Thứ Bảy, 3 tháng 3, 2018

Youtube daily report Mar 3 2018

There once was a boy

A robotic boy with a

Crank sticking out of his brain.

He never performed, with sadness or joy he was,

Just simply programed to sing

So he sang

So he sang

So he sang

So he sang

Till one day

With no one around, this robot fell down and the crank had broke off of his head

With the jar to his hard drive he felt all alive

The old robot

He used to be dead

There was rage in his brain!

There was pain in his frame!

There was love, there was hunger and strife!

He felt lonely, rejected, attacked,disconnected!

No answer to the meaning of life!

So he sang

So he sang

So he sang

So he sang

Sweet dreams are made of this

Who am I to disagree?

Travel the world and the seven seas.

Everybody's looking for something.

Ok you can leave now

For more infomation >> [FNAF\SFM] Lullabye Bye| By: Dr.Steel - Duration: 2:38.


BITCOIN: REVOLUTION OR CONSPIRACY? With Colin Rivas and Javier Cuevas Lorente. - Duration: 33:37.

For more infomation >> BITCOIN: REVOLUTION OR CONSPIRACY? With Colin Rivas and Javier Cuevas Lorente. - Duration: 33:37.


10 Dumbest Awards Ever Given - Duration: 6:14.

• What award was given to a man for letting a bee sting his genitals?

What award show was trashed by one of its recipients on its own red carpet?

From the unusual to the completely pointless, here are 10 strange awards you'll probably

never want to win.

10 –Galloping Gobbler • The NFL has a tradition of hosting a couple

of games on Thanksgiving.

• And as part of the deal, the broadcast of these games has usually included the selection

of a most valuable player.

• But they don't just CALL them the MVP.

They have to give them a quirky, Thanksgiving-themed trophy.

• Enter the Galloping Gobbler, a silver turkey trophy wearing a football helmet.

• The first award was given in 2002 to Dallas Cowboys running back Emmitt Smith, who loved

it so much, he threw it in the trash can as he left the locker room.

9 –Stinky Shoe Award • In 1974, a sporting goods store in Montpelier,

Vermont, was trying to think of a way to advertise some new running shoes.

• The promotional idea that came out of that brainstorm was a search for the most

rotten sneakers in town.

• The competition took off, and began running every year, with Odor Eaters becoming an official

sponsor in 1988.

• The Rotten Sneaker Award is awarded to the shoes with the worst odor, the worst condition,

and the most intriguing story of HOW the shoes got to be so completely ruined.

• The 2017 winner was flown to New York and presented with a 25 hundred dollar check.

8 –Bad Sex in Fiction Award • Every year, the Literary Review hands

out an award for a depiction of sex in fiction that is just absolutely cringeworthy.

• The Bad Sex in Fiction award has been given out since 1993, and it doesn't cover

actual erotic fiction – it just calls out questionable descriptions in mainstream literature.

• Here is an excerpt from 2017's winner, Christopher Bollen's "The Destroyers."

• "She covers her breasts with her swimsuit.

The rest of her remains so delectably exposed.

The skin along her arms and shoulders are different shades of tan like water stains

in a bathtub.

Her face and vagina are competing for my attention, so I glance down at the billiard rack of my

penis and testicles."

7 –Razzies • Keeping with the theme of awards for being

awful at something, the The Golden Raspberry Awards are one of the better known awards

given to people who are bad at their jobs and probably don't deserve awards for anything


• The awards are set up more-or-less like the Academy Awards, except you replace the

word "best" in every category with the word "worst."

• The awards generally happen the night before the Academy Awards, and poke fun at

the worst in big-budget movies that have no business being as bad as they are.

• Most people don't actually show up to receive their awards.

But Halle Berry, Sandra Bullock, and Tom Green have all been exceptions, showing up to accept

their Razzies and validate their own terrible performances.

6 –Big Brother Awards • Named for the government surveillance

entity in George Orwell's "1984," these awards recognize the organzations that serve

as the greatest threat to personal privacy.

• So obviously, they're less of "awards" and more of "warnings."

• The Big Brother Awards – sometimes known as the Orwells – are given out in five categories:

Greatest Corporate Invader, Lifetime Menace, Most Invasive Program, People's Choice, and

Worst Public Official.

• More than 15 different countries now have their own, local version of the Orwells.

5 –Ernie Awards • The Ernie Awards are one of Australia's

top DIShonors.

• The awards have been given out annually since 1993, to the public figures who make

the most damaging misogynistic remarks of the year.

• The awards are named for former Workers' Union secretary Ernie Ecob, who once said,

"Women aren't welcome in the shearing sheds.

They're only after the sex."

• The awards are given out in a variety of different categories to both men and women,

but they also give "The Good Ernie" - positive recognition to men who make statements promoting


4 –Stella Awards • In 1992, Stella Liebeck ordered a cup

of coffee from McDonalds, put the cup between her knees, took the lid off to add cream and

sugar, and spilled it all over her thighs.

• Liebeck suffered third degree burns, and demanded that McDonalds pay for her skin graft


When they refused, she sued.

• This infamous court case is the namesake of the Stella Awards, which we given between

2002 and 2007 to people who filed "outrageous and frivolous" lawsuits.

3 -Ig Nobel Prize • This parody of the actual Nobel Prize

is not actually as mean-spirited as it sounds.

It isn't like the Razzies, where it's simply the worst things people can find.

• The Ig Nobel Prize actually still rewards advances in the sciences… it just rewards

really obscure, unusual advances.

The kind of things where you'd ask, "why was somebody even researching that?"

• The award has different categories, that change slightly each year.

• In 2017, the Ig Nobel Peace Prize went to a research team that discovered that regularly

playing a didgeridoo could work as an effective treatment for sleep apnea and snoring.

• One award in 2015 went to a man who let a honey bee sting him on 25 different areas

of the body, so he could rank them in terms of relative pain.

• Pro tip guys: getting stung on the penis hurts a LOT.

2 -Spike Guys Choice Awards • The now-defunct Spike TV network tried

to make its money by selling a very particular brand of masculinity.

• And at the center of that was the Guys Choice Awards, where viewers would vote on

categories like "Ballsiest Band," "Best Gangstertainment," "Jean-Claude Gahd Damn,"

and "Hottest Jessica."

• In 2013, when Andy Samberg and the Lonely Island showed up on the Red Carpet to the

event, host Terri Seymour asked why they thought it was important to have the award show for


• Samberg trashed the event on its own red carpet, saying, "I think it's not at all


I think this whole thing is ridiculous, and we're here to promote our album."

1 –Weird-Ass Picture Book Award • This award was only given out once, and

rather informally.

A mother of two came up with the award in 2008 for… well, for exactly what it sounds


• One of the front-runners for the prize was "The Boy With Two Belly Buttons."

• But it lost out to the more artistically sophisticated "Cowboy and Octopus."

For more infomation >> 10 Dumbest Awards Ever Given - Duration: 6:14.


Jumping CANNON Prank!! - Duration: 2:08.

Welcome Back.

We are here with another prank for you all.

What we are doing today is jumping over people

And we actually going to use baby powder afterwards.

See what happens.

So you better smash that like button

And don't forget to subscribe and turn on post notifications.

So you don't miss a video like this

Alright guys.

Stay tuned.

What's up

What is up.

Yo what

Dude what

Thanks for watching the video guys.

If you enjoyed it make sure to smash that like button.

Make sure to subscribe and turn on post notifications bell.

So you never miss a video.

We also have a mobile app game called Pie Smash.

Just in case you didn't know.

Go ahead and check that out.

It is available for Android and Apple iPhone.

It is a very fun game where you get to Pie people in the face.

And with each new wave you got a new object to throw.

We have a video every Saturday and every Tuesday 6 PM EST

Just in case you did not know at 6 PM EST

And also don't forget about our Instagram @rebeltvpranks

We are going to leave it in the description.

Alright thank you guys again.

See you again next time.

For more infomation >> Jumping CANNON Prank!! - Duration: 2:08.


23 Smart and Cheap Ideas to organize your kitchen - Duration: 15:46.

Are you having problems organizing your kitchen?

Check out these tools that can help to organize your kitchen.

Welcome to Jansen's DIY and these are 23 Smart and Cheap Ideas to organize your kitchen.

