Thứ Bảy, 6 tháng 1, 2018

Youtube daily report Jan 7 2018

[One afternoon where laughter doesn't stop]

[BLACKPINK is going out] - Okay, let's go. - Let's go.

- Let's go. Move, move. - Be careful here.

I don't know where but let's go.

[Where are they going right after they moved?] - Jisoo, go with your oppa. - What is this?

Jisoo, ride my car.

[30 minutes earlier] Should we go buy it now?

[Should we go buy blanket covers?] Blanket covers?

Blanket covers?

[Need to shop] [Blankets look naked]

- I think we need more cushions, too... - Yes.

[Strangely, people want to go shopping every time they move...]

[Buy me blankets, too]

Okay! Let's go.

[BLACKPINK's shopping destination...] Let's go.

[Near their house] [Hot place!]

["M" living shop] Let's go! Okay.

[Reply?] 1994. This was here even before we were born.


[So cute] [Exclamations from the entrance] - This is cute. - Cute.


[Mine x4] - Yes, this is cute. - Something like this. - This.

[A fabric flagship store that welcomes you with a cute couch]

[Of course, they have fabric with various patterns]

[Second floor is filled with sensible sleeping gear]

[What are the items that BLACKPINK will pick?]

[Shopping with the roommates!] You go around with Jennie

and I will go with Rosé... Since we're sharing rooms like this.

[Okay, agreed!] - What is this? - You pick all of it.

[Roommates link arms and start shopping] Our couch is green.

- I think this would fit well. - You pick all of it.

- How do you do this? - No that, this...

- I have the card! - There's a second floor, too.

[Right! This building was two stories!] Let's go to the second floor and come back.

Let's go look at the second floor.

[Pressured] Do we need to be like that, too?

This was a competition?

I don't know. I don't know.

[I don't know] Let's do better.

[High-frequency scream] [Jennie & Lisa arrived first]

Hurry up and go.

[In a hurry. Move! Move!]

[Jennie & Lisa are instigating a competition]

- Wow! Cute. - Wait a minute.

Wow! Rabbit.


[Destroying the innocence of childhood] But rabbits are kind of gross.

But rabbits are kind of gross.

[Sad... Why... I like rabbits...] I... This one for me!

This one! x3

Warm one.

[Jennie's style] [A simple solid color blanket] I need this.

[Lisa's style] [Rabbit pattern filled with cuteness]

[I can only see you with my eyes] Wow, a rabbit!

[Fell in love with the rabbit pattern from the start] [Hi Lisa]

It's a rabbit thing.

[Rabbit's touch that is luring her] - Wow, cute! - Rabbit pouch!

- It's cute. - Yellow.

[There was another person who was a fan of cute things...]

[Starting to get scary] But the rabbit is cute, too!


Pink. x2 The pink one is pretty.

[Pink lover, Rosé, has no other priority] I want to do pink.

[Pink alert] Feels good.

[Come to think of it, Jisoo didn't pick...] You're not going to pick?

- Me? - You said it doesn't fit? - Yes.

[Fabric? Interior? Cushion? Blanket? Hmm?]

[Not interested at all in shopping] Our couch is green.

- I think this would fit well. - You pick all of it.

Then, this...

[I don't know interior...] I don't know. We will show you for the first time.

[Saying anything] Purple, look at the color purple...

These are all pillow covers?

- What do we do... - What? x3

[Confession] - I have a hard time with this. I'm tired. - Okay, okay.

[Tired, tired] Good, I'll do this one. I'm too lazy to pick.

[Jisoo's style] Oh, heaven help me.

Why do you give me this hardship?

Why? Why?

[Forget shopping. I'm going to go home!] Oh, I'm tired.

[Let's go] Finished. We just need to organize it.

I'm so tired. That was so tiring. [Jisoo says shopping was hard for her...]

It was a painful time.

[Anyway, shopping for bedding is finished!]

[Time to pay for the things they each picked!]

[How much did it come out to?]


- How much is it? - We didn't pay for it yet.


[Hmm? How much...?]

[Clearly] 730,000 won.


[Since there are four people, the money is times four...]

- Not just... - No way. [What did we buy so much of...]

[Acting cute all of a sudden] Are you giving us a discount?

[Give us a discount... please] - This much... - We're buying everything.

[Heart racing smile] [Shows the first level of aegyo!]

Your see-through bangs are pretty.

[Sweet compliment mode!] Your see-through bangs are pretty.

- Jennie, dance. - Dance. [Should I dance? Dance! Dance!]

Dance here all of a sudden?

[Time for dancing Lisa to take charge] No, look over there.

[You can tell Lisa feels urgent] No, like this. "Oppa."

[Putting her earnestness in the rhythm] [Jennie's detailed coaching]


Please give us a discount.

[Yes? Me? Filled with teeth]

[Turns on the third level, soul dance!] Please give us a discount.

[This embarrassment... Let's be together!]

[Cute] [Hehehe]

If you bring a pouch, we'll give it to you for free.

If we bring a pouch, they will give each of us one for free.

- What? - If we bring a pouch, they're going to give each of us one for free.

[BLACKPINK is carefully picking pouches] No. x2 What pouch?

Thank you.

[Shy finger heart as a bonus]

[Self-congratulatory dance] - Discount. - It wasn't just a discount.

- Next thing with this... - That was Lisa's innermost feeling.

[Comeback to BLACKPINK house full of bags!] Kuma, mom's back.

You're holding two. Give me one.

[Heavy hands but a light heart...] - Oh, it's so heavy. Heavy! - Let's go, let's go.

We bought blankets.

Ku, Ku.

I think it's too heavy.

[Mode of a dog mom] Kuma, mom's back!

- Why did it get dirty? - Kuma, go to the room. - Room. x2

[Kuma finds mom's room] Kuma knows where the room is.

[First, equip the new pad on top of the bed!]

- I think putting in the blanket will be hard. - Yes, the blanket...

[Lastly, we need to change the blanket covers...] Then.

- Do this... - I have to go inside...

[Because she loves rabbits...]

[Is she trying to be a rabbit...?] Isn't this what you're supposed to do?

This went inside.

[Strange] There should be something here to tie it.

[Fuss and kerfuffle putting on one blanket cover] - I'm finished. - How did you do it?

How did you do it all?

[Will she be able to do it by today...]

[Who said you two weren't friends...] No, I think the blanket came to the side.

- I will go inside. - It's short.

[Putting in the blanket in the same way] This is this side.

You look like Harry Potter right now.

