Thứ Bảy, 6 tháng 1, 2018

Youtube daily report Jan 6 2018

10 Real Life Beautiful Wife of Heroes Of Bollywood Bollywood Heroes Wife

For more infomation >> 10 Real Life Beautiful Wife of Heroes Of Bollywood | Bollywood Heroes Wife - Duration: 2:52.


Amazing house construction - Rendering Sand and Cement - Duration: 18:26.

Amazing house construction - Rendering Sand and Cement

For more infomation >> Amazing house construction - Rendering Sand and Cement - Duration: 18:26.


Get Up Close and Personal with James Rodríguez in FC Bayern Fan Q&A! - Duration: 3:42.

N: Many people were asking if you spoke some German already. That's what Casadiego wanted to know.

J: A bit. Very little. But I know a few words.

N: Let's hear it!

J: Guten Morgen. Gute Nacht. Hallo. Wie geht's?

N: Great! That'll already get you pretty far.

J: I'm working on it

I'm learning more and more each day.

N: Belinda Ambarsari asks about your hobbies.

J: When I get the chance, I read. Or I play Playstation. I watch shows, too.

N: Do you have a favorite show?

J: Breaking Bad, The Walking Dead is a great show. Now I'm watching Stranger Things. It's amazing.

N: If you hadn't become a football player, what…Oh look! One of your teammates!

J: Javi!

JM: Has he spoken any German yet?

J: What a surprise!

N: Which of James' strengths do you consider most valuable to the team, Javi?

JM: He's a player who really makes a difference.

He's the one who gives us the necessary break when our opponent is closing in on us or pressing hard.

He always knows what he's doing with the ball and passes the ball to the player standing in the best position.

N: Oh my, you're blushing. Too many compliments!

J: I'm blushing! JM: Don't cry!

JM: Off the pitch, we also hang out. We grab dinner together or meet up at his house. He's not only a great teammate, he's also a great friend.

N: A textbook declaration of love, everybody!

J: Thanks, Javichu.

N: Are there any rituals you follow before playing a match? That's a question submitted by Airam Sánchez.

J: I just ask God to make sure everything works out fine. But I don't have any rituals.

N: No stepping on the pitch with your right foot first or anything?

JM: I pray before every match. I say the Lord's Prayer.

I've been doing it since I was little. My family is very Catholic. I just need to do it every time.

N: And it's been working so far.

JM: That's right.

N: Luz Marina wants to know: Had you not become a professional football player. What would you be now?

J: That's a great question. I have no idea. I don't know what would have been. No clue.

N: Football or nothing?

J: Football or nothing!

JM: You'll have to excuse me, I have to go to get my treatment. Bye. Good luck, bro!

N: We have to start wrapping up, but there's one more question.

Fernando asks if you guys ever play FIFA or Mario Kart together.

J: More Mario Kart.

N: Which player do you normally use?

J: You can create your own avatar. That's what I did. I have an avatar with my face, my hair, my eyes. So play myself.

N: Next time, we'll have to play a match then!

J: Perfect!

J: Hi everybody!

Thanks for always supporting us.

You're extremely important to all of us here.

Bye! My warmest greetings.

For more infomation >> Get Up Close and Personal with James Rodríguez in FC Bayern Fan Q&A! - Duration: 3:42.


[OVERWATCH] Can't Even Give Up 1 Point! 1v1 Death Match With Strangers, 5 Games With 3 Win Streak - Duration: 10:02.

His level is high. I can't drop my guard

We're both really bad at Junkrat

I don't really know for Pharah


You're gonna pathetically run away like that again?


His level is high. I can't drop my guard

Argh the map is too big!

It takes too much time to get there

Don't tell me..

Camping with the flashbang?

Zen 1v1s are like pubg

You discord the enemy and use that to find out where they are

And peek shots at him

We're both really bad at Junkrat

I didn't realize I exited the game

I have to go play ranked though

For more infomation >> [OVERWATCH] Can't Even Give Up 1 Point! 1v1 Death Match With Strangers, 5 Games With 3 Win Streak - Duration: 10:02.


New Years Eve Party, Mini Haul & Seeing Liv and Lizzie! || The First Weekly Vlog of 2018! - Duration: 32:39.

Okay got money guys welcome back to my channel happy new year

This is the first video to go live in the new year

I think pretty sure I know it won't be actually ignore that but happy new year

Anyway, in case you didn't see my last one today. It is still December. It is the 30th, and I'm actually going to

York and a meeting live because live my friend

Love who you guys know she lives in London, but she's up here visiting family at the moment

And she has a freezer today

I have a free Saturday it so I thought doesn't take that long for me to get into York

She's about half an hour away, so we're gonna meet up. Hopefully would meet some of you guys gonna

Do some sales shopping so I thought I would actually vlog it because I think it'll be quite nice. I think I'll vlog

The next couple of days and turn it into a weekly vlog it will actually be Saturday through to Wednesday instead of Monday to Friday

But I'm sure you're all right with that so yeah


Go to York

But to go and get the Train just need to get some breakfast before I go pop a lipstick on afterwards and then yeah gonna

Go in me live very excited. I haven't seen her in over a month now, so yeah, I'm really really excited. Let's go


Were in you're not one way up on the train. I think I'm with him

I'll turn to come around in a minute

But they in in York is like

In this mad building look at this this does not look like an ask Italian

It looks like somewhere that you come on like a fancy. Yeah, like like a dance or something should happen in here no

We are with less

Been ages we're just paying a haven't seen that since I went to Raven fall, so doesn't you who are in any of my?

Absolutely anyway, I'm so

Excited yeah, I'm gonna get a pizza or a pasta like I kind of want both, but obviously I can't do that though

I don't know. I feel like it would be bad if we get pastor again because I had pastor in here

it's only Saturday, but

Thank you

So live and I decided that instead of ordering one eh we'll just share these two, thank you

We got penne Bolognese and a margarita. I'm just gonna half each. I'm so excited

Update guys. I really did not like the string live convince me that this was the bomb

This was not the one yeah listen live during games - okay so in the changing rooms

I just found this skirt, which obviously would look better with like tie it and not these words. I have on

But yeah, let's try this on we are in different chain hearings. We're just coming to like compare I

Like here, okay. I don't know about this it isn't the self at eight quid so like something extra

Do you not like it? I do I'm just thinking would you wear it? I would wear it to school probably X

It's like a not

It's not real short as it actually is eight pounds, and it'll go is like this coat because look at the colours

I might get it you know, but then I still got 12 pound

I'm about journey way. Okay guys, so I just spent mine you look about that. I got for Christmas

What do you have to give the dog it's going to come home get some food or something

Okay, so we've got a load of stuff from pound world give to this

Homeless man and his dog outside like literally so much stuff for the dog. It's actually like gold look at them

We're gonna find some food

Okay, so I just found a pot back top for New Year's Eve. It's getting dark now. We're actually gonna leave because

Lives buses at for my train is at 10 past 4:00, so I need to head back to the station

It's like 22 now, but I'm not open to other way

So yeah, this will be probably the last time. I'll be in York for a while so yeah, it's really nice

How it spontaneously meet up there's pun only really happened like yesterday and the day before?

And it's been actually nice to be somewhere. That's not London

It's weird you're never really in Yorkshire, and we're never been to Europe before so that's nice

Yeah, I will see you now Timmy time in spite

The mean basic way

Anyway, I'm gonna get my train now, so hope you've enjoyed seeing a familiar face in the vlogs

Okay guys. I am now back home

And I'm actually currently undergoing the speediest

Turnaround in the history of turnaround because there is actually this little like family thing going on tonight at Toms grandparents house

So I originally wasn't going to this because I thought I was going to be going out for a meal tonight

I'm actually not doing that now so I can go so it's all very last minute and then obviously I was already and

You're kind of like plan to go to York and the two kind of clash slightly so I now have

20 minutes until I'm being picked up by Tom, and then we're going back into Hall

Which is literally where I've just come from I want to show you I bought today though because I probably won't form a whole cuz

I don't have enough to haul need too much a stand here

Can you stand if you'll bomb stuff okay?

So I'm gonna show you what a poor so tomorrow night is obviously New Year's Eve, and I'm going to a party

It's just like a casual thing in is the anti Lex house

So um I didn't want to go like really over-the-top, so I bought this top from H&M

Just because it was screaming New Year's Eve at me

I literally just said I don't want to go over the top and then I'm showing you this

But I'm gonna wear it a black Jean, so it'll just be like black on black, and I absolutely love this. It's 13 pounds

Hm kind of a little bit overpriced for what it is

But I really needed a top for New Year's Eve because my original plans were

Literally nothing like I wasn't doing anything in New Year's Eve didn't have any plans so

Yet more blacked out to my wardrobe, but this is like a fancy black so I absolutely little bit

So that's from henan

and then I bought two things from New Look Now Tom's parents actually kindly got me a new bow sure for Christmas as well as

Some other bits and bobs and with the voucher I bought this jumper which I just think is so nice

It's got a nice hem at the bottom like it's kind of zig zaggy, and it's just quite like baggy

But like not baggy and also cropped

three color combinations that I absolutely adore baby pink pale gray or white so

Yeah, absolutely love this very happy that I got it

This was 16 pounds so not bad for a jumper and then in the sales

I got this which was 25 pounds reduced to 8. I thought that was so good, and it is this skirt now

This isn't actually that short. I tried it on

I thought it was gonna be quite a nice like miniskirt, but it's actually more like nearly knee length although

I'm not bothered about that like I think this is really nice. It's a line. I think it's a line anyway

I get a bit confused, so yeah, I got this love love love the embroidery

It makes it really wearable with these kind of colors, which I actually have the matching coat in that color well not matching

But like a coat that much is so yeah. There is your little mini haul this was from you look too, so

Much, there's only got three things obviously. It's not worth forming a whole, but thought you guys might be interested anyway

And now I'm gonna grab a snack before I go out

I probably won't film anything else today, but tomorrow's New Year's Eve, so I'll pick you back up that good morning

You lovely lot welcome back to Sunday

Don't know why I just started it like that

Anyway, my day has started off really really nice because I haven't filmed anything

But Tom actually came around this morning at like

10:00 and just surprised me with breakfast in bed like he was like I'm outside your house, and I was like okay

So I went downstairs, and he had just bought some stuff admittedly the food was not breakfast food

He got like chicken nuggets and like stuff that you don't eat for breakfast

But the thought was there and the effort was so lovely of him

And we have just literally but the last two hours watching YouTube like I'm not even joking we sat in bed

We had breakfast, and I put YouTube on and Tom doesn't usually watch YouTube

but I like I hadn't watched it in a couple of days just because they over Christmas has been so busy and the time I

Usually watch YouTube is the evenings, but I've been out like every single night. I'm just like with family stuff

So I hadn't watched any of the videos

I'm some of my favorite youtubers had uploaded like

2017 look like videos or just new vlogs or new videos and two of my absolute favorite youtubers are will ne and Shane Dawson which

I like really random choices. They're not Beauty youtubers

They're not vloggers really even but I just really like their content so I saw Tom

Let's watch these and he kind of knew who will was but he didn't know who Shane was and he actually really enjoyed watching them

I think so

Had a really good time. We're just like cuddled up watching them and tamas gone now

And I'm actually about to go out for just like a coffee with my mom

We're just gonna like grab some lunch

And then when I come back today is the day that I organize my wardrobe so right I kid you not I own far

Too many clothes for this little space now

They're all runned in here all of these drawers are full with clothes, then I have another wardrobe here

Which is also full with clothes like I?

