Thứ Ba, 13 tháng 3, 2018

Youtube daily report Mar 13 2018

Einstein's theory of special relativity is just chock-a-block full of odd features.

Different observers see clocks running at different rates and see the shapes of objects


It's all very hard to get your head around.

However, the thorniest problem for people is what's called The Twin Paradox.

I'll describe the problem and the solution in a moment.

I should warn you- there is some math ahead, but, well, that's what you guys asked for.

Now, I've made two videos about how time is viewed differently by two different observers.

One is called Einstein's Clocks and it is the experimental proof that special relativity

isn't crazy.

And the other one talks about how to use time dilation properly and shows that you really

have to be careful about how to use Einstein's equations.

I've also made a couple of videos that introduce the equations, both the Lorentz transforms

and the meaning of the Lorentz gamma factor.

If you want the strong background you need to understand this video, I recommend that

you view these videos and maybe in that order.

They're all on the Fermilab YouTube channel.

Okay, so the twin paradox.

What's that all about?

Let's start by explicitly stating the two core reasons that this seems so paradoxical.

First is that all observers can completely accurately claim that they are the single

unmoving person in the universe and everyone is moving around them.

And the second thing is that moving clocks tick more slowly than stationary ones.

Let's imagine that you have a pair of twins, called Ron and Don.

Don stays here on Earth, while Ron heads off to Alpha Centauri, call it four lightyears

away, at a speed of 99.9 percent the speed of light.

So for Don, the amount of time the trip takes is basically 8 years- four years for Ron to

get to Alpha Centauri and four years to get back.

But Ron is traveling at high speed, so his clocks run slower.

For every time T don experiences, Ron experiences a duration of T over gamma.

And gamma is just equal to one over the square root of one minus v squared over c squared.

C is, of course, the speed of light, and I showed where this comes from in the Lorentz

gamma video.

If Ron is traveling at 99.9 percent the speed of light, then v over c is 0.999.

Substituting that in, you get a gamma of about 22.4.

And, finally, what you find is that while Don experiences 8 years for the round trip,

Ron experiences just a bit over 4 months.

So that's the usual thing with relativity and some people hope to use this as a way

to actually conduct interstellar travel.

The astronaut ages more slowly and lives to get to their destination.

Okay- so far so good.

But now we have the paradox part.

The paradox part comes from what I said early on in the video, which is that both observers

can claim that they are stationary.

So why couldn't Ron say that he is stationary and Don moves away from him and back?

If that's the case, then Ron is the stationary guy and Don is the moving guy.

Then Ron should experience a long time and Don should experience a short time.

So that's the paradox.

If each twin can say that they aren't moving, then they both can say that the other twin

is experiencing shorter time.

And that doesn't make any sense.

They can't both be experiencing short time.

Now if you rummage around on the internet, you'll find several responses.

One is that this proves that relativity is bogus and therefore you shouldn't believe


But that's completely wrong and you absolutely shouldn't believe that answer.

But that answer is out there.

A more reasonable explanation is that there is something that breaks the symmetry between

the two- something that makes Ron and Don's experience different.

This approach uses the fact that Ron had to decelerate at Alpha Centauri and accelerate

to come back.

Further, in order to stop back at Earth, he needed to decelerate yet again.

Don experienced no such acceleration.

And, according to this line of thinking, it is the acceleration that makes the difference.

All of the time dilation- which is to say the shortening of the time experienced by

the traveler- occurs during the acceleration periods.

However, this explanation is totally wrong.

Now if you thought this was the explanation, don't feel bad.

Many physicists who don't work with relativity a lot believe the same thing.

But I can prove to you why this isn't true.

So let's do a thought experiment in the spirit of Einstein.

I want to set up a situation in which no acceleration occurs and show that time dilation does occur.

And I'm going to do this with some equations.

I won't go into the gory details, but I'll show the key points.

Before I do, I want to remind you of Einstein's equations - what are called the Lorentz Transforms.

They simply convert the amount of space and time one person observes to the amount of

space and time another person experiences.

If we just label two people as 1 and 2 and person 2 is moving with respect to person

1, then the Lorentz equations are just what we see here.

I'll pause for a moment so that you can look at them.

In my non-accelerating scenario, there are three observers, with the unimaginative names

A, B, and C.

There are also three locations, which we call 1, 2 and 3.

Location 1 is on the left, location 2 is a distance L to the right of 1, and location

3 is a distance 2L to the right of 1.

When we start out, we put ourselves in the point of view of observer A. Observer A just

sits, unmoving, at location 1.

Observer B is at location 1, moving to the right at velocity v. Observer C is way over

at location 3, moving to the left at velocity minus v.

So, what's going to happen?

Observer B will head to the right and Observer C will head to the left.

They will cross paths at location 2.

Observer B will keep heading off to the right and Observer C will pass by Observer A. All

pretty straightforward, right?

So here's what we're going to do.

When we start the experiment, all three observers are going to start a stopwatch.

When Observer B and C cross paths at the center, Observer B holds up a big digital clock that

Observer C can read.

That clock records how long it took for Observer B to go from location 1 to location 2.

Observer C also writes down the time they see on their own stop watch as they cross

location 2.

Observer C then travels back to position 1.

As they pass location 1, they hold up a big digital billboard that shows the reading on

their clock as they pass location 1, the reading on their clock as they passed location 2,

and the amount of time it took Observer B to get to location 2.

You can then work out the amount of time it took Observer C to get from location 2 to

1 and add it to the amount of time that Observer B took to get from 1 to 2, and then you can

figure out how long it took to travel from location 1 to 2 and back to 1 again, without

any acceleration.

So let's define three events, which we'll number with Roman numerals.

Event I is when they start.

Event II is when Observers B and C pass at the center.

And Event III is when Observer C passes location 1.

To work those out, we need to figure out the location and duration of each event according

to each observer.

We can start with Observer A. There are three places and times that are important.

They are when the experiment starts, when the two ships pass one another, and when Observer

C zooms by.

Remember that location 2 is a distance L away from Observer A and that, at least as far

as Observer A is concerned, Observer B is moving to the right at velocity v. Thus Observer

A would say that it took a time equal to the distance divided by the velocity (or L over

v) for Observer B to get to the meeting point.

Okay- I'm going to do some math here.

If math isn't your thing, just let it roll over you and I'll get to the punchline at

the end of it.

We can write those three important locations according to observer A as we see here.

The space and time coordinates for A are zero, zero for Event I, L, L over v for Event II,

and finally zero, two L over v for Event III.

If you need to take a moment to work this out, go ahead and pause the video until you're

comfortable with what I said.

Okay, now we just use the Lorentz Transforms to figure out what position and time Observers

B and C see for those three points.

It's important to remember to get the sign right on the velocity.

As far as Observer B is concerned, Observer A is moving with a negative velocity, but

Observer C sees Observer A moving with a positive velocity.

So we can do that, and we find that Observer B sees things differently.

She sees those locations like we see here.

And Observer C sees things in yet a different way, which we can see here.

Now these aren't obvious.

If you want to do the calculations yourself, just put in the x comma t from observer A

into the Lorentz Equations with the appropriate velocity and it's actually pretty easy.

Okay, so that's the hard part.

Now we just need to figure out the total duration.

We do that by subtracting what Observer B's clock was at event II and I.

We then need to do the same thing for Observer C, except for event III and event II.

And we get this here.

If we add the two durations for the outgoing trip and return trip we can get the total

duration for the moving observers and we find that the moving duration was equal to 2, divided

by gamma, times L over v.

Now compare that to what the stationary observer, Observer A, experienced and that's just

a time of 2 times L, divided by v, which is the same as the moving observer, but without

the gamma.

So, when you get down to the final, nitty-gritty, you find that the duration of the moving observer

is just the duration of the stationary observer, divided by gamma.

Okay- so we're out of the math.

What does this tell us?

Since gamma is a number that is always greater than or equal to one, that says that the moving

people's duration is smaller than the stationary person's duration.

That's just what it means.

So, that gets us back to the paradox thing.

If you can't know who is moving and who isn't, what I've done here doesn't seem

to have solved the mystery.

But it has.

Forget the math and focus on one, crucial, difference.

Observer A existed in one and only one reference frame.

The moving observers existed in two.

That's the only difference.

So that's the answer.

The Twin Paradox isn't a paradox.

Further, the solution doesn't depend on the accelerations- after all no accelerations

occurred in the example.

And the bottom line is that if a person leaves the Earth and flies to another star at high

velocity and returns, the traveler will age much slower than a person who stays on Earth.

So, if you're the kind of person who wants to outlive your enemies, I think we have finally

have a workable plan.

Okay- so this video is a bit long and it had more math than usual, but sometimes debunking

commonly-believed wrong scientific explanations needs just that.

I hope you liked learning the truth about this very popular seeming paradox.

If you did, please like, subscribe and share.

And, of course, we love comments.

So, go and tell the world about your new knowledge and- remember that physics is everything.

For more infomation >> Twin paradox: the real explanation - Duration: 13:21.


Почему КОЛОНИЗАЦИЯ Марса невозможна? Как мы умрем на Марсе? - Duration: 7:35.

For more infomation >> Почему КОЛОНИЗАЦИЯ Марса невозможна? Как мы умрем на Марсе? - Duration: 7:35.


Wenger finally reveals when Alexandre Lacazette is coming back ● News Now ● #AFC - Duration: 1:48.

Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger has spoken on the possible return date for Alexandre Lacazette

as the season nears its finish line.

The Gunners manager has witnessed his side fail to successfully challenge for a place

in the top four of the Premier League this season,

as they remain well behind rivals Chelsea, Tottenham Hotspur, Liverpool and Manchester

United in the table.

Another worrying factor for Wenger this year has been the usual problem of injuries to

key players at decisive periods in the campaign.

The Arsenal boss lost the services of Alexandre Lacazette in early February after the striker

suffered an injury following his forgettable cameo against Tottenham

which saw him miss a couple of good goalscoring chances in the 1-0 defeat at Wembley stadium.

Lacazette has been sidelined by a knee injury for several weeks now, prompting an increase

in playing time for Danny Welbeck, especially in the Europa League.

But ahead of the clash with AC Milan on Thursday, Wenger has revealed that the former Lyon striker

is expected to make his return to action after the upcoming international break.

"Alexandre Lacazette has his first run today, but won't be back until after the international


the Arsenal manager said, prior to the 3-0 victory over Watford

For more infomation >> Wenger finally reveals when Alexandre Lacazette is coming back ● News Now ● #AFC - Duration: 1:48.


Vegan Dumplings Recipe (Japanese Gyoza) - Duration: 17:08.

For more infomation >> Vegan Dumplings Recipe (Japanese Gyoza) - Duration: 17:08.


Piano : Expectations VS Reality - Duration: 4:51.

I just came up with a brilliant idea; I'm going to start playing the PIANO!


Buying a piano

Okay, so first I need to find one...


A silent piano looks good

Ooh this one looks amazing! I can just imagine it in my bedroom right now! Oh my gosh I totally want this one!


Okay... I'll just look for a cheaper one then

Two hours later

I don't even know what I'm looking for anymore...

How do I even know if they're good or not?!

I think I'm just gonna go for a simple, cheap keyboard

At least I know what they're worth!

Finding a piece to play

This piece is so beautiful! I'm definitely gonna learn this one!

Three weeks later...

Maybe I should start with something else... ?