[Visual that went to Hogwarts] - Dement... What is it? - Dementor.

[Go away, dementor! Expecto Patronum!] You're scary right now.

- Rosé's scary. I want to take a picture. - I did it.

[How did BLACKPINK's rooms change?] I'm doing it.

[Before] [Jisoo & Rosé's Room]

[After] [Jisoo & Rosé's Room]

[Before] [Jennie & Lisa's Room]

[After] [Jennie & Lisa's Room]

[After the round of organizing their rooms]

[Ack! BLACKPINK house became noisy!] No, no, no. Wait! Wait!

[What happened to the members? Huh? Spoon?] Spoon! We need to scoop it out with a spoon.

For more infomation >> BLACKPINK - (BLACKPINK HOUSE)' EP.1-3 v sub Spa/Eng - Duration: 7:08.


Volvo V60 1.6 T3 Momentum | Sensus Connect | Navigatie | Xenon | 19" | PDC V+A - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Volvo V60 1.6 T3 Momentum | Sensus Connect | Navigatie | Xenon | 19" | PDC V+A - Duration: 1:00.


Top 15 Mysterious Videos That NEED Answers - Duration: 16:40.

15. This aerial footage was taken during some sort of late night raid, though the exact

location is currently unknown. A military helicopter tracks a lone Russian soldier as

he flees from a group of crazed people. Occasionally he turns around to open fire, but to absolutely

no effect. His firepower does not appear to slow them down in the slightest as they relentlessly

charge forward in a pack.

If you happen to speak Russian, then please listen to this next part and tell me what

they are saying. More importantly, tell me if they sound legitimately scared or just


Soon the soldier finds himself cornered with the enemy closing in from all sides. He's

out of ammo and there's no way out. You can hear the pilot wretch from the sight and

the video ends.

14.A news helicopter is flying over Brooklyn when suddenly it loses control and begins

spinning wildly in the air. Amazingly, one of the crew emerges from the

wreckage a short while later, dazed but still alive. The other three crew members are pulled

out of the helicopter's broken remains and taken for treatment. Though it might not look

like it, everyone mysteriously survived with only minor damage.

13.A psychic prophet in Las Vegas claims that he can summon extraterrestrials at will. He

says that he has been doing this for over 25 years. The local news picks a place and

time for him to summon a U. F. O. They are extremely skeptical and mostly expect this

to be a joke, but imagine their surprise when the self-proclaimed prophet says a quick prayer

and causes this to happen . . .

A white orb flies up into the air and quickly disappears. Then it suddenly comes back and

changes color.

The orange sphere hovers around them and then disappears from sight. It doesn't look like

any aircraft they have ever seen before. The news team contacted a nearby air force base

and they could not confirm that it was one of their planes.

I'm not sure what to make of this one, but I will admit that the timing is pretty incredible.

I want to know if you think this was a real U. F. O. summoning or if it was just a coincidence.

Also, if you don't think that this is a U. F. O., then I'd like to hear your best

guess as to what it could possibly be.

12. This video was recorded on a home surveillance camera in June of 2017. A woman in Sylmar,

California has a short conversation with someone she doesn't know very well and starts to

walk away, but the man she was talking with decides that their interaction is not over

just yet. He stomps over to her and grabs her by the hair from behind, and then he forcefully

pushes her into his van. She tries to get out and he pushes her back in even harder

and then takes off. There's also someone in the passengers' seat who barely moves

while all of this is going on.

What's most suprising is that this occurred in the middle of the day, which goes to show

that these kinds of things can happen to you or me at any time. Police have no idea who

any of these people are – not even the victim – and they are asking for your help. Please

call the number in the description, if anybody in these videos looks familiar.

11. A father and son ghost hunting team are at an old grave yard somewhere in the south.

They stumble upon a child's tombstone and get to work. The son attempts to communicate

with the passed on child by planting an old pinwheel in the ground.

The father says that there is absolutely no wind on this night, so the pinwheel should

not be able to move. To prove there is no wind, he records a tall blade of grass next

to the tombstone and clearly shows that it's not moving.

This child's gravestone is from the late 1800s. Pinwheels were probably very popular

during this time, so it makes sense that the spirit would be excited and ready to play.

10. A YouTuber named Matt J is walking alone one night when he stumbles across something

that sounds so mysterious that he simply has to start recording.

Some people have pointed out that this could be a some sort of alarm, but why would they

make an alarm that sounds like something straight out of a horror movie is anyone's guess.

I did a search for sewer alarms and none of them sounded like that. It almost sounds like

it could be somebody pulling a rusty lever or opening up an old door over and over again.

9. Jake Gardiner was walking around the woods during his lunch break one day in La Crescenta,

California when he heard some strange chirping noises in the trees above. Suddenly the forest

grew silent and Jake felt as though something nearby was observing him, so he took out his

cell phone and started recording what he thought could be his last moments alive. He didn't

see anything, but he couldn't shake the feeling of impending doom, so he quickly made

his way out of the forest. When he went home, he was able to make out this strange figure

on camera:

The mysterious sighting was interesting enough to make the local news. Wildlife officials

admit that this appears to be some sort of ape-like creature that's clearly not a part

of California's ecosystem. The only explanation they have is that someone released an illegal

pet into the wild. Let me know if you agree with their assessment, or if you side with

the people who say that it could be some kind of rare creature or even a genetic experiment.

8. A YouTuber named Gemparkzz lost his grandmother over ten years ago, but her spirit still appears

to linger in her old empty property, which his family has maintained ever since her passing.

Gemparkzz timidly enters the house and crosses the living room, walking by her wooden rocking


Doors keep slamming shut wherever he goes.

It's almost as if his grandmother wants her privacy, or maybe she is trying to keep

him away from something she doesn't want him to see. Then, as Gemparkzz turns a corner,

he records this . . .

A pale figure peers at him from the darkened doorway on the right. Here it is again if

you missed it. The obvious explanation is special effects, but the answer no one – not

even Gemparkzz – wants to accept is that this could be the twisted incarnation of his

grandmother, or maybe even some sort of paranormal beast that claimed her life over a decade


7. This footage was taken at the Chapelfield Mall in Norwhich, UK. The mall is closed when

a mysterious red balloon makes an appearance out of nowhere. As you watch this balloon

float around on its own, keep in mind that the air conditioning was off, the escalator

was off, and there is supposedly no wind blowing in from the outside.

If all of this is true, then how exactly did the balloon move without any air currents?

Even more bizarre is how the balloon stays low to the ground the entire time, almost

at the height of a child. Could this balloon simply be half-deflated, or is it being held

by a youthful spirit?

