Thứ Ba, 9 tháng 1, 2018

Youtube daily report Jan 9 2018

For its fourth installment, the Insidious franchise takes another step back in time.

We see one of Elise Rainier's earliest childhood experiences with the other side—and then

we see her as a full-grown ghost-hunter who's made to revisit her past in cruel and surprising


While the story is mostly a standalone adventure for the spiritual psychic, The Last Key still

draws on the mythology of the series, and features some of the central players of the

franchise in fun and fresh new ways.

Let's take a look at how Insidious: The Last Key explores Elise's devastating backstory

and wraps things up on a note of continuity.

Pattern of possession In childhood, Elise is tormented by more than

just the spirits that occupy her family home.

Her prison guard father is also heavy-handed with punishment, to the point of abuse.

Clearly deranged, he insists he can beat the ghostly visions out of her and fears her supernatural


Summoned back to the property in her later years by the home's new occupant, Ted Garza,

she discovers he's kidnapped and tortured a woman in the basement for months.

He claims something has invaded his mind…

"He's in my head."

But he's still ultimately done away with by Specs.

Afterwards, Elise continues to explore and uncover more terrible secrets about the history

of the home, including her own father's similar abduction and slaughter of a woman in that

very spot.

Elise realizes both men were possessed by the demon that terrorized her in her youth,

and instead of getting revenge on her ghost dad in The Further, she decides not to feed

the demon herself.

It's not clear that all of her father's bad behaviors were due to the demonic force, but

he does apologize to her in ghost form before withering back into his spiritual cell.

Weapon of love

The true big bad of the movie is the key monster.

Elise first runs into it in childhood after her father banishes her to the basement, with

a voice summoning her to a keyhole that unlocks the door to the demon's lair.

Her mother is the first true victim of that mistake, as she attempts to rescue Elise from

the basement but is instead strangled by the nefarious spirit while Elise remains in a

state of demonic hypnosis.

Her mother's passing is a tragedy for Elise and her brother.

A warm and loving parent, she'd given him a whistle to blow if he ever felt scared of

Elise's sightings.

As we see in Elise's older years, the whistle was lost for decades—but it pops up during

her return to the old home, and it's used by tortured spirits to guide her throughout

her battle, since the key demon deprives his victims of the ability to speak.


When Elise confronts the demon in its lair, it outmaneuvers her and deprives her of her

voice, too.

But she finds the whistle in time to summon the spirit of her mother, who's able to vanquish

the beast through the sheer power of her love and light.

It's not clear if Elise's mother will ever escape the otherworldly prison below that

house, but she does seem at peace when Elise departs.

Coaching herself One of the most surprising encounters Elise

experiences during her time in The Further is when she runs into herself as a child in

the basement.

She doesn't tell the child version of herself who she is, but does insist that young Elise

use her gifts to help people, despite her father's tyrannical treatment.

If only she'd been able to tip off the child that the girl she spots in the laundry room

at the age of 16 is very real, she might have been able to save Anna.


She does at least encourage her to use her nightmares for the betterment of the world—and

to never back down from demons, otherworldly or otherwise.

The family business

Although Elise's brother is none too thrilled to see her again, decades after she'd escaped

their father's menacing clutches, he doesn't have a choice but to welcome her once she

rescues his daughters.

After Elise informs Christian that she found his old whistle in the home, he decides the

relic is important enough to track down.

Problem is, his youngest daughter Melissa is summoned down to the basement by the key

demon, who makes short order of adding Elise's niece to its collection of victims.

Elise senses the attack and returns to the property, promising to find her.

After she's temporarily incapacitated below, though, the other sister Imogen decides to

try her own hand at psychic work and is lulled into a state of hypnosis by Tucker and Specs.

"I can see things too."

She's there on a rescue mission, but it's Elise who ultimately leads the two girls back

to safety, and Christian is grateful for her salvation of his daughters.

Meanwhile, Imogen has now tapped into her own paranormal gifts, and Elise's legacy can

maybe live on through another generation.

And that's very, very important to the franchise as a whole because the movie finishes with

a direct link to the timeline of the original Insidious movies.

Elise dreams about a boy named Dalton being haunted by the red-faced demon we came to

know so well in the earlier installments and sees Renai [like "Renee"] and Josh, lying

in bed and lamenting the unknown that's troubling their child.

Elise awakens to receive a call from Lorraine, who reminds her that she helped her son Josh,

as we saw in the flashback events of Insidious 2, and now the same thing is happening to


That's the catalyst for the events of the first Insidious, of course, when Elise helps

Dalton escape from The Further, only to be strangled by Josh, who's been possessed by

the same demon that haunted him as a child.

Insidious 2 left off with Elise still working her demon-battling magic, following Tucker

and Specs to new spectral assignments.

But with the added element of Imogen, a new medium who can work with Elise from the earthly

plane, the ghostbusting business might not be done for the Insidious team just yet.

Thanks for watching!

Click the Looper icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> The Ending Of Insidious: The Last Key Explained - Duration: 5:08.



Hey buddies its ya girl AyChristene and today we're checking out the next in my dear

Evan Hansen line up this is for forever by Mickey B last song we had our dear

character wanted to be seen he wanted to be noticed he wanted to kind of stand

forth and not like have a spotlight on where he's like the ish but he was tired

of being invisible he wanted to be somebody so we're gonna see what's gonna

happen now link for this video is in the description box below for you to check

out now let's get started

they're like a mountain range is that him with his mother a long time ago end

of May or early June - picture perfect afternoon we drive the winding country

road grab a scoop at ala mode and then we're there is that like his never open

field it's framed with trees we pick a spot to breeze like buddies do

it's quoting songs by our favorite bands telling jokes no one understand another

guy that's right right a girl and we talk and take in the view

he's got such like witnesses nice sky for forever we let the world pass by

like we could go on he's got wonder in his eyes as the other person is kinda

like two friends

okay so they're friends

so that guy's like really excited we walk away

the things we'll do when we get out of school like the Appalachian Trail or

learn to sail wouldn't that be cool I'm Arab there's nothing that we can discuss

like girls we wish would notice us but never do he looks around and says to me

me too we talk and take in the view just talk today is a memory

all we see sky before we let goodbye


always light more as the Sun shines bride

two friends on

the door

after the other one Brando I cry

suddenly feel the pretty notes giveaway oh crap he fell down along the ground oh

crap my arm goes enough oh crap that's why he's got the kicker Oh

and I see him come together he's coming at me

and everything's okay is that a dream all we see is sky for forever we but the

world pass by for forever buddy you and I for forever this


which one's reality it's got the conference true friends


okay I'm worried I'm nervous

okay so the song is beautiful panels of your Berlin how do you hear it if you

keep talking snapchatted so much that's how I react okay I'm listening to the

song while I'm talking and noticing the different things that I'm seeing and the

song is beautiful the song is about his perfect day the only thing that I'm not

sure of and the image is current the images are telling a different story

right where the song if you're just listening to it it just sounds like he's

thinking about a memory of a perfect day and I know that the animatic is trying

to tell you a deeper story of the musical that was on stage so in a song

he's thinking back to cuz he's still in a solid state I guess of the musical

because the last song he's like I want that it's like a notice me I don't want

to be invisible I want to be somebody song and then this one is like a memory

of a great friendship that he had in the most perfect day when he was out there

with his friends and it's it reminds me of those moments right because I've had

down moments in high school where I kind of felt like you know what I hate these

people like type of moment and you know because you're dealing with a bunch of

people who are uh who are going through things I guess you could say it's at

that age as teenagers in high school a lot of people don't realize the effects

that they can have on others because they're in their own world and that's

unfortunately a fact that sometimes transcends through adulthood I'm sorry

kids it's sometimes like that so that was not

the sometimes it nonetheless he's thinking back to a perfect day with his

friend and he's remembering the good times and it what it pulled my

heartstrings a bit because I'm like I remember having these perfect days with

a friend oh wow okay that I just had a Eureka moment

because I had a friend and we were really good friends and we had these

days that were just no worry carefree perfect days where we did anything we

wanted to and it wasn't like a lot like we didn't go on fake adventures or stuff

but we did really amazing we had really amazing fun moments and her and I are

not friends anymore and but I still miss those moments and

this song definitely showed that to me or definitely demonstrated that same

type of feeling the only thing I'm confused about is that the artwork was

good but it's it was flashing through like a memory and the I guessed him

fault him being alone which part is the real part just for me you guys like to

let me know just so that I know going forward which parts the real part like

which part is his present obviously the part where he's by himself but it Pat

does same thing did he break his arm twice like did he fall down the tree

when he was with his friend and that but on the chill when he was by himself or

was he out there alone hit this whole time and everything he was doing which

is kind of seeming like it more suit so it's like this way everything he was

doing he was just imagining his friend there and then we're seeing the reality

but the song is about the memory oh but it Lou's alibi I didn't cookies anybody

but yeah let me know which one of those it is is it that he was actually there

and his friend is in vision in that artwork but the reality

is everything that was the dark side but the song is about the memory or did he

break is on twice let me know down below I really like this song let me know your

thoughts down below the comment section if you like the video check the link in

the description box below and support the artists there if you like this video

hunt the link out of that like button don't forget to subscribe and follow me

on Instagram also be at PAX style San Antonio follow me on Twitter or

Instagram and let me know know if you're gonna meet up with me there I love you

guys as always and until next time Turtles

For more infomation >> FOR FOREVER DEAR EVAN HANSEN ANIMATIC REACTION - Duration: 9:47.


Dropped from the Kids Cafe slide ㅣ RabbitPlay - Duration: 10:08.

Dropped from the Kids Cafe slide ㅣ RabbitPlay

For more infomation >> Dropped from the Kids Cafe slide ㅣ RabbitPlay - Duration: 10:08.


VW Polo V - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> VW Polo V - Duration: 1:07.


VW Polo V - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> VW Polo V - Duration: 1:07.


The Problem with President Oprah 2020 - Duration: 6:21.

If you follow me on twitter you know I'm not a big fan of awards shows in general, but

all the talk post Golden Globes is about Oprah Winfrey potentially running for president

in 2020.

Mainstream media is in love with the idea of Oprah for President, and CNN, the NY Times,

Time Magazine, and others have all run think pieces on her chances in just three years

from now.

Hollywood of course is also love with the idea.. the conscience of lefty hollywood Jimmy

Kimmel has already said that he's on board with Oprah 2020, and NBC even tweeted from

their official account that Oprah is our next president...though they eventually deleted

the tweet.

