Thứ Bảy, 6 tháng 1, 2018

Youtube daily report Jan 6 2018

Top 10 Dumbest Text Messages – Part 6 Whats happening you guys I am Landon Dowlatsingh.

Thanks so much for clicking on this video and supporting us.

If you like our most amazing top 10 channel hit the like button on this video lets see

if we can hit 10,000 likes and make it to the front page of Youtubes trending page we

came so close with the last one.

Ok so let's get right into this video this is the top 10 dumbest text message part 6.

If you missed part 5 click right over here and I will put a link in the description below

as well.

Starting us off at number 10 with this.


. the at&t subscribers yu are trying to reach is no longer in service.


The At&t subscriber you are trying to reach is no longer in service.

This person just tried to ignore his girlfriend because I think its safe to say he isn't

ready to be a father.

So he sent a generic text as if it was from his girlfriends provider but he screwed that

up didn't he.

Number 9.


IGNORE- FOR SOMEONE ELSE I hope you're joking.


Only 6:40.

Well that was a dumb fail this guy just texted his mom by mistakes saying he has 2 grams

worth of something probably weed.

Why do so many people text the wrong person and it always seems to happen at the worst


And I like how after his drug deal he is just concerned about jeopardy.

Number 8.



Wow fuck you.

. I slept with your brother btw.


. WTF well this is awkward.

Is this real life right now.

Tonys girlfriend thought she was broken up with so she was like well since hes breaking

up with me its time for me to spill the beans about his brother.

If this conversation didn't happen I wonder how long this would have went on for.

If this was me I would have been like whats over, I wouldn't have freaked out so quickly

and assumed the worst and than text back the worst thing possible.

Number 7.



Dude don't even try denying it.


. oh I thought that was a dream.


This guy is an idiot.

Buddy how drunk did you get that you thought you drove yourself home didn't you know

you were so wasted.

This could have been super dangerous if this guy thought he was fit enough to actually

drive himself home.

I wonder if these guys will be friends for long it seems like they are bros because as

the contact name it just says bro.

I think that's pretty funny.

At number 6 was another very dumb situation.

HEY DAVE don't talk to me WHY WHAT DID I DO last night you were so drunk you got my

ipad and put in the blender.


Yeah and you said you were making apple juice.

How much liquor are people drinking these days, and I think that might be some drugs

in this guy that he thought that he could make apple juice with an apple ipad I guess

when your drunk things like this makes sense.

That friend is so pissed off, hopefully his buddy buys him a new ipad if not I think the

friendship is over.

Text the wrong person and thinking you got away with a lie comes in at number 5.


Ohh okay I guess we can wait tomorrow with the picnik?




Wrong person.

Well that was a fail.

What a shitty boyfriend he just blew off his girlfriend to go fool around with this other


And this other girl knows he has a girlfriend but I guess she just doesn't care.

I feel so bad for this person who just got rejected to hang that night, and in the same

night they find out they are being cheated on.

We have a very confused wife at number 4.


Im your wife.

. you cant exactly break up with me.

Im living in your house.

You could just walk over to the other side of the room and tell me you want to get a




Oh ok ?? wait what?

What the heck just happen, this guys wife didn't realize right away that he has a

side chick and he just broke up with her.

This wife was like oh ok and she was happen because she realize he wasn't breaking up

with her.

And how awkward is that, that they are both in the same room.

This guy has a lot of explaining to do.

He doesn't even have time to come up with a dumb excuse or a story to tell.

It seems like a divorce might happen after all.

Another confused person is at number 3. this is pretty mean listen to this.


What is it babe.



JK IM CHEATIN GON YOU soooo my xbox is ok right?

poor guy is so worried about his xbox he doesn't realize that he has been cheated on.

This guy doesn't to grasp what just happened.

Buddy it seems like your xbox is ok but I think you should jump onto tinder and swipe

away because your going to be single when you re-read the whole text. . or just the

last line your girlfriend texted you.

Number 2.


No im plural.


No im freaking expensive everyday of the week!!


Oh sure why didn't you just say so!

I am pretty sure she was trying the whole time and I thought at first this person was

just joking around by saying im plural but I think they were very serious in the whole


This person is just horrible with social cues.

They have a lot to learn.

And hopefully Alex has a lot of patience.

Finally, at number 1 I think I saved the dumbest moment last.



Okay, sorry you're right.


Wow, I don't even need to explain how stupid this one was, what an idiot.

I guess you can't make this stuff up I bet this actually did happen.

Well god luck to your phone buddy and your common sense.

For more infomation >> Top 10 Dumbest Text Messages - Part 6 - Duration: 6:38.


Honda HR-V 1.6i 2WD - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Honda HR-V 1.6i 2WD - Duration: 1:00.


Glass gem cone Funny hamster eats for the first time! - Duration: 1:54.

Thanks for subscribing to my channel!Please RT!

For more infomation >> Glass gem cone Funny hamster eats for the first time! - Duration: 1:54.


Did The Soviets Build A Better Space Shuttle? The Buran Story - Duration: 10:30.

The space shuttle wasn't like anything before it, it was the first reusable

spacecraft and it promised to make travel into space affordable, safe, almost

routine. And so by the 1970's America abandoned expendable rockets, which could

only be used once, and went all in on space shuttles, Building the Columbia, the

Challenger, the discovery, the Atlantis the Braun and the Endeavour. Wait a

minute, this is not one of the space shuttles.

In 1988, the world learned that the Soviet Union also had a space shuttle.

They had been secretly developing it for well over a decade, and it had cost them

billions. But maybe you've never heard of it, and that wouldn't be too surprising,

because the Soviet Space Shuttle only ever launched once. But it's not because

it was flawed. Actually its first launch was a huge success and in a lot of ways

it was actually more capable and robust than the American space shuttle. But

after its first launch, the Soviet shuttle seems to have just disappeared.

And to understand why, you need to go back to the late 1960's. That's when the

Soviets would have learned that the Americans were planning to replace their

conventional rockets with a new reusable spacecraft. But at first the Soviets

wouldn't have been concerned. After all, they had done their own research into

reusable spacecraft and space planes. And the Soviets were pretty busy with other

space projects. They were still in the race to put a man on the moon, they had

ambitious plans for a space station, even a potential moon base. But by 1975 the

mood had changed, the Soviets had grown paranoid that the American space shuttle

might also be used as a space weapon. Soviet research institutes studied the

shuttle program and what they found was that the publicly stated goals of the

program, well, just didn't line up with what the

Americans were actually building. For one, the shuttle promised to make getting

into space cheaper. But the Soviets could clearly see that the shuttle's launch

costs were actually going to be higher than the Rockets it was supposed to

replace. And the shuttle program promised an incredible 60 launches a year, giving

the Americans the ability to get a lot of material into orbit - ten times more

than they had been previously able to. And yet there was nothing in NASA's

plans that called for so many launches. The space shuttle'ss commercial and

scientific goals were starting to look like a smokescreen for what was likely a

military program. The Soviets suspected that the shuttle could be used to launch

something like, say, a laser weapon into orbit, test it, then bring it back down to

earth for further development. With a shuttle type craft, the Americans

could militarize space a lot quicker than the Soviets. The shuttle could even

be used to capture a Soviet spy satellite and bring it back down to

earth for study. And to compound Soviet fears, they discovered that the Americans

were quietly building a second launch site for the shuttle at Vandenberg Air

Force Base in California. And here's the thing with Vandenberg, launch the shuttle

from there and by its first orbit it's over all the major population centers of

the Soviet Union. So the shuttle could in theory deliver a nuclear first-strike

faster than any Soviet nuclear delivery system. The Soviet military pushed hard

for the Soviet Union to start developing its own space

shuttle, but few involved in the Soviet space program actually wanted a shuttle

type craft. But four years after the Americans began working on the space

shuttle, the Kremlin quietly gave the go-ahead to

start developing a Soviet counterpart The Soviet Union's space shuttle would

be called Buran and its research and development would be kept a closely

guarded secret for years. When the Americans first launched the Space

Shuttle on April 12 1981, which awkwardly enough was the 20th anniversary of the

Soviets launching the first man into space, the Soviet media was scathing. They

blasted the Americans for putting in military craft into space and they

reminded viewers that the Soviet Union's space program was for the betterment of

science and humanity. Very few Soviet citizens would have

known that their own government was secretly developing a similar shuttle.

There's no way around it the Buran looked a lot like the American Space

Shuttle, and it's got nothing to do with aerodynamic or thermodynamic laws. The

goal had been to build something that could match the military potential of

the Space Shuttle and with a lot of information about the American Space

Shuttle freely available and unclassified, it's not hard to imagine

what happened next. But here's the thing, the Soviets already knew a thing or two

about getting into space, so they didn't just copy the shuttle, they might have

designed a better Space Shuttle First there's a big difference in how

the Space Shuttle and the Buran actually get into space. The Space Shuttle's

orbiter uses integrated reusable main engines which are fueled by an external

tank. But because the main engines were not powerful enough to put the Shuttle

into orbit, it also needed the help of two expendable solid rocket boosters. But

the Buran didn't have integrated engines, all of its lifting power was provided by

a separate super-heavy rocket called Energia.

It consisted of a core stage and four boosters. Unlike the Space Shuttle, which

was a single system, the Buran orbiter and it's lifting Rockets were actually

two separate systems. While the Shuttle with its integrated engines was more

reusable, in practice it required intensive maintenance between launches,

which offset a lot of its advantage, but once in space

the Shuttle's integrated engines no longer serve the purpose. So for most of

the Shuttle's mission, it was forced to haul around thousands of pounds of

dead weight. This meant that the Buran could carry slightly more payload than

the Space Shuttle, but more importantly the Soviet system had a massive

advantage: flexibility. The Energia rocket could launch by itself without

the Buran attached, and that meant it could carry other things into space.

Without the Buran, the Energia rocket could launch an astounding 100 tons.

That's three Space Shuttles worth of lifting power. The Space Shuttle's first

stage uses solid rocket boosters. The Energia's are liquid fueled. The thing with

solid rocket boosters is, once they're started, there's simply no way to shut

them off. The Energia's liquid-fueled rockets could be throttled up down or

even shut off completely in an emergency. And in an emergency, the Buran had

ejection seats for the entire crew, which could function while on the launch pad or

all the way up to 20 miles. Only the first two shuttles had ejection

seats and only for two crew members. Later shuttles had no ejection seats at

all. From the outset the Buran was also capable of fully automated flight,

meaning it could be launched, put into orbit, and returned back to earth without

any crew on board. Automated flight couldhave been used for rescue missions

and an empty Buran could be sent up to rescue the crew of a space station or

another stranded orbiter. The Buran's first launch was on November of 1988.

