Thứ Sáu, 2 tháng 3, 2018

Youtube daily report Mar 3 2018

Ashe Montage - Best Ashe Plays S8 | League of Legends Top

Ashe Montage - Best Ashe Plays S8 | League of Legends Top

Ashe Montage - Best Ashe Plays S8 | League of Legends Top

Ashe Montage - Best Ashe Plays S8 | League of Legends Top

Ashe Montage - Best Ashe Plays S8 | League of Legends Top

Ashe Montage - Best Ashe Plays S8 | League of Legends Top

For more infomation >> Ashe Montage - Best Ashe Plays S8 | League of Legends Top - Duration: 10:45.


MacGyver - Never Good Enough - Duration: 2:48.

For more infomation >> MacGyver - Never Good Enough - Duration: 2:48.


I Get A HUMAN NOSE! Ask Sharkhead #1 - Duration: 3:12.

Hey everyone and welcome to Ask Sharkhead, where you can ask me anything about me

And the channel and whatever else.

I take questions from Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube, so without further ado, let's get into it!

"What made you drastically change your content like that? P.S. I really enjoy your animations!"

Have you ever felt like you're called to do something because it's a part of who you are?

Because that's what art is to me. There was a lot

I wanted to express with art and animation since I was much much younger, and I decided that NOW is the perfect time to acknowledge

that calling.

Chasey, I am far too attracted to women to ever stop being a flaming heterosexual.

Sorry boys.

"What motivates you to make videos?"

To be honest, I don't really get motivated,

I just feel like I have to make them,

I create a plan to finish them, and then I execute on that plan. You can be a

dreamer, or you can be a doer, and when you're in the middle of doing, you don't NEED

motivation, because you're already doing!


"How did you come up with the name 'NuclearSharkhead' because it is epic!"

Think of one of the most dangerous

aquatic creatures ever,

think of the most dangerous weapon known to man, and then combine them.

You get: a nuclear sharkhead! Ayyy.

"What's the most embarrassing thing that happened to you?"

You ever try to swim in the deep end of the pool, and get leg cramps?

And then you're splashing around, trying to stay afloat while feeling intense pain

AND everyone's looking at you?

Always drink a lot of water and warm up your muscles before a swim, guys.

"Ate you human?"

Whoa, you better not try to eat me now. I'm just kidding. I know what you really mean.

I'm very much a human being. The only reason my avatar has a shark head, is because my username,


Pretty simple right? I get that some people actually want to be non-human,

but I don't ascribe to that mindset,

I'm not about that life.

I choose to identify

as a human.

Speaking of which I recently put out a poll on social media

asking you guys which kind of nose you would much prefer on my

character, and the resounding answer, the resounding majority vote, was Human Nose.

What? Sharkhead is evolving!


And that my friends, will be all. Thank you guys so much for your questions,

I love you all, and I'll see you guys next time, on my next project

It's gonna be pretty amazing, I'm gonna work really hard on it,

and, I also noticed that a bunch of you guys sent me some fan art. I really appreciate this stuff

It's pretty awesome,

and if you want to make sure that it gets to me send it to me via Twitter or

DeviantART. Or in fact, if you want to REALLY guarantee that I get it, send it to

I'll leave you guys with a little blooper at the end, catch you later!

WARNING: It's really cringy.

Are you SURE you want to hear this blooper? Cuz it's really cringy, I'm not even kidding. Click off before it's too late.

All right, if you insist.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

cuicci cuicci cuicci firs tweet preacher screech quick week weavers Joe

I'm just gonna leave in the auto-translation lol


For more infomation >> I Get A HUMAN NOSE! Ask Sharkhead #1 - Duration: 3:12.


MacGyver - Matty Lied To Me - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> MacGyver - Matty Lied To Me - Duration: 1:10.



For more infomation >> BOEING SOURCING FROM INDIA CROSSES $1 BILLION - Duration: 2:46.


Придурки за рулем выпуск #64 Новый сезон весна 2018 /Idiots drivers part Spring 2018 Злой Йожык TV - Duration: 6:37.

For more infomation >> Придурки за рулем выпуск #64 Новый сезон весна 2018 /Idiots drivers part Spring 2018 Злой Йожык TV - Duration: 6:37.


U.S. confirms North Korea used chemical weapons to kill Kim Jong-nam - Duration: 0:39.

The U.S. has confirmed North Korea has used chemical weapons,... which according to AP

is a clear reference to last year's killing of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un's half-brother

Kim Jong-nam at Kuala Lumpur International Airport.

The State Department's determination was posted on the website of the Federal Register on

Firday,... roughly a year after Kim Jong-nam was killed in VX nerve agent attack.