Make no doubt, the elite class that was dealt a swift blow by the election of Trump in 2016

will quickly fall in line if Oprah decides to make a run.

Oprah has a remarkable life story -- she grew up in a Milwaukee boarding house in extreme

poverty, surviving absolutely horrific physical and sexual abuse, including being raped by

her cousin when she was only 9 years old.

From these unimaginably difficult beginnings, Oprah eventually made it into local news in

Chicago and then onto her syndicated talk show which not only changed the TV landscape

but had a cultural relevance unlike almost anything in the pre-internet age.

Every politician, pop culture figure and ordinary person doing something extraordinary seemed

to make it to Oprah's couch.

Since she ended the talk show 7 years ago, Oprah's had many professional ups and downs

continuing to navigate hollywood, starting her TV network OWN which hasn't really caught

on, charity work, and of course always making time to eat bread with very excited strangers

around a fancy table in a forest.

As for Oprah's politics, I'm not sure anyone other Oprah herself has a full view of them.

She was a big Obama supporter during his two campaigns and I have no doubt she's falls

on the Democrat-progressive side of things.

How she falls specifically on every issue I'm not totally sure, but we seem to be veering

towards a cliff where the issues will have almost nothing to do with who gets elected.

The cult of personality we're building around politicians and what that means for the health

of our society in the long term is quickly becoming a massive problem that is hidden

in plain sight.

I'm pretty sure I don't have to say much on the cult of personality that is Donald Trump.

Make no mistake whether you love or hate Donald Trump, we elected a reality TV star, a man

created by and now hated by the mainstream media.

Trump's rise used all the tools of the media against itself and that's why right now the

media is endlessly looking to destroy him...they want their narrative and control back.

Notice the shift in TV coverage and articles about Trump in the last two weeks or so, it's

shifted from endless Russia stories to Trump's mental health.

In most cases, the people writing these stories are the same people who said that stories

about Hillary's health were conspiracy theories...even after she collapsed and was dragged into an

SUV by security guards that autumn day in New York City.

So what we have right now is a cult of personality, Trump, versus the cult of media.

This has made a lot of people a lot of money.

As long as they keep churning out articles and think pieces, true or not, people get


To this end, Trump is their perfect foil, he has no shortage of Tweets to send out and

people to mock, so we've got a match made in hell playing our right in front of our


Now back to Oprah for a moment.

Oprah is basically the exact reverse of Trump, even at the identity politics level: she is

a black woman and he is a white man.

She grew up poor, he grew up rich.

But more important than this, she says all the right things, talks about love and spirituality,

and is loved by the Hollywood and media class as one of their own.

Trump, on the other hand is their perfect enemy, as if they had written the script themselves.

Alas, Trump was one of their own until he became too powerful and now he is enemy number

one because they've lost control of the narrative.

Their hope is they can win some of that narrative back with another celebrity who will play

by their rules but I think this is shortsighted at best and disastrous at worst.

Just imagine what kinda of insane polarizing, sensationalized lunacy this potential matchup

will lead to as we head into 2020.

It'll be great for clicks and ratings, but it'll be terrible for ideas and debate.

You thought Hillary v. Trump was polarizing?

Just wait until Trump and Oprah battle it out in the Thunderdome on prime time TV.

Sadly, it doesn't look like we'll ever turn back to being governed as our founders intended,

with a limited federal government and strong states that empower people to control their

lives at the local level.

While Trump has done some good work in limited the power of the federal government, he's

obviously happy to govern by executive action as congress cedes more and more of their duties

to the executive branch, instead of the legislative branch where laws are supposed to be written.

His justice department too, is happy to step on the 10th Amendment and allow the federal

government to trample on states rights, just look at Attorney General Jeff Sessions decision

to allow the feds to crack down on states ability to legalize marijuana.

So to sum up, we'll have a president that will most likely be a celebrity, whether it's

Trump or Oprah or Mark Cuban or The Rock, along with a executive branch that will continue

growing and growing in power.

This cult of personality will continually put people into office not on what they believe

and whether they understand or even care how government is supposed to work, but rather

by what they make us feel and how they can manipulate us into thinking exactly as they


That feeling, coupled with that growing power of the office of the president is a recipe

for the authoritarian control we should all be wary of.

The only way to fight the tide of this celebrity induced Idiocracy is to get involved now before

it's too late.

Either that, or get ready to bow to Supreme Leader Justin Bieber in 2024.

For more infomation >> The Problem with President Oprah 2020 - Duration: 6:21.


VW Polo V - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> VW Polo V - Duration: 1:11.


Minecraft is over 600 YEARS Old... (Minecraft News Update) - Duration: 14:17.

