Thứ Hai, 8 tháng 1, 2018

Youtube daily report Jan 9 2018

Shahrukh Khan Daughter Suhana Khan's Then And Now Look Will Shock You

For more infomation >> Shahrukh Khan Daughter Suhana Khan's Then And Now Look Will Shock You - Duration: 4:36.


[미스터리] 실제로 존재했던 초록인간|빨간토마토 - Duration: 5:58.

For more infomation >> [미스터리] 실제로 존재했던 초록인간|빨간토마토 - Duration: 5:58.


Аффирмации на каждый день от Наталии Правдиной. Аффирмация на успех и изменения жизни к лучшему - Duration: 0:28.

For more infomation >> Аффирмации на каждый день от Наталии Правдиной. Аффирмация на успех и изменения жизни к лучшему - Duration: 0:28.


Turkish Airlines - Business Class Experience - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> Turkish Airlines - Business Class Experience - Duration: 3:11.


2018 全新Shell Bonus 分推廣 – 30秒版本 - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> 2018 全新Shell Bonus 分推廣 – 30秒版本 - Duration: 0:31.


The Brave - Can Dalton Get Jaz Back? (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 2:08.

For more infomation >> The Brave - Can Dalton Get Jaz Back? (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 2:08.


Draw Tip Tuesday: Sketchbook Tour! - Duration: 8:31.

Welcome to Draw Tip Tuesday! Here's your daily dose of inspiration

to build a creative habit

one drawing at a time brought to you by sketchbook Skool

Hi! Not your usual Draw Tip Tuesday but as you can see behind me there's my setup for

draw tip Tuesday. This is where the camera will go. So I am kind of ready to

shoot some draw tip Tuesdays for the following weeks but I wanted to share a

sketchbook with you - just a little quick tour and it really is little, because

it's about tiny sketchbooks! Let me just show you the difference

because I actually recently finished a very large sketchbook which is this one.

It's as large as an album cover because this is actually an album cover and I

finished this. It was a little bit hard to do because I always needed to carry a

large bag so I could actually carry my sketchbook with me but I really liked

the large format of it I did a lot of different stuff in it. Started with some

homework for imagining in Sketchbook Skool, I drew my food

I drew my interior and let me show you this because here this is when the magic

happened: I did this during an evening meeting with friends. I decided to draw

everybody and I connected the whole thing by filling in the white space with

black, and I really discovered this technique; sort of a collage, you know of

the evening.. I did a lot of different things in this sketchbook. This was done during 'Imagining'

in Sketchbook Skool. Tiny Thumbnails of stuff that came from my imagination

I've been to the coffee bar with this sketchbook... another one of those sketch collages...

sometimes it's really great to do something different you know

usually I take something with me like this

this format it's quite standard, fits into many purses, pockets maybe even, a

bag that you can carry with you and it's it's not that big, so if you want to draw

and you don't want to be too obvious if you're drawing, this is not a great idea

It's fun though but this is a little bit better - it looks like a diary or something

so people might even think you are writing in it when you're drawing on

location - you know, if you're a little bit private about your drawing. But what I

also always carry with me is a very tiny sketchbook. So I have two here this is

one that I filled over the years because I don't use it daily. I just use it

whenever I want to or I think of it. Sometimes I'll forget all about it and

then find it in a pocket in a bag and I'm like: of course I can use this

I made drawings in this tiny sketchbook at home staring out of the window

drawing people, drawing my tools, on location, somewhere else on location

Drawing art tools, messy pages I'm trying to do things and it doesn't work out

Quick scribbles during... this is actually a quick scribble during a shoot I think, a

shoot for Sketchbook Skool. One-liner portraits - loads of them!

One-liner breakfast drawing... this is done in the airplane.

Using a small sketchbook like this so tiny it's very very accessible I think I feel this one

between 2014 and last year and then I started a new one. The paper isn't

that great but it holds watercolor. I use it when I'm waiting in line

whenever I don't want to take out a whole sketchbook, or when

I just carry a small purse and a pen and this that's perfect! You can

draw people, you can draw on location, you can draw on the couch, you can draw

anywhere, and I think it's a really accessible way to keep a sketchbook.

To try different thing,s different techniques, different tools... You don't need to worry

about it being a perfect art journal or a perfect sketchbook with the best

drawings ever, and you can just study hands and faces and that kind of stuff

I don't even know what this is or when but I kind of like it

musicians... quick scribbles... even quicker I think

again I'm waiting somewhere. And again I'm just taking out a different tool

color pencil this time. Just looking at architecture... taking notes too

and a little bit more elaborate on the train. Very crappy drawing of a plane

Here's a drawing of a building around the corner. Drawing at the bar in green ink

sometimes I need to take a little break I'll just get a cappuccino and I can

draw that, and it's sort of like a little meditation. And of course I can do that

in my other sketchbook too but if I feel like I have only five minutes or I feel

like I need to loosen up or anything like that then I just grab this little sketchbook

Waiting at the airport.... Something with bananas....

Drawing people - I'm pleased with this one actually, and thisone too. I just bought a new pen here

nothing new about it just a fine liner but I was really happy with it and it

worked out really well. Did some more people drawings, finished it half...

You can get a lot in a tiny book like this without it feeling

intimidating or something that has to be finished. Just to give you a little tip

Get a small sketchbook! Maybe you can find something

like this online or in your local art supply shop. I found them

actually in my local art supply shop but even the the ones that are a little

larger but still very compact like the small Moleskine sketchbooks with

very thin paper in it, that can work as well. Just to make it very accessible to

yourself to draw wherever you are and whenever you can. Even if you have just a

few minutes, standing in line waiting at the at the supermarket you can draw.

