COURTESY: Michael Bob
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Why won't my son talk to me?I want to hear how he feels..[Hello Counselor ENG,THA/2018.10.15] - Duration: 21:50.
"A Silent Concern."
(He's good as always)
I'm a housewife in my 40s from Gyeongju.
I've been living with my son
after I lost my husband 8 years ago.
But I feel like I live by myself.
Be her son.
All right.
(Hyuksoo is hard at work today)
"Son, have you eaten?"
"If not, do you want me to make you something?"
"Son, have you eaten?"
"Yes. I already ate."
He slammed the door.
My 20-year-old son
never talks to me.
This is what happened last year.
Ding dong. "I have a package for you."
"What's this?"
"This is an acceptance letter."
"Did you apply to a university?"
I'm so frustrated.
"You're not a teenager! Why won't you talk?"
"Have a seat. Let's talk."
"I'm tired!"
Why won't my son talk to me?
I'm so lonely these days.
I want to hear how he feels.
What do you think of the concern?
You played the curt son.
He's so different from me.
I'm TMT. Too much of a talker.
You talk too much.
That's who I am. I talk a lot
and I talk for other people.
I ask questions and answer them myself.
What if you got accepted?
The moment I did, I would sing.
"Mom! I got in!" Like this.
Say that in Yu Haejin's version.
"I got in, Mom! I got in."
How fun.
What if your mom asks, "Did you eat?"
I ate with Yeongja.
I ate one by one.
I enjoyed it very much.
It'd be fun to have a son like you.
What were you like, Tiger JK?
Boys don't talk to parents in puberty.
I felt awkward holding my dad's hand.
But I did love him.
But you didn't express it?
He didn't even know I released an album.
He found out when my third one came out.
- Third album? / - Yes.
How did he find out then?
My song was No. 1.
He found out by watching TV.
This mother is frustrated because
her son won't talk to her.
The talkative son should go welcome her.
The son that she wants.
Please applaud when she comes out.
(Who's concerned about her quiet son?)
(Gwon Yeongmi)
Are you really concerned about your son?
I feel like I'm invisible.
Because he won't answer your questions?
In grade school, he would tell me everything
even before I asked him.
"I made this many goals today playing soccer."
But in middle school, he started to talk less.
Most boys talk less when they get to that age.
They like to be by themselves.
But he wasn't like that before.
Most boys are like that.
Even if they were talkative before.
How old is he now?
He's 20 years old.
You're worried because he's still curt?
One day, I got something in the mail.
I thought it was mine at first.
- It was from college. / - For practical music?
I was wondering what it was for.
It was an acceptance letter.
(He never discussed it with his mother?)
He never talked to you about college?
Never. Not one word.
He made up his mind all by himself.
He got a position in student government.
If it were me, I would've called my mom and said,
"Mom! I somehow got a position."
That's what I want from him.
Talkative people would do this.
You got a position at school.
At school, there were so many classmates.
They all asked me to do it,
so I stepped up.
This is the type of son you want, right?
(Son, be a little more like him)
One time,
he looked blue when he came home.
So I tapped his butt. "Good job, Seonggu."
He slapped my hand
and said, "Don't!"
I couldn't breathe at that moment.
Did you pat him? Or grab his butt?
You didn't, right?
What about when you ask him to eat dinner?
"Seonggu, let's eat dinner."
He says yes, but doesn't come out.
"Seonggu, let's eat."
He says, "All right! Hold on!" Yet he won't come out.
Did you ask why he didn't come out?
I asked, "Why won't you answer me?"
He said, "Just because.", "I didn't want to."
"Just because you're Mom."
(What's wrong with Mom?)
At the time, he was a teenager,
so I thought it'd get better with time.
We don't live together now.
Gyeongju is very far from Seoul.
He never answers when I call him.
I always wonder how he's doing.
(Please be kind to me, son)
Let's take a look at their chats
to see how curt her son is.
This is a screenshot from her phone.
("My puppy" - A lovely nickname)
"Son, what's wrong? You never answer."
"I'm worried about you."
"Son, why won't you answer? I'm worried."
"Is something wrong?"
"Son, you're not answering."
"Give me a call when you read this."
This is 7 days later.
Shouldn't you have called the police?
(I'm impressed)
- There's more? / - There's more?
She's chatting all by herself.
"Son, you're not answering. How's your cold?"
"I'm worried because you're not answering."
