Chủ Nhật, 7 tháng 1, 2018

Youtube daily report Jan 7 2018

dada, what is love?

what's love?

we have a regular heart

but we're not going to be cold!

because we're all warm.!..we have the gloves on

we're never going to get cold, cause look at us!

I like being a family

and I like playing

umm, you and dada (the same person. lol)

Mama and you

but I like to play with our brother first, because he's so cute

he's like you

because he has your hair

before we go to bed...

we always say goodnight to him

just because he's little, so why can't we give him a hug too?

he almost looks like our color of skin

and part us

we love him because...

we be wild in his face...

when we come to his bed

I like being a family (again)

I like playing a lot...

with my sister and you, and Nana, and our brother

umm no...

you gotta share with us!

because I really like cookies!

Mama...I love you

I love you Mama (Alexis)

Mama, is it done?

I thought this was easy!

Mama, you gotta use the spatula

a spatula...

what are you doing mama?

yah people, she's doing the best she can

i know...

I want to hold the button

and then I get it in there...

and I start to get it out

well Mama, why did it take so long?

to do it...instead of just....

no, it was hard

you did!

it's ok, we're not mad at you

yah, that's all that matters (spending time)

you still can play with us

yah, and we never want to stop playing with you

and if you never want to stop playing with someone...

then that would be very sad

everyone has a heart...

that they feel...

how would you feel when you don't have any friends?

and no-one likes you.

when you love somebody and you really like...

and they're funny, and really funny....

you want to play with them

and you want to play with them all day

For more infomation >> DADA, WHAT IS LOVE? - Duration: 12:17.


Q&A: Am I doing new ruprises? - Duration: 20:07.

For more infomation >> Q&A: Am I doing new ruprises? - Duration: 20:07.


Blindfolded Chocolate Fountain Fondue Challenge | Marissa and Brookie - Duration: 9:58.

That texture though.

- Ughhh.

(upbeat music)

- [Marissa And Brookie] Hey guys.

- I'm Marissa.

- I'm Brookie.

- Today we're doing

the blindfolded chocolate fondue challenge.

- Whoo!

- Thank you to all of our new subscribers out there,

we are so happy that you are watching our videos.

And if this is your first time seeing us

and watching our videos,

then make sure to subscribe down below

and be that #notificationsquad.

Because we love you guys.

- #notificationsquad!

So for the rules of this challenge,

we are gonna be blindfolded.

- Yes, we are going to use a sock

because we can't find our blindfolds.

We have 10 different ingredients

that our mom has put together for us,

and while we're blindfolded,

we're going to have a chocolate fountain right here,

and we're gonna have to dip it,

dip it!

In the chocolate and guess what it is.

Let's get on to the video.

- Oh yeah.

Time to turn on the chocolate fountain.

♫ Hallelujah

I wanna follow it up.

Oh my lands.

(Marissa squeals)

Don't bump the table.

- I wanna drink it.

(Brookie laughs)

- Oh my gosh.

(Brookie squeals)

- Ahhh.

That looks so satisfying.

- It's like (singing).

- We've ran out of dark chocolate,

but we're gonna use some-

- White chocolate.

- Some white chocolate.

It's gonna be swirled for a little bit.

- But that's okay.

It'll look cool anyways.

- Okay, blindfolds on and we're ready for our first item.

- Okay, this is our first item

and we cannot touch it, whatsoever.

Just stick it in and then eat it.

(whimsical music)

- I think I have some chocolate on there.

- One, two, three, go.

(whimsical music)

It's crunchy.

- I know what that is.

- Me too, ready?

- [Marrisa And Brookie] One, two, three,

Cheeto Puffs.

We got it right!

- I ate the whole thing, but yes!

Now on to the next item.

- I made a mess.

- Okay, blindfolds on.

Whoa, it's a little heavier than the last one.

- Oh my gosh.

Okay, one, two, three, go.

- Wait, have you already gotten your chocolate?

- I think.

Ready, set, go.

I didn't get any chocolate.

I didn't get any chocolate!

- It's like soggy.

- I know what that is!

- Me too.

- I can't believe I just ate that (laughs).

- Okay, it's like soggy but not soggy.

- That texture though.

- Do you know what it is?

- Yeah.

- One, two, three.

- [Marrisa And Brookie] Mushroom.

- Eww!

- I didn't get any chocolate!

- I got a lot on it.

I put it on here.

- I think I put mine right here.

I didn't get any chocolate.

- It's okay.

- [Marrisa And Brookie] Blindfolds on.

- Next one I hope I get chocolate on it.

Okay, I think I got close.

Okay, ready?

One, two, three, go.

- What the-

- What is that?

- Oh!

- Oh, I just got it!

The chocolate on it.

I think I dripped some on my pants.


- [Marrisa And Brookie] two, three,

- [Marrisa] Beef jerky. - [Brookie] Beef turkey

Jerky, I mean.

- Beef what?

- Beef jerky.

- I was like, I kept on going.

- I got...

- Oh, I dropped some on my pants.

- Okay, I got the chocolate and that was really good,

and then once you get to the...

Blindfolds on.

- Get a good one, get a good one.

- Okay, dip in chocolate.

- Make sure it's not dripping like the last one.

- Okay ready, one.

(playing Old McDonald)

I'm saying okay ready, one, two, three.

- Gummy. - Cherry gummy bear.

- It's a gummy bear.

- It's not cherry though.

- No, it's not cherry.

- But I still got some of it right though.

- Yeah, so.

- I got it right.

- We're doing pretty good right now.

We've gotten all of them right so far.

Okay, hopefully we get like a Oreo or something.

Okay, next one.

- I like it,

this is the best one by far.

- Yeah.


- Yeah.

It's heavier.

Got to do it higher.

One, two, three, go.


- It's cold.

- The chocolate is done.

I know what it is.

Me too.

- One, two, three.

Hot dog. - Corn dog.

- Okay, yeah.

- Corn diggity dog.

- That does not taste very good with chocolate.

- You said hot dog.

- It's the same thing.

- Or is it?

- Yeah.


Yeah, that was not very good, it was like...

- A hot dog with chocolate, what?

- What?

- That's so, what?

- Well it's possible now.

- Now we're talking.

Another gummy.

With like things on it.

Probably sugar.

- What is this?

- It's orange.

Um, okay, I think I know what it is.

I'm just gonna...

- I think I know what it is.

Okay, one, two three.

Dots. - Orange.

Orange, like the orange flavor,

and it has sugar on the top,

and it's a gummy.

I did it!


I did it.

There's chocolate on it.


One, two, three, go.

What is that?

- Okay, one.

- Wait.

One, two, three,

- [Marissa And Brookie] Cheese.

- Because it has like,

- [Marissa And Brookie] These are the Babybels.

- In like the little...

- Circle thing.

- [Marissa And Brookie] With the wax on it.

- Cheese and chocolate, imagine that.

- Yeah!

- I love Babybels, but not with chocolate.

- Nope.

Ready, one.

- I knew what that was the first time I put it in.

That's good.

- Okay, one, two, three,

- [Marissa And Brookie] Marshmallows.

- That one was my favorite so far.

Tastes like a s'more.

- Oh yeah.

- That's good.

- I have chocolate all over my face, but that's okay.

- I've made a mess,

because I go like this so it doesn't drip.

Oh, it's hard.

(pounding on the table)

- Oh my gosh.

I'm not supposed to feel it.

- Okay.

- One, two, three, go.

- What?

- Oh my gosh! (giggles)

- What is that?

- I know.

- Ooh.

I'm debating between two things.

- Okay, one.

- One,

- [Marissa And Brookie] Two, three.


- Oh, I was like, is it a beet or is it a radish?

- It's a radish.

- I've never had a radish before this.

- I have.

- I just like kinda know what it tastes like.

- My friend had it once and she gave me one.

And I now what it tastes like.

- Do you like them?

I don't love them.

- No, I don't love them.

- I don't prefer them.

- What is this song?

♫ Going into my favorite

- Mmm.

- Ooh I love this thing.

Ready, okay.

It's like a crusty one, like crusty.

It's kind of good.

- Okay, one, two, three.

Tater Tot.

- Tater tot.

I had some in my mouth.

