Thứ Bảy, 6 tháng 1, 2018

Youtube daily report Jan 6 2018

Somebody Toucha My Spaghett!

Meine too!

Mein gone.

And my chair is broken too.

Someone is in this-a haus!

1930 Ragtime Swing.

For more infomation >> SOMBODY TOUCHA M Y Spaghett [SFM] - Duration: 0:33.


Mariah Carey and the Missing Hot Tea - Duration: 1:53.

- [Assistant] Mariah you look beautiful,

you're gonna slay tonight's performance.

- Don't tell me things I already know.

- Yes, Queen.

Sorry, Queen.

- Where's my hot tea?

- Uh, I'm not sure.

- Okay, you're on in five minutes.

- Where's my hot tea?

- I don't know, sorry.


- Happy New Year,

I just wanna take a sip of tea if they'll let me.

They told me there'd be tea.

Uh, this is a disaster.

Okay, well.

(dramatic music)



(dramatic music)

You're gonna give me my tea, one way or another.

- Never!


- What the hell is this?


- Nicki?

- Uh, that's right, it's Nicki Minaj.

- Why did you do all this?

- Payback is a bitch.

- Payback for what?

- For how you treated Nicki Minaj on American Sim Idol.

I took that (bleep) outside.

- What?

- We could've been good together,

Mariah featuring Nicki Minaj, but you ruined it.

- Where's my tea?

- I'll never tell you.

Nicki Minaj's lips are se--


Young money.

Okay, okay, I'll tell you.

- Where's my tea?

♪ Sim ♪

♪ GM Productions ♪

♪ Sim ♪

♪ GM Productions ♪

♪ Sim ♪

♪ GM Productions ♪

♪ Sim ♪

♪ GM Productions ♪

For more infomation >> Mariah Carey and the Missing Hot Tea - Duration: 1:53.


Moonrise Kingdom: The Power of Rituals - Duration: 12:42.

For more infomation >> Moonrise Kingdom: The Power of Rituals - Duration: 12:42.



Suzanne Cunningham:

Letter B

Letter E

Letter U

Letter O ( just realised I cut out the video for it)

Letter Q

Letter K

Letter L

Letter G

Letter N

O well!! It's here but apparently i've mixed up some of the clips while editing... my bad!!

Letter F

Letter X

Letter R

Letter J

Letter M (looks also a bit like CM!!)

Letter Z


Kirby Leung:

Letter O

Letter M

Letter X

Letter G

Letter E


Gill Ramsay:

Letter B

Letter A

Letter Y

Nguyễn Anh Vũ:

Letter J

Letter B

Letter S by Esther Thiel

Letter F

Letter E by Esther Thiel


Esther Thiel:

Letter A

Letter B

Letter C

Letter G

Letter L

Letter S

Letter Z

Letter W





Luis Fonsi, Demi Lovato - Échame La Culpa |Suçu Bana Yık||Türkçe Çeviri| - Duration: 2:51.

For more infomation >> Luis Fonsi, Demi Lovato - Échame La Culpa |Suçu Bana Yık||Türkçe Çeviri| - Duration: 2:51.


Life Beneath the Ice. Why We Should Focus on Ocean Worlds to Find Life in the Universe - Duration: 11:16.

Forget rocky worlds like Earth and Mars.

New discoveries about icy worlds like Europa and Enceladus make them the ideal candidates

for the search for life in the Universe.

In fact there could be hundreds, or even thousands of times more worlds out there with ability

to support life.

Of course, there's a problem, how do we search for life when it's hidden beneath

kilometers of ice?

Decades ago, Mars seemed like the most viable place to search for life in the Solar System.

The Red Planet is cold, dry and airless today, but it certainly seemed to have liquid water

there in the ancient past.

Of course, wherever we find liquid water here on Earth, we find life.

At the bottom of the ocean, where the crushing pressures would kill us in a moment.

In steaming volcanic vents.

Beneath glaciers, deep underground, even huddled in nuclear reactor cooling tanks.

NASA's Mars exploration program has been following the story of water.

Opportunity and Spirit discovered evidence that Mars had liquid water in the ancient


And the Curiosity Rover doubled down on that, finding minerals that indicate there was water

on the surface of Mars for a long time.

But then, long ago, the conditions changed, Mars lost its atmosphere, became cold, dry

and inhospitable to life.

It's possible that life could still be there on Mars, huddled underground in salty reserves

that prevent the water from freezing or evaporating.

But so far, scientists haven't found it yet.

This shows that life on rocky worlds is tenuous at best.

Too close to the star, or too far.

Not a thick enough atmosphere, or too thick, creates a world that's inhospitable to life.

And even if a world was, briefly a place worth calling home, main sequence stars are constantly

putting out more radiation, shifting the habitable zone farther out.

Think about how long Earth will be habitable.

Life crawled out from the oceans 430 million years ago, and planetary scientists estimate

we've only got another 500 million to a billion years before the Sun gets too hot

and boils the oceans dry.

But now we're discovering there are other places in the Solar System to look for life

- water worlds.

In fact, the number of these places, and the amount of liquid water on them is difficult

to wrap your brain around.

The Earth is a desert compared to the amount of liquid water that's out there in the

Solar System.

Europa alone has 2-3 times as much water on Earth.

And this life could be safe and sound, protected from radiation, meteor impacts and nearby

supernovae for billions of years.

Long after the Sun has burned out and faded away.

The first flyby of an icy ocean world came with the Pioneer missions to the outer planets.

Pioneer 10 captured the first rudimentary images of Jupiter's Europa in 1973, but

it wasn't enough to make out any surface features.

This was followed up by NASA's Voyager missions, which captured the moons of Jupiter in great


Io, Ganymede, Callisto, and especially Europa.

By the time the Voyagers arrived at Jupiter and imaged its moons, planetary scientists

were already starting to consider the implications that the tidal flexing might have on them.

The push and pull with Jupiter might keep these worlds warmer than would be expected,

for small worlds which should have frozen solid billions of years ago.

Voyager 1 passed the world at a few hundred thousand kilometers distant, but it was Voyager

2 that gave planetary astronomers their first close-up look at the world.

They saw a world, covered in ice, without the impact craters common on every other solid

world in the Solar System.

Something was constantly resurfacing the crust of Europa.

The brown streaks across the surface looked like cracks in the ice, where regions moved

around like plate tectonics here on Earth.

Could there be a liquid ocean beneath this icy crust?

If there's liquid water, is there life down there?

The discoveries made on Europa have been made again and again across the Solar System.

Enceladus, is the best example.

NASA's Cassini spacecraft discovered huge geysers of water ice spewing out into space,

and more recently, it turned up evidence that hydrogen gas is present in the water.

This hydrogen is the ideal nutrient for bacteria here on Earth, so it seems even more likely

that an ecosystem could be there, beneath the ice on many of these icy worlds.

Even more recently, astronomers discovered that Europa has the same geysers of water

ice found on Enceladus.

We're starting to see a pattern here.

One big mystery about ocean worlds was recently solved.

The smaller worlds like Enceladus should have frozen solid, years ago, even with the tidal

interactions with Saturn and the decaying radioactive material inside it.

In a new study in the journal Nature, a worldwide team of researchers including folks from NASA

have used data from Cassini to develop a model for how it could have kept liquid.

It appears that Enceladus has a porous, sponge-like core, which water is squeezed through by the

tidal interactions with Saturn.

By constantly cycling its water through its rocky core, Enceladus keeps its oceans liquid.

Maybe this mechanism is behind liquid oceans on many worlds.