did you guys know that evidence was just

recently discovered that minecraft is

over 600 years old okay by that more

today's minecraft news update

I'm Tom Pappas aka

log that zip and this is a menu in this

show we take a look the most recent

updates from the Minecraft developers

the latest in Minecraft news and

articles and of course we diving into

what's going on in the community then

we'll finish things off by taking on one

of your community challenges make sure

you leave a like subscribe and of course

hit that bell to be notified of every

EMA news ride as it comes out and while

you're at it you may as well follow me

on social media with that let's find out

what's the word now what's the word is

where we catch up with the latest from

the Minecraft team and the Minecraft

developers about what's going on in

Minecraft and our first tweet today

comes from Mark Watson and good news my

friends if you're looking to work for

Minecraft now might be a chance because

he tweeted out if you live in and around

the Stockholm area know lots about

Minecraft and want to do the same kind

of things that I do now is a great time

to start polishing that resume now to me

it sounds like Mojang is looking to hire

people to assist with mark in his

responsibilities if you weren't aware

mark is behind the Java realms team as

well as the marketplace as well as

plenty of community related events so if

you want to be a part of Team minecraft

now is your chance however there's a one

catch you may need to relocate to

Stockholm Sweden so grab your jackets

and I hope you like a pickled herring

our next week comes from Nathan Adams

aka dinnerbone and he brings his

exciting news about another minecraft

snapshot he tweeted out minecraft

snapshot 18 w01 a whoa ATW is out

it contains bug fixes lots of bug fixes

Wow dinnerbone talk about bringing in

the new year right seriously I'm looking

forward to all the great updates coming

to Minecraft this year and now that

we've got a menu we've got an awesome

way to present up to you as well now our

next week comes from Mama minecraft

herself and minecraft said we get away a

whole lot of cool stuff during the 12

days of Minecraft well why stop there

head over to Facebook and you could vote

on what we bring back we're a further

free week yeah if you didn't know

minecraft ended up good

a free marketplace content for the last

twelve days of December and if you

missed out it's always next year

now our next sweets come from Jaffa a

cage after Bohr strut and he gave us a

new look at the snowmen aka he

remembered to add the face back to it

the Snowman is once again a merry jolly

soul in addition there's a new glow on

the Minecraft doors and the pole was

ran' turns out 77% of people voted to

keep this glow shine bright like a

diamond and finally he's working on

changing the glass textures and he might

need to add the streaks back to the

glass now I'm not the biggest fan of how

the glass looks with the streaks on the

middle of it you can't hardly see

anything out of it so if you have any

good suggestions for what glass could

look like feel free to send Jasper a

tweet with your image suggestion and he

may include it in the new texture pack

and my friends that is gonna do it for

what's the word now we move on to our

next section the home page on the home

page we take a look at all of the latest

articles that have been posted to the home page in the last week

and our first one is a reference back to

that snapshot we were just talking about

now there isn't a whole lot of content

in this one except now you can make

players face a certain way when you

teleport which I guess it's cool if

you're Donnie pubs and you troll people

for a living

rude in addition there is now an option

to set the time to noon and to midnight

with the time second man and other math

there's just a long list of bug fixes

come on minecraft just give us one point

thirteen already next up was an article

that was posted about the first build of

2018 and it's called the what does it

call the Victorian village you know

those very vivid Victorian villas that

are very beautiful this is build created

by Paul zero and in this article you can

learn a little bit more about Victorian

architecture this bill took Paul only

four days to build and he was quoted as

saying moreover I realized something

very important never compare your

buildings there will always be somebody

that made something bigger and more

impressive don't let them discourage you

and continue with your passion unless of

course you really suck at building in

which case I'd suggest you find a new

passion now that's it for what's on the

homepage and speaking of builds let's

find out what you guys have been up to

and totally compare them to each other

on what

new on the block now what's new on the

block is a segment where we dive into

what the community has been up to and

take a look at the latest in maps mods

builds add-ons creation and everything

in between and our first one is for all

those a revolve fans out there and it is

known as the Dementors awakening a map

courtesy of lucid blocks now I know the

Dementors are supposed to consume

happiness and all but you know this

seems like any harry potter fans dream

there is so much attention to details in

this map with over twenty four

references to the Harry Potter universe

and of course thirteen references to the

fantastic beast universe as well now

this is a brand new build team and this

was their first ever creation show

shouts out Lucent blocks for an amazing

first time built you honestly you did a

great job but it's time for us to expect

o patronum over to another Harry Potter

build this one is for your bedrock

edition worlds and it is the world of

Hogwarts brought to you in Minecraft

now this builders of Hogwarts and the

surrounding areas covering the Hogwarts

world and it's a build courtesy of

poetic whisper oh sorry

police / and in this build you be able

to walk around the entire Hogwarts

castle or go outside for a quick game

Quidditch or if you even wanted to you

could explore the maze look at this maze

it's pause forever now be careful when

you're tiptoeing around the maze you

never know when He Who Shall Not Be

Named it's gonna show up we should

probably move on to the next build this

one is a blast from the past no

literally it's a giant footprint


no really this is an awesome Allosaurus

dinosaur courtesy of Roman 95 who spent

over 40 hours on this giant beast now

fun fact the Allosaurus lived during the

Jurassic period 155 million years ago

now if you want to find out more

information about the Allosaurus and you

should consult with your grandma also

fun fact the Allosaurus had longer arms

than the t-rex and me large zip

literally this is like the only area I

can move

greed screw without getting cut off it's

ridiculous in addition Roman also

provided a series of screenshots showing

the progress of how this guy was built

starting from his humble series of balls

all the way over to the full Allosaurus

form now this last build was submitted

to us directly courtesy of a fan so

shouts out to Voltaire Siana for his

amazing floating isles bill this is cool

stuff check it out on this bill there

are a group of floating islands and on

top of them are villages filled with

houses towers farm

you've got bridges leading between each

one it's really awesome stuff now as I

said Voltaire sent this to us directly

so feel free to submit your own builds

or creations or whatever else to fans at

lockup calm so you've got a chance of

seeing your creation featured in one of

our menus the add-ons it's known as

cheats multi construct add-on and it's

by a cheat it's a new add-on that uses

the empty tile data found in every

single minecraft block to add new ones

instead of replaced them now you'll have

to use a list of commands found on the

website in order to get these blocks but

rest assured it's worth the effort now

if those blocks don't really fit your

style then maybe you'll enjoy this

awesome fantasy inspired resource pack

it's a resource pack courtesy of jacoba

and it takes inspiration more from the

classic Japanese RPGs and old-school

adventure games and it features vibrant

and warm cuz it's so pretty look at it

now the texture pack was originally

created for the job edition of Minecraft

but it's been ported over to bedrock so

now all of you guys playing on Pocket

Edition can grab it right now but this

next creation can seriously blow your

mind after two years of hard work and

dedication MC Pittman has brought us

over 400 new biomes it's known as biome

bundle and it literally adds 400

different biomes and over thousands of

decorative objects and structures to

your minecraft worlds look at how cool

these environments are seriously are you

looking at these pictures I need this in

my world you can get the biome bundle

mod on the Chris Ford's website so that

you can instantly add new biomes and

epic builds and structures to your

Minecraft world now let's shift focus

and move over

Maps if you're feeling a little down on

your luck then this parkour map might be

perfect for you it's known as the

parkour Valley or in this case parkour

Valley - and it's the sequel to the

original parkour Valley map it's created

by a Scholl lion and this map promises

to provide a totally unique concept to

which you've never seen before unless

you've seen it before

now on this parkour map your objective

is actually get to the bottom of the map

instead of the top but once you reach

the bottom it's time to climb your way

all the way back in this next parkour

map made by ringer it's known as the

parkour spiral as you climb up this map

you'll pass through different themed

sections now I've done a couple parkour

spiral maps on my channel in the past

that look pretty similar this so if

you're interested in checking them out

you can actually click the I in the

corner right now start from the bottom

now we're now in addition you can

actually dig right through the center of

the map down to a bedrock room that

contains an awesome Easter egg I know

what it is but I go tell you y'all suck

you can find out for yourself that's

gonna do it for what's new on the block

now it's time for trend alert today's

trailer brings us breaking news straight

from the Minecraft subreddit on reddit

and it's about the true age of Minecraft

this is exciting stuff

reddit user Henry French frys did the

math and since the launch of classic

minecraft there have been over 600 years

worth of in-game days that have passed

in Minecraft

in fact 621 years to be exact

sorry birthday minecraft you're

officially old but girl you're looking


okay can I have it can have it now if

you wanted to find out what happened in

the pocket edition community in 2017

then our final bit of trendler is for


youtuber J plays PE released a 2017 year

review of everything that went on in the

Minecraft Pocket Edition community and

it shows off all of the awesome

different add-ons creations and more for

Pocket Edition that you guys the

community completed in 2017 it is an

amazing compilation and if you want to

check it out you can find a late to it

in the description

that's right baby this is the segment

where we ask you guys the community to

submit challenges for me log that zip to

complete in survival minecraft and this

challenge is from Tony Curtis logs out

zip why don't you make creepers have 12

times the explosion radius and spawning

the day-night but you have to kill six

of the creepers well I'll do my best

with this challenge why don't we pick

things over to Minecraft and see how I


alrighty we're here in survival

minecraft for the community challenge

and as you can see right here we got I

got a command block ready this command

will take all creeper explosions and

triple them default is 3 we're at 36

beyond the explosion rating right take a

creeper right here look what happens

when we explode them look out big look

at the size of the explosion the poor

piggy does that bit the dust over here

so we need to kill 6 creepers without

dying and while we avoid this now

unfortunately we couldn't figure out a

way to get the creeper to spawn in at

nighttime it's not the end of the world

it just is what it is so we're gonna set

time time set tonight and we're gonna go

get some creepers under our belt y'all

ready put that away put that away I gave

myself the most basic of tools so we

don't have to waste any time let's get

those creepers I see our first target

come on over baby come on over baby


we got a running gun running gun

I'm all for good measure now I want to

say yes that's one down five more to go

there's number two come on over pup I

ain't messing around look at that it

wasn't even ready Furby I just gave him

a good old strike he still doesn't see

me you see don't let it blow up oh my

gosh the spiders were pushing me into

him now I'm trying to go out this time

ah yeah wait that's two down four to go

oh you know oh you know creep oh you

know creep alright give him another

punch one more all right last one that's

halfway done already and look why don't

we get him again right here what uh huh

I didn't know what he was gonna blow up

that could have been really bad it's

like totally nerve-wracking cuz we got

to completely go the other direction

every time that's all what is that

that's four really I get two more and I

see my boy right here either this could

be both

no we know we killed six it didn't say

we couldn't die those two those dude

most certainly died you know what we go

it counts it can back to you the other


as you can see it was a piece of cake

Tony you idiot why would you give me

such a simple challenge that's cute oh I

love you please don't Tony please no


Tony don't click away so if you want to

see your challenge featured in the next

community challenge I got to do is in

the comments section of this video leave

a suggestion for what you want to see me

try to accomplish in survival and you've

got a chance of seeing your child show

up in the next mnu but either way my

friends that is gonna do it for this

episode of a menu the Minecraft news

updates show make sure you leave a like

subscribe and of course hit that

be notified of every single M and you

write as it comes out hope you all have

an amazing day thank you so much for

watching and joining us today and we'll

see you next week

For more infomation >> Minecraft is over 600 YEARS Old... (Minecraft News Update) - Duration: 14:17.


VW Polo V - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> VW Polo V - Duration: 1:10.


VW Polo V - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> VW Polo V - Duration: 1:01.


The Interrogation Room: Part 1 - Duration: 1:33.


[police sirens]

So how do you want to go about doing this,

good cop, bad cop?

Hold on, I've got an idea.



Don't worry, I saw it on a movie once.

Hey what?

Well, well, well.

Still not talking, huh?

Got a long record, Louis.

It must haunt you.

A past like yours.

What the heck?


It keeps me up at night.

[hit with baton]


[hits table]

What the heck, man?!

Why did you do that?

It doesn't matter!

It's in the past!


No, he's not-

Aren't I protected from you guys hurting me?

Ah, yes.

The past can hurt.



Are you Rafiki'ing me?


The way I see it, you can either run from it,

or learn from it.

[baton hits table]

Ah, you see?

So what are you going to do?

Don't do it.

No, no, no!

Not the stick!

[Stephen screaming and singing Circle of Life intro]

Alright guys, you've got the right to like and subscribe!

Anything you comment can and will be used against you

in a court of law.

If you do not have an account

to subscribe or like or comment with,

a bot will create one for you.

You have other rights, too, I don't know what they are.

Uh, a right to... left?

For more infomation >> The Interrogation Room: Part 1 - Duration: 1:33.


Planning and Sustainability Commission 01-09-2018 - Duration: 2:27:29.

For more infomation >> Planning and Sustainability Commission 01-09-2018 - Duration: 2:27:29.


A.P. Bio (NBC) Trailer HD - Glenn Howerton, Patton Oswalt comedy series - Duration: 1:31.

[ Clock ticking ]

-[ Sighs ]

[ Tires screech ]

[ Horn honks ]

[ Tires screech ]

-You almost killed me!

-Whoa, here. So sorry. Let me show you something.

-Wait, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! -Where you going?

-[ Breathes sharply ]

-All right, everybody, let's go ahead and start to shut up now.

[ Clangs ]

-My name's Jack Griffin,

and I don't want to be here.


I'm living in my dead mom's apartment

while teaching Advanced Placement Biology.

I am an award-winning philosophy scholar, but here's the deal.

We're not gonna do any biology in here.

-Are you seriously never gonna teach us biology at all?

-Maybe, uh, Pablo Picasso can come in and teach Driver's Ed.

This week, we are devoting our attention

to the psychological dismantling

of my academic rival, Miles Leonard.

Miles happens to be British.

He also happens to be adopted.

So, this week, we will practice British accents.

And whosever is best will call him,

posing as his biological birth mother,

and tell him some sort of devastating secret.


-[ British accent ] The bookstore at the mall

has good espresso, milord.

-Hey, not bad.

-What is this class?

-♪ Break, break, break the rules ♪



-Hey. -Hey. Where are you going?

You can't leave these students unattended.

-These kids are old enough to get pregnant.

They can't be alone for two seconds?

-That's literally the reason they shouldn't be left alone.

-It's Jack, right, from Harvard? -Yeah.

-Oooh. Ooh. -Harvard Jack.

-So, it seems like you're enjoying yourself here?

-God, no, I'm teaching high school in Toledo.

[ Chuckling ] It's terrible.

-♪ Break the rules ♪


♪ I'm breaking the rules ♪

For more infomation >> A.P. Bio (NBC) Trailer HD - Glenn Howerton, Patton Oswalt comedy series - Duration: 1:31.


BREAKING!!! They Just FLIPPED! HELL IS COMING!!! - Duration: 6:15.


They Just FLIPPED!


One of the biggest problems that Americans wanted President Trump to solve once he was

elected to office was the huge illegal alien problem that has been flooding the United

States in recent years.

Contrary to what liberals want you to believe, conservatives being interested in legal versus

illegal immigration has nothing to do with hating immigrants and everything to do with

the desire to retain a country populated with law-abiding citizens who don't plan to mooch

off the welfare system.

A big part of the illegal alien issue are the "dreamers."

These are the illegals who entered the country while still minors who have for the most part

grown up here, but never actually obtained any legal documentation.

They differ from the much debated "anchor baby" because they weren't actually born

here, but probably don't really have a home anywhere else.

The lack of action for these 800,000 illegal kids (many of whom are now adults) fell under

something called DACA (deferred action for childhood arrivals).

The push to keep DACA intact is extremely curious when you look at the effect illegals

have on the economy and the percentage of DACA recipients who turned out to be criminals.

Given, not all are, but if we can take even a small percentage of our inmates and ship

them off to be another countries problem, that sounds like money back in the bank.

All of this is cleared up though, due to new information about the real live numbers of

"dreamers" in certain states.

As The Gateway Pundit reports, if the Democrats are successful and "dreamers" are given

real live citizenship, it could literally change the face of the nation.

