Chủ Nhật, 7 tháng 1, 2018

Youtube daily report Jan 7 2018


Welcome back to Most Amazing...the channel that loves to bring you Top 10 lists about

all kinds of topics.

I am your most amazing host, Rebecca Felgate and today we are talking about the top 10

scary McDonalds Stories.

So… big deal….but today, the 7th of January is my birthday...and I am right here

celebrating with you guys.


I love birthdays…..if only Mcdonald's did birthday cakes!

I don't eat meat burgers, but maybe I can have a birthday mcflurry!


Although...should I think twice about that ...maybe after this list!

10 - Check out this haunted drive through with a screaming sign!


This short video clearly shows a McDonald's sign screaming and screeching as it shows

off the menu.

How scary!

Uploaded on November 23rd 2017 by Profblahson, I would actually have been terrified if I

was the one filming this!

Listen again!

Any ghost hunters watching?

What is this sign saying?

9 - Imagine being superglued to a Mcdonald's toilet?!

That is what happened to this poor 4 year old.

On New Years eve 2015, poor Kaya Langmead was left with red raw skin as she was prized

from a Macdonald's toilet seat.

The little girl fell foul of a prank by two teenage girls in Exeter, in the UK.

The teens were later tracked down by police, who refused to detail whether or not they

had been cautioned.

Kaya's mother, Nicole, shared images of Kaya's injuries on facebook.

She said she hoped the pranksters were proud of themselves.

A lot of the scary stories on this list come from the customer perspective, but imagine

working at a McDonald's and being confronted by this demon customer at number 8

In August 2013, CCTV footage of a woman losing it over a lack of chicken nuggets at a McDonalds

drive through went viral on Youtube.

Watched over 2.6 million times , the footage shows a woman acting like a wild animal and

trying to attack drive through staff at the restaurant in the USA.

She screams "Don't make me assume my ultimate form" as she tries to climb through the

drive through window.

As she is shut out, she continues screaming that she wants nuggets and then smashes the

drive through window in.

It IS pretty intense when satan shows up and wants feeding.

7 - Sooo where do the creeps hang out?

McDonalds washrooms...that's where.

On the website Darkness Prevails, a 15 year old from Scotland shared a story about being

in a McDonalds toilet when the door to the main washroom area was quietly opened.

Thinking nothing of it, the teen continued to use the cubicle, when a head popped over

the top.

A man leered at them in their stall and complimented their body.

Creepy and very very wrong.

Eesh….how scary would it be if you just popped out for a McFlurry, but instead of

enjoying a delicious ice cream, you were caught up in a mass brawl.

That is what happened here at number ** In March 2016, a fight broke out at a McDonalds

in Barking, London.

The brawl involved 200 people, and involved weapons such as knives and baseball bats with

nails in them.

One person had acid thrown in their face.


The riot saw 21 people arrested and 3 police officers injured.

I wonder what the trigger was?

I thought we needed a little break from all the scary and horrible stuff stuff in this

list so I thought I would bring you a fun number 5...although this is terrifying to

me - a woman claimed to get pregnant by eating McDonalds

This is actually a happy story, but for those that want to remain baby free for the time

being… is pretty scary.

Laura Dixon from Essex had been trying to get pregnant for 10 years.

Laura was previously a vegetarian, but as she was struggling to conceive even with IVF,

doctors advised she get more protein.

I don't eat meat, and I know there are lots of ways to get protein in my diet.

Laura decided to hit up McDonalds and eventually she fell pregnant, craving the fast food more

than ever.

Sheput on 75 lbs in 35 weeks by eating 6 meals a day - she then birthed her triplets Mason,

Max and Mia.

Okay, now into the nastier stuff….this man choked to death at McDonalds as part of a


29 year old Darren Bray was on a night out with his friends in Barry, South Wales, when

he tried to fit an entire 99 pence cheeseburger into his mouth.

Unfortunately, the father of three started choking and was unable to dislodge burger

from the back of his throat.

He died as his horrified friends watched him turn blue and pass out.

A very sad lesson there….don't stuff whole Mcdonalds burgers into your mouth at once…..

Sadder still at number 3, we have a Robbery Gone Wrong...

In May 1992, three McDonalds Employees were murdered and a fourth left with permanent

brain injuries as a result of the attack on their location in Sydney River, Canada.

20-year-old Donna Warren, 27-year-old Jimmy Fagan, and 29-year-old Neil Burroughs.

Arleen MacNeil was left brain damaged when three armed robbers stormed the store.

The robbers, one waring a chilling halloween mask, claimed they hadn't planned to use

any violence and they wanted quick, easy money.

Things obviously took a turn as they stabbed, beat and shot 4 of the restaurant's workers.

2 - Cult Mcdonald's was at the centre of a cult killing

in Shandong, China.

Two members of the Church of Almighty God, a banned Chinese Religious cult, attacked

37 year old Wu Shuoyan when she refused to join their cult.

The cult members then called her evil and kicked and stamped on her in the fast food

restaurant until she died there on the spot.

Finally at number one, we have the worst McDonalds Killings in History at one of the most deadly

shootings in America of all time.

On July 18th 1984 at a San Diego McDonalds, a man shot and killed 21 people.

41 year old James Huberty was responsible for the 7th deadliest mass shooting in the


Reportedly, three days before the shooting, he called a mental health clinic, but they

failed to return his call.

The next day, he told his wife Etna that his life was over and went out to eat lunch at

a McDonalds.

He came home, grabbed his guns and kissed his wife goodbye before heading to the San

Ysidro location, where he mercilessly killed 21 people and injured 19 others before being

taken down by a swat team.

Woaaah...what a list!

Were you terrified by these McDonalds stories?

Thanks for sharing ten minutes of my birthday with me!

I am off to drink wine and gallop around!


Want to continue your Most Amazing Binge?

Why not check out our Top 10 McDonalds Secrets You are not supposed to know and our Top 10

Disgusting Things Found in McDonalds foods.

For more infomation >> Top 10 Scary McDonalds Stories - Duration: 8:16.


Funny Hamsters who are bewildered by peanuts are interesting! - Duration: 2:29.

Thanks for subscribing to my channel!Please RT!

For more infomation >> Funny Hamsters who are bewildered by peanuts are interesting! - Duration: 2:29.


ゆっくり工魔クラフトS5 Part30【minecraft1.10.2】0146【ゆっくり実況】 - Duration: 10:26.

