Thứ Ba, 13 tháng 3, 2018

Youtube daily report Mar 13 2018

[ ♪ Intro ]

When you see a map of the solar system, it looks like all of the planets are orbiting

the Sun in a flat, two-dimensional plane -- but that's not just to save paper.

While there is a little wiggle room, the planets really are orbiting on mostly the same level.

And we've actually known that since before telescopes existed, just by charting where

the planets and Sun appear in the sky.

But why are their orbits so flat?

Well, it all comes down to how the solar system formed.

Our stellar neighborhood started out as a giant, roughly spherical cloud of gas and

dust particles.

And that cloud had a very tiny amount of spin.

Then, for some reason, it started collapsing.

Astronomers aren't 100% sure what triggered that collapse, but most will say it was probably

a nearby supernova.

Regardless, gravity caused everything in that cloud to pull itself together.

And as the blob got smaller, it started spinning faster.

This is because of a principle called conservation of angular momentum.

Basically, an object's angular momentum describes its tendency to stay rotating.

How much angular momentum that object has depends on two things: how its mass is distributed,

and how fast it's spinning.

If either of those properties changes, the other has to compensate so that the total

angular momentum stays the same, or is conserved.

So as that giant space cloud got smaller, it had to start spinning faster.

And eventually, that spinning generated so much force that it flattened the cloud into

a disk shape.

It's like how spinning a ball of dough gets you a pizza crust.

We don't just know this through math, either.

We can actually observe these disks forming around young stars in our galaxy!

We're literally witnessing solar systems being born!

In our solar system, as time went on, some particles of dust and gas in that disk kept

colliding and sticking to one another, which formed larger and larger space rocks.

Most only got enough mass to make potato-shaped asteroids, but others eventually became Earth

and the other seven planets.

And since they all formed out of the same flat, swirling disk of material, all the planets

in our solar system orbit in the same plane and, as a bonus, in the same direction around the Sun!

Now, there are plenty of smaller objects that have really inclined, or angled, orbits -- like

Pluto, asteroids, and comets.

These all probably started out with flatter orbits, but got kicked into more extreme positions

by Jupiter and Neptune as the planets moved into their current places.

Then again, those planets also just flung a lot of objects out of the solar system entirely.

So, Pluto and its lot could have had it a lot worse.

It might seem weird or even unique, but the fact that our planets orbit on the same plane

is pretty normal, and it happens in lots of other star systems, too.

But, hey, our solar system has a lot of other weird stuff to make up for it.

Like us.

Thanks for asking, and for watching this episode of SciShow!

If you want to learn more about our solar system and the rest of the universe, you can

check out our channel for all things space, over at

[ ♪ Outro ]

For more infomation >> Why Do the Planets Orbit in the Same Plane? - Duration: 3:07.


5 Funniest Music Performances By WWE Wrestlers - Duration: 11:10.

For more infomation >> 5 Funniest Music Performances By WWE Wrestlers - Duration: 11:10.


History of Media Lit, part 2: Crash Course Media Literacy #3 - Duration: 9:55.

During our last lesson we went way, way back to Ancient Greece where people were still a bit wary of the written word.

We looked at how the printing press revolutionized literacy and later, how the newspaper became the first mass media.

And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

At the turn of the 20th century, around the peak of the penny press wars, another medium was about to go boom.

The first motion pictures were shown in the 1890's, and popular culture as we know it took its first steps off the printed page.

Just three decades later, it would take another step forward, and then another.

Radio broadcasts soon brought the news, music and more right into people's homes.

By the 1950's television sets joined in.

Just 40 years after that personal computers and the internet revolutionized the media landscape again.

With each leap forward in technology, new challenges to media literacy popped up.

Before mass media, people were concerned over access to media – who is literate, what info can they get, and how do they get it?

But in first half of the 20th century, concerns shifted to analyzing and evaluating media.

What messages are being sent, and is the public able to handle them?

If Martin Luther and Gutenberg worried we didn't have enough media around, in the 20th century we start to worry if people have too much.

[Theme Music]

It's the 20th century, and everywhere you turn there are films and radio broadcasts and TV shows.

And lawmakers and educators and parents begin to resist all these new, popular, mass media.

Often they insisted that the public (and especially children) were in grave danger.

These organizations and individuals weren't the media literacy advocates we think of today,

encouraging us to dive into the media deep end and swim around.

They were more like your swim coach covering you up in floaties before you even reach the pool: too strict and a little weird.

This type of media literacy is called protectionism.

As modern media scholar David Buckingham describes it, protectionism comes different forms.

There's cultural defensiveness, where certain types of media ares in said to have less cultural value than others.

There's political defensiveness, where the people must be protected from false beliefs and ideologies.

Then there's moral defensiveness, where the effects of sex, violence, and consumerism in media are the biggest concern.

Cultural defensiveness is maybe best described by the phrase, "they don't make 'em like they used to!"

Each generation has a moment where what it loves loses popularity in exchange for something new.

And when that happens, the older generation often dismisses the newest media product as less worthwhile.

Television was a big target of this type of protectionism.

When TV got really popular in 50's and 60's, a wave of academics and educators thought it would rot everyone's brains.

If you've found yourself complaining about youths and their Snapchats and their Netflix and their selfies, you have fallen prey to cultural defensiveness.

Political defensiveness is used whenever someone is worried the media might be secretly swaying opinion or guiding public action –

like propaganda, subliminal messages, claims that candy corn actually tastes good. That sort of thing.

Whenever a new medium exerted power over the public, fears of its use by foreign agents to persuade and confuse followed.

By the late 1940's and early 1950's, for instance, there was a lot of hand-wringing over the power of Hollywood studios.

After the First and Second World Wars, government committees were formed to clear the film industry of feared communist influence.

Luckily we don't have to worry about foreign influence in our media today, right people? Right?

Moral defensiveness focuses on the content of media, and their ability to "corrupt young minds."

This version of protectionism remains a popular hangout for media literacy advocates.

When a new media trend comes along that doesn't jive with their societal norms –

think about violent video games or sexy music videos or books about boy wizards – moves are made to "protect the children."

Moral defensiveness can lead to a moral panic.

Coined by South African sociologist Stanley Cohen, a moral panic is the reaction of the public to a perceived threat to social norms.

Legislators, educators, and parents learn about, get concerned by, then act to neutralize that threat.

Those perceived threats are often based on stereotypes, racism, or sexism.

For instance, moral panics have dogged the history of popular music, especially music made by Black Americans.

In the 1950's, Rock n Roll became super popular with teenagers of all colors and its most popular figures were black.

This raised fears among some suburban white parents that it would promote interracial dating and sexualized behavior.

A similar cycle of moral panic followed the rise of jazz in the 20's and rap in the 80's and 90's too.

Hip hop, for one, is still sometimes referred to as "not music."

Moral Panics are all about the content of messages.

Will seeing a movie star smoke make kids smoke?

Will doin' the twist on the dance floor lead to doin' the twist...elsewhere?

Luckily, protectionism isn't the only version of media literacy.

The modern shift in media literacy began in the 1960s, and started to argue that empowering students to use media could help them navigate it in the real world.

A good, critical understanding of media could even make you a better citizen.

A big part of this shift was the work of Marshall McLuhan, arguably the most popular media theorist of the 20th century.

McLuhan was a true public intellectual, sharing his theories through TV talk-shows and bestselling books.

His famous 1967 book "The Medium is the Massage," – whose title was a play on The Medium is the Message –

theorized that the way we communicate is more important than what we communicate.

He wanted media scholars to study the methods of content delivery, in addition to the content itself.

McLuhan wrote, "The personal and social consequences of any medium – that is, any extension of ourselves –

result from the new scale that is introduced into our any new technology."

The gist of this theory is that any new medium changes how we think.

The important part of a message isn't what it's saying.

It's how its delivery changes our relationship to the outside world.

Let's head to the Thought Bubble to break that down.

Take this Facebook post.

It's from an acquaintance of yours.

The message of this post?

Well, it's your acquaintance's mom's birthday! Very exciting!

Of course, they never straight up say, "My mom was born on this day many years ago"

But you get it from the photo and the cutesy caption.

But let's look beyond the message.

Before Facebook, would you have known the birthday of a not-so-close friend's mom?

Probably not.

So, why'd they post it on Facebook, specifically?

Maybe they knew their mom would see it and it would make her day brighter.

Maybe they knew other people would see it and wish their mom a happy birthday.

Maybe, they knew their whole family would see it, and they'd look like the best child ever.

Why the cutesy photo?

Well, that's how everyone is doing it these days.

You can't just write, "Happy b-day mom."

That sounds a little stale or even robotic.

What if all your Facebook friends scroll right past that tiny text message? The horror!

So you pick out a retro photo of you and your mom looking adorbs. Totally normal.

Since Facebook was born, generations have formed new habits around sharing of info online with friends and family.

Facebook as a medium has influenced not only what people say, but when and how they say it, and to whom.

As McLuhan would say, we shape our tools and then our tools shape us.

This is a crucial point to modern media literacy: it's not just the messages that affect us.

It's the platforms, too.

Thanks, Thought Bubble.

So as media literacy blossomed, scholars started to study how media perpetuate stereotypes and reinforce social inventions like race and gender.

As knowledge of these media effects grew, the focus of the field shifted again.

Instead of protecting consumers from media messages, media literacy now seeks to prepare them to receive and create them.

Advocates are asking: when do consumers become creators?

How do media help audiences make decisions?

How can help we empower media users from a young age?

As technology makes media usage ubiquitous and all-consuming, digital literacy and news literacy have become critical tools.

Digital literacy is the set of skills required to use digital media; knowing how to access the internet, how to send an email, or what a meme is.

But also, how to avoid getting Catfished, or avoiding addiction to your mobile apps.

News literacy is the set of skills needed to navigate news media specifically;

what sources are trustworthy, how to share news responsibly, and how news is gathered.

But also, in the age of "fake news," what truth means and how to avoid the "filter bubble" of like-minded internet users.

Finally, as social media continue to take up more of our media time, their influence on democracy has become a hot topic.