"Give me a call when you read this."
A few days later.
I memorized it all already.
"Son, I'm worried."
Mom is impressive.
- There's more. / - There's more.
"Will contact you soon."
Look. He wrote, "Will contact you soon."
He sounds like this is business.
I didn't hate her son at first,
but now I am angry.
He's too mean to his mother.
How can he write, "Will contact you soon"?
She's not a business client.
(A ridiculous message)
Will contact you soon.
You must love your son a lot.
That's him in the background, right?
It must've been tough for you.
You continued to text him.
Son, hello.
Do you hate your mom?
If not, how can you answer her like this?
Let me explain.
I did call her that night each time.
She said, "Psh."
She does call me more often.
Yes, you never call her.
Do you understand her concern?
Yes, I do.
I am usually curt.
But I was more curt to my mother.
We heard that you were an athlete?
I was in track-and-field for 4-5 years.
Then I quit after I hurt my pelvis.
I started to go awry after that.
You were a teenager and you got hurt, too.
I agree that I was terrible.
When I got home,
I stayed cooped up in my room.
- I hated the world. / - I see.
Why didn't you tell her about applying to college?
I'm wondering that too.
- Well... / - That was too harsh.
You applied to a school across the country.
There was a special lecture at that school.
They said that we could do an interview.
I did it not thinking that I would get in.
Then I forgot about it.
I had forgotten about it when...
Oh, you didn't think you would get in.
When Mom asked me about the school,
that's when I remembered.
If he had told me sooner,
I would've helped him out with things.
That's fine then.
Do you not tell her about other important things?
I don't understand.
If your mom texts you,
you can write back, "I'll call you. Don't worry."
I read her text and thought I'd call her later,
but I just forgot about it.
You forgot.
Looking at her texts,
it seems like you're overwhelmed by them, right?
Yes. She worries about every little thing.
Can you give us an example?
I went home with a straight face
because nothing was wrong.
She asked, "Did something happen?"
- Nothing was wrong? / - Yes.
So I told her, "Nothing is wrong."
She said, "Be honest. What's wrong?"
If she knows one of my friends, she asks,
"Do you still keep in touch with him?"
I say, "No, I don't."
She asks, "Did you two fight?"
"I'm sure you did."
She just assumes things and worries.
So I end up getting frustrated.
My son was born very small.
Then he had surgery soon after he was born.
He was very young.
I worry that he won't tell me even if he's sick
because he doesn't want to worry me.
There's nothing wrong with me right now.
- You're completely healthy? / - Yes.
She worries too much over nothing.
Even when I catch a common cold,
she worries that I have the flu.
She makes it a bigger problem.
(She's always worried / He feels burdened)
Why else are you so worried about your son?
He's very introverted.
I was introverted until I moved to Seoul.
After my injury, I didn't really like
hanging out with my friends.
Do you have many friends now?
My dorm friends seemed scary
because they were so much taller.
But I made really good friends.
She said that she patted you on the butt.
Grown sons could hate that.
It feels like they're being treated like little kids.
You slapped her hand and things were awkward?
I don't really remember that.
It was just a reflex.
When I'm watching television, she would come
and pinch my face or give me kisses.
When I tell her not to do it,
she just says, "Just once" and does it more.
I'm not a little boy anymore.
I totally understand.
I would do the same thing even when
- my son gets older. / - All parents are the same.
This happened after I came to Seoul.
I had to go to a nearby health clinic.
It takes over 4 hours by bus from Gyeongju to Seoul.
Mom called and said she'd go with me.
She kept insisting and
I was finally able to stop her.
It seems like you're always worried about him.
Are those friends sitting next to you
the friends you were scared of at first?
They're your Seoul friends? Let's meet them.
- Hello. / - Hello.
His mom is worried that her son is introverted.
What is he like with friends?
I think Seonggu is
very talkative and funny.
He's a fun person to be with.
- He's an insider. / - He's witty.
"Nuclear insider."
So his friends like him
and he's good at making presentations.
(My son?)
He's a PR manager at school.
A PR manager?
- Yes, he's the manager. / - I didn't know.
I found out from someone else.
Hyuksoo kept saying "insider."
What is that?
Insider. Nuclear insider means he's the center.
- The one in control? / - Not an outsider.
Dongyeob, you're an insider, too, right?
Let's use this word to look young.
Yes, I'm an insider.
All right.
Who's an insider here?