The designation means restriction from U.S. foreign aid, financial assistance, and other

exports,... but the North is already subject to such restrictions.

The determination will take effect from Monday.

For more infomation >> U.S. confirms North Korea used chemical weapons to kill Kim Jong-nam - Duration: 0:39.


Popular Spring Baby Trends for 2018 - Duration: 9:35.

Hey I'm Jacquelinne and i'm here with The Baby Cubby and today we're really excited

to show you the spring trends here that we have at the store.

I'm going to jump straight into toys and soft goods cause those are some of my favorite


I'm just grabbing the whole bucket.

So spring obviously comes with Easter you always want to fill your Easter basket with

something soft and snugly and so we picked out some of our favorite spring trends right


This whole brand is made by Mary Meyer and they are just incredibly soft and some of

these that are very spring oriented is going to be this little big, you can slip that in

an Easter basket and then the bunnies of course are right here and then spring comes tons

of new animals we have the baby lamb, baby cow and so you can shop all of these.

So here we have a brand called Slumberkins.

I love this brand my kids have personally used it.

They were designed to create positive life skills.

So each one of these snugly little blanket animals comes with a theme and a positive

affirmation card.

So it talks about big foot believes and it talks about that and then you can actually

buy these coordinating books and this board book talks about positive things so each animal

has their own theme.

I just want to show you, their really think so they are like a blanket animal.

Like a little lovey.

Super soft, very well made.

Here they are packaged up.

Here we have Slumber Sloth and then little fox.

One other fun toy for spring is going to be a brand called Maileg.

Here is one or two of these for me Maileg is like a piece you get your kid and you kind

of grow their collection as they grow and you grow so you can get little pieces here

and there.

But it's super fun just to start with one little one.

This is the twins and they come in this really sturdy match box and then your mice, each

one's different but they will come with an outfit or this one comes with their little

bag or blanket and a pillow.

So here's your pillow, bed, blanket and this is the big brother moused and then as you're

going and you want to expand your line you can get fun accessories like this.

So this is their tent, they have like a full house, furniture, they have grandma and grandpa.

So it's kind of fun to grow their family as your family grows.

Here's the tent in here we actually have the mom and dad mice sleeping and then it comes

with sleeping bags and their little blanket.

Right here we have a brand called Hazel Village and these are just their bunnies for Easter

and each of these animals comes with their name, it comes with their coordinating outfit

and then you can actually buy separate outfits and kind of treat them as a dress up doll

so you can kind of switch out the outfits with the season and it's just a really really

fun, cute stuffed animal that will just stay with them and you can just update it with

the seasons as you go.

And of course you have to get your little boy stuffed animal this is Luca the rabbit

with his little bow tie.

Speaking of bow ties we're going to go over to accessories and I will start with the boy's

bow ties cause it actually almost coordinates perfectly.

This brand is the classic kind that goes under their collar and you can adjust it to any

length and then over here this brand Little Mister they actually have the technology,

there is this little thing, that gold dot is where it goes on their button so you don't

have to go around their neck, you just button it on their top button and then it folds over.

So here our just a few fun options for Spring.

And if your little bow is wearing a bow tie then he has to wear little suspenders.

Then going onto girls, obviously bows.

This is a new line that just came out and then from bows we're going to bonnets.

Girl or boy but we've picked out some of these fun new fresh florals right here and the great

thing about this floral is you could almost put it on any solid outfit and it just makes

the outfit.

So this one is called Magnolia and then we have this one right here.

Then if we want to do more solids, you have a little more busier outfit and you just want

to accessories that way then there are a bunch of great linen options for these solids.

So this is a fun new brand that we brought in and this is actually womens but the best

part about it, is it coordinates down here with your little girl or little babies bracelet.

So these are womens necklaces.

I'm actually, I can show you, i'm actually wearing one.

Right here.

So it's this nice cute choker length but then my favorite thing about it is down here you

can coordinate these to your little girls outfits.

So this is the matte gold on the end that would coordinate with this.

So I love this for a christening, blessing idea you get your cute little girl a thing

and it is more an heirloom piece you keep with you and then you wear your necklace and

you're always going to think about them and I love that idea.

So these bracelets come in tons of different sizes.

They start at newborn but then they are going to go up through little girls, I think to

size 8 and then you could jump up into womens if you wanted to coordinate with your older


And now that you have a necklace another fun thing to freshen up or get new for Spring

time is going to be a new diaper bag.

I know we've talked about Freshly Picked diaper bags before and we do love them, but one fun

thing is they have come out with their new colors and so obviously they are very light,

they're very fun, they're very fresh and very spring!

So I do love those.

While we're talking about Freshly Picked they actually did just launch their sandal line.

