Thứ Ba, 13 tháng 3, 2018

Youtube daily report Mar 13 2018

Johny is a naughty boy..

Johny Johny!

Yes, Papa

Eating sugar?

No, papa

Telling lies?

No, papa

Open your mouth!

Ha! Ha!! Ha!!!

Johny Johny!

Yes, Papa

Eating sugar?

No, papa

Telling lies?

No, papa

Open your mouth!

Ha! Ha!! Ha!!!

Johny Johny!

Yes, Papa

Eating sugar?

No, papa

Telling lies?

No, papa

Open your mouth!

Ha! Ha!! Ha!!!

For more infomation >> Johny Johny Yes Papa | Cartoon Videos For Children by Farmees - Duration: 1:32.


J-Hope Reaction: 'Daydream (백일몽)' MV (German/ENG Sub) - Duration: 14:50.

For more infomation >> J-Hope Reaction: 'Daydream (백일몽)' MV (German/ENG Sub) - Duration: 14:50.


這女生一直抱我幹嘛【Will Shen嬸嬸】 - Duration: 6:31.

For more infomation >> 這女生一直抱我幹嘛【Will Shen嬸嬸】 - Duration: 6:31.


McQueen Cars 3 Disney Pixar Playing in Planes Park Kid Song Learn Color Alphabet For Childrens - Duration: 11:00.

McQueen Cars 3 Disney Pixar Playing in Planes Park Kid Song Learn Color Alphabet For Childrens

McQueen Cars 3 Disney Pixar Playing in Planes Park Kid Song Learn Color Alphabet For Childrens

McQueen Cars 3 Disney Pixar Playing in Planes Park Kid Song Learn Color Alphabet For Childrens

For more infomation >> McQueen Cars 3 Disney Pixar Playing in Planes Park Kid Song Learn Color Alphabet For Childrens - Duration: 11:00.


Gang of Youths: What Can I Do If the Fire Goes Out - Duration: 4:19.

For more infomation >> Gang of Youths: What Can I Do If the Fire Goes Out - Duration: 4:19.


GOP member of House Intel Committee says it has 'lost all credibility' - Duration: 12:41.

For more infomation >> GOP member of House Intel Committee says it has 'lost all credibility' - Duration: 12:41.


EASY way to say HELLO in ARABIC - Duration: 1:44.

hello and welcome to this lesson

I am Arabic Mike

first name Arabic second name Mike

we're gonna learn the easy way

not the difficult way not the mediocre way

not the hard way not the soft way - the easy way

to say HELLO in Arabic

in Arabic

I've taught the way to say this as

that's the formal greeting

you could even have had

if you want to be really formal about it

but the easy way sounds like this

marHaba, marHaba - I'm gonna write it there

marHaba, marHaba

and it's... ma ra Ha ba (alif)

5 letters

ma, ra Ha, ba, (alif)

you can add an 'n' sound on the end or you can not

it's entirely at your discretion it's your prerogative

marHaba - it's a really easy way of saying hello

you can use it with anyone - the whole of the Arab world

they'll all understand it

more commonly used amongst 'Lubnaanis' (lebanese people)

but you can use it anywhere - marHaba

and it's just an easy way of saying hello

so next time you see an Arabic guy, girl, man, woman

cat, dog, marHaba

easy! marHaba

thanks for watching this video I hope you've learned something

I am Arabic Mike, Mike Arabic

you can find my channel just down there

and you can subscribe - leave me a comment, say hi

and - check out my other stuff as well!

great to see you, ma3 as-salaama

that means goodbybe - cheers guys

For more infomation >> EASY way to say HELLO in ARABIC - Duration: 1:44.


It's always a beautiful step forward! 🚀 Abraham Hicks 🚀 No ads during segment - Duration: 20:13.

three quick questions first one we had some things happened in our household

last year and I want to know in particularly in healing

what part we can play in that my wife had a stroke congestive heart failure

and then later as a result a stroke and has bounced back miraculously and just

to talk to her you'd never have any any knowledge but there's little things that

bother her not being able to necessarily find the word that she wants or being in

the social situation and not remembering someone's name so maybe wanting to avoid

social situations and also at the same time we had a son in Afghanistan that

was injured and had traumatic brain injury and PTSD and he was much like the

child that you described earlier that had all the energy in the world and you

know the outgoing kid that you just couldn't hold down and in coming back

we've seen a lot of hesitancy on his part to step out and just wondering what

the future holds you know he was a dog handler and was out in the middle of all

the action when he was injured and so he's he's had to leave the service is

looking for other work and so when you're looking for new direction when

these kind of trauma have happened my first question is what I can do to help

with the healing process I just try to encourage them to find their own way and

to know that there are ways particularly brain injury that the neurons can

reconnect and develop and just the part that I could play in helping that

without imposing my will upon them to make them think that you're not good

enough I'm trying to change you well everything that you have offered to us

we can feel that you're in a good place in other words you understand enough

about deliberate creation and about your relationship with others and so we

didn't hear anything from you that makes us want to guide you

but we do want to shine a spotlight on a few things that you've said that could

bring even more benefit not only to them but to you in this process and the most

significant thing that feeling everyone can kind of understand it that your wife

has or your son when something about there now is different and deemed a

diminishment of something that was before I can't remember as well or

something like that if instead of making the comparison of what was in a negative

way I've become incapacitated in this way that those are too strong of words

but I've become incapacitated in this way if you can hold the thought and

eventually help them to understand that not only is the opposite true they have

not become incapacitated they've had an experience that has caused them to reach

for more than their life had caused them to reach for before so we wanted to say

even though she can't find the words she's looking for there are other words

Esther has that experience all the time with us because she can feel us

presenting an idea and she's reaching for the word that best describes it and

sometimes she will have the sensation that there's a better word than the word

that she has found but instead of tensing against it she just finds the

best word that she can find and always it bridges into another and another and

another it's part of the reason that the explanations go on as they do because

it's like the one word lights it up a little bit and then more vibration comes

around that and more vibration comes around that so you're creating a flow

then that you're just getting into and it's a whole new flow it's a flow that

she would not have had access to before this in other words the thing that we

want to say most of all every situation even when it looks like it's a

diminishment or a stepping back is never that it's always a stepping forward it's

