Being Followed
"Seriously stop" "Not in an aggressive way"
"I don't wanna walk with you, I don't wanna talk to you"
"Oh, s**t" "You either hand me your knife, or I'm not
talking to you"
Asian Andy is streaming as usual.
This time, he's with his friend, Smeep, and the pair are walking down a street in
Thailand at night, talking about getting massages, when a guy - another American - across the
street flags them down.
He asks them what they're doing, and when Andy says they're recording a vlog, the
man says that he was just wondering, because you don't see many people walking around
with their selfie sticks out.
Then this man keeps asking, "What's the story?" and Andy and Smeep don't really
know what he's talking about, but they play along.
He repeatedly asks, "What's the deal?"
Again, what's the deal with him - the livestreamers don't have a clue.
Then he says, "You take a left and right here?"
This seems to be code for something dark.
It's clear the two don't know what he's hinting at, but he says, "You know where
to go to find what you're looking for."
The guy then suggests that they turn the camera off, so he can talk to them.
Andy pretends like he's shutting the camera off.
Then the guy tells him to leave the camera behind, so he leaves it filming and sets it
on something to "go talk" to the guy.
But he's only gone for a moment, because he doesn't want his gear to be stolen.
Smeep goes to talk to the guy on his own instead.
And Andy asks his audience what "left and right" means.
Some guess substances, others guess the guy's a cop.
Whatever is going on, everyone agrees it's sketchy.
After a while of Smeep and the man just chatting on a street corner a short distance away,
Andy says he'll be joining them with the camera, but is told by Smeep to go across
the street and he'll meet him up there in a minute.
But Smeep does not return in a minute.
After twenty minutes, Andy calls Smeep over to go.
Smeep shows up shirtless and says his jacket was stolen by another guy when he was talking
to the sketchy dude.
The sketchy dude says that Andy must have been behind it as a gag for the livestream.
Then he proceeds to try and turn off the live stream.
He grabs Andy for a while, touching him, and apparently trying to take the camera away.
He tells them to turn it off.
Andy walks away for a bit, and when he returns, Smeep is telling the sketchy dude to stop
and saying that he doesn't want to walk with him or talk with him.
Apparently, sketchy guy also has a knife.
Smeep tells him he'll only talk with him if he hands it over.
The man throws it on the ground.
They then head into a darkened alleyway.
Bad idea.
The sketchy man takes their video camera from them and is demanding to know their YouTube
The pair tell him they're not shooting on YouTube, they're shooting on Twitch.
That's when the camera drops, and out of nowhere, the guy suddenly attacks.
The screen goes black, but there's sounds of a struggle.
Someone asks to be let go.
Another asks if they're trying to hurt him.
Somehow, they manage to escape into a local shop, but they say the guy is right outside
and aren't sure what to do.
Although they survived to stream again, things sure get dicey on Thailand Twitch streams
at night.
Robbed Broke Malone is sitting in a bar live streaming.
When he starts to use text to speech, the guys sitting across from him seem to have
a problem with it.
So what does Broke Malone do?
He starts talking to these guys, and things get out of hand fast.
Soon, they're all up on their feet.
The camera goes sideways, and they end up outside the bar, yelling nonsense at each
Broke Malone keeps repeating, "1 v 1" - meaning one versus one, without interference.
But when they continue to come after him, he takes off running down the street, because
there are a bunch of them and only one of him.
The try chasing him down a couple times, but he seems to be ahead.
But at some point, a brawl breaks out.
The camera is thrown to the ground.
A girl manages to pick up the phone, and she asks whose phone it is.
Someone takes it from her and puts it in a grate for safe keeping.
Judging by the conversation that ensues, the group managed to rob Broke Malone of quite
a lot.
This clip doesn't show what happened to Broke Malone after being jumped.
But here's hoping justice was eventually served.
13.The Mob As it turns out, in LA, Ice Poseidon has to
watch his back for gangsters, as a man claiming to be in the mob threatens him in this clip.
Poseidon was sitting at an Italian restaurant called Cafe Verona, when the older man approached
him, leaned over, and whispered in his ear that he'd gotten "about thirty calls"
about Poseidon on his phone, and he'd better hit the road.
The man goes on to say that he's a gangster, and that Poseidon is screwing with the mob.
"You'd better leave now," the man says.
"The sooner you leave, the better."
