Thứ Bảy, 3 tháng 3, 2018

Youtube daily report Mar 3 2018

- Morning, Trainiacs.

Clearly we're at the airport.

We're done, no more Clermont QT2 Systems Pro Training Camp.

And rather than make you follow me around

from airport to airport until I get home,

we actually did a tour of what a coaches' room looks like

to supply a dozen pros with enough nutrition

and equipment to do a pro training camp.

Let's do it.

(upbeat electronic music)


- Yes?

- Who are you and why are we here?

- I am Jesse Kropelnicki, and welcome to my crib.

This is room 108.

We've had the same room here at the Hampton Inn

in Clermont for the last three or four year period.

I'm pretty sure they do not rent this room

to anyone else when we are here.

And it's here for us when we come.

And that's about it. - They just come and burn it.

- It's so damaged after we leave, yeah, exactly.

- Okay, so what do we got here?

- Yeah, this is like the coaches' survival center.

That's what I would call this right here.

We have of course, the Clean recovery products,

Clean proteins, so on and so forth.

- How many--

- We drink a lot of LaCroix.

I've had at least two to three a day.

Tim, how many have you had?

- Not that many, 'cause you've had two to three a day.


- Exactly. It is complete carnage.

- There are boxes everywhere.

- Correct, correct. - Okay, what do you got?

- So we have all sorts of stuff.

- We have the Juice Performer products.

The beet juice, the cherry juice.

The athletes are generally using the beet juice

before most of their training sessions,

the cherry juice after their training sessions.

And then the coaches, of course, also use that to survive

while we're out in the van for many hours at a time.

- I know, Tim, you've had more of these than LaCroix.

- Yeah, definitely.

- We have extra NormaTec recovery seats, the fancy stuff.

- Seats! - Oh, yeah.

You should hop in one of these, they're comfortable.

If you've got on recovery boots, you gotta do it right.

- How many pounds of this did you bring?

- We brought a lot, or Clean, rather, sent us a lot.

So the athletes are certainly

using that after most workouts.

- Three pounds there times, I see four.

- No, there's a whole case back there.

So that's how it always is in here.

We have tons of product that obviously is mostly

for the athletes, but the coaches live on it as well.

This whole square here is Gatorade recovery products.

What do you have there?

- NormaTec shades.

- NormaTec swag, random stuff.

Take one of those.

- NormaTec shades.

- You should have a NormaTec recovery glass right there.

- That's a good shade.

- Just insane amounts of the Gatorade

Endurance product line.

Their chews, their gels, their Gatorade Endurance drink,

which is the drink on most of our main courses.

So it's really applicable to the athletes here at camp.

Sweet shades. Those look good already.

What else do we got?

- You got NormaTec hats. - Yep, more swag.

You should have one of those as well.

- Yeah, please take a hat. - Tons of gels.

So we have enough fuel to last three weeks, basically,

in here with 15 athletes training 25, 30 hours a week.

So it's a lot of fuels.

- Okay, let's do some math here.

How many pounds is, oh my god.

- Oh, that's the concentrate.


- Yeah, put one of those up.

- That's like 50 pounds.

- No, it is. These are awesome.

This stuff's really good, actually.

Gatorade, for the camp, sends us these suckers.

These are concentrated.

Like if you tasted this, it would not go well.

So one of these makes how many gallons?

- So that plus five gallons of water.

- Yeah, makes a drink.

Right, so it's a concentrated version of their drink.

- Insane amount of sodium and carbohydrates.

- Yeah, on the fly, it's super easy for us to mix it.

In the past we've had the powders.

And we do have some of the powder as well, but--

- Stirring.

- Yeah, this is a little bit more difficult to mix and pour.

So the concentrate's actually really nice.

- Total game-changer.

- Yeah, total-game changer,

at least when you're making 50 gallons of drink a day.

Like I said to you earlier,

it's like part coach, part water boy.

But I'll do whatever it takes.

- One, two, three, four, times one, two, three, four, five.

- That's halfway through camp already.

We've already gone through half of this.

- So we're talking 20, what are these?

21-gallon jugs, which then turn into 20 liters each.

- You're talking metric system here and I'm not.

- 400 liters of Gatorade.

- Yep, that's a lot of Gatorade.

- That's a lot of sweat.

- The chomps or chews are great, the gels are great.

Obviously the athletes are using all that.

Now we get into coach mess.

- We get into your nicely-folded shirts.

- Yep, nicely-folded, that was actually Tim's work.

He did a nice job doing laundry today.

- Beautiful, Tim. - I didn't fold anything.

- We got tables, another NormaTec chair.

We got pounds of recovery,

like literally, many pounds of recovery.

You should probably take one of those bags as well.

There's a Wahoo trainer back there.

I didn't even know that was there.

- Are you serious? - Yeah.

- That's nice. - Is that yours, Tim?

- You know you're in Florida, right?

- You never know what's gonna happen.

- Bag of Roca swim caps that we're gonna give out tomorrow.

Then we have the control center

to actually review workouts at night,

plan workouts for the next day, so on and so forth.

- I saw this earlier today. What's this for?

- I do not know what that's for.

- Those are Angela's.

- Why does she have those?

- Just in case a random raffle breaks out.

- Just in case. (laughing)

- You never know when a raffle's gonna break out.

- Random raffle, just in case.

- Coach garments.

You have to have duct tape to survive anything.

- Yeah, absolutely.

How do you prim and proper yourself over here?

- That's a good question.

- This is a lot of stuff.

- This is all Tim's and then this is mine.

- Smells like it.

- Well the man says he's getting old,

so he requires all these supplements.

So another seven days, it's been 10 days.

We're here another seven days and he's been here for--

- Since I think, I will have been here about four weeks.

- Four weeks, yep.

Home away from home, Hampton Inn Clermont, Florida.

- Well, we're sponsored by Gatorade Endurance,

just ticking off the ones here, that's all that stuff.

Clean Athlete is a great partner of ours.

NormaTec Recovery, of course.

Quintanero and Juice Perfomer.

So they all sent us product, help us out,

help us support the pros, help us support the camp,

which is a huge help.

Alright, get the hell out of here.

We've got work to do. - There we go.

Alright, let's go, Mel.

- I'm just gonna take a couple

hundred pounds of Gatorade, if you don't mind.

- You know what I'm saying, Trainiacs?

Way more fun than following us around airports all day.

Right, Mel?

- Oh my god, we're back in Canada.

This is terrible.

- Hurry up, I want to be in bed.

- Hey, babe.

Okay, we're home.

Check out all the videos of the training camp down there.

And I don't know, subscribe down there if you're not.

And it's really dark. Okay, bye.

For more infomation >> QT2 Systems PRO TRAINING Camp: Triathlon Coach Room CRIBS TOUR - Duration: 7:04.


Top 10 Scary Police Discoveries - Duration: 10:16.

The motto of the police forces is usually protect and serve.

The thing is though, sometimes that involves investigating the darkest parts of human society

- the strange buildings and disturbing people that you hear stories about.

Well, these are 10 of the creepiest stories I found - my name is Danny Burke, I hope you're

sitting comfortably because were about to get into the Top 10 Scary Police Discoveries

… Starting off at number 10 we have The Disturbance.

This one comes from a 19 year old fresh police recruit who was called to a domestic dispute

by concerned neighbors.

When they got to the house and opened the door, a swarm of rats poured out of the house.

The lights and TV were on but nobody was home.

They looked everywhere but couldnt find anyone.

After waiting for a while for the owners to return, they left.

A few minutes later they got another call from neighbors saying there was arguing coming

from the house again.

This time they brought the dog squad but again - the house was empty.

It got even stranger when they found the toilet had just been flushed seconds before and the

kettle was boiling.

What do you guys think?

Slippery suspects or the supernatural?

Next up at number 9 we have the Twisted Mind.

User Jaws76 is a Police Officer who told Reddit that years ago he was called to a body dumped

in the stairway of a public housing building.

As they arrived, they propped open the door with the doormat.

A nice young guy gave them a hand until they secured the scene.

The victim was in a shocking state, multiple slashes and stab marks all over his body and

covered in burns.

The strange thing was - his clothes were perfectly clean.

The medical team said his body was drained of blood and there were no signs of decomposition

- it was a real mystery.

Months later, an arrest was made.

The suspect was the nice guy who had helped them when they arrived.

Turns out he and his girlfriend were -friends- with the victim when they began arguing one


They beat him unconscious, tied him to a chair and tortured him for 2 days.

