Thứ Bảy, 6 tháng 1, 2018

Youtube daily report Jan 6 2018

Sara Ali Khan Looks Horrible While Singing The Song 'Tum Hi Ho'

For more infomation >> Sara Ali Khan Looks Horrible While Singing The Song 'Tum Hi Ho' - Duration: 2:43.


ZENGİN VS FAKİR HAYATI #1 - (Minecraft) - Duration: 10:04.

For more infomation >> ZENGİN VS FAKİR HAYATI #1 - (Minecraft) - Duration: 10:04.


Eltűnt lányt mentettünk ki a Gyilkos erdőből! Real witch on camera! - Duration: 19:36.

For more infomation >> Eltűnt lányt mentettünk ki a Gyilkos erdőből! Real witch on camera! - Duration: 19:36.


Дом 2 новости 6 января 2018 (6.01.2018) Раньше эфира - Duration: 3:46.

For more infomation >> Дом 2 новости 6 января 2018 (6.01.2018) Раньше эфира - Duration: 3:46.


How To Improve Your First Touch With Sofiane Boufal | You Ask, We Answer - Duration: 8:49.

For more infomation >> How To Improve Your First Touch With Sofiane Boufal | You Ask, We Answer - Duration: 8:49.


"FRIFFLE" jedan od NAJLEPSIH poteza sa kartama IKADA + objasnjenje trika sa kartama 1 deo - Duration: 5:12.

For more infomation >> "FRIFFLE" jedan od NAJLEPSIH poteza sa kartama IKADA + objasnjenje trika sa kartama 1 deo - Duration: 5:12.


Angel Card Reading JANUARY 7-13 with Elizabeth Harper - Duration: 11:23.

Welcome I'm Elizabeth Harper and I'm here with

this week's angel messages. So what I'd like you to do is place one or both of

your hands over your heart just like angel wings invite your angels to guide

you to either message one two or three a message that comes from their heart to

yours. Now what you can also do is move your cursor along to a place in the video

where your angels are guiding you and right there is a special message from

your Angels just allow your intuition to move you along to a place until you feel

intuitively it's time to stop and right there is a message from your angels. All

right okay so we have this big deck of cards for our three messages see if you

can intuit where I'm going to take those cards from and maybe what the color of

the card is or who that card is from. This is Archangel Michael, Archangel

Gabriel, the Archangels and the daily message cards as well. So that's four

different kinds of cards all right? So see if you can intuit. The first

card I feel is coming from the middle and I was seeing Gabriel getting that

sense of Gabriel was coming in for that. So our second card oh spirit coming in. It feels like

it's coming from the top all right that's a daily message card and then the

final card feels like it's coming right from the bottom that's another Archangel

Gabriel card I love that. So we've got both two Archangel Gabriel's and we've got

one angel message right in the middle. So the first one Archangel the first one

Archangel Gabriel is Retreat. Number one says to, "Block out distractions and spend

quiet time alone so that you can focus on your priorities." So you look at this

lady she's looking out into nature and it's

almost like she's dreaming of being out there. She wants to be out there. There's

this sense of needing to spend some time alone possibly but you know what it's

like I'm I'm looking at this I'm looking at this card right here and this this

little piece right here and it almost looks like to me that looks like one of

those helmets you would put on you know? That the helmet that you have you know

we go underwater and you go right down deep into the water that's what it looks

like to me that kind of helmet. So my sense with this is that it's saying that

it's time for you to go into emotions it's not just about retreating from

everything or going out into nature. There's a sense here of going into your

heart, of going into your emotional space, of going into that watery place that

maybe needs to be released and cleansed and maybe love needs to come into this

as well. There's a lot of green in this card so this is very much about healing

your heart right now and I feel almost as if especially the beginning of the

year that is time to regroup. There's this sense of just figuring out what it

is you want to bring in to your heart space. Maybe which relationships you want

to bring into your heart space or whether you want to just spend some time

alone. Especially with this retreat energy this retreat card this card is

for number one. So there is orange vibration that's right at the button

there as well and the orange vibration with the green together there's this

sense again of emotional energy and there's a sense of play that comes in

this too with that orange energy. So maybe it's time especially for the retreat is

to spend some time playing, to spend some time alone with your creativity, to spend

some time not just with you know relationships and people that you love

but to spend some time with yourself. To spend some time with the love that you

have for yourself.

So that's my feeling you know I'm just one thing one more thing. When I look at this

I see it's almost like she's about to start writing as well. So that retreat

may be about writing for you too and that green energy again is coming back

to the heart. What do you want from your heart? What you want to say from your

heart and the orange energy is that creative vibration that creative genius.

Alright so number two is gonna be the same thing here this is Cupid which is

kind of interesting because that's that heart energy again. Oh this is very

interesting to me. So this is the pink vibration and Cupid and this is saying.

"We send great waves of love into your heart and mind awakening your love for

life itself. Your clear decision to accept and enjoy romance has triggered

this reawakening. Allow yourself to spontaneously celebrate love in all of

its glorious aspects." Well now when I see that I think to myself you know that

this is it's it's almost as if it's about not just bringing in love and

looking for love on the outside but because you're blowing these bubbles I

feel like it's sending love out but it's you giving love to others. That is you

giving advice to others that is very much on a love based vibrations,

very much in a loving way. So there's such a lovely energy that comes in here

and it's very playful again. There's a playful vibration there's a playful

energy that's with this. So I'm feeling with that that's you know you could pop

that bubble right there and allow yourself to be surrounded by love but my

feeling with this is it's not just about receiving love or being in love

relationships it's about you sending love out. So because of these bubbles I

feel almost as if especially from the mouth

I feel that it's you speaking that it's you sending that love vibration out

right now. So you know for me this year is a year of rose-colored energy. There's

a pink vibration that's coming in so I feel almost I just saw there's a spark

there when I see sparks it's the truth. So when I'm seeing this I'm feeling

almost as if I'm feeling almost as if you're totally in tune with your

intuition. That that love energy putting it out is you healing others, is you

bringing intuitive insights to others, is you really tapping into source and

having your heart open to source as well. That's it that's the energy the soulmate

vibration in there too. Just as an aside. So then our final card is "Agent or

Manager" this is interesting. So Agent or Manager it says, "Your work

expands its reach as you partner with a professional who can help you." So for me

this is saying because you know for you you might think to yourself that, 'I don't

need an agent or a manager. I don't need somebody like this' but you may not

understand where it where it needs to be in your life. Where it needs to ground

where it needs to center in your life. But this could also be about someone who

is going to be a healer for you, someone who is going to support you, is going to

help you, is going to stand by your side. Someone that's like a friend. Someone who

is like a mentor. Somebody who is maybe running a course and they are a teacher

and you need to partner with them, you need to be in that course to help you to

support you with that next step. So I'm feeling that this is not just about

having an agent or a manager. But It's about having a teacher, that it's about having

someone that can help you. That it's about having somebody that will guide you on

your path. That's my feeling with this. I'm seeing all this red energy here and

that red is about go! Red is about getting moving and going

towards whatever it is you need right now. That red vibration is coming in with

this lilac energy too and you know that red energy is very grounded. It's keeping

you grounded, it's keeping you connected to the earth. It's helping you be in this

present moment and it's helping you to manifest what you need. So that red

energy that red vibration is going to help you to bring in whatever it is you

most need and want right now and I feel that when it says agent and manager that

there's somebody that can support you with that. So if you've been thinking, 'I know

all about red and all about the laws of attraction. I know all about this that and

the other' there is somebody that is going to support you and help you with

that. So use your intuition because there's a lot of violet in here and lilac. So you're very

intuitive this is a very intuitive time use your intuition to guide you to that

person that is going to support you and it's not necessarily someone that just

talks about the law of attraction either. Okay that's it for this week's Angel

Messages. I hope you enjoyed them now do make sure that you check out my new VIP

wait list for my membership. For my ONE SOUL membership. I am so excited about this

I'll be opening the doors in about two weeks time and I would love for you to

join me so that I can share with you all kinds of different wonderful things that

are going to support you on your journey. You'll see a link for that in the

description above or below. Also because we had Archangel Gabriel this week we

have two messages from Archangel Gabriel be sure to get my Archangel Gabriel

prayer. It will support you and help you connect with this beautiful vibrant

Archangel being. If you did enjoy this video please share

it with your friends I'm sure they would love to have an angel message. Please

give this video a thumbs up and let me know in the comments below if the

messages resonated for you. I will see you next week.

Lots of angel blessings to you. Bye!

