Thứ Ba, 9 tháng 1, 2018

Youtube daily report Jan 9 2018

People make mistakes.

Of course they do.

Some mistakes are big with cataclysmic, irreversible results and some are small and are salvageable.

It goes without saying that we will all make mistakes in our lifetime, but it is the reason

behind the error and how we react which will define how we are treated in the aftermath.

Logan Paul recently made a mistake, but is it one he can come back from?

Hello and welcome back to Life's Biggest Questions, I am Rebecca Felgate and today

I am asking Should We Forgive Logan Paul.

Before we launch into this video, I just want to ask those of you who are new here to subscribe

to our channel, and for all of you to leave a thumbs up if you like this video and a comment

at the end to continue the debate.

So before we decide if Logan Paul should be forgiven, I think it is important to understand

what exactly it is he did wrong and how he responded.

Logan Paul has been making videos on Youtube for little over a year, having already garnered

a following on Vine and in his Disney Channel show.

Logan's content has always been built on drama and shock content, which is something

Youtube has been regularly promoting on their trending page and something which his fans,

the notorious Logang, have enjoyed…but recently he took it too far in a vlog titled We found

a dead body in the Japanese Suicide Forest.

As we know by now, Logan Paul isn't the first Youtuber to have visited the forest,

or the first youtube video to show dead people in it…however it was the way in which he

handled combining those two things where he went wrong.

So, what was wrong with the trip if other people have gone; Logan wore what a lot of

people consider to be disrespectful clothing – so, a bright green alien hat.

When entering a known suicide spot, a lot of people found this distasteful.

They also found his handling of the topic distasteful and the jovial banter between

he and his friends as they entered the forest before they stumbled across the body.

You wouldn't walk around a veteran war memorial or holocaust museum with a smile on your face,

so why would entering a known suicide spot be any different?

Then, the biggest mistake of all, was showing the dead body on camera, sometimes with a

blur, but sometimes, at a distance, without enough blur.

He made it clear that the victim was real, and there was a lot of air time given to the


After showing the corpse, he continued to joke, now of course this could be gallows

syndrome; sometimes people laugh in horrible situations as a strange psychological side


However, instead of omitting this from his video, he still posted the whole thing – footage

of corpse and all – to his youtube channel.

Big mistake.

He made the situation even worse for himself in his first apology on youtube by offering

up an excuse for his actions, then post-facing his apology with hashtag Logang for life,

Before we get into the matter of forgiveness, lets be fair to Logan and see what he did


So, he did include a warning at the beginning of his video, he did include a anti suicide

hotline number and an anti suicide message, even if it was delivered with a lack of sincerity.

He did also issue two apology's…yes, the first was a little tarnished, but the second

did seem slightly more genuine, and he hasn't posted a video since, saying he is taking

time out to think.

It seems like he is genuinely sorry, …whether or not because that is because of the backlash,

or because he realises the error in his actions is a totally different question.

So…what exactly is Logan guilty of here: I guess the answer is just being extremely

distasteful, disrespectful and a bit of an idiot.

He didn't do anything illegal, he wasn't spouting any kind of hate speech against minorities…he

just showed himself to be a culturally insensitive idiot.

Compared the liked of Harvey Weinstein who's career in film is over, Logan is incomparable.

Weinstein is a sexual predator and shouldn't be forgiven…Logan Paul is just a bit of

an idiot.

The matter of whether or not he can be forgiven kind of lies in whether or not he can learn

from this mistake and become a more responsible content creator.

Instead of entirely pointing the finger at Logan….we should maybe look at our own viewing

habbits and the platform that allowed him his success, youtube.

Maybe we should be asking if we should forgive youtube, or if we should we forgive ourselves

for feeding his fame?

Before Logan deleted his video, it was on the Youtube TopTrending page and had had 6

million views.

The platform has always promoted Logan's work, no matter how poor taste it has been

in the last.

Also, the platform failed to condemn him properly in their statement following the incident.

But is youtube just responding by pushing the content they know viewers like to watch,

or have they chosen Logan Paul to be their star themselves?

If so…should the platform do better to advise him on what exactly is appropriate and what


Again…are we, the viewers to blame here?

Logan Paul's video was a culmination of the growing and hugely popular shock culture

on Youtube.

Like Philip Defranco points out in his excellent video on the topic – we need to talk about

the Logan Paul problem – everything has become content.

Through over dramatization and clickbait, people have become so desensitized to shock

content they forget this is real.

Logan, like the rest of us, lost touch with reality.

Logan clearly is not the most intelligent guy and is known for his clownlike over the

top behaviour.

Give someone like that a huge amount of praise and success for those attributes - without

the right team behind him of course this was going to happen….he made a stupid mistake,

but really, we the viewers are to blame for feeding his ego and stupidity, Youtube is

to blame for promoting it and therefore condoning it, and those who support Logan professional

are at blame for feeding his God Complex and not managing him better.

This is why you cannot surround yourself with Yes men, and this is why supporting someone

blindly without ever questioning their actions is VERY dangerous.

The Logang should be holding Logan Paul accountable for his content, praising him when he gets

it right and questioning when he gets it wrong.

So…there is my answer for you.

I hope we all realise that the problem is much deeper than Logan Paul.

Logan himself may deserve a second chance, but if people keep making reckless content,

and Youtube keeps promoting it and viewers keep watching it, we're headed down a dangerous

path/ What do you guys think?

Let me know in the comments section below.

Also do leave a thumbs up and share this video with a friend.

I am Rebecca Felgate..that is all I have for now…

I'll catch you soon, but for now, stay curious, stay alert and never ever stop questioning.

If you want to continue on your inquisitive binge, why not check out our popular uploads

playlist and our Biggest Science Questions?

For more infomation >> Should We Forgive Logan Paul? - Duration: 7:03.


Lil Xan & Tyra Banks Today! | TRL Weekdays at 4pm - Duration: 12:47.

For more infomation >> Lil Xan & Tyra Banks Today! | TRL Weekdays at 4pm - Duration: 12:47.


poprawne użycie żartu "dobre pomaranczowe" w roku 2018 - Duration: 0:18.

*drinks orange drink*

*drinks orange drink*

For more infomation >> poprawne użycie żartu "dobre pomaranczowe" w roku 2018 - Duration: 0:18.


[VOSTFR] BTS Countdown ( Compagny meeting) - dernière partie - Duration: 3:12.

For more infomation >> [VOSTFR] BTS Countdown ( Compagny meeting) - dernière partie - Duration: 3:12.





Funny hamster eating a deliciously eaten tissue! - Duration: 2:10.

Thanks for subscribing to my channel!Please RT!

For more infomation >> Funny hamster eating a deliciously eaten tissue! - Duration: 2:10.


Trump: DACA bill will include border wall provisions - Duration: 3:09.

For more infomation >> Trump: DACA bill will include border wall provisions - Duration: 3:09.


Must See: Hillary Slams Trump for 'Abuse of Power,' Warns Him Not to Prosecute Her [VIDEO] - Duration: 5:05.

Must See: Hillary Slams Trump for 'Abuse of Power,' Warns Him Not to Prosecute Her

[VIDEO] Vile Hillary Clinton is scared out of her

mind right now – without question.

She knows her 'Uranium One' Russia scandal isn't going away anytime soon.

The DOJ is onto her schemes.

Why else would she lash out like this?

From Politico: Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton

has slammed President Donald Trump for suggesting that a special prosecutor investigate her

role in the Uranium One deal, a current cause célèbre among conservative commentators

and some House Republican lawmakers.

"Taking myself out of it, this is such an abuse of power and it goes right at the rule

of law," Clinton told Mother Jones in an interview posted Wednesday night.

"As secretary of state, I went around the world bragging about America's rule of law.

… If they send a signal that we are going to be like some dictatorship, some authoritarian

regime where political opponents are going to be unfairly, fraudulently investigated,

that rips at the fabric of the contract that we have that we can trust our justice system."

More, via Daily Caller: Clinton's comments are regarding her time

serving as secretary of state.

Russia routed millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation, and former President Bill Clinton

collected hundreds of thousands of dollars in Russian speaking fees as part of Russian

efforts to influence the U.S. government to approve the deal, The Hill reported.

Republican chairmen of two House committees announced in late October they would launch

a probe into a Uranium One deal and former President Barack Obama-era Justice Department's

investigation of the deal.

What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> Must See: Hillary Slams Trump for 'Abuse of Power,' Warns Him Not to Prosecute Her [VIDEO] - Duration: 5:05.


Trump meets with bipartisan group of lawmakers on immigration - Duration: 4:16.

For more infomation >> Trump meets with bipartisan group of lawmakers on immigration - Duration: 4:16.


Crashed my drone at the legendary abandoned Battleship Island - Duration: 9:39.

Get as much as possible out of 60 minutes.

I'm at Battleship Island, crashed my drone. All my footage from Fukushima is on that SDcard, also shots from the normal camera.

Wish me luck, otherwise i won't have any footage of Japan. That would suck.

I feel miserable.

I can't walk around here with joy.

You lost your drone boy? - Don't say a word....

The guy was angry mate, ANGRY! -Really?


For more infomation >> Crashed my drone at the legendary abandoned Battleship Island - Duration: 9:39.


3 Best Pick Up Lines That Never Get Rejected - Duration: 3:54.

Matt: Hey Siri, what's a good pick-up line? Siri: "My love for you is a monotonically

increasing unbounded function" Matt: So maybe Siri doesn't have the best answer for

this one... But my name is Matt Artisan from The Attractive Man and this is my

three best pick-up lines that work nearly every time.

-Intro sequence-

Many bootcamps encourage men to be assertive

We've done all the testing. We know what works.

Before we get started, make sure to subscribe to this channel. Go ahead do it

right now because, I said so. One time I walked up to the hottest girl

in the bar and I said: "Hey do you like squirrels? Because I'm gonna nut in your

hole." Yeah... pretty bad, pretty much the worst pick-up line you can think of. I

only did it because it was a dare. But the woman responded with: "I love

squirrels!" And so I asked, "But why didn't you slap me or throw your drink at me?"