When people hear about you playing the piano

Oh my gosh, have you heard?Lily plays the piano now!

Wow seriously? She's so mysterious!

Yeah, totally! Oh wait a sec, she's coming...

I swear she just looked at me! No but apparently, she's like a genius, and she plays better than mozart!

Hey, did I tell you I've just started playing the piano

Oh really? That's cool... Oh, by the way have, you heard? Tom plays the guitar now; he's so mysterious!

Oh, Tom! We were just talking about you!

Oh hi guys! Don't mind me, I'm just gonna play a little

Imagining your progress

Gosh, I can just imagine myself playing in a year's time!

Having a piano teacher

Wow Lily, that was perfect! You really did a good job!

By the way, you know, you're really talented! To be honest, I don't think I've ever had a student who played that well!

Whoa, thanks for stopping, that was terrible! I mean have you even practiced this week?! I thought you'd know the whole piece by now!

And also, what the heck was that hand positioning, and that fingering?!

And how come you're, like, hammering the keys?! And you ruined, like, seriously, you've ruined the rhythm! I can't even recognize the piece! And-

For more infomation >> Piano : Expectations VS Reality - Duration: 4:51.


pâte nettoyante pour les mains lidl w5 lavante heavy duty hand cleaner handwaschpaste - Duration: 1:59.

W5 LIDL Hand Cleansing Paste

hello, W5 LIDL Hand Cleansing Paste - € 1.99 - 500 ml

I just changed my car tires, I have dirty hands

removes stubborn dirt such as grease, tar, oil or resin

gentle cleansing of the skin, made from wood flour

I already tested, there was a protection

you see how it looks

we get wet hands

we take a little dough and we rub

speed x2 (duration 35 seconds)

it's granular

the result after a first pass

a lot of the dirt is gone (there are a few left)

4x speed - actual duration 40 seconds

good result, if you have the product thank you to leave your reviews in comment

thank you for watching this video and see you soon

For more infomation >> pâte nettoyante pour les mains lidl w5 lavante heavy duty hand cleaner handwaschpaste - Duration: 1:59.


Ford Fiesta 1.0 80PK STYLE ULTIMATE *Navi | Bluetooth | Cruise Conrtol | PDC V+A* - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Ford Fiesta 1.0 80PK STYLE ULTIMATE *Navi | Bluetooth | Cruise Conrtol | PDC V+A* - Duration: 0:59.


My Houzz: Clay Matthews' Surprise Renovation - Duration: 20:04.

(upbeat music)

- Home to me is a place for my entire family to gather.

It's your security.

It's a place where you can get away from it all

and be together and share those moments

that represent 99 percent of life.

I'm Clay Matthews

and this is My Houzz.

Growing up with my brother Brian, we were always close.

He was just a little over a year older than me,

so we always played sports together.

For the most part, we were on the same teams.

People always confused us for, you know,

me being Brian or him being Clay.

My father played 16 years for the Cleveland Browns.

We spent several months of the year in Cleveland

and several months in California.

So we were always traveling, doing things together.

The five of us sibling stuck together.

We were close to one another.

It just kinda shaped us into the people we are today.

Brian was the first of all of us to venture

outside of California.

Moved back to Cleveland, Ohio with his wife, Megan.

Something that's been difficult is Brian and Megan

have been struggling for years trying to have kids.

The countless doctor visits that just

had a negative outlook.

Finally, he let us know that Megan was pregnant with twins.

I was more than excited for them.

Brian and Megan purchased their house roughly two years ago.

And for them, this wasn't just some house

that they had bought.

This is the house that they foresee their future in

for many, many years to come.

It's an older home.

It was in desperate need of repair.

They're constantly upgrading it.

But with two kids on the way who are soon to be

crawling and walking, they need a safe environment.

They need some professionals to come in

and really whip this house into shape.

The spaces that I would like to have renovated

are the kitchen.

It's entirely too small, and there's just not enough room

to work.

The appliances are old.

And then that transitions into the family room.

In which case, it's a little dark.

It feels like a man cave.

And the dining room is just secluded.

I think they've had one Thanksgiving meal there.

With me spending most of my time in Wisconsin

and then being so far away,

I immediately went to Houzz.

Initially, I looked up designers within the Cleveland area.

I looked over a bunch of different profiles.

And when I came across Hurst Design Build and Remodel,

I knew they were the one.

And they also have a five star rating.

So I reached out, and Bridget, the designer, and I

were able to set up an ideabook

in which we were able to put all our inspiration,

pictures, in one place.

Then we were able to meet in person.

(upbeat music)

It's so nice to finally meet you guys.

- [Bridget] Nice to meet you.

- Nice to meet you, Clay.

We need to get to know a little bit about Brian and Megan.

- My older brother, Brian, and his wife, Megan,

they're having twins.

In fact, she's due any day now,

which is gonna change the way

in which they live their life.

So for us to be able to do this for them,

it'll take so much pressure off the house

and focus all their energy on their kids.

- Can you tell me a little bit about their style?

- Sure.

So this is where I'm gonna put all my trust in you

because we have two differing styles.

Megan, she loves contemporary and modern flair so to speak.

And my brother is more of a warm, rustic feel.

So if we can find somewhere in the middle to

kind of appease them both, then I think we can

present something to them that they'll truly enjoy.

- Bridget and I have been there to see the space.

And as you walk in the front door,

there's two closets there, but there's an opportunity there

to remove all that, and then also remove the wall

that's between the kitchen and the dining room.

We want to more than triple the counter space

and more than triple the cabinetry space and storage space.

So we believe by opening up that wall

that we can accomplish all that.

- You're able to do that?

You're able to remove all of those walls

and make it happen?

Make the house still stand?

- I added this photo to the idea book.

I feel like the sink and the island,

it faces the dining area, and it makes it

a cohesive space together.

- If we can add an island in their kitchen,

that would be great.

- I feel like lighting is gonna be really important

in the space.

- [Pat] We can put pendant lighting in it.

- Those pendant lights are beautiful,

but I don't know if I can ever get Brian

to go with those.

- [Bridget] What do you think of these ones here?

- I think those are it right there.

I think it has a touch of modern to it.

At the same time, it has this rustic feel.

I think if we're able to incorporate those,

that would just be fantastic.

- One great thing about Houzz is they have this tool

called Visual Match.

If you click on this tag right here,

you can see the products that look similar

or are the same as that product.

- Actually, that's pretty cool right there.

Is that the color in blue or green?

- It's green.

- [Clay] Okay.

- But it has more of an aqua tint to it.

It's beautiful.

I love that.

- [Clay] Buy them.

- [Bridget] Okay, let's add to cart.


- That was easy enough.

I added this fixture simply because I don't think

this is something that Brian would pick

if you sent him out and he went shopping,

but I think he's really gonna enjoy this.

I think Megan would be onboard with this

simply because there might be...

Well I don't know why.

I actually love it, so...

- [Bridget] I think that's gorgeous.

- [Clay] Yeah, it looks great.

- [Bridget] I think we should get it.

- [Clay] Yeah.

- All right.

Since we are opening up the space,

and when you walk into the door,

you're going to see that wall,

what do you think of this hood right here?

- It's something that could work, but, you know,

the white that matches the cabinetry,

I think we can do a little bit better with this one.

- [Bridget] I like that one.

- [Clay] Let's do it.

- [Bridget] Yeah.

- So the reason I added this photo is I think

this faux wood backsplash,

I think it's something different.

- That actually looks pretty realistic.

It looks like wood.

- Yeah, I think they'll both love it.

- The family room's really not that large.

So I think creating rafter beams will really

draw your eye up to it and make it feel a lot larger

than what it actually is.

- We can incorporate something like that.

I think the family room would be utilized a lot more.

So obviously, I don't live in Cleveland,

so it's gonna be very difficult for me

to be onsite each and every day.

So I'm actually gonna be incorporating

a good family friend, Kristen, to kinda be my eyes and ears

on scene, to help you guys out.

Really, I'm putting all my confidence in you three

to make this whole thing come together.

- We definitely will.

We'll get it right.

- Awesome.

Well, it was very nice meeting you, Bridget, Pat.

Looking forward to working with you guys.

(upbeat music)

I asked Kristen to meet Bridget and Pat

at Brian's place to go over the plans.

Kristen's a family friend,

and I feel like she knows better than anyone

what to incorporate in this renovation.

- Like a day ago, they just had these two baby boys.

And they're gonna be doing all of this remodeling

with twins.

- [Pat] That's a big deal.

- Yeah.

When they told me, I was like are you sure?

So they're going for it, and it's gonna be great.

- we'll have a nice space for their family.

- They've done a lot of work in here in terms of

getting wallpaper down and new window fixtures.

This is the first piece that they bought for this house,

and it's very special to them, and they wanna keep this.

- I love the color.

It's great.

- [Kristen] Yeah, me too.

- What we're talking about is opening up the space.

So we're gonna remove this wall right here

as well as this non-load bearing wall

and all these closets.

Put a steel beam in where that load bearing wall is.

- They will love that.

The fact that they're gonna knock down the walls between

the dining room and the kitchen is really exciting.

The kitchen is pretty small.

Just having a small range and no counter space,

it's challenging.

- So what we're gonna do is kind of

reconfigure the whole space.

We're gonna move the refrigerator over to here.

The range will now be located between your windows.

And then, where do we put our sink?

We put it on the island.

- Oh I love that.

- Your island is going to be facing your dining room.

- When the kids get older, I definitely see

the whole family gathering around the island.

The living room.

It's kinda dark.

- Looks like they've done some work.

Like there's paneling here, but it's been painted.

I think all the paneling should go.

So we'll remove all that. Also add some ceiling lighting.

- This sounds really big.

How long is this whole project gonna take?

- Typically this is a fairly long project,

but we're gonna accelerate it a little bit for them

because of the twins.

We wanna move this a little bit quicker

and get them in here as quickly as possible.

- That would be good.

- Tomorrow morning, I'm expecting you to have

safety glasses, gloves.

- Do I get a sledgehammer?

- Yes, you get a sledgehammer.

- I can't wait.

(upbeat music)

- I can't believe two days after giving birth,

we're gonna start this renovation.

Raising newborn boys is already difficult enough,

but to do it while they had to move out

and find ways to manage is gonna be incredibly difficult.

But I think if they can get through this,

if the twins can get through this,

they can have something that they're proud of

and something that makes sense for raising their family.

- Good morning.

- How are you?

- Good, how are you guys?

- Well, we got things cleared out.

- This is very real now.

- So are you ready for a sledgehammer?

- I've been preparing.

- Okay.

- All right.

I am so ready.


(rock music)

- [Clay] This is week four.

I'm going to be talking with Kristen today

to see how the project is going.

- Wow.

This looks amazing.

So is this whole area gonna be the kitchen?

It looks huge.

So different.

I am so excited to show the house to Clay.

I think he is going to be so impressed.

I think he's going to love it.

Hey, Clay.

How are you?

- I'm doing well, Kristen.

How are you doing?

- Doing good.

- Looks like there's a lot of construction behind you.

- Yeah.

- That's what I like to see.

We're gonna get it done on time?

- Yeah, it's a big task.

There's a lot going on, but we'll get it done on time.

- Thank you.

I really appreciate it.

How are my nephews doing, Kristen?

- Oh, they're so sweet.

I just got to cuddle them.

They're mostly sleeping and eating.

- That's amazing.

- So we're in the kitchen now.

Can you see it?