always more more MORE but if you feel diminished so you feel

like you're at a disadvantage then you deprive yourself of the benefit

that this unique and important experience is bringing to you you're

really on the right track when you acknowledge several things that you said

make us feel what a good mentor you are to both of them it's just the fact that

you've talked about the miraculous response that's the right track but you

never want to speak something that you don't mean or that you don't really feel

and you don't want to in other words you always want to speak from a place of

feeling good so your work is the preparation of your own grant because no

one likes it when they feel someone trying to encourage them just for the

sake of encouragement you have to find it first really find it first and then

it just flows naturally from you in a timing that's always unique both of them

are holding back from what they really want to say because they didn't they

don't want to disappoint you and they don't want to disappoint anyone they

want they they they both want to move forward as much as they can you can help

them to open a dialogue by helping them to understand that you don't you really

do not see anything as having gone wrong you just see it as more opportunity to

to flow the energy toward greater and greater satisfying a new path a new

adventure and it's like this analogy may feel a little lightweight in

relationship to what you're living but it's really appropriate it's like the

superhighway that'll take you to places pretty quickly and then there's a back

road that's not nearly as efficient but it's infinitely more satisfying you're

gonna see more critters run across the road that way and you're gonna see more

streams and have more access to more alignment and so sometimes you want to

be on the fast track sometimes you want to take a slower path

but the real treasures are often not on the road that you thought you wanted to

be on so sometimes when a detour happens and things are different than you

thought you wanted them to be there are all kinds of treasures to discover and

it's the looking for those treasures that is the key to this I would like to

ask you about aging joyfully maybe not gracefully but joyfully well we just we

we just laid the basis for that process I know that's what we're going how do

you give up the things of youth that you enjoyed I remember the basketball games

with the children over there every night we'd play I remember you know the

martial arts different things that you know growing up you could do you know

long into midlife and whatever and sometimes you know you see things happen

you know I don't have dark hair anymore obviously you know there are there are

things that happen that that how much of that is just natural and we just need to

go with it and how much of it is you know there's a part of me that doesn't

want to accept any limitations you know I made up my mind years ago that I would

never let myself I let go of my health that I would take care of myself and so

where is the balance in there that sometimes I just need to just maybe

relax a little bit more with what is happening versus you know continually

always working to improve and you understand what understand we do in part

it is the same discussion we just had in that as you move through life experience

not not not because your physical body is going to diminish and it's going to

force you into a different way of looking at life but because there is a

richness in the subtleties of life that aren't obvious to you in your youth and

there is when you first start out the physical action is the thing that calls

you the most because it's the obvious stuff the

intellection comes later the and and the really conscious alignment with source

energy usually comes later still and so we wouldn't we wouldn't look at aging or

moving through time as a disadvantage we would look at it as an advantage there

are cultures that feel that way where they Revere that but it's a

mindset again it comes round to there's a certain attitude of needing to accept

what is sort of making peace with what is that helps you but it but in saying

that there's a distortion because we agree with you we don't want you to make

peace with a diminished life experience but there's a difference between making

peace with a diminished life experience and finding things about life that are

more interesting in other words Esther goes to play with the grandkids and

she's just not as happy as she once was down on the floor it's just not that

much fun and so she's glad that there's a table that they can play on or even a

and and it isn't that it isn't that she can't get on the floor it isn't that

she's not perfectly capable of being on the floor but why be on the floor if

you'd prefer putting the the playing the game on the table and and yet humans

want to say well you don't want to let go of youth you want to stay on the

floor and we say you really don't remember your first car and how you felt

about it mess up he's a crap

in relationship to what you want to drive today that so that you are

refining you are refining all things and and your and life is giving you all

kinds of new preferences all day every day and the new preferences are where

you want to turn your attention to and you don't feel them when you're turning

toward the new preference you don't feel the least bit of lack about leaving the

old preferences behind they it's just not as good you eat differently you eat

better you think differently you think better there was there's all kinds of

things about your life that are so much more than they once were because there

is no regression and that's really what we're wanting to come around to there is

no regression and so much looking back at that younger spry er time is a sort

of forced regression that is vibrationally out of balance that's true

yeah last question I've been doing a lot of studied lately on cycles trends

patterns just partly out of curiosity and partly because my work necessitates

some understanding of it global financial financial more economic and

financial much like the young man before just working with people and being in

charge of assets and we'd like to tell you the cycle we'd like to tell you the

cycle you're calling it a cycle we really do want to hear you but we got to

put this in here before you get too far here's the cycle when I know what I

don't want I know what I do want when I focus on what I do want I know what I

don't want that's a cycle that is that's the cycle that energy as you look at

those economics in other words always always always at the basis of every

economic cycle is there they're strong wanting and deprivation of it which puts

strong strong strong strong strong strong strong desire in the vortex and

the more global it is and the more people who are involved in it the

stronger the desire is and then some not all because usually people are more

prone to complain than anything else the more the more interactive they are with

one another the more those those the more distance there is in the cycle

and the less the less quickly the remedy comes because the more people who are

involved the more they keep beating the drum of what is not wanted and hold that

longer which works out to be to an advantage to the cycle because the more

who do that the stronger they want and then a handful find a way to find

vibrational alignment with what is desired and then it begins to turn

around again that's the cycle in the vortex a vortex in the vortex out of the

vortex in the vertical out of the vortex when I'm in I get complacent when I get

out I want back in when I'm out I want back in but it doesn't I don't do a very

good job of getting in until I finally figure out that I can't stand feeling

bad anymore and finally somebody distracts me we say you are a fickle

group and that is to your advantage because nothing can get your attention

very long so as you study these cycles notice this you'll really like proving

this to yourself the more interconnected the world becomes and the more the world