6. A woman is walking outside of a Target store when a van pulls up and a strange man

gets out. Another woman joins him and together they pick her up and pull her towards the

vehicle against her will. A third accomplice helps them shove her inside the van and they

drive off. Meanwhile, a concerned crowd gathers around.

Someone in the comments section said that this may have happened in Florida, and that

the people taking her away were her family. I couldn't find any news articles though,

and this explanation, if true, only solves the mystery halfway. If this is the true reason,

then where were they going, why were they in such a hurry, and why she didn't want

to go with her own family?

5. There's a grave yard in the community of Poetry that is famous for a very strange

phenomenon: flashlight-controlling ghosts. Apparently spirits will sometimes take control

of flashlights in this area, apparently using them to communicate with the living and answer

basic questions.

What's really weird to me is how the light slowly fades away instead of turning straight

off like normal.

And this isn't the only video I've found where this happens:

Can somebody explain how this is happening if it's not being caused by the paranormal?

You can't see the bottom of the flashlight in the second video, so maybe their hand is

still on it, but nobody is touching the flashlight in the first video, so that one looks especially


And if you have ever tried this at Dry Creek Grave yard, then we would definitely like

to read what happened to you next, so please let us know in the comments section.

4. A British YouTuber named ScouseMouse only stayed in his home for three more days after

recording all of these objects in his kitchen moving on their own.

I find the 2 liter of Coke to be interesting because the liquid appears to move before

the bottle does. Watch what I mean here . . .

Play it in slow motion and you'll see that the contents inside moves shortly before the

bottle is launched. I don't think that the contents inside would move like that if it

was being pulled by a piece of string.

3. A YouTuber named Nicole Alexander is hanging out with two of her friends when they start

Snapchatting to waste time. Soon they realize that Snapchat is picking up faces all over

the house and they start to feel like they are no longer alone. They decide to use the

app to further investigate.

At times they are able to track the ghost's movements as it appears to walk around their

house and go up the stairs.

At one point Nicole gets an idea to go downstairs into the basement, and that's where things

really start to get out of hand. Look at what the ghost does upon the mention of heading

into the basement.

They are just too way many coincidences in this video for me personally, so I think it

could definitely be real.

2. This video comes from a YouTuber named Mike Robins and his team of paranormal investigators.

They are using a modified Kinect camera and special software to hunt ghosts while wandering

around the basement of an old abandoned asylum when suddenly their equipment detects a major


Mike asks the ghost for its name, how long its lived here, if it likes living here, and

other questions, but gets no response. The spirit does not seem to want to cooperate.

It's hard to tell if the ghost is waving at them or shooing them away. If this is an insane

asylum, then maybe this ghost just wants to be left alone. Then again, there's no real

way to verify if the equipment really does work, so we'll never know for sure.

Before we get to number 1, my name is Chills and I hope you're enjoying my narration.

If you're curious about what I look like in real life, then go to my instagram, @dylan_is_chillin_yt

and tap that follow button to find out. I'm currently doing a super poll on my Instagram,

if you believe ghosts are real, then go to my most recent photo, and tap the like button.

If you don't, DM me saying why. When you're done come right back to this video to find

out the number 1 entry. Also follow me on Twitter @YT_Chills because that's where

I post video updates. It's a proven fact that generosity makes you a happier person, so

if you're generous enough to hit that subscribe button and the bell beside it then thank you.

This way you'll be notified of the new videos we upload every Tuesday and Saturday.

1. Two friends are livestreaming in a San Francisco subway tunnel for no reason in particular

when they randomly run across something they were never meant to see. A trail of red leads

them around a dumpster where they find a distressed woman who is either a victim of her own madness

or else something far more sinister.

The woman herself is covered in red as she twists and screams on the subway floor. The

two friends are talking about how they can help this poor creature, or if she can even

be helped, when suddenly she lets out a shriek and comes flying towards them.

It's hard to tell whether she is a possessed creature or just delusional, or simply participating

in a very realistic prank. I'm not sure what happened to them next, or if the two

friends made it out alive.

For more infomation >> Top 15 Mysterious Videos That NEED Answers - Duration: 16:40.


DJ's crazy eagle, Rahm & Rickie chasing and several close calls - Duration: 2:08.

Dustin Johnson from 65 yards out for eagle, no big deal…

Yeah DJ, that one definitely went in.

At 1-stroke back heading into Moving Day, the 2013 Sentry Tournament of Champions victor

did his due-diligence with a 7-under par, 66.

Looking to become the third World No. 1 to with the Tournament of Champions, the 16x

PGA TOUR winner will have to fend off the likes of Jon Rahm and Rickie Fowler…

Kicking off his sophomore campaign with two professional victories to his resume already,

the Spaniard tied DJ with the low round of the day thanks in part to this eagle on the


Sitting right behind Rahm and 5-strokes off the lead, last year's leader in sand saves

nearly had this one on the 9th en route to his bogey-free 68.

There were several close calls in Round 3.

36-hole co-leader Brian Harman with a near-albatross early in his round…

Jhonny Vegas almost had one too coming in on the 18th!

What can I say? These guys are the best of the best.

33 of last year's winners are all chasing the man who won 4 times in 2017, including

two World Golf Championships. No big deal.

Sunday is going to be fun.

Catch the final round broadcast on Golf Channel starting at 6pm ET and tune in to the Good,

Bad & Unusual on Monday – I'll see you there!

For more infomation >> DJ's crazy eagle, Rahm & Rickie chasing and several close calls - Duration: 2:08.


Trump Defends His Mental Health, Says He's 'Like, Really Smart' - Duration: 2:02.

For Complex News, I'm Hanuman Welch and we're all gonna die.

I don't mean that hyperbolically, I mean that there's a good chance that we're all going

to be annihilated in nuclear fire because the Fox News Grandpa currently residing in

the white house is going to get us all killed.

Trump kicked off his seemingly regular practice of bizarre weekend tweets in a thread defending

his mental health Saturday morning.

The world leader who has been documented flinging paper towels at hurricane battered citizens

and casually beefing with Kim Jong-Un about nuclear war, bragged about his mental state

during a brief tirade that also managed to work in references of Hillary Clinton and

the late Ronald Reagan.

Trump has somehow become even more unhinged following the publication of a bombshell book,

Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House, by Michael Wolff, which among other things

has renewed questions about the president's mental stability.

With the the mainstream media reporting the story and Trump's reactions to it, Trump

took to Twitter to counter these reports by reminding his base just how smart and mentally

capable he still is, largely because he was once a TV star.