Right this second, media literacy educators are teaching future generations of voters how to take action on the media they consume.

And activists and scholars are fighting for net neutrality and industry regulations to ensure the free flow of information.

Media literacy and its goals have continued to shift and adapt to changing times.

When media is "new," cycles of concern about its threat to safety, culture, and well-being repeat across the ages.

And with each new medium comes a new need and a new skill set to learn.

But with some critical thinking and the right combination of historical context and tech savvy, we're always prepared to forge ahead into the future.

We'll continue that forge next time on Crash Course: Media Literacy as we dive into how our brains react to information – in helpful and hurtful ways.

Until then, I'm Jay Smooth.

Crash Course Media Literacy is filmed in the Dr. Cheryl C. Kinney Studio in Missoula, MT.

It's made with the help of all of these nice people, and our animation team is Thought Cafe.

Crash Course is a Complexly production.

If you wanna keep imagining the world complexly with us check out some of our other channels, like Sexplanations, How To Adult, and Healthcare Triage.

If you'd like to keep Crash Course free for everyone, forever, you can support the series at Patreon,

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Thank you to all of our patrons for making Crash Course possible with their continued support.

For more infomation >> History of Media Lit, part 2: Crash Course Media Literacy #3 - Duration: 9:55.


5 Most Popular Video Games - Duration: 10:12.

For more infomation >> 5 Most Popular Video Games - Duration: 10:12.


The Secrets About Royal Pregnancies And Babies You May Not Know - Duration: 5:41.

There's nothing that brings excitement quite like the arrival of a new wee royal.

As we wait not-so-patiently for the next, let's look back at the fascinating traditions

that have surrounded royal pregnancies and babies.

Boy or bust

Historically, female heirs could only take the throne as an absolute last resort, so

royals used to go all-out in their efforts to ensure that a pregnant queen produced a


Tracy Borman, joint chief curator for Historic Royal Palaces, told The Daily Telegraph that

a series of rules put in place in the 15th century laid out some of those extreme measures.

Not only could royal mothers-to-be only be served by women, no natural light was allowed.

That meant "...all the windows were shuttered and even

keyholes were blocked up."

Fires also had to be lit year-round, because apparently baby boys like it warm.

These rules persisted for centuries because people believed that a baby's gender wasn't

set until birth, and that external factors could influence whether the queen produced

a boy or a girl.

A very crowded bedchamber

How's this for awkward: in order to prevent allegations of foul play, like replacing a

stillborn child with a live one, royal births used to have huge audiences.

According to historian and author Carolyn Harris, this tradition began during the reign

of James II and his wife, Mary of Modena.

All of their children had not lived past their infancy until their son, James Edward Francis

Stuart, was born in 1688.

Throughout Mary's pregnancy, the king was incredibly confident the baby would be a healthy

boy, which prompted rumors that a baby would be smuggled into the delivery room in the

event a healthy boy wasn't the outcome.

To put those rumors to rest, the king allowed more than 40 courtiers into Mary's bedchamber

to witness while she gave birth.

"What are all those men doing there?"

"what are all those men doing there?"

"Apparently that is the custom."

A more modern VIP list

While a room full of people eventually fell out of fashion for royal births, for many

years a government official was still required to be present to certify the birth as authentic.

The Telegraph reports that among these people were the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Bishop

of London, and the home secretary of the day.

Eventually bishops were no longer required to be present, but home secretaries were.

The last royal baby born with a home secretary as a witness was Princess Alexandra of Kent,

who was born in 1936.

"Get out!

Oh no!


'That blessed chloroform'

Queen Victoria and her husband Prince Albert had nine children.

When Victoria was pregnant with her sixth child in 1848, she requested the use of anesthesia.

At the time, however, her doctors deemed it too risky.

But by the time she was ready to deliver her eighth child, her doctors' reservations had

disappeared and she was administered chloroform.

According to The Guardian, Queen Victoria referred to the drug as "that blessed chloroform"

and described its effect as "...soothing, quieting and delightful beyond


In fact, historian Carolyn Harris notes that Victoria was so impressed, she sent bottles

of chloroform to her daughters and granddaughters when they were expecting children of their



"Gimme some drugs!"

"You don't need drugs."

"I want those drugs!"

A history of home births

Until Anne, Princess Royal, elected to deliver at St. Mary's Hospital in London, nearly all

royal babies had been born at home.

Even Queen Elizabeth II was born via c-section at her grandparents' home in London, according

to the 2002 obituary for the Queen Mother.

In yet another departure from tradition, until recently a royal baby's father usually wasn't

present for the birth.

That changed with Prince Charles who, according to MSNBC, broke the tradition of paternal

absence when he remained in the room with Princess Diana during Prince William's birth

in 1982.

Over 30 years later, William chose to be in the room with Kate during her deliveries of

both George and Charlotte, and will undoubtedly do the same for baby number three.

Pomp and circumstance

The official announcement of a royal baby's birth is infused with centuries of tradition.

Not only is the queen to be informed of the birth before the general public, there's a

lot of pomp and circumstance associated with the announcement.

When Prince George was born in 2013, Buckingham Palace announced the birth by placing a framed

proclamation on a gold-trimmed wooden easel, just inside the palace gates.

The tradition, which dates back to the 18th century, was carried out again after Princess

Charlotte's birth.

According to The Telegraph, however, when Kate and William's next prince or princess

is born, Kensington Palace's announcement will be emailed to the press and go live on

social media before the easel is placed outside Buckingham Palace.

And you thought your cousin's birth announcement on Facebook was a big deal.

A little wiggle room

Despite the rules surrounding a royal birth announcement, there is no strict royal protocol

when it comes to baptism, though there is some tradition involved.

Before 2013, royal babies were typically baptized in the Music Room of Buckingham Palace by

the Archbishop of Canterbury, but when Prince George was baptized in October 2013, USA Today

reports that the uncharacteristically small ceremony was held in the Chapel Royal at St.

James's Palace and there were only 22 people in attendance.

For Princess Charlotte's baptism, The Guardian notes that the family chose a church in Sandringham,

Norfolk where the royal family has an estate.

In another break with tradition, William and Kate chose close friends and family members

— as opposed to foreign dignitaries — to be George and Charlotte's godparents.

Their baptism best

There is one area where William and Kate did stick with tradition: both George and Charlotte

were baptized in a replica of a Victorian gown worn by generations of royal babies stretching

back to 1841.

According to The Telegraph, the original gown was commissioned by Queen Victoria for the

baptism of her oldest daughter, Victoria, Princess Royal.

Made of silk with a lace overlay, it was designed after Queen Victoria's wedding dress.

In its 163 years of use, the original was worn by 62 royal babies, including Queen Elizabeth,

Prince Charles, and Prince William.

The gown was retired in 2004 when it became too fragile for further use and the replica

was commissioned.

Prince George was reportedly the fourth royal baby to be baptized in the replica gown.

"This is a priceless family heirloom."

Thanks for watching!

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Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> The Secrets About Royal Pregnancies And Babies You May Not Know - Duration: 5:41.


Recopilacion de vines | Yusef mido - Duration: 14:54.

For more infomation >> Recopilacion de vines | Yusef mido - Duration: 14:54.


My TINY NYC Apartment Tour ! (350 Sq Ft in Greenwich Village, Manhattan) - Duration: 8:25.

What is going on Members of the Barrio

It's Jon coming to you from New York

And 4 months in Mexico

I am finally back home

And with all my travels

I've always taken you guys to different hotels

Different Airbnbs

But today for the first time

I'm going to be taking you guys inside

My actual apartment

In New York

And give you a little bit of a tour

Of what it's like

To actually live here

Welcome to the inside of my building

As you can see our doorman quit many years ago

No we don't have a door man

We don't have an elevator

And the good news about that is you live in a walk-up apartment in Manhattan

The price is definitley going to be cheaper

The flip side to that is that your doorman will watch your mail

And it's extra security

So.. I guess there's a bit of a trade off

Folks we are going up

We are going that way

4 floors up

When you live in the fourth floor of a building

Without an elevator

You pick and choose your trips wisely

I don't like just to go outside for no reason

I always like to bunch things up

Take out the garbage

Go to CVS

Stuff like that

It also makes me humble

When I travel

Because if I get an Airbnb

In another city

And I've got to take stairs

Usually it's not as bad as this

And this is where I spend

Most of my year

We have made it to my apartment

And you know a lot of people when they come in here

They don't think it's to small

Until they turn right here

And they realize well..

There isn't a whole lot of space

The apartment is approximately 350 square feet

It is a 2 bedroom apartment

I live here with my twin brother

And yes we somehow make it work

The bathroom.. there's not much to show here

The coolest part about the bathroom

I think the shower curtain

Being a travel vlogger

Every day i'm just reminded

Of places I want to go

You can just.. kind of

Look around

Show you where i've been

4 months in Mexico

The tub is actually a decent size

I have no problem fitting in here

I wouldn't say this is like a Japanese style bathroom

Where you can barely fit your feet.. on the toilet

And then close the door

It's enough space for one person at a time to use the bathroom

But it's not big at all

We're going to start with my twin brothers room

And this is actually not my twin

How's it going guys

I am related though

This is Mike

Yeah he's kind of related I guess


He's actually crashing here for a night

He's my brothers room warm

He can't complain

I don't want to show his room to much

He's got a cool map here

My room is pretty much exactly the same

It's almost identical to his We're going to get there in a second

This is the living room Slash kitchen

At the same time

I gave you a quick shot of it before

A lot of things in this apartment

Have multiple uses

When you have a small space

You've got to be creative

Let's start with the couch

If we move these items

You actually can fold this couch out

And it turns into.. a bed

We've had a lot of friends

Throughout the years sleep here

This couch can stretch down the hallway

And yeah we can sleep people

Another very important thing

If you are planning a really small space

Mirrors everywhere

Mirrors are great especially when you have good light coming in

It gives the illusion of space

When you don't have to much

The refridgerator is a bit of a shrine

To our traveling addiction

We've got stuff from all over the world

We like to collect money

From different countries My brother was in Japan

We've got Singapore from a friend

This is my favorite right here

The Che Guevara Cuban bank note

Three pesos



Random photos from when we were kids

You guys might recognize this girl right here

We do have enough space to cook. We have a normal size oven.