They have new styles and a new improved fit.

So here is one style that we like and then this is a great neutral style, girl or boy,

navy color is super fun and again you could do girl or a boy.

Onto blankets and swaddles it's one really fun thing its super easy to freshen up.

It's always fun to carry around a new blanket and so we picked out some of our favorite

things that apply to spring.

We've just gone with a bunch of different brands.

These neutral ones I love.

You can use them any time but they are incredibly soft but then if you want to go a little bit

more intricate we have florals and then over here we've just picked out, we went with fun

and fresh but not overly bright.

I feel like that's kinda spring once you get to summer is when it gets really bright.

So here is your boy, something about Spring always makes you want to go outside, get camping,

get some fresh air and we've got some just really pretty florals coming out and then

again a fun neutral option is just going to be a nice soft striped knit blanket right


In the clothing industry there has been a trend of unisex dressing and I actually really

like it.

You just pick a really neutral outfit and then you can accessories it either way, boy

or girl.

Flower bonnet, regular linen bonnet.

You can do a bow ribbon for your girl or you could do a cute little beanie for your boy

and so you just get something really neutral but pretty and then you can accessories it

how you want.

So some of those that we have to show this brand.

It's just a really well made basic onesie.

I love the comono style.

And then obviously girl, and then come over here and if its a little baby newborn and

you want to go neutral you've got your little bonnet right there.

And it comes in a footie style as well.

And I get that is not for everyone so people you have a girl, you're really excited you

want to go flowers, you want to go floral.

We have some really cute new arrivals.

This is just dainty.

I love it.

And it does come with the matching bloomer.

So another thing is kind of vintage.

A lot of vintage styles are coming out.

It's almost like your Grandma's clothes but they're reinvented a lot cuter.

So it's more of like a vintage floral that we're seeing come across the board so you

have something like this but then again like it's kind of like the same vintage floral

you have over here for boys and then I know I showed you the bonnets as well again my

Grandma probably had a dress made out of this, but I love it in a bonnet.

Cute little boy outfit right there.

Oh I forgot the one on the mannequin!

So this is back to the topic of unisex dressing.

Girl or boy, any situation I love this outfit and it's just super classic, cute, but then

you can accessorize it how you want.

And then also with Spring comes Spring vacations!


So we just picked out some two new arrivals.

These are swim suites and it does come with the little mesh lining inside.

They're are so cute and I like the shorter length again its kind of like vintage retro

you know?

They're going to go about mid- thigh.

And then this little flounce top its off the shoulder.

It's really cute!

Thanks for watching our spring trends video.

You can shop all of these things in our store at American Fork Utah or you can actually

shop online at where every order ships free and all of these products will

be linked down below in the description.

We'll cya!

For more infomation >> Popular Spring Baby Trends for 2018 - Duration: 9:35.


Buscaba a su padre y descubrió que tiene 40 hermanos | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 3:15.

For more infomation >> Buscaba a su padre y descubrió que tiene 40 hermanos | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 3:15.


Blindspot - A Pair of Surprises (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 2:22.

For more infomation >> Blindspot - A Pair of Surprises (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 2:22.


Arsene Wenger calls for perspective over Arsenal loss to Man City ● News Now ● #AFC - Duration: 1:45.

Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger has called for 'perspective' after his side suffered a 3-0

home defeat to Premier League leaders Manchester City.

Wenger is facing fresh calls to quit after the loss, with former Gunners defender Martin

Keown urging club bosses to 'throw in the towel' for the Frenchman's own good.

But he insisted there was no shame in losing to Pep Guardiola's high-flying side for the

second time in less than a week after Sunday's Carabao Cup debacle.

'You look at the score and the temptation is to think it was all rubbish, but that is

not the case,' he told Sky Sports News.

'You have to take a perspective, sit back, look at the whole picture and analyse where

we were poor and where we were strong.

'You have to insist on the strong points and get rid of the weak points we showed last


'They are a top quality team at the moment, they are 15 points above everybody else, not

only us,' he added.

'That means that's not a coincidence, they lost only one game in the whole Premier League


'Part of being fair sometimes is to say 'look, that's a strong side and they are better than

everybody else at the moment in the league'.'

For more infomation >> Arsene Wenger calls for perspective over Arsenal loss to Man City ● News Now ● #AFC - Duration: 1:45.


"Смотр". Выпуск от 3 марта 2018 года - Duration: 25:36.

For more infomation >> "Смотр". Выпуск от 3 марта 2018 года - Duration: 25:36.


President Moon attends launching of S. Korean Paralympic squad - Duration: 2:20.

The excitement and the spirit of the games lives on in Pyeongchang, with the Paralympics

coming up soon.