The western media was impressed. Especially by it's fully automatic landing

system. On that autumn day in 1988 the future of Soviet space flight - at least from

an outsider's perspective - looked promising. The media speculated that the Buran

would be used to build space stations, or maybe to assemble a spacecraft for a

manned mission to Mars. Of course none of that ever happened the Buran was only

launched once. In the late 1980's the Soviet Union began to collapse, and with

it funding for the Buran was limited, and eventually cut off entirely. Tough

questions started rolling in about the program. Soviet engineers had done a fine

job, but the entire program was starting to look absurdly expensive. Like the

American Space Shuttle, the Buran was costly and inefficient, but unlike the

Americans the Russians still had other ways to get into space. A soyuz rocket

could launch payload into orbit six times cheaper than a Braun. But if the

Soviet Union hadn't collapsed, well, we might imagine Borans being used to

assemble orbital space stations, or spacecraft for missions to other planets.

Or maybe not. The Soviets had been so paranoid about the military potential of

the American Shuttle they wanted their own matching system. But that goal

quickly became pretty much the only goal. In the final days of the Soviet Union,

when it was clear that the American shuttle had no meaningful military

potential, the Soviet military no longer wanted anything to do with the Buran, and

the Soviet space community was left with a spacecraft that was expensive, complex,

and largely without a real purpose

For more infomation >> Did The Soviets Build A Better Space Shuttle? The Buran Story - Duration: 10:30.


Si te Gusta el CHOCOLATE, Pare Todo lo Que Estás Haciendo y Vea Ese Vídeo - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> Si te Gusta el CHOCOLATE, Pare Todo lo Que Estás Haciendo y Vea Ese Vídeo - Duration: 2:54.


How To Treat Toenail Fungus With VICKS VAPORUB Toenail Fungus Treatment - Duration: 2:45.

For more infomation >> How To Treat Toenail Fungus With VICKS VAPORUB Toenail Fungus Treatment - Duration: 2:45.


STEWIE2K AWP is NUTS! CS:GO BROKEN AGAIN? CS:GO Twitch Clips! - Duration: 10:42.


I'm with both. It's just whatever's comfortable comfortable for me. Just like in some scenarios these rhythm I use

My top mid


more mid

I'm dead. We're mid

Okay, unlucky


Could be the round winner here for also we can just see that

It's why I getting completely overwhelmed a Z came to quick kills, and now I need to find the third one looked away. No

But Wow right onto the head of Zico as he knocks them out and wins another one for GS

Bring it back to 2008

Min Santi yell trash

You always get those fucking upper be

Alright smokes a cheeky

So that seems good Jerry behind

You believe in me

Yes, they got him the gun can see shit

Right now it looks like ghost does

matter focus - how long can you stay focused on the game in hand here snakes catch the trade brings the score before

close-up one all those fines another one is they fall outside of the apartments and

Finally connects on that when shot tries to peek him from around the corner now

He's got on the last two players locked down but hold on now

He's trying to be sneaky with this odorous looking back goes to his right side misses the shot

But it's an OP fee up tool and odorous

There's a lot more to worry about than just snakes here lines up the shot takes him now

But Mac has come in on the flank now

It's a 2v1 than the CTS have control of the site and the bomb and this could very well be an ace and it shall

Be an ace Wow for snakes is he shuts down the entire offensive from ghost and finally gives Sauron in the round


What Robbie he's popular on those guys that took like a full two days to be nameless king or something?

I'm so sorry wasn't maybe he's in nevermind. He's not in. I'm looking at your head thinking. It's him

Ones close laughs looks like

Okay boys, okay

Boys a single laptop snatchy is the only real weapon on the field unless you prefer the the little hand can of the deagles they've

Mali down in the drop isn't ours does get that first frag

And they start to leverage this with follow-up frags as well calyx is giving the over field

The overwatch cover to his teammate that has taken drop

But they have committed one player down here the thing is they've already gotten the value trade two kills for him, so

More bodies will follow soon as they just continue to fry bar into the B site

Not much to offer is just snatchy left, and there's no stone like god

That's an ace from Santos as well as he just cleaned house

It's night and day difference right now these two teams somehow. We have a full gun now basically

It's strike really needs to stop facing Hank, but yeah, we're hitting them for that

He's doing that just just change nothing, but you don't need to be picking by casts

Are you just already in as I keep feeding me like oh, I'll take it. Hey so ready to think is it gone

I'm gonna get sir any in my team. I reckon okay

Maybe I know I'm gonna see our Dino stacks up

maybe Wolfie yeah, Wolfie Dino all the animals you know sir any

Spanish yeah take him and Moo juice booties. What do you?

That's a full reset as well figure out crucial spots on the map and that is exactly what's gonna happen. You know

Just walking right above them, and they don't even know it

They're not gonna be checking for this spams in gets the first one doesn't get the second

But he might as well if he's brought him that 8hp

Kzk wins this it would be a miracle. He's gonna dive onto it ten second diffuses

well Wow

He baits his opponent the peeking over

Then gets the kill outside of the smoke only question remaining is did he get on to the bomb in time

I think he did, but let's wait and see

He's got it. Yes. He gets it so a second question this game from a-z buzzer

- no Sola Sola Sola, maybe yet that is her opinion - their plasma here with

Stones yellow

Roster pukka Sousou come on dude and the default of the Russians are running

spins gonna find one of his own that must emit a big shot on a copy and his b.split is underway as time isn't

Holding for anybody spin once more another headshot and look at this aggression in the face the rotations come in

But how are you getting into b-boys you gotta get through the spoken attack will a big jumping season 75 kill there?

Yes the fun 1/3 for the round indeed. It was but I don't think it's enough to potentially win this round ago

Nor Ross it has to hit that shot as he crossed towards the bomb so now his teammate

Isolated towards kitchen smoked out for now the wait for those go down

I'm gonna get to woke up here with three buses - now my kids who onto as nor

What does manage to make one shot work that?

Those might be done. Just yet. I'll see if strikes will stay alive here, and it looks like the renny's coming in 1 hp

It's pretty much a spins and nor what's coming in

Is that the first days? We've had I think it might be turned up blood. You've done it. I was wonderful


For more infomation >> STEWIE2K AWP is NUTS! CS:GO BROKEN AGAIN? CS:GO Twitch Clips! - Duration: 10:42.


How to Make Stuffed Garlic Knots | Food Network - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> How to Make Stuffed Garlic Knots | Food Network - Duration: 3:29.


The REAL TRUTH of Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy - Duration: 8:15.

Alright so if I just ever so carefully put my hammer down no NONONO MOTHER

So now I must start over. At the bottom of the mountain. With nothing but my bare chest,

toned but not unreasonable biceps, and a mighty hammer thing. Alright. Hnngraaah!


LIFE AND IT'S...stupidness. It's time to endure. It's time for Getting Over It

and the REAL TRUTH of it! I mean...the truth is always real by definition but how many

people claim to have the truth but actually don't? the REAL truth...of Getting Over It! Because my opinion is Truth! Get Ready!



Hey everyone welcome to the first Treesicle video of 2018, and what better game could

possibly end 2017 and start the new year with than Getting Over It: With Bennett Foddy?

Cuz I don't know about you, but being a YouTuber in 2017 sucked to the point that we weren't

completely sure we were going to be able to continue making videos for a living. So let's

get over it shall we, after all, that's what this game is all about.

In case you don't know what Getting Over It is, it's a game made by the same guy

who made QWOP. Remember this lovely piece of fecal matter? It was like controlling a

person if their skeleton was made of soup. Two buttons controlled your thighs and the

other two controlled your calves. And that was it. You had to figure out how to make

the ambiguously ethnic athlete walk or run or shimmy his way down the track. It was stressful,

it was infuriating, and now Mr. Foddy is back at it again with his most recent masterpiece.

However, unlike QWOP, which was stressful without any reason to be, Getting Over It

has a very important and obvious theme behind it: Failure. And in all honesty, Foddy has

made a game worth getting through because of its lesson. While this game is overwhelmingly

difficult, mind numbingly frustrating, and makes you wonder if it's too late to circumcise

yourself with a saw blade, it does have some beneficial qualities. So let's get into

this Mona Lisa of psychological horror game and find out just what it does before consuming

your mind with white hot fiery, chipotle poops style rage. uh… oh ok we're this dude in a cauldron... Am I a witches experiment

gone wrong or something? Whatever if doesn't matter. You play as Humpty Dumpty over here,

this cauldron man who's one goal in life is to climb. So we venture onwards until a

tree! How could I possibly overcome such an immovable object?!? annddd hup! Yes, all trees

will bow before the mighty Tree-sicle! Course once you finally emerge past the Tree of determination,

Mr. Bennett Foddy himself decides to tell you what this game is really about. I'll

allow him to explain in his own words: "There's no feeling more intense than

starting over. If you've deleted your homework the day before it was due, as I have. Or if

you left your wallet at home and you have to go back, after spending an hour in the

commute. If you won some money at the casino and then

put all your winnings on red, and it came up black. If you won an argument with a friend

and then later discovered they just returned to their original view. Starting over is harder

than starting up. If you're not ready for that, like if you've already had a bad day,

Then what you're about to go through might be too much. Feel free to go away and come

back. I'll be here."

Well well Mr. Foddy, you certainly paint a bleak picture about your most prized creation.

I mean sure, the last year hasn't exactly been easy but I'm sure your game couldn't

possibly make it worst GODDAMNIT MAN! I HATE YOU HUMPTY DUMPTY! Ok, I've taken some time

to calm down, recenter my chi, pop a xanax, y'know all the things that people do to

settle themselves. So let's get back into it. As you progress through the game Foddy

continues to bombard you with inspirationational quotes about failure as you fail, and philosophical

commentary as you succeed. You climb up barren rocks until you reach a vertical wall of metal,

then you climb over everyday objects, grilles, beach balls, stairs, chairs, things just taken

and thrown in to create a climbable obstacle for you to get over. Over and up you go. Learning,

understanding, but still messing up and redoing the same parts over and over. All the while

Foddy feeds you quotes about failure every time you mess up. And eventually, if you're

really determined and spend a lot of time in the game, you can beat it and succeed,

fulfilling Foddy's vision for the game. You've learned how to climb.