For more infomation >> Angel Card Reading JANUARY 7-13 with Elizabeth Harper - Duration: 11:23.


【MUKBANG】 Aomori Prefecture Style Rice Cracker Porridge [CC Available]| Yuka [Oogui] - Duration: 4:51.

Hello it's Kinoshita Yuka ( English subtitles by ~Aphexx~)

so today! tadaa a Viewer who is living in Chiba sent me this

This is called 'senbei' broth

It was actually the viewers grandmother who lives in Aomori pref who sent this

aomori is renown for their senbei broth amazing...

the senbei broth sent by the grandmother from Aomori To the viewer in chiba then sent it my way

so nice~ What a wonderful history this has

~I dunno WTF I'm talking about here~

How fortunate I am alrighty let's make these

And inside this 'senbei' broth we've got a senbei cracker and soup

2 Packs serve 8 people

Heat up the water and add the soup mix

Once it comes to a simmer add veggies And the meat

It's chicken

Once it comes to a boil add the senbei cracker

This is what it looks like

Break one of these into 4 to 5 pieces

It's pretty hard

These senbei crackers made for broth Are super hard aren't they

After adding the senbei crackers Let simmer for 5 minutes

This hot pot smells so good itadakimasu

the senbei crackers are so tender now

This is what they look like

It's nice and chewy with a bit of A toothsome bite and it's very yummy

They taste similar to a mochi

It's got a nice chicken-y flavor as well And the soup is made with a soy sauce base

The veggies are tender as well

A hot pot that warms you up is perfect for winter

Every time I eat these onions They're always too hot

I will start adding the senbei that didn't Fit the first round

No matter how long you simmer these senbei They don't get all that mushy

They're so nice and chewy With a very nice toothsome bite



I will now add some yuzu citrus pepper

It's got such a nice flavor and aroma

Sesame seed

It's got a wonderful aroma

With the addition of sesame seeds It totally changes the flavor profile

It's so amazing that after all this time stewing in here the senbei have not Fallen apart

I totes thought they'd melt away in here They end up looking like this and are very soft

(no porgs were harmed in the making of these subtitles )

Last mouthful itadakimasu

all done gochisosamadeshita

the senbei broth was so yummy and the crackers We're nice and chewy

I really like the fact that, like a mochi They didn't disintegrate and melt away

And hot pots are perfect for getting your veggies and they warm you right up

Special thanks to the viewer who sent me this

the senbei broth was so very yummy won't you all please Give it a try as well

And as always thank you for watching if there is anything you want Need to do or eat please tell me in the comments section

below if you like this video please check the like and subscribe Buttons BAI BAI

For more infomation >> 【MUKBANG】 Aomori Prefecture Style Rice Cracker Porridge [CC Available]| Yuka [Oogui] - Duration: 4:51.


Don't Hug Me I'm Scared 4-Minecraft Animation 1080p (RUS SUB) - Duration: 2:51.

For more infomation >> Don't Hug Me I'm Scared 4-Minecraft Animation 1080p (RUS SUB) - Duration: 2:51.


మకర రాశి లక్షణాలు,స్వభావం | Makara Rasi | Yoga Manjari | Rasi Phalalu | Makara Rasi Characteristics - Duration: 27:51.


For more infomation >> మకర రాశి లక్షణాలు,స్వభావం | Makara Rasi | Yoga Manjari | Rasi Phalalu | Makara Rasi Characteristics - Duration: 27:51.


Blank canvas Makeup - Quoi de nouveau pour 2018 - Duration: 16:46.

Hello everybody, welcome back on Adantko. Today we're gonna see how to do this look that is a bit different from others

because I wanted to used this video to talk with you

This look is inspired by the youtuber James Charles, himself inspired by the instagramer Jodie Hulme

I found this look absolute stunning so I wanted to recreate it.

The first step is to apply the base from Lancôme, named "La Base Pro". Because I will put tones of makeup

Then I apply the lock it concealer from Kat Von D. I showed you 2 colors but I use the colored one for this step

I'll use the white one later

I apply it on large area underneath my eyes and I blend it with a beauty blender

This concealer is very thick and the beauty blender is just perfect for that kind of thick product

Then I take the foundation super stay 24h from maybelline

Wich is ( to my opinion) the perfect dupe of Huda's foundation but cheaper

So as you see I put few drops everywhere that I will blend with the beauty blender

And I do only the upper part of face because the lower part will be cover by white

I used the eyeshadow base from NYX to make sure all my shadows stay in place because i will use a lot.

I put it all over me eye lid and my brow bone and on my lower lash line

And for the palette I'm gonna use the one Jaclyn Hill created for MORPHE

So i begin with the shadow pukey that I put in my crease. It's yellow ocre matte shadow and I will blend it quite high on the brow bone

It will be my last transition color for every other red shadows

Above pukey I apply the shadow "hunts" that is more red but still matte

make sure to blend everything well

then I take the shadow roxanne that is even more red and it right into the crease

and i blend it into "hunts" that i applied just before

a lot of blending for this makeup

next shadow is "Jacz" it's a kind of red burgundy

that i apply on the outer part of the crease and i connect it with the outer part of the lash line

you make like a little V

and you blend blend blend

I put a lot of shadow on the lid instead of the crease but it's okay because we will correct it at the next step

i come back with concealer and re-draw my lid with it

because I have such a big lid so when I want a makeup kind of cut-creased I re-create the shape of my lid with concealer

Moreover the concealer is more sticky so it will help metallics shadows to stay on

The first mettalics shadow I use is "Sissy" which a pale pink

i apply it on the inner half of my lid

then I use Cranapple, still metallics but a lot more reddish

and i apply it on the outer half of the lid

and I blend these two together with the same brush

I used one edge of the brush for "sissy" and the other for "cranapple" so I just have to twist my brush to blend shadows in each others

that's what I'm doing right now

then I use the pencil eyeliner from Urban Decay in color Electric

which is a beautiful turquoise blue and I apply it all over the waterline

these eyeliners from Urban Decay are very creamy and pigmented and they are just perfect for the waterline

the colors are vivid bright and super easy to use

then I do the bottom lash line with the shadow "royalty" which is blue violet satin finish

and on the inner third of the bottom lash line i apply the shadow "jada" which is turquoise blue

For my brows I use the Brow gel cream from MAC in color dirty blonde

I just fill up my brows. No over-draw. Just want to give them more definitions

For lashes i will my favorite combo of the moment : bold and bad mascara from MAC and Huda Beauty lashes Samantha

Huda's False lashes are amazing. They are beautiful and very to put on

I'm a bit maniac with lashes that's why I take a lot of time to put it on

They are a bit more expensive than other but they worth it

Then I set up my foundation with the loose powder Airspun from Coty

I set my foundation only when eyes are done to get the complexion as flawless as possible

I take the white concealer that I showed you at the beginning to highlight my under eye area

I take the bronzer "illusion d'été" from Sisley

I absolutely love this product since few years now

And I will put a lot of it to create contrast with the lower part of my face later

I really wanted this contrast because this makeup is just perfect for instagram pictures and everything is more intense on instagram

so let's go and don't be shy with bronzer

then the contouring palette from NYX to accentuate contour and highlight

and for the contour i do it only under my cheeks and not for forehead

the blush is an extra dimension blush from MAC in color sweets for my sweet

and i'll put a lot to

just to keep this idea of contrast with the upper part of the face and the lower

For highlight i will use this combo strobe of genius by NYX in color mermaid armor + duo chromatic from NYX in color twilight tint

i blend the stick with my finger and i apply the other hi light above

and it gives a HUGE glow (for me)

I highlight my brow bone a little bit to creat more definitions and make the brow pop out

then a took a lot of time to touch up the eye makeup especially the bottom lash line

I wanted purple very well blended into the orange shadow so I took the time for

With the white khôl "fascinating" from MAC i draw borders where i'll put white later

and for the white i'm gonna use a palette from Make Up For Ever of creamy shadows

this makeup was quite complicate to remove

so as I said I wanted to use this video to talk with you

to tell you what's gonna happen this year and wish you a happy new year

so for now i can keep the rhythm of 2 videos per week

one Tuesday and the other at Saturday. Generally at the morning

And i will also do some mini tutorial for instagram that I will put at the same time than the regular vid on youtube

i didn't do that before. It's pretty new for me

I will talk with you a lot on instagram just to know what do you like and what do you wanna see

what else ?