The home team gathered for an inaugural ceremony on Friday,... also attended by President Moon

Jae-in and the First Lady.

Hwang Hojun reports.

The South Korean squad for the PyeongChang Winter Paralympics was launched Friday afternoon.

Its kick-off ceremony in downtown Seoul brought together the squad's delegation of 83 members,

including 36 athletes,... and some 180 guests, including the culture minister and South Korea's

First Couple.

During the ceremony, President Moon encouraged the athletes and stressed how much he admires

their hard work in overcoming challenges to become a member of the national team.

"In preparing for this day, you all have fallen down time and again, but you always get back

up again.

In every moment, you are our heroes."

President Moon said the athletes are already champions to him and to the rest of the nation,

and he said he hopes the PyeongChang Winter Paralympic Games will become an opportunity

to break the prejudice... that people with disabilities need constant help.

Whether or not one has a physical disability, President Moon said there's no reason why

anyone can't inspire and give hope to others.

He also pledged to cultivate and support the sporting environment in South Korea for people

with disabilities.

"I want to make Korea a model country in terms of sports for the disabled, a country more

active in that field than any other."

According to the Blue House, this was the first time a sitting South Korean President

has attend the launching ceremony of the Paralympic squad.

South Korea is hosting the quadrennial event for the first time since the 1988 Seoul Paralympics

30 years ago.

The Games in Pyeongchang will be the largest Paralympics ever,.... with 570 athletes from

49 countries set to participate.

And South Korea is fielding its largest Paralympic squad to date, with the 36 athletes to compete

in all six sports.

Those sports are alpine skiing, biathlon, cross-country skiing, ice hockey, snowboarding,

and wheelchair curling.

Their aim is to win at least one gold, one silver and two bronze medals and finish in

the top 10.

The PyeongChang Paralympic Games will run from the 9th to the 18th of March.

Hwang Hojun, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> President Moon attends launching of S. Korean Paralympic squad - Duration: 2:20.


#EwangeliarzOP | 3 marca 2018 | (Łk 15, 1-3. 11-32) - Duration: 1:51.


How I'd really love not to have all the stereotypes, fears and reserve inside of me.

Sometimes, for very trivial reasons, it someone seems to me to have malicious intentions.

Someone says something, a word, and I get prejudiced against them

Or I'll hear something about their life, past and my freedom to meet them in the full openness is gone.

It doesn't really matter, somehow, what kind of past you have, what you think and what you feel.

If I open up to you, we already enter a new quality.

It's God who introduces us to a piece of the new world He creates in which everything can happen.

But under one condition: I'll accept you and we'll meet. You and me.

That I'd allow God to be moved beyond my limitations and all the reserve and resistance the other can flame up in me.

When I open and accept, miracles begin to happen.


For more infomation >> #EwangeliarzOP | 3 marca 2018 | (Łk 15, 1-3. 11-32) - Duration: 1:51.


EU, WTO slam Trump's decision to impose tariffs on steel and aluminum - Duration: 0:40.

Our top story this lunchtime...

The European Union and the WTO have strongly criticized U.S. President Donald Trump's decision

to impose hefty tariffs on steel and aluminum imports.

European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker says the EU could impose its own tariffs

on American goods,... especially those produced in the home states of key Republican leaders,...

if the Trump administration goes ahead with its plan.

The WTO chimed in as well.

The global trade organization said it was concerned at President Trump's move.

The WTO statement added that the potential for escalation is real, and a trade war is

in no one's interest.

For more infomation >> EU, WTO slam Trump's decision to impose tariffs on steel and aluminum - Duration: 0:40.


Markina Brown's Weather Forecast (March 2) - Duration: 4:07.

For more infomation >> Markina Brown's Weather Forecast (March 2) - Duration: 4:07.


New Iberia shooting suspect has a criminal record - Duration: 3:06.

For more infomation >> New Iberia shooting suspect has a criminal record - Duration: 3:06.


White House On Defense As Personnel Rumors Swirl - Duration: 4:23.

For more infomation >> White House On Defense As Personnel Rumors Swirl - Duration: 4:23.


Popular Spring Baby Trends for 2018 - Duration: 9:35.

Hey I'm Jacquelinne and i'm here with The Baby Cubby and today we're really excited

to show you the spring trends here that we have at the store.

I'm going to jump straight into toys and soft goods cause those are some of my favorite


I'm just grabbing the whole bucket.

So spring obviously comes with Easter you always want to fill your Easter basket with

something soft and snugly and so we picked out some of our favorite spring trends right


This whole brand is made by Mary Meyer and they are just incredibly soft and some of

these that are very spring oriented is going to be this little big, you can slip that in

an Easter basket and then the bunnies of course are right here and then spring comes tons

of new animals we have the baby lamb, baby cow and so you can shop all of these.