1. If you don't have enough space in the cabinets to store all your pots and pans, don't fret.

You can use a wall rail to hang your pots and pans.

Your pots and pans will make a beautiful decoration on your otherwise empty wall once they are neatly organized and hung on the wall rail.

This is especially good if you have a small kitchen and you want to save space.

2. Don't you just hate it when you have to stack your pans on top of each other because there isn't enough space to store them?

It's time consuming and it makes you less productive in the kitchen.

The perfect solution for this problem is by using a heavy duty pan organizer where you can organize your pans according to size.

Its space saving, easy to install, free standing and the package includes optional mounting hardware.

You can use this versatile rack either horizontally or vertically inside the cabinet or on your kitchen counter.

3. Rack stands are useful for a lot of things and they are also great for storing mugs in the kitchen.

A stylish, sturdy, and durable tree rack stand goes well in a countertop, coffee table, or also for storing inside cabinets.

The rack stand is made of steel and is sturdy enough to hold up to 15 mugs, cups, or glasses

and the hook length of 3.5 inches fits most standard mugs.

4. If you love coffee, there must be a point in your life where you wanted to become a barista.

While you display your coffee mugs using the rack stand, you can use a coffee caddy to hold all the condiments and accessories that you need.

The coffee caddy is perfectly designed for home or office use and it holds a lot of stuff like napkins, cups, stirrers, coffee sleeves, coffee creamer portion cups, and packets of sugar.

The design is modern and it makes you feel like you are really in a coffee shop.

You can easily turn your home into your very own cafe just like Starbucks.

5. Wine bottles are not meant to be stored inside cabinets and you should be proud of your wine collection.

If you are rich and have enough space to have a wine rack or a glass cabinet to store your wine collection, then go for it.

But if you have limited space and only own a few bottles of wine, an iron storage rack would be perfect for you.

The wine rack can store up to 6 bottles of wine and you can put this in the dining room, in the kitchen, at a counter top, or at a bar table if you have your own bar at home.

6. When you display your wine bottles, it would also be fitting to display your wine glasses and have that bar feel or atmosphere at your kitchen or in your home bar.

Using a mounted stemware holder is a classy way to keep your wine, cocktail, and beer glasses, and even champagne flutes in sight without taking up too much space.

The stemware holder is made of stainless steel for a long-lasting quality and to hold the glasses securely.

It fits most kitchen cabinets and it's easy to mount using screws on your home bar or under your cupboards.

7. Displaying fruits in a basket makes your kitchen look more colorful and lovely.

Instead of using the traditional fruit basket that can only hold so much fruits, why not try using a three-tiered fruit basket?

This basket can hold a lot of fruits with its three tiers, plus this is perfect for those who are obsessive compulsive and want the fruits to be organized per type of fruit.

It has a creative and artful design so that you can display on your table as a centerpiece and it can also be used to hold vegetables, garlic, and onions.

8. If the three-tiered fruit basket might be too tall for you, you can opt for a heavy duty fruit basket that comes with a hanger for hanging bananas.

It keeps bananas fresh for a longer period and the elegant design makes it a perfect display for your kitchen.

The spaced out and thicker wiring allows air to flow easily to keep the fruits fresh for longer periods.

The hook for the banana is wide to be able to hold a large bundle of bananas so that the bananas can stay fresh and ripen without having to bump other fruits in the basket.

9. Another option for storing and make sure that bananas ripen evenly is by installing a banana hanger under your cabinet or cupboard.

The hook is easy to install and the package includes screws and a strong self-adhesive tape.

It can also be used to hang coffee mugs, towels, or other kitchen items that have a light weight.

It is heavy duty and is made of high quality material that can hold up to 10 pounds of bananas.

10. Aside from the hook under a cabinet or cupboard to store bananas, you can also use a wall mount to store paper towels.

The arm has thin metal rods that are sticking out to keep the paper towel roll in place that when you pull it, it won't let you pull out more than 10 towels at the same time.

The wall mount is easy to mount, either horizontally or vertically under a cabinet and the mounting hardware is already included in the package.

The mount can fit any size roll of paper towels and it uses a perfect tear mechanism that allows you to tear off a single sheet or multiple sheets with ease.

11. Most refrigerators are built with an egg tray but the egg tray can only hold a couple of eggs, maybe up to a dozen eggs.

If you are planning to buy more than a dozen eggs, it probably won't fit in the egg tray.

Instead of using the egg cartons to store the extra eggs in the refrigerator, you can use a clear egg holder that comes with a cover and keeps your eggs secure and fresh.

The cover is made of sturdy material that allows you to stack other food or objects for an extra storage space.

12. This organizer looks similar to the clear egg holder but is designed to store soda, pop, and beer cans or other beverages like bottled water or drinks.

It allows you to store up to 9 cans and the top is removable so you can store more cans as you wish to maximize the storage space inside the refrigerator.

Made of a sturdy BPA free plastic, it is designed to be transparent so that you can instantly see if you are running low on beverages.

13. Spices and condiments are small, and yet they take up a lot of space when stored inside a cabinet.

A better and more practical way to store it is by using a pull down spice rack.

The spice rack has a pull down design to make all the spices visible and to let you easily find the spice or condiment that you need.

You can easily mount the spice rack on the cabinet shelf

and it can hold up to 21 spice jars of McCormick, medicine bottles or vitamin and supplement bottles.

14. Are you one of those people who stores aluminum foil, wax papers, sandwich bags, and zip locks on top of cans or bottles? If so, you are not alone.

It saves some space in the kitchen but the problem is you tend to knock over spices and condiments, and by doing so it create a mess.

A handy kitchen wrap stand can help you organize aluminum foil, plastic food bags, plastic wrap, zip locks, parchment paper, and wax papers in a pantry or cabinet.

The wrap stand has 8 wires that can easily be adjusted to accommodate various box sizes and shapes that includes family size bags.

15. You use dishes more than once a day and it takes time to wash and dry them before keeping them inside the cabinet.

If you want to save space and time, a 2-tier dish rack is perfect for your dishes.

It comes with a drain board to catch the dripping water from the dishes while allowing the dishes to dry off after washing them.

It has a durable design that can fit 17 plates on the top, 4 bowls or 8 cups on the bottom, and hang 4 mugs on the side.

16. If you insist on keeping your plates inside a cabinet, you can use a 3-tier corner shelf to store your plates without taking up so much space inside the cabinet.

You don't have to stack 20 plates together which is dangerous and may cause the plates to break.

It is made of sturdy iron that and you could also use this to stack food choices on plates inside a refrigerator.

It can hold really large plates on the bottom tier, medium-sized ones on the middle tier, and small plates, cups, or bowls on the top tier.

17. Are you wondering where else you can put large utensils used for cooking aside from hanging them on the kitchen rail?

Don't try to put them in storage spaces that are only meant for spoons, forks, and knives because they are too big for those spaces.

You can use a stainless steel holder that can hold large utensils which has an elliptical shape in order to save space.

It has a large capacity and it can hold more than 16 large cooking or baking utensils and it also has a contoured bottom to keep your utensils upright.

18. Do you want to keep your utensils all together in your kitchen drawer without creating a mess of it?

The best way to organize these utensils is by using an expandable utensil organizer.

This utensil organizer has different compartments and dividers for you to be able to organize the utensils according to their type or to their use.

The dividers can easily be adjusted to be able to accommodate utensils of different sizes and shapes.

You can actually stack utensils in opposite directions in one compartment by adjusting the dividers.

19. If you have a small kitchen, your priority is to maximize all the space storages that you can have and do whatever it takes to keep everything organized in the kitchen.

You will have a hard time preparing meals if your kitchen is not organized because you will have a hard time looking for the things that you need

and cleaning up the mess will take some of your time too.

A cabinet organizer set allows you to keep pans, plates, lids, spices, condiments, wraps, tea cups, mugs, glasses, and other kitchen utensils inside a cabinet.

20. It's quite challenging to look for a space to keep lids where they won't easily break or get damaged, especially if they are made of glass.

You can't just stack them up inside a cabinet because they are bulky and they won't balance inside a cabinet.

You can either hang them on wall rails, organize them carefully inside a cabinet organizer set, or you can use an over-the-cabinet lid organizer which is a good option.