You just need to take it out of your pocket, take that pen, just keep those two

together and start drawing and you will see that it will give you a lot of

exercise it will give you a lot of joy because you fill small gaps in your day

with drawing which is awesome and in the end you will fill the whole sketchbook

which is tiny but still it has a lot of memories in it and a lot of exercises

you can get ideas from it. I've been keeping a tiny sketchbook next to my

daily sketchbook just for that reason so I can just take it out whenever I have

five minutes, I feel the urge, I see something, I'm like: oh that person has a

great nose I want to draw it ,or I sit down for coffee and I want to

make something that's just quick and it's not important then I just use it

and I love that!

So that's just my tip for you: keep a tiny sketchbook available

at all times so you can draw whenever you want

and I hope that you can find one wherever you live online or offline and

if you can't: make one! And have fun

For more infomation >> Draw Tip Tuesday: Sketchbook Tour! - Duration: 8:31.


😂😂clash royale - Duration: 42:49.

For more infomation >> 😂😂clash royale - Duration: 42:49.


Effective Java 3rd Edition - Book Review - Duration: 4:33.


I'm Thorben Janssen from

with a review of the 3rd edition

of Joshua Bloch's popular book: Effective Java.

The previous edition was one of the most popular books

among professional Java developers,

and I couldn't wait to finally read the updated 3rd edition.

I got this book 2 weeks ago,

and it more than fulfilled my expectations.

It is packed with best practices and detailed descriptions

of the finer details of the Java language.

Every developer should at least read the chapters

about generics and lambdas.

You can find a link to the book in the video description.

If you use that link to buy the book,

I will earn a small commission.

This comes at no additional cost to you

and didn't influence my opinion on this book.

It just helps me to produce more free videos for you.

Joshua Bloch does an amazing job explaining best practices

and providing detailed insights

into how and when to use the different Java features.

Effective Java is a must-read for every professional Java developer.

You can get a lot of books about Java, and

several of them do a good job explaining the different language features.

But as a professional developer,

you know that this is just the first step.

There is a huge difference between knowing a feature

and understanding when and how to use it

to build an efficient and maintainable application.

If you read the previous editions of Joshua Bloch's book Effective Java,

you know that he did a great job explaining best practices

and showing how to write readable and maintainable code.

That doesn't change with the 3rd edition which

he updated to include the features and paradigms

introduced in Java 7, 8 and 9.

Especially the chapters about

interface design, generics and lambdas

are a must-read for every Java developer.

Over the last 2 weeks, I read the book from cover to cover, and

I highly recommend you do the same.

It was entertaining and highly educating.

But you don't have to take this approach.

The book consists of 90 items,

and you can read one of them

if you're looking for specific advice.

Each item can stand on its own

and provides detailed explanations of a specific Java feature,

how to use it

and when to prefer a different solution.

This structure makes the book easy to use

and extremely helpful in your daily work.

Like the previous edition,

this book will become one of my go-to references

if I need advise to implement a complex task

or to design a new API.

I'm sure I will reread some of the more advanced items

about lambdas and generics shortly.

Here's a list of the main chapters which

thematically group the 90 items.

The names of some chapters might seem pretty basic.

But I highly recommend reading all of them.

Each chapter provides detailed insights into the Java language

and how it's intended to be used.

Even after working as a Java developer and architect

for more than 15 years,

I got some inspiration

or learned something new in each and every chapter.

To sum it up:

I highly recommend the 3rd edition of

Effective Java to every professional Java developer!

You can get it on Amazon or use my affiliate link

to support this channel without any additional costs.


See you on Thursday with a new Hibernate Tip video.


For more infomation >> Effective Java 3rd Edition - Book Review - Duration: 4:33.


Baltimore's $12M Youth Fund Gives Community the Reins (2/2) - Duration: 10:46.

For more infomation >> Baltimore's $12M Youth Fund Gives Community the Reins (2/2) - Duration: 10:46.


Mudslides Threaten Homes In Fish Fire Burn Areas, But Homeowners Optimistic - Duration: 1:34.

For more infomation >> Mudslides Threaten Homes In Fish Fire Burn Areas, But Homeowners Optimistic - Duration: 1:34.


California Storm Follows Fires, Bringing New Round Of Danger - Duration: 2:12.

For more infomation >> California Storm Follows Fires, Bringing New Round Of Danger - Duration: 2:12.


23 - 5 Pole conditioning exercises for intermediate level - Duration: 7:45.

Hello my friends!

My name is Alesia Schneider, and today is my birthday!

So, today I will show you 5 conditioning exercises using a pole for intermediate level.

The first exercise is a pull-up: start by sitting on the floor really close to the pole

with your straight legs spread apart as wide as it is comfortable for you, usually about

ninety degrees angle or a bit more.

Try to arch your back slightly, if it is possible, making your tailbone move up and back at the

same time.

Now you should feel the pole with your chest or belly.

In case you are not flexible enough, just press your strong upper body to the pole,

keeping your back straight.

In no case, should you have a distance between you and the pole, otherwise, when doing pull-ups,

your hips might move forward causing a collision.

Take the pole with both your hands nice and high, your hands should be close to each other,

arms slightly bent.

Keep your shoulders pulled back and down, squeeze your shoulder blades together.

First, try to pull your body up, bending your arms, but still leaving your feet on the floor.

If this exercise is too easy for you, you can make it more challenging by pulling up,

still with your feet on the ground, but then, lifting them, so that your legs are in parallel

with the floor.

Hold them for a second or two, after, lower your feet back onto the floor and only then

your hips.