But the game isn't really about succeeding. Sure you can beat the game and feel accomplished,

but that end feeling is nothing compared to the overwhelming frustration and concentration

you take upon yourself to just get out the metaphorical front door of the game. As you

climb, Foddy tells you about the game this title is based on: Sexy Hiking. It's not

a game about that time I went hiking with your mom. It's a B game, as he calls it,

and he extrapolates this idea of B games, games made on budgets and using premade parts,

to movies, to tv, to all forms of entertainment, to show its a part of our culture. We reuse,

recycle, create something from the same trash over and over again. And yet, out of this

trash game made from trash materials with a trash control scheme on a a trash mountain,

is a very real light at the end of this infuriating tunnel. Of trash.

This game makes you feel real emotion. It makes you pulse with anger, it makes you scream

with rage, but just as readily, it makes you smile with joy and beam with accomplishment.

Getting Over It isn't just a B game created for us to enjoy the pain of the Markiplier's

and Jacksepticeye's of the world. I mean it is, but Foddy created this game with a

real message behind it, that failure doesn't have to stop progress, that anger can help

fuel our success and strengthen our resolve. This game isn't about climbing a mountain.

It's about life. Wading through the junk and muck of everyday living. Failing to get

that job, or failing to pass that class. It isn't over, you aren't even back at the

beginning. You're still farther along than you were when you started your journey, and

even if the absolute worst happens to you, there's only one place to go: Up.

That's the real message that Bennett Foddy is trying to get you to understand. It doesn't

matter how many times you fall down, it doesn't matter how many tries it takes. You have this

one life to live, and you're going to fail. You're going to fail over and over again.

So it's ok to get angry, it's ok to get mad. It's ok to leave and take a break.

And it's certainly okay to shake your fist at the world which has blessed you with a

cauldron for legs. Your obstacle, whether its a class or a crush or a job or something

else, it'll be there when you're ready to pick up again. Get angry, get mad! Fucking

yell till your lungs pop if you have to. But come back, try again, and again. Because in

the end there's only one way to go and no matter how great the pain of failure is, it'll

be worth it, because all of it will turn into accomplishment when you finally do finish

your goal. So climb. Just like in the game you're going to make mistakes, there will

be parts you'll be good at and parts where you'll struggle. There will be parts you'll

mess up and failures you think you'll never be able to get over. But you can. just get

back in that cauldron, pick up that hammer, and climb. It will be worth it in the en-


MESSAGE! I'M DONE, I'M OUT! I'M OVER IT! And that's the real truth.

Seriously though, this game can be a inspirational nightmare, but I'm glad we got a chance

to cover it. If there's a game you'd like us to cover let us know in the comments below,

or better yet, tell us in our discord server or on twitter where we're much more likely

to actually see it! I hope you all are ready for a full year of new content. We have big

plans for the future and we're going to be sharing them with you all soon, so thanks

for watching everybody and I'll talk to you all soon. Toodles!

For more infomation >> The REAL TRUTH of Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy - Duration: 8:15.


Replacing Philippe Coutinho will be Jurgen Klopp biggest Liverpool challenge yet ● News Now ● #LFC - Duration: 2:45.

Brazilian seems poised to complete move to Barcelona - and that hands the Reds boss a

major problem.

He came in January, and it looks increasingly likely he will leave in summer.

It won't please Liverpoool fans, but the end looks like it is coming with Philippe Coutinho.

Barcelona, it appears, are going to get their man.

An announcement could even come this weekend.

For Liverpool, it will also leave a problem, and a big one at that.

No wonder, then, that the Reds are so desperate to keep the Brazilian until the end of the


Adam Lallana's return is welcome, but neither he nor Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain provide the

creativity, vision and goal threat Coutinho possesses.

The same goes for James Milner and Gini Wijnaldum, whose form is patchy in any case.

Liverpool will, if the deal materialises, be losing a genuinely outstanding attacking

midfielder, a player capable of playing in multiple positions to a high standard.

Coutinho enjoyed his best goalscoring return last season, and was well on course to beat

it this time around.

He is scoring or assisting a goal every 75 minutes this season, the best record of any

Liverpool player, even the free-scoring Mo Salah.

He's a vital player, one whose qualities bring out the best in others.

No wonder Jurgen Klopp was asked if that was a little "suspicious" earlier this week.

The word from Anfield is that Klopp will be given a big say in what happens with the player.

Liverpool are under no obligation to sell, be it now or in the summer.

The question, though, is whether keeping him would prove detrimental to Klopp's plans,

and the tight-knit squad he has assembled.

The ideal scenario would be to agree a deal which would see Barcelona get their man in

the summer, but even that is looking unlikely.

In which case, Liverpool must have a strong and decisive plan of action.

They must ensure they get a fee which reflects the current transfer market, and they must

re-invest swiftly and smartly.

The idea of Coutinho leaving and nobody coming in, well, it doesn't bear thinking about.

For more infomation >> Replacing Philippe Coutinho will be Jurgen Klopp biggest Liverpool challenge yet ● News Now ● #LFC - Duration: 2:45.


The Mines of Moria - Lord of the Rings Lore - Duration: 15:32.

"Greatest of all the mansions of the Dwarves was Khazad-dûm, the Dwarrowdelf, Hadhodrond

in the Elvish tongue, that was afterwards in the days of its darkness called Moria."

Hello friends, It's Karl here, and in today's videos we're going to delve into the history

and darkness of the Mines of Moria, the Greatest realm of the Dwarven people.

Khazad-Dum was founded by Durin the first, one of the seven fathers of the Dwarves.

When Durin awoke, he was fascinated with the world around him, and as he walked, he named

the places and things that he saw.

He eventually, came across a lake of immense beauty and he peered into it.

There he saw his reflection, but there were also 7 stars aligned in the form of a crown,

and he took this as a sign, and decided to carve out a home in the mountains above.

He named the lake Kheled Zaram and it was also known as the Mirrormere in the common


It remained a sacred place for all the dwarves that followed, and Durin's stone was erected

there as a landmark, to mark the location where Durin is believed to have had his vision.

As Durin made the Mountain his home, he was joined by other dwarves, and together they

carved out the great Gates of Khazad Dum which during his time would be the only entrance

into his Kingdom.

Durin then led the dwarves further inward, where they carved out and built the First

hall and the Bridge of Khazad-Dum.

This bridge served both practical and defensive purposes, for if an enemy succeeding in breaching

the gates they would have to cross the bridge in single file due to its narrow width, and

so they would become easy targets and their numbers rendered obsolete.

Anyway the dwarves kept expanding inwards, carving floors above, and caverns below.

Their realm flourished, and Durin became the King of Khazad Dum, crowned as Durin the first;

the dwarves that followed him, and those of his line became the dwarven clan of the Longbeards,

also known as Durin's folk.

Now Durin's reign lasted a tremendous amount of time, and some thought he might be immortal,

earning him the name of Durin the Deathless.

However he eventually passed way, though it's believed that he lived at least 2395 years,

which is ten times more than the average lifespan of a dwarf.

Some of his line bore such a strong resemblance to him that they too were named Durin, as

the Longbeards believed that Durin would be reincarnated seven times as King.

As Khazad-Dum flourished, tales of its greatness and majesty spread fast to the west, to the

very shores of Beleriand.

This land of Beleriand would host the final Battle against Morgoth the Dark Lord, and

the level of destruction inflicted upon was beyond measure.

Most of Beleriand sank beneath the waves, and the Dwarven cities of Nogrog and Belegost

were laid to waste.

The dwarves that survived fled, and remembering the tales they heard of Khazad-Dum, they chose

to migrate there.

This resulted in a huge influx of dwarves in Khazad-Dum, and it was enriched both in

number and in raw talent, for these dwarves were known to be smiths, craftsmen and builders

of incredible skill.

This resulted in Khazad-Dum experiencing a golden renaissance and a period of unparalleled


It was during this time that Khazad-Dum expanded to the western tip of the mountains.

Some Noldor elves that were survivors of Beleriand, established the Elven Realm of Eregion next

to the western border of Khazad-Dum.

These elves were led by Celebrimbor, and they had an unexpected friendship with the Dwarves

due to their mutual love for Crafting and Smithing which developed into a strong trading


By now, the precious metal mithril was discovered in Khazad-Dum which further increased the

wealth of the Dwarves, and the elves of Eregion discovered a way to turn Mithril into an alloy

known as Ithildin that would shine brightly under moon-light.

To make trading faster and easier, the elves and dwarves agreed to build a new entrance

into Moria, the western gate.

This door was made by Celebrimbor the lord of Eregion, and Narvi a dwarf of unmatched

skill from Khazad-Dum.

In times of peace, the door was left open so that trade could flow through it, and it

was adorned with many symbols and runes made of ithildin.

There was the hammer and anvil, the emblem of Durin, and a crown with Seven stars that

represented Durin's vision in the Mirrormere.

There were also two trees representing the Trees of the High Elves and finally a single

Star which represented the house of Faenor, who was the greatest elf-smith that ever lived,

and of whom Celebrimbor was a descendent.

An inscription was etched into the door, reading: The Doors of Durin, Lord of Moria.

Speak, friend, and enter.

I, Narvi, made them.

Celebrimbor of Hollin drew these signs."

These doors were opened by uttering the Elvish word for friend, Mellon.

This prosperous relationship would not last forever though, as Sauron appeared in a fair

form and convinced Celebrimbor to help him make the rings of power.

The first of the Dwarven rings that was created was given to Durin the third, the king of

Khazad-Dum at that time.

Some believe that Sauron gave it to him, while dwarves believe that it was a gift from Celebrimbor.

After the rings' creation, Sauron ordered Celebrimbor to hand over the rings, though

Celebrimbor refused as he was finally aware of Sauron's deceit.

In retaliation, Sauron attacked Eregion.

The dwarves of Khazad-Dum sent some warrior to defend their Elven allies though it was


The Elves were slaughtered and their leader, Celebrimbor was shot with arrows and his body

was used as a banner.

The dwarves then shut the west gate.

They had reached their hour of twilight, and now they would dwindle.

Despite shutting themselves away from the world the Dwarves would not know peace.

Orcs had invaded their mountains and taken control over Mount Gundabad, the place where

Durin the Deathless is believed to have awoken and so a sacred place for the Dwarves.

The dwarves would have many skirmishes with these orcs, and despite the battles on their

homefront, they still rallied and helped in defeating Sauron.

For some dwarves from formed part of the forces of good during the Last alliance, and together

with the forces of men and elves they succeeded in defeated Sauron.

If the 2nd age was Khazad-Dum's sunrise, the 3rd age can be considered its sunset.

Their wealth still grew for there never was a shortage in demand for Mithril, yet their

numbers had started to decline.