I will work during the entire year for halloween

I know it's strange because it's in ten months

it's because for this year to put one video per day during the entire month of october so a total of 31 videos

it's the first time a do this but i have a lot of ideas for Halloween

even if it's not really the most watched video I don't care

because it's the kind of video i really enjoy to do

and on others channels it's also the kind of videos i really enjoyed to watch even if I do not recreate it

I started my channel 7years ago grace to that kind of videos so that's why

i wanted to do that this year. Do a Huge Halloween

and the same for christmas. You will have some artistic makeups for christmas to

so i will work a lot during this year for that

31 videos it's a lot of work and it's very challenging for me

it makes also 31 mini tutorials for instagram

So I hope you will like it

more reviews, more tutorials more everything

For January it will be 2 videos per week and I restrain myself to don't put 3

A lot of palette reviews with tutorials associated

and if you have some idea don't hesitate to share it with me and i'll do it if I can

You requested me a lot of makeup for hooded eyes and if I didn't do it it's just because I don't have the right model for

and it won't make sense to do it on me

so don't hesitate to ask me what do you wanna see

this year will be about exchanges and talk

The web is great for that, human interaction and talk. And if I don't talk with you I don't really see the point of doing my channel

I always take a lot of pleasure to read your comments and more to respond

That's the part I like the most in youtube

let's go back to the video. As you see I used A lot of white clown all over face and chest

It's very difficult to remove especially in ears

The goal is make it as white as possible

And I finish to blend it with a beauty Blender before powder it with a white loose powder from Make Up For Ever

I wanted it super white and super matte to contrast with the upper part of the face which tanned and glowy

The last product I used is the total control drop foundation from NYX

I put it between the foundation and the white and I let it flow on different parts

And it's this step that gives the illusion that the upper part of the makeup is flowing down on the lower part

The idea behind this makeup is to have a blank canvas that we begin to paint but without finish it

and as you see it works well

so I hope you like this tutorial

see you next time on Adantko bye bye

For more infomation >> Blank canvas Makeup - Quoi de nouveau pour 2018 - Duration: 16:46.


The search for a mysterious city. Abnormal weather. Climate Change Issue 95 - Duration: 16:25.

hello with you

information review of global climatic events

in the current issue we will see

search for the mysterious city run halt

climate review for the week

example of kindness from a 9 year old resident of the Tasmanian angels from the sea

history of the mysterious city run holt

began in the 1200s near a small harbor near the island of zip fal

the population of the city, which was estimated at 1,000



For many years people have lived together a parched bed never a deep channel

one channel slowly settled until January

1362 and it did not fill the waters of the northern sea, flooding the city with a layer of sand with

Since then the city has grown not only with a layer of mud but also with many legends

By the second half of the twentieth century, the sea practically swallowed the island's utensils for 130 years

having reduced it three times


1921 on the day of the Holy Trinity

peasant andreas bush passing through the flooded island saw a medieval settlement

naked sea

deciding that this is a run holt andreas the rest of life dedicated

research of the found city which could be spent only during low tide

the next major ethanol researcher khan sleep warrant searched for a mysterious island completely elsewhere

resting in summer

1992 with his family on the island people of the countries he discovered a map

outlines of the rund and his wards year


drawn up in

1652 year

cartographer Johannes of the mayor the outcome of the mind and after two years

interested professor with a group of students of the University of Bremen

went in search of the legendary city in worse

it was there that the hill was marked on the world map

instead of excavations it was difficult because it was under a layer of silt and water to find the sunken city failed

how can it be that the same city was found in different places

It is surprising that there are still discussions about where the sunken city is located and

although in the seventies of the 20th century a document was found in the hamburg in the state archives

confirming the church parish run chal that but as the archives in the administrative district show

such a city never existed

historians believe that the run of the halt is based on the banks of the channel to the southeast of the island of Pilm Varma

hundreds of years are searching for the sunken city

But so far we have found only a few artifacts

The climate is changing the rivers are laying a new channel and the cities are going under the water

run is not the only city of the lost sea abyss

It took only a few centuries that even the exact location of the city was lost in people's memory

now our civilization stands on the crosshair

global climate change is already changing the face of the planet and you can only

united on the basis of spiritual values

a person's life a moment, but what can we do in this moment

to sink into oblivion as it happened with rand khal there

or united in a united and united family

leave a trace of love that does not disappear centuries

choice for each person

December 23

Swiss in the cantons will and thunder benden as a result of the avalanche affected four people

during the day on the planet 297 were recorded whether the shaking of them was 51 magnitude greater than 4

the maximum magnitude was


December 24th


10 storms of the country collapsed with a wind speed of 26 meters per second

trees were dropped and power lines damaged homes without light left over 140 thousand people

yuar city boxing burg fell hail the size of a quail egg

Filipinos from the storm of topics ben from December 21 in 26 provinces

affected more than 700 15 thousand people were damaged thousands of houses bridges and highways

Russia suffered from strong winds Kaliningrad region

During the day, 336 earthquakes were recorded on the planet from them, 58 of which magnitude exceeded 4

the maximum magnitude was


December, 25

on the island Sakhalin collapsed a powerful cyclone wind speed reached 50 meters per second

20 thousand inhabitants were left without electricity

dozens of houses are damaged

Kazakhstan from the torrential rains suffered Karaganda and Pavlodar region


on the north-eastern Atlantic coast of the country collapsed winter storm and tone

strong wind pulled trees with roots and damaged electrical wires


The result of squall wind at speeds of up to 30 meters per second

province new scotland

157 thousand people were left without electricity

During the day, 339 earthquakes were recorded on the planet with 55 of them magnitude greater than 4

the maximum magnitude was

5,5 an example of kindness and humanity

time with who was a 12 year old resident of the island of tasmania for three years

independently sew soft toys for children lying in hospitals at the age of nine he asked his parents to buy him

Christmas presents for children to support them

but the family did not have money to buy toys and my mother suggested drawing children drawings

Later, Remez found on the Internet a pattern for sewing plush toys and decided to make one of them himself

after five hours, five hours later

hard work was sewn the first toy in his life

a teddy bear and although the bear cub was crooked

remez continued to learn this difficult business with each time improving their skills and skills

when was sewed 4 toys the boy decided that he would sew one toy a day

having named the business of the project by whom it was


Then my mother helped create a Facebook page on Facebook

where people help him to buy materials

Over this time, more than 800 soft toys were sewn and on the foot of each he embroidered the name of that

to whom it is intended

Despite the fact that toys are sewn for children from all over the world every week the boy personally comes to the children's hospital

to give a made toy

Remez likes to look at how smiling children are receiving gifts and they say they are smiling

some hug me this brings them happiness for the whole day

if one does good within his capabilities

the possibilities of good become unlimited

December 26


The snow cyclone hit the Kamchatka River at a wind speed of 25 meters per second

Austria as a result of the descent of a landslide to someone who did not waltz 130 residents were cut off from the outside world

40 people whose houses were destroyed

evacuated by helicopters

argentina large hail fell in the provinces of Cordoba and San Luis


from the flood affected the city to the agung south Sumatra

australia in southeast Queensland passed a city storm

During the day, 338 earthquakes were recorded on the planet with 64 of them magnitude greater than 4

the maximum magnitude was


27th of December


to the kimberley district, cyclone Hilda collapsed carrying heavy rains and leaving two thousand inhabitants without electricity

the wind speed reached 33 meters per second. The settlement was signed by 48 hours

429 millimeters of precipitation

Great Britain due to snowfall in the central and south-eastern parts of the country without electricity left 48 thousand people

Canada from the wind at a speed of 27 meters per second suffered the island of Newfoundland


due to the eruption of the volcano synabung on the island of Sumatra, the evacuation of residents

China, heavy snowfalls and a strong wind hit the northern part of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region


as a result of an earthquake of magnitude

4.2 in 50 kilometers west of the city of Tehran

suffered 57 people

during the day on the planet were recorded 306 earthquakes out of them 59 magnitude greater than 4

the maximum magnitude was


December 28th


on the island of hokkaido and in the northern part of the island of honshu for 24 hours fell to 40 centimeters of snow

hina and moto in the Fukushima Prefecture, the snow cover reached

158 centimeters and in the village Minako moment prefecture Gumma

130 and one centimeter


in the county and in the state of New York within 48 hours 158 cm of snow fell

Spain on the island of Mallorca fires covered dozens of hectares of forest evacuated hundreds of residents

During the day, 341 earthquakes were recorded on the planet with 54 of magnitude greater than 4

the maximum magnitude was 5.8

no difficulties that true love could not handle

There is no illness that she would not heal and the door she could not open

there is no such abyss through which the true love would not be thrown

there is no wall that she would not destroy and whose sin she could not atone for all

will solve love and

if you are able

selflessly love you will become the happiest person in the world

and fox

December 29 United States

in the city or in the state of retirement a record snowfall of 165 centimeters


city ​​of Kiev night with air temperature +

4.8 degrees Celsius became the warmest in the history of meteorological observations

this is the third warm temperature record first month

flowers as a result of warm weather on the peninsula, flowers began to fly and bees began to fly