If you still find this exercise quite easy, do pull-ups together with your legs lifted

and opened wide.

Control your lifting up and descents, do slowly, using your muscles.

Do not fall down and do not try to push away from the floor.

And again, do not move your body away from the pole in an effort to avoid unpleasant


If you feel really uncomfortable, you can put a thin yoga mat between you and the pole.

Do from five to ten pull-ups, first, with one hand higher, then switch your hands and

do more five or ten pull-ups.

One more recommendation: keep a fabric for cleaning the pole close to you, in case your

hands start to slip.

So that, you don't need to stand up and interrupt yourself at training.

The second exercise is the Boomerang and a variation.

Take the pole with one of your hand nice and high, using a ring-up grip, your another hand

should be below in a ring-down grip, the angle between your hands ought to be more than ninety


Make sure your wrists stay straight all the time, don't twist them.

Control your arms, keep them strong and straight.

Now start to lift your straight legs up into a straddle position, until they are paralleled

with the floor.

As an option, you can lift your legs up, keeping them together, first, on one side of the pole,

then, on the other side of the pole.

In doing so, try not to move your hands and your core.

Repeat ten times on one side, then, switch hands and do this exercise ten times more.

The third exercise is a plank with a pole.

Do a plank, facing the pole a short distance from it.

Bring you hands, one by one, on to the pole, using a ring-up grip.

When holding the pole, keep your arms strong and slightly bent.

Then bring your hands back on to the floor.

Keep your arms straight here.

Your back should be straight as well, your hands, while they are on the ground, exactly

under your shoulders.

Repeat this exercise five or seven times, starting with one hand, and then, with another.

Be very careful with this exercise, if you have weak wrists.

The plank with a pole is not recommended for beginners, as wrists are angled in uncomfortable


However, there are a lot of intermediate and advanced pole tricks with same or similar

positions of hands.

So, this exercise can be used to get your wrists ready for them.

The fourth exercise is an abs exercise with the pole.

We dealt with a very similar exercise in one of the lessons for beginners, so I advise

you to watch it as well.

So, lie on your back with your head towards the pole not far from it.

Take the pole with both your hands, using a cup grip, it's like when all your fingers

behind the pole.

Now, lift your legs and lower body up to create a line, which is paralleled with the pole,

bend one of your legs, your knee should come close to your chest, still keeping your other

leg straight to form one line with your lower body.

Push your hips forward.

Then, start to lower your lower body and legs down, trying not to round your back and not

to move your legs to your belly.

At the same time, engage your hands, kinda, pulling yourself towards the pole.

Lower your lower body and legs down as slow as possible, keeping strong, straight line,

without relaxing your legs or stomach, until your reach the floor.

If you feel, that, at present, it is too difficult to lower your body down totally, without relaxing

or falling down, then, bend your second leg as well and lower down until your bottom leg

reach the floor, after, using this leg to support yourself, lower your body down totally.

In case this modified version is still too difficult, you can try to lower your lower

body and legs only slightly, about forty-five degrees angle above the floor, after, lifting

them up again.

Repeat this exercise seven or ten times with one of your legs bent, then, switch your legs

as well as hands and do this exercise seven or ten times more.

The fifth exercise is inverted push-ups.

First, do the Inverted Crucifix, starting from the floor, so you are not too high.

Then, bring your hands on to the floor, first, not too far from the pole, then, move them

slightly forward.

Now, try to change your leg grip, squeezing the pole not with your legs, but with your

inner thighs only.

Cross your ankles.

Lower your body down, until it is paralleled with the floor, making your hands positioned

exactly under your shoulders.

Keep your back and legs straight.

Perform two types of push-ups: first, do push-ups, keeping your upper arms paralleled with your

sides and your elbows pointed straight back, then, place your hands slightly wider than

shoulder-width apart and do more push-ups with your elbows out.

Do seven or ten repetitions of each type of push-ups.

At the moment of lowering your chest towards the floor, you legs come up, then, come back

to the parallel, that is, your body and legs are always one line.

If, during this exercise, your thighs slide down, you can break your push-ups into several


So, today we have learnt 5 conditioning exercises using a pole.

Do them regularly and you'll see the progress very soon.

And your pole results , especially tagged #poledream_online - is the best present for


By the way, now we have a telegram channel , where You can find all video lessons and

articles in English in a convenient form.

There's gonna be unique additional information and so much more about pole dance.

So see you soon in next video tutorials!

Bye Bye !

For more infomation >> 23 - 5 Pole conditioning exercises for intermediate level - Duration: 7:45.


23 - 5 силовых упражнений с пилоном для среднего уровня - Duration: 6:01.

For more infomation >> 23 - 5 силовых упражнений с пилоном для среднего уровня - Duration: 6:01.


"Most Likely To" with Kimberly Ryder | Natasha Ryder - Duration: 11:38.

For more infomation >> "Most Likely To" with Kimberly Ryder | Natasha Ryder - Duration: 11:38.


ఎవరైనా మీఇంటిముందు వీటిని వేస్తున్నారా ? అయితే ఇదే దాని విరుగుడు Prayogam Puja Chirravuri Foundation - Duration: 2:08.

88855 69579...Chirravuri

88855 69579...Chirravuri

88855 69579...Chirravuri

For more infomation >> ఎవరైనా మీఇంటిముందు వీటిని వేస్తున్నారా ? అయితే ఇదే దాని విరుగుడు Prayogam Puja Chirravuri Foundation - Duration: 2:08.


Driver Shot In Farifield Now In Critical Condition - Duration: 0:26.