"Because I can see you're just having fun!" Now please don't use that line! But this

was a big "Aha!" moment for me. If you have a fun energy, a positive vibe, and you're

feeling great about yourself, then almost anything can work. Now here are my three

favorite lines that I think worked the best. If you're afraid of getting

rejected before you approach, simply say this: "Hi, you just seem really fun and

friendly so I thought I'd come over and say hi." This may seem like nothing, but it

uses a psychological principle called "Planting and identity" basically, you're

putting into her mind that you perceive her as being friendly, therefore she's

more likely to actually BE friendly. The chances that she gives you a bad

reaction and acts rude after you tell her that she seems friendly is pretty

slim. I mean sure, it can happen. But why would you even want to continue talking

to a girl like that anyway? "I noticed that you and I are like, the hottest

people in this entire place. So I figured I should at least come say hi." This works

great in a bar or club, because it's fun, flirty, it shows your interest, and it

creates an "Us-versus-Them" frame. Where you and her are the coolest, hottest

people in the club. And how can any girl say no to that scenario? "Hey real quick

this is totally random, but I just saw you in the distance and I thought you

were absolutely stunning. I had to at least say hi." This works great during the

daytime because women are often busy and you're cutting right to the chase

there's no... you know, there's no fluff, you're being genuine, and you're using

the "Law of reciprocity." Because you're likely to make her feel good with such a

bold and genuine compliment that she'll want to reciprocate, and give you

few seconds of her time, and listen to hear whatever you have to say next.

Shannon: Usually the ones that get me the best and the quickest are ones that made me

laugh. Even if I'm not going to take you home with me at night, maybe just sitting

and having a drink, or just thinking, having a conversation is always nice. So I

say - make them laugh! Just don't come across as pushy. You're not entitled to

conversation just because you walk up to us, you want to talk to us, we don't have

to talk to you. So just be nice and be yourself. Matt: All these openers just buy you

a few seconds of time, what really is important is what comes after the opener.

That's why I created a free Conversation Cheat Sheet where I break down exactly

what to say after hello to make her want you. You get my top conversation starters

for any situation. Simple techniques to never run out of things to say. Simple

ways to escalate the interaction and more. Download it right now because

you'll want to keep it handy before you go out. So just click the image in the

bottom right of this video right now to download your Conversation Cheat Sheet.

And if you're not subscribed to our channel, then go ahead and hit that

subscribe button! And if you want us to personally mentor you, then make sure to

check out our bootcamp schedule. My name is Matt Artisan from The Attractive Man,

and i'll see you in the next video.

For more infomation >> 3 Best Pick Up Lines That Never Get Rejected - Duration: 3:54.


Ebay Mystery Box Unboxing! (You Won't Believe What I Got!) - Duration: 6:05.

hey guys it's Zoe welcome back to my channel so for today's video I'm gonna

be, unboxing an eBay mystery, box so basically on, eBay, you can literally buy

a mystery box, and buy mystery box I mean you literally have no idea what you're

buying so I spent a whole 35 dollars on this box that I have no idea what's

inside and today we're gonna unbox it and figure out what's in this box ok

guys so I'm gonna cover my address but this is the box it is a quite long box

so I think we should just um get started shall we

wow I am seeing some random items in here let me just show you my view so I'm

just gonna be pulling things out of the box and let's see what we got for $35 so

there's some bubble wrap here and Wow there is some random random stuff so the

first thing I see is this roll of toilet paper um it doesn't look like ripped off

so it'll come in handy one day so the next thing that kind of stands out to me

is this

I don't know what oh it's kind of open okay this is a Disneyland autotopia car

this is like a Disneyland souvenir from oh it looks like a long time ago

it says 45 years Disneyland Park and I think Disneyland has been open for way

longer than 45 years honestly I wonder if this is a collector's item I really

don't know it's open but I mean I guess it's cool the next is this it looks like

a black box okay I think it's a lunch box

okay so far we have a roll of TP a lunch box I think and the car

from Disneyland anyway moving on so the next thing I see in here is an open

makeup remover pack of wipes okay moving on the next thing I see in here is this

Wii game okay well I really played with my be anymore but it's definitely

somewhere in my garage this is called we cheer - okay and the game is not even

inside wow this is a really great box so far we really love it it's a super big

mystery where's the game next thing is this brush set

but there's one missing morphe who? honestly the $35 I spent on this box

could have been used to buy me new brushes instead of

business but it's fine okay I think okay now there's a bunch of little things in

here I'm just gonna go through them and hopefully I can put some of these things

to use honestly I don't I don't really know but the next thing I see is this it

says the body shop British rose fresh plumping mask okay so I got a face mask

sample yay okay the next thing this is literally disgusting this is a user wipe

hi I really can't I really really really care about that so next thing I see is a

toothbrush this is a cool key extra clean toothbrush in soft I don't know um

on the bright side this is the only thing in here

about the only thing in here that hasn't been opened so basically this is like a

$35 to brush cool guys the next thing I see in here is a back scratcher

now according to this box everything has been used probably so I'm definitely not

going to be using this but got a back scratcher next in here is this

Spring deodorant soap in original this is also new so basically I got a

toothbrush and a soap for 35 dollars oh what a steal next thing in here is

this measuring cup but there's nothing else in this box that goes with this

it's literally 1/4 of a cup next thing in here is this egg so it

kind of resembles me come temple if you're an egg - it looks like a one of

those blurry box things yeah that's like that it's literally just it just an egg

guys the last thing in here is kind of cute this is just a mini Eiffel Tower

okay guys that is all that came in my mystery box literally spent $35 on a box

with toilet paper an egg a you slip roller which I really cannot get over

that and a lunch box and an empty lis game and a few other things anyway if

you guys like this video make sure to give a big thumbs up comment down below

your favorite item from this box favorite meaning which one did you find

the most weird or the funniest or the coolest maybe you're into you all my

social media links are down below and I will see you guys in my next video bye

eBay Mystery Box Unboxing

Hashtag Zoe


For more infomation >> Ebay Mystery Box Unboxing! (You Won't Believe What I Got!) - Duration: 6:05.


Elif Episode 642 - Ending Scene | Season 4 Episode 82 (English subtitles) - Duration: 4:26.

My dear Elif?

Brother Kerem?

What happened, why are you doing here?

I... was waiting for you.

I need to tell you something.

Did something bad happen?

I... I hid something from you.

I did something.


What could have you done?

This is the photo I was looking for!

You had it?

I missed sister Reyhan, so much.

That's why I couldn't resist, , when I saw it.

I took the photo, without your permission.

I'm sorry.

Never mind, Elif.

It would be better if you had told me, but...

nothing to do about that now.

Apology accepted!

Thank you.

Kerem, why would I take something that belongs to you?

Because you're Süreyya!

You're you, that's why!

Do I need to say one more time, that I didn't take it?

Now I need to think how I'm going to apologize.


I wasn't talking to you, dear.

Brother Kerem?

I think Reyhan will return.

I feel that way.

I really want her to come back.

Let's hope, Elif. Let's hope for it.

I hope everything goes as you wish, princess.

Thank you for not getting mad at me, brother Kerem. See you soon.

See you soon, my dear.

For more infomation >> Elif Episode 642 - Ending Scene | Season 4 Episode 82 (English subtitles) - Duration: 4:26.


Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills: It's Better To Be Rich Than Famous | Megyn Kelly TODAY - Duration: 4:03.

For more infomation >> Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills: It's Better To Be Rich Than Famous | Megyn Kelly TODAY - Duration: 4:03.


HILT 2017 Conference: Creating connections & increasing engagement - Duration: 31:39.


Welcome, everyone.

We were so thrilled to have such a wonderful turnout

for this session.

And I just want to welcome you all to it

and thank you for the active engagement

that we're going to be asking of you.

So don't get too comfy in the seat

that you're sitting in because there's

going to be some true breaking out happening here.

I'm Rebecca Nesson.

I work at the Extension School and summer school,

and, together with Erin Bauman from the Kennedy School

and my colleagues Adrian and Karena,

we have planned this session to help

take us from the big picture of thinking about teaching

evaluation that we had in the plenary

down to the smaller picture of focusing

on a single course, perhaps a course that you teach

or a course that you've worked on,

and thinking about how the teaching

and learning in that particular course

might be improved without overhauling

the entire syllabus, without changing

the fundamental style of who the teacher is as a teacher.

So we're looking at smaller types of interventions

that can make a big difference in the experience

of the teacher and the students in the course.

And we started with a couple of hypotheses

of the types of these changes in courses

that we've seen make big differences

in our experiences working in teaching and learning centers.

So first, changes that help us to create engagement to make

sure that the students minds are focused on what's happening

in the classroom while they're in the class

and actively engaging with the material,

and, also, when they're working on activities outside of class.

Secondly, building trust within the class,

forming a sense of community and relationships

between the instructors and between the peers in the class

so that the students really are comfortable and open enough

to be ready for the learning and the learning experience

that we're hoping to create in the class.

And then, thirdly, to provide students

with the tools they need to actually assimilate what

they're learning in the class or to help them

focus on the right pieces of--

the right concepts that you want them to take away,

and to think hard about those things.

So to help us do this we have invited

two distinguished faculty members to give us

two brief talks about their experiences with activities

that they have designed that are along these lines

and that have made transformations

in their own class.

So we have Emily Click, from the Harvard Divinity School

and Jonathan Haussmann, from the Harvard Medical

School, who are going to share with us their experiences.

After that, we are going to do a larger activity where we all

move around the room, and you'll get a chance

to play with these mysterious decks of cards that

are sitting in front of you.

But we're going to start off with creating our own community

for this session with a little icebreaker of our own.

So for that, I'm going to pass it on to Aaron.

So for this it's kind of going to try and channel

some of the exercises that we may

have done in primary school.

So I'd like, at your tables, for everyone

to count off 1, 2, and 3.

So here-- skipping Jonathan and Emily--

we will go 1, 2, 3.

And then 1.

So just do that at your tables.

Everybody count 1, 2, 3.

And then we'll break out.

Don't worry.

Now that it sounds like everybody has a number,

I'd like everyone who is a 1 to come and sit

at one of these three tables, everyone who is a 2

to come in at one of these three tables, and everyone's a 3

to come and sit at these three tables.

All right, another one of my--

another one of my regulatory primary school tricks.

Now that everybody has gotten to their new tables

and put themselves up in new groups,

we're going to give you a chance to go back and do

what it sounds like you are already starting to do,

and that's get to know one another at these new groups.

So at your new tables, if you want to group yourself

into groups of kind of three or four--

so it doesn't have to go on the whole group, but just groups

of three to four.