Plenty of shelf space

For dishes

Big sink

The refridgerator itself

Plenty of size

We have a full size freezer here

Back to the theme of conserving space

This table.. i'm not going to do it

But it can pull out


And you can pull it out from this side to

If we wanted to have a dinner party here

For.. 4 or 5 people

We could get this table to take up

A lot of the kitchen here


You always have to be thinking.. What can you put in a small apartment

That will make a lot of sense

And not take up to much space

Now we're going to go to my room

Where I spend the most time

It's just enough for me

To be honest with you

You can see I have enough room for

A little desk

A full size bed

Mirror.. great for projecting space

When it's really not here

I've talked about how I used to be a broadcaster

These are some old media passes

That I've had.. different games

Jets. Different places that I worked

Bowl games

All sorts of stuff

Definitley nice to have

Some shelves

Like this

We actually built this


Got my suitcases up there

Actually I have all of my shoes


I can never travel with this much stuff

That's what's cool

My laptop..

That I used to edit with

We've got some genesis playing before

Greatest hits

My television

Adriana actually made that for me right there

Closet's really not to big

I don't know even know what the heck this is

Was a masquearade party I went to a while ago

Got my clothes here

Suit that I never wear anymore

I think I wore it to a wedding

It was the last time I've used it

In ages

I bought these little.. shelf things

For our clothes

The bed's pretty comfortable

We've had this bed for..

The 6 years we've been in the apartment

If you have an apartment in New York City

There's going to be at least one fire escape

I have the fire escape in my room

Theoretically I could go out here

I usually don't see a reason to

We don't really have much of a view

It's kind of one of the trade offs

Sometimes you can't even tell what the weather is like

Unless you go out there

And actually lean your head out

This is my little room

I'm going to take you guys to one more spot

In the building

And then we're going to talk about how much

You actually have to pay for this

Welcome to the roof top

Of our building

We are in the heart of Greenwich Village right now

When I talked about pricing


You have to factor in this is one of the most popular neighborhoods

In all of Manhattan

For very good reasons of course

We've got an absolutely spectacular view of the Freedom Tower

And all of downtown Manhattan

You must be curious how much does this little apartment cost

In the heart of Greenwich Village

The answer is

My brother and I pay 2700 dollars


About 1,350 dollars each

To live here

When we actually move in

It was only 1,000 dollars each

The rent has gone up every year for the last 6 years

Which is kind of the cost of living in New York City

It is very expensive

It is a lot more expensive

Then almost any other place I've traveled

In the world


I would not trade this location for anything

I'm not going to live here forever

In fact i'm probably going to be moving in the next year or two


To spend.. a nice chunk

Of my late 20s

And early 30s

Living in Greenwich Village

In Manhattan

When i'm not traveling

It's such an exciting city

You spend a lot of money

You don't get a lot of space


For me

It is completley worth it

I'm curious tell me in the comments

Would you live in this apartment with somebody else

Do you think it's to expensive?

Compared to where you're from

Do you spend more money?

Let's get a little discussion going

Alright guys we've got a lot more coming up from New York City

In the next month

And then a trip..

To another country

But I haven't announced it yet

Make sure to subscribe to this channel if you are new

Thank you so much for watching

Until next time

For more infomation >> My TINY NYC Apartment Tour ! (350 Sq Ft in Greenwich Village, Manhattan) - Duration: 8:25.


Weird Things About Ed Sheeran & Taylor Swift's Relationship - Duration: 7:32.

Many of Taylor Swift's squad members have come and gone over the years, but there are

a select few who've been her friends through thick and thin.

One such friend is Ed Sheeran, who has proven to be very loyal to the Reputation singer

and earned prime placement on her latest Jenni Jewels t-shirt.

Although Sheeran and Swift have managed to stay close all this time, no celebrity friendship

is complete without its share of oddities, so let's talk take a look at some of the strangest

things about their relationship.

Opening act

In 2013, Sheeran landed the gig to end all gigs — opening for Swift on her Red Tour.

Sheeran wasn't shrouded in obscurity before snagging the slot on her tour, but it wouldn't

be a stretch to say that taking the stage before Swift night after night helped boost

the singer/songwriter to household-name status.

Sheeran has since admitted that Swift's tour was his biggest gig to date.

"To have her seal of approval, enough to take me on tour for six months, was instrumental

to me breaking the States."

The two might not only be friends because they were forced to see each other almost

every day for about six months, but it probably didn't hurt to have a captive audience.

Although the two pop stars are now music industry equals, Sheeran certainly had a lot to gain

from cozying up to one of the biggest stars in the world.

All in the squad

Sheeran was on one of the hottest tickets in town when he toured with Swift, and he

made sure to grab the opportunity -- and other things -- with both hands.

The singer has since admitted that he hooked up with a few members of Swift's infamous

squad while on their tour together, telling Rolling Stone:

"I was this 22-year-old awkward British kid going on tour with the biggest artist in America,

who has all these famous mates.

It was very easy.

[...] I would often find myself in situations just kind of waking up and looking over and

being like, 'How the f--- did that happen?"

Not a lot of friendships can survive one party sleeping with the other's friends, but obviously

Sheeran's bedroom behavior wasn't a make or break for Swift.

Good advice

When he isn't playing sold-out stadiums, Sheeran enjoys playing love guru.

In 2015, Swift told InStyle that the best love tip she'd ever heard was from Sheeran,


"[Ed] says there are different kinds of love: There's physical attraction, mental attraction,

and emotional attraction; there's also comfort and obsession.

You need to have all of those things in one person"

Even though she didn't indicate she might ever be interested in turning her BFF into

a boyfriend, the fact that he's in her head during romantic moments does say something

about their special friendship.

The obvious question

If he slept with some of her famous friends, it wouldn't be so crazy to think that Sheeran

and Swift might have hooked up too.

After all, they were on the road together for six months.

During an interview with The Breakfast Club, Sheeran said he and Swift never, quote, "smashed."

At first, he attributed their platonic status to the fact that they met first as professionals.

Then the hosts pressed him for details.

"Have you ever tried to smash?"


"She's not your type?"

"Too tall."

"I feel like we look like cast members of The Hobbit."

Whether their height difference will always keep them apart, however, remains to be seen.

"What are you doing, you're like peacocking right now?"

"It's only cause you wear f**ing heels all the time."

"Look what I did for you today?"

Turn of phrase

On her 2017 album, Reputation, one of Swift's songs seemed to contain a hint of something

special between the old friends.

Her song "Dress" contained the line:

"There is an indentation in the shape of you / Made your mark on me, a golden tattoo."

Since Swift has been known to drop hints about the subjects of her songs, and no lyric ever

seems to be coincidental, some fans believed her mention of those words was a reference

to Sheeran's hit song, "Shape of You."

Swift also notes in her lyrics that she doesn't want her mystery man "like a best friend."

Of course, she's got a lot of famous friends, but it doesn't really seem like Sheeran has

much competition in the category of best guy friend.

Always one to avoid romance rumors, Sheeran shut the speculation down by noting that the

pop diva also mentions someone with a buzz cut haircut in her song, which he's never


However, Joe Alwyn, Swift's current boyfriend, did have a buzz cut back when he was filming

Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk.

So, once again, they sidestepped the rumors.

Public displays of non-affection

Just to further solidify the fact that he's not romantically involved with Swift in any

way, Ed Sheeran has shown that he is totally okay with being a third wheel on his bestie's


In 2015, when Taylor Swift was in a relationship with Scottish DJ Calvin Harris, Sheeran stepped

out with the pair for a lunch date.

While the loved-up couple held hands, Sheeran looked more than happy to tag along behind

them as the planet's most relatable third wheel.

Guess that's one way to avoid showing up on Swift's long list of ex-lovers.

In return, in April 2017, when Sheeran made Time Magazine's 100 Most Influential People

list, Swift was asked to pen a few words in honor of her long-time friend and what she

came up with was about as friend zone as it gets.

She describing her pal as a "precocious redheaded boy" and as a "tank."

Those may be inside jokes or codes for something, but it sure doesn't sound romantic.

Meow-tual obsession

There are two indisputable things that can be said about Taylor Swift: She's one of the

biggest pop stars in the world, and she's a major cat person.

Taylor Swift's social media platforms have always featured tons of pictures of her cats

across her feeds, and she's even put her feline frenzy on display in her music videos.

Sheeran revealed to Rolling Stone that he and Tay got matching Scottish Fold cats together,

which would be all well and good except that, according to BBC, animal welfare campaigners

have been calling for the breeding of these cats to be banned because the gene mutation

that gives them their signature look causes health issues.

Maybe next time, these two can decide on a less controversial way to twin with each other.

Underdog duo

If there was ever any question about why these two have developed such a close connection

with one another, Sheeran has explained that part of it comes from them both feeling like

they didn't fit in during their youths.

He told British GQ:

"There's an underdog element to it.

Taylor was never the popular kid in school.

I was never the popular kid in school.

[...] She wants to be the biggest female artist in the world and I want to be the biggest

male artist in the world.

It also comes from always being told that you can't do something and being like, 'F---


I can.'"

It's certainly hard to imagine them as anything but international superstars, but everyone

has a history.

And apparently, theirs were similar enough to inform a lasting bond.

Disappearing defense

In addition to her long list of ex-lovers, Swift has a growing list of current enemies,

including Katy Perry and Kanye West.

As a former high school underdog, you would think Sheeran would jump at the chance to

back up his BFF against her "mean girl," but as it turns out, Sheeran has no interest in

getting anywhere near Swift's beefing.

According to People, when asked about whether he felt the need to defend Swift in light

of Perry's alleged diss track, "Swish Swish," he simply said:

"I don't think she needs that at all."

Not that Sheeran should insert himself into the middle of all of Swift's feuds, but the

fact that he offered no showing of support for her seemed a little harsh to some fans.