When he died, they drained his body in the bath, changed his clothes and threw him down

the stairs.

The murderer then had the audacity to help the officers who arrived at the scene.

What a twisted mind … At number 8 now we have the Monster.

User Ultimatespacewizard told Reddit a story that comes from his girlfriends Grandad who

used to be a detective.

When he was new on the job, he got called to an apartment because a so called -monster-

was trying to get in.

The caller said they heard a gunshot and then a while later and banging on their door.

They opened the door to see what they called a monster standing there and trying to get

in - they slammed the door and called the police.

By the time the officers got there, this had happened to other apartments too.

When the detective arrived, he found the -monster- stumbling around the building.

It turned out it was actually a guy who had tried to kill himself with a shotgun to the


He got the angle wrong though and blew off his mouth and nose but was still alive.

He stumbled around to the other apartments in shock, trying to get help, but everyone

was so scared they kept closing the door.

That one is both scary and sad ... At number 7 now we have The Scarecrow.

The story goes that police were called to the house of an old couple who said there

was a man standing in their backyard.

The officers showed up and split into 2 groups, each heading down one side of the house.

As they approached him in the dark, they ordered him to get down on the ground and put his

hands behind his on the ground.

He didnt move.

It turns out that a few hours before, a suspect had robbed a nearby store and as he fled,

he ran through that backyard.

He tried to get over the fence but slipped and fell all the way down, right onto a fence

post - impaling him.

He couldnt lift himself up and his own weight pulled him down.

The pole entered his groin and reached his shoulder.

The story was grimly referred to as the -Scarecrow- incident.

At number 6 now we have Writing On The Wall.

Reddit user CopWithoutVest told a story about the time he and his partner were called to

check on the welfare of a person.

The ex boyfriend of a woman had called and said he was concerned about her after receiving

texts from her saying that she wished it never ended and that she couldnt go on any longer

without him.

They got to her place but there was no answer.

They called the number the guy had given them but although they could hear the phone ringing

inside, she didnt pick up.

They heard some slurred speech from the other side of the door and finally it unlocked but

didnt open.

When they stepped inside, they found her standing in the dark, naked, wet, and swaying in one

spot - her hands were bleeding.

An ambulance came and took her away.

The creepiest was yet to come though.

None of the lights would turn on - instead they found candles in the bedroom and bathroom

- on the walls there were bible scriptures written in her blood.

The bath was filled with brown water - a mixture of water and blood.

They concluded she had been sitting in the cold there for hours and don't know how she

survived ... Next up at number 5 we have The Werewolf.

This one come from Reddit user PunMan42 who said he used to work in a small town in Ohio

called Celleryville.

He said one night his daughter was in her bedroom and drew back the curtains to look

out of the window.

To her horror, standing outside, was what she believed to be a werewolf - staring right

back at her.

She screamed and ran to her Dad who didnt really believe her.

As a police officer hes seen a lot of strange things but a werewolf?

He saw the fear in her eyes though and walked around the perimeter of the house with a pistol

and flashlight - he found nothing.

A week later he and his co worker were called to investigate a case of a peeping tom - some

guy was staring in at peoples windows at night.

When they caught him - he was wearing a werewolf costume.

He was dressing up in it so that people would never believe the witnesses and he could return

to watch them again.

I think I would run through a wall if I saw that outside my house at night.

Moving on to number 4 we have The Cult.

Reddit user Caleb23 said they were called to a graveyard to find a cult of people who

were digging up bodies and doing, in his own words -freaky religious crap- with them … luckily,

when they got there, they hadnt started digging yet.

Instead, they were wearing strange outfits and chanting.

He said the sight disturbed him more than any suicide or vehicle accident before or


He went to go and arrest them but his Field Training Officer told him not to.

The young cop was confused but his boss said if you arrest them, they get the arrest report

and they know your name - you don't want those people to know your name.

At number 3 now we have Christmas Eve.

This story was posted online by a guy who said his Grandad was an Irish police officer

who started his career in Minneapolis in the mid 1950s.

He always told interesting stories about his long career but this Christmas Eve one was

the scariest by far.

He said that one night he got a call to a house on Christmas Eve to a house that had

6 bodies in it.

When he got there, he found he was the first on the scene.

He walked in with his gun draw and went room to room.

In each room he found the bodies of the family of 6 - all dead but with no signs of struggle

- it looked like they had all just fallen asleep - one minute they were alive and the

next they were dead.

Eventually he went upstairs to the bathroom.

There in the bath was the teenage girl of the family, dead and with a single, lonely

tear rolling down her cheek.

He had to leave when investigators showed up and said he never found out what happened.

What do you guys think it was?

Do we even want to know?

That would haunt me … Moving on to number 2 we have The Voice.

Reddit user Seej said they were once called to check on an elderly lady in her home.

When they got there and there was no answer, they climbed through a window at the back

of the house.

As they climb through, they hear a loud television on in the next room and can tell its the news.

They called -Police, does anyone need help?!- … then they hear an old raspy voice reply

-Heeeere- .. they rush down the hall to the next room and find the woman lying face down

in the dining room.

The officer asked -Maam, did you fall?

Where are you hurt?- but when they touch her hand, its ice cold - she had been dead for


When the officers arrived they checked the house but found nobody else there.

The officer swore they heard the voice and knew it wasnt from the TV.

Do you guys have any explanations based on that?

I really hope you do … And finally at number 1 now we have Mother

of Demon.

Reddit user Spartan337 said they were once called out after reports of a suspicious person

outside a nearby house.

When they got there, the guy said a woman was standing on his driveway with a child

sized doll with horns and covered in blood.

He said he asked her what she wanted and she said -It needs food- … then she started

screaming and ran straight at him.

He slammed the door and thats when he called the police.

The officer found blood and claw marks on the door from her fingernails.

He was searching the area when he got another call saying the woman had returned but was

round the back this time.

Its dark but he finds her with his flashlight - shes crouched on the floor with her evil

looking doll.

She didnt respond to the officer, she only whispered at her doll.

Her clothes were in rags, she had no shoes, she just kept turning her head to the side

and growling in between the whispers.

When the officers tried to move her she went berserk and started attacking them, they had

to knock her out and drag her to hospital where she tested positive for PCP and other


Well what a note to end on, how do you guys feel?

Are you watching this at night in bed?

Are you hoping I just keep talking because now youre a bit creeped out?

Or do you want a part 2 right away?

Let me know your thoughts in the comments section - my name is Danny Burke, thanks as

always for watching guys and Ill see you all in the next video …

For more infomation >> Top 10 Scary Police Discoveries - Duration: 10:16.


Higgins v Wilson SF Fr4 2018 Welsh Open - Duration: 19:52.

For more infomation >> Higgins v Wilson SF Fr4 2018 Welsh Open - Duration: 19:52.



Previously on AMC The Dead Alcool Dead

What is it? Where am I?

I do not think I can move. My feet are... numb.

My Godfather Cicero!

Let me pee. Wait your turn!

The bathroom is occupied! Get educated!

What happened here? Where is everybody?

A donkey?

Cute little donkey ... Shrek's Donkey ...

All right ... Just be calm.

Now, let's get out of here.

Why can not I find anyone?

I can smell food. Looks like there's something here.

Look at that..

Wait, Shrek's donkey.

It seems like I have not eaten for years.


Oh my God!

The donkey is gone, how shall I get into the city?

Is very far! The way is to walk.

In this city everything is soooo silent. This soundtrack is so scary!


Hey, dude, you wanna get a drink?




For more infomation >> THE WALKING DEAD NO BRASIL - Duration: 4:56.


Seeds or Transplants – Family Plot - Duration: 8:37.

All right miss Joellen, seed or transplant, which one?

- Oh, well, you know, that depends.

- [Chris] Depends, okay.

- I actually do both.

'cause I go by, like a lot of people do, the length of time that it takes a seed to germinate,

and grow to a producing fruit.

And if it's a long time, there's so many things that can go wrong, like there's the weather,

there's diseases, disease pathogens, there's weeds, there's all sorts of those pressures

in the ground, and if you transplant ahead of time, you still have the same thing, you

don't really have all of the correct temperature or the moisture level consistent enough to

germinate seeds.

Now there are a lot of things you can buy.

You can buy grow lights, you can buy germination chambers and all sorts of things that will

help you, and you will have great success with that.

So if that's a hobby of yours and you like that, that'd be great, if you have a greenhouse,

that's even better.

But a lot of us don't have those things.