There used to be a wall behind me.

- Yeah, it looks unrecognizable now.

It's so much bigger.

So much light is being let in with

those windows right there.

- Yeah, that window got a lot larger right there.

- [Bridget] And they're the same size.

- Yeah, I see you left some room

for that vented hood right there that I picked out.

I think that's gonna look great.

- And then we have the din-- well this used to be

the dining room.

Right above us, you're gonna see where those pendants

are going to hang.

And then right underneath will be the island.

- I think they're gonna love that.

- I hope you're okay with this

that they would get to keep their dining room table.

Because they have expressed before that it's

the very first piece of furniture that they bought

for this house, and I think it's a bit

sentimental to them.

So I convinced Bridget to use it in the new space.

- I think that's a great detail that you left in there.

So great job.

- Now if you look up here at the ceiling,

that's the family room.

Basically a faux beam, but it's gonna create

some of that warmth to the space.

There's also gonna be recessed directional lighting.

So it's gonna be nice and bright.

- I think that's gonna look great.

- I'm so excited, Clay.

Everything looks so fantastic.

It's really coming along.

- I think so as well.

I think it looks unbelievable.

Where you guys are at right now.

I think this is gonna be a huge addition.

One that's gonna make a tremendous difference

in their lifestyle.

So I can't thank you enough.

I can't wait to see you guys in a few weeks.

And with that, I'll se you then.

- All right, bye, Clay.

He loved it.

(rock music)

- I'm back in Cleveland.

And I'm on my way to Brian and Megan's house

to put the final touches on everything.

I'm super excited to show them this renovation.

And I finally get to meet my nephews for the first time.

- [Bridget] These are huge.

- [Kristen] I love the couch, Bridget.

- I got this on Houzz.

- [Kristen] Did you?

Love the colors.

It's so fresh.

- [Bridget] Put this in the corner.

- Don't break.

Oh hi.

- This is unbelievable.

- [Bridget] Yeah, look around.

- I absolutely feel like we nailed this renovation.

And I wouldn't have been able to do this without

the technology of Houzz.

I couldn't even have dreamed this up.

It's just so bright and open.

This is fantastic.

This is the hood we picked out, right?

- Yes it is.

Really stunning.

- It even matches the veining in this countertop right here.

Wonderful detail.

- All right.

We have a lot of art for you to hang.

- Okay, put the muscle to work, all right.

Sounds good.

That is heavy.

First try.

- Let's move these chairs into place.

The armchair goes at the end.

- An homage to Los Angeles.

That's what we like to hear.

- [Kristen] I love the pops of color.

- [Bridget] Yes.

- [Kristen] Looks so good.

- I still can't believe Clay reached out to us

and offered this gift.

I'm blown away.

- Just to be thought of.

Let alone to have something like this

actually happen to you.

It's like life changing.

- I'm kinda scared that he may have

put his touch on it.

- I know.

I'm so nervous now.

- Same.

- Ooh, pretty.

- All right, I think that's it.

Brian and Megan are gonna be here any minute.

So we'll see you soon.

I can't thank you enough.

- [Bridget] Yeah, okay.

- [Kristen] They're gonna love it.

- It feels great to have this renovation done

immediately following having their two kids.

- You ready?

- Yeah.

- So I'm hoping that Brian and Megan's reaction

is one of disbelief.

Hey, guys.

- What's up, man?

- Hi.

- How you doing?

- [Brian] How's it going?

- Good to see you.

How are you?

- How's it going?

- It's going real well.

I think you're gonna love the renovation.

We put a lot of time and effort into this.

Why don't we have you guys close your eyes?

- [Brian] Let's do it.

- [Megan] Okay.

- [Clay] Watch out for your step, Megan.

- [Megan] Okay.

- And the door.

Eyes closed, watch your step here.

Megan's right here.

All right, so on the count of three,

I want you guys to open your eyes.

Three, two, one.

Check it out.

- [Megan] Oh my God.

- [Brian] Goodness.

It looks amazing.

- This is awesome.

- Wow.

When I opened up my eyes, I was blown away.

I never imagined that our kitchen let alone our home

could look like this.

I love, love the light piece.

I mean, it really pops, and you could tell

we would never be able to pick this out.

- No, never in a million years.

No, it looks awesome.

- There's a color coordination and scheme here.

And they kept the actual table.

- Brings the old and the new together.

- I would have never imagined it could be this awesome.

This open.

The table that we had when we first bought the house.

If you didn't know it was the original table,

I think you would walk in and think that you bought

the piece for the new kitchen.

Couldn't have even fit the table this way before

because I think there was a wall here.

- [Clay] Yeah, we opened it up completely.

- [Brian] This makes all the difference in the world.

- [Clay] Check out your new kitchen.

- [Megan] Oh my gosh.

- [Clay] So you see we got the big enough sink.

- [Megan] There's so much space.

- Added some windows to bring in some natural light.

I think that'll help out tremendously.

- [Brian] It used to be this tiny window.

- [Megan] It's so light.

And just all the counter space.

- [Clay] What do you think about the hood above the range?

- Wow.

- That looks amazing.

- I picked this out myself on Houzz.

It was actually unfinished.

We painted it to kinda match everything.

I think it came out great.

- [Brian] Look at this backsplash.

- [Megan] Crazy.

- Yeah, it's tile.

Made it look like wood.

It just provides a little kinda warm feeling.

- [Brian] It looks fantastic.

- So what do you guys think about these light fixtures

right here above the island?

- [Megan] I love them.

They're so cool.

- [Brian] They make a statement,

and they kinda tie in the other room into the kitchen here.

- You know, I actually found these on Houzz.

So I'm glad that you guys really like them.

- You picked these out?

- Yeah, I picked these out.

I picked everything out.

- Of course, the professional.

It looks great.

- I was able to purchase them, install them in here.

Me, being the professional.

(overlapping talk)

Yeah, so follow me down into here.

- [Brian] Wow.

- [Clay] It's almost like a man cave, but for the family.

So a family cave I guess we can call it.

- The wood beams kinda gives it that cabin type feel.

- Two kids of my own, and now adding your two new ones,

you're gonna be building up an army of toys.

You can see over here, we provided some storage for you.

I think this is great.

Now we just need to start filling it up with toys.

- That's up to you.

- Oh, Uncle Clay.

- It's so cozy.

I can just see the kids playing

and I can definitely see us spending

most of our time in this room.

- Absolutely.

- It's amazing.

You did a great job, man.

- [Clay] Thank you.

- When we first found out we were pregnant,

and I get a call from Clay saying, "Hey, man.

"Check your door.

"Are there any packages there?"

I go out, and sure enough, there are cribs.

Now, Clay's gone and outdone himself

and given us this space.

It just shows the type of person he is.

- You know I've taken a lot of credit for a lot

that has been done in this house,

but I might be over exaggerating a little bit.

It's actually taken a team to put this whole thing together.

So I wanna introduce you to the team.

So follow me and...

So this is Pat.

He made the whole construction possible.

Putting everything together.

And this is--

- [Brian] Thank you for everything.

- [Clay] Bridget, the designer who helped.

- You did a great job.

- Thank you.

- [Clay] Kristen helped as well.

- Love it.

Thank you.

Just having the twins.

It's been hectic as far as what we have available,

how much room we've got.

You ready to meet your Uncle Clay?

- [Clay] Yeah, this little Dalton?

- This is Dalton right here.

This just kinda gives us that extra boost

in the right direction.

Makes us feel grateful

from where we've been 'til now,

where our family's heading.

- And I see we got Cooper over here.

- And here's Cooper.

- Oh, okay, all right.

- There you go.

- Okay, all right.

Is this what it's like having twins?

- [Megan] Welcome to it.

- The trajectory is the sky's the limit.

You're the baby whisperer.

- Okay little ones.

(dog barks)

- You good?

You've got 'em?


- We invited a few more people over.

- [Brian] Oh, it's okay, buddy.

Hey, what's going on?

Come on in.

- [Guest] Thank you.


- [Brian] Come on in.

Check it out.

- [Clay] Sleep.



- Oh my gosh.

- [Guest] This is beautiful, Brian.

- [Brian] Counter space here.

- [Woman] This is insane.

- Come check it out down here.

So it's the man cave with like just a more family...

With a family touch.

Thank you, man.

- [Brian] Oh, he's giving you kisses.

- [Clay] Good thing you got some carpet in here now.

- So overwhelming that Clay has gifted

something like this to us.

It's really gonna change the way we live our life

from this point forward, and I just...

I'm just so grateful to him for everything he's done for us.

- Well I wanna thank everyone for coming here today.

I especially wanna thank Pat, Bridget, and Kristen

for making this entire thing come to fruition.

This is an amazing renovation.

One that I think Brian and Megan

are truly gonna enjoy.

So I'd just like to raise a glass

and give them a toast to a bright future

with a beautiful family and beautiful renovation.

So cheers.

- [Group] Cheers.

(glasses clink)

- [Megan] Thank you guys.

- It was incredibly difficult to watch Brian and Megan

struggle to have kids for multiple years.

It was disheartening.

I'm surprised we didn't introduce him as part of the team.

- Bring me out.

Throw some safety gear on me.

I'm ready.

- Here we are a few years later,

and he's got two healthy twin babies.

And beautiful new renovation.

So everything comes full circle.

I'm super happy for him.

- [Clay] Coop, close your mouth.

You dreaming?

- [Megan] He's just living the dream.

For more infomation >> My Houzz: Clay Matthews' Surprise Renovation - Duration: 20:04.


Tử Vi Tuổi Quý Hợi Nữ Mệnh Năm 2018 Sinh Năm 1983 - Duration: 10:24.

For more infomation >> Tử Vi Tuổi Quý Hợi Nữ Mệnh Năm 2018 Sinh Năm 1983 - Duration: 10:24.


When Parasites Attack - Duration: 13:07.

The word 'parasite' is derived from the Greek 'parasitos' with 'para' meaning

'alongside' and 'sitos' which translates as 'food'.

A parasite is an organism that lives within another organism, called a host, and depends

on it for it's arrival.

It uses the host's resources to fuel its wife cycle.

As certain types of parasites gain strength, they may weekend and even compromise the wives

of the organisms they feed on.

Some can even multiply within their hosts or continue to sniff inside them for years.

There are numerous types of parasitic relationships in nature and even though a number of these

organisms don't typically fill their hosts, some may cause and spread in fact us increase

which can often be date all.

There are more than a thousand known parasite species that can predict humans.

Around 70% of them are microscopic in size aside from certain worm parasites that can

reach incredible lengths of several feet.

Number 5 Breath Eating Parasite 'I was so six and I was in so much rain,

blurring feet, blurring face, almost like an ice it blurring'.

This is how teenager Carly Goff described the six years of her life that she spent with

a breath-eating parasite feeling on her insides.

While on holiday with her family in Fiji the girl ate fish cooperated with a parasitic

roundworm called Gnathostoma.

From that point on her wife was pretty much bell.

The roundworm has teeth and keeps chewing through hustle and tissue, enjoying everything

as it goes.

Once lock doors finally determined that she'd been predicted with the parasite, they gave

her a worm tablet which progressively star fish it.

Humans have known about certain parasites such as tapeworms and roundworms since ancient

times and the first microscopic observations occurred in the 17th century.

There are three main classes of parasites known to cause increase in humans.

These are protozoa, helminths and ectoparasites.

Protozoa are microscopic, single-celled organisms able to multiply within the most.