I would like you to take kind of the next five to 10 minutes

and share your name, share your role--

where you're from, what you do--

and then share a problem or an opportunity for improvement

that you have encountered in a course you're teaching,

a course you're taking, or a course you're working on.

So name, role, and a problem or opportunity

for improvement in a course that you're teaching, taking,

or working on.


All right.

So now that you've all had a chance to get

to know one another a little bit better,

and to kind of think about some of the teaching challenges

that you're bringing in with you,

I would like to invite Emily Click from the Harvard Divinity

School, up to share some of her teaching practices with us

and, specifically, to talk about her practice using

the classroom contract.

So it's great to be with you.

I'm looking forward to learning from all of you.

And let me just begin by asking you

to think for a minute about a particular class

or a classroom-type environment where you function.

And if you could think of a one-word adjective for what

you hope will characterize that learning environment.

What would it be like, in one adjective?

So anybody got it?

We've got to have extreme extroverts answered this,

but some people are like me.

Anybody got one?




Aha, anything else?









That's actually my word as well.

So you get 1,000 points.

Can somebody put that on the board?

So none of us said passive, right?

It's not what we dream of, but that

often is what winds up happening in our classroom.

So I wanted to just give you a a bit of a story,

and then just some of the nuts and bolts of what

I'm doing with what she was calling a classroom contract

or the language of public agreement.

So this story that I have to tell

is not a very attractive story about myself,

which is that, about seven years ago, as I was teaching,

I began to realize that students had

their expensive laptops open.

And we usually, in the Div school,

have a kind of square of students.

And the students whose screens I could not see,

someone reported to me were posting on Facebook

and were checking their email and so forth.

And boy, did I get my nose out of joint about that.

You know, it was a--

well, you know, how could they be doing that?

They're not focusing, they're not learning.

Very insulted and so forth.

You know, after a while, I realized oh,

that's about my ego, isn't it?

I began to get a little bit of a sense of humor about it.

Where I really got the sense of humor

about it was when I was sitting in an administrative meeting

where somebody was making a presentation

and I had my very expensive Harvard-paid-for laptop open,

and I looked at my screen and realized

I was checking my email.

And I thought, well, isn't that interesting?

I'm getting insulted when the students are doing that,

and I'm doing exactly the same thing.

Maybe it's a legitimate thing to do.

I don't know.

But if it is a problem, to whom does the problem belong?

And I realize it doesn't actually

belong to me, except for my ego getting bruised.

But apart from that, it really belongs to the students.

And following Ron Heifetz advice,

you give the problem to the people

to whom the problem belongs.

So this led me into the Kegan--

Robert Keegan and Lisa Laskow Lahey

stuff on creating a language of public agreement.

And so I started doing this.

And let me just tell you, if you get

tempted to do it after I told my story, when I first did it,

it felt just like when you're standing on a cliff

and you're a little too high above the water.

And as you know, the water's cold,

and you're going to jump off anyway.

That's kind of how it felt. Because it

was very vulnerable to start asking the students what kind

of learning environment they wanted to have,

including the use of computers.

Because, of course, I knew the right answer

was that they shouldn't be doing things

like posting on Facebook and so forth.

But instead of me giving the answer,

to have that engaged classroom, they

get to create the learning environment that

will work for them.

So I started having this thing-- and I actually

did this yesterday with my class.

So it was the third week of school.

Obviously, you can't do a shopping week,

and the second week is still all this logistics.

But very early on I spent an hour with the students saying,

what do you want to do about computer use?

It does a couple of things.

One is it pops a hole in the balloon of you're pretending

you're not doing that and I'm pretending that I don't notice

that you're doing that.

So that we can be real with each other, which

is a part of being truly engaged in the classroom,

bringing your full real self.

It also has happened that students have helped each other

to understand that they get distracted

when they're sitting next to somebody

who is doing Instagram.

And it's far more powerful if they

hear from their peers what the effect of actions

is than if they--

than if I impose some kind of rule.

So that's one of the areas that we discuss.

Another area that I lead them in discussing

is what do you do if you have not prepared for class.

And I let them decide what do you do.


So this just turns out to be far more effective

than the professor saying I want you to read everything

before class, because we all know that people--

the record on how much people read as is abysmal, right?

So I feel like it's my job to make

what happens in class such an exciting exercise that

pulls on the readings and they're

working with their peers that, if they haven't read,

they're at a disadvantage to enjoy and have fun

with their peers-- or not just fun, but, you know,

deep learning experience with regard to the material.

That's my job.

But they need to decide, do you still

come when you're not prepared?

Again, is poking a giant hole in the balloon of students

pretending that they're fully prepared and professors

pretending that they don't know.

Because, of course, if you've taught

the material for a while, you know in a second if somebody

has not read it.

But you're supposed to pretend like you don't realize that.

So what I now have, often, is--

they decide how are they supposed to identify

if they have not prepared.

And sometimes, an under-prepared student

can be an advantage if you leverage it correctly.

So if you put the under-prepared student in a small group

with other students who are prepared,

the prepared students then take on the role of teacher,

and they get to learn the material more deeply.

Does that make some sense?

So it doesn't have to be a lose for everybody

when the inevitable happens.

So a couple of other areas we discuss.

One is confidentiality.

As you can imagine, at the Div school,

sometimes the material gets very personal.

And I think that's also true in many of your classrooms

as well.

And so, what are you supposed to do if something is shared

that's very personal?

Are you allowed to talk about it when you go home,

or with other people at the Div school?

And so forth.

And then the fourth area is a very significant one.

And the way I usually phrase it is,

what do you do if the teacher says something that's racist?

Like, as in me, you know.

I just, again, poke a giant hole in my wish and desire

to never make mistakes.

And I still have that desire, and I still feel awful

when I do make mistakes.

I decided a long time ago I did not

want to read on teaching evaluations in July

that I stepped on somebody in February.

You know?

This is just no fun for anybody.

And it also damages the learning environment so crucially

when actions or words do harm, either by the professor

or other students.

So instead of pretending, again, like this will never happen,

which then, of course, shuts down

the people who do get harmed by such harmful speech or actions,

I set it up that this may happen, especially

when we're talking about things that matter a great deal, what

do we do about it.

Now, in all of these areas that we discuss--

and there's more than I'm listing right now--

part of the point is to have a clear agreement

about what the norms are for the classroom.

More to the point is to have a norm

for what you do when the norms are violated and broken.

If you don't have this discussion,

then any-- everybody has in their minds

what the norms should be.

But it's different.

So when you've had that discussion,

you have a way to capture the learning that

can come about in these moments of difficulty.

And most importantly, this surfaces-- and I think today,

overall, is supposed to be about evaluation--

my own deep conviction that, while teachers and professors

have a huge amount of responsibility for what happens

in the classroom, I don't--

I don't abdicate my responsibility one bit.

So I tell the students, I'm still bossy, you know.

But I'm not the only person responsible for the learning

that's going on in the classroom.

And it is so awesome.

I said it was like being on the edge of a cliff.

Let me tell you, when you jump into that pool,

you find out how trustworthy those students are,

how impressive they are, what leaders they can be,

and how beautiful it is to see them build learning community.

But all of your students are as well.

That's what the work is that follows

the educational experience.

So I like to give them a real time experience of how hard it

is to build community.

Do I have one more minute?

Or are we at the end?

So one-- I'll just tell you really brief story.

One time, I had a relatively small class,

and a couple of students were taping the class,

and a couple of other students felt

they didn't feel comfortable to fully participate

because the class was being taped.

Those who were taping were English as a second language


So there were really legitimate concerns on both sides.

So I engaged them in a full discussion of it,

didn't get resolved.

Had another full discussion of it, didn't get resolved.

I didn't resolve it.

Students got really, really angry with me.

I got e-mails, and, you know, this

is your job to resolve this.

In a little while later, I was teaching the Ron Heifetz

material about the flight to authority

when problems get really difficult.

And as I was teaching that, they went,

oh, that's what we were doing.

We were flying to you to resolve things that you

were saying belong to us.

So that's it.


So I want to thank Emily for sharing not only her story,

but also such a really powerful teaching practice that

can help both in the area of creating connections

and increasing engagement.

So thank you for that.

And now, I'd like to invite Jonathan Hausmann,

from the Medical School, up to share some of his teaching

practices with us.

Thank you for inviting me.

So I'm a rheumatologist.

And every year we go to our national rheumatology


It's usually held in fancy places,

like Chicago and San Diego.

And it's five days of really intense break--

you know, breathtaking lectures about all sorts

of different topics in rheumatology.

And I remember one time, several years ago,

after I came back, my wife asked me how it went.

I said, great.

Then she asked me, what did you learn?

And really, I sat there for a while.

And I really didn't know what to say because I didn't remember

much of the material that was presented

during the conference.

And then I sort of-- that's when my interest

peaked about how we learn.

And I sort of started doing some research

about cognitive learning theories.

And I realized that lecturers--

sort of like what I'm doing now--

are a lousy way for people to learn, right?

So just by sitting there, you're being very passive,

you're not doing any learning.

So it's not very effective.

Thankfully, I thought, OK, good thing it's not just me,

it's the lectures.

So you know, I read a lot about active learning

and how, really, we should get rid of lectures.

And tons of publications have shown

the benefit of active learning for the learner.

But here I was in my medical training.

Things weren't changing.


We still had grand rounds, which was a lecture.

We had journal clubs, which is a lecture.

We had case conference, which is, usually, a lecture.

And all of my didactic acts were still lectures.

So I said, OK, I can't get rid of lectures.

So how can we make a lecture more effective?

Well, there's a lot of ways that professors can

make lectures more effective.

And sort of the tool that I learned was through questions.

So we talked a little bit about questions this morning

in the panel.

And really, the great thing that I like about questions

is that they are a form of retrieval practice.


So questions not only assess whether you're

a learner actually knows the material,

but it actually enhances those neural connections

for that information so that, next time

that they are asked that question, they know it better.

So questions actually help people learn and help people

retain that material throughout their learning.

Like we said this morning, it's not just

about how you do on the test, but it's

how you remember that stuff 10 years down the road,

and how it affects your career.

So great.

So I found out that, if the instructor provides

the audience with questions at the beginning

of the presentation, that can actually help to increase

curiosity throughout the lecture, and makes

people learn things better.