Really need to sort out because I keep buying more as if space is gonna like magically appear in my room

Space isn't magically appearing. I don't have any space and I thought today is a really good day to do I sort out

It's the last of the year start the ears. I mean to go on and tidy up because I am going out tonight

I'm very excited. I'm going to a house party at isiand talax house

I mean, it's not it's not gonna be wild I don't think but it should be really good

And I haven't seen my friends since like before Christmas, so I'm excited to see them all okay

So we're going for a coffee now got my coat on. I've got this little alien jumper on which is originally

I think from Romney Malvo, but I actually got this on a website called stay for like a year and a half ago

So we are gonna go to cost her and go to Custer

No, I meant we matches are both wearing fur coats, it's not our outfit. It's a both wearing like

Anyway, my jumpers way too bulky for this coat

Stupid so we have come to cluster

I've got this tip n loads of people don't know what if it is so if you've never had it dripping

It's basically chocolate with biscuits and raisins, then I'm not up on the top. Sorry if you can't hear me

There are a lot of children right next to me

I also got a deeper caramel latte they I actually asked for a small, but they gave me a medium anyway, so


In my comfy clothes. This is a really old like pajama top kind of thing just because one is way too hot in my bedroom

Literally it's like an actual

sauna the heating was to being blasting out all day because I've had my windows open because it's so warm and

I really want to clear my water, but I just I physically don't think I can be in my room right now

It's so hot so don't know I'm gonna wait until it's maybe cooled down a bit. I've got changed but

Obviously there's nothing I can do about the actual temperature just you guys like

You don't you don't wanna be in my house right now?

It's so hot. I really do need to do my wardrobe so if I make a start on that

Won't help me because it's a lot of work

I don't really want to do it, but I need to do it so

Yeah, okay, so this is the state of my bedroom floor right now

I've got a massive bag to go to charity then my mom has taken quite a lot of stuff

And then I've also got a really big bag of stuff to give to my friends because I'm so so lucky

I'm so lucky in that a lot of brands throughout 2017 of kindly sent me things to wear with mist one jumper on the floor

And they've kindly sent many different things to try out or to promote or to see if I like or the bottom if I want

To buy anything off the website, and they'll send me it and that's so lovely, but realistically

I just don't have the space also don't know what about sports coming from lovely and

So I thought I'll get rid of it

I'll clear it, but because of that a lot of the stuff still has tags in so I figured my friends from school like

It's basically like getting new clothes

Why would you not want to look through it so I'm gonna take some stuff around to the plastic

I'm going to tonight. I know that's not what you bring to a Halloween Halloween. I keep saying Halloween, Doh

It's cause I can see this Halloween jumper

They're not what you take to a New Year's Eve party

But I figured if we do that just like when I get that like at the beginning of the night show go just for Halloween

Sorry, I got the wrong season, but anyway my wardrobe now looks like this

So we've got a lot more organization as you can see I wear a lot of grey

Then I've got jeans in here

This is still my Victoria's Secret shelf then I've got my shoes now down here

So I've got my heels and stuff you can't really see it like I am there

We go so my heels and my clutter in there that socks and stuff

I've also organized like all of my drawers really nicely so yeah that just looks a lot better

I do want to do the top of my water about some point, but the main change

I don't think you guys will notice a difference but in here

I've now hung all of the hoodies that I own in the bottom here so a lot of these

I like school hoodies and then up here

I've got like going out stuff, so I've got a lot of skirts and then also a lot of dresses and

Just like summery going out things as well, so yeah. I'm really proud of the achievement, okay, although

I've got the same top, but I have actually just had a shower

I've just gotten changed into some shorts because it's very warm in my room still and also I'm about to climb with her so I'm

Gonna add to that heat and but I have just finished washing my body

I was gonna say washing my hair and ready for my like New Year's Eve

Preps - I have like an hour and a half until I'm going out the reason I've left it

Allez I know that it's still quite a lot of time to get ready

But usually I spent longer is because I don't need to like dry my hair

I didn't wash it is a little bit greasy, but I thought I'll just dry shampoo it because watching it would take forever

So let's commence the getting ready process okay guys, so I am NOT ready

I'm actually really happy with like how everything has turned out aside from my hair

It's kind of just not done what I wanted it to do, but I'm gonna prop you here

So you can see this is the top I've gone floor. You really can't see that come here is this better

The lighting in this room is for Brenda. I think Tom's just arrived. What hold on basically

Let me get on to the door, and then I will then I'll get back to you

Okay, this might be a little bit, but I think what I don't like about my covers actually my lipstick anyway

Um yeah, basically the toolbox on is from H&M. I actually bought this yesterday. I showed you guys earlier

I've curled my hair with the curling wand but the reason I don't like it because my head is so flat like a

One-volume at the top. I just find it so difficult for my hair to stay like oh you know

I don't know. I don't know that's why I always vlog like this because like the top of my head

I just really don't like it my eyes. No is what I'm most. Happy with like this is really really nice in my opinion

I'm really happy with it. It looks not blended on this side of promise in my life. It's even greater much

Do it again actually, but this is the morphe 35p palette with the?



pikmin and then

Collection mm, but hey Minerva so-called that's not so called is it collection eyeliner

Just like to make it a bit more glittery the lipstick

I've got on is the NYX lingerie, but I'm gonna take it off because I think that's why I don't like it

I think I don't know what color lipstick

I need with this look looks better in this light

Gonna look you in the mirror so you can get a vibe then I whether to leave this lip on or change it just kind

Of go, but then I've applied it quite badly. It's that party a lot party actually

Well people doing fireworks already, and there's still five hours to go people 5 hours left of the year


Yeah, yeah

And there's

No I


This is

Has the Christmas tree with knob

You've already mr.. B and then here's Tom and here is Erin and tolik

Good morning guys happy first of January. I say good morning

It's not really the morning tom has been here all morning, and we watch Tom

Tom know tom has been here all morning we watched finding dory

We had a really noisy morning

and then we had like a family meal with my mum dad and brother and

Now we are actually going to meet some of our friends

Just to get a coffee so we actually need to leave plus the coffee shop closes in like an hour

I know I didn't arrive said good morning. I know that's mad, but yeah. Good Norfolk. We've had a really tough day

That's what New Year's Day is for its for watching films and eating food and seeing your friends and family

Let's go. Okay guys it has been a while. I'm now back home

I've actually spent the last two and a half hours editing my 2017 video that I filmed this spot

It's actually a joke I'm gonna go and do a face mask in a minute, but for now we're just gonna ignore

I'm gonna probably done here, but yeah like I literally thought it would take me like 40 minutes to edit it

But I like started

I just started to like add more more and more pictures in like throughout the year

So it ended up being really long, so if you watched all that the other day when that went live

Thank you very much for watching that right now. I'm gonna go wash my hair because tomorrow I'm super excited

I'm actually going to see Lizzie

I was meant to see her Allie and earlier happy December, but we never got around to her because she was at work

So I'm going to see her tomorrow, but I obviously only touch my hair

It's a little bit greasy could probably get away with believing it, but I want to take some those photos together and stuff tomorrow

Don't really want my hair to be really greasy

But I'm gonna wash that now because then I'm gonna straighten it later

So I need to have some time and update I knew if you took her I started watching dynasty earlier this week

I think I told you I only have one episode left. That's how quickly I've watched

I'm so annoyed at myself for watching it so fast because now I'm like what am I meant to watch now?

But then I realized about in front to Netflix, and I've actually never seen friends

I feel like I'm in the minority, so I'm gonna start watching that Eva feel watching

You're gonna be happy, but yeah right now. I need to go wash my hair. Sorry

I'm filming today New Year's Day is just one of those days where like you don't really do that much I did go for a

Coffee, and it was so lovely to see everybody again. Even I saw them last night

But ya don't have much else to tell you so I will see you after my shower go instead facemask

I'm actually gonna opt for this

This is the Mario Badescu drying lotion now what you do is you just like pot a cotton bud in

the bottom of this and because it's an oil

Kind of consistency, I don't really know the science of it to be honest

But what you do is you just dip your cotton warbird and all the way to the bottom and pick up some of the pink

Stuff but you don't shake it, and then I'm just going to pop this directly on to my spot and this works, so well

Okay, guys. I have just finished taking all of my makeup off, and I've actually straightened my hair

I got out of the shower. I already mentioned

I think Oh last Lizzie that I'm going to see Lizzie tomorrow

So I'm actually getting up my train is that like quarter to 9:00 so that means I need to get up at like

How do I already have a kink in my hair from this bauble, but yeah?

I'm going to Nottingham tomorrow about the a course 9 so I need to get like half 7

So I'm gonna end today as part of the blog here. I'm sorry. I haven't blogged much, but like

Yeah, tomorrow will be a lot more entertaining so excited to see Lizzie haven't seen her since we went Harry Styles. Oh my god

No, way must have seen her since then probably have can't think but anyway

Yeah, I'm gonna get to bed now

So I hope you have enjoyed watching so far and I'll pick you back up in the morning such an early start

But like 11 today getting up that stubborn tomorrow. Oh

Also, I'm about to watch the last episode of dynasty. I'm gonna be an emotional Rach

I really recommend what you miss you guys if you like Gossip, Girl. What's this? It's so good

Good morning everybody welcome back to my channel today is now cheese day

I'm Sam was about to my channel when you look to midway through a vlog same today is Tuesday

I'm actually in car at the moment. I'm in my car, but I'm not driving it because my car has had a couple of issues

shock horror

Carpet doesn't work. There was like an award ceremony this car would like most likely to break

So what is happening now is my dad is actually driving it trying to be in the blog yeah, my dad's taking my car to

Eminem which is the garage in Beverly one car off next not the no yeah Eminem's gonna fix my car

Yeah, I'm actually about to get the train to go to Nottingham, I'm meeting Lizzy today as I already mentioned

We were actually meant to me on like the first weekend in December and have like a weekend

But then Lizzy come there cuz she was at work, so we're like oh

We'll reschedule also today is the reschedule today?

My spot didn't really go after all of the stuff until it last night said an officer care in there

And I also need to pop a lipstick on

But I have like a two and a half hour train journey now

So I'll probably do that when I get to Lizzy's

I'm not too sure what the plan is

But I'm excited, so I'll bring you along and see what we go tea today on our little day out in Austria even though

It's focused rate. I think so

The most awkward thing ever just happened

I have a digital ticket, but my phone has fully crashed like it's just not working look at this

This is not an old furnace should not be doing this it'll load up this

But it won't click

so I was trying to get through the barrier and the guy just had to let me through with his like key thing because

My phone physically won't move

Love-life. I also don't actually know where Lizzie is and now I can't get in touch with her

Because we found in work, so if today goes unsuccessfully, I'm gonna blame Ethel and up shop in technology

I'm also being stared at so yeah basically had a fun train ride here twitter has been going absolutely

Mental over the whole logan paul thing has happened

Probably we'll talk about that when we got very much

They cuz like cut some quite strong opinions. I look very tired

Anyway up rocks the day well. I don't know I never found them

I'm gonna go cuz I mean sad and hopefully next time you see me. I'll be with a wild was Yvonne

I found I knew you're gonna do that

Okay guys, so we're now at some pudding country, which we actually came to view the last time I was in Nottingham

Don't know the weight

But yeah the last one was enormous, and we came here we got like pancakes

I'd never had any Punk good at this before why should I just pop your phone?