As it turns out, the number of illegal DACA recipients as reported by the government could

flip as many as 5 states from red to blue:According to USCIS there are significant populations

in blue states: 379,000 Dreamers in California (a deep blue

state) 30,000 in Washington

72,000 in Illinois 71,000 in New York

38,000 in New Jersey 30,000 in Colorado

And according to USCIS there are also significant numbers of Dreamer illegals in several red

states: 211,000 in Texas

47,000 in Arizona 72,000 in Florida

41,000 in Georgia 47,000 in North Carolina

In 2016 President Trump won these red states by the following amounts:

Texas – 807,179 Arizona – 91,234

Florida – 112,911 Georgia – 211,141

North Carolina – 173,315

President Trump was a very strong Republican candidate collecting more Republican votes

than anyone in history.

DACA amnesty could give Arizona, Florida, Georgia and North Carolina to the Democrat


Now that is a great reason for Democrats to work tirelessly for DACA to be extended, or

turned into permanent citizenship.

If the DNC is successful it making themselves out to be the fairy godmother of these "dreamers"

they will probably be forever Dem voters, and that is something that the DNC desperately

needs right now.

As if that's not bad enough, according to Breitbart News, a new amnesty plan would put

a huge strain on the welfare program currently in action in the United States.

Those who support illegals want you to believe that they're all happy families coming to

us, hat in hand, looking for an honest living, when the reality is that the percentage of

desperate hardworking illegals is shrinking all the time and Mexican nationals are hopping

the fence more and more looking for a free (to them) lunch:

"The number of anchor babies taking federal welfare benefits 'would increase' under

an amnesty plan that begins with giving legal status to nearly 800,000 illegal aliens, a

report by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) finds.

As Breitbart News previously reported, there are an estimated 4.5 million United States-born

children who were given birthright citizenship despite at least one of their parents being

an illegal alien.

These children are commonly known as "anchor babies," as they are able to eventually

bring their foreign relatives to the U.S. legally through the process known as "chain


This estimate does not include anchor babies over the age of 18 or those who are living

abroad with their deported parents.

A CBO report, estimating the impact of giving amnesty to the nearly 800,000 to 3.5 million

illegal aliens who are enrolled or eligible for the President Obama-created Deferred Action

for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, finds that such a plan would end up increasing the

number of anchor babies who participate in federal benefit programs every year:

The CBO finds that about 900,000 anchor babies already live in households where at least

one or both of their illegal alien parents would receive amnesty under a DACA deal that

follows the guidelines of the most expansive plan known as the "DREAM Act."

President Donald Trump's administration is meeting with Republicans and Democrats

this week to continue discussions about giving amnesty to DACA illegal aliens in exchange

for slashing legal immigration levels in half and ending the Diversity Visa Lottery program,

which gives out 50,000 visas randomly to foreign nationals every year.

Should a DACA amnesty deal be coupled with cuts to legal immigration levels to give American

workers wage increases and an end to the visa lottery, the anchor baby population would

continue to rise to at least 600,000 in the next ten years."

If that doesn't scare the taxpayer in you I don't know what will

For more infomation >> BREAKING!!! They Just FLIPPED! HELL IS COMING!!! - Duration: 6:15.


2019 MINI Cooper – First Look - Duration: 2:34.

For driving fun in a compact package it's hard to top the Mini Cooper but

Mini is going to try with the 2019 hardtop and convertible. Mini was kind

enough to give us an early look and even though the 2019 models are barely

distinguishable from the 2018 s there are some notable details. For one, these

optional LED headlights inspired by the MINI Electric concept sure they look

great but they also come paired with special LED taillights inspired by the

MINI Superleggera concept. I can imagine buyers choosing the LED headlight option

just to get these Superleggera inspired taillights. Buy recklessly your mini will

look cooler.

Another neat addition for 2019 is the ability to add custom 3d printed parts

to your MINI. MINI has always played up the customizability of the MINI Cooper

and they're really taking that to a new extreme for 2019 with this, 3d printing.

You can get a custom side marker. This one says Alec I'm assuming for Alec

Issigonis which I may have mispronounced but he's the father of MINI. I would

probably get Micah "funky muffin" Muzio, so that one's taken, but you can use your

own creativity to come up with something cool. You can also customize this element

right here which looks like a Union Jack but you can change that pattern and

light illuminates through it at nighttime. But it is daytime so you'll

have to trust me.

Rounding out the 2019 updates are new wheels, new exterior colors, updated MINI

logos throughout, a new optional 8.8-inch navigation system with apple

carplay, and a newly standard intelligent emergency calling feature that alerts

the authorities if you're in a crash.

If the updated hardtop and convertible strike your fancy you can find them in

dealerships in the spring of 2018 but right now it's still secret and there's

a bunch of tourists coming in so we've got them covered up.

Oh, I should hide that.

For more infomation >> 2019 MINI Cooper – First Look - Duration: 2:34.





Another day and another dead body with a connection that cannot be ignored as Hillary Clinton's

body count seems to be on the rise once again.

The latest is possibly the most shocking yet in the truly startling trail of dead bodies

that keep accumulating around this crooked woman with major secrets she's desperate

to keep hidden no matter who has she has to kill off to ensure it.

However, this most recent killing will likely be her last after what a Fusion GPS rep revealed.

The obvious bias in the Crooked Hillary Clinton email investigation which was shown by the

now embattled former FBI Director James Comey, his right-hand man Andrew McCabe and the now

disgraced bureau agent Peter Strzok who sent over 10k texts to his mistress with messages

showing disdain towards Candidate Trump while pledging to not let Crooked Hillary lose the

2016 election, have all made incalculable damage to the federal law enforcement agency's


Damage which is unrepairable!

Up until now the fall out has gone as far as to implicate the FBI in the now infamous

work of fiction which is the Fusion GPS anti-Trump dossier which has led McCabe and James Baker,

to either announce early retirements, or to be reassigned.

However now, someone has already been killed over this very controversial move.

Fox News reports:

An attorney for the co-founder of opposition research firm Fusion GPS revealed during a

closed-door interview this summer with congressional investigators that "somebody's already

been killed" as a result of the publication of the anti-Trump dossier.

The statement was contained in a 312-page transcript of Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn

Simpson's August interview with committee investigators, released unilaterally Tuesday

by Senate Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif.

The release itself provoked controversy, with an aide to Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman

Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, calling it "confounding" for Feinstein to drop the transcript in the

"middle of an ongoing investigation."

Among the many revelations in the document, though, is the claim from Simpson's attorney

that someone died because the dossier — which was commissioned by Fusion GPS — was publicly

released."He wants to be very careful to protect his sources," attorney Josh Levy

said during the Aug. 22 Senate Judiciary Committee interview of his client.

"Somebody's already been killed as a result of the publication of this dossier and no

harm should come to anybody related to this honest work."

Levy didn't elaborate on who was killed.

The website BuzzFeed first published the dossier online last January, airing its unverified

allegations about President Trump's connections with Russia.

The dossier was written by former British MI6 agent Christopher Steele.

Fusion GPS, which hired Steele, got funding from the Clinton campaign and Democratic National


Trump has long derided the dossier as politically motivated, and several GOP-led committees

are investigating whether it formed the basis for the FBI's initial investigation into

Russian election interference.

Feinstein said in a statement she released the transcript to combat misinformation about

the interview.

"The innuendo and misinformation circulating about the transcript are part of a deeply

troubling effort to undermine the investigation into potential collusion and obstruction of

justice," Feinstein said in a statement.

"The only way to set the record straight is to make the transcript public."

Well, Feinstein, now with that being the case it looks like it backfired on you and only

proved Trump to be ten times more truthful that the corrupt party the Clintons have been

running and killing in for years.

This latest assertion that someone has now been killed over the dossier could and should

very well be the smoking gun we've been waiting for, which Trump knew was coming.

President Trump previously blasted Andrew McCabe for his obvious corruption and went

as far as accusing him of running the clock in order to retire with full benefits with

only 90 days to go.

This guy shouldn't be retiring; he should be in Federal Prison!

However, it's still a better gesture than being killed for your involvement in the corruption.

The swamp seems to be draining itself just as Trump promised it would and we needed him

in office as a non-career and non-corrupt politician to do it.

He can't be bought off and now everything is catching up with the Clintons as it should

have way before now.

But as for the FBI, they are so far gone that the best course of action might be just to

disband it and start a new organization.

For more infomation >> BREAKING BOMBSHELL…SOMEONE'S BEEN K*LLED!!! JUST CONFIRMED! - Duration: 5:00.


BREAKING!! He Just VANISHED!! | Top Stories Today - Duration: 6:17.



He was there, but then he was gone.

They made him vanish like it was a magic trick, but then we find out the truth about what

happened during the college football championship that was played Monday in Atlanta.

President Donald Trump was there.

He was on the field.

He received nothing but cheers from the majority of the fans.

But where was he?

Where was he when ESPN was on TV?

He was nowhere to be found because ESPN refused to show him on television due to their absurd

leftist beliefs and inability to promote content that's happening as it unfolds.

They refused to reveal the truth.

They refused to be anything but fake news during their cowardly approach to seeing President

Trump on their airwaves.

Instead of showing the game as it unfolded, the apparent liberal influence based at ESPN

refused to show the President of the United States.

Perhaps ESPN doesn't agree with his politics, or maybe they're just scared like children

worrying about what monster is under the bed that's friends with Harvey Weinstein.

It was nothing short of embarrassing to watch a massive conglomerate of sports news shy

away from displaying President Trump on camera.

A station that shows fighting, blood, and people bashing each other's brains in during

iron fist fighting, but they were scared to show a political figure who was honoring Americans.

It was disgraceful and disrespectful to the fans, to the P.

The National Anthem is the one thing that brings all sports fans and athletes together

for a few moments just before they battle for victory.

It's a respectful, meaningful, patriotic way to unite everyone gracefully and symbolically

that most people enjoy and cheer for.

Except for ESPN.

They just continue to embarrass themselves while making a mockery of sports, culture,

and everything else they touch.

Breitbart reports: "We learned a couple of things during the

CFP National Championship Monday night in Atlanta: First, we learned that President

Trump is wildly popular.

Second, we got a reminder that the clowns at ESPN are as unethical, cowardly, and pathetic

as ever.

President Trump attended the title game and took part in the pre-game ceremonies.

Trump was met with raucous cheers when he entered the playing field.

ESPN was silent.

In fact, their announcers never mentioned Mr. Trump's name before or after the ceremony

he took part in.