I learned that if the lecture provides an opportunity

for to ask questions in the middle of the presentation,

and have students try to apply the material

that they learned in a new setting,

that that's also effective for learning.

And then I learned that, if the instructor provides

a short quiz after the lecture, that also

helps to enhance learning, and those students

do better on the tests weeks or months later on.


That's great.

But still, my professors weren't doing that.

All those good things that the literature supported still

wasn't happening.

So I said, OK, that's great.

So what can I do as a learner to try

to make those experiences more effective?

And sort of what I stumbled into the literature

was this idea of learner-generated questions.

So learner-generated questions.

So these are questions that the learner asks and answers

after any educational experience.

So if it's a lecture about lupus,

at the end of the lecture I would think about, OK,

what was important about this lecture?

How can they make that into a question?

How can they answer that question?

And the literature shows that learner-generated questions

are as effective for learning as instructor-generated questions.

So that's kind of cool.

What the literature also says is that learn--

if you teach your learner to generate their own questions,

for example, after a lecture, it actually changes the way

that they see the lecture.

It actually-- it's sort of like a metacognitive strategy that

can be employed, whereby they are able to, as they

are listening to the lecture, to start thinking about questions

and start answering in their mind.

OK, this question came up.

Here's how I would answer it.

And the studies show that if you teach them these skills,

they actually learn the lecture material a lot better.

And same thing has been shown after reading material.

So if you ask them to read an article,

and ask them to generate questions and answer

the questions after the article, they

retain that material much better.


So that was pretty cool.

So what I started doing during my fellowship was just that.

So at the end of every case conference,

journal club, grand rounds, I would generate a question.

I would do a multiple choice question with the answers.

And then I would start sending it to my co Fellows.

And they kind of like it, and they got really engaged.

And I noticed that they became more engaged in the lectures

because they knew that I would test them in the end.

And these were tests that, you know, meant nothing.

We don't get graded in our fellowships very much.

And then the attending started.

My bosses started to really get into it.

And they wanted to participate, too.

And our nurses started participating as well.

So I was generating the questions,

and then I would send it out to the team.

But then, they wanted the opportunity-- you know,

I realized that the question generation was probably the--

that's where sort of the most bang for your buck came from.

So it's not necessarily answering

other people's questions.

But I thought that, by me creating a question, that's

really allowed me to sort of distill the material

and make it my own.

So then I decided, OK, for every lecture,

I will assign somebody to generate questions

and then we'll distribute it amongst ourselves.

So I took that a step further.

A few years ago, I got a HILT Spark grant to actually create

an app to do this.

So the way that the app works is that the learners can generate

questions and answers, and this gets distributed through people

within the same course.

And so, not only do the students get a benefit from generating

their own questions and answers, which I think

is the best thing about it, but then you

have this beautiful question that you

can share with your colleagues.

And they can try to answer your questions,

and also provide feedback on that question saying, you know,

its a good question, though I didn't understand this.

So it was a great tool, and we sort of piloted

in the medical school and learned a lot

about how students learn, what they liked about the app,

what they didn't like about the app.

And there were certainly some things that we needed to fix.

And we actually got a second HILT development grant

to sort of buff up the app and make it even better.

But these skills of question generation for your learners

doesn't require an app.

You can just get them a note card, right?

At the end of class.

Is like, OK, write on the front of the note card one question

that this presentation brought up,

and then write down the answer.

And they get a benefit from that,

and then they can share that with their classmates.

And so that everybody-- sort of everybody wins.

So that's what I've been doing.

So stay tuned for the app.

The app is called Ask Up.

So it's out there now, but it's--

we need to do some updates.

But hopefully, by next year we'll

have a working up that it's free to use.

And I would welcome use of the app and in your classrooms.



Thank you so much to Emily and to John

for sharing some of your experiences,

and how they really have had an impact on your classroom

and on your students' learning.

Our hope for today is that you can all come away

with some ideas for how you can make small, targeted changes

to your teaching that are not so big that you need to overhaul

your syllabus or have that enormous feeling

of vulnerability that we've often feel when we're

trying to make changes.

These are all things that can be done

in a variety of different class sizes,

and in a variety of different times.

So oftentimes, less than five minutes.

So this is when we get to the mysterious cards on your table.

If you want to take a minute and just turn over those cards.

We have another activity.

All right.

So there's a number of different decks.

You can kind of separate them out here.

And here's where we are going to do.

Back in the icebreaker, we asked you

to think about a challenge or an opportunity for growth

and for change that you have identified in your own course.

And Emily also brought up this idea

of having an adjective that of what

you want your course to be like.

And so what these cards are are a way for you

to find ideas of solutions to those challenges.

And what we want to do is-- in a second we're going to ask you

all to stand up and walk around the room again--

is find one or two solutions in these cards that you think

might solve the challenges that you've identified.

Or if you see one that might work

for one of those people you were talking to in the beginning,

you can grab a card for them to.

So you'll notice the cards are divided

into different categories.

In our front three tables here, we

have cards related to active learning

and to what we call mini experiences, which

are ways of taking an experiential learning activity,

like a role play, and doing it in a smaller form that

isn't so big to take on.

In our second row here, the middle three tables,

we have cards that relate to community building,

to icebreakers, which are really a form of community building,

and also to small group activities.

So if when you were listening to Emily you were thinking, wow,

I really want to have some ideas for how I can better

build community in my course and get my students engaged

that way, those middle three tables have ideas for you.

And then the back three tables have

ideas for what we've called a structured study, which

is, if the challenges you're thinking about

are my students aren't getting as much out of the reading

as I wish they were, I wish they had more study skills

and more directed study for outside of class,

there's ideas there.

Or what we call setting the stage, which

is things you can do in the first five minutes of lecture

to try to get your students more involved and engaged,

and to activate some of that recall.

So if what John was talking about was appealing to you,

you want to head to those back three tables.

So we will be--

your goal, find two cards.

You're going to have about 15 minutes to do this.

We're going to do the poll?


And we are launching a Poll Everywhere poll.

How many of you have ever used Poll Everywhere?

All right, a number of you.

So what's going to happen?

Erin's going to pull it up on the screen.

You use your cell phone for this.

It will give you a number to text,

and the message that you're supposed to text.

So in this case, the phone number that you text to

is 22333.

And you text that phrase, HILT 2017.

And it will come back to you.

It will activate the poll.

And what we're asking you to do here

is, if, as you're coming across these cards, you see any ideas

that you might want to implement or that you might have ideas

to adapt, you can text your ideas to this poll,

and they'll all go up on the screen

so we can all share them.

Everybody clear on what we're doing?

So can I ask everyone to make your way back

to your icebreaker group?

Because we're going to end with an opportunity for everyone

to share with each other ideas you

have had from finding a card that

might apply to someone else's opportunity for improvement,

or just whatever thought that you might have had

as you look through the cards.

And as you're getting there, I would just

like to mention a couple of things about the cards.

So first of all, our apologies for not already

having these available for you to have as a digital copy.

That's something that we can easily do and intend to do.

We just didn't get around to it before the actual session.

So in some form in the HILT conference follow up,

you will receive a link to where you can get the PDF

and download all of these cards.

We'd like to also make the template available so

that people can add.

There are many other great ideas, obviously,

I think many of you are having as you go around about things

that fit in these categories.

So we'll be doing that.

The second thing I wanted to mention

is that the idea with the cards was

that the little ones are easy for you to pick up and take

along with you.

And you should certainly feel free.

So take as many cards as are sparking an idea

that you'd like to pursue.

So what we'd like to do to finish off this session

is to have you continue in the small groups

and speak with each other about ideas

that you found interesting and, perhaps, to have

a little opportunity to recognize

the ways in which even implementing these small ideas

is a little bit like jumping off a cliff.

So thinking about how they actually

function in the context of your classroom.

Because, sometimes, it's not quite as simple

as a little card makes it look.

So please, enjoy those final conversations,

and this will be the moment where

we thank you for your participation in this session.

And let's just altogether give ourselves round of applause,

and, particularly, our speakers.

Thank you.


For more infomation >> HILT 2017 Conference: Creating connections & increasing engagement - Duration: 31:39.


Our Most Important Campaign Deadline So Far Is Here – And Here I - Duration: 6:50.

Our Most Important Campaign Deadline So Far Is Here � And Here Is The Shocking Reason

I Am Not Asking For Any Money

The most important deadline that we have faced so far is at midnight on Sunday, but I am

not going to ask you for any money.

I just want to say thank you to everyone that has donated, volunteered and prayed over the

past six months.

Without all of your efforts, it would have been impossible for us to be within striking

distance of victory here in Idaho�s first congressional district with just a little

more than four months to go until election day.

When I first announced that I would be running, many people told me that it would be impossible

for a political outsider to win in this district, but we are proving the naysayers wrong.

We are so far ahead of where we thought that we would be at this point, and our opponents

are literally freaking out over how well we are doing.

As the December 31st deadline approaches, my opponents have been sending out email after

email in a desperate scramble for money.

The reason why I know this is true is because we are on all of their email lists.

But I have decided that we are not going to do the same thing.

Yes, we need support just as badly as they do, but I am simply going to trust the Lord

that the resources will come in.

We have already told our supporters what our needs are, and we are going to trust that

the Lord will move in the hearts of those that are supposed to give.

The stakes in this race are exceedingly high.

As we look at the numbers, it appears likely that one particular opponent is likely to

emerge victorious if I do not win next May.

If he wins, it will be a complete and utter disaster for the Trump movement.

This particular opponent fought to keep Donald Trump out of the White House, his campaign

has repeatedly attacked my faith, and by lying over and over again he has demonstrated that

he simply does not have the moral character to serve in Congress.

Members of Congress make decisions that affect every man, woman and child in the entire country,

and if this particular individual wins this open seat, the swamp in Washington D.C. will

get deeper, wider and much more icky.

So what can you do to help?

Well, what we need more than anything right now are volunteers.

If you would like to volunteer for the campaign, you can do so

There are ways to get involved no matter where you may live.

One of our top priorities right now is enlisting �social media warriors�.

Facebook and other social media websites are the marketplaces of today, and we need people

that will help us spread our pro-Trump message online.

So what does a �social media warrior� actually do?

Well, first of all we need people to help us promote the material that we are constantly

posting on our official campaign Facebook page.

If we can get a core group of people to visit the page daily and like, share and comment

on the material that we post, that will make an enormous difference.