It will not damage the cabinet since it has padded foam brackets to protect the surfaces of the cabinet.

21. Everything in the kitchen has to fit somewhere but what about those other kitchen products that don't have a specific place?

The over the cabinet door organizer is the perfect solution for this dilemma.

You can either hang it over or mount it on a cabinet door or mount it on your kitchen wall.

The hook is ultra-thin and comes with a foam pad to fit the cabinet door and protect the cabinet from scratches.

It is made of sturdy steel which can hold up to 4 or 5 regular cutting boards.

22. You now have a solution to your cookware storage problems.

What about your tools for baking? Where can you store them when not in use?

They are meant to be kept in cabinets but how do you do that without taking up so much space inside the cabinets?

The answer is, store inside the cabinet by using an adjustable bake ware rack.

You can easily adjust the dividers to fit bake ware and keep them upright and easy to find.

It doesn't need any installation or mounting and it can hold everything in place including chopping boards and round pans which stay centered in the base.

23. Aside from aesthetic reasons, it's also good to store sponges and scrubbers in a suction cup sink caddy for good sanitation.

It keeps the sponge from being sinked in water and the excess water and soap instantly drips into the sink.

Its triangular design is perfect for saving space because it doesn't make use of the space in the sink's corner and it also doesn't take additional space inside the sink.

The slot with a big hole allows you to store cleaning brushes too since it can also hold your liquid dishwasher or your hand wash.

And… that's all for now…

For more DIY hacks and organizing Ideas, stay tune to our channel.

Thanks for watching and we'll see you in the next videos…

For more infomation >> 23 Smart and Cheap Ideas to organize your kitchen - Duration: 15:46.


Donald Trump Just Told A Crowd "Listen You Mother…" And They Went Absolutely WILD! - Duration: 5:32.

The President has been making headlines about his recent announcement regarding tariffs.

His announcement included a 25 tariff price on foreign-made steel and 10 percent on foreign-made

aluminum. Some within the realm of Washington D.C. have been vehemently chastising him for

this decision. However, during a recent speech regarding the issue he got a lot of positive


The Gateway Pundit reported,

"In 2011 Donald Trump went on a profanity-laced speech in Las Vegas where he promised to tax

China imports by 25% if they continued to manipulate their currency.

Donald Trump: "Listen you motherf*ckers, we're going to tax you 25 percent!" Mother

Jones posted on the full exchange. In a Thursday night speech in Las Vegas, Trump railed against

lawmakers that he described as "blood suckers," bouncing from subjects like gas prices, Iraq,

and foreign trade. "We have weak, pathetic leadership," Trump said of the Obama administration.

"Our leaders are stupid, they are stupid people." But that paled in comparison to

his expletive-laden zingers on foreign policy and trade. Speaking about America's military

presence abroad, he said:

We build a school, we build a road, they blow up the school, we build another school, we

build another road they blow them up, we build again, in the meantime we can't get a fucking

school in Brooklyn. Then, on the issue of oil prices and OPEC, the coalition with control

on much of the world's oil supply, he quipped: We have nobody in Washington that sits back

and said, you're not going to raise that fucking price. And despite the fact that some

of his clothing is made in China, Trump bashed the Middle Kingdom. If elected president,

what would his message for China be? "Listen you motherfuckers, we're going to tax you

25 percent!""The New York Times had some input on the issue,

"President Trump's announcement that he planned to impose steep tariffs on imported

steel and aluminum delighted some blue-collar industries he had championed. "Enthusiastic

and gratified are probably understatements," said Michael A. Bless, the president of Century


Behemoth steel buyers like Boeing and General Motors weren't as pleased. Their shares

fell on the news, and the most obvious aluminum dependents — the brewing giants Anheuser-Busch

and MillerCoors — warned about the risk of job losses. But it is people like H. O.

Woltz III who feel most vulnerable. Mr. Woltz is the chairman and chief executive of Insteel

Industries, which operates 10 plants from Arizona to Pennsylvania producing steel wire

products for concrete reinforcing. He has about 1,000 workers, most without college


"The jobs that we have are good jobs," Mr. Woltz said. "Our guys make a lot of

money." Now his business calculus is being upended. A tariff on imports also allows domestic

steel and aluminum producers to charge higher prices, affecting manufacturers across the

United States. As industrial America sorts out the tariffs' prospective impact, one

thing is clear: The divide between the metal producers and their customers slices directly

through Mr. Trump's blue-collar constituency.

Mr. Trump argues that free trade has hollowed out America's industrial base and saddled

the country with huge trade deficits. He has promised to recover lost ground with an "America

first" trade policy. But putting America first may not put all American workers ahead.

"There are more losers than winners," said Monica de Bolle, an economist at the

Peterson Institute for International Economics. "If the point is to protect American jobs,

if the point is to protect small and medium-sized businesses, this is exactly the wrong way

to do things."

The mills and smelters that supply the raw material, and that would directly benefit

from the tariffs, have been shrinking for years. Today, those industries employ fewer

than 200,000 people. The companies that buy steel and aluminum, to make everything from

trucks to chicken coops, employ more than 6.5 million workers, according to a Heritage

Foundation analysis of Commerce Department data."

However, despite all of this conjecture and detracting, the fact still remains the same

and that is that the United States has an $800 billion dollar trade deficit every single

year. Foreign countries have taken advantage of our poor trading under Democratic leadership

for years and it has allowed us to continue to go into debt.

The European Union for one has continuously increased their tariffs and taxes on American

businesses and trade products. Why is it unreasonable to return this in kind? It is simply how good

business works. We cannot allow them to continue to tax us at unreasonable rates and do nothing

about it or we look like a doormat.What the President is doing is good business and even

if he curses a bit or says it in a crass way doesn't make him wrong. He knows how to

make deals and how to do good business and like everything else, I have no doubt that

by the time he is done our trade deficit will be much smaller than what it was before when

he first came to office.

For more infomation >> Donald Trump Just Told A Crowd "Listen You Mother…" And They Went Absolutely WILD! - Duration: 5:32.


Essential Oil of Geranium: 6 Incredible Benefits - Duration: 4:17.

Aromatherapy has exploded in recent years with more and more people choosing oils

essential drugs rather than medicines to issues.

One of the main benefits of essential oils is that they are extremely versatile.

An essential oil can usually be used to treat a wide variety of diseases.

In this video we will talk about the benefits of the geranium oil.

Geranium has been used for thousands of years to beauty treatments.

With the advancement of scientific research, various benefits of geranium oil to

the health.

See what they are: Eliminate infections If you have a skin infection or

respiratory, geranium oil may help.

Topically, the antibacterial properties in this powerful oil kill bacteria in your

skin, when applied and can also help to clean a small cut.

For topical issues, just put two drops of geranium oil in the affected area

twice a day.

Make sure you cover the area and allow that the essential oil completely immerse

in the skin.

When used as an inhaler, geranium oil helps treat respiratory infections.

Breath in aroma allows the body to take advantage of the antibiotic effects internally.

Reduces inflammation by clearing the airways to improve breathing.

Drop a small amount of the oil of geranium in the opening of the nostrils or

throat and breathe deeply.

Treatment of wounds The geranium version is one of the oils

that helps in the treatment of wounds fresh as well as scarred, as it accelerates

the healing process.

In addition, geranium oil helps eliminate old scars.

Stains skin Geranium oil is a treatment

fantastic for acne.

It is one of the essential oils that damaged skin affected by dermatitis.

Used in conjunction with coconut oil becomes a great natural moisturizer that is capable

of reducing wrinkles as well.

Mix one teaspoon of coconut oil with five drops of geranium oil and rub

in the desired area in the morning and evening.

Muscle treatment Geranium oil has an anti-inflammatory effect, so it reduces

swelling helps to fight the associated pain arthritis and overworked muscles.

Add a little jojoba oil with oil of geranium for a toning effect.

Take away the bad Did you know that you can use

geranium in place of an ordinary deodorant?

The antibacterial properties in the oil of Geraniums can eliminate body odor.

Add one tablespoon of distilled water for every drop of geranium oil to a bottle

with spray and use it after getting out of the shower. or on furniture and carpets that have a smell

less than pleasant.

Natural Diuretic This is one of the essential oils that can

act as a diuretic.

