Thứ Sáu, 2 tháng 3, 2018

Youtube daily report Mar 3 2018

I've seen this relic before, back on Cybertron, centuries ago

I can't believe it's found its way to Earth

It has no power meant for Gods

There is no more Galvatron

Megatron has been reborn

Arise Barricade

Acknowledge your creator

Your new leader

Lord Megatron I am yours to command

Now let's hunt down the Cemetery Wind

I still possess enough power from the relic to create another soldier for my army

Let's do it

Red Commander, we have some companies

That's not possible, we'll deal with this situation just like the Autobots

Stand with me

We the Decepticons are strong together

Now show me your fury

And go destroy those pathetic humans

They're coming in

Scour the area

And destroy everything you see

Not so fast

What happened to Galvatron

And where did those Decepticons come from

Sir, I've scanned the same radiation from where we encountered Optimus Prime

It's some form of high Cybetronian energy

They're stronger than I thought

That was most unexpected, we won't surrender without a fair fight

We'll deal with them some other time

This is only the beginning

For more infomation >> Transformers Stop Motion: Desperate Alliance- Episode 3 "Eradication" - Duration: 6:38.


Lễ Hầu Thánh Tại Nghè Hậu Nga Sơn - Hầu Đồng Mới Nhất 2018 - Duration: 46:43.

For more infomation >> Lễ Hầu Thánh Tại Nghè Hậu Nga Sơn - Hầu Đồng Mới Nhất 2018 - Duration: 46:43.


Wheels On The Bus | Junior Squad | Nursery Rhymes For Babies by Kids Tv - Duration: 1:05:11.

The wheels on the bus..

The wheels on the bus..

The wheels on the bus go round and round..

round and round round and round

The wheels on the bus go round and round..

All through the town.

The people on the bus go side to side

Side to side, Side to side

The people on the bus go side to side

All through the town.

The engine on the bus goes vroom vroom vroom!

vroom vroom vroom, vroom vroom vroom....

The engine on the bus goes vroom vroom vroom!

All through the town.

The wheels on the bus..

The wheels on the bus..

The door on the bus comes open and shut.

Open and shut open and shut

The door on the bus comes open and shut.

All through the town.

The driver on the bus says sit on down..

Sit on down sit on down

The driver on the bus says sit on down..

All through the town.

The babies on the bus say uwah uwah uwah!

Uwah uwah uwah, uwah uwah uwah.

The babies on the bus go uwah uwah uwah!

All through the town.

The wheels on the bus..

The wheels on the bus..

The mommies and the daddies say I love you,

I love you I love you

The mommies and the daddies say I love you,

All through the town.

The wheels on the bus..

The wheels on the bus..

The wheels on the bus..

The wheels on the bus..

For more infomation >> Wheels On The Bus | Junior Squad | Nursery Rhymes For Babies by Kids Tv - Duration: 1:05:11.


POLICE CAUGHT US (with JARPPI) - Duration: 10:30.

For more infomation >> POLICE CAUGHT US (with JARPPI) - Duration: 10:30.


Harry's Birth Story. Part 1. STORYTIME - Duration: 10:03.



We're doing a storytime video today. It's new to us and we're not sure whether you like it or not.

Please leave a thumb up or down so we know what you think. It's mostly the two of us today.

But the kids will join at the end.

And we will show old family photos in this video.

We found out that Joanna was pregnant with Harry in February 2014.

We were very happy about that.

Yes, we didn't know that it was a boy at that time.

Alma wasn't even 2 years old, so she was a little kid.

She got happy when we told her she was getting a sibling.

Being pregnant with Harry was different from expecting Alma. I had many complications.

I had really bad morning sickness. I became really big. He was a big baby in the belly.

It was heavy to carry him. The veins on my legs became highly visible. I had severe heartburn.

The belly pushed in all directions.

He was an active baby and he kicked all the time in the belly.

From the 17th week of pregnancy he kicked all the time every day.

You even had a fracture on your rib because of all the kicking.

Yes, and I slept really bad.

The summer of 2014 was probably the hottest ever in Sweden. We rented a house on Gotland for 2 weeks.

It was like having a holiday in Greece. It was so hot!

The house was made of stone and far from water. It was so warm, and I sweated like crazy.

But it was really nice to get a last holiday with just Alma.

We have a photo from the Blue Lagoon where my belly is shooting out like a cannon ball.

This brings back so many memories.

Harry's due date was September the 13th.

I worked until that date. I was producing a TV-show at the time.

It was a Friday. Saturday and Sunday came and I was freaking out a bit because he was late.

Alma came two weeks early, week 38. I was huge, we passed due date and there was no sign of him.

You were growing rapidly at the end.

I felt that my body was breaking down because of it.

By Sunday evening I sat and pushed my belly down. It's probably a really bad idea to do so.

But I wanted him to come out. By that time we knew that it was a baby boy.

We found out that Harry was a boy at the ultrasound in week 20. The midwife said she thought it was a boy.

But she said that she couldn't guarantee it. So up until giving birth I thought it might be a girl.

I was pretty certain that it was a boy.


I think I saw something on that scan.

Back to the Sunday evening as I was pushing my belly. We went to bed and I woke up at 3 AM.

I felt that something was happening and I was dripping water.

You probably know that the water breaks before birth. It was a similar start to Alma's labour.

The first labour pain came at night.

So I woke up. And in our bed was you, me and Alma. It was pretty tight.

I got up, went to the bathroom and came back to bed with a towel that I put where it was wet in bed.

I turned so my head was at the other end of the bed. And I went back to sleep for a few hours.

At 6 AM the pain was so strong I was unable to sleep so I got up and I woke you up as well.

I was surprised that the pain was so bad early on. I was very quickly at the point where the pain was unbearable.

I remember telling you; it's happening too fast, I'm scared.

It's early morning and the 3 of us are up. I ask you to call your mother, she was going to take care of Alma.

You called her but I don't think that you were stressed.

I remembered what Alma's labour was like and thought you were far from giving birth.

I took it easy and packed our bag slowly.

And I started to panic. I was standing in our living room holding the sofa and screaming of pain.

It was 6:45 AM and I screamed that you had to get grandmother to our house quickly.

I was worried that I was about to give birth in our apartment and I wanted to get to the delivery room.

You called your mum again and she was on her way to our house.

I believe that you started to realize how stressed I was. We got our stuff together and met Grandma at the door.

I had booked a taxi and we had called the hospital.

That was a bit of a mess because the hospital we had chosen didn't have room for us.

They advised us on other hospitals to go to. We had two options; Danderyds sjukhus and BB Sofia.

