Thứ Tư, 14 tháng 3, 2018

Youtube daily report Mar 14 2018

You guys know that I try my best to stay out of the day to day political bickering and

focus more on big ideas and the philosophies which are behind all the fighting.

This doesn't mean I'm completely ignoring the issue of the moment, be it North Korea,

the gun debate, or the general state of Trumpism, but focusing on why people believe what they

believe is more valuable to me than adding fuel to the fire of whatever the story of

the day might be.

Toss in a healthy dose of political gridlock and we seem to have lots of people who are

yelling but very few people who are doing.

There's one issue happening in American politics right now which is a great example of the

stagnation we face but that is totally flying under the radar..

Right now dozens of countries, some of them key strategic allies, don't have US ambassadors

because the senate has refused voted on their confirmation.

Accordingl to the rules right now, the senate needs 30 hours of debate time to confirm an


You can imagine with all the nonsensical waste in DC how impossible it would be to spend

30 hours debating each of the new ambassadorships when a new administration comes in.

We'd be talking about literally thousands of hours of debate for a branch of government

which can't agree which flavor of yogurt should be served at the capital hill commissary.

Back in 2014, when the Democrats controlled the Senate, then majority leader Harry Reid

used what is known as "the nuclear option" to get many Obama appointees through the senate.

In effect, Harry Reid changed the rules so that a simple majority, rather than a 60 vote

super majority, would be enough to confirm ambassadors, federal judges and other positions.

Though I was firmly on the Left at the time and had no issue can I remember with the Obama

appointees, I was against Reid using such a drastic tactic.

To me, if you changed the rules when you're in power, it's incredibly obvious and probably

quite deserved when those same rules will be used against your team when you're not

in power.

You can righty blame Republicans for not voting on the Obama appointees in 2014, just as right

now you can rightly blame democrats for not voting on Trump appointees in 2018.

This is exactly why people rightfully hate the political machine in Washington.

It either does nothing or it changes the rules to suit itself while usually leaving the people

its supposed to serve far behind.

The Republicans, now led by Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, could use what is known as

the Nuclear option right now, just as Reid and the Democrats did back in 2014.

For whatever reason, McConnell refuses to do so.

Some are saying he has such an old school affinity for the rules of the Senate, that

he doesn't want to stoop to what Reid did.

In a certain way this seems like a principled position, but at this point in American politics,

I wonder if clinging onto the old ways, while your your idelogical opponents chisel away

at those very institutions at every opportunity makes much sense at all.

Another wrinkle to this story: is that highest ranking ambassadorship we have open, Germany,

has been offered to former US spokesman for the UN, Richard Grennell.

Richard is the longest serving UN spokesman in history, working for four different US


He's also served several other positions in the government, as well as worked for a few

other high level campaigns.

By every measure he is supremely qualified and I've seen plenty of people on both sides

of the aisle praise him as the type of person we need more of in politics.

Richard and I have become friends over the past few years and I can personally tell you

that he's decent guy who truly wants to serve his country.

Oh, and there's one other piece to this: Richard happens to be gay.

You may remember back in 2012 he was briefly a spokesman for the Romney campaign until

the media decided to attack a openly gay man for daring to work for the Republican candidate

Mitt Romney thus causing Richard to step down from the campaign because he didn't want to

be a distraction.

Apparently although Romney felt it was just fine to hire a gay man, and Richard felt it

was totally ok to work for Romney the media just wouldn't let it be.

Gay conservatives like Richard, much like black conservatives like Larry Elder or women

conservatives like Nikki Haley, challenege the orthodoxy that the Democrats must own

all of these groups.

I mention Richard's sexuality not because it is important or even relevant unless you

play the identity politics game as so many do.

In effect, the Democrats are blocking an extremely qualified, openly gay man from serving his


Aren't the Democrats and Lefties supposed to be for gays?

Isn't that part of their intersectional word view?

Immutable characteristics often trump qualifications if you subscribe to this line of thinking.

Shouldn't this also mean supporting gay people who's political positions you might disagree

with because you believe in their ability to think for themselves?

Or perhaps the so-called tolerant side isn't really pro gay or pro-any minority, they are

actually on pro those who believe as they do.

Now obviously you know I don't think anyone should be confirmed because of their sexuality,

nor should their sexuality matter in the least when it even comes to being nominated in the

first place.

I just think that this particular case is interesting on so many levels.

We have the gridlock of Washington, with Democrats refusing to vote on Trump nominees.

We have a majority leader in McConnell that refuses to use his option to confirm nominees

even though the previous Senate leader Reid did exactly just that.

We have dozens of qualified candidates waiting to due their civic duty and we have just as

many countries waiting for our ambassadors to move their and get to work.

Caught in all of that mess in a good man, Richard Grennel, who I happen to know personally,

who doesn't want extra credit for being gay, but just wants to get to work.

How can you make a difference in all this?

Call your local Senator and ask the assistant at their office why they aren't voting on

these nominess.

And You can also call Mitch McConnell at his DC office by calling (202) 224-2541.

Actually, I'm gonna give him a call right now...

For more infomation >> Where is Our Ambassador to Germany? - Duration: 6:20.


How pi was almost 6.283185... - Duration: 5:53.

I'm sure you're well-familiar with the whole pi vs. tau debate.

Many people say that the fundamental circle constant we hold up should be the ratio of

a circle's circumference to its radius, around 6.28, not the ratio to its diameter,

the more familiar 3.14.

These days we call this larger constant "tau", popularized by Michael Hartl's "Tau manifesto",

although personally, I'm quite partial to Robert Palais' proposed notation of a pi

with three legs.

In this manifesto and many other places on the internet, you can read to no end about

how many formulas look at lot cleaner using tau, largely because the number of radians

describing a given fraction of a circle is actually that fraction of tau.

That dead horse is beat, I'm not here to make the case further.

Instead I'd like to talk about the seminal moment in history when pi as we know it became

the standard.

For this, one fruitful place to look is at the old notes and letters by one of history's

most influential mathematicians, Leonhard Euler.

Luckily, we now have an official 3blue1brown Switzerland correspondent Ben Hambrecht who

was able to go to the library in Euler's hometown and get his hands on some of these

original documents.

It might surprise you see Euler write (in French), "Let pi be the circumference of

a circle whose radius = 1".

That is, the 6.28 constant which we call tau today, where he was likely using pi as the

greek letter "p" for "perimeter".

So was it the case that Euler was more notationally enlightened than the rest of the world?

Fighting the good fight for 6.28?

If so, who's the villain of our story pushing the 3.14 constant that students are shown


The work that really established 3.14... as the commonly recognized circle constant was

an early calculus book from 1748.

At the start of chapter 8, in describing the semi-circumference of a circle with radius

1, and after expanding out 128 digits of the this number, the author writes "which for

the sake of brevity I may write π".

There were other texts and letters here and there with varying conventions for the notation

of various circle constants, but this book, and this section in particular, was really

the one to spread the notation through Europe, and eventually the world.

So who wrote this text with such an unprincipled take towards circle constants?

Well...Euler again.

In fact, we can also find instances of Euler using the symbol pi to represent a quarter

turn of a circle, what we would today call "pi/2".

In fact, Euler's use of the letter pi seems to be much more analogous to our use of the

greek letter theta.

It's typical for us to let it represent an angle, but no particular angle.

Sometimes it's 30o, other times 135o, most times just a variable for a general statement.

It depends on the problem and context before us.

Likewise, Euler just let pi represent whatever circle constant best suited the problem before


Though it's worth pointing out he typically framed things in terms of unit circles, with

radius 1, so the 3.14 constant would have been thought of as the ratio of a circle's

semi-circumference to its radius, none of this circumference to its diameter nonsense.

And I think Euler's use of this symbol carries with it a general lesson about how we should

approach to math.

What you have to understand about Euler is that he solved problems.

A lot of problems.

I mean, day in day out breakfast lunch and dinner this man was thinking about puzzles,

formulas, having insights and creating entire new fields left and right.

He wrote over 500 books and papers during his lifetime, what amounted to about 800 pages

per year, with another 400 publications appearing posthumously.

It's often joked that formulas in math have to be named after the second person to prove

them, since the first person will always be Euler.

His mind was not focused which circle constant should be taken as fundamental; it was how

do I solve the task sitting in front of him and writing a letter to the Bernoulli's boasting

about doing so.

For some problems, the quarter-circle-constant was most natural to think about.

For others, the full circle, and for others still, the half circle.

Too often in math education the focus is on which of multiple competing views of a topic

is "right".

Is it correct to say the sum of all positive integers -1/12, or is it correct to say it

diverges to infinity?

Can the infinitesimals values of calculus be taken literally, or is it only correct

to speak in terms of limits?

Are you allowed to divide a number by 0?

These questions in isolation just don't matter.

Our focus should be on specific problems and puzzles, both those of practical application

and those of idle pondering for knowledge's own sake.

When questions of standards arise, then, you can answer them with respect to a given context.

Inevitably, different contexts will lend themselves to different answers of what seems most natural,

but that's okay.

Outputting 800 pages a year of transformative insights seems to be more correlated with

a flexibility towards conventions than it does with focusing on which standards are

objectively right.

So on this pi day, the next time someone tells you we should really be celebrating math on

June 28th, see how quickly you can change the topic to one where you're talking about

an actual piece of math.

For more infomation >> How pi was almost 6.283185... - Duration: 5:53.


Mercados. En el vientre de la ciudad: Holanda, Ámsterdam. "Albert Cuyp Markt." - Duration: 51:19.

For more infomation >> Mercados. En el vientre de la ciudad: Holanda, Ámsterdam. "Albert Cuyp Markt." - Duration: 51:19.


Xochimilco - STREET FOOD TOUR and BOAT RIDE on Canals of Mexico City! - Duration: 16:54.

- I hope you're having an amazing day, it's Mark Wiens.

I'm in Xochimilco, which one of the southern

16 boroughs of Mexico City.

And Xochimilco is very well known for its ancient canals

where you can jump on a boat

and you can cruise around on a boat,

and so the plan for today is, I'm about to meet up

with my friend Lalo, from La Ruta de la Garnacha,

and we're going to start in the center,

in the town of Xochimilco.

We're gonna eat some amazing street food

and then after that we're gonna go take a boat

and cruise around, this should be a lot of fun,

and I'm gonna share it all with you in this video right now.

(salsa music)

- Hey, hey, hey, hey.

We're in Xochimilco for this street food

of this small town inside the Mexico City.

- It doesn't feel like you're in Mexico City here,

but some history of Xochimilco is that it was,

before, it's own city, right?

It was a former Aztec city on the shores of

Lake Xochimilco, but Mexico City eventually grew into it,

so that's why it still has a small city kinda feel to it.

We are first heading over to the market

where we're gonna begin eating.

(salsa music)

This walk through Xochimilco towards the market

sorta feels like a carnival,

it's like a,

there are rides, there are

bubbles, you'll find clothes here,

you'll find restaurants, there's street food and snacks,

but we're gonna head over to the market first to eat.