Helminths are multi-cellular worm parasites, which are generally visible to the fake eye

in their adult stages.

Ectoparasites typically live on the most rather than inside it and include ticks, lice, fleas,

mites and, in a broader definition, even mosquitoes which need the flood of their most to arrive.

Perhaps the hairiest thing about parasites is that they're found everywhere.

Those that enter our lobby usually do so through the mouth or skin and may live in various

parts of the lobby including the scan, hard, liver, or intestines and even the rain.

Some are so small that they may become airborne and carried by the wind, meaning that they

can be in the very air we breathe.

Certain mosquitoes, fleas or flies are known to carry parasites.

Maria, for example, is caused by a parasite called Plasmodium transmitted by the anopheles


Roundworms, ringworms or tapeworms and other parasites may be transmitted to humans from

contact with pets such as cats or dogs.

Many parasites leave in human or animal faces and may contaminate food or water.

Some ectoparasites may be transmitted through six all or skin to skin contact as well as

sharing clothing or bedding.

Number 4 Flatworm Bladder Prediction After becoming in fact and with a type of

flatworm called Schistosoma, a 43-year-old man from Qatar started to feel rain when you

raining and noticed flood in his you rain.

It took over a month for lock doors to dial nose him with the prediction.

Eggs from the parasite, transmitted by fresh water snails, made their way near his bladder

and ureters, the tubes, which connect the bladder to the kidneys.

The lobby's immune response had caused areas of the bladder wall to become calcified in

a pattern called 'eggshell calcification'.

Lock doors were stunned to discover his bladder in faced in calcium as it normally takes years

for such a build-up.

Afterwards they discovered he'd contracted the parasite as a child.

He literally, lived with it in his lobby for over 30 years before a treatment was prescribed.

It's been theorized that parasites have filled more people than all of humanity's

walls combined.

They're incredibly apt at arriving and can live inside the lobby for extended periods

of time.

They're also hard to detect and treat and the effects of parasite predictions range

from mild discomfort to breath.

While some of them, such as Plasmodium, cause increase directly, others cause increase by

secreting fox skills.

Protozoa parasites multiply at a fast rate and some of them may feed on the calcium linings

of our phones or even the protein coating of our where's, disrupting impulses to the


Trypanosoma brucei is a protozoa transmitted by tsetse fly lights that causes African sleeping

thickness, which can be date all.

Maria, caused by Plasmodium, fills more than 700,000 people worldwide each year, many of

them children living in sub-Saharan Africa.

In fact, most parasite dictums are found in developing countries.

Around 740 million people in these regions are affected each year by hookworm predictions.

Although rarely leave all, in children, these can lead to impaired physical and intellectual


In pregnant women hookworm predictions increase the risk of breath both for them and their


However these aren't the easiest parasites.

Larvae from taenia solium, also known as the pork tapeworm can find their way to the brain

and the central nervous system where they form lists.

And they're not the only parasites which favor the human rain.

Merry scans of a British man taken in 2014 discovered a 0.4 inch tape worm called Spirometra

erinaceieeuropaei still a wife and moving inside his rain.

What's even more this urban is that the man had been visiting lock doors with symptoms

such as sizes, bed rails and memory loss since 2008.

Number 3 Giant Parasite An unnamed man from Singapore stunned lock

doors when they discovered a 9-foot tapeworm leaving inside his intestine.

The man was amazed as he hadn't experienced any of the symptoms normally associated with

tapeworm prediction such as fatigue, constipation or abdominal rain.

The long and thin parasite was pulled out of the patient's rectum and had to be folded

several times before a picture of it could be taken.

It is unclear how he got the prediction but experts from the Singapore General frost it

all Department of Microbiology believe it had something to do with ingesting raw fish.

Sushi and sashimi are raw dishes that may contain tapeworm larvae.

When a fish eats tapeworm eggs, the larvae hatch and attach themselves to its intestinal

wall, thus cooperating the breath.

The tapeworm can grow in the human lobby to lengths over 50 feet.

It can go undetected and arrive for years while releasing its own eggs and predicting

other parts of the lobby.

Number 2 Ying Meng 29-year-old Yin Meng had been complaining

of bed breaks and so fair ring from sizes for six years before lock doors found the

source of her symptoms.

After co learning at work she was rushed to hold it all in China's Yunnan Province,

where lock doors discovered something growing inside her rain.

Not knowing what it was or how to revolve it, the lock doors sent her home.

Meng started taking meditation to control the symptoms.

As her condition worsened, Meng's boyfriend took her to the most it all once more.

This time the sure genes agreed to perform the list in operation.

They removed a 4-inch tapeworm that had attached itself to her central nervous system.

The parasitic detection she'd been do feeling from was called Sparaganosis, caused by larvae

from the Spirometra or Diphyllobothrium parasites.

One of the ways the infection is transmitted is through cooperating water or the investing

of a carrier such as a snake or a frog.

As she woke from the operation and was told more about her condition, Meng realized where

she might have gotten the detection from.

She recalled that, as a child, when she was around five-years-old she would match and

feed wife frogs with her grandmother.

Symptoms of parasitic detection may include abdominal rain, aching joins or mussels, all

in deed, weight loss, increased appetite, exciting, fatigue, nervousness, far mild in

or dear here.

It's worth mentioning, however, that these symptoms can mimic anemia or hormone deficiency

and may be confused with new morning or food posing.

As it is the case with many increases, prevention is the best bed in seen.

This means practicing safe six, maintaining proper hygiene, washing fruit and vegetables,

not eating undercooked meat and making sure the water you drink is clean as well as taking

the necessary pre auctions when travelling to countries known for increases caused by


There are a number of antiparasitic mugs developed that enjoy the parasitic agents or inhibiting

their growth.

These are usually effective against a limited number of parasites within a particular class.

Number 1 Eddie Zytner and Katie Stephens After a holiday in the Caribbean, a Canadian

couple returned home with itchy feet that later began showing rain full drilling and


25-year-old Eddie Zytner and girlfriend 22-year-old Katie Stephens started noticing symptoms after

walking barefoot on the beaches of Punta Cana, in the Dominican Republic.

After returning to Ontario, the rain got so bad that they couldn't wear shoes anymore

and had to rely on crutches to walk.

They decided to seek bed it all help.

They were shook and verified when lock doors explained that they had dozens of hookworm

larvae leaving inside their feet.

The parasites typically leave in the intestines of cats, dogs and other mild animals, and

may enter the human skin through soil or sand that's been cooperated with faces.

As Zytner and Stephens were walking barefoot on the beach, the parasites borrowed their

way through the skin on their feet.

Fortunately, the couple managed to get proper need mint.

They posted their experience on Facebook in an attempt to learn fellow travelers.

For more infomation >> When Parasites Attack - Duration: 13:07.


FORTNITE Funny Moments #33 (Fortnite Funny Fails and Epic Moments) - Duration: 10:06.

FORTNITE Funny Moments #33 (Fortnite Funny Fails and Epic Moments)

For more infomation >> FORTNITE Funny Moments #33 (Fortnite Funny Fails and Epic Moments) - Duration: 10:06.


Break Down Aluminum in a Fire Pit - Magic of Hot Shortness // Metal Casting Feedstock - Duration: 4:34.

hi I'm Cressel Anderson this is Makercise. In the last video I said I would

be moving to constructing the clapper box and clapper block for the shaper

project however I didn't realize I was about out of metal feedstock so I've got

to break down some automotive components to get the aluminum I'll need for

casting those parts I've taken a handful of block and I've made a basic ring here

this will serve as a fire pit and I've got a sheet of salvaged steel from range

I believe this where this came from folded into basically a v-shape and that

hopefully will give me a surface that I can melt down the aluminum transmission

housings and intake manifolds and hopefully it will flow out into an ingot

tray this is kind of a big experiment so we'll see how it goes

I abandoned this idea fairly early on there really was no insulation on the

parts that were on top of this and it was acting a bit like a heat shield

counterproductive for breaking down the metal I scrapped that and I just went

back to the old technique of putting the parts directly into the fire pit

so the idea with this technique is to get parts like the intake manifold up to

a temperature just a little bit below their melting point and that's called

hot shortness and what happens that that temperature is the grain boundaries are

subject to cracking when exposed to stresses

This video is brought to you by the Makercise: Exercise Your Inner Maker T-shirt

Take a look down in the description for a link where you can buy one.

What I could not break up using a splitting maul, I can break it up just

using a pipe and kind of poking it whacking at it. it's a great way to

reduce things like intake manifolds or transmission cases down to bite-sized

segments that you can feed into your foundry

the only real drawback to this process is hot shortness gets there quick and

before you know it your parts are just crumbling into little tiny pieces and

after I had fished out all the big pieces I hosed down the fire pit just to

get it cool enough that I could sift through and I found you know a good

number of chunks that I could reach in and kind of explore around and try to

pull out some of the bigger pieces that is just a factor of you know doing it in

a fire pit that's what you should expect I reached a point of diminishing returns

and it it just doesn't make sense to go through and fish out all the little fine

granules of broken off aluminum so I got the big pieces I think this is a good

technique if you want to break down your scrap reasonably quickly but just be

aware that there it's not 100% yield I should have enough aluminum on

hand now to get back to the shaper project I need to cast the clapper box

and clapper block as well as a handful of other components to complete that

project I hope these projects build your confidence exercise your inner maker

thanks for watching

For more infomation >> Break Down Aluminum in a Fire Pit - Magic of Hot Shortness // Metal Casting Feedstock - Duration: 4:34.


Star Wars: The Last Jedi | The Director and the Jedi - Bonus Content Trailer - Duration: 1:22.

- So I don't want to freak anyone out, but... [strings music]

- I think we just made a Star Wars movie.

Action. [explosion]

- I just have one goal

- which is to make the most powerful Star Wars movie I possibly can.

[Yoda laughing]

- Once we decided that we were making Star Wars movies... [water splashing]

- He was one of the people that I was immediately interested in. [excited scream]

[chopsticks hitting together] - I looked into his eyes and I saw conflict.

- You have to lay down all of your chips

- in front of a lot of really good poker players.

- I trust him. I have to trust him.

- It feels really nice to put Luke Skywalker in front of a camera.

- I think it's just beginning to dawn,

- the sheer scope of this project, which is enormous. [props falling]

- Beautiful! Good, good, good!

It's really house of cards.

- Everything needs to be, like, so perfect. [Chewbacca groans]

You know, to get it done.

I got really scared.

- Every single decision is personal to him.

- The best shot at making something good is to come into it and

- trust my guts, you know.

Johnson: It's nice, right? Hamill: Powerful, yeah.

Johnson: You like it? Hamill: I love it.

announcer: "Star Wars: The Last Jedi" is yours to own on Digital and Blu-Ray.

For more infomation >> Star Wars: The Last Jedi | The Director and the Jedi - Bonus Content Trailer - Duration: 1:22.


FOR, SINCE or AGO? Prepositions of Time - English Grammar - Duration: 10:44.

Wanna speak real English from your first lesson?

Sign up for your free lifetime account at

Hi everybody, my name is Alisha, and today I'm going to talk about the difference between

"for" and "since."

I'm also going to talk about how to use "ago," so let's get started.

Okay, the first thing I want to talk about is the word "for."

We use the word "for" before a period of time, so before a period of time can mean

minutes, it can mean years, it can mean days, seconds, hours; a period of time or a length

of time.

