-sence and about things that they don't know about, it's really annoying

and sometimes I hear YouTubers that say things that bothers me

like this:

(when you go out with Japanese people they're so annoying, can't believe it how annoying they are

both female and male

when you go out with a Japanese man, the only reaction that he will do is this one:

ok, ehm how can you define the Japanese people annoying?

or that they can't speak properly

it really bothers me

one reason is maybe the communication, because you can't speak very well their language

I have the highest level in Japanese language, and I've been here for 10 years, so I know

the Japanese language has different levels of speaking

and depending on the level, you can communicate differently

so, or it's that the problem,

or it's a cultural problem

if you don't know the rules that they have you can't do a properly conversation, since it's a very polite country

so, it's very difficult, because maybe you're not polite enough for the japanese standards

for the italian standards your polite but maybe not enough for the japanese ones

and I've seen a video from her that I tho it was unfair from her

but I thought maybe that day was a bad day for her

maybe she was depressed that's why she was talking so badly about Japan

but after opening one other video I've seen some footage that were even worse

she is claims she is ironic

but what do you think? check out this clip

what japanese slxxt do in japan? here!

Hi idxxt

I'm gonna film the back of the girl in front of me

I'm shooting it for you and just for you

and for you girls the back of the guy next to her


yeah there isn't anything to see, actually (--she is basically saying Japanese people don't have nice xxx--)

I really hate that when I record my video japanese people are walking in front of me

is the thing I hate the most in this world

look, here he is again, walking in front of me!

a dxxk head person is again walking in front of me while I'm shooting my video

I don't want to judge her the same she is judging japanese people

but In my opinion, her judgments are non-accurate, unfair and true

am I'm telling you this as a person who loves japanese from the bottom of his heart,

and as somebody who is living in japan for over 10 years

please let me know what is your opinion about it

and please, to all the people that are talking online about Japan, it's ok to be ironic and funny

however be careful the way you say it

because on youtube what you say can be missunderstand

especially you say to the younger generation who has never been in Japan, that Japanese people are booring, cold, they don't care about you

for example you say Japanese people get married to videogames what does that mean?

Japanese people are so lonely that they ended up getting married with videogames characters

if there is 1 japanese every 100.000.000, it doesn't mean that Japanese people do that

but in my opinion if you tell that on a yt video and you introduce that topic that outrageous way

people will get the wrong impression of Japanese people that is not OK to me

and this is the reason why I'm doing youtube, and I'm doing it almost as a mission

to show you the real Japan from a more objective prospective

anyway let me know what you think

and see you tomorrow 2pm italian time with another video ciao ciao

For more infomation >> RUDE Foreigners in Japan - Duration: 4:46.


【DIGEST 02】 FREE Tribute Band "ALL FREE" at The Play House on Dec 2nd 2017 - Duration: 20:02.












For more infomation >> 【DIGEST 02】 FREE Tribute Band "ALL FREE" at The Play House on Dec 2nd 2017 - Duration: 20:02.


Orthodontic // Do I need to wear retainer for a lifetime? ! 😱 - Duration: 2:33.

For more infomation >> Orthodontic // Do I need to wear retainer for a lifetime? ! 😱 - Duration: 2:33.


What Is Meditation? | J. Krishnamurti - Duration: 6:36.

Hello everyone, my name is Andrew and welcome to the video.

So today I'd like to talk about meditation.

So what is meditation really in the deepest sense?

Because today meditation is defined as quieting the mind through effort, through will, through

my actions.

Now I question if this is really meditation?

Because a long time ago I would try to meditate whenever I felt very tired and fatigued and


I'd force myself to sit down and to sit quietly in order to quiet the mind because isn't that

what we're trying to accomplish when we meditate?

To have a quiet, silent mind so that there can be peace and harmony.

However, when we are trying to sit quietly, there is still a battle going on, psychologically.

We are trying to tell the mind to be quiet, we're trying to control our mind, we're trying

to focus on the breath.

There are so many things we are experimenting with and every action is a noise itself right?

So without understanding meditation in its deepest sense, how can the mind or the brain

be quiet at all?

So I thought this was pretty interesting because Krishnamurti he made the statement that "Immensity

cannot be invited."

And it is this state of immensity, which is intelligence, which is silence, which is the

immeasurable, that is what meditation is trying to achieve, but meditation through the means

of the ego cannot achieve that because the ego will always destroy and disrupt that immensity,

hence the term, "Immensity cannot be invited."

So immensity is uninvited.

So therefore, what is meditation and what does one do to quiet the brain?

Well, naturally when the body is tired, the physical organism, naturally the body slows

down or wants to rest.

So naturally, the body on its own, if we allow it (through understanding) to just sit quietly,

to just look at what is going on, then what happens?

Because when we try to make the body sit down, to make the body sit quietly, in order to

reach something, then the brain is still chattering, the brain is still working towards a goal.

So time is still involved right?

So time being, if I do this, then over time, this will happen, but even if we reach that,

then we are in the struggle of trying to maintain that.