- I ate it all.

- It wasn't that good.

- This is our last one.

- Last one.

- Blindfolds down.

- Ready, one, two, three, go.

- Oh!

- I know, it just hit me.

You don't get it at first but then it's like whoa.

- Ready, one, two, three.

Hot bear.

- Cinnamon bear.

- Hot bear, I don't know.

- I think cinnamon, it's cinnamon.

- I know, it's a hot bear

because it tastes hot in your mouth.

- That was probably the third best

- I wish we had strawberries.

- Yeah.

- [Marissa And Brookie] Thanks for watching.

- Please like the video.

- Again, make sure to subscribe down below

and be the notification squad.


We love you guys and we'll see you next time.

- [Marissa And Brookie] Bye.

For more infomation >> Blindfolded Chocolate Fountain Fondue Challenge | Marissa and Brookie - Duration: 9:58.


Where the Lights are Born - Rush Smith - Duration: 4:18.

For more infomation >> Where the Lights are Born - Rush Smith - Duration: 4:18.


Giuliana im Dschungel: Keinen Support von ihren GNTM-Girls? - Duration: 1:39.

For more infomation >> Giuliana im Dschungel: Keinen Support von ihren GNTM-Girls? - Duration: 1:39.





¡Una PERSONA HACE el COFRE DEL CLAN **ÉL SOLO** con 1600 CORONAS...!! - Clash Royale [BySixx] - Duration: 11:09.

For more infomation >> ¡Una PERSONA HACE el COFRE DEL CLAN **ÉL SOLO** con 1600 CORONAS...!! - Clash Royale [BySixx] - Duration: 11:09.



For more infomation >> YOUR ONLY RESPONSIBILITY IN LIFE DAY 3 - Duration: 2:51.


How the "Birdman of Alcatraz" Got His Name - Duration: 5:51.

For more infomation >> How the "Birdman of Alcatraz" Got His Name - Duration: 5:51.


Can the GPD Pocket run Crysis... with super low graphics? FPS boost tested on Intel Atom + IntelHD - Duration: 5:14.

The GPD Pocket, the world smallest laptop, is not exactly sporting gaming ready specs

and yet has proven capable of a fair amount of gaming surprises if you are willing to sacrifice enough.

But CAN.




This old internet joke was born from the long-held reputation Crysis games have of using PC

resources to the max and therefore being very difficult to run, and very good as benchmarking test.

So, given that the first Crysis game came out a decade ago can we play it on a modern

Intel Atom?

We can... with some sacrifices... many sacrifices.

This is the LowSpecGamer, a channel where I explore what is the lowest you can push

games to breath gaming life into low-end or older hardware.

So, for my first video of 2018: What can we do about Crysis?

Crysis has a very powerful dev console with hundreds of commands to try.

The console can be opened with the button under scape on the keyboard.

Usually assigned "tilda" (~). Most of these commands can be added in an autoexec.cfg file in the game's

installation directory and that will be applied every time the game starts.

You will find the commands I used on a file in the description but before explaining some

of most interesting ones let me make an observation.

You will see some commands marked as system, this means that in some of my test setups

these appear to be protected and would not load from an autoexec file.

A way to get them to work is to copy them to the files in the installation directory,

game, config, and in there you will find files that load commands for each of the game's

difficulty levels.

If you find that any of the commands marked as "system" are not working add them at the bottom

of the file of the difficulty that you are using.

So let's begin.

Make sure always to start with con_restricted 0 to disable restricted mode, otherwise, commands

will not work.

For example, this set of commands here tweaks textures and r_TexResolution 4 can reduce

most of the textures to their absolute plain lowest.

These section tweaks lighting related effects.

E_dynamic_light 0 will disable dynamic lights completely which provides a performance boost

but might make the game too dark.

E_max_entity_lights controls the number of lights on certain objects, so reducing it

is another alternative but setting it to 0 can cause certain objects to flicker weirdly,

so 2 seems to be the lowest value you can use without problems.

This section plays around with some of the draw distances for details

For example, reducing e_view_dist_ratio to 1 causes non-essential objects to appear right

in front of you.

E_detail_materials_view_dist_z controls the distance at which the ground is drawn at full

resolution so 1 makes it low resolution all the time.

E_flocks is... amusing.

The game has all sorts of animals and fish on its environments that you can disable by

setting that variable to 0.

Oh, I miss the turtle already.

Ca_UsePhysics is another interesting one.

On normal combat when you kill an enemy they turn into limb ragdolls with physics like

any other game, but if you set this variable to 0 there is no enemy physics and so enemies

will just freeze where they are when they die.

Finally, this game has tons of vegetations that we can play around with.

E_vegetation_sprites_distance_ratio controls how far the vegetation has to be from the

player to turn into low detail sprites.

Setting it to 0 turns most of the vegetation into sprites.

And you can control the resolution of those sprites with r_VegetationSpritesTexRes.

Setting it to 8 turns them into this blurry mess.

E_view_dist_ratio_vegetation controls the density of vegetation and setting it to 1

reduces it to the bare minimum around the player.

If you would rather just get rid of it all, you can use e_vegetation to 0 to make it all


I am going to stay with some vegetation, keep all other changes and try the game on the

Intel Atom computer.

With this, the game becomes... am... something?

Right, having everything appear as you walk can be distracting and the lack of ragdolls

and physics can make it a bit hard to figure out if enemies are dead or alive when fighting...

Also, you low object draw distance makes it much easier to spot enemies but much harder

to actually shot them as there might be something blocking your shot that you can't see?

But hey, look at the bright side.

The game is currently running at 720p with around 30 fps when nothing is happening and

closer to 22 until intense action which many of you will consider playable.

It is actually pretty good considering the specs that we are using

So, can we play Crysis on this thing?


But it might look fairly different to what you expect.

If you want to use any of this the configuration file is in the description, feel free to experiment

and use each command as you want.

You can also follow this as a written guide on the modmy link in the description.

Thank you if you are a patreon contributor for helping this content happen.

For more infomation >> Can the GPD Pocket run Crysis... with super low graphics? FPS boost tested on Intel Atom + IntelHD - Duration: 5:14.


Mtn Dew's new ICE LEMON LIME Flavor - Duration: 3:05.

what's good snack heads so mountain dew dropped something new and exclusive

they never did this before lemon-lime what a splash a real juice now mom do

never did this before even though Mountain Dew do taste like

uh I don't know Mamadou has its own distinct flavor I can't even describe it

it's just Mountain Dew I never taste anything

quite like I'm out to do definitely got to give it up for Mountain Dew for

keeping it gangster like that this one cool thing that Mountain Dew never did

before it's clear Mountain Dew got a clear type

of so now it's supposed to be smooth or whatnot um with the lemon and lime

flavor to it man and I hope they still kept the Mountain Dew flavor that they

got the distinct flavor I love them often do you can mix that up with

anything and Mountain Dew has that still has that kick of the Mountain Dew flavor

man I've got my little pepper there pimp cup to go with it baby like to taste it

head go

yo um yo mottely do I like this it tastes like if like Mountain Dew and

sprite had a baby and sprite was cheatin on Mountain Dew with 7up

this is what this tastes like like all your favorite are those hyper soda is

like mixed into one and just made some deliciousness this

was banging you know I like these smooth it's not too heavy it's not to like

heavier the carbonate that fizz I don't like that this is dead right Mountain

Dew yes it's bitch crush it did I get some money

a crush it in our there's our money I could tell yo in the summertime you

have some of this too small to do ice in the summertime you crack this open

everybody around you just freeze you crack it open that cool misters come out

to be like that's mr. freeze to you that's how good this is man um yeah I

really like it it's not too heavily Suites not too overwhelmed with the the

lemon-lime flavor your Mountain Dew this really make you do the do man about the

dudes that do you know that dude and everybody's rocking where you going to

barbershop like yo let me get that do you know that doo doo what everybody's

rocking do you know do do oh you talk about the Mountain Dew do what you do

they make no sense right there your Boise snacks this feeling this right

here man I got three cans man I'm and I'm sticking with a ain't nobody getting

under my so do it shit boys see snacks make sure you subscribe to the channel

yummy please

For more infomation >> Mtn Dew's new ICE LEMON LIME Flavor - Duration: 3:05.