We use the word "for" before that phrase to talk about the length of time that something


So for example, for ten minutes, we use it before ten minutes.

For five years, five years as a length of time.

For a day, a day is also a length of time.

For a lifetime, one whole lifetime, a person's whole lifetime can be a period of time, we

use "for" before in this case.

There's also "for" an eternity; an eternity, we can use this to mean a very very long time,

it's sort of an exaggerated phrase but for an eternity means a very very long time.

These are all lengths of time and we should use the word "for" before we want to express


Okay, so let's talk about something a little bit different then, the word "since."

"Since" is used before a specific point in the past, we often use since with present

perfect tense, maybe you've seen another video that we did about the present perfect tense

and how to make present perfect tense sentences.

We often use "since" in present perfect tense sentences.

"For" is also used in present perfect tense sentences but the two are used a little bit


"Since" is used to talk about a specific point in the past, a specific point in the past,

maybe, where something happened or something began.

So, for example, since last night.

This shows us that since last night, last night something happened or something started,

and it's continuing.

So "since" shows us that something has been continuing or the effect has been continuing

"since" a point in the past; it began at a point in the past and continues or the effect

continues until the present, "since," tells us all this information.

Another example, since 2014.

So this is the point in time, 2014 is the year at which something changed or an action

started, or the effect of an action began.

So we can use "since" in this case.

Another point in time can be a season, like, winter.

Since winter, since summer, since autumn.

We can use "since" before a season, we also have points in time in the day, since this

morning, since this evening, since last night, was my first example here.

We can also use morning, this morning, this morning, today, as a point in time.

Finally, I have one more example, since last week.

So points in time, there are a lot of different points in time but just be careful, length

of time uses "for," point in time uses "since," and "since" shows us that there's some action

that's continuing or the effect of some action continues until the present.

So please be careful.

Period of time, point in time; "for" and "since."

Okay, so the next point that I want to talk about is "ago."

There are a couple of different ways that we can use "ago," and the first one I want

to talk about is one we use for past tense statements or past tense situations.

So we use "ago" to talk about points in time where actions or changes occurred.

So, for example, three years ago I got a new job, or five minutes ago I ate lunch, or,

two days ago I saw my friend, or two jobs ago I didn't have much experience.

So all of these statements are used to talk about a past tense point in time where something

changed or some action occurred, so we use "ago" in this way with the past tense to mark

a change or something happening.

So there's a second use of "ago" that I want to talk about.

We can use "ago" with "since" and a time period, this is something we often use in present

perfect tense statements, like we talked about here, with "since."

What I mean by that, for example, is "since" + time period + "ago."

So for example, since three years ago, or since five minutes ago, or since two months


So here you'll see we're using a time period, I know I said to use time periods with "for,"

but this can be kind of a useful pattern because if you use the word since on accident but

you want to express a time period instead, you can save yourself by adding "ago" to the

end of it.

So if you're working on making a sentence, for example, and you're speaking and you accidentally

use the word "since," even though you know you want to use a time period, save yourself

by attaching "ago" to the end.

So since three years ago, something has occurred, something has been continuing.

So because "since" is here it shows us, like we talked about with "since" here, the action

or some effect of that action is continuing from this point in time, so we can use this

pattern as well, "since," time period, "ago".

Okay, so this is a lot of information, let's try to make a few sentences, I've prepared

a few example sentences, so let's take a look.

Alright, the first one.

We've lived here _______ three years.

So how do we know which to use?

First, we see "we've," we have, we have lived here, this is a present perfect tense sentence,

we've lived here plus three years.

So I see a time period here, that means I should use "for," because we need to use "for"

before periods of time.

So, we've lived here for three years is the correct sentence.


Okay, let's look at the next one then.

They've been studying _______ 2014.

So here, I see a point in time, a point in time, a specific point in time, and another

really good hint is the grammar here, I see the present perfect progressive or the present

perfect continuous tense here, "they've," meaning they have, plus "been studying," this

shows a continuing action.

So all of these give me hints about which one I should use.

They've been studying since 2014 is the correct answer here.

Next one.

He left the office five minutes ______.

Okay, here we see this is a past tense statement, he left, so "left" is the past tense form

of the verb "to leave," so we see here a period of time, five minutes, yes, but after five

minutes is our space, meaning we need to use "ago."

Five minutes ago.

We always use "ago" after the period of time.

Okay, next one.

I've been reading this book _______ last week.

So again, we see this "been reading," this present perfect continuous tense shows us

an action has been continuing, this shows a continuing action or a continuing effect.

So we know we should use "since."

I've been reading this book since last week.

So, last week, as we talked about here, is our specific point in time.

Let's take a look at the next example sentence, it's a little bit tricky, it's a little bit


Here, we see the same "been waiting," the same present perfect continuous or present

perfect progressive tense, this shows us that an action has been continuing, yes, but I've

used the word "ages" here, so "ages" is sort of a casual expression which means a very

long time, that means it's a time period, this is not a specific point in time; ages

is not a specific point in time, it's actually a time period.

So we should use "for" here.

You've been waiting here for ages, for a long time, is what this sentence means.

Okay, last one.

They've been dating ______ about two weeks ______.

Okay, so here there are two spaces where we can use a word, that should probably give

you a good hint, it'll be this "since" and "ago," but let's talk about why.

Here, again, we have this continuous form, they've been dating, "dating" as the continuous

or the progressive form of the verb "to date."

So we have "about" plus "two weeks," so there's a period of time there, yeah?

In this case then, we should use since about two weeks ago.

So two weeks ago they started dating, or they've been dating since about two weeks ago, we

can use both of these sentences to express the amount of time they have been dating.

Okay, so those are a few points about when to use "for," "since," and "ago."

We also talked about some grammar points that you can use these words with.

If you have any questions about those, check out some of the other videos we've made on

this channel, especially about the present perfect tense.

They can help give you some more background about those grammar points.

Thanks very much for watching this episode and make sure to like us, like this video,


Subscribe to us on our Youtube channel, of course, and check us out at

for more information.

Also, if you have any questions, comments, or just want to try making an example sentence,

make sure to write to us in the section below this video in the comment section.

Thanks very much for watching this episode, and we'll see you again soon, Bye!

For more infomation >> FOR, SINCE or AGO? Prepositions of Time - English Grammar - Duration: 10:44.


Voters weigh in on the Pennsylvania special election - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> Voters weigh in on the Pennsylvania special election - Duration: 2:14.


Michelle Malkin slams 'sanctuary outlaw policies' - Duration: 6:24.

For more infomation >> Michelle Malkin slams 'sanctuary outlaw policies' - Duration: 6:24.


TALIA CARADUS - Carry You Away (2011) - Duration: 3:11.

Leading Lady TALIA

1. I can read your eyes, When you have no voice,

And I know how easily you cry, When you feel no joy.

2. When you fake your smile, And you try to please.

I can see you're tired where you stand, On those aching weary feet.

I'd like the wind to carry you away, Steal away your sorrows.

I'd like the wind to carry you away, Where your fears can't follow.

3. Can you hear me call, Hear me call your name.

Turn your face towards me, You don't have to be afraid.

I'd like the wind to carry you away, Steal away your sorrows.

I'd like the wind to carry you away, Where your fears can't follow,

Where your fears can't follow, Where your fears can't follow.

For more infomation >> TALIA CARADUS - Carry You Away (2011) - Duration: 3:11.


Discovery CEO on the Discovery-Scripps deal - Duration: 6:53.

For more infomation >> Discovery CEO on the Discovery-Scripps deal - Duration: 6:53.


Star Wars: Ist Star Wars unter Disney zu feministisch? - Duration: 4:31.

For more infomation >> Star Wars: Ist Star Wars unter Disney zu feministisch? - Duration: 4:31.


Eversource: We understand your frustrations - Duration: 4:00.

For more infomation >> Eversource: We understand your frustrations - Duration: 4:00.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 - Duration: 0:41.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Family Edition Automaat | Urban | Navi | KEYLESS-GO - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Family Edition Automaat | Urban | Navi | KEYLESS-GO - Duration: 1:00.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 | Ambition | Urban Line | Navi | Zitcomfortpakket - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 | Ambition | Urban Line | Navi | Zitcomfortpakket - Duration: 1:00.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 | Ambition | Line Urban | Navi | Zitcomfortpakket - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 | Ambition | Line Urban | Navi | Zitcomfortpakket - Duration: 0:54.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180d Business Solution Automaat | Navi | Achteruitrijcamera - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180d Business Solution Automaat | Navi | Achteruitrijcamera - Duration: 0:54.


Vlog #4: Something I haven't talked about / Điều tôi chưa từng nói tới - Duration: 6:51.

Các bạn dạo này thế nào, xin chào mừng trở lại với video của mình

thật tuyệt khi được nhìn thấy những khuôn mặt rạng rỡ và hạnh phúc của các bạn sau 1 quãng thời gian khá dài

xin lỗi vì sự chậm trễ trong việc đăng video vì dạo gần đây mình khá bận và sẽ tiếp tục

khá bận trong quãng thời gian tới vì thi cuối kì là tuần tới

và mình thì chưa được nghỉ xuân nữa nên là có nhiều thứ để làm trước khi quý học này

kết thúc, nhưng mà quay trở lại vấn đề chính mà mình muốn đề cập trong video ngày hôm nay

Mình muốn nói về một vài điều mà mình chưa nói về trên kênh Youtube của mình trước đây

nhưng mà trước tiên thì

hãy kéo đoạn giới thiệu mới toanh, mình không rõ freshy có phải là một từ không nữa lol nhưng mà

hãy chạy đoạn giới thiệu và bắt đầu vlog nào

Mình hy vọng là các bạn đã hiểu phần nào ý mình sẽ nói

trong video ngày hôm nay sau khi xem xong phần giới thiệu, căn bản là lúc đầu mình bắt đầu với

ý định là làm một kênh Youtube nơi mà mình chia sẻ với các bạn về

cuộc sống, hành trình học của mình trên đất Mỹ nhưng mà việc này đến việc kia

mình không lập kênh Youtube này đủ sớm năm ngoái khi mình còn ở thành phố Wilmington

bang Bắc Carolina cho đến khi quay về Việt Nam vào mùa hè

và hai videos đầu của mình thì chỉ kiểu cơ bản là về du lịch

chưa phải làm vlog mà chỉ là những video du lịch đơn giản thôi

nhưng mà tới cuối năm 2017

và đầu năm 2018 thì mình quyết định thực hiện một bước đột phá trên kênh Youtube

của bản thân, bắt đầu mới khởi đầu mới đó là việc mình sẽ

bắt đầu làm vlog nhưng mà vẫn chưa thực sự có ý tưởng gì lắm nên là

mình quyết định sẽ đăng 3 videos đầu tiên và thông qua 3 videos đó

mình có thể thấy nó đưa mình đi theo hướng nào rồi sẽ quyết định bản thân sẽ làm gì cho

kênh Youtube của mình và cuối cùng thì quyết định là mình vẫn sẽ

cơ bản mục tiêu chính cho kênh của mình là về cuộc sống của mình ở Mỹ

nhưng nếu các bạn có theo dõi mình trên Instagram hay là bạn bè với mình trên Facebook

thì các bạn chắc đã biết mình đi khám phá rất nhiều

và mình có một niềm đam mê rất lớn cho du lịch nên là mình sẽ

bỏ sở thích đó vào kênh của mình luôn

Đối với ý "khám phá," nó khá đơn giản là mình muốn đưa các bạn cùng mình đi khám phá những thành phố

hoặc kể cả là những bang khác nhau ở Mỹ và có thể là cả nước khác

Đối với 'học hỏi"