According to Manasvi Lingam and Abraham Loeb from the Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics,

there are hundreds and maybe thousands of times more of these worlds than the terrestrial

planets we're looking for in the habitable zones of other stars.

The habitable zone is the region around a star where liquid water can be present.

Too close and water boils away.

Too far and water freezes and stops being useful to life.

That's why it's the Goldilocks zone, where it's just right.

But this habitable zone doesn't mean that any worlds within this zone are actually habitable.

In our own Solar System, Venus and Mars are within the habitable zone, like Earth.

But Venus had a runaway greenhouse effect, while Mars lost its atmosphere eons ago.

For a world to actually be habitable, it needs to have that perfect temperature where the

water is actually a liquid.

But the icy worlds discovered here in our Solar System already have that prerequisite

for life.

They're largely made of water, and they all seem to have some kind of liquid ocean

surrounded by a crust of ice.

Stars blow out solar winds of charged particles.

There's constant radiation coming from galactic cosmic rays.

Planets like Jupiter can generate deadly magnetospheres of trapped radiation around them.

But for these ice worlds, that's no problem.

Radiation can't pass more than a few meters down.

Again, according to Lingam and Loeb, the lack of sunlight is certainly a problem, so you're

not going to get the density of a biosphere that we have here on Earth.

There'll just be fewer organisms than a place like Earth.

And those lifeforms are more likely to be the simpler, single-celled bacteria than the

larger, complex lifeforms we have here.

But if you're looking for raw numbers, statistically speaking, they estimate that there could be

1000 ocean worlds for every rocky planet that exists within the habitable zone of a star.

Of course, detecting these worlds is going to be difficult.

You could search for hotspots on ocean worlds, but these could be volcanic hot spots.

The best solution is to go and drill down through the ice to sample the water beneath.

One of NASA's next flagship missions is known as Europa Clipper.

Scheduled to launch in the 2020s, it'll fly to Jupiter and its moons.

It'll then make regular flybys past Europa, as many as 45 over the lifetime of its mission.

During this time, it'll capture close up images and scientific data in the dangerous

radiation environment of Europa, and then speed off to safety.

It'll have the standard suite of cameras, mass spectrometers and other scientific sensors.

But one of the most interesting instruments will be an ice penetrating radar that will

be able to peer several kilometers through the ice shell to figure out how thick it is,

and if there are pockets of liquid water closer to the surface.

The potential for life to flourish on an ocean world has serious implications for the spread

of life in the Universe.

And we'll get to that in a second, but first I'd like to thank:

Domanic Santerre Geoff Trueman

Glenn Hall

And the rest of our 785 patrons for their generous support.

If you love what we're doing and want to get in on the action, head over to

If there are thousands of times more water worlds out there than terrestrial planets,

that's really where the life is.

And these worlds will have completely isolated biospheres, cut off from their star.

In fact, a world like Europa, orbiting around a star like Jupiter, wouldn't care whether

there was a star at all.

The tidal interactions with the planet would keep the world melted, allowing life to survive

for eons.

In their study, Lingam and Loeb note that these kinds of worlds, with thick atmospheres

and subsurface oceans could float through interstellar space, continuing to support


They calculated that if Earth was ejected from the Solar System into deep space without

the Sun, the oceans would freeze down to a depth of 4.4 kilometers.

But below that, in places like the Mariana Trench, life would go on in those subsurface

lakes, for eons.

Earth could drift through space for millions or even billions of years until it encounters

another star system and gets warmed up again.

Life for us might be relatively short lived, but life on Earth is here to stay.

We think about Europa and Enceladus as places for liquid water, but researchers think there

could be liquid oceans at Pluto, Eros, Sedna, any place that has a large amount of water.

Just there, there could be life on Pluto right now.

There's so much water out there in space, and it's the ideal place to search for life

elsewhere in the Solar System.

Of course, because it could be locked down beneath the ice, we'll need to develop exotic

new techniques to measure and observe it.

That means new missions with new technologies that can peer through the ice to find pockets

of water underneath, or fly through Europan geysers and sample the chemicals.

It turns out our search for life in the Universe has just begun.

Where do you think we should be searching for life in the Universe?

Do you have some clever ideas to detect live on ocean worlds?

Let me know your thoughts in the comments.

Do you want to know when we release a new episode.

Are you worried that YouTube is going to accidentally unsubscribe you?

I've created an email mailing list to announce new videos when we post them.

Here's the link, but I'll also put it into the show notes for this episode.

In our next episode we'll talk about biosignatures.

What kinds of chemicals would we need to detect in the atmosphere of an extrasolar planet

to know that there's life there.

It's a surprisingly tricky problem.

That's next time.

For more infomation >> Life Beneath the Ice. Why We Should Focus on Ocean Worlds to Find Life in the Universe - Duration: 11:16.


Latest News: Lovesick Justin Bieber & Selena Gomez || 24 Celebrity News - Duration: 1:56.

Hit the subscribe button and press the bell icon to get more take videos

Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez

Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez are like two lovesick school kids

The never say never hit maker and the wolf singer rekindled their romance

late last year just weeks after she split from her boyfriend the weekend and friends say they are more in love than ever a

Source told the blast they are like two lovesick school kids who can't get enough of each other

Meanwhile the couple are seeking guidance from their Hillsong pastor Carl Lentz about their relationship a source

Previously said they don't want to repeat the same patterns as before they've clearly had issues in the past

So they're receiving some guidance from Carl. They love each other and truly do want the best for each other and

Justin 23 is said to be feeling lucky that he has rekindled his romance with the 25 year old bad liar

Hitmaker and insider shared Justin wants to be a better man

Because he doesn't want to screw things up with Selena

He knows

He's lucky to have the second chance and he's not taking it for granted and the truth is this transformation

Hasn't been all that difficult for him because he wanted it's true that you can't change someone

Unless they want it, and he wants it now. He knows what's at stake

He would way rather spend a quiet night in with Selena than go get wasted and flick up with random girls

That lifestyle just doesn't appeal to him anymore

Selena is 100% of the reason Justin turned his life around

She's the one that got him involved with church and that opened up a whole new

For more infomation >> Latest News: Lovesick Justin Bieber & Selena Gomez || 24 Celebrity News - Duration: 1:56.






Few people have been as big of a thorn in the side of Democrats as Julian Assange.

He heads the organization Wikileaks that has the nasty habit of outing corruption whenever

it occurs in Washington and also around the world.

Assange has exposed corruption in almost every corner of the globe, influencing public opinion,

and by extension elections, including the 2016 Presidential election.

Assange has exposed emails from so many DNC members that it's a wonder they trust anything

to remain secret anymore.

One of the emails that he uncovered even exposed the Democrats that were trying to take him


The leaks and hacks that have been so greatly appreciated by Americans have been, obviously,

hated by those that he is exposing.

For this reason, Assange has been on the run for quite some time.

Even though the information he distributes has been proven true time and again, the legality

of what he is doing is questionable at best.

Some say he's a whistleblower, and some say he's just a criminal.

But those who have nothing to hide also have nothing against him.

For that reason, President Trump is working to find a way for Assange to be free from

hiding out.

Neo Nettle reports that Assange might actually leave his asylum and reenter the real world,

thanks to President Trump:

"In the last few days, the wheels have been set in motion for Wikileaks founder Julian

Assange to finally be free from his asylum at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London without

facing arrest.

Wikileaks has now acknowledged that Donald Trump's Administration had ended the US

Government's Grand Jury proceedings against the infamous whistleblower.