Is he's trying to fix my own my phone's not working that you for me, it's not going to well

This is here

Was sad in the pudding country same see same fair light different look at my hat. It's raining look at it look at it

I hate having curly hair so because my phone isn't working

I'm having to use Lizzie's who is conveniently roughing my phone case if you guys want to buy my merch

There's the link below. I've just launched some more so and buy some wrap guys this looks so nice

Lizzie's vlogging too should head over to his channel subscribe and watch a blog

Yeah, oh my god. You guys this is like the best brunch ever. Oh nice has no joy. No

Okay, we're now in the Victoria Centre because it's raining took my phone to the Apple reseller, and they reset it for me

Which I had been completely failing to do because I forgot that you reset the iPhone 7 but differently

So now it's working fine

I don't really know why it crashed

But I think we're heading to where are we headed into Quinton swap shop to have a look for an outfit for Yves

Party and also. I want some Eugene Christmas tree even though. It's January. Yeah. I'm done with Christmas. I'm like

Oh God we're at the in manipulator we were being a while Lizzy

And I were in the Victoria setting set for like an hour and a half trying on dresses. I feel like I'm out of focus

But we've both gone a bit hungry again because you have right okay, so the thing is yeah, we are greedy

But like the pancakes weren't that filling there was only four of them. I didn't even finish my at the time

I was quite full so literally overall the beat and today is three pancakes so it was two and a half hours ago

So we're gonna go to Bella Italia. I think what we I'm feeling a pizza maybe

Yeah, no, but that's how you do very nice is just I'll just need to cocktail no um

Basically we were talking about different pizza places and then Lizzie mention there was a Bella Italia, and I was like well

They do good drinks, so I'm sold so I've got my classic drink. I swear

They usually put like leaves in it, but it's fine, so this is a strawberry

Spritz from Bella Italia they ID'd me I was very happy they never used Verdi may always want to show them a driving license so

here's my drink Hennessy, and we're getting a pizza to show even though we a

To be fairs no you three hours ago now

So that's okay

Yeah, yeah

That's what we're telling ourselves

More food no chip, sir

Lizzie's house, and I've actually just popped on a lipstick because we're gonna take a selfie

But then I realized that I got rained on so I want to curl my hair because I really want to up my Instagram game

In 2018 and I've seen like you know when you see that proper

Instagram people and proper youtubers where they like do their makeup just to take a selfie

Yeah, I'm not that person, but like I'm one of it

I know I don't want to be I just want to look nice and instagrams instead of like I've just been

Rained on yeah wearing this lipstick is about other stars here. It's in the shade, Veronica

I'm actually setting up before she's saying ring light, so you can take a selfie. It is extra. We need to get

Yeah, 2018 we're up in the work. I think we've actually just me start walking home by

Doing emails. We've been like working on stuff so actual madness Who am I okay? I'm not leaving the seats

We have taken some selfies. I call my hair the pictures didn't turn out that great

Mainly because I'm having a bad eye brow and lip day, so you know and all three things combined

It's not good, but we need to go now. We're in a bit of a rush

I will see you in two weeks a week and a half. Yeah. It's not long now not long

Yeah, she's put like in zone what you gonna. Do I'm not about to get on the train

I'm going to say goodbye to Lizzie. I've just bought some snacks for my journey, so I shall see you in two weeks

Thank you for a nice day

So alright. Oh my god. This spot is winding me up a lot. I picked again

Cute fit love that, but I actually had reordered my Stealer

I should oh that Tom had got me for Christmas is this one here

Because I sent Tom a link to one very very similar to this now although. This is running out

There is enough left in it to continue using yet

So didn't really need another one of these cuz I wanted to try different color, so I actually reordered it

We just sent it back and super simple changed it for this one which is in the shade C siren

And it's actually part of stealers mermaid collection, and I don't know if you guys can see how absolutely gorgeous

That is gonna swatch it for you. Oh my god. You guys you're not even ready for how gorgeous

This is look at the tea turn on that

I'm sorry about all the other makeup swatches on my handle all but yeah

This is the what why I've just come home to a package from BT, but very excited anyway. I'm gonna go to sleep now

I'm sorry about my parents and thoughts I'm gonna sit like this

But yeah, I've had a really nice date with Lizzie. I've really enjoyed it so nice to see her again and tomorrow

I'm actually going to see the greatest showmen with my friends from school, and I'm also going to see my cousin

So it should be a really really nice day tomorrow so excited to see the film see amazing reviews of it online so

me Tom Katie Greg

Toby Poli I think I'm missing somebody

Yeah, basically. There's like eight or nine of us going to the cinema

So it should be really really good nice to hang out with them, and I'm excited to see the film

So I'll pick you up in the morning. I'll be Wednesday

It's gonna be the last day of this weekly vlog because Thursday Friday. I'm going away, so yeah

I hope you've enjoyed the club's little day. I'm gonna go to sleep

Good morning, guys today is now Wednesday

And I'm actually going to my cousin's house know the rest of my family on up

So I don't know why it's like corpus tan

But I just finished getting ready after watching some more I got for Christmas videos

I feel like there was so many uploaded and I missed quite a few of them my eyebrows are driving me insane

So just don't look at them, but I have just applied running stealer eyeshadow. It is the gorgeous

Iridescent shade and I'm trying to like close my eye, and keep my other right open, and I really love it

I put it on with this color because I thought it would go and when it does go

They showed a very Destin it kind of blends in but I imagine you could pair this

I should there was like any other colored eyeshadow, so I'm just gonna put a lip balm because my lips are chapped

So I'm not gonna put lipstick on and then after I've been to my cousin's house. I'm going to see the greatest showmen today

I'm so excited. I've had so many good reviews, and the Internet's been going crazy about it, so as they already mentioned

I think me and my friend are going to see that but right now

I'm just gonna put this lip balm on and I'm gonna drive to my cousin's house she lives in hole so it's like 20 minute

Drive safe. Let's go

Thank you very much, okay, so I'm just openly vlogging, but we're at the cinema, and we're going to see the greatest showman

but Katie and Toby and

Greg everything really really late, so

We've come up with a greater statement, and that was thumbs down one of the best films. I've ever seen even Tom like

You know when you walk in going. Yeah, I did I just said Toby and Greg k2 are running really really late

So it was just me Tom and Polly they're balancing a you on the roof of my car and what the car

But oh my god you guys it was

Yeah, oh my god, it's like something else it's like it's like a musical, but it's also one of the most emotional

Like comments mom to come see it

Was yeah, yeah, just go and see if you haven't seen it I'm like in a real musical mood now

What dance was just coming up here into the car park and I was like?

The soundtrack it. I went into it out listening to the music I recommend doing it like that

Don't put me I'll get ya bring it anyway. We're gonna go home. Now. It's good when I hear it

Oh Thanh

Nien I'd give it like probably a ten I can imagine it to be so good on stage when they bring out on the West

End I definitely wanna go into it because theatrical wise it's such a good film anyway

Yeah, I'm gonna go to need to dive in okay

Guys I'm actually gonna end this book here. I've just fully finished editing out

I've really enjoyed watching it all back the transition between 2017 and 2018

I didn't originally think I was gonna catch on camera because I usually start my weekly books on a Monday

But I decided to do it like this just because Tom and I are actually going away for a couple of days tomorrow

So I'm gonna film that like separately

And I wanted to have this up and ready for when we get back so yeah

I hope you have really enjoyed the first weekly vlog back of the year

I'm gonna make a real effort this year to make them a lot more

Entertaining and not just me like start saying what I'm gonna do and not actually filming here

I'm definitely gonna try a lot harder because I really like my weekly vlogs and you guys definitely seem to like them

They're my most popular video on my channel, so yeah, you can guarantee that 2018

It's going to be like booked game from 2017 so I hope you have enjoyed this first one back

Give it a thumbs up if you have I'm sorry that it has been really long. I also promise

They will be between 20 and 25 minutes and not like 35 minutes like this one might be oops

But yeah, I'll see you all very soon, and I hope you've enjoyed it. Have a fab weekend. I'll see you soon party

I'll see you tomorrow morning. I love me. I am so yeah. Bye

For more infomation >> New Years Eve Party, Mini Haul & Seeing Liv and Lizzie! || The First Weekly Vlog of 2018! - Duration: 32:39.


DIS W AMERYCE! - SKLEP RIOTU, WYWIADY Z PRO GRACZAMI LOL'A (Allstar 2017) - Duration: 13:01.

For more infomation >> DIS W AMERYCE! - SKLEP RIOTU, WYWIADY Z PRO GRACZAMI LOL'A (Allstar 2017) - Duration: 13:01.


Awesome DIY Idea. How to Automate a Chisel. Wood Carving Chisels - Duration: 4:03.

Turn the clutch ring to 13-15 Nm

For more infomation >> Awesome DIY Idea. How to Automate a Chisel. Wood Carving Chisels - Duration: 4:03.


🎥Watching scary movie alone 'IT' 🤡 - Duration: 6:27.

Im not spoiling anything in my opinion but don't be too comfortable

Watching scary movie alone



Korea is the top IT country (sorry)

originally written by Stephen King

the reason why my face is like this today is..

this how the main dude in the movie looks like

hair falling in the shape of M and shit

lets start this shit

released in 2017

15+ but R rated in the US

dude made it

Andres Muschietti

Hes from Argentina

Im watching it in Full screen

Not some kind of pussy that watches it in small screen

U got scared already?

due to copyright bullshit I will be expressing in images and texts

(build up)

wasn't shit lol

(hair salon)


by the way its

12:02AM midnight

I be watching this shit at this time. Tough huh?

if someone say to be careful be fucking careful

its raining But kids playing outside and shit!

this music and shit (pretty difficult technique)

bald headass clown right here

Impressive intro

this movie is 2 hours and 14minutes long

February 14th

whoever has birthday on this day

good for you!

This movie is scary during the daytime too

small spoon


the filming director is Korean

I smell that Korean shit

smell that Gangnam station stairways by the exit 4

so far its aight

(seen this shit on the trailer)

red balloon

imma eat this ramen raw)

god damn jumped while eating

not as scary for some reason

this ramen is so good tho

might not be scary b cim dressed up as well

or did I become the tough one? (won the mental fight)

maybe cuz this ramen is too good

(scene from trailer again)

( the ramen powder went in my eye)

(my eye :( )

fuck lolol

I was like wtf while I was editing this vid lol

cant open my eyes..

(red eyes)

(that bitch ass clown attacked me)

(the director didn't make it as scary for this moment I guess)

( American cussing)

(shoe brand)

I purchased the movie on youtube

rated 7.66 outta 10

there some unexpected scary moments

not scary but brutal scenes

ending is like whatever little bit touching I guess…

These young kids actors are pretty good tho

im guessing there will be another scary shit towards the end

(nvm just ended, fuck me right)

(wasn't as scary, and im not scared of clowns at all)

horror+ coming of age movie

its either im the shit

or this movie wasn't scary as much

Enjoy the movie 'IT'

god damn I fucked up my good looking face

even uglier when I wipe this

please subscribe hehe

have a good day & happy new year

Subscribe Like Comment please Thank you!


thank you!

For more infomation >> 🎥Watching scary movie alone 'IT' 🤡 - Duration: 6:27.


RUMPELSTILSKIN STORY FOR KIDS || Bedtime Story and Fairy Tales For Kids || Guess My Name Story - Duration: 18:02.

Hey Tia

What are you doing?

I am meeting the new school principal tomorrow.

So just putting my things in order.


You want to impress him, is it?

I'm not sure about that, but I don't want to disappoint him either.

Maybe you should tell him that you are the best in the class.

And also tell him that you are a champion swimmer

and always come first in all the sports activities!

And that you always win all the debates and elocutions.

Tofu! I can't do that!

Not all of that is true.

Yes, but most of it is.

Oh, boy! You're acting like the miller!

The miller?

Who is that?

come let me tell you a story

Once upon a time, the king called the village miller to the court.

The miller went there with a mind to impress the king by any means possible.

And so when he was presented in front of the king

he lied that his daughter, who was an excellent spinner

could spin gold from straw!

Oh, that's impressive! I order you to bring her to the castle tomorrow

and she will spin gold for me.

The miller goes back home and tells his daughter what he done.

Oh, no! What have you done, father?

I cannot spin gold! I don't think anyone can!

I know! And I am sorry, my child.