However, Sheeran has stepped up to defend her against claims that she's a serial dater.

"Taylor can never win with what she says, it'll always be twist by someone, so…

I thought I'd come out and say what I thought, which the truth.

She HAS only dated two people in two years."


Since they started working together, Sheeran has been featured on two of Swift's songs:

"Everything Has Changed" and "End Game."

Two features with Swift is definitely a feat considering collaborations on her albums are

few and far between and no other artist has sung on two of Swift's songs.

Seeing as these two are all buddy-buddy and have known each other for years, you would

think Sheeran would return the gesture, right?


Swift has yet to be featured on any of Sheeran's albums, and there's just something kind of

shady about that.

It would be different if Sheeran just didn't do song features, but as we saw from his recent

"Perfect" remix with Beyoncé, that's definitely not the case.

Swift might've given Sheeran his big break in 2013, but it looks like she'll have to

wait a while for him to return the favor on any of his albums.

Thanks for watching!

Click the Nicki Swift icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Weird Things About Ed Sheeran & Taylor Swift's Relationship - Duration: 7:32.


Top 15 Scariest Things Caught by Twitch IRL Streamers - Duration: 25:35.


Being Followed

"Seriously stop" "Not in an aggressive way"

"I don't wanna walk with you, I don't wanna talk to you"

"Oh, s**t" "You either hand me your knife, or I'm not

talking to you"

Asian Andy is streaming as usual.

This time, he's with his friend, Smeep, and the pair are walking down a street in

Thailand at night, talking about getting massages, when a guy - another American - across the

street flags them down.

He asks them what they're doing, and when Andy says they're recording a vlog, the

man says that he was just wondering, because you don't see many people walking around

with their selfie sticks out.

Then this man keeps asking, "What's the story?" and Andy and Smeep don't really

know what he's talking about, but they play along.

He repeatedly asks, "What's the deal?"

Again, what's the deal with him - the livestreamers don't have a clue.

Then he says, "You take a left and right here?"

This seems to be code for something dark.

It's clear the two don't know what he's hinting at, but he says, "You know where

to go to find what you're looking for."

The guy then suggests that they turn the camera off, so he can talk to them.

Andy pretends like he's shutting the camera off.

Then the guy tells him to leave the camera behind, so he leaves it filming and sets it

on something to "go talk" to the guy.

But he's only gone for a moment, because he doesn't want his gear to be stolen.

Smeep goes to talk to the guy on his own instead.

And Andy asks his audience what "left and right" means.

Some guess substances, others guess the guy's a cop.

Whatever is going on, everyone agrees it's sketchy.

After a while of Smeep and the man just chatting on a street corner a short distance away,

Andy says he'll be joining them with the camera, but is told by Smeep to go across

the street and he'll meet him up there in a minute.

But Smeep does not return in a minute.

After twenty minutes, Andy calls Smeep over to go.

Smeep shows up shirtless and says his jacket was stolen by another guy when he was talking

to the sketchy dude.

The sketchy dude says that Andy must have been behind it as a gag for the livestream.

Then he proceeds to try and turn off the live stream.

He grabs Andy for a while, touching him, and apparently trying to take the camera away.

He tells them to turn it off.

Andy walks away for a bit, and when he returns, Smeep is telling the sketchy dude to stop

and saying that he doesn't want to walk with him or talk with him.

Apparently, sketchy guy also has a knife.

Smeep tells him he'll only talk with him if he hands it over.

The man throws it on the ground.

They then head into a darkened alleyway.

Bad idea.

The sketchy man takes their video camera from them and is demanding to know their YouTube


The pair tell him they're not shooting on YouTube, they're shooting on Twitch.

That's when the camera drops, and out of nowhere, the guy suddenly attacks.

The screen goes black, but there's sounds of a struggle.

Someone asks to be let go.

Another asks if they're trying to hurt him.

Somehow, they manage to escape into a local shop, but they say the guy is right outside

and aren't sure what to do.

Although they survived to stream again, things sure get dicey on Thailand Twitch streams

at night.


Robbed Broke Malone is sitting in a bar live streaming.

When he starts to use text to speech, the guys sitting across from him seem to have

a problem with it.

So what does Broke Malone do?

He starts talking to these guys, and things get out of hand fast.

Soon, they're all up on their feet.

The camera goes sideways, and they end up outside the bar, yelling nonsense at each


Broke Malone keeps repeating, "1 v 1" - meaning one versus one, without interference.

But when they continue to come after him, he takes off running down the street, because

there are a bunch of them and only one of him.

The try chasing him down a couple times, but he seems to be ahead.

But at some point, a brawl breaks out.

The camera is thrown to the ground.

A girl manages to pick up the phone, and she asks whose phone it is.

Someone takes it from her and puts it in a grate for safe keeping.

Judging by the conversation that ensues, the group managed to rob Broke Malone of quite

a lot.

This clip doesn't show what happened to Broke Malone after being jumped.

But here's hoping justice was eventually served.

13.The Mob As it turns out, in LA, Ice Poseidon has to

watch his back for gangsters, as a man claiming to be in the mob threatens him in this clip.

Poseidon was sitting at an Italian restaurant called Cafe Verona, when the older man approached

him, leaned over, and whispered in his ear that he'd gotten "about thirty calls"

about Poseidon on his phone, and he'd better hit the road.

The man goes on to say that he's a gangster, and that Poseidon is screwing with the mob.

"You'd better leave now," the man says.

"The sooner you leave, the better."

Poseidon apologizes, packs his stuff up, and leaves.

He says he doesn't want to get shot.

While this may have scared most to their wits, Ice Poseidon doesn't seem too fazed and

goes on with his streaming.

At least we know this encounter didn't leave him swimming with the fishes.


Subway Sniper

CJayride is livestreaming on the subway in Asia, when some man creeps up behind him to

take his photo.

The man is standing to the left of CJayride in the beginning of the video, about five

feet away, with a surgical mask on.

The man just appears to be on his phone, but obviously he's actually finding his camera,

so he can take some video or photos of his own.

CJayride is chill about it at first, even posing for a moment.

But then, as the man creeps closer and closer without saying a word, CJayride clearly gets

more uncomfortable and stands to get off the train at the next stop.

This is when the guy walks straight up to him, maybe a foot away, with his camera right

beside the streamer's face.

Finally satisfied, the man then walks away, as CJayride changes position on the subway,

getting as far away from this man as possible.

If you're going to livestream, expect to encounter people like this.

Comes with the territory, it seems.


The Creepy Trickster Paul Denino - otherwise known by Ice Poseidon

- is an online personality and vlogger.

Needless to say, he has a following...and sometimes having a following can get you into


In this case, Ice Poseidon encounters a homeless British man on the streets of London at night.

The man calls him over and attempts to get him alone.

Drink in hand, he tries to lure Ice Poseidon away from his friend by telling him to "come

over here for two seconds," insisting he only wants to tell Poseidon something and,

for some reason, he doesn't want to tell it in front of the other guy.

All very strange and creepy.

Ice Poseidon agrees to accompany the Brit alone and is asked if he's doing a program

for the university.

The man then suggests to meet the next morning if Ice Poseidon wants to see how he lives.

Since Ice Poseidon doesn't want to get up early, the man offers to meet him that same

night at Cafe Nero in Oxford Circus.

Ice Poseidon says he can head there with him right then, but that his friend is coming


When the creepy man rejects that idea and says that he's "taken another American

there," someone he claims did a "videoshoot" of him, Ice Poseidon asks how he can know

the man isn't lying.

The conversation goes back and forth, with Ice Poseidon questioning the man's motives

and the man insisting he is honest and doesn't intend to rob him.

Ice Poseidon's followers warn him repeatedly NOT to follow the guy, calling the whole thing

"sketch central."

But Ice Poseidon ignores them and continues to engage him.

He says he would like to see where the guy sleeps, but he'll be taking his friend with


But, for some reason, the creepy man won't allow the friend to accompany, calling him

"another homeless guy," and saying he would never let a homeless guy know where

he sleeps…

Again, despite repeated warnings, Ice Poseidon decides to join the creepy guy anyway, because

he's genuinely curious.

He talks to his friend and asks him to trail them.

The creepy man orders a cab and, as they wait, he tells Ice Poseidon he was a sniper in the

army in Desert Storm and Afghanistan.

Many of Ice Poseidon's followers hop on to say that the guy is a well-known trickster

in London and a psycho that robs people.

They also note that the man said he was in the army for ten years, but then gave active

duty dates that were twelve years apart.

When the taxi finally arrives, Ice Poseidon again insists that his friend will be joining

them, and the creepy man says that wasn't the agreement.

The man finally leaves when Poseidon won't ditch his friend to follow him to an unfamiliar


This could have ended quite nasty, so it's lucky that Ice Poseidon had a level-enough

head on his shoulders to avoid getting into any real danger here.


Creepy Guy There's a lot of attempted luring going

on in these videos.

In this one, the live streamer is a 17-year-old girl, who seems to be trying to shake some

creepy dude at the beginning of the video.

"I'm gonna go this way…" she says, looking nervously into the camera.

But he calls her and asks her name.

The creep drunkenly asks her to come with him.

When she asks where, he says, "Right here," pointing down into his scary basement apartment.

But, again, she tries to shake him - and succeeds.

Probably a good idea.

That place looked very shady.


The Boiling Point When

Asian Andy and Hampton Brandon butt heads, it's a thing you don't want to miss.

Viewers are thrown into the middle of some dispute between the pair.

Hampton Brandon confronts Andy, saying he's doing so, because he wants some people to

think he's "decent and not a wildebeest."

Thereafter, Hampton Brandon accuses Andy of's not really clear what.

And when Andy calls him a liar, he gets angry.

At first, Hampton Brandon seems like he's going to let it go, as he says, "I'll

see you in Hollywood."

But then he continues shouting, getting louder and louder and more and more heated.

He gets up in Andy's face and butts heads with him.

That's when Andy snaps.

Everyone starts pushing and shoving.