This dependence on Mithril led them to expanding their mines, all in search of this precious


This metal that defined their kingdom… and led to its fall.

For during the year 1980 of the third age, the dwarves unearthed something other than


A demon of Shadow and Flame.

A balrog of Morgoth that had lain dormant beneath the mountains.

The Balrog wrecked havoc on the dwarves and slew their king, Durin the 6th, thus earning

itself the name 'Durin's Bane'.

The dwarves sturdy and stubborn as always, were not ready to give up their kingdom so

easily, and they persevered for another year under the rule of Durin's son, Nain the


Yet their determination could not hold back such a foe, and their new King also fell to

the balrog's whip.

The dwarves then accepted the futility of fighting back, and they abondoned their home

while being led by Nain's son, Thrain the first who then founded the Kingdom of Erebor.

With Khazad Dum's fall, it was renamed to Moria, meaning the Black Pit.

It would lie empty save for the Balrog and the corpses of the fallen for 500 years, as

in the year 2480 of the Third age, orcs began to populate Moria and create secret strongholds

within the Misty Mountains.

Sauron also started to send his own orcs and trolls into Moria and these orcs plundered

the dwarven ruins, sending treasures and any Mithril they found back to Sauron.

In the 2799 The battle of Azanulbizar was fought outside of Moria's east gate, between

the dwarves and the orcs of Moria.

Both factions suffered significant losses, though the dwarves emerged victorious.

Despite their victory and the fact that very few orcs left in Moria, the dwarves decide

not to reclaim their home, as Dain Ironfoot had looked through the gate and he saw that

the Balrog, Durin's Bane, yet lived.

190 years later, in the year 2989, Balin led an expedition of dwarves to reclaim Moria.

This expedition included others members of Thorin's company such as Oin and Ori.

At first they were incredibly successful, and they managed to establish a colony in


Balin declared himself Lord of Moria, and They even found Mithril once again, and it's

believed that they recovered an ancient relic of the dwarves, called Durin's axe.

Balin then set up his throne in the Chamber of Mazarbul.

His rule was shortlived however, for merely 5 years later he was slain by an orc arrow

while looking in the Mirrormere.

He was then buried in the chamber of Mazarbul, and it was in this very room that what was

left of the dwarven expedition made their final stand, as orcs had once again invaded

Moria through the East-Gate, and the Dwarves were trapped inside, because the pool of water

outside the West-Gate had risen and the Watcher prevented any escape through there.

And so the ringing of Dwarven hammers once again died out in Moria.

It would be 30 years before another Dwarf set foot in Moria.

In the year 3019 The Fellowship reached the west-gate of Moria, after failing to cross

the Mountain pass of Caradhras.

Frodo solves the riddle to open the door, and the fellowship are then attacked by the

Watcher in the Water.

I already made a detailed video on the watcher which I'll link above, and so I won't

cover it again in this video.

While I was making notes for this video, I decided to make a map of the Fellowship's

journey through Moria, and I'll be using it for the next part of my video.

I encourage you to pause at times to read my notes, also areas highlighted in blue show

ascent, while those in pink are descent.

So after entering Moria, the fellowship eventually came across three arches and Gandalf was unsure

which one to pick.

They therefore decided to rest in the old guardsroom nearby.

This room contained a massive hole in its centre than used to be a well, and it was

here that Pippin threw a rock down the well, that is believed to have alerted the orcs

to the fellowships presence.

After they rest, Gandalf decides to take the right path as the left one had a foul smell

and he disliked the feeling of the Middle-One.

This path led the fellowship to the Twenty-First hall and they then travelled north to reach

Balin's Tomb.

Here they found the book of Mazarbul that was a record of Balin's expedition in Moria,

and they're then ambushed by orcs and two cave trolls.

Though they succeed in fighting off this first wave of enemies, a nimble orc captain made

his way past Aragorn and Boromir and he stabs Frodo in the chest.

Frodo survives thanks to his Mithril vest, and the fellowship then exit through a small

door on the eastern side of the Chamber of Mazarbul.

Gandalf chooses to stay behind however, in an attempt to buy the others time and he casts

a spell of sealing on the Western Door, though his spell is broken by the Balrog.

The fellowship then make their way to the bridge of Khazad-Dum where Gandalf faces the

Balrog and breaks the bridge asunder causing the Balrog to fall in the abyss below.

As it fell, it swung its whip around Gandalf's knees and dragged him down with it.

The rest of the fellowship then flee via the Great Gates of Moria, leaving the Darkness

of Khazad-Dum behind them.

Now Gandalf and the Balrog fall together into a massive pool of water at the bottom of the


Here, at the foundations of the Earth, Gandalf fought the Balrog and he seemed to gain the

upper hand, for the Balrog fled into dark tunnels nearby.

These tunnels were said to be made by nameless creatures that were older than Sauron.

Gandalf then chased the Balrog down these tunnels, till they reached the Endless stair

that led them all the way up to Durin's tower at the highest peak of the Mountain

top Zirakzigil.

There they fought once again, till at last Gandalf defeated the Balrog and threw him

down on the mountain-side below.

With the threat of the Balrog gone, dwarves could once reclaim Moria, though this doesn't

occur until the Fourth age of Middle-Earth.

In the peoples of middle-Earth, Tolkien says that Durin the 7th eventually reclaims Moria

and the dwarves remain there "until the world grew old and the Dwarves failed and

the days of Durins race were ended.

Before I discuss some of Moria's characteristics I'd like to point out that both Aragorn

and Gandalf had journeyed through Moria before the War of the Ring.

So Khazad-Dum was located in the Middle of the Misty Mountains beneath the three mountain

peaks of Celebdil, Caradhras and Fanuidhol.

There is a marked difference between the Eastern part of Khazad-Dum and the Western part.

The Eastern part of the city was better built and less worn out which seems to suggest that

it was the area in which dwarves primarily lived, while the western part contained their

mines and stores.

The city was divided into layers, having 7 levels above ground, and 7 Deeps below.

The treasure holds of the dwarves were spread out throughout Moria, as Gandalf says that

the treasures in the upper halls have been plundered by orcs, while those in the deeps

are drowned in water.

We also know that at least one of their armouries was located in the Deeps as we're told "Oin

to seek for the upper armouries of Third deep" Since these are said to be the upper armouries,

I would understand that there were more armouries further below this level, in the other deeps.

We're told that there were many stream and wells in Moria, and I believe these were the

cause of the flooding in the lower levels, as throughout the fellowship's journey in

Moria the sound of water could be heard far below.

In Durin's time, Khazad-Dum was lit up by lamps made of crystal, and the eastern parts

of the city had natural light as shafts were cut through the rock.

The Second Hall of Moria, had a double line of large towering pillars down its centre

that were shaped like mighty trees holding up the roof.

Across this room, there was a great fissure of fire, and it's interesting to note that

at first when the fellowship were ambushed in the chamber of Mazarbul, they considered

going back to the 21st hall and taking the eastern path, which would have led them to

the western side of the second hall, and so trapped between the orcs and Balrog and the

fissure in the room.

This would have most likely lead to the fellowship's defeat, and so it's quite interesting to

note what an important decision it was.

Anyway this wraps up the video, and I hope you enjoyed it!

If you learnt something new, please tell me in the comments below, I'm curious to know!

And if you enjoyed this video drop a like cause it helps this channel immensely, and

subscribe to join our fellowship today!

I hope to see you all in my next video, where together can once again explore the magical

world and lore of Middle-Earth!

For more infomation >> The Mines of Moria - Lord of the Rings Lore - Duration: 15:32.


Find The Mona Lisa | Can You Spot The Real Mona Lisa | Find Th Difference | Spot The Odd Mona Lisa - Duration: 4:24.

Are You Ready?

Lets's Start!!!

For more infomation >> Find The Mona Lisa | Can You Spot The Real Mona Lisa | Find Th Difference | Spot The Odd Mona Lisa - Duration: 4:24.


BREAKING!! She's GONE!!! DON'T Come Back! - Duration: 5:17.


She's GONE!!!

DON'T Come Back!

In what every red-blooded Patriotic American can consider a huge Christmas gift, Kathy

Griffin has just announced she will be leaving the United States for at least four years.

And the reason is that, of course, she hates President Donald Trump.

After Griffin participated in a gruesome photo shoot which featured the so-called comedienne

holding a bloody, decapitated fake head resembling President Donald Trump, not unlike her Isis


Celebrities, and prominent media figures expressed a range of responses on social media, with

many criticizing the image as being in bad taste.

Although Kathy Griffin has "apologized" for the gory image she created with photographer

Tyler Shields, it seems both sides of the political aisle weren't impressed by it

and she has managed to bring her career to an abrupt end.

Obviously, she has wasted no time in playing the victim card and declared that at age 57

she doesn't have a lot of time to be patient.

Griffin begged people not to be "too hard" on her after claiming to be in the middle

of a Hollywood blacklist and added that when she gets back home she doesn't have one

single day of paid work in front of her.

Awww. poor little liberal.

She pulls an awful stunt like she did and she is the poor victim.

Maybe in her book, but not in the book of Americans, both on the left and right sides

of the aisle.

The Huffington Post Reports:

Kathy Griffin Referred To Anderson Cooper As A 'Spineless Heiress'

The comedian made the comment to the Daily Beast during an interview about Lisa Bloom.

Kathy Griffin isn't pulling any punches.

On Sunday, the Daily Beast published an article in which the comedian referred to Anderson

Cooper as "the Spineless Heiress."

Griffin's comment was part of an article about her public dispute with former attorney

Lisa Bloom, who represented her after photos of Griffin posing with President Donald Trump's

"severed head" surfaced online in May.

The controversial pictures not only cost Griffin her CNN New Year's Eve hosting gig, but

also spurred Cooper, who was Griffin's co-host and longtime friend, to condemn them on Twitter.

Cooper didn't reach out to give Griffin a heads up about his tweet before he posted

it and didn't initially check in on Griffin after she received backlash for the photos,

which hurt her feelings, New York Magazine reported.

Adding insult to injury, Cooper went on "Watch What Happens Live" in July and told host

Andy Cohen that he and Griffin were "still friends."

When Cooper finally reached out to Griffin in a series of texts in August, she ended

their friendship.

Cooper is the son of clothing designer Gloria Vanderbilt, who is a descendent of shipping

and railroad tycoon Cornelius Vanderbilt.

He told People in 2016 that he will not inherit any of the Vanderbilt fortune, and acknowledged

that he was very lucky to grow up with "great privilege."