"Now that Russian collusion, after one year of intense study, has proven to be a total

hoax on the American public, the Democrats and their lapdogs, the Fake News Mainstream

Media, are taking out the old Ronald Reagan playbook and screaming mental stability and


..Actually, throughout my life, my two greatest assets have been mental stability and being,

like, really smart.

Crooked Hillary Clinton also played these cards very hard and, as everyone knows, went

down in flames.

I went from VERY successful businessman, to top T.V. Star..... President of the United States (on my first try).

I think that would qualify as not smart, but genius....and a very stable genius at that!"

Aside from that Hillary Clinton dig being actually kinda funny, Trump wants us to know

that he's not only a genius—he's a very stable genius.

Like, very, very stable.

280 Characters was a mistake.

Naturally, #stablegenius spent the better part of the morning trending at number one

on Twitter.

And I take back what I said about dying in a nuclear holocaust, none of us are going

to get off that easy.

That's all for now, for everything else subscribe to Complex on YouTube, for Complex News, I'm

Hanuman Welch.

For more infomation >> Trump Defends His Mental Health, Says He's 'Like, Really Smart' - Duration: 2:02.


Mercedes-Benz CLK-Coupé 200 K. Avantgarde 163 Pk ECC/Cruise/PDC V+A/16'' LMV/Comp. Historie Anw./Ze - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz CLK-Coupé 200 K. Avantgarde 163 Pk ECC/Cruise/PDC V+A/16'' LMV/Comp. Historie Anw./Ze - Duration: 0:55.


Chaffetz Just Dropped a Bombshell About the Deep State in Washington — It's "Very Real…" - Duration: 3:46.

Chaffetz Just Dropped a Bombshell About the Deep State in Washington — It's "Very


Former Utah Representative Jason Chaffetz confirmed what many Americans have feared

for some time now, telling the hosts of TV's Fox & Friends that the deep state is "very

real," and that he has first-hand experience of its inner workings.

"I was a little skeptical … but I'm telling you, having lived through it, it is

very real" the former member of the House of Representatives said when asked about whether

or not he believed that there was a deep state conspiracy working against President Donald


He went on to say that he believes that the conspirators, many of whom are currently under

investigation by Rep. Devin Nunes, are likely to obstruct further investigations into their

actions while deceiving the American public and pretending to cooperate.

"I guarantee you, the Department of Justice will tout how many documents they are turning

over," Chaffetz said.

"The question that [House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman] Trey

Gowdy always asked, which is the right one, is what percentage of the documents [asked

for are being turned over]?

Because, if you want 100 percent of the truth on a closed case, then turn over all the documents.

But I don't think they're going to do it.

They've been asking for these documents under subpoena since August and they still

haven't gotten them."

From The Hill

Chaffetz said he believed that Clinton, the 2016 Democratic presidential nominee, would

be indicted in July 2016, before former FBI Director James Comey announced that she would


"There was hammers, there was BleachBit.

When you listen to James Comey back in July of 2016, you really thought that she was actually

to get indicted.

But this is a closed case.

So there no reason why the Department of Justice should hold back any documents from the Congress,"

he said

"Well, then why are they?" asked Doocy.

"Well, the key you that you need to listen for today is, I guarantee you, the Department

of Justice will tout how many documents they are turning over," Chaffetz replied.

"The question that [House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman] Trey

Gowdy always asked, which is the right one, is what percentage of the documents?

Because, if you want 100 percent of the truth on a closed case, hen turn over all the documents.

But I don't think they're going to do it.

They've been asking for these documents under subpoena since August and they still

haven't gotten them."

"Is it the deep state?"

Doocy asked.

"It is the deep state," Chaffetz said.

"I was a little skeptical … but I'm telling you, having lived through it, it is

very real."

Chaffetz also says he believes the deep state prevented an indictment from being filed against

Hillary Clinton, despite the overwhelming amount of evidence collected that proved she

had committed a crime.

"There was hammers, there was BleachBit.

When you listen to James Comey back in July of 2016, you really thought that she was actually

to get indicted.

But this is a closed case" he said, saying he was certain that she would be brought to

trial the summer of 2016, and was floored when the FBI announced she was being cleared

of all charges.

With all of the proof of the deep state's existence, and seemingly more coming out every

day, it is baffling that some continue to deny its existence.

Hopefully, however, Devin Nunes will be able to finally pull the mask off of those actively

working to bring down our government and will herald in a new era when we can truly Make

America Great Again.

What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> Chaffetz Just Dropped a Bombshell About the Deep State in Washington — It's "Very Real…" - Duration: 3:46.


Cotton Technique In The Navel To Cure And Treat Ailments And Health Problems - Duration: 4:06.

many blessings and health to all

our fans and welcome to a

new video from our channel

Today we will discuss technical cotton

navel to cure and treat

ailments and health problems

you know there are more practical methods

and natural to cure various

It is presenting our body ailments

Although drugs are very good

to cure and treat diseases not

always are the only options

we have to improve our health as

There are many recipes medicine

natural that meet the same or better

pharmacological effects remedies

for example the tricks employed with

cotton balls in the navel

lie less thoughtful diseases

is that for a long time

our grandmothers employed many

ways to cure diseases and even

saw them too crazy their

results are spectacular especially

when the moistened cotton is

it depends on the condition you want

moisten eradicate case with a

different substance

read notes and uses these

methods sooner

7 fabulous tricks cotton

cure different diseases

1 Alcohol 50% wet Speck

cotton with absolute alcohol and

place it in your navel will make the

body temperature drops to

keep fully controlled

Similarly flu and

nasal congestion heal in a few

days , two almond oil

If your skin is very dry and cracked

sloppy wet a cotton

with a few drops of almond oil and

It located right in the navel throughout

repeating the action on a


be sure that the change dermis

until it becomes smooth and soft and well

3 nourished want coconut oil

promote fertility that we


pours some of this oil on a

cotton ball and place in the area


once you do let stand

until dry and repeat

procedure every day for a month

you may elapse before

the remedy time to take effect

4 grand and if what you want is regular

your menstruation and eliminate pain

in the womb

do not hesitate to put you cotton

brandy in the central part of your body

Soon the discomfort is

will dissipate and your next period

it shall be governed entirely

5 lemon oil this liquid is

used to eradicate spots

face and some imperfections

facial performs the same procedure

applied in the above


only this time you employed by a

consecutive month and twice a day

a6 oil and neem this remedy

It used to remove light spots

They are appearing on the skin and the rest


is ideal because its properties

Color neutralize healing dermal

preventing discoloration

environmental exposure or bad

7 the feed Chamomile

Chamomile teas are

spectacular to reduce

stomach problems placed in the

bellybutton a cotton filled

Chamomile tea and your pain will go

gradually these treatments are

out in the navel because this is a

special pipeline to send nutrients to

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For more infomation >> Cotton Technique In The Navel To Cure And Treat Ailments And Health Problems - Duration: 4:06.