I thought; I don't have time to go to Danderyds sjukhus because it was furthest from our house.

And you didn't want to go to BB Sofia.

But I gave up and you made the decision. It was your call.

We said bye to Alma and grandma and got into the elevator to get into the taxi.

We were standing inside the front door by the street and the taxi wasn't there.

It was 7 AM and my water broke. It wasn't just some dripping, it was water everywhere.

And I felt that the baby was about to come out. I don't know how to describe my feelings at that point.

It wasn't panic, it was more like; OMG it's happening now and I'm not ready!

I was about to faint and I was holding on so I wouldn't fall over. I don't remember what you did.

I was holding you, and I took breaks rushing out on the street looking for the taxi.

It didn't come so I stopped another taxi on the street. And I told the driver;

We have to get to the delivery room and we have to go now.

He put out some newspapers on the seat as I was wet.

We both got in the backseat and the taxi we had booked came up behind us.

The driver called me and I told him; we're already in another taxi. So he came out and walked towards us.

I told the driver of the taxi we were in to lock the doors and go.

During all this I was screaming out loud because I was in so much pain.


Harry wakes up..


For more infomation >> Harry's Birth Story. Part 1. STORYTIME - Duration: 10:03.


100X Smaller!!! DIY Tiniest Mini Hubba Bubba Bubble Gum! CC Available - Duration: 7:58.


I can't believe it, I got an A++ on my project

Can't wait to go home and tell Big Mama...

I can't believe I got a perfect mark on my DIY project for school

I swear I saw Leo at School today...

Hmm...Where is Leo?

C Minus.......

I didn't know....

This is so embarrassing!



It's BB, wait up for me Leo

OMG! It's BB...

Probably wants to show off her perfect mark...arghhh!

Gotta try to get away from her!

Hey Leo, look! I got another A++

Hey Leo, where are you going? Look at my A++


Leo....Watch out!!!


My Giant Hubba Bubba has been destroyed!

Oh No! It took a whole week to finish....and now it's all ruined!

OMG! Are you OK Leo?

Your eye!!!

Oh my god! My Hubba Bubba is no more!!!

Leo has a solution.....

Hang in there Leo, BB is going to save you!

Leo are you OK?

Oh poor Leo....

Who would of thought you get hit with a giant Hubba Bubba rolling down the hill.....

Hey guys

What are we doing today Leo?

Something special...for sure


Make sure to watch to the very end

so you guys don't miss out the awesomeness

of BB and Leo today

Make sure to stay tune to the very end.

Let's GO!!!

First, we need some aluminum foil

Leo is preparing to inside of our mold of our Hubba Bubba

Guys, now we need some baking clay

This is going to be the smallest and coolest Hubba Bubba ever

Are you sure about that?

Time to cut it in half

Guys, it's time to bake it!

Hot, hot, hot, hot, hot......

We are going to use Mod Podge to make it shine

Time to cut out our logo

Time to put our little Hubba Bubba roll up gum into our Mini Hubba Bubba

Guys are you ready?

To check out our Mini Hubba Bubba?

1, 2, 3....

Mini Hubba Bubba

and the original Hubba Bubba...

Wow, what a BIG difference!

so cute!

guys, it actually works

What happen here?

We have successfully completed our mini Hubba Bubba

High Five Leo

Guys, make sure to give us a Huge Like for this video

to support us to make more awesome videos

What BB said, so make sure subscribe and like this channel

Oops! I made a mistake...Heheheh

What I meant was, make sure to like this video and subscribe to our channel

Make sure to subscribe and don't forget the notification bell

So you guys will get a notification so you don't miss out any of our new awesome videos

One more thing

If you guys haven't watched out Giant Hubba Bubba video, this would be the perfect time to do so :)

Don't forget to stay tune for tomorrow's video

This is it for today's video. Leo and I just want to thank you guys for watching...

and see you guys tomorrow, BYE guys! Love you! <3

Bye, Love you guys so much!

Wow, this is so cool guys...

For more infomation >> 100X Smaller!!! DIY Tiniest Mini Hubba Bubba Bubble Gum! CC Available - Duration: 7:58.


Flirty Kim Heechul Part 2 | REACTION - Duration: 20:50.

Yo, what's up guys? It's your boy, OKAYtinashe

- I'm here with my friend

- Ayy, it's yoour boy Angel, or as my mom likes to call me - ANJEL

So today we are reacting to "Flirty Kim Heechul Part 2"



I think probably better than the first yeah the stream that they did yeah

Funny is so funny like I wanted to know like is he the one that does his own thing

Okay, pop no yes, so so so he's actually in a group at k-pop groups called super junior's

So he's one of the members there, so he's actually a really really good singer. I haven't reacted to any of his songs

I haven't listened to any of his song to only known him from this

just comfortably understand him this way first differently before and

Really get to know him before I jump in did you know more stuff on him, but yeah? He's he's really good at singing

He's like what the comments. He's a great actor to him. Yeah. He said

potato oh we actually worked on some stuff and actually did a a

Game show, oh, we're at our first episode and everything so that's pretty awesome. We gotta come up with better ideas man

It was a Korean challenge so make sure to

Stay tuned for that one, or if it's already up you'll be up here and now that's gonna be lit - whoo

Literally, they're not ready madam. There's some weird stuff in that one. No. I don't think so people shooting to watch that one

That's like don't watch it. Actually don't watch. It. Don't watch it really weird

Don't watch it. Please. Please potato was your favorite game out of that so we had you know the

Pogos what did the card oh?

yeah, the other thing we go underneath the sticky of that one that I was clearing they had the one with the scene with the

With you being a wife you to come in and to say something. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, that only in the classroom one

Brother they were all pretty, and I think he had like some other ones

But it only touch on another tumor one or something. He was any wonder said that one but the scene ones, bro

We needed those no we have to do those man tato actually gonna be having a lot more games coming up

I think I think we should start with the scenario one it seems simple we can do it over here the studio you know saying

Like we can set it up and get a beg down or something set up like a little scene, bro

You don't say and then have scenarios. I mean you direct this, so I've no it's gonna be

So many ideas we think about we

Worried and so many people come here a lot of each place so that we were painted lead roles

So like it's like the awkward person have the same

And then we have you just play along you know saying this time it would have a lot of fun with this and especially

As especially if

Especially especially

Anyway guys, so what do you keep looking at that's what do you mean?