During the day on the planet 373 earthquakes were recorded of them 46 manga there and more than 4

the maximum magnitude was 5.7

For a week there were thirty-six volcanoes in the herd of the eruption

within a week occurred

355 earthquakes within a radius of 20 kilometers from active volcanoes at a depth not exceeding 20 kilometers

the most active in or volcanoes are ascya and chrome under tenure of Iceland and also scarlet california

also there were 3 earthquakes in 30 kilometers from the euston caldera with a maximum magnitude one eight tenths

In just a week more than twenty thousand people became climate refugees

28 December 29

1908 in the Mithin Strait between the Apennine Peninsula and Sicily

there was the strongest earthquake in Europe


the cities of Messina Ridge of Calabria and palme were destroyed

affected 200 thousand inhabitants

At that time, near the port of Augusto, the teachings of the ships of the Baltic Fleet of Russia

tsarevich words and admiral Makarov

which later joined the hero

When they waited for the order of the higher authorities, they hastened to the aid of the inhabitants

Within 6 days they saved the lives of people without knowing fatigue

young sailors cleared the rubble

Looking for buried people under them in the ship infirmaries, reception points for the wounded were placed

Thanks to the dedication of the sailors, thousands of residents were rescued

victims on ships were transported to the safe city of Naples Palermo and Syracuse

where they brought back the necessary medicines

rescued Italians called sailors angels from the sea speaking

they were sent to me by the sea but the sky

local doctors already wrote about them we can not describe

more than fraternal worries that surrounded us and

today, local residents remember the feat of angels from the sea as an example of true humanity

according to the Italian journalist

Matilda sorrow in the history of Messina was thousands of pages of human kindness and generosity

but the very first page of the eternal and imperishable in that history they inscribed

blonde Slavs so restrained in appearance and so responsive and in deed

if angels from the sea are capable of this, what the angels can do

consisting of the greatest strength for which there is nothing impossible out of love but

it may be time for each of us to become an angel of judgment to them out of love

because helping other people in a spiritual sense, you help yourself

so you can help yourself much more than the scuffle temporarily saving your material body

unification of people is the guarantee of the survival of mankind.

climate events in the world and the solution of climate problems can be found on the website of the Hya Center. info and also on the site

allatra hyphens. Orc and in the report of scientists allatra science about the problems and

consequences of global climate change on earth

Effective ways to solve these problems

For more infomation >> The search for a mysterious city. Abnormal weather. Climate Change Issue 95 - Duration: 16:25.


YouTube Algorithm 2018 - Video Notifications & The Bell Icon (7/7) - Duration: 3:56.

Today in my final video in this series on the YouTube algorithm in 2018 we're

going to deep dive into notifications.

Now if you want to watch this playlist

from the start there's a link up here the description down below, but today

notifications, so here we go!

Hello and welcome back to another video.

Now if you're new around here and

looking to start a YouTube channel, grow your YouTube channel, or put your brand

out there it's the second largest search engine on the Internet. Click subscribe,


Now YouTube notifications is something that they added within the

last two or three years.

It's like an additional Bell button alongside your

subscribe button.

So you could be subscribed to a channel and have it

listed or you can be subscribe and belled, notified on that specific channel and

what that does is it triggers some additional features to kind of prompt

you when something's out.

Now before we deep dive into notifications I want to

know are you subscribed to this channel? are you notified for this channel?

What are the channels do you specifically choose to be notified for?

Like if you've

got 20 subscriptions that you channels and you love what what makes you decide

what channels you notify for on what videos you just subscribe for?

So you're

you want to specifically see that video right now but the other ones your list

and your go watch in the evening.

Please leave a comment down below

Now YouTube notifications appear in many ways. They can be a little alerts on your

phone that pop up.

They can be emails, they can be push notifications on any

smart device.

Now notifications help kickstart a video.

Basically everyone

jumps on and it lifts but notifications don't tend to be the bulk of your

YouTube views on that video.

Now notifications aren't always pushed out

on subscribed channels from time to time the occasional video will be pushed via

email or via notification.

That's only for subscribers but if you

click that little notification bell icon you will be alerted with every video

that that channel uploads.

So in an ideal world as a creator you're trying to push

people to not only subscribe but also click that bell because the Bell gets

the immediate traffic and the immediate jump.

But I understand it's hard to push

people to subscribe let alone subscribe and something else.

Now the best way to

understand how subscriptions and notifications works is to you know

subscribe to channels.

So in this case if you're

subscribed here, click that subscribe button.

Or if you're not notified

click that Bell button you'll then see as long as the push notifications are on,

on your phone, the difference between I'm subscribed and I got this.

Or I'm a

notifeye or part of the "notification squad" and every time I get this little

pop-up or this little email.

If you're trying to push people towards that

direction which will help you and help them keep more engaged then tell them

why it's good for them.

You need to tell them that make sure that you don't miss

any of the videos right if you're really engaged in these tutorials if you click

that notification button you'll see the next time I upload a video.

This video could help you grow your YouTube channel

and the way you do it is by going here

and clicking on that Bell button.

See that bell button, click that, there you go!


At the end of the day that is the icing on the cake, that is exactly

what you're looking for.

Once you've mastered how to appear on search,

understand how the algorithm works, understand how the trending tab works,

how are you getting subscribers, how you're using playlists.

Once you amalgamate all of those and they finally subscribe you're done and you understand

every detail of the YouTube algorithm in 2018.

Now if you want to go back and learn

every detail of this playlist there's the the link up here in the description

down below.

We go through every step of the YouTube algorithm in 2018.

Remember to

subscribe to this channel and hit that notification icon to be alerted every

time I upload a new video.

Go out there, START CREATING!

For more infomation >> YouTube Algorithm 2018 - Video Notifications & The Bell Icon (7/7) - Duration: 3:56.


Doctors Shocked Only One Cures Diabetes - Duration: 14:19.

if we start eating foods high in negative cholesterol or saturated fats

even though we can absorb a little nutrients we will fill our body with

fats and problems that can even be fatal in some way a clear example of this is

blood pressure when we consume too much fats they clog the blood and cause

serious health problems but do not worry that with this natural remedy you will

finish fat and cholesterol naturally the remedy that ends with cholesterol

diabetes and fat ingredients for organic lemons one

ginger root for heads of garlic and two liters of water method of preparation

wash the lemons well and cut them into small pieces also feel all cloves of

garlic put the lemon garlic and ginger into your blender proceed to mix it

until a good texture is achieved

place the mixture in a bowl

understeering while boiling

when boiling turn of the heat and wait for it to cool completely

this mixture should be glued and placed in a glass bottle preferably use you

should drink a glass of this mixture 2 hours before each meal preferably not an

empty stomach this should be done for three weeks in a row without

interruption then rest from the treatment for a week

and proceed to do it again because each part of this remedy is natural and has

distinct benefits there is no need for you to take anything extra to enhance

its use the week of rest is to give the body time to observe all the nutrients

without problems do this regularly to reduce your high blood sugar levels

cholesterol and other infections in your body your diabetes symptoms will

disappear within few days with this amazing natural recipe there are two

main types of diabetes type 1 when the pancreas does not produce any insulin

type 2 when the body cells does not react to insulin or the pancreas does

not produce enough insulin what causes diabetes the general cause for the

appearance of diabetes is unknown di't genetics obesity and lack of exercise

may play some role in developing especially type 2 diabetes what are the

symptoms of diabetes frequent urination extreme thirst unusual weight loss

blurry vision increased the tiredness extreme hunger how does diabetes affect

my body as time passes the high blood sugar levels can lead to numerous

diseases like for example heart disease kidney disease and blindness this excess

of sugar in the bloodstream can also harden or narrow your arteries and

damage the tiny blood vessels in your kidneys and eyes doctors usually

prescribe their patients with numerous medicines every day others inject

insulin every day they can even pose a threat because they are full of

chemicals here is a natural remedy which help you control diabetes it is much

cheaper than medicines and can't harm you because it is natural Huell is the

recipe ingredients to cinnamon sticks one bag of clothes that is one

tablespoon 1.5 liters of bottled water preparation take a bowl add some water

and allow it to boil now add some cinnamon sticks and some claws and boil

again for 10 minutes leave this water to cool and store in a refrigerator drink 1