[Sub][TURN 13] Cardfight!! Vanguard G Z Official Animation - The Vessel of Gyze - Duration: 26:25.

The time has come.

Gear Chronicle's Singularity, Chrono Shindou, shall become a vessel,

and Gyze shall appear in this land.

Time for revenge!

The accursed members of Team Q4 will beg for mercy!

This will throw them into a tizzy, which is when we'll grab the Singularity!

That's fine, but you know...

...isn't there a more interesting way?

For example, make it so Chrono Shindou has no choice but to come to us...


For the past several days, a great quantity of information

relating to the Apostles has been reported worldwide.

The info ranges from locations of their bases

to eyewitness sightings of their actions.

Our people are out there now

in order to determine the veracity of these reports, but...

It's probably a diversionary tactic.

They want us spread thin... they can get you.

It's gone now,

but it appeared then.

We saw it too.

Going by Gastille's words,

the Apostles are definitely trying to turn you into a vessel for Gyze.

On the other hand, if we can just protect you

and send the last three Apostles back to the planet Cray,

this entire affair will be over.

Is there something we can do to help?

I've gotta do more than just let myself be protected!

Calm down.

I know how you feel, but I want you to leave this to us.

Chrono, the enemy is after you.

It's all right.

I'm sure we'll have this whole thing wrapped up soon.

Turn 13 The Vessel of Gyze

If he's under your protection, I can breathe easily.

I owe Shindou.

There's no way I'll let them bring Gyze back.

It's all thanks to him.

Vanguard starting up again, getting back that feeling of never giving up...

Even saving you was possible because he was there.

And yet, I haven't been able to do anything for him.


Why should he have to become Gyze's vessel?!

I swear I'll protect your friend.

You've got a good friend, Kazuma.

Welcome... Huh?

Don't tell me you're my bodyguard?!

Not me. That's your bodyguard.

Kazumi Onimaru!

I look forward to working with you.

Isn't that Kazumi Onimaru?!

Seriously?! What's he doing here?!


Um, would you fight me?!

Hey, no fair beating me to the punch!

Please fight me!

With all this, I can't tell whether he came here to protect you or what.

This is a pain, but just be patient for a little longer.

Once all the Apostles are gone, this'll be over.

Yeah, true.

I just wanna fight.

Just fight with a clear mind, without anything hanging in the balance.

Well, when that time comes, I'm gonna win.

What was that?


It's kind of frustrating.

We were in Relics together, so why only Chrono...?

Isn't there anything we can do to help?

I was thinking the same thing.

The important thing is that we beat them, right?

The Apostles.

That guy's with Shindou, so they shouldn't be able to get at him that easily.

If they can't abduct him, do you think they'll set some kind of trap?

Or something that makes Shindou go to them willingly.

For example...

If I stay here and don't become Gyze's vessel,

the Apostles can't attain their mad ambition.

So I just have to wait for everyone to beat the Apostles.


But what a quirk of fate!

This world was linked to ours.

By Gear Chronicle's Singularity!

Zeroth Dragon...

Dark Zone's, huh?


I was just wondering whether it's okay for me to just stick around here and be guarded.

When you get right down to it, shouldn't I be settling this?

As Gear Chronicle's Singularity?

From the memories Shiranui left behind.

That was part of it.

Kazuma was really worried about you.

Taiyou and the rest of your friends all feel the same way.

Don't try to take everything on by yourself.

This time it's my turn... it's our turn to help you.


Aw, we'll settle this in no time.

After all, there are a lot of us working on it.

I know you're here! Come out!

Long time no see!

I think the first stage of Under 20 was the last time?

Chaos Breaker Dragon...

We were right.

Were you taking a walk here?

If so, there is a more interesting place.

Want me to show you?

Do you mean to take us as hostages to lure Chrono in?

Fight me!

I won't let you touch a single swirly hair on his head!

I'm gonna beat you and send you back to the planet Cray!

What's wrong?

Nothing... it's just, Taiyou and Kazuma haven't returned my message.

Maybe they're fighting somewhere...


Dragheart, Luard!

You've gotten your way up to now,

but it ends here!

No guard.

Twin drive.

Draw trigger!

I give the power to Morfessa.

Critical trigger!

I'm gonna lift the Apostles' diffrides

and make it so you can never interfere here again!

I wonder how long that spirit will last.

I'll take my time teaching you people just how powerless you are.

Hostages, eh?

It figures he would favor that method.

Either way, it's necessary to awaken Star Gate's Zeroth Dragon.

If he's beaten to a pulp by Zeroth Dragon and knows despair,

I'm sure he'll lose that defiant will.

The Diffriders have manipulated us to no end.

And right when I think we've finally put an end to it...

Give me a break! I swear I won't let you people have Shindou!

I ride Star-vader, Chaos Breaker Close.

Stride Generation.

Death Star-vader, Chaos Universe Alththani.

Chaos Universe Alththani?!

Stride skill. Soulcharge.

I lock Morfessa.

Alththani's skill.

Lock two of your rear-guards.

Oh, you only have one?

You can't lock two units, so I draw two cards.

My Vanguard and Heliopause Dragon get +2000 power.

Planck Dracokid's skill.

I look at the top seven cards of my deck and put Chaos Breaker Close in my hand.

Zeroth Dragon's cost...

Heliopause Dragon's skill.

Rute isn't unlocked at the next end phase.

On top of that, Heliopause gets +3000 power.

And call.

However you struggle,

I'll beat you both and turn you into bait to lure in Chrono Shindou.

And then you'll know...


...that I'm the one who crushes all hope,

leaving nothing but despair.

No guard.

Triple drive.

Critical trigger.

I give the power to Strange Dragon and the extra critical to my Vanguard.

Heal trigger. I give the power to Strange Dragon.

Strange Dragon attacks your Vanguard.

Skill activated. +5000 power.

I'm not gonna despair!

If I win, this battle is over!

Quintet Wall!

The world Shindou desires...

One where you can purely enjoy Vanguard, without thinking about boring junk like this!

We're gonna make that a reality!

He pulled through!