So here we have a brand called Slumberkins.

I love this brand my kids have personally used it.

They were designed to create positive life skills.

So each one of these snugly little blanket animals comes with a theme and a positive

affirmation card.

So it talks about big foot believes and it talks about that and then you can actually

buy these coordinating books and this board book talks about positive things so each animal

has their own theme.

I just want to show you, their really think so they are like a blanket animal.

Like a little lovey.

Super soft, very well made.

Here they are packaged up.

Here we have Slumber Sloth and then little fox.

One other fun toy for spring is going to be a brand called Maileg.

Here is one or two of these for me Maileg is like a piece you get your kid and you kind

of grow their collection as they grow and you grow so you can get little pieces here

and there.

But it's super fun just to start with one little one.

This is the twins and they come in this really sturdy match box and then your mice, each

one's different but they will come with an outfit or this one comes with their little

bag or blanket and a pillow.

So here's your pillow, bed, blanket and this is the big brother moused and then as you're

going and you want to expand your line you can get fun accessories like this.

So this is their tent, they have like a full house, furniture, they have grandma and grandpa.

So it's kind of fun to grow their family as your family grows.

Here's the tent in here we actually have the mom and dad mice sleeping and then it comes

with sleeping bags and their little blanket.

Right here we have a brand called Hazel Village and these are just their bunnies for Easter

and each of these animals comes with their name, it comes with their coordinating outfit

and then you can actually buy separate outfits and kind of treat them as a dress up doll

so you can kind of switch out the outfits with the season and it's just a really really

fun, cute stuffed animal that will just stay with them and you can just update it with

the seasons as you go.

And of course you have to get your little boy stuffed animal this is Luca the rabbit

with his little bow tie.

Speaking of bow ties we're going to go over to accessories and I will start with the boy's

bow ties cause it actually almost coordinates perfectly.

This brand is the classic kind that goes under their collar and you can adjust it to any

length and then over here this brand Little Mister they actually have the technology,

there is this little thing, that gold dot is where it goes on their button so you don't

have to go around their neck, you just button it on their top button and then it folds over.

So here our just a few fun options for Spring.

And if your little bow is wearing a bow tie then he has to wear little suspenders.

Then going onto girls, obviously bows.

This is a new line that just came out and then from bows we're going to bonnets.

Girl or boy but we've picked out some of these fun new fresh florals right here and the great

thing about this floral is you could almost put it on any solid outfit and it just makes

the outfit.

So this one is called Magnolia and then we have this one right here.

Then if we want to do more solids, you have a little more busier outfit and you just want

to accessories that way then there are a bunch of great linen options for these solids.

So this is a fun new brand that we brought in and this is actually womens but the best

part about it, is it coordinates down here with your little girl or little babies bracelet.

So these are womens necklaces.

I'm actually, I can show you, i'm actually wearing one.

Right here.

So it's this nice cute choker length but then my favorite thing about it is down here you

can coordinate these to your little girls outfits.

So this is the matte gold on the end that would coordinate with this.

So I love this for a christening, blessing idea you get your cute little girl a thing

and it is more an heirloom piece you keep with you and then you wear your necklace and

you're always going to think about them and I love that idea.

So these bracelets come in tons of different sizes.

They start at newborn but then they are going to go up through little girls, I think to

size 8 and then you could jump up into womens if you wanted to coordinate with your older


And now that you have a necklace another fun thing to freshen up or get new for Spring

time is going to be a new diaper bag.

I know we've talked about Freshly Picked diaper bags before and we do love them, but one fun

thing is they have come out with their new colors and so obviously they are very light,

they're very fun, they're very fresh and very spring!

So I do love those.

While we're talking about Freshly Picked they actually did just launch their sandal line.

They have new styles and a new improved fit.

So here is one style that we like and then this is a great neutral style, girl or boy,

navy color is super fun and again you could do girl or a boy.

Onto blankets and swaddles it's one really fun thing its super easy to freshen up.

It's always fun to carry around a new blanket and so we picked out some of our favorite

things that apply to spring.

We've just gone with a bunch of different brands.

These neutral ones I love.

You can use them any time but they are incredibly soft but then if you want to go a little bit

more intricate we have florals and then over here we've just picked out, we went with fun

and fresh but not overly bright.

I feel like that's kinda spring once you get to summer is when it gets really bright.

So here is your boy, something about Spring always makes you want to go outside, get camping,

get some fresh air and we've got some just really pretty florals coming out and then

again a fun neutral option is just going to be a nice soft striped knit blanket right


In the clothing industry there has been a trend of unisex dressing and I actually really

like it.