Fear The Lightsaber! - Duration: 0:15.





For more infomation >> Fear The Lightsaber! - Duration: 0:15.


🔥Иностранец слушает русскую музыку🎙: ГУФ - Маугли II - Duration: 8:14.

For more infomation >> 🔥Иностранец слушает русскую музыку🎙: ГУФ - Маугли II - Duration: 8:14.




For more infomation >> SURPRISING UFO ALIEN SPACECRAFT PICKING UP SOMETHING!!! 7th January 2018!!! - Duration: 10:04.


First impressions of Todos Santos, Mexico - Duration: 3:46.

Todos Santos, Mexico

(Just arrived from La Paz) -Your first impression of Todos Santos?

It's beautiful.

We always say that.

No but seriously it's so nice here.

It's a "pueblo magico", it is considered a "magical village"of Mexico.

And I can see why, it's definitely special and the views around town...

Oh yes, the nature is breathtaking.

So green, filled with palm trees and small mountains.

Just fantastic.

I just read that this monument, which is a mural of the Aztec sun...

... was inspired by the calendar of the Aztec people.

I'm really enjoying Todos Santos, it's a nice little town.

And this smoothie is delicious.

So what do you think?

It's very quiet here...

You can see there is more of a rich culture than La Paz...

Yes there's more of a community, a bit of everything.

We ended up in a Mexican restaurant.

We're eating some tacos and "chile relleno", which is their speciality here.

With some rice and beans.

And also they gave us some hot tortillas.

Hot chili sauce...

So, "bon appétit"!

A little stop on the way to Cabo San Lucas...

Arrived to Cabo San Lucas, the southern extremity of Baja California.

We asked this Puerto Rican family if we could film them :)

We have a YouTube channel, you'll be appearing in one of our episodes!

Thank you so much!

Hey, what country are you from?

So we speak French.

Wait, what is your channel's name?

Alright, we're leaving now because the sun is setting and we have a 3 hour drive to La Paz.

For more infomation >> First impressions of Todos Santos, Mexico - Duration: 3:46.


Inflation Coming! Profit with Gold and Blockchain - With Tim Warman - Duration: 13:47.

looking at the markets

welcome to looking at the markets with David Moadel today my special guest is

Mr. Tim Warman now let me tell you about Mr. Tim Warman

he has 25 plus years in the metals and mining industry additionally he is a

director at Continental gold and VP of corporate development at aurelion

resources and perhaps most importantly for today he is the CEO at Fiore gold

and just to let you know four investors out there who might be interested in

Fiore gold it is tradable in Canada on the CVE

exchange it is under the tip ticker symbol F and on the OTC markets here in

the United States it is f io g F so mr. Tim warm and welcome to looking at the

markets well thank you great to be here yeah it's really a pleasure to have you

and I can't wait to tap in to your knowledge about metals mining and the

economy in general well I'll tell you this is a really exciting year for me

2018 you know China just said yes to credit expansion we're talking about

middle class buying spree real estate mega cities possibly an infrastructure

boom now what does this mean for precious metals such as copper zinc

silver and so on yeah I mean I think there's a number of interesting

developments in China and some of the BRICS

you know just globally I think I think that are really pushing up its a man for

gold providing greater access for people to invest in gold and and also you know

people I think are looking at things like overall geopolitical uncertainty

and and gold you know as always is seen as a good hedge against uncertainty a

good hedge against risk and I think we're starting to see that with some of

the gold price moves over the past several weeks I mean you know gold had

struggled for a while to break through that $39.00 barrier it they would hold

it for a day or two fall back but you know we've really

started to hold that and consolidate some of those gains and I think I think

going forward as the demand for gold increases you're going to see that gold

price continued to climb through 2018 and and the nice thing about gold is

that it's very difficult to turn on the the taps from a supply side I mean it

takes a long time to get a gold mine into production so when that price goes

up with demand going up you just can't simply turn on the supply and that

continues to put upward pressure on the gold price I think we'll see that going

forward yeah I can't imagine a better time to get involved in investing in

precious metals and that would certainly include a gold you know when we look at

the United States economic situation with low unemployment record high

confidence levels Millennials hitting peak earnings and spending years in

pending tax cuts infrastructure renovations would you agree with me that

inflation could hit us at least in the United States big time and that could

certainly help out any gold or other precious metal investment yeah I think

you know there's a lot of people around today that don't even remember what

inflation is like we've been in such a low inflation environment for so many

years but I think we're coming to the end of that period and I think you know

as always gold is one of those things whose value fundamentally can't be

inflated away you know it doesn't really matter what the price of gold is over

the the years and the centuries it's you know the the story is it's always been

able to buy you a good business suit and and that's true today and that that was

true you know 50 years ago so it's really it's really set itself up as a

store of value that is very very useful to hold in inflationary times yeah I

totally agree and there are a number of ways to get into the gold trade and

there also are a number of ways to get into the blockchain trade which you know

I get questions every day emails all the time about blockchain technology how do

I get involved as well as precious metals questions and I want to talk

about Fiori gold in particular because I know that the Fiore group is behind hive