What will you keep looking at I'm just looking at the screen? Oh, you know you like piccola come on pick it up

Oh, you're not

We got away to the group soon, I got away to the group cause I

Just want Pete to taste a little bit. Oh

Be patient nope hey be patient. Okay fine. Okay fine tater just subscribe to my channel second

We are push notifications squash make sure hit that personification squad a second we gotta go and subscribe to him

But not you know, I'm saying he does post every single day

It'll be on more of my videos and most probably guys if he did not know this I do have a snapchat

Group message and it's late guys late. I'm Annie - and

every day and every day is

tunz tunz tunz

Actually, just a story about that story cuz it you're not talking about the no because the group is already

So you know man he got yeah, he got real bad

I was already full so now we have a group story cuz that we can bring as many people as you want anyway

Yeah, unlimited. I think I'm that one

I think you know he's put as many more so make sure that yes, no Disick engine to that what?

I'm not sure comment below how many people you have in a story tato not snapchat so the other thing guys

We are having we want to have a meet-up. Okay, if you live anywhere near coma zoo, Michigan Western, Michigan University

We want to have it meet up. So you guys you want to see you guys there?

There is a link down there in my bio

And also I have pinned a comment for you to step in pretty much fill up this form and let me know if you need

It something coming or if you want me to come to where you are fill it out and let me know where you're from

Okay, it doesn't make sense so fill out that form fill out that form we wanna do darts

I don't get more connected

Get some meetups going up and we want to end up somewhere where you are at and maybe get you know we will get you

to react at

Your place we're getting the reaction video. How does that sound? Yes? I think it's gonna sound legendary or especially prone. Okay? That's a potato

You know what to do I the hell you son camera

Potato potato

Don't watch it, please please

Don't I like a person you like is gonna be cool. I don't know it was weird, bro

It got really weird may be terribly uncommon. Don't just too much weird stuff anyone

It was really weird brother. Let's not let them watch it

You gotta see us

But we'll see what they'd say like well do them like like if please don't search out my channel right now

It is already on there if you're watching this it does not probably get onto the candy or so, but like don't watch it

It's weird

Anyway so people of potato so yeah, so who is your what was your favorite leitato?

I mean we got to do it like something um

Different though well obviously oh my life is gonna be different, but I think since we don't really know much

I feel like the best way for us to get to get a lot more

Is not keep watching it try to do what they are so basically

I think we should do like a scenario one do that it's some kind of classroom style one

But I think if we start with scenario 1/1 look

You know like the classroom thing that they do and they have that so pretty much. They haven't like research statements

I um correct me if I'm wrong, but they read certain statements and pretty much

What happens is they then have to?

How they respond?

Or it's like who's your favorite look think in the classroom you fix one so obviously we're watching his there's only him getting picked but

The other people somehow must get pay cuts during the show yeah, but hold on one second

Make sure to subscribe to my channel

second tailor

Give it up give it up. Give it up this okay to nosh a

Got this sorry play. It's okay to nosh a

For more infomation >> Flirty Kim Heechul Part 2 | REACTION - Duration: 20:50.


Harry's Birth Story. Part 2. STORYTIME - Duration: 11:49.


We're in the taxi and I'm screaming out loud. I was about to give birth and the driver is banging on the windows.

The new driver was smart enough to just go full throttle.

Yeah, he didn't care about the other driver.

It was morning traffic so it went slow. I held the seat infront of me. I screamed through the contractions.

Which you shouldn't do, but I couldn't stop myself. And I focused on NOT giving birth.

I felt superfluous, as dad's tend to do in that situation. I helped you out of the car as we got to the hospital.

I remember that I was, not irritated, but I knew that you had no idea what stage I was in.

You had no idea I was about to give birth any minute. And I was in too much pain to explain this to you.

As we arrived the midwife met us at the door. She looked at me and I realized that she understood

what stage I was in. That I could have the baby any second. And it was so nice to see that she understood.

Oh! Hallelujah!

We came into the delivery room and she took my sweatpants off but I believe that she cut my knickers.

She knew that we were in a hurry. And I have such a strong memory of you saying;

Where about in the stages of labour are we?

I thought that it would be possible for me to take a short break, go to the toilet and drink a cup of coffee.

Just a five minute break and then come back.

And the midwife called Tina said; I see the head. The baby is coming now.

And I didn't get anything. I was so surprised.

It was 07:45 AM and we were registered at the hospital. I asked for laughing gas.

It was too late for any other pain relief.

I got the laughing gas and I started breathing like crazy. I was in terrible pain.

It's hard to describe how bad the pain is. Someone once said it's like pooping a sofa.

I know it sounds disgusting but I like that description of the pain.

However, I was breathing laughing gas. It numbs the pain a bit because you become intoxicated.

After a while the midwife said; Ingrid!

And that's my first name. I'm called Ingrid Joanna. She wanted me to let go of the laughing gas.

I knew that so I pretended that I didn't know she was talking to me. I kept breathing heavily.

I wasn't 100% ready to give birth because everything had happened so quickly.

Then you said; her name is Joanna. So she said my name and took the laughing gas from me.

She said; you have to give birth now. I was fully dilated. My cervix was completely open.

Harry was palpated so they knew that he was alright.

He had to twist half a turn. So they turned me over on one side.

Yes, and they massaged your belly to help him get into the right position.

I was fully ready to give birth and with each contraction I was encouraged to push.

I got contractions, I pushed and the midwife pushed the head back.

Then I got a contraction where the head came out. And I heard the midwife say; Hello my little friend.

It was so crazy.

She told me to push one last time. The whole body came out. And Harry screamed immediately.

I screamed; Is it a boy?

And she said; yes.

Harry was born 09:44 AM and we came in at 07:45 so it was just two hours in the delivery room.

There was the final stage left. Delivering the placenta. I wasn't keen but I did and it wasn't that painful.

And then they saw that Harry was a twin.

Yes, they looked at the placenta and it was divided in two.

The weird thing about this isn't that Harry is a twin where the other twin didn't develop.

The weird thing is that Alma is also a twin. We have two children that were supposed to be twins.

But the twin never grew in the belly. We never saw more than one fetus on the ultrasound's

I know it sounds silly, but I think that Alma and Harry are so close as siblings

because they are both twins with their real twin missing. I know it's stupid but I think so anyway.

He was a big baby. He weighed 4450 grams and was 54 centimeters long.

He was huge.

He ate some and threw up amniotic fluid after that.

Alma came to visit.

He has a tiny mouth.

Tiny nose.

He's so cute.

We have lots of old photos and short videos and we're thinking of watching them with the kids in a video.

Leave a comment and let us know if you want to see that.

Harry lost 4% of his bodyweight the first week. That's very little.

After that he grew rapidly. He was a fat baby. He was bigger than all other babies around us.