Chris Fowler simply kicked it to the public address announcer before the national anthem.

After the Star Spangled Banner was performed by Zac Brown Band and beautifully accompanied

by David Walker & High Praise, mum was still the word from ESPN when they continued the

broadcast toward kickoff.

The showcasing of our national anthem was done well by college football.

The NFL could learn something here.

It was a special moment.

But instead of covering what just happened, ESPN fumbled.

The announcers don't even mention President Trump after a rousing national anthem in which

he stood proudly with military members and sang along with his hand on his heart.

Imagine Obama was at the game.

They'd talk about what a 'guy' and what a 'fan' he was for ten minutes.




There's no other way to put it.

It's dishonest and it's weird."

So many people watched the BCS game as Alabama reigned victorious in overtime over Georgia.

They watched.

They cheered.

They engaged in festivities.

The people at the game came home to find out their own President Trump was made to vanish

from television as if he wasn't even there, even though thousands of fans cheered him


Trump probably went home and heard about it as well.

The best part about this is that ESPN's grand gesture didn't do anything but make

them look bad in the process.

People truly see who ESPN is and they've become one of the biggest American embarrassment

in history.

ESPN continues to disappoint sports fans with their social justice warrior approach to sports.

Their inability to love America.

Their insatiable desire to act like liberalism has poisoned the minds of their programmers.

There's nothing more unpatriotic than ESPN right now, and it's just a shame that they've

gone this way.

As if handing Caitlyn Jenner and Colin Kaepernick weren't embarrassing enough.

Here's what ESPN was scared of.

What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> BREAKING!! He Just VANISHED!! | Top Stories Today - Duration: 6:17.


BREAKING!!! She's Going To PRISON… TRUMP FOUND IT! - Duration: 5:15.


Over the last couple weeks, Hillary Clinton's longtime aide and friend Huma Abedin has been

in the news, and for a good reason. If you haven't heard, late last week the State

Department released a ton of emails discovered on Abedin's estranged husband, and convicted

pedophile, Anthony Weiner near the end of the 2016 presidential campaign.

Now, if you remember correctly, these are the very same emails that prompted former

disgraced FBI Director James Comey to reopen an investigation into Hillary Clinton that

ended right before the November election. Of course, Hillary and her buddies all claimed

that these emails were nothing, and it was just a ploy by conservatives to sway the election,

but that appears to be far from the truth after what was just discovered.

President Trump made waves late last week again when he tweeted that Huma Abedin should

be in jail for using her personal, unsecured Yahoo email to forward highly sensitive State

Department emails that included passwords to government systems.

According to The Daily Caller, Abedin who was Clinton's top aide when she served as

Secretary of State would often forward highly sensitive government emails to her unsecured

server to print out these documents which fell prey to hackers from 2014-2016. Of course,

this breach of protocol would get anyone of us thrown behind bars, but because she is

a Clinton crony, Huma has been able to remain free, but that may about to change after Abedin

was caught in one hell of a nasty lie.

New evidence has been discovered on Huma Abedin's pervert husband's computer, Anthony Weiner

that shows she backed up copies of her emails with Hillary Clinton, and then lied to the

FBI and in court that she did not preserve the conversations.

I wonder how Huma will try and explain this one away?

Here is more from The Daily Wire:

Huma Abedin backed up copies of her emails with Hillary Clinton onto her husband's

laptop, contrary to what she told the FBI and other officials investigating the email

scandal, according to a new report.

Abedin, Clinton's top aide, backed up many of her work-related emails to Anthony Weiner's

laptop after Clinton left the State Department in early 2013, the Daily Mail writes after

an examination of her emails.

But Abedin told the FBI that she "lost most of her old emails as a result of the transition"

from the State Department.

"She had only accessed through a web portal and did not have a method

for archiving her old emails prior to the transition," according to notes taken during

an FBI interview with Abedin on April 5, 2016.

Abedin compounded that statement in June 2016 by telling lawyers from a watchdog group under

oath that she didn't back up emails.

"With respect to those State Department work-related emails on the

accounts, what did you do, if anything, to preserve those emails?" asked an attorney

with Judicial Watch, according to a transcript of the deposition.

Abedin said she "did not do anything to preserve those emails."

"The instances where it was Clinton email to Clinton email, there were instances where

the content of those emails had personal matters in there, and there may have also been State

Department matters in there, too. It was a – a combination. But I did not – I did

not preserve those e-mails," Abedin said.

Clinton kept a secret email server in her New York home and used it to correspond with

several top aides throughout her time as Secretary of State. Dozens of classified emails were

found to have been forwarded through unsecured mail servers.

Last week, Judicial Watch revealed, "that there are at least 18 classified emails in

the 798 documents recently produced by the State Department from the FBI's investigation

into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's elicit email system."

Among those, 13 contained classified information, including discussions about Saudi Arabia,

The Hague, Egypt, South Africa, Zimbabwe, the identity of a CIA official, Malawi, the

war in Syria, Lebanon, Hamas, and the PLO, Judicial Watch reported.

This new information discovered should be a big enough bargaining chip for investigators

to use to push for some answers. If Huma Abedin were smart, she would start talking and get

herself the lesser of the deal since the big fish we all want to see fry is Hillary Clinton.

It appears that President Trump is keeping his promise to drain the swamp and if we are

so blessed, we may see Hillary Clinton and her associates in jail soon. For too long

these disgusting individuals have gotten away with destroying our country and putting Americans

in harm's way. It is past the time for these traitors to finally serve the sentence they

deserve and we can all hope and pray that Trump does it before the year is out.

For more infomation >> BREAKING!!! She's Going To PRISON… TRUMP FOUND IT! - Duration: 5:15.


Spotlight - 2017 Ford F250, Leveled, 20x10 -24's, and 31's - Duration: 4:12.

- Hey, y'all, Fuller again with Custom Offsets,

Custom Offsets TV on the YouTube.

We have another vehicle spotlight for ya.

This is the old beater plow truck,

2017 F250 Lariat on some 20 by 10s and 35s.

Let's go.

♪ Got big trucks decked out ♪

♪ Rollin' through the wood and they flexed out ♪

♪ Rims so big and the windows black ♪

♪ Got the light all lit up ♪

♪ Double chromed out stacks ♪

♪ Yeah we love to get 'em dirty ♪

♪ But still they so clean ♪

♪ Custom Offsets team stands to achieve ♪

♪ We on top of it now ♪

♪ We ain't never gon' fade ♪

♪ So you better get ready ♪

♪ We're takin' over the game ♪

(hip hop music)

Alright, guys.

Like I said, 2017 F250.

Now, what we did on this one

was a two and a half inch car releveling kit.

So, some of you have probably heard of that,

some of you maybe not.

But what that is is it beefs it up

about two and a half inches in the front here,

and we also upgraded to the fox suspension,

the 2.0s, front and rear.

Now, with this leveling kit on the F250

and this wheel entire setup,

there's absolutely no trimming.

Now, I'll show you for wheels

what he's got is the XF-204.

This is a 20 by 10 negative 24

and this is the matte black finish,

and you can see it's got the XF milled in here

then kinda these bolt heads styled around the outside there.

Covered cap and we'll do the lip test for ya.

So, on your 20 by 10 negative 24,

you run right about three and a half

to four inch lip on that.

So, pretty decent for a 10 wide

and the tires he's got are a 295/65R20.

It's a Toto Open Country A/T II Extreme

and what that equates out to is about 35.1 tall

and then it's 11.6 wide,

so you can see there's a little bubble

'cause the tire is wider than their wheel.

People can stop hatin' when we stretch tires,

no stretched tires on this one.

And it does give them a little bit of stance,

comes out just past the fender.

Right about two and a half...

Two and a half inches I'd say, roughly.

So it just gives it a nice aggressive look.

As far as other stuff on the truck,

it's pretty much stock.

He just picked this one up,

this is just the plow truck.

He also has a red F150 we did the video on before.

This is Kirk's dad's truck.

Kirk works customer service for us.

One of the cool things about this truck

is the AMP power steps, that's a nice feature.

Just open the door and they go down,

close it and they come back up.

Out back obviously no fitment issues.

Like I said, there's no trimming up front either.

You don't have to do anything in the rear.

He does have the upgraded fox shocks in the back.

Also, we'll give you a peek at the interior of this one.

This is a Lariat package.

Pretty clean,

you can see he's got the control for the plow in there.

Leather, nice silver trim,

weather tech floor mats,

overall pretty clean.

Alright, guys.

So, that about wraps it up on your 2017 F250.

We'll catch you next time.

(somber music)

(hip hop music)

For more infomation >> Spotlight - 2017 Ford F250, Leveled, 20x10 -24's, and 31's - Duration: 4:12.


BREAKING!! SESSIONS Just Made It LEGAL! But NOT For Pot Users! - Duration: 5:14.



But NOT For Pot Users!

There are many times that we're left wondering what was on the mind of politicians when they

push for the policies that they believe to be best for Americans.

In the case of the Trump Administration, his first year has been filled with many victories

but also littered roadblocks thrown up by the Democrats who disagree with his proposed


Unfortunately, investigations and accusations have kept this administration from getting

as much done as they could have.

One unexpected problem in the Trump Administration came in the form of one of his own appointees.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions was the second choice for his position after the first pick

was bogged down in Russia collusion accusations by the left.

What started off well enough has ended up with Sessions taking a lot of heat from die-hard

Trump supporters who think that he's a bit of a sellout.

Time will tell if that is an accurate assessment, or if there's just more to the story than

what we're being told at the moment, but Sessions most recent move has a lot of people

doubting his loyalty to Americans.

The Attorney General has made a decision that seems absurd to many and downright dictatorial

to others.

The much-debated issue of marijuana being deregulated has come before Sessions, and

he's decided to fight the deregulation.

That in and of itself could seem like an issue where reefer supports just disagree with him.

Let's face it, the issue of whether marijuana should be more readily available is one that's

been debated from a legal, moral and medical standpoint for decades.

However, widely acclaimed natural health expert David Wolfe reports that the part of the issue

that has Americans up in arms is that Sessions apparent isn't against marijuana, he's

just against releasing the control without proper compensation:

"In a shocking reversal of the progress made by the medical freedom movement, Attorney

General Jeff Sessions has decided to undo the right of individual states to set marijuana

laws and instead will be subject to the dictates of the federal government.

