Thứ Hai, 8 tháng 1, 2018

Youtube daily report Jan 9 2018

(Chuu's outdoor photo shoot!)

(It looks warm on a screen...)

#NowPlaying "LOOΠΔ/Yves&Chuu - Girl's Talk"

Chuu: Thank you~ It was really warm~!

(But actually it's minus 7 degrees…)

Chuu: It's fun. I'm not cold~

Chuu: Ah, really? Minus 7 degrees?

Chuu: It didn't seem like that at all!

ViVi: Ah, really~

ViVI: Really~? It didn't seem like that~

JinSoul: I have a big red ribbon

Choerry: Hey~

Choerry: I'm Choerry!

(The girls hang out so well every shooting place!)

JinSoul: Suddenly you're getting in the mood, right?

Choerry: Just a concept~

JinSoul: Do you want to do a photo shoot today?

Choerry: Absolutely~

Choerry: I'm dying to do it!

(So they decided to take pictures of each other...)

JinSoul: The ribbon is really big!

For more infomation >> 이달의소녀탐구 #251 (LOONA TV #251) - Duration: 0:54.


Features of Genius - Duration: 2:19.

【Features of Genius】

Do you want to hit more short ball?

You hit like "Phew".


Phew Phew Phew,


like this.

① They teach very sensuously.

[Thank] you.

Your losing was I have expected.

② They are not be glad if they win.

Have a good game.

He is -


③ They understand soon  the opponent is a good or bad player.

10 minutes -


④ I don't know why but most of them are too selfish.

Let's game!


⑤ They like games better than the basic practice.

⑥ They are good at serving.

The last game,

I lost because my serving was not good.

⑦ Their excuse is also about serving.

Shut up!

⑧ Suddenly they are so seriously as we can't talk.

I should back half a step.

Don't mind.

⑨ They can play by fine adjustments.

Do you think a side spin blocking is so cool?

I will practice it until I can.

Come on!

I am tired!

⑩ They are easy to be bored because they can play immediately.

Nice game.

Nice game.

Nice game.

⑪ They are invincible in regional tournaments.


your losing was I have expected.

⑫ Not like this character!!! → They are more more cool.

For more infomation >> Features of Genius - Duration: 2:19.


Nine Inch Nails' The Downward Spiral (in 5 Minutes) | Liner Notes - Duration: 5:10.

("Closer" by Nine Inch Nails)

- [Narrator] By the time Trent Reznor started work

on his second album,

he'd become one of alternative rock's biggest stars.

Nine Inch Nails' 1989 debut, Pretty Hate Machine,

was an unexpected hit.

It spent 115 weeks on the Billboard 200,

sold over a million copies,

and landed the band an opening slot

on the Guns N' Roses European Tour.

Banking on a sequel that could surpass

Pretty Hate Machine's success,

Reznor's new label, Interscope Records,

gave him a recording budget large enough

to turn a mansion in Los Angeles into a live-in studio.

In late 1992, he moved into the house on Cielo Drive

where 23 years earlier,

members of the Manson Family murdered five people,

including Sharon Tate.

A little over a year later,

he emerged with a new work he called The Downward Spiral.

It opens with the sound of a man being beaten,

sampled from George Lucas' dystopian 1971 film,

THX 1138,

setting the tone for an album themed

around violent self-recrimination.

("Mr. Self Destruct" by Nine Inch Nails)

It's first video, for the song March of the Pigs,

makes the motif literal.

Set at a break-neck 269 beats-per-minute,

the song's a whiplash-inducing hybrid

of industrial music and speed metal.

For the video, Reznor and his touring band performed live

on a sound stage with Reznor shoving his sidemen,

knocking over gear, and dropping mics throughout.

("March of the Pigs" by Nine Inch Nails)

While Reznor claimed to have been unaware

of the history of the house on Cielo Drive

when he moved in, apparent illusions to the murders

there pop up throughout the album.

Among them were the lyrics to Piggy,

which echo the word, pig,

that Manson Family member, Susan Atkins,

painted on the front door in Tate's blood.

("Piggy" by Nine Inch Nails)

Reznor's fascination with violence comes to a peak

on Big Man With a Gun.

Although only a minute and a half long,

the tracked caused an outsized controversy.

Anti-obscenity crusaders,

C. Delores Tucker and William Bennett,

used its lyrics to accuse Interscope's parent company,

Warner Brothers, of peddling violence.

While Tucker and Bennett lumped it in alongside tracks

by Dr. Dre and Tupac,

Reznor originally intended the song as a parody

of what he called misogynistic gangsta rap bullshit.

("Big Man With a Gun" by Nine Inch Nails)

Big Man With a Gun wasn't the only contentious moment

on The Downward Spiral.

Despite its obscenity-filled chorus,

Reznor's ode to sexual domination, Closer,

became a surprise hit after its release

in the spring of 1994.

With an infectious beat,

inspired by Iggy Pop's Nightclubbing,

("Nightclubbing" by Iggy Pop)

the song reached number 41 on Billboard's Hot 100,

boosted the album to quadruple-platinum success,

and ignited controversy along the way.

("Closer" by Nine Inch Nails)

On its paid hotline,

the pro-censorship Parents Music Resource Center,

described the song as bordering on the Satanic.

Meanwhile, director Mark Romanek's video caused a stir

with its depictions of nudity, bondage,

and a monkey tied to a cross,

even though MTV ran a heavily-edited version.

While Closer was The Downward Spiral's biggest hit,

its most indelible song turned out to be

the album's final track, Hurt.

A hushed ballad closing out an album full

of punishing beats, harsh noise, and transgressive imagery,

Hurt is a raw confession of addiction and despair.

It became a centerpiece of Nine Inch Nails concerts

and a 1996 Grammy nominee for the best rock song.

("Hurt" by Nine Inch Nails)

But it didn't reach classic status

until Johnny Cash released a breathtaking cover in 2002.

Reznor later admitted that after he heard Cash's version,

he thought, "That song isn't mine anymore."

("Hurt" by Johnny Cash)

The Downward Spiral helped turn Trent Reznor

into one of the biggest rockstars in the world

and brought a new level of sonic experimentation

into the pop realm, but it's greatest accomplishment

was showing what's possible when an artist

is willing to dig deep into the darkest corners

of their psyche and share with the world

what they find there.

For more infomation >> Nine Inch Nails' The Downward Spiral (in 5 Minutes) | Liner Notes - Duration: 5:10.


Market Health: Verge ($XVG), Tron ($TRX), Litecoin ($LTC), Bitcoin ($BTC), Ethereum Classic ($ETC)! - Duration: 15:22.

Is going on snipers my email oh, baby here, I hope all of you guys are having a wonderful day today

Let's just dive right into our daily cryptocurrency

Analytics for today and take a look at some coins that the community has been talking about over the past couple of days including Virg

Tron Bitcoin etherion classic and litecoin, let's just dive right into it so

If you guys are new here - snipers - we are going to be using several different indicators here

We are utilizing our trading view chart the link is in the description for trading view

and if you go to insert indicator

And you can go to technical analysis or search for these we're going to be using the volume which is down here

We're going to be using the three moving averages the RSI and the moving average exponential which also is called the EMA

the RSI is actually going to be here in the bottom and purple volume down here these three lines indicate the 50-day the 108 and

the 200-day moving average here looking at xvg super

Predictable pattern all of you guys should have had the ability to predict this you can see was a clear

Pennant that was forming here over the past couple of days

indicating that priced movements were

Potentially going to break out of this pennant

and if you guys don't know how to pennant look so we have this resource some of you guys are already on you by the

Way let me mention something if you go into our

Discord this is a free and open resource available to all of you guys and just hop into one of these voice channels

My gosh. There's always something good. You know to get from these voice channels just watch this

There's a lot of people that don't fully trust in Virg right now, and they don't fully trust yeah, I know

Psychology with Virg I think outside of charts two dollars than me losing fucking $100

there too much profanity

Unfortunately, but um you know you can't control everything right that's actually in our rules here. No profanity

But what are you gonna do when they're on the voice channel?

It's not necessarily easy to track, but that's not the point the point here guys. That's my issue

I have to deal with the disciplinary actions here, but the point for you guys. Is there's valuable knowledge to be

Taken from our discord guys, not just our trading 101 where you guys can look at the charts here

But also within the community, so I highly implore you guys to check that out now something. That's also pretty cool

If you guys look at the total market cap here for Virg

We're heading into the top 20 now Virg coming to the top 20 is huge

I think the raped protocol was also successfully implemented finally, and that's another reason that we're seeing these price

Increases in Virg you can see total market cap is at 3 billion some of you guys are like well

How do I you know predict this when I am not necessarily the best chart drawer or anything like that?

And a lot of you guys ask me questions like is there a way for you to post your trade alerts

And we do have an option for that it's on our patreon the link is in the description for this as well

We actually posted the verge breakout yesterday you guys can actually see this here. We posted it at 1:29 a.m.

And I had put my position in there of course

I'm at a huge game now

And I'm gonna be taking

Profits as I have already planned to take profits as any good trader knows to plan out their trades. You can see you're on our

Patreon we did predict this so this actually also has a mobile app

So I highly encourage you guys to download the mobile app a lot of you guys have asked me about

Where do I get the notifications is it just my email?

But there's also an app that you can actually download and then set up your notifications

and get this

Instantly as soon as I put it out and then you can actually read exactly why I think it's gonna break out so that's in

The description if you guys are open to that, but I do want to continue the technical analysis

Talk a little bit more about the overall market and the condition that we're in right now especially with Bitcoin being that we're flocking back

And forth right now within this channel. I do want to mentioned something as well yesterday

There was an opportunity that a lot of us may or may have had not been aware of but corn market cap actually didn't announce

That they were going to take away all of the

total circulating supply

From the Korean exchanges and stop implementing their averages into the price average

That is shown on the front page of coin market cap so what I mean by that is

Yesterday we were watching ripple on the live stream

and it literally went from one hundred and twenty two billion dollar market cap to like 90 billion within a

Second and this price went from three dollars and 20-something cents down to like two dollars and ninety cents out of nowhere

And some people freaked out because they just didn't know what was going on but in reality all that happened was

Coin market cap started putting these asterisks here for the Korean exchanges and they stopped

Averaging it within the price average

That is shown to the public

And that right there guys is a form of a slight advantage

that you have as a trader for being knowledgeable in the market you guys were all on the livestream or if you guys were a

night owl last night

Or if you guys were in the discord you would have known that and that's huge because guess what if you guys are on

Discord are on patreon once again

I set out that podcast to our trade alert gold members that hey

I am going to start buying into a lot of positions right now as the prices start to decline in

Anticipation of the price increases that we're gonna see as this market cap starts heading towards one trillion

So I hope you guys are aware of that. You know Bitcoin once again

Looking at the technicals here

257 billion dollar market cap yeah

It's you know

It's still within this channel what I'm looking at right now is the fact that we've put ourselves back into this original

Channel what that means is we do have the potential to

maybe see these prices head back to the 50-day where it was previously now if you look at the 50-day instead of being at

12,500 our 50-day moving average sorry about that. Let me remove this our 50-day moving average is not at

12,500 anymore however it is currently at

13,000 600 so about $1,000 increase so if we can get down to those price levels

I am planning to put in some more buy orders and getting a larger position with Bitcoin right over here

Maybe even taking my verge profits, and if you guys are patrons

You know I also sold some aetherium today

Being that I saw the double top form and it was already at peak prices, so

Long story short guys a lot of things are happening in the market

You need to be able to play this right you need to be able to set yourself up to win

don't don't be in the

In the latter part of the news be at the forefront

Be part of a community that can get you the news first so that you can make a decision faster than anyone

That's the ones who win in the market

That's how it was in traditional markets when I used to trade traditional markets who got the news first like when I was trading go

Pro, okay who knew they were gonna start

selling drones well the people who were

Closest to the community within go pro knew that first they were able to make theirs those trades

And then it shot up to 90 now. It's like way lower

That was probably a bad long term hold for me, right

They gotta got out of that one

But let's not talk about traditional stocks or go pro because it's all about crypto currency

And this is where things are headed so that's total market capitalization right now with Bitcoin once again

I think over the next couple of weeks

we're gonna start seeing the altcoin market starting to increase towards bitcoins dominance, maybe even heading towards a

Bitcoin dominance of

25% if it does get to that level do I think it's going to maintain that level not necessarily

I think over time Bitcoin has always proven itself if you look at this chart here

You can see the percent of total market capitalization and the dominance you can see all coins at our all-time high right now

They're taking these huge leaps of dominance Bitcoin is dropping and dominance but over time

I think Bitcoin will re stabilize itself as it's seen this in the past

It's seen this before and Bitcoin is the king right so it's going to be interesting to watch this as time progresses

Let's shoot to the Tron

Technical here very similar to Virg however I do want to mention something so there is a hand and shoulder here. That is a

Sign of a reversal so you got left shoulder right shoulder in the head

And then you bring this down here you see this technical it forms a pennant now the pennant though right here is

Not necessarily the best pennant in my opinion ISM so the pen at you can actually drop from here as well

And actually come from around this angle and draw this out

But it's a very minor pin and what I mean by that is I'm gonna clear these drawing tools

And show you guys the difference between a pennant and a channel because some of you may get this confused

But you can see support levels here are consistent right around the 900 satoshi level

versus when we look at verges chart 1 verge broke out and

How a pennant is supposed to look you see the support levels increase over time so at one point

It was at 772 Satoshi's, and then it went to

877 Santosh YZ and then it went to a thousand 42 Satoshi's

So that's how a pennant is formed. It's not necessarily formed in this manner. However. This is obviously a channel

That's forming

So you can always train upon trade upon this channel what I like about this channel is the fact that if you draw this out

Any way you draw it out?