For more infomation >> Driver Shot In Farifield Now In Critical Condition - Duration: 0:26.


'Fight For My Way' Seo Jun♥Jiwon's heart throbbed while filming! [2017 KBS Drama Awards/2018.01.07] - Duration: 4:23.

Now, let's move on.

Oh, my. What are you doing here?

Aren't you supposed to be selling sundae now?

All right. Please hold this mic.

You know...

You won an award, right?

- Yes, I did. / - How do you feel?

Why are you sweating when it's winter?

That's because I only so much time, but no one

has given me a funny answer.

- Is that so? / - That's why I'm sweating.

Please understand me. I'm sorry, but...

You are sweating like rain right now.

Please turn on the air conditioner.

I know it's winter, but please turn it on.

- All right. / - What was your question?

- Pardon me? / - What was your question?

- You won an award. / - Oh, right.

- Of course I am happy. / - I see.

- I'm happy. / - You're happy.

However, I didn't sweat like you do now.

I'm sorry to interrupt, but you livened up

the atmosphere by pointing out how I was sweating.

I'm grateful for that.

Now, which drama do you think is

the strongest competitor to "Fight For My Way"?

- "Chief Kim". / - "Chief Kim"?

Why did you pick it out of all dramas?

- First, I'm right-handed. / - I see.

The cast members are sitting on my right side.

And many of them are my acquaintances.

- Could you loosen / - I'm sorry. I...

your fist a little bit?

I feel like you're going to punch me.

I'm sorry for ruining the mood.

- I made them laugh earlier. / - I'm sorry,

but if you can't make them laugh, sweat like I do.

Sweating is important.

- It's a good strategy. / - I see.

- Next to me was Jaehong. / - He's not here.

Since he received the award,

he's been crying in the restroom.

That's why he's not here, so please understand him.

I saw him taking pictures with other people

in front of the restroom.

Why didn't you take a picture with him?

I'm sorry, but I finished my interview with you.

Then why are you still holding the mic?

- I just / - I mean,

- you're taking too long. / - I wish

the viewers could see you in person right now.

You're sweating a lot. I've never seen

anything like this before in my life.

Your trousers are also... Hold on a second.

No. My trousers are

still dry.

- It's okay. / - What are you two doing?

- For now, / - What are you doing now?

I can't go on because of him.

Please move on now.

I'm a fan of "Fight For My Way".

All right. Hi, Jiwon.

They're giving me the sign to wrap it up.

I want to wrap it up too.

Let me talk to them since they played lead roles.

Have you two ever thought

that you could become a couple?

Have your hearts fluttered because of each other?

If that's happened, please raise your right hand.

If it was all acting,

you can just stay as you are.

If your heart fluttered, raise your right hand.

If that never happened, you can just

shake your head.

Has your heart fluttered?

One, two, three.

I won't ask any more questions.

I finally got a good one.

This is the only good answer I heard.

- That's good. / - The only good answer.

All right. Then,

I'll ask the gentleman first.

- Seojun, / - Yes.

when did she make your heart flutter?

I immerse myself in my character while filming.

Maybe you could give us an example.

In which scene did you feel that way?

- I / - Yes?

don't want to be on the news tomorrow.

I told you that it was the only good one.

Please tell me one more surprising thing.

I think your sweat is the most impressive thing.

My gosh. I understand. When you saw me sweating,

- your heart fluttered. / - Yes.

Please tell me something. It happened.

He made your heart flutter.

What did Seojun do

to make your heart flutter?

He played a martial art master.

And he has a nice body.

- That's right. / - In fight scenes,

he looked amazing.

When he took off his shirt?

Whether he wore his shirt or not didn't matter.

- When he was practicing. / - Practicing martial arts?

Seojun, do you still have the muscles?

I lost a lot of them.

- You lost them? / - Yes.

- I understand. / - It happens in winter.

- I understand. Thank you. / - I understand.

I thought I got a good one,

but I lost it right after that.

Thank you for making a lot of effort while sweating.

- My sweat is drying now. / - Exactly.

I will be back in Part Two. Thank you.

For more infomation >> 'Fight For My Way' Seo Jun♥Jiwon's heart throbbed while filming! [2017 KBS Drama Awards/2018.01.07] - Duration: 4:23.


Teen suffers life-threatening injuries in 2-alarm fire - Duration: 2:10.

For more infomation >> Teen suffers life-threatening injuries in 2-alarm fire - Duration: 2:10.


Brown Stew Chicken with Cabbage & Rice - Duration: 7:52.