The camera falls to the ground.

Brandon continues shouting.

When things calm down, Andy repeats, "Get off my property."

Even out in the street, getting into his car, Brandon is screaming threats.

At least things didn't go too far...this time around.


Teenage Mob Greekgodx, a popular Twitch livestreamer,

fears for his life in this a mob of teenagers tail him.

"Don't hurt me!" he shouts, as they're seen behind him, making a lot of noise and


The streamer tells himself to close his eyes and it will be over soon.

He then says they're "ganging up" and starts running.

He's pretty quick on his feet.

Some of the gang catch up with him and demand to know what he's recording.

He claims he's sending a message to his mom.

But the young teenage girl calls his bluff, saying, "That's on live on facebook."

He appears to be nearly crying as he tells the teenagers to leave him alone.

In the background, you can hear women shouting at him, although it's unclear what they're

accusing him of.

But when Greekgod says, "They can only see my face, I promise," you can probably guess

at what these teens are so angry about.

At one point, the camera is angled a little above Greekgod's shoulder, and you can see

that there are at least three on his tail, chasing him.

"Please, don't hurt me," he says.

"They can't see you."

One woman asks him to "remove it" but, being a livestream, there's no way he can...but

he says he will, probably to get this mob off his back.

Some people don't want to be filmed without consent, which is something that IRL live

streamers must consider.


Snort Money

When a streamer called Glink is flagged by a man, it's a certitude that something shady

is about to go down.

It's clear as day that the guy is on something.

But when the pair talk, it's difficult to understand anything this man is saying.

Glink is pretty kind to the guy.

He asks if the dude is hungry and says he'll bring him some food.

But the guy doesn't want food.

He wants $5.

To snort.

Glink says he doesn't want to support that and manages to get away...without any further

confrontation . You never know what might happen when engaging

with strangers.

So, maybe it's better to be safe than sorry.


6 on 1 Burger Planet streamed this incident live

on August 2nd, 2017, after he'd just been attacked by six people on the street at night.

In the video, he appears fearful and shaken, as he tries to recover himself after the incident.

He says into the camera that he got hit in the face and the head many times, and they

also tried to throw his phone and break it, but the phone never stopped recording.

Their reason for it?

They just didn't like this guy recording.

"No questions asked, no reason why," Burger Planet said.

He added "My head feels like a lumped up potato."

Burger Planet also claims the bar whose parking lot he got beat up in would barely even give

him a bottle of water and told him he had to leave.

It seems that in live-streaming IRL moments, incidents like this can greet you around any


And a pile-on - like six bruisers on one victim - could send you to the emergency room.

Or worse.

I guess the lesson here is to play it safe and always have a backup.


Bomb Threat

When Mhova broke into some wine, she wasn't expecting any guests at her party.

But some came.


After looking outside and assumedly seeing police right outside her apartment, she tells

her viewers that she has no idea what's going on.

A moment later, there's a loud knock on her door.

Dallas PD.

She answers the door and is immediately and repeatedly told to show her hands.

Mhova quickly suggests to the police that someone must have swatted her, but the police

continue the raid, entering the house to ensure that she's the only one there.

They search the entire apartment.

She then explains that she just had a delivery, and a viewer watching her stream must have

somehow gotten her address off the package and sent the cops to swat her.

After the police leave, she shows their cars lined up outside, along with a firetruck.

While, in the end, this wasn't life-threatening, swatting has ended in innocent lives being

taken, as it did when Tyler Barriss allegedly made a hoax 911 call which ended horribly

in Kansas.

He did it because of a dispute he had over online gaming.

Truly both a sad and scary incident.


Man Being Followed Tokyo.

A city of 9.3 million people.

And one of those people is stalking you.

Imagine walking through a foreign city at night, alone, in the dark.

You suddenly get the feeling that someone is following you.

The street is deserted.

Without looking behind you, you hear their footsteps.

You see movements in shadows.

You speed your steps - those of your stalker speed up too.

You don't want to turn around, because then they'll know your fear.

But you HAVE to know what's in store for you.

So, you turn, and you see this man: donning a white surgical mask, clearly coming after


This is what Twitch user, Reckful, encountered on the streets of Tokyo.

In the video, Reckful starts out walking nonchalantly down the pavement on a Tokyo evening, live-streaming

his nighttime stroll.

Then after he waits at a street corner for a moment, things start to become interesting.

A man, dressed in black, with a baseball cap and sunglasses on at night doesn't cross

the street but, instead, turns to follow Reckful.

And, don't forget the stalker's main feature: a surgical mask.

As the clip continues, the man is seen over Reckful's right shoulder, keeping a short

distance from him and appearing as though he's just on his own nighttime

that happens to be the exact same route as Reckful's.

At one point, however, Reckful turns a complete 180 to walk in the other direction, and the

man walks on, which gives the streamer a false sense of relief.

Because, only moments later, the stalker turns a 180 too.

Those following Reckful live advise him to RUN or FIGHT.

Others write, "RIP," and note that the stalker is speeding up.

After Reckful makes another turn, out of sight briefly from his stalker, he takes his followers'


He starts running.

He puts a good distance between himself and his stalker, sprinting across a street.

But then he realizes that the stalker knows him.

Both the stalker and his partner - known as the "5,500 miles guys" - finally catch

up to him and introduce themselves.

They're in Tokyo all the way from Sweden.

If it hadn't been a prank, imagine just how more intense this IRL moment might have



Angry Old Man

An IRL streamer called Ragestew was not prepared for a brawl in this video.

But one came to meet him byway of an unlikely contender: an old man.

After taking a gentle stroll with a female pedestrian, he arrives at a corner to meet

an older man in a neon green shirt and khakis, having a sip from his Big Gulp.

Ragestew quite openly asks the guy how it's going and mentions that he's livestreaming,

when suddenly the video goes sideways.

The man has clearly knocked or pushed the videocamera wonky.

And you can hear him say he doesn't want to be livestreamed.

So, what does Ragestew do?

Does he walk away?


He tells the old man not to touch his camera, and that's when things escalate.

The man insists that Ragestew not point the camera at him, so the streamer turns away

to ensure the man is out of view.

However, the argument with the man continues offscreen.

A back-and-forth ensues about whether Ragestew was in the right to record the man without

consent and whether the man was in the right to knock the camera away and put his hands

on Ragestew immediately.

While the old man brawl did not end in anything serious, the aggression was frightening and

certainly could have intensified.

A cautionary tale for fellow streamers.


Robbed, Again When Tribait is livestreaming out in broad

daylight, the last thing he's probably expecting is to get robbed.

But after he has some sort of altercation about bad vibes with a stranger on a street

corner, things get a little heated.

Tribait keeps saying the guy is going to "pop" him and that he almost got his life taken.

He tries to hurry away from the dude, who seems to be following him.

Although the viewer doesn't see it, Tribait claims the dude pulled out a gun.

After a while, it seems as though Tribait has lost the guy.

A good two minutes go by without any sight of him.

But then he pops out of nowhere behind Tribait, launches at him, takes his phone, and races


Tribait tries to chase the thief down, but after a while, it's clear that he gave up

at some point.

What's unclear is whether or not the thief got away with it.

Before we get to number 1, my name is Chills and I hope you're enjoying my narration.

If you're curious about what I look like in real life, then go to my instagram, @dylan_is_chillin_yt

and tap that follow button to find out.

I'm currently doing a super poll on my Instagram, if you believe ghosts are real, then go to

my most recent photo, and tap the like button.

If you don't, DM me saying why.

When you're done come right back to this video to find out the number 1 entry.

Also follow me on Twitter @YT_Chills because that's where I post video updates.

It's a proven fact that generosity makes you a happier person, so if you're generous enough

to hit that subscribe button and the bell beside it then thank you.

This way you'll be notified of the new videos we upload every Tuesday and Saturday.

1.Swatted "GrossGore" was live streaming himself

playing League of Legends, when suddenly gaming wasn't much of a game anymore.

There's a knock at the door and, when he answers, he's met with the police.

He's been swatted.

The British police are rather calm in this swatting, as He explains that he livestreams

for a living and that his address got leaked.

All the while he's talking to police, he continues playing League of Legends.

He says he's been receiving loads of takeaway deliveries and taxis from folks who want to

prank him.

Well, this prank went more than a little overboard.

The post on his youtube video notes: "I had a bunch of police officers walk into my

flat during my live stream because they had a phone call saying 'Ali Larsen, killed

his whole family' A joke's gone past a joke now guys."

He also noted that it's regrettable that people find wasting police officers' time

to be funny.

Couldn't agree more.

For more infomation >> Top 15 Scariest Things Caught by Twitch IRL Streamers - Duration: 25:35.


James Clapper: I support Trump's pick for CIA director - Duration: 7:20.

For more infomation >> James Clapper: I support Trump's pick for CIA director - Duration: 7:20.


Gina Haspel Is First Woman Nominated to Head CIA After Cabinet Shakeup - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Gina Haspel Is First Woman Nominated to Head CIA After Cabinet Shakeup - Duration: 0:54.


Trump: Governor Brown has done a poor job running California - Duration: 3:45.

For more infomation >> Trump: Governor Brown has done a poor job running California - Duration: 3:45.


Does This Dog Look Like Jake Gyllenhaal? - Duration: 0:46.

For more infomation >> Does This Dog Look Like Jake Gyllenhaal? - Duration: 0:46.


How To Go In For The Kiss (Signs To Look For) - Duration: 6:11.

What's good YouTubers!

I hope you're all doing well.

For those of you who don't know me, I'm Kate Spring and today I want to discuss some

signs that women give off when they are hinting that you can kiss them.

There are certain things that physiologically happen to a woman's body when she gets turned

on that should signal to you that she wants to be more than just friends.

How to tell if a woman likes you and wants to be kissed is not so much what she says,

but how she says it.

I.e What her body is communicating.

However, if she says, "don't kiss me" then, don't kiss her.

But if you and a special someone are getting a little bit more comfortable with one another,

and you are wondering how to proceed, there are some very telling signs that you should

kiss her.