deciliter water every morning on an empty stomach when you notice that there

is enough water for only 4 days prepare a new dose drink three bottles

of this medicine then take a 15 days break this natural remedy is excellent

for people who suffer from diabetes you will save money and you will get rid of

diabetes in only 5 days homemade oil Vedic powder to control diabetes this

oil redic powder brings amazing changes in diabetes and helps to cure diabetes

naturally without any medicines coriander seeds coriander seeds are

being used to cure diabetes since a long time also in many studies it has been

proved that coriander is helpful in reducing diabetes coriander reduces the

glucose levels of your blood fenugreek seeds fenugreek seeds are being used as

traditional herbal treatment for diabetes it is a good supplement to cure

diabetes ingredients fenugreek seeds 1 cup coriander seeds 1 TSP fennel seeds

called salt 1 tsp cumin seeds called jeera 1 TSP and turmeric powder 1 TSP

preparation add fenugreek seeds in hot pan and roast on medium high heat for

one or two minutes still frequently until it gets a red brown in color as

shown in video and keep it aside now fry fennel cumin and coriander seeds and

it gets light red brown color now add ingredients in grinder and switch on

mixer to make ingredients into powder check the powder for solid parts to be

grinded and mix turmeric powder and once again switch on grinder to mix

thoroughly coriander plus fenugreek powder is now ready and use it in

regular diet for good results usage rule mix 1 TSP of coriander

fenugreek powder in glass of water and take it daily usage before breakfast and

dinner and cheat diabetes levels for every 3 days

by taking this powder regularly you can reduce your high blood sugar levels

simple kitchen maid oil controls diabetes cholesterol and cures kidneys

cinnamon has been used for thousands of years as a spice ingredient in kitchen

cinnamon has many health benefits as well it provides iron calcium and

minerals to our bodies cinnamon for type 2 diabetes according to the american

diabetes care cinnamon reduces serum glucose

triglyceride LDL cholesterol and total cholesterol in people with type 2

diabetes cinnamon for cholesterol improved serum glucose lowering fasting

blood glucose and reducing triglycerides LDL cholesterol and total cholesterol

these are all benefits that can help even including those with hereditary

cholesterol worries or problems cinnamon for kidneys unhealthy lifestyles can

have a tremendous negative effect on kidney which leading to failure of the

kidneys alloxan another and their own mental toxins are eliminated from

kidneys by regular use of cinnamon how to make cinnamon oil ingredients

cinnamon sticks olive oil tall and wide mouth bound and amber bottle process

place cinnamon sticks into the bowl pour olive oil on sticks to cover cold sticks

keep in a warm area for at least 3 to 4 weeks

shake once in every day to mix olive oil with the sticks

after three weeks pull out cinnamon sticks strain the oil place the oil in

an airtight amber bottle store in a cool dry place directions to use mix one or

two drops in your tea or drinking water and drink slowly do this daily for

better results you can use few drops in hot water for bath mix cinnamon oil with

carried oil and massage on stomach for digestion problems by doing this

regularly you can reduce diabetes cholesterol and kidney problems homemade

medicine to control diabetes diabetes can be cured naturally by using oil

Vedic simple home remedies following from an sometimes which we don't know

let us see how diabetes can cure naturally by using black cumin and cumin

seeds fenugreek seeds and above seeds black cumin black cumin seeds decreases

high blood glucose levels by increasing insulin sensitivity and glucose uptake

by cells cumin seeds help to block formation of age advanced a glycation

end-products typical in most diabetes fenugreek seeds fenugreek seeds are

being used as traditional herbal treatment for diabetes it is a good

supplement to cure diabetes ingredients fenugreek seeds 25 grams cumin seeds

called jeera 25 grams Kalonji seeds that is black jeera 25

grams and adjoin 25 grams preparation add fenugreek seeds in hot pan and roast

on medium high heat for one or two minutes stir frequently until it gets

red brown in color as shown in video and keep it aside now fry adjoin black cumin

and brown cumin seeds until it gets light red Brown cloud repeat

until it gets light red brown color now add fenugreek seeds and all ingredients

one by one in grinder and switch on mixer to make ingredients into powder

check the powder for solids parts to be grinded and switch on grinder to mix

thoroughly fenugreek and black cumin powder is now ready and take it in a

small container box and use it in a regular diet for good results

usage rule mix 1 teaspoon of fenugreek and black cumin powder in glass of water

and take in daily usage before breakfast and dinner and check diabetes levels for

every 3 days by taking this powder regularly you can

reduce high blood sugar levels to natural remedies to control diabetes in

one week diabetes is one of the fast growing lifestyle disorder that can be

effectively managed with few lifestyle modifications and eating a healthy diet

characterized by high blood sugar levels in the body this condition affects the

body's ability to either produce insulin or to use insulin effectively although

there are numerous treatment options available to keep your blood sugar

levels in control home remedies can work wonders in achieving this task here we

have two effective home remedies to maintain your blood sugar levels on

Lidia healthy life with free diabetes for this remedy all we need cumin seeds

50 grams black pepper 50 grams clothes 10 grams fenugreek seeds 50 grams before

making this wonderful remedy let's know the health benefits of ingredients cumin

seeds cumin has their few special powers when it comes to your nutritional health

cumin seeds are a good source of iron they are thought to exert an anti-tumor

effect against cancer and now researchers have found that human seeds

may also have a unique ability to keep blood glucose in check black pepper

antioxidants that protect against cell damage caused by free radicals and also

type 2 diabetes' minerals that include potassium and iron helps to control

heart rate blood pressure cellular respiration and increased blood cell

production clothes clothes come from a flower bud of a tropical evergreen tree

research promotes the use of cloves for patients with diabetes for the glucose

lowering impacts experience it when consuming clothes on a daily basis when

consumed for more than 30 days according to research published clothes have the

potential to lower an average serum glucose from 225 milligrams per

deciliter to 150 milligrams per deciliter fenugreek seeds fenugreek

seeds are high in soluble fiber which helps lower blood sugar by slowing down

the addition and absorption of carbohydrates this suggests they may be

effective treating people with diabetes several clinical trials showed that

fenugreek seeds can improve most metabolic symptoms associated with both

type 1 and type 2 diabetes in humans by lowering blood glucose levels and

improving glucose tolerance let us see making off first remedy firstly soak one

table spoon of fenugreek seeds in glass of water overnight in the morning drink

this water with empty stomach and eat fenugreek seeds second remedy crush the

remaining ingredients in a pestle kitchen tool or you can use a motor

grinder take 1/2 TSP of this mixture directly daily in the morning with empty

stomach follow this to simple kitchen remedies for one week and check your

blood sugar levels thank you for watching this video like and subscribe

for more videos

For more infomation >> Doctors Shocked Only One Cures Diabetes - Duration: 14:19.


Deep Meditation Music for Fantasy & Creativity | Harmony Inner Peace Music | 432 hz - Duration: 49:02.

For more infomation >> Deep Meditation Music for Fantasy & Creativity | Harmony Inner Peace Music | 432 hz - Duration: 49:02.


Mitchie M × OSTER project, Hatsune Miku - The House Where Songs Live In (Maison Hatsune) - Duration: 4:07.

For more infomation >> Mitchie M × OSTER project, Hatsune Miku - The House Where Songs Live In (Maison Hatsune) - Duration: 4:07.


Phim Hoạt Hình Hay Nhất 2018 - LẠC TRÔI TRÊN BIỂN ♥ Khoảnh Khắc Kỳ Diệu Mới - Hoạt Hình Mới Nhất - Duration: 11:36.

For more infomation >> Phim Hoạt Hình Hay Nhất 2018 - LẠC TRÔI TRÊN BIỂN ♥ Khoảnh Khắc Kỳ Diệu Mới - Hoạt Hình Mới Nhất - Duration: 11:36.


SIGNING DAY VLOG | Virgil van Dijk's first day at Liverpool - From the Airport to Anfield - Duration: 5:28.

For more infomation >> SIGNING DAY VLOG | Virgil van Dijk's first day at Liverpool - From the Airport to Anfield - Duration: 5:28.


Thomas Lemar deal obstructive should Liverpool turn to unwanted PSG star instead ? ● News Now ● #LFC - Duration: 2:13.

Monaco tell Liverpool that Thomas Lemar is going nowhere so should they instead target

unwanted PSG winger Lucas Moura?

Monaco head coach Leonardo Jardim has ended any hopes Liverpool had of signing Thomas

Lemar in the January transfer window.