Geranium Oil Can Help Eliminate the toxins in your body and other pollutants.

It can also speed up your metabolism.

He saw how geranium oil has several benefits to your health?

Find out more about other essential oils and see how to improve

your life!

For more infomation >> Essential Oil of Geranium: 6 Incredible Benefits - Duration: 4:17.


We Just Found Out Who The Heavily Decorated Army Major Escorting Trump At Graham's Funeral Is... - Duration: 5:18.

We Just Found Out Who The Heavily Decorated Army Major Escorting Trump At Graham's Funeral


Billy Graham's recent passing led to his lying in state in the Capitol Rotunda in Washington


Congress was out of session and the flag was flown at half-staff in his memory.

His funeral was an ordeal that had hundreds upon hundreds of mourners gather.

But what was even more amazing was those who were in attendance.

The Daily Caller reported,

"Donald Trump arrived at Billy Graham's funeral in North Carolina Friday, where he

was escorted by a very special member of the Graham family.

As POTUS walked to the tent where Graham's family and dignitaries were gathered, he was

met halfway by a uniformed Army Major.

The two saluted each other and the Major escorted the first and second families to their seats.

What many watching may not know is the identity of that man.

He is Billy Graham's grandson, Edward.

Edward graduated from West Point and served seven tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, where

he was once injured by shrapnel from an IED.

Graham escorted the family and left Trump at his chair with a salute.

Graham was also in Washington, DC, for his grandfather's service at the United States


Graham stood for hours, shaking the hands of all of those who were there to pay honor

to Billy Graham.

Edward's father, Franklin Graham, told The Daily Caller, "These people stood outside

for us and for my father."

He continued, "I will stand here for them.

We love them and so does God."The Chicago Tribune reported,

"Thousands of people from all walks of life — including a former president — filed

slowly past the casket of the Rev. Billy Graham on Monday to pay their final respects to a

man who reached millions with his message of salvation through Jesus Christ.

A light drizzle greeted mourners on hand at 8 a.m. when the doors opened to Graham's

boyhood home, but it had tapered by the late afternoon when former President George W.

Bush arrived with his wife, Laura.

The viewing was expected to last late into the night for the famed evangelist, who died

Wednesday at age 99.

Mourners of all races, young and old, some in suits and some in T-shirts and flip-flops,

walked through the parlor where Graham's closed casket lay on a black pedestal.

They walked past family photos and a cross made of white lilies to see the simple plywood

container made by prison inmates.

At the door for the first few hours was Graham's grandson, Roy, shaking the hand of every person

who came to see his grandfather.

"I just wanted to tell them how much I appreciated the love for my family," Roy Graham said.

And they responded with stories.

Roy Graham said what moved him the most Monday were the dozens who paused and told him the

exact moment and place Billy Graham came into their lives through his hundreds of crusades

around the world.

Cecily Turner is one of them.

Her mother was at Billy Graham's 1957 New York crusade and she said he led her mother

to salvation that day.

"I know she is in heaven thanking him right now," she said.

Mother passed her faith on to daughter, and Turner said she passed it down to five children

and four great-grandchildren.

Graham's funeral is Friday, and President Donald Trump said he will attend.

Invitations were sent to all ex-presidents of the U.S. Bush has said he chose Monday

because he had a scheduling conflict with the funeral.

He was greeted by Graham's son Franklin and spent about 30 minutes with the family

during a private viewing.

"Laura and I are honored to be able to come and pay our respects to the Graham family

and, more importantly, to be able to say goodbye to a person who was influential in our lives

and influential in the lives of millions," Bush told reporters afterward.

He also brought condolences from his father, George H.W. Bush, whom he described as a great

friend of Graham's.

"I know he wished he could come too, but he's not moving around much these days,"

Bush said.

Former President Barack Obama is not planning to attend memorial services for Graham this

week, his office said.

Obama tweeted last week after that Graham was "was a humble servant who prayed for

so many — and who, with wisdom and grace, gave hope and guidance to generations of Americans.""

Graham was an internationally acclaimed Christian Evangelical preacher and leader who was well

known for his radio broadcasting.

His presence will be missed as will his guidance that he offered so many.

It must have been a great honor for the President to be escorted by the grandson of this great

man on his way to the funeral.

As well as touching.

A way for Graham's grandson to give back to him as well as his memory.

It is unfortunate that not all public officials were able to pay their respects and that not

all Presidents were able to be there either but it is nice to know that thousands cared

enough to come and pay their respects after how much Graham had impacted their lives.

For more infomation >> We Just Found Out Who The Heavily Decorated Army Major Escorting Trump At Graham's Funeral Is... - Duration: 5:18.


Nightcore - SAD (XXXTENTACION) - Lyrics - Duration: 2:41.

This video includes lyrics on the screen

For more infomation >> Nightcore - SAD (XXXTENTACION) - Lyrics - Duration: 2:41.


Interstellar Travel and Biosphere Reboots Means There Are a Lot of Aliens in the Galaxy - Duration: 7:26.

Interstellar Travel and Biosphere Reboots Means There Are a Lot of Aliens in the Galaxy

by Brian Wang

� Based upon the average lifespan of a typical galactic civilization, and the notion that

civilizations come, go, and reappear within the same star systems, aerospace engineer

Robert Zubrin (pictured above) calculates that the number of technologically advanced

civilizations in our galaxy (ie: at least as advanced as we are) greatly exceeds the

3,500 calculated by Frank Drake in 1961 known as �Drake�s Equation�.

� Among the 400 billion stars comprising the Milky Way galaxy, Zubrin estimates the

number of technological civilizations to be 5 million. Also, the nearest civilization

is probably about 185 light years away.

In 1961, radio astronomer Frank Drake developed a pedagogy for analyzing the question of the

frequency of extraterrestrial civilizations. Robert Zubrin shows a couple of significant

mistaken assumptions by Drake. Robert Zubrin wrote this for Centauri Dreams.

Drake equation defines a �civilization� as a species possessing interstellar communication

capability. This means radiotelescopes. By this definition, civilization did not appear

on Earth until the 1930s. Although, Earth does not really have the means to usefully

broadcast and had limited means to interpret interstellar radio communications. Also, we

may need to look at laser or other forms of interstellar communication.

L is the average lifetime of a technological civilization.

N/L, is the rate at which such civilizations are disappearing from the galaxy.

R*, the rate of star formation in our galaxy; fp, the fraction of these stars that have

planetary systems; ne, is the mean number of planets in each

system that have environments favorable to life;

fl the fraction of these that actually developed life;

fi the fraction of these that evolved intelligent species; and

fc the fraction of intelligent species that developed sufficient technology for interstellar


If we estimate L=50,000 years (ten times recorded history), R* = 10 stars per year, fp = 0.5,

and each of the other four factors ne, fl, fi, and fc equal to 0.2, we calculate the

total number of technological civilizations in our galaxy, N, equals 400.

Four-hundred civilizations in our galaxy may seem like a lot, but scattered among the Milky

Way�s 400 billion stars, they would represent a very tiny fraction: just one in a billion

to be precise. In our own region of the galaxy, (known) stars occur with a density of about

one in every 320 cubic light years. If the calculation in the previous paragraph were

correct, it would therefore indicate that the nearest extraterrestrial civilization

is likely to be about 4,300 light years away.

The Drake equation is wrong. The equation assumes that life, intelligence, and civilization

can only evolve in a given solar system once. This is manifestly untrue. Stars evolve on

time scales of billions of years, species over millions of years, and civilizations

take mere thousands of years.

Current human civilization could knock itself out with a thermonuclear war, but unless humanity

drove itself into complete extinction, there is little doubt that 1,000 years later global

civilization would be fully reestablished. An asteroidal impact on the scale of the K-T

event that eliminated the dinosaurs might well wipe out humanity completely. But 5 million

years after the K-T impact the biosphere had fully recovered and was sporting the early

Cenozoic�s promising array of novel mammals, birds, and reptiles.

Similarly, 5 million years after a K-T class event drove humanity and most of the other

land species to extinction, the world would be repopulated with new species, including

probably many types of advanced mammals descended from current nocturnal or aquatic varieties.