But there is no way out of it now.

You must go to the court tomorrow and spin the best you can.

Yes, father.

And so the girl went to the court the next day.

Your father tells me that you can spin gold out of straw.

In that room there is bale of straw.

I give you till tomorrow morning.

You must spin it into gold by then or you will lose your life.

The miller's daughter had no choice but to do as told.

she went into the room and locked herself in.

As the night wore on, she didn't know what to do.

There was no way she could spin gold!

Afraid that her father's lie would get her punished by the king

she started crying.

Just then a strange little man appeared in the room.

I know what bothers you.

do You?

Yes, and I can help you.

I can spin the straw into gold for you


Oh please

do it then!

I beg of you!

What will you give me in return?

I can give you this necklace of mine.


I will spin for you.

And so the little man got to the spinning wheel and started spinning.

Within an hour he had converted all the straw into gold.

He then took the necklace from the miller's daughter

and went out of the window.

The next morning, the king came into the room.

Is my gold ready?

Yes, your majesty.

Very good! Now I have another test for you.

The castle's barn is full of straw.

You will spin all that straw into gold till tomorrow morning.

The miller's daughter was taken to the barn.

Once alone she was again surrounded by worries.

She didn't know what to do.

Soon it was night.

Afraid of the king's reaction, she started crying.

You've got a barn full of straw for yourself today.

The girl looked up to see the strange man from the night before.

Yes, and the king needs it to be spun into gold by tomorrow morning.

Hmm…what will you give me in exchange for it now?

I don't have much

but I can

I can give you this ring off my finger.

The man took the ring from her and started spinning the straw into gold.

The next morning when the king saw the shining gold

his greed increased.

Very well.

The castle has yet another barn

bigger than this one.

If you value your life

you will spin all the straw in it into gold by tomorrow morning.

If you succeed

I will marry you.

and make you the Queen

If you fail…

off with your head I'll have.

Once again the king had left, the girl was taken into another barn.

It was bigger than any room the girl had ever seen

And so full of straws!

She broke down as soon as the king's men had left.

She knew she was surely doomed now.

When night fell, the little man appeared again.

Need my help again, is it?

Yes, please!

Please spin this straw into gold!

and save me

Well, I could do that.

But what will you give me now?

I have nothing left to give you now.

You could give it to me when you have it…

Yes, I will. Tell me, what can I give you?

Your firstborn child.

The girl gasped!

But thought who knows what may happen in the future.

It was wiser to save her present.

So she agreed.

Okay, I will give you my firstborn child.

The strange man happily got to spinning the straw.

When the king came in the next morning

the whole barn was full of glistening gold.

Happy, he announced his marriage with the miller's daughter.

Soon a year passed and the new queen gave birth to a baby boy.

The boy was only a day old

when the strange little man appeared in her room once again

It is time to settle your debt.

The boy is mine.

Oh, no! Can't you forget this debt?



There has to be some way!

I will give you gold, fortunes!

whatever you want

I only want the boy!

But I will give you three days to guess my name.

If at the end of the third day you can guess it right

I will leave you and this boy alone.

If you can't the boy will be mine!

As soon as the man had left her room

the queen called her trusted soldier

and ordered him to gather every name he can find in the kingdom.

The soldier set on his mission immediately.

The next evening he came and gave the queen a list of names.

When night fell, the little man visited the queen again.

Do you know my name?

Is it James

or Jack

well is it Richard…?

or Kenie?

she continued with all the name she knew

and the names that the soldier had brought back from the village.

No, no, no!

thease are not my names

But the little man said no to every name.

That is not my name.

I leave you now with two days left to find what it is.

The queen sent her man out yet again…

to go to the farthest corners of the kingdom.

Till then she read all the books she could find

hoping that one of them might give her the man's name.

The next night when the man came back

she gave him the names her soldier had brought back

and the once she had collected from the books.

Is your name Casper



None of them.

I leave you again.

I will come back tomorrow to take away the boy

because you won't be able to guess my name.

Once again the queen implored the soldier

to go out in the kingdom and find her a name.

The next evening

before the little man would come

the soldier returned to the queen.

with some news

My lady, alas!

I could not find any new names in the kingdom and its neighbours.


last night

after I left the castle

I came upon a clearing in the forest

where I saw a strange little man dance around the fire.

He sang a strange song too

She can search the land

She can search the sky

But a name like mine

She will never come by!

Rumpelstiltskin…that's meeeee!

The moment the queen heard the name

she knew it was the one!

She happily waited for the strange man to come visit her.

Have you found my name yet?

Oh no….

I can only wonder what it can be…

is it Appletree


or maybe Rumpelstiltskin….

How can that be!

This is some sort of sorcery!

How did you know my name!

The moment the strange man heard his name

he became very angry!

He shouted and stomped around the room.

In his anger he stomped so hard

that there became a big hole in the ground

and he fell into it, towards his death

I wonder if the queen ever told her father about all this!

We will never know.

But we do know

that trying to impress people may get us into big trouble.

Oh yes!

That lesson I've learned today

And I don't think I will ever forget it!

thanks, Tia

for this wonderful story

For more infomation >> RUMPELSTILSKIN STORY FOR KIDS || Bedtime Story and Fairy Tales For Kids || Guess My Name Story - Duration: 18:02.


Angeln im Paradies - Vom Stand in Florida Part #2 - Duration: 8:17.

For more infomation >> Angeln im Paradies - Vom Stand in Florida Part #2 - Duration: 8:17.


바이크 부흥회 송구영신회! 신년 카운트 다운+광란의파티+떡국 먹기 [KOR sub] - Duration: 9:15.

For more infomation >> 바이크 부흥회 송구영신회! 신년 카운트 다운+광란의파티+떡국 먹기 [KOR sub] - Duration: 9:15.


Ya Hui & Michelle dances with CHIJ Toa Payoh Primary! - Duration: 1:58.

We are at CHIJ Toa Payoh and this is the...

Celebrity Stopover!

*Singing <Two Tigers>*

That's awesome!

Thank you, that was really good!

I've always loved the Chinese Language ...since I was a kid!

I'll always be excited for Chinese lessons

Do you speak Mandarin at home?

I speak Mandarin and Teochew at home


You're so brilliant

So you should really start

practising Mandarin

starting from now ok?

If you like this video,

please click here!

If you would like to subscribe to our channel,

please click here!

Do remember to like and comment,

down here!

For more infomation >> Ya Hui & Michelle dances with CHIJ Toa Payoh Primary! - Duration: 1:58.


Shitstorm-Königin! Melanie Müllers lange Hass-Chronik - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> Shitstorm-Königin! Melanie Müllers lange Hass-Chronik - Duration: 1:45.


Top 12 New Hair Color Transformations - Beautiful Hairstyles Tutorial Compilation 2018 - Duration: 10:02.

Thanks for watching

Hope you have a great time!

Please LIKE, COMMENT & SUBSCRIBE for more!

For more infomation >> Top 12 New Hair Color Transformations - Beautiful Hairstyles Tutorial Compilation 2018 - Duration: 10:02.


BACHATA 2018 ► VIDEO HIT MIX COMPILATION ► Romeo Santos, Marc Anthony, Prince Royce, Ozuna - Duration: 1:02:25.

Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, like, comment and share the mix if you enjoy it!

For more infomation >> BACHATA 2018 ► VIDEO HIT MIX COMPILATION ► Romeo Santos, Marc Anthony, Prince Royce, Ozuna - Duration: 1:02:25.


100 % MOBYLETTE MUSIQUE ( clip officiel ) - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> 100 % MOBYLETTE MUSIQUE ( clip officiel ) - Duration: 3:11.


Not jolly Roger | Draw Cartoons 2 - Duration: 7:41.

Made with "Draw Cartoons 2"

Not Jolly Roger

How dare you disturb me!?

Worthless idiot!

Prepare to die!

You pierced my favorite hat!?

What the hell is going on!?


Jacques attacked by first!

He lies!

When I was sleeping he broke a bottle against my head!

Don't lie! I was woken up by you!

Oh, really? Then who broke a bottle against my head!?

Only you was beside!

That's enough!


If you both were sleeping, then no one could be the first


*moo again*

I'm sorry, Bill. I would like to know if you said something.

Because I understood nothing...

Oh! I fotgot, that 10 years ago cannibals had cut off your tongue!

There is an english ship!

It's so little!

We can easy capture it!

You are right.

Come on!

For more infomation >> Not jolly Roger | Draw Cartoons 2 - Duration: 7:41.


Malifaux Daydream Part III Horns Painting Tutorial - Duration: 9:04.

For more infomation >> Malifaux Daydream Part III Horns Painting Tutorial - Duration: 9:04.


Señora Acero 4 | Recap (01/05/18) | Telemundo - Duration: 15:14.

If you keep this up,


No, Debora! You can't die!

Don't die! Please!

Debora, hang in there.

She's dead.

They've killed Debora.

Who'd they kill?

Oh, no! And she was so nice.

Debora's dead!

Those bastards killed Debora!

She's dead!

I told you the time and place, didn't I?


Are you sure you had nothing to do with the attack?

Do I look like a murderer to you, Tuti?

Remember, I'm good at reading faces...

but you're good, baby.

You have an honest face.

Besides, y

Wait for me, Debora.

I love you.

I love you so much.

Forgive me.

I'm getting closer and closer to killing all of you.

You're all going to pay for what you did!

It's one thing for you to hate the Aceros

and another for you to mess with Salvador right now.

There's a limit to everything.

If you're going to kill him, leave Junior alone.

I'm going to make this bastard pay

for every last second my mother spent crushed in that tunnel.

Juan Gabriel nearly shed a tear there.

He's one crazy old fart, boss.

He's so old, he's probably diabetic.

He's soft on Salvador Jr. Must be a father-son thing.

If he's all about family values,

he'd better remember that Salvador killed my mother.


What's up?

You must be Mr. Romero. Pleasure to meet you.

Salvador Acero.

You're Sara Aguilar's boy.

The only man who was able to kill Teca Martinez

and Briseida Montero.

Got something for me?

That was the deal.

Indio Amaro is a man of his word...

and hopefully you are too.

Sure am.

Here are our passports and licenses.


Welcome to the US, sir. Have a great day.

Who do we have here? Owl himself!

Don't move.

Hey there, partner. Long time no see.

I doubt you want trouble with Indio Amaro.

Wanna try me? Try me!

Backup here at gate 2. Backup here at gate 2.


Did someone change the channel?

No one's done anything.

<i> Hello, everyone.</i>


<i> To those of you</i> <i> who don't know me,</i>

<i> my name is Mario Casas.</i>

What the -

What's wrong?

Cat got your tongue?

I remember every single word you said.

Did you forget?

You told me my son had been eaten by buzzards and coyotes.

You said maggots were having him

and other migrants for dinner.

You even said you had a shovel

that I'd have to use to find him.

You made me think my son was dead.

I mourned him for two months, you ------------!

Two months! Day and night!

I had to bury an empty urn, you bastard!

Now you're going to pay,

but not before you tell me everything you did to my son.

What'd you do to Nicolas?

Tell me. What'd you do to my son?

We marked him on the inside and on the outside.

We made a man out of him!

He liked the taste of blood.

Well, so do I.

I love blood.

Especially, if it's Indio Amaro's.

You tell him I'm coming for him.

Tell him death is coming.

I'll do to him everything you did to Nicolas.

<i> A fugitive on the run</i> <i> from the US government</i>

<i> who kidnapped my daughter to</i> <i> sell her in the US.</i>

<i> This bastard is the head</i> <i>of a child-trafficking network,</i>

<i> which is being protected</i> <i> by both sides of the border.</i>

Son of a bitch!

I'm helping him and he's ------- me over.