And so transplants for things that take a long time, like tomatoes, peppers, and even

cool-season crops that we can get here this month like broccoli, cauliflower and the cabbages,

the time that they have to be sown to be able to get a seed transplant is usually in the

hotter weather or too cold and so, the germination is not that great.

So buying transplants of those helps that process along.

So you've already got a plant.

But you've gotta be willing, somebody has gone to the trouble to grow that plant, so

they're gonna cost a little more than a packet of seeds.

But I like to do both.

And some of the things that I think are great to grow from seeds are sunflowers.

Beans, peas, squash.

All of those kinds of things, things that are easy to germinate, that don't take long

to germinate, are good candidates for seed production.

And things that take a long time, like tomatoes and peppers, those are better for buying transplants.

Now there are some seed productions, I have not seen anybody have transplants of carrots.

Mostly you have to seed those in the ground.

But one thing you've gotta remember, the root vegetables like that, when you sow those seeds,

they're small.

So you're gonna get a whole bunch of them coming up at once, you gotta be willing to

thin them and just leave some so there's room enough for that root to produce in the ground.

And that's the only thing, you have a little bit more work that way with those type of


- You wanna eliminate the competition, of course.

- Yes, definitely do.

- All right.

- So that's basically, and I do both, I do some seeds, 'cause I just like watching things

grow from seeds.

But I do buy transplants, especially of broccolis and the tomatoes and things that take longer,

and I don't have a greenhouse or the facilities or the apparatuses to have those grow, so

I tend to buy those as transplants.

- I think the majority of gardeners buy transplants anyway.

Especially tomatoes and peppers, 'cause you see, a lot of those at the big box stores

and at your nurseries.

- Yeah but you don't get as much variety, the seeds, there's such a large variety of

seeds available, and you might find one that you really like, so you're willing to go to

that trouble to grow that particular one 'cause you can't find it already grown out in the


So that's one drawback of just going with transplants all the time, you're at the, whoever

wanted to grow what and is available to you, that's all you have to choose from, where

the catalog full of seeds, it's got a much wider variety of plants to choose from.

That's the only difference that I see, plus the length of time and the willingness of

you to have the right conditions for those seeds to germinate.

- Okay.

All right, so what you gonna demonstrate for us today?

- Well, I have a fun little project that kids love.

This is a good family project.

I'll do my windowsill gardening this way.

I make my own, we're into recycling, and being environmentally sustainable, so we've got

these wood newspaper pot makers.

There's all different kinds, you just buy one that you like, and this particular one

says to cut your newspaper about 3-1/2 inches by 10 inches.

And you simply take it at the edge of the pot, and you roll it.

And you fold it over the ends, and then you set it in place by doing this, see it comes

out like that.

And you pull it out, and you have a pot.

- [Chris] I think I could do that!

- And you can, the thing is with the newspapers now, the ink is soy-based.

So you can just plant this directly in the ground, but then you will fill it with soil,

this is a germination type soil, so it's a fine, 'cause it's for seeds.

So any kind of germination soil will do.

And you put it in, I have this little tray that I put it in, and here's some squash,

we'll plant some squash, and we've got some sunflowers.

A lot of people say plant one.

- Gotta plant more than one.

- This is windowsill gardening so I'll plant like two or three.

But you just, remember, the seeds are big, so you're gonna put this down in the soil

about twice the width of the seed.

So I'll set it in place, and then I simply push it down.

And then I'll water it, and the good thing about this is you can water the tray, and

it'll soak it up so you don't have to keep pouring over the top.

And then take your pencil and your popsicle stick, and you can write, well, this is zucchini,

so you can set it right there like that, and then it's labeled, and when it comes up, you'll

know what was in that pot.

And you can see sometimes, windowsills, if you wanna keep the temperature nice, you'll

put a piece of plastic over it, kinda make a little greenhouse in your windowsill.

And when they do germinate and come up, they don't all come up.

This one may not germinate and there'll be plants in all these others.

There might be one or there might be two, you just never know.

It's not an exact science.

You put it in a sunny window, I say either west or south.

I have put 'em in east windows but don't have as much luck.

Because the south and the west the sun stays in the windows a little bit longer, is a little

bit hotter.

They seem to germinate better there.

But it's not exact because you know, the fluctuates from morning to night, and your house temperature

isn't always right, it's dry, and you may forget to water, so it's not an exact science

but it sure is a lot of fun.

- So this is something that you do regularly.

- I do it every year just 'cause it's fun.

- Look at the look on her face, can't you tell it's fun?

She's like a kid, okay, that is neat, something to do with the kids, get them interested.

- Get them interested in gardening.

And then take the kids and you go outside, once you have them, and you plant them in

the ground, and then they get to water 'em, and take care of 'em, and collect the fruit,

and you cook with it, and they eat more vegetables.

- That sounds good.

One last question though.

- Sure.

- Can you actually plant that in the ground, like that, with the paper?

- Yes.

- Okay.

'Cause it will degrade--

- It will degrade, yeah.

Sure will.

- Good deal.

We appreciate that demonstration, miss Joellen, all right.

Thank you.

- No problem.

For more infomation >> Seeds or Transplants – Family Plot - Duration: 8:37.



For more infomation >> Honda HR-V 1.6 I-DTEC EXECUTIVE NAVI PANODAK RIJKLAAR!! - Duration: 0:58.


(AT) Ezekiel 38: Vojna - Národy spomínané v biblii - Duration: 4:14.

For more infomation >> (AT) Ezekiel 38: Vojna - Národy spomínané v biblii - Duration: 4:14.


I WAS OBESE 400lbs | First Secret Revealed: I lost 200lbs - 100kg - Duration: 13:00.

For more infomation >> I WAS OBESE 400lbs | First Secret Revealed: I lost 200lbs - 100kg - Duration: 13:00.


STEWIE2K ON OLD SHROUD! 400 IQ RUN BOOST! CS:GO Twitch Clips - Duration: 10:04.


For more infomation >> STEWIE2K ON OLD SHROUD! 400 IQ RUN BOOST! CS:GO Twitch Clips - Duration: 10:04.


thanks lads - Duration: 0:55.

♪ Multi - Inventum ♪

A lot of people are tweeting us in Sir Froge videos

We've never mentioned them

Yeah, he's this guy that does-

Shoutout to Sir Froge, he does the remix of the podcast basically, where he ...

... rearranges the order and cuts it right down to all this- all the weird bits

There's a new one out today with JaackMaate



It's quite a good edit actually

I sort of kinda want it to stop soon

Nah, I think he's done a really good job but like ...

Move on


Joe Rogan podcast

Loads of material

Really, you don't want him to do ours anymore?


Nah, they're good

Do you not like it?

To be fair, I mean-

He's literally helping us out by putting down content for us, I mean ...

There are people on the payroll who don't even do that, and he's doing it for free


It'd be better if it was on the King in the North though, wouldn't it

Maybe we should upload it to King in the North

That'll be good

What would you feel like if you uploaded it to King in the North and he copyright striked you?

Stephen Tries fingers geese

For more infomation >> thanks lads - Duration: 0:55.


This Is What The First Lady Actually Eats - Duration: 4:00.

What the First Lady of the United States eats is usually a pretty big deal.

She tends to set the "culinary tone" of not only the White House, but the entire country.

Melania Trump is notoriously reclusive, but she has shared a few details about her daily


And believe it or not, it doesn't all consist of caviar and priceless gems.

Here's everything we know so far about what the First Lady eats.

Smart start

The First Lady keeps breakfast light, often having a smoothie in the morning.

She shared her "every day delicious & healthy breakfast," with her followers on Facebook.

The former model puts organic fruits and veggies and fat-free yogurt in the drink, topped off

with olive oil, flax seeds, Omega-3 supplements, and vitamin D.

Of course, Melania doesn't always have a smoothie for breakfast, but she does usually try to

go for something healthy.

When she's not drinking a morning smoothie, she told GQ that she opts for oatmeal as a

filling way to start her day.

Bring on the fruit

Melania eats a lot of fruit.

Reportedly, she challenges herself to eat at least seven pieces every day.

It might sound like a lot, but according to a study conducted by Imperial College London,

researchers have found that eating more than five servings of fruits and vegetables each

day can reportedly reduce the risk of several health problems, including heart attacks and


It looks like the First Lady is on to something.

But hold the veggies

She may be a fruit lover, but the First Lady is a little bit more selective when it comes

to vegetables.

In an appearance on The Martha Stewart Show, the Trumps prepared one of the president's

favorite meals: meatloaf sandwiches.

But Melania wasn't big on the veggie garnishes.