I'm an outsider.
You're an outsider?
I'm Gaori.
(She's quite witty)
Outsider gaori.
Friend sitting next to him.
Can you not frown?
What can you say about Seonggu?
At first, he was passive, so I thought
it'd be difficult to become friends with him.
But once I got to know him,
I saw he's funny and silly.
He's quite popular among his friends, too.
Since you've mentioned it,
what talents does he have?
She'll be shocked.
Yes, if you think she'll be shocked...
He's a great dancer.
(He's the best insider of all)
Your son has grown up so well.
I've never heard him sing
and I've never seen him dance.
He was always a baby in front of me.
It looks like you're quite curt, too.
No, I'm a cheerful person.
- Really? / - It doesn't feel like it.
I'm very cheerful.
What do you say when your mom asks if you've eaten?
I don't really eat at home.
(This friend has a unique character)
Do you text with your mom?
Once every two days.
Do you call her or does she call you?
I think I...
- Call her more often? / - Call her less.
(We lose)
Ma'am! How do you feel now that
you know your son is doing well?
I'd be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed.
But I am relieved that
he's doing better than I thought.
He sounds just like my older brother.
I thought he was he was introverted
and would be bullied around.
I found out that he's completely different.
He's in the student government and does presentations.
What about you two?
How often do you talk to your parents?
I don't usually call my parents first.
My dad is my fan.
He always looks me up on the internet
and texts me several times a day.
"Have you eaten? What did you do?"
I shouldn't say this, but it's a bit
annoying, so I don't write back right away.
I understand how he feels.
But it gets worse.
My dad has my pictures everywhere
in his cab.
He wanted to place my pictures on the exterior
and I begged him not to.
Please not that.
(He's a true fan)
It looks like he's doing very well.
Why are you so worried about him?
Is there a reason?
When I was young,
I had polio, so I can't use one side of my body well.
- You? / - Yes.
That's why I can't get a job.
This is embarrassing,
but I get money from the government.
Why is that embarrassing?
I couldn't buy things for Seonggu.
One time, I got tired of him not speaking
so I asked, "What is it?"
"Why won't you talk to me or answer me?"
He said, "Why did you have only me?"
(Oh gee)
"Do you know how lonely it is by myself?"
I always felt bad about that.
(She doted on him more because she felt bad)
Bae Jungnam is an actor and a model.
He was raised alone by his grandmother.
He lived on his own
since he was in fifth grade.
That's when he became independent
and learned at an early age
how to make relationships with people.
He says that it has helped him a lot in life.
Is there something that you want to share
with your mom that you haven't so far?
Wait. By the look on your face,
there is something you haven't told her.
Yes. It's not too late.
Tell us.
It can only be one thing at that age.
I don't have a girlfriend.
When you said that
the friend in a beanie glared at you.
(A moment ago)
Tell us.
He doesn't have one.
He has never had a girlfriend?
(He can't lie)
He had one.
No comment.
Thank you for giving us a straight answer.
(Who can stop him?)
This is something you need to know.
If you don't discuss things with your mom,
she'll lose her self-esteem.
She might think that you're like this
because she's handicapped.
If you love her and respect her,
I think it'd be nice to discuss things with her.
I would've beaten you if you were my son.
(I'm sorry)
Seonggu went to school for practical music,
but he has never sung in front of Mom.
Not once.
Why don't you sing for her today?
(You can do it!)
(High hopes)
("Old Song")
Look into her eyes as you sing.
♪ Someday to you ♪
(He's nervous from singing in front of his mom)
(She's staying on beat with him)
(They were happy in the past)
(Will they be able to go back to that time?)
(The son she was always worried about)
(Has grown up so well)
(She's shedding tears of relief)
Has he grown up into a good person?
Yes, I think so.
What did you think of his singing?
Is he better than you thought? Was it really good?
He was so good.
What would you like to say to him?
I've never heard him say,
"Happy birthday, Mom" on my birthday.
I'd like to hear that and get a gift, too.
Before I call you asking you if you're sick,
can you call me at least once a week
and ask, "What are you doing? What did you eat?"
"Are you well?"
That's it? Once a week?
Once every other day would be nice.
Can you do that?
I will do my best.
Say a word to your mother.
I didn't think it was a big deal.
I'm sorry if you were worried about me.
I'll try to change.
Do you love her?
You want me to beat you?
(Say it)
- I'll punch you. / - He's embarrassed.