But even worse, Sessions proved both his hypocrisy and corruption when his own DEA granted notorious

pharmaceutical company Insys Therapeutics a virtual monopoly to make profits off of

synthetic THC.A statement released on Thursday by the Department of Justice unveiled the

new tyrannical philosophy:

'It is the mission of the Department of Justice to enforce the laws of the United

States, and the previous issuance of guidance undermines the rule of law and the ability

of our local, state, tribal, and federal law enforcement partners to carry out this mission.

'Therefore, today's memo on federal marijuana enforcement simply directs all U.S. Attorneys

to use previously established prosecutorial principles that provide them all the necessary

tools to disrupt criminal organizations, tackle the growing drug crisis, and thwart violent

crime across our country.'

But in a shocking (though unsurprising) display of pay-to-play, Session's very own DEA—while

classifying cannabis as a Schedule 1 drug—decided to classify the synthetic THC drug Dronabinol,

produced by pharmaceutical company Insys Therapeutics, as Schedule 2.

Effectively, this gives Insys a monopoly over the 'free market' of medical THC, a move

that likely amounts to far more than just coincidence when you consider the company's

long history of illegal activity.

As The Free Thought Project reports:

'For those who don't know, Insys has become notorious over the last two years after six

former executives and managers were arrested on charges that they engaged in a nationwide

scheme to bribe doctors to prescribe a drug containing the opioid fentanyl.

'Now this same group of dangerous drug peddlers is being given a partial national monopoly

on the sale of legal THC, by the group who claims to protect Americans from drugs.

'Along with the executives, Michael Baich, the former CEO, was also charged in an indictment

filed in federal court.

'Even the company's billionaire founder, John Kapoor was arrested in October for his

role in the bribery scheme.

He was freed on a $1 million bail after pleading not guilty."

Needless to say, the level of corruption at play here cannot be overstated, yet it's

nothing new for the medical freedom movement which has fought tirelessly for years on this

matter, and many others.

President Trump has consistently referenced the opioid epidemic sweeping the country,

which seems like it should be a much higher priority than cracking down on a harmless


The regulation of something like marijuana is never going to be a cut and dry issue,

and we can debate all day long if it should be available for over the counter sale.

However, we can be sure of is that if anyone in government is selling out the best interest

of Americans in order to keep more power for themselves, they're grossly overstepping

their purpose, and must be stopped.

For more infomation >> BREAKING!! SESSIONS Just Made It LEGAL! But NOT For Pot Users! - Duration: 5:14.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Automaat Family Edition - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Automaat Family Edition - Duration: 0:54.


Ford B-MAX 1.0 EcoBoost Titanium | Nu met € 3.575,-- Upgrade Voordeel en Nieuw te bestellen Bel vo - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Ford B-MAX 1.0 EcoBoost Titanium | Nu met € 3.575,-- Upgrade Voordeel en Nieuw te bestellen Bel vo - Duration: 0:57.


Ford B-MAX 100 pk Style Nu met € 3.575,-- Upgrade Voordeel. | Zolang de Voorraad strekt ! - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Ford B-MAX 100 pk Style Nu met € 3.575,-- Upgrade Voordeel. | Zolang de Voorraad strekt ! - Duration: 0:56.


Ford Tourneo Custom - Duration: 0:43.

For more infomation >> Ford Tourneo Custom - Duration: 0:43.


[FREE] 6ix9ine Type Beat 2018 "MONEY GANG" | Tekashi69 Type Beat 2018 | Hard Trap Beat Instrumental - Duration: 3:41.

[FREE] 6ix9ine Type Beat 2018 "MONEY GANG" | Tekashi69 Type Beat 2018 | Hard Trap Beat Instrumental

For more infomation >> [FREE] 6ix9ine Type Beat 2018 "MONEY GANG" | Tekashi69 Type Beat 2018 | Hard Trap Beat Instrumental - Duration: 3:41.


먼저 아홉살 때부터 전문 선수를 목표로 연습했던 닉쿤의 오랜 경력이 나오기는 했습니다 우리동네 예체능- 어느새 구경꾼이 된 닉쿤 - Duration: 3:04.

For more infomation >> 먼저 아홉살 때부터 전문 선수를 목표로 연습했던 닉쿤의 오랜 경력이 나오기는 했습니다 우리동네 예체능- 어느새 구경꾼이 된 닉쿤 - Duration: 3:04.


김보성씨가 얼마 전 로드FC를 통해 암투병을 하는 어린아이들을 위해 경기를 참가했다는 소식은 많은 분들이 이미 알고 있으리라 본 인물 김보성 눈 수술포기 그에게 힘찬 응원을! - Duration: 3:26.

For more infomation >> 김보성씨가 얼마 전 로드FC를 통해 암투병을 하는 어린아이들을 위해 경기를 참가했다는 소식은 많은 분들이 이미 알고 있으리라 본 인물 김보성 눈 수술포기 그에게 힘찬 응원을! - Duration: 3:26.


$45,028.09 Sold on Cyber M...

For more infomation >> $45,028.09 Sold on Cyber M...


For more infomation >> $45,028.09 Sold on Cyber M...


Wibit Sundays | Montreal Olympic swimming pool | Crazydivers - Duration: 3:26.

wibit at the olympic center of Montreal





N'ael: hey nico?

How was it?

For more infomation >> Wibit Sundays | Montreal Olympic swimming pool | Crazydivers - Duration: 3:26.


For more infomation >> Wibit Sundays | Montreal Olympic swimming pool | Crazydivers - Duration: 3:26.


Combien de temps par jour devez-vous marcher pour perdre du poids ? - Random888 - Duration: 6:04.

For more infomation >> Combien de temps par jour devez-vous marcher pour perdre du poids ? - Random888 - Duration: 6:04.


For more infomation >> Combien de temps par jour devez-vous marcher pour perdre du poids ? - Random888 - Duration: 6:04.


Interstate 95 North from Kingsland, Woodbine & Waverly to Brunswick, Georgia, 6 August 2016 GP035512 - Duration: 26:05.

Murray Ford, It's all about you! Shazam! Hwy 40 East: Kingsland, GA


Interstate 95 North

Speed Limit 70

Mile 9

Minimum Speed 40

Time Definite Services 800-466-8040 1420E


Time Definite Services, Inc.


Fire Extinguisher Inside, Time Definite Services Transportation, LLC, ProStar, USDOT#2039412


Mile 10

White Car on Shoulder, Man Working on Knees & Woman handing him Tools

Mile 11

Nissan Frontier Truck

Mile 12

Lodging, Exit 14, Frontier Hotel

Food Exit 14

Gas Exit 14, Chevron

Exit 14, GA 25, Woodbine, Exit 1 Mile


Mile 13

Exit 14, GA25, Woodbine, Exit 1/2 Mile

3 Great Locations, Jekyll Island, Brunswick, St Marys

Exit 38, Brunswick 34 Miles, Holiday Inn Express, Fairfield Inn & Suites by Marriott

Montana RV Trailer

Exit 14, GA 25, Woodbine

Montana 5th Wheel

Chevrolet 2500HD



Satilla River

Interstate 95 North

Mile 15

Speed Limit 70

White KIA Forte

White Car

Minimum Speed 40


Mile 18

KIA Sportage pulling Trailer

Silver BMW X Series

REd Lexus

Mile 20

Bridge Ices Before Road

Satilla River

Waverly, Georgia

Exit 22, Horse Stamp, Church Road, 1 Mile

Mile 21

Exit 22, Horse Stamp, Church Road, 1/2 Mile

Hyundai Sonata

Exit 22, Horse Stamp, Church Road

Exit 22

Mile 22

Speed Limit 70


Lincoln MKC


Shipley Crew

Audu Q5

Speed Limit 70

Chevrolet Tahoe

Nissan Pathfinder

Exit 26, Gas, Mobil Diesel


Exit 26, Dover Bluff Rd, Exit 1Mile

Krystal, Stupid Good

Exit 26, Dover Bluff Rde, Exit 1/2 Mile

Holiday Inn & Suites, Exit 38

Pecans, Candies, Jellies, Exit Now, Mobil, Snacks, T-Shirts, Souvenirs

Exit 26, Dover Bluff Rd, Exit 50 mph

Exit 26



Stuff on BigTex Flatbed Trailer

Rowe Drilling Equipment, White Pickup Truck

Exxon, Exit 29 Trun Right, DQ Grill Chill

RV's Truck Wash, 2 Miles, Exit 29 at Loves

Exit 29, Camping, Attraction

Days Inn & Suites, Oceanfront, $79.99, Exit 29

I-95 North

Food Exit 29, Burger King, Subway, Waffle House, Denny's, Krystal

Exit 29, Lodging, Motel 6, Super 8, Food, McDonald's

Glynn County

Mazda Mazda3

Krystal Stupid Good Motorcycle Jump

Speed Limit 70

Gas - Exit 29, Mobil, Loves Travel Store, Shell

Exit 29, US 17, US 82, GA 520, Brunswick, Waycross, Jekyll Island, Exit 1 Mile

Minimum Speed 40

Speed Checked by Detection Devices

Jekyll Island Historic District, Ft Frederick Natl Monument Exit 29

Jekyll Island, Brunswick, St Simons Island, Sea Island, Next 3 Exits

Exit 38, Holiday In, Fairfield Inn & Suites by Marriott

Exit 29, US17, US82, GA520, Brunswick, Waycross, Jekyll Island, Exit 1/2 Mile

Fresh Baked Buns, Hardee's, Exit 36A then 1 Mile, 1/3 lb Thick Burgers

Giant Subs

Exit 29, US17, US82, GA520, Brunswick, Waycross, Jekyll Island

Exit 29

Mile 29

Bridge Ices Before Road


Power Transmission Lines



Love's Travel Stop, Subway



No Parking

Power Lines

White Car

I-95 North

IHop, Subway, eat fresh. Next Exit 36A

Speed Limit 70

Sonny's BBQ, Exit 36B, 7 Miles Ahead

Sonny's BBQ 5328 New Jesup Hwy, Brunswick, GA 31523 (912) 264-9184

South Brunswick River

Savannah 80 Miles

Yellow Ford Mustang towed by 2nd Generation Grey Honda Pilot SUV

Mile 31

Bridge Ices Before Road




Mile 32

Speed Limit 70



Lodging, Days Inn, Motel 6

Bridge Ices Before Road

Turtle River


Nissan Frontier SE

Food Exit 36A, IHop, Cracker Barrel, McDonald's, Burger King, Krystal

Gas Exit 36A, Exxon, Chevron, Food, Wendy's, Subway, Starbucks

Lodging Exit 36B, Comfort Inn, Ramada, Super 8

Food Exit 36B, Sonny's BBQ, Captain Joe's Seafood, Larry's Giant Subs, Huddle House