blockchain tech which is the most successful stock

launch in Canada's history in the past four months and so now you can diversify

into gold and blockchain at the same time now I know that you and your

company went into the most prolific region Nevada yeah so why Nevada yeah

look Nevada is is the place to be in the US for gold mining any note Avada as a

state produces something like 80 percent of the u.s. gold production it's very

very well-endowed geologically to the of the top five mines in the world are

located in Nevada and and not just from a geological point of view from a

political from a social from an infrastructure point of view you know

you've got a you've got a population and a government that knows mining that

understands its contribution and its importance to the economy

you've got great infrastructure I mean you can drive off a paved highway for

about five minutes to get to the front gate of our pan mines are producing

asset now you've got a trained workforce all the equipment suppliers I mean you

know everything you need is there now is this the best time to make acquisitions

and why would that be yeah so I mean you know we see Nevada and some of the

surrounding states is really ripe for consolidation in some of the smaller

deposits you know fiore gold right now it's a fairly new company we picked up

some assets out of bankruptcy and turned one of the producing mines around and

we're producing something between 35 and 40 thousand ounces of gold in 2018 but

you know we don't want to stop there that's really just our starting position

and there are a number of other small relatively small sort of forty to

seventy thousand ounce or year producing gold assets single asset companies that

really don't make sense on their own as investment vehicles they're not very

interesting but we think that there's a there's a real play to be made there in

bolting some of those assets together with good capital markets backing like

we have a fiore gold in that that background of the feet larger Fiori

group and once you can get your production beyond that kind of magic

number of about a hundred thousand ounces per year

which is about a three or four times production growth for us you

be seeing a rereading in your share price in your market cap of about 8 to

12 times so there's a real step change there as you cross that hundred thousand

ones bearing and we see that the the way to get there is both through increasing

production at our existing asset getting some of our other earlier stage

development assets into production and consolidating by bolting on and

acquiring some of these other assets in Nevada and the surrounding states to

push us up over that hundred thousand now it's our goal is to be a hundred

fifty thousand as producer in in you know in the next five years yeah and if

that's your goal can you compare your market cap the market cap of fee re gold

with companies other companies that are also producing similarly one hundred and

fifty thousand ounces or so per year yeah exactly so in our current market

caps it's just under a hundred million Canadian dollars and if you look at

companies that are producing in that kind of hundred to one hundred sixty

thousand mountain space companies like Guyana gold like rocks gold like McHugh

and mining one of the favorites of a lot of investors again another nevada

producer you know those companies are typically trading anywhere from sort of

four hundred million see upwards of a billion dollars market cap so again

that's that step change i talked about you increase your gold production about

three or four times but you get a eight to ten times increase in your market cap

and i think it's really a function of there's a visit there's a sort of

efficiency of scale as you start to get into that larger production obviously

you're spreading your corporate overheads over a larger production base

and you're getting a lot more flexibility particularly if you're

producing for more than one line sure now what are your 2018 milestones for

free or e gold yeah so i mean as i said we're a relatively new company fury gold

just came into existence in August September of 2017 but we've now got our

producing asset up and running and producing well and making money this is

the year when we're going to do a couple things we're gonna increase production

in our pan mine which is a producing mine we think we can get that asset up

to somewhere in the fifty thousand ounce range it's never gonna be a huge mine

but it's a good mine and we're always gonna look back and say that was our

first mine that's what we started building the company with the other

thing we're gonna do is with push our gold rock project which is just

next door towards production and gold rock has a really interesting advantage

over a lot of other mining projects in the US and elsewhere in that the

permitting process the federal permitting process for a full mined

build at Gold Rock which typically takes five to seven or even more years to get

through that it was started by one of our predecessor companies and has

continued on and we actually expect to get the full mine permit in early q1 of

2018 and so we'll be in the kind of enviable

position of having our permits in place ahead of actually finishing the

engineering and the technical studies needed to go into production so I mean

we don't even have a preliminary economic assessment or on that project

yet so we'll be doing a lot of work there in terms of drilling and

engineering and metallurgical studies the idea that you know that's gonna be

our next producing mine that's terms of organic growth and then finally we're

gonna be executing on our consolidation strategy there's a a number of other

companies out there similar profile to us we've been talking to them over the

last few months and I think that momentum is building to where we can

pull the trigger on at least one deal to start to grow that production through

some smart acquisition so that's been really the kind of threefold goals we

have for 2018 yeah sounds like there's plenty of room for growth in this

company now what I want to know is how were you able to buy a two hundred

million dollar property in operating goldmine in Nevada for five million

dollars which would be a ninety seven point five percent discount how did you

pull that off yeah I think this really speaks to the strength of our technical

team you know we've got a very good technical team headed by a guy named Ken

Bronk who's our chief operating officer a lot of these guys are ex Newmont's a

very very experienced miners know Nevada really well and they looked at our

producing asset the pan mine because it was part of a bankruptcy package it had

put the company that built the mine back in 2015 had gone into bankruptcy about

four months after starting to pour gold at that mine so they built the mine

spent something like two hundred million dollars exploring doing the engineering

studies building this new mine but ran into some problems early on as the mine

was getting up and running and it put them into bankruptcy and you know

ken looked at this from a bankruptcy situation and said you know what it it's

not the asset that's the problem it was the company structure on the team that

was trying to get it into production and the underlying asset is actually quite

sound and he's proven that you know they they put a bid together bought it at a

bankruptcy for five million dollars which is an incredible discount as you

mentioned and have really turned that mine around had taken what a lot of

people said was a dog and turned it into a beautifully performing little mine and

it's it's producing cash it's but it's it's a profitable little mine and and

really an excellent turnaround story and we're gonna take that kind of crack

operating team that we put together and we want to apply that to other

properties and turn those and get those running efficiently as well yeah it

sounds to me like Fiore gold as an investment would be both an excellent

value play as well as a growth type of investment because there's so much room

for growth here I'm really excited about this opportunity and I'm glad I got to

speak with you today mr. Tim warm and once again the CEO of Fiore gold for

investors and traders as well on the CVE in Canada the ticker symbol is F on the

OTC markets in the United States the ticker symbol is fi o GF now if people

wanted more information I believe people can go to Fiore would that be

correct that's correct furious fi o r e gold calm we have an

Instagram feed a twitter feed but it's all all starts at the website gotcha

fantastic I love Twitter what is your Twitter handle that people can go to I

think I'm an old dog trying to learn new tricks so I believe our Twitter feed is

fiore underscore gold all right and I will put that on the screen as well

along with Fiori gold dot-com that's the first place to go if people want to see

the latest news and developments for Fiori gold alright and if people want to

contact somebody at Fiore goal they can also go to the website for that yes

absolutely all right well I hope that people will check out Fiore gold calm I

hope they will consider Fiore gold as an investment not only in the precious

metals space but in the blockchain space because once again they are behind the

hive blockchain Tec a huge launch in Canada very

exciting and you know I I really appreciate all your time today I hope to

be able to catch up with you soon just to see how things are developing both

with you and Fiore gold so mr. Tim Morman thank you so much for spending

some time with me today on looking at the markets thanks for having me

For more infomation >> Inflation Coming! Profit with Gold and Blockchain - With Tim Warman - Duration: 13:47.


¿Censura el gobierno mexicano a los medios de comunicación? - Duration: 7:41.

For more infomation >> ¿Censura el gobierno mexicano a los medios de comunicación? - Duration: 7:41.


BREAKING Hillary To Be Investigated For 3 ADDITIONAL CRIMES - Duration: 38:27.

BREAKING Hillary To Be Investigated For 3 ADDITIONAL CRIMES

Hillary Clinton has never been known for her honesty or transparency.

Her entire political career is stained with lies, controversies, and coordinated attempts

to attack and destroy the numerous women who have accused her philandering husband, former

President Bill Clinton, of sexual misconduct.

During the 2016 Presidential election she spared no expense to manufacture falsehoods

against President Trump, and it has recently come to light that it was the Clinton campaign

that colluded with Russian agents.

Now Hillary Clinton faces multiple investigations for her various alleged crimes, and it seems

that perhaps the long arm of the law has caught up with the former Secretary of State.

These investigations are an ugly truth about one of the most corrupt politicians to ever

run for the office of President of the United States.

"According to scandalous new reports, we're learning that the only reason this swamp witch

wasn't sent to prison for her email scandal in the first place was because then-FBI director

Comey hid evidence, and instructed FBI staffers to remove evidence that would've proven

felony and misdemeanor charges.

With the DOJ now reopening this entire case in light of Comey's shady antics, this is

unfortunately for Hillary, one of only four investigations to come, as President Trump

is announcing that the gloves are off.

According to The Daily wire, here's the other investigations that Hillary will soon

be facing," According to Prissy Holly.


The Clinton Foundation

As if the FBI digging into the Clinton Foundation wasn't enough, the Department of Justice

is looking into whether or not the investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of a private

email will be reopened.

This revelation has come after it was revealed former FBI Director James Comey's statement

asserting the position not to criminally charge Hillary Clinton was previously amended to

remove the phrase "gross negligence" and references in Comey's originally drafted

statement which clearly mentioned there was evidence to suggest that Hillary Clinton committed

a felony.

The FBI agent who made the changes' to Comey's original statement, Peter Strzok, who is no

fan of President Trump, has talked about having an "insurance policy" against the President.


Clinton's Use Of A Private Email Server

Via the Daily wire: On Thursday, The Hill published a reported from John Solomon which

featured Comey's original draft on the investigation into Clinton's use of a private email server.

The draft showed that the term "gross negligence" was used multiple times and specifically said

that there was evidence to conclude that Clinton committed a felony.

Anti-Trump FBI agent Peter Strzok, who talked about having an "insurance policy" against

Trump, softened the language in Comey's draft so Clinton could avoid possible criminal


A senior law enforcement official told Solomon that the DOJ "was exploring whether any

issues from that probe should be re-opened but cautioned the effort was not at the stage

of a full investigation."


Uranium One

Probably the most significant investigation surrounding Hillary Clinton and the Clinton

Foundation is the Department of Justice looking into the criminal investigation concerning

Clinton's involvement with the Obama administration selling Russia 20% of American uranium deposits.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions ordered the inquiry back in December and has directed

DOJ investigators to interview the FBI agents involved in the Uranium One criminal investigation.

This investigation is rife with suspicion as it has been reported the Obama administration

allegedly threatened a witness they did not want to testify before Congress, due to the

negative impact it would have on the 2016 Presidential election.

It has been confirmed that Russian officials participated in a scheme, which involved bribery,

money laundering, and other nefarious business dealings to get the Uranium One deal approved

by the Obama administration.


The Obama Administration Ending Investigations Into Hezbollah

Hillary Clinton may also face questions and an investigation into her possible involvement

in obstructing the federal investigation into Hezbollah and their drug trafficking and money

laundering operations, all in an effort to get President Obama his now decertified nuclear

deal with Iran.

In December, Politico released a scathing account of the Obama administration ending

the investigation into Hezbollah and in essence allowed the terrorist organization to operate

with impunity.

Congress has announced they are investigating this report released by Politico, though Hillary

Clinton's name has not specifically been mentioned yet.