<i> Doriga allied himself</i> <i> with his daughter</i>

<i> and my ex-girlfriend, Andrea.</i>

<i> A drug-addicted nymphomaniac</i> <i> who cheated on me,</i>

<i>became pregnant, and tricked me</i> <i>into thinking I was the father.</i>

<i> Meanwhile, the real father's</i> <i> a fugitive on the run</i>

<i>from the Venezuelan government.</i>

<i> His name's Domingo Alvarado</i> <i>and he's been running for years.</i>

<i> These people are criminals</i> <i> of the worst sort.</i>

<i> They're drug addicts,</i> <i> kidnappers, murderers,</i>

<i> and corrupt politicians</i> <i> and they're being protected</i>

<i> by the infamous</i> <i> Acero-Quintanilla family.</i>

<i> How can they be expected to</i> <i> bring peace </i>

<i> to Matamoros and Tamaulipas</i> <i> when they're the problem?</i>

Since we'll Ayala sold you out!

Indira was waiting for us. She knew we'd be there.

Now she's coming for you.

She said to tell you that she'll do to you

-what you did to Shark II. -Let her come!

I'll kill her!

This isn't the end, Amaro. I'll help you!

What'll you help me with, ------?

We have nothing!

We owe money to the Argentinian, to the Colombian,

and we don't have merch we can sell to pay them.

The Molly's gone! The tunnels are gone!

I'm short on men!

------- it!

I messed up! I know I did.

of my girlfriend and her lover to blackmail and extort me,

<i>but I will not give in to them.</i>

<i> I won't do it, Andrea.</i>

<i> I'd rather be humiliated</i> <i> than to give up my daughter.</i>

<i> How can we trust a candidate</i> <i> who surrounds himself</i>

<i> with such monsters?</i>

It can't be.


Andrea, honey.


Give her some air.

I'm your only heir, Dad.

The throne left behind by Teca Martinez

after Salvador Acero killed him.

It's time I avenged your death...


No, you murderers!

Hey, calm down. Easy.

Are you okay?

Hey. Easy!

Calm down! We're taking you to the US.

I don't care!

Andrea, listen to me.

We're getting you out of here. You'll be okay.

Yes, sweetie. Take it easy.

Don't touch me! This is all your fault!

None of this would've happened

if you hadn't taken me from my home.

What's the matter with you? I just want to protect you.

Protect me?

I don't need your protection.

I just want to die and get rid of this damn thing!

No, honey!

Let her go. Let her go!

-Stop. -Let her go.


Get it, Marcelo!

Girl, put that gun down. Don't do anything stupid.

You don't get to tell me what to do.

You people say this all the time.

Kill or be killed.

but it's just a façade.s sh,

I've been awake for a while now.

I just didn't want to talk to her.

I'm really scared, Dad.


Because I don't want her handing me over to Indio Amaro again.

Wait... when I wa.

Don't act like a hero.

No, I'm not a hero.

I'm just someone who loves you and wants to take you away.

-Let's go. -Stay back!

Hey, don't...

Get back. Get back.

-Easy. -No.

<i> Surprise.</i> <i>Alright, !</i>

<i>His name's Domingo Alvarado and</i> <i> he's been running for years.</i>

What the ---- is this?

<i> These people are criminals</i> <i> of the worst sort.</i>

<i> They're drug addicts,</i> <i> kidnappers, murderers...</i>

This ------------- Argentinian.

<i> How can they</i> <i> be expected...</i>

If you hurt yourself, Mario will win.

We can't have her lose the baby without my meddling.

If that baby dies, it has to be because of me.

Not due to natural causes.

Know what goes against nature? Ghosts.

Seeing ghost can be really scary.

It could cause a miscarriage.

-Magician. -What are you doing?


He's already won.

Enough blood's been shed.

No, yI'll shoot.ard! ove,

Against the wall.

Don't shush me!

Let's talk.

-Talk? -Yes, let's talk.

How much do you want?

-You want to negotiate? -Yes.


Here are my conditions, ------------.

You're going to pay with your life

for the deaths of Aracely, Pancho and Andrea.

How about that?

Do we have a deal?

For more infomation >> Señora Acero 4 | Recap (01/05/18) | Telemundo - Duration: 15:14.


you are not clever - Duration: 5:15.

For more infomation >> you are not clever - Duration: 5:15.


Las propiedades medicinales del Diente de León y usos en la cocina y la salud. - Duration: 3:48.

For more infomation >> Las propiedades medicinales del Diente de León y usos en la cocina y la salud. - Duration: 3:48.


Conor McGregor - NOTORIOUS ᴴᴰ - Duration: 1:34.


For more infomation >> Conor McGregor - NOTORIOUS ᴴᴰ - Duration: 1:34.


치대생 김실습] 공식인사 영상! 처음 뵙겠습니다! /w Eng subtitle - Duration: 0:58.

Hello, everyone.

Nice to meet you.

This is Kimsilseup.

I am a dental school student now.

There are many practical exercises in the dental school.

I would like to share with you my feeling, knowledge, little tips about the dental practices.

So, I wanna summarize them via this YouTube channel.

I will upload videos steadily in the future.

Have fun!

For more infomation >> 치대생 김실습] 공식인사 영상! 처음 뵙겠습니다! /w Eng subtitle - Duration: 0:58.


TWICE新專輯爆抄襲! 應援物顏色撞SHINee又惹議 - Duration: 3:34.

For more infomation >> TWICE新專輯爆抄襲! 應援物顏色撞SHINee又惹議 - Duration: 3:34.


Where Do We Go

For more infomation >> Where Do We Go


For more infomation >> Where Do We Go


Nissan Note 1.2 N-TEC *Sport Pack + Family Pack + Safety Shield - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Nissan Note 1.2 N-TEC *Sport Pack + Family Pack + Safety Shield - Duration: 0:58.


For more infomation >> Nissan Note 1.2 N-TEC *Sport Pack + Family Pack + Safety Shield - Duration: 0:58.


Laurent Gerra dit pourquoi il n'aime pas et n'imi­tera jamais Cyril Hanouna - Duration: 2:35.

For more infomation >> Laurent Gerra dit pourquoi il n'aime pas et n'imi­tera jamais Cyril Hanouna - Duration: 2:35.


For more infomation >> Laurent Gerra dit pourquoi il n'aime pas et n'imi­tera jamais Cyril Hanouna - Duration: 2:35.


KR STARS| [N이슈] 이시언, '나혼자 산다' 하차 선언한 까닭 - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> KR STARS| [N이슈] 이시언, '나혼자 산다' 하차 선언한 까닭 - Duration: 3:38.


For more infomation >> KR STARS| [N이슈] 이시언, '나혼자 산다' 하차 선언한 까닭 - Duration: 3:38.


7 astuces pour être heureuse et pétillante | Évaluation énergétique, émotionnelle #2 - Duration: 10:02.

For more infomation >> 7 astuces pour être heureuse et pétillante | Évaluation énergétique, émotionnelle #2 - Duration: 10:02.


For more infomation >> 7 astuces pour être heureuse et pétillante | Évaluation énergétique, émotionnelle #2 - Duration: 10:02.



For more infomation >> C'EST COMMENT...QU'ON MANGE LA GALETTE DES ROIS - Duration: 4:08.


For more infomation >> C'EST COMMENT...QU'ON MANGE LA GALETTE DES ROIS - Duration: 4:08.


Jurassic World (2018)

For more infomation >> Jurassic World (2018)


MIG 15 TopGun Giant 1.6m 90mm EDF jet Maiden Flight - Duration: 10:31.

THIS IS IT dear subscribers and viewers. This was the most beautiful EDF that I have tried so far, so easy to handle in the air and this time it was PERFECT LANDING. Iam really sorry that HobbyKing doesnt sell this awesome baby anymore becouse this is the ultimate MIG 15 in this size. Iam very proud that this gentle giant was in the air again and has found good home in my hangar. Thanks for all support, for all subscriptions, all viewes, all comments and that we can all call you our friends. Big salute from Slovenija, Captain Blaž & Pilot Robert

For more infomation >> MIG 15 TopGun Giant 1.6m 90mm EDF jet Maiden Flight - Duration: 10:31.


BMW X5 5.0I XDRIVE HIGH EXECUTIVE M-Performance | HUD | Schuifdak | 360 Camera | Softclose | Full Op - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> BMW X5 5.0I XDRIVE HIGH EXECUTIVE M-Performance | HUD | Schuifdak | 360 Camera | Softclose | Full Op - Duration: 0:57.


Not jolly Roger | Draw Cartoons 2 - Duration: 7:41.

Made with "Draw Cartoons 2"

Not Jolly Roger

How dare you disturb me!?

Worthless idiot!

Prepare to die!

You pierced my favorite hat!?

What the hell is going on!?


Jacques attacked by first!

He lies!

When I was sleeping he broke a bottle against my head!

Don't lie! I was woken up by you!

Oh, really? Then who broke a bottle against my head!?

Only you was beside!

That's enough!


If you both were sleeping, then no one could be the first


*moo again*

I'm sorry, Bill. I would like to know if you said something.

Because I understood nothing...

Oh! I fotgot, that 10 years ago cannibals had cut off your tongue!

There is an english ship!

It's so little!

We can easy capture it!

You are right.

Come on!

For more infomation >> Not jolly Roger | Draw Cartoons 2 - Duration: 7:41.


ഒരു റേപ്പിസ്റ്റിന്റെ ജനനം An Untold Story | PULLINGAM പുല്ലിംഗം | Malayalam Short Film 2018 - Duration: 8:23.


Don't cry mom

No one will cause me any harm

Who knew it'll end up like this?

It's just a minor investigation

Be brave mom

You just go and talk to him


I curse the time !!

The damned meeting

I'll be in lockup by the time it ends

Sir, why are we here without even being guilty ?

Our families don't even know that we are here

Just mind your own business

Don't talk for others

It's not only me, but my friend is here... John

What's your name ?




Hey dude, a girl, that way

Girl !!! Where !!!

Let's go and see

Do you know her?

No, I don't

Don't get caught up with unnecessary problems

Then let's move



Isn't here anyone named Sivadas ?

Sir, that's me

Where were you when I called earlier ?


Tell me,

What's your role in this case ?

I saw it mom

If you like, we'll go and see them next week

OK, mom

It was just a marriage proposal for me

I don't know anything more about that girl

We'll see about that

You go and stand there


I called him. Why the hell are you coming ?

Sir, even my name is Roopesh

From your attire, I assumed you were just a local party member

Didn't know that you are MLA's brother-in-law

Why didn't you tell earlier ?


Do whatever he needs

He is our man

Please go along with him

This is not fair

That man and us are being held here for same reason

How is it reasonable that people with power have another law and justice

You don't have to bother about it

Some guy did something to some girl

No warrant or any other bullshit

What are you muttering?


What are you muttering?

Why the hell are you crying ?

What's your age ?


Ah! Juvenille..!!

The guy of your age is now out and about

You are idealising him, huh ?

Sir, I didn't do anything

Shut up

This is usual for police

If they don't catch the criminal, make a criminal out of the caught one

What did you just say ?

You are holding us here illegally in the name of investigation

What the...


Whomever you point out will be considered the accused

Decide Carefully

On the basis of the deposition given by the victim before the court...

...I am convinced that the accused in this case is guilty of the offence...

...alleged by the prosecution, and therefore, I hereby convict the accused...

...for a rigorous imprisonment of 10 years


I have done everything as you said

All went well

I will call you once I'm home

For more infomation >> ഒരു റേപ്പിസ്റ്റിന്റെ ജനനം An Untold Story | PULLINGAM പുല്ലിംഗം | Malayalam Short Film 2018 - Duration: 8:23.


New Years Eve Party, Mini Haul & Seeing Liv and Lizzie! || The First Weekly Vlog of 2018! - Duration: 32:39.