During Griffin's interview with the Daily Beast, she expressed her disappointment with


Griffin estimated that she paid the celebrity attorney $40,000 for two days of legal representation,

and said that Bloom tried to pressure her into a press tour.

Griffin added that a press conference she did with Bloom in June was a mess.

The comedian also tweeted at Bloom on Sunday, telling her, "Stop calling me.

If you'd like to refund me the tens of thousands of $$ I wasted on your services maybe I'll

talk to you."

Bloom — who also represented Harvey Weinstein before cutting ties with him earlier this

month — told the Daily Beast that the press conference was a disaster because Griffin

spoke off the cuff and did not use notes the two had worked on together.

She also said she had only texted Griffin once in the past three months.

"The last time I spoke to Kathy, at a group dinner recently, she gave me a big hug, was

very friendly and said everything was great between us," Bloom said.

"I had no idea there was a problem until a reporter reached out to me about this a

few days ago."

The announcement that she's leaving the US came a few days after the has-been entertainer

fainted on stage in Dublin.

Because being an extreme left-wing hack must be draining work.

Glad to see both sides of the political spectrum coming together and saying she went too far.

And at the age of 57, she should have known better and there is no excuse imaginable.

This wasn't just a tweet that came out in the heat of the moment.

This was planned out and she had weeks, if not months, to think about what repercussions

she would face for putting this picture out there.

What do you think about this?

Please share if you are happy to see her go for the at least the next 8 YEARS.

Scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> BREAKING!! She's GONE!!! DON'T Come Back! - Duration: 5:17.


Iron Man - LEGO Marvel-thon! - Duration: 2:12.

Hello, just2good here, and today I'm starting the Marvelthon.

I came up with this idea from Twitter,

and once a week starting January 1st,

if you watch a Marvel Cinematic Universe movie

you'll be able to lead into Infinity War perfectly.

I'll be revisiting each movie and re-examining,

as well as discussing the LEGO sets that came with it -

or should have came with it.

So, number one is Iron Man, released on May 2nd 2008.


I remember seeing this in theaters twice -

I really liked it back then,

and I've seen it probably the most out of any MCU film,

as I also watched it on DVD a bunch.

My mom loves Robert Downey Jr and this is one of her favorites.

I mean, this movie in general brought RDJ back into stardom,

and the MCU has made him a bigger star than ever before.

Upon re-watching, I didn't like it as much as I did back then,

but I still enjoyed it.

I mean,

the best part of the film is the chemistry between Tony Stark and Pepper Potts.

There has not been a relationship in the MCU to top it.

I completely forgot that Jeff Bridges was the main villain,

and while I liked him better than some of the more recent MCU villains,

he was still not as developed as I wanted him to be.

And I also forget Terrence Howard was Rhodey in this one,

but replaced by Don Cheadle in Iron Man 2 and on.

So, when this came out in 2008,

LEGO did have a couple of new movie licenses.

Indiana Jones was introduced this year which was a success,

and Speed Racer which wasn't.

I wish LEGO started the Super Heroes line this early, but oh well.

The only building sets for the movie were from MegaBloks, unfortunately.

And it was literally ONE set, this crappy looking thing.

It seems MegaBloks was banking on The Incredible Hulk to be a success,

which hah, bad judgement on their hand.

I mean, people were scared since Iron Man wasn't much of a bankkable property

at the point, and the Hulk was more of a familiar name.

But Iron Man ended up making so much more.


If LEGO did make a set,

I can't think of much they could've done besides the final battle with Iron Monger.

I mean, LEGO wasn't up to snuff with their pieces in 2008,

but I would imagine the Iron Monger, if they made it today,

to be a build similair to the hulk buster as opposed to a minifigure.

The set would also include Iron Man, and Pepper Potts to rescue.

Anyways, I encourage all of you Marvel fans to rewatch the MCU

as we continue this journey.

No promises that I'll stick to it,

but I hope to get all of these Marvelthons out before Infinity War.

I'll see you guys later, peace out, bye.

For more infomation >> Iron Man - LEGO Marvel-thon! - Duration: 2:12.


MSI GF62VR 7RF Gaming Laptop Review and Benchmarks - Duration: 10:23.

For more infomation >> MSI GF62VR 7RF Gaming Laptop Review and Benchmarks - Duration: 10:23.


Wanted - Duration: 1:50.

Check out my soundcloud, link in description.

For more infomation >> Wanted - Duration: 1:50.


BLKMRKT: Course à moto au Montenegro, Ça glisse de ouf ! [A l'assaut des Balkans: Episode 05] - Duration: 9:33.

Tara's canyon, Montenegro 10 august 2017

After a short night of sleep, we wake up in front of the Tara's canyon

We're so tired after this crazy night

but we quickly take the road in the morning

we have to find a coffeeshop, a restaurant and a pharmacy to heat my leg

after we finish on the canyon road

we go on our left

and since this time, we're going to amazed by the landscapes

Welcome to the Durmitor park, in Bobotov kuk

We are at 2500m of altitude here

The mountain is absolutely crazy here

We don't know were to start to looking at

we're watching on our left, we're watching on our right, we don't look the road anymore !

We have to cross beetween these cows

Balou's going first to open the road

Look at the rock right there

it's really amazing

It's time to meet some horses

After we crossed the Mountain,

we stopped some hours on a little city in order to eat, sleep, empty the sd cards

and buy something to heat my leg until the end of the trip

I have to show you a spot

we have to modify a bit our road book

but that is worth going there

take a look at this dude

when i took this road i was like " God damn it, Antoine is going to be crazy"

it's okay this is not the hardest we made

Clement: is it possible to put down the temperature or not ?

It's so fucking hot .. i have the impression that the temperature is increasing more and more

The big gray fog you see everywhere is coming from all the fires in the Balkans at this time

All this area is on fire !

It's time to go to kotor

But first, we're going to go to Lovcenpass

This pass offers an incredible POV of all the Kotor bay

let's go

and we're going to play a bit with the bikes !

it's cool to play a bit on the road

but we have to be careful because the road is sliding a lot !

i told you about big fogs everywhere in the sky

here, it's more visible because we take altitude

it's sliding a bit

Damn ! the rear this sliding !

yo ! this compression !

shit .. i lost the bottle of oil !

god damn !

i'll have to buy another one !

this road is awesome ! BUt it's sliding a lot !

i had a little compression

the front of the bike wasn't touching the ground anymore

i don't know if we can see on the camera

but you see i'm going to fall down

i was like, okay ! it's going to happen now !

front, back, i'm sliding everywhere !

look at this, i have too much weigh on the back

after this nice race, we are at the top of Lovcen Pass

We're so tired , but we need to take 461 steps before arriving to the top

the view is so amazing right here ..

but it's sad to see how fires are destroying all this

has you can see, some of them are still burning

Light is falling down now, it's time to go to Kotor

We're going to sleep on this city

The last lights of this sunrise are absolutely amazing

I stop and i try to film this with my drone

but it's too dark now to have something clean

i hope to come here tomorrow in the morning with the team, to film this...

at this time, you have to know that we are at the longest point of our road book

Tomorrow, we start to take the direction of France, slowly

But don't worry, we have a lot of things to ride and share with you until the end

For more infomation >> BLKMRKT: Course à moto au Montenegro, Ça glisse de ouf ! [A l'assaut des Balkans: Episode 05] - Duration: 9:33.


The 13 Best Games of 2017 - Bransfield Edition - Duration: 6:39.

I'm late, sorry, but 2017 took some getting over because it was so utterly nonsensical

from start to finish.

I give that year six out of ten.

Anyway, here's a quick and dirty list of my 13 - lucky for some - favourite games of

last year.

Which is 2017.

In case you're watching in some kind of space year from the future.

Enough babble, here's a list.

With a super-quick segue for two special mentions: Mass Effect Andromeda for not being quite

as bad as the internet decided, and Star Wars Battlefront II for hilariously melting the

internet at the end of the year.

Number thirteen: Sniper Elite 4 Everything I say about this game is tainted

by the fact I worked on the PR for it in the UK, so there's some disclosure for you.

On the other hand, I'm no longer paid to love this game and yet I do.

It's so much fun for mucking about, it satisfies that lizard part of my brain that wants to

see ludicrous violence and it is absolutely the right kind of silly.

Number twelve Stardew Valley This one's cheating as it's a 2016 release,

but then my list my rules, deal with it.

Anyway, Stardew Valley re-released on Switch in 2017 and reminded me just why I love it

so very much.

Farming is cool and you know it.

Also I still have no time for relationships because crops matter too much, and neatness

is secondary to efficient blueberry positioning.


Number eleven South Park: The Fractured But Whole

I wasn't as surprised by this one as I was the Stick of Truth, but then that is actually

a good thing.

And hey, I know someone as cool and funky as me isn't allowed to like South Park anymore

because Twitter said so, but I do love it.

It's hard not to after 20 years.

But not to get bogged down in that, the Fractured But Whole is great fun, and short enough to

not demand 500 hours.

Which is actually hypocritical for this list, as you'll soon find out.

Number ten Golf Story It's Everybody's Golf the RPG, therefore

is life.

Number nine XCOM 2: War of the Chosen I actually forgot this game existed, it came

out in the summer, I got it, then other things happened and I lost my concentration.

Anyway, I started playing it over the festive break and it's absolutely brilliant, adding

in a bunch of daft new story stuff and progression and development mechanics to mix things up

a bit.

Plus your troops can become bestie friends, which is sweet until they die.

Number eight Undertale (PS Vita) Another cheeky entry, but this did re-release

on PS Vita in 2017 so it counts.

Basically I'd been waiting years for the opportunity to play Undertale, and boshing

it out on the commute worked out perfectly.

In fact, I played through it twice without stopping from one playthrough to the next,

which is ridiculous for me as I have no attention sp… ooh shiny.

Number seven Mario Odyssey Yes, seventh.

Now this is only so low because I haven't played it properly and in full, thus meaning

once again everything I say about it is null and void.

Still, what I have played is showing itself to be absolutely stunningly brilliant and

almost - though not quite - as good as the Nintendo Defence Force says it is.

I mean, it'd never be as good as they say, but it's nearly there.

Number six What Remains of Edith Finch I ignored this, as I'm a bad man, but eventually

listened to the hype from the sorts of people I am prone to listening to.

They were right.

The hype was right.

I'm still digesting both the game itself and the fact that other people were right

about something being really good.

Who knew?

It's a great story wrapped around a great bunch of stories, and telling you anything

about it would ruin it.

Just play it, yeah?