"Would you like the onion too, Melania?"

"No, I don't eat onion."

"Do you like artichokes?"



In fact, the only vegetables she allowed on her sandwich were dill pickles.

You just can't take too many risks when it comes to meatloaf sandwiches.

Fast food

Melania prefers to eat healthy, but it looks like she'll also grab a bag of fast food in

a pinch.

In 2017, Melania traveled to Texas to meet with victims and first responders in the aftermath

of Hurricane Harvey.

While there, she and Karen Pence, wife of Vice President Mike Pence, paid a visit to

a Whataburger in Corpus Christi.

There's no word on what the First Lady actually ordered from the franchise, but she and Karen

Pence left with several bags, including fries for the press traveling with them.

"I always make sure there is cheeseburger."

[Laughter] "Thank you for your service."

Chicken Parmigianino

Melania does enjoy a good meal out, and revealed her favorite dish to New York Magazine.

She said:

"One thing I love most about New York is the variety of amazing foods you can eat.

My all-time favorite is the chicken Parmigianino at Jean Georges."

Sweet release

Chocolate is one indulgence the First Lady refuses to do without, believing that it's

important to give in to your cravings once in a while.

Along with chocolate, ice cream is Melania's other big sweet indulgence.

She says:

"It's good to indulge cravings and your tastes once in a while [...] as long as you

balance those things with healthy foods."

This is a sharp contrast from her husband's dessert preferences.

In a Time exclusive, it was revealed that at dinner,

"[Trump] gets two scoops of vanilla ice cream with his chocolate cream pie, instead of the

single scoop for everyone else."

Maybe those ice cream gloves weren't such a bad idea after all.

"Me idea is to come out with just like these ice cream gloves, that make the ice cream

not go on your hands and make it all well sticky."

Diet coke

Melania and Donald Trump also have similar drink preferences — though the amounts they

consume are vastly different.

They both prefer Diet Coke — though Melania prefers to only drink hers from glass bottles.

Her husband seems to care less about the container, but he definitely drinks more of it.

A lot more.

According to the New York Times, the president drinks 12 cans of soda every day.

"This is a very ominous looking because of the red button."

"What does that get you?"

"Well, it gets you a coke."

Hey, you've gotta wash down those meatloaf sandwiches with something.

Thanks for watching!

Click the Mashed icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> This Is What The First Lady Actually Eats - Duration: 4:00.


HAVING S3X WITH A 15 YEAR OLD GIRL PRANK *Police Threatened* - Duration: 17:06.

For more infomation >> HAVING S3X WITH A 15 YEAR OLD GIRL PRANK *Police Threatened* - Duration: 17:06.


Q&A – What is growing on this tree branch? - Duration: 1:51.

"What is growing on the tree branch?

"This branch fell off a neighbor's tree "and I am concerned the tree is not healthy.

"Also, there are two holes the size of golf balls "on this branch."

And this is from miss Patricia in Germantown.

Well, Wes Hopper, our certified arborist, is going to answer this question for you,

miss Patricia.

- Miss Patricia.

To answer the question on the picture that you sent in, that is obviously a dead or declining

branch, and what I've seen from the picture is a hole, and that hole is from a woodpecker

drilling on the branch that created the hole.

What I also seen on the branch was fungi.

It's a sapwood fungus that's growing into the sapwood of the tree, causing the sap not

to flow, which makes the branch weaker.

The other fungus that I seen is a white rot type of fungus and it breaks down the lignin

or the glue that holds that wood together.

Now since that was a weakened branch, the tree says, "I don't need you anymore, "you're

not producing any energy for me."

So it builds new tissue around the branch collar, or the part that's closest to the

trunk of the tree, and it closes off that branch, the branch totally dies, and it falls

off on its own, it sheds its branch.

Unfortunately there's people in houses underneath this branch.

Now the next question I believed you asked is, is your tree safe?

I highly recommend that you hire a professional, certified arborist to come out to your property

and inspect the tree and look all the way around the tree, what we call a 360, looking

for any type of fungus that growing at the base of the tree or up higher.

It may just be a simple case that this tree just needs a good haircut.

For more infomation >> Q&A – What is growing on this tree branch? - Duration: 1:51.


Alaska's New Best Cruise Ship: Ovation Of The Seas - Duration: 9:59.

If you're thinking about an Alaskan cruise in 2019...

There's some big news from Royal Caribbean that you need to know.

Royal Caribbean is going to be bringing one of their best ships to Seattle, Washington

For 7-day cruises to Alaska during the summer of 2019.

It's the Ovation Of The Seas

A Quantum-class ship that you probably haven't heard much about

Because she's been based in Asia and Australia since she entered service in 2016.

But she's a full sister to Anthem Of The Seas, a ship that I cruised on two years ago…

And a ship I think of as the best cruise ship I've ever been on.

I totally loved all the smart design choices that Royal Caribbean had made with this class of ships.

It's clear to me that Royal Caribbean has taken everything they've learned about cruise ship design in the last 50 years...

And incorporated all their best ideas in to this class of ship.

Let me start by showing you a few things about Ovation Of The Seas that make it perfect for cruises to Alaska.

At the very top of that list is a glass enclosed adults-only area at the front of the ship, known as the Solarium.

No matter what's happening with the weather outside, conditions inside the Solarium are always ideal for relaxing and enjoying the view.

The glass enclosure that protects the Solarium from any extreme weather allows the most amazing view of whatever's in front of the ship.

And on an Alaska cruise, that view is just spectacular.

Imagine yourself sitting in a lounger, or on a daybed, in the climate controlled solarium, watching the beautiful Alaskan scenery go by.

Or perhaps you'd rather enjoy the view from one of the big Jacuzzis…

Or from this incredible multi-level pool, heated to just the right temperature.

Two years ago, during my cruise on the sister ship, this was one of my favorite places to spend time.

There's a bar inside the Solarium, so you can relax with your beverage of choice...

And there's even a small restaurant, called the Solarium Bistro.

Here's another area on Ovation Of The Seas that makes it a perfect choice for Alaska cruises.

Notice that this swimming pool sits under a big glass canopy...

Which can be closed up tight if the weather outside is less than perfect...

Or opened up to let all the fresh air in on a warm, sunny day.

Something else that will be amazing for Alaska is this fully enclosed area at the back of the ship known as "Two 70".

During the day, you have a spectacular view of all the scenery through all that glass at the back end of the ship.

But at night, those windows become big video screens…

And the room totally transforms in to a high-tech theater featuring amazing shows with all sorts of interesting effects and surprises.

The creative ideas that they used in designing Two 70 just blew my mind when I saw them on the sister ship that I sailed on.

If you look at the ships that the other cruise lines are using in Alaska…

They're almost all much older, far less sophisticated ships.

Ovation Of The Seas is a ship on the cutting edge, with innovations that put this ship in a whole other league.

There's NorthStar, which rises 300 feet above sea level to provide incredible 360 degree views of all the breathtaking scenery around the ship.

No other cruise line has anything like this!

And then there's RipCord by iFly. The only skydiving simulator at sea.

You get to experience the thrills of skydiving without having to actually jump out of an airplane.

If there's a thrill seeker in your family, this is the ship for you.

And the Bionic Bar… two robotic bartenders who know how to mix up your favorite drink.

As you can see, they're great at shaking things up, but they know how to stir, too.

They can create all sorts of cocktails, whether it's a classic Margarita, or a custom order of your own design.

You place your order using an app on a nearby tablet, and then enjoy the show as your bionic bartender does his thing.

And here's another innovation you won't find on the other cruise lines:


The largest indoor active space at sea.

There's never been anything quite like this on a cruise ship before.

You've got bumper cars at sea Or it can convert in to a roller rink

A full-size basketball court

Or a trapeze school.

Music is provided from a floating DJ booth suspended overhead.

And if you want a bite to eat, just visit the first food truck on a cruise ship.

For a more sophisticated meal, Ovation Of The Seas offers a wide array of fine restaurants…

Including the American Icon Grill



And Wonderland.

Plus an Italian restaurant

A steakhouse

And a Japanese restaurant

As well as plenty of casual dining options, like...

A pastry shop

A café

A Pizza place

And of course, a gigantic buffet with a little something for everyone.

As far as entertainment, Royal Caribbean offers some of the best big musical production shows I've ever seen on a cruise ship.

I don't know exactly what shows they'll be offering on Ovation Of The Seas when it does Alaska cruises in 2019...