Lemar was wanted by the Reds as a potential replacement for Barcelona target Philippe

Coutinho, as reported by the Liverpool Echo,

but according to Jardim the 22-year-old is going nowhere - this month, at least.

"Monaco are not in the habit of making big sales in the winter," he said.

"It's our strategy.

The players understand and they know how it goes here."

Coutinho is still expected to join Barca, with the Times reporting his current Premier

League owners are ready to accept a £140m offer for the Brazilian.

Therefore, if the Merseysiders are keen to replace the 25-year-old immediately then should

they perhaps consider fellow countryman Lucas Moura, - who has been told by Paris Saint-Germain

boss Unai Emery that he can leave?

"Some players who play less, maybe they can be protagonists of another team because they

are good players and do not have the opportunity to play here, like Lucas Moura or Hatem Ben

Arfa," Emery told French publication L'Equipe.

Moura has been with PSG for four-and-a-half years, scoring 46 goals and providing 50 assists

in 229 games in all competitions and winning 11 major trophies in the process.

Yet this season the winger has been scarcely used by Emery and has made just six first

team appearances and looks to be on his way out of the Parc des Princes.

For more infomation >> Thomas Lemar deal obstructive should Liverpool turn to unwanted PSG star instead ? ● News Now ● #LFC - Duration: 2:13.


ludo king हर गेम कैसे जीते || 100 % Win Ludo King Tricks And Ludo King Tips || Ludo Game - Duration: 15:15.

How Win Ludo King Tricks And Ludo King Tips

For more infomation >> ludo king हर गेम कैसे जीते || 100 % Win Ludo King Tricks And Ludo King Tips || Ludo Game - Duration: 15:15.


64歲大B哥全家近照曝光,生活艱辛走穴被打,女兒美麗不隨他! - Duration: 5:54.

For more infomation >> 64歲大B哥全家近照曝光,生活艱辛走穴被打,女兒美麗不隨他! - Duration: 5:54.


How to help refugees - (VPRO documentary - 2015) - Duration: 47:55.

For more infomation >> How to help refugees - (VPRO documentary - 2015) - Duration: 47:55.


【貓咪塔羅占卜】 你和他未來關係發展? - Duration: 2:15.

For more infomation >> 【貓咪塔羅占卜】 你和他未來關係發展? - Duration: 2:15.


クレヨンしんちゃん アニメ 2017 Vol 41 - クレヨンしんちゃん コンパイル - Duration: 12:40.

For more infomation >> クレヨンしんちゃん アニメ 2017 Vol 41 - クレヨンしんちゃん コンパイル - Duration: 12:40.


Where Do We Go

For more infomation >> Where Do We Go


For more infomation >> Where Do We Go


EXODUS (Hard n Heavy) - Duration: 3:24.

For more infomation >> EXODUS (Hard n Heavy) - Duration: 3:24.


For more infomation >> EXODUS (Hard n Heavy) - Duration: 3:24.


Blank canvas Makeup - Quoi de nouveau pour 2018 - Duration: 16:46.

Hello everybody, welcome back on Adantko. Today we're gonna see how to do this look that is a bit different from others

because I wanted to used this video to talk with you

This look is inspired by the youtuber James Charles, himself inspired by the instagramer Jodie Hulme

I found this look absolute stunning so I wanted to recreate it.

The first step is to apply the base from Lancôme, named "La Base Pro". Because I will put tones of makeup

Then I apply the lock it concealer from Kat Von D. I showed you 2 colors but I use the colored one for this step

I'll use the white one later

I apply it on large area underneath my eyes and I blend it with a beauty blender

This concealer is very thick and the beauty blender is just perfect for that kind of thick product

Then I take the foundation super stay 24h from maybelline

Wich is ( to my opinion) the perfect dupe of Huda's foundation but cheaper

So as you see I put few drops everywhere that I will blend with the beauty blender

And I do only the upper part of face because the lower part will be cover by white

I used the eyeshadow base from NYX to make sure all my shadows stay in place because i will use a lot.

I put it all over me eye lid and my brow bone and on my lower lash line

And for the palette I'm gonna use the one Jaclyn Hill created for MORPHE

So i begin with the shadow pukey that I put in my crease. It's yellow ocre matte shadow and I will blend it quite high on the brow bone

It will be my last transition color for every other red shadows

Above pukey I apply the shadow "hunts" that is more red but still matte

make sure to blend everything well

then I take the shadow roxanne that is even more red and it right into the crease

and i blend it into "hunts" that i applied just before

a lot of blending for this makeup

next shadow is "Jacz" it's a kind of red burgundy

that i apply on the outer part of the crease and i connect it with the outer part of the lash line

you make like a little V

and you blend blend blend

I put a lot of shadow on the lid instead of the crease but it's okay because we will correct it at the next step

i come back with concealer and re-draw my lid with it

because I have such a big lid so when I want a makeup kind of cut-creased I re-create the shape of my lid with concealer

Moreover the concealer is more sticky so it will help metallics shadows to stay on

The first mettalics shadow I use is "Sissy" which a pale pink

i apply it on the inner half of my lid

then I use Cranapple, still metallics but a lot more reddish

and i apply it on the outer half of the lid

and I blend these two together with the same brush

I used one edge of the brush for "sissy" and the other for "cranapple" so I just have to twist my brush to blend shadows in each others

that's what I'm doing right now

then I use the pencil eyeliner from Urban Decay in color Electric

which is a beautiful turquoise blue and I apply it all over the waterline

these eyeliners from Urban Decay are very creamy and pigmented and they are just perfect for the waterline

the colors are vivid bright and super easy to use

then I do the bottom lash line with the shadow "royalty" which is blue violet satin finish

and on the inner third of the bottom lash line i apply the shadow "jada" which is turquoise blue

For my brows I use the Brow gel cream from MAC in color dirty blonde

I just fill up my brows. No over-draw. Just want to give them more definitions

For lashes i will my favorite combo of the moment : bold and bad mascara from MAC and Huda Beauty lashes Samantha

Huda's False lashes are amazing. They are beautiful and very to put on

I'm a bit maniac with lashes that's why I take a lot of time to put it on

They are a bit more expensive than other but they worth it

Then I set up my foundation with the loose powder Airspun from Coty

I set my foundation only when eyes are done to get the complexion as flawless as possible

I take the white concealer that I showed you at the beginning to highlight my under eye area

I take the bronzer "illusion d'été" from Sisley

I absolutely love this product since few years now

And I will put a lot of it to create contrast with the lower part of my face later

I really wanted this contrast because this makeup is just perfect for instagram pictures and everything is more intense on instagram

so let's go and don't be shy with bronzer

then the contouring palette from NYX to accentuate contour and highlight

and for the contour i do it only under my cheeks and not for forehead

the blush is an extra dimension blush from MAC in color sweets for my sweet

and i'll put a lot to

just to keep this idea of contrast with the upper part of the face and the lower

For highlight i will use this combo strobe of genius by NYX in color mermaid armor + duo chromatic from NYX in color twilight tint

i blend the stick with my finger and i apply the other hi light above

and it gives a HUGE glow (for me)

I highlight my brow bone a little bit to creat more definitions and make the brow pop out

then a took a lot of time to touch up the eye makeup especially the bottom lash line

I wanted purple very well blended into the orange shadow so I took the time for

With the white khôl "fascinating" from MAC i draw borders where i'll put white later

and for the white i'm gonna use a palette from Make Up For Ever of creamy shadows

this makeup was quite complicate to remove

so as I said I wanted to use this video to talk with you

to tell you what's gonna happen this year and wish you a happy new year

so for now i can keep the rhythm of 2 videos per week

one Tuesday and the other at Saturday. Generally at the morning

And i will also do some mini tutorial for instagram that I will put at the same time than the regular vid on youtube

i didn't do that before. It's pretty new for me

I will talk with you a lot on instagram just to know what do you like and what do you wanna see

what else ?