It's a good time to buy because support levels are pretty much right here around 900 Satoshi

So I actually did put a trade in here if you guys are patriots once again

You guys know I traded at what was it 915 satoshis

I setup my stop-loss from beneath that

Because this is strong support when you find strong support levels like this it can give you confidence in your trade, so

Expecting tron to either most likely in my opinion what I could see Tron doing here

I'll show you exactly what I would predict here with Tron being the fact that it's on the support level

It's either gonna continue to build this channel

Maybe even lose a little bit of volatility it could easily break out of this channel

Start hitting some new highs and then some lower lows

Possibly after these highs being that the market in total has been declining

But that is gonna you know obviously take some time to occur if you guys look here if it does break down

Below the support. I have my stop-loss is set up. I'm not gonna be losing too much

It's a safe swing trade for me and once again if this drops down

I think we'll see it go all the way back down to around 500 Satoshi's

So hopefully that doesn't happen we can continue to see tron making its price for movements upwards to the moon

okay, so

Looking at trance total market cap nine billion dollars ranked number 10

Tron TRX as you can see 14 cents we're seeing this exact same chart form right around this angle as well and

What I would say right now with the volume this high anything could happen for Tron looking at litecoin

Let's go ahead and transition into the coin that has

Never disappointed right like Quinn has always done well for most people what I love about

This is the fact that we have these clear support levels here around looks to be 1 million

1.4. Million Satoshi's

And then we have some resistance right around the 1.8 million Satoshi level now

Trading light coin at this time obviously it hasn't gotten much press

So if you look at the fundamental aspect of it charlie Lee recently sold all of his coins

I think that kind of has already faded away within the market. I think right now

We're really focused in on what's gonna happen within this price zone

You can see there is a clear pennant forming here as well

that could potentially lead to another breakout for litecoin definitely in the short term if I was a

Day trader I would be pulling up this real live chart here. Maybe even trading. This as a day trade

Yeah, that would be an easy day trade you can see much volatility clear support levels

I mean you can set up your buys here

So that Bureau sells there and make some quick profit like that with a coin that this is this volatile within this channel

So that's that's the benefit of having these channels guys

And once again looking at light coin being the fact that we saw this huge run-up

We saw a lot of consolidation over time. This is more of the zoomed out chart. You can see there's clear support forming

We've now touched the 50-day moving average. I think because we touch this 50-day moving average

I think it's been able to catch up to its prices and now we're gonna start seeing this price starting to

Create more volatility now that the 50-day has caught up with the prices so

maybe optimistic about

litecoin over the next couple of days

so we'll continue to watch that and I'll look at you guys on the live streams on the discord and on the patreon so

Like coins total market cap 14 billion rank number 7 once again

Catching itself trying to get back into the top 5 and we're gonna

Conclude this video with aetherium classic one of my favorite charts for today being the fact that there's so much volatility

Here's so many opportunities to be had and if you look here

Prices have pretty much stayed

Between these price levels we saw some strong resistance right around

300 well it was

36,000 satoshis

And then we saw some support right around

13,000 Satoshi's at some clear support now looking at the current channel because most of that is irrelevant at this point

You can see here. There's new support level here is pretty much forming right around

18,000 stato cheese, and we are seeing some resistance right around 25,000 Satoshi's

Currently with this extreme volatility, I would say to just continue to watch this

Even the EMA as you can see has been going up and down

The 50 days been just popping back and forth as well

If there iam classic is really in a position where there there's a lot of volatility

But there's a lot of sell-off as well as a lot of buy

And I think as this continues to grow you can see the sell orders have been a lot larger than the buy orders

Eventually once all the cells are gone. There's gonna be

Influx of buy orders and that could certainly see this price shooting up and in my opinion

It's still fairly low as you can see the all-time bottom here for the past couple of months seems to be right around

13,000 Satoshi their current support is that?

18,000 Satoshi so not much away from these lower lows, but this is still low compared to the channel

That's currently forming, so I'm gonna continue to watch aetherium classic

I think the volatility is cool as a swing trader as soon as it hits the support

I can put in my buy order and then expect it to go up

And as you guys know the way we trade here on snipers tube

Hopefully you guys stay tuned to these live streams because there's so much knowledge so much wealth

To be had utilizing that information, and then you see here rank number 2013 classic coming into the top 20

It's been in the top 20 for quite a while

But now it's really finding its way back in there at a three billion dollar market cap so hopefully you guys enjoyed this video

thank you all so much for watching once again the

Discord and the patreon link is in the description below for those of you that want the additional knowledge and wealth to

Attribute to your trades to enhance your success and create prosperity and profits for all of you guys

Thank you so much for watching this video. My name is name and snipers out

For more infomation >> Market Health: Verge ($XVG), Tron ($TRX), Litecoin ($LTC), Bitcoin ($BTC), Ethereum Classic ($ETC)! - Duration: 15:22.


25th Amendment is unlikely to work: Judge Napolitano - Duration: 5:34.

For more infomation >> 25th Amendment is unlikely to work: Judge Napolitano - Duration: 5:34.


Counterpart | Baldwin: Assassin | STARZ - Duration: 0:16.

I finish the contracts, you pay.

I can finish the kill list.

For more infomation >> Counterpart | Baldwin: Assassin | STARZ - Duration: 0:16.


BREAKING!!! They Are DOING IT During THE BCS Championship! BOYCOTT!!! - Duration: 5:11.


They Are DOING IT During THE BCS Championship!


Last year, 2017, will no doubt be remembered for a number of things, but one of the biggest

is that it was the year that sports and politics fused forever.

Professional athletes who decided to turn their backs on our country because they didn't

appreciate it election President Trump have ruined what many considered to be a happy

refuge from the political outcry of our time.

But that ended as soon as the Black Lives Matter, Antifa and NAACP convinced athletes

that it was time to make themselves into social justice warriors by disrespecting the flag

and National Anthem by kneeling while it's played.

The fusion of sports and politics was a huge downfall for the NFL as they watched their

ratings and subsequent advertising dollars plummeted as people realized just how much

they would have to ignore if they wanted to enjoy their favorite teams this year.

Americans didn't ignore anything though, and many weeks saw the NFL playing to almost

empty stadiums and networks cutting down on the number of games they would show during

their precious airtime.

It appears that college football has learned nothing from this tragic downfall of the National

Football League since they're planning to allow their own dramatic visual representation

of hatred toward America at their championship game.

USA Today reports that they're playing off of the conservative nickname for Antifa and

Social Justice Warriors; snowflakes.

Apparently, they don't care for the nickname and want to show their disdain by leaning

into it.

The most disturbing part of their plan is who it's pointed at: President Trump.

This was all spawned by the fact that the President might take time out of his busy

schedule to watch the much-anticipated game, and this ticked some people off:

"The Atlanta chapter of the NAACP is encouraging fans to bring white towels to Monday's national

championship game and wave them at any mention of President Donald Trump, who is expected

to be in attendance.

The organization wrote in a Facebook post-Sunday that it hopes to create a visual effect reminiscent

of a blizzard at Monday's game between Alabama and Georgia.

'Trump supporters mockingly call the opposition snowflakes, but when we come together we create

a mighty storm,' the Atlanta chapter wrote on Facebook.

'Statement regarding President Trump's visit to Atlanta Monday:

The Atlanta NAACP will not be officially participating in a protest outside at the game.

Trump has made a terrible decision and is disrupting it with his presence.

We respect those who choose to do so, and we fully expect some groups who will be protesting

outside the game.

We will not let the President's visit go without a response.

If you are lucky enough to attend the game, we encourage you to bring a white towel to

wave simulating a blizzard while the president is in the packed stadium.

Trump supporters mockingly call the opposition snowflakes, but when we come together we create

a mighty storm.

We are presently working with a number of civil rights/social justice organizations

and we will share additional plans as appropriateChapter president Richard Rose told USA TODAY Sports

on Monday that the organization will also try to make noise on social media before and

during the game, by directing tweets with the hashtag #DontCome at President Trump throughout

the day and using #AllTrumpLies during the game.

Rose said the Atlanta chapter of the NAACP will not officially participate in any physical

gathering before or during the game due to weather and security concerns.

USA TODAY confirmed last week that Trump plans to attend Monday night's game as a guest

of Nick and Jamie Ayers; Nick Ayers is Vice President Mike Pence's chief of staff.

Trump also attended the Army-Navy football game in 2016, after he was elected but before

he was inaugurated as president.

ESPN told The Associated Press that it has attempted to set up an interview with Trump

during Monday's game but is not hopeful that he will agree to be interviewed.

Players from both Alabama and Georgia generally avoided questions about Trump's attendance

during media interviews over the weekend."

This coordinated slap in the face to the President is something that should not be ignored by

those who support him.

Now that we know what the plan is, hopefully, everyone who enacted the NFL boycott will

also avoid going to this NAACP ambushed event and make sure that it goes into the red as


If the teams that are participating want to salvage their dignity, they should look into

putting a stop to this madness before they end up as bankrupt and destitute as the National

Football League.

At some point, hopefully, the organizers of national sporting events will realize that

the same people who buy the tickets to their games are the gainfully employed who also

voted for Donald Trump.

Ticking those people off isn't good for their financial health.

For more infomation >> BREAKING!!! They Are DOING IT During THE BCS Championship! BOYCOTT!!! - Duration: 5:11.


Watch Live: The National for Monday, January 8, 2018 - Oprah, Morneau Ethics, Minimum Wage - Duration: 1:04:13.

For more infomation >> Watch Live: The National for Monday, January 8, 2018 - Oprah, Morneau Ethics, Minimum Wage - Duration: 1:04:13.


Lucky Charms Frosted Flakes!!!?? - Duration: 5:31.

snack heads what's really good General Mills I don't know if they collabed with

Kellogg's um I don't know man General Mills they dropped a cereal that we've

been waiting as a childhood we probably did it I don't know about you I did it

when I was a kid like I mixed all my series when I had a little bit left

before opening a new batch of cereal I would mix that little bit of cereal with

the other cereal even though it had nothing to do it probably gave me a

stomachache I probably had to poop my pants but I used to do that check this

out that Lucky Charms me Lucky Charms frosted flake yo this is nuts

like when and how what great crazy this was up though um they got these at

Walmart and I found these in stopper shop I've been seeing people posted big

shout-out to uh my name is Dee nice on Instagram and she have a YouTube channel

um you know she sent me a picture and I was like yo get out of here I thought

like it was a picture of a picture but it's actually out end yeah this is it

boom Lucky Charms was sweet as it is right and then you had a little graham

the nasty Graham thing that mix it up but they gave enough marshmallows in

there I don't know I used to pick out the marshmallows I know about child as a

kid I just do that I don't know about if y'all used to do that I used to do it

that's the ultimate sweetness because frosted flakes is sweet as it is that

used to always have the milk dumb sweet then you will put marshmallows huh let's

crack this bad boy open son no more talk ma'am I'm crazy mega excited me I fall

right in early in the morning it's like a blizzard out here in Connecticut storm

watch they towing cars on the street this is how bad it is

oh I hate it love it at the same time got my little get a whoa I got it in my

lap in the driver's seat of the car you can see the steering reliant playing no

games on with togetherness get that popping right there yeah nice and cold

cold cold damn Yaffe leaks of the cereal now the milk inside the boiler like that

get it nice and leak so panting is it your make sure the wall and the cereal

and milk on it marshmallon defrosted clicks make sure all right all right are

the snack gods descended on us Lucky Charms frosted flakes like to taste it

hit go

the frosted flakes that they have here is not like frosted Kellogg's Frosted

Flakes now that's where they differ right there they're smaller you know

they they almost look like the the oats or whatever inside the custard cereal

like it's like that small you know let's just dropped almost - boring put that up

there it's like small like that it's not like the frosted flakes ma'am

frosted flakes and the corn flakes crazy big flakes man filled with um icing on

it or whatever sugar frost whatever they called it on it totally different I

gotta say man maybe because I'm hungry I don't think so

I kind of like it I like it because the frosted flakes is not that sweet that I

bought it's not just sweep on and then the marshmallow comes down and give it

weakness in it so it's not that sweet that's your thing I know you see a box

like oh my god that's a too big no it's not like that I actually like it me I

will finish this whole box you know especially if the marshmallow will sit

inside the milk then again sweeten and change that like rainbow which color to

it but um it's not that bad man out of five I would give this um it's like a

3.3 to me it's like a 3.3 I will buy it again if it's on sale for like $1.99 or

whatever General Mills you guys didn't drop the ball on these they're not bad

they're not like crazy good oh I definitely will do it again I'll buy it

again man you know if you see if you want to try if you're a big fan of

frosted flakes and Lucky Charms or just Lucky Charms

it's not like the frosted flakes so um you're a tribe man especially if it's on

sale it's your Boise snacks hey guys make

sure you subscribe to me comedian John Moses new channels called

B movies what we do is we review all the latest B movies all the stuff on Hulu

Netflix cuz you know would be hard sometimes when you're on Netflix for or

who knew just flicking through like oh man what movie to watch what movie to

watch and then you don't want to waste your time to watch a BS movie I know if

y'all like me if I'm watching a movie even though it's wack I got to see it

through and you don't want to waste that 90 minutes or whatever it is for a movie

so check out our channel we review all the latest movies man it's the

up-and-coming channel I access for your support and the channel will grow it

will be funny because we're both comics and we make a funny commentary we will

probably jump off subject of whatnot but yeah just a couple of guys or no movie

buffs but I am a movie head and I watch movie it's like maybe three times a

night sometimes I come home late night from a comedy show but yeah make sure

you support that B movies the link will be in the description too patient

For more infomation >> Lucky Charms Frosted Flakes!!!?? - Duration: 5:31.