For more infomation >> ゆっくり工魔クラフトS5 Part30【minecraft1.10.2】0146【ゆっくり実況】 - Duration: 10:26.


Ice Stream Ramen (Dessert Ramen) at the Dessert Kitchen | Food Network - Duration: 0:27.

For more infomation >> Ice Stream Ramen (Dessert Ramen) at the Dessert Kitchen | Food Network - Duration: 0:27.


President Trump Blasts 'Fire And Fury' Book While Touting 'Mental Stability' | Sunday TODAY - Duration: 2:55.

For more infomation >> President Trump Blasts 'Fire And Fury' Book While Touting 'Mental Stability' | Sunday TODAY - Duration: 2:55.


Golden Globes Red Carpet Will Be Draped In Black To Highlight Misconduct Scandals | Sunday TODAY - Duration: 2:20.

For more infomation >> Golden Globes Red Carpet Will Be Draped In Black To Highlight Misconduct Scandals | Sunday TODAY - Duration: 2:20.


PRO LOSES 1v0! 9 YEAR OLD PLAYS CSGO! CS:GO Twitch Clips! - Duration: 10:05.


That really it's gonna come down to a matter of time before a Geo have a profitable post plant right now

3-1 and at 11 HP it's still possible, but it's still a long shot

We're still a Molly in play, but they've always been taken down. It's now both players tagged up

It's just a stiff breeze that separates victory from defeat right now


Beats out left for some information not like this. No way did that just happen


Actually both got that and again engined our PHR. Sorry is able to catch them in the setup of the boost drop

It's just calyx this has to be the 15th round

These trying as he might this is the first instance where we've seen some some

removal from the dedication from AG

I think they'll come right back into their respective roles cuz I mean we were talking about the discipline of Agios like although stay right

In their spots they finally leave that a little bit, and they get punished for it

This is a 1v5 turn to 1v2 ladies and gentlemen against two offs. Oh my goodness. It's a 1v1

snatchy alone

AG o blinked for a second and just gave up that dedication to their spots and gave calyx a chance right here

It was a 1 v 3 4 space soldiers now it's a 1v1. I thought it was one of you five

I don't hear you alright. What am I talking about excuse me? I've

Mistaken here. Oh, it's balanced. It's bigger than this calyx now needs the ACE

It would be a huge clutch, but a punishing one too

Because even though he might win it and he does an impressive ace 1v5 clutch the butts




Think I was running around as I remember. We've bent on you that good that sound check and checker to be made

Four connectors so that is at least something to back up against he gets lost in that soup crossing over to the stairs

Yeah, he knows somebody's right behind him

Catches the first Daisy inspect the second he does and he gets it grooming a 1v1 suddenly

He's looking, but the bombs being diffused out of two seconds, and he gets at the clutch groobie

saving the day

More mid ramp mid wrap when he just knifed. I think want a swing here with me. Yeah

Was that my fault

Well Bank already

Good job

Will they check the corner oh

Goodness engine just rips him apart. Oh. Yeah, oh


Good position from major to maybe get a kill on snatchy

There you go took him a little bit of time had to dump a mag all most now

He's gonna jump across the catwalk he's gonna jump across the catwalk

He's gonna jump across the catwalk

He's gonna jump across the catwalk

One day Oh God right now. I really wish we had that on replay

Denied the plant making things easier top flashes in hold mouse one and hope for the best

It works pass all by himself one be free first kill is his to take Molly comes in forces him into one position

And they're just gonna get set up for trades playing the dark spot and banana once the peak comes out

There's really not much. He can do he's got no Nate's got no kit

That's all just a matter. I've taken these direct aim battles. There's nowhere

Devil is takes the first fight wins that one now Monte is very low

But he does not know where he hides past rounds the corner turns and flicks on him

Monte misses the first couple shots only doing minor damage as that would have turned to a man advantage

And we see Zant ours defending against that right here. They lose calyxes, but a quick flick to the left and back towards the market

to stop that I mean

I failed Momo it's in the sky

Lately Berlin amazing go down


Use this smoke to swap it over

And even a crack in it the mall top pops in behind him the stairs are unaccessible to him and accessible to him

See here's the bomb being planted

He knows exactly where the second player is as well as his snake in the grass

creeping and crawling his way around it looking for it and toe-out takes the clutch a

Geo now put themselves in a very commanding position frozen the battle is dig for dink

It's some amazing spray control Big Meadow campus just completely destroys The Ecstatic

Go around us now you see the young guns doing it now the grenade in but it is bodies hitting the floor Oh

A sensor glitch that is all that was

Change your mouse staffer that is

Unfortunate circumstance, so what mice do then you can flush?

My fucking it

Sell the end of the box yeah, he can be shot, what is like long shooting at me

Okay somehow this one is it just started just washing over across. No. No you can't

Touch down


For more infomation >> PRO LOSES 1v0! 9 YEAR OLD PLAYS CSGO! CS:GO Twitch Clips! - Duration: 10:05.


Why Did Nightborne Join the Horde?- World of Warcraft Lore - Duration: 5:46.

Hello guys this is Doronsmovies and as you know the Nightborne were announced to be a

new subrace joining the Horde in the Battle for Azeroth.

Seeing that they're somewhere between the night elves and the blood elves the question

is why the Horde?

So without further ado, let's answer that question and let's get into the lore!

During the War of the Ancients, the mortals fought against the Burning Legion, but there

was also a pretty significant civil war between the night elves as it became more and more

evident that Azshara was serving the Legion more than her very own people.

The highborne of Suramar were allied with Azshara but when they realized that the Legion

planned to create portals within the city, they decided to sabotage it.

Grand Magistrix Elisande and her party used the Pillars of Creation to seal this monstrous


Even though this greatly helped the resistance, the Suramar highborne were unwilling to actually

join the resistance.

Instead they utilized the power of the Eye of Aman'Thul to create the Nightwell, essentially

a mini Well of Eternity.

Using the Nightwell they subsequently erected a massive shield that encompassed much of

the city.

This barrier protected Suramar from the Great Sundering, while at the same time isolating

them from the rest of Azeroth.

The Suramar highborne at this point would be changed forever, evolving into a new subrace

known as the nightborne over the course of ten thousand years.

Many of them actually believed that the rest of the planet was destroyed and that they

were all that was left and rightfully so because they were completely isolated.

Unsurprisingly they would run out of food pretty quickly and now the only way they could

even survive was to feed of the fount of power they created, the Nightwell.