I was happy about that. Alma was so little at the time and Harry wasn't fragile.

We're both smiling as we're talking about this. Having a child is the biggest gift in life.

It's a miracle every time. That a baby can grow inside you, that it comes out

And we're so lucky to have two healthy children.

It's the best thing that's ever happened to me.

One of the most common questions we get from our viewers is; do we want another child?

We've talked about it before and we can talk about it again.

Some days I'm super keen to have another child or two. And other days I'm fully content with the one's we got.

It's nice that our children are older, everything is a bit easier when they can do stuff on their own.

It's much easier.

But I miss having a little baby.

We both like babies. It's so cuddly. But it's hard work, and it makes you very tired.

I think my body would break if I had another baby. And we have Hussein living with us.

It's not our biological child but he is a part of our family. I was longing to care for a child that needed help.

Hussein came to Sweden as an unaccompanied refugee child. He was 17 at the time.

It was a horrendous journey for him through Europe. And I'm so thankful and happy to have him in our family.

Me too, and our kids.

Yes, he enriches our lives. So we have three children in our home.

I want a baby sister called Laura.

I want a baby sister called Laura.

You too?


I also love the name Laura.

It's beautiful.

What name would you choose for a baby?

Boy or girl?


Boy is hard to pick.

I like the girl's names Margareta and Dagmar.

Thank you for watching this video! Please let us know your thoghts with a thumb up or down.

Is it the end now?

Yes, you've been sleeping while me and daddy filmed.

Keep posting questions and take care until next time. Bye! Bye!

For more infomation >> Harry's Birth Story. Part 2. STORYTIME - Duration: 11:49.


How to Gain Your Birds Trust - Duration: 5:37.

Budgies can be taught to do things like play with toys, sit on shoulders, and even mimic

human speech.

First, however, you need to build your budgie's trust in you.

Bonding with your budgie will take time and patience, but can also be lots of fun.

Consider whether you want to clip your budgie's wings.

This can be a difficult decision to make once you get your bird.

If you have questions about clipping the bird's wings, talk to your veterinarian.

Trimming your bird's wings does not cause it any pain, when done properly by a professional.

With its wings trimmed, your budgie will not be able to fly for a few months, until its

feathers grow back.

That way, you can leave its cage door open, and the budgie can explore more with less

chance of it escaping.

This can make it easier to train.

On the other hand, not everyone likes the idea of altering a bird.

There are also concerns that the inability to fly can be distressing to a bird.

Keep your budgie comfortable.

Make sure that your budgie has an appropriate cage and easy access to food and water.

All the necessary supplies can be found at pet supply stores.

Don't try to tame your bird right away.

When you first get a budgie, give it a few weeks to get used to its surroundings.

Then you can start to tame and train it.

If possible, keep your budgie's cage in a room where you spend a lot of time in.

This will help it get used to the sight of you.

Play music around your bird.

This will get your budgie used to the volume level of your home, and it may enjoy hearing

the music.

Talk softly to your budgie when you give it water and food, so that it will create positive

associations with you.

You can also make a point to leave treats on or just inside its cage.

Open the door of your budgie's cage and carefully insert your hand in.

Talk softly to the budgie.

Try to coax it into eating a treat, such as a sunflower seed or millet, from the palm

of your hand.

This may take several tries so be patient.

Do not try to grab your budgie at this early stage.

Let it come to your hand instead.

If your budgie moves around in the cage when you insert your hand, leave it there until

the bird calms down.

Each training session should last about 10 minutes.

Train your budgie to hop onto a stick.

After your budgie trusts you enough to eat treats from your hand, you can try getting

it to hop onto a perch or stick.

Open its cage door and carefully insert the perch.

Very gently press the perch against your bird.

With some time, it will learn to move onto the perch.

For now, just let your budgie stay on the perch in its cage.

Don't try to move it out of the cage yet.

Your budgie needs more time to develop trust in you.

Train your budgie to hop onto your finger.

Once your budgie is used to hopping onto a perch or stick, you can place your finger

next to the bird to see if it will hop onto it.

When your budgie is on the perch or stick, you can also try placing your finger next

to the perch to if the bird will hop onto it.

Move your budgie very slowly and carefully as you are taking it out of its cage, especially

for the first time.

You do not want to startle the bird.

Do not try to move your budgie around very much when you are trying to get it used to

coming out of the cage.

Keep the training sessions short.

Let your budgie spend time outside of its cage.

Once tamed and trained, your budgie will need at least an hour per day outside of its cage

for exercise and play.

Make sure all windows and doors are closed for safety.

Let your budgie sit on your shoulder.

Once your budgie is comfortable being moved around outside of your cage, you can try to

set it gently on your shoulder.

Keep your budgie healthy and happy with toys.

Budgies will enjoy having a number of toys to choose from.

You can use these toys as an opportunity to bond with your budgie.

You want your budgie to be used to the sound of your voice, so continue to talk to it as

it bonds with you.

For more infomation >> How to Gain Your Birds Trust - Duration: 5:37.


Gracio Super Fruits - оставайся красивой и молодой каждый день! - Duration: 0:36.

For more infomation >> Gracio Super Fruits - оставайся красивой и молодой каждый день! - Duration: 0:36.


Blue Bloods - Date Trap - Duration: 1:49.

For more infomation >> Blue Bloods - Date Trap - Duration: 1:49.


Super Crunchy Peppa Pig, Mask, Kiwi, Amethyst, Flower & Colorful ICE EATING ASMR Compilation - Duration: 3:38.

Super Crunchy Peppa Pig, Mask, Kiwi, Amethyst, Flower & Colorful ICE EATING ASMR Compilation

For more infomation >> Super Crunchy Peppa Pig, Mask, Kiwi, Amethyst, Flower & Colorful ICE EATING ASMR Compilation - Duration: 3:38.


Defensa sexual | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 20:48.

For more infomation >> Defensa sexual | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 20:48.


Hasta que la muerte nos separe | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 18:57.

For more infomation >> Hasta que la muerte nos separe | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 18:57.


Blue Bloods - My Dad Cut Me Off - Duration: 1:38.

For more infomation >> Blue Bloods - My Dad Cut Me Off - Duration: 1:38.


Enemigo Íntimo | Capítulo 08 | Telemundo Novelas - Duration: 13:38.

For more infomation >> Enemigo Íntimo | Capítulo 08 | Telemundo Novelas - Duration: 13:38.


AN AMERICAN TRYING TO SING AND SPEAK GREEK 🇬🇷( Ft. Oliver Ford) - Duration: 9:28.