listens to a handful of voices that are speaking the same things the more the

cycle of what happens follows the voice that's not that wants more please

the more people if you were all how you're gonna like this because we're

gonna play the whole thing out when you were more keeping to yourself and

interacting more in your neighborhoods for your interaction your power of

influence was one another was more scanty still influence but more scanty

the more you began watching networks and the more the network's began speaking

pretty much the same thing in other words different reasons to be negative

but the more people watch that the more the more those fewer voices got more

attention then the less control as individuals you began to experience for

yourself because the more you gave over to the vibration it's that observing

what is sort of things yes so now there are so many things that we want to say

part of my questions so many things we want to say to you all at once the more

the more attention you give we talked earlier about how when if if you're

offering the majority of your vibration based

what you're observing doesn't have to be that way but that's the way most of the

world lives so since they are offering more of their vibration based upon what

they are observing then it's logical that if what they are observing is doom

and gloom that there would be economic downturns where if what they are

observing is more optimistic than things would get better and better so what we

are suggesting if you really want to prove these trends to yourself notice

the patterns the longevity of the bad times or the longevity of the good times

based upon what the majority of people are hearing from those central voices

now here's here's a you'll have fun with that and all it'll all it'll prove to

you is that Law of Attraction abounds and that most people are observing

rather than setting their own tone but this is the piece that we really want to

give you that's the piece of optimism that is satisfying and that is that when

you've been out of the vortex for awhile no matter what the subject but for a

while your desire to feel good becomes stronger and stronger and stronger and

so it's easy for those tides to turn quickly when the desire is really really

really really strong it doesn't it only takes a little bit of optimism to be

presented in a in a consistent way when the masses are hungry for that

improvement you never need to worry about there being any long-term down

turn because the desire of people is so strong and the attention of source is so

present and more and more are coming into alignment with their own beingness

more and more you think it is a small movement but it isn't it's a very large

movement there are more people coming into alignment coming into conscious

awareness whether they are calling it the grid or not that how they feel

matters so I and I believe that and so my question then is to the clients that

I'm working with to soothe them as much as possible particularly when you see

what's happening post-election you know and I talked with many of

or hand was able to do things that help them you know and I felt great about

being able to do that but soothing the people and conveying that to them to

take the long-term view because it's all cycles it all tends to come back and

that's that's the concern I guess is that I just want to be able to

communicate that so I can do the most to help me well the thing is you you

witness even as you watch us sometimes there's no Susan because there

vibrationally too far apart to be soothed and so you can't take that

personally if you're not able to soothe them but when you know what you know and

you are taking the long-term view and you are feeling alright about it and

you're looking for reasons to feel good there are people who who are so

determined to make something that they are seeing wrong it's the epitome of

shooting themselves in the foot because they so want that to be wrong that they

refuse to look for any reason to feel good but that can't last because their

natural spirit of well-being will triumph

it really will and so in the meantime it's just a matter of doing your best

is's doing your best to soothe by encourage them to look at the long view

and it's a pretty easy thing to do when you when you acknowledge look at our

economy now and compare it to a hundred years ago or 50 years ago or 40 or 30

notice notice the constant trend toward improvement even though there are ups

and downs and ups and downs if you look at the long view it's it's it's way more

way more and no one can deny that if they have any sort of access to history

at all it's it's consistently getting better but it's not fun to be in a hole

and have someone tell you you're not in a hole when you feel like you're in a

hole because if you feel like you're in a hole you're in a vibrational hole so

we want you to think in terms of it's not a financial hole that they're in or

a financial downturn it's a vibrational one and it's all

based upon that rhetoric that's being passed around and

you have something that you can do about that but don't don't see yourself as the

one that has to gather them all up because if there are a lot of them and

you and you're in conversation with them it jeopardizes too strong a word but it

will affect your vibration you need to stay off to yourself and shore up your

grid and and then watch what happens and then soothe anyone who you believe

is suitable that's the way we would approach it if they if they're if they

are not suitable we would not play the game so that's the pattern really that

you're looking for that's great yeah good thank you so much I love you

For more infomation >> It's always a beautiful step forward! 🚀 Abraham Hicks 🚀 No ads during segment - Duration: 20:13.


Breakfast with 'Friends': Pennsylvania heads to the polls - Duration: 1:59.

For more infomation >> Breakfast with 'Friends': Pennsylvania heads to the polls - Duration: 1:59.


Democratic Leader Strikes Plea Deal With Prosecutors To Avoid Jail Time - Duration: 2:42.

Democratic Leader Strikes Plea Deal With Prosecutors To Avoid Jail Time

One of the biggest themes we have seen in the world of Democrats is that the moment

they are given keys to any political power offered in the United States, they use that

power to their advantage.

Forget all those campaign promises about helping the people.

It doesn't matter if a liberal is sworn into office on a city, county, state, district,

or federal level.

The power is just too much and it becomes easy for them to believe that they are above

the law.

Because of their hubris, corrupt Democrats find no problem with taking taxpayer money

and treating it like their own.

And once any pinnacle of morality is shaken, the rest of the moral mountain is destroyed.

Take the case of our story today.

This Democratic leader stole $33,000 from her own city government and used it to take

trips to Paris and further encourage her affair with one of her staff members.

But will she go to jail for this like she should?

Of course not!

Her conniving self was able to avoid jail time if she announced her resignation, thanks

to a plea deal.

From The Daily Caller:

Nashville Mayor Megan Barry pleaded guilty Tuesday to felony theft for spending more

than $10,000 worth of government money, but will serve no time in jail.

Barry had reportedly been working on negotiations with Nashville District Attorney Glenn Funk

to face no prosecution if she were to resign from office.

Instead of jail, Barry will serve three years of probation and agreed to repay the city

$11,000 in reimbursement fees, although it was reported she spent nearly $33,000 of the

government's money.

The news comes as Tennessee Bureau of Investigation received information that Barry could have

broken the law, prompting her to announce her resignation at a press conference Tuesday


But is this really fair?

Barry is acting like she is the victim, when she, in fact, victimized her entire city.

Giving up her seat as mayor is nothing compared to sitting in jail and serving time like she


On top of that, she does not have to pay back all of the funds she stole.

Injustice upon injustice has occurred in the city of Nashville, and very little is being

done to hold this woman accountable.

Hopefully, the voters know exactly what to do next election cycle: vote for the right

and the truly moral person the first time around.

For more infomation >> Democratic Leader Strikes Plea Deal With Prosecutors To Avoid Jail Time - Duration: 2:42.


Mysterious Personal Shopper | 인형의 집 EP 7 [SUB : ENG, CHN / 2018.03.13] - Duration: 32:04.

(Episode 7)

Don't sit there like that.

You look openly insane. It's frightening.

Do you want to hit me?


What's going on?

Stay still.

You'll raise the white flag and surrender, is that it?

Sure. An abused pet tends to jump

into its master's arms.

I can hug you at times

if that's what you want.

What are you doing?

Did you just laugh?

I just wanted to confirm

how much I could do.

Confirm? Confirm what?

Touching your skin.

It's as sickening and disgusting

as touching a dead fish.

Smiling and locking arms with you

just so that grandfather won't worry...

I'm telling you that I can't do it anymore

even if I'm sent to hell, let alone Hawaii.

Stop barking.

There's a limit to my patience for your insanity.

Don't be patient.

Bite and tear me apart.

Do as you please.

You should at least do that much.

If that's what you want.

That way, you won't feel wronged...

When you are discarded by us, rotten and destroyed.


Draw me a bath.

You already took a bath tonight.

I feel gross. I need to wash.

Make it hot.

Yes, Ms. Gyeonghye.

Don't act out of line without fear.

If I open my mouth...

About what you did,

you're done for.


If I'm done for...

So are you.

If I get a job first, Cheolsu will be kicked out.

That means this room will be mine!

Dad has plans. Let's just have a simple dinner.

I'm good. I'm going on a diet starting today.

- Do you have another blind date? / - What?


Stop going on blind dates

and think about getting a job.

Kimchi, chili paste and seaweed.

I threw in only three ingredients but it tastes divine.

Bibimbap is all about the person who makes it.

Hey. Come over here.

Forget it. I'm not hungry.

Try it. Don't whine later.

I said I'm not hungry!


Do you know how insulting it is to a person

if you refuse to eat with them?

Seriously. It's 100 times worse than ignoring them

when they say hi!

You brat! You're spoiled, rude and immature.

What virtue do you have?

What's wrong with you?

Why are you so intent on feeding me?

You're so strange.


Why are you being so mean to your brother?

Who asks someone to eat with bad intentions?

I didn't mean anything by it.

We both skipped lunch, so I thought...

You're a terrible person.

Not eating makes me a terrible person?

Fine! Okay. I'll eat.