So basically anything that involves time, which is the past, present, future, which

involves memory and all that, anything that involves time, basically disrupts or destroys

meditation, it disrupts the immensity that we are pointing to or talking about.

It's not something that we can actually talk about because all of these words, all these

explanations, are merely the same fragments, the same thoughts, that are destroying this

state in the first place.

So meditation is not a means toward something, meditation simply is.

It's not an act of the ego, in order to get to that, to silence the mind.

So we've got to find out for ourselves, how can the brain be silenced?

How can the silencing occur, if every act or anything I do is noise itself?

What does one do?

So this is pretty interesting, but yeah, there's much more to explore into meditation, there's

much more that I'm learning as well, but I think we will leave it at that for today.

Thank you all for watching and listening and I'll see you all next time, alright, bye bye.

For more infomation >> What Is Meditation? | J. Krishnamurti - Duration: 6:36.


Gordana-Pusti me... - Duration: 4:01.

I'd rather sit in the house to conceal my sad life

I will not ask for you and why are not you mine anymore?

Please, let me find my heart cure understand me, I will not be your friend anymore

and so I wish to hug you and at least one more time to kiss your eys

It's hard for me to see them They share a smile with each other every day

Even more difficult for me, I'm losing and you are the most beautiful dream

I'd rather cry in the room that you did not see anyone

Time will wipe my tears and bring me completely new life

Please, let me find my heart cure understand me, I will not be your friend anymore

For more infomation >> Gordana-Pusti me... - Duration: 4:01.


Noticiário como está o cenário da musica brasileira? Funk, Rock e Sertanejo - Duration: 2:18.

For more infomation >> Noticiário como está o cenário da musica brasileira? Funk, Rock e Sertanejo - Duration: 2:18.


PioDs BVNA - Megamashup | Hoaprox (20+ Bài Trong 6 Phút. Quá Gắt) - Duration: 5:44.

For more infomation >> PioDs BVNA - Megamashup | Hoaprox (20+ Bài Trong 6 Phút. Quá Gắt) - Duration: 5:44.


Mary Auker-Endres - Ready to work for you in Harrisburg - Duration: 0:31.

I grew up in Lancaster County. This is my home. When my husband joined the Navy,

after our wedding, I followed him first to a small town in Washington and then to a

small town in Maine. But we always planed to come back here because this is our home.

When John I talked to our friends and neighbor though, it doesn't always sound like

people are getting ahead or that legislators in Harrisburg are working

for us. That's why I want to work for you. It's time for a change. My name is Mary

Aucher-Enders and I'm running for Pennsylvania State House.

For more infomation >> Mary Auker-Endres - Ready to work for you in Harrisburg - Duration: 0:31.


| Présentation | - Duration: 0:27.

For more infomation >> | Présentation | - Duration: 0:27.


Chill, We Got This!! - Duration: 3:16.

The Minnesota Timberwolves headed into Boston on a mission to display to the rest of the

league that they were still one of those sneaky teams to be aware of come playoff time.

And at the end of the night all they did was post their lowest scoring out put for the


But shout out to Karl Antony Towns my guy came out putting in work.

Leading all teams with 25 points with a monster performance that also added 23 rebounds and

2 blocks on his stat line it's still crazy to think that the Celtics at the end of the

night were still the ones who dominated the paint.

The Timberwolves are gonna have to regroup and figure a few things out if they're gonna

be taken serious from here on out.

Andrew Wiggins came out and had a trash ass game.

Despite logging 36 minutes of playtime All this dude was able to muster out of this loss

was 10 points on 3-12 shooting.

Maybe his braids were too tight or some shit.

But regardless you can't expect Minnesota to stand much of a chance when Jimmy Butler

himself who played a similar 35 minutes only scored 14 points on 3-12 shooting as well.

But as expected the old veteran Jamal Crawford was able to come off the bench for a total

of 19 minutes and put up damn near as much as Jimmy Butler with 13 clutch points.

And all the meanwhile the Celtics were getting another great performance from both Marcus

Smart and Terry Rozier.

These two niggas scored more points than Kyrie Irving, Jason Tatum and Jaylen Brown all put


Marcus & Terry are a better combination than peanut Butter & Jelly.

But what really stood out for me from the Celtics this game was how well they moved

the ball.

Both Kyrie Irving and Al Horford stacked up at least 8 assist which paved way for Boston

to stay ahead by knocking down easy shots which they would need since these dudes shot

a terrible 16% from 3 point territory.

These niggas out here producing more bricks than El Chapo.

But what you think?

Is Jimmy Butler still an all star in your mind?

Are the Celtics low scoring output a result of mid season fatigue?

Is Marcus Smart the emotional leader of this squad?

I mean with the way he's been playing offensively as the team's Plus/Minus on offense is now

at a impressive plus +17 when money is on the floor the Celtics may wanna think about

giving homie a few more starts off the bench.

But you already know I Don't Have An Opinion, I Just Spit Faxx!

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