Exit 36 A-B, US25, US341, Brunswick, Jesup, Exit 1 Mile

Bridge Ices Before Road

Gibson Creek


F150 King Ranch Eco Boost

4x4 Off Road

Blue Ford F150 King Ranch 4x4 Off Road 1GATOR

Gas Exit 36B, Shell

Historic Brunswick Exit 36A

Mile 35

Exit 36A, South US25, South US341, Brunswick Exit 1/4 Mile


Dart,, I Love Dart's Advantages, 2222

Exit 36B, North US25, North US341, Jesup, Exit 1/4 mile, Exit 36A, South US25, South US341, Brunswick

The Dart Advantage

Eco Fleet, More freight. Fewer loads. Less impact. The Dart Advantage



Fire Extinguisher Inside

Dart T680, Operated by Dart Transit Company, Eagan, Minnesota

Exit 25 mph

Red Roof Inn

Rollover Hazard

25 mph

36B Exit, 25 mph


Radial 3045 Scarlett St, Brunswick, GA 31520 (912) 267-5025


Exit 38, GA25, Brunswick, N Golden Isles Parkway, Exit 1 1/4 mile

Oaks Pawn

Interstate 95 North


Bridge Ices Before Road

Exit 38, Food, Pizzeria, Logan's Roadhouse, The Golden Isle Strike Zone, Lodging, Courtyard by Marriott, Microtel Inn & Suites by Wyndham

Copper Pig, GA BBQ Farmers Market, Live Gator, Exit Now

Dunkin' Donuts Drive-Thru Exit 29, Turn Right

Exit 38, GA25, Brunswick, N Golden Isles Parkway, 1/2 Mile, Exit Only

Applebee's Steak

Lodging, Exit 38 Fairfield Inn by Marriott, Best Western, E, Country Inn & Suites

Food Exit 38, Wendy's, Applebee's, Waffle House, Subway, Denny's

College of Coastal Georgia, Federal Law Enforcement Training Center, Brunswick Golden Isle Airport, Exit 38

Harley Davidson, Golden Isle HD, Courtyard by Marriott, Exit Now, Turn Left, One Block

Days Inn, Exit 49, Turn Left

Speed Limit 70

Exit 38, Hospital

White Toyota Highlander

Travel Info Call 511

Exit 38, US 17, GA 25, Brunswick, Veterans Memorial, N Golden Isle Pkwy, Exit Only


Exit 38

Church of God Golden Isles 200 Boswell Ln, Brunswick, GA 31520 (912) 265-0937




Privacy Wall


Toyota Camry

Southern Picker, Antiques In Darien Outlets Exit 43

This Space Available 800-642-0582

White Van

For more infomation >> Interstate 95 North from Kingsland, Woodbine & Waverly to Brunswick, Georgia, 6 August 2016 GP035512 - Duration: 26:05.


For more infomation >> Interstate 95 North from Kingsland, Woodbine & Waverly to Brunswick, Georgia, 6 August 2016 GP035512 - Duration: 26:05.


Combien de temps par jour devez-vous marcher pour perdre du poids ? - Nouvelles Santé - Duration: 5:22.

For more infomation >> Combien de temps par jour devez-vous marcher pour perdre du poids ? - Nouvelles Santé - Duration: 5:22.


For more infomation >> Combien de temps par jour devez-vous marcher pour perdre du poids ? - Nouvelles Santé - Duration: 5:22.


Michael Jordan 'Failure' Publicité Nike VOSTFR Français Motivational - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> Michael Jordan 'Failure' Publicité Nike VOSTFR Français Motivational - Duration: 0:31.


For more infomation >> Michael Jordan 'Failure' Publicité Nike VOSTFR Français Motivational - Duration: 0:31.


Mariés au premier regard : après Char­lène, Florian confirme la rupture |Nouvelles générales - Duration: 2:55.

For more infomation >> Mariés au premier regard : après Char­lène, Florian confirme la rupture |Nouvelles générales - Duration: 2:55.


For more infomation >> Mariés au premier regard : après Char­lène, Florian confirme la rupture |Nouvelles générales - Duration: 2:55.


Françoise (L'amour est dans le pré) : ce qu'elle reproche à Jean-Marc, son compa­gnon - Duration: 2:28.

For more infomation >> Françoise (L'amour est dans le pré) : ce qu'elle reproche à Jean-Marc, son compa­gnon - Duration: 2:28.


For more infomation >> Françoise (L'amour est dans le pré) : ce qu'elle reproche à Jean-Marc, son compa­gnon - Duration: 2:28.


Rajasthan Tourism

For more infomation >> Rajasthan Tourism


BMW 3 Serie BMW 320 i serie High Executive | M sport pakket | Sportstoelen | Zwarte hemel | Schuifka - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> BMW 3 Serie BMW 320 i serie High Executive | M sport pakket | Sportstoelen | Zwarte hemel | Schuifka - Duration: 0:54.


Renault Clio 0.9TCe 90PK Limited **Nieuwjaarsactie!**| Airco | Cruise Control | Navigatiesysteem | M - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Renault Clio 0.9TCe 90PK Limited **Nieuwjaarsactie!**| Airco | Cruise Control | Navigatiesysteem | M - Duration: 1:01.


Ngomong Asal-asalan | 아무말 대잔치... 나름 알쓸신잡!?? - Duration: 6:28.

'I want to learn foreign language, but...'

Anyway... in the end I have to study English.

Let's talk in English, then.

Now? I won't do it.

It's more comfortable to use Korean.

What does it mean?

When we talk something straight forward, it's better to use Korean language...

When I studied English, I spoke English a lot with Koreans.

It was really funny if I think it again now. I wasn't really good at English...

It still helped you.

I worked hard. Learning English...

I think you did.

I came back here after 4 months.

I officially started studying for 4 months...

but I don't feel some improvement like you, my Indonesian skills...

We have been learning English since we were children so it's easy...

It might be different... therefore I keep on struggling.

Should I more focus on learning English or Indonesian...

I think you should do both.

I think it would be great if you do both.

I've determined to learn English only.

I can't do both. It's tiring...

I have to study law too...

If I don't study it, I'd like to try to do something else. I want to learn Japanese.

Do you want to go there to flirt with a Japanese girl?

'About Japanese culture'

I really like Japan.

-Is that so? -If you read a book... ah! it's really...

I'm reading Japanese book recently. 'Miracle of the Namiya General Store'

The word '1Q84' there was also written by the japanese. Murakami Haruki.

-Right. I thought it was IQ84. -Me too.

Japanese is already armed with their philosophy, literature, music, all of them...

That's why I want to learn Japanese.

The movie also is incredible. 'I want to eat your pancreas'

I've heard it.

When I saw it, I felt...

It's a Japanese romance movie. But it contains philosophy...

It also contains literature and society.

In Korea, if it's a romance movie, our country focuses on amplifying emotions.

Japan is such a huge country. I don't think we can easily criticize them.

-I'm not pro to them... -Me to, even though I don't like Japan.

I mean I don't like Japan from its history. But,

I really appreciate their culture.

'Where did those concerns arise?'

I think that all the problems of man can be solved with this.

I have been thinking about that...

everyone has feeling afraid to 'loneliness' and 'separation'.

To solve it, they drink alcohol and consume drugs.

Because by consuming those alcohol and drugs,

that feeling will be disappeared at once.

But when they get up...

it's only temporary.

Those feeling of 'loneliness' and 'separation' are not solved by drinking alcohol and drugs. At the end, it will come again.

So they become addicted to alcohol and drugs.

So many immigrants who just come to Korea really like to be here.

It's like my situation right now.

The fear of ''Oh! Now I belong here'' will be disappeared.

But the first time I came to Korea I felt something different.


-Feeling difference? -Yes!

In the past, every time I came back from exchange student program or trip,

I felt like 'I'm home.', but recently...

I felt somehow difference.

Because it's been long time not in Korea...

Maybe it because you already adapted to their society (In Indonesia).

On the way home...

He's going backward.

My drone... fell in the sea.

(Heartily reaction)

It went diving into the sea...

in Karimunjawa.

It can not be fixed now. Because it fell into the sea...

-I have to throw it... -Ah~ so sad. suddenly...

-Do you have to buy it again? -Yeah.

My drone is died, but I'm happy to have you guys... kkkk

It's snowing outside. Keep healthy and see you next time.


For more infomation >> Ngomong Asal-asalan | 아무말 대잔치... 나름 알쓸신잡!?? - Duration: 6:28.


'Banger or Nah' with Vera Blue - Duration: 2:03.

Not a banger.

I would see it live.

I don't really like 'rock' rock

But I do like the song, but I wouldn't say banger.


I love it.

The fact that I'm never going to forget this song though kind of makes it a banger.

There's songs that have their own way of getting stuck in your head

and never going away. You remember it forever just because of how unique it is.

He started singing and I was just like "ooh"

No, not a banger for me.


Definitely see that live

and it would just be really, really cool.

I think it would be a really big sound and really fun.

It's got that constant, kind of good vibe that makes you really like listening to a song over and over.


It's got Outkast vibes.

Not a banger though.

I liked it though, just not a banger.

Ooh, this is cool.

I'm getting banger vibes from this one.

That's really cool.

Love that chorus, I was like vibing already.



Banger for sure!

That's awesome, love that.

Yep, banger! It's a banger!

Bangers and mash.

For more infomation >> 'Banger or Nah' with Vera Blue - Duration: 2:03.


(Explore Riyadh) Dir'iyah Historical City - Duration: 3:05.

For more infomation >> (Explore Riyadh) Dir'iyah Historical City - Duration: 3:05.


Voice - Perfect World "2018 Soca" (Official Audio) - Duration: 3:34.

Voice - Perfect World "2018 Soca" (Official Audio)

For more infomation >> Voice - Perfect World "2018 Soca" (Official Audio) - Duration: 3:34.


480 sq. ft. cabin with tongue and groove pine | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 3:06.

For more infomation >> 480 sq. ft. cabin with tongue and groove pine | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 3:06.


10 Psychological Tricks That Somehow Really Work - Duration: 4:17.

10 Psychological Tricks That Somehow Really Work

"The human mind is not a terribly logical or consistent place," wrote Jim Butcher.

This is an understatement.

The human mind is, in fact, a complete madhouse.