Fire! Fire!

I owe him 10 bowls of bone soup.

Tomorrow, 2 p.m. Royal Hotel sky lounge.

You may refuse if you wish.

I understand.

Mr. Lee.

I'll be there by 2 p.m. tomorrow.

Sure. Let's eat.

Getting indigestion is the worse that can happen.

(Consultation Center)

Spiroton, which was prescribed to this patient,

has a very dangerous side effect.

It can still be prescribed in our country

but due to severe withdrawal symptoms,

its sale has been banned in the U.S. already.

Are you saying counseling is

more effective than medication?

Yes, that's correct.

You should find the patient a suitable aide

as soon as possible.

It'd be better if it is in something the patient enjoys.

(Treatment for Shopping Addiction)

I heard you're coming down with a cold,

so I brought salt water.

Gargle with this and go to sleep.

Ms. Gyeonghye.

Your medicine...

I won't take them anymore.

You didn't take them last night either.

I'm sick of drugs.

I hate everything about them...

Their shape, smell and color included.

- You have to take your medicine. / - No.

I look crazy because I'm reliant on the drugs.

Ms. Gyeonghye...

I don't need them.

I'm really going to

get my head straight.

Gosh. You're out again.

Didn't I say you must stay in your room

once it gets dark?

(Eun Gyeonghye)

Give Gyeonghye the candy tomorrow.

That's a good girl.

Are you insane?

Does that look like Gyeonghye to you?

How could that stupid tree be Gyeonghye?

Gyeonghye died.

She died!

Chairman Eun killed my Gyeonghye!

Help! Help!

We have a problem.

Even if she does something unexpected,

don't look flustered at all.

Once you show any sign of weakness,

she will hold the power.

And Eun Gyeonghye will never get off her meds.

Is that what you're wearing for your blind date?



Isn't that a bit much?

The guy supposedly likes girls who are fancy.

That isn't fancy. You look crazy.

Have you lost your mind?

I need to wear at least this much.

I'm totally determined today.

Why do you need determination to go on a blind date?

Cheolsu, you're wearing a suit?

What's going on?

Why are you in a suit?

Don't touch me. I have a friend's wedding.

Which friend?

It's... Well...

Like you know if I tell you.

I almost told you.

What's this? Why are you dressed like that?

People will laugh at you if you go out like that!

You dress in over-sized pants and sandals.

What do you know about fashion?

Are you really going on a blind date?

You're being suspicious.

How am I being suspicious?

What do you mean?

- I'm leaving. / - Bye.

- Okay. / - Bye, dad.

Looking good.

They got all dressed up.

Threatening to kick them out must have worked.

Kick them out?


Take a nap. It's your day off.

I'll hang these up.

I slept a lot already.


how about a nice, strong cup of morning coffee?

Sounds good.

Debone the fish for me. And peel the skin too.

President Jang,

come see me before you leave for work.

Has it been 5 years since you

and Gyeonghye got married?

Yes, sir.

Don't you think

it's time for you to have kids?

We're trying.

I have a feeling

that once you have kids, Gyeonghye's condition...

Will improve even without going to Hawaii.

I'm sure you want to have children too.


Yes, having children is important

but my wife is more important to me.

Once her illness is cured, we can...

Gyeonghye has changed.

What do you think?

She seems to have gotten calmer. However...

Her emotions fluctuate so severely...

Take care of her

and look after her.

I'll do that.

President Jang.

I can rest assured because you are by her side.

Thank you.

What are you trying to pull?

You threw out your pills?

Are you trying to get pregnant?

The chairman says we should have a baby.

Are you insane?

I'm thinking about trying my all.

But can you handle it?

The mere...

Touch of my skin

disgusts you and makes you sick.

Ms. Gyeonghye,

Dr. Kim is here.

Work hard on your treatment.

You're getting much better.

There are too many old trees here.

I should start with the landscaping in time.

Where's the madam?

She'll be in soon.

How has she been lately?

Is she sleeping well?

She's having a difficult time.

She barely falls asleep only to awake again

in the middle of the night.

What about her meds?

She's been taking them diligently.

She has?

That's good.

You look well today.

Did you call for me?

What's my wife's schedule today?

She has a lunch appointment after her treatment.

With whom?

I can't say.

What's after lunch?

She doesn't have anything yet.

Report her whereabouts to me every 3 hours.


Do you need the chairman's confirmation?

No, sir.

I'll do as instructed.

Mr. Lee.

You are incredible.

Seeing how you became the chief secretary of our

company using your connections to the chairman.


That's where it ends for you.

It's a hormone drug for the cerebral nerves.

It'll make you much better.

It's more effective than the drugs you've been on

for treating your emotions.

But I think I'll just go today.

You seem to be at peace.

Aren't you obsessed with filling my brain

with drugs and injections?


The heart is a muscle as well.

A muscle built with drugs has its limitations.

If you could strengthen your muscle by

pure willpower, you won't need to take medicine.

If you do not use drugs, it will speed up

and increase the likelihood of recovery.

Try to believe in yourself if you can.

Okay, then.

Dr. Kim.

Didn't you say you weren't interested?



Oh, this.

It was a gift...

From the man I'm going to marry.

Your husband isn't the only thing

I'm going to take from you.

Is the session over already?

Yes. I had no further drugs to prescribe,

so it ended early.


Why didn't you prescribe anything?

Gyeonghye is acting strange.

She isn't easy to aggravate anymore.

Let's talk later. We're in the lion's den.

You're so stiff.

Aren't we a bit too formal to each other?

Lee Jaejun.

I'm dying to know what's in that head of yours.

Gyeonghye is a lonely child.

Rather than giving her drugs and injections...

A person may be a better method of treatment.

(Treatment for Shopping Addictions)

Preventing impulsive purchases

and behavior training by using a shopping aide.


This treatment is very dangerous for Madam Eun.


Many people have treated their illnesses of the heart

through people as well as animals.

However, when such treatments were forced upon

people not ready to open up,

the results were horrendous.

Horrendous? How so?

Many depression patients

hurt and eventually kill their pets.

Gyeonghye has changed.

She's started to make an effort.

She looks happier as well.

I wish she has improved.

But it may be a warning.

A warning?

If you stop her medication

without her doctor's orders,

she will suffer severe withdrawal.

Appearing to be improving

may be a warning of that.

I'll be out for about 3 hours.

I've told the chairman.

Okay. I understand.

Out of the way!

Stop right there!

Out of the way!

Stop there!

- Move. / - Stop there.


I'll go after him. Take the back door.

The back door!


Get lost.

I'll just die.

Fine. Jump.

We're on the 3rd floor.

I said to jump!

Darn it.

Seo Hyeonggi,

you are under arrest for the hit-and-run death...

And the associated

violation of traffic laws

in Munjeong-dong.

Hey, hey, hey.

We're going to be first in arrests

thanks to you.

I'm going to put your name,

Yu Sinhyeok, on the list of top officers for rewards.