You see, when a Facebook post starts getting even just a few likes, shares and comments,

Facebook�s algorithm notices that people are engaging with that particular piece of

content and begins showing it to even more people.

So if we could even get just 10 of you to like, share and comment on the material on

our Facebook page on a daily basis, that could double or triple the number of voters here

in Idaho that each item reaches.

Secondly, we need �social media warriors� that would be willing to serve as ambassadors

for our campaign all over Facebook.

Over the next four months there will be endless debates about this campaign wherever Idaho

politics is being discussed on Facebook, and we need representatives from our campaign

engaging in those discussions.

Don�t worry � you don�t have to be an expert to do this.

You just need to know our basic positions on the issues, and you can find them right

here and right here.

Wherever Idaho politics is being talked about, we want our people to be there to help share

our pro-Trump message.

If you live in Idaho�s first congressional district, there is another way that you can


Starting this month, we are going to have teams go door to door passing out campaign

material all over the district.

We have a very specific plan for doing this, and if you are interested we very much encourage

you to attend one of our upcoming strategy sessions.

We will be holding one in northern Idaho, one in central Idaho and one in south Idaho,

and please stay tuned to our campaign website for the date and location for each event.

More important than anything else I have just mentioned, we need prayer.

The Lord has been raising up intercessors from coast to coast, and one of the themes

that keeps coming up over and over again is that this is a spiritual conflict.

Just like the presidential election, this is really shaping up to be a battle of good

vs. evil, and there are times when I have really felt the strain.

So please pray for us.

This has been a very challenging race for both Meranda and I, and we truly had no idea

how vicious and evil our opponents would be when we first got into this.

We value our reputations very, very highly, and for someone to make up lies about our

faith and to drag our good names through the mud just to win an election is absolutely

repugnant to everything that we stand for.

The good news is that the backlash against those that are dragging our names through

the mud has been tremendous, and all of the garbage that has been thrown our direction

has just made it more likely that we will win.

From this moment forward, it will be a mad sprint to the finish line on May 15th.

I would like every single one of you to be part of this team, and we have 17 different

ways that you can get involved on our volunteer page.

The Lord has shown me that I cannot do this alone.

It is going to require a total team effort to win this thing, and if we all trust in

Him and we all work together, then I truly believe that all things are possible.

In Liberty,

For more infomation >> Our Most Important Campaign Deadline So Far Is Here – And Here I - Duration: 6:50.


Quick Songwriting Tips: Use New Chords to Harmonize Your Melodies | Tip 5/8 | Berklee Online - Duration: 5:40.


All right, let's get back to harmony chords.

I love these.

This is one of my favorite techniques.

Let's take a common chord progression.

Let's see, something--

All right, we've heard--

there's a million songs that roughly have that.

And what I do is I look for places where in my lyrics--

where I can emphasize something that's going

on in my lyrics with what I'm playing in my chord progression.

But the problem is is I don't always know what chords to go to.

I don't know if you have this problem, but I've

been playing the piano for so long that I

have a tendency to play the exact same chords every time I sit down

on the piano.

I tell you what--

life would be so much easier if I was a genius.

That would rock.

But no, I'm like, oh, it's just me again playing the same old chords

that everyone hates.

I developed this trick to help get outside

of my head and outside of my comfort zone

with my chords to find interesting combinations.

Here's our chord progression.

What I will do is I will take the melody note that I'm singing,

and I will use my melody note as the basis for the chord I want to find,

so do, do, do.

Do, do, do.

Do, do, do.

All right, so let's use that note.

All right, so that's one note.

And ironically, it's the root that I told you guys not to sing.

I am playing an E note.

That that melody note is an E note.

Now, what I will do is I will go through,

and I will find a bunch of chords that uses the E as one of the chord tones.

So for instance, E would be the fifth of an a chord.

So I'll say, do, do.

Do, do, do.

So I can use it on a C chord.

E-- the note E is the third of a major of the C major chord,

so check this out.

And I'm afraid this is going to sound terrible, but we'll find out.

So do, do, do.

That doesn't sound bad.

So do, do, do.

Do, do, do.

And again, I never in a million years would

have thought to have played a C chord.

All right, let's see, this note is the minor third on the C sharp minor chord,

so do, do, do.

Do, do, do.

That works, but it's kind of boring to me.

All right, it is the fifth of an A minor chord.

Let's try that.

So do, do, do.

Oh, my gosh.

Like, all of a sudden, I hear that, and I go like, oh, my gosh.

That sounds awesome.

It's cool, and I would not have normally thought

of playing that chord so my progression-- here's

the original progression.

So do, do, do.

Do, do, do.

Here's the progression with the new chord that is based on my melody note.

So do, do, do.

Do, do, do.

The chord tones I use when I go down my list--

so I say I start with the root.

I then go to the third.

Both of them major and the minor third.

They go to the fifth and then go to the second and the sixth.

So for instance, here in this note that the do, do, do--

here is that note as the second of another chord.

Do, do, do.

Do, do, do.

Did you hear that?

How cool that second chord sounded?

That actually sounded really awesome too.

So do, do do.

Do, do, do.

So now, I have two choices.

That A minor chord-- do, do, do.

Or do, do, do.

Both of those are chords I never would have normally played,

but I looked for them using the chord tones.

So remember, you can energize your harmony--

your chord progression in your song by simply taking one of your melody notes

and using that melody note as a basis to find a new chord.

You're going to use that melody note that melody note can

be the root of a major or minor chord.

It can be a fifth of the major-minor chord.

It can be the minor major third.

It can be the second degree of a major-minor chord

or the sixth degree of a major-minor chord.

And all of a sudden, you will have an abundance of options.

And again, most of the time, these chords

that you look for-- they're going to be boring or there'll just be too much.

But you will always find one or two that's really cool.

So just stop what you're doing and go to your instrument.

Quit watching me.

Go look for some of these chords.

It's a blast.


For more infomation >> Quick Songwriting Tips: Use New Chords to Harmonize Your Melodies | Tip 5/8 | Berklee Online - Duration: 5:40.


HILT 2017 Conference: Afternoon remarks - Duration: 12:19.

We're going to start with a moment--

a few remarks from Provost Garber.

And I just want to pause for a second

and mention that, when HILT first began,

we did some research on what makes an initiative like this

to improve teaching and learning culture at a university

successful and what makes it unsuccessful.

And one of the key attributes in the literature

is regular systematic endorsement

and championing from the most senior of our leadership.

And so I just want to say how lucky and wonderful

it has been to have President Faust,

Provost Garber be at every one of these events.

And it's because of their care in the teaching

and learning mission.

And I think it has made a huge difference symbolically

and substantively their interest.

So help me welcome Provost Garber for a few remarks.

And then I'll come back, and we'll

set up the exercise that we're going to do over lunch.


Thank you, Erin.

I just want to thank you Erin and the health team

for once again organizing a terrific conference

on an issue that matters hugely to Drew, to me,

to basically everybody who cares about teaching and learning

at the university, which I hope means everybody, period.

These meetings have been really instructive.

They provided a way for people to get to know each other,

to set up collaborations, to exchange notes,

basically, about how they deal with challenges

of teaching and learning.

And I want to thank all of you for taking the time out

of your busy days to be here.

Let me just say briefly about the topic today,

about evaluating teaching, is one that's obviously

of extraordinary importance.

And I don't know if Tom Kane is here right now.

But Tom Kane of the Graduate School of Education

had very kindly sent me some of his notes about what

are the most important findings from the literature

on evaluating teachers in the K through 12 setting.

So there's really a lot there.

There's a quite a big literature.

And I couldn't possibly do justice to that literature

or even to his summary of that literature.

But one of the things that really stands out

as an important finding is how there is great--

much greater within school variation

in learning outcomes than across schools.

And there is much greater within school variation

in teacher quality.

And furthermore, the teacher quality, as it's measured,

is fairly persistent.

That is, there tend to be good teachers and not so good


So if you're a student, your learning outcomes

depend, in some respects, almost as much on which teacher

you get as in which school you are assigned to.

And this means that the teacher is also, from some measures,

more important than, for example,

the specific curriculum.

So clearly, evaluating teaching, at least in the K

through 12 context, is extraordinarily important

if you care about learning outcomes.

Now, I've taught in a variety of settings in my teaching career.

And they include, of course, large lectures.

It includes working in a business school setting, where

it's highly interactive.

See The grades for the students--

I taught at Stanford, but the rules are the same here--

50% of the grade is based on classroom participation.

It's an incredibly easy, engaging setting

to work in when you have those kinds of incentives

for the students.

I've taught small seminars.

And I've taught in clinical settings.

And clinical settings, I mean really

in medical clinical settings, where it's

a small number of students.

It's highly Socratic.

You know whether they understood either what they've read,

what they've seen in a patient, or what you've told them--

you know almost instantly.

There's no hiding it.

And in each of those settings, the teaching task

is somewhat different.

And the evaluation tests-- the quality of teaching,

is typically measured in different ways.

In clinical settings, although it's

possible to be evaluated by someone

other than a student or a trainee,

it's a little more difficult than in lecture settings.

One of the other things I learned in my career

is basically how there's huge variation in how different

parts of the university evaluate teaching.

And here, I don't really want to bring up

any embarrassing facts.

But suffice it to say that in this regard,

I think business schools--

and I use the plural here, because I

think this is common--

sort of set the standard, in that

faculty sit in on lectures or the teaching

sessions of other faculty.

That's part of the promotion review process.

And they get feedback.

And even in very large courses, it's

quite possible that faculty members will never

have their teaching evaluated by another faculty member.

Of course, we do have student evaluations of faculty

all the time.

But it's really not quite the same

as knowing that your promotion, for example,

depends on the views of your colleagues

on the faculty in the department.

One of the other findings that Tom mentioned from the K

through 12 literature is that, not only do people not

like to be evaluated--

not a particularly surprising result, I know--

but in fact, they don't actually-- a typical faculty

member or a lecturer of any kind isn't typically

aware of what they're doing wrong or right.

And they have memories of their sessions teaching

that don't necessarily comport with what

the students have observed.

And in fact, according to Tom, this

is why video is so important in helping

teachers of any kind to understand how they're doing.

Because with video, depending on what the video focuses on,

you can start to see how the students have

kind of blank stares at a certain point.

You can actually see how the faculty member did not directly

answer the question that the student asked.