And they are as follows.

Right before we get into it, I want to remind you guys to subscribe to my channel where

you can leave all of your pressing questions in the comments section below and I'll be

sure to get back to you, personally, as soon as I can.

POLL: Quick question, what video would you like to see next?

One on how to improve your game immediately?

Or How to tell if a woman isn't interested in you?

Take the poll and I'll release the next one!

I think that something that you should always have on hand when you're first dating someone

is gum or a breath mint.

You can never go wrong with fresh breath especially if you're working up to play some tonsil


I went on a date with a guy a few years ago and it ended with a kiss, but I could tell

that this man had eaten a teriyaki chicken sandwich from subway.

I know this for a fact because I called my date out on it and he confirmed by suspicions.

So keep some mints on hand so that you're date can't taste what you've eaten that


Let's think about when a kiss usually happens, probably after a first date, right?

Or after some time has passed talking and getting to know one another.

I think that one of the most opportune times to kiss a girl is at the end of the date,

when you've said goodbye and she kind of lingers around.

If a woman doesn't want to be kissed, she will leave the date briskly.

She will not leave any lag time.

But if she doesn't leave immediately, here are some more specific cues for which to look.

For context, this is all about Kinesics, which is the study of the way in which certain body

movements and gestures serve as a form of nonverbal communication.


When She's Leaning Into You: Our first telling sign is if she is leaning

into you.

We want to be close to the people that we like.

This is an indicator of interest.

When we see something or someone that we like, we want to be near them.

It's quite simple.

And conversely, if we don't like you, then we want to put space between us and leave

as soon as the opportunity arises.

When you're trying to tell if a woman is jonesing for you to kiss her, the first thing

that you should pay attention to is how close she is trying to get to you.

Because if she has moved close to you, then she could be trying to touch you, which brings

us to our next point.


If She Touches You: If a woman touches you either playfully or

seriously, that is a good sign.

Any physical body contact is great here.

Has she playfully tickled you?

Or jokingly shoved you?

Has she made different attempts to get your attention?

Has she brushed something off of your sleeve?

If she has done any of these things, then she is flirting with you, which could lead

to kissing.

She is breaking the touch barrier, which you should also be doing too.

If you want to test the waters, and be certain that your kiss won't be rejected, then you

should see how she reacts to your touch.

You could put your arm around her, you could also tickle her, or touch her to get her attention.

Brush something off of her sleeve.

There are so many possibilities that you just need to go for it and see how she responds.

If she cowers away from your touch, then I'd say that she doesn't want to be kissed.

She still has some warming up to do.

But if she seems like she's into your touch, then that is a great indication that she's

getting ready for your kiss.

If she smiles at your touch, or touches you back, these are all great indicators of interest.

That is, her body is responding to you non-verbally, and inviting the next step.

These first two signs that we've discussed are both indicators of trust.

So leaning into someone suggests that we trust them, that they don't pose a threat.

In terms of the woman with whom you are interacting, it's a sign that she wants to be next to

you and touched by you.

At this point, you are you're always looking at how she response to you.

Smiling, blushing, and slight touch are all signs of approval that she like what's going


Playful hitting is another important indicator that things are moving in the right direction.

Now another sign to look out for is if a girl is looking at your lips.


She's Looking At Your Lips/ Lip Licking:

The third sign to look for when you're trying to decipher if a girl is willing and ready

for your kiss is to observe her lips.

Is she licking them, biting them, or playing with them?

These are seduction techniques that are an involuntary reflex to our feelings of desire

for you and what we're thinking about.

She could be licking, biting or playing with her lips and making eye contact with you is

a sign that she wants to be kissed.

Another involuntary reaction to our feelings is if a woman is looking at your lips.

This is a reaction to feelings of desire.

You know when you see someone that you find attractive and you can't stop looking at


When a woman wants to be kissed, she will look at your lips because that's what she

will be thinking about and your lips are the thing that she wants.

So pay attention to what she's doing with her lips, as well, take note of how much she

looks at your lips.



The fourth and final sign that you should look for before going in for the kiss is not

so much of a visual sign, but a verbal one.

Pay attention on the date, don't focus all of your attention on looking for these signs.

If you focus on the conversation and enjoying yourself, these things will flow and you will

be able to tell her level of interest in you through conversation as well as her body language.

A good way to tell if a woman is enjoying the conversation is to notice if she is just

responding or if she is contributing to the conversation.

For example, if you are on a date and you're the one asking all of the questions and she

is merely responding and offering no more than a short answer, she probably isn't

all that interested in the date.

However, a woman who asks you personal and thoughtful questions in an attempt to get

to know you better is a woman who is more likely to want to kiss you at the end of the


So remember, when you're trying to see if a woman wants to be kissed, pay attention

to if she is leaning into you, begins touching you, or is biting licking her lips or looking

at your lips.

While being observant of these indicators, don't forget to pay full attention to the

conversation and the date itself.

In short, engage and enjoy!

Alright, YouTubers, that's all I have for you today.

Make sure that you subscribe to my channel that way you can stay up to date with my latest


As always, thank you for your constant support and I'll see you in my next video!

For more infomation >> How To Go In For The Kiss (Signs To Look For) - Duration: 6:11.


MAJOR WWE RETURN REVEALED?! | WrestleTalk News Mar. 2018 - Duration: 5:38.

For more infomation >> MAJOR WWE RETURN REVEALED?! | WrestleTalk News Mar. 2018 - Duration: 5:38.


Dr. Lisa Spiguel was destined to solve problems. - Duration: 0:32.

True problem solvers are unmistakable.

They change the story's outcome.

That's who you find at UF Health, where each

breast cancer patient gets a whole team of experts working together on a

precisely tailored plan. We don't just treat patients; we move medicine forward.

For more infomation >> Dr. Lisa Spiguel was destined to solve problems. - Duration: 0:32.


Rex Tillerson Delivers Post-Firing Statement From The State Department | NBC News - Duration: 8:35.

For more infomation >> Rex Tillerson Delivers Post-Firing Statement From The State Department | NBC News - Duration: 8:35.


Trump border wall materials can be shipped on our railroads, Union Pacific CEO says - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> Trump border wall materials can be shipped on our railroads, Union Pacific CEO says - Duration: 3:29.


Bayern Munich in Istanbul - Champions League Round of 16 - 2nd Leg - Duration: 2:52.

Bayern Munich has arrived in Istanbul and following the clear 5:0 victory in the first leg of the

Champions League round of 16 three weeks ago the players are naturally

full of optimism going into the second leg against Besiktas.

Nonetheless, at Bayern Munich the squad is too experienced to take this away game too lightly.

Believe me, it's not going to be an easy game tomorrow.

Besiktas is a good team.

Of course we did a good job in the first leg but we have to be really concentrated tomorrow.

We want to win.

The stadium will be full, the people here love football and always show up to support their team

and their players.

Believe me, it's going to be a great atmosphere tomorrow.

The Frenchman could play his

100th European Cup game tomorrow evening and like the other Bayern players he is hoping Jupp Heynckes will field him in the starting eleven,

not only because of the infamous atmosphere in the Turkish stadium

but also because Besiktas has remained unbeaten in the

Champions League since the stadium's inauguration in 2016.

Of course it's a special game for us.

We've all heard of the stadium's reputation.

We're looking forward to the atmosphere and want to perform well.

We want to show from the very start that there is no hope and there's no point hoping for a miracle.

We want to show courage and repeat our performance from the first leg

even if scoring as many goals again is unrealistic.

Despite the injuries of Corentin Tolisso, Kingsley Coman and Manuel Neuer and the absence of Arjen Robben

who stayed in Munich as a precautionary measure, Jupp Heynckes is certain

to field a competitive team with more than decent chances of qualifying

for this season's Champions League quarter-finals.

Arjen Robben could have played tomorrow if it had been absolutely necessary.

James Rodriguez missed the past two weeks with three games and only returned to

full team training on Thursday.

He is an option as is Thiago.

Ich habe ja sehr viele erfahrene Spieler in der Mannschaft und sie wissen, auch wenn man

I have a lot of experienced players and they know you must approach every game with the utmost concentration

even if you have a lead as comfortable as the 5:0.

I won't rest any players because of yellow cards.

I'm certainly not doing that.

For more infomation >> Bayern Munich in Istanbul - Champions League Round of 16 - 2nd Leg - Duration: 2:52.


Trump speaks with border patrol agent about wall prototypes - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> Trump speaks with border patrol agent about wall prototypes - Duration: 3:22.


Volvo S90 D5 AWD Inscription Intellisafe 360 Camera B/W Sound Keyless Head-up display On-Call 20 Inc - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Volvo S90 D5 AWD Inscription Intellisafe 360 Camera B/W Sound Keyless Head-up display On-Call 20 Inc - Duration: 0:54.


Peugeot 508 SW 1.6 E-HDI BLUE LEASE EXECUTIVE (115pk) Automaat/ Navi/ Clima/ Cruise/ Elek. pakket/ B - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 508 SW 1.6 E-HDI BLUE LEASE EXECUTIVE (115pk) Automaat/ Navi/ Clima/ Cruise/ Elek. pakket/ B - Duration: 1:01.


Niurka Marcos se descalabra | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Niurka Marcos se descalabra | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 0:53.


Pineapple juice to lower cholesterol | Natural Health - Duration: 1:56.

For more infomation >> Pineapple juice to lower cholesterol | Natural Health - Duration: 1:56.


La Banda Cuisillos está de luto | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 2:27.

For more infomation >> La Banda Cuisillos está de luto | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 2:27.


For more infomation >> La Banda Cuisillos está de luto | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 2:27.


Meet Mosaic Ministries - Duration: 2:28.

Hi, I'm Matthew and I'm really excited that you're joining me for Mosaic's first video.

You know, I was raised in a very loving environment.

I have an older brother, older sister, twin brother, and two parents that loved each other dearly.

And more than their love for each other or even for their children, they had a love for God and an understanding how much God

truly loved them. And to be raised in such an environment really actually changes the way that you look at yourself

and you look at the world.