Poseidon apologizes, packs his stuff up, and leaves.
He says he doesn't want to get shot.
While this may have scared most to their wits, Ice Poseidon doesn't seem too fazed and
goes on with his streaming.
At least we know this encounter didn't leave him swimming with the fishes.
Subway Sniper
CJayride is livestreaming on the subway in Asia, when some man creeps up behind him to
take his photo.
The man is standing to the left of CJayride in the beginning of the video, about five
feet away, with a surgical mask on.
The man just appears to be on his phone, but obviously he's actually finding his camera,
so he can take some video or photos of his own.
CJayride is chill about it at first, even posing for a moment.
But then, as the man creeps closer and closer without saying a word, CJayride clearly gets
more uncomfortable and stands to get off the train at the next stop.
This is when the guy walks straight up to him, maybe a foot away, with his camera right
beside the streamer's face.
Finally satisfied, the man then walks away, as CJayride changes position on the subway,
getting as far away from this man as possible.
If you're going to livestream, expect to encounter people like this.
Comes with the territory, it seems.
The Creepy Trickster Paul Denino - otherwise known by Ice Poseidon
- is an online personality and vlogger.
Needless to say, he has a following...and sometimes having a following can get you into
In this case, Ice Poseidon encounters a homeless British man on the streets of London at night.
The man calls him over and attempts to get him alone.
Drink in hand, he tries to lure Ice Poseidon away from his friend by telling him to "come
over here for two seconds," insisting he only wants to tell Poseidon something and,
for some reason, he doesn't want to tell it in front of the other guy.
All very strange and creepy.
Ice Poseidon agrees to accompany the Brit alone and is asked if he's doing a program
for the university.
The man then suggests to meet the next morning if Ice Poseidon wants to see how he lives.
Since Ice Poseidon doesn't want to get up early, the man offers to meet him that same
night at Cafe Nero in Oxford Circus.
Ice Poseidon says he can head there with him right then, but that his friend is coming
When the creepy man rejects that idea and says that he's "taken another American
there," someone he claims did a "videoshoot" of him, Ice Poseidon asks how he can know
the man isn't lying.
The conversation goes back and forth, with Ice Poseidon questioning the man's motives
and the man insisting he is honest and doesn't intend to rob him.
Ice Poseidon's followers warn him repeatedly NOT to follow the guy, calling the whole thing
"sketch central."
But Ice Poseidon ignores them and continues to engage him.
He says he would like to see where the guy sleeps, but he'll be taking his friend with
But, for some reason, the creepy man won't allow the friend to accompany, calling him
"another homeless guy," and saying he would never let a homeless guy know where
he sleeps…
Again, despite repeated warnings, Ice Poseidon decides to join the creepy guy anyway, because
he's genuinely curious.
He talks to his friend and asks him to trail them.
The creepy man orders a cab and, as they wait, he tells Ice Poseidon he was a sniper in the
army in Desert Storm and Afghanistan.
Many of Ice Poseidon's followers hop on to say that the guy is a well-known trickster
in London and a psycho that robs people.
They also note that the man said he was in the army for ten years, but then gave active
duty dates that were twelve years apart.
When the taxi finally arrives, Ice Poseidon again insists that his friend will be joining
them, and the creepy man says that wasn't the agreement.
The man finally leaves when Poseidon won't ditch his friend to follow him to an unfamiliar
This could have ended quite nasty, so it's lucky that Ice Poseidon had a level-enough
head on his shoulders to avoid getting into any real danger here.
Creepy Guy There's a lot of attempted luring going
on in these videos.
In this one, the live streamer is a 17-year-old girl, who seems to be trying to shake some
creepy dude at the beginning of the video.
"I'm gonna go this way…" she says, looking nervously into the camera.
But he calls her and asks her name.
The creep drunkenly asks her to come with him.
When she asks where, he says, "Right here," pointing down into his scary basement apartment.
But, again, she tries to shake him - and succeeds.
Probably a good idea.
That place looked very shady.
The Boiling Point When
Asian Andy and Hampton Brandon butt heads, it's a thing you don't want to miss.
Viewers are thrown into the middle of some dispute between the pair.
Hampton Brandon confronts Andy, saying he's doing so, because he wants some people to
think he's "decent and not a wildebeest."
Thereafter, Hampton Brandon accuses Andy of something...it's not really clear what.
And when Andy calls him a liar, he gets angry.