Estimating the Galactic Population

There are 400 billion stars in our galaxy, and about 10 percent of them are good G and

K type stars which are not part of multiple stellar systems. Almost all of these probably

have planets, and it�s a fair guess that 10 percent of these planetary systems feature

a world with an active biosphere, probably half of which have been living and evolving

for as long as the Earth. That leaves us with two billion active, well-developed biospheres

filled with complex plants and animals, capable of generating technological species on time

scales of somewhere between 10 and 40 million years. As a middle value, let�s choose 20

million years as the �regeneration time� tr.

Using average lifespan technological civilization at 50,000 years then there are probably 5

million technological civilizations active in the galaxy right now and the nearest civilization

is probably about 185 light years away.

For more infomation >> Interstellar Travel and Biosphere Reboots Means There Are a Lot of Aliens in the Galaxy - Duration: 7:26.


Benefits of coconut milk for health - Duration: 5:24.

hello and welcome live 10 where you'll find tips remedies and tips

to relieve your ailments and diseases do not forget to subscribe to our channel ...

Coconut milk: How to make it, your benefits and contraindications.

What is coconut milk?

Coconut milk is a natural food that comes from the pulp of the coconut, it should not be

confused with coconut water, as it it's about totally different foods,

even when both come from the same fruit.

Coconut milk is obtained from the pulp of that fruit, after a simple process that

You can perform at home.


The coconuts provide valuable nutrients to the health of those who consume it.

They have high fiber content, vitamins C, E, B1, B3, B5 and B6.

They also grant multiple minerals, necessary and essential for the human body to be

in perfect condition, such as iron, selenium, sodium, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus.


It contains only 154 calories per 100 grams, so it does not get fat and in addition to providing

the various nutrients and properties mentioned previously, this milk is free of lactose.

Those who can not or do not want to consume animal milk, such as those intolerant to

lactose and vegetarians or vegans, can consume with peace of mind the milk of


Since this is of vegetable origin, not animal and also helps maintain good health

both internal and external.


What do you need.

One or several coconuts.

Kitchen table.



You will have to crack the coconut giving strong blows with the help of the hammer, and with care of

your fingers and other elements that surround you.

Once the coconut is broken, place it in a glass or cup and let the water drain


Once drained, opt for some tool of your preference that allows you to finish

to open the coconut.

Once open, dedicate yourself to take out "the meat" or "food", which refers to the

white that is eaten.

Separate it from the shell of this and start the process.

Once the "food" or white part is removed of the coconut, proceed to gratify it.

After crushing, pass it through a crusher or beater, and go adding to measure, certain

water amount.

You will see how it gets thicker, and that the coconut has oil and when joined with water

create that texture.

After letting the mixture rest, we will proceed to filter it.

You must drain the mists as the go out and you'll get the product


If you leave it thick, this is known as "first milk ", and is used mostly for stews

and sauces.

And then there is the "second milk" that is a little clearer and lighter than the first one.

Another option is to heat, without letting it boil and add dried coconut.

Then proceed to liquefy it.

Once liquefied, take it to a colander, you will eliminate the excess of pulp or remains of

coconut and finally filter it with a muslin, so you will get rid of any group or rest

undesirable pulp.

You can use it immediately and also store it in the fridge for a couple of days.


Coconut milk also has cosmetic uses, that is, it can be used outside the

human body to make you look more attractive.

Additionally, its consumption also contributes to the improvement of your physical appearance,

that thanks to the multiple nutrients and properties that it contains serve to

the hair, nails, skin and appearance in general.

Also, if it is consumed in moderation, Coconut milk does not make you fat and it is used to lose weight,

since it is low in calories.

It can be consumed freely, since between its properties adds that it does not contain glucose

nor fructose, it has 2% sugar and also It has a sweet flavor.


How to take it?

With the recipe given above, you will have realized that there are multiple dishes

to which you can add them.

Also in the market there is availability to buy coconut drink.

Where to buy?

You can get it in supermarkets and stores who sell natural products and the price

It is not usually high.

You can also prepare it at home in a natural natural

What is it for?

As an ingredient in a wide variety of saucers, cosmetic use, natural drink

and more presentations, which comes loaded with nutrients, properties and benefits that is

good for your health


Like most things in life, you must remember moderation.

They say that "everything in excess is bad", Well, coconut milk is no exception.

Since it contains fats, which are consumed without control can affect your health.

However, when taken with caution, only will leave benefits to your health and that of your


I hope that the information that has been very useful as I will be uploading

videos often about tips and remedies tips to improve our health

if you liked the video do not forget to subscribe and share it with your friends ...

For more infomation >> Benefits of coconut milk for health - Duration: 5:24.


Opel Mokka =RIJKLAAR= 1.4 T Edition+ Navigatie / Lmv / Airco / Telefoon / Parkeersensoren v+a / Crui - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Opel Mokka =RIJKLAAR= 1.4 T Edition+ Navigatie / Lmv / Airco / Telefoon / Parkeersensoren v+a / Crui - Duration: 0:54.


Cher's Twitter War With Donald Trump (2018) - Duration: 1:49.

For more infomation >> Cher's Twitter War With Donald Trump (2018) - Duration: 1:49.


Ethiopian news| Anti-government protests are erupted in different Oromia region towns - Duration: 11:25.

anti-government protests are erupted in different Oromia region towns

For more infomation >> Ethiopian news| Anti-government protests are erupted in different Oromia region towns - Duration: 11:25.


Can you wonder why it is I love Him so? - Duration: 6:51.

"Can you wonder, Can you wonder,

Can you wonder why It is I love Him so?

When I think of all He's done For me, the guilty one,

can you wonder why it is I love Him so?

Can you wonder, Can you wonder,

Can you wonder why It is I love Him so?

When I think of all He's done For me, the guilty one,

can you wonder why it is I love Him so?"

"Standing somewhere in the shadows you will find Him

He's the only One who cares and understands.

Standing somewhere in the shadows you will find Him

And you'll know Him by the nail prints in His hands".

Standing somewhere in the shadows you will find Him

He's the only One who cares and understands.

Standing somewhere in the shadows you will find Him

And you'll know Him by the nail prints in His hands."

"Standing somewhere in the shadows you will find Him

He's the only One who cares and understands.

Standing somewhere in the shadows you will find Him

And you'll know Him by the nail prints in His hands."


I had this song in my mind today: Can you wonder?

Can you wonder why it is I love Him so.

I went on the internet and looked for a rendering of the song and I could not find one, so I

decided to sing it because it is dear to my heart.

Can you wonder why it is I love Him so?

Dear friends, we need to maintain an awareness of Jesus, in our mind, in our heart, all day


We need to fill our hearts with Jesus , and we can do that by praying as we go along or

by singing, but our mind must be on Jesus.

we must be tuned in to Him.

We must be focused on Him.

We must make ourselves aware of Jesus all the time.

If we are not tuned in then we will not recognize Him when He speaks to us.

When He calls you, will you answer?

What will we be doing when Jesus calls us, when He speaks to us?

Will we be so preoccupied with other things that we do not even hear Him speaking to us?

Are we truly following Jesus?

We have to have Jesus on our mind all the time.

If we are serious about following Jesus, we must stay tuned in.

we must stay tuned in to His Spirit and He will fill us, and as we sing glory to Him,

as we praise Him, streams of living water will flow through us, as Jesus promised, but

we have to start praising Jesus.

Many people desire the baptism in the Holy Spirit, but we first got to start praising


we must make ourselves aware of Him.

We must thank Him and praise Him, and then those streams of living water can flow through

us and into this world, we can be light in darkness.

When He calls me, I will answer.

I'll be somewhere working for my Lord.

"When He calls me, I will answer, When He calls me, I will answer,

When He calls me, I will answer, I'll be somewhere waiting for my Lord.

I'll be somewhere waiting, I'll be somewhere waiting,

I'll be somewhere waiting for my Lord."


Where will Jesus find us?

Will He find us waiting on Him, listening to do His will?

May Jesus bless you.

Jesus Christ is alive and hell is real.

I am here to introduce you to Jesus Christ, so that you can know Him and follow Him and

have eternal life.

Subscribe to my channel to learn more about Jesus.

May Jesus bless you.

For more infomation >> Can you wonder why it is I love Him so? - Duration: 6:51.


15-year-old Bloom-Carroll student killed in Fairfield County crash - Duration: 1:59.