On Tuesday, WikiLeaks posted a tweet announcing the end of the eight-year-long grand jury

proceedings against Assange's organization.

The proceedings were expanded in 2017 to cover the WikiLeaks various 'Vault' releases

exposing the CIA's extreme public surveillance through advanced technology and hacking.

Anonymous White House leaker, QAnon, recently revealed that President Trump was preparing

to issue an official pardon for Assange, once he has helped him with extradition to Switzerland,

in return for information.

According to Infowars, the WikiLeaks tweet referenced a State Department press conference

held that day, Jan. 2, 2018, in which State Department Spokesperson Heather Nauert made

a strong statement regarding freedom of speech that was couched in a reference to Iran.

The WikiLeaks tweet confirmed the State Department's reference to freedom of speech in Iran was

a coded communication intended to extend the umbrella of free speech and press rights to

WikiLeaks in a clear reversal of the policy in which both CIA Director Mike Pompeo and

Attorney General Sessions have argued that arresting Julian Assange is a priority.

It is not clear that Assange has violated national security laws, even if it can be

shown he published U.S. national security classified documents.

Specifically, Nauert said the following:

'We support a freedom of the press here in the United States.

We support the right of voices to be heard.

And when a nation clamps down on social media or websites or Google or news sites, we ask

the question, 'What are you afraid of?'

What are you afraid of?

We support the Iranian people and we support their voices being heard.'"

While the legality of what Assange's organization has been doing is questionable at best, when

it comes to legality, there's no doubt that what he has done has furthered the greater

good in a way that most of us could never have imagined doing.

It would be great if the world didn't need a Wikileaks and everyone just did the right

thing because it was the right thing.

However, they do not, and so accountability is a must.

At this point, President Trump is fighting for Assange's right to freedom, just as

hard as Obama was fighting to lock up the purveyor of truth.

"Trump's attorneys argue Assange's First Amendment right to publish

In a motion filed with the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia on Dec. 29, 2017,

in the case Roy Cockrum vs. Donald J. Trump for President, Trump's attorneys argued

that Julian Assange had a right under the First Amendment to publish the DNC and John

Podesta emails, even if the emails were stolen.

The case was orchestrated by Project Democracy, a group run by former attorneys from the Obama

administration, arguing that then former Trump campaign adviser Roger Stone had conspired

with the Russians to publish the DNC and Podesta emails.

In a 32-page motion defending the Trump Campaign, Michael A. Carvin of the Jones Day law firm

and attorney of record representing President Trump, argued that the Trump campaign, and

by inference Julian Assange at WikiLeaks, could not be held liable under the First Amendment

for a disclosure of stolen information if the information published involves "a matter

of public interest" and the speaker was not "involved" in the theft.

Technically, Assange has not yet been indicted of any criminal offense in the United States,

nor is it clear if he committed any crime.

Under the Supreme Court Decisions New York Times v. Sullivan, 376 U.S. 254 (1964), and

in the Pentagon Papers case, New York Times v. U.S. 403 U.S. 713 (1971), a journalist

is allowed to accept and publish classified documents provided by other sources"

It's time that the United States government encourage accountability instead of trying

to shut it up.

This is the type of environmnet that the Trump administration is attempting to foster, and

the same one that the Obama Administration tried to choke out at any cost.

[H/T: Neo Nettle]

For more infomation >> BREAKING!! ANOTHER PARDON!!! HILLARY'S BIGGEST ENEMY!! - Duration: 32:15.


janekziolo "oksy" (prod. VeixxBeats) - Duration: 2:59.

For more infomation >> janekziolo "oksy" (prod. VeixxBeats) - Duration: 2:59.


Color Mack Truck Cars & Train, learning video for kids. Trucks & Train cartoon for children - Duration: 12:55.

Color Mack Truck Cars & Train, learning video for kids. Trucks & Train cartoon for children

For more infomation >> Color Mack Truck Cars & Train, learning video for kids. Trucks & Train cartoon for children - Duration: 12:55.


BIGBANG - FXXK IT English cover by. Oliver - Duration: 4:25.

Hi everyone! It's Oliver here and today I decided to do a cover of BIGBANG's song Fxxk It, as I've been

listening to BIGBANG and other kpop bands a lot recently and

This cover is in English, and I haven't translated any of these lyrics

and I'm using lyrics from three youtuber's covers.

And I'm gonna link them all down below, so please go check them out. They're really awesome all of them and

Please don't hate on my rap skills. I'm not a good rapper so yeah here we go

[notice how i hate myself so much that i censored my face with a skull here hahahaha]

For more infomation >> BIGBANG - FXXK IT English cover by. Oliver - Duration: 4:25.


Who is the Fault of Inharmony? Day 2 - Duration: 1:38.

For more infomation >> Who is the Fault of Inharmony? Day 2 - Duration: 1:38.


BMW 5 Serie 523i Executive ECC/Navi/Cruise/17" LMV/Trekhaak/PDC V+A/Orig. Ned./138.251 Km!! - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> BMW 5 Serie 523i Executive ECC/Navi/Cruise/17" LMV/Trekhaak/PDC V+A/Orig. Ned./138.251 Km!! - Duration: 1:01.


Subaru Legacy Touring Wagon 2.0R EXCLUSIVE EDITION AUTOMAAT! LPG G3! dealer auto! trekhaak! xenon! V - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Subaru Legacy Touring Wagon 2.0R EXCLUSIVE EDITION AUTOMAAT! LPG G3! dealer auto! trekhaak! xenon! V - Duration: 1:00.


The Boiled EGG Diet for Weight Lose: Lose Upto 22 LBS in 14 Days | THE BOILED EGGS DIET HealthPedia - Duration: 3:03.

The Boiled EGG Diet for Weight Lose: Lose Upto 22 LBS in 14 Days | THE BOILED EGGS DIET HealthPedia

For more infomation >> The Boiled EGG Diet for Weight Lose: Lose Upto 22 LBS in 14 Days | THE BOILED EGGS DIET HealthPedia - Duration: 3:03.


Lecture 0 Theory of Automata and Formal Language (TAFL/TOC) GATE Tutorial in Hindi by Vishwakarma Ji - Duration: 23:32.





For more infomation >> Lecture 0 Theory of Automata and Formal Language (TAFL/TOC) GATE Tutorial in Hindi by Vishwakarma Ji - Duration: 23:32.


Obama Gets Destroyed After Announcing Americans Want Him For a 3rd Term - Duration: 5:54.

From buying a home only 3 miles from the White House to use as his shadow government headquarters,

to continually breaking federal law by cozying up to foreign dignitaries as a civilian, Obama

has been an obsessed irritant when it comes to President Trump and all he is trying to

do to fix our country.

Obama has even attempted to take over as President on numerous occasions and it is clear that

he craves the attention, power, and prestige that comes with holding the highest office

in our country.

If there is anything that is more enormous than Barack Hussein Obama's love for Muslims,

terrorists and thugs, it would surely be his over-inflated ego.

For 8 years we had to listen as Obama waxed poetic about himself in every single speech

he ever gave!

He literally made it a habit to overuse personal pronouns whenever given the opportunity.

In addition to setting Olympic sized records for his incredible ability to use the words

"I" and "me" in a single speech, Obama was also the only president in U.S. history

to own a selfie stick, and actually use it.

He even had someone else take a picture of him taking a picture of himself with his selfie


The man was a narcissist that truly made it no secret that he was genuinely in love with


When Trump was elected we all had high hopes that self-obsessed traitor would drive his

golf cart into a gator-infested waterway and never be seen or heard from again, that was

sadly not the case.