At first, Hampton Brandon seems like he's going to let it go, as he says, "I'll
see you in Hollywood."
But then he continues shouting, getting louder and louder and more and more heated.
He gets up in Andy's face and butts heads with him.
That's when Andy snaps.
Everyone starts pushing and shoving.
The camera falls to the ground.
Brandon continues shouting.
When things calm down, Andy repeats, "Get off my property."
Even out in the street, getting into his car, Brandon is screaming threats.
At least things didn't go too far...this time around.
Teenage Mob Greekgodx, a popular Twitch livestreamer,
fears for his life in this clip...as a mob of teenagers tail him.
"Don't hurt me!" he shouts, as they're seen behind him, making a lot of noise and
The streamer tells himself to close his eyes and it will be over soon.
He then says they're "ganging up" and starts running.
He's pretty quick on his feet.
Some of the gang catch up with him and demand to know what he's recording.
He claims he's sending a message to his mom.
But the young teenage girl calls his bluff, saying, "That's on live on facebook."
He appears to be nearly crying as he tells the teenagers to leave him alone.
In the background, you can hear women shouting at him, although it's unclear what they're
accusing him of.
But when Greekgod says, "They can only see my face, I promise," you can probably guess
at what these teens are so angry about.
At one point, the camera is angled a little above Greekgod's shoulder, and you can see
that there are at least three on his tail, chasing him.
"Please, don't hurt me," he says.
"They can't see you."
One woman asks him to "remove it" but, being a livestream, there's no way he can...but
he says he will, probably to get this mob off his back.
Some people don't want to be filmed without consent, which is something that IRL live
streamers must consider.
Snort Money
When a streamer called Glink is flagged by a man, it's a certitude that something shady
is about to go down.
It's clear as day that the guy is on something.
But when the pair talk, it's difficult to understand anything this man is saying.
Glink is pretty kind to the guy.
He asks if the dude is hungry and says he'll bring him some food.
But the guy doesn't want food.
He wants $5.
To snort.
Glink says he doesn't want to support that and manages to get away...without any further
confrontation . You never know what might happen when engaging
with strangers.
So, maybe it's better to be safe than sorry.
6 on 1 Burger Planet streamed this incident live
on August 2nd, 2017, after he'd just been attacked by six people on the street at night.
In the video, he appears fearful and shaken, as he tries to recover himself after the incident.
He says into the camera that he got hit in the face and the head many times, and they
also tried to throw his phone and break it, but the phone never stopped recording.
Their reason for it?
They just didn't like this guy recording.
"No questions asked, no reason why," Burger Planet said.
He added "My head feels like a lumped up potato."
Burger Planet also claims the bar whose parking lot he got beat up in would barely even give
him a bottle of water and told him he had to leave.
It seems that in live-streaming IRL moments, incidents like this can greet you around any
And a pile-on - like six bruisers on one victim - could send you to the emergency room.
Or worse.
I guess the lesson here is to play it safe and always have a backup.
Bomb Threat
When Mhova broke into some wine, she wasn't expecting any guests at her party.
But some came.
After looking outside and assumedly seeing police right outside her apartment, she tells
her viewers that she has no idea what's going on.
A moment later, there's a loud knock on her door.
Dallas PD.
She answers the door and is immediately and repeatedly told to show her hands.
Mhova quickly suggests to the police that someone must have swatted her, but the police
continue the raid, entering the house to ensure that she's the only one there.
They search the entire apartment.
She then explains that she just had a delivery, and a viewer watching her stream must have
somehow gotten her address off the package and sent the cops to swat her.
After the police leave, she shows their cars lined up outside, along with a firetruck.
While, in the end, this wasn't life-threatening, swatting has ended in innocent lives being
taken, as it did when Tyler Barriss allegedly made a hoax 911 call which ended horribly
in Kansas.
He did it because of a dispute he had over online gaming.
Truly both a sad and scary incident.
Man Being Followed Tokyo.
A city of 9.3 million people.
And one of those people is stalking you.
Imagine walking through a foreign city at night, alone, in the dark.
You suddenly get the feeling that someone is following you.
The street is deserted.
Without looking behind you, you hear their footsteps.
You see movements in shadows.
You speed your steps - those of your stalker speed up too.
You don't want to turn around, because then they'll know your fear.
But you HAVE to know what's in store for you.