For more infomation >> AN AMERICAN TRYING TO SING AND SPEAK GREEK 🇬🇷( Ft. Oliver Ford) - Duration: 9:28.



Bafetimbi Gomis

For more infomation >> ФОРВАРД, ПАДАЮЩИЙ В ОБМОРОКИ l FIFA 18 TOTW 24 - Duration: 3:37.


Al Otro Lado Del Muro | Capítulo 08 | Telemundo Novelas - Duration: 9:38.

For more infomation >> Al Otro Lado Del Muro | Capítulo 08 | Telemundo Novelas - Duration: 9:38.


Flirty Kim Heechul Part 2 | REACTION - Duration: 20:50.

Yo, what's up guys? It's your boy, OKAYtinashe

- I'm here with my friend

- Ayy, it's yoour boy Angel, or as my mom likes to call me - ANJEL

So today we are reacting to "Flirty Kim Heechul Part 2"



I think probably better than the first yeah the stream that they did yeah

Funny is so funny like I wanted to know like is he the one that does his own thing

Okay, pop no yes, so so so he's actually in a group at k-pop groups called super junior's

So he's one of the members there, so he's actually a really really good singer. I haven't reacted to any of his songs

I haven't listened to any of his song to only known him from this

just comfortably understand him this way first differently before and

Really get to know him before I jump in did you know more stuff on him, but yeah? He's he's really good at singing

He's like what the comments. He's a great actor to him. Yeah. He said

potato oh we actually worked on some stuff and actually did a a

Game show, oh, we're at our first episode and everything so that's pretty awesome. We gotta come up with better ideas man

It was a Korean challenge so make sure to

Stay tuned for that one, or if it's already up you'll be up here and now that's gonna be lit - whoo

Literally, they're not ready madam. There's some weird stuff in that one. No. I don't think so people shooting to watch that one

That's like don't watch it. Actually don't watch. It. Don't watch it really weird

Don't watch it. Please. Please potato was your favorite game out of that so we had you know the

Pogos what did the card oh?

yeah, the other thing we go underneath the sticky of that one that I was clearing they had the one with the scene with the

With you being a wife you to come in and to say something. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, that only in the classroom one

Brother they were all pretty, and I think he had like some other ones

But it only touch on another tumor one or something. He was any wonder said that one but the scene ones, bro

We needed those no we have to do those man tato actually gonna be having a lot more games coming up

I think I think we should start with the scenario one it seems simple we can do it over here the studio you know saying

Like we can set it up and get a beg down or something set up like a little scene, bro

You don't say and then have scenarios. I mean you direct this, so I've no it's gonna be

So many ideas we think about we

Worried and so many people come here a lot of each place so that we were painted lead roles

So like it's like the awkward person have the same

And then we have you just play along you know saying this time it would have a lot of fun with this and especially

As especially if

Especially especially

Anyway guys, so what do you keep looking at that's what do you mean?

What will you keep looking at I'm just looking at the screen? Oh, you know you like piccola come on pick it up

Oh, you're not

We got away to the group soon, I got away to the group cause I

Just want Pete to taste a little bit. Oh

Be patient nope hey be patient. Okay fine. Okay fine tater just subscribe to my channel second

We are push notifications squash make sure hit that personification squad a second we gotta go and subscribe to him

But not you know, I'm saying he does post every single day

It'll be on more of my videos and most probably guys if he did not know this I do have a snapchat

Group message and it's late guys late. I'm Annie - and

every day and every day is

tunz tunz tunz

Actually, just a story about that story cuz it you're not talking about the no because the group is already

So you know man he got yeah, he got real bad

I was already full so now we have a group story cuz that we can bring as many people as you want anyway

Yeah, unlimited. I think I'm that one

I think you know he's put as many more so make sure that yes, no Disick engine to that what?

I'm not sure comment below how many people you have in a story tato not snapchat so the other thing guys

We are having we want to have a meet-up. Okay, if you live anywhere near coma zoo, Michigan Western, Michigan University

We want to have it meet up. So you guys you want to see you guys there?

There is a link down there in my bio

And also I have pinned a comment for you to step in pretty much fill up this form and let me know if you need

It something coming or if you want me to come to where you are fill it out and let me know where you're from

Okay, it doesn't make sense so fill out that form fill out that form we wanna do darts

I don't get more connected

Get some meetups going up and we want to end up somewhere where you are at and maybe get you know we will get you

to react at

Your place we're getting the reaction video. How does that sound? Yes? I think it's gonna sound legendary or especially prone. Okay? That's a potato

You know what to do I the hell you son camera

Potato potato

Don't watch it, please please

Don't I like a person you like is gonna be cool. I don't know it was weird, bro

It got really weird may be terribly uncommon. Don't just too much weird stuff anyone

It was really weird brother. Let's not let them watch it

You gotta see us

But we'll see what they'd say like well do them like like if please don't search out my channel right now

It is already on there if you're watching this it does not probably get onto the candy or so, but like don't watch it

It's weird

Anyway so people of potato so yeah, so who is your what was your favorite leitato?

I mean we got to do it like something um

Different though well obviously oh my life is gonna be different, but I think since we don't really know much

I feel like the best way for us to get to get a lot more

Is not keep watching it try to do what they are so basically

I think we should do like a scenario one do that it's some kind of classroom style one

But I think if we start with scenario 1/1 look

You know like the classroom thing that they do and they have that so pretty much. They haven't like research statements

I um correct me if I'm wrong, but they read certain statements and pretty much

What happens is they then have to?

How they respond?

Or it's like who's your favorite look think in the classroom you fix one so obviously we're watching his there's only him getting picked but

The other people somehow must get pay cuts during the show yeah, but hold on one second

Make sure to subscribe to my channel

second tailor

Give it up give it up. Give it up this okay to nosh a

Got this sorry play. It's okay to nosh a

For more infomation >> Flirty Kim Heechul Part 2 | REACTION - Duration: 20:50.


100X Smaller!!! DIY Tiniest Mini Hubba Bubba Bubble Gum! CC Available - Duration: 7:58.


I can't believe it, I got an A++ on my project

Can't wait to go home and tell Big Mama...

I can't believe I got a perfect mark on my DIY project for school

I swear I saw Leo at School today...

Hmm...Where is Leo?

C Minus.......

I didn't know....

This is so embarrassing!



It's BB, wait up for me Leo

OMG! It's BB...

Probably wants to show off her perfect mark...arghhh!

Gotta try to get away from her!

Hey Leo, look! I got another A++

Hey Leo, where are you going? Look at my A++


Leo....Watch out!!!


My Giant Hubba Bubba has been destroyed!