You just pick a really neutral outfit and then you can accessories it either way, boy

or girl.

Flower bonnet, regular linen bonnet.

You can do a bow ribbon for your girl or you could do a cute little beanie for your boy

and so you just get something really neutral but pretty and then you can accessories it

how you want.

So some of those that we have to show this brand.

It's just a really well made basic onesie.

I love the comono style.

And then obviously girl, and then come over here and if its a little baby newborn and

you want to go neutral you've got your little bonnet right there.

And it comes in a footie style as well.

And I get that is not for everyone so people you have a girl, you're really excited you

want to go flowers, you want to go floral.

We have some really cute new arrivals.

This is just dainty.

I love it.

And it does come with the matching bloomer.

So another thing is kind of vintage.

A lot of vintage styles are coming out.

It's almost like your Grandma's clothes but they're reinvented a lot cuter.

So it's more of like a vintage floral that we're seeing come across the board so you

have something like this but then again like it's kind of like the same vintage floral

you have over here for boys and then I know I showed you the bonnets as well again my

Grandma probably had a dress made out of this, but I love it in a bonnet.

Cute little boy outfit right there.

Oh I forgot the one on the mannequin!

So this is back to the topic of unisex dressing.

Girl or boy, any situation I love this outfit and it's just super classic, cute, but then

you can accessorize it how you want.

And then also with Spring comes Spring vacations!


So we just picked out some two new arrivals.

These are swim suites and it does come with the little mesh lining inside.

They're are so cute and I like the shorter length again its kind of like vintage retro

you know?

They're going to go about mid- thigh.

And then this little flounce top its off the shoulder.

It's really cute!

Thanks for watching our spring trends video.

You can shop all of these things in our store at American Fork Utah or you can actually

shop online at where every order ships free and all of these products will

be linked down below in the description.

We'll cya!

For more infomation >> Popular Spring Baby Trends for 2018 - Duration: 9:35.


IRINA | I'M EIGHTEEN !!! (gifts exchange & baking cake with my retarded friends) - Duration: 3:55.



Paper scissor stone

Jeremy'll do it first

-don't tell me you bought something expensive -no i didn't

lol he didn't

thank you

this looks cool

- it's inappropriate to buy gifts too expensive

- oH it's huge




what's that

- it's an anime cup

I want the cat doll then



-that's expensive too ok?

but I want the cat doll

- no it's mine

- shut up

alice is a living meme lol

one, two, three

paper, scissor , stone


- the three losers will do the dishes

I get a free pass

*unanimously oppose*

- it's going to fall *7

- you're really boring, Stephanie


- better hide under this Jenga during an earthquake

- because it just does't move

wow you're really funny

- it's so hard to do it with my left hand

- do it with your right hand then

- I want to just give up

- I want to give up *2

*gives up*


(an inside joke)

- don't stretch


- fingers


why are you so hyper

do the dishes~

it's so ugleh

- you didn't get the crust *2

oh really?

- it's so sticky

- make Sean lick this

- that's not the color of food like

- that looks

- terrible

- this is one historic moment

is it good?

- I can't bear to watch

- It's super nasty

For more infomation >> IRINA | I'M EIGHTEEN !!! (gifts exchange & baking cake with my retarded friends) - Duration: 3:55.


【做左人妻愈來愈索】TVB 藝人王君馨為左老公真係咩都肯做! 買Jelly Bra催情慾追BaBy | CCTV 365 - Duration: 5:28.

For more infomation >> 【做左人妻愈來愈索】TVB 藝人王君馨為左老公真係咩都肯做! 買Jelly Bra催情慾追BaBy | CCTV 365 - Duration: 5:28.


How to prevent food poisoning on New Year - Duration: 5:26.

Health Network, For Public Health

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How to prevent food poisoning on New Year

On New Year's Day, housewives often buy more food to eat.

Improper handling of contaminated food, chemical contamination of unidentified food, long-term storage of food

Food degrading or in food itself contains toxins, so there are many risks of food poisoning.

What should be done to prevent this?

1. Buy food at trusted places.

The flesh can become fresh, reddish pink just after a few minutes soaked chemicals.

Therefore, when buying pork or beef, should choose solid meat, elastic, press on soft meat, stickiness, dry, non-viscous membrane, no strange smell, smell thiu

Proper preservation of food to prevent poisoning.

For fish, it is best to choose fish that are splashing.

If the fish is dead, it is necessary to choose fish that are viscous, fish in, fish not removed, pink fish, fingerprints on fish meat without leaving indentations.

Vegetables should be bought in prestigious places, fresh fruits must be in season, stem and green leaf.

