Translation Anton Duhnovsky
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War technologies
By review of experts, Ukrainian defense in 2017 earned on export of arms and giving services 600 million dollars!
Also from release you will know
On how much complex Vylkha is complete?
Would buy Americans out tank Oplot?
What abilities of new wheeled robots?
And by what impresses exposition-conference UMEX?
20 of November 2017 Minister of defense signedр decree №606 «About approving rules of wearing military clothing form and insignias by militaries of Ukrainian armored forces and military lyceums»
Adaptation to his demands still to January. And our Genadiy Salivon already now opens main themes what about field form
New decree at 273 pages provides such types of clothing forms: parade or parade-walking out, conventional, field or marine-service, special or fatigues, and also sports.
Each among them may summer and winter variant. Also at conventional and fields are demi-season form
For field uniform, depends on weather, provided 11 different combinations for points of constant dislocation, and also 5 for test-fields or battle action zones. At preparing of all this norms computed not only experience of АТО
In time of form development by us were borrowed experience from AF among NATO countries. Where already is field form of cloth, which wearing by layers
If speak about head-cover, so field form provides wearing of Caps. On test-field or in zone of АТО – its panamas, winter hat or hat-underhelm-fez
Now appeared tube-scarf (buff)
Exists summer, and also winters his variants. Btw exists few variants of this element wearing. As scarf or bondage, as hat, or, even, as balaclava
Anyway in decree clearly written, that some useful in АТО or on test-field elements, on territory of garrison under restriction. By this carefully watching patrols of Military justice service
If chief of garrison establish form of clothing – panama, means it will not be violation. If establish form of clothing in caps, or conventional form of clothing, so if wear panama, it will be violation of clothing form
In 606-decree clearly written, that combat shirt, which almost year ago appeared in АТО, always tuck in pants and using only with armor-vest. Btw, under her not allowed to wear a t-shirt or anything else, cause thermal regulation breaks
She wearing in most hot climate and only for carrying or modular armor-vest, or suspension belt
Service coat tuck in pants only in case of wearing armor-vest. In rest of cases– it is out
In hot weather on test-field or in АТО new decree allows, as on shirt, so on coat roll up arms. But only on one roll, not till elbow, as usual
It can not be rolled more, cause hands must be protected from mechanical injuries. Air conditioning goes enough. There gets in air, cause cuffs not fixed on wrists
And at points of constant dislocation on time of hotness at past year appeared new element of clothing form – Polo-shirt. Till now its rare element, but step by step will arrive in stores
It is a new item of field clothing form. She is not tuck in pants. She is opened on 2-3 buttons
About shoes, so for effective using features of new boots, decree restricts tucking pants in it
Nothing ventilated. Leg sweating, perspire. Hard to walk. When right. Pants leg is over of boot. Ventilation goes through, removing heat, wetness
Main, that sock being higher, than same boots. Here are black tracking stripes. It is same element of wetness and heat removing
Same thing touches fleece's, what so beloved by our militaries. Often them tried to wear under coat, or wear them over him. It's a mistake
Coat nihilates all warm keeping role and she stops to heat, does not her function. Wearing she not allowed over the coat
When fleece on underwear, she does her function. She wearing at all replacing coat
Changes from Minister of defense Ukraine decree №606 touches on-sleeve and other identifications. So, declined patch with blood group
Now in points of constant dislocation surname of military servant may attach on right side of coat, and at left patch «Armed forces of Ukraine». On right sleeve attached patch of military part, studying institute, etc., and on left – three-tooth of Armed forces type
In point of constant dislocation they may be colored, and at performing battle or learning-battle tasks – in protection view. It is obligated
When at us studies passing by, or, first of all, battle actions, in zone АТО, colored signs-identificators forbidden. Only with protected color
Specialists of Head management for growth and supplying of material support of Armored Forces of Ukraine continue develop new elements of form, and also ways to its wearing
It is unstoppable job, so later for sure will be brought changes to decree about which we partially told you
By Presidents of Ukraine decree №39/2018 in Ukrainian army created Management of logistic forces. It is unite in itself homefront service and armament of Armed forces of Ukraine
Commander for new structure will be general-lieutenant or vise-admiral. By this begin digest of weekly news from weaponry sphere
Missile complex «Vilha» prepared already on 90% and soon GenStaff may accept decision about serial production of rockets
Btw, Pavlograd's chemical factory, what engaged in project, from 1 of March went out of management from Governments space agency of Ukraine and goes to management of Ministry of economic growth and trading
By message from government enterprise «Antonov», passed away test-pilot Uryi Kurlin. Legend of worlds aviation, hero of Soviet Union and honored test-pilot died on 89th year of life
He participated in creating and testing of fifteen models among «Antonov» line: from An-2 to An-225 «Mriya»
Preparing of Ukrainian pilots in Great Britain ongoing in this year. Partially by surviving system Orbital
And new program for preparing mechanic-drivers IFV by experience of АТО in out of staff situation require from him acts in role of aimer-operator
Btw, in Kiev's poly-technical institute opened magister program "Management in sphere of defense-industry complex"
Ukraine disputing about sending on export to USA one battle tank «Oplot». Will it assist in military-technologies cooperation or borrowing our technologies – time shows
Remind, in March Factory of the Malishev's name may finish Thailand contract and send 6 last «Oplot-Т» and two BREM-84 «Atlet»
Lithuania finish first stage of project realization about buying light and medium tactical AVs 4х4. Among 12 candidates to next stage allowed a half
Its are companies Paramount Group, Israel Aerospace Industries, Otocar, AM General, Oshkosh Defense
Btw, in Chechnya presented new battle machine for specialists Chaborz-6