(speaking in foreign language)

While you're walking through

Xochimilco you'll find a lot of pizza shops.

Pizza is very popular here.

(speaking in foreign language)

(salsa music)

We're just arrive to Mercado de Xochimilco,

and this is a manageable market,

they have everything you want.

There's clothes, there's food,

there's fresh fruits and vegetables.

We came here, we're hungry, we need to eat lunch,

we need some food so that we go to the boat prepared.

At one of the main entrances of the market,

there's just a lineup of ladies serving food

from baskets and they are packed.

This is where we're gonna start eating,

and they're serving a bunch of different things,

they all look very friendly.

(speaking in foreign language)

- [Lalo] And this is huitlacoche.

- [Mark] La-ko-che.

- You know what is that? - No.

- Huitlacoche its the mushroom,

actually of the mazorca,

mazroca is where the corn--

- Ohh. - So when they pass it

they cut it-- - Oh yeah.

- The mushroom-- - It's the fungus of the corn?

- Yeah, exactly. - Oh, I have to try that.

Wait, does this one have it too?

- This is mushroom and this is huitlacoche--

- Oh, okay.

This is called Tlacoyo.

When you order it, she grabs one of the bases,

she tops it with some salsa,

and then she adds on some tomatoes and some onions

and some nopal, which is the cactus,

and then she sprinkles it with cheese.

The base is kinda like corn starchiness.

But you taste the mushrooms in there,

and then you've got that salty, crumbly cheese,

you've got that salsa which gives it some

acidity and some sourness,

and then you've got the freshness of the tomatoes.

It's wonderful.

It's awesome. I got a big mushroom in that bite.

And you can see really close,

you can see that it's,

the bottom piece is just stuffed with mushrooms in there.

Lalo and I are sharing both of them,

and the next one that we got is with the corn fungus

which is called huitlacoche.

- I love the mushroom.

- You like the mushroom? - Yeah, yeah, yeah.

It's made it with the hands so

it's made it with love. - It is, for sure.

Motherly love.

(salsa music)


Oh, the corn fungus is amazing.

It has this crunchier texture,

and more of a sour taste.

Oh, this is delicious.

- [Lalo] Yeah, and it's unique flavor, too.

- That was absolutely delicious

and we are never getting far in this market.

We are just going across the way.

- Yeah. - And we're eating this next.

This is perfect then, we don't even need to walk

to the next place, we just,

we took about five steps--

(laughter) To eat our next food.

- It's look delicious, and look at all the--

- [Mark] Yeah, look at all these people.

This is the busiest place in the--

- Enter-- - Entrance of the market.

(speaking in foreign language)

She has two different things that she's serving,

tostadas and quesadillas, both with chicken.

But she takes the tostada shell

and she puts a layer of sour cream onto it,

and then she adds on the stewed chicken,

and then she adds on a handful of lettuce,

followed by a handful of cheese.

(speaking in foreign language)

She hands you your tostada or your quesadilla,

I got a tostada first, and then it's self service

for the salsa, and she said it's a spicy salsa.

(speaking in foreign language)

I'm beginning with the tostada.

- I'm beginning with the quesadilla of, is it chicken?

It's chicken, Senora?

- Oh wow, oh.

That chicken is just stewed with so much flavor,

and that salsa.

That salsa is a little bit spicy, but so flavorful,

that's sensational.

I honestly was not expecting it to be that flavorful.

That's awesome.

(mariachi music)

Outstanding. How's the quesadilla?

- It's really, really amazing.

At the beginning I feel like it's really

unflavored, but when you bite the chicken, wow.

This is a fried quesadilla,

normally they are not fried.

This is kind of quesadilla.

For the people that seeing this,

we call it quesadilla,

but only in Mexico City

we can try a quesadilla without cheese.

But in Mexico you can try the quesadilla without cheese.

- Wow, I never knew that.

Next up, my turn for the quesadilla,

and as Lalo explained, it's chicken on the inside,

so it's not a cheese quesadilla, and it's fried,

and that salsa is just blowing my taste buds

off of my tongue.

That salsa is incredible.

It is spicy, it burns your lips and I love it.

(speaking in foreign language)

- Oh wow.

The quesadilla is equally as delicious.

It's really crispy.

The chicken, he actually was explaining to use that

on the tostada it's pinga, which is the name of the dish,

it's like a stewed chicken.

But this one is just plain chicken.

It's just so unbelievably good.

It is right at the entrance of Puerta Cinco,

gate number five, Mercado de Xochimilco.

You have to come here.

It's awesome.

(speaking in foreign language)

It's almost the same, it's completely deep fried,

there's beef in the center, but then she does open it up,

and there is, she does add in a little bit of salsa.

Oh, you can even see that's deep fried beef

inside of there.

Cheers. - Cheers.

The beef have a delicious flavor.

- It does.

It almost tastes like a sausage.

- And the sauce is not spicy.


- That's tasty. - And juicy.

- Often, Ying and I like the Jamaica,

which is hibiscus, or roselle, it's roselle.

And it's a great juice, it's refreshing.

We need some refreshment, some cold drinks

after all those salty tacos.

I think I got one of those straws with a hole in it,

because I can't suck up that much.

But it is good.

It's sweet, it has a little bit of a floral taste to it.


(salsa music)

Oh wow.

(grunts) (laughter)

Hey we're actually running out of time

because to Xochimilco in the afternoon,

and we gotta catch the boat,

but we're running out of daylight.

But we chose to eat one more thing,

we're coming to eat carnitas,

this is the awesome-est looking stall ever

and he's so friendly, he's such a character,

and they just have this massive pile of

gnarly looking braised, fried meat, carnitas,

just heaping, it's a heap of meat.

So this is a place we have to eat.

They've just given us a sample of the carnitas.

Oh yeah.

That is tender, greasy, supreme.

You can trust this man with your pork,

he knows what he's doing.

He braises all that meat,

and cooks all that meat and then it sits out

on the counter there,

and then when you order he chops it up.

And what he does is he grabs that handful of meat

and he sticks it back into the pork oil juices

and lets it boil again

to heat it and then also to

inject it with more flavor,

and then that goes into your taco.

This thing is an absolute taco monster.

Look at that, there's so much meat in there.

I dunno if there's gonna be any clean way

to eat this, so I'm just gonna go for it.

- I'm ready.

Oh, your amazing taco (laughs).

Huge. - It's huge.

It's huge.

(laughter) Okay.

That is like tender, fatty, oily meat.

And salty.

And just falling all out the back end,

look at my plate.

I'm losing things.

(mariachi music)

Oh man, there was so much meat

in that tortilla, it was just,

it was bloated with meat.

We gotta run now, because we're running out of sunlight.

So this market, you have been very good to us,

amazing food, very friendly people,

and just a very cool, low key,

easy to get around market.

This is a great market to explore before

you get on a boat when you visit Xochimilco.

There are quite a few different boat docks

where you can catch a boat,

but we're walking to one just down the road here.

(speaking foreign language)

We are at Embarcadero Caltongo,

which is the dock that we're setting off from.

So right now we're just,

Lalo is trying to negotiate for a boat.

(mariachi music)

I love the boats, how colorful they are.

They're so iconic.

(mariachi music)

There are so many boats,

so we have to walk all the way to the end boat

to leave.

That took a little negotiating but

we finally got a driver and we're on our way.

Oh, this is our boat.

I think this is it.

Oh, this is excellent.

Micah, you're gonna love this.

Micah has been looking forward to this all day long.

(laughter) Yeah.

So like I was mentioning before, Xochimilco,

its a very historic area, it's a Pre-Hispanic,

it was a Pre-Hispanic town,

and they had created a very extensive

system of manmade canals,

and so that system connected many of the villages

throughout this valley.

Today it's more of a party environment.

People, families and parties rent these boats

and they cruise around and hang out and have parties,

but it's really a fun environment.

One of the great things about this is

there's no motors, there's no engines on the boat

so they row the boat by a big stick,

just pushing the stick down.

So it's peaceful,

you can definitely hear the sounds of music and people

but the peace of the canal is beautiful.

(lively banda music)

- I really love Xochimilco because it's like a party,

really party on the the boats, on trajineras,

it is amazing, just check it.

- When we started off it seemed to quiet.

- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

- And then we got into the canal

and all of a sudden it's like a giant party--

- And you say, no, it's so quiet,

you can (overlapping speech).

- A little bumper boat?

- But now, it's-- - Yeah.

It's like a canal highway.

- Yeah. (laughter)

- And there's all sorts of different music

you can hear from every single boat.

It's pretty cool, some of them

are college parties,

some of them are family get-togethers.

- With Mariachis-- - Mariachi band right here.

(mariachi music)

There's so much going on.

(lively music)

- Wooo!


We're adults! We're not fun!

- We're the only ones not partying.


Okay, so it is just about pure dark right now,

but the party continues,

there's so many boats out here on the canals

in Xochimilco,

and our boat driver just said that they'll go all night

if you want to pay for it.

(lively banda music)

Traffic jam right here, there's so many boats,

there's about 25 different musics.

(lively music)

So that brings us to the end of this Xochimilco tour.

Big thank you to Lalo.

He's La Ruta de la Garnacha on Youtube,

I'll leave his link in the description box,

check out his awesome videos.

Yeah, we had a lot of fun.

The market is especially awesome,

there's some amazing food,

so if you come here, be sure to go to the market first,

eat some amazing food and then come get a boat,

and if you come, you can come in the day time,

and it will be a little less of a party environment,

but you can still come 24 hours a day.

- Mexico is waiting for you, welcome to Mexico, Mark.

- Thank you. - It was a pleasure,

it was an honor to be with you.

(speaks in foreign language) - So much fun, always fun

to hang out with Lalo.

But that's it, thanks again for watching.

Please remember to give this video a thumbs up,

leave a comment below.

Subscribe, I'm gonna be publishing lots more

food and travel videos,

and goodbye from Xochimilco.

For more infomation >> Xochimilco - STREET FOOD TOUR and BOAT RIDE on Canals of Mexico City! - Duration: 16:54.


GoPro: Irish Road Racing with Maria Costello - Duration: 7:20.

It's everyday life that happens here and suddenly

a few bales appear, around the circuit

but you'll never remove all the brick walls,

the stone gate posts.

It's a great sport that I love

but its a very unforgiving sport if something happens

it can become messy.

Touching speeds of almost 200mph,

down that flying kilo.

Which is as narrow as the drive way into my house.

Those are the thrills and the buzz that the riders get.

Some people think well it's a woman, you know,

this is a mans sport.

She is an absolutely class act

and unique in the fact that she is a lady,

but bloody hell can she race a motorbike.

Well I think, I've lived a different life to most of my friends.

It wasn't about owning a house and a car,

getting married and having kids.

It was just motorbike racing.

Friends of family, their son had a motorbike,

I quite fancied their son, he took me around the bike shops

but ultimately I fell in love with a motorbike.

You know, I look spoilt but I've done it all myself

and I went racing.

The front end is awful

like there's one section, where there's the only real bumps

and like, I don't know if my steering head is working.