If you want to award me,

can you do it with this?

Let him reopen the case.

We grant wishes for people who are dead.

But he's alive, and the officer with most arrests.


I'll think about it. Sure.

Yes. That's right.

Good. Yes.

Yank her hair out. Yank it out.

Evil witch. How dare you go after a married man?

Like this.

- Hey, you. / - Yes?

You startled me.

W-Why are you raising your voice?

Keep it down, will you?

Can't you see a regular is eating his chicken?

I wanted to enjoy my chicken and beer quietly

as if I was home.

Just bring me some more radish.


Kkotnim, give him more radish.


Here you go.


If you wanted to eat quietly as if you were home...

Why didn't you eat at home instead of here?

Well... The thing is...


Do you live far away?


Hi, detective.

Did you get hurt?

Catching criminals is good and all,

but take care of yourself too.

It'll all come to bite you when you're old.

It's just a scratch.

What do you want to eat?

I'm okay. I came to give Kkotnim some good news.

Kkotnim, sit down.


I may be...

Investigating your case again.

Do you mean it?

I'll catch him for sure this time.




This is Podori.

Did you embroider this yourself by hand?


I know I can't repay you for all that you've done

with this small gift...

But I wanted to do something.

A detective is supposed to catch criminals.

It's not like it's a loan.

What is there to repay?

Just a minute, Kkotnim.

Mr. Ma.

Stop leaving your office.

I heard you were taken in for questioning

for bugging someone.

Don't do dirty things like bribing,

breaking and manipulating the law,

and do your job.

Look. Why don't we swap numbers?

We're regulars at the same chicken place.

You make me lose my appetite,

so let's avoid each other.

A detective's number isn't that easy to get.

He said Royal Hotel sky lounge at 2 p.m., right?

I have time.



Why are you suddenly telling me to study abroad?

It isn't sudden.

I've been thinking about it for a while.

Singapore Design School is a good option

for someone a little older to study abroad.

If cost isn't a big factor,

I'd recommend England as well.

Mom, just a minute.

Please excuse me.

(Mr. Lee Jaejun)

I'm sorry but I'm running late.

This agency also has good reviews.

Mom, our family can't afford to send me abroad.

Don't worry about the cost.

How could I not?

Don't say anything, and do as I say.

Sorry, but let's talk another time.

Let's not rush this.

I have an important appointment to get to.

Do as I say!



I really don't understand what's going on right now.

I'm getting angry.

I have an important appointment to get to.


I'll call when I'm done.


I need more.

She bit her tongue and tried to commit suicide.

Please come right away.

What did you say?

(Dr. Kim Hyojeong)

You said you'd drug her up and make her go crazy.

He wants a great-grandchild

because Gyeonghye seems fine.


If she seems fine, everything will be ruined.

Drug her up!

She seems fine?

And if she isn't fine?

Eun Gyeonghye will have to face hell.

Seyeon, where are you?

I just got here.

The world is beautiful,

and everyone is kind in your eyes, right?

Cheolsu and Ganghui are quiet today.

She has no desire to improve.

What's the point?

She's making an effort. She will get better.

I want abalone porridge for breakfast.

Ms. Gyeonghye has changed a lot.

Don't try too hard to act normal.

Wait and see. Gyeonghye will be quite a sight.

For more infomation >> Mysterious Personal Shopper | 인형의 집 EP 7 [SUB : ENG, CHN / 2018.03.13] - Duration: 32:04.


Три типа возражений. Как работать с возражениями клиентов - Duration: 5:42.

For more infomation >> Три типа возражений. Как работать с возражениями клиентов - Duration: 5:42.


Will Pennsylvania's special election set the midterm tone - Duration: 3:32.

For more infomation >> Will Pennsylvania's special election set the midterm tone - Duration: 3:32.


Mayor: Stay home and off the roads - Duration: 2:24.

For more infomation >> Mayor: Stay home and off the roads - Duration: 2:24.




For more infomation >> САМЫЙ КРУТОЙ ГОЛ СЕЗОНА - Duration: 4:19.


Gourmet no Japão ハートランドでおしゃれなひととき&インドカレーランチ [Japan#22] - Duration: 2:27.

For more infomation >> Gourmet no Japão ハートランドでおしゃれなひととき&インドカレーランチ [Japan#22] - Duration: 2:27.


"Let's Dance"-Blondine Kathrin: Jetzt singt sie Schlager! - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> "Let's Dance"-Blondine Kathrin: Jetzt singt sie Schlager! - Duration: 1:03.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B180 MPV Automaat Line Style | Ambition - Duration: 0:44.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B180 MPV Automaat Line Style | Ambition - Duration: 0:44.


Koopwoning: Elfde Wijk 7 b, Rheezerveen - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Koopwoning: Elfde Wijk 7 b, Rheezerveen - Duration: 1:00.


Johny Johny Yes Papa | Cartoon Videos For Children by Farmees - Duration: 1:32.

Johny is a naughty boy..

Johny Johny!

Yes, Papa

Eating sugar?

No, papa

Telling lies?

No, papa

Open your mouth!

Ha! Ha!! Ha!!!

Johny Johny!

Yes, Papa

Eating sugar?

No, papa

Telling lies?

No, papa

Open your mouth!

Ha! Ha!! Ha!!!

Johny Johny!

Yes, Papa

Eating sugar?

No, papa

Telling lies?

No, papa

Open your mouth!

Ha! Ha!! Ha!!!

For more infomation >> Johny Johny Yes Papa | Cartoon Videos For Children by Farmees - Duration: 1:32.


Learn Business SEO | Intro - Duration: 1:57.

Learn Business SEO | Intro

For more infomation >> Learn Business SEO | Intro - Duration: 1:57.


Dino Train Nursery Rhymes For Children - BINGO Dog Song | Dinosaur Kids Songs |BabyToonz - Duration: 2:23.

Dino Train Nursery Rhymes For Children - BINGO Dog Song | Dinosaur Kids Songs |BabyToonz

There was a farmer who had a dog and bingo was his name oh!

B-I-N-G-O ... B-I-N-G-O ... BNGO

And Bingo was his name oh

There was a farmer who had a dog and Bingo was his name oh!

-I-N-G-O ... -I-N-G-O ... I-N-G-O

And Bingo was his name oh!

Ther was a farmer who had a dog and bingo was his name oh!

(clap)-(clap)-N-G-O ... (clap)-(clap)-N-G-O

Clap)-(clap)-N-G-O And Bingo was his name oh!

There was a farmer who had a dog and Bingo was his name oh!

(clap)-(clap)-(clap)-G-O (clap-(clap)-(clap)-G-O

(clap-(clap)-(clap)-G-O And Bingo was his name oh!

There was a farmer who had a dog and Bingo was his name oh!

(clap)-(clap)-(clap)-(clap)-O (clap)-(clap)-(clap)-(clap)-O

(clap)-(clap)-(clap)-(clap)-O And Bingo was his name oh!