I love you, Mom.
We'll start with Kwon Hyuksoo.
Not calling Mom is an excuse.
I've done the same thing.
If you feel awkward, I'll teach you.
I can teach you how to throw her a party.
There's a way to do it.
I don't think it's a concern.
He can change right away.
I think it's a concern.
If you send a few pictures of you and friends,
that would make her day.
Please try hard.
I don't think it's a concern either.
I don't think it's a concern either.
Press the button if you think it's a concern.
(What does the audience think?)
5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
Please stop.
People voted sporadically.
Please show us the result.
57 votes.
(They got 57 votes)
My dad makes me suffer every day. He's A real heavy smoker.[Hello Counselor ENG,THA/2018.10.15] - Duration: 27:50.
This is "A Stinky Man."
Hello. I'm 11-year-old Jeong Daeun
from Namhae, Gyeongsangnam-do.
My dad makes me suffer every day.
My dad
is sweet.
"Let me hug you, girl. Come to me.
Come here. Come here."
"No way! Go away!"
"Then let me give you a kiss. Come here."
It says, "Get closer."
Oh, more? "Kiss. Kiss."
(She's doing this for herself?)
"Go away."
"Ew! Gross! Go away!"
"Dad... You smell like garbage."
"Oh, you stink."
His breath smells like garbage every day.
Why? Because my dad
is the heaviest smoker out there.
A real heavy smoker.
He smokes every 20 minutes.
Every 20 minutes?
What I hate the most
is when I go to the bathroom.
As soon as I go in, "Yuck!"
"Dad! Did you smoke in the bathroom again?"
The bathroom is filled with smoke
and the smell of cigarettes.
What I'm most worried about is this.
It was during the anti-smoking campaign in school.
"Everyone. Do you see this lung?"
"If you smoke a lot,"
"your lung becomes black like this."
"You could die from lung cancer."
I am so worried that he'll die
from smoking so much.
I worry myself sick every day.
Please stop my dad from smoking.
This is her concern.
What do you think about this, Hyuksoo?
I got frustrated from the title.
I'm very sensitive to smell.
Yes, I know.
I'm always concerned that I might smell,
so I get obsessed about it.
I always have a different room spray, car spray,
and spray for my clothes.
- Really? / - Yes.
JK, you used to smoke, right?
Yes, I smoked a lot.
When I wrote lyrics,
I think I smoked every 20 minutes.
- When you wrote lyrics? / - Yes.
Did you quit after Jordan was born?
My father died of lung cancer.
He passed away 4 years ago.
I couldn't quit smoking even then.
I really blamed myself.
For smoking even then.
I ended up having surgery from stress.
I nearly died and even got a blood transfusion.
I quit smoking to live.
I quit after that shocking event.
You did a good job.
Think about it from an 11-year-old's point of view.
Did your dad smoke when you were young?
My dad quit smoking when I was in grade school.
He quit because I said,
"I won't kiss you unless you quit smoking."
That's why he quit smoking.
I told my dad that and he quit kissing me.
That's possible. He quit kissing his daughter.
He quit me.
It was probably because you were so pretty.
- He quit his daughter. / - All right.
Daeun must've been very concerned to come here.
Let's bring her out now.
Please come on out.
(Who's worried that her dad might die of smoking?)
How cute.
(Jeong Daeun)
Have a glass of water.
Put it down.
- Try some. / - Thank you.
It's Seoul water.
Thank you.
Please introduce yourself.
Hello. I'm 11-year-old Jeong Daeun
from Namhae, Gyeongsangnam-do.
(Nice to meet you)
How much does your dad usually smoke?
I think he smokes a pack and a half a day.
You counted?
I found out from how many packs he buys a day.
From how many packs he buys.
Since when did he smoke so much?
Since I was born.
You were born and he was smoking?
From the time you can remember?
I think it was from when I was 6.
Why then?
I saw his cigarette butt jar
filled with too many butts.
He'll get ill if he smokes too much.
So I got worried that
he might pass away soon.
You were worried about that since you were 6?
Does that make you depressed?
You looked so sad just now.
- Were you surprised? / - Yes.
Why did you think that he would die?
His teeth have turned yellow
and he had polyps in his colon
and had them removed twice.
But he still smokes even now,
so I'm worried about his health.
You're so mature for your age.
You must love your dad a lot.
- Yes. / - How cute.