It's doing this?


Well we will give you some more preload.

It takes a lot of money to keep road racing,

to get your ferries over and keep a truck going

and get your entries paid and pay the fuel.

I know the lads that help her,

they all do so out of their own pocket.

Essentially we're being trusted with their lives.

You know, if we don't do our..

if the mechanics don't do their job right,

it can end badly.

Whole load of us went to Mallory Park to watch.

I was like "Is that a girl?"

and they were like "Yeah, thats Sandra Barnett,"

and she was racing there.

Which was like, if she can do it, I can do it.

Mum hated it, right from dot.

She had to come and sign the form for the finance,

in the bike shop.

We walked through the bike shop and shes looking at all the scooters

and going "Which one are you having?"

"No, no, this is mine."

And she walked out of the shop.

All my mum thought of was fear

"She's going to crash, she's going to die"

Just oblivious to it,

I didn't want her going round that track,

at all.

They weren't part of it,

I was quite a defiant child,

whatever my mum didn't want me to do,

I seemed to want to do.

Dad and I knew about it a lot longer than.

Yeah before I did.

Yes because we couldn't tell you

because it had to be kept secret

and you would have told everyone.

I thought oh my god, my daughter has got the MBE

and I thought yes she deserves it.

For what she went through

and what shes done and what she still does.

You will sit there and then you will hear sometimes,

"Oh yeah that Maria Costello, you know the one that races"

and I think yeah, thats my daughter,

it is fantastic really.

Look Dave is there, Mick, Paul,

guys you've all raced against.

Don't worry, get in and get them.

You know what I mean,

head down, good start and away you go.

Now enjoy it, right.

When the day comes that she's decides

"I've had enough"

She would've left a legacy, I think for the rest to follow

and she would have set the bar, so to speak.

If you are lucky enough to find something,

that you love and enjoy, thats the biggest thing you know,

go and enjoy it, find it, do it and make it happen.

For more infomation >> GoPro: Irish Road Racing with Maria Costello - Duration: 7:20.


Rico Snchez _ Absolute Terror - DrinkGinAndMixingDrugs VIDEO [ TERROR CITY ] - Duration: 2:42.

For more infomation >> Rico Snchez _ Absolute Terror - DrinkGinAndMixingDrugs VIDEO [ TERROR CITY ] - Duration: 2:42.


Cheap Restaurant in TOKYO, Japan - Duration: 3:36.

Today Seba is showing us Roppongi hills,

a really kitch place, where you can eat with 5€

ok, the thruth is that Seba needed to go see IT at he movie theater

and he hadn't had the chance to eat in a restaurant,

because he was late, as always^^

We are in Roppongi, one of the most glamour quartiers

it's full of foreign people

we are going to watch IT and we have small time to go to eat

and also small money, so we decided to eat at Sukya

it's a restaurant where you can eat affordable, fast japanese dishes

let's hope that it's ok

a lot of years have passed, since I first ate here

but it's good, because it's japanese cuisine, so the quality will be ok

there is a small kitchen, and everybody seems depressed, but they aren't

here you can eat like all sorts of Donburi

7 - 6 €

so, if you have small hunger, you can find something here

They have also Donburi in a Nabe

this ones cost more, like about 10€

but for the quality and the place, it's not that much

and if you have really small money, there are things that cost less

and if you have children they pay less

like with 3€ you can eat here

this is a Hokkaido pudding, I'm not insipired by it

I can't decide^^ and I shouldn't IT-too much, because it can be that I will throw up watching it...

I thought this would be tuna, but it's meat

I don0t know if I hould take the curry with the Natto, but

I decided to take the most Sukya thing

this one with pork and onions

it's a japanese onion

very good!

now you basically break the egg like this

I think that a lot of italians don't like this thing

and then you put the egg

once you've putted the egg, you mix it

now I'm going to eat mine

we put some soy sauce

we add a bit of wasabi

not to much, if you don't want to die!

you mix everything together

with grace and elegance, two things that mark Sebastiano Serafini

ad one you've mixed the Tororu

you put it above the tuna

and you can eat it basically

underneath we have some rice and also some seaweeds

it's not that delicious, but once you are in Japan

and once you are used to this flavour

I can assure thet it's very good

so, this is like the ideal place to go eat, when you have not so much money

as you've seen there are a lot of "cheap" restaurants, where you can eat, without paying that much

in Italy it's a bit difficult to find such cheap resataurants

I don't know if there are many restaurants like this in Italy, if there are than they're not so healthy^^ let me know...

See you tomorrow always at 2pm (GMT+1) leave some comments, a like and don't forget to subscribe!

For more infomation >> Cheap Restaurant in TOKYO, Japan - Duration: 3:36.


Stephen Hawking Dies At 76, The Physicist Who Wrote 'A Brief History Of Time' | TODAY - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> Stephen Hawking Dies At 76, The Physicist Who Wrote 'A Brief History Of Time' | TODAY - Duration: 3:36.


Stephen Hawking dead at 76 - Duration: 1:31.

For more infomation >> Stephen Hawking dead at 76 - Duration: 1:31.


Pudingli Kurabiye Tarifi - Çok beğenilen kolay kurabiye - Duration: 0:50.

For more infomation >> Pudingli Kurabiye Tarifi - Çok beğenilen kolay kurabiye - Duration: 0:50.


Conor Lamb Is Apparent Winner Over Rick Saccone In Stunning Upset | TODAY - Duration: 2:33.

For more infomation >> Conor Lamb Is Apparent Winner Over Rick Saccone In Stunning Upset | TODAY - Duration: 2:33.


Графика в трейлере Dark Souls Remastered, Комикс по Bloodborne и Что думают о комиксах на Западе? - Duration: 12:36.

For more infomation >> Графика в трейлере Dark Souls Remastered, Комикс по Bloodborne и Что думают о комиксах на Западе? - Duration: 12:36.


最新重磅消息!纳吉脑残的"不吃白饭食藜麦"言论,被敦马和林吉祥大力打脸!快看!纳吉这次无地自容了! - Duration: 5:58.

For more infomation >> 最新重磅消息!纳吉脑残的"不吃白饭食藜麦"言论,被敦马和林吉祥大力打脸!快看!纳吉这次无地自容了! - Duration: 5:58.


WHY DOOKOOM ? - Duration: 8:22.

people are always careful scared of what they don't know and that's how we grew up

being my friends and people in my area you know

I know the dookoom was one

of those things that we were scared of so we had to go with that one so you

so you became one of the things you' were afraid of

South Africa, you know what, what I see is what

South Africa knows this black militant

dude everybody scared of that

it's got nothing to do what colors got to do with

pushing boundaries and shit and making people and come to know you

uncomfortable you've evolved push me because I need to see look dude it's not

just a black angry dude it's a there's a there is a Brits angry dude as well

there is a fucking Belgian angry chick as well

And there is a … I don't know what Wade is drumer

Wade is just fucking … I don't know what the fuck he is

He's got dreads. He's not rasta

I don't know what he is

There is a confusion of drummer in the crew as well.

my name is spooky and I'm the visual artist of DOOKOOM

I just landed from Belgium because I've relocated there by a year and a half ago

the main thing behind DOOKOOM, The main concept is when Isaac's lyrics meets

human waste


That is what drives DOOKOOM.

That is what DOOKOOM is

I mean I'm in the band like I don't know that's my role I made the beats

I mean we do kind of

everything together there are roles obviously like drumer plays drums

there's that but I mean in terms of like a whole creative output like

that's all of us

so I mean yeah

What is voice sounds like?

it sounds like a scary-ass Cape Town gangster


you know

that's what he sounds like

because that's what he is

you know so

so he has a voice that's like

like any good artist should have

a voice that encapsulate all of all of the experiences that he's lived through

And I think that's what makes a great artist when someone can capture that essence

of where they come from

DOOKOOM allows you to be as free as possible

as free as you want to be, whilst we're on stage

we actually accept any emotions that you want to feel

and we don't care if you bounce or not

you stand and look at us and stand and listen this is this is that this is the

freedom that we that we can give back to the people

DOOKOOM gave me that kind of freedom as well

I got creative freedom, bruh.

You know when you go to therapy

you're facing all the dark stuff

all the difficult stuff

and then you have a break through

and then you have digested and incorporated it and then you can move forward?

I think that is what we do

We're like a big form of therapy

People have felt so much pain in South Africa

but the feel good music

whether it's house, whatever

people just really want to go and drink and be happy

you know, I get that

in psychology you that you you say that wasn't a good things to just run away

from issues and not confront them

you're not helping anything by doing that so I think maybe that was something

we were trying to do is to have people think and confront things that are

uncomfortable we know like I guess you know music is still like all the music

we do is still powerful more powerful than maybe we thought

Any symbolism in it goes beyond art

it turns into

something that scares people and

people are worried about and

you know like are they gonna smash up our club

is there gonna be like a racewar is that the same way that I haven't a public enemy

Ja man, I'll fucking be the boogie man

I don't give a fuck

I push boundaries I don't care

If that is what it's gonna take to push boundaries

and break down barriers, why not

those are the things that keep us apart in the first place but a lot of times

the Donald Trumps that build these walls and keep people apart. Why not

Call me what you want.

People in general should be allowed to say what they want

but the world doesn't work like that

They should feel whatever they want to feel

But I think DOOKOOM is a smaller version of what the world could be

We got problems

like all families have

But when we're on stage

we fucking rock

All the problems…

it's like sex bruh, all that kind of kak

who gives a fuck about Trump at that moment bruh

who gives a fuck about politics

who gives a fuck at that moment...

we're just rocking the song

And that is what matters in that moment

We don't give a fuck about colour in that moment.

For more infomation >> WHY DOOKOOM ? - Duration: 8:22.


Merkel kann es nicht lassen - Duration: 1:48.

For more infomation >> Merkel kann es nicht lassen - Duration: 1:48.



Barcelona Chelsea

For more infomation >> БАРСЕЛОНА - ЧЕЛСИ l ЛИГА ЧЕМПИОНОВ FIFA-ВАНГА - Duration: 3:09.


Quả Báo Khi Lòng Tham Bạn Quá Cao..Cái Kết Đắng Lòng - Chân Lý Đạo Phật - Duration: 1:07:19.

For more infomation >> Quả Báo Khi Lòng Tham Bạn Quá Cao..Cái Kết Đắng Lòng - Chân Lý Đạo Phật - Duration: 1:07:19.


DIA DO LIXO, 'TÁ LIBERADO? | Tati Comenta #06 - Duration: 2:39.

For more infomation >> DIA DO LIXO, 'TÁ LIBERADO? | Tati Comenta #06 - Duration: 2:39.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 200 Prestige Urban Panoramaschuifdak Trekhaak DISTRONIC Dodehoek assistent Ac - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 200 Prestige Urban Panoramaschuifdak Trekhaak DISTRONIC Dodehoek assistent Ac - Duration: 0:59.


Chevrolet Camaro 3.8 Coupé B T-Bar 18" inch / Dikke Camaro....... NAP !!! - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Chevrolet Camaro 3.8 Coupé B T-Bar 18" inch / Dikke Camaro....... NAP !!! - Duration: 1:00.