This can be frustrating when the psychological workings of others keep them from appreciating

our ideas.

It can be wonderful however, when we learn to embrace the chaos and use it to our advantage.

So, in this video I'm going to show you 10 psychological tricks that really work for

that sole purpose.

Likewise, if you find this information is helpful to you, make sure to like this video

and subscribe our channel so you won't miss any interesting update in the future guys!

Here are ten psychological tricks that can help you to get what you want:


If you want to win over a person who doesn't seem to like you, ask them for a very small


Most people will not refuse to help another person with something trivial.

This will put them in a collaborative mindset and help them to see you as a team member.


If you find yourself struggling to make a path through a crowded place, set your gaze

directly at your destination.

People will subconsciously be looking to the eyes of those around them in order to forge

their own path.

As such, they will inherently understand where you are going and make way.


If you want someone to help you carry something, hand it to them while you are speaking.

Most people will be paying more attention to your words than your actions and take the

package instinctively.

Even if they are distracted, they would likely rather help than interrupt you mid-sentence.


If you would like to know whether or not someone has their eye on you, yawn.

If they are watching you, they will likely copy this action involuntarily.


If you want someone to behave a certain way, give them choices within the bounds of the

desired behavior.

For example, instead of "Will you please eat a vegetable with your dinner?", ask

"Would you like me to make carrots tonight, or would you rather have green beans?".

This gives the other person a sense of control and makes them think the decision was their



If you want someone to think you are a fantastic listener, paraphrase their words back to them.

Be subtle with this tactic.

Don't mirror their words too exactly.


If you have a song stuck in your head and it's driving you crazy, follow it all the

way to the end.

It's harder to shake a song if our brain thinks that we're leaving it unfinished.


If you want someone to agree with your position, nod while you are explaining it.

Most likely, your audience will unintentionally mimic you.

Because they are nodding while they hear your words, they will become predisposed to agree

with them.

Nodding is also a sign of trustworthiness and confidence in your position.

Avoid shaking your head for the same reasons.


If you want someone to like you, warm your hands before you shake theirs.

Warm hands put people at ease, while cold ones make them feel guarded and uncomfortable.


If you want people to believe that you are giving them great advice, tell them that you

learned this from your mother or father or grandparent.

People give more weight to advice from an older family member, especially if you speak

about them with respect and authority.

Do you doubt the power of some of these tricks?

Go try them today.

You'll be surprised at how effective a little snippet of psychology can be.

Use these tactics to give an edge to your speeches, relationships, and work performance.

After all, as George Harrison once said, "It's all in the mind."

So, really cool information isn't it?

I'd like to see your opinions on this and please do share your thoughts and experiences

in the comments below!

Don't forget to give us account subs and watch other amazing videos on our channel.

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 10 Psychological Tricks That Somehow Really Work - Duration: 4:17.


50 COMMON RUSSIAN PHRASES - Duration: 16:37.

For more infomation >> 50 COMMON RUSSIAN PHRASES - Duration: 16:37.


Affiliate Marketing Facebook Ads | Facebook Ads Case Study - Duration: 16:43.

affiliate marketing facebook ads, affiliate marketing using facebook ads, affiliate marketing ads, facebook affiliate marketing, facebook affiliate marketing clickbank, facebook affiliate marketing tips, facebook affiliate marketing 2017

affiliate marketing facebook ads, affiliate marketing using facebook ads, affiliate marketing ads, facebook affiliate marketing, facebook affiliate marketing clickbank, facebook affiliate marketing tips, facebook affiliate marketing 2017

affiliate marketing facebook ads, affiliate marketing using facebook ads, affiliate marketing ads, facebook affiliate marketing, facebook affiliate marketing clickbank, facebook affiliate marketing tips, facebook affiliate marketing 2017

affiliate marketing facebook ads, affiliate marketing using facebook ads, affiliate marketing ads, facebook affiliate marketing, facebook affiliate marketing clickbank, facebook affiliate marketing tips, facebook affiliate marketing 2017

For more infomation >> Affiliate Marketing Facebook Ads | Facebook Ads Case Study - Duration: 16:43.


Doctors say Ohio's infant mortality rate is improving - Duration: 3:04.

For more infomation >> Doctors say Ohio's infant mortality rate is improving - Duration: 3:04.


Cabo Frio, Brazil! | The Brazilian Caribbean! (2018) - Duration: 12:36.

We need a cart to fit everything!

A lot of things!

Is everyone ready?

Yes, everyone ready

So let's go!

_ Here we have 1 tea, 1 Guaranaviton _ Guaraviton!

Wait a second, is all this for us?

Yes, everything is for us

1 yerba mate tea, Sprite

Wait, is this only for today?

Only for today

Also, a cold beer just in case anyone wants... ice cold...

And water for later

But how many drinks over there?

22 cans of beer, about 4 guaranas, 1 yerba mate tea

But some has already been consumed, right?

About 8 in this case... That's basic!

I was saying that you know them since very young, right?

Since they were small kids!

Yeah right, you see?

On the way back I'll stop here, ok?

That's great, thanks! Bye!

Happy birthday to you! In this dear day! Much happiness and many years of life!

Hurray Domingos!

The first piece...

Everyone here deserves,

but it goes to a very special person

Ah, Minguinho! Thanks!

That face over there!

32 beer cans!




What's the verdict about the lunch?

Very good! Very good!

What about the farofa?

The farofa... I prefer the one at Picanha na Tábua, but this was good too

Have you already posted everything on Facebook?

Yeah, I've already posted everything!

This is Boulevard Canal, where the boat tours depart

And people also come to fish during the day, to catch small fish, just for fun

Over there in the end it's the old Costa Azul bridge, today fully renovated

From there you go to Buzios, to the Bikini Street, which is also famous

In the background, Costa Azul Yatch Club

Do you come here to fish?

Yeah, during the day sometimes I come here to fish

Is it good?

It's good, you can catch small fish, a carapicu, just for fun

Just like you can see, there are people fishing there

Yesterday you went to the Bikini Street, how was it?

Very good! A lot of people!

A lot of people? But what about the prices?

I thought the prices were a little on the high side, but there were lots of beautiful pieces

I got 2 very beautiful swimsuits

There were a lot of people, it was very hot and humid,

but a looooot of cool things there for sale

Hats, shorts, beach-wear...

What about the boat? Wasn't there a boat here helping people cross over? Is it available anyone?

No, the boat is not operating anyone.

Now you gotta walk to cross the bridge, or drive

The boat is not working anymore, but it's worth it! There are a lot of beautiful things over there!

For more infomation >> Cabo Frio, Brazil! | The Brazilian Caribbean! (2018) - Duration: 12:36.


My personal i markets live presentation video - Duration: 4:21.

hi there Jez Feldmesser here from feldmesser dot co, just wanted to give you a very

quick video on about a very high-level education platform that I discovered

about marketing in forex trading and because I was already involved in

cryptocurrency in crypto currency trading I thought I should really get

myself much better educated in this subject and following on some advice

from a good friend of mine having looked for good training on Forex and trading

because I had a real hole in my education on this subject I did some

research and found this particular company which is a very up-and-coming

company with some extremely high-profile applications and a back office I've

already invested in my account here because it has so many different aspects

of trading and it covers them each individually as you can see there's the

fusion trader swipe trades which is basically following on from a trade that

a real trader is doing you can learn how to do that and of course it does mention

very specifically now you can get a demo account which I have done so very easily

you can just not just open up my smartphone here and get these to do but

do I markets live there you go just download it on your smartphone and you

can see the whole thing I'll just give you this quick little run-through as it

loads there you go see got a whole bunch of stuff you can just like get stuck in

like whole chunks and chunks of training that you can access on your smartphone

and you can even do your demo trading you can download an app called the meta

trader and let's see for example the charts on the meta trader you can just

access directly on your smartphone the live chance and the currency pairs and

the whole whole thing and you can get yourself a demo account which is very

useful to do practice trading obviously without putting any capital at risk

first and completing the trading of course once you've got that the hang of

the whole system then you can do and just swap over to a live account which

is very easy and you can see here's the list of products in our markets life

better trade afford which I've just shown you I'll just give you you see it

gives you the whole all very simple completely step-by-step guides on the

whole thing so I thought it was a very useful investment and rather than

spending thousands on some particular schooling or whatever I discovered that

this was you know for a couple of hundred bucks you can get a very

powerful trading training and so I thought I would just give you the quick

walk through you got the fusion trader the swipe trades FX signals live which

is from the actual trading rooms the daily swing trades and this is my

favorite part the IML Academy so you can just

literally do an entire kind of practically university of trading right

here so I found this I just wanted to share it with you guys I'll leave a link

in the description below you can get your hands on it take a look and there

you go best for you don't forget subscribe to the channel I'll leave the

link the description you can check it out and increase your education and yes

to your success bye for now

For more infomation >> My personal i markets live presentation video - Duration: 4:21.


Watch Amber Portwood's Boyfriend Awkwardly Meet Leah for the Very First Time - Duration: 1:38.

Watch Amber Portwood's Boyfriend Awkwardly Meet Leah for the Very First Time, Things

don't always go as planned.

On tonight's all-new Teen Mom OG, Amber Portwood had goals of introducing her boyfriend Andrew

Glennon to her ex Gary Shirley for the first time.

But as cameras rolled, this low-key meeting turned into a family affair.

When Amber introduced Andrew to Gary, daughter Leah was close by making it impossible to

delay their first meeting.

"Well, Leah, this is Andrew," Gary shared.

"Andrew, Leah.

This is mommy's friend."

While the nine-year-old simply said a quick "hello," the most interesting interaction

may have come between Andrew and Amber's ex.

"You probably know who I am a little bit," Gary explained.

But Andrew responded, "I don't watch any TV."

While Amber apologized to her boyfriend for the "ambush," the meeting wasn't a total failure.

Later in the show, Gary's wife Kristina Shirley was impressed by Amber's new man and not just

because he opened the car doors for his leading lady.

"We had a good first impression," she shared.

"Right after they left, Leah looks at me and she goes, 'Who was he?'

And I said, 'Oh, it's mommy's friend.'

She goes, 'No, really, who is he?'"

Gary replied, "Well, that kid ain't stupid.

I just don't want to deal with any more problems.

I'm too old for that s--t.

I want her to be happy."

Fast-forward to today where Andrew and Amber are expecting a baby boy and happily together.

Guess things are working out after all!

Teen Mom OG airs Monday nights at 9 p.m. only on MTV.

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