A lot of this, it's not that people are exactly

self-deluding, but we aren't wired

to sort of process this information

and be objective about it.

But we can't deny it when it's put in front of us

in the form of a video of the teaching session.

So it's tremendously important.

And here, let me just mention something that many of you

know about.

And it has to do with HarvardX and edX.

And of course, both HarvardX and HILT, as well as

research operations sit in the Vice Provost

for Advances in Learning's office, Peter Bol's office.

We started edX in--

we actually formally announced the creation

of edX and HarvardX in 2012.

But it had its roots really in 2011.

And I arrived here as provost in the fall of 2011.

And there was a committee that existed

at the time I arrived called something like Harvard at 400.

So we were just about to have the 375th anniversary

of the founding of the university.

And this committee was thinking about what Harvard should

look like in 25 more years.

And for some reason, they had gravitated

more and more toward the importance of online learning

and to the opportunities it represented.

As part of this process, the committee

invited a couple of professors from MIT to meet with them.

MIT at the time--

still has-- they had the OpenCourseWare initiative,

which was a very broad initiative.

I know many of you are very, very familiar with it.

But it includes online learning, all kinds of course materials.

But there were videos of MIT faculty teaching.

And these MIT professors said, you

know what's really interesting about this experience

of OpenCourseWare?

For the first time, when we put our classes out there

on the web, the whole world, of course, could see our lectures,

but our colleagues could see us lecture.


And they talked about what a profound effect that had

on how they approached their teaching.

They cared in a different way.

So, of course, the light bulb went on.

And I heard this.

Members of the Harvard at 400 committee heard this.

And I realized that this new set of technologies

that we called online learning, and later it was about MOOCs--

the terminology really doesn't matter, could not only

change how we make what we have to teach available to students

broadly, it would actually change

how we approach teaching in our classrooms.

So think about the video.

This is like the typical video taken to the n-th degree,

because when you do a formal online course--

and this really was taken to a whole other level when

we created HarvardX, where we have production teams helping

with these courses, all kinds of scrutiny at multiple levels--

you have a kind of evaluation that you would rarely, if ever,

see in a typical classroom setting.

And in fact, this is one of the things

we're trying to measure--

how our efforts with online learning

are affecting teaching on campus.

Not every faculty member who does an online course

has the same reaction.

But we've heard from several of them.

People who had very high ratings as teachers

in their regular courses, they talk

about how the experience has transformed their approach

to teaching.

So I've spent a little more time talking about that

than I really intended to.

But the bottom line for me is that we really

need to think about the forms of evaluation that

are feasible that people who lecture

and who teach in other settings, other than lecture halls,

will find acceptable, that they will participate in,

and how they can incorporate them into their teaching.

Of course, we care about content.

Of course, we care about learning styles, and so on.

But fundamentally, if we don't figure out

how to improve our teaching, we will now make all the progress

that we might in enabling our students to learn.

So thank you, again, for participating

in today's events.

This is-- obviously, your work is

central to the mission of the university.

And I very much look forward to hearing the outcomes

of today's conference.

Thank you and enjoy.


For more infomation >> HILT 2017 Conference: Afternoon remarks - Duration: 12:19.


Wolverine vs Silver Samurai (Part 1) | The Wolverine (2013) Movie Clip - Duration: 3:00.

Mariko, get out!

Come on.

This is not the way.

Two hands.

Hey! Bub!

For more infomation >> Wolverine vs Silver Samurai (Part 1) | The Wolverine (2013) Movie Clip - Duration: 3:00.


Trey Gowdy Drops Bombshell – Hillary Clinton Laundered $10 Million to Avoid Laws! - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> Trey Gowdy Drops Bombshell – Hillary Clinton Laundered $10 Million to Avoid Laws! - Duration: 2:29.


Italians react to 블락비 (Block B) - 떠나지마요 (Don't Leave) MV [ENG SUB] - Duration: 4:24.

hii everyone I'm delly and I'm benny

and now we'll react to Block B "Don't leave"

there's the sea....let's see if it's sad or not

two people

it's a ballad

I just heard "sole mio" (my sun)

idk why,Sf9 are not good for us

omg Jaehyo

omg Kyung

wasn't it always Kyung? Before it wasn't Jaehyo

no,no it's him look

but before.... No,but I meant that I saw Jaehyo not that he was singing

it's so nice,he hasn't braids

he looks so good like thiss

omg how beautiful is his voice

how beautiful

ah but he tattoed like a,it's a bat

at least they don't cover his tattoo in the mv with a plaster

my babyyyy

no,no I didn't like that

I didn't saw anything.... tell me that it was a woman and not one of them

yes,it was a woman--- ahh thank you Jesus

bc I saw long hair...ahh no,no

I taught it was on of them

it's beautifulll

in a ballad with sunglasses

that's bc he's P.O

but at lest he hasn't perm

I like his hair here...a lot

like him,he looks good....I love Taeil like this

omg Bbomb

so good these scenes


he's so handsome

like this I swear,he's so beautiful

all in jeans...yeah like in the 80s

so cool that part

he's singing


this stupid that says that he can't sing well

and also the other members,are you stupids?

so handsome

I will say no delete....mmm but they are the memories

it hurts if you keep think of memories

oh please no,don't start dancing please


oh god Zico I can't look at you

but so he is imagining it? probably

I don't think that all of them have the same houses


ohh's so nice this part here

also this one


this is so niceee

ah bc maybe he said "yes" to delete and she's disappearing

omg P.O

omg but he looks so good like this

and he hasn't glasses..........and his voice it's so good

what a beautiful voice.....omg his damn voice

omg his voice without no sounds it' beautiful

btw write in the comments what u think of the video

and see u soon,byee

For more infomation >> Italians react to 블락비 (Block B) - 떠나지마요 (Don't Leave) MV [ENG SUB] - Duration: 4:24.


The Best Cheap Deli in NYC || Operation $5 Lunch - Duration: 7:40.

- My name is Prez, and I work at Thrillist.

Around these parts, I'm known as the $5 Lunch Guy.

Every episode, I'm gonna put you guys

onto the very finest New York grub for $5 or less.


Delis: that's actually not a bad suggestion.

"Operation 5 Buck Lunch": Delis is a go,

and I know just where to go.

Yeah, I read the comments.

Yo, delis.

The backbone of cheap eats in the city.

Whether you're ordering a wrap or a hero

or some custom sandwich, a proper deli takes the time

to pay attention to the details,

because unlike any other establishment in the city,

the popularity of a deli is by word of mouth only,

with only the best being able to survive in the city.

Now, today, we're heading to M&O Market & Deli

in the middle of SoHo, a mom-and-pop joint

serving up party sandwiches in the middle

of one of the most expensive areas in the city.

Let's go.

So these are the rules of "Operation 5 Buck Lunch."

It's gotta be good, 'cause nobody wants bad food for lunch.

No big chains, 'cause that's just too easy.

It's gotta be $5 or less,

and whatever I don't use today

rolls over into the next episode.

(upbeat hip-hop music)

How would you characterize a deli or a bodega?

- I guess like a small restaurant on the corner

that sells, you know, sandwiches and -- I don't know -- drinks.

- A place where you can get amazing sandwiches.

- Oh, they have everything.

Aside from what they sell, they have culture.

When you go to the bodega, you know you're gonna get music,

it's gonna be everybody hanging out in there.

- So, have you ever had a BLT?

- I honestly don't think I have.

It's such a weird sandwich to me.

- Really?

- What do you like to put on your BLTs?

- Very crispy bacon.

- I mean, bacon's one of the best foods ever.

- The mayonnaise.

- The mayonnaise, really?

Why is that?

- Tastes real good.

I like it sloppy.

(camera shutter clicking)

- Some people like it for the bacon.

Other people like it for the mayonnaise.

But regardless, it's a New York staple,

and we're about to go to one of the best places to get one.

I'm pumped.

Fun fact: SoHo is one of the central districts in New York

and one of the main shopping areas in the city.

Also, it's home to the likes of Alicia Keys,

Samuel L. Jackson, Lenny Kravitz, and Justin Timberlake.

I am starving.

Let's go.

Also, it's raining.

(upbeat music)

(camera shutter clicking)

Here we are, M&O's Market & Deli.

Even from the outside, it looks like a mom-and-pop joint.

Before all of these corporate chains

started building their delis on every single block --

you know who I'm talking about --

this is what a deli used to look like.

And also, they have my sandwich.

And I'm starving, so let's go.

(upbeat music)

So, is this your first time here?

- No, I come here all the time.

- What do you normally get?

- I get everything.

They make a different kind of fresh meat every day,

so, like, pork loin, turkey, meatloaf -- it's all awesome.

- What do you feel is the most important part of a BLT?

- The bacon.

It's gotta be crispy.

- Definitely the bacon.

- The bacon? - Yeah.

- Yo, guys, serious, this is not a joke.

Look at that.

Best BLT in Manhattan.


So you're supposed to pick out your own bread,

which I think is a genius idea.

Of course you have all of the classics:

the bagel, the hero, you have this multigrain bread.

But my favorite, and what I think I'm gonna go for,

is the roll, and this guy looks like the winner.

Let's do it.

I think I'm gonna go with your famous BLT.

- Yeah, you gotta have the BLT sauce.

- That's what makes it famous. - BLT sauce?

- Yeah.

- Oh, there we go, BLT sauce.

That's the one.

I've heard that you can come into any deli or bodega,

and with all of the ingredients that they have,

if you put them in different combinations,

you'd probably eat a different sandwich

every day of the week for a year.

- [Male] BLT.

- [Prez] Thank you so much, appreciate it.

- Have a good day.

- Hello.

BLT on a roll.

- $5.70.

- Thank you so much.

'Ppreciate it.

Thank you so much, 'ppreciate it.

I am excited.

Ah, it smells amazing.

Let's go eat it.

I mean, it's been a while since we've been outside

and ate with you guys in the rain.

Look at the stuff that we do for you guys, man.

Definitely not warm today, but here we go.

Look at this beauty.

(camera shutter clicking)

Ain't it beautiful?

So in terms of the ingredients, this is a BLT

on a white roll with lettuce, tomato, and bacon

with their world-famous BLT sauce.

What's in that BLT sauce?

No one will tell me,

so I guess we're gonna have to figure it out for ourselves.

Mmm, mmm.

First thing I get is the crunch and the taste of the bacon.