Just as was the case with the blood elves being dependant on the Sunwell, the nightborne

followed a similar pattern but to an even worse extent.

The blood elves used the Sunwell for magic and for harnessing power while the nightborne

couldn't even survive at all without the Nightwell.

The worst punishment within the new Suramar society was exile which meant that they would

be cut off from the only nourishment source.

This in turn would lead to degeneration into the Nightfallen and finally the Withered,

an irreversible state later followed by death.

For ten thousand years the former highborne lived under a shield in these conditions all

until the Burning Legion invaded again.

Gul'Dan arrived and gave them a choice to lower the shield, give them access to the

Nightwell and become their allies or be completely obliterated by the demons.

Now, there was a lot of debate within their society whether this was a bluff or not but

Elisande caved in as she saw no other choice and surrendered the city.

There was a failed attempt by Thalyssra to fight against this decision but it only led

to death or exile of the rebels.

Luckily with the help of the Alliance and the Horde more subsequent attempts would follow,

ultimately leading to the actual invasion of Suramar.

Finally Grand Magistrix was defeated and the Legion hold over the nightborne was broken.

First Arcanist Thalyssra becomes the new leader of the Nightborne, focusing now on breaking

free from the Nightwell and revitalizing her people.

Now, in battle for Azeroth we find out that the nightborne have joined the ranks of the

Horde which brings up the question - why?

The main reason is because they actually have a lot more in common with the blood elves

and the blood elves have also accepted them.

During the raid if you follow the conversations, it was pretty obvious that the night elves

held contempt for the nightborne, remembering how they 'betrayed' them when they raised

the shield during the first invasion and they only really helped them as allies of convenience.

On the other side the blood elves could sympathize with them a lot more.

First of all because they are highborne and the blood elves are also highborne and most

importantly secondly, is because their history is very, very similar, in fact quite indentical.

The high elves lived under a shield for thousands of years in Quel'Thalas and were dependant

on the Sunwell, a source that they also created artificially, and once their homeland was

destroyed and the Sunwell, many of them succumbed to the addiction and a lot of them also died.

It was a serious struggle for them to get back on their feet and the nightborne seem

to be like them when they were at their lowest.

So it makes a lot of sense for the nightborne to follow the blood elves instead of the night

elves even though technically they're all the same people.

How all of this will work out we will have to see when the expansion is released but

it would definitely be interesting to see how the nightborne will rise after all they

had was shattered.

Alright and that is all I have for this video.

Do leave your thoughts on why you think the nightborne have joined the Horde and don't

forget to like and subscribe as it really helps out and keeps all the content going.

Thanks a lot for taking the time out of your day to watch this video and see you next time!

For more infomation >> Why Did Nightborne Join the Horde?- World of Warcraft Lore - Duration: 5:46.


Learn Colors for Children with Dinosaurs Xylophone Funny Animal Cartoons for Kids Toddlers - Duration: 4:02.

Suti Channel

For more infomation >> Learn Colors for Children with Dinosaurs Xylophone Funny Animal Cartoons for Kids Toddlers - Duration: 4:02.


President Trump Is 'Stoking The Fire' About His Mental Stability, Chuck Todd Says | Sunday TODAY - Duration: 3:51.

For more infomation >> President Trump Is 'Stoking The Fire' About His Mental Stability, Chuck Todd Says | Sunday TODAY - Duration: 3:51.


The Golden Hour | Metal Detecting A Mining Area With A Coin Spill - Duration: 58:09.


The goal today is to detect on my way to the destination point.

XP Deus setting: Tone-DISC: 3, React. 3, Freq: 30kHz, G.B. 63

First target.

It's a bullet.

I like the brown layer of soil.


It disappeared...

Which usually means that it's still in the hole.

It probably is a small lead ball.

A bullet case.

I apologise for the scratchy noise. My jacket is touching the camera case.

Next casing.

A gilded button.

GPS ("POI") #1

Just a modern screw.

A musket ball.

Animal traces...

Part of a bracelet (maybe from a watch).

Probably nickel plated.

"Marion" - a woman's name.

If the man forgets her name, he can just look.

It was probably caught in a branch.

I'm looking for the watch.

This target is too small for a watch.

Part of a bullet case.

Just trash.

Shrapnel or something.

I have no idea...


I think it's foil.

That was trash too.

Probably another part.


A pocket knife.

Just a bullet.

I will reach my destination point very soon.

Let's see how it goes from there...

Next casing.


Could this be a Roman fibula?


It's made of bronze.


A little bit of water, to keep it moist.

A modern casing.

The obligatory anti-rage vaccine.

Aluminum trash, I'm not digging it...

Maybe I should go back...

As predicted - aluminum bottle top.

Sometimes it's hard to confidently walk away...

A piece of wire...

.50 cal bullet case.

I was taking a few pictures...

I reached the area of my choice...

...a spot with mining traces from (probably) late 1800 - early 1900.

That's what I'm after today (this is why I have a smaller coil).

It's a coin.

"10 Pfennig" - I can't read the date (late1800, early1900).

Two coins of this type and it could have been a nice "20 Pfennig" silver...

Same casing as before.


Sounds like iron.

Don't let the low (tone-)DISC of "3" fool you...

Just a nail.


The tip of an umbrella, or a stick?

Great, a coin.

"1 Pfennig" (late 1800).

I will show you pictures of all finds at the end.


I have a feeling that I'm in the right spot...

There was the previous coin.

A coin from the 20's.

Don't worry, this coin can take it.

"5 Rentenpfennig" (1924).

My GPS ("Point Of Interest") #6.

There it is again - the mysterious first stab into a small hole.

The worm.

Another coin...

Great - it looks like another coin spill.

There was the second, the first, third and this one.

Same type, same year (1924).

I think, that's the wrong number...

The worm goes back into the hole.

I'm switching between two settings to try something out.

Another "5 Rentenpfennig" coin.


What's this?!

A pile of maggots.

"A man has to do, what..."

Come on, it's December.

A button.

Now they are moving, I woke them up...

A .50 cal bullet, from the casings you saw earlier.

A small hole again.

Another coin from 1924.

Something could be there...

No chance to get this one out (today).

I have to keep focus on the bigger picture.

No more coins in the right section. I will try the area behind the logs.

The short whisper sound made me move the coil back to the right.

One moment please, I think I see Gold.

It looks like gold.