For more infomation >> 15-year-old Bloom-Carroll student killed in Fairfield County crash - Duration: 1:59.


Planet of the Apey Boi (FANMADE TRAILER) WATCH WITH CAPTIONS - Duration: 1:10.



















For more infomation >> Planet of the Apey Boi (FANMADE TRAILER) WATCH WITH CAPTIONS - Duration: 1:10.


🔴BEST SPORTS IPTV APK Firestick & Android No ADS No Kodi 2018 - Duration: 9:13.

hey guys welcome back in this video I'm gonna be showing you a great apk for

live TV and spore what makes this a became particularly special is it

doesn't have any adverts it doesn't need a third party video player and it

doesn't need the mouse toggle which is great for my firestick users so literally

you're getting one of the best free IPTV apks with no adverts with an amazing

sports schedule giving you one-click access to all of your favorite sporting

events I think that's pretty special guys so in this video today I'll show

you exactly how you can do that but before I start I want to give a quick

shout out to these five people because they were the first ones to leave a

special comment in my last video make sure you watch this video to the end to

find out how you can get a shout out in my next video so it all of that being

said let's get started so I'm doing my demonstration on the second-generation

fire stick with Alexa but as previously mentioned this apk works perfectly fine

on your android TV boxes Android phones Android tablets it's all good let me

just show you that killer feature of this apk so on the top left hand side if

you get into the hamburger menu and click on live events so the live events

section gives your really nice calendar view of sporting events which are

currently in progress but also shows you matches or games are gonna happen in the

future so I just got done lists for a second so we can see all of these games

are now set to us me this was an NBA game you got some hockey stuff down here

so let me just see if I can find something that's currently in progress

if I just go down the list okay so here for example got a couple of live matches

now so these are live football games so this thing here for example said we have

Sylvania playing this other team and if I just wanna watch them just click on

that this shows me that this is playing on that particular Channel so I've taken

that again I then choose my media player and literally guys within one click now

I'm watching a sporting event well in this case I'm watching an ad for her but

let me back out this miss demonstrate that again okay so let's say for example

I want to watch the pool masters and we click on that again this shows me this

is playing on the Sky Sports Arena HD channel let me click on there click on

MX player and we are now streaming that channel

guys how awesome is it just makes it so convenient that with one click we can

get access to all of our sporting events let's back out of that let me just

demonstrate that one more time so let's say for example we want to watch this

let's try the Scottish FA Cup here so let's click on that see that's happening

on that channel there let's click on that again choose the Media Player and

within one click guys we are now watching that game wanna see - we wanted

the best features I've ever seen in any apk especially cuz a lot of my users do

ask for sporting type apks and and with this apk guys we have such an easy way

of accessing our favorite sporting content let me just show you the other

new feature in safe Kay guys so back again in the menu you also have a VOD

section so we now have a good collection of video and demand so we can see here

we have some Indian movies English movies and some other stuff here as well

so if you're looking for some VOD content honor this has some really good

stuff let me just quickly take you through a couple of channels just so you

can see the selection that's out there and the quality of what's available so

intent attainment we can see we have a large collection of channels from around

the world let's just try Sony TV the other great feature with this apk guys

is most of the channels do give you multiple links so if for whatever reason

the first link is not working we have multiple other links you can try it to

get to that content so let's try the second link that says HD also this

application does give you multiple choices for which player you want to use

so I always prefer MX player and I will be leaving a link to this MX player that

I'm currently using so so you can select that I'm gonna say always it's not gonna

prop me again but if you do want to change it you can go back into the

settings and choose a different player but I always found MX player to be very

good in terms of performance and reliability let's click on always and we

could see that came out pretty much straight away guys ok let's back out of

that ok let's try some people see America ok let's work your finest back

out off there let's try sci-fi that's working fine

let's back out there one of the other good features with this apks you have

the option to add channels into your favorites so let's say for example we

regularly watch health TV so what we can do is we can hold down the button on

that so hold on the select button on the remote and you now have the option add

to favorites let me write down now and let's also add in CBS reality so once

again let me hold down the select button on the remote and let's select the

option add you favorites so to get to your favorites at

the top next to entertainment on the left-hand side we have this hot icon

when we click on that this is basically a shortcut to your favorites so you can

do is you can go through the list find out the channels that you regularly

watch add them into your favorites so the next time you start the apk you

don't have to go through big lists of channels you can go straight to your

favorites and find the stuff that you regularly watch

let's try one of these to make sure it's working okay and it's working absolutely

let's back out that and lastly guys at the top you also have

a search feature so let's say for example you are looking for a particular

channel let's say we're looking for the squad channels let's type that in and we

can see the background we got a big list of squad channels already so let's click

on next and we can see we have all of the channels that match that particular

search string so let's try one of these for a second so let's do Sky Sports

premier let's try the first link and that's working absolutely for Annika

let's back out with that so this apk definitely gets a big thumbs up from me

right let me show you how you can now install this on all your devices okay so

to install enough ice to go fight TV the first thing we need to do is go over to

settings go into device developer options and make sure these two options

are set to on if you've been installing apks for a while they'll probably be on

anyway but just make sure but to set to on and as your step one done next up we

need to install an application called droid admin this is available both on

the Amazon App Store and the normal Google Play Store so from the home

screen on the fire stick let's just go to the left and let's search for droid

admin ok so they're stored admin let's click on that and let's install that so

as we can see in the description guys this apk allows us to create

configuration files where we can basically have a bunch of apks that we

can share out we can download we can install with one click on any android

device and what I've done is I've created my own configuration page which

will have all of the apk so our previously worked on giving you easy

access to install them ok let's download up ok let's open that

up and this is the key point in the video guys we need to enter in my

special droid admin code which will take you to my custom apk store and my code

is his 3 8 5 2 5 4 double 8 so let's type that in and click

on next and then click on continue and here it is guys welcome to the newly

opened tech dr. UK APK store and all of these apks I'm hosting myself I'm

uploading them I'm managing them I'm giving them out for everybody to use and

I'm happy for able to use them the only thing I ask is make sure you do

subscribe to my channel if you want to use this page okay let's go down list so

I do recommend guys if you don't have MX player Pro already a lot two versions on

here so uninstall the version that you currently have and install one of these

two the reason why I have two versions is the majority of people can use this

first one but if whatever reason that is an install for you you have a second

option you can use here and here it is guys this is the latest larb net TV 4.6

ad free mod and to install anything from apk store is just one clicks let's click

on that now this begins the download so when the icon changes to a player icon

that means apk is being downloaded we now just need to install and

installation again it's just one click let's click on that now press down a few

times and then press write to install how easy is that guys and just while

waiting guys if you are enjoying this content please do remember to Like share

and subscribe because that does help me out and if you don't like this content

just smash that dislike button because I'll tell me I need to focus on

something else Thanks I guess when you see this message

we can now click on done this will take us back into droid admin now if you want

to delete the apk just I can get some space back if you press the back button

on the remote and then click on yes then on the top right we have the recycle bin

we click on that and click yes this will delete any apks that you've downloaded

through droid admin especially on a fire stick we don't have much storage so

click on yes and that's now done now when you press the HOME key on the

remote you'll notice you won't see the live net TV application in your

application list the way we bring you into application list is if you hold

down the home button on the remote and then select apps this will take you to

your apps library now if you go to the bottom of this list we could see the

newly installed apk there there it is now if you just press the options key on

that and select move to front this will bring it to the top of your application

list right if there's anybody still watching my video at this stage I want

to leave the comment below the weekend is here and the first five people to do

that I'll give you a shout-out in my next video so let's do that Claire

there for the first time and here is the latest live net TV ad free mod all

working fine that's all for this video guys many thanks for watching do leave

me a comment below let me know if this worked for you some if you were asking

for more sports apk so I do hope you like this one let me know and I

hopefully catch up with you guys real soon

thanks that's it guys I hope you find that video useful give me a thumbs up if

you did comment below let me know if this worked for you and please subscribe

for more content thanks again for watching guys oh and if you're

interested in a VPN if you click on that link on the bottom left you'll get a

great 46 percent discount if you are worried about your privacy and you want

to stay safe online I do recommend you check out our VPN thanks again guys see

you on the next one

For more infomation >> 🔴BEST SPORTS IPTV APK Firestick & Android No ADS No Kodi 2018 - Duration: 9:13.