How about that?!


Why is it back again?


Gyze's symbol...

It's reacting!

My Relics is reacting to the fight that man is showing us!

I see. How ironic.

Or maybe it's the command of fate.

What's so funny?!

What is this?!

You're going to become a vessel of Gyze, Kazuma Shouji.

What are you talking about?!

You people are after Shindou, aren't you?!

Yes. But just now, you showed us that you would also be feasible.


We need someone who has enough power to be able to contain Gyze.

The Singularity, Chrono Shindou,

was the one closest to being a vessel in Relics, the prison of souls.


All of the data we obtained from Relics is in here.

The path that severs your bond with the units and connects you to Gyze...

This is an extremely condensed form of Relics itself, so to speak.

Considering the qualities you just displayed,

you have exactly what it takes to host Gyze!

Continue the fight.

From the moment you lose, the destruction Gyze brings shall begin!

This really is a fight with fate on the line.

Either you'll become Gyze, or I'll be sent back to the planet Cray.


Stand and draw!

Dragheart's Ritual!

Stride Generation!

Dragstrider, Luard!

I just need to win this!


Neither Shindou, me, nor anyone else is gonna become Gyze!


I'm gonna send all of you back to the planet Cray!

Go, Kazuma!

Dragstrider, Luard! Ritual Seven!

I discard two cards from my hand.

+6000 power! An extra critical, an extra drive,

and you can't use a grade 1 or higher unit from your hand to guard!


Generation Guard.

Genesis Machine Deity, Desthergen.

On top of that, guard!

Quadruple drive, eh?

If they're all triggers, you'll break through my guards.


Don't underestimate me.

Here I go!

First check!

That's one.

Second check!


Third check!


Final check!

It's wonderful.

No matter how many times I see it, I love that moment

when all hope turns to despair.

It's not over! It's not over yet!

I put my entire future on the line!

Bring sweet despair to the hero who challenges the deep nothingness!

Devour my future and manifest!

Star Gate's Zeroth Dragon!

Ultimate Stride!

Zeroth Dragon of Destroy Star, Stark!

That's Star Gate's Zeroth Dragon!

The multitude of warriors that stood before me all had hope and all challenged me to battle.

I mowed them all down.

I crushed their hope,

and their resulting screams and wails of despair brought me so much pleasure!

The skill of the Close I put in the Drop Zone.

Choose one card from your hand, and put it down as a locked card.

Call! Skill activated.

I lock Morfessa.

On top of that, I call.

Iron attacks.


Zeroth Dragon, Stark attacks your Vanguard.

Stark's skill. Minus two drives.

This unit can attack three times.

Three times?!

I'm not gonna give up!

That's what he taught me!

First attack.

If I hang in there 'til the end, the future will open up!

Second attack.

I made a vow!

I just wanna fight.

Just fight with a clear mind, without anything hanging in the balance.

I swore to take back the world where you can just enjoy an innocent fight!

Until then, I'm not gonna give up!

Final attack.


I haven't been able to pay Shindou back yet

for any of the things he's given to me!

I can't afford to lose here!

Oh no!

Not yet. I'm not gonna lose...

For Shindou's sake!


The world will be silent!


...a Zeroth Dragon!

The time has finally come.

Our longstanding ambition will finally be realized.

Gyze, the Deity of Destruction, is coming!

Gigantic spatial distortion confirmed!

What is this phenomenon?!

What the heck is going on?!

Even if you steal my body, there's no way you're gonna beat him!

Right? That's right, isn't it?

It'll be an easy win for you...



What is this?!

Wait! Shindou!




Taiyou! Are you okay, Taiyou?!


Kazuma is...

Wonderful! Our long-awaited coming of Gyze, the Deity of Destruction, is here!

It's interesting how the Singularity isn't the one who became the vessel.

It doesn't matter who the vessel is!

Now, those who made a fool out of me, the impudent Q4 scum, will pay!

Not that I care, but that seems to be all you think about.

Turn 14 The Beginning of the End Not that I care, but that seems to be all you think about.

Silence! Turn 14 The Beginning of the End

Turn 14 The Beginning of the End

For more infomation >> [Sub][TURN 13] Cardfight!! Vanguard G Z Official Animation - The Vessel of Gyze - Duration: 26:25.


Trump Admin Bans "All Personal Devices" From White - Duration: 2:21.


Admin Bans �All Personal Devices� From White House

Having warned in November amid a hosepipe of leaks, that it was possible, The White

House is banning its employees from using personal devices while at work in the West

Wing, despite concerns among some staffers that they�ll be cut off from children and

other relatives trying to reach them.

�The security and integrity of the technology systems at the White House is a top priority

for the Trump administration and therefore starting next week the use of all personal

devices for both guests and staff will no longer be allowed in the West Wing,� press

secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said in a statement Thursday.

�Staff will be able to conduct business on their government-issued devices and continue

working hard on behalf of the American people.�

White House chief of staff John Kelly imposed the ban, citing security concerns.

President Donald Trump has repeatedly complained about press leaks since taking office, but

aides said the change isn�t connected to concerns about unauthorized disclosures to

news organizations.

The change means aides in the Trump administration won�t be permitted to use their personal

cellphones on the White House campus, Bloomberg News reported.

There are too many devices connected to the White House wireless network, and personal

phones aren�t as secure as those issued by the federal government, said an official

who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss an internal White House matter.

The phones provided by the White House reportedly don�t allow texting, adding

to staffers� complaints.

For more infomation >> Trump Admin Bans "All Personal Devices" From White - Duration: 2:21.


FBI Reveals What Comey Destroyed To Protect Hillary From Prison. - Duration: 3:24.

FBI Reveals What Comey Destroyed To Protect Hillary From Prison.

There are a couple of Biblically-based adages that I think are appropriate for this particular


"You reap what you sow" and "Be sure your sin will find you out."

For both James Comey and Hillary Clinton, they had the hubris to believe that their

positions of political power allowed them to be above the law of the land.

In fact, they used their political power as the main reason to get comfortable in breaking

the law.

They had it in their heads that they would never get caught.

And, if they ever in fact did get caught, they would get away with their crimes!

Well, now Comey is reaping what he sowed, and both he and Hillary's sins have been

found out!

One senator has released the draft given to him by the FBI that reveals Comey's plan

to exonerate Hillary for all of her crimes.

We now have written proof that Comey had written out felony and misdemeanor violations on Hillary.

However, he shortly thereafter took the easy way out and changed the language to protect

her from any such charges and indictment.