However, she was the Secretary of State at the time, and if President Obama and his administration

knowingly allowed a terrorist organization to launder money and traffic cocaine into

the United States, it stands to reason that Hillary Clinton would either know about it

or be involved in the obstruction on some level.

The Trump administration has not made any specific comments as of yet concerning these

multiple investigations surrounding Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation.

Hillary and her spokespeople are dismissing these multiple investigations as a concerted

effort by President Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions to take away attention from

the investigation, which Special Counsel Robert Mueller is leading into President Trump and

his 2016 campaign.

H/T [The Daily Wire, The Hill]

For more infomation >> BREAKING Hillary To Be Investigated For 3 ADDITIONAL CRIMES - Duration: 38:27.


Study: More People Moving To 8 Other States Besides Colorado - Duration: 0:23.

For more infomation >> Study: More People Moving To 8 Other States Besides Colorado - Duration: 0:23.


Things We Won't Be Doing in 2018 | T'keyah B - Duration: 4:27.

hey you guys happy new year happy 2018 I'm t'keyah B thank you so much for

subscribing if you have already if not take a little second and hit the red

subscribe button down below that'll really help my channel out you guys

we're almost to 100k I can't even believe it so speaking of the new year I

thought it would be a good idea to come on here and kind of give you guys a

little reminder give myself a little reminder just in case a week into 2018

you are back on your bullshit so this is what we not gonna do in 2018 I thought

it was a very fitting title so the first thing we're not gonna do in 2018

mindless money mindless spending out of sight out of mind spending constantly

taking uber trips lyft trips whatever the case may be you guys mindless

spending has to go so I want to give you guys something you can do to actually

make extra money I'm all about having multiple streams of income wherever I

can just utilizing whatever's around my house so I personally like to do closet

sales if you have things in your closet that have been in there for over a year

with the tags still on it boo go ahead and sell that to somebody else who

really wouldn't want to use that you can sell it at a discounted price and then

make some of that money back so I like doing closet sales and I currently am

selling things on my Poshmark store I talked about this last month to you guys

but I've added some new things on there and I still have actually some things

that you guys can purchase on there so definitely shop my Poshmark closet I

really like it because you can go on there and trade things with people you

can put offers down Poshmark haves amazing brands Adidas Nike Balenciaga

anything you can think of Poshmark has it on there so definitely check out

Poshmark you can download Poshmark with the link

in the description box and you guys go follow me on there shop my closet I

still have some good things on there there are so many ways that you can make

extra money to add to your savings to add to

you're traveling goals you can use little side hustles like closet sales to

reach those goals so definitely do it I do it and it has made a huge difference

not only do I get to declutter my house and get rid of things that I know my ass

ain't gonna use I also get to make some quick 2018 is all about flourishing

financially and growing you can't grow if you don't actually look at what's

going on you guys I know sometimes money is controversial it's hard it's

uncomfortable to deal with and it's uncomfortable to look at sometimes you

don't do it who's gonna do it before I make a purchase if I'm just spinning

with my debit card that day before I make a purchase I actually look at my

account look at the number that I have in there to spend before I just

mindlessly swipe so that's one thing that holds me accountable now if you're

more of a visual person I personally like having paper around notebooks and

writing things down I love planners if you're like me you

can download a little budget sheet I got this online I found it on Google I

printed it out and it's really helpful

all right the next thing we're not gonna do in 2018 is compromise on the things

that make us feel good so what I mean by that is your daily routines things that

you enjoy doing for yourself and things that you know if you don't do them

you're gonna regret it in the long run for me personally skin care is a huge

one on the list so I do not compromise when it comes to my skin routine last

night I went to bed I think at like 3:30 in the morning guess what I was doing I

was doing my hair deep conditioning putting it in braids moisturizing I was

doing an aloe mask and I was exfoliating honey and listen we are definitely not

compromising on the things that make us feel good when we get into relationships

when we start to stress and when things just are not going our way because that

is when you need to do those things more baby yourself be easy on yourself don't

be so hard on yourself that's what we're doing okay that's the energy I'm

bringing all right you guys I hope this was

inspiration and I will see you guys in my next video

For more infomation >> Things We Won't Be Doing in 2018 | T'keyah B - Duration: 4:27.


Skoda Fabia - Duration: 0:51.

For more infomation >> Skoda Fabia - Duration: 0:51.


Skoda Fabia - Duration: 0:51.

For more infomation >> Skoda Fabia - Duration: 0:51.


Skoda Octavia - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Skoda Octavia - Duration: 0:53.


Save Cow | Sankalp Gau Raksha संकल्प गौ रक्षा का जरा तुम उठालों Manoj Viplav || video MvGold 2018 - Duration: 4:20.

For more infomation >> Save Cow | Sankalp Gau Raksha संकल्प गौ रक्षा का जरा तुम उठालों Manoj Viplav || video MvGold 2018 - Duration: 4:20.


Prince Harry and Meghan Markle DENIED their choice of reception Frogmore House was Prince Harry a - Duration: 4:25.

Frogmore House was Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's dream reception venue

But the royal couple have been denied the stately home for St George's Hall

The Windsor venue is said to be more suitable for their large wedding party

Like any other engaged couple, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle had their own plans in place for their perfect wedding day.

But the pair have reportedly been denied their chosen venue for the wedding reception - the 'dreamy' Frogmore House.

Frogmore is a significant venue for the couple, as the pair have reportedly enjoyed romantic picnics at the estate and it was also the backdrop for their glamorous engagement photos.

However, the Express reports that Meghan and Harry were denied the chance to celebrate their wedding at the exclusive venue, which is closed to the public for most of the year, in favour of the more 'practical' alternative

The couple were thought to be keen on Frogmore, which Meghan described as 'dreamy', for their wedding reception, but have now been 'gently vetoed' by royal aides.

They have instead been offered St George's Hall at Windsor Castle, which is thought to be more suitable for the size of the wedding party.

It is just a mile away from their venue of St George's Chapel, where they will wed on May 19

A source said: 'They would have loved Frogmore for the party, particularly Meghan who has called it 'dreamy', but they have been told St George's Hall is far more practical.

'One person who would have readily approved of their choice was the Queen, for whom Frogmore is a very special place.

'The Queen would also have loved the family to see what had been done at Frogmore: the house has just been renovated by a group of friends as a 70th wedding anniversary gift to her and Philip.'

MailOnline has contacted Kensington Palace for a comment

The couple's stunning engagement photos were taken in the 35 acre grounds of Frogmore House, which is only open to the public three days of the year.

The stately home was also a setting for romantic picnics while the couple were still dating last summer

Frogmore House is a stately home with a lot of royal history, and is where both Queen Victoria and Prince Albert are buried.

While Meghan and Harry have been denied their venue choice, other royal couples have held their wedding reception at Frogmore, including Peter and Autumn Phillips

Their 2008 wedding reception caused a stir as they were reported to have been paid £500,000 for the photos to appear in Hello Magazine

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge held their wedding reception in Buckingham Palace after their fairy tale wedding at Westminster Abbey

Meghan and Harry announced their engagement on November 27, with the American actress showing off her sparkling ring complete with diamonds owned by his mother Princess Diana.

They live in Nottingham Cottage in Kensington Palace next door to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and their children Prince George and Princess Charlotte.

For more infomation >> Prince Harry and Meghan Markle DENIED their choice of reception Frogmore House was Prince Harry a - Duration: 4:25.


Free fut points: how-to

For more infomation >> Free fut points: how-to


For more infomation >> Free fut points: how-to


Voici une des causes principales du cancer du poumon. Vous n'allez pas le croire ! - France 365 - Duration: 3:00.

For more infomation >> Voici une des causes principales du cancer du poumon. Vous n'allez pas le croire ! - France 365 - Duration: 3:00.


For more infomation >> Voici une des causes principales du cancer du poumon. Vous n'allez pas le croire ! - France 365 - Duration: 3:00.


Italian react to N.Flying (엔플라잉) _ Hot Potato (뜨거운 감자) [ENG SUB] - Duration: 4:35.