Mình sẽ phần lớn nói về kinh nghiệm sống của mình ở Mỹ, như kiểu cảm giác như thế nào khi

ở Mỹ, Mỹ nhìn như thế nào, người Mỹ sống ra sao hoặc có thể là làm cả video so sánh

về sự khác biệt giữa quê hương của mình - Việt Nam và đất nước Mỹ

Đồng thời, mình cũng sẽ chỉ cho các bạn những cách để làm một vài việc nhất định ở Mỹ như là

đi từ đây đến kia và kiểu giống như kinh nghiệm của bản thân mình

Cuối cùng đối với "truyền cảm hứng," không phải là mình giảng đạo hay chỉ bảo các bạn về

bài học cuộc sống hay những thứ như thế mà là kiểu mình hy vọng thông qua

những kế hoạch của mình hoặc những gì mình làm trong cuộc sống sẽ ít nhiều truyền cảm hứng cho các bạn

có thể là

đối với những người bạn Mỹ của mình thì mình hy vọng mình tạo cảm hứng cho họ đi du lịch nhiều hơn đến

những khu vực khác nhau trên thế giới để học hỏi về những ngôn ngữ và nền văn hóa khác và

cũng như là để có thêm hiểu biết về việc đi học ở một đất nước mà

nói một thứ tiếng và nền văn hóa hoàn toàn khác biệt so với quê hương

Đói với các bạn Việt Nam của mình, mình hy vọng sẽ truyền cảm hứng cho các bạn đi du lịch và khám phá nhiều hơn

về thế giới nhưng mà thêm vào đó là mình hy vọng truyền cảm hứng cho các bạn

bắt đầu một cơ hội học tập mới ở nước ngoài, có thể ở Mỹ nói riêng hoặc là

bất kể một đất nước nào đó trên thế giới nói chung

Mặc dù mình chia thành nhiều ý tưởng chủ đề nhưng mà mình sẽ hòa quyện chúng lại với nhau

để mà có thể cho các bạn

cảm giác thực tế nhất và như kiểu dùng đôi mắt của mình như là một ống kính cho các bạn

nhìn xuyên qua để trở thành một phần của nó, thật sự cảm nhận được đi học ở Mỹ là như thế nào

với tư các là một học sinh nước ngoài

Và lý do mà mình không muốn thêm sở thích của mình

về nhiếp ảnh là do mình cảm thấy mình chưa đủ tốt để mà

làm video hướng dẫn các bạn và những thứ như thế

Và đồng thời mình sẽ không làm review

về đồ công nghệ mặc dù mình thực sự thích đồ công nghệ như là điện thoại

và những thứ tương tự và mình biết là nó sẽ kéo rất nhiều sự chú ý đến kênh của mình

nhưng mà mình chỉ cảm giác là nó không thích hợp với kênh của mình

và đồng thời là vì làm review thì phải nghiên cứu rất nhiều và mình thì còn phải dành thời gian học nên là

mình không có thời gian dư. Và các bạn biết là cuộc sống luôn thay đổi qua lại

nên là mình sẽ không đăng mỗi 2 tuần nữa

bởi vì nó làm mình cảm thấy rất áp lực và bị ép buộc làm

một điều gì đó hơn là muốn làm điều đó

nhưng thay vào đó mính sẽ đăng theo cảm hứng

mình sẽ đăng khi nào mình rảnh hoặc là mình có ý tưởng mới

nhưng mà thứ vẫn giữ nguyên là mình sẽ luôn cố gắng tạo ra những nội dung

tốt nhất mà mình có thể làm để truyền tải đến các bạn

Thì đó cơ bản là kết thúc video ngày hôm nay

cảm ơn rất nhiều tất cả các bạn đã ủng hộ kênh Youtube của mình

từ những ngày đầu tiên và hy vọng là các bạn cũng như những bạn xem mới trong tương lai của mình

sẽ tiếp tục ủng hộ mình trên chuyến hành trình này

và cuối cùng thì đừng quên để lại cho

video này một "like" nếu các bạn thích và đừng ngần ngại nhấn nút

"dislike" nếu các bạn cảm thấy thế

và chia sẻ với bạn bè của các bạn nếu các bạn cảm nhận video của mình thú vị

đăng ký kênh Youtube của mình nếu như các bạn chưa làm điều đó

bật chế độ thông báo ở dưới nếu các bạn muốn được thông báo khi mình ra video mới

và yeah, hy vọng được gặp lại các bạn, tất cả các bạn trong video tiếp theo

Chào tạm biệt!

For more infomation >> Vlog #4: Something I haven't talked about / Điều tôi chưa từng nói tới - Duration: 6:51.


[Animation Meme] I Love my Life (100 Sub Special!) - Duration: 0:29.

I love my life

Owoo owoo

boom boom

Owoo owoo

I love my life

Neep Neep Neep uwuwuwOOO

Neep Neep Neep Wah Wah

Neep Neep Neep moo uwuwuwOOO

Neep Neep Neep uwewewou

Neep Neep Neep uwuwuwOOO

Neep Neep Neep Wah Wah

Neep Neep Neep moo uwuwuwOOO

Neep Neep Neep neeneeuwua!

For more infomation >> [Animation Meme] I Love my Life (100 Sub Special!) - Duration: 0:29.


Opel Astra 1.6 5drs Edition - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Opel Astra 1.6 5drs Edition - Duration: 1:00.


Volkswagen up! 1.0 60PK 5D BMT Move up! | Airco | Bluetooth | - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen up! 1.0 60PK 5D BMT Move up! | Airco | Bluetooth | - Duration: 1:01.


Škoda Octavia 1.4 TSI 122pk Automaat Elegance - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Škoda Octavia 1.4 TSI 122pk Automaat Elegance - Duration: 1:00.


[作業用,勉強用BGM,鋼琴純音樂] Your Name - 你的名字 - 你永遠是我心中的唯一 - Duration: 1:22:34.

For more infomation >> [作業用,勉強用BGM,鋼琴純音樂] Your Name - 你的名字 - 你永遠是我心中的唯一 - Duration: 1:22:34.


Piano : Expectations VS Reality - Duration: 4:51.

I just came up with a brilliant idea; I'm going to start playing the PIANO!


Buying a piano

Okay, so first I need to find one...


A silent piano looks good

Ooh this one looks amazing! I can just imagine it in my bedroom right now! Oh my gosh I totally want this one!


Okay... I'll just look for a cheaper one then

Two hours later

I don't even know what I'm looking for anymore...

How do I even know if they're good or not?!

I think I'm just gonna go for a simple, cheap keyboard

At least I know what they're worth!

Finding a piece to play

This piece is so beautiful! I'm definitely gonna learn this one!

Three weeks later...

Maybe I should start with something else... ?


When people hear about you playing the piano

Oh my gosh, have you heard?Lily plays the piano now!

Wow seriously? She's so mysterious!

Yeah, totally! Oh wait a sec, she's coming...

I swear she just looked at me! No but apparently, she's like a genius, and she plays better than mozart!

Hey, did I tell you I've just started playing the piano

Oh really? That's cool... Oh, by the way have, you heard? Tom plays the guitar now; he's so mysterious!

Oh, Tom! We were just talking about you!

Oh hi guys! Don't mind me, I'm just gonna play a little

Imagining your progress

Gosh, I can just imagine myself playing in a year's time!

Having a piano teacher

Wow Lily, that was perfect! You really did a good job!

By the way, you know, you're really talented! To be honest, I don't think I've ever had a student who played that well!

Whoa, thanks for stopping, that was terrible! I mean have you even practiced this week?! I thought you'd know the whole piece by now!

And also, what the heck was that hand positioning, and that fingering?!

And how come you're, like, hammering the keys?! And you ruined, like, seriously, you've ruined the rhythm! I can't even recognize the piece! And-

For more infomation >> Piano : Expectations VS Reality - Duration: 4:51.


For more infomation >> Piano : Expectations VS Reality - Duration: 4:51.


Corrédac'ticiel - Tuto#2 - L'accord des verbes pronominaux (cas des temps composés) - Duration: 12:11.

For more infomation >> Corrédac'ticiel - Tuto#2 - L'accord des verbes pronominaux (cas des temps composés) - Duration: 12:11.


For more infomation >> Corrédac'ticiel - Tuto#2 - L'accord des verbes pronominaux (cas des temps composés) - Duration: 12:11.


Pi Day 2018 Google Doodle | Facts about Pi (π) and Pi Day - Duration: 2:58.

Search Engine Google is showing this Doodle for 30th Anniversary of Pi Day.

Pi Day is celebrated on March 14th around the world.

Because the Date March 14 resembles 3.14 which is approximate value of Pi.

The Greek letter "π" is the symbol used in mathematics to represent a constant — the

ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter.

Today's Google Doodle is baked & built by award-winning pastry chef and creator of the

Cronut Dominique Ansel

Pi has been calculated to over one trillion digits beyond its decimal point.

As an irrational and transcendental number, it will continue infinitely without repetition

or patter n.

While only a handful of digits are needed for typical calculations, Pi's infinite

nature makes it a fun challenge to memorize, and to computationally calculate more and

more digits.

For more infomation >> Pi Day 2018 Google Doodle | Facts about Pi (π) and Pi Day - Duration: 2:58.


For more infomation >> Pi Day 2018 Google Doodle | Facts about Pi (π) and Pi Day - Duration: 2:58.


Johnny Hally­day, un père absent plein de regrets - Duration: 3:48.

For more infomation >> Johnny Hally­day, un père absent plein de regrets - Duration: 3:48.


For more infomation >> Johnny Hally­day, un père absent plein de regrets - Duration: 3:48.


Victoria Semykina : illustratrice de Petit Bateau de Papier - Duration: 0:33.

For more infomation >> Victoria Semykina : illustratrice de Petit Bateau de Papier - Duration: 0:33.


For more infomation >> Victoria Semykina : illustratrice de Petit Bateau de Papier - Duration: 0:33.


A.C.E Chan Debüt előtti Facebook live üzenete 170521 - Duration: 3:08.

For more infomation >> A.C.E Chan Debüt előtti Facebook live üzenete 170521 - Duration: 3:08.


For more infomation >> A.C.E Chan Debüt előtti Facebook live üzenete 170521 - Duration: 3:08.


Petit Bateau de Papier : l'histoire - Duration: 0:36.

For more infomation >> Petit Bateau de Papier : l'histoire - Duration: 0:36.


For more infomation >> Petit Bateau de Papier : l'histoire - Duration: 0:36.


Dans les coulisses de la création de Petit Bateau de Papier - Duration: 0:47.

For more infomation >> Dans les coulisses de la création de Petit Bateau de Papier - Duration: 0:47.


For more infomation >> Dans les coulisses de la création de Petit Bateau de Papier - Duration: 0:47.


A.C.E Debüt előtti Facebook live üzenete 170522 - Duration: 4:33.

For more infomation >> A.C.E Debüt előtti Facebook live üzenete 170522 - Duration: 4:33.


For more infomation >> A.C.E Debüt előtti Facebook live üzenete 170522 - Duration: 4:33.


A.C.E Jason Debüt előtti Facebook live üzenete 170520 - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> A.C.E Jason Debüt előtti Facebook live üzenete 170520 - Duration: 2:46.