Number five Wolfenstein II I haven't laughed so hard at a game while

enjoying ultraviolence against Nazis in... ever.

This is the best single-player shooter in years and has one of the daftest, best stories

in any game I've ever played.

Punch more Nazis in 2018.

Number four Yakuza 0 You bowl a turkey to win a chicken that you

then use to manage part of your property empire.

You also have some fine bromance action throughout.

Yakuza 0 is prime Yakuza brilliance.

Number three PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds The full game came out in December and everyone

cried because it didn't massively change overnight from its Early Access guise.

But hey, Battlegrounds is absolutely brilliant fun, even if I'm terrible at it, and I was

so very wrong about it initially I want to apologise forever.

Instead I'll just play it more, that's easier.

Number two Divinity: Original Sin II Here's the 500-hour RPG hypocrisy, for those

paying attention.

Divinity Original Sin 2 is one of the best cRPGs in memory, an absolute tour-de-force

and loads of other hyperbole I can't be bothered to spout right now.

It's made with passion, ability, wit and skill and I absolutely adore it - plus it

can last you 500 hours if you let it and… oh, damn, I'm a hypocrite.

Number one Zelda: Breath of the Wild I mean, I still refuse to say this means I

like Zelda games, as I don't think I do.

But Breath of the Wild is the best game of the year for me, bar none.

Endlessly creative, open enough to allow me to muck about a lot - I may have mentioned

I love mucking about - and the sort of thing that lets you ride on trees if you game the

system enough.

Also the ability to climb almost any surface needs to be added to every future game, otherwise

I'll get pissed off with not being able to do it.

I have spoken.

That may be the list proper, but I'm book-ending it with a few more special mentions because

I get to make up my rules as I go along.

So you've got FTL Faster Than Light and Metal Gear Solid V in the specials, as I'll

never stop playing either of them so they'll always be in my top list.

There's also an unspecial mention to Football Manager 2018, as it's not a game I play

and more of just a thing I do to survive.

See also Skyrim on Switch, which really would have been in the main list were it not for

the fact that to me it isn't a game - it's more a natural function for me, like breathing,

or pooing - which coincidentally is something I can now do while playing Skyrim on Switch.

Portability is our true saviour here.

Thanks for watching and listening with your face and bits, and maybe reading if you use


Hello subtitle people!

I hope my subtitles are useful to you, for whatever reason you might need to use them.

Please do like, share, subscribe, all that jazz, and I'll see you in the next video

which will either be about something in 2018 or, like, 1992.

I'm not decided yet.


I now have a Patreon, which you can find the link to in the description.

If you like my work and you've got a bit of change spare, consider chipping in.

If you can't or don't want to, that's also fine.

I still love you.

I'd like to give a big ol' thanks to the following folks for their five dollar or more

support on Patreon - without you, I'd be dead!

Though we have established that's a lie.

Videobrains - or Jake Tucker

Robbie Sabo

Lola Osman

Jake Laverde

You're all good people and a good dog.

Thank you for your continued support, it makes me feel all warm inside.

For more infomation >> The 13 Best Games of 2017 - Bransfield Edition - Duration: 6:39.


Gta 5 with SAVAGESQUAD - Duration: 26:31.

For more infomation >> Gta 5 with SAVAGESQUAD - Duration: 26:31.


Former lawmaker running for governor - Duration: 6:57.

For more infomation >> Former lawmaker running for governor - Duration: 6:57.


(Free) Migos x Cardi B Type Beat - "JET-IYE" | Free Type Beat | Rap/Trap Instrumental 2018 - Duration: 3:58.

Free Migos

Type Beat

Carbi B Type Beat


For more infomation >> (Free) Migos x Cardi B Type Beat - "JET-IYE" | Free Type Beat | Rap/Trap Instrumental 2018 - Duration: 3:58.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B200 Automaat **Leder**Open dak** - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B200 Automaat **Leder**Open dak** - Duration: 1:01.


Opel Corsa 1.0T 66KW/90PK 5D - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Opel Corsa 1.0T 66KW/90PK 5D - Duration: 1:04.


十類天然食材保護眼睛!這些食物也有常見眼藥成分 - Duration: 4:31.

For more infomation >> 十類天然食材保護眼睛!這些食物也有常見眼藥成分 - Duration: 4:31.


HOT NEWS!!! Ridley Scott Thinks Alien Should Be as Big as Star Wars & Star Trek - Duration: 3:16.

Ridley Scott thinks the alien series should be on the same level as other

science fiction franchises such as Star Trek and Star Wars the acclaimed

filmmaker made a name for himself by directing the 1979 film alien which was

based on a screenplay from Dan O'Bannon and famously starred Sigourney Weaver as

ripley along with tom skerritt as dallas en home is ash and many others alien

opened to near universal acclaim and became a smashing success at the

worldwide box office alien eventually spawned a sequel aliens which was

directed by the terminators James Cameron and released in 1986 seven years

after Scott's first installment the sequel received overwhelming acclaim

from critics and was nominated for seven Academy Awards aliens also went on to

earn 131 million dollars at the worldwide box office approximately 27

million dollars more than the 1979 film it didn't take long for 20th Century Fox

to realize that they had an expansive multimedia franchise on their hands

which was exploited in sequels prequels comics novels and video games among many

other things but despite numerous installments and expansions the Alien

franchise remains behind some of the world's biggest multimedia properties

and that's something that Scott laments in an interview with the Toronto Sun for

his latest film all the money in the world Ridley Scott briefly discussed 27

teams alien carbonate in the next step for his alien prequel series while he

didn't shed any light on his plans he did say that the franchise should

arguably be as big as some of Hollywood's other sci-fi films the Alien

franchise currently spans six mainline installments as well as two spin-off

movies and multiple adaptations in various media forms it even has its own

dedicated day April 26th taking all that into account

aliens should be as big as Star Trek and Star Wars but the movies box off

grossest say otherwise while Scott would love to continue making alien movies he

may no longer be given the chance unfortunately it seems as if twentieth

Century Fox has closed the door on the Alien franchise Scott planned on making

at least two more movies in this alien prequel series following the events of

2012's Prometheus and 27 teams alien covenant but recent rumors indicate that

the studio has shelve the franchise due to the poor critical reception and

box-office performance of Covenant which hit theaters in May 2017 and it doesn't

seem like Fox is keen on moving forward with Neill Blomkamp's alien 5 either so

we'll just have to wait and see what happens

For more infomation >> HOT NEWS!!! Ridley Scott Thinks Alien Should Be as Big as Star Wars & Star Trek - Duration: 3:16.


Where Do We Go

For more infomation >> Where Do We Go


For more infomation >> Where Do We Go


Jeza The Bounty Hunter!! | Tic'n'twitch Teen (i dont have a mic) [cc] - Duration: 19:28.

Hi everyone sorry I don't have a mic I am getting one I'm just getting started with youtube and school at the same time sorry if I don't get a video up on time.

For more infomation >> Jeza The Bounty Hunter!! | Tic'n'twitch Teen (i dont have a mic) [cc] - Duration: 19:28.


For more infomation >> Jeza The Bounty Hunter!! | Tic'n'twitch Teen (i dont have a mic) [cc] - Duration: 19:28.


[N첫방] '윤식당2' 만능 알바생 효과? 박서준 합류가 불러온 '대박조짐' - koreanbiz - Duration: 6:15.

For more infomation >> [N첫방] '윤식당2' 만능 알바생 효과? 박서준 합류가 불러온 '대박조짐' - koreanbiz - Duration: 6:15.


For more infomation >> [N첫방] '윤식당2' 만능 알바생 효과? 박서준 합류가 불러온 '대박조짐' - koreanbiz - Duration: 6:15.


Morning Diary 4th Jan 2018 with English Sub - Duration: 28:27.

For more infomation >> Morning Diary 4th Jan 2018 with English Sub - Duration: 28:27.


For more infomation >> Morning Diary 4th Jan 2018 with English Sub - Duration: 28:27.


Dream #9 Tomas | The Dreambox Project - Duration: 7:07.

My name is Tomas Mora Fabre.

I was born in Guantanamo.

On the 8th of July 1940.

I went to the Republican school until 2nd grade.


I didn't have a lot of luck in life

And my family was a very poor family.

All my life, I thought of only one thing: work.



my all life

I had ups and downs

I had very nice moments in my life

and also very hard times...

Because I lived in poverty

and poverty carries bitter things...

For example, when I was a kid, for Christmas

I wanted a toy

but my family didn't have any money to buy it...

So they told me I had nothing because I didn't behave correctly

and I told my mother "but I didn't do anything!"...

These are childhood stories...

but that deceived me a lot

I didn't know these things... I was innocent

when I was a teenager, I didn't know either

My dream has always been to be a musician

but it has also been my illusion

but I had a talent for music

but you have to work for it

work for it


to have financial means

A guitar in capitalism cost 5, 7 pesos

but I didn't have the money to buy it !

I bought my first guitar when I was 40 years old.

That's when I started to practice

I liked to write my own songs

And I have one for you to remember

a song about France that I called "14 main cities that France has, and they are the most beautiful of Europe"

This song I composed it myself.

I put a salsa rythm on it.

This song will become famous in France !

Because you have it, only you and Kuba.

Kuba and France, noone else.

What elso do you want to know my love ?

Life is full...

and everything is trivial

it is very complete...


the same I told you earlier

life has many nice things

and bad things too

it is up to

the person who lives it

to choose its own path

to be on the good side or the other

but for the people to be like this...

you have to understand that people are


noone thinks the same

if we talk about very rich people

they can commit suicide too

so you have to know what you want to achieve in your own life.

My dream...

I wanted to be famous !

With music and art

But what I also like is dancing

but... they are thinks like that, that I didn't succeed to make it come true

but I tried to do it

in many places where we can dance

And if you both want, I invite you to come dance with me tonight, for free

very close from here.

For more infomation >> Dream #9 Tomas | The Dreambox Project - Duration: 7:07.


For more infomation >> Dream #9 Tomas | The Dreambox Project - Duration: 7:07.


Opel Corsa 1.0T 66KW/90PK 5D - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Opel Corsa 1.0T 66KW/90PK 5D - Duration: 1:04.


For more infomation >> Opel Corsa 1.0T 66KW/90PK 5D - Duration: 1:04.


Uomini e donne:Sabrina e Nicolò di nuovo insieme? | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> Uomini e donne:Sabrina e Nicolò di nuovo insieme? | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:25.


For more infomation >> Uomini e donne:Sabrina e Nicolò di nuovo insieme? | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:25.