My Secret To Success | I KNOW I Suck! - Duration: 10:14.

oh man I suck alright guys time to admit it I suck I suck all of you guys are

familiar with Alexander the Great Alexander did something that was

ingenious he had a servant that had one job and one job alone

was to walk up to Alexander and when he was around a crowd of people

the servants job was to whisper into his ear you're just a man

you're mortal you're just a man why it was to keep Alexander from believing

what his troops and what his enemies believed that Alexander was a God among

men and for the most part it worked really well Alexander never overextended

himself he always worked with his brain work and he survived long enough to

become history's most prolific Conqueror outside of Genghis Khan I've always been

an outgoing gregarious kind of person a people person a mix I mean I think it

comes across so a camera I'm good at what I do

when I'm in my zone but it's also important that you know how to check

yourself to that end I have a few things around me that I use in life to keep me

on a level playing field so I don't get too high or too low

first and foremost on your shit on your shit I cuss I say the n-word I wasn't

always the best student in math I got a jacked up pants like anybody else that

my credit was horrible at one time I've had all kind of things happen and I know

that I don't try to walk away from it I own my stuff in corporate America I

learned a lesson I wish I'd learned early on a lifetime it was called white

board as a salesperson what she would do was bring in all your sales prospects

the people you thought you had the best chance of selling the best chance of

closing and you had to list them out on a whiteboard now you put him up there so

you think that great prospects and then it's everybody else's job in the room to

completely tear them to shreds by asking questions that you probably didn't

answer the first time I went to whiteboard I was completely stripped

bare I was so angry because I knew what I was talking about and these guys were

telling me something and have any idea what they were talking

about but you know what they taught me a valuable lesson to ask hard questions to

look and not believe your own height you know what all those prospects I put up

there the one that the group said was gonna close ended up closing I went in

that meeting with 117 prospects I left with eight of them eight eight at 117

you know how many I closed eight of that other 117 prospects I never closed one

of there's a lot of value in learning how to own your own shit how to look at

things the way they really are remember the movie 8 mile do like Eminem rush

yourself diss yourself is the beautiful thing about that is you disarmed

everybody around you when you say I ain't shit I got issues I got this I got

that this is wrong that's wrong about yourself to everybody else you leave no

one with anything to hit you with you are your biggest critic

that doesn't mean you beat yourself up with it you just own it I know everybody

doesn't like Eminem but eight-mile was a great movie if nothing more for that

scene everybody can learn some valuable things from that point roast yourself

and there's nothing left to cook learn to love your critics Abraham Lincoln

used this very tactic he stalked this presidential capital with enemies and

political opponents why because he didn't want to have a bunch of yes-man

around them people could tell him the truth the hardcore unmitigated truth

avoid having yes being around you of people who will just tell you what you

want to hear now when I say learn to love your

critics your credits are different than your haters your haters don't mean you

any good your critics on the other hand can at

least point to a legitimate grief one that if you address correct fix or at

least acknowledges there it defuses the situation learn to love your critics you

can learn a lot about yourself from the critics and what people say yourself

paper go to some of your friends and ask them what are some things about me that

you don't like and I can fix what are some what are three things that you

don't like about me that I can't pick and let them tell them you won't hurt my

feelings I won't be upset but you better make sure you owned that you can't get

mad at them for telling you the truth learning to do this was one of the

biggest unlocks I had for life learning to look at my own stuff and improve in

the areas that I could address also get great counts friends family members

loved ones relations are not the best people to counsel get a life coach get a

counselor get somebody who can tell you the truth need people around you that

you respect enough to substitute their judgment for your own we all have blind

spots we all have blind spots and we need people in our lives that can pull

our coattails December that can pull our coattails or certain issues that can let

us see beyond sight think about when you're in love y'all better love you had

that person that you like sucked and so forth and people around you wanted to

tell you or saw it you know yeah I knew when you started dating no girl that

wasn't gonna work you need people like this give them permission to tell you I

have a gauntlet of five people in my personal life to have their power but I

also have people that I pay for that there is real value in having great

counselor guys what it really comes down to is no matter who you are if you want

to be successful in life if you want to be bigger and better than you ever

worked you got to do the work the work starts number one with self-improvement

you've got to do the work on you relationships personal professional

you're the common denominator you can't expect anything from the world

if you're not willing to do the hard work on yourself

there are easy ways for me to do the hard work of myself with three simple

things be humble be grateful and be empathetic when I started my youtube

channel I had no subscribers at the time I'm making this video I have about

12,000 subscribers the higher you go the more humble you need to be some people

know you from the beginning they'll see the change you don't want to get to 50

60 100 million subscribers and people say you changed you want to walk with

people and keep the common touch being humbled some

humility goes a long way being grateful when I started I was happy if I got one

view and I'm happy that I'm just as grateful for the 10,000 subscriber as I

was for the 10 gratitude goes a long way and it's great to use gratitude as fuel

but the most important thing is empathy I know when people come to the videos it

may look like hey this guy on the other side of the camera has this opinion he

says this or is that but I try to think about what the person on the other side

of the camera is thinking what are people gonna say when they see this I

tried my best to put myself in another person's shoes to understand how they

may look at it and they may feel that doesn't mean it have to change what I do

but I least try to understand where they're coming from seek to understand

people first and then to be understood listen first talk second people like

being around folks like that the book of how to win friends and influence people

talks about that stuff all these things are just life lessons guys nobody's

perfect we are all fallible I make mistakes I'll keep making mistakes

I don't pronounce French words exceptionally well and I know that there

are some people who just love coming to the comment section and saying hey it's

savage not it's it's not savage it's uh baggage it's old frictions that are old

fresh it's rasathi instead of Russa whatever don't get mad

just own it and say you're right keep it moving because guys we are just

human you're not a guy you're just a man one of the biggest papers you can do

yourself in the world is to look yourself in the mirror own your own shit

and see how you can improve each and every day honestly the one constant in

life is there's never a bad thing with self-improvement if you liked this video

go ahead and give me a big thumbs up and share it out to anybody you think use

the information thank you guys so much for watching and subscribing to the next

time talk to you later

by the way want to stay connected follow me on social media links down in the

description peace two fingers and a math issue boy

hey guys if you want to be your best look good smell great and be your best

each and every day follow a link down in the description and book your one-on-one

private Skype consultation details in the description it's up to you you only

have 7 seconds to make the great first impression you might as well make sure

you knock it out but apartment B Danskin look some people just aren't gonna like

you just because the way you look at the sound of your voice of the fact that you

had the nerve to say what you did drama and beef come with the territory but

that doesn't mean you have to get involved in it and it doesn't mean you

got to get mad don't let anyone make you act outside of your character especially

people who don't know you on social media there gonna be people who say

everything there got any people who come in who hate your guts just because your

eyeglasses you're gonna have trolls you're gonna have diehard critics you're

gonna have haters but how you handle yourself is a matter of profession but

how you handle it should be a matter of professional pride but how you handle it

should be a matter of professional pride how you handle it should be a matter of

professional and personal pride what are your standards

what are your principles what are your beliefs don't let anyone move your arm

sinner Islam don't let anything don't let anyone move you up Center know

your truth stand on your truth to live your truth

For more infomation >> My Secret To Success | I KNOW I Suck! - Duration: 10:14.


CHAI WITH CHANDĀGA - ÉPISODE 5: les Chandāthéories de films (w/eng sub) - Duration: 43:51.

*Aucune intention de violer des droits d'auteur. Cette vidéo est destinée à l'amusement et aux défis intellectuels*

*Tous les liens pour la musique et les vidéos sont dans la barre de description ci-dessous*

*Aussi, Mouki n'y peut rien si son rire est énervant. Apprenez à composer avec.*

Hello everyone! Chandāga here!

And welcome to Chai with Chandāga

Mouki: Welcome to this 5th episode of Chai With Chandāga

Étoile: Today, we concocted for you 10 Bollywood movie theories

Contrary to Disney movie theories swarming the Internet, there are few Bollywood movie theories

"Does Aladdin counts?"

In general, if you're watching carefully Bollywood movies, you can hardly make up theories



Étoile: So, we racked our brains and we found 10 interesting Bollywood movie theories

Here we go!

Number 10

[Devdas (2002) trailer]

In Devdas (DEVDAS REFERENCE), Kalibabu took revenge on Parvati because she pushed his advances

Kalibabu (Milind Gunaji) is Bhuban Chaudhry and Parvati's (Aishwarya Rai) stepson.

As everyone knows, Kalibabu is a randy man who's attracted to the courtesan Chandramukhi

(Madhuri Dixit)

Let's take a bet.

If he doesn't come before this candle burns out, you'll wear these ghungroos and dance for me

I accept.

*pervert smile*

And he's jealous of Devdas (Shahrukh Khan)

Because Chandramukhi isn't in love with him, but with Devdas.

"I'm dying of love for you"

Even if you gave love a bad name

But he also showed a little fondness for Parvati

who then repeled him.

During their first meeting, you might have noticed that Kalibabu touched her feet as a sign of respect

However, we can see he caressed it

He then says it was a pleasure to touch her feet, and she answers, while pulling his hear...

That it was a pleasure to punish him.

Kalibabu swears he'll remember this offence

And Parvati reminds him of their family ties (And so, he took revenge)

Since she pushed back a man, Parvati's character is pretty forward thinking...

But a relationship between a stepmother and a stepson shouldn't be romantic (nor tolerated)...

What do you think about it? Tell us!

Number 9

[Dil To Pagal Hai Trailer]

In the movie Dil To Pagal Hai, Ajay was scared to marry an unfaithful wife

Of course, we're not talking about Pooja (Madhuri Dixit),

She's very loyal, so loyal that she'll refuse to an idyll with the man she's in love with

Because she's Akay's (Akshay Kumar) fiancée *SUPER HAPPY*

Who went to work, in a foreign country

No, we're talking about the other women!

Because, yes, the other woman could crush poor Ajay's heart

In this movie, the characters aren't that old, and Ajay is always busy travelling

with... his business. We don't really know about it

His only work is to sign contracts, travelling and receiving cheques

He could be a diplomat or a merchant, nobody knows.

Anyway, Ajay is looking for love because he's in a steady financial situation

And he talks to Pooja about his numerous (imaginary?) girlfriends he meets abroad

And finally asks for Pooja's hand

You're in love?!


Come on, it never lasts with you

You'll meet someone else next week

No, this time, it's your type of love

You mean... marriage-like love?

Really? Who's the girl? Do I know her?

You know her very well.

Who's she? Tell me, please!


- Should I tell you? - Yeah!

Forget it.


But... we should ask ourselves

While he's this busy with his work, where'll he find time to take care of his family?

Because, let's not lie, Pooja's only job, at the beginning of the film, is to run in fields.

What will this Maya do? Will she work? Dance? Sing?

- Maya dances, but not like you. - Meaning?

Maya dances for herself

They need money.

Our theory is that Ajay wanted a wife who could be absolutely faithful

Since he always has to travel

As we said earlier, Akshay Kumar's character was kind of a playboy in London

Because London equals liberty, liberty equals mini-skirt and libertine girls

In the Bollydictionary

Because everything outside India is an ode to libertinism

Please refer to episode 3 of Chai With Chandāga for more details

How could Ajay have travelled with a rakish girl alone in his house?

She would have cheated on him as soon as he would've took his flight

He needed a good spouse. An Indian girl in saree, an housewife, a mother.

He wanted to be sure she'll be home when he comes back.

Pooja was the perfect match.

Unfortunately for Akshay (Ajay), the clothes do not make the (wo)man


Since Pooja in kurta will jump in Rahul's arms

But then, he'll turn to the strong, the independent, the emancipated Nisha!

In jeans.

All tastes are in nature

But we can guarantee you that Nisha is totally faithful, since she loved Rahul until the last minute

Number 8

[Udi Teri Aankhon Se clip]

In Guzaarish, the lawyer DEVYANI DUTTA** (Shernaz Patel) was secretly in love with Ethan

Devyani... I swear...

You're the worst lawyer of India

And the best friend in the entire world

According to us, one of Bhansali's masterpieces is Guzaarish. It's poetic, simple, moving

And the Hrithik-Aishwarya jodi is... marvelous.

What a tragedy, Sofia!

On the floor, I couldn't see a thing

Your skirts are like tents

The day you come with a mini-skirt, I'll walk again

Ethan's character is really interesting

He's a strong and vulnerable man who can't use his body, but he's really smart

Tetraplegic for 14 years, the deposed magician Ethan realizes his life is a burden and he wants to die

He wants the mercy killing

But the indian government refuses, since euthanasia is illegal and its legalization could lead to abuses.

Finally, thanks to his wife and nurse Sofia D'Souza (Aishwarya Rai), he finally rests in peace.

Is this a joke?

I was suffocating! You can't move!

You couldn't live in Ethan Mascarenhas's body for more than 60 seconds

Due to this movie, we can understand that death is still taboo, even in a religious country like India.