But based on all the other shows I've seen on other Royal Caribbean ships I've sailed on, I bet it will be world-class.

I really like the music venue that they have on Quantum-class ships.

It's called the Music Hall, and it was designed with one purpose in mind:

To be a great venue for a band to perform in.

I've been on cruise ships where the music venue just wasn't thought out very well at all.

Bad lighting, bad acoustics, bad seating or sight lines, but...

In the Music Hall on Ovation Of The Seas you'll be in for a real treat if you enjoy seeing and listening to a band perform live.

One other area where Ovation Of The Seas really stands out is high speed Internet.

On most cruise ships, keeping your phone or laptop online is an exercise in frustration.

Most cruise ships have slow and unreliable Internet connections.

But Royal Caribbean is unique in a partnership they have with the most advanced network

Providing Internet to remote locations: O3B networks

And their unique technology that uses satellites in an unusually low orbit To provide hugely faster Internet service

With low latency and speeds not that far off from what you get at home.

If it's important to your business for you to stay connected even when you're on vacation...

Or if you're just used to being able to upload photos and videos to social media wherever you go...

Royal Caribbean is the cruise line for you.

The cabins on Ovation Of The Seas are something special, too.

And I don't just mean the spectacular two-level suites that they offer.

Those are out of my price range.

But even if you just book a standard balcony cabin, you'll find some nice little touches.

Like multiple electrical outlets at the desk, as well as USB charging ports.

There is even an electrical outlet by the bed, which makes it easy to keep your phone nearby at night while it charges.

And it's also perfect for people with sleep apnea, who need a CPAP machine to help them breathe at night.

Royal Caribbean also really impressed me by splitting the closets up.

There's one on each side of the couch, and that makes it easy for two people to get dressed at the same time, without bumping in to each other.

They designed curtains that fully block all the light from outside.

Which makes it easy to take a nap during the day, or to sleep in past sunrise in the morning.

And there are some nice little touches in the bathrooms, too.

Including a night light that operates all night long.

Which is great if you need to use the bathroom in the middle of the night...

And you don't want to disturb your spouse by turning on any lights.

And if you like to book an inside cabin, the inexpensive kind without a balcony or even a window...

You're going to be really impressed with the ones on Ovation Of The Seas.

They feature high tech virtual balconies.

What you're seeing here is not an actual balcony or a window.

It's a wall-to-ceiling video display to make you feel like you're in a much more expensive balcony cabin.

And it has a real-time view of what's happening outside.

When I think of all the cruise ships that there are to choose from for an Alaskan cruise during the summer...

I can't think of a more state-of-the-art ship… incorporating more innovative features… than Ovation of the Seas.

If you're thinking about an Alaska cruise in 2019, this is one the best cruise ships you could choose!

I'm Jim Zim. Thanks for watching!

There are lots of other cruise ship videos on my YouTube channel.

I'm putting a few up on the screen now, but there are LOTS more where these came from!

Explore my channel, if you haven't already.

For more infomation >> Alaska's New Best Cruise Ship: Ovation Of The Seas - Duration: 9:59.


I am in trouble when cooking because Funny hamster too friendly - Duration: 3:31.

Thanks for subscribing to my channel!Please RT!

For more infomation >> I am in trouble when cooking because Funny hamster too friendly - Duration: 3:31.


Cyberpunk 2077 Announcemement - My channel is not for everybody - Duration: 9:46.

Greetings earthlings! Welcome to the Madqueen Show I am your host the Madqueen

on today's menu this video... Yeah it's going to be today's video because

I'm not going to do anything else I'm on pyjama not because it's a pyjama rant

today is because it's Saturday

funny thing about this unicorn is that

I don't even need to comb my hair, it goes flat automatically by itself

Which means that I'm not going to do anything all day long if any I'm going to play

Dishonored 2 that is a game I have pending for long and now I have an impasse

before the new game that I want to play comes out so, Oh! Dishonored

So today's video is to announce that I'm going to make a stream

tomorrow to talk about Cyberpunk 2077 and Altered Carbon and I'm sorry because

as I couldn't attend the stream with a Triple S League past Saturday? Sunday?

I don't know, past week? I believe I owe you one and also because I want to, both are

correct answers so yes I'm going to put a link in the first comment with the

time for you to convert it to your time zones because this channel is very

international and we have people from around the globe which means that it's

really hard to pick a time of the day that it's good for everybody, I try it though

So I stream tomorrow Sunday time in the first comment and the second thing

that I wanted to talk about is, well I believe you notice that this channel is

growing really fast and I'm totally glad about that

and this channel is growing for two reasons: first is the amount of people

that is now interested in Cyberpunk 2077 which is great, and the second because

right now I am the person of YouTube that is putting more content out

about this game. I have a lot of things of the lore to explain I am always the

first to learn about the news because Not that I'm obsessed, but yeah it's

really close to that. Well, not really. So yes, people outside my channel used me as

a source which means that they point at me when they talk about these news

which means that this channel is growing and this is fantastic

But what I'm shocked about this... About these new people coming to the channel

You are lovely. I'm also glad that a lot of you are joining discord my

Discord is just amazing. Not for me, it's amazing for the people that is

there that make Discrod amazing. But I am receiving some weird comments lately

and I don't mean hate comments, because I just don't read them. YouTube has its own

moderation regarding that and also I have a person to moderate channel

So I just I don't receive hate comments. I just don't read them but I have another

type of comments that are not hate and they are not constructive

criticism either. There are a lot of people who are telling me like

"Oh, you should change this specific thing of your channel in order for me to like it"

Oh why I'm sorry but this this is not going to happen. I mean,

I don't understand why someone would believe that I should change something about

myself just because someone doesn't like it. I'm totally okay with someone not

liking my channel, me, Mr Ruvver, whatever

maybe this channel is not for everybody and it's totally fine, those people who

are offended by me having this weird accent that people take a lot of time to

place on Earth because it's mixed. Secret, I just revealed that but yeah

I'm totally ok with people not liking me. I mean, it's common if you have any kind

of peculiarities it's always someone who is not going to like it

you are always too tall, too small, too thin, too fat, you speak too loud, too quiet

Whatever. And it's fine. Maybe this channel is not for you and let's be

friends and that's it. YouTube is a place that has an insane amount of content creators.

Some of them are amazing. The size of the channels is not

relative to the amount of effort and the quality of the channel. Maybe they

are a little hard to find but they are there. So if you don't like my channel

it's ok, just move on and look for another channel that you may like.

But don't expect me to change because you don't like something about me

One of the funniest things about this channel and also why one of the reasons why the

people that know me in real life follow my channel. No, I'm sure you don't watch

all the videos, but some of them they watch them because they believe that it

reflects my personality. So it's like seeing me when I talk to them.

Obviously it reflects my personality when talking to friends because at this point

a lot of you, if not all, already now that I have social anxiety. I have a problem with strangers.

I don't behave the same obviously but yeah I told like that in

real in real life and I remember a comment that I spent laughing like

3 hours straight "Oh, you move a lot when you talk"

yeah I do that. And if you don't like it, well ok.

I don't have a problem with that and neither should you because the world is full of

people that you can like and if you don't like something just move on and that's it.

Well, it's a pity because at this point I am the person in

YouTube that's putting more content out regarding Cyberpunk 2077 and I believe I

said that before I am the first putting the news because I'm quite obsessed

And also very important, because I have a great community

great community that when I miss something they point me in the right direction

which is great it's totally lovely. but don't worry

because in some months they're going to announce Cyberpunk 2077 officially and

you're going to have a lot of official news and you're going to have a lot of

channels that are going to talk about that and that are going to make a lot of

content on Cyberpunk 2077, so you will be able to find one that you like better than me

And it's totally fine. You don't have to be a certain way so everybody likes you

That's incredibly absurd. I just don't understand why someone

believes that it is so important that everybody likes you. What is important is

that you are convinced of what you do. That is important. And that what you do

makes you happy. That is important. But just stop doing things or doing another

things just because some random stranger believes that, I don't know, you should do that

This is incredibly absurd and also that makes people unhappy not being able

to be yourself just because you're afraid of people not liking your

audience because you're told you're not likable. So absurd. So please, don't be

like that and not only to me because I'm being on YouTube makes you kind of

public so it means that people don't feel like they need to respect

boundaries the same way they have to respect them in real life

but don't be like that in real life. Don't tell people to change if you don't like them

Move on and look for another person you may like. We're all this full of people

there's overpopulation. It's impossible that you don't find someone you like

We are an insane amount of people also on YouTube. So yes, well I'm sorry

what I was going to say? Yes, stream tomorrow. We're going to talk

about Cyberpunk and I'm going to answer all your questions because you have a

lot and if you cannot attend but you have questions, please leave a comment

That's all I had I had to say.

see you in next videos and stay being amazing

For more infomation >> Cyberpunk 2077 Announcemement - My channel is not for everybody - Duration: 9:46.