The next thing I'm getting huge chunks of lettuce

with a crunch and then the tomato, which adds body.

The best part of this whole thing is this BLT sauce.

It seems to be like an aioli of some kind.

This is the best BLT I've ever had.

Holy crap.

It's the sauce.

Usually, when I have a BLT on regular bread,

the lettuce and the tomato soak into the bread,

and it kinda starts falling apart about halfway through.

The fact that this bread is baked,

it stays together, and it adds that crunch,

and it really, really kinda takes this

to the next level for me.

Listen, we spoke to the people inside,

and they cosign this place and for good reason.

I'm jealous of them, that they live this close,

that they can have one of the best sandwiches

I've ever had in my life on a regular basis

for, what, $5.70?

That's brilliant.

Mmm, wow.

I love you, roll.

You even get a salad with your sandwich, you know?

And a fresh salad at that.

If this were any other BLT, I probably would've said

the bacon would be the best part, but this is not that,

and this is the best BLT,

so this is the BLT sauce we're talking about here.

BLT sauce, No. 1 in terms of ingredients

on a BLT for me.

(people speaking in background)

I'm gonna go back inside and get napkins.

Today's mission was delis, which was suggested by you,

my people.

This is why you should hit me up in the comments,

because I take your advice and I listen to you guys, right?

Everybody that we spoke to has their own favorite sandwich,

but no matter what sandwich you love,

you should always support your local deli.

It's the right thing to do.

Today's mission was an absolute success.

I had the most amazing BLT I've ever had in my life.

We used a little rollover change,

it's not a big chain, and most importantly,

it's damn good.

Thank you for watching, but I gotta head back now.

I'll see you later -- peace.

(camera shutter clicking)

Thank you so much for watching.

If you have any suggestions of where we should go next time,

leave them in the comments below.

Also, what is the weirdest thing

you've ever put on your sandwich?

Do that.

You should hit us up on Instagram @5DollarLunchGuy.

Send us DMs, where we should go, your pictures.

We'll repost them.

And I will see you guys next time.

Follow, like, share, and subscribe.


For more infomation >> The Best Cheap Deli in NYC || Operation $5 Lunch - Duration: 7:40.


Trennung bei BsF-Paar? 1. Worte von Christa & Klaus Jürgen! | CELEBRITIES und GOSSIP - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> Trennung bei BsF-Paar? 1. Worte von Christa & Klaus Jürgen! | CELEBRITIES und GOSSIP - Duration: 2:54.


$45,028.09 Sold on Cyber M...

For more infomation >> $45,028.09 Sold on Cyber M...


For more infomation >> $45,028.09 Sold on Cyber M...


みんながオービスと見間違えちゃうNシステムの怖さを検証!【交通取締情報】 - Duration: 5:17.

For more infomation >> みんながオービスと見間違えちゃうNシステムの怖さを検証!【交通取締情報】 - Duration: 5:17.


For more infomation >> みんながオービスと見間違えちゃうNシステムの怖さを検証!【交通取締情報】 - Duration: 5:17.


Elle sauve un adorable chaton, trois jours après elle reçoit un appel et n'en revient pas - Duration: 1:55.

For more infomation >> Elle sauve un adorable chaton, trois jours après elle reçoit un appel et n'en revient pas - Duration: 1:55.


For more infomation >> Elle sauve un adorable chaton, trois jours après elle reçoit un appel et n'en revient pas - Duration: 1:55.


Une méthode de se débarrasser du rhume en 25 secondes ! - France 365 - Duration: 4:59.

For more infomation >> Une méthode de se débarrasser du rhume en 25 secondes ! - France 365 - Duration: 4:59.


For more infomation >> Une méthode de se débarrasser du rhume en 25 secondes ! - France 365 - Duration: 4:59.


Quelle est l'origine du nom de scène de France Gall ? - Duration: 1:52.

For more infomation >> Quelle est l'origine du nom de scène de France Gall ? - Duration: 1:52.


For more infomation >> Quelle est l'origine du nom de scène de France Gall ? - Duration: 1:52.


Cheb Nadir 2018 Avec Redouan Bilahoudoud عودة قوية للشاب نذير - Duration: 1:16.

For more infomation >> Cheb Nadir 2018 Avec Redouan Bilahoudoud عودة قوية للشاب نذير - Duration: 1:16.


For more infomation >> Cheb Nadir 2018 Avec Redouan Bilahoudoud عودة قوية للشاب نذير - Duration: 1:16.


Qui est Béatrice Grimm, la femme pour qui Michel Berger voulait quit­ter France Gall ? - Duration: 5:08.

For more infomation >> Qui est Béatrice Grimm, la femme pour qui Michel Berger voulait quit­ter France Gall ? - Duration: 5:08.


For more infomation >> Qui est Béatrice Grimm, la femme pour qui Michel Berger voulait quit­ter France Gall ? - Duration: 5:08.


Xavier Dupont de Ligonnès : introuvable dans le monastère de Roquebrune-sur-Argens - Duration: 5:30.

For more infomation >> Xavier Dupont de Ligonnès : introuvable dans le monastère de Roquebrune-sur-Argens - Duration: 5:30.


For more infomation >> Xavier Dupont de Ligonnès : introuvable dans le monastère de Roquebrune-sur-Argens - Duration: 5:30.


Where Do We Go

For more infomation >> Where Do We Go


#0015 '15 Dodge Challenger SRT [Grey] (Hotwheels 2017) - Duration: 1:42.

Hi Friends, Welcome to Wheels-O-Rama!!

Today i came to you a Dodge Challenger SRT of my Hotwheels collection at 1:64 scale.

This beautiful piece it's from the 2017 catalogue although the model it's of 2015.

Exists like as usual many variations of this same model in other colors and with

different tampographies and wheels.

It's usual that any part of the car opens.

Recently a new version came out of this model in real life called "Demon" and it's

the production car with most Horse Power of the market, specifically 840HP.

I have this model repeated and i make my custom version of it and show you

in other video soon...

Hope you like this video and i read you in the comments.

Suscribe to the channel to be informed of my new videos and remember that you can

follow me on Facebook and Instagram. Thank you for your visit and Best Regards to all.

For more infomation >> #0015 '15 Dodge Challenger SRT [Grey] (Hotwheels 2017) - Duration: 1:42.


losing friends after chronic illness | vloguary 5 - Duration: 7:00.

Okay, hi guys. Oh I didn't charge my spinal cord stimulator

so it's dead. So I need to charge myself which I'm just putting it against the

box that's in my back and then it connects and then you see I let it die.

Which is why I'm in pain and I have the charger fully charged so that it can

charge me. Pretty cool cyborg stuff. I had a really long week just because my back

was out and I still had to work but I was getting behind on work and I was

getting more and more stressed and it was just a little bit difficult so the

past couple days after I did get my work done and I could breathe for the first

time in a week I decided to watch some YouTube videos to reward myself and make

myself feel a little bit happier. More more, more fulfilled. That's so sad. I'm sad.

-and I was watching Dodie's old vlogs- not like super duper

old. Where she just sits down and does kind of a stream of consciousness what's

on my mind kind of video and since this is the fifth video I've put out in the

past like week I think I deserve just to be able to have a nice chat with

you and get out all of these fuzzy feelings and thoughts that are bouncing

around in my brain. With tea!

I've been thinking about friends a lot lately.

Old friends, friends that I've lost, the friends that I have now. It's weird when

you have chronic pain or a chronic illness when you're really young-

because you're pulled out of school and then you you lose touch with people and

you pretty quickly find out who your real friends are. I think the people who

are still there and still make an effort to see you even

though you're a greasy potato stuck in bed all the time... those friends are solid.

and real and genuine.

and you also find out the people who aren't and the people

I mean when you're in school you're just kind of all thrown together and you make

friendships because of that you make friendships to survive if you have a

group around you you're less likely to be killed off, you know? less likely to be

eaten by the wolves. I think, you know, as you go through school you lose friends

and you learn that gradually but finding out that only like three people... two

people- three people---two people actually were my friends out of all the people I

knew in school. That's really sad to me, I don't know that's not fair.

No, I had like four or five for a while and then after a few years they also but

I think it hardened me to making new friendships. I think it hardened me

to people. I don't I don't always think the most of people, most of my

interactions with people in real life- like strangers that I've never met

before- aren't pleasant. They're usually either

asking me about like why I'm wearing the back brace or using a cane or if I'm in

school- and if I'm not in school why I'm not in school and usually it's just

awkward. They have no problem talking about my disability but it it's kind of

tiring when it's the only thing-

That's someone. people are coming in

I don't remember what I was saying

Oh but it gets kind of tiring to be the only thing that I talk to like extended

family about, co-workers of my parents, mostly what they know is about my back

problems so that's mostly what they know to talk to me about and I don't

know I kind of want to talk about you know the new Star Wars movie or the like

what I'm watching on Netflix or my new interest in aquatic plants. There are

things I want to talk about that aren't always that. But I guess I have to put

that out there. I don't know how to go about finding new friends and if I'm

even capable of that. I don't know even like dating- it's difficult because then

I have to get to know someone and I have to explain my back problems and my

disability and I have to explain my limitations and then I have to keep

reminding them until they remember and it's just mmm. It's tiring and I'm

already tired and the whole point of having friends and like a partner is for

your life to be better. Right? It's not just for appearances. I could I could get

friends and I could get into a relationship for appearances sake but

why? What good would that do?

But maybe it would make me have real

interactions with people and then I would have my friends.

Do you want some kitty?

This videos already 16 minutes long ah

editing me is gonna hate it hopefully this hasn't been too long and

rambling. If it has, thank you so much for lasting this long. I'm going to go and

lay down. Here I'm still charging I don't know if you can see I don't even have

one bar yet but I'm gonna disconnect and then turn it on so that I can get that

sweet sweet electric relief.

Bye, guys. Fighting! Yeah you know when you sit too

long and then your whole body seizes up and then you try to move. Every time.

Oh yeaaaaaah [groans in pain]

Beep, Beep, Mother-[bleeeeeep]

For more infomation >> losing friends after chronic illness | vloguary 5 - Duration: 7:00.