what up snack heads I'm in mid-city right now at the restaurant Called wi

Jammin' this is make a restaurant called wi jammin' in thats my boy

Franz Caseus and say what about Franz made to the party things going on y'all

mid-city Los Angeles California we jam in Jamaican restaurant the best hands

down the best Jamaican restaurant in LA without a doubt without the other ones

but this is the best yeah see this what I'm talking about

I like I like restaurant see I couldn't believe I could believe you Franz cuz

it's like most of the restaurants that are like this is my fancy schmancy and

whatnot right that holding that year they put

your old home and they put their ankles in the food so clean hole in the wall

where I thought the other ones are dirty but you know usually hole in the walls

like the best food yeah it's the best food because the the chef man he putting

his heart and soul and sweat in there man when it's all fancy-schmancy it's

like okay table for two but sometimes the finish mission one do

be good but again man let's go inside man check it out

yeah this is my boy Chris God buddy did he live in New York and he has a Food

Channel oh yeah and as you feel reviews the full

review channel on YouTube and he's been telling me about this like you're the

best Jamaica restaurant so much fun so what I

ordered I just ordered the the brown stewed chicken here man that's like my

favorite dis on they got they got a bunch of stuff on the menu butters I was

gonna get the red snapper but I'm gonna go to another restaurant after this and

get something so is I wanted gold too heavy so update the Brown's new chicken

they got everything manic red snapper they got the veggie plate up this office

curry shrimp curry

jerk chicken Hawks tail order and that's what I went with

was the balance to just wait for that oh my god

do you all see this right here that's fried chicken an upscale Yoshi just did

a little mix-up she just went in the back and did a little mix-up it's fried

chicken and oxtail see that she do a little no feds going on

fried chicken brown rice planting oh my goodness yes so what is called

ginger pineapple ginger pineapple ginger pineapple and ginger alright so this

right here is not still fried chicken brown rice plantain and some vegetables

I don't really eat red bean red meat at all oxtail restaurant never been to in

California so I gotta do the me the money it's a standard like to taste it

here go it's like it's like cotton can you touch my tongue it just

disintegrates you could tell that chef did his thing

thank you

we're the desert would separate

oh this is the sovereign oh no farmers I haven't had like beef or whatever in

years dog you should get she gave it to me as a simple drink but yeah put some

of that social

what's the name of the sauce fried chicken sauce

that is the fried chicken sauce on fried chicken

he's looking for something metal and they seem to die fast all the way

kinda got the kind of hands like a home like I'm me related on the gravy

Toulouse deceptive sauce and almost tastes like a gravy that's been mixed

and with different vegetables one of the rights in that we cooking chicken to

release enters into a gravy that's what the sauce tastes but I love the gravy

onto the rights even though I'm not being a great I would like to gravy are

my rights


let me walk away from this play this is just a simple play what I order is right

here let me put this aside oh my god

so this right here is their Brown stewed chicken here that we jam in restaurant

California right use the Browse function to see that it's kind of hard to get the

focus in going on right there but this is City got the plan'll rice that's

normal got little steamed vegetables that's what I hold I love the steam

festival this is the prime student chicken I gotta make sure that's the

sample dream you get home I'll give you the home you order something you need I

just say that you can detox there but I want that right

don't blame you the right I don't eat right that's just crazy but that's it

right my school like seriously

I gotta have this all together like to taste it

here go


you're on your you a my socks tell we - disintegrated by cotton candy falls

right off right off the bone be bangin this Browns - right here - this

phosphide it's the truth that's to make arrests our giveaway

yo that chef must be related to Bill this brown chicken

For more infomation >> Brown Stew Chicken with Cabbage & Rice - Duration: 7:52.


과도한 생각: 너무 많이 생각하는 것의 문제 - Duration: 8:03.

For more infomation >> 과도한 생각: 너무 많이 생각하는 것의 문제 - Duration: 8:03.


মাওলানা কওসাসারীর যে ওয়াজটি ইউটিউবে ঝড় তুলেছে Maulana Rezaul Karim Kawsari Bangla waz p-1 - Duration: 26:48.

মাওলানা কওসাসারীর যে ওয়াজটি ইউটিউবে ঝড় তুলেছে Maulana Rezaul Karim Kawsari Bangla waz p-1

মাওলানা কওসাসারীর যে ওয়াজটি ইউটিউবে ঝড় তুলেছে Maulana Rezaul Karim Kawsari Bangla waz p-1

Bd waz

For more infomation >> মাওলানা কওসাসারীর যে ওয়াজটি ইউটিউবে ঝড় তুলেছে Maulana Rezaul Karim Kawsari Bangla waz p-1 - Duration: 26:48.


허당기 많은 동네형으로 돌아온 이병헌 17일 개봉하는 영화 그것만이 내 세상은 이런 JK필름의 인장이 뚜렷한 영화다 - Duration: 7:33.

For more infomation >> 허당기 많은 동네형으로 돌아온 이병헌 17일 개봉하는 영화 그것만이 내 세상은 이런 JK필름의 인장이 뚜렷한 영화다 - Duration: 7:33.


Huge Old Buckle Found

For more infomation >> Huge Old Buckle Found


For more infomation >> Huge Old Buckle Found


France Gall: pourquoi elle n'a pas voulu cacher son cancer du sein au début - Duration: 4:42.

For more infomation >> France Gall: pourquoi elle n'a pas voulu cacher son cancer du sein au début - Duration: 4:42.


For more infomation >> France Gall: pourquoi elle n'a pas voulu cacher son cancer du sein au début - Duration: 4:42.



Sophia !


Father, I would like to be a priest too, what do I need to do ?

But you can't, you're a girl.

The apostles who were with Jesus were men…

But it's not fair !

Sophia !

Since her parents' death it's the first time I've seen her with such joy and enthusiasm

Do you know what becomes of these kids when they are placed with foster families ?


I'm sorry.

She will come

Who's there ?

Who's there ?

Answer !

I'm going crazy !

Is anyone there ?

Oh it's because of all these nightmares ! I'm going nuts !

- Hello father. Hello father. - Hello

Oh Father you aren't dressed yet, but never mind

you know that little girl I told you about last week, well she's been admitted to the Boulle school (art school).

It's a strange name Boulle don't you think ?

In the name of the father, the son, and the holy spirit, Amen.


May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ,

the love of our father God and the communion of holy spirits be with you.

And with your spirit

Excuse me.

Jesus said : It is time for you to wake up from slumber at last.

Night has come, day is growing near, let us rid ourselves of the deeds of darkness

and reveal the weapons of light...

I don't understand, that's not the sermon I had chosen to give you today

Malleus Maleficarum

Devil ; from « diabolos » in Greek, which means disunited

No !