After all, Ethan will have to face a lot of opposition

In fact, he's a victim of therapeutic relentlessness

Only one person will support him from the beginning to the end and she's...

I'm not talking about your life

I'm talking about Ethan, about his life

You've been devoted to him and I thank you.

But he has been a prisoner for 14 years

Of his bed, of his room, of his body

He can't feel anything, nothing!

Do you remember from whom the first "yes" came?

It was from Ethan's former assistant, Estella, who tells him she loved him very much

This is a huge proof of love because she's letting a person she cherished go

This show is about the project, not us

Of course, I already know your answer

But since you've called...

What do you say? Yes or no?

Yes or no, Estella?

And DEVYANI DUTTA goes through the same path

Contrary to Sofia, who refuses it from the beginning, DEVYANI fights for her friend until the end.

She goes to Court, she fights against his doctor, his nurse and against society in general

All of this for nothing! Only to see the end of her friend's suffering

Again, this kind of selfless action is a huge proof of love, according to us

Ethan will say, at the end, that it was all because she wanted to sleep with him.

Huh? Number 7?

Number 7

[Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani trailer]

In the movie Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani, Avi fell in love with Aditi... too late.

YJHD is a very good movie, and the Deepika-Ranbir jodi is excellent

You're scared of the dark?

Come on! To celebrate, let's eat cake

This job was crucial for you

It was. But there's a time for everything.

And today

there's a moment for this

And so is the marvelous friendship between Aditya and Ranbir.

During the first part of the movie, we discovered Kalki Koechlin's talent, a French woman who grew up in India

Aditi, her character, is a complex woman, because she's really fond of Avi (Aditya Roy Kapur)

but then, she weds a much more serious man, but very kind, named Taran (Aditya's brother IRL)

So... you don't love Avi anymore?

- You knew? - Everybody knew, except him.

Yeah... I loved him.

But you know, I was alone in this relationship. It was only me.

But with Taran... how can I say it?

When we first met, everything was great.

And then, I felt like I could be happy.

But Avi, who've become an alcoholic 8 years after the quartet fell apart

looks like he's into Aditi, while her wedding approaches.

Before the ceremony, he tries to convince her not to marry, but she answers with: "Don't start again"

which leads us to believe they already had this discussion

It's early, Avi. Don't drink.

Stop it.

Don't marry, Aditi!

Stop your nonsense.

- When will we see this oaf? - Taran. His name's Taran.

- He's a boring oaf. - Not at all.

Avi will call Taran names, like "oaf" and "strange"

What if this disdain hid his love for Aditi,

since she realized he wasn't her man...

It's your call.

Number 6

[Trailer of Daawat-e-Ishq] [Song: "Indian Pop"]

In Daawat-e-Ishq, Gullu was in love with Taru from the beginning, because her ultimate standard is: food.

Mouki: Did you like Daawat-e-Ishq? Étoile: Us too!

However did you ask yourselves why Gullu married Taru after all?

We could talk about the 498A law from the Indian Penal Code, a real law that forbids dowries (and protects the brides)

Those who break this law are sentenced to 5 years in jail and a fine of 15 000 Rs. (or the amount of the dowry...

...whatever's the highest)

But maybe Gullu married him because he's a cook.

Do you recall Gullu's two standards for her Mr. Perfect?

He had to be smart and well-educated

And he had to speak English fluently

She finally meets Amjad, an NRI from USA who promises everything to her.

He's a vegetarian, she loves meat, but she decides to be a vegetarian for him (COUPLE COMPROMISES)

But the lovebirds are pretty bothered when Amjad's parents ask for a huge dowry

When Amjad does nothing to stop them, Gulrez decides to rook her next date and to flee to NYC without him

She falls for Taru, the one she was supposed to rook, they marry happily and without dowry

However, Taru didn't go to college and doesn't speak fluently English

So, what did Gulrez find in him?

Well, we believe her ultimate standard is: food.

You don't believe us? Then explain to us why the movie's called "Daawat-e-Ishq" (Feast of love).

Explain to us why Gullu uses "vegetarian" as an insult (Mouki's vegetarian)

And explain to us why there's 114 (yes, we counted them) references to food, inclunding metaphors,

the appetizing imagery and everytime someone talks about eating or food

Maybe Gullu didn't know it, but she just wanted someone able to cook her the best dishes in the world

Because she can start an entreprise by herself, she's a strong and independent woman!

Number 5

[Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge trailer]

In DDLJ, Raj really fell in love with Simran when she told him she was getting married.

Any Bollywood fan will think about DDLJ when someone mentions Swiss

Indeed, this is where Raj, professional playboy, and Simran, a traditional girl, have started a relationship

We can count the moments when they're falling for each other

For example, when hangover Simran wakes up the next morning

Or this earnest moment in the church

Or when they fall apart

I didn't get your address

I want to invite you to my wedding. Will you come?

No, I won't come.

But, we swear it on Shahrukh Khan's head,

Raj fell in love at this moment

I'm getting married.


Why? Well, we know that Raj never fell in love. He only had a lot of affairs.

But that doesn't stop him from looking for "the one"

- You're never serious! - Never! But I'll be one day.

- When? - When I'll fall in love.

A guy like you never found love?!

I've had a lot of affairs, but I've never been in love, señorita.

I haven't found "The One"

Let's say he realized in feelings in the church, we can imagine he was planning on hitting on her later

Nonetheless, when we're sure we've found "The One", we have to make sure "The One" is available.

Unfortunately, Raj will learn it the hard way.

But instead of ducking, complaining or blaming destiny, he decides to joke.

Is he jealous? Does he want to compare with the fiancé? Or does he want the best for Simran?

It doesn't stop him from confessing his love and going to India to conquer Kajol... and his stepfather.

Number 4

[Shaandaar trailer]

In Shaandaar, Alia doesn't have a notion of time.

We think Shaandaar is one of the most underrated movies of 2015

We think some scenes are very rich, symbolically, which others could find annoying or misplaced

We'll focus on the character of Alia (Alia Bhatt)

She's a smart young woman, protectress of her young sister

And she's an insomniac

Oh... Sleep escapes from me

My heart is scared.

Slowly, softly, someone awakens the sleeping love

We've made some reasearch, but we're not experts

The basic definition of insomnia is a sleep disorder that prevents one to fall asleep quickly or...

causes many awakenings through the night

But in the movie, Alia's character doesn't sleep at all

So we pushed our research forward and discovered severe cases of insomnia

where the person is excited day and night and can't fall asleep quickly or only sleeps 2 to 3 hours at night

And it's enough!

Long term insomnia, according to the website (in french only)

can tired the person, provoke more tension within relationships in addition to psychological distress

Alia doesn't have any of these symptoms

Then, we pushed our research even further

It could be idiopathic insomnia

It's a rare sleep disorder, developed during childhood

This type of insomnia is caused by an abnormality of the neurological control of the sleep-wake system

In other words, Alia's biological clock is defective

*Normal biological clock*

It's 8:45 PM!!


*Defective biological clock*


Her body doesn't send her the right signals when the night comes, so how can she have a notion of time?

She uses her mother's pocket watch by saying the time aloud a few times throughout the movie

Maybe it bothered you, but we think it allows her to understand some of her family's habits regarding time

For example:

This way, she doesn't lose track of time

Number 3

[Aiyyaa trailer]

In Aiyyaa, we don't think Surya asked for Meenakshi's hand at a venture

If you think Aiyyaa is an incomplete movie, we can only agree with you

Indeed, we only watch Meenakshi's (Rani Mukherjee) evolution through a complicate love triangle...

It would have been interesting to have the two guys's point of view

She's the fiancée of an ordinary boy. Not mean nor violent, he's only... *Mouki sighs*

While she's fantasize about a gloomy Tamil artist

who doesn't know she exists.

A sweet story floats in the air

Listen to it

Trying to

At the end, we learn that Surya (Prithviraj) was also having a crush on her

In a quick montage, we can see a few scenes from his point of view

Teach me how to say "I like dark skins" in Tamil

And we will never know if Surya was the perfect match for Meenakshi

All we know about him is that he lives with his mother, his father died, he paints and he owns an incense factory

He works there at night, which is why he looks like a drug addict zombie

While in Meenakshi's dreams, he looks like the most perfect guy

BUT why did Surya marry a stalker?!

Don't tell us he's a big macho with a small, in need of flattering ego


Or because he wants to obey his mother, who wants to have a stepdaughter in her house

By the way he's... - ...a brute with his mom.

Yeah, not cordial

If you look at Aiyyaa's subtext, you can see its antiracist purpose

Because Meenakshi like dark skins better than fair skins

So Surya loves her because, contrary to some prejudices in India, Meenakshi isn't repeled by dark skins

To know more about this, you can watch the 2nd episode of Chai With Chandāga

Mouki: Yeah... Ouche. it's not a really good episode.

Obviously, we can't ignore the fact that Meenakshi wears blue

The colour blue is really important for Surya

He only paints with shades of blue

"Even when I'm trying to sleep"

"My dreams are all about you"

In India, blue is a significant colour. Many deities have a blue skin, like Rama

The colour blue is associated with wisdom, honesty, the fight against evil and pure feelings

Meenakshi embodies all these qualities. Except anything related to religion.

We never see her praying. Anyway, she's too busy seek the truth about Surya

And... what's next?

Mouki: She's religious!

She's religious because in "Sava Dollar", she asks to be an heroine in exchange of a dollar

It's a common hindu ritual to pray and to give something to a deity in exchange of a favour

Let me be an heroine, I'll give you a dollar

She's always seeking the ENTIRE truth about Surya

And she's wise enough not to listen to the rumours and to see beyond his reputation of drug addict/alcoholic

She's also fearless because she doesn't listen to rumours, but she also stalks him.

She goes into his appartment and his bedroom while he's absent

She also goes to the factory, hides in dark, dangerous places.

Special mention to pure feelings

Meenakshi is pretty naive: she doesn't know what cocaine is and she only watches old Bollywood movies

that encourage modesty

And if we forget about Dreamum Wakeupum (which is nice and sparkly),

Aga Bhai is the only explicit dance number

We can see this as a teenage girl who discovers her sexuality... even though she's 20-ish-years-old

Number 2

[Kuch Kuch Hota Hai Theme Song]

In KKHH, Tina let herself die

KKHH, my "first" movie

It's also the movie that revealed Rani Mukherji's talent

And we're going to talk about her!

Because Tina, her character, let herself die

We know that Tina, little Anjali's mother, died from an internal bleeding shortly after she gave birth

They're called "post partum internal bleedings" or "haemorrhage of deliverance"

It's a weird name, I'm shocked, but anyway

They represent 3 to 8% of postnatal deaths in Occident

The percentage is higher in developing countries, where medical teams are less qualified and have less material

Blood loss starts 24 hours after childbirth

Fortunately, there are ways to prevent and handle it

Since the hospital where Tina is seems like a good hospital (it's clean, they gave her a perfusion

and the medical team is complete)

We thought she could make it through

But the doctor doesn't have good (nor coherent) news for Rahul

Tina's very critical, Rahul

She'll die soon

We did our best, Rahul

She had an internal bleeding

We couldn't do anything

There are ways to prevent internal bleedings if the mother is taken care of during her pregnancy

Unfortunately, there are genetic predispositions that can complicate the processus

Tina's father is a widower from the beginning of the movie, so Tina's mom might have died the same way.

Also, nothing prevented Tina from asking a ceasarean

She knew there would be complications

But she also knew that you wanted this child

She loved this child more than her life

As I said, the bleeding is AFTER childbirth, and the blood loss comes 24 hours later

The mother has had time to expulse the placenta, the umbilical cord and the amniotic membranes

The baby is safe! The could have saved both!

When did Tina write 8 letters that summarized everything she wanted to tell her daughter?

Did she write them hastily on her death bed or did she forecast her death

Did she think she was condemned?

Am I going too far? Wait for it!

Tina insisted to call her daughter Anjali (and Rahul didn't get it)

She asks her 8-year-old daughter to find her husband's (Shahrukh Khan) true love (the big Anjali, Kajol)

If so, why didn't Tina search for Anjali before, you know, marrying Rahul and getting pregnant?

Guilty, but determined to make Rahul happy, Tina agreed to accomplish her marital duty

so, giving him a child, while knowing her mother died from the post-partum internal bleeding

It IS a weird name! But Tina could be freed from her guilt and to free Rahul from their matrimonial ties

for him to seek his true love. This theory was straight from my head


[Hum Hain Tum Pe Atke Yaara]

In the movie Pyaar Kiya To Darna Kya, we suspect Vihal's uncle to be gay

We're ready to bet that you didn't suspect us to chose this film as our number one

In fact, this theory was the first one to emerge, and to convince us to do this video

While watching this movie, I couldn't help myself to think that Vishal and Muskaan's uncle was gay

For all kinds of reasons, valid or not

PKTDK is pretty bold in the content, because the form... meh.

Fight scenes, really long song sequences, and a "Ramaiya Vastavaiya" intrigue before its time

We've seen more intense

Bold, because the characters are really far from stereotypes, but they've became stereotypes with time

For example: Suraj's (Salman Khan) friends: a tomboy girl, a douchebag, a dwarf and an homosexual

Nice bunch!

Suraj, he hit me with an egg!

You hit him? Ah!

Come in front! You should always be in front or on our sides!

Now, why did you hit him with an egg?

I didn't hit him, I was just ragging him.

Ragging him?!


The homosexual is very cringy. He uses ALL of the clichés that people have had about homosexuals for decades

As you might know it, the LGBTQ2* community isn't well perceived in India nowadays. Imagine back then!