That's gold.

What a surprise!

My first gold with this white HF coil (I thought, it will never happen).

It has a "333" (8K) marking on it.

I will show you a picture at the end.

:) Just in case...

It's a pin fire cartridge.

There was the gold.

What if there is more under this log.

I will have to move it.

It's too slippery.

My hand slips away, it's impossible.

A broken bullet case.

Another part.

It's hard to see the date, but it's December the 16th.

I mean by this that I'm glad about this find at the end of the year.

I'm going back to my spot, to continue the coin path.

There were all the coins.

A "simple" button.

A broken button.

An old nail.

A solid signal, please be a big silver coin.

It is a "bigger" coin.

But it's a "1 German Mark" coin (1958-2001).

Well, it would be too much anyway.

The sun is about to set.

A small lead bullet.

One more coin.

"1 Reichspfennig" (1875).

Right next to it.

Another coin.

Same type as the previous one.

It's a coin.

1 (zinc) "Pfennig" from the 40's.

And again, another signal next to it.

A small hole...

Once again, same type as the previous coin.

"POI" # 16.

A rusty, old nail.

I'm moving out.

It's a piece of lead.

Time to wash hands.

I have to go.

The hunt started bad... but it made a turn.

Please wait for the pictures if you like.


Pin fire cartridge.

The pocket knife.

"1 German Mark" (1958-2001).

I don't like it.

A tip of an umbrella?

2x "1 Pfennig" coins (1940's).

Lead balls and bullets.

"Simple" buttons.

Not so simple, but broken...

"10 Pfennig" coin - late 19th, early 20th century.

A gilded button.

"1 Reichspfennig" (1913).



"5 Rentenpfennig" coin (1924).

Same denomination and date.


One more.

Could it be Roman? (a fibula?)

The gold.

333 - 8K.


And treasure - hunting time 3h:10m

For more infomation >> The Golden Hour | Metal Detecting A Mining Area With A Coin Spill - Duration: 58:09.


'Fire And Fury' Book Makes Waves As President Trump Heads To Camp David | TODAY - Duration: 2:56.

For more infomation >> 'Fire And Fury' Book Makes Waves As President Trump Heads To Camp David | TODAY - Duration: 2:56.


Model G.222 - 1/72 Italeri - Unboxing - Duration: 10:00.

For more infomation >> Model G.222 - 1/72 Italeri - Unboxing - Duration: 10:00.


Donald Trump Responds To Mental Stability Claims: I'm 'Like, Really Smart' | TODAY - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Donald Trump Responds To Mental Stability Claims: I'm 'Like, Really Smart' | TODAY - Duration: 1:02.


Liverpool make surprising Thomas Lemar decision following Philippe Coutinho exit ● News Now ● #LFC - Duration: 1:46.

Liverpool will not try to sign Thomas Lemar this month, despite having allowed Philippe

Coutinho to leave for Barcelona, reports say.

The Reds are on the lookout for attacking talent having agreed to sell their Brazilian

playmaker in a £142million deal.

Lemar has been persistently linked with a switch to the Premier League, with Liverpool

among those interested in the Monaco forward.

Anfield negotiators were understood to be in contact with Monaco last summer about a

potential switch.

But Sky Sports report that while Liverpool retain an interest in Lemar, they will not

bring forward any plans to try and sign him this month.

Convincing Monaco to sell during the current window would always have been an uphill task

anyway, with owner Vadim Vasilyev recently suggesting he prefers to do business in the


'January, in football, never say never, but this is not what we're thinking of,

this is really not in our plans,' he said in October.

'Definitely next summer will be something to look at, although you know in football

there are no guarantees.

We had some players who were supposed to leave this summer but didn't leave because of

X, Y, Z.

I think it would be fair to say Thomas will have a fair chance to an exit next year.'

For more infomation >> Liverpool make surprising Thomas Lemar decision following Philippe Coutinho exit ● News Now ● #LFC - Duration: 1:46.


Deafening Silence From Crooked Hillary and Dirty Cop Comey After New DOJ, FBI Investigations Launche - Duration: 2:10.

Deafening Silence From Crooked Hillary and Dirty Cop Comey After New DOJ, FBI Investigations


Media was set ablaze this week after it was announced the DOJ reopened the Hillary Clinton

email investigation.

The FBI is also investigating the Clinton Foundation for possible pay-to-play or other

illegal activities while Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State.

It got worse for Comey…

Fired FBI Director James Comey's original Hillary Clinton statement was released to

the public Thursday by Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI).

Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) sent a letter to Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein

and the DOJ Wednesday demanding answers on Comey's memos.

Chuck Grassley questioned whether fired FBI Director James Comey violated DOJ policy after

he gave his Trump memos to a friend to leak to the press.

Chuck Grassley and Senator Lindsey Graham also sent a letter to Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein

and FBI Director Christopher Wray Friday demanding they investigate if Christopher Steele lied

to federal authorities.

All of this happened and deafening silence from both dirty cop Comey and Crooked Hillary


Hillary Clinton's spokesmen released statements to the press addressing the DOJ investigations.

Clinton Foundation communications director, Craig Minassian issued a statement about the

FBI investigation into the Foundation, claiming the allegations are "politically motivated".

Hillary Clinton's spox Nick Merrill called the investigation a "sham".

Both Hillary and Comey are curiously silent on Twitter.

Comey is usually arrogantly tweeting philosophical quotes and Bible verses.

Crooked Hillary usually tries to distract by tweeting about something random or giving

an off-the-wall interview to a left-wing outlet.

So far NOTHING from either of them.

Comey hasn't tweeted since very early morning hours of January 3rd and Hillary hasn't

tweeted since January 2nd.

What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

For more infomation >> Deafening Silence From Crooked Hillary and Dirty Cop Comey After New DOJ, FBI Investigations Launche - Duration: 2:10.


Thou Art Worthy - piano instrumental hymn with lyrics - Duration: 3:23.

Thou art worthy, Thou art worthy, Thou art worthy, O Lord.

To receive glory, glory and honor, glory and honor and power.

For Thou hast created, hast all things created; Thou hast created all things.

And for Thy pleasure they are created; oh, Thou art worthy, O Lord.

Thou art worthy, Thou art worthy, Thou art worthy, O Lord.

To receive glory, glory and honor, glory and honor and power.

For Thou hast created, hast all things created; Thou hast created all things.

And for Thy pleasure they are created; oh, Thou art worthy, O Lord.