There was a farmer who had a dog and bingo was his name oh!

(clap)-(clap)-(clap)-(clap)-(clap) (clap)-(clap)-(clap)-(clap)-(clap)

(clap)-(clap)-(clap)-(clap)-(clap) And Bingo was his name oh!

For more infomation >> Dino Train Nursery Rhymes For Children - BINGO Dog Song | Dinosaur Kids Songs |BabyToonz - Duration: 2:23.


Matthew Dakin, A2Btransfers - TTR Travel Industry Road Show 2018 - Duration: 1:22.

(light upbeat music)

- I have come here to talk about how the travel agents

can book hotels with a great portal called MeliáPro.

You just need to get registered

with your IATA number or your company registration number

and then you can book our hotels worldwide.

12% commission for city destinations,

and then 16% commission for resort destinations.

It's a great portal. Very user-friendly,

and you get points for booking our hotels.

Your guests who stay at our hotels,

those will get points for staying at our hotels,

so it's a win-win.

Meliá Hotels, we have 370 hotels globally

in over 40 countries in every continent.

We have seven different brands,

one of them Gran Meliá, which is kind of a luxury

Meliá face, red carpet treatment. Very exclusive.

And then we have the ME brand, which is more like

your lifestyle, luxury brand.

We've got one down in London.

I used to be the Director of Sales there.

I was there for two and a half years.

Great hotel. Destination restaurants, destination bars.

It's all about the ME brand. That's the ethos.

Then we have the Paradisus, which are all-inclusive resorts,

mainly in the Caribbean and Mexico.

And they are very popular.

We've got the Royal Service at the Paradisus,

which are adult-only resort,

and then we've got the Family Concierge Paradisus,

our Paradisus which are a kind of family friendly resort.

Then, we have the Meliá Hotel brand,

which is Meliá Hotels, mostly four-star deluxe hotels.

We also have a few five-star Meliá Hotels.

They're mostly in city destinations, have great service.

They're mostly for business travelers, families.

Some of the Meliá Hotels, very few of them,

they offer all-inclusive services, as well.

Then we have the Innside brand,

which is the German brand that Meliá bought

a couple of years ago.

Very, very exclusive for the business traveler.

Very modern hotels. Great value for money.

In mostly city destinations.

Works really well with the business traveler.

It's very much adapted to that market,

to the clientele.

And then, we have the Sol Hotels.

The Sol Hotels are divided into two brands.

The Sol Hotels are family-friendly hotels,

and then the Sol Beach Houses.

If you're attracted to music, mostly in resort destinations.

They're very much lifestyle hotels.

Having a great time, great atmosphere, great fun.

All of the ethos are attached to the Sol Beach Houses.

Then we have the Tryps by Wyndham,

Which are all Tryp hotels in Europe.

Meliá has got appendaged with Wyndham Hotels,

so the Tryp hotels are managed by Meliá.

Some are three-star, some are four-star hotels.

But in a nutshell, we're very delighted

to be in Ireland and we are looking forward

to carrying on our working with the Irish market.

For more infomation >> Matthew Dakin, A2Btransfers - TTR Travel Industry Road Show 2018 - Duration: 1:22.


fish and Chicken Soup Ramen ""yasiomasu-no-siosoba" Takesue Tokyo Premium - Duration: 2:48.

Sumida-ku, Tokyo A ramen shop near Oshiage station. Saturday day bamboo Tokyo premium

I went to the outside at 11 o'clock but I was able to wait outside.

※ The waiting outside was canceled when I finished eating and getting out. There is waiting in the shop.

Yasiomasu-no-siosoba 880Yen and noodles huge 100 yen


Yasiomasu-no-siosoba noodles are crumbled noodles in hands. Noodle with a thickness close to that of chicken scallops.

Noodles are stiff and ordered. A lot of noodles and large amounts of w

The soup is "Chicken white Soup is TORIPAITAN" and Yasiomasu 's flavor and saltiness are moderate and tasty.

Although it tastes lacking in the strong character as "Chicken scallops Ramen", the taste of

Yasiomasu fish can be tasted properly.

The ingredients are sprinkled with blue roasted ・

seasoned head buds, chopsticks of onegi and chopped onion.

The three kinds of meat which the smell last felt also delicious taste this time.

The taste of Salt ramen soup at Yasiomasu was not bad, but because the

taste of soup is monotonous, it gets

bored with a little taste.

But drinking and a complete meal.

Yasiomasu - no - siosoba was a delicious Salt ramen although I eat it many times.

Menu and quantity Yasiomasu - no - siosoba 880 yen and a huge sum of noodles 100 yen It is a full volume with a total of 980 yen.

Perhaps if it is not plenty, the amount is around 7 or 8 minutes of belly.

Even a combination of noodle squirting and rice is full in volume.

In this case the price will be around 1200 yen

For more infomation >> fish and Chicken Soup Ramen ""yasiomasu-no-siosoba" Takesue Tokyo Premium - Duration: 2:48.


マイクラ音ブロック「TT/TWICE(트와이스) 」の作り方【Noteblock Recipe Minecraft】 - Duration: 4:13.

For more infomation >> マイクラ音ブロック「TT/TWICE(트와이스) 」の作り方【Noteblock Recipe Minecraft】 - Duration: 4:13.


Spreading Positivity - Nicolai Heidlas [No Copyright Music] - Duration: 3:55.

For more infomation >> Spreading Positivity - Nicolai Heidlas [No Copyright Music] - Duration: 3:55.


N'achetez plus ce poisson, il peut vous rendre malade | Sante 365 - Duration: 5:36.

For more infomation >> N'achetez plus ce poisson, il peut vous rendre malade | Sante 365 - Duration: 5:36.


For more infomation >> N'achetez plus ce poisson, il peut vous rendre malade | Sante 365 - Duration: 5:36.


GARRAFA DECORADA COM BARBANTE E JUTA - DIY Artesanato e Decoração rústica - Duration: 2:50.

For more infomation >> GARRAFA DECORADA COM BARBANTE E JUTA - DIY Artesanato e Decoração rústica - Duration: 2:50.


For more infomation >> GARRAFA DECORADA COM BARBANTE E JUTA - DIY Artesanato e Decoração rústica - Duration: 2:50.


5 aliments anti-cancer que vous devez avoir dans votre assiette | Santé 24.7 - Duration: 8:21.

For more infomation >> 5 aliments anti-cancer que vous devez avoir dans votre assiette | Santé 24.7 - Duration: 8:21.


For more infomation >> 5 aliments anti-cancer que vous devez avoir dans votre assiette | Santé 24.7 - Duration: 8:21.


Comment démanteler une CENTRALE NUCLÉAIRE ? - Monkey - Duration: 3:46.

For more infomation >> Comment démanteler une CENTRALE NUCLÉAIRE ? - Monkey - Duration: 3:46.