Acapella 3 | Full Album - Duration: 35:55.

For more infomation >> Acapella 3 | Full Album - Duration: 35:55.


Mark Zuckerberg Became Fire On Trump And His Supporters! - Duration: 5:33.

Mark Zuckerberg Just Declared WAR On Trump And His Supporters!


We are now witnessing the hammering of the final nail on the Facebook coffin!

As the majority of us on the right have noticed by now, far left globalist Facebook CEO, Mark

Zuckerberg, has launched an all-out war against President Trump and all of his supporters.

And now it involves a lot more than just spending a few days in what the right has branded as

"Facebook Jail."

It's all part of his aggressive attempt to influence the 2018 and 2020 elections in

favor of the Democrats.

After empty threats from left-wing politicians whose power left the moment President Barack

Hussein Obama waved goodbye, Facebook introduced a major change to its "newsfeed algorithm."

This change was announced in a post by the Marxist Zuckerberg claiming that the change

was aimed to give greater emphasis to posts from family and less to businesses, brands,

and media.

But Facebook still takes advertising money from anyone, so keep that in mind.

Statement from Zuckerberg:

One of our big focus areas for 2018 is making sure the time we all spend on Facebook is

time well spent.

We built Facebook to help people stay connected and bring us closer together with the people

that matter to us.

That's why we've always put friends and family at the core of the experience.

Research shows that strengthening our relationships improves our well-being and happiness.

But recently we've gotten feedback from our community that public content — posts

from businesses, brands and media — is crowding out the personal moments that lead us to connect

more with each other.

It's easy to understand how we got here.

Video and other public content have exploded on Facebook in the past couple of years.

Since there's more public content than posts from your friends and family, the balance

of what's in News Feed has shifted away from the most important thing Facebook can

do — help us connect with each other.

We feel a responsibility to make sure our services aren't just fun to use, but also

good for people's well-being.

So we've studied this trend carefully by looking at the academic research and doing

our own research with leading experts at universities.

The research shows that when we use social media to connect with people we care about,

it can be good for our well-being.

We can feel more connected and less lonely, and that correlates with long term measures

of happiness and health.

On the other hand, passively reading articles or watching videos — even if they're entertaining

or informative — may not be as good.

Based on this, we're making a major change to how we build Facebook.

I'm changing the goal I give our product teams from focusing on helping you find relevant

content to helping you have more meaningful social interactions.

We started making changes in this direction last year, but it will take months for this

new focus to make its way through all our products.

The first changes you'll see will be in News Feed, where you can expect to see more

from your friends, family and groups.

As we roll this out, you'll see less public content like posts from businesses, brands,

and media.

And the public content you see more will be held to the same standard — it should encourage

meaningful interactions between people.

For example, there are many tight-knit communities around TV shows and sports teams.

We've seen people interact way more around live videos than regular ones.

Some news helps start conversations on important issues.

But too often today, watching video, reading news or getting a page update is just a passive


Now, I want to be clear: by making these changes, I expect the time people spend on Facebook

and some measures of engagement will go down.

But I also expect the time you do spend on Facebook will be more valuable.

And if we do the right thing, I believe that will be good for our community and our business

over the long term too.

At its best, Facebook has always been about personal connections.

By focusing on bringing people closer together — whether it's with family and friends,

or around important moments in the world — we can help make sure that Facebook is time well


The change was followed by a promise to promote what Facebook calls "broadly trusted"

news sources on the platform, but what is "broadly trusted" to a far left, pro-open

borders, Silicon Valley Company?



Huffington Post?

VTV government news network form Venezuela?

Here is an illustration of the differences before and after the algorithm change.

As you can clearly see, although minor, Warren and Sanders had a small rise in engagement

while President Trump had a steep 45% decline.

You have to also keep in mind that Facebook shifts some of their algorithm changes onto

the actual user.

They now have a feature where you can tattle on sites which are posting "Fake News."

Which if you think about it it's a great feature.

But the problem is today the definition of fake news has changed to be "anything I

don't agree with or I don't like."

And at the same time, it has also been used as a weapon by left-wing bots in order to

get pages banned by Facebook police.

This might very well be the beginning of the end for Facebook.

Especially since it's rare to see anyone under 30 active on the social media giant.

It happened to MySpace in 2008, but I am sure there will be something to replace it.

What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> Mark Zuckerberg Became Fire On Trump And His Supporters! - Duration: 5:33.


Spring Fling 2018 – Family Plot - Duration: 9:09.

All right miss Jenny, Spring Fling is coming, right?

- Yes!

- Let's talk a little bit about that, okay?

- This is our 14th annual Spring Fling.

March 23 and 24th which is Friday and Saturday.

It'll be nine to five at the big red barn in front of the Agricenter on Germantown Road.

And we have free admission and free parking.

We're going to have approximately 45 vendors, from local vendors and out of town vendors.

We're going to have a lot of speakers, we have a lot of really good speakers, of which

you are one.

They're gonna be talkin' about vegetables from the ground up, and miss Joellen is also

gonna be with us, she's gonna talk about trees for the landscape, which is gonna be a great


Jason Reeves from UT Jackson.

Year in the garden, Dale Skaggs from the Dixon, and we're gonna have Chris Olsen come in from

Little Rock, he's a nationally know TV author and what have you.

And he's gonna talk about drab to fab.

And then of course, miss Carol Reese, she's always welcome.

We'll have several demonstrations, that master gardeners are gonna put on, and one of them

is gonna be like herb gardening and drying like John is gonna talk to us today about.

Successful seed plantings, creating a wildlife habitat, thinking outside the box, and then

we'll have a lot of homemade goodies from the master gardeners.

- I like those homemade goodies.

- Spend the day with us and we'll have food trucks and the whole deal.

- It's gonna be super.

- Yeah!

- All right.

Well since we're talking about those demonstrations, we do have mister John here.

So what would you like to tell us about herb gardening?

- Well, when you asked me to be on this show I said, "This is not a great time to find

plants," but I went out in my yard and sure enough.

The thing about herbs is, most of them really want sun, most of them want light soil, so

dig in that manure, that compost, that coarse sand.

And an awful lot of the common ones that we use in the kitchen are perennial, so once

you plant them, you've got them, they may die back through the winter, some of them

are evergreen.

Can start with this one, which is thyme.

A perennial, it's evergreen, so in December or January you can go out in the garden and

pick it.

This is German Wintertime, and I bought that plant, or its ancestor, in the 80s, and I

still have it.

So I recommend it.

It's been through minus 4, it's been through 108, and--

- I think that'll work then.

- Yes.

And French thyme and lemon thyme also work very well here.

This is a wonderful funny plant.

This is walking onion, it never makes a big bulb, it just makes these perennial green

onions, and then it'll make little top bulblets that are too heavy for the stalk, falls over,


Sends up stalks, makes little bulbets, falls over and roots so it walks around your garden.

It's a real mild onion flavor, milder than chives.

It's great fun.

This one is the one here that's not a perennial, this is flatleaf parsley.

Parsley's a biennial and this is its second year.

While it's still cool it'll continue to make leaves, but pretty soon it'll start to send

shoots up to make seed, so we plant it every year, you can plant this spring or fall.

Very rich in vitamins A and C and iron, so it's not just a garnish on the plate, eat


At the end of the meal, it's a breath freshener.

This is an oddity here, this is a seedling of an elderberry.

Elderberry's medicinal benefits are well-known, and well-documented.

The tradition is that the elder was the mother of all plants and an herb garden had to have

at least one in the corner.

That'll get eight to 10 feet tall, and you can cut it back every spring, and it'll continue

to produce.

Then my mints still looked kinda puny, but these are members of the mint family.

This is catnip.

And if you can beat your cat to it, the leaves make a very nice tea.

And this is oregano.

Now both of these die to the ground in the winter, but they come back.

The oreganos, Italian and Greek oregano, this is the Italian, the Greek I was sold as an

annual, but fortunately it didn't get the message, I've had it for six or seven years.

A Mexican oregano is an annual, that's a different plant.

For those of you who are interested in drying, some herbs just don't keep their flavor very

well when you dry them, like parsley tastes like the lawn to me.