From The Hill:

Ex-FBI Director James Comey's original statement closing out the probe into Hillary Clinton's

use of a private email server was edited by subordinates to remove five separate references

to terms like "grossly negligent" and to delete mention of evidence supporting felony

and misdemeanor violations, according to copies of the full document.

Comey also originally concluded that it was "reasonably likely" that Clinton's nonsecure

private server was accessed or hacked by hostile actors though there was no evidence to prove


But that passage was also changed to the much weaker "possible," the memos show.

The full draft and edits were released on the website of Senate Homeland and Government

Affairs Committee Chairman Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), providing the most complete public accounting

to date of Comey's draft and the subsequent edits.

The draft, released in full for the first time on Thursday, offers new details on the

FBI's Clinton investigation and controversial conclusion.

The full draft, with edits, leaves little doubt that Comey originally wrote on May 2,

2016 that there was evidence that Clinton and top aides may have violated both felony

and misdemeanor statutes, though he did not believe he could prove intent before a jury.

"Although there is evidence of potential violations of the statute proscribing gross

negligence in the handling of classified information and of the statute proscribing misdemeanor

mishandling, my judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case," Comey

originally penned.

That passage, however, was edited to remove the references to "gross negligence" and

"misdemeanor mishandling," leaving a much more generic reference to "potential violations

of the statutes."

The FBI has told Congress the edits were made by subordinates to Comey and then accepted

by the then-director before he made his final announcement July 5, 2016 that he would not

pursue criminal charges against Clinton.

Though it seems like Hillary and her entourage will never ever have to pay for their crimes,

be patient.

Drafts like Comey's and other such shenanigans will indeed be brought to the public light,

and soon they all will have to reap what they've sowed, in prison.

What do you think about this?

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Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> FBI Reveals What Comey Destroyed To Protect Hillary From Prison. - Duration: 3:24.


Civic Plaza event celebrates creation of "Cruising Task Force" - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Civic Plaza event celebrates creation of "Cruising Task Force" - Duration: 0:52.


Máxima tensión a bordo de aviones que chocaron - Duration: 0:36.

For more infomation >> Máxima tensión a bordo de aviones que chocaron - Duration: 0:36.


WANNA ONE and EXO risked their own safety to ensure no one else got hurt. - AMAZING NEWS - Duration: 2:50.

Remember Jeonghan's scary stage incident at MBC Gayo Daejejeon?.

Netizens realized that members of WANNA ONE and EXO risked their own safety to ensure no one else got hurt.

You can see WANNA ONE members like Kang Daniel and Hwang Minhyun looking over in concern.

But then, on the very left side, Baekhyun from EXO walks away from the main group to stand in front of the hole.

Members of WANNA ONE and EXO continued to switch off, standing in front of the dangerous area.

Netizens suspect that it was to ensure the girl groups near the hole didn't fall in.

Following EXO's final stage, the artists began to gather on stage again and "hole duty" for WANNA ONE and EXO began again as well.

Once Gayo Daejejeon finally ended, EXO and WANNA ONE continued to stand in front of the black hole until all the girl groups passed.

Fans are in awe of the manners and concern WANNA ONE and EXO showed to their fellow singers after this scary incident.

You can watch the full fan-edited video pointing out the two groups' manners at Gayo Daejejeon here.

For more infomation >> WANNA ONE and EXO risked their own safety to ensure no one else got hurt. - AMAZING NEWS - Duration: 2:50.


2 PF&R firefighters hurt in SE Portland blaze - Duration: 1:55.

For more infomation >> 2 PF&R firefighters hurt in SE Portland blaze - Duration: 1:55.


JetBlue Flight Returns To Logan Airport After Unusual Odor Detected - Duration: 0:23.

For more infomation >> JetBlue Flight Returns To Logan Airport After Unusual Odor Detected - Duration: 0:23.





Rita Clements, Widow Of Former Texas Governor, Dies At 86 - Duration: 0:16.

For more infomation >> Rita Clements, Widow Of Former Texas Governor, Dies At 86 - Duration: 0:16.


Tips Foto BULB - Action Photography part 3 - Duration: 3:47.

this result of the photo trail of light

by using speed 15 seconds

Now we are in the monument of Yogyakarta

Here we will make a photo of BULB

But earlier for friends who have not subscribe

please subscribe first

To update the latest videos about photography tips from me


Now we start for photo BULB

Previously I explained a little what it was BULB

BULB mode is a special setting where we can use shutter speed above 30 seconds

even we can use the shutter speed as long as we want

maximum shutter speed range in DSLR cameras

usually stuck at 30 seconds

with BULB mode we can use the shutter speed far above it

as long as the shutter button is pressed, the camera sensor will open

the effect is slower speed

and the light coming into the camera more and more

because BULB photos use very slow speed

so it is advisable to use a tripod

Tips for making BULB photos

To reduce shaking / blur due to low shutter speed

We can use a tripod, remote shutter release and timer

And one more tips for BULB photos

If you can not let the sun sink

So that the sky texture is still visible

The result will be great if the sky texture is still visible

We will try the photo of the trail of light not in BULB mode

but using a speed of 15 seconds

because this photo long exposure using a very slow speed

so we adjust F and iso so that light is not over

try to use the smallest iso

1 ..

2 ..

(camera timer sound)

this result of the photo trail of light

by using speed 15 seconds

Iso 100, diaphragm or f 22

And the time is half past 6 pm

In addition to photographing the trail of light

there is a situation that requires a BULB mode

among others

The first one when photographing fireworks

When shooting in the dark night use the small f setting

For example f 11 to f 22

Then for a light painting photo

Lightning photos

Photo landscape

And can also to photograph the celestial objects


essentially BULB used when we shoot long exposure over 30 seconds

thanks for wahtching

please comment, like and share this video

For more infomation >> Tips Foto BULB - Action Photography part 3 - Duration: 3:47.


#TheOpenHouse - Lets make this year better than las... Oh... - Duration: 4:03:48.

For more infomation >> #TheOpenHouse - Lets make this year better than las... Oh... - Duration: 4:03:48.


지구 최남단에 위치한 세상의 끝 칠레에서 생존에 도전하는 칠레 편과 예능 최초로 남극 촬영을 시도하는 남극 특집이다 정법 10일부터 남극 여정..역대급 프로젝트 완성- 스타뉴스 - Duration: 3:03.

For more infomation >> 지구 최남단에 위치한 세상의 끝 칠레에서 생존에 도전하는 칠레 편과 예능 최초로 남극 촬영을 시도하는 남극 특집이다 정법 10일부터 남극 여정..역대급 프로젝트 완성- 스타뉴스 - Duration: 3:03.