It was pretty incredible (but the character is a stooge, so the movie's not THAT progressist)

But if they dared to put on screen such a character, why not put on screen his exact opposite

Because homosexual men who don't wear flashy clothes, who aren't always horny and

who don't scream to everyone their sexual preferences

Honestly, except if you're in a bar for single people, nobody (should) care about which gender you like

If your neighbor likes dudes, it's none of your business

Back to the point!

So... Vishal and Muskaan's uncle might be gay

What are the proofs?

First, Vishal says his uncle relinquished marriage to educate them

My uncle is more important to me than my parents

He didn't marry to be able to educate us

But one doesn't prevent the other (Even though it's a common scenario in the industry)

Maybe they would have needed an aunt as a maternal figure. And Muskaan wouldn't have had to do the chores.

Also, have you noticed how the uncle is close to Suraj?

Okay, Suraj saved his life. But add their regular legs massages.

And when the uncle shout against Muskaan because she's having an affair with Suraj

although he specified that her love life was in her brother's hands

who doesn't love Suraj. At all.

Suraj is protected by the uncle.

It seems like...

It goes further than friendship or gratitude...


- What is it, Suraj? - Nothing, sir. A pain in the neck.

- Come here! - No sir!

- I'll massage you. - No, sir, let me go, please


There you go! Chandāga's Chandātheories!

We hope you liked it!

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Or make us lie! Maybe we're totally wrong!

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And don't forget that the translations are back! So... all the links are in the description box down below!

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On this, it was Chandāga

And it was the 5th episode of Chai With Chandāga

*Étoile sings*

Mouki: What did I write?! Étoile: You wrote Aditi and Bunny

Mouki: But it doesn't make sense because... what?

Aditi? Why do we mention Aditi? Étoile: But why?

Bunny has to go!

Okay Avi... and Ranbir... NO! Avi and...

Étoile: WHY?!??

And so is the marve -- *laughs*

Mouki: she's not here right now, can you leave a message?

'Kay thanks

Étoile: You look like you don't give a f*ck

Étoile: But add to this the leg massages...

But add to this the leg massages when the uncle is shouting at Muskaan...

Mouki: WOW! End your sentence!

Mouki: there's supposed to be a dot. Because the way you say it, it looks like the uncle's shouting while

Suraj was giving him a leg massage

Étoile: but there's a comma! Mouki: Oh no!!!

Étoile: I read this like that!

Étoile: "Come on, uncle, it'll be fine"

"B*tch! You won't marry my leg masseur!"

Mouki: The uncle protects Suraj from Vishal.

Étoile: But why does the uncle screams at Muskaan?

Mouki: Because she stole his...

Mouki: because she...

Mouki: I went far, havent' I?

Let's not forget that Maynakshi


For more infomation >> CHAI WITH CHANDĀGA - ÉPISODE 5: les Chandāthéories de films (w/eng sub) - Duration: 43:51.


Cam Jansen Author, David A. Adler, Accepts All Star Award - Duration: 3:22.

Ladies and gentlemen David Adler

I'm so glad my

Wife and partner 44 years is here and other beloved members of my family

I wish my father could be here. He was very proud of being Jewish and very proud of his children

We were six children

And we had one family home for 49 years. One morning shortly before my parents moved

I came by and there was my 84 year old father on his knees with a stick in his hand

He was sitting by the front sidewalk, and I said dad. What's the matter? and it turned out nothing was the matter.

They had just redone the sidewalks in front of our house, and he was scratching in the wet cement

the Adlers lived here in 1949 to 1998 and

Beside that he wrote Cam Jansen born here

so he was proud.

I wrote about the lunch in the and

And the fact that Cam doesn't do solve mysteries on Shabbat, but you just heard that so

That'll cut me down to the one minute I was allowed

I've written many biographies. I wrote a biography of Gertrude Ederle

She was the first woman to swim the English Channel

And she had in 1926 the largest ticker tape parade in the history of New York City

Until the next year and the next year it was Charles Lindbergh who had an even larger

Ticker tape parade and after the great success of the Gertrude Ederle book my publisher said let's do one a Lindbergh

I said I'm not writing a book that will make a hero out of somebody who was so pro Nazi and so anti-semitic

Thank you I

I was asked to write a biography of Franklin Delanor Roosevelt, and I said

it was in a series in which the biographies run about 1200 to 1500 words

I told my editor that no matter how short the book is I have to mention that FDR abandoned the Jews

lost in the Holocaust. I was told why don't you write a biography of Eleanor instead?

And that and that's what I did

I wrote a more than 300 page biography of George Washington. It begins with his inauguration in

1789 and it's not well known

But when he took the oath of office

He rested his hand on an open Bible and the Bible was open to Pashas Viyachi

when Yaakov has just died and yosef's brothers are afraid

he'll take revenge on them for selling him into slavery and

Yosef's answer was I'm not God, and that's where George Washington placed his hand

It was a humble


Washington was humbled no matter his great accomplishments and

humble is a Jewish value.

I try to infuse my books with as many Jewish values as I can

Being as and being an observant Jew has given me Shabbat. It's given me community, and it's given me that award. Thank you very much

For more infomation >> Cam Jansen Author, David A. Adler, Accepts All Star Award - Duration: 3:22.


BREAKING!!! They Are DOING IT During THE BCS Championship! BOYCOTT!!! - Duration: 5:01.

Last year, 2017, will no doubt be remembered for a number of things, but one of the biggest

is that it was the year that sports and politics fused forever.

Professional athletes who decided to turn their backs on our country because they didn't

appreciate it election President Trump have ruined what many considered to be a happy

refuge from the political outcry of our time.

But that ended as soon as the Black Lives Matter, Antifa and NAACP convinced athletes

that it was time to make themselves into social justice warriors by disrespecting the flag

and National Anthem by kneeling while it's played.

The fusion of sports and politics was a huge downfall for the NFL as they watched their

ratings and subsequent advertising dollars plummeted as people realized just how much

they would have to ignore if they wanted to enjoy their favorite teams this year.

Americans didn't ignore anything though, and many weeks saw the NFL playing to almost

empty stadiums and networks cutting down on the number of games they would show during

their precious airtime.

It appears that college football has learned nothing from this tragic downfall of the National

Football League since they're planning to allow their own dramatic visual representation

of hatred toward America at their championship game.

USA Today reports that they're playing off of the conservative nickname for Antifa and

Social Justice Warriors; snowflakes.

Apparently, they don't care for the nickname and want to show their disdain by leaning

into it.

The most disturbing part of their plan is who it's pointed at: President Trump.

This was all spawned by the fact that the President might take time out of his busy

schedule to watch the much-anticipated game, and this ticked some people off:

"The Atlanta chapter of the NAACP is encouraging fans to bring white towels to Monday's national

championship game and wave them at any mention of President Donald Trump, who is expected

to be in attendance.

The organization wrote in a Facebook post-Sunday that it hopes to create a visual effect reminiscent

of a blizzard at Monday's game between Alabama and Georgia.

'Trump supporters mockingly call the opposition snowflakes, but when we come together we create

a mighty storm,' the Atlanta chapter wrote on Facebook.

'Statement regarding President Trump's visit to Atlanta Monday:

The Atlanta NAACP will not be officially participating in a protest outside at the game.

Trump has made a terrible decision and is disrupting it with his presence.

We respect those who choose to do so, and we fully expect some groups who will be protesting

outside the game.

We will not let the President's visit go without a response.

If you are lucky enough to attend the game, we encourage you to bring a white towel to

wave simulating a blizzard while the president is in the packed stadium.

Trump supporters mockingly call the opposition snowflakes, but when we come together we create

a mighty storm.

We are presently working with a number of civil rights/social justice organizations

and we will share additional plans as appropriate.

We urge you to pay particular attention to our Twitter feed during the game.

You can follow us @naacpatlanta #GoDawgs!!!

#AllTrumpsLies #ATL #NationalChampionship'

Chapter president Richard Rose told USA TODAY Sports on Monday that the organization will

also try to make noise on social media before and during the game, by directing tweets with

the hashtag #DontCome at President Trump throughout the day and using #AllTrumpLies during the


Rose said the Atlanta chapter of the NAACP will not officially participate in any physical

gathering before or during the game due to weather and security concerns.

USA TODAY confirmed last week that Trump plans to attend Monday night's game as a guest

of Nick and Jamie Ayers; Nick Ayers is Vice President Mike Pence's chief of staff.

Trump also attended the Army-Navy football game in 2016, after he was elected but before

he was inaugurated as president.

ESPN told The Associated Press that it has attempted to set up an interview with Trump

during Monday's game but is not hopeful that he will agree to be interviewed.

Players from both Alabama and Georgia generally avoided questions about Trump's attendance

during media interviews over the weekend."

This coordinated slap in the face to the President is something that should not be ignored by

those who support him.

Now that we know what the plan is, hopefully, everyone who enacted the NFL boycott will

also avoid going to this NAACP ambushed event and make sure that it goes into the red as


If the teams that are participating want to salvage their dignity, they should look into

putting a stop to this madness before they end up as bankrupt and destitute as the National

Football League.

At some point, hopefully, the organizers of national sporting events will realize that

the same people who buy the tickets to their games are the gainfully employed who also

voted for Donald Trump.

Ticking those people off isn't good for their financial health.

For more infomation >> BREAKING!!! They Are DOING IT During THE BCS Championship! BOYCOTT!!! - Duration: 5:01.


BREAKING: Officials Just Uncovered Obama's Unbelievable Plot To Bulldoze America's Historic Sites - Duration: 4:46.

While we all hoped Obama would drive his golf cart into the sunset never to be seen again

following the election, that's unfortunately not the case.

Ever since Trump got into office Obama has been staging his "political comeback,"

where he spends every waking hour trolling our new President.

Since leaving the White House, Obama bought a 9-bedroom mansion that he shares with his

Muslim Brotherhood Iranian former advisor Valerie Jarrett, and the the pair have literally

set up "shadow government" just 3 miles from the White House in order to keep their

talons embedded in D.C.

Over the past several months, Obama has been caught breaking federal law multiple times,

where he's been caught meeting with foreign diplomats in a civilian capacity to take out


Working with foreign governments to overthrow the President of the Untied States as Obama

is actively doing is a serious federal crime as spelled out in 18 U.S. Code 2385 that could

land him 20 years in behind bars, but Obama doesn't seem to care.

Now Obama has just been caught in Chicago breaking federal law again as this man obviously

thinks he's the "king" and above the law that ordinary Americans are required to

adhere to.

With Obama's presidential library underway to be built in Chicago, preservationist groups

are now warning that what Obama's building demands will violate federal law, as his library

will literally bulldoze and destroy sites placed on the National Register of Historic

Places in order to make room for Obama's giant ego.

According to Breitbart:

The Obama Center is currently planned to spread out over sections of three sites with history

stretching back to 1869, according to the Chicago Sun-Times.

The portion of Jackson Park that Obama intends to disrupt with his massive new project includes

the area where the World's Columbian Exposition was staged in Jackson Park and the Midway

in 1893.

Created by famed architect Daniel Burnham—the man who planned New York's Central Park—the

Midway was placed on the historic site registry in 1972.

Obama's center is also expected to disrupt a portion of Frederick Law Olmsted's Washington

Park, a site that was added to the registry in 2004.

Finally, the Obama plan will also require the closure of Cornell Drive, a roadway that

is an integral part of the park system.

It's truly amazing that Obama continues to think he's above the law and will stop

at nothing to have his way, even if it means breaking federal law and destroying historical

monuments to put up his vast and expansive library.

This news comes on the heels of another scandal involving his library several months ago.

After spending eight years demonizing "corporately-owned politicians," Obama is breaking tradition,

and in a move steeped in hypocrisy, is now lifting the donor restriction on his presidential


Now anyone who wants to donate to Obama and Democrats and participate in their "pay

for play" scheme can now donate as much as they want, which has now resulted in million-dollar

gifts from such corporations as Microsoft and Exelon.

FOX News has more:

Barack Obama's presidential library foundation has reportedly lifted the donor restriction

imposed while he was in the White House, resulting in million-dollar gifts from such corporations

as Microsoft and Exelon.

The foundation reported Friday that eight donors have pledged at least $1 million and

that it has raised $1.2 million in the second quarter of 2017.

The list of million-dollar donors would bring total fundraising amounts to at least $8 million

toward the projected $500 million cost of the library-museum on the South Side of Chicago.

The project is scheduled to be completed in 2021.

The foundation started in 2014 and reportedly raised $5.4 million in its first year.

However, the foundation's total fundraising amounts since its start are unclear.

The desperation at this point is beyond palatable as Obama and his D.C. swine are frantic to

get their people back into power realizing that Republicans now control the House, Senate,

and Executive Branch.

Even though Obama is out of office, we still need to keep track of this man even more as

he's literally breaking federal law and violating ethics and tradition of long-standing

presidents in order to take President Trump down.

And now with millions being funneled into his presidential library to help prop up potential

candidates against Trump in 2020 by multi billion-dollar corporations, we seriously

need to prepare for the political war that is brewing in our country.

For more infomation >> BREAKING: Officials Just Uncovered Obama's Unbelievable Plot To Bulldoze America's Historic Sites - Duration: 4:46.


BREAKING: Comey's Life Is Over! Team Of Lawyers Just Made Their Move! - Duration: 3:46.

While many within the swamp are being purged at an epic rate, there is one that seemed

to get by and slip through the cracks, but just barely.