Hii everyone I'm delly and now I'll react

to a request in the comments,and that's

the group is called N.flying and the title is hot potatoe

and I don't know this group,I never saw them,idk nothing about them

I saw that they did other MVs so if I like this I could react to their other videos

and....let's watch it noww

it's already..

omg are they a band?

I mean are they playing just for the MV or are they a real band?

I don't t...

I don't know if they can really play...I don't know

if they can I'm really happy

but idk

aww such a cuties

the song is really nice

oh wowww

no ok I think they're a band

yes,yes they are

omg is so nice to see new bands

bc there aren't enough bands in kpop

too much is happening i don't understand anything

he's amazing

life is good,uh?

omg lol

they're so stupid

and I ike it,a lot

btw I like this song a lot

wait him,him,him....he's hot

well him also

oh gd this is not good,I'm liking them too much

it's so funny the way he says it

just come here right now

who are you?



how is it possible that i didn't know them?

I like that they're so energetic

look at himmm

that one that jumps with his mic,he's awesome

imagine how much they had filming those scenes

I wonder how old are they,they don't look too young

i hope

oh gosh this is amazing

I want to watch it again right now

I swear this is so good

it was nice bc I just saw a sad video

so this video made me so happy

so thank you so much for who request it

for sure I'll watch other videos of them

for sure bc I love them,I mean,they're amazing

they're such dorks os that mean you have to stan them

yeah so write inn the comments what u think of teh group

if you know thwm and u want to write in the comments--

some info about them since I don't know them

bc I also don't know their faces

so you can help me a little bit

and see u soon,byee

For more infomation >> Italian react to N.Flying (엔플라잉) _ Hot Potato (뜨거운 감자) [ENG SUB] - Duration: 4:35.


For more infomation >> Italian react to N.Flying (엔플라잉) _ Hot Potato (뜨거운 감자) [ENG SUB] - Duration: 4:35.



For more infomation >> YOUR ONLY RESPONSIBILITY IN LIFE DAY 3 - Duration: 2:51.


For more infomation >> YOUR ONLY RESPONSIBILITY IN LIFE DAY 3 - Duration: 2:51.


Guérir l'arthrite, le cancer, la vésicule biliaire, le cholestérol et 10 autres maladies - Duration: 13:51.

For more infomation >> Guérir l'arthrite, le cancer, la vésicule biliaire, le cholestérol et 10 autres maladies - Duration: 13:51.


For more infomation >> Guérir l'arthrite, le cancer, la vésicule biliaire, le cholestérol et 10 autres maladies - Duration: 13:51.


VIDEO – France Gall sa dernière appa­ri­tion sur scène avec Johnny Hally­day - Duration: 2:42.

For more infomation >> VIDEO – France Gall sa dernière appa­ri­tion sur scène avec Johnny Hally­day - Duration: 2:42.


For more infomation >> VIDEO – France Gall sa dernière appa­ri­tion sur scène avec Johnny Hally­day - Duration: 2:42.


Where Do We Go

For more infomation >> Where Do We Go


Solidarity with Hizmet sympathisers - Duration: 3:20.

For more infomation >> Solidarity with Hizmet sympathisers - Duration: 3:20.


Really, really good budget cube! MF3RS2 Unboxing - Duration: 2:13.

hey guys forcefulsteak88 here and today doing I'm gonna be unboxing the MF3RS2

so let's just get right into it

if you saw that video you'd know that CanCube was supposed to send me one of these because

I ordered this but they actually sent me a different

cube so you can go see what that is if you click the info card up there

anyway I'm just gonna open this up okay so there's a manual thing okay here's

the MF3RS2 it's kind of dirty on there okay I'm gonna get into first turns

there's no Lube on the outside that you did like first turns

I feel it's not that good out of the box but people say after you break it in and

lube it it gets a lot better but right now it's slow it has a smooth and

sandy feeling and it's a bit unstable but it's not too much it's pretty good I

like this it's really slow so middle slices are hard so this definitely needs

Lube but I think after lubing it and maybe tensioning it it could be pretty

good cuz it's a bit tight it's not super tight I really like the feel though it's

a really nice spring noise it's just so smooth but not like buttery smooth

there's just no bumps so I think this is a really good budget cube so far but

maybe not as good as the warrior W but after lubing and tensioning I'll make a

review so you can see what it is like how good it is yeah like if you enjoyed

and subscribe for more videos just like it thanks for watching bye

For more infomation >> Really, really good budget cube! MF3RS2 Unboxing - Duration: 2:13.


The TRUTH About First Dates! - Duration: 7:09.

Welcome back!

First, let me start by saying "Hi!"

Welcome to 2018.

Happy New Year.

I hope your holidays were absolutely incredible.

I hope you enjoyed the videos at the end of 2017.

It was so incredible coming out with daily content, and oh my god, what a challenge.

But I hope you enjoyed it.

Secondly I would love to know what you guys think of

the new background??

It's not quite done yet.

But it's almost there.

But, enough of that.

I want to talk to you guys about something that I have noticed a lot, and I really really

hope that you're with me on this one.

I've been noticing more and more lately that we as humans...

are messed up.

I'm totally serious here.

I can't think of another species that would deliberately put themselves through as much

torture as we do.

Seriously, think about it.

When we get piercings, we're literally impaling small parts of our bodies so that we can hang

decorations from the holes.

When we get a tattoo, we're sitting there with needles jabbing into our flesh over and

over dumping tons of foreign bodies into our skin permanently altering our appearance.

And then there's the most torturous thing that we put ourselves through.

First dates.

(ominous music) Now, I know that sounds dramatic, but seriously

your date, the person you're sitting across from right now could have an axe in their


They could have a bunch of hitchhikers buried in their basement.

They could even spit when they talk.

First piercings, first tattoos, and first dates.

They all kind of feel like a rite of passage, and they all suck.

Actually, getting your first piercing doesn't hurt that bad.

And getting your first tattoo is actually kind of liberating.


I guess it's just first dates that suck.

Look, I'm a huge fan of romance but we need to have a talk about things that you can absolutely

expect to happen on every single first date you will ever go on.

Now, if you haven't gone on a first date yet, grab a pencil.

Get ready to make some notes.

Everybody else: Let's go for a trip down memory lane, shall


Here are some unfortunate truths about first dates.

Let's start off with the biggest truth, which ironically is "lying".

Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies.

Wow, first video of the year and I'm already singing.

Good start.

See, a first date is kind of like a job interview.

And like a job interview, you should show up with a resume.

A resume that you've probably embellished a little bit.

Not a lot.

Just a little bit.

Who are we kidding?

You're gonna bend the truth like you're an acrobatic performer at "Cirque Du So 'LIE'"

You have a Tinder profile that says that you work in journalism, but really what that means

is You have a part-time job delivering newspapers.

And you remember how you worked out that one time back in August?

Yeah, that means that you're clearly a fitness buff, and you work out six times a week and

according to Grindr, your tribe is "jock."


So, you've baited your hook and you start reeling in your catch from Plenty O'Fish and

now here comes the tricky part: Remembering what lies you've told so that

you don't go from being a neurosurgeon to a lawyer in the same conversation while you're

having dinner with someone who thought you were a firefighter, when you're actually just

someone who likes melting plastic spoons in your parent's basement because the fumes get

you a little bit high.

Now, tell me if you've ever had to deal with this.

Have you ever been on a date with someone who you felt like you needed to Google the

instant you got home?

"I didn't know somebody won the Nobel Peace Prize for being able to stick both fists in

their mouth.

Let me just take a second and look that up."

Lies everywhere!

Lord of the Lies.

Harry Plotter Gorillas in the Myth.

(laughing) Gorillas in the Myth... what a mess.

Let's not forget about number two.

The bill.

What was that?

When I first moved out, I was terrible with money.

Like, I was bad!

It took me years to learn how to really budget for things like an electric bill, or food,

or college... which I didn't go to.

Because I spent all of that money on dates.

OK, this is a true story that I don't even think I've told my own husband so gather around,

get comfy.

When I was like 18, or 19 I went on a first-date with a guy and I had definitely not mastered

the whole budget-my-life thing.

Before the date was over I maxed out a brand-new credit card.

Maxed it out!

In one date.

I haven't even seen that guy in like 9 years.

I could have been a marine biologist, or a cardiothoracic surgeon, but no...