Oh No! It took a whole week to finish....and now it's all ruined!

OMG! Are you OK Leo?

Your eye!!!

Oh my god! My Hubba Bubba is no more!!!

Leo has a solution.....

Hang in there Leo, BB is going to save you!

Leo are you OK?

Oh poor Leo....

Who would of thought you get hit with a giant Hubba Bubba rolling down the hill.....

Hey guys

What are we doing today Leo?

Something special...for sure


Make sure to watch to the very end

so you guys don't miss out the awesomeness

of BB and Leo today

Make sure to stay tune to the very end.

Let's GO!!!

First, we need some aluminum foil

Leo is preparing to inside of our mold of our Hubba Bubba

Guys, now we need some baking clay

This is going to be the smallest and coolest Hubba Bubba ever

Are you sure about that?

Time to cut it in half

Guys, it's time to bake it!

Hot, hot, hot, hot, hot......

We are going to use Mod Podge to make it shine

Time to cut out our logo

Time to put our little Hubba Bubba roll up gum into our Mini Hubba Bubba

Guys are you ready?

To check out our Mini Hubba Bubba?

1, 2, 3....

Mini Hubba Bubba

and the original Hubba Bubba...

Wow, what a BIG difference!

so cute!

guys, it actually works

What happen here?

We have successfully completed our mini Hubba Bubba

High Five Leo

Guys, make sure to give us a Huge Like for this video

to support us to make more awesome videos

What BB said, so make sure subscribe and like this channel

Oops! I made a mistake...Heheheh

What I meant was, make sure to like this video and subscribe to our channel

Make sure to subscribe and don't forget the notification bell

So you guys will get a notification so you don't miss out any of our new awesome videos

One more thing

If you guys haven't watched out Giant Hubba Bubba video, this would be the perfect time to do so :)

Don't forget to stay tune for tomorrow's video

This is it for today's video. Leo and I just want to thank you guys for watching...

and see you guys tomorrow, BYE guys! Love you! <3

Bye, Love you guys so much!

Wow, this is so cool guys...

For more infomation >> 100X Smaller!!! DIY Tiniest Mini Hubba Bubba Bubble Gum! CC Available - Duration: 7:58.


Техніка війни №112. Наказ №606. Наземні роботи [ENG SUB] - Duration: 15:48.

Translation Anton Duhnovsky

For suggestions and remarks on translation, please contact us:

War technologies

By review of experts, Ukrainian defense in 2017 earned on export of arms and giving services 600 million dollars!

Also from release you will know

On how much complex Vylkha is complete?

Would buy Americans out tank Oplot?

What abilities of new wheeled robots?

And by what impresses exposition-conference UMEX?

20 of November 2017 Minister of defense signedр decree №606 «About approving rules of wearing military clothing form and insignias by militaries of Ukrainian armored forces and military lyceums»

Adaptation to his demands still to January. And our Genadiy Salivon already now opens main themes what about field form

New decree at 273 pages provides such types of clothing forms: parade or parade-walking out, conventional, field or marine-service, special or fatigues, and also sports.

Each among them may summer and winter variant. Also at conventional and fields are demi-season form

For field uniform, depends on weather, provided 11 different combinations for points of constant dislocation, and also 5 for test-fields or battle action zones. At preparing of all this norms computed not only experience of АТО

In time of form development by us were borrowed experience from AF among NATO countries. Where already is field form of cloth, which wearing by layers

If speak about head-cover, so field form provides wearing of Caps. On test-field or in zone of АТО – its panamas, winter hat or hat-underhelm-fez

Now appeared tube-scarf (buff)

Exists summer, and also winters his variants. Btw exists few variants of this element wearing. As scarf or bondage, as hat, or, even, as balaclava

Anyway in decree clearly written, that some useful in АТО or on test-field elements, on territory of garrison under restriction. By this carefully watching patrols of Military justice service

If chief of garrison establish form of clothing – panama, means it will not be violation. If establish form of clothing in caps, or conventional form of clothing, so if wear panama, it will be violation of clothing form

In 606-decree clearly written, that combat shirt, which almost year ago appeared in АТО, always tuck in pants and using only with armor-vest. Btw, under her not allowed to wear a t-shirt or anything else, cause thermal regulation breaks

She wearing in most hot climate and only for carrying or modular armor-vest, or suspension belt

Service coat tuck in pants only in case of wearing armor-vest. In rest of cases– it is out

In hot weather on test-field or in АТО new decree allows, as on shirt, so on coat roll up arms. But only on one roll, not till elbow, as usual

It can not be rolled more, cause hands must be protected from mechanical injuries. Air conditioning goes enough. There gets in air, cause cuffs not fixed on wrists

And at points of constant dislocation on time of hotness at past year appeared new element of clothing form – Polo-shirt. Till now its rare element, but step by step will arrive in stores

It is a new item of field clothing form. She is not tuck in pants. She is opened on 2-3 buttons

About shoes, so for effective using features of new boots, decree restricts tucking pants in it

Nothing ventilated. Leg sweating, perspire. Hard to walk. When right. Pants leg is over of boot. Ventilation goes through, removing heat, wetness

Main, that sock being higher, than same boots. Here are black tracking stripes. It is same element of wetness and heat removing

Same thing touches fleece's, what so beloved by our militaries. Often them tried to wear under coat, or wear them over him. It's a mistake

Coat nihilates all warm keeping role and she stops to heat, does not her function. Wearing she not allowed over the coat

When fleece on underwear, she does her function. She wearing at all replacing coat

Changes from Minister of defense Ukraine decree №606 touches on-sleeve and other identifications. So, declined patch with blood group

Now in points of constant dislocation surname of military servant may attach on right side of coat, and at left patch «Armed forces of Ukraine». On right sleeve attached patch of military part, studying institute, etc., and on left – three-tooth of Armed forces type

In point of constant dislocation they may be colored, and at performing battle or learning-battle tasks – in protection view. It is obligated

When at us studies passing by, or, first of all, battle actions, in zone АТО, colored signs-identificators forbidden. Only with protected color

Specialists of Head management for growth and supplying of material support of Armored Forces of Ukraine continue develop new elements of form, and also ways to its wearing

It is unstoppable job, so later for sure will be brought changes to decree about which we partially told you

By Presidents of Ukraine decree №39/2018 in Ukrainian army created Management of logistic forces. It is unite in itself homefront service and armament of Armed forces of Ukraine

Commander for new structure will be general-lieutenant or vise-admiral. By this begin digest of weekly news from weaponry sphere

Missile complex «Vilha» prepared already on 90% and soon GenStaff may accept decision about serial production of rockets