I will work during the entire year for halloween

I know it's strange because it's in ten months

it's because for this year to put one video per day during the entire month of october so a total of 31 videos

it's the first time a do this but i have a lot of ideas for Halloween

even if it's not really the most watched video I don't care

because it's the kind of video i really enjoy to do

and on others channels it's also the kind of videos i really enjoyed to watch even if I do not recreate it

I started my channel 7years ago grace to that kind of videos so that's why

i wanted to do that this year. Do a Huge Halloween

and the same for christmas. You will have some artistic makeups for christmas to

so i will work a lot during this year for that

31 videos it's a lot of work and it's very challenging for me

it makes also 31 mini tutorials for instagram

So I hope you will like it

more reviews, more tutorials more everything

For January it will be 2 videos per week and I restrain myself to don't put 3

A lot of palette reviews with tutorials associated

and if you have some idea don't hesitate to share it with me and i'll do it if I can

You requested me a lot of makeup for hooded eyes and if I didn't do it it's just because I don't have the right model for

and it won't make sense to do it on me

so don't hesitate to ask me what do you wanna see

this year will be about exchanges and talk

The web is great for that, human interaction and talk. And if I don't talk with you I don't really see the point of doing my channel

I always take a lot of pleasure to read your comments and more to respond

That's the part I like the most in youtube

let's go back to the video. As you see I used A lot of white clown all over face and chest

It's very difficult to remove especially in ears

The goal is make it as white as possible

And I finish to blend it with a beauty Blender before powder it with a white loose powder from Make Up For Ever

I wanted it super white and super matte to contrast with the upper part of the face which tanned and glowy

The last product I used is the total control drop foundation from NYX

I put it between the foundation and the white and I let it flow on different parts

And it's this step that gives the illusion that the upper part of the makeup is flowing down on the lower part

The idea behind this makeup is to have a blank canvas that we begin to paint but without finish it

and as you see it works well

so I hope you like this tutorial

see you next time on Adantko bye bye

For more infomation >> Blank canvas Makeup - Quoi de nouveau pour 2018 - Duration: 16:46.


For more infomation >> Blank canvas Makeup - Quoi de nouveau pour 2018 - Duration: 16:46.


Ulzzang Makuep【Aochan】|Eng Sub - Duration: 10:12.

For the ulzzang makeup, it's coloring dark on the inside of the mouth.

Not adding much or not at all.

After adding two or three times, blowing the powder off and going from the tip to the eyebrows.

Not leaving the details out.

Hello everyone, this is Aochan.

From all of your requests, I'm trying out the ulzzang Makeup.

It's my own style so I'm not sure if it is really ulzzang style,

but I have the key points done, so please check it out.

So here we....start.

The color contacts are as usual. Twinkle Eyes Sky Gray.

Doing the base first.

Sofina Prima Vista Anti sebum base.

As I had tried this out today, it covers pretty well so

I didn't think I need foundation,

so I want to go onto the next step without using any foundation.

Since I'm not using any foundation, I am going to coverup the uneven parts.

CanMake cover and stretch concealer no.1

Drawing under the eyes, and as usual drawing like the whiskers of the cat.

For today I'm adding more than usual to cover the red of the skin.

Erasing the pimple marks.

KATE stick concealer natural beige.

Since I'm not using any foundation, the pimple marks are visible than usual.

So I am laying it on every one of them to cover it.

Adding the powder.

AC High Cover Matte Powder in Healthy Skin color.

Even though I'm not using any foundation, if I don't use any powder, it will give too much glitter

so adding the powder as usual.

The eyebrows.

KATE designing eyebrow in light brown.

For the color, it's as usual mixing the darkest and the second darkest color

adding from the inner corner going outward

and making it light as it goes out.

Next is drawing the eyebrows.

K-palette lasting two way eyebrows no1

Here I have the first key to Orchan makeup.

It's normal to have the eyebrows horizontal in ulzzang makeup

So it's adding more to the bottom part.

Adding to the bottom part of the outer corner

Drawing so that it won't go upward or create a mountain-like shape.

Doing the eyebrow mascara.

KissMe Heavy Rotation Coloring Eyebrow Yellow Brown.

This is as usual. Since the eyebrow liner is in light color,

which will make the eyebrows stand out too much,

so if I go one way, two ways, it will look like it was dyed naturally.

The eyelash curler.

Recently I have not been using it in several steps,

but just clamping the root part and let nature take the rest,

but if you work hard and go 1, 2, 3 and divide it into 3 parts, it will look more natural.

Drawing the eyeliner next.

K-palette real lasting eyeliner

Color BB, the real black one.

Here I have the second key point for the ulzzang makeup.

ulzzang makeup doesn't give wings, or should I say make it like a cat

or make it droopy. Even though I like to make the cat eye,

but making it a straight line. Connecting straight with the outer corner.

Adding the fake lashes on.

It's called the Diamond Lash noble eyes.

It's pretty rare for me to use this yellow series,

It's really thin. Probably thinner than eyelash extensions.

After attaching it, I will add on mascara later

It really looks natural that you look like you only have your original lashes.

If I have the thick lashes like usual, that itself will make it look like a gyaru,

So when doing the ulzzang makeup, I choose the lightest lashes possible.

The eyelid glue.

Bijyo no futae tape in color nudy pink.

This comes in three types. Transparent, light yellow and light pink

I personally felt the pink matches the skin well so using the pink.

Adding the eyeshadow on.

Maybelline Hyper Diamond Shadow GD-1

Adding the whole eyelid with this orange like color,

With the dark brown color, drawing the bottom part of the double eyelid.

Adding very slightly to the outer and inner corner,

and with the excessive makeup adding the middle part.

Creating the eye bags.

The eye bags are the basic for the ulzzang makeup and it is key no.2

Adding this on.

CanMake jewelry shadow veil in color 01.

For this one, the size of the glitter on left and right are different,

and I'm using the right one with the bigger glitter

and create the eye bags.

Adding some shadow to the bottom eyelid.

Maybelline Hyper Diamond shadow Gd-1, the color I used before.

From the edge of the pupils to the outer corner with the darkest color.

Creating the shadow under the eye bags.

K-Palette lasting two way eyebrow no.1

It's the same product I used for the eyebrows.

Whenever I draw the eye bags, it gets blurred all the time and at the end,

when I come back from going out, it looks like dark circles,

so this one is the best.

I wanted to have the eye bags pretty thick so going about three times.

Slashing it on and creating shadows.

Next is the inner corner, fixing the eyeliner which became crooked after attaching the lashes,

and the inside of the eyes where the pupils are.

This one came out before. KATE real lasting eyeliner BB.

With this, going to the part where it got crooked after attaching the eyelashes

Adjusting the eyeliner.

For today adding just a point to the inner corner,

and for the outer corner, going even more just to the edge than usual.

Next is the mascara.

This one is a regular on my makeup. Maybelline Volume Express Magnum in black.

Coloring the top and the bottom lashes

The eyelashes are very thin being so close to my original so adding a lot of mascara

Blending it in to raise the original lashes together

This came out before. K-Palette real lasting eyeliner in color BB

Usually the bottom line is added between the bottom lashes,

but I wanted it more natural so pulling it inside the eyes.

Adding the nose shadow.

Diamond Nose Makeup in color Dolly Nose.

This is as usual. Adding about three times with the top dark color,

blowing it and going from the tip of the nose to the eyebrows.

The shading.

CanMake shading powder no.1

This is as usual, adding to the face line and under the chin.

Since the foundation is thin with no dark colors added,

so the white face will look bloated.

so I'm adding it more than usual.

If I make it dark on the outside and go make it blurry as I go in, it will create a small face.

The lipstick.

3CE liquid lip color

#LUZ is the color I'm using.

This is a color I haven't seen much,

and a very fancy color.

It's like a pink color mixed with red.

This is another key. For ulzzang makeup, you draw the inner lip darker

For the outer lip you don't or only draw very lightly is the rule.

So I did it with that in mind,

but I guess using a darker color would have shown the contrast more so I'm doing that next time.

Next is doing the hair.

Twisting like this like a wave pony tail,

and adding a cat ear.

For this wave hair, if you push the i button on the right corner,

you'll be able to see. so please check it out.

Once the wavy looking hair is done, doing the hair little by little.

First tying the hair from half above

Tying it little by little will make it look better.

If you do it all at the same time, some parts will look bumpy.

If you tie it separately on top and bottom, it should look pretty.

Tying the hair around the rubber band.

Giving more thoughts to the details.

For the cat ears, it has been about an ear since I started these makeup videos,

and I had these on at the very start. It's returning to basics for me. How is it?

How was today's ulzzang makeup everybody?

The coordination today is the overall is unified in navy color,

but as an add on color, I have used a really red bag.

It's quite rare of me to wear this frill sweat shirt,

For the square skirt, this python design is a hit this year

I feel that the design had made it fashionable for the men

I tried to make the overall in a thin makeup,

but unfortunately when I do it it looks pretty dark.

There are also extra videos, makeup videos,

and also reply to the comments.

If something strikes your interest, check that out as well.

So I will see you all again.

For more infomation >> Ulzzang Makuep【Aochan】|Eng Sub - Duration: 10:12.


For more infomation >> Ulzzang Makuep【Aochan】|Eng Sub - Duration: 10:12.