Obama is still continuously pushing his reemergence back into politics and he stays busy fundraising

and zips around the world to break federal law with his meetings with foreign diplomats

in order to try and sabotage Trump.

So, it is no surprise that Obama fantasizes about a third presidential term, nor that

he continuously makes ridiculous public claims that Americans want him to run again.

In an interview with David Axlerod, he spoke about Trump's "victory fantasy," cockily

proclaiming that if it had been him running against Trump he would've won a third term,

hands down.

CNN reported:

"I am confident in this vision because I'm confident that if I had run again and articulated

it, I think I could've mobilized a majority of the American people to rally behind it,"

Obama told his former senior adviser David Axelrod in an interview for the "The Axe

Files" podcast, produced by the University of Chicago Institute of Politics and CNN.

"I know that in conversations that I've had with people around the country, even some

people who disagreed with me, they would say the vision, the direction that you point towards

is the right one," Obama said in the interview, which aired Monday.

Obama's delusions of grandeur are even more ludicrous than his wife's fashion sense

and we would love to show him just how much, so given the former president's brazen claim,

we here at Veteran AF decided to dig around and we found some awesome comments concerning

how ordinary Americans feel about Obama running for a third term, and the responses were beyond


"He's absolutely right.

The third term should be 20 years to life in GITMO."

"I would rather gouge my eyes out with a taco bell spork covered in the contents of

a taco bell restroom at a truck stop and proceed to **** myself with a cactus than see that

socialist turd get a 3rd term."


"I would rather have herpes, poison oak , crabs , smash my finger with a hammer, have

lunch with the Antichrist, move into my parents house, and kiss a liberal!"

"I think he needs a life term."

"He is back to smoking crack."

"Those are not Americans that want him for a third term.

They are terrorists, drug dealers, thugs, illegal aliens and liberal snowflakes."

"We all knew what was going to happen the first 4 years….then we had a FIXED election

for the next 4 years …A third term HELL NO !!!!!!!"

"OBAMA had a dream!!!…….to be the Saudi *** puppet!



"Obama pulls another bull**** 'Americans want' statement out of his a**."

"He must've founded "Vanity" Magazine!"

"Obama needs to stop smoking crack in his dressing room."

"Just threw up in my mouth."

"Obama is as delusional as the rest of the Left.

Eight years under the rule of a Communist Dictatorship is enough.

The only jobs he created were for his comrades.

It took six months and still Trump is pulling weeds planted by Obama.

His health care plan is a disaster.

There is nothing "affordable" about paying five times as much for less coverage than

you had before."




"Obama is delusional and charismatic.

His followers all exhibit a mental disorder known as liberalism with a side diagnosis

of communism and socialism.

No known cure at this time.

Research is being done by tying liberals to a chair and forced to watch Fox One America

News and Captain Kangaroo."

"He is actively trying to foment a revolution in this nation in order to get the 'new

world order' United Nations involved.

He truly needs to be put into some kind of confinement with no external communication

of any kind allowed."

Obama truly needs to just stop at this point.

No one, except for the vast fan base of thugs, terrorists, illegals, and liberal snowflakes,

could ever stomach Obama being in for another term.

Let's not forget his this woman, your die-hard supporter who eats Fruit Loops cereal out

of a bathtub.

What other President would invite this woman over hundreds of legitimately deserving Americans

to the White House?

Boy Obama sure did seem to love this tragic mess of a woman.

Would you want Obama for a third term?

Let us know in the comments below!

For more infomation >> Obama Gets Destroyed After Announcing Americans Want Him For a 3rd Term - Duration: 5:54.


Swimming with Sharks - Bahamas - SailOceans - Duration: 8:28.

For more infomation >> Swimming with Sharks - Bahamas - SailOceans - Duration: 8:28.




For more infomation >> THEY CAN'T HIDE THIS UFO ALIEN FOOTAGE ANYMORE!!! CRAZY SIGHTING!! 6th January 2018!!! - Duration: 10:04.


How should Minecraft's 'Mob B' work? - Duration: 6:06.

By popular vote, the winner of the Minecon 2017 contest was 'Mob B'.

A ray like creature that can fly through the air.

Work has begun, but we still know very little on how this mob behaves, or where it even

slots into the game as a whole.

Though that said, we've got a couple minutes, why don't we come up with something ourselves?

I'm SimplySarc and welcome.

This is 'The Monster...

Of the Night Sky...

A suggestion!"

Night; Flight and Light.

This unique new mob affects all 3 of these gameplay mechanics.

Rebalancing some, that have become a little...


We'll start with 'Night', or 'Sleep'.

Many players enjoy using sleep as a means to avoid interruption, especially when building.

Other, nefarious characters, see it as an easy escape route, a cheap tactic to avoid

the night... and of course it's dangers.

The monster of the night sky can balance this by spawning as a consequence of inconsistent

sleeping habits.

Players who sleep fairly regularly, in an established, familiar bed will remain unaffected.

However, deviants who sleep erratically, in temporary placed beds will soon encounter

a 'nightmare'.

Drifting down from the heavens, this frightening foe will hunt down and follow the sleep deprived.

For only they can see, interact and be attacked by the mob.

The monster of the night sky is a special illusory mob that represents insanity.

Those being tormented will appear crazed, fighting imaginary beings that seemingly aren't


Insomnia forces them to wait out the night.

We next look at flight; And it just so happens to be this monsters speciality.

Elytra are a bit too powerful, they grant the player unrivaled mobility and freedom

of movement.

Rather than nerf this well-loved feature, the monster will instead try to beat the player

at their own game.

Anyone hanging around too high for too long risks spawning the monster.

See, the monster of the night sky doesn't just 'fly'; It glides, soars and plunges,

it's range of mobility is second only to that of a skilled elytra bearer.

It's this elytra mimicking ability that allows it to match not only our speed and movement,

but also pursue us like nothing else can.

This mob however can do more than just tail us, it has a few special moves that make it

a serious danger.

The first is that it will try to flank you from the sides, ramming straight through your

physical body and biting away at your health.

As this monster is something of a phantom, this attack does not inflict and knockback.

Therfor, the player must keep a vigilant eye on their health bar, lest it drops to zero

without them ever noticing.

Mountaineers and hikers beware, anyone wandering high hills and cliffs at night might just

be blown away by the monster!

It'll direct strong gusts of wind towards you, trying to push you into a fatal fall.

This monster prefers battling in the skies!

Or you're minding your own business, crusing along, seeing where the breeze takes you.

But, you're also not paying attention to what's been following you.

This is when you'll encounter this mobs most frightening move; It's called 'Turbulence'.

And any one foolish enough to allow the monster to execute it will almost certainly come to

a sticky end.

If the player doesn't keep enough distance between themselves and the monster, it may

inflict them with 'Turbulence'.

This status effect which lasts 10 seconds will scramble and interfere with your elytra,

making controlling them difficult.

If you're unable to counteract the effect, you risk a serious collision.

As fearsome as this monster is, it of course has a few exploitable weaknesses.

The first is that despite it's mastery of mobility and flashy maneuvers, it does not

have the same dexterity as that of a skilled player.

Sudden obstacles can catch them out, so aim for complex routes.

It will either divert it's course... or remember why it's the monster of the night 'sky'.

We next look at 'light'.

To balance this mob out, it needs an achilles heel, a major vulnerability.

Originating from darkness and madness this monster is considerably more suceptible to

light than other beings.

If the mob gets too close or is lured into a light source, it will be temporarily stunned

and immobilized.

At this point, it will be weakened and particularly vulnerable to attacks.