Now, he is being looked at once again and this time it will not end well for him at


Former FBI Director/Democrat operative/swamp rat extraordinaire, James Comey is being held

to task for his decision to leak memos about his interactions with President Trump.

So much so that he is now facing the wrath of lawyers in New York, who are now making

their move to ruin Comey's life.

Ty Clevenger, a lawyer who has filed a grievance against the former FBI Director made a statement

on Friday to the New York lawyers' disciplinary committee stating that if Comey did in fact

leak classified information about his meetings with the President, he should be brought up

on charges and disciplined by the bar association of New York, and then banned from ever practicing

law again!

This grievance coincides with Senator Charles E. Grassley revealing last week that Mr. Comey

appears to have authored seven memos about his interactions with President Trump which

government officials have deemed four of those seven memos to contain classified information.

Mr. Comey also leaked at least four memos to a law professor friend.

Clevenger maintains that Comey's actions go against New York bar rules that prohibit

attorneys from illegal conduct that adversely reflects on the lawyer's honesty, trustworthiness

or fitness as a lawyer.

Clevenger also complained about Hillary Clinton and the top lawyers on her team over the handling

of her "secret emails."

He alleges that also breached standards for lawyers.

According to The Blaze :

Former FBI Director James Comey is facing a challenge to his New York bar membership

for allegedly leaking memos that detail his interactions with President Donald Trump,

The Washington Times reports.

We've learned in recent months that the FBI is riddled with Obama's minions and

has transformed into the rogue criminal arm of Obama's shadow government.

The FBI is now fully operating as essentially Obama's secret police, as these law enforcement

agencies are now doing the bidding of slimy politicians, rather than upholding their oath,

which is to pursue impartial justice on behalf of the public.

Even further, some have accused Comey, who gave the information as a private citizen,

of violating U.S. Code 793 of the Espionage Act.

The Washington Examiner Reports:

Is James Comey in trouble for 'leaking' his own notes?

Fired FBI Director James Comey raised serious questions when he testified before the Senate

Intelligence Committee that he was the source of leaked memos to the New York Times.

"My judgment was I needed to get [the memos] out into the public square," Comey said.

"So, I asked a friend of mine to share the content of the memo with a reporter.

I didn't do it myself for a variety of reasons, but I asked him to because I thought that

might prompt the appointment of a special counsel."

The issue of whether doing so actually makes Comey a "leaker" of government information

is not a black and white one.

Some have accused Comey, who gave the information as a private citizen, of violating U.S. Code

793 of the Espionage Act.

We all know that that the FBI is crooked, and it became more so under former President

Barack Hussein Obama.

It is painfully apparent that the only way to end the FBI corruption is to completely

do away with it and start over with an organization that is put in place to live up to the original

and true purpose that was there when the FBI began.

To serve We The People is what it was intended for, not the politicians who believe they

are above the law.

For more infomation >> BREAKING: Comey's Life Is Over! Team Of Lawyers Just Made Their Move! - Duration: 3:46.


Harry's Had It! Meghan Jets Back To LA In Tears After She Gets Shocking 'Royal Slap Down' - Duration: 23:53.

For more infomation >> Harry's Had It! Meghan Jets Back To LA In Tears After She Gets Shocking 'Royal Slap Down' - Duration: 23:53.


Learn Colors with Box of Toys of Colored Birds & Insects | Box of Colorful Toys Video for Children - Duration: 4:06.





Pink color


Pink color

red red



pink color









Learn Colors with Box of Toys of Colored Birds & Insects

| Box of Colorful Toys Video for Children.

For more infomation >> Learn Colors with Box of Toys of Colored Birds & Insects | Box of Colorful Toys Video for Children - Duration: 4:06.


BREAKING NEWS About Ill John McCain – His Daughter Just Admitted It! - Duration: 5:44.

Meghan McCain told the audience of ABC's "The View" last week that her father,

Senator John McCain, who is suffering from an extremely deadly form of brain cancer is

"doing good."

Although he does have to continue his physical therapy in Arizona.

81-year-old Senator McCain who is a six-term Republican is battling the highly aggressive

form of deadly brain cancer called glioblastoma.

He was hospitalized sometime late last year in Bethesda, Maryland, in a facility located

near Washington, D.C. for a viral infection which was probably caused by the side effects

of the aggressive form of Chemotherapy and Radiation needed to treat this awful decease.

Via The Cancer Centers of America:

Glioblastoma multiforme

Glioblastoma, also known as glioblastoma multiforme, GBM or grade IV astrocytoma, is a fast-growing,

aggressive type of central nervous system tumor that forms on the supportive tissue

of the brain.

Glioblastoma is the most common grade IV brain cancer.

Glioblastomas may appear in any lobe of the brain, but it develops more commonly in the

frontal and temporal lobes.

Glioblastoma usually affects adults.

Glioblastoma cancer symptoms

Symptoms of glioblastoma vary depending on the location of the tumor, but they may include:

Persistent headaches Double or blurred vision

Nausea Vomiting

Loss of appetite Changes in mood or personality

Changes in ability to think and learn Memory loss

New onset of seizures Muscle weakness

Speech difficulty NOTE: These symptoms may be attributed to

a number of conditions other than cancer.

It is important to consult with a medical professional for an accurate diagnosis.

Advanced treatments for glioblastoma

Common glioblastoma treatments include:

Surgery: Surgical resection, which requires a craniotomy, is typically the first stage

of treatment for patients with glioblastomas.

Surgery may also allow for the removal of tumor tissue to relieve pressure in the brain

caused by the tumor.

We offer the Six Pillar Approach, a minimally invasive surgery for patients with hard-to-reach


Radiation therapy: Radiation may be recommended after surgery for some glioblastomas.

It may also be necessary to treat glioblastomas when surgery is deemed unsafe or is not recommended

for another reason.

Radiation therapy may be used alone, with chemotherapy or with targeted therapies.

We offer several methods for delivering external beam radiation therapy to treat glioblastomas:

Intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT): IMRT is a state-of-the-art radiation delivery

system that is used to treat hard to reach tumors.

It can also spare healthy tissue from radiation therapy.

In IMRT, the radiation beams are broken up into smaller beams and the intensity of each

of these smaller beams can be changed.

This means that the more intense beams, or the beams giving more radiation, can be directed

only at the tumor.

It is most useful to treat a tumor that is near critical parts of the brain, such as

the brain stem and areas that control sight.

Stereotactic radiation therapy: this treatment focuses radiation from various angles to the

outline of the tumor.

This technique is designed to reduce damage to healthy tissue.

Because the procedure does not require an incision, it typically leads to less discomfort,

shorter recovery times and fewer complications than surgery.

Chemotherapy: Several chemotherapy drugs taken orally or intravenously are available to manage

the symptoms of glioblastoma.

Chemotherapy and radiation therapy are typically the recommended course of treatment for nearly

all glioblastomas.

Following surgery, carmustine wafers may also be implanted.

After a surgeon operates to remove the cancerous tissue in the brain, up to eight dime-sized

wafers are implanted in the space where the tumor was.

Over the next few weeks, the wafers slowly dissolve while filling surrounding cells with


The goal is to kill tumor cells left behind after surgery.

Chemotherapy along with Optune has been approved for adjuvant therapy once radiation is complete.

Targeted therapy: are medicines that target the parts of cancer cells that make them unlike

normal cells.

These new drugs are used more often to treat brain tumors than standard chemotherapy.

Targeted therapy can help when other treatments are not working as well.

They can also have less-severe side effects than standard chemotherapy medicine.

McCain's office has not released any official statement on McCain's health for more than

two weeks.

In fact, the last statement issued said McCain was looking forward to returning to the Senate

in January.

But it's starting to appear unlikely he will make it back to Capitol Hill before the

Senate reconvenes later this week.

Glioblastoma only has a survival rate of 5% when found in patients after the age of 75.

The Senator was 81 when he was diagnosed.

I know many people, myself included, have serious issues with Senator McCain.

And rightly so.

He goes and gets treated in the best hospitals in the country while at the same time believes

people like you and me, and our much deserving Veterans should have to deal with Obamacare

and the VA.

Even though he ran on repealing Obamacare he turned around and voted to keep it when

the time came.

Let's all pray for him.

Even though as a Senator he has been a traitor to us Republicans and has voted on the wrong

side of the political aisle for decades, he is still a human being and was once a war


For more infomation >> BREAKING NEWS About Ill John McCain – His Daughter Just Admitted It! - Duration: 5:44.


Should the US walk away from the Iran nuclear deal? - Duration: 1:40.

For more infomation >> Should the US walk away from the Iran nuclear deal? - Duration: 1:40.


Forecast Focus for January 8 - Duration: 3:45.

For more infomation >> Forecast Focus for January 8 - Duration: 3:45.


Lucky Charms Frosted Flakes!!!?? - Duration: 5:31.

snack heads what's really good General Mills I don't know if they collabed with

Kellogg's um I don't know man General Mills they dropped a cereal that we've

been waiting as a childhood we probably did it I don't know about you I did it

when I was a kid like I mixed all my series when I had a little bit left

before opening a new batch of cereal I would mix that little bit of cereal with

the other cereal even though it had nothing to do it probably gave me a

stomachache I probably had to poop my pants but I used to do that check this

out that Lucky Charms me Lucky Charms frosted flake yo this is nuts

like when and how what great crazy this was up though um they got these at

Walmart and I found these in stopper shop I've been seeing people posted big

shout-out to uh my name is Dee nice on Instagram and she have a YouTube channel

um you know she sent me a picture and I was like yo get out of here I thought

like it was a picture of a picture but it's actually out end yeah this is it

boom Lucky Charms was sweet as it is right and then you had a little graham

the nasty Graham thing that mix it up but they gave enough marshmallows in

there I don't know I used to pick out the marshmallows I know about child as a

kid I just do that I don't know about if y'all used to do that I used to do it

that's the ultimate sweetness because frosted flakes is sweet as it is that

used to always have the milk dumb sweet then you will put marshmallows huh let's

crack this bad boy open son no more talk ma'am I'm crazy mega excited me I fall

right in early in the morning it's like a blizzard out here in Connecticut storm

watch they towing cars on the street this is how bad it is

oh I hate it love it at the same time got my little get a whoa I got it in my

lap in the driver's seat of the car you can see the steering reliant playing no

games on with togetherness get that popping right there yeah nice and cold

cold cold damn Yaffe leaks of the cereal now the milk inside the boiler like that

get it nice and leak so panting is it your make sure the wall and the cereal

and milk on it marshmallon defrosted clicks make sure all right all right are

the snack gods descended on us Lucky Charms frosted flakes like to taste it

hit go

the frosted flakes that they have here is not like frosted Kellogg's Frosted

Flakes now that's where they differ right there they're smaller you know

they they almost look like the the oats or whatever inside the custard cereal

like it's like that small you know let's just dropped almost - boring put that up

there it's like small like that it's not like the frosted flakes ma'am

frosted flakes and the corn flakes crazy big flakes man filled with um icing on

it or whatever sugar frost whatever they called it on it totally different I

gotta say man maybe because I'm hungry I don't think so

I kind of like it I like it because the frosted flakes is not that sweet that I

bought it's not just sweep on and then the marshmallow comes down and give it

weakness in it so it's not that sweet that's your thing I know you see a box

like oh my god that's a too big no it's not like that I actually like it me I

will finish this whole box you know especially if the marshmallow will sit

inside the milk then again sweeten and change that like rainbow which color to

it but um it's not that bad man out of five I would give this um it's like a

3.3 to me it's like a 3.3 I will buy it again if it's on sale for like $1.99 or

whatever General Mills you guys didn't drop the ball on these they're not bad

they're not like crazy good oh I definitely will do it again I'll buy it

again man you know if you see if you want to try if you're a big fan of

frosted flakes and Lucky Charms or just Lucky Charms

it's not like the frosted flakes so um you're a tribe man especially if it's on

sale it's your Boise snacks hey guys make

sure you subscribe to me comedian John Moses new channels called

B movies what we do is we review all the latest B movies all the stuff on Hulu

Netflix cuz you know would be hard sometimes when you're on Netflix for or

who knew just flicking through like oh man what movie to watch what movie to

watch and then you don't want to waste your time to watch a BS movie I know if

y'all like me if I'm watching a movie even though it's wack I got to see it

through and you don't want to waste that 90 minutes or whatever it is for a movie

so check out our channel we review all the latest movies man it's the

up-and-coming channel I access for your support and the channel will grow it

will be funny because we're both comics and we make a funny commentary we will

probably jump off subject of whatnot but yeah just a couple of guys or no movie

buffs but I am a movie head and I watch movie it's like maybe three times a

night sometimes I come home late night from a comedy show but yeah make sure

you support that B movies the link will be in the description too patient

For more infomation >> Lucky Charms Frosted Flakes!!!?? - Duration: 5:31.


ap tet 2018 updates trt dsc syllabus appsc - Duration: 0:52.

ap tet latest news, ap tet, ap dsc, ap tet 2018, ap tet syllabus, tet, appsc, ap, telugu news, ap dsc notification, tet 2018, dsc, aptet, ap dsc notification 2017, tet syllabus, trt, bhaskars area, ap tet 2017, ganta srinivasa rao, ap dsc 2018, ap dsc latest news, latest news, notification, apply, ap dsc 2017 notification, bhaskar, tet cum trt, ap tet notification, ap tet new dates, 2018, lakshyam, teacher eligibility test, ap tet syllabus in telugu, how to prepare ap dsc

ap tet latest news, ap tet, ap dsc, ap tet 2018, ap tet syllabus, tet, appsc, ap, telugu news, ap dsc notification, tet 2018, dsc, aptet, ap dsc notification 2017, tet syllabus, trt, bhaskars area, ap tet 2017, ganta srinivasa rao, ap dsc 2018, ap dsc latest news, latest news, notification, apply, ap dsc 2017 notification, bhaskar, tet cum trt, ap tet notification, ap tet new dates, 2018, lakshyam, teacher eligibility test, ap tet syllabus in telugu, how to prepare ap dsc

ap tet latest news, ap tet, ap dsc, ap tet 2018, ap tet syllabus, tet, appsc, ap, telugu news, ap dsc notification, tet 2018, dsc, aptet, ap dsc notification 2017, tet syllabus, trt, bhaskars area, ap tet 2017, ganta srinivasa rao, ap dsc 2018, ap dsc latest news, latest news, notification, apply, ap dsc 2017 notification, bhaskar, tet cum trt, ap tet notification, ap tet new dates, 2018, lakshyam, teacher eligibility test, ap tet syllabus in telugu, how to prepare ap dsc

For more infomation >> ap tet 2018 updates trt dsc syllabus appsc - Duration: 0:52.


