- Morning, Trainiacs.
Clearly we're at the airport.
We're done, no more Clermont QT2 Systems Pro Training Camp.
And rather than make you follow me around
from airport to airport until I get home,
we actually did a tour of what a coaches' room looks like
to supply a dozen pros with enough nutrition
and equipment to do a pro training camp.
Let's do it.
(upbeat electronic music)
- Yes?
- Who are you and why are we here?
- I am Jesse Kropelnicki, and welcome to my crib.
This is room 108.
We've had the same room here at the Hampton Inn
in Clermont for the last three or four year period.
I'm pretty sure they do not rent this room
to anyone else when we are here.
And it's here for us when we come.
And that's about it. - They just come and burn it.
- It's so damaged after we leave, yeah, exactly.
- Okay, so what do we got here?
- Yeah, this is like the coaches' survival center.
That's what I would call this right here.
We have of course, the Clean recovery products,
Clean proteins, so on and so forth.
- How many--
- We drink a lot of LaCroix.
I've had at least two to three a day.
Tim, how many have you had?
- Not that many, 'cause you've had two to three a day.
- Exactly. It is complete carnage.
- There are boxes everywhere.
- Correct, correct. - Okay, what do you got?
- So we have all sorts of stuff.
- We have the Juice Performer products.
The beet juice, the cherry juice.
The athletes are generally using the beet juice
before most of their training sessions,
the cherry juice after their training sessions.
And then the coaches, of course, also use that to survive
while we're out in the van for many hours at a time.
- I know, Tim, you've had more of these than LaCroix.
- Yeah, definitely.
- We have extra NormaTec recovery seats, the fancy stuff.
- Seats! - Oh, yeah.
You should hop in one of these, they're comfortable.
If you've got on recovery boots, you gotta do it right.
- How many pounds of this did you bring?
- We brought a lot, or Clean, rather, sent us a lot.
So the athletes are certainly
using that after most workouts.
- Three pounds there times, I see four.
- No, there's a whole case back there.
So that's how it always is in here.
We have tons of product that obviously is mostly
for the athletes, but the coaches live on it as well.
This whole square here is Gatorade recovery products.
What do you have there?
- NormaTec shades.
- NormaTec swag, random stuff.
Take one of those.
- NormaTec shades.
- You should have a NormaTec recovery glass right there.
- That's a good shade.
- Just insane amounts of the Gatorade
Endurance product line.
Their chews, their gels, their Gatorade Endurance drink,
which is the drink on most of our main courses.
So it's really applicable to the athletes here at camp.
Sweet shades. Those look good already.
What else do we got?
- You got NormaTec hats. - Yep, more swag.
You should have one of those as well.
- Yeah, please take a hat. - Tons of gels.
So we have enough fuel to last three weeks, basically,
in here with 15 athletes training 25, 30 hours a week.
So it's a lot of fuels.
- Okay, let's do some math here.
How many pounds is, oh my god.
- Oh, that's the concentrate.
- Yeah, put one of those up.
- That's like 50 pounds.
- No, it is. These are awesome.
This stuff's really good, actually.
Gatorade, for the camp, sends us these suckers.
These are concentrated.
Like if you tasted this, it would not go well.
So one of these makes how many gallons?
- So that plus five gallons of water.
- Yeah, makes a drink.
Right, so it's a concentrated version of their drink.
- Insane amount of sodium and carbohydrates.
- Yeah, on the fly, it's super easy for us to mix it.
In the past we've had the powders.
And we do have some of the powder as well, but--
- Stirring.
- Yeah, this is a little bit more difficult to mix and pour.
So the concentrate's actually really nice.
- Total game-changer.
- Yeah, total-game changer,
at least when you're making 50 gallons of drink a day.
Like I said to you earlier,
it's like part coach, part water boy.
But I'll do whatever it takes.
- One, two, three, four, times one, two, three, four, five.
- That's halfway through camp already.
We've already gone through half of this.
- So we're talking 20, what are these?
21-gallon jugs, which then turn into 20 liters each.
- You're talking metric system here and I'm not.
- 400 liters of Gatorade.
- Yep, that's a lot of Gatorade.
- That's a lot of sweat.
- The chomps or chews are great, the gels are great.
Obviously the athletes are using all that.
Now we get into coach mess.
- We get into your nicely-folded shirts.
- Yep, nicely-folded, that was actually Tim's work.
He did a nice job doing laundry today.
- Beautiful, Tim. - I didn't fold anything.
- We got tables, another NormaTec chair.
We got pounds of recovery,
like literally, many pounds of recovery.
You should probably take one of those bags as well.
There's a Wahoo trainer back there.
I didn't even know that was there.
- Are you serious? - Yeah.
- That's nice. - Is that yours, Tim?
- You know you're in Florida, right?
- You never know what's gonna happen.
- Bag of Roca swim caps that we're gonna give out tomorrow.
Then we have the control center
to actually review workouts at night,
plan workouts for the next day, so on and so forth.
- I saw this earlier today. What's this for?
- I do not know what that's for.
- Those are Angela's.
- Why does she have those?
- Just in case a random raffle breaks out.
- Just in case. (laughing)
- You never know when a raffle's gonna break out.
- Random raffle, just in case.
- Coach garments.
You have to have duct tape to survive anything.
- Yeah, absolutely.
How do you prim and proper yourself over here?
- That's a good question.
- This is a lot of stuff.
- This is all Tim's and then this is mine.
- Smells like it.
- Well the man says he's getting old,
so he requires all these supplements.
So another seven days, it's been 10 days.
We're here another seven days and he's been here for--
- Since I think, I will have been here about four weeks.
- Four weeks, yep.
Home away from home, Hampton Inn Clermont, Florida.
- Well, we're sponsored by Gatorade Endurance,
just ticking off the ones here, that's all that stuff.
Clean Athlete is a great partner of ours.
NormaTec Recovery, of course.
Quintanero and Juice Perfomer.
So they all sent us product, help us out,
help us support the pros, help us support the camp,
which is a huge help.
Alright, get the hell out of here.
We've got work to do. - There we go.
Alright, let's go, Mel.
- I'm just gonna take a couple
hundred pounds of Gatorade, if you don't mind.
- You know what I'm saying, Trainiacs?
Way more fun than following us around airports all day.
Right, Mel?
- Oh my god, we're back in Canada.
This is terrible.
- Hurry up, I want to be in bed.
- Hey, babe.
Okay, we're home.
Check out all the videos of the training camp down there.
And I don't know, subscribe down there if you're not.
And it's really dark. Okay, bye.
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