No !

Pray for those who mistreat and persecute you.


Can you hear me ?




Oh all of this is your fault, what do you want from me ! Go away poor thing

oh you have a scar ?

I don't understand, what is my fault ?

EVERYTHING ! You have ruined my life !

An entire life made of nightmares.

And he said that you would come.

He will go after you.

But what are you talking about ?

But I'll never make it through, I don't have the strength

Go away ! Leave ! Go away !

You, did you see that ?

« God spews the lukewarm out of his mouth »

For more infomation >> [WEBSERIE] SELTSAM 2x05 - DANGEROUS WOMAN (ENG SUB) - Duration: 7:48.


For more infomation >> [WEBSERIE] SELTSAM 2x05 - DANGEROUS WOMAN (ENG SUB) - Duration: 7:48.


Visser uit Istanboel - BB3D aflevering 17 - Duration: 3:00.

For more infomation >> Visser uit Istanboel - BB3D aflevering 17 - Duration: 3:00.


For more infomation >> Visser uit Istanboel - BB3D aflevering 17 - Duration: 3:00.


Les 4 aliments qui vous aident à garder vos reins en bonne santé - Duration: 4:38.

For more infomation >> Les 4 aliments qui vous aident à garder vos reins en bonne santé - Duration: 4:38.


For more infomation >> Les 4 aliments qui vous aident à garder vos reins en bonne santé - Duration: 4:38.


Que se passe-t-il si tu mets une tranche de citron à côté de ton lit ? - Duration: 1:53.

For more infomation >> Que se passe-t-il si tu mets une tranche de citron à côté de ton lit ? - Duration: 1:53.


For more infomation >> Que se passe-t-il si tu mets une tranche de citron à côté de ton lit ? - Duration: 1:53.


VLOG Cambodge - Episode 1 - Duration: 11:56.

For more infomation >> VLOG Cambodge - Episode 1 - Duration: 11:56.


For more infomation >> VLOG Cambodge - Episode 1 - Duration: 11:56.


女星為博版面搶曝光,大大大尺度,狂擠胸、玩摔倒、裸背現身捆綁裝讓你一次看個夠! - Duration: 2:34.

For more infomation >> 女星為博版面搶曝光,大大大尺度,狂擠胸、玩摔倒、裸背現身捆綁裝讓你一次看個夠! - Duration: 2:34.


For more infomation >> 女星為博版面搶曝光,大大大尺度,狂擠胸、玩摔倒、裸背現身捆綁裝讓你一次看個夠! - Duration: 2:34.


Where Do We Go

For more infomation >> Where Do We Go


M. Asam VINOLIFT Lip Lines Cream Duo - Duration: 4:09.

For more infomation >> M. Asam VINOLIFT Lip Lines Cream Duo - Duration: 4:09.


Baltimore's $12M Youth Fund Gives Community the Reins (2/2) - Duration: 10:46.

For more infomation >> Baltimore's $12M Youth Fund Gives Community the Reins (2/2) - Duration: 10:46.


Good Morning Britain reunites I'm A Celeb's Iain Lee and Amir Khan – and it's awkward - Duration: 3:30.

Good Morning Britain reunites I'm A Celeb's Iain Lee and Amir Khan – and it's awkward

Iain Lee and Amir Khan were reunited on Good Morning Britain today (January 8). Unsurprisingly, the meeting was pretty awkward following claims that the boxer bullied the radio host during their time on Im A Celebrity together.

Amir denied those suggestions during a live TV interview, and they were seen hanging out together in wrap party photos.

Iain also played down suggestions of bullying in his exit interview – but then later appeared to go back a little on that after hearing some of the comments made about him in the jungle.

He said: Amir stabbed me in the back! But its fine. Weve got no beef with each other. Im a forgiving kind of guy..

On GMB, Piers Morgan asked Amir to set the record straight – and at first, he initially tried to deny betraying Iain.

However, Iain then hit back: Yes you did [stab me in the back]! When I came out, the first thing they showed me was you saying, Yeah its all Iains fault, hes no good at heights, hes no good with water, what is he good for? You said that, brother.

Upon reflection, Amir then admitted he may have been a bit harsh on Iain – particularly regarding Strawberry-Gate. Okay, I might have blamed you a little bit more than I blamed myself, he said.

Then after a gentle push from Piers and Susanna Reid, the boxer finally said sorry. Iain, I do apologise, he added. I think you took a lot of the blame for the strawberries..

The radio host was then quick to accept the apology and announced it is once again all peace and love between them.

During an appearance on Loose Women last month, the radio show host explained why he felt betrayed by the boxer after initially playing down bullying claims.

Having watched the 2017 series of Im A Celebrity back once hed left the jungle, he realised that the boxer had talked about him behind his back.

I was really disappointed that people had been saying things behind my back about a game plan and that I wasnt trying hard enough, he stated.

The one that disappointed me the most was Amir, because I thought Amir and I got quite close. We were talking about going to Pakistan and stuff together and do all of this. But Ive got no beef with any of them..

For more infomation >> Good Morning Britain reunites I'm A Celeb's Iain Lee and Amir Khan – and it's awkward - Duration: 3:30.


Amir Khan and Faryal Makhdoom talk about how I'm A Celebrity helped save their marriage - Duration: 3:49.

Amir Khan and Faryal Makhdoom talk about how I'm A Celebrity helped save their marriage

Amir Khan and Faryal Makhdoom made a rare joint appearance on Good Morning Britain today.

Following a turbulent 2017 which saw the couple briefly separate and almost file for divorce, they are now very much back on track and want the world to know they have moved on.