For more infomation >> Comment démanteler une CENTRALE NUCLÉAIRE ? - Monkey - Duration: 3:46.


Ce qui arrive à votre corps quand vous prenez une cuillère de curcuma chaque jour | Sante 365 - Duration: 7:45.

For more infomation >> Ce qui arrive à votre corps quand vous prenez une cuillère de curcuma chaque jour | Sante 365 - Duration: 7:45.


For more infomation >> Ce qui arrive à votre corps quand vous prenez une cuillère de curcuma chaque jour | Sante 365 - Duration: 7:45.


10 indices révélateurs que votre femme vous trompe - Duration: 7:39.

For more infomation >> 10 indices révélateurs que votre femme vous trompe - Duration: 7:39.


For more infomation >> 10 indices révélateurs que votre femme vous trompe - Duration: 7:39.


YouTube TV - Coming Soon

For more infomation >> YouTube TV - Coming Soon


Mercedes-Benz M-Klasse 320 CDI Sport Stoelverw - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz M-Klasse 320 CDI Sport Stoelverw - Duration: 1:03.


Mercedes-Benz M-Klasse 350 BLUETEC 259pk AMG LINE Autom, Leer, Navi, 89 dkm - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz M-Klasse 350 BLUETEC 259pk AMG LINE Autom, Leer, Navi, 89 dkm - Duration: 1:03.


'The Donald' Takes $27M From Duped Dems, Gives It To Southern State - Duration: 2:38.

'The Donald' Takes $27M From Duped Dems, Gives It To Southern State

Despite transparent attempts by anti-Trump forces to spin it otherwise, President Donald

Trump's year-plus in office has been a smashing success.

The economy continues to crank along, businesses are more apt to do business in the United

States, and folks across the nation have more money in their wallets.

That's a huge win no matter which way you slice it, and those are just some of the obvious


Behind the scenes, the good news continues to roll in for consumers.

In today's story, Trump has been able to ensure that $27 million does not fall into

the hands of Liberals.

Instead, Donald has been able to take those monies and turn them over to one southern

state for safekeeping.

The Blaze shares the news.

El Paso Electric plans to give back $27 million to its El Paso, Texas, area customers thanks

to the federal corporate tax cuts that went into effect in January.

Residential customers would see the refund as an average 4.4 percent decrease (or $3.83)

on their monthly electric bill.

The company filed its request with Texas regulators last week, according to a news release.

Alright, so El Paso Electric just feels like being altruistic or something all of a sudden,



It's a trickle-down effect from the tax plan – just as POTUS clearly explained would

happen in a countless number of ways.

"One of the important provisions of our rate case settlement last year was to create

a mechanism to pass-through the tax savings stemming from the reduction in the federal

statutory income tax rate that was recently enacted," El Paso Electric CEO Mary Kipp

said in a statement.

"We worked with all the parties in the case to set up a means to pass that savings along

to our customers quickly and efficiently," Kipp said.

Trump critics seemingly fail to comprehend some pretty simple cause and effect relationships

and what they mean for our economy as a whole.

When companies and individuals are being fleeced less by the federal government, they just

may find other uses for their money.

That will lead to further stimulation for an economy that's already humming along

under Trump's leadership, and it's beyond laughable to watch the attempts of the Left

to spin this as a bad thing.

For more infomation >> 'The Donald' Takes $27M From Duped Dems, Gives It To Southern State - Duration: 2:38.


Johny Johny Yes Papa | Cartoon Videos For Children by Farmees - Duration: 1:32.

Johny is a naughty boy..

Johny Johny!

Yes, Papa

Eating sugar?

No, papa

Telling lies?

No, papa

Open your mouth!

Ha! Ha!! Ha!!!

Johny Johny!

Yes, Papa

Eating sugar?

No, papa

Telling lies?

No, papa

Open your mouth!

Ha! Ha!! Ha!!!

Johny Johny!

Yes, Papa

Eating sugar?

No, papa

Telling lies?

No, papa

Open your mouth!

Ha! Ha!! Ha!!!

For more infomation >> Johny Johny Yes Papa | Cartoon Videos For Children by Farmees - Duration: 1:32.


Matthew Dakin, A2Btransfers - TTR Travel Industry Road Show 2018 - Duration: 1:22.

(light upbeat music)

- I have come here to talk about how the travel agents

can book hotels with a great portal called MeliáPro.

You just need to get registered

with your IATA number or your company registration number

and then you can book our hotels worldwide.

12% commission for city destinations,

and then 16% commission for resort destinations.

It's a great portal. Very user-friendly,

and you get points for booking our hotels.

Your guests who stay at our hotels,

those will get points for staying at our hotels,

so it's a win-win.

Meliá Hotels, we have 370 hotels globally

in over 40 countries in every continent.

We have seven different brands,

one of them Gran Meliá, which is kind of a luxury

Meliá face, red carpet treatment. Very exclusive.

And then we have the ME brand, which is more like

your lifestyle, luxury brand.

We've got one down in London.

I used to be the Director of Sales there.

I was there for two and a half years.

Great hotel. Destination restaurants, destination bars.

It's all about the ME brand. That's the ethos.

Then we have the Paradisus, which are all-inclusive resorts,

mainly in the Caribbean and Mexico.

And they are very popular.

We've got the Royal Service at the Paradisus,

which are adult-only resort,

and then we've got the Family Concierge Paradisus,

our Paradisus which are a kind of family friendly resort.

Then, we have the Meliá Hotel brand,

which is Meliá Hotels, mostly four-star deluxe hotels.

We also have a few five-star Meliá Hotels.

They're mostly in city destinations, have great service.

They're mostly for business travelers, families.

Some of the Meliá Hotels, very few of them,

they offer all-inclusive services, as well.

Then we have the Innside brand,

which is the German brand that Meliá bought

a couple of years ago.

Very, very exclusive for the business traveler.

Very modern hotels. Great value for money.

In mostly city destinations.

Works really well with the business traveler.

It's very much adapted to that market,

to the clientele.

And then, we have the Sol Hotels.

The Sol Hotels are divided into two brands.

The Sol Hotels are family-friendly hotels,

and then the Sol Beach Houses.

If you're attracted to music, mostly in resort destinations.

They're very much lifestyle hotels.

Having a great time, great atmosphere, great fun.

All of the ethos are attached to the Sol Beach Houses.

Then we have the Tryps by Wyndham,

Which are all Tryp hotels in Europe.

Meliá has got appendaged with Wyndham Hotels,

so the Tryp hotels are managed by Meliá.

Some are three-star, some are four-star hotels.

But in a nutshell, we're very delighted

to be in Ireland and we are looking forward

to carrying on our working with the Irish market.

For more infomation >> Matthew Dakin, A2Btransfers - TTR Travel Industry Road Show 2018 - Duration: 1:22.


Sanu Nehar Wale | New Punjabi Song | Dhrriti Saharan | Latest Punjabi Song 2018 | Yellow Music - Duration: 4:01.