Understanding your value in the eyes of God and that He really does love you

unconditionally just as He has created you

is life changing.

And I know that's not the case for everybody, and so,

that's really the genesis of

Mosaic. You know, you've heard over and over again

God loves you, Jesus loves you, Yeshua loves you. You've heard it, but

do you really understand it?

Do we understand it?

It's one thing to hear it

and it's another thing to experience it, and so Mosaic really is a

ministry designed to help people understand that God's love is unconditional.

It's for them.

It's because of who they are. It's exactly how God's created you to be.

It's for a relationship with Him. Now, we're going to be exploring God's love through videos that are going to be posted, but more than that,

there's going to be a

opportunity to share God's love with

our communities. Touching lives,

sharing God's love not just in word, but in deed as well, so that we can actually change

South Florida, and the world

one heart at a time showing God's love.

Thanks, and I'll see you again soon.

For more infomation >> Meet Mosaic Ministries - Duration: 2:28.


For more infomation >> Meet Mosaic Ministries - Duration: 2:28.


L'eau aux raisins secs : idéale pour nettoyer votre foie | Santé 24.7 - Duration: 8:53.

For more infomation >> L'eau aux raisins secs : idéale pour nettoyer votre foie | Santé 24.7 - Duration: 8:53.


For more infomation >> L'eau aux raisins secs : idéale pour nettoyer votre foie | Santé 24.7 - Duration: 8:53.


Nettoyez vos ustensiles de cuisine avec des produits naturels | Santé 24.7 - Duration: 8:04.

For more infomation >> Nettoyez vos ustensiles de cuisine avec des produits naturels | Santé 24.7 - Duration: 8:04.


For more infomation >> Nettoyez vos ustensiles de cuisine avec des produits naturels | Santé 24.7 - Duration: 8:04.


Learn Colors with Surprise Eggs Colors Plants for Kids Children Toddlers Eggs surprise unboxing - Duration: 5:31.

Learn Colors with Surprise Eggs Colors Plants for Kids Children Toddlers Eggs surprise unboxing

For more infomation >> Learn Colors with Surprise Eggs Colors Plants for Kids Children Toddlers Eggs surprise unboxing - Duration: 5:31.


For more infomation >> Learn Colors with Surprise Eggs Colors Plants for Kids Children Toddlers Eggs surprise unboxing - Duration: 5:31.


HomePod — Welcome Home

For more infomation >> HomePod — Welcome Home


Trump's border wall not the only security mechanism: Lance Fritz - Duration: 1:50.

For more infomation >> Trump's border wall not the only security mechanism: Lance Fritz - Duration: 1:50.


How To Go In For The Kiss (Signs To Look For) - Duration: 6:11.

What's good YouTubers!

I hope you're all doing well.

For those of you who don't know me, I'm Kate Spring and today I want to discuss some

signs that women give off when they are hinting that you can kiss them.

There are certain things that physiologically happen to a woman's body when she gets turned

on that should signal to you that she wants to be more than just friends.

How to tell if a woman likes you and wants to be kissed is not so much what she says,

but how she says it.

I.e What her body is communicating.

However, if she says, "don't kiss me" then, don't kiss her.

But if you and a special someone are getting a little bit more comfortable with one another,

and you are wondering how to proceed, there are some very telling signs that you should

kiss her.

And they are as follows.

Right before we get into it, I want to remind you guys to subscribe to my channel where

you can leave all of your pressing questions in the comments section below and I'll be

sure to get back to you, personally, as soon as I can.

POLL: Quick question, what video would you like to see next?

One on how to improve your game immediately?

Or How to tell if a woman isn't interested in you?

Take the poll and I'll release the next one!

I think that something that you should always have on hand when you're first dating someone

is gum or a breath mint.

You can never go wrong with fresh breath especially if you're working up to play some tonsil


I went on a date with a guy a few years ago and it ended with a kiss, but I could tell

that this man had eaten a teriyaki chicken sandwich from subway.

I know this for a fact because I called my date out on it and he confirmed by suspicions.

So keep some mints on hand so that you're date can't taste what you've eaten that


Let's think about when a kiss usually happens, probably after a first date, right?

Or after some time has passed talking and getting to know one another.

I think that one of the most opportune times to kiss a girl is at the end of the date,

when you've said goodbye and she kind of lingers around.

If a woman doesn't want to be kissed, she will leave the date briskly.

She will not leave any lag time.

But if she doesn't leave immediately, here are some more specific cues for which to look.

For context, this is all about Kinesics, which is the study of the way in which certain body

movements and gestures serve as a form of nonverbal communication.


When She's Leaning Into You: Our first telling sign is if she is leaning

into you.

We want to be close to the people that we like.

This is an indicator of interest.

When we see something or someone that we like, we want to be near them.

It's quite simple.

And conversely, if we don't like you, then we want to put space between us and leave

as soon as the opportunity arises.

When you're trying to tell if a woman is jonesing for you to kiss her, the first thing

that you should pay attention to is how close she is trying to get to you.

Because if she has moved close to you, then she could be trying to touch you, which brings

us to our next point.


If She Touches You: If a woman touches you either playfully or

seriously, that is a good sign.

Any physical body contact is great here.

Has she playfully tickled you?

Or jokingly shoved you?

Has she made different attempts to get your attention?

Has she brushed something off of your sleeve?

If she has done any of these things, then she is flirting with you, which could lead

to kissing.

She is breaking the touch barrier, which you should also be doing too.

If you want to test the waters, and be certain that your kiss won't be rejected, then you

should see how she reacts to your touch.

You could put your arm around her, you could also tickle her, or touch her to get her attention.

Brush something off of her sleeve.

There are so many possibilities that you just need to go for it and see how she responds.

If she cowers away from your touch, then I'd say that she doesn't want to be kissed.

She still has some warming up to do.

But if she seems like she's into your touch, then that is a great indication that she's

getting ready for your kiss.

If she smiles at your touch, or touches you back, these are all great indicators of interest.

That is, her body is responding to you non-verbally, and inviting the next step.

These first two signs that we've discussed are both indicators of trust.

So leaning into someone suggests that we trust them, that they don't pose a threat.

In terms of the woman with whom you are interacting, it's a sign that she wants to be next to

you and touched by you.

At this point, you are you're always looking at how she response to you.

Smiling, blushing, and slight touch are all signs of approval that she like what's going


Playful hitting is another important indicator that things are moving in the right direction.

Now another sign to look out for is if a girl is looking at your lips.


She's Looking At Your Lips/ Lip Licking:

The third sign to look for when you're trying to decipher if a girl is willing and ready

for your kiss is to observe her lips.

Is she licking them, biting them, or playing with them?

These are seduction techniques that are an involuntary reflex to our feelings of desire

for you and what we're thinking about.

She could be licking, biting or playing with her lips and making eye contact with you is

a sign that she wants to be kissed.

Another involuntary reaction to our feelings is if a woman is looking at your lips.

This is a reaction to feelings of desire.

You know when you see someone that you find attractive and you can't stop looking at


When a woman wants to be kissed, she will look at your lips because that's what she

will be thinking about and your lips are the thing that she wants.

So pay attention to what she's doing with her lips, as well, take note of how much she

looks at your lips.



The fourth and final sign that you should look for before going in for the kiss is not

so much of a visual sign, but a verbal one.

Pay attention on the date, don't focus all of your attention on looking for these signs.

If you focus on the conversation and enjoying yourself, these things will flow and you will

be able to tell her level of interest in you through conversation as well as her body language.

A good way to tell if a woman is enjoying the conversation is to notice if she is just

responding or if she is contributing to the conversation.

For example, if you are on a date and you're the one asking all of the questions and she

is merely responding and offering no more than a short answer, she probably isn't

all that interested in the date.

However, a woman who asks you personal and thoughtful questions in an attempt to get

to know you better is a woman who is more likely to want to kiss you at the end of the


So remember, when you're trying to see if a woman wants to be kissed, pay attention

to if she is leaning into you, begins touching you, or is biting licking her lips or looking

at your lips.

While being observant of these indicators, don't forget to pay full attention to the

conversation and the date itself.

In short, engage and enjoy!

Alright, YouTubers, that's all I have for you today.

Make sure that you subscribe to my channel that way you can stay up to date with my latest


As always, thank you for your constant support and I'll see you in my next video!

For more infomation >> How To Go In For The Kiss (Signs To Look For) - Duration: 6:11.


truTV AWARENESS MONTH: Talk Show The Game Show - Meatball | truTV - Duration: 0:31.

Hi. I'm Guy Branum.

And if you like watching basketball players

throw the old meatball through the circle thingy,

have I got a treat for you.

Which NBA team won six titles in the '90s?

Chicago Bulls.

[ Bell dings ]

Oh! Gary Payton's defensive nickname.

The Glove. [ Bell dings ]

What NBA player became Grandmama to help sell sneakers?

-Larry Johnson. -Oh!

That cardboard cutout of Shaquille O'Neal was life-sized, by the way.

"Talk Show the Game Show."

New Thursdays at 11:00 on truTV.

For more infomation >> truTV AWARENESS MONTH: Talk Show The Game Show - Meatball | truTV - Duration: 0:31.


Diy organizer of tools used for roti making at zero price - Duration: 9:59.

For more infomation >> Diy organizer of tools used for roti making at zero price - Duration: 9:59.


Weight of the World Nier Automata Remix - English Cover by Riku Silver - Duration: 2:10.

I feel like I'm losing hope In my body and my soul

And the sky, it looks so ominous

And as time comes to a halt Silence starts to overflow

My cries are inconspicuous

Tell me God, are you punishing me?

Is this the price I'm paying for my past mistakes?

This is my redemption song I need you more than ever right now

Can you hear me now?

Cause we're going to shout it loud Even if our words seem meaningless

It's like I'm carrying the weight of the world

I wish that someway, somehow That I could save every one of us

But the truth is that I'm only one girl

Maybe if I keep believing my dreams will come to life

Come to life...

