Kia ora koutou I am the Casual Kiwi and this is my Toadally Timelords deck profile for
2018 now some of you might have noticed a little bit of a change in the setup I
noticed a lot of glare on my last two videos and so I'm going to try it
without my lamp just to see how it goes
so any feedback on
(He broke it)
how it looks is
greatly appreciated so without further adieu let's jump right into the profile so
you want to begin with the standard frog package which is three swap frog three
Dupe and then just two Ronintoadin
(Can you see it? Pathetic.)
so the Frog package is fantastic this is
tried-and-true stuff but let's move on to the secondary engine
(Why watch him struggle? Does this entertain you? Enlighten you? Nonsense)
so in addition
to the frogs you'll be playing a Timelord package so of course you want
to be playing three Time Maiden this does everything for Timelords and I
feel like especially combined with other decks like this this is where Timelords
really shine so Time Maiden can be tributed off to search a Timelord to
the hand now if you search one of your water Timelords then basically you can
immediately use that as fodder to bring out swap frog or you could go the
Standard Timelord play which is to normal summon the Timelord and
basically use it as a wall and set off it's cool effects so you have import three
time maiden this is basically another water in the deck because of its ad two-hand
effect and adds a lot of consistency
(They won't save him you know)
(Nothing can)
(Not even you)
so then the Time Lords that I play are two
Zephion two Gabrion and Michion the Time
Lord my favorite one right there so
basically you're playing the water Time Lords because of that synergy with swap
frog and the swap frog play and then the other reason you're playing them is
that these provide a lot of non-destructive removal which should
be really handy for getting rid of things that might prevent you getting to
toad the other weakness that frogs often have is that they can have quite a slow
start so these provide that additional kind of turn if your opponent doesn't
have an out to one of these so Zaphion shuffles back all of your opponent's
spells and traps under the deck including set spells and traps when they
battle and Gabrion shuffles back all of your opponent's board but they do get to
draw for everything that goes back to the main deck so you really only want to
be bringing this out when your opponent has a lot of extra deck monsters on the
field this can be very useful for clearing that and then Michion just
halves your opponent's life points another problem that frogs can
sometimes have is that toad is not an enormous monster and it's only got 2200
attack so having something that really lowers your opponent's life points can
really help you close out the game
(Not MY Game)
now I just feel that this engine has so much
potential to work well with frogs that I'm surprised I don't see many more
decks utilizing this strategy so those are all of the Time Lords then the last
two monsters that I play are two Gameciel again another swap frog target and also
it's just more removal and being able to tribute over your opponent's monster
gameciel is just great for it does have the same attack value as
toad which is something to bear in mind but you can easily get rid of this with
other stuff instead of trying to get over it with toad itself you know banish
it with a paleo or do something else with it but that can be a very handy
option to have
(Are you player or pawn?)
so for spells we only play two so foolish burial and one for
one foolish burial can be good for sending Rodintoadin but you can also send
A Time Maiden and one for one as well just allows you to get out Time Maiden and
again as well just really solid in this particular build but that's all you
really need I think for this particular build
so moving onto traps we do indeed play the Paleo's and I am running three paleo
Dinomischus now normally you don't see people playing this at three because you
get to banish with this card but you have to discard a card from hand the
thing is with this build is that you will often end up with a Timelord in
the hand that you might not be using so I feel like you can definitely run this
at three in this Toally Time Lords build a bit more standard we want three
Olenoides I really do feel this is the best Paleozoic at the moment it
just destroys a spell or trap card this is just an excellent way to you know get
rid of pesky back-row then I run just the two Paleozoic Canadia it's kind of
book of moon for the deck it's good in some situations but with link monsters
not being able to be flipped facedown I think it's potential has waned and then
I just play the one Leancholia I know some people are kind of iffy about
this paleo but I think again it's really good in this build it allows you to put
a banished monster back in the graveyard so you can use it with your
to get off Ronintoadin's effect an additional time or you can use it to put
Time Maiden back in the graveyard and then banish it again in order to special
summon out a Timelord really great if you're just stalling out with Michion
over and over again and just burning them over and over again this is just
kind of a win more extender or to help you with the grind because this deck
does grind a lot for those who don't know the Paleo's are unaffected by other
monster effects and you can also chain their activation in order to special
summon one from the graveyard as a monster they're all level two aqua so
they have loads of synergy with frogs and I feel like this is the ratio for
this particular build I won't build it any other way
so to go on to the rest of our traps
(Like we didn't know, he talks down to you, and yet you tune in, WHY)
we have three torrential tribute this is
fantastic board wipe for this deck and it's especially good because Timelords
I should have mentioned it earlier but they cannot be destroyed by battle or
card effects so torrential tribute clears your opponent's board but it
doesn't clear your time Lord just a fantastic option to have there I also
play three reckless Greed this also triggers all your Paleos so you're getting
back additional material that way as well so it can be well worth the risk of
missing out on your next two draw phases I would say this is very much down to
personal preference I like its synergy with the Paleo's but other people might
say that they prefer pot of desires or any other kind of generic draw power so
that's the the last of the normal traps and then I play three solemn strike and
three, sorry two anti-spell fragrance so the reason I only play two anti spell
fragrance which allows neither player to use magic
cards without sending them first is because while this is a fantastic
opening card you never want this to be like your top deck you never want to draw
into this later in the game so it's a little cliched you know shout out too
farfa you want to see it sometimes but not all the time I just feel like at
three is too much solemn strike is just fantastic
for most situations it's an excellent card what can I say
you might have noticed this is not a trap trick build the new card that came
out in soul fusion I think you definitely could run trap trick in this
I think you would swap these out for trap trick if you were to do that and
then you would maybe add in another Paleozoic Canadia and that would be my
only changes I'd really make to this build so that's it for the main deck and
onto the extra deck
(You know how this ends, in your human heart)
so of course to begin with you run three of the big toad
himself Toadally Awesome it wouldn't be Toadally Timelords without him you do play two
mistar boy and you can definitely bump this up to three but I feel like the
combination where you get two mistar boys on the field and a toad and that's
over 8,000 is fairly rare and then I also play the one Nightmare Cerberus the
reason I only play Cerberus and not Phoenix is because you have a lot of
back row disruption both from toad but also in your Paleozoic Olenoides
and this does really require you know two monsters with different names and so
because of that you need to remember that your frogs a lot of them count as
des frog on the field so you need to be careful with when you're
taking this guy but again just having some more monster destruction doesn't
hurt XYZ monsters so at the moment I'm playing three Paleozoic Opabinia and I
also play the one Paleozoic and Anomalocharus I think is how you say that so
this is just three level twos it's a slightly more attack than your toad so
it can be another you know push for game kind of option very rare to make it but
good to have the option
(He's too weak)
Then to round off the XYZ's I play one Armored Kappa
and one Downerd magician if you've really locked down your opponent then
Downered magician can be very useful and it has piercing and you can rank up
into it using one of your level twos potentially Armored Kappa actually
because this card is terrible it has a battle fader effect and an attack boost
effect and the battle fader effect can only be used once per duel which is why you
don't run multiple Armored Kappas but it is there if you're in a really really
tight spot and you just need one more turn maybe just to draw into a Timelord
or you can use its effect to discard one to ditch a Time Maiden into the
grave so you can special a Timelord you know I like Armored Kappa I think it's a
surprise and why not aye? so that's it for my Toadally Timelords deck profile I've
really enjoyed putting together this deck and I'm sorry I've been away for a
while it's been super hectic with exams here please do like and subscribe and
I'll see you next time nga mihi and good night
(You know the clock is ticking for him)
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