Okay got money guys welcome back to my channel happy new year

This is the first video to go live in the new year

I think pretty sure I know it won't be actually ignore that but happy new year

Anyway, in case you didn't see my last one today. It is still December. It is the 30th, and I'm actually going to

York and a meeting live because live my friend

Love who you guys know she lives in London, but she's up here visiting family at the moment

And she has a freezer today

I have a free Saturday it so I thought doesn't take that long for me to get into York

She's about half an hour away, so we're gonna meet up. Hopefully would meet some of you guys gonna

Do some sales shopping so I thought I would actually vlog it because I think it'll be quite nice. I think I'll vlog

The next couple of days and turn it into a weekly vlog it will actually be Saturday through to Wednesday instead of Monday to Friday

But I'm sure you're all right with that so yeah


Go to York

But to go and get the Train just need to get some breakfast before I go pop a lipstick on afterwards and then yeah gonna

Go in me live very excited. I haven't seen her in over a month now, so yeah, I'm really really excited. Let's go


Were in you're not one way up on the train. I think I'm with him

I'll turn to come around in a minute

But they in in York is like

In this mad building look at this this does not look like an ask Italian

It looks like somewhere that you come on like a fancy. Yeah, like like a dance or something should happen in here no

We are with less

Been ages we're just paying a haven't seen that since I went to Raven fall, so doesn't you who are in any of my?

Absolutely anyway, I'm so

Excited yeah, I'm gonna get a pizza or a pasta like I kind of want both, but obviously I can't do that though

I don't know. I feel like it would be bad if we get pastor again because I had pastor in here

it's only Saturday, but

Thank you

So live and I decided that instead of ordering one eh we'll just share these two, thank you

We got penne Bolognese and a margarita. I'm just gonna half each. I'm so excited

Update guys. I really did not like the string live convince me that this was the bomb

This was not the one yeah listen live during games - okay so in the changing rooms

I just found this skirt, which obviously would look better with like tie it and not these words. I have on

But yeah, let's try this on we are in different chain hearings. We're just coming to like compare I

Like here, okay. I don't know about this it isn't the self at eight quid so like something extra

Do you not like it? I do I'm just thinking would you wear it? I would wear it to school probably X

It's like a not

It's not real short as it actually is eight pounds, and it'll go is like this coat because look at the colours

I might get it you know, but then I still got 12 pound

I'm about journey way. Okay guys, so I just spent mine you look about that. I got for Christmas

What do you have to give the dog it's going to come home get some food or something

Okay, so we've got a load of stuff from pound world give to this

Homeless man and his dog outside like literally so much stuff for the dog. It's actually like gold look at them

We're gonna find some food

Okay, so I just found a pot back top for New Year's Eve. It's getting dark now. We're actually gonna leave because

Lives buses at for my train is at 10 past 4:00, so I need to head back to the station

It's like 22 now, but I'm not open to other way

So yeah, this will be probably the last time. I'll be in York for a while so yeah, it's really nice

How it spontaneously meet up there's pun only really happened like yesterday and the day before?

And it's been actually nice to be somewhere. That's not London

It's weird you're never really in Yorkshire, and we're never been to Europe before so that's nice

Yeah, I will see you now Timmy time in spite

The mean basic way

Anyway, I'm gonna get my train now, so hope you've enjoyed seeing a familiar face in the vlogs

Okay guys. I am now back home

And I'm actually currently undergoing the speediest

Turnaround in the history of turnaround because there is actually this little like family thing going on tonight at Toms grandparents house

So I originally wasn't going to this because I thought I was going to be going out for a meal tonight

I'm actually not doing that now so I can go so it's all very last minute and then obviously I was already and

You're kind of like plan to go to York and the two kind of clash slightly so I now have

20 minutes until I'm being picked up by Tom, and then we're going back into Hall

Which is literally where I've just come from I want to show you I bought today though because I probably won't form a whole cuz

I don't have enough to haul need too much a stand here

Can you stand if you'll bomb stuff okay?

So I'm gonna show you what a poor so tomorrow night is obviously New Year's Eve, and I'm going to a party

It's just like a casual thing in is the anti Lex house

So um I didn't want to go like really over-the-top, so I bought this top from H&M

Just because it was screaming New Year's Eve at me

I literally just said I don't want to go over the top and then I'm showing you this

But I'm gonna wear it a black Jean, so it'll just be like black on black, and I absolutely love this. It's 13 pounds

Hm kind of a little bit overpriced for what it is

But I really needed a top for New Year's Eve because my original plans were

Literally nothing like I wasn't doing anything in New Year's Eve didn't have any plans so

Yet more blacked out to my wardrobe, but this is like a fancy black so I absolutely little bit

So that's from henan

and then I bought two things from New Look Now Tom's parents actually kindly got me a new bow sure for Christmas as well as

Some other bits and bobs and with the voucher I bought this jumper which I just think is so nice

It's got a nice hem at the bottom like it's kind of zig zaggy, and it's just quite like baggy

But like not baggy and also cropped

three color combinations that I absolutely adore baby pink pale gray or white so

Yeah, absolutely love this very happy that I got it

This was 16 pounds so not bad for a jumper and then in the sales

I got this which was 25 pounds reduced to 8. I thought that was so good, and it is this skirt now

This isn't actually that short. I tried it on

I thought it was gonna be quite a nice like miniskirt, but it's actually more like nearly knee length although

I'm not bothered about that like I think this is really nice. It's a line. I think it's a line anyway

I get a bit confused, so yeah, I got this love love love the embroidery

It makes it really wearable with these kind of colors, which I actually have the matching coat in that color well not matching

But like a coat that much is so yeah. There is your little mini haul this was from you look too, so

Much, there's only got three things obviously. It's not worth forming a whole, but thought you guys might be interested anyway

And now I'm gonna grab a snack before I go out

I probably won't film anything else today, but tomorrow's New Year's Eve, so I'll pick you back up that good morning

You lovely lot welcome back to Sunday

Don't know why I just started it like that

Anyway, my day has started off really really nice because I haven't filmed anything

But Tom actually came around this morning at like

10:00 and just surprised me with breakfast in bed like he was like I'm outside your house, and I was like okay

So I went downstairs, and he had just bought some stuff admittedly the food was not breakfast food

He got like chicken nuggets and like stuff that you don't eat for breakfast

But the thought was there and the effort was so lovely of him

And we have just literally but the last two hours watching YouTube like I'm not even joking we sat in bed

We had breakfast, and I put YouTube on and Tom doesn't usually watch YouTube

but I like I hadn't watched it in a couple of days just because they over Christmas has been so busy and the time I

Usually watch YouTube is the evenings, but I've been out like every single night. I'm just like with family stuff

So I hadn't watched any of the videos

I'm some of my favorite youtubers had uploaded like

2017 look like videos or just new vlogs or new videos and two of my absolute favorite youtubers are will ne and Shane Dawson which

I like really random choices. They're not Beauty youtubers

They're not vloggers really even but I just really like their content so I saw Tom

Let's watch these and he kind of knew who will was but he didn't know who Shane was and he actually really enjoyed watching them

I think so

Had a really good time. We're just like cuddled up watching them and tamas gone now

And I'm actually about to go out for just like a coffee with my mom

We're just gonna like grab some lunch

And then when I come back today is the day that I organize my wardrobe so right I kid you not I own far

Too many clothes for this little space now

They're all runned in here all of these drawers are full with clothes, then I have another wardrobe here

Which is also full with clothes like I?

Really need to sort out because I keep buying more as if space is gonna like magically appear in my room

Space isn't magically appearing. I don't have any space and I thought today is a really good day to do I sort out

It's the last of the year start the ears. I mean to go on and tidy up because I am going out tonight

I'm very excited. I'm going to a house party at isiand talax house

I mean, it's not it's not gonna be wild I don't think but it should be really good

And I haven't seen my friends since like before Christmas, so I'm excited to see them all okay

So we're going for a coffee now got my coat on. I've got this little alien jumper on which is originally

I think from Romney Malvo, but I actually got this on a website called stay for like a year and a half ago

So we are gonna go to cost her and go to Custer

No, I meant we matches are both wearing fur coats, it's not our outfit. It's a both wearing like

Anyway, my jumpers way too bulky for this coat

Stupid so we have come to cluster

I've got this tip n loads of people don't know what if it is so if you've never had it dripping

It's basically chocolate with biscuits and raisins, then I'm not up on the top. Sorry if you can't hear me

There are a lot of children right next to me

I also got a deeper caramel latte they I actually asked for a small, but they gave me a medium anyway, so


In my comfy clothes. This is a really old like pajama top kind of thing just because one is way too hot in my bedroom

Literally it's like an actual

sauna the heating was to being blasting out all day because I've had my windows open because it's so warm and

I really want to clear my water, but I just I physically don't think I can be in my room right now

It's so hot so don't know I'm gonna wait until it's maybe cooled down a bit. I've got changed but

Obviously there's nothing I can do about the actual temperature just you guys like

You don't you don't wanna be in my house right now?

It's so hot. I really do need to do my wardrobe so if I make a start on that

Won't help me because it's a lot of work

I don't really want to do it, but I need to do it so

Yeah, okay, so this is the state of my bedroom floor right now

I've got a massive bag to go to charity then my mom has taken quite a lot of stuff

And then I've also got a really big bag of stuff to give to my friends because I'm so so lucky

I'm so lucky in that a lot of brands throughout 2017 of kindly sent me things to wear with mist one jumper on the floor

And they've kindly sent many different things to try out or to promote or to see if I like or the bottom if I want

To buy anything off the website, and they'll send me it and that's so lovely, but realistically

I just don't have the space also don't know what about sports coming from lovely and

So I thought I'll get rid of it

I'll clear it, but because of that a lot of the stuff still has tags in so I figured my friends from school like

It's basically like getting new clothes

Why would you not want to look through it so I'm gonna take some stuff around to the plastic

I'm going to tonight. I know that's not what you bring to a Halloween Halloween. I keep saying Halloween, Doh

It's cause I can see this Halloween jumper

They're not what you take to a New Year's Eve party

But I figured if we do that just like when I get that like at the beginning of the night show go just for Halloween

Sorry, I got the wrong season, but anyway my wardrobe now looks like this

So we've got a lot more organization as you can see I wear a lot of grey

Then I've got jeans in here

This is still my Victoria's Secret shelf then I've got my shoes now down here

So I've got my heels and stuff you can't really see it like I am there

We go so my heels and my clutter in there that socks and stuff

I've also organized like all of my drawers really nicely so yeah that just looks a lot better

I do want to do the top of my water about some point, but the main change

I don't think you guys will notice a difference but in here

I've now hung all of the hoodies that I own in the bottom here so a lot of these

I like school hoodies and then up here

I've got like going out stuff, so I've got a lot of skirts and then also a lot of dresses and

Just like summery going out things as well, so yeah. I'm really proud of the achievement, okay, although

I've got the same top, but I have actually just had a shower

I've just gotten changed into some shorts because it's very warm in my room still and also I'm about to climb with her so I'm

Gonna add to that heat and but I have just finished washing my body

I was gonna say washing my hair and ready for my like New Year's Eve

Preps - I have like an hour and a half until I'm going out the reason I've left it

Allez I know that it's still quite a lot of time to get ready

But usually I spent longer is because I don't need to like dry my hair

I didn't wash it is a little bit greasy, but I thought I'll just dry shampoo it because watching it would take forever

So let's commence the getting ready process okay guys, so I am NOT ready

I'm actually really happy with like how everything has turned out aside from my hair

It's kind of just not done what I wanted it to do, but I'm gonna prop you here

So you can see this is the top I've gone floor. You really can't see that come here is this better

The lighting in this room is for Brenda. I think Tom's just arrived. What hold on basically