How much do you love your dad?
I can't express it in words.
How nice is that?
He needs to quit smoking right away.
Please quit smoking.
He must be so proud.
What are the inconveniences that you face?
I feel so suffocated.
This is how it feels.
When I give a presentation at school,
I get so nervous that I cry. That's how it feels.
She's very articulate.
Does your heart race when you present?
You cried often?
- Really? / - Yes.
He must quit smoking and you must quit presenting.
Her heart races every time she does presentations.
Why are you telling her to quit so many things?
My father quit kissing me. That's ridiculous.
Just like that?
You feel suffocated when he smokes?
I feel suffocated when I smell smoke,
my eyes tear up and I feel like I'm going to die.
I'm sure he knows secondhand smoke is bad, too.
It's terrible.
He smokes in the bathroom.
The bathroom is filled with white smoke.
I try to breathe when I feel suffocated.
(This is serious)
Towels reek of cigarettes,
so I dry myself off with toilet paper first
and then use the towel.
Have you told Dad to quit smoking?
Yes, but it was useless.
How did you tell him? "Please don't smoke."
Or did you say, "Dad! Don't smoke!" like that?
I was adamant. "Dad! Don't smoke!"
"You'll ruin your health if you smoke"
"and you could die from lung cancer"
"or other kinds of cancer." Like that.
What did he say?
"I will still smoke."
(How funny)
He said that he works so hard
and that I need to be more understanding.
That was it?
I think he has been putting it off
because it was hard to quit smoking.
He has his head down.
I think he already knows that he should quit.
Let's meet her father. Hello.
Don't put your head down.
We feel bad because you feel so bad.
Then you should just quit.
If you're that sorry, you should quit.
Do you understand your daughter's concern?
Yes, I do.
Then please quit smoking.
In what aspect do you understand?
I've been smoking for so long that
I can't quit because I'm addicted.
I've been smoking since I was 18 years old.
Most people don't smoke in their homes.
They usually go outside.
When I see a pack of cigarettes,
it's my habit to smoke it in the bathroom.
You need to be clear with us.
Do you think that you can't defecate
unless you're smoking,
so is that why you always smoke in the bathroom?
I can't help it when I have to go.
So you have to smoke when you poop?
Have you ever pooped without smoking?
Maybe about twice.
Twice in your lifetime?
Just twice in your lifetime since you were 18?
I was exactly the same way,
but I quit and it ended up not mattering.
If it's really urgent, it will come out.
It beats cigarettes.
Hyuksoo, you know that Dongyeob quit, too.
Yes, he did.
One time, I saw him smoke while drinking.
I asked, "Didn't you quit smoking?"
He said, "I only smoke one when I drink."
But he drinks every day.
How can he say that he quit smoking?
He stopped doing that, too.
He quit that, too. He used to do that.
(Everyone, let's quit smoking)
Are you usually stressed out a lot?
It's because of my work in farming.
Oh, you're a farmer. That's why you're so tan.
- I grow rice. / - Rice.
Garlic, spinach
and pumpkin. I own 5 acres of land.
You farm that area all by yourself?
(Oh my)
Why do you work so much?
How many hours a day do you farm?
Up to 12 hours a day.
That's too much.
That's a lot of work.
Do you live in an apartment complex?
No, it's a house.
If you live in a house, couldn't you
smoke outside instead of inside?
It's easy to go outside.
- Right? / - Yes.
You have a rooftop, too, right?
(Please smoke outside the house)
Do you drink?
No, I don't drink at all.
- Any hobbies? / - No.
- You don't have any hobbies? / - No.
Maybe smoking is his hobby.
We asked for some pictures
to see how much land he farms on.
We need to know how much he works
to understand how he feels.
He works all by himself.
- That's fertilizer? / - Yes.
He does all this work by himself.
(It's endless work)
He works all by himself, right?
(That must be tough)
He plows and sows.
Keep your head up high, sir.
You look like you've committed a serious crime.
Your body must ache in the evenings.
She's crying.
She feels bad for her father.
She knows that Dad is working too hard.
That's why she's been enduring this for 11 years.
She's so mature.
When your father and grandmother work a lot,
- do you help out at home? / - Yes.
I do laundry and do the dishes.
I also made him bibimbap with vegetables.
Bibimbap with vegetables.
I also make him omelettes
and ramen.
Does he like soft noodles or hard noodles?
He likes them both.