롤 시즌8 트페 룬 템트리 신비로운 유성|NKC TV - Duration: 4:50.

For more infomation >> 롤 시즌8 트페 룬 템트리 신비로운 유성|NKC TV - Duration: 4:50.


Prince Harry and Meghan Markle send thank you notes The couple sent out thank you cards to well- - Duration: 3:36.

The couple sent out thank you cards to well-wishers on their engagement

Letters follow same format as Duchess of Cambridge's birthday thank you cards

Royal fans believe the 'Meghan effect' caused the Palace to break with tradition by writing on her behalf before she is officially a member of the royal family

They sent royal fans into a frenzy after finally announcing their engagement last year.

And now Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have delighted fans once again by sending out official thank you cards to their well-wishers

After being inundated with handwritten notes and letters, the newly-betrothed couple posted thank you notes via Kensington Palace, saying that they were 'incredibly touched' by the reaction.

The cards, which are now circulating on social media, feature the official Kensington Palace crest alongside a photo of the couple, and a short note thanking fans for their 'thoughtful' messages.

Scroll down for video

An image, shared on by the page 'Harry and Meghan Updates', shows the inlay of the card which reads: 'Prince Harry and Ms

Meghan Markle were incredibly touched that you took the trouble to write as you did in connection to their forthcoming Wedding.

'It really was most thoughtful of you and greatly appreciated

His Royal Highness and Ms

Markle send you their warmest thanks and very best wishes.'

The image of the card, which was originally sent to Lauren Parkinson, was shared online alongside instructions on how royal fans could receive one themselves by writing to the couple at Kensington Palace or Clarence House.

The message inside follows almost the exact same format as a card sent by the Duchess of Cambridge in February last year where she thanked fans for their birthday wishes.

Kate also sent her 'warmest thanks and best wishes' and said she was 'touched' by the messages she received.

Some fans have suggested the card represents a break with tradition as it is unusual for a non-royal's name to appear on official correspondence from the Palace - however, others pointed out that similar cards were sent out when the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge got engaged in 2010.

Kensington Palace has been contacted for comment

It is not the first time Harry, 33 and Meghan, 36, have personally thanked fans for their well wishes.

When portraits from their official engagement shoot were released last month, the couple released a bonus 'candid' photo, thanking fans for the 'warm and generous messages they have received during such a happy time'.

For more infomation >> Prince Harry and Meghan Markle send thank you notes The couple sent out thank you cards to well- - Duration: 3:36.


抗癌菜」, 連醫生都推薦吃農民吃多了不想吃,城裡人卻揣錢買不到 - Duration: 3:59.

For more infomation >> 抗癌菜」, 連醫生都推薦吃農民吃多了不想吃,城裡人卻揣錢買不到 - Duration: 3:59.


[MK이슈]티아라는 `티아라`로 남을 수 있을까 티아라 멤버 은정 지연 효민 큐리는 8일 자신의 인스타그램에 동일한 글을 올리고 전날 불거진 전 소속사 MBK엔터테인먼트의 - Duration: 4:27.

For more infomation >> [MK이슈]티아라는 `티아라`로 남을 수 있을까 티아라 멤버 은정 지연 효민 큐리는 8일 자신의 인스타그램에 동일한 글을 올리고 전날 불거진 전 소속사 MBK엔터테인먼트의 - Duration: 4:27.


Huge Old Buckle Found

For more infomation >> Huge Old Buckle Found


For more infomation >> Huge Old Buckle Found


Tillerson discusses Trump's N Korea strategy CNN - Duration: 1:47.

For more infomation >> Tillerson discusses Trump's N Korea strategy CNN - Duration: 1:47.


For more infomation >> Tillerson discusses Trump's N Korea strategy CNN - Duration: 1:47.


HSN | The Monday Night Show with Adam Freeman 01.08.2018 - 07 PM - Duration: 1:00:01.

For more infomation >> HSN | The Monday Night Show with Adam Freeman 01.08.2018 - 07 PM - Duration: 1:00:01.


For more infomation >> HSN | The Monday Night Show with Adam Freeman 01.08.2018 - 07 PM - Duration: 1:00:01.


抗癌菜」, 連醫生都推薦吃農民吃多了不想吃,城裡人卻揣錢買不到 - Duration: 3:59.

For more infomation >> 抗癌菜」, 連醫生都推薦吃農民吃多了不想吃,城裡人卻揣錢買不到 - Duration: 3:59.


For more infomation >> 抗癌菜」, 連醫生都推薦吃農民吃多了不想吃,城裡人卻揣錢買不到 - Duration: 3:59.


JEFF BUCKLEY - Forget Her (Subtitulada en Español) - Duration: 5:17.

For more infomation >> JEFF BUCKLEY - Forget Her (Subtitulada en Español) - Duration: 5:17.


For more infomation >> JEFF BUCKLEY - Forget Her (Subtitulada en Español) - Duration: 5:17.


湖南卫视火了两个慢综艺,到东方卫视、浙江卫视就不行了 - Duration: 6:07.

For more infomation >> 湖南卫视火了两个慢综艺,到东方卫视、浙江卫视就不行了 - Duration: 6:07.


For more infomation >> 湖南卫视火了两个慢综艺,到东方卫视、浙江卫视就不行了 - Duration: 6:07.


VIDEO – France Gall sa dernière appa­ri­tion sur scène avec Johnny Hally­day - Duration: 2:20.

For more infomation >> VIDEO – France Gall sa dernière appa­ri­tion sur scène avec Johnny Hally­day - Duration: 2:20.


For more infomation >> VIDEO – France Gall sa dernière appa­ri­tion sur scène avec Johnny Hally­day - Duration: 2:20.


Rajasthan Tourism

For more infomation >> Rajasthan Tourism


SBS VICELAND - M Classification Warning (8.1.2018) - Duration: 0:11.

For more infomation >> SBS VICELAND - M Classification Warning (8.1.2018) - Duration: 0:11.


My Secret To Success | I KNOW I Suck! - Duration: 10:14.

oh man I suck alright guys time to admit it I suck I suck all of you guys are

familiar with Alexander the Great Alexander did something that was

ingenious he had a servant that had one job and one job alone

was to walk up to Alexander and when he was around a crowd of people

the servants job was to whisper into his ear you're just a man

you're mortal you're just a man why it was to keep Alexander from believing

what his troops and what his enemies believed that Alexander was a God among

men and for the most part it worked really well Alexander never overextended

himself he always worked with his brain work and he survived long enough to

become history's most prolific Conqueror outside of Genghis Khan I've always been

an outgoing gregarious kind of person a people person a mix I mean I think it

comes across so a camera I'm good at what I do

when I'm in my zone but it's also important that you know how to check

yourself to that end I have a few things around me that I use in life to keep me

on a level playing field so I don't get too high or too low

first and foremost on your shit on your shit I cuss I say the n-word I wasn't

always the best student in math I got a jacked up pants like anybody else that

my credit was horrible at one time I've had all kind of things happen and I know

that I don't try to walk away from it I own my stuff in corporate America I

learned a lesson I wish I'd learned early on a lifetime it was called white

board as a salesperson what she would do was bring in all your sales prospects

the people you thought you had the best chance of selling the best chance of

closing and you had to list them out on a whiteboard now you put him up there so

you think that great prospects and then it's everybody else's job in the room to

completely tear them to shreds by asking questions that you probably didn't

answer the first time I went to whiteboard I was completely stripped

bare I was so angry because I knew what I was talking about and these guys were

telling me something and have any idea what they were talking

about but you know what they taught me a valuable lesson to ask hard questions to

look and not believe your own height you know what all those prospects I put up

there the one that the group said was gonna close ended up closing I went in

that meeting with 117 prospects I left with eight of them eight eight at 117

you know how many I closed eight of that other 117 prospects I never closed one

of there's a lot of value in learning how to own your own shit how to look at

things the way they really are remember the movie 8 mile do like Eminem rush

yourself diss yourself is the beautiful thing about that is you disarmed

everybody around you when you say I ain't shit I got issues I got this I got

that this is wrong that's wrong about yourself to everybody else you leave no

one with anything to hit you with you are your biggest critic

that doesn't mean you beat yourself up with it you just own it I know everybody

doesn't like Eminem but eight-mile was a great movie if nothing more for that

scene everybody can learn some valuable things from that point roast yourself

and there's nothing left to cook learn to love your critics Abraham Lincoln

used this very tactic he stalked this presidential capital with enemies and

political opponents why because he didn't want to have a bunch of yes-man

around them people could tell him the truth the hardcore unmitigated truth

avoid having yes being around you of people who will just tell you what you

want to hear now when I say learn to love your

critics your credits are different than your haters your haters don't mean you

any good your critics on the other hand can at

least point to a legitimate grief one that if you address correct fix or at

least acknowledges there it defuses the situation learn to love your critics you

can learn a lot about yourself from the critics and what people say yourself

paper go to some of your friends and ask them what are some things about me that

you don't like and I can fix what are some what are three things that you

don't like about me that I can't pick and let them tell them you won't hurt my

feelings I won't be upset but you better make sure you owned that you can't get

mad at them for telling you the truth learning to do this was one of the

biggest unlocks I had for life learning to look at my own stuff and improve in

the areas that I could address also get great counts friends family members

loved ones relations are not the best people to counsel get a life coach get a

counselor get somebody who can tell you the truth need people around you that

you respect enough to substitute their judgment for your own we all have blind

spots we all have blind spots and we need people in our lives that can pull

our coattails December that can pull our coattails or certain issues that can let

us see beyond sight think about when you're in love y'all better love you had

that person that you like sucked and so forth and people around you wanted to

tell you or saw it you know yeah I knew when you started dating no girl that

wasn't gonna work you need people like this give them permission to tell you I

have a gauntlet of five people in my personal life to have their power but I

also have people that I pay for that there is real value in having great

counselor guys what it really comes down to is no matter who you are if you want

to be successful in life if you want to be bigger and better than you ever

worked you got to do the work the work starts number one with self-improvement

you've got to do the work on you relationships personal professional

you're the common denominator you can't expect anything from the world

if you're not willing to do the hard work on yourself

there are easy ways for me to do the hard work of myself with three simple

things be humble be grateful and be empathetic when I started my youtube

channel I had no subscribers at the time I'm making this video I have about

12,000 subscribers the higher you go the more humble you need to be some people

know you from the beginning they'll see the change you don't want to get to 50

60 100 million subscribers and people say you changed you want to walk with

people and keep the common touch being humbled some

humility goes a long way being grateful when I started I was happy if I got one

view and I'm happy that I'm just as grateful for the 10,000 subscriber as I

was for the 10 gratitude goes a long way and it's great to use gratitude as fuel

but the most important thing is empathy I know when people come to the videos it

may look like hey this guy on the other side of the camera has this opinion he

says this or is that but I try to think about what the person on the other side

of the camera is thinking what are people gonna say when they see this I

tried my best to put myself in another person's shoes to understand how they

may look at it and they may feel that doesn't mean it have to change what I do

but I least try to understand where they're coming from seek to understand

people first and then to be understood listen first talk second people like

being around folks like that the book of how to win friends and influence people

talks about that stuff all these things are just life lessons guys nobody's

perfect we are all fallible I make mistakes I'll keep making mistakes

I don't pronounce French words exceptionally well and I know that there

are some people who just love coming to the comment section and saying hey it's

savage not it's it's not savage it's uh baggage it's old frictions that are old

fresh it's rasathi instead of Russa whatever don't get mad

just own it and say you're right keep it moving because guys we are just

human you're not a guy you're just a man one of the biggest papers you can do

yourself in the world is to look yourself in the mirror own your own shit

and see how you can improve each and every day honestly the one constant in

life is there's never a bad thing with self-improvement if you liked this video

go ahead and give me a big thumbs up and share it out to anybody you think use

the information thank you guys so much for watching and subscribing to the next

time talk to you later

by the way want to stay connected follow me on social media links down in the

description peace two fingers and a math issue boy

hey guys if you want to be your best look good smell great and be your best

each and every day follow a link down in the description and book your one-on-one

private Skype consultation details in the description it's up to you you only

have 7 seconds to make the great first impression you might as well make sure

you knock it out but apartment B Danskin look some people just aren't gonna like

you just because the way you look at the sound of your voice of the fact that you

had the nerve to say what you did drama and beef come with the territory but

that doesn't mean you have to get involved in it and it doesn't mean you

got to get mad don't let anyone make you act outside of your character especially

people who don't know you on social media there gonna be people who say

everything there got any people who come in who hate your guts just because your

eyeglasses you're gonna have trolls you're gonna have diehard critics you're

gonna have haters but how you handle yourself is a matter of profession but

how you handle it should be a matter of professional pride but how you handle it

should be a matter of professional pride how you handle it should be a matter of

professional and personal pride what are your standards

what are your principles what are your beliefs don't let anyone move your arm

sinner Islam don't let anything don't let anyone move you up Center know

your truth stand on your truth to live your truth

For more infomation >> My Secret To Success | I KNOW I Suck! - Duration: 10:14.