How to turbo BMW m50/m52 engine, S03E02 Intake installation - Duration: 35:18.

Welcome back to Sipa's garage.

This time we continue working with the new intake. Or plenum or what you want to call it.

We have now several of these nice looking aluminium bends.

So we can now continue with the project.

We thinked about the throttle body problem and someone even mentioned this solution in the YouTube comments.

So to solve the problem we are going to move the entire TB flange away from the problematic spot using aluminium bends like this.

In this way the throttle flap angle doesn't have as much effect on the airflow as it would have had in previous location.

Because the air doesn't directly go to the intake.

So let's modify the intake now and do other changes that it also required to make it work.

That's how this project will move on in this video.

The tools have lot more room with this intake.

Looks nice.

Do we cut this like.

From here or..

To make the throttle body pint this way.

I would put it straight like this.

Then you just need one bend here and maybe another one down here.

And it wouldn't hurt if...

We don't have straight edge here.... No we don't..

I was thinking...

If the flange fits, it would be better that it would face that way.

But do we rotate this downwards.

Yeah that also.



But.. I need to do the cut like this. Does it hit here.

No it won't

Draw more where the cut should be. Like this.

But should I cut this at angle.

No. Straight.

But draw where the cut should be, because it can be hard to see when it's not there.

No it's...

That's not ok.

You fucking draw that by yourself if you are so clever.

I will do the cut, so maybe I should know where it should be.

Is there room.

But the cut should be like this.

Yeah but this line here is not where it should be.

No it's just there where it should be.

But still it should be..

Be more like this.

How's the flange. Does it need to be spot on or is there room to move it.

That determines how this needs to be cut.

Because this isn't...

Well you take the pen and draw that.

Yeah I will do that.

There is still huge amount of the old weld in this.

Have you tried to grind that off.

Was it here where this goes.

How well the holes will match.

Yeah it can be at angle and it won't be a problem.

Just make that straight.

I would put it like that and..

It fits here.

Yes it will.

And if these go here..

The linkage has plenty of room.

Isn't that the case.

I will now cut that.

How it is welding?

Semi ok.

This is very hard to weld because intake is so think. But I think I can get seam there.

Do I apply more current?

It's ok now. Or put little bit more.

Did you put?

There is little bit more.

Yeah I can lower that down with my foot.

Do you need more current?

This is pretty far from pretty weld but it will work.

It's.. I would need to practice..

Just keep it steady.

No because...

That is groove like that. Yeah you mean..

I need to go from side to side...

Yeah you do need to do like that.

It takes while to heat that up. And when you finally get the phase, you need to change position.

Yeah. It's annoying.

Vacuum connection for brake booster.

last aluminium rod we had..

We needed to re-thread the hole for intake air temp sensor.

After this the whole thing was ready for paint.

In last video I was worried that I need to order the VHT wrinkle paint from abroad at high cost.

But luckily I found out that there is store in Oulu that sells that.

The place was called Lucky Aki's Full Throttle Shop.

From the distance of 8 to 10 inches.

What the fuck.

Yeah that's what the can said.

Put little.. Meh what ever.

I think there is no wrinkle effect if you paint this wrong.

It comes after it dries for long time.

Should I even paint this everywhere.

You need to, or the surface will be different.

It will be fine...

Thick layer everywhere.

The instructions said 3 layers.


The wrinkle surface will be totally different than the old.

It would be nice to have respirator.


Should I go get one..

Yeah I would recommend that.

I will do one layer and get it after that. yeah.

And it's now dried over night.

it looks like the garage went too cold before this dried.

There was no-one to keep the fire alive at the night.

So the temperature may have gone low too fast that the wrinkle finish didn't appear.

If this focuses.

So there is no wrinkle finish.

But it still has that finish like from some structure paint.

Like this had previously. Only bit shinier one.

So I think that is still quite good.

Petri can decide if he wan'ts to try again or leave it like that. I would be happy like this.

Again the welds are not the prettiest ones.

But those should hold what they need to hold, so that's enough for us.

We don't do art with the welding as the welding YouTube channels do.

If the welds hold, it's enough for us.

And don't look too horrible.

This was quite tricky to weld, because this thing was about 1cm thick.

And the bent was only 3mm thick.

So the thickness difference made that challenging.

I was able to...

Here I managed to do almost ok looking weld.

After I got some practice.

But we didn't have much gas left and all the rods were needed to finish the welds.

So there was no chance to practice and get the "touch" right before doing this. Or we wouldn't have this finished now.

I think that will do.

This AN-bung here is for the brake booster.

And we needed to make this longer for the idle air valve.

So those modifications were needed too.

So this is now ready to be installed.

So lets install this. Or before that put the coils here.

And after all kinds of grinding and filing, it would nice to use pressurized air to get all that crap out.

But our compressor motor just decided to burn.

Luckily I noticed that the milker motor had almost same mounting as the the burnt motor in the compressor.

Our garage is old cowhouse if you didn't know that.

There was only problem that the milker motor was 3-phase one and the burnt compressor motor had only one phase.

But this was solved by hacking 3-phase contactor to the compressor.

Lets see if the wiring diagram from the master of science graduate is correct.

Fucking hell!!

Phew! I though that we did put wrong plug there.

Is the switch on.

Nothing happened.


Do we have power.

Is that plugged in the wall. Yes it is.

Check the fuses.

Have you changed those after that went.

I will check if we have voltage.

Maybe that contactor is busted.

No voltage here.

Is there voltage from the wall.

This is dead.

No fuck. Wait.

Yeah. Wait.

We have voltage.

Did you press the contactor?

Contactor doesn't work. I may have been wired wrong.

Sounds pretty weak.

That worked. I need to power on it here.

This only turns it off.

Is the pressure switch broken.

No. The contactor just doesn't turn this on.

Lets see if the pressure rises.

Yes it does!

How that can sound so weak.

Yeah it does.

But it works.

This so "don't do this at home" -level stuff.

But we did.

Yeah it worked and be could blow all the metal shavings off.

Now it was time to bolt everything to the intake and install it.

This may hold even without this.

Is that so that it won't hit the coils.

This? yeah.

No it wont.

Is there hole all the way to the intake.

Don't know.

Hey! We are missing the throttle cable.

Yes we do. But we are not going to drive this at this weekend anyways.

You think so? Yeah.

You wrap this same direction as you thread this in.

Is that ok. Feels bit loose.

Two turns.

Petri. Don't install that yet.


We need to calibrate that sensor.

Well do it.

We can thread that in after the intake is installed.

So we don't put this in.

Install everything else.

We can't calibrate that when it's installed.

We need to have boiling water, freezing water and 20 degrees for that.

To get the resistances.

Fuck this thread.

What? Is that correct?

Wait. It is.

Is that cone shaped.


You need to have that ptfe tape there.

Well you continue with that. I will go.

Have we ever tried putting this on? No we haven't.

Is it going in..

Oh fuck.

The injector holes are probably too small.

Or it needs some kind of spacer.

No it's not just going in.

Should we try with only one injector.

Don't tell that we need to swap injectors.

I think the hole is just bit too small.

I don't want to force it in.

It started going in.

Maybe we should swap thinner o-ring there.

Yeah we have that set.

Try that o-ring alone.

To see if there is chance even in theory.

I think it fits but...

it's just so tight.

Let's try the different o-ring.

I don't want to drill the holes bigger.

Or force those in.


Yeah that won't fit because these point straight up.

But these connectors do come off.

So lets take this plastic off.

Maybe wrap this in tape.

You won't do half-ass job with that.

Yeah. Just so that it's not just wires hanging here.

But the injectors can go in.

Or do we need to take this off now.

No we can do that later.

We will do the wrapping, after I finish up these coil wires.

But do we change the?

Yeah lets change the o-rings because these wont fit.


Blue silicone hose..

it's always trial and error if you don't use OEM parts.

Only about half mm difference and these ones fit.

Or what?

It's still quite tight.

And it didn't even go all the way in.


I think it was in.

No. I did see the blue part.

Fuck this is in the way.

Fuck this shit. It's not going in.

It's like it's hitting something.

That's much tighter that other.

Now lets try the fuel rail.

Is it hitting that wire.

That ground wire is bit too short.

Don't say that it doesn't fit.

What kind of fuel rail these mounts are meant for.

I think for some...

Those are not even close.


Not even close. These won't bend anywhere.

Fucking hell...

Fucking fuck..

This cracked.

This shit is not going to move with this.

I will just hit the intake.

It moved. noo..

Fuck that felt soft like that.

It moves that.

The socket should be tad longer.

yeah but then it would. Wait which way that needs to go.

Put the fuel rail back.

I think..

The another one will be fine with that bending. I think.

Those are now equally bad.

So this needs to go here.


This in this direction.

And this goes this direction.

This way. Yeah.

it's close.

This like this and this like this.

If we would have been clever, there should be bolt in that hole..


We can do new thread.

Just run tap through there.

But what direction.

This direction.

And this... You mean this direction?

Yeah this way.

This angle

How much.

Same amount as you already did.

And this only this direction.

Here. Yeah.

My way? Yeah.

You show with your hand and there is two directions it can go.

So you are saying "this way" isn't clear instructions..

And don't fucking scratch my car there.

Maybe this little bit more.

This way.

Like your direction.

Not much.

That bolt hole seems to be bigger, so I need to drill these holes bigger.

Fine tuning tool.

Use that thread tap, because those are not bit squashed.

I need to remember to drop the last clip somewhere unreachable place in the engine.


I need to drop the last clip somewhere unreachable place in the engine.

How in the hell this whole thing went fucked.


I could use bench grinder, but that will make me lose finger.

Use pliers.

We don't have proper ones.

I just gave you one.

Oh these. It will immediately shoot that off. I bet you.

yeah those are quite worn down.

Those are not knipex pliers.




You don't believe until I show you.

And it's now worse.

Will it thread in.

Don't yet know that.

I bet this is so angled that it wont.

That started threading.


Is that spacer in wrong location.

But it's already so tight.

It will be really good.

Here is totally wrong tool for the job.

Help. Someone is coming here.


Where? Outside.

On the road?

Fuck this ratchet is broken.

We would need to get all new tools.

Hopefully some tool manufacturer would sponsor our videos.

Yeah it's busted..

Fuck.. all the tools are falling apart.

From that one ratchet..

The small rachet is broken also.. The direction switch.

Bigger ones are also busted.

That is broken.

Socket extensions are broken..

Half of the tools are lost...

Maybe we need to get new tools after every ten years.

I think most of those are less than 5 years old..

There was cheap ratchet wrenches available on the Wish.

Those are probably like this when new.

There was whole set for 10€

You won't even get proper regular wrenches for that price.

Now before putting in fuel lines it is best that we jump little bit back on time, when I installed flex fuel sensor.

And here we have one fancy thing that we are going to use with the ms3 megasquirt.

Which is flexfuel sensor from Continental

This will be connected to the fuel lines that run to the engine.