Nijniy Novgorod machine-building factory began to produce anti-aerial missile complex of new generation S-500 «Prometheus», which will work mostly automatically
He may be effective device for wrestling aviation and missiles for the next 25 years and replace S-400 «Triumph». Range of targets strike of complex 600 kilometers
Ministry of defense SAR ordered in Netherlands three small patrol ships Damen Stan Patrol 6211
India and Russia praised financial conditions about selling 4 frigates of project 11356, which broke by Ukraine refusal of engine supplying
Same time fleet of USA get new boat-expedition sea-base USNS Gershel Woodie Williams
On base of AF Italy Amendola accepted trainer of unmanned Predator B/M-Q-9, which is most modern in UAV family
First Indian strike drone Rastom-2 perform debut flight. He might to work for day and may got working distance till 350 kilometers
And company Leonardo perform first flight of helicopter SW-4 Solo without pilot
Company Saab made rolling out of first for United Arab Emirates plane of far range radio-location detecting and control Global Eye
And state of Canada assigned with five candidates at competition of fighters on 15-billion contract. It is F-35, FA-18E/F Super Hornet, Eurofighter Typhon, Desolt Rafalle and Saab Gripen
25-27 of February in Abu-Dhabi passed international exposition-conference of unmanned systems and technologies UMEX-2018. In her participates more than 120 companies among 35 countries of world
Whole place of location with new-ones – 17.000 square meters. Ukrainian aerial and on-land unmanneds also were presented on exposition
And on Singapore avia-show presented on-land wheeled battle robot Jaeger-6. Development of company ST Kinetics can work 48 hours, carry on itself 250 kilograms and got maximum velocity 16 kilometers per hour
So we decide to overview such new ones by last year and reveal trends in segment of wheeled unmanneds
5-8 of September on International exposition of defense industry MSPO-2017 in Poland city Keltse our neighbors showed autonomous patrol system Tervos
World trends inspired company Stepok create robotic complex with remote control, of work with help of maps, and also in regime «follow me»
Basic version equipped with camera, thermal-visor, GPS, with systems and registrations of moves. Foreseen infantry, logistic, medical versions
Poland on-land unmanned Tervos got length a bit more than two meters and wide meter and thirty-four centimeters. His standard height one meter 28 centimeter, but with cargo robot will be more noticeable
To clearance of example in 274 millimeters will envy even Toyota Land Cruiser. Known, that 360-kilograms Tervos can take on board cargo up to 250. All of this 5-kilowatts electro-engine push on velocity up to 15 kilometers per hour
First image of modern on-land unmanned devices was soviet tele-tank Т-18. Thanks to controlling apparatus type Most-1 (bridge-1), he can perform commands forward-leftside-rightside-stop
After Second world war, America agency DARPA, in frames of artificial intelligence research create its prototype Shaky
We programmed for Shaky to orientate in four dimensions. Such thing at first made with robot. Nobody among us did not imagined, to what it will lead and what happens next
And all was by scenario of market. Interest in this told partner-countries of USA and already in 2000ths spotted robo-technique explosion
Logically, that cause of decreasing of military budgets, after 2010 in segment spotted fall and going away from path of few companies
And from 2014, cause of Russian aggression, North Korea and ISIL, interest to on-land systems growth again
Its remind situation with UAVs, which began to rise in 90ths and before that nobody used them. And now we watch, that for most of world countries it is became usual. Now in segment of on-land robotic complexes spotted analog trend
So on past years exposition IDEX German concern Reinmetal presents his new unmanned Multi Mission Unmanned Ground Vehicle
In summer he was already included to part of «Infantry system», which includes modular complex of future soldier «Idzes», storm rifle RS556 with under-barrel mortar and many-purpose AV Boxer with tower Lanz
For us became known, that robotic on-and system from Reinmetal by land gain speed under 40 kilometers per hour, by water – under 5
Basic platform weights 750 kilograms and on-land can carry on itself additionally 600, and on water carry twice smaller
Charge of battery at MMUGV enough for 8 hours of work, and from other energy sources – twice bigger. On eight-wheel possible to mount, as recon equipment, so battle systems or transport platforms
This is new product which began to develop nearly two years ago. Behind this example stand high technologies with rich history, that what differs him proposals from other producers, which just begin to work in this direction
In September of past year British company BAE Systems show its on-land unmanned Ironclad, on which worked for ten years. First his prototype was created already in 2009
He has been tested on training base of BAE Systems company and enough not bad shows himself in time of performing different missions
We might propose double configuration, which you see here. Also single version might perform sure tasks, depending on needs
He can be invited to recon, demining, evacuation of injured and destruction of enemy armies. Interesting, that almost denoised example able to cooperate with UAVs and other technique of own sub-sections
Example might to work by himself in radius of 1 kilometer, and in perspective planned complete autonomy. Armored by Stanag 4569 level 3, this kid equipped with few cameras and system «friend-foe»
It's weight of double variant near 400 kilograms, and capacity 500. Ironclad accelerates to 30 kilometers per hour and got power reserve 50 kilometers. Also he protected from mine explosion and fire from shooting arms
One more new-one of last year in kingdom of on-land unmanneds became project of Israel company BL Advance Ground Support Systems
Their platform BLR UGV with wheels formula 6х6 might pass serious obstacles and reach maximum speed 45 kilometers per hour
Biggest among new wheeled robot equipped with 268-power diesel engine Deutz, so he enough noticeable at battle field
As we see, segment of robotic infantry systems evolve enough active, but for valid competition with direction of unmanned aviation he is far away from
For next release we prepare exclusive interview and subject about unmanned-veteran. And the all archive of program might be found at site of 24th channel and youtube of Military TV. Watch us
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