I think you say things when youre angry, Faryal said, referring to their very public arguments on Twitter. Its the new year, and Ive put it all behind us..

She continued: I think weve both made mistakes. I made the situation worse by getting him angry while he was away.

Weve been [married] for about four years and weve been together for six years, and weve never head a problem or public dispute like this..

Piers Morgan then brought up the fact that Amir was photographed with several different women last year, which resulted in further rumours about the state of his marriage.

Commenting on the rumours, the boxer said: A lot of them were friends who Ive known for a long time. Also, Faryal knew them, wed been for dinner together, all of us. And a lot of the [stories] were not true.

But obviously with what was going around in the media was making the situation worse than it already was.

Me and Faryal were in talks of leaving each other, and when these stories were coming out, it was just making it more real that it was going to happen.

We were speaking to one another saying, Its not going to work. We werent happy in the relationship at the time.

It was something that was very tough going through that time because having Lamaisah, my little girl, and then knowing Faryal was pregnant as well made it harder..

The couple explained that at that time in their relationship, they needed some time away from one another. Luckily, that opportunity arose when Im A Celebrity bosses asked if Amir would take part in the 2017 series.

And Faryal said that not only did the time apart do their relationship good, but her husband is now a changed man thanks to his time in the jungle.

He doesnt like going out anymore – he likes staying home, she added. I have to force him to go out now!.

Amir previously said that being in the jungle for Im a Celebrity was like a detox for him was like a detox for him, that it definitely helped him to appreciate their relationship and had a positive effect on their marriage.

The couple, who got married five years ago, are expecting their second child in the spring.

For more infomation >> Amir Khan and Faryal Makhdoom talk about how I'm A Celebrity helped save their marriage - Duration: 3:49.


LFC TRANSFER NEWS !! Philippe Coutinho paying £11 5m to Liverpool for Barcelona transfer - Duration: 1:37.

Brazil International Philippe Coutinho is stopping up 11.5 million pounds of

his own cash in order to get his long-awaited transfer to Barcelona

according to The Times the attacking midfielder is set to pay nine million

pounds to Liverpool towards his transfer fee and is committed to paying a further

2.5 million pounds in the future a controversial advert that appeared on

Nikes official website to announce Coutinho Smoove - Barca and offer free

shirt personalization is reported to have led to the Reds changing the terms

of the deal it seems Coutinho stepped in to pay the

difference in order to make sure his move did not collapse he is expected to

earn around 240 thousand pounds a week at Camp Nou which means he is paying

almost his annual salary to Liverpool but it could be nike who ultimately

picks up the tab for their error the sportswear brand which sponsors both

Coutinho and Barca is tipped to increase his role as a brand ambassador which

will lead to a sizeable increase in his sponsorship feat

For more infomation >> LFC TRANSFER NEWS !! Philippe Coutinho paying £11 5m to Liverpool for Barcelona transfer - Duration: 1:37.


M. Asam VINOLIFT Eye Cream - Duration: 4:41.

For more infomation >> M. Asam VINOLIFT Eye Cream - Duration: 4:41.


M. Asam VINOLIFT Body Cream - Duration: 9:25.

For more infomation >> M. Asam VINOLIFT Body Cream - Duration: 9:25.


Effective Java 3rd Edition - Book Review - Duration: 4:33.


I'm Thorben Janssen from

with a review of the 3rd edition

of Joshua Bloch's popular book: Effective Java.

The previous edition was one of the most popular books

among professional Java developers,

and I couldn't wait to finally read the updated 3rd edition.

I got this book 2 weeks ago,

and it more than fulfilled my expectations.

It is packed with best practices and detailed descriptions

of the finer details of the Java language.

Every developer should at least read the chapters

about generics and lambdas.

You can find a link to the book in the video description.

If you use that link to buy the book,

I will earn a small commission.

This comes at no additional cost to you

and didn't influence my opinion on this book.

It just helps me to produce more free videos for you.

Joshua Bloch does an amazing job explaining best practices

and providing detailed insights

into how and when to use the different Java features.

Effective Java is a must-read for every professional Java developer.

You can get a lot of books about Java, and

several of them do a good job explaining the different language features.

But as a professional developer,

you know that this is just the first step.

There is a huge difference between knowing a feature

and understanding when and how to use it

to build an efficient and maintainable application.

If you read the previous editions of Joshua Bloch's book Effective Java,

you know that he did a great job explaining best practices

and showing how to write readable and maintainable code.

That doesn't change with the 3rd edition which

he updated to include the features and paradigms

introduced in Java 7, 8 and 9.

Especially the chapters about

interface design, generics and lambdas

are a must-read for every Java developer.

Over the last 2 weeks, I read the book from cover to cover, and

I highly recommend you do the same.

It was entertaining and highly educating.

But you don't have to take this approach.

The book consists of 90 items,

and you can read one of them

if you're looking for specific advice.

Each item can stand on its own

and provides detailed explanations of a specific Java feature,

how to use it

and when to prefer a different solution.

This structure makes the book easy to use

and extremely helpful in your daily work.

Like the previous edition,

this book will become one of my go-to references

if I need advise to implement a complex task

or to design a new API.

I'm sure I will reread some of the more advanced items

about lambdas and generics shortly.

Here's a list of the main chapters which

thematically group the 90 items.

The names of some chapters might seem pretty basic.

But I highly recommend reading all of them.

Each chapter provides detailed insights into the Java language

and how it's intended to be used.

Even after working as a Java developer and architect

for more than 15 years,

I got some inspiration

or learned something new in each and every chapter.