As dawn breaks and the light of a new day pushes back the pillar of darkness, the monster

flees, desperate not to let it make contact.

If torches stun this mob, then sunlight decimates it completely.

Unlike other monsters, it does not burn.

It simply decays away, back into nothingness.

For the night was long... but the terror has passed.

I've been SimplySarc and thank you for watching.

For more infomation >> How should Minecraft's 'Mob B' work? - Duration: 6:06.


'더 유닛' G·B 9人발표, 남녀 왕좌 1위 '유키스 준X의진' - Duration: 3:45.

For more infomation >> '더 유닛' G·B 9人발표, 남녀 왕좌 1위 '유키스 준X의진' - Duration: 3:45.


Audi A3 Sportback 1.4 TFSI AMBITION PRO LINE - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Audi A3 Sportback 1.4 TFSI AMBITION PRO LINE - Duration: 1:02.


Lecture 0 Theory of Automata and Formal Language (TAFL/TOC) GATE Tutorial in Hindi by Vishwakarma Ji - Duration: 23:32.





For more infomation >> Lecture 0 Theory of Automata and Formal Language (TAFL/TOC) GATE Tutorial in Hindi by Vishwakarma Ji - Duration: 23:32.


Latest News: Lovesick Justin Bieber & Selena Gomez || 24 Celebrity News - Duration: 1:56.

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Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez

Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez are like two lovesick school kids

The never say never hit maker and the wolf singer rekindled their romance

late last year just weeks after she split from her boyfriend the weekend and friends say they are more in love than ever a

Source told the blast they are like two lovesick school kids who can't get enough of each other

Meanwhile the couple are seeking guidance from their Hillsong pastor Carl Lentz about their relationship a source

Previously said they don't want to repeat the same patterns as before they've clearly had issues in the past

So they're receiving some guidance from Carl. They love each other and truly do want the best for each other and

Justin 23 is said to be feeling lucky that he has rekindled his romance with the 25 year old bad liar

Hitmaker and insider shared Justin wants to be a better man

Because he doesn't want to screw things up with Selena

He knows

He's lucky to have the second chance and he's not taking it for granted and the truth is this transformation

Hasn't been all that difficult for him because he wanted it's true that you can't change someone

Unless they want it, and he wants it now. He knows what's at stake

He would way rather spend a quiet night in with Selena than go get wasted and flick up with random girls

That lifestyle just doesn't appeal to him anymore

Selena is 100% of the reason Justin turned his life around

She's the one that got him involved with church and that opened up a whole new

For more infomation >> Latest News: Lovesick Justin Bieber & Selena Gomez || 24 Celebrity News - Duration: 1:56.


James Woods Takes an Ax and Shreds NY Times Huma Abedin Article - Duration: 3:30.

While The New York Times claims to be an impartial news organization, it only took conservative

actor James Woods one tweet to shred the paper for its blatant bias.

On Tuesday, the Times published a piece titled "Trump Accuses Former Clinton Aide of Failing

to Follow Security Protocols."

The story failed to mention several key details.

Woods fired off a scathing tweet Wednesday linking to the Times article, where he pointed

out three major facts the left-leaning paper conveniently failed to mention.

"Only the @nytimes could publish this story without mentioning that a) Abedin emailed

a classified password, b) her husband is in prison, and c) she broke federal espionage

laws," Woods wrote.

While the Times article does mention that Abedin "forwarded some government passwords

to her private Yahoo email account in 2009," the paper completely failed to note that her

actions quite possibly violated espionage laws and that she emailed classified passwords.

The paper also failed to mention that Abedin's husband, former Democrat politician Anthony

Weiner, is serving 21-month sentence for sexting with a minor.

In the article, Abedin's serial sex offender spouse is referred to as her "estranged

husband" and not the pervert he pleaded guilty to being.

"On Friday, the State Department released about 3,000 of Ms. Abedin's work-related


The emails were found on the laptop of Ms. Abedin's now estranged husband, Anthony

D. Weiner, and were released as part of a public records request," the Times reported.

As noted by The Daily Wire, the paper also downplayed the fact that Abedin illegally

had classified and highly sensitive material on Weiner's laptop by describing it simply

as a "sore spot" for then Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign.

"The emails found on Mr. Weiner's computer are a sore spot for Mrs. Clinton.

James B. Comey, the former F.B.I. director, had notified Congress shortly before the 2016

election about the existence of newly discovered emails that could be relevant to the closed

investigation into Mrs. Clinton's use of a private email server while secretary of

state," the Times wrote.

The paper continued: "Mrs. Clinton, in a book released last year, said Mr. Comey's

disclosure hurt her campaign's momentum and helped Mr. Trump win the election."

Then, an article that was supposed to detail how Abedin violated federal law veers into

a hit piece against President Donald Trump.

Rather than beginning the article with context on Abedin's background, how she served as

a top confidant to the Clinton's for many years, and why her husband was in prison,

the paper instead scolds Trump for his tweets about Clinton and Abedin.

The Times article spent more time excoriating Trump for a tweet he sent on on Tuesday than

on Abedin's careless behavior.

Woods eviscerated the Times with his tweet because the left-leaning paper was so determined

to attack Trump, they failed to mention that Abedin more than likely violated a slew federal

laws by being so careless with classified information.

That's something she more than likely learned from Clinton, one would assume.

Once again, Woods does what he does best: exposes liberals and the mainstream media

for their blatant hypocrisy and bias.

For more infomation >> James Woods Takes an Ax and Shreds NY Times Huma Abedin Article - Duration: 3:30.


Last News: Justin & Selena Officially Head Over Heels Like School Kids - Duration: 1:18.

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Selena Gomez officially had over heels like school kids Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez got back together pretty recently

But they're not taking it slow the pair is madly in love with each other

Sources close to the couple tell the blast that Jelena is so obsessed with one another that they could pretty much care less about being

famous when they're together

We're told the pair are acting like two lovesick school kids who can't get enough of each other that part is pretty clear

We've seen the two out together doing everything from pilots to bike rides and even taking impromptu trips

Since their schedules are jam-packed when they're not together

We're told they're constantly in communication on the phone being all lovey-dovey and paying no mind to anyone else in the room

our sources say

That Justin and Selena are so wrapped up together that they aren't the slightest bit bothered by the media and fan obsession with their

Relationship, and that's good because we love us some Jelena

For more infomation >> Last News: Justin & Selena Officially Head Over Heels Like School Kids - Duration: 1:18.


Where Do We Go

For more infomation >> Where Do We Go


For more infomation >> Where Do We Go


Union Mills N Gauge Collett with sound - Duration: 1:57.

For more infomation >> Union Mills N Gauge Collett with sound - Duration: 1:57.


For more infomation >> Union Mills N Gauge Collett with sound - Duration: 1:57.


Nissan Pulsar 1.2 DIG-T N-CONNECTA * BTW-auto - achteruitrijcamera - Navigatie - halfleder etc.* - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Nissan Pulsar 1.2 DIG-T N-CONNECTA * BTW-auto - achteruitrijcamera - Navigatie - halfleder etc.* - Duration: 0:54.


For more infomation >> Nissan Pulsar 1.2 DIG-T N-CONNECTA * BTW-auto - achteruitrijcamera - Navigatie - halfleder etc.* - Duration: 0:54.


My 2018 Resolutions/Goals! - Duration: 12:50.

Hey everyone

For more infomation >> My 2018 Resolutions/Goals! - Duration: 12:50.


For more infomation >> My 2018 Resolutions/Goals! - Duration: 12:50.