Oregano does dry very well, and the time of year to get an herb to dry is when it's about

to form flowers, because that's when the flavor is the most, that's when the essential oils

are the strongest, and the time of day to do it is in the early morning.

After the dew is off it, because the dew is moisture and might affect the drying process

or produce fungus, but before the sun hits it.

And you can just hang 'em up someplace away from the sun, and when they're dry in a week

or so, test it, strip the leaves off the stems, stick 'em in a jar, put it in a cupboard,

pantry, whatever, and you'll have it.

Fresh is always better, but I still have parsley that I dried three years ago, and it still

has good flavor.

But I'm looking forward to having fresh parsley regularly--

- Regularly, huh?

Okay, let me ask you this, mister John.

Any disease problems we need to know about, insect pest problems with herbs?

- I have not had them, knock on wood

- Okay, all right.

- Herbs are pretty well known for being pretty disease free.

Some of them are even supposed to deter insects from getting to the plants that are next to


So I don't know how true that is.

That's just an interesting bunch of plants.

- So again, full sun, good rich soil, good drainage, is what we're looking for with herbs.

- Yes.

- Okay.

Now when is a good time to plant herbs, though?

Does it matter?

- The annuals that want warm weather, of course, we shouldn't plant until probably at least


Things like basil maybe not even until May, because they want warm soil.

Some of these perennials you could plant now.

Things like cilantro you could plant now, cilantro hates the heat, it goes to seed,

and the flavor changes.

But I have some that I planted last fall still thriving.

- I think we all like herbs, I know Joellen has plenty of herbs.

- I like them.

- Miss Jenny you probably have some herbs as well.

- I do, especially cilantro, 'cause I make salsa, it's just wonderful to have that fresh


- That it is, all right.

So we'll be looking forward to that demonstration at Spring Fling, right?

- Yes, thank you.

- All right miss Jenny, so once again, tell us a little bit more about Spring Fling.

- Well, there's one thing I didn't mention previously, is that on Saturday we're gonna

have the kids activities.

We're gonna introduce them to mister Wiggly Worm, and they will learn all about the worms,

and how to make a garden hat while they're there, how to do their own little seed pots

and plant the seeds, I think we're gonna plant zinnias and marigolds.

And we'll have face painting, which they always just really love.

Other than that we're going to have vendors from horticulture-type plants, all the way

through vegetables, and all sorts of garden art.

And there will be several new artists in that garden art area.

But the biggest thing we want you to come down for is to enjoy the atmosphere, to take

part of our homemade goodies that the master gardeners prepare, and again, if you spend

the day with us, we'll have some food trucks available.

It's just a great day, a great opportunity to explore all kind of new things in the garden.

- It'll be good, and it's a free event.

- Right.

- And one last thing, we're celebrating Extension Month, so come out and meet the Shelby County

Extension staff, they'll love to meet you.

We hope to see you there.

Thank you.

For more infomation >> Spring Fling 2018 – Family Plot - Duration: 9:09.


Fox Deportes con Elsy l "Boleto a Rusia" l Grupo B - Duration: 2:15.

For more infomation >> Fox Deportes con Elsy l "Boleto a Rusia" l Grupo B - Duration: 2:15.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180 Ambition - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180 Ambition - Duration: 0:56.


Ford B-MAX 100 pk Style | AANBIEDING | ALTIJD DE BESTE DEAL | Rijklaar | - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Ford B-MAX 100 pk Style | AANBIEDING | ALTIJD DE BESTE DEAL | Rijklaar | - Duration: 0:57.


Ford B-MAX 1.0 EcoBoost Style | AANBIEDING !! | ALTIJD DE BESTE DEAL! |Zelf samenstellen | Nieuw te - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Ford B-MAX 1.0 EcoBoost Style | AANBIEDING !! | ALTIJD DE BESTE DEAL! |Zelf samenstellen | Nieuw te - Duration: 0:57.


Ford B-MAX 1.0 EcoBoost Titanium 100 PK | AANBIEDING !! | ALTIJD DE BESTE DEAL! |Zelf samenstellen | - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Ford B-MAX 1.0 EcoBoost Titanium 100 PK | AANBIEDING !! | ALTIJD DE BESTE DEAL! |Zelf samenstellen | - Duration: 0:54.


Ford Mondeo Wagon 1.5 Titanium Lease Edition 160 PK | AANBIEDING !! | Zelf samenstellen | Nieuw te b - Duration: 0:48.

For more infomation >> Ford Mondeo Wagon 1.5 Titanium Lease Edition 160 PK | AANBIEDING !! | Zelf samenstellen | Nieuw te b - Duration: 0:48.


Third Sunday of Lent | Daniella Zsupan-Jerome - Duration: 3:56.

in the gospel passage from John we encounter Jesus so-called tougher side

in everyday conversations when we tend to imagine Jesus as all loving and all

compassionate someone will likely chime in with well what about when he made a

whip out of rope so turntables or drove the money changers out of the temple how

can we make sense of his strong reaction are commerce and the market place bad?

what about any commerce that takes place around holy places like religious goods

and souvenir shops? what was Jesus trying to tell us stop making my father's house

a market place Jesus passionately defends the sacred

space that is his father's house by clearing the temple and he takes issue

with anything other than God cluttering up the sacred space where people come to

worship God commerce and the marketplace are not bad but they cannot obscure or

displace God especially in a sacred space created for his worship the temple

was of course a physical place but in the same passage Jesus also alludes to

the temple of his own body likewise for us an important challenge is reflecting

on the cleansing of our own temples that is our inner life of the Spirit what is

cluttering up our temple what has set up shop there that obscures or displaces

God there too Jesus will passionately defend the sacred space where God's

Spirit is meant to dwell he will again make ropes and turntables if he needs to

out of his profound love for each of us to make sure that nothing can separate

us from the love of God during this season of Lent we too are called to be

cleansed in the temple of our bodies the temple of the Holy Spirit prayer

fasting and almsgiving are key practices of this as well as the sacrament of

reconciliation all of these by God's grace helped to clear away all that

clutter is this sacred space as we move closer to new and eternal life with God

For more infomation >> Third Sunday of Lent | Daniella Zsupan-Jerome - Duration: 3:56.


Wypad do Galerii Metropolia na wystawę makiety - Duration: 31:35.

For more infomation >> Wypad do Galerii Metropolia na wystawę makiety - Duration: 31:35.


[FULL MIXTAPE] J HOPE 'Hope World' | REACTION - Duration: 42:41.

- Yeah bro did you hear? J Hope just dropped a new mix tape

-For real?

-It's called Hope's World!

we are about to react to it!

-Let's get to it

-Let's get to it!

-Bro what are you doing? Get up.

We're about to watch - HOPE WORLD J HOPE

- Ahh. I ate way too many Coco Pops (by Coco Foods)

For more infomation >> [FULL MIXTAPE] J HOPE 'Hope World' | REACTION - Duration: 42:41.


Volkswagen Beetle 1.2 TSI 105PK Design Airco - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Beetle 1.2 TSI 105PK Design Airco - Duration: 1:00.


Peugeot 207 1.4 XR AIRCO, ELEKTR. RAMEN, 5DRS - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 207 1.4 XR AIRCO, ELEKTR. RAMEN, 5DRS - Duration: 0:58.


Best Piston Cup Wipeouts

For more infomation >> Best Piston Cup Wipeouts


For more infomation >> Best Piston Cup Wipeouts


10 parties inattendues du corps qui procurent un immense plaisir - Duration: 7:19.

For more infomation >> 10 parties inattendues du corps qui procurent un immense plaisir - Duration: 7:19.


For more infomation >> 10 parties inattendues du corps qui procurent un immense plaisir - Duration: 7:19.


Eli Roth's Death Wish - Get A...

For more infomation >> Eli Roth's Death Wish - Get A...


Mazda CX-5 2.0 SKYACTIV-G AUT GT-M 4WD LEDER 19 INCH RIJKLAAR!! - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Mazda CX-5 2.0 SKYACTIV-G AUT GT-M 4WD LEDER 19 INCH RIJKLAAR!! - Duration: 1:00.


What is scalded skin syndrome | Natural Health - Duration: 3:58.

For more infomation >> What is scalded skin syndrome | Natural Health - Duration: 3:58.


I am in trouble when cooking because Funny hamster too friendly - Duration: 3:31.

Thanks for subscribing to my channel!Please RT!

For more infomation >> I am in trouble when cooking because Funny hamster too friendly - Duration: 3:31.