2 Ways to Increase Planner Peace in the New Year! - PLANNER CHAT - Duration: 5:59.

In today's episode I'll be looking at two things that you must do to maximize your planner peace in the new year

Happy new year planner friends. I'm Jessica McWilliams known as 3-minute planner on Instagram and YouTube

welcome to

planner chat at my desk a weekly episode featuring planner related content from the endless stream of

randomness in my brain

The first thing to do to maximize your planner peace in the upcoming year is actually to go backwards

We need to rewind and take a look at what worked for us this year, and what didn't go so well

What are your pits and cherries of your planning life in

2017? for those of you who are not familiar with pits and cherries is a conversation game

Solely based to share your highs and lows usually daily with others in your life

So I thought it would be fun if we played this game as well my pit

for my planning year

definitely was not using

My planner as a portable tool in my life. OnceI bought the happy planner Deluxe cover in classic size

it just was I

Love the cover nothing wrong with that. It just didn't fit into

My handbag at the time

It didn't fit into how I wanted to present myself when I went out to like pull it out and everything like that

I just didn't use it outside the home like I thought I was going to so for me

portability or lack of portability was my main pit for

2017 I had a few minor pits as well

One being that I got blocked by a fellow planner girl who I kind of had looked up to at the time

which is

To each their own. if anything you just surprised me a little bit at and seemed a little bit

Embarrassing, but like the saying goes onward and upward

Another minor pit that I had is that I didn't schedule

Well if I got behind on my decorating so I would just cause me to give up altogether

And lastly and maybe the most silly pit of my ear

Was getting an Erin Condren notebook a couple notebooks

And then being paralyzed because the paper was too nice


Which is like a whole nother episode

So now for the sweetness the Cherry's of my planning life

Was definitely connecting with real people my cousin Caitlin and I became planner pals

Which was and is incredibly sweet and delightful

I was also able to attend a few Minnesota planner addict

Events which is a local

I'm from Minnesota obviously and so as a local planner group that has meetups occasionally

And it was really great to spend time with people who get the planner thing

Another cherry of mine was learning that I could plan in pencil and it's okay

and it can be pretty freeing to just jot something down and

Last but not least was getting over my Erin Condren notebook paralyzation

Leave a comment below with your pit and cherry from your planning life for

2017 I would love to hear your challenges and your victories while you're there

or if you're ever searching for me on

Youtube search Jessica McWilliams and look for the description 3-minute planner while you're there be sure to subscribe for more great

planner content

Okay so the second thing to do to maximize your planner piece in the new year is to

Refocus I wanted to refocus on having at least one planner. That's portable I

Also realized I needed to focus on having

Space to write in my planner and actually include

Complete sections and dividers of just blank notebook paper to get my thoughts out and just be free to write

Another change that I'm doing in the upcoming year is

decorating ahead of time so already in the back here I have

My weekly decorated to April 7

Just so I don't fall behind on my actual functional and life planning

Because I didn't get to a chance to do it and I've found a lot of joy in doing it this way so

Look forward to more of that in a future episod. I'd like to share my one little word for 2018 which is

engage I want to be present and

productive in my work and home life and to engage in those things with purpose and

one of those ways to engage is to find me on instagram at

Three-minute planner. I look forward to seeing you there and

of course on YouTube or in real life in my

wonderful delicious

challenging supportive super fantastic tribe of planner people in my real life, so

join me next week for

Planner chat at my desk

featuring my

2018 lineup and a special appearance by greasy and Big Bertha, thanks for tuning in see you next time

For more infomation >> 2 Ways to Increase Planner Peace in the New Year! - PLANNER CHAT - Duration: 5:59.


Project Zomboid-Solo - Duration: 3:39:00.

For more infomation >> Project Zomboid-Solo - Duration: 3:39:00.


Shravanabelagola - World's biggest monolithic statue (Jain) - Duration: 5:48.

Hello everyone, Today we're in Shravanabelagola.

It's in the Hassan district, approximately 150km outside of Bangalore and it's famous

for one thing: it's a major pilgrimage site for Jains.

So if you don't know, Jainism is one of the religions that you find un India.

There are four to five million people who follow this, and mostly in India.

In Jainism you have two main branches: the Digambaras and the Svetambaras.

Of course there are plenty of other branches but these are the two main ones.

And it's hard to get into the details in a short video.

I guess I'll do another one which is more detailed but yeah, mainly, they'll mostly

be vegetarians and also they'll try not to harm any animals.

But yeah, back to Shravanabelagola.

The main attraction here is the massive statue at the top of the hill.

It's really impressive it's I think 58 feet tall or approximately 18 meters high.

It's made of one single granite block which makes it apparently the biggest statue in

the world, made out of one block.

To go see the statue you have to climb all these stairs.

There are steps carved in the stone which makes it easyer.

It's at the top and you have a really nice view on all the valley.

Let me show you.

It's pretty nice.

You get high pretty fast as usual and it should be good up there.

Ok so right now there's a lot of scaffoldings everywhere because they're building some stuff

around the statue.

You have to know that every twelve years there's a big festival here it's the Mahamastakabhisheka,

something like this.

It happens every twelve years and the next one is in February this year 2018 so I'll

try to go back for this.

And yeah right now I'm travelling with a friend: Khémara.

He's a little slow behind.

He's travelling around the world right now.

You can go to his blog, I'll put the link in the decsription.

The statue behind is of Sri Gomateshwara and here he's also called Bahubali, just like

the movie.

By the way the statue is dated back to 978.

Between 978 and 993.

That's more than one thousand years old.

When you see that Bangalore roads don't last a few months, it's crazy to see that this

is still like, this way!

OK well, you have to know there are two ways to go up.

We went in the backside.

We just discovered on the way up that we could have gone on the other side and there was

more stuff at the bottom including a nice lake.

Well that's it for this video.

Hope you liked it.

I don't know what the next one will be: probably Belur or after I'll go to Srirangapathna next

to Mysore and yeah subscribe and you'll see all these.

OK well see you.

And say bye to Khémara also.

"Hey, see you guys, next time".

Don't go visit his blog it's really bad!

For more infomation >> Shravanabelagola - World's biggest monolithic statue (Jain) - Duration: 5:48.


Slang for Moms | WHAT DID SHE JUST SAY?! - Duration: 3:30.

Oh dear

Hello, and welcome back to my channel today. I have something very exciting to talk with you all about

Now I've mentioned a few times that I'm a mom you've probably even seen my kids on this channel

But what you don't know is that I am a cool mom?

Now you're probably wondering how does one become a cool mom?

It's not as hard as it seems

And I'm about to give you a little lesson in slang before we get started could you please?

Please is still important even when you're cool

Could you please give this video a like and subscribe to my channel here we go

The first word I'm gonna give you is ship

Get that in your vocabulary as quickly as possible

Because it was super popular about two years ago

Nothing says I'm a cool mom like using outdated slang

You might think that ship is just a fancy word for boat, but you'd be wrong

You can still use ship as a noun to describe a romantic relationship

Like check out that ship over there. I'm digging it. Don't say digging it. That's a bad idea

I see a little ship brewing between those two you can also use it as a verb to talk about a

Romantic relationship, you'd like to see like I totally

totally ship

two famous people

I ship it. Oh my God. Did you see Billy and Sally?

I ship it. I'm shipping Billy and Sally. Oh my God. I'm shipping it

Another key word

Key slang words you might want to throw into your everyday jargon if you're a cool mom is


Now people of my age will remember Stan as the slightly troubled fan of Eminem in the popular song

Stan I think he was cleaning out his closet

Now you might think that Stan is just a name of a weird guy

That killed himself and his girlfriend in an Eminem video, but you'd be wrong Stan is the perfect way to describe

stalker or a maniac like I can't wait until someone Stans me

I totally Stan

Who do I stan?

Like I stan Zac Efron

Too old for Zac Efron

not old enough

Not sure

I stan Channing Tatum

He should look out for me

So instead of fan use the word Stan

This has been today's edition of slang for moms

Please make sure that you're using these words in your everyday life

so that we know for sure that you're cool

This is Jocey Potts saying. I don't know where the camera is love you all

For more infomation >> Slang for Moms | WHAT DID SHE JUST SAY?! - Duration: 3:30.


Beamer selected to College Football Hall of Fame's Class of 2018 - Duration: 0:34.

For more infomation >> Beamer selected to College Football Hall of Fame's Class of 2018 - Duration: 0:34.


M Pokora cible de moque­ries sur Twit­ter après la mort de France Gall - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> M Pokora cible de moque­ries sur Twit­ter après la mort de France Gall - Duration: 2:17.


BlackBerry DTEK70 (2018) - INTRODUCTION!!! - Duration: 3:10.

BlackBerry DTEK70 (2018) Concept, Trailer, Introduction, With Phone Specifications.

The BlackBerry DTEK70 (2018) will receive Super AMOLED FHD+ Touchscreen.

The new BlackBerry DTEK70 (2018) coming with 5.8 inches infinite display.

The resolution of upcoming smartphone BlackBerry DTEK70 (2018) will be 2160 x 3840 pixels.

The device coming with 18:9 Aspect Ratio screen.

BlackBerry DTEK70 (2018) will be protected by Scratch-Resistant Glass, Oleophobic Coating.

The Blackberry's next flagship DTEK70 (2018) will work performed under OS Android 8.0 oreo.

The hear of new BlackBerry DTEK70 (2018) will serve the most powerful processor system Qualcomm Snapdragon 845, and Adreno 630 GPU (Graphics).

The gadget will support memory card slot up to 256 GB.

The killing machine, BlackBerry DTEK70 (2018) coming with 4/6/8 GB of RAM and 64/128/256 GB of Storage.

The flagship killer, new BlackBerry DTEK70 (2018) will receive 21MP rear dual camera, f/1.7 and Dual-LED dual-tone Flash.

Also, 13MP front camera to take selfies and for video calling.

The BlackBerry DTEK70 (2018) will be equipped 3.5mm audio jack.

The BlackBerry DTEK70 (2018) coming with Top/Bottom and Front/Back Stereo Speakers.

The device will support USB 3.0 Type C.

The price and release date of BlackBerry DTEK70 (2018) is not officially announced, it is expected that it will launch at the end of 2018.

And the price of this flagship will be around €550 EUR, $658 US dollars, Rs. 41777 INR (Indian Rupees).

The fingerprint scanner of BlackBerry DTEK70 (2018) will be mounted at the back of the panel.

The BlackBerry DTEK70 (2018) will support Fast battery charging (quick charge 4.0).

The BlackBerry DTEK70 (2018) will be powered by 4150 mAh non-removable battery.

For more infomation >> BlackBerry DTEK70 (2018) - INTRODUCTION!!! - Duration: 3:10.


【10種女孩子化妝時理想和現實】你中了幾條?Imagination VS Reality - When Girls Wearing Makeup 【CC Subs】 - Duration: 8:00.

This part is very important. Before that, I must wearing hairband first

Apply toner and essence on your face

At last, apply moisturizer and it's done

Haiz...So tired, I didn't sleep well last night. My hair is so annoying

What is this? Well, forget it

Next, what is this? I don't know what the hell is this

And this one? Aiya cincai lah

Please choose SPF liquid foundation and apply on your entire face

And blend them well by a beauty blender like this

What is this? I don't even care about SPF at all

It's done

Cover your dark eye circle by concealer

Next blend it until they look prefect

What the hell is this? I never see it before in my life

Ok, not bad (Concealer look uneven)

I use eyebrow powder to create a pretty eyebrow

What is this? I never heard eyebrow powder before

And this one? OK, give it a try

Well, my eyebrow look nice (?)

Please apply eyeliner in waterline first

And then I use liquid eyeliner to create a fine line

Shii...... don't disturb me. I'm try to focus, Ok.

Curl your lashes first

And then apply mascara

What is this? I didn't use this before. Forget it. Let's use mascara (without curl it)

Please choose your suitable blusher

It's been a long time since I didn't use any blusher product

OMG. Try to remove some of it. Is that better?

Please apply concealer before apply lip stain

Apply lip stain on your inner lips and blend it by cotton bud

It's just apply lip stain product

Apply concealer? I don't do that

Aiya... my lips color look ugly

I prefer touch-up your makeup after the meal

And then apply some powder around your lips

Me? I touch-up my makeup BEFORE the meal

And then, I will eat carefully

This way, my lips color won't smudge away

Remove your makeup before sleep

I use biore product to remove my eye and lip makeup

Next, I will biore cleansing oil to remove my entire foundation on my face

And then, I take our one piece of cleansing paper

Added some water and start to wash your face

Dry your skin

Clean your waterline of your eye by cotton bud

When I remove my makeup is very simple

Omg. Is that a ghost?

Which type are you?

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