Denis Brogniart : son coup de gueule contre Friends Trip qu'il accuse d'avoir copié Koh-Lanta - Duration: 3:19.

For more infomation >> Denis Brogniart : son coup de gueule contre Friends Trip qu'il accuse d'avoir copié Koh-Lanta - Duration: 3:19.


For more infomation >> Denis Brogniart : son coup de gueule contre Friends Trip qu'il accuse d'avoir copié Koh-Lanta - Duration: 3:19.


Cette pratique que les hommes adorent les protègent du cancer de la prostate - Duration: 7:06.

For more infomation >> Cette pratique que les hommes adorent les protègent du cancer de la prostate - Duration: 7:06.


For more infomation >> Cette pratique que les hommes adorent les protègent du cancer de la prostate - Duration: 7:06.


Where Do We Go

For more infomation >> Where Do We Go


Mercedes-Benz M-Klasse ML 320 CDI Aut. Navi Leer Luchtvering Trekhaak - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz M-Klasse ML 320 CDI Aut. Navi Leer Luchtvering Trekhaak - Duration: 0:58.


Citroën Jumpy M BLUEHDI 120 CLUB DIRECT LEVERBAAR! - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Citroën Jumpy M BLUEHDI 120 CLUB DIRECT LEVERBAAR! - Duration: 1:00.


SOMBODY TOUCHA M Y Spaghett [SFM] - Duration: 0:33.

Somebody Toucha My Spaghett!

Meine too!

Mein gone.

And my chair is broken too.

Someone is in this-a haus!

1930 Ragtime Swing.

For more infomation >> SOMBODY TOUCHA M Y Spaghett [SFM] - Duration: 0:33.


UNAVERAGE GANG - HANNIBAL (Prod. Living in the Darkness) - Duration: 2:39.

UNAVERAGE GANG - HANNIBAL (Prod. Living in the Darkness)

For more infomation >> UNAVERAGE GANG - HANNIBAL (Prod. Living in the Darkness) - Duration: 2:39.


Review Dunlop World Championship of PING PONG - Duration: 10:10.

We played ping pong with Darek today

Do not be mistaken with table tennis

This is a Dunlop board

that is the manufacturer of car tires

The ping pong rackets are equipped with two blue abrasives

and this is the specificity of playing a few sets

this ball is normally worn and is not suitable for anything

This is a great fun

We played three sets with Darek

up to 15 points as it should be played

and I will say that I am smiling happy

I sweated even because it is very fun

control on such a rocket is certainly less than on a real table tennis racket

and we do not control this ball so much

what is so much fun

and there are many such unexpected games

after which nothing would be done in real table tennis

when it comes to differences in relation to table tennis or our normal game

there are very big differences

First of all, ping pong board does not transmit rotation

or give it to a very small extent

we also have to open each move very strongly

play to the top than to the front

but it shows very well if we have a basis for table tennis

because it seems to me that a person who never played table tennis

she will have very big problems to play the right movement

when it comes to ping-pong technique

I think that technique is crucial here

as I mentioned earlier such a forehand or backhand topspin

we need to open the board

we have to play this movement at right angles

also having no basic technique in table tennis

it will be very hard to play ping pong

the ping pong technique is certainly of great importance

defensive offensive plays are different

when defensive

we do not play such a typical indented rotation

we can simply apply and it comes back

these rackets are quite fast

and there the defensive is more about punching

than sending a rotation

I recommend ping pong to everyone

I already play a lot of table tennis

As I said, I already have a banana on my lips

playing ping pong

what I think is cool is competition

but without such a short circuit

it just comes with a friend, an hour and a half is played

with very nice emotions

You can sweat good

depending on expectations from this sport

I recommend ping pong to amateurs

for recreational games

or even pros

from the first or the second league

just to check in another variation of our sport

from mid-January we will organize ping pong tournaments

on the campus of AWFiS

and we invite everyone, you will find the message in the description

For more infomation >> Review Dunlop World Championship of PING PONG - Duration: 10:10.



Hey lovelies welcome back to my channel if you're new here thank you so much for

clicking on my video to watch it so for today I wanted to mention five things

that I found surprising about my newborn. Hooyo gave me life to live for

Here's a photo of my little son when he was a newborn, so you will notice he looks perfect

because he was perfect however there's a few things that this

photo is not showing but I'm going to tell you so the first thing that I was really

really surprised about my newborn is his skin so newborns have skin that looks

like as if it's peeling off especially when they're overdue so my son was overdue

if you guys didn't know that he was supposed to be born on the 1st of

October but ended up coming on the 11th of October when he was a newborn his skin

was definitely not flawless. The second thing that I found quite surprising is

the baby's first poo so number two the reason being it doesn't look

poo it looks more like I would say petrol it's very black and it's very

sticky, it's actually not poo it's called meconium and that's actually the first

thing that the baby needs to pass out of his system. It's also worth mentioning

that a lot of babies do have their first poo while they're in the moms stomach and

that's why when your water breaks if you haven't hit labor yet and haven't been

in the full pushing the baby out stage yet they do ask you what colour water is just

to make sure that the baby did not pass that while they're still in your stomach

because if the baby digests it can be possibly harmful to them so just a note in case

you're about to have a baby and you're watching this. The 3rd thing that I found quite

strange is that babies actually are born some babies not all babies are born with

long nails so my son had long nails which I found quite surprising and also

when they're really little I used to really scared to use the nail clipper because I

didn't want to cut him so we just opted to use mittens for the first few weeks

of his life until I got more comfortable to use the baby nail clipper. I've seen like

in videos that I've been watching on YouTube a lot of people say I'm going to carry a

nail file with me in the hospital bag so I can file the baby's nails. The baby's nails are

so delicate and so gentle I would really really not advise it to like start filing

them down even if they have long nails just make them wear mittens. Babies have

something called cradle caps so if you don't know what cradle cap is, it's usually

like dry kind of looking skin that they have on their head obviously us as

Muslims we do shave our baby's head really on, so we give them a complete

shave and then still if the baby still has cradle cap you put oils on

it and then it will disappear. You can take a really really really soft brush and

then once you apply the oil on the baby's scalp you can just softly massage it

just break it down and then it will go away. The last surprising things that I found

about my newborn when he was a baby is the fact that his eyes sometimes used to cross so

when I first had my baby I used to notice that when I was in the

hospital and then I thought maybe he had an issue with his eye. I asked one of the

nurses of like oh I noticed that my son has crossed eyes she said you know that's

normal there's nothing to worry about it's usually because little babies poor

things don't have really amazing vision with they're first born and sometimes they

tried to strain their little eyes so they can see and that's why they get cross eyes.

so those are the five things I found quite surprised when I first had my baby

Did you notice any of these things when you first had your baby if you're a mummy?

I'll see you guys next week, bye

For more infomation >> 5 SURPRISING THINGS ABOUT NEWBORNS | MRS JIBRIL - Duration: 3:26.


Obama Gets Destroyed After Announcing Americans Want Him For a 3rd Term - Duration: 5:54.

From buying a home only 3 miles from the White House to use as his shadow government headquarters,

to continually breaking federal law by cozying up to foreign dignitaries as a civilian, Obama

has been an obsessed irritant when it comes to President Trump and all he is trying to

do to fix our country.

Obama has even attempted to take over as President on numerous occasions and it is clear that

he craves the attention, power, and prestige that comes with holding the highest office

in our country.

If there is anything that is more enormous than Barack Hussein Obama's love for Muslims,

terrorists and thugs, it would surely be his over-inflated ego.