Let me get on to the door, and then I will then I'll get back to you

Okay, this might be a little bit, but I think what I don't like about my covers actually my lipstick anyway

Um yeah, basically the toolbox on is from H&M. I actually bought this yesterday. I showed you guys earlier

I've curled my hair with the curling wand but the reason I don't like it because my head is so flat like a

One-volume at the top. I just find it so difficult for my hair to stay like oh you know

I don't know. I don't know that's why I always vlog like this because like the top of my head

I just really don't like it my eyes. No is what I'm most. Happy with like this is really really nice in my opinion

I'm really happy with it. It looks not blended on this side of promise in my life. It's even greater much

Do it again actually, but this is the morphe 35p palette with the?



pikmin and then

Collection mm, but hey Minerva so-called that's not so called is it collection eyeliner

Just like to make it a bit more glittery the lipstick

I've got on is the NYX lingerie, but I'm gonna take it off because I think that's why I don't like it

I think I don't know what color lipstick

I need with this look looks better in this light

Gonna look you in the mirror so you can get a vibe then I whether to leave this lip on or change it just kind

Of go, but then I've applied it quite badly. It's that party a lot party actually

Well people doing fireworks already, and there's still five hours to go people 5 hours left of the year


Yeah, yeah

And there's

No I


This is

Has the Christmas tree with knob

You've already mr.. B and then here's Tom and here is Erin and tolik

Good morning guys happy first of January. I say good morning

It's not really the morning tom has been here all morning, and we watch Tom

Tom know tom has been here all morning we watched finding dory

We had a really noisy morning

and then we had like a family meal with my mum dad and brother and

Now we are actually going to meet some of our friends

Just to get a coffee so we actually need to leave plus the coffee shop closes in like an hour

I know I didn't arrive said good morning. I know that's mad, but yeah. Good Norfolk. We've had a really tough day

That's what New Year's Day is for its for watching films and eating food and seeing your friends and family

Let's go. Okay guys it has been a while. I'm now back home

I've actually spent the last two and a half hours editing my 2017 video that I filmed this spot

It's actually a joke I'm gonna go and do a face mask in a minute, but for now we're just gonna ignore

I'm gonna probably done here, but yeah like I literally thought it would take me like 40 minutes to edit it

But I like started

I just started to like add more more and more pictures in like throughout the year

So it ended up being really long, so if you watched all that the other day when that went live

Thank you very much for watching that right now. I'm gonna go wash my hair because tomorrow I'm super excited

I'm actually going to see Lizzie

I was meant to see her Allie and earlier happy December, but we never got around to her because she was at work

So I'm going to see her tomorrow, but I obviously only touch my hair

It's a little bit greasy could probably get away with believing it, but I want to take some those photos together and stuff tomorrow

Don't really want my hair to be really greasy

But I'm gonna wash that now because then I'm gonna straighten it later

So I need to have some time and update I knew if you took her I started watching dynasty earlier this week

I think I told you I only have one episode left. That's how quickly I've watched

I'm so annoyed at myself for watching it so fast because now I'm like what am I meant to watch now?

But then I realized about in front to Netflix, and I've actually never seen friends

I feel like I'm in the minority, so I'm gonna start watching that Eva feel watching

You're gonna be happy, but yeah right now. I need to go wash my hair. Sorry

I'm filming today New Year's Day is just one of those days where like you don't really do that much I did go for a

Coffee, and it was so lovely to see everybody again. Even I saw them last night

But ya don't have much else to tell you so I will see you after my shower go instead facemask

I'm actually gonna opt for this

This is the Mario Badescu drying lotion now what you do is you just like pot a cotton bud in

the bottom of this and because it's an oil

Kind of consistency, I don't really know the science of it to be honest

But what you do is you just dip your cotton warbird and all the way to the bottom and pick up some of the pink

Stuff but you don't shake it, and then I'm just going to pop this directly on to my spot and this works, so well

Okay, guys. I have just finished taking all of my makeup off, and I've actually straightened my hair

I got out of the shower. I already mentioned

I think Oh last Lizzie that I'm going to see Lizzie tomorrow

So I'm actually getting up my train is that like quarter to 9:00 so that means I need to get up at like

How do I already have a kink in my hair from this bauble, but yeah?

I'm going to Nottingham tomorrow about the a course 9 so I need to get like half 7

So I'm gonna end today as part of the blog here. I'm sorry. I haven't blogged much, but like

Yeah, tomorrow will be a lot more entertaining so excited to see Lizzie haven't seen her since we went Harry Styles. Oh my god

No, way must have seen her since then probably have can't think but anyway

Yeah, I'm gonna get to bed now

So I hope you have enjoyed watching so far and I'll pick you back up in the morning such an early start

But like 11 today getting up that stubborn tomorrow. Oh

Also, I'm about to watch the last episode of dynasty. I'm gonna be an emotional Rach

I really recommend what you miss you guys if you like Gossip, Girl. What's this? It's so good

Good morning everybody welcome back to my channel today is now cheese day

I'm Sam was about to my channel when you look to midway through a vlog same today is Tuesday

I'm actually in car at the moment. I'm in my car, but I'm not driving it because my car has had a couple of issues

shock horror

Carpet doesn't work. There was like an award ceremony this car would like most likely to break

So what is happening now is my dad is actually driving it trying to be in the blog yeah, my dad's taking my car to

Eminem which is the garage in Beverly one car off next not the no yeah Eminem's gonna fix my car

Yeah, I'm actually about to get the train to go to Nottingham, I'm meeting Lizzy today as I already mentioned

We were actually meant to me on like the first weekend in December and have like a weekend

But then Lizzy come there cuz she was at work, so we're like oh

We'll reschedule also today is the reschedule today?

My spot didn't really go after all of the stuff until it last night said an officer care in there

And I also need to pop a lipstick on

But I have like a two and a half hour train journey now

So I'll probably do that when I get to Lizzy's

I'm not too sure what the plan is

But I'm excited, so I'll bring you along and see what we go tea today on our little day out in Austria even though

It's focused rate. I think so

The most awkward thing ever just happened

I have a digital ticket, but my phone has fully crashed like it's just not working look at this

This is not an old furnace should not be doing this it'll load up this

But it won't click

so I was trying to get through the barrier and the guy just had to let me through with his like key thing because

My phone physically won't move

Love-life. I also don't actually know where Lizzie is and now I can't get in touch with her

Because we found in work, so if today goes unsuccessfully, I'm gonna blame Ethel and up shop in technology

I'm also being stared at so yeah basically had a fun train ride here twitter has been going absolutely

Mental over the whole logan paul thing has happened

Probably we'll talk about that when we got very much

They cuz like cut some quite strong opinions. I look very tired

Anyway up rocks the day well. I don't know I never found them

I'm gonna go cuz I mean sad and hopefully next time you see me. I'll be with a wild was Yvonne

I found I knew you're gonna do that

Okay guys, so we're now at some pudding country, which we actually came to view the last time I was in Nottingham

Don't know the weight

But yeah the last one was enormous, and we came here we got like pancakes

I'd never had any Punk good at this before why should I just pop your phone?

Is he's trying to fix my own my phone's not working that you for me, it's not going to well

This is here

Was sad in the pudding country same see same fair light different look at my hat. It's raining look at it look at it

I hate having curly hair so because my phone isn't working

I'm having to use Lizzie's who is conveniently roughing my phone case if you guys want to buy my merch

There's the link below. I've just launched some more so and buy some wrap guys this looks so nice

Lizzie's vlogging too should head over to his channel subscribe and watch a blog

Yeah, oh my god. You guys this is like the best brunch ever. Oh nice has no joy. No

Okay, we're now in the Victoria Centre because it's raining took my phone to the Apple reseller, and they reset it for me

Which I had been completely failing to do because I forgot that you reset the iPhone 7 but differently

So now it's working fine

I don't really know why it crashed

But I think we're heading to where are we headed into Quinton swap shop to have a look for an outfit for Yves

Party and also. I want some Eugene Christmas tree even though. It's January. Yeah. I'm done with Christmas. I'm like

Oh God we're at the in manipulator we were being a while Lizzy

And I were in the Victoria setting set for like an hour and a half trying on dresses. I feel like I'm out of focus

But we've both gone a bit hungry again because you have right okay, so the thing is yeah, we are greedy

But like the pancakes weren't that filling there was only four of them. I didn't even finish my at the time

I was quite full so literally overall the beat and today is three pancakes so it was two and a half hours ago

So we're gonna go to Bella Italia. I think what we I'm feeling a pizza maybe

Yeah, no, but that's how you do very nice is just I'll just need to cocktail no um

Basically we were talking about different pizza places and then Lizzie mention there was a Bella Italia, and I was like well

They do good drinks, so I'm sold so I've got my classic drink. I swear

They usually put like leaves in it, but it's fine, so this is a strawberry

Spritz from Bella Italia they ID'd me I was very happy they never used Verdi may always want to show them a driving license so

here's my drink Hennessy, and we're getting a pizza to show even though we a

To be fairs no you three hours ago now

So that's okay

Yeah, yeah

That's what we're telling ourselves

More food no chip, sir

Lizzie's house, and I've actually just popped on a lipstick because we're gonna take a selfie

But then I realized that I got rained on so I want to curl my hair because I really want to up my Instagram game

In 2018 and I've seen like you know when you see that proper

Instagram people and proper youtubers where they like do their makeup just to take a selfie

Yeah, I'm not that person, but like I'm one of it

I know I don't want to be I just want to look nice and instagrams instead of like I've just been

Rained on yeah wearing this lipstick is about other stars here. It's in the shade, Veronica

I'm actually setting up before she's saying ring light, so you can take a selfie. It is extra. We need to get

Yeah, 2018 we're up in the work. I think we've actually just me start walking home by

Doing emails. We've been like working on stuff so actual madness Who am I okay? I'm not leaving the seats

We have taken some selfies. I call my hair the pictures didn't turn out that great

Mainly because I'm having a bad eye brow and lip day, so you know and all three things combined

It's not good, but we need to go now. We're in a bit of a rush

I will see you in two weeks a week and a half. Yeah. It's not long now not long

Yeah, she's put like in zone what you gonna. Do I'm not about to get on the train

I'm going to say goodbye to Lizzie. I've just bought some snacks for my journey, so I shall see you in two weeks

Thank you for a nice day

So alright. Oh my god. This spot is winding me up a lot. I picked again

Cute fit love that, but I actually had reordered my Stealer

I should oh that Tom had got me for Christmas is this one here

Because I sent Tom a link to one very very similar to this now although. This is running out

There is enough left in it to continue using yet

So didn't really need another one of these cuz I wanted to try different color, so I actually reordered it

We just sent it back and super simple changed it for this one which is in the shade C siren

And it's actually part of stealers mermaid collection, and I don't know if you guys can see how absolutely gorgeous

That is gonna swatch it for you. Oh my god. You guys you're not even ready for how gorgeous

This is look at the tea turn on that

I'm sorry about all the other makeup swatches on my handle all but yeah

This is the what why I've just come home to a package from BT, but very excited anyway. I'm gonna go to sleep now

I'm sorry about my parents and thoughts I'm gonna sit like this

But yeah, I've had a really nice date with Lizzie. I've really enjoyed it so nice to see her again and tomorrow

I'm actually going to see the greatest showmen with my friends from school, and I'm also going to see my cousin

So it should be a really really nice day tomorrow so excited to see the film see amazing reviews of it online so

me Tom Katie Greg

Toby Poli I think I'm missing somebody

Yeah, basically. There's like eight or nine of us going to the cinema

So it should be really really good nice to hang out with them, and I'm excited to see the film

So I'll pick you up in the morning. I'll be Wednesday

It's gonna be the last day of this weekly vlog because Thursday Friday. I'm going away, so yeah