If you buy ready-to-eat food, choose a reputable and hygienic place.

Choose to buy canned long term notice, indicating where the manufacturer, distributor, components, containers are not distorted, bulging or rust.

2. Eat nine boiled drinks.

The food should be carefully prepared before processing.

The meat should be rubbed to clean the outer layer, over the boiling water, deodorize and bacteria.

Vegetables must be washed several times under running water, diluted in brine for 20 to 30 minutes, especially if eaten raw.

Many families have a habit of eating hot pot during Tet, however, the habit of eating raw meat, seafood, green vegetables are more likely to cause food poisoning, infections or helminths.

It is best to eat nine boiled drinks.

Do not put live food mixed with cooked food, do not share knives, cutting boards, raw and cooked food.

3. Properly maintained.

Food should be eaten immediately, not to exceed 2 hours.

For longer, store the food in the refrigerator and reheat it before eating.

Avoid keeping food too long in the refrigerator, even with cooked food.

Food must be stored at the right temperature.

Fresh fish fillets should be washed in the freezer compartment, divided into lots for a meal, in order to prevent food from being defrosted and then stored back.

Fresh vegetables to the vegetable container, wrapped in sealed bags.

Refrigerator is a place to store food, so need to clean frequently.

Avoid overfilling food in the refrigerator, which can lead to chilly temperatures, and food that is easily damaged.

In addition, women also need to clean the area of ​​food processing, cooking stoves, clean hands before cooking.

If there is no refrigerator, it can be stored by putting it in a plastic bag or box and then dipping it in a cold water bowl.

However, it should not be too long.

4. First aid when food poisoning.

Common symptoms of food poisoning are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, headache, fever or not, occurring minutes, hours, even days after eating.

In severe cases, the patient may have difficulty breathing, cyanosis, seizures, pulmonary edema, apnea, coma.

Buy food in reputable and hygienic places.

When symptoms appear as above patients should conduct first aid.

If the patient is still conscious, it may cause vomiting to release contaminated food, by giving the patient plenty of fluids and a throat.

After inducing vomiting, the patient can lie down, can use electrolyte solution water, to compensate for the loss of water for patients.

Do not induce vomiting in people with coma or young children because they are easily sucked.

In this case, it is necessary for the patient to lie low on one side to avoid sucking.

If the patient suffers from cardiac arrest, apnea, immediate need for rescue breathing and cardiac arrest.

After that, the patient should be taken to hospital for further processing.

In mild cases, only vomiting, diarrhea, can be treated at home by drinking water compensated by electrolyte solution

But diarrhea medicine should not be used, as it slows down the excretion of toxins from the body.

Doctor:Quoc Hung.

The content of this post is ending, you have questions, questions please share the comments below this article.

Please subscribe to the Health Network channel, share this article with your friends and follow up with the next audio.

Hope this article will bring you many useful things.

Wish you always healthy.

For more infomation >> How to prevent food poisoning on New Year - Duration: 5:26.



For more infomation >> Summertime


For more infomation >> Summertime


IRINA | I'M EIGHTEEN !!! (gifts exchange & baking cake with my retarded friends) - Duration: 3:55.



Paper scissor stone

Jeremy'll do it first

-don't tell me you bought something expensive -no i didn't

lol he didn't

thank you

this looks cool

- it's inappropriate to buy gifts too expensive

- oH it's huge




what's that

- it's an anime cup

I want the cat doll then



-that's expensive too ok?

but I want the cat doll

- no it's mine

- shut up

alice is a living meme lol

one, two, three

paper, scissor , stone


- the three losers will do the dishes

I get a free pass

*unanimously oppose*

- it's going to fall *7

- you're really boring, Stephanie


- better hide under this Jenga during an earthquake

- because it just does't move

wow you're really funny

- it's so hard to do it with my left hand

- do it with your right hand then

- I want to just give up

- I want to give up *2

*gives up*


(an inside joke)

- don't stretch


- fingers


why are you so hyper

do the dishes~

it's so ugleh

- you didn't get the crust *2

oh really?

- it's so sticky

- make Sean lick this

- that's not the color of food like

- that looks

- terrible

- this is one historic moment

is it good?

- I can't bear to watch

- It's super nasty

For more infomation >> IRINA | I'M EIGHTEEN !!! (gifts exchange & baking cake with my retarded friends) - Duration: 3:55.


For more infomation >> IRINA | I'M EIGHTEEN !!! (gifts exchange & baking cake with my retarded friends) - Duration: 3:55.


Q2 10 p m. Top Stories with Jay and Jeanelle, Friday 3-2-18 - Duration: 11:20.

For more infomation >> Q2 10 p m. Top Stories with Jay and Jeanelle, Friday 3-2-18 - Duration: 11:20.