Ebay Mystery Box Unboxing! (You Won't Believe What I Got!) - Duration: 6:05.

hey guys it's Zoe welcome back to my channel so for today's video I'm gonna

be, unboxing an eBay mystery, box so basically on, eBay, you can literally buy

a mystery box, and buy mystery box I mean you literally have no idea what you're

buying so I spent a whole 35 dollars on this box that I have no idea what's

inside and today we're gonna unbox it and figure out what's in this box ok

guys so I'm gonna cover my address but this is the box it is a quite long box

so I think we should just um get started shall we

wow I am seeing some random items in here let me just show you my view so I'm

just gonna be pulling things out of the box and let's see what we got for $35 so

there's some bubble wrap here and Wow there is some random random stuff so the

first thing I see is this roll of toilet paper um it doesn't look like ripped off

so it'll come in handy one day so the next thing that kind of stands out to me

is this

I don't know what oh it's kind of open okay this is a Disneyland autotopia car

this is like a Disneyland souvenir from oh it looks like a long time ago

it says 45 years Disneyland Park and I think Disneyland has been open for way

longer than 45 years honestly I wonder if this is a collector's item I really

don't know it's open but I mean I guess it's cool the next is this it looks like

a black box okay I think it's a lunch box

okay so far we have a roll of TP a lunch box I think and the car

from Disneyland anyway moving on so the next thing I see in here is an open

makeup remover pack of wipes okay moving on the next thing I see in here is this

Wii game okay well I really played with my be anymore but it's definitely

somewhere in my garage this is called we cheer - okay and the game is not even

inside wow this is a really great box so far we really love it it's a super big

mystery where's the game next thing is this brush set

but there's one missing morphe who? honestly the $35 I spent on this box

could have been used to buy me new brushes instead of

business but it's fine okay I think okay now there's a bunch of little things in

here I'm just gonna go through them and hopefully I can put some of these things

to use honestly I don't I don't really know but the next thing I see is this it

says the body shop British rose fresh plumping mask okay so I got a face mask

sample yay okay the next thing this is literally disgusting this is a user wipe

hi I really can't I really really really care about that so next thing I see is a

toothbrush this is a cool key extra clean toothbrush in soft I don't know um

on the bright side this is the only thing in here

about the only thing in here that hasn't been opened so basically this is like a

$35 to brush cool guys the next thing I see in here is a back scratcher

now according to this box everything has been used probably so I'm definitely not

going to be using this but got a back scratcher next in here is this

Spring deodorant soap in original this is also new so basically I got a

toothbrush and a soap for 35 dollars oh what a steal next thing in here is

this measuring cup but there's nothing else in this box that goes with this

it's literally 1/4 of a cup next thing in here is this egg so it

kind of resembles me come temple if you're an egg - it looks like a one of

those blurry box things yeah that's like that it's literally just it just an egg

guys the last thing in here is kind of cute this is just a mini Eiffel Tower

okay guys that is all that came in my mystery box literally spent $35 on a box

with toilet paper an egg a you slip roller which I really cannot get over

that and a lunch box and an empty lis game and a few other things anyway if

you guys like this video make sure to give a big thumbs up comment down below

your favorite item from this box favorite meaning which one did you find

the most weird or the funniest or the coolest maybe you're into you all my

social media links are down below and I will see you guys in my next video bye

eBay Mystery Box Unboxing

Hashtag Zoe


For more infomation >> Ebay Mystery Box Unboxing! (You Won't Believe What I Got!) - Duration: 6:05.


Holiday/ College Night Routine 2018 - Duration: 3:48.

Hey everyone!

My night routine starts when I'm done studying around 8 or 9 o'clock

The first thing that I do is clean my desk and put everything away

But first I write what I have done today

So that I know what I still need to study the next days

After putting everything away, I go on my laptop to watch some of my favorite youtubers for the next 1 or 2 hours

After I'm done catching up, I go brush my teeth

And do the double cleansing steps from the Korean skincare routine.

Cause I'm just starting the routine

So I'm building my 10 steps

Before I go to sleep I write in my journal/diary about my day

And afterwards I read 1 chapter in a book

Than after reading, I go to sleep

Good night Everyone!

For more infomation >> Holiday/ College Night Routine 2018 - Duration: 3:48.


Lawnmower safety switch test - Duration: 12:23.

all right I got it off the trailer let the games begin well I've got the

deck off I've got the battery charging I don't know I actually put this battery

on last night and it's just now got the 99% it was

that it wasn't registering last night so normally when batteries go completely

zero dead there's no bringing them back but we'll see that this will hold a

charge just long enough for me to do some testing for me to determine whether

it's worth me spending more money on a battery all on though in the an hour so

now this does not have a low pressure oil switch the seat switch right here is

working watch that watch how that works when you're in the seat those two

contacts come apart when you get off the seat it grounds it out and it's shuts

the ignition off the ignition coil stops the spark that's okay the we see down

here you see with that brake hitch that yellow plunger right there all right I'm

gonna seal end point to it see that gray looking plunger right

there when you press the brake it presses that plunger and that is a

safety switch underneath there and it screwed in from the bottom so I'm gonna

get under there and see if I get to it and take it out and test it that's the

next thing I'm gonna try man you would not believe what it took to get this

switch out of there there's a plate under there that all this and the

steering gear that goes down through there and the tie rods they're all

connected to this plate and you gotta drop that plate to get to this now fix

it unplug it and take it in there to my tester and we'll see if it's working and

my battery is 100% so uh any minute now I'll be plugging to the end all right

I'm gonna try to keep this right here so you can see what I'm doing okay we're

gonna see if this thing is working this this is the safety switch on the brake

pedal and I'll put this over here so you can hear it maybe let me look in there

all right there we go

so that sides working now we're going to try the other side and it won't work too

light depress the plunger so I'm going to connect these and I'm going to push

down on this so the plunger will go in

so this safety switch is working the seat safety switch is working this is

working my next guess would be PTO switches is sending power to the PTO so

I'm going to disconnect the PTO and put that battery in there and see if I can

get some some crank egde out of it I'm gonna put this back on okay I got a I'm

gonna tell you what it did but first I'm gonna show you this this thing okay

that's that's voltage 235 hours that's not that okay watch this alright that's

all I'm gonna do because I'm gonna drain this gas out of here and let me come

over here what it here and I'll tell you why I did

I have completely bypassed that safety switch and I'll tell you why the brake

pedal here's why this thing wasn't working the brake pedal wasn't pushing

this thing in all the way it was only getting it in about that far well with

me playing with this and I pushed it in about thirty times to try to get this

thing to work and this is before I showed me testing it so I'm 100% certain

this was not making contact until I started messing with it and playing with

it and pressing this plunger in and out so I do not want to put this in I'm

gonna leave it out I'm gonna I'm gonna do this upright I just did this

temporarily to see if it would turn over so that was a problem so I'm gonna do

this all up right I'm gonna drain this gas and I'm gonna drink drop the bowl in

the carburetor make sure that's not gummed up and we'll

go from there I'll be back in a minute I'll tidy this up first all right I'm

draining the gas out of it I've pulled the carburetor Bowl off and this is the

fuel solenoid which basically these eliminate are supposed to eliminate

backfires and when you turn the key off what this does is it shuts the gas off

to the carburetor so this is a real common thing that goes okay that phone

call it's a real common thing that goes wrong with these these go bad pretty

often and what happens is when you turn the key on this plunger is supposed to

come down so the carburetor can get gas and when these things go bad they stay

in there closed position and the way you check it is you ground it out against

the engine and then you reach up in you turn the key on and see if it uh if it

depresses yeah

so I'm going to put all this back together and as soon as all this gas

drains out it's almost almost drained as soon as that gas drains out I'm gonna

reconnect everything put some gas in it crank it up get it warm and probably

gonna change it all all right this hadn't been started in many years

so let's give it a shot

well now it's already worth 200 bucks I think I'm gonna bring it outside and let

it idle for 20 minutes 10 minutes and drain the oil change oil and I tell you

while I was under there I have noticed that I'm kind of had to replace the main

drive belt that goes from the engine to the transmission so I'm not even gonna

bother putting this on I got still got some work to do but I

was gonna sell this I was gonna ask for about six hundred with a bagger but my

wife has decided she wants it so you know I don't know what we're gonna do

with three lawn mowers but it's a cute little lawn mower so she wants it she

can have it but anyway I'm gonna get it roadworthy can't think of anything else

to tell you it you know just start start with all the switches that's my

troubleshooting method and that's usually what's wrong with these is a

safety switch the PTO switch is not is not signaling that it's off I mean the

switch will be off but it's stuck on the opposition and it's sending electricity

to the PTO when you turn the key and it won't start the engine

low pressure oil sensor this doesn't have one and that's pretty much it I

mean as far as electrical now you know if it's turning over then you don't have

a safety switch problem you may have a fuel problem or a spark problem but

anyway I guess that's it I'll show you this once I get it all

pretty and cleaned up and and new belts on it and new blades and stuff like that

and I'll put the bag around it just just to see how a bag of works thanks for

watching y'all

For more infomation >> Lawnmower safety switch test - Duration: 12:23.


Canto para misa "Milagro de Amor" (Comunion) (Ordinario) - Duration: 3:07.

For more infomation >> Canto para misa "Milagro de Amor" (Comunion) (Ordinario) - Duration: 3:07.


Funny hamster eating a deliciously eaten tissue! - Duration: 2:10.

Thanks for subscribing to my channel!Please RT!

For more infomation >> Funny hamster eating a deliciously eaten tissue! - Duration: 2:10.


Almond and lemon TEA CAKE • Healthy cakes #6 - Duration: 1:59.

Almond and lemon TEA CAKE • Recipes of healthy cakes •

Using a stand mixer, let's beat:

6 egg yolks

(reserving the whites for later)

Transfer the result to a bowl and add:

2 cups of almond flour

1/3 cup of coconut sugar

Zests from 1 lemon

Juice from 1/2 lemon

and 1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon.

Now, use a spatula to combine things very well.

Next, beat the egg whites with a pinch of salt until firm.

Add the result to the yolks, one third at a time, stirring gently.

Grease and flour a cake tin. (using coconut flour here)

Then pour the batter in.

My tin here is a 21cm one.

Bake the cake at 180°C for 30 minutes. ⏰

It's DONE! 🎉

You can spread some honey on top of the cake just before serving!


For more infomation >> Almond and lemon TEA CAKE • Healthy cakes #6 - Duration: 1:59.


[FREE] Lil Uzi Vert X Future Trap Type Beat Instrumental 2018 - Sauce | Prod By WoodOnTheBeat - Duration: 4:32.

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