I had to have the lobster.

Trust me on this: Learn to budget

You'll probably need the cushion.

Number three: Ex-ceptional Conversation.

Hopefully, you know what the acceptable first date topics are, but in case you don't, they

are: What do you do for a living?

Do you have any brothers and sisters? and

Are you one of those people who believes that the Earth is flat?

Because if you are, I'm gonna go.

Stick to those topics like a squirrel to nuts, and you'll be fine.


I have actually been on a first date where the other guy just kept talking about his

ex boyfriends And there were a lot

and about how crazy they all were, and about how if I ended up anything like them, I'd

be screwed.

We're on our first date, and you're threatening me?

Boy, bye!

And just a little hint, if you're ever on a first date with someone

who says that everyone they've ever dated before was crazy, they're telling you a few


They're telling you that they're actually the one that's crazy, and that they're also

wicked judgmental.

That they put out a negative energy that just attracts the wrong people

And They just told you that everyone they go on

a date with is crazy.

You're on a date with them.

You would be proving them right if you went on a second date with them.

The only people who get to call me crazy are the voices in my head

(multiple disembodied voices start talking at once.

The final one saying "You are SO pretty") No one wants to hear about your exes.

Even if someone asks, just say "Things just didn't work out" and then move on.

Or pretend your a duck, either one is fine.

*quacking repeatedly* Number four

Mind your manners I am a firm believer that first dates should

be a category at the Oscars because they are just filled with award winning performances.

Ladies and gentlemen, the nominees for the best first date are:

The homicidal guy who got through dinner without using his steak knife as a weapon.

That guy who made it through coffee without eating a scab.

The wackadoodle who made it through dinner and a movie without saying "Wackadoodle."

And that guy who just always seems to need to be naked.

Ladies and gentlemen this is so exciting.

And the award goes to...

The person who didn't agree to go on a second date with any of these people!

(applause) The first date is always all about pulling

out chairs, and opening doors.

Chewing with your mouth closed.

Manners like you're on a date with Prince Harry, which married or not, can we all just

join together and talk about how jealous we all are of Megan Markle?

And then the second date starts and it's basically a high-school science class all about digestion

and how saliva can help break down food with the way your date is gnawing at their food

like a starving dog from a third world country.

But that's second dates, and a different story for a different video.

Speaking of stories, do you have a first date horror story?

Let me know down in the comments section below.

Look, dating sucks.

Especially first dates.

but now, you have some tips to help you either get through it, or know when to call a cab

and get your butt out of there.

You're welcome.

Hey, I hope you enjoyed the video.

If you did, make sure to give it a thumbs up before you go.

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I'd love for you to be here.

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and make sure you hit that bell so you get a notification every time I post.

See you next Sunday.

For more infomation >> The TRUTH About First Dates! - Duration: 7:09.


How to add Featured Likes to Facebook page 2018 - Duration: 2:34.

For more infomation >> How to add Featured Likes to Facebook page 2018 - Duration: 2:34.


Italian react to N.Flying (엔플라잉) _ Hot Potato (뜨거운 감자) [ENG SUB] - Duration: 4:35.

Hii everyone I'm delly and now I'll react

to a request in the comments,and that's

the group is called N.flying and the title is hot potatoe

and I don't know this group,I never saw them,idk nothing about them

I saw that they did other MVs so if I like this I could react to their other videos

and....let's watch it noww

it's already..

omg are they a band?

I mean are they playing just for the MV or are they a real band?

I don't t...

I don't know if they can really play...I don't know

if they can I'm really happy

but idk

aww such a cuties

the song is really nice

oh wowww

no ok I think they're a band

yes,yes they are

omg is so nice to see new bands

bc there aren't enough bands in kpop

too much is happening i don't understand anything

he's amazing

life is good,uh?

omg lol

they're so stupid

and I ike it,a lot

btw I like this song a lot

wait him,him,him....he's hot

well him also

oh gd this is not good,I'm liking them too much

it's so funny the way he says it

just come here right now

who are you?



how is it possible that i didn't know them?

I like that they're so energetic

look at himmm

that one that jumps with his mic,he's awesome

imagine how much they had filming those scenes

I wonder how old are they,they don't look too young

i hope

oh gosh this is amazing

I want to watch it again right now

I swear this is so good

it was nice bc I just saw a sad video

so this video made me so happy

so thank you so much for who request it

for sure I'll watch other videos of them

for sure bc I love them,I mean,they're amazing

they're such dorks os that mean you have to stan them

yeah so write inn the comments what u think of teh group

if you know thwm and u want to write in the comments--

some info about them since I don't know them

bc I also don't know their faces

so you can help me a little bit

and see u soon,byee

For more infomation >> Italian react to N.Flying (엔플라잉) _ Hot Potato (뜨거운 감자) [ENG SUB] - Duration: 4:35.


Fear The Lightsaber! - Duration: 0:15.





For more infomation >> Fear The Lightsaber! - Duration: 0:15.


What To Wear With Dr Martens | Doc Martens Lookbook | Love From Lucy - Duration: 5:01.

Hi everybody so today's video is showing you a bunch of ways to style Dr Martens so

let's get to it

Hi everybody so this is your first time here thank you so much for stopping by

I'm Lucy with Love From Lucy I do videos every Wednesday and Sunday at 7 p.m.

I do what to wear videos and loads of styling tips to help you feel fierce and feel

fabulous so if this is your first time here please consider subscribing and

give this video a big thumbs up it means the absolute world to me

So today's video is going to be showing you a bunch of ways to wear Doc Martens they're such

a classic boot and I love them and they're going to become even bigger and

and bang on trend this season so I put together a bunch of ways for you

to style them so let's get to it

so the first look I've got my light blue denim jeans on with the rips at the knee

and they've got green Doc Martens I love Doc Martens they're just so

amazing they go with everything I chose green just because it was a little bit

different then I teamed with my green bomber jacket to complement the shoes

a classic black jumper and my faux fur pink bag from Free People a really cool

easy look

For look number two I've got these checked tapered the trousers on

again with the green Doc Martens a brown belt which really complements the check and

that sort of tweed look I love that combination then I've got a white a

black stripe t-shirt on really simple tee and then I've got my teddy trucker

Borg jacket which I've got from misguided I'm obsessed with this jacket

it can't stop wearing it so comfortable I really like this look it would be really

cool to wear this around London or wear this anywhere in

the day I think it's a wicked look

outfit three ive teamed my doc martens up with a casual suit look so I've got suit trousers on

which are like a cigarette trousers or tapered trouser a really cute black blazer which

I've ruched the sleeves and then a basic white tee it's smoking I teamed up with

my awesome box bag from free people back I love this bag it goes with everything this is

a really cool slightly different look perfect for evenings perfect for work

and I just love this a really rocker edgy vibe

for number four I've gone for a slightly more rocker vibe so I've got my

dungerees dress on it's like a corduroy dungarees dress teamed are with a black

polo neck underneath to layer with and keep me warm in winter I've got some

sheer but black tights on and then I've got my long dark grey coat I really like

this look it's just more of a rockery edgy look you can also change the pinafore to

be a more floaty of black dress and then have a white t-shirt under that that

would also look wicked it's just teaming up something different

to this that isn't jeans or trousers but I think this looks great

thank you so much for watching guys don't forget to hit subscribe and give

this video a big thumbs up I'd also love to hear what your favorite look is down

in the comments below you can also follow me on instagram @lovefromlucy_x new videos every on Wednesday and Sunday so please stay

tuned for more weekly videos of what to wear and styling tips thank you so much

for watching love from Lucy

For more infomation >> What To Wear With Dr Martens | Doc Martens Lookbook | Love From Lucy - Duration: 5:01.


アレンジ ギターコード字幕 カナダからの手紙 平尾昌晃&畑中葉子 by HIDEPASAN'S Cover ギター 弾き語り カバー - Duration: 2:56.

For more infomation >> アレンジ ギターコード字幕 カナダからの手紙 平尾昌晃&畑中葉子 by HIDEPASAN'S Cover ギター 弾き語り カバー - Duration: 2:56.


Sickick - Casanova x Lyrics Video - Duration: 3:31.


yeah yeah yeah!