I hope you've enjoyed the club's little day. I'm gonna go to sleep

Good morning, guys today is now Wednesday

And I'm actually going to my cousin's house know the rest of my family on up

So I don't know why it's like corpus tan

But I just finished getting ready after watching some more I got for Christmas videos

I feel like there was so many uploaded and I missed quite a few of them my eyebrows are driving me insane

So just don't look at them, but I have just applied running stealer eyeshadow. It is the gorgeous

Iridescent shade and I'm trying to like close my eye, and keep my other right open, and I really love it

I put it on with this color because I thought it would go and when it does go

They showed a very Destin it kind of blends in but I imagine you could pair this

I should there was like any other colored eyeshadow, so I'm just gonna put a lip balm because my lips are chapped

So I'm not gonna put lipstick on and then after I've been to my cousin's house. I'm going to see the greatest showmen today

I'm so excited. I've had so many good reviews, and the Internet's been going crazy about it, so as they already mentioned

I think me and my friend are going to see that but right now

I'm just gonna put this lip balm on and I'm gonna drive to my cousin's house she lives in hole so it's like 20 minute

Drive safe. Let's go

Thank you very much, okay, so I'm just openly vlogging, but we're at the cinema, and we're going to see the greatest showman

but Katie and Toby and

Greg everything really really late, so

We've come up with a greater statement, and that was thumbs down one of the best films. I've ever seen even Tom like

You know when you walk in going. Yeah, I did I just said Toby and Greg k2 are running really really late

So it was just me Tom and Polly they're balancing a you on the roof of my car and what the car

But oh my god you guys it was

Yeah, oh my god, it's like something else it's like it's like a musical, but it's also one of the most emotional

Like comments mom to come see it

Was yeah, yeah, just go and see if you haven't seen it I'm like in a real musical mood now

What dance was just coming up here into the car park and I was like?

The soundtrack it. I went into it out listening to the music I recommend doing it like that

Don't put me I'll get ya bring it anyway. We're gonna go home. Now. It's good when I hear it

Oh Thanh

Nien I'd give it like probably a ten I can imagine it to be so good on stage when they bring out on the West

End I definitely wanna go into it because theatrical wise it's such a good film anyway

Yeah, I'm gonna go to need to dive in okay

Guys I'm actually gonna end this book here. I've just fully finished editing out

I've really enjoyed watching it all back the transition between 2017 and 2018

I didn't originally think I was gonna catch on camera because I usually start my weekly books on a Monday

But I decided to do it like this just because Tom and I are actually going away for a couple of days tomorrow

So I'm gonna film that like separately

And I wanted to have this up and ready for when we get back so yeah

I hope you have really enjoyed the first weekly vlog back of the year

I'm gonna make a real effort this year to make them a lot more

Entertaining and not just me like start saying what I'm gonna do and not actually filming here

I'm definitely gonna try a lot harder because I really like my weekly vlogs and you guys definitely seem to like them

They're my most popular video on my channel, so yeah, you can guarantee that 2018

It's going to be like booked game from 2017 so I hope you have enjoyed this first one back

Give it a thumbs up if you have I'm sorry that it has been really long. I also promise

They will be between 20 and 25 minutes and not like 35 minutes like this one might be oops

But yeah, I'll see you all very soon, and I hope you've enjoyed it. Have a fab weekend. I'll see you soon party

I'll see you tomorrow morning. I love me. I am so yeah. Bye

For more infomation >> New Years Eve Party, Mini Haul & Seeing Liv and Lizzie! || The First Weekly Vlog of 2018! - Duration: 32:39.


Škoda Octavia 1.6 Ambiente - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Škoda Octavia 1.6 Ambiente - Duration: 1:01.


[Épisode 12] Anime Monster Strike (VOSTFR | Français sub) [The Fading Cosmos] [Full HD] - Duration: 11:44.

For more infomation >> [Épisode 12] Anime Monster Strike (VOSTFR | Français sub) [The Fading Cosmos] [Full HD] - Duration: 11:44.


les grands de la chansons moyen Atlas - Duration: 6:41.

For more infomation >> les grands de la chansons moyen Atlas - Duration: 6:41.


Besos de ceniza / Lyrics + Translation - Duration: 3:31.

Something happened to me. I can't sleep anymore

I take your foto and throw myself on the couch

I'm going to destroy it. The air is leaving me

You talked to her infront of yout house. I saw you

You pushed her in the corner and forget about me

I ran away. I couldn't stand it


She is my friend and it doesn't matter to you

It doesn't matter to you

She is my friend, my best one

You looked for her to talk about love

Kisses out of ash

Broken soul

Innocent eyes

Lying heart

You're clearing of like bandits

Kisses out of ash

Broken soul

Innocent eyes

Lying heart

Everything breaks again

They were promises, stories out of glas

Your kind of tying yourself is weak

You can't lie to me, no

She is my friend and it doesn't matter to you

It doesn't matter to you

She is my friend, my best one

You looked for her to talk about love

Kisses out of ash

Broken soul

Innocent eyes

Lying heart

You're clearing of like bandits

Kisses out of ash

Broken soul

Innocent eyes

Lying heart

Everything breaks again

Kisses out of ash

Broken soul

Innocent eyes

Lying heart

Everything breaks again

Kisses out of ash

Broken soul

Innocent eyes

Lying heart

Everything breaks again

She is my friend and it doesn't matter to you

It doesn't matter to you

She is my friend, my best one

You looked for her to talk about love

Kisses out of ash

Broken soul

Innocent eyes

Lying heart

You're clearing of like bandits

Kisses out of ash

Broken soul

Innocent eyes

Lying heart

Everything breaks again

For more infomation >> Besos de ceniza / Lyrics + Translation - Duration: 3:31.


An Altered Patina Frame; A time-lapsed Tutorial - Duration: 22:52.

For more infomation >> An Altered Patina Frame; A time-lapsed Tutorial - Duration: 22:52.


7 astuces pour être heureuse et pétillante | Évaluation énergétique, émotionnelle #2 - Duration: 10:02.

For more infomation >> 7 astuces pour être heureuse et pétillante | Évaluation énergétique, émotionnelle #2 - Duration: 10:02.


MeToe Nails Haul & Swatches -- Nail District - Duration: 9:53.

Hi everyone.

I'm Stefanie from Nail District and today I'm filming my very first YouTube video.

Now I've been playing with the idea of starting a YouTube Channel based around nail ever since

I started nail school.

But I didn't really have any idea as to what should be my first video ... and today I received

a package that I ordered from a very kind company and they've sent me a bunch more than

what I ordered.

So I'm just really really happy and I guess this is my way of saying thank you.

So I ordered with MeToe Nails and I guess what I'm gonna do is ... I'm gonna first show

you everything that I ordered, which is nothing exciting.

And then I'm gonna show you everything that they sent me as an extra, and that is exciting!

So MeToe Nails if you see this, thank you so much.

You just made my day, I'm really really happy and just let's get into the video!

Okay, so first I'm gonna show you everything that I ordered and the first thing that I

got was 4 packs of these nail pops, swatch sticks, ... whatever you want to call them.

And I got 4 of those, I think I ordered them in clear, but they're natural, I'm not even


Because with everything that I got, who am I to complain?!

The next thing I got was 2 bottles of alcohol, 70% alcohol, nothing exciting about that.

But you know, you just need stuff like that.

The next thing I got are these silicone tool, brush thingies, with rhinestones in them.

So that is really beautiful.

So I got these in green, teal, pink, blue and black.

It's a dual ended set and I'm really happy with those.

And the next and last thing that I got myself is Diva Gelpolish.

Which, I only ordered topcoats: both sticky, non-sticky and a matte.

So really nothing too exciting but I got these before and I don't know ... I was really happy

with the result that they gave.

The shine stays really nice and I got 5 bottles of those.

So I'm gonna show you a little close up of the polishes that I got ... So as I said,

they're all topcoats.

This is the UV-Matte Topcoat and I love the packaging by the way, with the little bow

tie and the diamond.

So I haven't tried this but I think it will work out just fine.

Then I have the Flexible Ultra Glossy Topcoat which, I have 2 of those.

Now this is the one that has the sticky layer.

I've used this before, the shine stays nice until the clients come in for a fill, so that's


And then this one I haven't tried yet, this is the Dazzling Topcoat which is a no wipe.

I got 2 of those so I'm excited to try that.

And now for the exciting part, I am going to show you everything that they sent me that

I did not order, but I just somehow got it in my box.

MeToe Nails, this is my way of saying thank you.

So the first thing that I got is this little pouch.

And it opens up like that, there's a couple of makeup brushes in here.

So ... it's really nice, it's soft.

Oh, that feels really nice.

So okay, it's not nail related but I really really love it.

I mean ... you could use them for glitters I guess, but I think these are makeup brushes

because I believe they do sell makeup brushes.

So that's that.

And then the next thing I got ... now, you get one of these packs with every order but

I'm gonna show it anyway because I'm always really happy.

Because I love to give some of these things out to my clients.

So I'm really glad that they put stuff like this in here.

You always get 1 nail file with a beautiful design on it.

Then you always get 1 of these cuticle revitaliser oils.

Some ... toe separators or ... whatever you call this?

And then you always get 1 pack, now usually with me it's been the caviar beads.

So now I already have them in 3 colors I believe.

I have a blue, a pink and now a green one.

It's always nice to add something to your collection that you didn't ask for, right?

So I'm definitely gonna use those.

Then they gave me a full size Diva Hand Peeling Creamy Hand Scrub in vanilla.

Now, I love vanilla!

Ohhh that smells so good!

So it's just a creamy texture, ... oh god, that smells good!


And there's little beads in them that's not too rough on my hand because sometimes ... my

skin is really sensitive and sometimes a scrub can be little bit harsh but not this one ... I

love it!

And that smell ... that's amazing!

I'm definitely gonna use that!

Let's wipe this off.

Now, this is the very reason I wanted to make this video.

This box has not 1, not 2, not 3, not 4, not 5 but 6 Diva Gellak colors and I am ... I'm

so happy . I can't believe that I just get these for free.

So thank , thank you, thank you MeToe Nails!

I'm gonna get them out of the box ... So these are the 6 colors that MeToe has sent me.

I have Ocean Blue, Dark Multi Glitter, which both of these I've been meaning to order but

I haven't yet so I'm really glad I got those right now.

And then they put in Caribbean, Vintage Purple, Magic Blue and Ibiza Smile.

So, I'm really happy and almost speachless that they would send me this much.

So I'm going to swatch the colors and I'll get back to you in a minute.

So these are all the swatches.

I have Dark Multi Glitter, Vintage Purple, Ocean Blue, Magic Blue, Caribbean and Ibiza


So I've applied 2 coats of every color and then I topped it of with the Flexible Ultra

Glossy Topcoat, just one layer.

So the last thing I wanted to show you is the UV-Matte Topcoat.

Now, on both sticks I've applied 2 layers of Ocean Blue, and then I used on this stick

the Flexible Ultra Glossy Topcoat.

And on this one the UV-Matte Topcoat.

So as you can see it's perfectly matte, it has a sticky layer so you do need to remove

that before you see the matte appear but this looks really good for a matte topcoat.

It's the first one I'm trying but I don't know ... that looks really nice.

So I'm excited about that.

So you guys this was everything that I got in my box.

I really wanna thank you guys for watching and I wanna thank MeToe Nails for sending

me all of this free stuff.

I'm really going to enjoy this.

I'm definitely going to use this.

If you wanna see more of my videos please subscribe, it's totally free!

And I'll see you in my next video!


For more infomation >> MeToe Nails Haul & Swatches -- Nail District - Duration: 9:53.


Conor McGregor - NOTORIOUS ᴴᴰ - Duration: 1:34.


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