And this then measures do we have e85 or pump gas or which kind of mixture of those.

And tells that to the engine management.

Here you only need to have +12v, ground and then there will be signal wire to the megasquirt.

This outputs frequency between 50-150 Hz and tells the fuel mixture in that way.

That needs to be configured in megasquirt.

So lets install this now.

And here I got the connector also.

These both came from VP Motorsport so thanks for that way. So that we could have this here.

This will be really simple to wire in.

I think I will mount this here using that stock bolt there, and it will be fine.

This is good location to run the fuel lines and wires.

So this will be bolted here.

Then lets run wires for this sensor.

As I said, this needs only three wires.

We need +12v, proapbly from the ignition switch.

Then ground and signal wire needs to go to megasquirt.

I didn't find my red cable roll, so this blue wire can be the +12v.

I need to remember that.

When connecting that.

But now just put these pins to the wires.

Remember also to use this rubber seal and then push the pins to the connector housing.

And then put some protection over the wires, because these run in the engine compartment.

These pins are meant to be crimped. But I haven't still bought tool for that.

So I will just solder in these.

And then, why I'm installing this flex fuel sensor.

Even though you can get e85 many places in Finland, there is still locations that don't have it.

And with flex fuel sensor, the car will be bale to run e85 and pump gas automatically.

So when driving longer distances, you don't need to keep on eye where the next e85 stop will be all the time.

Of course this could have been installed before.

But ms2 doesn't have very good support for flex fuel sensor.

But with ms3 you can do proper map blending.

But more about that later.

There you did see the making of the wire and it's now plugged in.

That leaves us the fuel connectors.

That sensor has 3/8 inch quick connect connectors, which are bit strange for us Europeans.

But luckily Finjector had suitable adapters for 8mm fuel hose.

Those just go to the hoses and clip on to the sensor.

When fuel lines are ready, the last thing to do is to modify the charge piping.

Petri had bought wiggins clap and in here he is welding the other half to the throttle body.

Yeah we did run out of the tig rods, but Petri bought more when he visited Oulu.

After that there will be 90 degree bend.

That will be welded to old charge piping.

This doesn't fit anymore. You need to push it further.

The angle is different now.

Is it there?

I will hold. You mark it.

This needs to be angled more to this direction.

Is it now.

My fingers tell it's centered.

Fingers say? Yeah.

Petri this needs to be done again.


The dump valve hits the light. This needs to be turned.

I need to clean the old marks.

Now put that where it needs to be.

The first time you did wasn't very successful.

Now it would better be right.

The glue from tape melted here.

That doesn't want to stay there.

Is this. Fuck do you know what. What?

This points to....

For more infomation >> How to turbo BMW m50/m52 engine, S03E02 Intake installation - Duration: 35:18.


AVENGERS INFINITY WAR New Death Theory - Who Will Thanos Kill? - Duration: 6:41.

The hype for Avengers Infinity War is reaching boiling point and Kevin Feige has now confirmed

there are going to be real character deaths in the movie.

Yippee-ki-yay movie lovers, it's Jan and in this video, I'm going to explain why I think

one specific character that hasn't typically appeared on everyone's death-lists will be

killed by Thanos in the film.

I'm also starting a new Marvel giveaway – to enter, make sure you're a subscriber and tell

me in the comments who you think won't make it out of Infinity War alive.

And I'll announce the winner of my last giveaway later in this video.

Obviously, speculation and potential spoilers ahead for Infinity War.

It's generally thought that Marvel are going to hit fans big in Avengers Infinity War and

kill off someone like Cap or Iron Man.

After all, Tony did have that vision in Age of Ultron of his fellow heroes strewn lifeless

on a rock in outer space.

But a recent EW interview with Josh Brolin who plays Thanos has got me thinking that

it won't be a main Avenger who we lose in Infinity War.

When Brolin was asked about Thanos's daughters, Nebula and Gamora, the actor found it difficult

to discuss.

Although he did say the Mad Titan treats both Gamora and Nebula as tools for his own gain,

when pushed on whether Thanos is "cold the whole way through, or [if] he feel[s] any

affection for them?", this is what Brolin said:


I do think he does.

When you see the relationship with Gamora and you see that evolves, God I wish I could

tell you.

I can't!

Obviously he has a grand plan, like somebody who's pulling in kids for their own selfish


But he has a capacity to love very much and very deeply."

Now, I think it's very interesting that Brolin specifically mentioned Gamora but tried to

stop himself from revealing anything further in terms of bigger plot points.

We need to remember that Gamora is Thanos's favourite daughter and that favouritism has

been something that has been very painful for her adoptive sister Nebula.

"Your demeanor is that of a pouty child."

"And, apparently, you alienated my favorite daughter, Gamora."

So, why would Thanos kill Gamora?

Well, there's rumours that if Thanos does get to all six Infinity Stones, he'll still

need something extra to be able to use the Soul Stone.

That particular Infinity Stone still hasn't been revealed in the MCU, though I've talked

about possible locations where it could appear in my Soul Stone video, but the idea is that

to be able to use the Soul Stone you have to sacrifice someone you love.

Thanos has a twisted love for his daughters, and Gamora is his favourite, which could mean

Thanos will kill her in order to control the Soul Stone.

But before you get too upset, just remember we're talking comic book movies here, and

it's quite likely that the Infinity War sequel will involve the Avengers trying to reverse

some of the events from Infinity War, perhaps with time travel.

As for Marvel, killing Gamora would indeed give their film an emotional hit, without

their having to retire one of the original core characters like Iron Man or Cap at this


And there's actually a bit of supporting evidence for this idea in the form of one of the Infinity

War LEGO sets for the final battle in which Iron Man, Gamora and Star-Lord face off against

Thanos who is wielding an Infinity Sword.

We don't know how this battle will go, but it could be the moment in which Thanos carries

out his dastardly deed.

After all we do see Iron Man extremely upset in this shot from the first trailer and it

looks like it could be set on Thanos's home world Titan.

We also know that in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, Nebula came to terms with her sister

Gamora and seeing Thanos kill her would be the final straw, setting up a huge revenge

story for her in Avengers 4.

"There are little girls like you across the universe who are in danger."

"You can stay with us and help them."

"I will help them by killing Thanos."

"I don't know if that's possible."

"You will always be my sister."

Now, I really like Gamora, so I'll be pretty devastated if this does play out.

However, Zoe Saldana has already revealed she's been filming on Avengers 4, but she

could have been filming flashback scenes from before her death or if that movie really does

reverse the events from Infinity War then, of course, we might see Gamora come back to


The really interesting thing in all this is that Gamora's death would actually parallel

something which happened to her in the comics.

When Gamora discovered Thanos's master plan to kill off half the universe, she attempted

to kill him with a dagger.

However, Thanos mortally wounded her and left her for dead.

Adam Warlock found Gamora about to die and to save her he absorbed her spirit into the

Soul Gem and took her into a place inside the gem called Soulworld.

Gamora stayed in Soulworld until the events of the Infinity Gauntlet when Adam Warlock

restored Gamora into the real world via the body of a recently deceased human.

She died again though when Thanos erased half of the universe from existence.

By the way, James Gunn has said we won't be getting Adam Warlock in the Infinity War movie,

however, he'll likely appear in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, and I talk about how

that will happen in my Adam Warlock teaser video.

Nebula also plays a key part in the Infinity Gauntlet storyline and the final defeat of


Initially, in the Infinity Gauntlet comics, Thanos wreaks havoc on Nebula's body, torturing

her and turning her into a living corpse who he uses to try to impress Mistress Death.

Later in the story though, it's Nebula who turns the balance of power away from Thanos

by taking the gauntlet from him.

Nebula then restores the half of the universe which Thanos had killed, which also brings

back Gamora.

Now, I don't think this is exactly what will happen in the movies, however, in this glimpse

of Nebula from the Super Bowl TV spot, we can see that she's absolutely furious at something.

Could it be she's just witnessed Thanos appear to kill her sister Gamora?

If Nebula, or another character, does reverse Gamora's death or any other effects of Thanos's

devastation, that would happen in Avengers 4, not Infinity War, of course.

By the way, another possibility is that Marvel might do a twist on this idea in the Infinity

War movie, with Thanos killing Nebula as she goes up against him, rather than Gamora.

Nebula is still one of his daughters and so could be used by Thanos to harness the power

of the Soul Stone, with Gamora then having to exact revenge on the Mad Titan.

Either way, if Gamora or Nebula does die, perhaps by having their souls taken from them

by Thanos, then this would be quite an emotional set-up for Avengers 4.

So, do you think Gamora or Nebula will be a casualty in Avengers: Infinity War or do

you have any theories on who else Thanos might kill?

And which character would you be most upset to lose in the movie?

Let me know your thoughts in the comments below and subscribe for my new Marvel giveaway.

The winner of my Jessica Jones giveaway is on screen now; if that's you, private message

me with your details so I can get your prize sent out to you.

And while we all wait for the next Infinity War trailer, check out my recent Avengers

videos and other Marvel theories by tapping the screen here.

Thanks for watching and see ya next time.

Yippee-ki-yay, movie lovers!

For more infomation >> AVENGERS INFINITY WAR New Death Theory - Who Will Thanos Kill? - Duration: 6:41.


Channel Trailer - Duration: 0:49.

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For more infomation >> Channel Trailer - Duration: 0:49.



For more infomation >> PARGO RELLENO AL HORNO | COCINA BLOG - Duration: 8:04.


Volkswagen up! 1.0 60pk 5-DRS Move Up! | Executive pakket | Climatic - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen up! 1.0 60pk 5-DRS Move Up! | Executive pakket | Climatic - Duration: 1:00.


김흥국, 30대 여성 성폭행 의혹…"만난 적 있지만 그런 일 없어" 부인 - Duration: 2:10.

For more infomation >> 김흥국, 30대 여성 성폭행 의혹…"만난 적 있지만 그런 일 없어" 부인 - Duration: 2:10.


Volkswagen up! 1.0 60pk 3-DRS Move Up! | Executive pakket | Climatic - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen up! 1.0 60pk 3-DRS Move Up! | Executive pakket | Climatic - Duration: 0:58.


FOOD Vs Giant My Green Alligator Kids Fun Challenge Dino Dana Magic Pet DINOSAURS Food Tasting Game - Duration: 11:09.

FOOD Vs Giant My Green Alligator Kids Fun Challenge Dino Dana Magic Pet DINOSAURS Food Tasting Game

For more infomation >> FOOD Vs Giant My Green Alligator Kids Fun Challenge Dino Dana Magic Pet DINOSAURS Food Tasting Game - Duration: 11:09.


5 Món Đồ Đẹp Nhưng Lại Có Hại Cho Sức Khỏe Của Bạn - Thế Giới Phụ Nữ - Duration: 3:15.

For more infomation >> 5 Món Đồ Đẹp Nhưng Lại Có Hại Cho Sức Khỏe Của Bạn - Thế Giới Phụ Nữ - Duration: 3:15.