มาใหม่ โครตฮา !! แสดงสด เต้นท่า เอเลี่ยนตัวเขียว + ปล่อยผ่าน [บิ๊ก ไม้ขีดไฟ] - Duration: 6:04.

For more infomation >> มาใหม่ โครตฮา !! แสดงสด เต้นท่า เอเลี่ยนตัวเขียว + ปล่อยผ่าน [บิ๊ก ไม้ขีดไฟ] - Duration: 6:04.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180 CDI Navi-Trekhaak-Pdc-Airco-Cruise 2007 NL auto - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180 CDI Navi-Trekhaak-Pdc-Airco-Cruise 2007 NL auto - Duration: 0:59.


Seat Leon 1.8-20VT SPORT AIRCO, LMV, TREKHAAK, CLIMATE CONTROL - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Seat Leon 1.8-20VT SPORT AIRCO, LMV, TREKHAAK, CLIMATE CONTROL - Duration: 1:01.


ADELGAZA 5 KG EN 5 DIAS ➜ Coma Esto y Ver La Grasa De Su Barriga Derretir En 1 Semana! - Duration: 3:42.

For more infomation >> ADELGAZA 5 KG EN 5 DIAS ➜ Coma Esto y Ver La Grasa De Su Barriga Derretir En 1 Semana! - Duration: 3:42.


Intro to DSLR

For more infomation >> Intro to DSLR


For more infomation >> Intro to DSLR


Ce que dit votre mois de naissance sur votre personnalité | Santé 24.7 - Duration: 10:34.

For more infomation >> Ce que dit votre mois de naissance sur votre personnalité | Santé 24.7 - Duration: 10:34.


For more infomation >> Ce que dit votre mois de naissance sur votre personnalité | Santé 24.7 - Duration: 10:34.


ホンダ N-ONE - Duration: 3:57.

For more infomation >> ホンダ N-ONE - Duration: 3:57.


For more infomation >> ホンダ N-ONE - Duration: 3:57.


Pour Didier Barbe­li­vien, « il faut proté­ger Laeti­cia et ses deux enfants. - Duration: 5:53.

For more infomation >> Pour Didier Barbe­li­vien, « il faut proté­ger Laeti­cia et ses deux enfants. - Duration: 5:53.


For more infomation >> Pour Didier Barbe­li­vien, « il faut proté­ger Laeti­cia et ses deux enfants. - Duration: 5:53.


Eli Roth's Death Wish - Get A...

For more infomation >> Eli Roth's Death Wish - Get A...


jupiter [meme] (substitulos) - Duration: 0:48.

For more infomation >> jupiter [meme] (substitulos) - Duration: 0:48.


Don't think that means what you think it means... - Duration: 0:52.

I love it when you can still smell your boyfriend's colon on you

Twitter IRL

I don't think that means what you think it means

The following are reenactments of actual tweets.

I always ovary act to small stuff

a chicken seizure salad sounds good right now

Twitter is my alter eagle

Missouri loves company

yes you should get vaccines! and so what if that makes your kid artistic

that don't always mean he's gay

I got a sky full of angles watching over me

my mom got all this cookies cakes and snacks

I think I'm gonna die of beaties

Twitter IRL cast

Twitter IRL crew

Subscribe for more funny videos, vlogs, and more!

For more infomation >> Don't think that means what you think it means... - Duration: 0:52.


MCA MOTOR CLUB OF AMERICA INCOME PROOF 2018 | MCA Rep REVEALS Truth Behind MCA Commissions - Duration: 13:07.

For more infomation >> MCA MOTOR CLUB OF AMERICA INCOME PROOF 2018 | MCA Rep REVEALS Truth Behind MCA Commissions - Duration: 13:07.


Darkest Hour • Best Picture Movie Review #JPMN - Duration: 2:08.

Directed by Joe Wright, this 2017 British war drama scored more than $100 million in

profit above its $30 million dollar budget, and six Oscar nominations.

The two-hour and five minute movie focuses on the newly appointed Prime Minister of England

- Winston Churchill - as he deals with the early days of World War II; with the fate

of Western Europe hangs in the balance.

In a long career of outstanding character work, memorable supporting roles, and vicious

villains - Gary Oldman's turn as Churchill during his first month in office, May of 1940

- is easily his magnus opus.

Layered in prosthetic make-up and speaking with a heavy accent, Gary is nearly unrecognizable

as the war-time PM.

If this role doesn't finally score him a much-deserved Oscar; nothing will.

And while the magnificence of his talent cannot be understated, one exemplary performance

does not a good movie make.

Dealing with the behind-the-scenes politics regarding the evacuation of the British forces

on Dunkirk beach; "Darkest Hour" makes for a marvelous companion film to Christopher

Nolan's picture on the same subject, released just months prior.

Whereas "Dunkirk" dealt with the emotional side; leaving much historical exposition out

of the narrative, this film does the opposite; giving us a rather cold and detached view

of the war zone struggles.

They compliment each other so well, that separately, the movies actually feel incomplete once you've

seen both.

It's this lack of emotional perspective that hobbles "Darkest Hour" the most.

We do see some glimpses though, like when Churchill defends his no-surrender policy

by angrily shouting; "You cannot reason with a tiger when your head is in its mouth!"

Later, an impromptu subway ride with Londoners helps him work through his difficult decision;

in an excellent scene that's easily the films most affecting.

Besides these flashes of empathy, the entire PG-13 rated picture is little more than a

display of Oldman's impressive acting prowess.

As interesting as it is, most audience might be better served by a documentary on the war


Oldman's brilliant performance propels "Darkest Hour" above its narrowly-focused script.

It's a COOL film.

That does it for this quick excerpt - but if you'd like to watch full episodes of "Movie

Night", and submit your own reviews to be included on the show, please visit the Jogwheel

YouTube channel.

My name is Jonathan Paula, thanks for watching and have a good Movie Night!

For more infomation >> Darkest Hour • Best Picture Movie Review #JPMN - Duration: 2:08.


(Age 14) Schoolgirl Head *SLICED* by Lawnmower Blade! #Freaky - Duration: 11:34.

This tractor you see here was pulling a lawn mower - not the traditional kind, but something

bigger and much more dangerous.

All was going well until the mower malfunctioned and one of the blades flew off towards a young

14 year old schoolgirl.

Her head was literally sliced in half and she died instantly - this is one of those

sad stories that sound completely made up - but it really isn't.

This happened in Malaysia and it's all over the news.

They're still figuring out who's responsible, but it's most likely just a really unfortunate


For more infomation >> (Age 14) Schoolgirl Head *SLICED* by Lawnmower Blade! #Freaky - Duration: 11:34.


My Best Grocery Store Deals of February 2018 | LIVING ON A BUDGET | JEN TALKS FOREVER - Duration: 6:06.

hi I'm Jen and I'm back with an update on our grocery shopping budget situation

as I mentioned in a previous video my husband and I have a monthly grocery

budget of $300 that does include alcohol so I buy all the boxed wine that I

possibly can so I wanted to share with you kind of how I'm doing with it you

know since I'm the one that's doing most of the shopping now and also share some

of the best deals I've gotten in the month of February cuz I got I got pretty

lucky here okay so what I do is I keep a white board on our kitchen fridge and

every time I go shopping I you know save the receipts stick them on a magnet on

the fridge and also keep track of you know how much money we've taken out from

that initial three hundred dollars you know so we could go from 300 dollars you

know to 262 to 20 you know and down and down so clearly at the end of the month

we are starting to get to the end and I have to watch my spending now this isn't

like a super super exact budget occasionally were a few dollars over and

you know what that's okay you got to cut yourself a break but really the point of