Btw, Pavlograd's chemical factory, what engaged in project, from 1 of March went out of management from Governments space agency of Ukraine and goes to management of Ministry of economic growth and trading

By message from government enterprise «Antonov», passed away test-pilot Uryi Kurlin. Legend of worlds aviation, hero of Soviet Union and honored test-pilot died on 89th year of life

He participated in creating and testing of fifteen models among «Antonov» line: from An-2 to An-225 «Mriya»

Preparing of Ukrainian pilots in Great Britain ongoing in this year. Partially by surviving system Orbital

And new program for preparing mechanic-drivers IFV by experience of АТО in out of staff situation require from him acts in role of aimer-operator

Btw, in Kiev's poly-technical institute opened magister program "Management in sphere of defense-industry complex"

Ukraine disputing about sending on export to USA one battle tank «Oplot». Will it assist in military-technologies cooperation or borrowing our technologies – time shows

Remind, in March Factory of the Malishev's name may finish Thailand contract and send 6 last «Oplot-Т» and two BREM-84 «Atlet»

Lithuania finish first stage of project realization about buying light and medium tactical AVs 4х4. Among 12 candidates to next stage allowed a half

Its are companies Paramount Group, Israel Aerospace Industries, Otocar, AM General, Oshkosh Defense

Btw, in Chechnya presented new battle machine for specialists Chaborz-6

Nijniy Novgorod machine-building factory began to produce anti-aerial missile complex of new generation S-500 «Prometheus», which will work mostly automatically

He may be effective device for wrestling aviation and missiles for the next 25 years and replace S-400 «Triumph». Range of targets strike of complex 600 kilometers

Ministry of defense SAR ordered in Netherlands three small patrol ships Damen Stan Patrol 6211

India and Russia praised financial conditions about selling 4 frigates of project 11356, which broke by Ukraine refusal of engine supplying

Same time fleet of USA get new boat-expedition sea-base USNS Gershel Woodie Williams

On base of AF Italy Amendola accepted trainer of unmanned Predator B/M-Q-9, which is most modern in UAV family

First Indian strike drone Rastom-2 perform debut flight. He might to work for day and may got working distance till 350 kilometers

And company Leonardo perform first flight of helicopter SW-4 Solo without pilot

Company Saab made rolling out of first for United Arab Emirates plane of far range radio-location detecting and control Global Eye

And state of Canada assigned with five candidates at competition of fighters on 15-billion contract. It is F-35, FA-18E/F Super Hornet, Eurofighter Typhon, Desolt Rafalle and Saab Gripen

25-27 of February in Abu-Dhabi passed international exposition-conference of unmanned systems and technologies UMEX-2018. In her participates more than 120 companies among 35 countries of world

Whole place of location with new-ones – 17.000 square meters. Ukrainian aerial and on-land unmanneds also were presented on exposition

And on Singapore avia-show presented on-land wheeled battle robot Jaeger-6. Development of company ST Kinetics can work 48 hours, carry on itself 250 kilograms and got maximum velocity 16 kilometers per hour

So we decide to overview such new ones by last year and reveal trends in segment of wheeled unmanneds

5-8 of September on International exposition of defense industry MSPO-2017 in Poland city Keltse our neighbors showed autonomous patrol system Tervos

World trends inspired company Stepok create robotic complex with remote control, of work with help of maps, and also in regime «follow me»

Basic version equipped with camera, thermal-visor, GPS, with systems and registrations of moves. Foreseen infantry, logistic, medical versions

Poland on-land unmanned Tervos got length a bit more than two meters and wide meter and thirty-four centimeters. His standard height one meter 28 centimeter, but with cargo robot will be more noticeable

To clearance of example in 274 millimeters will envy even Toyota Land Cruiser. Known, that 360-kilograms Tervos can take on board cargo up to 250. All of this 5-kilowatts electro-engine push on velocity up to 15 kilometers per hour

First image of modern on-land unmanned devices was soviet tele-tank Т-18. Thanks to controlling apparatus type Most-1 (bridge-1), he can perform commands forward-leftside-rightside-stop

After Second world war, America agency DARPA, in frames of artificial intelligence research create its prototype Shaky

We programmed for Shaky to orientate in four dimensions. Such thing at first made with robot. Nobody among us did not imagined, to what it will lead and what happens next

And all was by scenario of market. Interest in this told partner-countries of USA and already in 2000ths spotted robo-technique explosion

Logically, that cause of decreasing of military budgets, after 2010 in segment spotted fall and going away from path of few companies

And from 2014, cause of Russian aggression, North Korea and ISIL, interest to on-land systems growth again

Its remind situation with UAVs, which began to rise in 90ths and before that nobody used them. And now we watch, that for most of world countries it is became usual. Now in segment of on-land robotic complexes spotted analog trend

So on past years exposition IDEX German concern Reinmetal presents his new unmanned Multi Mission Unmanned Ground Vehicle

In summer he was already included to part of «Infantry system», which includes modular complex of future soldier «Idzes», storm rifle RS556 with under-barrel mortar and many-purpose AV Boxer with tower Lanz

For us became known, that robotic on-and system from Reinmetal by land gain speed under 40 kilometers per hour, by water – under 5

Basic platform weights 750 kilograms and on-land can carry on itself additionally 600, and on water carry twice smaller

Charge of battery at MMUGV enough for 8 hours of work, and from other energy sources – twice bigger. On eight-wheel possible to mount, as recon equipment, so battle systems or transport platforms

This is new product which began to develop nearly two years ago. Behind this example stand high technologies with rich history, that what differs him proposals from other producers, which just begin to work in this direction

In September of past year British company BAE Systems show its on-land unmanned Ironclad, on which worked for ten years. First his prototype was created already in 2009

He has been tested on training base of BAE Systems company and enough not bad shows himself in time of performing different missions

We might propose double configuration, which you see here. Also single version might perform sure tasks, depending on needs

He can be invited to recon, demining, evacuation of injured and destruction of enemy armies. Interesting, that almost denoised example able to cooperate with UAVs and other technique of own sub-sections

Example might to work by himself in radius of 1 kilometer, and in perspective planned complete autonomy. Armored by Stanag 4569 level 3, this kid equipped with few cameras and system «friend-foe»

It's weight of double variant near 400 kilograms, and capacity 500. Ironclad accelerates to 30 kilometers per hour and got power reserve 50 kilometers. Also he protected from mine explosion and fire from shooting arms

One more new-one of last year in kingdom of on-land unmanneds became project of Israel company BL Advance Ground Support Systems

Their platform BLR UGV with wheels formula 6х6 might pass serious obstacles and reach maximum speed 45 kilometers per hour

Biggest among new wheeled robot equipped with 268-power diesel engine Deutz, so he enough noticeable at battle field

As we see, segment of robotic infantry systems evolve enough active, but for valid competition with direction of unmanned aviation he is far away from

For next release we prepare exclusive interview and subject about unmanned-veteran. And the all archive of program might be found at site of 24th channel and youtube of Military TV. Watch us

For more infomation >> Техніка війни №112. Наказ №606. Наземні роботи [ENG SUB] - Duration: 15:48.