The Countdown - Nicolai Heidlas [No Copyright Music] - Duration: 3:05.

For more infomation >> The Countdown - Nicolai Heidlas [No Copyright Music] - Duration: 3:05.


La vie n'est pas la même après la mort de nos parents - Duration: 7:10.

For more infomation >> La vie n'est pas la même après la mort de nos parents - Duration: 7:10.


For more infomation >> La vie n'est pas la même après la mort de nos parents - Duration: 7:10.


Ozuna x Romeo Santos - El Farsante Remix Reaction [Koreans React] / Hoontamin - Duration: 7:50.

For more infomation >> Ozuna x Romeo Santos - El Farsante Remix Reaction [Koreans React] / Hoontamin - Duration: 7:50.


For more infomation >> Ozuna x Romeo Santos - El Farsante Remix Reaction [Koreans React] / Hoontamin - Duration: 7:50.


Google a failli racheter la marque pour 11 milliards de dollars - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> Google a failli racheter la marque pour 11 milliards de dollars - Duration: 1:35.


For more infomation >> Google a failli racheter la marque pour 11 milliards de dollars - Duration: 1:35.


FOOD Vs Giant My Green Alligator Kids Fun Challenge Dino Dana Magic Pet DINOSAURS Food Tasting Game - Duration: 11:09.

FOOD Vs Giant My Green Alligator Kids Fun Challenge Dino Dana Magic Pet DINOSAURS Food Tasting Game

For more infomation >> FOOD Vs Giant My Green Alligator Kids Fun Challenge Dino Dana Magic Pet DINOSAURS Food Tasting Game - Duration: 11:09.


For more infomation >> FOOD Vs Giant My Green Alligator Kids Fun Challenge Dino Dana Magic Pet DINOSAURS Food Tasting Game - Duration: 11:09.


Mercedes Classe A : une nouvelle gamme disponible à partir de 32.200 euros - Duration: 2:35.

For more infomation >> Mercedes Classe A : une nouvelle gamme disponible à partir de 32.200 euros - Duration: 2:35.


For more infomation >> Mercedes Classe A : une nouvelle gamme disponible à partir de 32.200 euros - Duration: 2:35.


Pièces d'occasion : pourquoi votre garagiste ne les propose pas - Duration: 6:44.

For more infomation >> Pièces d'occasion : pourquoi votre garagiste ne les propose pas - Duration: 6:44.


For more infomation >> Pièces d'occasion : pourquoi votre garagiste ne les propose pas - Duration: 6:44.


5 types d'orgasme et des conseils pour les atteindre - Duration: 8:54.

For more infomation >> 5 types d'orgasme et des conseils pour les atteindre - Duration: 8:54.


For more infomation >> 5 types d'orgasme et des conseils pour les atteindre - Duration: 8:54.


Découvrez un remède antique qui peut guérir jusqu'à 100 maladies | Santé 24.7 - Duration: 8:46.

For more infomation >> Découvrez un remède antique qui peut guérir jusqu'à 100 maladies | Santé 24.7 - Duration: 8:46.


For more infomation >> Découvrez un remède antique qui peut guérir jusqu'à 100 maladies | Santé 24.7 - Duration: 8:46.







La Renault Clio R.S. 18 disponible à partir de 30.900 euros - Duration: 4:34.

For more infomation >> La Renault Clio R.S. 18 disponible à partir de 30.900 euros - Duration: 4:34.


For more infomation >> La Renault Clio R.S. 18 disponible à partir de 30.900 euros - Duration: 4:34.


5 substituts du lait à essayer si vous êtes intolérant au lactose - Duration: 4:05.

For more infomation >> 5 substituts du lait à essayer si vous êtes intolérant au lactose - Duration: 4:05.


For more infomation >> 5 substituts du lait à essayer si vous êtes intolérant au lactose - Duration: 4:05.


Volkswagen up! 1.0 High Up! (Navigatie / Schuifdak) - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen up! 1.0 High Up! (Navigatie / Schuifdak) - Duration: 0:54.


For more infomation >> Volkswagen up! 1.0 High Up! (Navigatie / Schuifdak) - Duration: 0:54.


Félix fond en larmes en enchaînant un coup de maître à 500000€ et la découverte de l'Étoile - Duration: 3:07.

For more infomation >> Félix fond en larmes en enchaînant un coup de maître à 500000€ et la découverte de l'Étoile - Duration: 3:07.


For more infomation >> Félix fond en larmes en enchaînant un coup de maître à 500000€ et la découverte de l'Étoile - Duration: 3:07.


Partez à l'assaut des dunes de sable avec le Kite, le buggy de Hyundai - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> Partez à l'assaut des dunes de sable avec le Kite, le buggy de Hyundai - Duration: 3:11.


For more infomation >> Partez à l'assaut des dunes de sable avec le Kite, le buggy de Hyundai - Duration: 3:11.


Techrules Ren RS : jusqu'à 6 moteurs électriques et pas moins de 1287 chevaux - Duration: 4:20.

For more infomation >> Techrules Ren RS : jusqu'à 6 moteurs électriques et pas moins de 1287 chevaux - Duration: 4:20.


For more infomation >> Techrules Ren RS : jusqu'à 6 moteurs électriques et pas moins de 1287 chevaux - Duration: 4:20.


Voici les trois 208 WRX engagées officiellement par Peugeot en 2018 - Duration: 3:24.

For more infomation >> Voici les trois 208 WRX engagées officiellement par Peugeot en 2018 - Duration: 3:24.


For more infomation >> Voici les trois 208 WRX engagées officiellement par Peugeot en 2018 - Duration: 3:24.


GZSZ-Paar Jessica Ginkel & Daniel Fehlow: Das Baby ist da! - Duration: 2:27.

For more infomation >> GZSZ-Paar Jessica Ginkel & Daniel Fehlow: Das Baby ist da! - Duration: 2:27.


For more infomation >> GZSZ-Paar Jessica Ginkel & Daniel Fehlow: Das Baby ist da! - Duration: 2:27.


Jurassic World (2018)

For more infomation >> Jurassic World (2018)


"I'm Allergic To Simon Cowell" Angry Viewer Calls The Studio With A Complaint! | X Factor Global - Duration: 2:53.

now it's been front-page news today that Michelle Hall 42 has a phobia against

you Simon that make you feel obviously doesn't know me we have tracked her down

now this is really important detail that you guys need to know Simon you have a

gagging order for this part of the show you need to keep it zipped zilch

no because if you speak you're obviously going to affect her making you're gonna

make a vomit so so let's speak to her Michelle Michelle it is great to happen

on the line I have a question for you number one how does your phobia affect

your life well I have to go into another room and watch TV but my children love

what's in X Factor so if they're in the fitting room I have to go upstairs or if

not my husband has to take me out either reveal this pillow science see the X

Factor what about work I mean this must be really debilitating for you it is

because I work in a shop where sell newspapers which is the place was a bad

day so I ended up on appeal serving customers for the newspaper they thought

I had to turn away and flip the page across to the customers don't be exactly

the big boys that really gets to you it's whether it's happened about 10

years ago we know

goodness it counted back we connect so you are suffering them to be honest with

you you have been suffering for a decade

it's not just when he talks is when you just see a picture of him is that

correct oh we sure is there anything that you

like about him is there anything that you like about Simon no really thanks

for watching

For more infomation >> "I'm Allergic To Simon Cowell" Angry Viewer Calls The Studio With A Complaint! | X Factor Global - Duration: 2:53.


Citroën Jumpy M BlueHDi 120 S&S BUSINESS *NIEUW* NAVI/17''/BT (RIJKLAAR) - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Citroën Jumpy M BlueHDi 120 S&S BUSINESS *NIEUW* NAVI/17''/BT (RIJKLAAR) - Duration: 0:59.


BMW 3 Serie Touring 335D 286PK M-SPORT Pakket! Automaat! Navi/Xenon/LMV18"/Pano-Dak/Voll-Leder/Keyle - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> BMW 3 Serie Touring 335D 286PK M-SPORT Pakket! Automaat! Navi/Xenon/LMV18"/Pano-Dak/Voll-Leder/Keyle - Duration: 0:59.


Mazda 2 1.3 GT-M Line "Verkocht" - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Mazda 2 1.3 GT-M Line "Verkocht" - Duration: 0:57.



For more infomation >> Fiat Punto Evo 1.3 M-JET MYLIFE 5 DEURS / VOLLEDIG DEALER ONDERHOUDEN / AIRCO / CRUISE-CONTROL / ELE - Duration: 0:54.



Thanks for watching!

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For more infomation >> JURASSIC PARK AND JURASSIC WORLD GAMES - Evolution - Duration: 12:56.


Cheap Restaurant in TOKYO, Japan - Duration: 3:36.

Today Seba is showing us Roppongi hills,

a really kitch place, where you can eat with 5€

ok, the thruth is that Seba needed to go see IT at he movie theater

and he hadn't had the chance to eat in a restaurant,

because he was late, as always^^

We are in Roppongi, one of the most glamour quartiers

it's full of foreign people

we are going to watch IT and we have small time to go to eat

and also small money, so we decided to eat at Sukya

it's a restaurant where you can eat affordable, fast japanese dishes

let's hope that it's ok

a lot of years have passed, since I first ate here

but it's good, because it's japanese cuisine, so the quality will be ok

there is a small kitchen, and everybody seems depressed, but they aren't

here you can eat like all sorts of Donburi

7 - 6 €

so, if you have small hunger, you can find something here

They have also Donburi in a Nabe

this ones cost more, like about 10€

but for the quality and the place, it's not that much

and if you have really small money, there are things that cost less

and if you have children they pay less

like with 3€ you can eat here

this is a Hokkaido pudding, I'm not insipired by it

I can't decide^^ and I shouldn't IT-too much, because it can be that I will throw up watching it...

I thought this would be tuna, but it's meat

I don0t know if I hould take the curry with the Natto, but

I decided to take the most Sukya thing

this one with pork and onions

it's a japanese onion

very good!

now you basically break the egg like this

I think that a lot of italians don't like this thing

and then you put the egg

once you've putted the egg, you mix it

now I'm going to eat mine

we put some soy sauce

we add a bit of wasabi

not to much, if you don't want to die!

you mix everything together

with grace and elegance, two things that mark Sebastiano Serafini

ad one you've mixed the Tororu

you put it above the tuna

and you can eat it basically

underneath we have some rice and also some seaweeds

it's not that delicious, but once you are in Japan

and once you are used to this flavour

I can assure thet it's very good

so, this is like the ideal place to go eat, when you have not so much money

as you've seen there are a lot of "cheap" restaurants, where you can eat, without paying that much

in Italy it's a bit difficult to find such cheap resataurants

I don't know if there are many restaurants like this in Italy, if there are than they're not so healthy^^ let me know...

See you tomorrow always at 2pm (GMT+1) leave some comments, a like and don't forget to subscribe!

For more infomation >> Cheap Restaurant in TOKYO, Japan - Duration: 3:36.


lil Peep - the way i see things (Anti-Nightcore)【Lyrics】 - Duration: 2:27.