How to make eggplant fruit in the winter _ amazing way _ and support magnificence - Duration: 5:11.

Welcome to the world of agriculture

We will learn how to get eggplant

In winter

The steps start from September

The 10_15 distance of the leg is cut

This after cutting began to grow

After germination, the hoeing is done

For the purpose of soil ventilation

And get rid of weeds

The lines will be lifted

Nitrogen fertilizer will be added

Irrigation shall be at intervals of 15 days

Or 10 days depending on climate and air condition

This is the way to do it at the end of the eggplant season

In order to get eggplant in the winter

After 4 months

She began to mature and grow up

The flowering began

As well as the fruit of eggplant

And we planted bottom with parsley and parsley,,,Now we start the harvest

A factor that has been successful in this way

Is hoeing and fertilizing

Cut the leg down

In a place far from frost and wind

As for the side from which the wind comes from the wall

Support us by sharing our channel

For more infomation >> How to make eggplant fruit in the winter _ amazing way _ and support magnificence - Duration: 5:11.


For more infomation >> How to make eggplant fruit in the winter _ amazing way _ and support magnificence - Duration: 5:11.


Exercises for a Baby with Low Tone #18: Pull to sit at 10.5 months - Duration: 1:28.

Hello! My name is Amy Sturkey. I'm a pediatric physical therapist. I'm here

with my friend, Myla, and we're going to look at head control. We start off with

the pull to sit from the floor, just to see how she's doing.

I've already got my leg blocking her because she tends to slide as I pull her up to

sitting. So I've got my leg here for that purpose. I hold her hands, I put my

thumb in her hand and my fingers are holding

her forearms. I'm going to try pulling her up. So she starts off initially with

that head lag right there. I'm going to pull her up. You're looking at the

ceiling! Hi! I'm going to just take her back. I'm also

noticing how her legs are going out really wide. (Fussing) Ok, ok, Uh-huh. I hear you. We are going back. She loses head control

fairly quickly on the way down. Thank you! So that's a pull to sit from

the floor and how she's doing coming from there. In the next video, I'll show how

I'm going to modify it. Thanks a lot! Bye! See you later!

For more infomation >> Exercises for a Baby with Low Tone #18: Pull to sit at 10.5 months - Duration: 1:28.


For more infomation >> Exercises for a Baby with Low Tone #18: Pull to sit at 10.5 months - Duration: 1:28.


Si vous ressentez des douleurs aux muscles et aux articulations et de la fatigue chronique,.. - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> Si vous ressentez des douleurs aux muscles et aux articulations et de la fatigue chronique,.. - Duration: 3:11.


For more infomation >> Si vous ressentez des douleurs aux muscles et aux articulations et de la fatigue chronique,.. - Duration: 3:11.


Where Do We Go

For more infomation >> Where Do We Go


Iron Man - LEGO Marvel-thon! - Duration: 2:12.

Hello, just2good here, and today I'm starting the Marvelthon.

I came up with this idea from Twitter,

and once a week starting January 1st,

if you watch a Marvel Cinematic Universe movie

you'll be able to lead into Infinity War perfectly.

I'll be revisiting each movie and re-examining,

as well as discussing the LEGO sets that came with it -

or should have came with it.

So, number one is Iron Man, released on May 2nd 2008.


I remember seeing this in theaters twice -

I really liked it back then,

and I've seen it probably the most out of any MCU film,

as I also watched it on DVD a bunch.

My mom loves Robert Downey Jr and this is one of her favorites.

I mean, this movie in general brought RDJ back into stardom,

and the MCU has made him a bigger star than ever before.

Upon re-watching, I didn't like it as much as I did back then,

but I still enjoyed it.

I mean,

the best part of the film is the chemistry between Tony Stark and Pepper Potts.

There has not been a relationship in the MCU to top it.

I completely forgot that Jeff Bridges was the main villain,

and while I liked him better than some of the more recent MCU villains,

he was still not as developed as I wanted him to be.

And I also forget Terrence Howard was Rhodey in this one,

but replaced by Don Cheadle in Iron Man 2 and on.

So, when this came out in 2008,

LEGO did have a couple of new movie licenses.

Indiana Jones was introduced this year which was a success,

and Speed Racer which wasn't.

I wish LEGO started the Super Heroes line this early, but oh well.

The only building sets for the movie were from MegaBloks, unfortunately.

And it was literally ONE set, this crappy looking thing.

It seems MegaBloks was banking on The Incredible Hulk to be a success,

which hah, bad judgement on their hand.

I mean, people were scared since Iron Man wasn't much of a bankkable property

at the point, and the Hulk was more of a familiar name.

But Iron Man ended up making so much more.


If LEGO did make a set,

I can't think of much they could've done besides the final battle with Iron Monger.

I mean, LEGO wasn't up to snuff with their pieces in 2008,

but I would imagine the Iron Monger, if they made it today,

to be a build similair to the hulk buster as opposed to a minifigure.

The set would also include Iron Man, and Pepper Potts to rescue.

Anyways, I encourage all of you Marvel fans to rewatch the MCU

as we continue this journey.

No promises that I'll stick to it,

but I hope to get all of these Marvelthons out before Infinity War.

I'll see you guys later, peace out, bye.

For more infomation >> Iron Man - LEGO Marvel-thon! - Duration: 2:12.


Nissan QASHQAI 2.0 140pk M-CVT - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Nissan QASHQAI 2.0 140pk M-CVT - Duration: 0:52.


Citroën Jumpy M BlueHDi 120 S&S CLUB LM/NAVI/DAB+ - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Citroën Jumpy M BlueHDi 120 S&S CLUB LM/NAVI/DAB+ - Duration: 1:00.


The 13 Best Games of 2017 - Bransfield Edition - Duration: 6:39.

I'm late, sorry, but 2017 took some getting over because it was so utterly nonsensical

from start to finish.

I give that year six out of ten.

Anyway, here's a quick and dirty list of my 13 - lucky for some - favourite games of

last year.

Which is 2017.

In case you're watching in some kind of space year from the future.

Enough babble, here's a list.

With a super-quick segue for two special mentions: Mass Effect Andromeda for not being quite

as bad as the internet decided, and Star Wars Battlefront II for hilariously melting the

internet at the end of the year.

Number thirteen: Sniper Elite 4 Everything I say about this game is tainted

by the fact I worked on the PR for it in the UK, so there's some disclosure for you.

On the other hand, I'm no longer paid to love this game and yet I do.

It's so much fun for mucking about, it satisfies that lizard part of my brain that wants to

see ludicrous violence and it is absolutely the right kind of silly.

Number twelve Stardew Valley This one's cheating as it's a 2016 release,

but then my list my rules, deal with it.

Anyway, Stardew Valley re-released on Switch in 2017 and reminded me just why I love it

so very much.

Farming is cool and you know it.

Also I still have no time for relationships because crops matter too much, and neatness

is secondary to efficient blueberry positioning.


Number eleven South Park: The Fractured But Whole

I wasn't as surprised by this one as I was the Stick of Truth, but then that is actually

a good thing.

And hey, I know someone as cool and funky as me isn't allowed to like South Park anymore

because Twitter said so, but I do love it.

It's hard not to after 20 years.

But not to get bogged down in that, the Fractured But Whole is great fun, and short enough to

not demand 500 hours.

Which is actually hypocritical for this list, as you'll soon find out.

Number ten Golf Story It's Everybody's Golf the RPG, therefore

is life.

Number nine XCOM 2: War of the Chosen I actually forgot this game existed, it came

out in the summer, I got it, then other things happened and I lost my concentration.

Anyway, I started playing it over the festive break and it's absolutely brilliant, adding

in a bunch of daft new story stuff and progression and development mechanics to mix things up

a bit.

Plus your troops can become bestie friends, which is sweet until they die.

Number eight Undertale (PS Vita) Another cheeky entry, but this did re-release

on PS Vita in 2017 so it counts.

Basically I'd been waiting years for the opportunity to play Undertale, and boshing

it out on the commute worked out perfectly.

In fact, I played through it twice without stopping from one playthrough to the next,

which is ridiculous for me as I have no attention sp… ooh shiny.

Number seven Mario Odyssey Yes, seventh.

Now this is only so low because I haven't played it properly and in full, thus meaning

once again everything I say about it is null and void.

Still, what I have played is showing itself to be absolutely stunningly brilliant and

almost - though not quite - as good as the Nintendo Defence Force says it is.

I mean, it'd never be as good as they say, but it's nearly there.

Number six What Remains of Edith Finch I ignored this, as I'm a bad man, but eventually

listened to the hype from the sorts of people I am prone to listening to.

They were right.

The hype was right.

I'm still digesting both the game itself and the fact that other people were right

about something being really good.

Who knew?

It's a great story wrapped around a great bunch of stories, and telling you anything

about it would ruin it.

Just play it, yeah?

Number five Wolfenstein II I haven't laughed so hard at a game while

enjoying ultraviolence against Nazis in... ever.

This is the best single-player shooter in years and has one of the daftest, best stories

in any game I've ever played.

Punch more Nazis in 2018.

Number four Yakuza 0 You bowl a turkey to win a chicken that you

then use to manage part of your property empire.

You also have some fine bromance action throughout.

Yakuza 0 is prime Yakuza brilliance.

Number three PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds The full game came out in December and everyone

cried because it didn't massively change overnight from its Early Access guise.

But hey, Battlegrounds is absolutely brilliant fun, even if I'm terrible at it, and I was

so very wrong about it initially I want to apologise forever.

Instead I'll just play it more, that's easier.

Number two Divinity: Original Sin II Here's the 500-hour RPG hypocrisy, for those

paying attention.

Divinity Original Sin 2 is one of the best cRPGs in memory, an absolute tour-de-force

and loads of other hyperbole I can't be bothered to spout right now.

It's made with passion, ability, wit and skill and I absolutely adore it - plus it

can last you 500 hours if you let it and… oh, damn, I'm a hypocrite.

Number one Zelda: Breath of the Wild I mean, I still refuse to say this means I

like Zelda games, as I don't think I do.

But Breath of the Wild is the best game of the year for me, bar none.

Endlessly creative, open enough to allow me to muck about a lot - I may have mentioned

I love mucking about - and the sort of thing that lets you ride on trees if you game the

system enough.

Also the ability to climb almost any surface needs to be added to every future game, otherwise

I'll get pissed off with not being able to do it.

I have spoken.

That may be the list proper, but I'm book-ending it with a few more special mentions because

I get to make up my rules as I go along.

So you've got FTL Faster Than Light and Metal Gear Solid V in the specials, as I'll

never stop playing either of them so they'll always be in my top list.