FSOtM - S04E01 - Jestem - Duration: 4:42.

I have this theme to say who I am in recurrence

Beside this text is the hundred and twenty-seventh try

Who is not aware that I'm evolving with lag

Happiness just keeps on pranking me

It gives me violent winds of one hundred kilometers per hour

I thought he was wrong, but in fact there is no mistake

As soon as he sees that I'm fine, he drags me down

Is he only aware of how much it hurts me?

False promises he has already made me so much

If he asks me my address, I know he is lying to me

Locking me in a dark and oppressive universe

Teaching me that now hope I will have to do without

My blood telling me that now I can not escape it anymore

So in life will have to hang on to save ourselves

The path of my destiny is so steep, how to follow it?

How much longer will I have to survive?

I am; one more condemned on parole.

At the slightest start I ask what is the concern

Also, not surprising that too often tears flow

So I'm scribbling texts because it's appeasing

I don't go far for inspiration, I only dexribe facts

No matter, since I love the effect I feel

To say who I am even if I hate this theme

Summed up in one word: "JESTEM"

I have been hating this theme to say who I am for years

Because never were given sufficiently clear answers

So to find it I feel a little condemned

That's the truth if you want me to be honest

Does that make me move forward, that is the question

Not the impression, or else it is only a small step

Who am I, do we really need a definition?

I would like, because myself I do not know myself

I almost come to spend my texts in analysis

But I'm less and less sure of understanding them

Am I just a lambda type in identity crisis

Knowing me, that would be far from surprising me

I learn about myself every time I finish a line

It's good, I must already have kilometers

Is this then a good or bad sign?

I do not know I'm forced to admit it

And I'm not going to compromise myself in things not really mastered

I specify it to explain a little where I'm heading

Despite the internal social sextant clearly broken

For I do not already count how many years

And in the debris I approach my last gesture

And wonder how I found myself in this system

If I am one of its cogs, and if so why I stay there?

In doing so I write again, to be able to say; "Jestem"

What I am I long tried to define it

I have not done it yet, and not sure if I'll be done

While this Hell in my head confines me to myself

I do not know the full extent, but know that there is a problem

Dull look, sometimes off, far from Eros, close to Thanatos

Everything is connected, the storm is falling, not a reason for the pathos

What I am, I still have several leads

I can even try to make a short list

When I told you that this theme was a recurrence

But the same causes often produce the same consequences

This text offers the how ma iteration?

Is this the point, as it offers such a release

Am I in distress, or what I'm supposed to be

Perhaps I should never have been born again?

Am I the master of my destiny if it exists

Or nothing but a lost point in space, it would still be sad

As are most thoughts that obsess me

So each text can be taken as a call for help

I do not plead my similarities or my difference

Just on this Earth, my short act of presence

Heavy atmosphere in the mysteries of my brain

And it's impossible to say on what the latter prevails

So that's why for ages I have this theme

Consisting of repeating tirelessly; "Jestem"

Jestem, jestem, I am, Ich bin, I am

I can say it; "I pose so I am"

Jestem, jestem, I am, Ich bin, I am

I can say it; "I pose so I am

Jestem, jestem, I am, Ich bin, I am

For more infomation >> FSOtM - S04E01 - Jestem - Duration: 4:42.


For more infomation >> FSOtM - S04E01 - Jestem - Duration: 4:42.


Laeticia Hallyday, sans Johnny Hallyday, elle ne serait plus de ce monde - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> Laeticia Hallyday, sans Johnny Hallyday, elle ne serait plus de ce monde - Duration: 1:17.


For more infomation >> Laeticia Hallyday, sans Johnny Hallyday, elle ne serait plus de ce monde - Duration: 1:17.


How to help refugees - (VPRO documentary - 2015) - Duration: 47:55.

For more infomation >> How to help refugees - (VPRO documentary - 2015) - Duration: 47:55.


For more infomation >> How to help refugees - (VPRO documentary - 2015) - Duration: 47:55.



For more infomation >> POURQUOI LIRE EST BIEN VU ? (PETITE HISTOIRE DE LA LECTURE) - Duration: 8:22.


For more infomation >> POURQUOI LIRE EST BIEN VU ? (PETITE HISTOIRE DE LA LECTURE) - Duration: 8:22.


3 BONNES NOUVELLES que vous avez manqué en 2017 - Monkey - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> 3 BONNES NOUVELLES que vous avez manqué en 2017 - Monkey - Duration: 2:54.


For more infomation >> 3 BONNES NOUVELLES que vous avez manqué en 2017 - Monkey - Duration: 2:54.


Trains at the Rotterdam Stadion! (April 2017) - Duration: 16:45.

Rotterdam Stadion

For more infomation >> Trains at the Rotterdam Stadion! (April 2017) - Duration: 16:45.


For more infomation >> Trains at the Rotterdam Stadion! (April 2017) - Duration: 16:45.


Jurassic World (2018)

For more infomation >> Jurassic World (2018)


Don't Hug Me I'm Scared 4-Minecraft Animation 1080p (RUS SUB) - Duration: 2:51.

For more infomation >> Don't Hug Me I'm Scared 4-Minecraft Animation 1080p (RUS SUB) - Duration: 2:51.


Eltűnt lányt mentettünk ki a Gyilkos erdőből! Real witch on camera! - Duration: 19:36.

For more infomation >> Eltűnt lányt mentettünk ki a Gyilkos erdőből! Real witch on camera! - Duration: 19:36.


데스 위시 DEATH WISH 2차 공식 예고편 (한국어 CC) - Duration: 2:32.

For more infomation >> 데스 위시 DEATH WISH 2차 공식 예고편 (한국어 CC) - Duration: 2:32.


Prime Minister's Dance රනිල්ගේ සුපිරි නැටුම - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> Prime Minister's Dance රනිල්ගේ සුපිරි නැටුම - Duration: 1:17.


Mitchie M × OSTER project, Hatsune Miku - The House Where Songs Live In (Maison Hatsune) - Duration: 4:07.

For more infomation >> Mitchie M × OSTER project, Hatsune Miku - The House Where Songs Live In (Maison Hatsune) - Duration: 4:07.


【MUKBANG】 Aomori Prefecture Style Rice Cracker Porridge [CC Available]| Yuka [Oogui] - Duration: 4:51.

Hello it's Kinoshita Yuka ( English subtitles by ~Aphexx~)

so today! tadaa a Viewer who is living in Chiba sent me this

This is called 'senbei' broth

It was actually the viewers grandmother who lives in Aomori pref who sent this

aomori is renown for their senbei broth amazing...

the senbei broth sent by the grandmother from Aomori To the viewer in chiba then sent it my way

so nice~ What a wonderful history this has

~I dunno WTF I'm talking about here~

How fortunate I am alrighty let's make these

And inside this 'senbei' broth we've got a senbei cracker and soup

2 Packs serve 8 people

Heat up the water and add the soup mix

Once it comes to a simmer add veggies And the meat

It's chicken

Once it comes to a boil add the senbei cracker

This is what it looks like

Break one of these into 4 to 5 pieces

It's pretty hard

These senbei crackers made for broth Are super hard aren't they

After adding the senbei crackers Let simmer for 5 minutes

This hot pot smells so good itadakimasu

the senbei crackers are so tender now

This is what they look like

It's nice and chewy with a bit of A toothsome bite and it's very yummy

They taste similar to a mochi

It's got a nice chicken-y flavor as well And the soup is made with a soy sauce base

The veggies are tender as well

A hot pot that warms you up is perfect for winter

Every time I eat these onions They're always too hot

I will start adding the senbei that didn't Fit the first round

No matter how long you simmer these senbei They don't get all that mushy

They're so nice and chewy With a very nice toothsome bite



I will now add some yuzu citrus pepper

It's got such a nice flavor and aroma

Sesame seed

It's got a wonderful aroma

With the addition of sesame seeds It totally changes the flavor profile

It's so amazing that after all this time stewing in here the senbei have not Fallen apart

I totes thought they'd melt away in here They end up looking like this and are very soft

(no porgs were harmed in the making of these subtitles )

Last mouthful itadakimasu

all done gochisosamadeshita

the senbei broth was so yummy and the crackers We're nice and chewy

I really like the fact that, like a mochi They didn't disintegrate and melt away

And hot pots are perfect for getting your veggies and they warm you right up

Special thanks to the viewer who sent me this

the senbei broth was so very yummy won't you all please Give it a try as well

And as always thank you for watching if there is anything you want Need to do or eat please tell me in the comments section

below if you like this video please check the like and subscribe Buttons BAI BAI

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