that whole thing is to just kind of know where your spending is at so you can be

more aware of what you're doing if I didn't keep track on that white board I

would honestly have no idea how much money we were spending on groceries

every month and at least now I have a pretty good idea as for where I grocery

shop right now I'm mostly shopping at four places Aldi being the main one I

get most of my stuff there I get wine I get baking and cooking staples pretty

much anything like basic like you know flour pasta sauce oh definitely almond

milk like heavy cream eggs she's you know butter anything like that it's

gonna be really cheap at all - you know salad dressing

now all the if you're not familiar it is a store where it's a discount grocery

chain and they kind of you know save you money by not having that many employees

in the store you have to put a quarter in the carts you know to get them out

and they don't really give you bags you have to pay for them so that's kind of

how they save you money also the selection is fairly limited so you don't

feel overwhelmed with choices so I get a lot of stuff at all these

boxed wine their alcohol section is fantastic I also shop at Kroger

occasionally although I haven't gone there as much because they don't tend to

have very great prices on wine they used to have a really cheap store brand but

I've noticed I've been having a harder time finding it there so I haven't been

going there as much lately I've also started shopping at Zion market which is

a chain I think it's in like Atlanta in like California it's an Asian grocery

store and I can get some really cool Asian foods there I've been trying snack

foods they've got cool like looking little sodas I get something called

drinking vinegar for my husband that tastes like

I think pomegranate or salt or like cranberries something like that so

that's a fun store although they do have good prices on meat but some of the

other stuff can be a little pricey there so I have to be careful and the fourth

store I usually go to is a Walmart Neighborhood Market not the Walmart

Supercenter but the Walmart I found this like kind of hidden gem Walmart

neighborhood market near me that like nobody really goes to and I think it's

open 24 hours a day so I've been going there quite a bit because they have kind

of similar prices as Aldi but they also have a little bit more of a selection so

some of my best deals this month ok so I always look in Walmart's bakery section

to see if they have any items that have to be sold because they it's reached the

sell by date I mean I've gotten 24 cupcakes for a dollar 50 there before

but on my most recent trip I got a very large chocolate fudge cake I think it

was over a 2 pound cake and it was originally $8.99 and I got it for 3

dollars and 10 cents so I saved almost 6 dollars now I know cake is not a

necessity but every once in a while you just want something sweet and it was

probably cheaper than me making a cake and also I saved all the time so that

was one of my best deals the other one I got a couple things from Aldi that were

pretty marked down oh oh I don't have a photo of this but I got a ham actually I

do have a picture so I'm going to throw in there I got a whole ham Aldi had I

guess they were trying to get rid of their hams they had all hams for ten

dollars total normally hams are like a dollar eighty nine pound there I got the

fancy like spiral sliced you know honey glazed one or whatever and it was like

what like I don't know probably like five or six pounds and I got it for ten

dollars so it was definitely well under $2 a pound another deal I got there I

got these instant potatoes I know instant potatoes aren't the best

for you but the boxes were only 50 cents so I decided to go for it in one of my

favorite deals was getting a box of holiday limited-edition Lucky Charms for

a dollar they were like cinnamon vanilla

something but you know I had like little bad like blue and white marshmallows

very cute the box is a little beat up but you don't hey that's okay because

the the bag inside is hermetically sealed so I got a box of Lucky Charms

for a dollar and I do not regret that decision

anyways those are just some of my favorite grocery shopping deals this

month if you have any of your own feel free to share them with me and if you

enjoyed this video feel free to subscribe to jen talks forever and I

will see you guys next time oh and be sure to like this video if you actually

did like it alright I'll see you later

For more infomation >> My Best Grocery Store Deals of February 2018 | LIVING ON A BUDGET | JEN TALKS FOREVER - Duration: 6:06.


5 Ways How to Make Your Protein Shakes Taste Better - Duration: 4:17.

5 Ways How to Make Your Protein Powder Shakes Tastier and More Filling

Hey there; Paul from here.

Are you getting tired of drinking protein shakes that leave

you feeling hungry or don't taste the greatest?

In this video, I'm going to give you 5 easy ways to make your

protein powder shakes more tasty and a heck of a lot more filling.

I'll be right back in just a couple of seconds, stick around don't go anywhere!

Alright welcome back.

So let's get started talking with 5 ways we can make your protein powder shakes taste

a heckuva lot better.

1) Consume with milk

A lot of people consume their protein powders with water only, and when I ask them why,

they don't really know why.

The truth is mixing your shake with a cup or two of milk is the easiest and quickest

way to improve the taste of your shakes.

unless you're lactose intolerant or counting every last calorie, there's no reason why

you can't do this.

And honestly, you probably should, especially if you're taking a why protein; There is some

clinical evidence to suggest that the combination of a high quality

whey protein with whole milk - not low fat milk - whole milk - can actually stimulate

net muscle protein synthesis after exercise.

It's important that it was whole milk that showed a benefit - not low fat milk.

The combination of whey protein with carbohydrates has also been demonstrated effective for muscle


2) Add a high fiber cereal.

I do this myself - it makes the shakes much more filling and because it's crunchy, adds

a nice mouth feel to the shake.

I use Kellog's All bran buds, which contain a whopping 11 grams of fiber for every quarter

cup - which is almost exactly the amount you can fit in

a regular sized protein powder scoop.

3) Add an avocado to your shake.

Yeah, I know what you're thinking... an avocado, really?


Trust me.

That's what I thought too.

Until I tried it.

Adding an avocado to a shake mixed with milk changes the flavor only a tiny bit, but it

makes the shake super smooth and creamy, and SO filling, you

won't even believe it.

And of course, more nutritious as well.

One thing to keep in mind: avocadoes are high in calories and fat.

And although it's mostly monounsaturated fat - which is a good fat - adding avocado

to your shake can significantly increase its caloric value, so if calorie

restriction is a concern you may only want to add half of one.

Half an avocado can add up to 100 calories and ? grams of fat to your shake, a full sized

one, twice that.

4) Add berries

Adding a quarter cup of berries is a great way to boost the taste, the fiber and nutritional

content of your shake.

I usually add about a 1/4 cup of wild blueberries

to my shakes.

You can also add half a banana to your shakes if you


5) Add ice

Not only does adding ice to your protein powder contribute to an enhanced mouth feel, it can

make a plain tasting shake taste significantly less so, simply

because of the relationship between food temparature and taste.

Alright there you have it, 5 Easy Ways to Make Your Protein Powder Shakes Tastier and

More Filling.

If you enjoyed this video a like or share would be


If you have your own tips please share them below,

i'd love to hear about them and so would our viewers.

Before you go don't forget to subscribe to this channel to receive updates on new videos.

Thanks for watching, and I'll see you really soon!

For more infomation >> 5 Ways How to Make Your Protein Shakes Taste Better - Duration: 4:17.


ブラジルの好きなところ5選!Things I like about BRAZIL [Vlog#67] - Duration: 3:41.

Hi, it's Harumi.

I've got a request so today

I'm gonna talk about 5 things that I like about Brazil.

It's not a ranking.

I've just picked 5.

And now let's get started.

laid back

It's a Brazilian national character.

(Almost) everything here is laid back and rough.

Things which are positive or negative

people don't get that fussy.

I love this laid back life style

here in Brazil.

Things more important than money

There's something that's more important

than money here, I feel.

As living in a developed country where everything's so convenient

it's hard to notice this kinda stuff

but here I realize a lot of things important.

Taking care of things

The Japanese word 'mottainai'(what a waste!)

We've been forgetting this word recently, haven't we?


It can be because people don't have money

but normally they take good care of things.

Giving or renting to friends, not just buying.

I like that.

Enjoy now

The life in 50, 60 years that we don't even know that will exist..

Brazilians like to enjoy the life at the moment.

How they can enjoy drinking beer

with their family and friends who are next to them right now

is more important.


I said it was not a ranking

but this last one is the number 1 champion.

Because without this I haven't got married

to a Brazilian guy, Bruno, and if I didn't marry I'm not here in Brazil now.

I was remembering the first time when I got here

When I met the Bruno's family and his friends,

well how do I say,

I was not like "Oh I love this guy!!" but

looking at the relationship between him and the people around him

it was so heartwarming.

In Brazil we can see

the love with your eyes.

Love expressions vary throughout the world

for example in Japan

we can't really see love physically.

I'm not saying if it's good or bad. It's just different.

In Japan we have things that we only have such as omotenashi (hospitality).

There're a lot of love which are hidden and we can't see physically.

But here it's like opposite.

Brazilians have to show their love,

express it using words

,attitude , body languages..

they tell 100%

they express them all.

That was so simple and I fell in love.

I guess.. I felt like

I wanna be here, too with these people.


I talked about

5 things that I like about Brazil.

Leave your comments below.

Until next video.

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