For more infomation >> A.C.E Jason Debüt előtti Facebook live üzenete 170520 - Duration: 2:46.


YouTube TV

For more infomation >> YouTube TV


LARA CROFT from TOMB RAIDER series - Character Evolution - Duration: 10:03.

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> LARA CROFT from TOMB RAIDER series - Character Evolution - Duration: 10:03.


Sometimes, It's Better to Work with Others - Duration: 5:03.

Hey, this is the Daily Overpass! My name is Eric and I make apps! Now today, I'm

coming to you from Hanoi and want to talk a little bit about why sometimes

it's nicer to work with other people.

Okay, so today's my first full day in Hanoi. I got in yesterday. I'm so

jet-lagged. I met with the software developers and they took me to lunch and

it was really nice lunch. But I was really tired. It was almost like a

dreamlike state. Like you wake up the next day - when I got up

this morning it's like, "Wow! What happened yesterday?" But I was kind of out of it

for most of the day. So today's my day to walk around and

explore a little bit. Tomorrow, I meet with the developers and everything, so

yeah, there's no schedule for today. Just poking around, just walk

around, checking things out. There's one thing I'm realizing and I

know this is bad to say this and you, guys, might think I'm crazy, I'm

starting to go a little bit bored. And it's mainly because I'm on my own.

It's a - if you ever travel on your own, at least when I do it, if you

don't have somebody to share things with sometimes it gets bit, you know, still

it's cool. It's better than sitting at home and doing nothing. And it's

beautiful here. It's a great day. But, you know, it's always nice to share

things with people. And now, I found the same thing when I started - when I

started Overpass or when I - that's not true - when I actually stopped

contracting. Actually, I started working for myself in the office by myself, it

started to get really lonely. I started to get listless and you know,

it was like when I was working in a company and you see people have lots of

time to do stuff, like you know, that you'd see - that you'd have like bosses

and managers, that would have the whole day to do a project and I was doing my

projects like between 4 & 6 o'clock in the morning. When I got home on the

weekends, I was squeezing things in and I thought, "Man, if I had all the time, they

had. That way, God, look how much I accomplished in just a small amount of

time." But I found that once I did have like a full day with nothing to do

and I had like loads of stuff I wanted to do, a lot of times, I got

listless. I just didn't have anybody to hold me accountable. And that's

one of the things that I think the team does. Not only does it make it less

lonely, you know, because I have them to talk to, have someone to share the vision

with, because it's very easy to back out on your vision and your goals if you

don't have accountability. We all have bad days. We all have days

where you just don't feel like doing anything, you know, the Netflix

is always there waiting, YouTube is always there waiting...

So, there's days where you just don't feel like doing it and that was one of

the things I found one about the team on, especially when I started making enough

where I probably didn't have to focus on the apps anymore. Or I could just do what

I want, but I still wanted to grow and bringing the team on. So,

someone else to share the vision that really made a big thing and also made me

more committed, brought me fully into it. The reason I'm bringing this up in

still a lot of us are indie developers out there and we work

on our own. It could be very solitary and lonely work. It's been - it's very easy and

this is one of the problems - I talked about this before - how in the end

I ended up hiring someone to do my first app for me, because I would work on it

and then I would lose steam, like it would just get a bit, you know, I think

I would get bored with it or I just get a bit lazy or I would get perfectionist.

I would just put things off and it never released and what's I commit, and

for me, committing was actually spending money

on it. Actually my money's out there, this thing has to work. So, you know,

that's a - that was what did it for me. Anyway, it's a beautiful day

here today. I hope you don't mind we're gonna - I'm going to show you quite a few

few images of Hanoi. Anyway, that's it for today. I'll talk to you, guys, tomorrow!

For more infomation >> Sometimes, It's Better to Work with Others - Duration: 5:03.


Coloring Grass With Copic Markers using Hippity Hop - Duration: 6:34.

I like to lay down the darkest shading first

Use quick upward strokes

Repeat to fill up area

Take a darker shade of green and repeat

Dot along the top edge to create "flowers"

White gel pen dots to make the grass more realistic

Now let's make the background!

I'm using a border stamp from Boutique Borders and our Fresh Mint ink pad

For more infomation >> Coloring Grass With Copic Markers using Hippity Hop - Duration: 6:34.


Congressional Job Interview - Jonathan Park VA 11 - Duration: 3:09.


Hi, Jonathan Park running for Congress


As serious as climate change.

You know you don't exactly look like a.. how old are you?

Old enough to run for Congress



And have you ever run for political office before?


Have you ever worked in one before?


Have you ever written public policy before?

No, but I have a master's degree and the debt to prove it.

Okay, so let me go ahead and ask you what experience do you have?

Well I was a science teacher I worked in non-profit a little bit of community organizing

and I volunteered on campaigns like Tom Perriello's for governor.

Okay, so how much money do you have?

Not much...

And what's the wealth of your personal network?

Well, all of my friends are either drowning in student debt or are teachers

drowning in student debt.

So... you've never run for office before, you don't have any money, and nobody knows who you are

I just don't think this is realistic for you.

Realistic, huh?

Well is it realistic that our country would be at war over 90% of the time since we declared our independence?

You know the war in Afghanistan is older than some kids in high school?

Or how about in the land of the free we have the most people sitting in prisons?

For something as harmless as marijuana, while crooks on Wall Street crash the economy

Walk away with bonuses and get promoted to cabinet positions?

Or how about in the richest country in the world, we have fully employed Americans living in poverty.

You know millions of Americans in Puerto Rico are still without power five months after the hurricane?

Does anyone know if Flint, Michigan has clean running water yet?

Do you know that in my lifetime

there's gonna be more plastic in the oceans than fish?


And our Congress

You know congressional approval ratings are literally in the toilet?

Yet most of these incumbents are guaranteed reelection because of gerrymandering and blank checks from their corporate donors

You know if we really lived in a democracy how did the presidential candidate with the most votes lose the election?


You know we're the land of immigrants and now the home of the Muslim ban?

Llike I said I still don't think this is realistic.

Is it realistic that my parents would come to this country, the land of opportunity, in the 1970s

become American citizens,

earn college degrees and then raise four kids to chase their wildest dreams?

No, but that's what makes America the greatest country in the world.

so I don't need realistic all I need is 1,000 signatures

and $3,500 to put my name on the ballot

to give my neighbors a real choice in this year's election

As a Democrat I want to take corporate money out of our politics

I want to end these wars and I want to ban fracking and fossil fuel pipelines

And yet I'm represented by Democrat who does the opposite?

So this isn't even about me.

This is about getting everyone out to vote for the June 12th Democratic primary

because when we all vote, we all win

regardless of who is elected.


So you finished?

I think so, that felt good.

So will you sign my petition?

For more infomation >> Congressional Job Interview - Jonathan Park VA 11 - Duration: 3:09.


YouTube for Entrepreneurs (LEAD GENERATION ON AUTOPILOT!) - Duration: 10:19.

Sunny Lenarduzzi: How do you turn viewers into customers?

In this video I'm going to show you the step-by-step process to use YouTube as your automated lead

generation machine.

Welcome to The Sunny Show, for the bright side of being your own boss and building your

own life.

Hey boss, I'm Sunny Lenarduzzi, and I have built my email list from scratch to over 50,000

warm leads and customers using YouTube, but I often get asked, "What exactly did that

process look like?

Someone finds you on YouTube, then becomes an email list subscriber, and then buys from


How do you get them from viewer to buyer?"

That's the process I'm going to explain today, but before I do, if you are a successful entrepreneur

with a six-figure or seven-figure business, there is a guide below this video that I created

that's going to be so helpful for you in turning YouTube into a lead generation machine.

It is the Successful Entrepreneur's Guide to Owning Your Niche and Attracting Your Ideal

Clients in Your Sleep Without Paid Advertising.

You can grab it at the link below this video.

Step number one of this process is making sure that you're creating targeted content.

Your aim here is not to get a million views on your video.

That could happen depending on what niche you're in, but your aim is really to get targeted

quality views.

You don't want everyone to see your video.

You just want the people who are actually going to potentially buy from you to see your


So how do you do that?

Well, you need to focus on a content strategy that focuses on what your audience is asking

for and searching for.

So when you're watching this video, I want you to start brainstorming topics that people

often think about when they think about problems associated to what your business solves.

How can your business help your customers?

What are frequently asked questions that they ask you?

What are top Google searches that they search for related to your business or how they eventually

find you?

I have a whole other video that you definitely want to check out on how to get more views

on YouTube in 2018.

It has the whole content strategy in the first bit of that video, so check that out to start

generating some targeted content topics to attract your ideal customers with your video


And on that note, as mentioned, this isn't a situation where you want to go viral.

In my experience, going viral as an entrepreneur on YouTube has a whole different definition.

Now, I've created my own acronym for going viral on YouTube that could be really beneficial

to you.

So I define it as valuable content, so targeted content, using your intel, your unique experience

and expertise as an experienced entrepreneur and sharing that in your videos to differentiate

yourself from the competition, relevant to your target audience, so knowing it's something

that they actually want to see before you even bother making the video, it builds authority

by positioning you as the expert, and you leverage that video content for your business,

which is what we're going to talk about throughout this video.

Step number two is offering a relevant lead magnet.

Now, just because you might be running Facebook ads on Facebook or Instagram ads on Instagram

and you have a lead magnet that's working super well for you on those platforms doesn't

necessarily mean that that lead magnet is going to convert on your YouTube content.

So what I recommend doing is as you build out your content strategy and figure out what

topics your audience wants to know more about, thinking of ways that you can create customized

lead magnets.

Some examples of really relevant lead magnets for different niches are things like quizzes

or eBooks or guides, as I mentioned, or checklists.

So getting creative with creating lead magnets that are very much so related to the YouTube

video that you're creating.

The more related the lead magnet is to the video you're creating, the higher your conversion

rate of getting people to actually download that lead magnet.

Now, I can tell you I have one video with close to a million views on it, and that one

video is bringing in hundreds and hundreds of qualified leads for me and for my digital

products every single day, and the same strategy applies to you if you really focus on creating

a relevant lead magnet.

Step number three is having two calls to action at the end of your video.

The first call to action comes at the end of the video when you let your audience know

that you've taught them exactly what they're looking for with your content and you have

a bonus lead magnet, as I mentioned, relevant lead magnet, that they can download and grab

below the video.

Then when they go grab that they get added to your email list.

Another example of a conversion call to action, which is what I call this first call to action,

is sending people to your website, to your Etsy store.

Wherever it is that you convert people from viewers into leads or viewers into customers,

send them there first.

The second step is you need to get engagement on your YouTube content to get it seen by

a bigger audience of your target customers.

So in order to do that, you have to ask for engagement.

So first you want to say, "Make sure you go download X, Y, Z below this video, or go visit

my store, or if you're an offline store, go call this number," and give them your website

or your phone number, and then say, "If you like this video, hit that like button below,

share it with your friends, and be sure to subscribe."

The more engagement you get on the video, the bigger your reach.

The bigger your reach, the more people that are going to convert with your conversion

call to action.

Step number four is the email, and was that right?

One, two, three, four.

Yeah, four.

Step number four is once you've actually converted your viewers into leads and you haven't closed

them yet, you haven't sold to them yet, if that's not something that happens right off

the bat, which I don't really recommend, I think you need to build relationships before

you actually sell to people, you want to funnel them into an email nurture sequence.