To sum it up:

I highly recommend the 3rd edition of

Effective Java to every professional Java developer!

You can get it on Amazon or use my affiliate link

to support this channel without any additional costs.


See you on Thursday with a new Hibernate Tip video.


For more infomation >> Effective Java 3rd Edition - Book Review - Duration: 4:33.


The End of the F***ing World climax - Duration: 2:27.

Will we go to prison if we hand ourselves in? Or juvenile, whatever? Will we?

Look, yes, possibly.

- We wouldn't go to the same place? - No, but the thing...

- No? - No.

- I'm sorry. - Why?

[Leslie] Jesus Christ!

Give me the keys to your boat.

[James] She's breathing.

Come on, James, we have to go now!

[fast-paced action music]

[music fades] [Alyssa] Shit!

[ominous music]



[shout] Armed police! Armed police! Stay down!

[policemen shout]

[Teri] Eunice, can you hear me? Eunice?

[policeman] They're on the beach!

[policeman] Move out! Move out!

Say that I kidnapped you.

- What? - Yeah.

Tell them that I did it all.

Then you'll be OK. Nothing will happen to you.

No. No way. We're going together. Come on!

[policemen shout]

- I'm sorry. - Why?

[shout] Armed police, stay where you are!

Put down the weapon!

What the fuck are you doing?

[screams] James!


[Alyssa screams] No! [policemen shout]

No! Get off me!

[muffled rumbling]

[James] I've just turned 18.

And I think I understand...

[labored breathing]

...what people mean to each other.

For more infomation >> The End of the F***ing World climax - Duration: 2:27.


Best Gangsta Gym Hip Hop Workout Music - Svet Fit Music - Duration: 38:28.

Svet Fit Music

For more infomation >> Best Gangsta Gym Hip Hop Workout Music - Svet Fit Music - Duration: 38:28.


মাওলানা কওসাসারীর যে ওয়াজটি ইউটিউবে ঝড় তুলেছে Maulana Rezaul Karim Kawsari Bangla waz p-1 - Duration: 26:48.

মাওলানা কওসাসারীর যে ওয়াজটি ইউটিউবে ঝড় তুলেছে Maulana Rezaul Karim Kawsari Bangla waz p-1

মাওলানা কওসাসারীর যে ওয়াজটি ইউটিউবে ঝড় তুলেছে Maulana Rezaul Karim Kawsari Bangla waz p-1

Bd waz

For more infomation >> মাওলানা কওসাসারীর যে ওয়াজটি ইউটিউবে ঝড় তুলেছে Maulana Rezaul Karim Kawsari Bangla waz p-1 - Duration: 26:48.


Doctors Say 'Brain-Dead' Daughter Is Going To Die, Then She Says 4 Words That Stun Them - Duration: 3:52.

Doctors Say 'Brain-Dead' Daughter Is Going To Die, Then She Says 4 Words That Stun Them

Three-year-old Eden Carlson is lucky to be walking, let alone alive.

Last year, Eden broke through the baby gate in her family's Arkansas backyard and fell

into the pool.

Eden didn't have a pulse for two hours and doctors had little hope for her survival.

Her mother, Kristal Carlson, recalled that horrible day in February where she almost

lost her baby girl: "I was completely panicked.

Completely panicked," Carlson recalled.

"My kids heard me scream."

Eden's older sister called 911 while Kristal rushed Eden inside and began CPR on the not

quite one-year-old.

Amazingly, Eden overcame the doctor's initial hypothesis that she wouldn't live, but her

accident caused significant brain damage.

When the Carlson's realized there was little more that could be done for their daughter

and Eden perhaps would never be the same, they took proactive measures.

"When it was becoming clear that medically there was nothing else that could be done

with our daughter…we started getting online and researching different ways that brain

injuries have been helped through different alternative methods," Carlson said.

The Carlsons uncovered a treatment called hyperbaric oxygen therapy, which involves

breathing in pure oxygen.

It's commonly used to treat scuba divers suffering from decompression sickness.

Dr. Paul Harch of LSU Health New Orleans School of Medicine performs the therapy.

The Carlsons decided to contact him and see if it could help their daughter.

The little girl was given pressurized oxygen twice a day.

She was then placed in a pressurized chamber where she received oxygen five days per week.

"Prior to [her first treatment], she had been uncontrollably squirming, moving side-to-side,

and wouldn't focus her eyes on anything," Harch said.

"What I wanted to find out was if she would respond to oxygen…and how she might respond

to the hyperbaric chamber."

Miraculously, they began to see some progress.

"Hours after the first treatment, they saw her improving, neurologically.

She was not squirming as much.

She started to focus with her gaze," Harch recalled.

"By the second treatment, it was very clear, her eyes were clearer.

She was gazing, focusing, and she had diminished with the squirming so it was obvious she was

responsive to that dose."

Weeks later, to everyone's surprise, Eden started walking with the support of her mother.

Then she shocked them further.

"I'm walking, I'm walking!" she yelled.

et Eden again.

"Her personality is back; she's got her sense of humor back," the grateful mom said.

"She's into everything.

She's a little wobbly on her feet, but she's getting better all the time."

Eden isn't entirely out of the woods.

She still has a long recovery ahead of her, but she's making great progress.

With the help of physical therapy, Eden is walking.

While she still needs the support of a walker or another person's hands, she's on her

way to living a long, normal childhood.

The Carlsons thought they'd lost their baby girl for good.

They very well might have, but Eden refused to give up and her family maintained their

fighting spirit by searching for other alternatives that could help their child.

They didn't accept the doctor's prognosis but railed against it, and seeing Eden today

is proof that they did the right thing.

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