I got a feelin' that I'm not gonna be here for next year

So let's laugh a little before I'm gone I've been dreamin' of this shit for a while

now Got me high now

She don't love me, but she's singin' my song Oh, no

I don't feel much pain Got

a knife in my back and a bullet in my brain I'm clinically insane

Walkin' home alone I see faces in the rain Where did all the time go?

Spend it gettin' high while I hide from the 5-0

Where did all the lines go?

Now, I'm so high I be fuckin' with my eyes closed

She don't fuck with me no more, I'm on her mind though

Come and fuck me in the mornin' with the blinds closed

I can show you everything I learned While you were away from me

Runnin' away from me, but I'm not givin' up on you

It's just the way I be It's just the way I see things

Take her away from me, but I'm not givin' up on you, no

It's just the way I be It's just the way I see things

For more infomation >> lil Peep - the way i see things (Anti-Nightcore)【Lyrics】 - Duration: 2:27.


A One - Story House For A Narrow Plot of Land Less 16m With A Usable Area of 90m2 - Duration: 2:20.

A One - Story House For A Narrow Plot of Land Less 16m With A Usable Area of 90m2

For more infomation >> A One - Story House For A Narrow Plot of Land Less 16m With A Usable Area of 90m2 - Duration: 2:20.


Nicole Roundy | A Day in the Life | Post Event Recovery | Samsung Paralympic Blogger - Duration: 3:55.

For more infomation >> Nicole Roundy | A Day in the Life | Post Event Recovery | Samsung Paralympic Blogger - Duration: 3:55.


Mixing SLIME | How to Make the Most Cute SNOWFLAKE & PEARLY Slime - Duration: 5:17.

For more infomation >> Mixing SLIME | How to Make the Most Cute SNOWFLAKE & PEARLY Slime - Duration: 5:17.


Audi A3 Sportback 1.6 TDI 105PK AMBITION PRO S-LINE LMV/PDC/Sportstoelen/6-Bak/Boordcomputer/Radio-M - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Audi A3 Sportback 1.6 TDI 105PK AMBITION PRO S-LINE LMV/PDC/Sportstoelen/6-Bak/Boordcomputer/Radio-M - Duration: 0:57.


Winter swimming VLOG - Duration: 9:41.

Hey! Hey! We're going winter swimming. From a boat in central Stockholm.


We're going now!

I don't think the kids will do ice swimming. Axel loves it.

Is this what you look like in ice water?

That's probably what I'll look like because I've never tried it before. Scary!

I'm asleep.

The water is to cold to sleep. I'll probably scream. The trick is to sit in the sauna for a long time.


To get warm, so you can handle the cold water.

This video is a collaboration with Cetaphil. We've tried their products for a few weeks now.

Come here and help me carry.

Cetaphil, cetaphil, cetaphil.

Exactly. Here you go. Put them in the bag.

Where's the bag?

It's out here Harry. That's daddy's work bag.

We are ready to swim! There's probably a jacuzzi for the two of you.

Join us.

Hello and welcome to M/S Molly!

Thank you! I'm Axel.

I'm Pia. What's your name?

Alma. Harry.

Welcome to our boat in winter time.

Look it's blue in the water.

It's blue underwater lights.

It's nice to hang out here in the summer.

Looks lovely.

But it's a lot of snow today.

This is where we will bath.

That's right.

There's a ladder, you can jump if you feel brave.

We'll take the ladder.

There are ice floes down here.

It must be zero Degrees Celsius.

You have to run into the sauna.


Oh, it's really warm.

This is good for your cold hands.

Yeah, this is nice.

Look at the sauna, so nice!

Let's do this! We start in the sauna! Yay!

It's too hot in here.

It's nice.

I'm sweaty. I have to go out and swim.

It's summer temperature.

I'm getting out!

I'm all alone out here.

It's because you went out.

Harry, I have to get warm. I can't swim otherwise. I promise to hang out with you later.

We're ready to go out and dip in the open water. The kids will stay in here with a soda.

I've never done this before. There's smoke coming from us.

Here we go.

I'm first. Oh my!

I don't dare dip my head. Nice!

Well done honey! The water isn't that clean in Nybroviken so we wont dip our heads.

There are people passing us on the street.

I hope they can't see us.

They do.

We have a Question of the Day, that suits this vlog. Coola Jesper is asking;

Where do you prefer to swim? Sea, lake, pool or jacuzzi?

Pool with a water slide.

Water slide.

Lake, the one by our cabin is my favorite.

I like the sea with waves.

That was very refreshing. Me and mommy were swimming with the ice floes.

It's ice cold outside. I was freezing!

We have a collaboration with Cetaphil. We've tried their products for a few weeks now.

We really like them because we all have dry skin in the winter time. And the kids are often worried...

That the lotion will itch and sting.

But the one that we use now doesn't. It's called: Body Mousturizer For Very Dry, Itchy & Sensitive Skin.

That's you.

We use this one in the shower. And a face cream for these rosy little cheeks. I'm all slippery now.

I'll help you.

How does it feel?


I burped.

Cetaphil products can be bought in pharmacies and Åhléns. It's good quality with a reasonable price.

Bye bye!

Bye and thank you!

Take care.

Dad! I'm eating a carrot.


It's funny weather today, it's sun and then it's snowing alternately. Thank you for watching this video!

Give us a thumb up or down. Comment, post questions. Subscribe and ring the bell.

Take care until next time. Bye! Bye!

For more infomation >> Winter swimming VLOG - Duration: 9:41.


USA HAUL 🇺🇸 | WHAT I BOUGHT IN BOSTON | Jasmin Kiefer - Duration: 12:34.

everyone and look back to my channel today's video is going to be a used a

haul I'm gonna show you all the things that I bought while I was there I think

I did pretty good and didn't spend too much money but I got a few things here

and there and it was mostly things that I really wanted before I even went there

I like had a list on my phone with the things I wanted to stock up on that

we're mostly things that I already had in the past and you could suck either a

cheaper over there or you could only get it in the States so yeah I got all the

things from that list and I actually maybe bought like a few things extra but

not really I feel like I've been good compared to when I usually like go

shopping and stuff but my main intention wasn't to go shopping over there was to

visit one of my best friend's and yeah I had a really good time also if you're

new to my channel please make sure to subscribe and hit that notification bell

so you'd notified whenever I upload a new video and that being said let's get

into the video so I think I'm gonna start with the fashion and accessory

items because that's like only four items and then I have some makeup and

skincare so the first item that I actually got is this bomber jacket that

I'm wearing right now it's camouflage and also velvet and it's just really

really nice I got that at Marshall's and this is from the men's section so I

found that like towards the end when we were in Marshall at Marshalls and I

really really liked it it was on sale like final sale I think for $12 which

was amazing and I've been like really obsessed with camouflage prints so that

was definitely it's like definitely one of my favorite pieces another thing I

found at Marshall's is Calvin Klein bumbag this was only 20

bucks I feel like Calvin Klein's a brand debt is so much cheaper over there

compared to here I have like a little Calvin Klein bag that I bought here in

Germany and that was like 140 euros and I already have like a different Calvin

Klein back that I got before in the states that was also really cheap and

BOM bags are coming back so yeah I got this and I really like it I already wore

it out today the only thing is that the belt that's attached to it it's a little

big but you can like remove it so maybe I'm just gonna like put another

one in there or I'm gonna put some more holes in here cuz otherwise it's like

really really loose but I loved it and they were only left and like vigorous

sizes so I still got it and ya couldn't pass this one up then I

got two pairs of vans and the first pair is this one right here it's camouflage

again kind of matches the jacket I'm wearing and another thing they were like

really really cool I saw a customized pair in the storm when two and they were

like similar to these but they had like a light kind of beige leather back and

it looked so cool they also had different laces sort of our checkered


I bought the checker at Lisa's too because I wanna put them in these shoes

and I think it really matched well with the camouflage and yeah I didn't want to

customize these shoes online and have to wait for them to get delivered cuz I was

kind of worried they wouldn't be there on time before I leave so I just got

this version instead and I still really really love it the only thing that's

different is that it doesn't have that lighter part in the back but I got the

laces as well so yeah we really really like these what amount for the first

time today and comfortable like a man's are usually another pair that I got is

this one right here it's the platform kind of vans so it's like a little

thicker and they're like a really really comfortable to walk in besides that

there and it's just like plain black and white so very basic shoes like I said

really comfortable and I've been wanting them for quite a while now and I thought