IRINA | I'M EIGHTEEN !!! (gifts exchange & baking cake with my retarded friends) - Duration: 3:55.



Paper scissor stone

Jeremy'll do it first

-don't tell me you bought something expensive -no i didn't

lol he didn't

thank you

this looks cool

- it's inappropriate to buy gifts too expensive

- oH it's huge




what's that

- it's an anime cup

I want the cat doll then



-that's expensive too ok?

but I want the cat doll

- no it's mine

- shut up

alice is a living meme lol

one, two, three

paper, scissor , stone


- the three losers will do the dishes

I get a free pass

*unanimously oppose*

- it's going to fall *7

- you're really boring, Stephanie


- better hide under this Jenga during an earthquake

- because it just does't move

wow you're really funny

- it's so hard to do it with my left hand

- do it with your right hand then

- I want to just give up

- I want to give up *2

*gives up*


(an inside joke)

- don't stretch


- fingers


why are you so hyper

do the dishes~

it's so ugleh

- you didn't get the crust *2

oh really?

- it's so sticky

- make Sean lick this

- that's not the color of food like

- that looks

- terrible

- this is one historic moment

is it good?

- I can't bear to watch

- It's super nasty

For more infomation >> IRINA | I'M EIGHTEEN !!! (gifts exchange & baking cake with my retarded friends) - Duration: 3:55.


Good Luck ~ An Original Song - Duration: 1:25.


CHORUS: My life's going pretty great,

But It's still a blank slate

There are so many things I haven't done,

So many battles I haven't won

VERSE 1: But there are things in the past

That I regret but can't change

I paint it all on paper

With just some pencils, markers, and my brain


VERSE 2: Sometimes things just happen

Keep going by too fast

You can even draw it on a napkin

To keep it from fading to the past


You can write it, draw it, act it, sing it,

Or even put it in your hair

But no matter what version of you you are;

Good luck out there


*laughs at myself*

For more infomation >> Good Luck ~ An Original Song - Duration: 1:25.


Easy Drawing Exercises for Kids - Dinosaur Fairy Tales - Duration: 4:56.

hello I'm gonna show you a drawing exercise that will help you become a

stronger artist by drawing trees

ok so first draw a straight kind of line and

then draw a shape over it and then fill it in with more lines. see done. no actually

we're just getting started. let's draw another one. draw a different

shape over maybe a triangle and then we'll just fill it in with lines like this.

now let's do it again this time maybe like a half circle and I can have the lines inside

kind of follow it like this. hey so are you getting the idea here. just keep

on doing this. and you know what there's probably a million ways to draw a tree

but we're not gonna do them all. how about squiggly w

inside the tree. ok. or how about a square tree with lines inside like this. that's kind of interesting right?

or maybe circle with spikes on it. this is a spiky tree. there's a lot of spiky trees here.

okay let's try some more. more upside down triangle. yeah I can imagine

a tree like this. with line coming up. or how about

popsicles shape with instead of straight lines we have wiggly curvy lines inside it.

the branches. we put a curve or maybe we'll just have like a weird diamond

shape tree. with lines that just kind of radiate

outwards. draw some smaller line. so I think you're kind of getting the idea right?

experiment and try different shapes maybe circles give it some fruits it's

kind of like a zentangle. have you guys zentangled? I zentangle with my kids.

you can call it doodling. it's very relaxing and it's also a good

drawing exercise and exercise makes you stronger right?

stronger artists. let me tell you my secret when I was when I want to draw

something there's always just just two ways I usually start for example let's

say I want to draw a bird for a story I would look at a lot of birds and

drawings of birds by other artists to get ideas and inspiration or another way

is I was just doodle like this I'll just play around with shapes in line and

after a hundred or so of these I can't go back find my favorite one. so why

don't you guys try it. you know just play around try to fill a whole sheet of

paper full up trees but each one different. it really stretches your


let you experiment like this. whoa my goodness, I'm drawing really fast here now

nay I'm just kidding. I'm speeding this up. okay

so you get the idea. let me draw just got one more tree for you. I think this one was my favorite

There we go. I think that looks nice. Oh. Hey there's our Brachiosaurus. It came back to eat our

tree. it was that good quick. let's color him in while he's here. quick color color

color the tree too. see I knew it was a good idea for us to draw trees

there we go. yeah I'm so happy we found our Brachiosaurus

hey I hope that was fun and

helpful for you so go out and draw some trees and if you run out of ideas and

you can't draw anymore don't worry about it it's that exercise you get better the

more you try i'm E. B. Adams children's author and illustrator on youtube be sure to

subscribe or check out my other videos if you haven't alright thanks bye

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