Best Piston Cup Wipeouts

For more infomation >> Best Piston Cup Wipeouts


For more infomation >> Best Piston Cup Wipeouts


Print the positive integers from 1 to 100 with three numbers to a line | Fortran Program - Duration: 8:31.

Write a fortran program which print the positive integer from 1 to 100 with three numbers to a line

the output looks like as

1 2 3

4 5 6

For more infomation >> Print the positive integers from 1 to 100 with three numbers to a line | Fortran Program - Duration: 8:31.


For more infomation >> Print the positive integers from 1 to 100 with three numbers to a line | Fortran Program - Duration: 8:31.


Eli Roth's Death Wish - Get A...

For more infomation >> Eli Roth's Death Wish - Get A...


POLICE CAUGHT US (with JARPPI) - Duration: 10:30.

For more infomation >> POLICE CAUGHT US (with JARPPI) - Duration: 10:30.


Player Unknown's Plebian Grounds - Duration: 51:38.

For more infomation >> Player Unknown's Plebian Grounds - Duration: 51:38.


Songs combined- by FlappyFizzKit - Duration: 2:37.

For more infomation >> Songs combined- by FlappyFizzKit - Duration: 2:37.


Cars, Marinas, Yachts and Parties - Sailing A B Sea (Ep.006) - Duration: 14:15.

That wasn't too difficult, it was very straightforward. Rented the car for the

week 150 euros and it's full

of petrol bring it back full and that's it.

It's another beautiful day in Javea, the sun is shining there's not a cloud in

the sky and a apparently is going to get up to around about 18 degrees today

which is fantastic. it's just my kind of weather. We're taking a bit of a walk

this morning, it's about a 25 minute walk. We're heading down to a car rental place.

And so by renting the car what that will allow us to do is, it will allow us to go

out to a lot of different locations and record a lot more footage in a shorter

time frame, because walking everywhere takes an awful lot of time. Then we

can then sit down in the apartment for two or three days and really put our

noses to the grindstone. One of the first things we did with our rental car was to

take the 30 minute drive inland to explore the Las Calaveras cave which

has evidence of human use as far back as 50,000 years ago. My origins date

back 135,000 years to the Cretaceous period, when the

planet was inhabited by marine and winged reptiles,

small mammals and birds with beaks which lived in the dense forests of a

temperate climate. The forests consisted of tall willows and oaks. Humidity

levels were high, owing to the fact that global warming was far greater than

today because of the greenhouse effect. reinforced as well by the high level of

methane which was concentrated in the atmosphere.

This is as far as you can walk in the cave, we come up to this metal gate and

it just drops off into quite a deep chasm and you can hear water that's

running down through the rocks and the the chasm apparently is flooded and this

is also where the town of bendy leg as I like to call it gets its water supply

still. So many thousands of years ago people were using this cave for shelter

and a drinking water source and it's still being used today as a drinking

water source for a local town of bendy leg.

So how was that intrepid explorer? That's pretty fabulous. yeah it's

really interesting, there's more to it than I thought. I thought it was just going to be

a hole in the wall. There was one large area where they drained the pond

and filled it in. It would've been nice to see the pond with a bridge over it.

Stopping to smell the roses is one of the many reasons why we chose this

radical change in lifestyle, but visiting all of these exciting new places wasn't

getting us any closer to buying a yacht. So we got a list of marinas together

and headed north to check them out. What are you doing Baz?

We're heading north to look at some marinas and look at yachts, so time to

dig through this box of stuff because in here are two things. One is the sat nav and

the other thing is a dive torch. What's the torch for? Well when we look at a boat

one of the things we're going to be doing is poking our heads and hands into

all the nooks and crannies and so you need one of these things to check that.

Basically we're looking in the dark places

for all the bad stuff. Alright.

One of the reasons we hired the car was to get the chance to travel to as many

marinas within a days driving distance and talk to as many salespeople as

possible. We've been to a few places, a lot of them are really

small and don't have any sales offices and we've just come from the the main

big marina in Valencia, which is huge and has got lots of boats. We found one sales

office. Yeah nice guy Emilio. Yeah he was a nice guy, but I was very disappointed

in the fact that he didn't immediately say oh yes I have three that will suit

you, come and have a look. So it was disappointing. So we've got, because

we're Bulldogs and we don't let go, we've got there's a couple more

marinas north of here, but we're just going to try one more north of here and

if that pans out to be the same as the ones we've visited so far coming up from

the South, what we're going to do is we're going to get back to Javea, back

to our apartment, back to our electronic devices to start shooting out a load of

emails to all of the online agencies, saying hey these are our requirements

what have you got and make them do the legwork for us.

Well we meant to go to one restaurant called Cajita Azul, but he has 80 people

coming in tonight, it was just him in there in the kitchen,

so we got kicked out of there and we wandered through a few alleyways and

found this place here called Palau de Javea. So how's the wine? Very

nice, Spanish table wine, you can't go wrong. Yeah so um we've ordered some

tapas. Yes I'm having cheese with walnuts and raisins and you're having

patatas bravas, spicy potatoes and then

you're having duck and I'm having the lamb.

We just had the best evening out in Javea. Baz and I went out for a meal, we

thought we'd just go because we were celebrating passing our sailing exams

and becoming day skippers and we had a fantastic meal and then when we were

coming home we met this group of people all dressed in black and white and

a couple of them went high five and they said how would you like to come to a

party? It's a combined hen and stag party! We went yeah.

Well that was totally random! We had a quiet Saturday night in a very nice

restaurant with some really good food and we bumped into some guys as we

turned a corner. And I gave him a high-five. And they invited us to a party.

Kind of like a combined stag party and hen party. And he said come to the party,

so we did. Very nice, wonderful people, yeah so grateful. So now as old fogies

are gonna go home and leave the young kids to party. It's all good... Saturday

night in Javea.

It's a boat called Arse! Can you imagine that on the radio?

You know... Valencia port control. Valencia port control.

This is sailing vessel Arse. Sailing vessel Arse. Over.

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