Race2space 2018 /The Moon illusion / Bahaeddine Bourkadi - Duration: 2:55.

Have you ever wondered why the full moon seems larger when it's near the horizon

than its high overhead if so you're not alone you may think perhaps the moon is

just closer to the earth on that particle day than usually but if you

actually measure the visible size of the moon you will realize that it hasn't

changed at all what if I told you that the moon is

always the same size in fact when it seems to change size the moon is playing

tricks on your brain this phenomen is called the moon illusion while the exact

explanation for this optical illusion is still debated there are two main

theories for its occurrence the first one is the ebon house illusion theory

when the moon is near to the horizon there are many visual reference objects such as

trees and buildings that people can use to compare to the size of the moon but

where the moon is high in the sky there is nothing surrounding it to compare to

it and it therefore in comparison seems much smaller against the vastness of the

night sky thus two identical objects can look different

due to the reference objects surrounding them another possibility is the Ponzo

illusion theory if you have ever tried to draw in perspective you will know

that as objects get closer to the horizon the smaller shadow them thus our

brains make us perceive objects near to the horizon as larger than they actually

appear with these explanations it seems like we've solved the mystery of the

moon illusion however we are still not sure of the exact answer for one we'd

expected the moon illusion to disappear for pilots flying above the moon since

there are no reference objects surrounding them but even so pilots and

sailors still claim to experience the moon illusion but now I will tell you a

secret if you just bend over and look at the moon between your legs the moon

illusion will disappear entirely like that this is because upside down trees

and buildings don't register as familiar objects to act like references as

result your brain isn't tricked by a size comparison one of the most

promising explanations today for this phenomenon is known as the convergence

Micropsia according to this theory our brains

calculate the distance between objects and their apparent size by the focus of

our eyes like the camera this is why when you are looking at the horizon your

eyes focus on something far off into the distance so your brain know that you are

looking far away so the moon appear a certain size consequently you naturally

conclude that the moon must be big however when looking up at the night sky

then there is nothing for your eyes to focus on so they converge their

focus which is a point four meters away enhance

your brain thinking that the moon is much closer than it really is so you

automatically conclude the moon isn't big as you thought still not satisfied

well you're not the only one debates about this phenomenon

still rage so maybe one day we come up with the exact explanation for this

mysterious illusion

For more infomation >> Race2space 2018 /The Moon illusion / Bahaeddine Bourkadi - Duration: 2:55.


The tallest skyscraper in Colombia - Duration: 2:11.

Bd bacatá the tallest building in colombia

In the center of the city of Bogotá at the intersection of Carrera 5 and Calle 19

is the bd bacatá complex which is formed by two towers

staggered the south tower the smallest building measures

167 meters with 53 floors its use is residential and office

the north tower has 66 floors and a height of

216 meters

this building would be completely a hotel on the first four floors of the complex

bd Bacatá is a shopping center which is already open to the public

these skyscrapers are almost finished, they only have some details left

this building was built in the old bacatá hotel that when reaching its final height

exceeded the stellar hotel that was completed in 2016 and has a height of 202 meters

It also surpassed the Colpatria tower that for many years was the tallest building in Bogotá and Colombia with a height of

196 meters high in Colombia will soon be overcome this skyscraper

since the tower is under construction it will be another complex of two towers with a height of 200 and

268 meters its use will be of hotel offices and shopping center its location is in Caracas Avenue and Eldorado Avenue

in addition to this there are also large projects such as trump towers that will be two super tall with a height of 330 meters

another great project is the skyscraper between streets that is said to reach a height of up to

457 meters

becoming one of the largest buildings in america

For more infomation >> The tallest skyscraper in Colombia - Duration: 2:11.


Social Media Marketing World 2018 Opening Keynote by Michael Stelzner - Duration: 2:01.

Well Social Media Marketing World 2018 is taking place here

in San Diego.

The event's put on by Social Media Examiner. CEO Michael

Steltzner previewed some data from the 2018 Social Media

Marketing Industry report which will be released later this


The report surveyed over 5000 marketers and revealed some

potential blind spots.

The first, Facebook with over 67 percent of marketers

surveyed saying Facebook is the social platform that matters

the most.

Steltzner then went on to talk about the recent changes that

Facebook implemented and will be implementing across all of

Facebook's properties.

The changes to the news feed will have a devastating effect

to market heavily reliant upon the platform for organic

engagement. Stelzner's take on this is Small Is The New Big,

and that a smaller highly engaged audience is more valuable

than a large audience that you can no longer reach.

Next Michael spoke about the Social Media Examiner

investment in episodic video, and spoke of the many personal

interactions he's had in response to "The Journey", a

documentary Social Media Examiner invested in to help

promote the conference.

Marketers agree with 77 percent surveyed saying that they

would be making significantly improved investments in video

in the next 12 months.

Messenger bots is another area of opportunity for marketers.

Only 15 percent surveyed said that they currently had

messenger bots in their marketing mix. And there are two

tribes when it comes to Messenger bots.

The first finds them highly annoying and weird.

The second findw them extremely effective in moving

prospects along the buyers journey.

There are a number of sessions here at the conference that

I'm planning on attending and will definitely be looking for

more information on that.

You can read more about the conference at

And that's my recap.

of Mike Stelzner's opening keynote.

For more infomation >> Social Media Marketing World 2018 Opening Keynote by Michael Stelzner - Duration: 2:01.


Bad Driving in Portugal #218 (Feb 16th to 23rd, 2018) - Duration: 9:56.

For more infomation >> Bad Driving in Portugal #218 (Feb 16th to 23rd, 2018) - Duration: 9:56.


tell me would you kill to prove you're right? - Duration: 3:15.

You ask me to open that door, and walk through it

You will not like what walks back out...

No one should have that much power


I carved you

into a new animal...

There is no

going back.

Let's get started.

I wanna make a deal !

I'm afraid of who you are

Of what you're capable of...

To have the world appreciate your greatness

It's taken me all these years to realise that laws of time are mine

And they will obey me !

What happened to you?


Be carefull...

You don't make the decisions I do

So when I say stay in

You stay in!

Too late!

Cas is hum...

He's gone!

Who's king now?

You have no right to the throne!

I am.

But I do.

I will wipe you from the face of this universe

At the cost of your own life?

I will no longer care!

Is there nothing you can't do?

Not anymore.

Something you want to say?

That's who I am

I win.

I'm the winner.

I'm much more than that.

I'm stronger than that now

I'm god.

Now I can kill.


It's okay

I've got this Quentin!


And I'm gonna win!

You don't have to-

But I want to.

This is going to be

So much fun!

Thanks fo watching!!

For more infomation >> tell me would you kill to prove you're right? - Duration: 3:15.


Manual Installation of Quick Assist without reinstalling Windows 10 - Duration: 8:51.

For more infomation >> Manual Installation of Quick Assist without reinstalling Windows 10 - Duration: 8:51.


The prison break [Part 1] - Duration: 9:02.

Jason : Finaly, after all these years.. I can rescue my boss Jack

He is in this prison because the LS Army captured him while he was intercepting a gunrunning shipment

But today, he will be back in this criminal world !

Jack told me he would be in the East yard

Boss ! Boss !

Jack : Shut up you fool ! there are some guards over there !

Jason : Sorry boss

Follow me i've got a get away vehicle

Jack : Watch out, there is a guard at your right

Jason : I got him

Jack : What a good idea.. you bought a gun without any suppressor...

Jason : Over here !

Here, on the parking ! hop in that car !

Jack : Wow, you got a huge !


I'm talking about the car..

Watch out !

Haha ! Nothing can stop us !

Jason : This is the last step before you'll be free

Jack : Who is flying this big bird ?

Cpt Drype : Captain Drype here !

To serve you..

We will arrive at your destination which is : The lost place the most remote in the middle of nowhere, tomorrow morning


??? : Here LS Airforce ! What's in your cargobay ?

Cpt Drype : Get the hell outta here !

??? : I'm on the offensive !

*Radio* What are you doing n°142 ? We need you to resupply the cargoplanes !

N°142 : I'm coming !

Cpt Drype : Aaaah ! Missile in coming !

We going down ! We are changing our itinerary ! we heading for the nearest runway !

Brakes don't work !

I'm outta here !

Jason : Get ready to go out boss !


The next part soon !

The next part soon ! the next week !

The next part soon ! Maybe...

The next part soon !

The next part soon ! or the next year...

The next part soon ! Well.. we don't really know...

The next part soon ! it depends on the writers of this movie...

Subscribe !

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