For Thou hast created, hast all things created; Thou hast created all things.

And for Thy pleasure they are created; oh, Thou art worthy, O Lord.

For more infomation >> Thou Art Worthy - piano instrumental hymn with lyrics - Duration: 3:23.



It's finally happening!

The severe injustice which was being carried out during the Barack Hussein Obama administration

is finally coming to an end after President Donald Trump cleared the path for WikiLeaks

founder, and hero to many of us American Patriots, Julian Assange to enter the United States

without fear of arrest or deportation.

On Tuesday Wikileaks posted a tweet saying that the U.S. government had finally ended

its bogus eight-year grand jury investigations against WikiLeaks and its founder.

Of course, these proceedings were started by the Obama administration which was like

the Nixon Administration on steroids when it came to his "list" of enemies.

The WikiLeaks tweet confirmed the State Department's reference to freedom of speech in Iran was

a coded communication intended to extend the umbrella of free speech and press rights to

WikiLeaks in a clear reversal of the policy in which both CIA Director Mike Pompeo and

Attorney General Sessions have argued that arresting Julian Assange is a priority.


Facebook Twitter

It's finally happening!

The severe injustice which was being carried out during the Barack Hussein Obama administration

is finally coming to an end after President Donald Trump cleared the path for WikiLeaks

founder, and hero to many of us American Patriots, Julian Assange to enter the United States

without fear of arrest or deportation.

On Tuesday Wikileaks posted a tweet saying that the U.S. government had finally ended

its bogus eight-year grand jury investigations against WikiLeaks and its founder.

WikiLeaks ✔

@wikileaks US government on why it has decided to close

its eight year long grand jury proceedings against @WikiLeaks (expanded in 2017 to cover

our series on the CIA).

Wait, what? …

11:55 PM - Jan 2, 2018 114 114 Replies 2,320 2,320 Retweets 3,556

3,556 likes Twitter Ads info and privacy

Department of State ✔

@StateDept .@statedeptspox: We support a freedom of the


When a nation clamps down on social media, we ask the question — what are you afraid


We support the people of #Iran, and we support their voices being heard.

10:07 PM - Jan 2, 2018 349 349 Replies 1,326 1,326 Retweets 2,526

2,526 likes Twitter Ads info and privacy

Of course, these proceedings were started by the Obama administration which was like

the Nixon Administration on steroids when it came to his "list" of enemies.

The WikiLeaks tweet confirmed the State Department's reference to freedom of speech in Iran was

a coded communication intended to extend the umbrella of free speech and press rights to

WikiLeaks in a clear reversal of the policy in which both CIA Director Mike Pompeo and

Attorney General Sessions have argued that arresting Julian Assange is a priority.

The Guardian Reports:

Arresting Julian Assange is a priority, says US attorney general Jeff Sessions

Justice department 'stepping up' efforts to prosecute WikiLeaks founder as CNN reports

that charges have been drawn up

Hours later it was reported by CNN that authorities have prepared charges against Assange, who

is currently holed up at the Ecuadorian embassy in London.

Donald Trump lavished praise on the anti-secrecy website during the presidential election campaign

– "I love WikiLeaks," he once told a rally – but his administration has struck

a different tone.

Asked whether it was a priority for the justice department to arrest Assange "once and for

all", Sessions told a press conference in El Paso, Texas, on Thursday: "We are going

to step up our effort and already are stepping up our efforts on all leaks.

This is a matter that's gone beyond anything I'm aware of.

We have professionals that have been in the security business of the United States for

many years that are shocked by the number of leaks and some of them are quite serious."

He added: "So yes, it is a priority.

We've already begun to step up our efforts and whenever a case can be made, we will seek

to put some people in jail."

Citing unnamed officials, CNN reported that prosecutors have struggled with whether the

Australian is protected from prosecution by the first amendment, but now believe they

have found a path forward.

A spokesman for the justice department declined to comment.

Barry Pollack, Assange's lawyer, denied any knowledge of imminent prosecution.

"We've had no communication with the Department of Justice and they have not indicated to

me that they have brought any charges against Mr Assange," he told CNN.

"They've been unwilling to have any discussion at all, despite our repeated requests, that

they let us know what Mr Assange's status is in any pending investigations.

There's no reason why WikiLeaks should be treated differently from any other publisher."

US authorities has been investigating Assange and WikiLeaks since at least 2010 when it

released, in cooperation with publications including the Guardian, more than a quarter

of a million classified cables from US embassies leaked by US army whistleblower Chelsea Manning.

Republican politicians expressed fury at the time, accusing Assange of treason, and Trump

himself told an interviewer: "I think it's disgraceful, I think there should be like

death penalty or something."

All that changed during the election when WikiLeaks published emails acquired via Russian-backed

hackers from the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton's campaign.

Trump and his associates seized on the revelations, citing them with relish during speeches, prompting

accusations of cynical opportunism.

Now in power, their attitude seems to have reverted to Republican orthodoxy.

In a speech last week in a speech at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in

Washington, the CIA director, Mike Pompeo, said: "It's time to call out WikiLeaks

for what it really is: a non-state hostile intelligence service often abetted by state

actors like Russia."

He added: "Julian Assange has no first amendment freedoms.

He's sitting in an embassy in London.

He's not a US citizen."

But US authorities cannot touch Assange while he remains in the Ecuadorian embassy in Britain,

seeking to avoid an arrest warrant on rape allegations in Sweden.

Socialist candidate Lenin Moreno, who won the recent election in Ecuador, has promised

not to extradite Assange.

In a clear break from statements Attorney General Jeff Sessions has made in the past,

attorney's for the Trump administration argued that it is not clear that Assange had

actually violated national security laws.

Even if it can be shown he published U.S. national security classified documents it

would all still fall under the First Amendment and the "right to publish" clause.

So basically the Trump administration is confirming it believes in the freedom of the press even

if what they are publishing is something the president might not agree with.

What a departure from Barry Soetero's administration.

Julian Assange shouldn't be investigated.

In fact, he should be given a medal for saving us from the evil that is the Democrat Party.

By exposing the truth about them he showed the world who the real corrupt and racist

hacks are.

Please share if you agree Assange is a national hero and should be treated

as such…

For more infomation >> BREAKING!!! TRUMP JUST EXONERATED HIM!!! - Duration: 38:27.