There's also an unspecial mention to Football Manager 2018, as it's not a game I play

and more of just a thing I do to survive.

See also Skyrim on Switch, which really would have been in the main list were it not for

the fact that to me it isn't a game - it's more a natural function for me, like breathing,

or pooing - which coincidentally is something I can now do while playing Skyrim on Switch.

Portability is our true saviour here.

Thanks for watching and listening with your face and bits, and maybe reading if you use


Hello subtitle people!

I hope my subtitles are useful to you, for whatever reason you might need to use them.

Please do like, share, subscribe, all that jazz, and I'll see you in the next video

which will either be about something in 2018 or, like, 1992.

I'm not decided yet.


I now have a Patreon, which you can find the link to in the description.

If you like my work and you've got a bit of change spare, consider chipping in.

If you can't or don't want to, that's also fine.

I still love you.

I'd like to give a big ol' thanks to the following folks for their five dollar or more

support on Patreon - without you, I'd be dead!

Though we have established that's a lie.

Videobrains - or Jake Tucker

Robbie Sabo

Lola Osman

Jake Laverde

You're all good people and a good dog.

Thank you for your continued support, it makes me feel all warm inside.

For more infomation >> The 13 Best Games of 2017 - Bransfield Edition - Duration: 6:39.


Bored Little One | Gift For Keiomii Speed Animation - Duration: 4:39.

For more infomation >> Bored Little One | Gift For Keiomii Speed Animation - Duration: 4:39.


Subaru XV - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Subaru XV - Duration: 1:04.


Glass gem cone Funny hamster eats for the first time! - Duration: 1:54.

Thanks for subscribing to my channel!Please RT!

For more infomation >> Glass gem cone Funny hamster eats for the first time! - Duration: 1:54.


HIS MOM KNOWS!!! [ROCKET LEAGUE #30] - Duration: 7:40.

For more infomation >> HIS MOM KNOWS!!! [ROCKET LEAGUE #30] - Duration: 7:40.


A "Gold-Star" Gay? WTF? What Have I Missed In Gay Terminology? - Duration: 8:41.

hey guys in Belle's it's Paul or 2018 sometimes professional YouTube hosts and

manservant and I had something come across my desk that I've just read and

in Queerty and a recent recent Mei Lin article that I get on that email you

might have seen this yourself but I just find this is absolutely ridiculous and

I'm lost because I don't know never heard of the term first of all but I

don't know how I feel about it anyway so mr. Cohen has to say about this you got


Andy Cohen was just a co-host as you know or probably know with Anderson

Cooper run New Year's Eve with the two boys now CNN and he got to start talking

about the degrees of gayness that he kind of has named I don't know how

widely this is known but I want to read you what blogger Dave Kaufman who

interviewed Andy and also kind of critiqued obsess about this was in DES

oh okay this was in Queerty just about what four days ago early January okay

here we go so folks at Andy Cohen recently described himself as a gold

star gay meaning he's never engaged and since sexual intercourse with a woman

while chatting with his BFF Anderson Cooper

now blogger David Kaufman over at court see I don't know anything about Portsea

but its court cqz calm like gold star gays aren't a good thing that's all with

the hyphens in between is taking the 49 year-old Bravo exec to tasks from Queer

Eye for the straight guy to RuPaul's Drag waste has always been a level of

convivial silliness about LGBT culture Kaufman writes but nothing has ever

quite reached the sheer pettiness of the gold star for not a phenomena well he

continues it's not that there's anything wrong or necessarily right about gays or

lesbians have only gotten horizontal with their own gender

after all same-sex attraction is at the core of the LGBT identity the problem is

that qualifying sexual histories with terms like gold star adds a level of

competitiveness to l GD P identity that's not only in name it's downright

divisive and I don't think that we can afford that we're not as big a group as

all blacks are all Jews or all Italians are all evangelicals Kaufman continues

not every gay person has had the ability or yes the privilege to avoid performing

the heterosexually before they were able to excuse me to come out

indeed for many young men and women acting straight it

just an expression of sexual ambiguity it's literally an act of survival

embedded in communities where rejecting straightness can mean losing their

family's jobs and even their lives chasing the nebulous Guilbert star is as

removing this as roof from their realities as well being a millionaire

cable TV executive or heir to American dynastic fortune which is the case for

both Andy Cohen and Anderson Cooper I don't know how you guys feel about that

are you gold star do you have the opportunity to say that your gay

experience is better because you've never tasted of the of the vaginal fruit

so speak I'm gold star but I've never call myself that it's only because I was

I was very principled than trying to find myself and not muddle myself with a

lot of confusion and when I dated very limited ly women it was because of the

parents and it was because of the co-workers but it really never went

further I knew exactly where I wanted to stop and they was fine but we were some

of the comments that that were put in QWERTY I thought we're pretty

interesting I'm gonna read you a few and then I'm gonna get off here because as

we Brad and I said we're gonna do shorter but more topical no anyway I

think this one guy says this is overly sensitive who cares that being said Andy

Cohen is an elitist asshole he has the reputation of being pushy and demanding

with the service industry he once demanded at a restaurant in Times Square

serving brunch despite them not having an on dickered menu and when they

wouldn't accommodate he threatened the bed to badmouth them on social media

he's a dick not only that another fellow writes Cohen apparently thinks it's a

good idea to pose for photos with his legs spread from Chicago to LA he almost

as if he believes he's treating us to something well know about that one

person does also write whose babalu I'm a platinum day as it was a cesarean

baby and no part of my body has ever touched a vagina it's all in good fun if

you get worked up about this go get some therapy

well Andy seems to be the one who needs that platinum gay here - I was born in

via c-section see I didn't even think about that our reader - quick T Brody

says a haughty liberal gay New York is also an Anita's next thing will be some

you'll be surprised suggesting Sue's me is that the fires just a little bit warm

one more for you guys to ponder from Sean in the mountains I'm sorry this

littering is one of the most ridiculous articles I've read in a long time I

could see mr. Cohen and elitist or other grounds or other grounds but calling him

an elitist for referring to himself as a gold star gay it's not elitist

this is just another overly sensitive article by a member of the lbgtq Z XYZ

community and yes I just put more letters up there because there are so

many new ones each year I can't keep up and that's another thing I don't

understand either it seems very ridiculous but it would be that as it

may nor can the media or the general public

but that's another story we have got to become less sensitive when people

express themselves as mr. Cohen wants to call himself a gold star gay is he

seriously a bit it is seriously big who cares that tournaments been around

forever I had never heard that term I guess I'm not I'm not in New York though

I've never taken offense to it ever he's it's fine he's never slept with a woman

those who have or have not either way hold I don't hold them in a higher or

lower regard seriously absurd bring on the comments because all you have to be

as a outraged by everything looks like that's kind of the pattern here guys and

I just don't know how many people do you feel go out there are you gold star

people do you gravitate to LGBT youtube channels and other entertainment that

strictly this is pretty clear that this person never even looked at a woman

mind you no thought of her in any way more than just a friend or co-worker or

someone to spilled their guts a turd but they fall in love relationship I don't

know I leave you with a big because that's all I have in that I have a big

question mark and I don't know if I'm missing terminology that's important to

know or is this just something that was a fabrication one guy says that

terminology has been around forever I never heard of it so anyway bye

everybody see you next time


For more infomation >> A "Gold-Star" Gay? WTF? What Have I Missed In Gay Terminology? - Duration: 8:41.


Astagfirullah begini nasib 3 anak asal malang yang disekap ibunya setahun lebih... - Duration: 1:42.

For more infomation >> Astagfirullah begini nasib 3 anak asal malang yang disekap ibunya setahun lebih... - Duration: 1:42.


Skoda Superb - Duration: 0:50.

For more infomation >> Skoda Superb - Duration: 0:50.


Exercises for a Baby with Low Tone #18: Pull to sit at 10.5 months - Duration: 1:28.

Hello! My name is Amy Sturkey. I'm a pediatric physical therapist. I'm here

with my friend, Myla, and we're going to look at head control. We start off with

the pull to sit from the floor, just to see how she's doing.

I've already got my leg blocking her because she tends to slide as I pull her up to

sitting. So I've got my leg here for that purpose. I hold her hands, I put my

thumb in her hand and my fingers are holding

her forearms. I'm going to try pulling her up. So she starts off initially with

that head lag right there. I'm going to pull her up. You're looking at the

ceiling! Hi! I'm going to just take her back. I'm also

noticing how her legs are going out really wide. (Fussing) Ok, ok, Uh-huh. I hear you. We are going back. She loses head control

fairly quickly on the way down. Thank you! So that's a pull to sit from

the floor and how she's doing coming from there. In the next video, I'll show how

I'm going to modify it. Thanks a lot! Bye! See you later!

For more infomation >> Exercises for a Baby with Low Tone #18: Pull to sit at 10.5 months - Duration: 1:28.



BLACKPINK in your area

BLACKPINK in your area

Been a bad girl, you know I am

And I'm so hot, I need a fan

I don't want a boy, I need a man

Clip Clap Bada Bing Bada Boom

I kick the door and everybody's looking at me

Even I don't try hard

Every guy gets a nosebleed

Pang pang pang

Prang pang, Badda Badda, Pang pang pang

Raise my glass to myself now

jjan jjan jjan

Hands up! Gotta bottle full o' henny

The girl you've heard of is me, Jennie

Dancing lights are all around me

Black to the pink

I'm special everywhere (Oh, yes)

No matter if people are looking at me or not, I wanna dance

Like da-da-da-dun da-da-da-da-dun du-du-dup-ba-yah

(I like) I like this atmosphere

(I like) I like you now

Tonight, I'm crushing on you

and I wanna dance with you









BLACKPINK in your area


I gotta run now, what else can I do?

I'm immature and bold, man!

Middle finger up, F U, Pay me!

90's baby, I pump up the jam

Run, run, oppa!


Today you and I are the youth


Don't you dare stop me

Even if someone stops me I'm gonna go Brrr


You wrap your arms around my waist,

Front to my back

I've got a very special body shape (Oh yes)

By your look, I know you wanna touch

Like touch, touch, touch, ta ta ta touch


(I like) I like this atmosphere

(I like) I like you now

Tonight, you're so cool

I wanna dance with you










Today I don't care about sobriety

I'll go higher beyond the sky

I wanna run fast without knowing where the end is

(Let's go!)

(Let's go!)

Today I don't care about sobriety

I'll go higher, beyond the sky

I wanna run fast without knowing where the end is

(Let's go!)

(Let's go!)

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