For more infomation >> Weight of the World Nier Automata Remix - English Cover by Riku Silver - Duration: 2:10.


My TINY NYC Apartment Tour ! (350 Sq Ft in Greenwich Village, Manhattan) - Duration: 8:25.

What is going on Members of the Barrio

It's Jon coming to you from New York

And 4 months in Mexico

I am finally back home

And with all my travels

I've always taken you guys to different hotels

Different Airbnbs

But today for the first time

I'm going to be taking you guys inside

My actual apartment

In New York

And give you a little bit of a tour

Of what it's like

To actually live here

Welcome to the inside of my building

As you can see our doorman quit many years ago

No we don't have a door man

We don't have an elevator

And the good news about that is you live in a walk-up apartment in Manhattan

The price is definitley going to be cheaper

The flip side to that is that your doorman will watch your mail

And it's extra security

So.. I guess there's a bit of a trade off

Folks we are going up

We are going that way

4 floors up

When you live in the fourth floor of a building

Without an elevator

You pick and choose your trips wisely

I don't like just to go outside for no reason

I always like to bunch things up

Take out the garbage

Go to CVS

Stuff like that

It also makes me humble

When I travel

Because if I get an Airbnb

In another city

And I've got to take stairs

Usually it's not as bad as this

And this is where I spend

Most of my year

We have made it to my apartment

And you know a lot of people when they come in here

They don't think it's to small

Until they turn right here

And they realize well..

There isn't a whole lot of space

The apartment is approximately 350 square feet

It is a 2 bedroom apartment

I live here with my twin brother

And yes we somehow make it work

The bathroom.. there's not much to show here

The coolest part about the bathroom

I think the shower curtain

Being a travel vlogger

Every day i'm just reminded

Of places I want to go

You can just.. kind of

Look around

Show you where i've been

4 months in Mexico

The tub is actually a decent size

I have no problem fitting in here

I wouldn't say this is like a Japanese style bathroom

Where you can barely fit your feet.. on the toilet

And then close the door

It's enough space for one person at a time to use the bathroom

But it's not big at all

We're going to start with my twin brothers room

And this is actually not my twin

How's it going guys

I am related though

This is Mike

Yeah he's kind of related I guess


He's actually crashing here for a night

He's my brothers room warm

He can't complain

I don't want to show his room to much

He's got a cool map here

My room is pretty much exactly the same

It's almost identical to his We're going to get there in a second

This is the living room Slash kitchen

At the same time

I gave you a quick shot of it before

A lot of things in this apartment

Have multiple uses

When you have a small space

You've got to be creative

Let's start with the couch

If we move these items

You actually can fold this couch out

And it turns into.. a bed

We've had a lot of friends

Throughout the years sleep here

This couch can stretch down the hallway

And yeah we can sleep people

Another very important thing

If you are planning a really small space

Mirrors everywhere

Mirrors are great especially when you have good light coming in

It gives the illusion of space

When you don't have to much

The refridgerator is a bit of a shrine

To our traveling addiction

We've got stuff from all over the world

We like to collect money

From different countries My brother was in Japan

We've got Singapore from a friend

This is my favorite right here

The Che Guevara Cuban bank note

Three pesos



Random photos from when we were kids

You guys might recognize this girl right here

We do have enough space to cook. We have a normal size oven.

Plenty of shelf space

For dishes

Big sink

The refridgerator itself

Plenty of size

We have a full size freezer here

Back to the theme of conserving space

This table.. i'm not going to do it

But it can pull out


And you can pull it out from this side to

If we wanted to have a dinner party here

For.. 4 or 5 people

We could get this table to take up

A lot of the kitchen here


You always have to be thinking.. What can you put in a small apartment

That will make a lot of sense

And not take up to much space

Now we're going to go to my room

Where I spend the most time

It's just enough for me

To be honest with you

You can see I have enough room for

A little desk

A full size bed

Mirror.. great for projecting space

When it's really not here

I've talked about how I used to be a broadcaster

These are some old media passes

That I've had.. different games

Jets. Different places that I worked

Bowl games

All sorts of stuff

Definitley nice to have

Some shelves

Like this

We actually built this


Got my suitcases up there

Actually I have all of my shoes


I can never travel with this much stuff

That's what's cool

My laptop..

That I used to edit with

We've got some genesis playing before

Greatest hits

My television

Adriana actually made that for me right there

Closet's really not to big

I don't know even know what the heck this is

Was a masquearade party I went to a while ago

Got my clothes here

Suit that I never wear anymore

I think I wore it to a wedding

It was the last time I've used it

In ages

I bought these little.. shelf things

For our clothes

The bed's pretty comfortable

We've had this bed for..

The 6 years we've been in the apartment

If you have an apartment in New York City

There's going to be at least one fire escape

I have the fire escape in my room

Theoretically I could go out here

I usually don't see a reason to

We don't really have much of a view

It's kind of one of the trade offs

Sometimes you can't even tell what the weather is like

Unless you go out there

And actually lean your head out

This is my little room

I'm going to take you guys to one more spot

In the building

And then we're going to talk about how much

You actually have to pay for this

Welcome to the roof top

Of our building

We are in the heart of Greenwich Village right now

When I talked about pricing


You have to factor in this is one of the most popular neighborhoods

In all of Manhattan

For very good reasons of course

We've got an absolutely spectacular view of the Freedom Tower

And all of downtown Manhattan

You must be curious how much does this little apartment cost

In the heart of Greenwich Village

The answer is

My brother and I pay 2700 dollars


About 1,350 dollars each

To live here

When we actually move in

It was only 1,000 dollars each

The rent has gone up every year for the last 6 years

Which is kind of the cost of living in New York City

It is very expensive

It is a lot more expensive

Then almost any other place I've traveled

In the world


I would not trade this location for anything

I'm not going to live here forever

In fact i'm probably going to be moving in the next year or two


To spend.. a nice chunk

Of my late 20s

And early 30s

Living in Greenwich Village

In Manhattan

When i'm not traveling

It's such an exciting city

You spend a lot of money

You don't get a lot of space


For me

It is completley worth it

I'm curious tell me in the comments

Would you live in this apartment with somebody else

Do you think it's to expensive?

Compared to where you're from

Do you spend more money?

Let's get a little discussion going

Alright guys we've got a lot more coming up from New York City

In the next month

And then a trip..

To another country

But I haven't announced it yet

Make sure to subscribe to this channel if you are new

Thank you so much for watching

Until next time

For more infomation >> My TINY NYC Apartment Tour ! (350 Sq Ft in Greenwich Village, Manhattan) - Duration: 8:25.


I made tofu cupcakes for Funny hamsters!Part1 - Duration: 1:57.

Thanks for subscribing to my channel!Please RT!

For more infomation >> I made tofu cupcakes for Funny hamsters!Part1 - Duration: 1:57.


500 Subscriber Special Video Just For You! - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> 500 Subscriber Special Video Just For You! - Duration: 0:42.


🔴 Subnautica | Fully released game, fresh start! | live stream - Duration: 2:05:10.

For more infomation >> 🔴 Subnautica | Fully released game, fresh start! | live stream - Duration: 2:05:10.


Khalid & Normani - Love Lies (Lyrics) Jimmie & Felix Palmqvist Remix - Duration: 3:15.

Sorry if it's hard to catch my vibe


Khalid Normani Love Lies Lyrics

For more infomation >> Khalid & Normani - Love Lies (Lyrics) Jimmie & Felix Palmqvist Remix - Duration: 3:15.


Highlights of FCPSOn - Duration: 1:55.

When you're, when you use your laptops, you get directly what the teacher wants and you

get exactly what they say, so it's just better communication between the student the teacher.

I've been in education 28 years and I believe FCPSOn, this initiative, has probably been the most transformational

initiative I've seen in education to move education to the place it needs to

be in order to prepare kids for the workforce.

I think now my typical day is better because of the computers.

Everyone can do this. Everyone can do FCPSOn. Everyone can be one-to-one.

I can't picture my classroom now not being one-to-one.

For more infomation >> Highlights of FCPSOn - Duration: 1:55.


Learn Colors with Surprise Eggs Colors Plants for Kids Children Toddlers Eggs surprise unboxing - Duration: 5:31.

Learn Colors with Surprise Eggs Colors Plants for Kids Children Toddlers Eggs surprise unboxing

For more infomation >> Learn Colors with Surprise Eggs Colors Plants for Kids Children Toddlers Eggs surprise unboxing - Duration: 5:31.


[427 MB] How to download FORTCRAFT Or FORTNITE Mobile For Android In Any Country (100% working) - Duration: 6:36.

hey what is up guys this is major alex

welcome back to my channel and today

i got a new tutorial video for you guys

so in this video i will show you how to

download fortnite mobile

or fortcraft for android

in any country

so make sure to give a thumbs up

if you got the solution

and if any problem comes make sure to comment

alright so lets get back into topic

so fortcraft is developed by netease games

the same developers team of rules of survival

its a rip off from fortnite in pc

so its early access is released in

some countries if your country doesnt have it yet

do not worry this video for you guys

just follow the steps to download and install it

so first you have to do is

to open any browser i prefer

to use uc browser

well it seems faster to use from any other

browsers like chrome or firefox

anyways now you have to search it will redirect

you to the website of apkpure

now simply you have to download this apkpure appstore

from here

so this appstore is probably the best appstore

for android

you know it keeps every games

which released in few countries ypu

can use vpn to play

the games by downloading from this

appstore its really cool

so i have already downloaded and installed it so

you have to install it and then

have to open it to find the game

you are looking for so the final step you have to take

is just to search fortcraft in the

search box and you will find it like

i do

so i have already installed it

so its showing open option

but if you did not install it yet it will show you

the install option so

you have to install it like google playstore

and it will ask you to install the game

after download is finished

then its all yours

For more infomation >> [427 MB] How to download FORTCRAFT Or FORTNITE Mobile For Android In Any Country (100% working) - Duration: 6:36.


Zxuan ia back Baru Main Hampir Maniac ! Dia ganti nama lagi menjadi MVP•FallenZx - Duration: 10:42.

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