For more infomation >> Volkswagen Golf 1.4 FSI TRENDLINE, AIRCO, ELEK-RAMEN, CENT-VERGRENDELING, RADIO-CD-MP3-USB-AUX, LM-V - Duration: 1:01.





Avengers HOT NEWS!!! Chris Hemsworth Wraps Avengers 4, Is It His Final Marvel Movie? - Duration: 3:04.

that's a wrap for Chris Hemsworth on Avengers 4 end quite possibly the Marvel

Cinematic Universe entirely Avengers 4 started filming in August of 2017 very

shortly after production wrapped on Avengers infinity war that means

directors Joe Russo and Anthony Russo had been very busy for the last year or

so preparing the next two Avengers installments along with the massive cast

that makes up the MCU now it's been revealed that Chris Hemsworth has

finished as part of the movie since the cast for Avengers 4 is comprised of a

ton of various stars who all have other projects going on in Hollywood Marvel

has to work around their schedules and can't have everyone on set all of the

time that means many of the actors Ratt filming at different times just recently

Jeremy Renner revealed he's wrapped filming on the movie as well recently

colliders Steve Weintraub took to Twitter to reveal that during a recent

interview with Hemsworth which hasn't yet been posted for his new movie twelve

strong it was revealed that the Thor actors work on the movie is complete is

an Avengers 4 title announcement coming soon that's a conversation for a

different time but we are not likely to find that out until Avengers infinity

war arrives in theaters on May 4th Avengers 4 which was originally built as

Avengers infinity War part 2 is arriving a year later on May 3rd 2019 and is to

be the final movie in phase 3 of the MCU with that in mind it's entirely possible

that Chris Hemsworth has just finished filming his final Marvel movie as star

of the solo Thor movies most recently thor ragnarok Hemsworth has been a

staple of the MCU since its early days but it's been confirmed that the MCU

will look very different after Avengers 4 and that many of the

actors who have been part of this universe since the beginning will be

hanging up their superhero identities and moving on

while some contracts may be extended Hemsworth could very

one of the actors moving on from the world of Marvel does that mean he's

going to die at the hands of fellows it's certainly not out of the realm of

possibility thor ragnarok brought about a lot of change for the god of thunder

and we'll see that carry over into Avengers infinity war it's nearly

impossible to say what version of Thor we'll see in Avengers 4 as infinity war

is set to shake things up in a big way maybe when Steve Weintraub's full

interview drops we'll get some more details

For more infomation >> Avengers HOT NEWS!!! Chris Hemsworth Wraps Avengers 4, Is It His Final Marvel Movie? - Duration: 3:04.


Free fut points: how-to

For more infomation >> Free fut points: how-to


For more infomation >> Free fut points: how-to


Après la mort de Johnny Hally­day, Laura Smet sort de son silence et livre un message émou­vant - Duration: 2:39.

For more infomation >> Après la mort de Johnny Hally­day, Laura Smet sort de son silence et livre un message émou­vant - Duration: 2:39.


For more infomation >> Après la mort de Johnny Hally­day, Laura Smet sort de son silence et livre un message émou­vant - Duration: 2:39.


I Feel Right

For more infomation >> I Feel Right


Donald Trump Responds To Mental Stability Claims: I'm 'Like, Really Smart' | TODAY - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Donald Trump Responds To Mental Stability Claims: I'm 'Like, Really Smart' | TODAY - Duration: 1:02.


Funny Hamsters who are bewildered by peanuts are interesting! - Duration: 2:29.

Thanks for subscribing to my channel!Please RT!

For more infomation >> Funny Hamsters who are bewildered by peanuts are interesting! - Duration: 2:29.



For more infomation >> 3 BOHATERSKIE CZYNY BEZDOMNYCH - Duration: 15:37.


The Golden Hour | Metal Detecting A Mining Area With A Coin Spill - Duration: 58:09.


The goal today is to detect on my way to the destination point.

XP Deus setting: Tone-DISC: 3, React. 3, Freq: 30kHz, G.B. 63

First target.

It's a bullet.

I like the brown layer of soil.


It disappeared...

Which usually means that it's still in the hole.

It probably is a small lead ball.

A bullet case.

I apologise for the scratchy noise. My jacket is touching the camera case.

Next casing.

A gilded button.

GPS ("POI") #1

Just a modern screw.

A musket ball.

Animal traces...

Part of a bracelet (maybe from a watch).

Probably nickel plated.

"Marion" - a woman's name.

If the man forgets her name, he can just look.

It was probably caught in a branch.

I'm looking for the watch.

This target is too small for a watch.

Part of a bullet case.

Just trash.

Shrapnel or something.

I have no idea...


I think it's foil.

That was trash too.

Probably another part.


A pocket knife.

Just a bullet.

I will reach my destination point very soon.

Let's see how it goes from there...

Next casing.


Could this be a Roman fibula?


It's made of bronze.


A little bit of water, to keep it moist.

A modern casing.

The obligatory anti-rage vaccine.

Aluminum trash, I'm not digging it...

Maybe I should go back...

As predicted - aluminum bottle top.

Sometimes it's hard to confidently walk away...

A piece of wire...

.50 cal bullet case.

I was taking a few pictures...

I reached the area of my choice...

...a spot with mining traces from (probably) late 1800 - early 1900.

That's what I'm after today (this is why I have a smaller coil).

It's a coin.

"10 Pfennig" - I can't read the date (late1800, early1900).

Two coins of this type and it could have been a nice "20 Pfennig" silver...

Same casing as before.


Sounds like iron.

Don't let the low (tone-)DISC of "3" fool you...

Just a nail.


The tip of an umbrella, or a stick?

Great, a coin.

"1 Pfennig" (late 1800).

I will show you pictures of all finds at the end.


I have a feeling that I'm in the right spot...

There was the previous coin.

A coin from the 20's.

Don't worry, this coin can take it.

"5 Rentenpfennig" (1924).

My GPS ("Point Of Interest") #6.

There it is again - the mysterious first stab into a small hole.

The worm.

Another coin...

Great - it looks like another coin spill.

There was the second, the first, third and this one.

Same type, same year (1924).

I think, that's the wrong number...

The worm goes back into the hole.

I'm switching between two settings to try something out.

Another "5 Rentenpfennig" coin.


What's this?!

A pile of maggots.

"A man has to do, what..."

Come on, it's December.

A button.

Now they are moving, I woke them up...

A .50 cal bullet, from the casings you saw earlier.