to myself like I'm gonna wait till I go to the States because they're gonna be a

little cheaper over there especially with the currency change and all that so

yeah really happy that I got this that's it all ready for a look clothes and

fashion and all that and now on to the beauty part so like I said most things

that I got are things that I've already tried in the past not just one to stock

up on it again first one is the Mario Badescu facial spray and the green one

would which is the aloe cucumber and creepy version I only got the little

travel-size because I I don't know it's like you can get them here in Germany

too so didn't wanna like have too much weight on my way back

because I was already struggling with the weight of my luggage on my way to

two states so yeah I didn't want to buy like ton of things and that's when we

got the trouble sighs and I could do to put that in my hand luggage and I just

love this one like I've put this on my face all the time as you can see already

used it quite a bit and yeah I use it to either set my makeup or just like in

between also got a new dual lash glue I really like the green one because it

comes with a little brush and it's just my favorite and then I got my favorite

lashes which are DK's lashes in number 11 so yeah those are ones that I'm

weighing right now I feel like they're very natural and very nice for an

everyday kind of look then I got two lipsticks from Maybelline they're the

same shade and this is just something that I already have I still have that

lipstick shade but I'm running really low on it because I love it so much it's

actually you do lipstick I'm wearing on my lips today my favorite nude lipstick

and it's so affordable but I feel like I don't know if it's just a different

shade or something but I haven't seen the exact one in the German director yet

maybe I just have to check out more tractors but that's why I got two more

of those Maybelline lipstick in nude thrill

7:55 from the bold collection and just like a very pretty light pale nude and

yeah lovely so good two of them now I also got some L'Oreal products these

acts I don't think I've seen those before I do like the True Match Lumi

shimmer ista highlighting powders they look like this I got them in both sheets

because my friend was rushing me to go to the cash register because she needs

my Ulta card and I was so I was like deciding on

which one to get and since she was rushing me I just decided to get both of

them yeah and I feel like this one is like very bronzy very dark this is in

the shade sunlight and this one is light and this one is like I said very Bronte

it's very dark on me and just won't have like it's like white would have like an

iridescent look to it and yeah I don't really think each of these are like

perfect for me on their own this would work but I don't like that is so

iridescent what I did and I already try that out is mix these together and it

just creates a perfect kind of shade I mean you can totally customize that

Dapeng dip God depending on how much you use of each of those and I think that

was such I think it's like so great for the summer too and like the warm months

coming up and just give that glowy look all over so totally recommend these I

really like those so another thing that I saw at CVS that really caught my

attention is like a glitter jelly it's from this brand wonder chill and this is

in 24 karat and it looks really funny I tried this out once at night before I

was going to shower anyway so I was like I'm just gonna see how the formula is

and all that and it is kind of like bouncy and like really jelly like and I

thought this would be like really really cool for a festival like you could

either use this on your eyes or it could also do like glitter freckles with this

and I thought that was like such a cool idea that I got five more things and

three of them are things that of just restocked

and so first one is to eat heart check tape this one is in

parodist Ishita always use and it's just my all-time favorite concealer then I

got the Anastasia brow Wiz I use mine in the shade taupe and I've

been through many of these and I just love them so much it's just so expensive

so that's the only downside with these they also got another on the stasi a

Beverly Hills clear brow gel because the one I've been using lasted a very long

time but it's like coming to an end you can tell so just got a backup one and

yeah really love themselves your brow products then I wanted to try something

new and I got a Marc Jacobs gloss at Sephora I also wanted to redeem my

Sephora points because I can do that anywhere near me here in Europe and yeah

but they apparently have different customer cards so if you have like this

for a membership card like the IB card it's not the same as in Europe so you

can't redeem your points here and you can collect your points here just a

whole different thing which doesn't make any sense to me but that's how it is so

got like a little Smashbox kit with like a lipstick primer and I'm like all that

kind of stuff but I already put that in my drawers I'm not gonna show that

anyways I got the Marc Jacobs a lipstick this is in sugar sugar

it's tea and award in know the an award - lip lacquer and sugar sugar it has a

little bit of a shimmer in it which was something that kind of stood out to me

and I wanted to try it and it looks really really nice then the last thing

that I got is for your hair and it's scent

have seen before on social media and I was like really intrigued by this

product and this is the FOMO Moonrock holographic hair foam so it is like a

pink purpley whole graphic hair foam so you put that in your hair and yeah it's

just it's washes out which is good so I feel like against would be like really

cool accessible and the summer and stuff so if you like braids a little bit a

little part of your hair and you would just apply that to that part that's

braided I think that would be really cool or could look really cool at least

that's what I have on my mind I don't know if it's gonna look like that in

reality but the idea of that made me buy it so that was it for this video already

I really hope you enjoyed watching it and as always please make sure to LIKE

comment and subscribe to my channel and I will talk to my next video bye

For more infomation >> USA HAUL 🇺🇸 | WHAT I BOUGHT IN BOSTON | Jasmin Kiefer - Duration: 12:34.


FCPSOn Brings Choice to 1st Grade - Duration: 3:29.

[Teacher says] So I love the letter-writing that we did. I love some of the hyper Docs because it

gives them a chance to work together and then separately at their own pace.

I love breakout edu, which we've done the digital breakouts. I think it's great to

have them give them a chance to problem-solve and have to look at things

differently. I love that it gives the kids a chance to pace themselves so some

of my kids that are reluctant readers it will read everything to them if they

need it.

[Student] Well one is Valentine's Day. You write a

letter to your friend and at the end you have to ask a question.

Well and then the other person, your buddy, they read your letter and then they write you back.

[Teacher] There's a program called Quizlet Live, which i think is amazing only

because it requires only one computer gets the correct answer out of a group

of six kids and it puts them all together for you. They all get up and

move with their computers, holding the computers the right way. I think every

time they do it I'm amazed with how they work together because only one person's

computer has the right answer. How they quickly get to the new team but they're

all put in teams by animals. How they get down and how they work together and

they're like oh you have to answer! So, it's great to see the opportunities for

them to like feel successful even for the child that may not feel successful.

When you first do it, you get easy questions. Then it gets harder and

harder and harder and harder.

I think that my kids are becoming better

communicators because of frankly Flipgrid. We use Flipgrid a lot and they

frees them up to talk and then when we watch it they're amazed at themselves

and they share a lot more that they would writing it down

when they have a chance to orally talk.

For us when we had finally one-to-one

completely with our classes, it made our shift in our teaching go to Google

classroom where everybody could be on at a lesson at the same time.

So it changed our instruction. Before you had to do every single thing small group and reteach.

When I teach a hyper doc for social studies I teach it whole group,

then they go back to the slide at their computers. We all do this live. They come back.

It frees up their opportunities to have their own ownership over the

computer. Their ownership over what their answers are and then it frees up my

teaching as well.

I've noticed a big shift from last year to this year and it

was amazing how quickly everyone could log in on their own, get right on, knew

what to do. Knew how to hold the computers correctly. Knew like the ins

and outs of being safe with their computers.

But as a parent, I have two children in the same pyramid and

I've gotten to see their growth and my three

children that have computers that take them home and their abilities.

It exceeds my expectations of where I ever thought my kids would be right now with their

knowledge, how they teach each other. It's amazing. They teach me new things to try

in my classroom so it's great

For more infomation >> FCPSOn Brings Choice to 1st Grade - Duration: 3:29.


乌克兰送中国舰载机供仿制 如今自己飞机没零件:俄抱怨不怕合作 - Duration: 6:26.

For more infomation >> 乌克兰送中国舰载机供仿制 如今自己飞机没零件:俄抱怨不怕合作 - Duration: 6:26.


Łapicki mści się z zaświatów? Dostało się Olbrychskiemu - Duration: 6:04.

For more infomation >> Łapicki mści się z zaświatów? Dostało się Olbrychskiemu - Duration: 6:04.


ASMR with a TATAMI (Japanese with English subs) - Duration: 15:16.

How does this sound?

Hello everyone.

Good morning.

Good evening.

How are you today?

I'm fine.

If you aren't feeling good now,

watch this video and I'm sure you'll feel better.

Because I'm thinking about making this ASMR video with a tatami.

This tatami is quite heavy.

I'm not sure about tatami sold in Japan.

This tatami that I bought in France is really heavy.

I don't think that the ones I saw in Japan were that heavy but...

OK, let's try it.

I'm going to bring the tatami here. Wait a moment, please.

It's really heavy.

Just wait a moment, please.

Shall we try?

I'll try to do some scratching.

I like the smell of tatami.

The sound is a bit different from what I was expected.

Shall I try some tapping?

I'll push it closer to the mics.


Can you see here?

The cats... have done it.

They really love this tatami.

I think that tapping sound isn't that good neither.

Shall I try to brush it?

How do you feel?

This is not a brush!

I've brought my brush.

How does it sound?

It's not bad.

A bit closer.

It's not really convenient.

Making an ASMR video with a tatami...

Sure, I could have put it on the floor, but it wouldn't have been interesting.

Shall I try to use some other objects?

The sponge, for example.

It doesn't sound good at all.

And with this?

It's not bad I think.

And if I try with this one?

Will it sound good?

OK, so today, I'll stop here.

It's heavy.

Sure, like this, it's not that heavy.

But it's not very stable.

I was wondering what kind of sounds I could make with a tatami.

And as I wanted to make a video in Japanese, it was just the right object.

It was just good.

I'm not sure I was able to make some good sounds but...

Please let me know in the comments below.

Good night!

For more infomation >> ASMR with a TATAMI (Japanese with English subs) - Duration: 15:16.


SPECTRUM Model Home Tour - Masons Bend Fielding Homes - Duration: 5:18.

Hey guys, it's Roger, I'm on location in Mason's Bend. There's a brand new product

line that one of the three top builders - really top local builders - they're all

building here which is the Cunnane Group, Saussy Burbank and Fielding Homes - by the

way, look at this porch, this is a huge porch - put a cafe table out there and eat

on the front porch and wave! It is South Carolina, y'all. Now this is a Fielding Homes

product line called THE TERRACE, new product line with nine different

models. Look how nicely this shows, wait till I show you the outdoor space. So you

come in and you've got a really classy looking powder room, wouldn't you agree?

Coat closet etc, but when you come into this Open Concept plan - this is

designed for people that are really trying to downsize and so you've got a

very nice Breakfast area / Dining Room open to this gorgeous Kitchen.

I love these light fixtures, and then you've got a Great Room over there but

there are some options for a Sunroom where that outdoor living space is. Well

let's just walk into here, I mean you've got to love the coffered ceiling - Fielding Homes

is amazing. So they've got a section of these homes that are ranch

and master down plans but here's what's really cool about this plan called the

SPECTRUM - This is not only master down -you have an option for a second master

suite upstairs. what that looks like to me is really true multi-generational

living - one of you has a master suite on the main level one of you has a master

suite up. I think that's pretty stellar. This outdoor living space - because

the Lots are not huge - they've decided in design to sort of enclose you in a

little bit and this could be a Carolina room or a Sunroom, so it could definitely

be conditioned space and as it is under roof, but man, most of us like

living outdoors, don't we? So you've got this and then you've got this opening up

to the patio, so if you had it as conditioned space and this was your

Sunroom then you still have outdoor living and I just like the way that they

fenced us in and closed it. There are a lot of included features here from

Fielding Homes - by the way can I tell you I'm

big Fielding Homes fan. I've had some great experiences with relocating

consumers coming down and really gettingwowed by the corporate culture and the

customer care from this local builder who is owned by Crescent Communities

which means they have the best lots! Ha ha, I love that

Gourmet Kitchen all here - now there's a storage room here that you could use a

lot of different ways. They've staged it as a Wine Room but it is truly a storage

room that you could use a number of different ways. So there's your Drop Zone,

launch room - look how well they did this laundry, I mean with cabinets. I'm sure

that's all optional. Really nice countertops, I think it's pretty gorgeous.

Now this SPECTRUM plan has a master on the main and upstairs we're going to see

a couple of bedrooms but you can configure it with with a master upstairs,

as I said, or you can have it just as a loft type space with one bedroom. Now

we're back into the Master suite - notice we just went through two doorways and

right here is your beautiful - man that's nice Master Bath, generous shower, very

cool high-end finishes, guys - I mean when we get you into this Fielding Homes'

model and you can see, taste, touch, and feel, I think you'll really get the

picture. So off to the side you've got the Master Bath then right here, you've got

generous closet - room enough for a benchor a little dresser you've got a coffer

with crown, large oversized windows, lots of light coming in here, I mean isn't

this lovely? So Mason's Bend is down I 77

and Exit 83, which is Sutton Road and just right off of the interstate as well,

and it plays right up against the river. Here's what I love about that - let's go

upstairs - the Catawba River is right here. You go out of the AmenitY Center, you

take a walking trail and walk right down to the river - it's amazing. Now you've got

a little bit of a loft here, a little sort of a little landing area and the

way this is built with two bedrooms and a full bath

is cool but you might want to just take it as it comes with one bedroom and a

much larger loft or as I said earlier you might want to take it as a second

Owner's suite with a with an enlarged bedroom so that you can have two - maybe

you and your aging parents and you're up here got your own floor to yourself,

they share the kitchen and the outdoor space and that can reverse as time

changes. So here it is, guys, this feels like a loft, it's a media room the way

that they've staged it but you can see it's got a closet so we're in Mason's

Bend. I'd love to be your buyer's agent - 704-345-3400,

I can help you with any house anywhere, but I love Masons Bend,

guys, I love this right here 'cause this Pocket Park from the beginning has just

always gotten me. Let's talk soon!

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