For more infomation >> Sanu Nehar Wale | New Punjabi Song | Dhrriti Saharan | Latest Punjabi Song 2018 | Yellow Music - Duration: 4:01.


Just a thought: Attention - Duration: 1:44.

Hello, I'm FOCKS you might ask...why a gas mask?

that's because the society is toxic the glorifying of sadness is toxic

maybe you encountered it too, you know posts on social media of how much people "want to die"

teens saying they're depressed or that they have certain mental, that's not right,

it's not right to blame depression for a few bad moments or sad periods of your life

life is like a big yin yang, full of both good and bad moments, but if you fail to see the good ones

you'll have a rough time I'm not saying depression or other

mental diseases don't exist, it's just some people, mostly for attention, fake it

If you want attention make an impact, a good one,

draw, sing, pursuit your dreams your passion. and i guarantee attention will come to you in a better form

than any of those toxic methods. So share a happy memory with a friend, post a happy status

be happy with what you have, make a change, I know it doesn't feel that way but

you do matter, I agree, a simple rock thrown into a lake only creates waves, but a lot of rocks

thrown into the same lake create an island..a refuge for happiness, so i'm asking you

will you throw that rock?

For more infomation >> Just a thought: Attention - Duration: 1:44.


EASY way to say HELLO in ARABIC - Duration: 1:44.

hello and welcome to this lesson

I am Arabic Mike

first name Arabic second name Mike

we're gonna learn the easy way

not the difficult way not the mediocre way

not the hard way not the soft way - the easy way

to say HELLO in Arabic

in Arabic

I've taught the way to say this as

that's the formal greeting

you could even have had

if you want to be really formal about it

but the easy way sounds like this

marHaba, marHaba - I'm gonna write it there

marHaba, marHaba

and it's... ma ra Ha ba (alif)

5 letters

ma, ra Ha, ba, (alif)

you can add an 'n' sound on the end or you can not

it's entirely at your discretion it's your prerogative

marHaba - it's a really easy way of saying hello

you can use it with anyone - the whole of the Arab world

they'll all understand it

more commonly used amongst 'Lubnaanis' (lebanese people)

but you can use it anywhere - marHaba

and it's just an easy way of saying hello

so next time you see an Arabic guy, girl, man, woman

cat, dog, marHaba

easy! marHaba

thanks for watching this video I hope you've learned something

I am Arabic Mike, Mike Arabic

you can find my channel just down there

and you can subscribe - leave me a comment, say hi

and - check out my other stuff as well!

great to see you, ma3 as-salaama

that means goodbybe - cheers guys

For more infomation >> EASY way to say HELLO in ARABIC - Duration: 1:44.


Bailey's Irish Cream SOAKED Cupcakes | The Starving Chef - Duration: 3:31.

What's up, hungry people. Today we are going to be making boozy Irish cream

cupcakes that are perfect for St. Patrick's Day.

First up, combine the sugar and butter and beat with mixers until it is pale in


Then add in the eggs one at a time - just be sure to mix each one in

thoroughly. Use a hand mixer to combine the eggs, sugar, and butter until it forms

a smooth batter. Then in a separate bowl, whisk together the flour, baking powder

and cinnamon. Slowly mix the dry mixture into the wet ingredient. You want to do

this gradually so that you don't end up with a lumpy batter. Next pour in the

vanilla extract. Continue to add in the flour mix. At this point the batter will

be a little lumpy, so it's time to add in the liqueur. I used about 3/4 cup of

Bailey's Irish cream - but feel free to use your favorite Irish cream liqueur. You

want the batter to be thick but still runny.

Transfer the batter into paper lined cupcake tins. I happen to have measuring

spoons specifically for getting the precise amount of batter into each cup,

but if you don't have one of these handy measuring tools, use about a quarter

measuring cup to get about the right amount. Bake the cupcakes at 400 degrees

Fahrenheit - that's 205 degrees Celsius - for about 15 to 20 minutes. Let the

cupcakes cool completely while you make the boozy icing. First add the powdered

sugar to a small bowl along with the butter and a touch more of Baileys Irish


Stir until mostly smooth and then add the green gel food coloring and some

heavy cream.

Gradually add more powdered sugar until the icing reaches the consistency of


Then spoon the icing into a large baggie or piping bag.

Use the bottom of a wooden

spoon to poke a hole in the center of each cupcake.

Then pour about two to

three tablespoons of the Irish cream onto the top of each cupcake.

Let the cupcakes absorb the liqueur and then remove them from the cupcake tin. I

recommend using the second paper liner or aluminum cupcake liners to prevent

the alcohol from soaking through.

Use the baggie to pipe the icing on each cupcake

in a nice little swirl

- or enjoy them right away with a couple shots of liquor.

I hope you all have the luck of the Irish this St. Patrick's Day and with

these cupcakes, luck just might be on your side. Don't forget you can find the

full recipe on and if you like this recipe, hit that

thumbs up button and subscribe for a new recipe every week.There's lots of big

stuff happening on my channel right now, so stay tuned for cooking shows and much

more. I hope you all enjoy and I'll talk to you soon.

For more infomation >> Bailey's Irish Cream SOAKED Cupcakes | The Starving Chef - Duration: 3:31.


Colored French Nail 셀프네일 꿀팁 & 감각적인 컬러 프렌치 | 안녕이쁜씨 - Duration: 2:49.

DIY Nail Art - Colored French Nail How To Tutorial

Hello, Pretty! I'm Subin. Welcom back!

I haven't done any nail tutorial for ages

I've always prefered easy nail art with no tools needed,

and here's how I do my colored french mani using polishes only

First, we need to choose the colors! Set your color scheme

Onto clean, well-treated nails, apply a base coat

It's my current favorite base coat, it's from China Glaze

Then, move onto your base color

Apply a nice even layer to the entire nail bed

I've chosen Essie Parka Perfect for my background color

It's a beautiful baby blue with micro silver sparkles in it

And now here's the key, listen up!

When creating french nail tips,

you should choose a shade with a strong payoff

You can see half of the brush is coated with the polish,

while the back of the brush has no polish left

Now, create a thin line right from the brush

For smaller nails, I can do it from only one direction

but when it's for bigger nails,

it's easier to create the tip, starting from both edges of the nails

I am a right-hander, so when I do my right hand

I put the brush onto the nail and just roll it!

To clean up the mess left on your skin,

wrap your cotton pad around the tip of an orange wood stick,

and dip the stick into your nail polish remover

Then, use it to remove any nail polish left on your skin

Then, obviously, finish up with a top coat

It's my all time favorite top coat, JinSoon Top Gloss

It leaves shiny shield,

which my nail art will stay way longer underneath

When applying such a quick-drying top coat,

be sure if your nail polishes are completely dried

otherwise, it can shrink and make all the mess

Stay tuned for more nail looks!

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Find me on Instagram @hello.subin

See you!

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