A small hole again.

Another coin from 1924.

Something could be there...

No chance to get this one out (today).

I have to keep focus on the bigger picture.

No more coins in the right section. I will try the area behind the logs.

The short whisper sound made me move the coil back to the right.

One moment please, I think I see Gold.

It looks like gold.

That's gold.

What a surprise!

My first gold with this white HF coil (I thought, it will never happen).

It has a "333" (8K) marking on it.

I will show you a picture at the end.

:) Just in case...

It's a pin fire cartridge.

There was the gold.

What if there is more under this log.

I will have to move it.

It's too slippery.

My hand slips away, it's impossible.

A broken bullet case.

Another part.

It's hard to see the date, but it's December the 16th.

I mean by this that I'm glad about this find at the end of the year.

I'm going back to my spot, to continue the coin path.

There were all the coins.

A "simple" button.

A broken button.

An old nail.

A solid signal, please be a big silver coin.

It is a "bigger" coin.

But it's a "1 German Mark" coin (1958-2001).

Well, it would be too much anyway.

The sun is about to set.

A small lead bullet.

One more coin.

"1 Reichspfennig" (1875).

Right next to it.

Another coin.

Same type as the previous one.

It's a coin.

1 (zinc) "Pfennig" from the 40's.

And again, another signal next to it.

A small hole...

Once again, same type as the previous coin.

"POI" # 16.

A rusty, old nail.

I'm moving out.

It's a piece of lead.

Time to wash hands.

I have to go.

The hunt started bad... but it made a turn.

Please wait for the pictures if you like.


Pin fire cartridge.

The pocket knife.

"1 German Mark" (1958-2001).

I don't like it.

A tip of an umbrella?

2x "1 Pfennig" coins (1940's).

Lead balls and bullets.

"Simple" buttons.

Not so simple, but broken...

"10 Pfennig" coin - late 19th, early 20th century.

A gilded button.

"1 Reichspfennig" (1913).



"5 Rentenpfennig" coin (1924).

Same denomination and date.


One more.

Could it be Roman? (a fibula?)

The gold.

333 - 8K.


And treasure - hunting time 3h:10m

For more infomation >> The Golden Hour | Metal Detecting A Mining Area With A Coin Spill - Duration: 58:09.


2016 Mazda MX-5 Miata Club long-term wrap-up | Farewell, fun friend - Duration: 5:40.

About one year ago, we took delivery of a 2016 Mazda MX-5 Miata.

We made sure we got the sportiest version we could, the Club model (which includes Bilstein

shocks, a limited-slip differential and a front shock tower brace) with optional BBS

wheels and Brembo brakes.

We also sprung for the appearance package to give our cute little roadster a modicum

of aggression.

It was a tad pricey at $32,835, but we enjoyed every minute of it.

Well, almost every minute of it.

It's not a perfect car, as it's loud and stiff on the highway, and we ran into an issue in

which the top had to be replaced (under warranty).

But minor grievances aside, just about everyone who drove the little roadster came back with

a smile, especially when we took it to a racetrack.

Below are final thoughts on the car from our editors.

Senior Green Editor John Beltz Snyder: This car is about as car as any car gets.

It's so car!

That is to say, it's pure in its mission and in its effective execution as a driver's plaything.

Its crisp steering, snickety six-speed manual gearbox, and rev-happy engine create the wonderful

sensation that you're driving faster than the speedometer reads.

Normal speeds never felt so heroic.

The view out the front is fantastic, too, and the curves of the hood are nothing short

of inspiring as they frame the road ahead.

I don't care that it's noisy, jarring, and ergonomically weird.

Old and British in spirit, it offers a level of engagement that's hard to find in a new

car, especially for under $30,000.

Anyone who has a Miata in their stable isn't lucky.

They're smart.

Senior Editor Alex Kierstein: I'm a bit embarrassed to think back to my first impressions about

driving the MX-5 now that I've had so much seat time in this one.

While I loved the idea of it as a throwback to the original NA Miata from the moment it

was revealed, I was a bit turned off by how civilized it was.

And how quick it was.

No longer a momentum car, the new MX-5 seemed more forgiving of bad gear selection or a

bad corner entry.

I felt like something had been removed, a ragged edge, some everyday engagement.

Well, a year on, and my feelings have changed.

If you stop comparing it directly to the (slow, weedy, rattly, uncomfortable) first- and second-generation

cars, it's a brilliant little roadster.

I miss the raw edge less and enjoy the livability more — the raw edge was really just a lack

of civility.

A flaw that forced you to engage with the thing every moment.

The new MX-5 can sometimes recede into the background, and it just becomes a little car

that you can tool around in.

But boot it around a few corners and it speaks to you more clearly, because there's less

static between you and its lovely dynamics.

I think the engagement is deeper despite being more subtle.

Subtlety isn't something often appreciated in this horsepower boom era.

And if it were my money, I think the rawness of the early 1.8-liter cars appeals to me

a bit more.

But I was wrong to dismiss the new MX-5 as too civilized.

It's a brilliant roadster with few flaws and loads of charm.

It's something you can live with every day, in at least three seasons, and should even

appeal to sportscar-allergic friends or family.

Pound for pound and dollar for dollar, there's no higher concentration of fun around.

I'll miss this little guy.

Associate Editor Joel Stocksdale: I'm going to miss this thing.

Even though it's not ideal for long drives or daily commuting on rough roads, it's just

so hilariously fun.

As cliche as it is, it really feels like a go-kart, and honestly the rough ride supports

that feeling.

Of course, its diminutive size and wicked quick reflexes are also contributing factors.

The engine is a sweetheart, and feels way more potent than its 155-horsepower rating


It's enough to push you in your seat, and enough to get it sideways at street-legal


It even has a good exhaust note that finds the perfect spot where it's audible, but won't

bother the neighbors.

The only weak points are noise and refinement, and the Grand Touring trim and RF body style

go a long way to rectifying those issues.

If you're looking for a fun toy that will be reliable, affordable, and economical, you

can't go wrong with a Miata.

Autoblog General Manager Adam Morath: The Mazda MX-5 Miata is one of my favorite cars

on the market.

As an affordable RWD roadster, it's differentiated.

The execution is spot on — only improved by the recent redesign.

In other words, the Miata delivers on its promises.

And what it promises is fun and different.

It's still too noisy (almost seems like it's gotten worse, but I haven't driven it back-to-back

w/ the old model) and can feel a bit cramped with the top up.