So, you turn, and you see this man: donning a white surgical mask, clearly coming after
This is what Twitch user, Reckful, encountered on the streets of Tokyo.
In the video, Reckful starts out walking nonchalantly down the pavement on a Tokyo evening, live-streaming
his nighttime stroll.
Then after he waits at a street corner for a moment, things start to become interesting.
A man, dressed in black, with a baseball cap and sunglasses on at night doesn't cross
the street but, instead, turns to follow Reckful.
And, don't forget the stalker's main feature: a surgical mask.
As the clip continues, the man is seen over Reckful's right shoulder, keeping a short
distance from him and appearing as though he's just on his own nighttime stroll...one
that happens to be the exact same route as Reckful's.
At one point, however, Reckful turns a complete 180 to walk in the other direction, and the
man walks on, which gives the streamer a false sense of relief.
Because, only moments later, the stalker turns a 180 too.
Those following Reckful live advise him to RUN or FIGHT.
Others write, "RIP," and note that the stalker is speeding up.
After Reckful makes another turn, out of sight briefly from his stalker, he takes his followers'
He starts running.
He puts a good distance between himself and his stalker, sprinting across a street.
But then he realizes that the stalker knows him.
Both the stalker and his partner - known as the "5,500 miles guys" - finally catch
up to him and introduce themselves.
They're in Tokyo all the way from Sweden.
If it hadn't been a prank, imagine just how more intense this IRL moment might have
Angry Old Man
An IRL streamer called Ragestew was not prepared for a brawl in this video.
But one came to meet him byway of an unlikely contender: an old man.
After taking a gentle stroll with a female pedestrian, he arrives at a corner to meet
an older man in a neon green shirt and khakis, having a sip from his Big Gulp.
Ragestew quite openly asks the guy how it's going and mentions that he's livestreaming,
when suddenly the video goes sideways.
The man has clearly knocked or pushed the videocamera wonky.
And you can hear him say he doesn't want to be livestreamed.
So, what does Ragestew do?
Does he walk away?
He tells the old man not to touch his camera, and that's when things escalate.
The man insists that Ragestew not point the camera at him, so the streamer turns away
to ensure the man is out of view.
However, the argument with the man continues offscreen.
A back-and-forth ensues about whether Ragestew was in the right to record the man without
consent and whether the man was in the right to knock the camera away and put his hands
on Ragestew immediately.
While the old man brawl did not end in anything serious, the aggression was frightening and
certainly could have intensified.
A cautionary tale for fellow streamers.
Robbed, Again When Tribait is livestreaming out in broad
daylight, the last thing he's probably expecting is to get robbed.
But after he has some sort of altercation about bad vibes with a stranger on a street
corner, things get a little heated.
Tribait keeps saying the guy is going to "pop" him and that he almost got his life taken.
He tries to hurry away from the dude, who seems to be following him.
Although the viewer doesn't see it, Tribait claims the dude pulled out a gun.
After a while, it seems as though Tribait has lost the guy.
A good two minutes go by without any sight of him.
But then he pops out of nowhere behind Tribait, launches at him, takes his phone, and races
Tribait tries to chase the thief down, but after a while, it's clear that he gave up
at some point.
What's unclear is whether or not the thief got away with it.
Before we get to number 1, my name is Chills and I hope you're enjoying my narration.
If you're curious about what I look like in real life, then go to my instagram, @dylan_is_chillin_yt
and tap that follow button to find out.
I'm currently doing a super poll on my Instagram, if you believe ghosts are real, then go to
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If you don't, DM me saying why.
When you're done come right back to this video to find out the number 1 entry.
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1.Swatted "GrossGore" was live streaming himself
playing League of Legends, when suddenly gaming wasn't much of a game anymore.
There's a knock at the door and, when he answers, he's met with the police.
He's been swatted.
The British police are rather calm in this swatting, as He explains that he livestreams
for a living and that his address got leaked.
All the while he's talking to police, he continues playing League of Legends.
He says he's been receiving loads of takeaway deliveries and taxis from folks who want to
prank him.
Well, this prank went more than a little overboard.
The post on his youtube video notes: "I had a bunch of police officers walk into my
flat during my live stream because they had a phone call saying 'Ali Larsen, killed
his whole family' A joke's gone past a joke now guys."
He also noted that it's regrettable that people find wasting police officers' time
to be funny.
Couldn't agree more.
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