Nonstop 2018 l เพลงไทยยอดนิยม 2018,Phổ biến âm nhạc Remix 2018, Music Remix 2018 - NONSTOP KH - Duration: 1:08:56.

Nonstop 2018

For more infomation >> Nonstop 2018 l เพลงไทยยอดนิยม 2018,Phổ biến âm nhạc Remix 2018, Music Remix 2018 - NONSTOP KH - Duration: 1:08:56.


Where Do We Go

For more infomation >> Where Do We Go


For more infomation >> Where Do We Go


Zo slecht kunnen vitaminepillen zijn voor je gezondheid - Duration: 4:23.

For more infomation >> Zo slecht kunnen vitaminepillen zijn voor je gezondheid - Duration: 4:23.


For more infomation >> Zo slecht kunnen vitaminepillen zijn voor je gezondheid - Duration: 4:23.


Where Do We Go

For more infomation >> Where Do We Go


Sanremo collection - 20 Grandi successi dal festival della canzone Italiana - Il m - Duration: 1:20:29.

Hello friends ! If you like this channel music please like & share, subscribe channel. Thanks you very much !!

For more infomation >> Sanremo collection - 20 Grandi successi dal festival della canzone Italiana - Il m - Duration: 1:20:29.


DJ's crazy eagle, Rahm & Rickie chasing and several close calls - Duration: 2:08.

Dustin Johnson from 65 yards out for eagle, no big deal…

Yeah DJ, that one definitely went in.

At 1-stroke back heading into Moving Day, the 2013 Sentry Tournament of Champions victor

did his due-diligence with a 7-under par, 66.

Looking to become the third World No. 1 to with the Tournament of Champions, the 16x

PGA TOUR winner will have to fend off the likes of Jon Rahm and Rickie Fowler…

Kicking off his sophomore campaign with two professional victories to his resume already,

the Spaniard tied DJ with the low round of the day thanks in part to this eagle on the


Sitting right behind Rahm and 5-strokes off the lead, last year's leader in sand saves

nearly had this one on the 9th en route to his bogey-free 68.

There were several close calls in Round 3.

36-hole co-leader Brian Harman with a near-albatross early in his round…

Jhonny Vegas almost had one too coming in on the 18th!

What can I say? These guys are the best of the best.

33 of last year's winners are all chasing the man who won 4 times in 2017, including

two World Golf Championships. No big deal.

Sunday is going to be fun.

Catch the final round broadcast on Golf Channel starting at 6pm ET and tune in to the Good,

Bad & Unusual on Monday – I'll see you there!

For more infomation >> DJ's crazy eagle, Rahm & Rickie chasing and several close calls - Duration: 2:08.


BMW X5 5.0I XDRIVE HIGH EXECUTIVE M-Performance | HUD | Schuifdak | 360 Camera | Softclose | Full Op - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> BMW X5 5.0I XDRIVE HIGH EXECUTIVE M-Performance | HUD | Schuifdak | 360 Camera | Softclose | Full Op - Duration: 0:58.


Haircuts - Animated Story - Duration: 2:29.

Haircuts scare me... {SNIFF}

I was just kidding! Heh, heh

Now I'm not scared of the tools being used for haircuts

I'm more afraid of the people that are doing them.

And yes, I do think there are a lot of good hairdressers out there, a lot of them to be exact.

But the ones that I've had, weren't very good. (Heh)

Now to set the record straight, this is why I dislike haircuts.

So it's my brother

my mom, and I

and as you can tell, I had pretty long hair at the time.

And so we were all walking to the supermarket casually when my mom spots a hairdresser

And since I had long hair, we decided to walk through

Thinking we could sit down to wait.

But all the waiting seats were completely filled!

So yes we had to wait standing up : [

But eventually, it was my turn!

So I got into the seat as elegantly as possible

and the hairdresser sorta just popped up behind me...

So I told him the length of hair I wanted and he just stared at me... as if I spoke a different language?

But eventually he did start cutting my hair which,

Sorta felt rushed... I'm not quite sure why he went full ham 'n' cheese on the top of my head

But what I do know, is that when I looked at myself in the mirror when I got home...

I had a crooked sideburn

And the top of my head could be compared to a loaf of bread, because that's how big it was in real life!

And that's why I'm never gonna be trying a new hair salon anytime soon.



For more infomation >> Haircuts - Animated Story - Duration: 2:29.


Tips Foto BULB - Action Photography part 3 - Duration: 3:47.

this result of the photo trail of light

by using speed 15 seconds

Now we are in the monument of Yogyakarta

Here we will make a photo of BULB

But earlier for friends who have not subscribe

please subscribe first

To update the latest videos about photography tips from me


Now we start for photo BULB

Previously I explained a little what it was BULB

BULB mode is a special setting where we can use shutter speed above 30 seconds

even we can use the shutter speed as long as we want

maximum shutter speed range in DSLR cameras

usually stuck at 30 seconds

with BULB mode we can use the shutter speed far above it

as long as the shutter button is pressed, the camera sensor will open

the effect is slower speed

and the light coming into the camera more and more

because BULB photos use very slow speed

so it is advisable to use a tripod

Tips for making BULB photos

To reduce shaking / blur due to low shutter speed

We can use a tripod, remote shutter release and timer

And one more tips for BULB photos

If you can not let the sun sink

So that the sky texture is still visible

The result will be great if the sky texture is still visible

We will try the photo of the trail of light not in BULB mode

but using a speed of 15 seconds

because this photo long exposure using a very slow speed

so we adjust F and iso so that light is not over

try to use the smallest iso

1 ..

2 ..

(camera timer sound)

this result of the photo trail of light

by using speed 15 seconds

Iso 100, diaphragm or f 22

And the time is half past 6 pm

In addition to photographing the trail of light

there is a situation that requires a BULB mode

among others

The first one when photographing fireworks

When shooting in the dark night use the small f setting

For example f 11 to f 22

Then for a light painting photo

Lightning photos

Photo landscape

And can also to photograph the celestial objects


essentially BULB used when we shoot long exposure over 30 seconds

thanks for wahtching

please comment, like and share this video

For more infomation >> Tips Foto BULB - Action Photography part 3 - Duration: 3:47.


Nonstop 2018 l เพลงไทยยอดนิยม 2018,Phổ biến âm nhạc Remix 2018, Music Remix 2018 - NONSTOP KH - Duration: 1:08:56.

Nonstop 2018

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