For 8 years we had to listen as Obama waxed poetic about himself in every single speech

he ever gave!

He literally made it a habit to overuse personal pronouns whenever given the opportunity.

In addition to setting Olympic sized records for his incredible ability to use the words

"I" and "me" in a single speech, Obama was also the only president in U.S. history

to own a selfie stick, and actually use it.

He even had someone else take a picture of him taking a picture of himself with his selfie


The man was a narcissist that truly made it no secret that he was genuinely in love with


When Trump was elected we all had high hopes that self-obsessed traitor would drive his

golf cart into a gator-infested waterway and never be seen or heard from again, that was

sadly not the case.

Obama is still continuously pushing his reemergence back into politics and he stays busy fundraising

and zips around the world to break federal law with his meetings with foreign diplomats

in order to try and sabotage Trump.

So, it is no surprise that Obama fantasizes about a third presidential term, nor that

he continuously makes ridiculous public claims that Americans want him to run again.

In an interview with David Axlerod, he spoke about Trump's "victory fantasy," cockily

proclaiming that if it had been him running against Trump he would've won a third term,

hands down.

CNN reported:

"I am confident in this vision because I'm confident that if I had run again and articulated

it, I think I could've mobilized a majority of the American people to rally behind it,"

Obama told his former senior adviser David Axelrod in an interview for the "The Axe

Files" podcast, produced by the University of Chicago Institute of Politics and CNN.

"I know that in conversations that I've had with people around the country, even some

people who disagreed with me, they would say the vision, the direction that you point towards

is the right one," Obama said in the interview, which aired Monday.

Obama's delusions of grandeur are even more ludicrous than his wife's fashion sense

and we would love to show him just how much, so given the former president's brazen claim,

we here at Veteran AF decided to dig around and we found some awesome comments concerning

how ordinary Americans feel about Obama running for a third term, and the responses were beyond


"He's absolutely right.

The third term should be 20 years to life in GITMO."

"I would rather gouge my eyes out with a taco bell spork covered in the contents of

a taco bell restroom at a truck stop and proceed to **** myself with a cactus than see that

socialist turd get a 3rd term."


"I would rather have herpes, poison oak , crabs , smash my finger with a hammer, have

lunch with the Antichrist, move into my parents house, and kiss a liberal!"

"I think he needs a life term."

"He is back to smoking crack."

"Those are not Americans that want him for a third term.

They are terrorists, drug dealers, thugs, illegal aliens and liberal snowflakes."

"We all knew what was going to happen the first 4 years….then we had a FIXED election

for the next 4 years …A third term HELL NO !!!!!!!"

"OBAMA had a dream!!!…….to be the Saudi *** puppet!



"Obama pulls another bull**** 'Americans want' statement out of his a**."

"He must've founded "Vanity" Magazine!"

"Obama needs to stop smoking crack in his dressing room."

"Just threw up in my mouth."

"Obama is as delusional as the rest of the Left.

Eight years under the rule of a Communist Dictatorship is enough.

The only jobs he created were for his comrades.

It took six months and still Trump is pulling weeds planted by Obama.

His health care plan is a disaster.

There is nothing "affordable" about paying five times as much for less coverage than

you had before."




"Obama is delusional and charismatic.

His followers all exhibit a mental disorder known as liberalism with a side diagnosis

of communism and socialism.

No known cure at this time.

Research is being done by tying liberals to a chair and forced to watch Fox One America

News and Captain Kangaroo."

"He is actively trying to foment a revolution in this nation in order to get the 'new

world order' United Nations involved.

He truly needs to be put into some kind of confinement with no external communication

of any kind allowed."

Obama truly needs to just stop at this point.

No one, except for the vast fan base of thugs, terrorists, illegals, and liberal snowflakes,

could ever stomach Obama being in for another term.

Let's not forget his this woman, your die-hard supporter who eats Fruit Loops cereal out

of a bathtub.

What other President would invite this woman over hundreds of legitimately deserving Americans

to the White House?

Boy Obama sure did seem to love this tragic mess of a woman.

Would you want Obama for a third term?

Let us know in the comments below!

For more infomation >> Obama Gets Destroyed After Announcing Americans Want Him For a 3rd Term - Duration: 5:54.



Hey guys, it is me sparklingpxls welcome back to my channel today, I am going to be

doing another collab here on my channel before I go ahead and do the voiceover

for the house building, I just want to go ahead and give a little bit an shoutout to my

lovely friend from Twitter and she also has a blog aswell, also known as Wordpress

so basically, her name is J2JPlays and I will have all the links in the description

to her Twitter and her blog, she is amazing, she does like Sims 4

room builds, I think and she does like create a sims, all that fun stuff

so basically, I am actually going to be building a base game house for you guys and me and

J2JPlays decided to come up with this theme, Black & White base game

house and we figured it out that it would be so fun to do it and (HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO SAY AND?! XD) so yep, basically

I am actually going to be decora... no I am actually going to be building the house and she is going to be

decorating the inside of the house and so yeah so basically on this house is

also available on my gallery, if you want to go ahead and download it

my Origin ID is KingSims07, it should pop up anywhere on the screen anywhere (weird laughs...) so yep, anyways

guys, I hope you guys enjoyed this video and I'm gonna to go ahead

add little bit of music and all that fun stuff, so yep anyways guys I'll see you all in my

next video, I love you guys, BYE EVERYONE!

(Music Starts to Play...)

For more infomation >> LET'S BUILD: THE SIMS 4 | BLACK & WHITE BASE GAME HOME | COLLAB w/ J2JPlays - Duration: 6:17.


BIGBANG - FXXK IT English cover by. Oliver - Duration: 4:25.

Hi everyone! It's Oliver here and today I decided to do a cover of BIGBANG's song Fxxk It, as I've been

listening to BIGBANG and other kpop bands a lot recently and

This cover is in English, and I haven't translated any of these lyrics

and I'm using lyrics from three youtuber's covers.

And I'm gonna link them all down below, so please go check them out. They're really awesome all of them and

Please don't hate on my rap skills. I'm not a good rapper so yeah here we go

[notice how i hate myself so much that i censored my face with a skull here hahahaha]

For more infomation >> BIGBANG - FXXK IT English cover by. Oliver - Duration: 4:25.


Lecture 0 Theory of Automata and Formal Language (TAFL/TOC) GATE Tutorial in Hindi by Vishwakarma Ji - Duration: 23:32.





For more infomation >> Lecture 0 Theory of Automata and Formal Language (TAFL/TOC) GATE Tutorial in Hindi by Vishwakarma Ji - Duration: 23:32.