I had acceptable headroom, but my elbowroom sometimes felt a bit infringed upon.

Also, I'd love to see Mazda update what feels like an aftermarket radio.

That said, these are small gripes considering Miata is a near-perfectly executed, affordable

sports convertible.

Highly recommended for those in warm climates.

For more infomation >> 2016 Mazda MX-5 Miata Club long-term wrap-up | Farewell, fun friend - Duration: 5:40.



It's finally happening!

The severe injustice which was being carried out during the Barack Hussein Obama administration

is finally coming to an end after President Donald Trump cleared the path for WikiLeaks

founder, and hero to many of us American Patriots, Julian Assange to enter the United States

without fear of arrest or deportation.

On Tuesday Wikileaks posted a tweet saying that the U.S. government had finally ended

its bogus eight-year grand jury investigations against WikiLeaks and its founder.

Of course, these proceedings were started by the Obama administration which was like

the Nixon Administration on steroids when it came to his "list" of enemies.

The WikiLeaks tweet confirmed the State Department's reference to freedom of speech in Iran was

a coded communication intended to extend the umbrella of free speech and press rights to

WikiLeaks in a clear reversal of the policy in which both CIA Director Mike Pompeo and

Attorney General Sessions have argued that arresting Julian Assange is a priority.


Facebook Twitter

It's finally happening!

The severe injustice which was being carried out during the Barack Hussein Obama administration

is finally coming to an end after President Donald Trump cleared the path for WikiLeaks

founder, and hero to many of us American Patriots, Julian Assange to enter the United States

without fear of arrest or deportation.

On Tuesday Wikileaks posted a tweet saying that the U.S. government had finally ended

its bogus eight-year grand jury investigations against WikiLeaks and its founder.

WikiLeaks ✔

@wikileaks US government on why it has decided to close

its eight year long grand jury proceedings against @WikiLeaks (expanded in 2017 to cover

our series on the CIA).

Wait, what? …

11:55 PM - Jan 2, 2018 114 114 Replies 2,320 2,320 Retweets 3,556

3,556 likes Twitter Ads info and privacy

Department of State ✔

@StateDept .@statedeptspox: We support a freedom of the


When a nation clamps down on social media, we ask the question — what are you afraid


We support the people of #Iran, and we support their voices being heard.

10:07 PM - Jan 2, 2018 349 349 Replies 1,326 1,326 Retweets 2,526

2,526 likes Twitter Ads info and privacy

Of course, these proceedings were started by the Obama administration which was like

the Nixon Administration on steroids when it came to his "list" of enemies.

The WikiLeaks tweet confirmed the State Department's reference to freedom of speech in Iran was

a coded communication intended to extend the umbrella of free speech and press rights to

WikiLeaks in a clear reversal of the policy in which both CIA Director Mike Pompeo and

Attorney General Sessions have argued that arresting Julian Assange is a priority.

The Guardian Reports:

Arresting Julian Assange is a priority, says US attorney general Jeff Sessions

Justice department 'stepping up' efforts to prosecute WikiLeaks founder as CNN reports

that charges have been drawn up

Hours later it was reported by CNN that authorities have prepared charges against Assange, who

is currently holed up at the Ecuadorian embassy in London.

Donald Trump lavished praise on the anti-secrecy website during the presidential election campaign

– "I love WikiLeaks," he once told a rally – but his administration has struck

a different tone.

Asked whether it was a priority for the justice department to arrest Assange "once and for

all", Sessions told a press conference in El Paso, Texas, on Thursday: "We are going

to step up our effort and already are stepping up our efforts on all leaks.

This is a matter that's gone beyond anything I'm aware of.

We have professionals that have been in the security business of the United States for

many years that are shocked by the number of leaks and some of them are quite serious."

He added: "So yes, it is a priority.

We've already begun to step up our efforts and whenever a case can be made, we will seek

to put some people in jail."

Citing unnamed officials, CNN reported that prosecutors have struggled with whether the

Australian is protected from prosecution by the first amendment, but now believe they

have found a path forward.

A spokesman for the justice department declined to comment.

Barry Pollack, Assange's lawyer, denied any knowledge of imminent prosecution.

"We've had no communication with the Department of Justice and they have not indicated to

me that they have brought any charges against Mr Assange," he told CNN.

"They've been unwilling to have any discussion at all, despite our repeated requests, that

they let us know what Mr Assange's status is in any pending investigations.

There's no reason why WikiLeaks should be treated differently from any other publisher."

US authorities has been investigating Assange and WikiLeaks since at least 2010 when it

released, in cooperation with publications including the Guardian, more than a quarter

of a million classified cables from US embassies leaked by US army whistleblower Chelsea Manning.

Republican politicians expressed fury at the time, accusing Assange of treason, and Trump

himself told an interviewer: "I think it's disgraceful, I think there should be like

death penalty or something."

All that changed during the election when WikiLeaks published emails acquired via Russian-backed

hackers from the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton's campaign.

Trump and his associates seized on the revelations, citing them with relish during speeches, prompting

accusations of cynical opportunism.

Now in power, their attitude seems to have reverted to Republican orthodoxy.

In a speech last week in a speech at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in

Washington, the CIA director, Mike Pompeo, said: "It's time to call out WikiLeaks

for what it really is: a non-state hostile intelligence service often abetted by state

actors like Russia."

He added: "Julian Assange has no first amendment freedoms.

He's sitting in an embassy in London.

He's not a US citizen."

But US authorities cannot touch Assange while he remains in the Ecuadorian embassy in Britain,

seeking to avoid an arrest warrant on rape allegations in Sweden.

Socialist candidate Lenin Moreno, who won the recent election in Ecuador, has promised

not to extradite Assange.

In a clear break from statements Attorney General Jeff Sessions has made in the past,

attorney's for the Trump administration argued that it is not clear that Assange had

actually violated national security laws.

Even if it can be shown he published U.S. national security classified documents it

would all still fall under the First Amendment and the "right to publish" clause.

So basically the Trump administration is confirming it believes in the freedom of the press even

if what they are publishing is something the president might not agree with.

What a departure from Barry Soetero's administration.

Julian Assange shouldn't be investigated.

In fact, he should be given a medal for saving us from the evil that is the Democrat Party.

By exposing the truth about them he showed the world who the real corrupt and racist

hacks are.

Please share if you agree Assange is a national hero and should be treated

as such…

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