Oh I love

Ooo I love control Bitch I'm a tsunami

Imma be your Casanova Yeah you know you want it, 100 grand for a show

Pay me all my money cuz I'm S!CK to my soul

Ooo I love control Ooo I love control

Bitch I'm a tsunami Imma be your Casanova

Yeah you know you want it 100 grand for a show

Pay me all my money cuz I'm S!CK to my soul

Ooo I love control

Imma do my bidness bring the bitches when it's over

S!CK droppin' notes antidotes in October

We way over limit uh uh we way overload

Molly and codeine we gon' blow supernovas

Henny in your hand bruh it gon put you in a coma

You just seen a ghost got you trippin' all over

I don't really care what you're going through

Fuck all of your plans bitch I'm rollin' thru..

Ooo I love control

Bitch I'm a tsunami Imma be your Casanova

Yeah you know you want it 100 grand for a show

Pay me all my money cuz I'm S!CK to my soul

Ooo I love control Ooo I love control

Bitch I'm a tsunami Imma-Casanova

Yeah you know you want it 100 grand for a show

Pay me all my money cuz I'm S!CK to my soul

Ooo I love control

Oh-oh-oh gangsta bwoy you wanna push ya guns high

Come up to me you nah go see the sunrise

Oh gangsta bwoy you wanna see ya guns high ya

Come from a city where the yungy yung die

Just another night in Miami

You fallin' for me, and your man can't stand it

But you actin' like you not..

Ooo baby where you Emmy at?

Push you to your limits I go harder than a Hemi yeah

We go we go hard like the clubs in Atlanta

She bringin' a friend then you know Imma let her

Got them seein' stars when we fuckin' in the phantom

You my movie star, I control you on camera

Ooo I love control

Bitch I'm a tsunami Imma be your Casanova

Yeah you know you want it 100 grand for a show

Pay me all my money cuz I'm S!CK to my soul


Ooo I love control

Bitch I'm a tsunami Imma-Casanova

Yeah you know you want it, Imma-Casanova

Pay me all my money, Imma-Casanova

Ooo I love control


Bitch I'm a tsunami, Imma-Casanova

Yeah you know you want it, Imma-Casanova

Pay me all my money cuz I'm S!CK to my soul

Ooo I love control

For more infomation >> Sickick - Casanova x Lyrics Video - Duration: 3:31.


Facts About Norman Reedus | Daryl Dixon - Duration: 11:15.

Facts About Norman Reedus | Daryl Dixon

Whether you know him as Lady Gaga's 'Judas', or the squirrel-hunting red-neck Daryl Dixon from The Walking Dead, the chances are pretty high that at some point you've seen Norman Reedus somewhere.

Norman Reedus was born in Hollywood, Florida on 6th January 1969 and was raised in Los Angeles, California.

He has a son with Danish supermodel Helena Christiensen, who was also Danish-born called Mingus Lucien Reedus.

Mingus was was born on 13th October 1999.

Although Norman and Helena aren't together, they still share joint custody of their son.

Norman currently lives in New York with his son Mingus, but has previously spent some time living in Japan, the United Kingdom and Spain.

His paternal grandmother was of Italian descent, and his other ancestries include English, Northern Irish, and Scottish! He is also an animal lover and has a cat called 'Eye in the Dark' (or sometimes fatso) and a dog called 'Zero'.

Many people know Norman Reedus for his various different acting roles.

His first film was Mimic, a horror-film from 1997.

But where many people know him from is the cult-favourite film The Boondock Saints, in which he stared next to Willem Defoe and Sean Patrick Flannery.

Despite being a prominent actor, Norman Reedus's career also includes being a model.

He's modelled for Prada, Alessandro Dell'Acqua, Durban, Levi's, Lexus and most recently Morgenthal Fredrics.

According to his website he is also a painter, sculptop and photographer and some of his art work is currently shown in galleries in New York, Berlin and Frankfurt.

He's also released a book for photography in late 2013, and he runs a New York-based film production company called Bigbaldhead.

He has nine tattoos: his son's name 'Mingus' done in red ink on his right forearm, a devil on his upper-right arm, a star on his right hand, a small 'x' above his left collar bone, two demons on his back, a heart on his right wrist, two demons on his back, a snake on his left leg and his father's name 'Norman' across his chest.

Reedus once said of this tattoo "My dad died when I was younger and his name was Norman.

That's why the tattoo over my heart".

Norman Reedus had also appeared in nine music videos, some of which you may have already seen: Flat Top by Goo Goo Dolls, Cats in the Cradle by Ugly Kid Joe, Mean to Me by Tonic, Strange Currencies by R.

, Fake Plastic Trees by Radiohead, Violently Happy by Björk, Wicked as it Seems by Keith Richards, and most recently Judas by Lady Gaga.

The story of how Norman Reedus got into acting his pretty awesome.

In the man's own words here it is: "I followed a girl to Los Angeles and was immediately dumped.

I got a job at a motorcycle shop in Venice called "Dr.

Carl's Hog Hospital".

The day I quit that job a friend took me to a party up in the hills, a movie people party.

I drank way too much and started screaming at the party from the second story of the living room with these giant sunglasses on, someone asked if I wanted to be in a play and took me for pizza to talk about.

The first night of the play a wonderful angel of a woman, who was an agent, saw me and side-pocketed me.

Hip pocketed me.

Whatever you call that and then I booked some stuff and kept running ever since." Pretty awesome, right?.

Something else Norman Reedus also once said of his career was this: "I'm still insecure, but when I first started acting, I was really insecure.

I glared at a lot of people.

I assumed everyone hated me.

Somehow that scowl has turned into an acting career.".

In late February, 2005, Norman was being driven back from a R.E.M.

concert in Berlin, Germany, when his driver swerved into traffic at the wrong second.

A truck smashed into the side of his car and sent Norman flying through the window into the street.

He received some substantial facial damage from this head-dive into concrete, and had to undergo major surgery.

As the result of this, Norman Reedus is now part cyborg: he had to have four screws inserted in his nose area as well as a titanium eye socket!.

So one role that many of us know Norman Reedus for is his role as Daryl Dixon in AMC's massive zombie-drama The Walking Dead.

Daryl is everyone's favourite zombie-slaying, red-neck badass, and it's quite hard to imagine what the show would be like without Daryl in it.

But did you know that there is no Daryl Dixon in the comics? And that originally there was to be no Daryl Dixon in the TV Show either? I know, right, hard to imagine but it was almost a reality!.

Frank Darabont wrote Daryl Dixon into The Walking Dead especially for Norman Reedus.

This was after he auditioned for the role of Merle Dixon, Daryl's brother in the TV Show.

Original show-runner, Frank Darabont, had originally intended to kill Daryl off before the end of the first season.

However, his exceptional performance caused him to become such a large part of The Walking Dead.

The creator of the comics on which it is based, Robert Kirkman, said: "It all comes down to Norman, I feel absolutely blessed he has honoured our show with his presence, and the way he has come in and taken over that role and defined Daryl Dixon.

A lot of Norman's portrayal of the character in the first season inspired all the writers to do what we did with him in the second season.

We love writing him and end up doing cool stuff with him.".

In fact, there have even been rumours that Daryl Dixon may be an addition to The Walking Dead comics written by Kirkman.

These rumours span from the cover art for issue #101, which shows us the back of a dirty man in a sleeveless leather jacket.

And in his hands is a crossbow not unlike that wielded by Norman Reedus's character on the TV Show.

Reedus spoke about this once, saying that his "son would do cartwheels if it happens".

He also said how his appearances in the show have earned his son some "street cred" with the older kids in the school, and Daryl's appearance in the comics would only further cement his son's cred.

Norman Reedus has spoke many times before about how he enjoys filming the show, and how he has become close friends with co-star Andrew Lincoln (Rick Grimes).

He also said before that he relates a lot to his character: "Uh, I'm shy.

I'm socially awkward. I'm a loner myself.

I'm more of a listener than a talker.

I value friendship – I'd do anything for my friends, and I think [Daryl's] like that.

I'm not afraid to take chances or go off on my own.".

So there you have it, some cool facts and some interesting stories about the badass Norman Reedus.

Thanks for reading!.

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