Ms.Puff & Spongebob vs Swag Mods! (Mod Trolling) [Call Of Duty: Black Ops 2] - Duration: 22:44.

what's up waste of our time and what the fuQ is good with y'all swag mods here

back with another video and before we get into the video I just want to give a

special thank you to you guys again for the constant support I can't thank you

guys enough now my views aren't as high as they used to be but they haven't

really went down that much but it has went down um I did make a new squad

called SMS where you can get free mods and free cost and modded lobbies all the

time so it's my new squad and you can get a free modded account by joining the

squad the only way you can get these mods is by adding me on ps3 and joining

us a mess now you got to talk to me before you join us semester not make an

account without talk to me so add me on ps3 and my new PSN account because my

other one just got bans last night it's called og - swag mods that is my new

account now thank you guys for watching my videos and always supporting me you

know for the people that you know watch this video early now for you guys who

are watching this video early I want to go ahead and give you guys a head start

and joining SMS you don't even have to add me on ps3 or nothing I already added

you guys to my account now I'm giving away 9 accounts they're all at the

bottom of my description guys so if you guys can go ahead and go to my

description and go all the way to the bottom of my huge description you guys

can find my 9 account that I'm giving away the information is all down below

with the names and things like that alright I already know what you're

thinking either I'm gonna sign a free account

one of the first people to watch it oh my gosh when a legend thank you for this

or okay I was a little late but I'm still gonna add you on ps3 and try to

get into the squad or I hate you now like I said just now I'm doing a

huge massive giveaway for the constant support that you guys are giving me okay

now I hope that everybody who watches my video and watches it immediately with

their notifications on get this account which is most likely now again thank you

guys for staying tuned and I'll hope to be the next PewDiePie someday so keep on

supporting me and let's get thank god she's hella knowing why you be fucking

hell is she she got a mental problem brother

bad ass bitch you can't hear how fat she is Dora fucking mic real shit man I'm

recording this shit too I must put this on YouTube but she talking mad shit

invite her back in here but

I gotta come here so you two can hear me talk

Bianca say what's up to youtube if you want shout out do all that yeah now it's

on Saturday and when you talk you don't savage bitch ass up that's why y'all

have built like a whole broken TV remote

smell like coconut water bitch that's why your fucking armpits smell like

fucking hot dog water bitch shut up that bitch must be a

destroy like a broken controller shut the fuck up shut up miss Paul shut the

fuck up bitch you would eat an IP shut the fuck destroyed oh you're behind oh

you take off that robe

you are clear the objectives

you can't even spell it you can't even spell you need number one every single

time sniper only how about that is going to cut the game I mean China gets onto

my garden to keep talking trash is going even more positive ugly a subscriber

arch our back

a mental problem y'all this is retarded

no one cares about the bitch who the fuck cares about the game real shit I'm

pretty sure right away

what's not blood

not on we're gonna cut them game I played so well I really nigga nice ball

this ball fucking microphone shit when a real nigga on this motherfucking mic yo

motherfuckin ass I said shut your bitch-ass up what's up waste of our time

we didn't join you what was invited

is being garbage which I'll take off the

Justin destroy neutralize the objectives George's coil


go die

'i'm really

eliminate the objective we got the bomb

somebody's that's that bitch that you can't boot no fucking VPN and eliminate

the objective this bitch control to the AC bars this bitch crazy

yo bro what happened

yeah and I'm bout time yo nigga said he go booby Bank ass nigga you want to be a

pub well you know you wish your border niggas can't enable lookin ass nigga

are they bitch y'all have like a sale shut the fuck up hey that bitch that's

how I got shot no I'm not one of you on me babe I've shot the fucker mega what's

my bitch pullout back pain and it that's all you can enable shut your bitches

keep you that weak-ass can enable and I hit you off it up on me won't mean it

you a freaking of who wanna beat water that's what I described using one of you

I when one people might he'll hit the like button if I'm actually a real

father and if I'm not that you get that

it's that rainbow this bitch is bad she going on YouTube

subscribers you going on you too you too

acquire maybe many feet take me you random you random feet you are around I

will beat you you here - Michael Parker than LeBron James

for the next one hey shut your fat ass up blowing to ruin it on his mic

shit i'ma pull up there with - no fuck is that the rocky old goddamn neck will

shit do it do it don't be the freaking no ball person and

don't do it do it where you see somebody nigga I was something nigga where you

where you live that thing they get what's up cuz you obviously got try to

keep you a chance pack it but it's obvious you want it yes from balls or

something you wanna meet up somewhere nigga you're gonna meet up somewhere

down where you live with me where you later I will pop up like a rubber band

and pull up with two rubber bands and flee you in the back of the neck yo body

do wait you don't do it but it's not over yet

hey you gotta take a real shit I will pull up like New York yeah I'm actually

what's your address pussy on what's your address isn't it what's up

why do you live yeah luckily wonderful new place fucking in the dumpster that

you what it is man where the fuck you live

fuck you parties don't barter fuck you live shit

you going on my YouTube your YouTube channel bitch will told 5 5 K block and

shut the fuck up you bought your subscribe now shut up right girl fucking

wannabe phony Irish shit where do you live at 48 hours Nico why you live


For more infomation >> Ms.Puff & Spongebob vs Swag Mods! (Mod Trolling) [Call Of Duty: Black Ops 2] - Duration: 22:44.


6 Signs Your Body Needs More Fiber - Duration: 4:47.

6 Signs Your Body Needs More Fiber


Why is Dietary Fiber Essential in Our Diets?

Fiber in your diet can help (or hinder if you're lacking) several necessary bodily


For instance, eating fibrous foods (or roughage) via fiber-rich fruits and veggies, nuts, beans

and legumes, leafy greens, whole grains, etc., aids digestion through aiding the elimination


According to research from the American Journal of Epidemiology, indicates that boosting your

fiber intake by a mere 10-grams per day (that's the equivalent of a single artichoke) will

lower your risk of dying from a variety of chronic diseases (i.e., diabetes, cancer,

heart disease, and other types of metabolic-related illness) by 10-percent.


You're Always Bloated

While you might expect that upping your fiber intake too quickly can lead to uncomfortable

gas and bloating, the same can also occur.

Not eating enough fiber can also leave you chronically bloated, according to research

from due to food and digestive byproducts just sitting in your digestive tract.

Get things moving by boosting your fiber intake gradually.

Remember to take it slow and easy by adding no more than a few grams of roughage at a

time or else you'll risk gas, bloating, and stomach upset.


Eating Makes You Sleepy

I'm not referring to a huge turkey dinner here, folks.

If you're meals are consistently followed by bouts of yawning and the need for a nap

before you can get up and go…your diet is very possibly lacking in fiber.

According to a 2016 study from the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, fiber in the diet

is essential for blood sugar stability.

That means if your meals are deficient, you're likely experiencing a blood sugar spike after

eating—soon followed by the inevitable blood sugar crash, and zzzzzz, hello sleepy-time



Inadequate Bowel Movements

Often times lack of fiber in one's diet will rear (opps, bad pun) it's ugly head

in the form of minuscule bowel movements that are pebbly, hard, and sometimes even painful

to pass.

According to Dr. Robynne Chutkan, of The Digestive Center for Women, in Washington, D.C., insufficient

fiber in the diet can change the smell, color, and shape of your stool.


You're Instantly Hungry After Eating

There's a good reason why the writer's on ActiveBeat consistently recommend adequate

fiber in your diet if you're trying to maintain or shed a few pounds—fiber keeps you full

so you're not reaching for snacks or second helpings in the hours after eating a meal.

If you do find yourself still hungry after just eating (within 2 hours), it's an indication

that you need more fiber, according to registered dietician and author of the best-selling book,

Eating in Color, Frances Largeman-Roth.

Fiber expands in your digestive tract, which is why fiber-filled foods like beans and leafy

greens keeps you satiated for much longer.


So How Much Fiber is Enough?

If you're experiencing any of these low fiber signs and don't think you're getting

enough roughage in your diet, talk to your doctor.

After all, different bodies have different dietary needs and your doctor knows your health

history the best.

According to the Institute of Medicine, healthy adult males (under age 50) require about 38-grams

of dietary fiber per day while healthy adult women need about 35-grams daily.

You can reach for your share of dietary fiber in an assortment of whole grains, beans and

legumes, and fruits and vegetables to help maintain your weight, digestive health, cholesterol,

healthy bowel movements, and blood sugar levels.

For more infomation >> 6 Signs Your Body Needs More Fiber - Duration: 4:47.


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