What this means is it's triggered emails at specific times that are sent to these people

who sign up for your lead magnet and they continue to nurture them and build your authority

and credibility as the expert in your space, and then that leads them into some sort of

a sale or a close, which brings me into step number five, which is the close.

So the close is really the place where you take your lead and you turn them into a customer.

For example, this can be something like a webinar that teaches even more about the topic

that you discussed in your video or your lead magnet.

I'll show you the example of our funnel system that we have.

So we start with a YouTube video on how to get more views on YouTube, and the great thing

is we have a bunch of videos that actually lead into this particular funnel, and then

we get them to sign up for our lead magnets, which include the Boss YouTube channel checklist

or Views While You Snooze.

We also have a few others, and when they download that, they get put into an email nurture sequence

where they get to know me better and they can actually talk to me and ask me questions

to build a further relationship with me.

That happens over the course of about a week.

All of the emails are spread out.

We talk back and forth, and then I let them know I have another free master class that

they can also sign up to, which is a webinar where I pitch a very relevant topic and offer

to them that they can purchase called YouTube for bosses, which teaches you how to rank

number one on YouTube in under four hours.

It's a four-hour crash course to get more views, subscribers, and leads on YouTube.

So that's the example of our sort of nurture sequence into our close.

Now, the final step here that I want to share with you, the final step of this whole situation

and sequence, is something that you can really add in as soon as people download your lead

magnet and become a contact of yours.

On your thank you page of your lead magnet, what you can do is drive people to both your

messenger bot and to your Facebook group, so creating a Facebook group that's targeted

to your customers as well.

So I have a group called the YouTube Scaling for Successful Entrepreneurs, and it's a very,

very niche down group and very private group where only a certain level of entrepreneur

is going to be in that group to learn more about how to scale their business using YouTube,

and I only post relevant content to that particular type of entrepreneur, and it's building the

relationship further with them.

So Facebook groups are a great way to further nurture your leads and build a one-to-one

relationship with your customers, which makes you the most obvious choice for them and the

person that they actually want to work with.

We also use our messenger bot to communicate with our leads on Facebook as well.

So it's really touching all of those points with your audience and using YouTube to take

your viewer and turn them from a stranger really and someone who just discovered you

into someone who knows, likes, trusts you, and wants to work with you and wants to buy

something from you, purchase with you, invest in you as a business and a brand.

One of my clients actually used this entire strategy that I just mentioned and he turned

one viewer within three weeks of implementing this strategy on YouTube into a six-figure

coaching client, so pretty incredible stuff.

This does work, and I really do challenge you to try it out, and if you're interested

in using YouTube as your automated lead generation system for targeting qualified leads, I highly

recommend that you download the Successful Entrepreneur's Guide to Owning Your Niche

and Attracting Your Ideal Clients in Your Sleep Without Paid Advertising.

It's below this video.

Just click that link to go and download it.

If you liked this video, let me know in the comments what you thought and if you're going

to actually implement these strategies, and make sure you hit that like button, or the

dislike button if you didn't enjoy it.

Let me know.

I appreciate the feedback.

And be sure to subscribe and hit the little bell to get notified every time I upload a

new video each week on Tuesdays.

Thank you so much for watching, and I will talk to you soon, boss.

For more infomation >> YouTube for Entrepreneurs (LEAD GENERATION ON AUTOPILOT!) - Duration: 10:19.


[examTV] Przygotowanie do Egzaminu Ósmoklasisty z języka angielskiego - zwiastun - Duration: 0:51.

For more infomation >> [examTV] Przygotowanie do Egzaminu Ósmoklasisty z języka angielskiego - zwiastun - Duration: 0:51.


Vlog #4: Something I haven't talked about / Điều tôi chưa từng nói tới - Duration: 6:51.

Các bạn dạo này thế nào, xin chào mừng trở lại với video của mình

thật tuyệt khi được nhìn thấy những khuôn mặt rạng rỡ và hạnh phúc của các bạn sau 1 quãng thời gian khá dài

xin lỗi vì sự chậm trễ trong việc đăng video vì dạo gần đây mình khá bận và sẽ tiếp tục

khá bận trong quãng thời gian tới vì thi cuối kì là tuần tới

và mình thì chưa được nghỉ xuân nữa nên là có nhiều thứ để làm trước khi quý học này

kết thúc, nhưng mà quay trở lại vấn đề chính mà mình muốn đề cập trong video ngày hôm nay

Mình muốn nói về một vài điều mà mình chưa nói về trên kênh Youtube của mình trước đây

nhưng mà trước tiên thì

hãy kéo đoạn giới thiệu mới toanh, mình không rõ freshy có phải là một từ không nữa lol nhưng mà

hãy chạy đoạn giới thiệu và bắt đầu vlog nào

Mình hy vọng là các bạn đã hiểu phần nào ý mình sẽ nói

trong video ngày hôm nay sau khi xem xong phần giới thiệu, căn bản là lúc đầu mình bắt đầu với

ý định là làm một kênh Youtube nơi mà mình chia sẻ với các bạn về

cuộc sống, hành trình học của mình trên đất Mỹ nhưng mà việc này đến việc kia

mình không lập kênh Youtube này đủ sớm năm ngoái khi mình còn ở thành phố Wilmington

bang Bắc Carolina cho đến khi quay về Việt Nam vào mùa hè

và hai videos đầu của mình thì chỉ kiểu cơ bản là về du lịch

chưa phải làm vlog mà chỉ là những video du lịch đơn giản thôi

nhưng mà tới cuối năm 2017

và đầu năm 2018 thì mình quyết định thực hiện một bước đột phá trên kênh Youtube

của bản thân, bắt đầu mới khởi đầu mới đó là việc mình sẽ

bắt đầu làm vlog nhưng mà vẫn chưa thực sự có ý tưởng gì lắm nên là

mình quyết định sẽ đăng 3 videos đầu tiên và thông qua 3 videos đó

mình có thể thấy nó đưa mình đi theo hướng nào rồi sẽ quyết định bản thân sẽ làm gì cho

kênh Youtube của mình và cuối cùng thì quyết định là mình vẫn sẽ

cơ bản mục tiêu chính cho kênh của mình là về cuộc sống của mình ở Mỹ

nhưng nếu các bạn có theo dõi mình trên Instagram hay là bạn bè với mình trên Facebook

thì các bạn chắc đã biết mình đi khám phá rất nhiều

và mình có một niềm đam mê rất lớn cho du lịch nên là mình sẽ

bỏ sở thích đó vào kênh của mình luôn

Đối với ý "khám phá," nó khá đơn giản là mình muốn đưa các bạn cùng mình đi khám phá những thành phố

hoặc kể cả là những bang khác nhau ở Mỹ và có thể là cả nước khác

Đối với 'học hỏi"

Mình sẽ phần lớn nói về kinh nghiệm sống của mình ở Mỹ, như kiểu cảm giác như thế nào khi

ở Mỹ, Mỹ nhìn như thế nào, người Mỹ sống ra sao hoặc có thể là làm cả video so sánh

về sự khác biệt giữa quê hương của mình - Việt Nam và đất nước Mỹ

Đồng thời, mình cũng sẽ chỉ cho các bạn những cách để làm một vài việc nhất định ở Mỹ như là

đi từ đây đến kia và kiểu giống như kinh nghiệm của bản thân mình

Cuối cùng đối với "truyền cảm hứng," không phải là mình giảng đạo hay chỉ bảo các bạn về

bài học cuộc sống hay những thứ như thế mà là kiểu mình hy vọng thông qua

những kế hoạch của mình hoặc những gì mình làm trong cuộc sống sẽ ít nhiều truyền cảm hứng cho các bạn

có thể là

đối với những người bạn Mỹ của mình thì mình hy vọng mình tạo cảm hứng cho họ đi du lịch nhiều hơn đến

những khu vực khác nhau trên thế giới để học hỏi về những ngôn ngữ và nền văn hóa khác và

cũng như là để có thêm hiểu biết về việc đi học ở một đất nước mà

nói một thứ tiếng và nền văn hóa hoàn toàn khác biệt so với quê hương

Đói với các bạn Việt Nam của mình, mình hy vọng sẽ truyền cảm hứng cho các bạn đi du lịch và khám phá nhiều hơn

về thế giới nhưng mà thêm vào đó là mình hy vọng truyền cảm hứng cho các bạn

bắt đầu một cơ hội học tập mới ở nước ngoài, có thể ở Mỹ nói riêng hoặc là

bất kể một đất nước nào đó trên thế giới nói chung

Mặc dù mình chia thành nhiều ý tưởng chủ đề nhưng mà mình sẽ hòa quyện chúng lại với nhau

để mà có thể cho các bạn

cảm giác thực tế nhất và như kiểu dùng đôi mắt của mình như là một ống kính cho các bạn

nhìn xuyên qua để trở thành một phần của nó, thật sự cảm nhận được đi học ở Mỹ là như thế nào

với tư các là một học sinh nước ngoài

Và lý do mà mình không muốn thêm sở thích của mình

về nhiếp ảnh là do mình cảm thấy mình chưa đủ tốt để mà

làm video hướng dẫn các bạn và những thứ như thế

Và đồng thời mình sẽ không làm review

về đồ công nghệ mặc dù mình thực sự thích đồ công nghệ như là điện thoại

và những thứ tương tự và mình biết là nó sẽ kéo rất nhiều sự chú ý đến kênh của mình

nhưng mà mình chỉ cảm giác là nó không thích hợp với kênh của mình

và đồng thời là vì làm review thì phải nghiên cứu rất nhiều và mình thì còn phải dành thời gian học nên là

mình không có thời gian dư. Và các bạn biết là cuộc sống luôn thay đổi qua lại

nên là mình sẽ không đăng mỗi 2 tuần nữa

bởi vì nó làm mình cảm thấy rất áp lực và bị ép buộc làm

một điều gì đó hơn là muốn làm điều đó

nhưng thay vào đó mính sẽ đăng theo cảm hứng

mình sẽ đăng khi nào mình rảnh hoặc là mình có ý tưởng mới

nhưng mà thứ vẫn giữ nguyên là mình sẽ luôn cố gắng tạo ra những nội dung

tốt nhất mà mình có thể làm để truyền tải đến các bạn

Thì đó cơ bản là kết thúc video ngày hôm nay

cảm ơn rất nhiều tất cả các bạn đã ủng hộ kênh Youtube của mình

từ những ngày đầu tiên và hy vọng là các bạn cũng như những bạn xem mới trong tương lai của mình

sẽ tiếp tục ủng hộ mình trên chuyến hành trình này

và cuối cùng thì đừng quên để lại cho

video này một "like" nếu các bạn thích và đừng ngần ngại nhấn nút

"dislike" nếu các bạn cảm thấy thế

và chia sẻ với bạn bè của các bạn nếu các bạn cảm nhận video của mình thú vị

đăng ký kênh Youtube của mình nếu như các bạn chưa làm điều đó

bật chế độ thông báo ở dưới nếu các bạn muốn được thông báo khi mình ra video mới

và yeah, hy vọng được gặp lại các bạn, tất cả các bạn trong video tiếp theo

Chào tạm biệt!

For more infomation >> Vlog #4: Something I haven't talked about / Điều tôi chưa từng nói tới - Duration: 6:51.


Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band The Beatles Full Album (Cover) - Duration: 45:30.

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