Do you cook ramen with lots of water?
That's not the point.
I asked because she said she can cook.
(She made these dishes)
(For her hard-working father)
Do you like what Daeun makes for you?
Yes, I enjoy her cooking.
She's only 11 years old,
but is trying her best for you.
Have you tried to quit smoking?
Please be specific.
I went to the local clinic twice.
I tried the nicotine patches,
- but it didn't last more than a day. / - I see.
Aren't you worried about your health?
Daeun said earlier that you had polyps.
I am worried about my health,
but I'm too addicted.
You keep using that as an excuse.
It's hard since you're addicted and it's a habit.
I know that he's trying hard to quit smoking, but...
I see.
He failed to quit even after going to the clinic,
so I thought he was not persistent enough.
You thought he wasn't persistent enough?
Are you persistent?
Yes, when I study or do my homework.
- And YouTube. / - YouTube?
Risabae is the queen of YouTube.
How many subscribers do you have?
Not too many. 12 subscribers.
How many subscribers do you have, Risabae?
1.94 million subscribers now.
(You're the best)
What does it mean to have that many subscribers?
It means she's amazing.
(How cute)
What upset you the most because of his smoking?
I was on the way to school one day.
He said that he would drive me to school.
I was in his car with my friend
and he started to smoke while driving.
- You smoke in your car? / - Yes.
- Even when she's with you? / - Yes.
In a confined space.
When her friend was there, too?
My friend whispered to me,
"You reek of cigarettes."
"Who would want to hang out with you?"
It upset me when she made fun of me for that.
She said that because her dad smokes.
(That's upsetting)
Sir. Please don't put your head down.
Your daughter sent her concern to us today.
Look at her face, look into her eyes
and listen to what she has to say.
Then you should share your feelings, too.
You said that you're sorry and you know it's bad.
But you can't help it because you're addicted.
I've been smoking for so long that I'm addicted.
I have to farm.
I'm addicted.
I did it unconsciously out of habit.
You can't change if you keep making excuses.
(Won't she live in pain forever?)
First of all,
when her friend was in the car,
you couldn't help but smoke?
I did it unconsciously out of habit.
- Unconsciously? / - Yes.
But once you realized you had kids in the back,
you didn't think to stop?
(Oh, sir)
You couldn't?
I can't help but smoke when I see cigarettes.
Does he always smoke when you're in the car?
Yes. He opens his window and smokes.
But the smoke travels to the back.
It doesn't matter if I open my side of the window.
Right. Smoke comes in through the window.
What about on days when you can't open windows?
Even when it rains,
he smokes whether he gets wet or not.
If I open my window, I get wet,
so I can't open it because of lice.
- Lice? / - Lice.
(I have to be careful)
We had lice in our time, too.
Then where does he not smoke?
There has to be a place where he won't smoke.
- Here? / - Oh, the studio.
Oh, our studio.
He needs to come here every day to quit.
(I'm already getting dizzy)
Do your classmates ever say anything
to you because of the smell?
I once bought a soft pink scarf.
I told my friends to touch it.
They threw it, saying that it smells like cigarettes.
(That's so harsh)
(I'm sorry...)
Did you smell anything?
No, not really.
No, but your friend said it did?
(This is serious)
How did you feel then?
Daeun can only smell cigarettes
- when they're strong. / - She's used to it.
That's terrible.
Did you ever think that Daeun could have
a hard time making friends because of this?
It's very upsetting.
But you can't help but smoke?
I farm too much
and my mother is getting old.
According to you,
you started smoking since you were 18.
You didn't farm then, right?
He only pooped twice without smoking
in his whole life.
Daeun's classmate is here with us today.
- Hi, Yeong. / - Hello.
Hold up the microphone.
Does Daeun ever smell like cigarettes?
Once in a while.
How did it feel when you smelled it?
It smelled very unhealthy.
It smelled very unhealthy.
Were you ever in Daeun's dad's car?
Do you want to ride in it?
Don't laugh it off. Please tell us.
Daeun's father has to know.
- Not really. / - I see.
How does Daeun get along with her friends?
Our classmates don't really say anything.
But older students say she smells funny.
Oh, older students.
(I didn't know it was this bad...)
It's upsetting because
Daeun spends most of her day at school.
So she worries about her smell all day long.
I want you to think about that.
What does your family think about him smoking?
Grandma always tells Dad, "If you smoke too much,"
"you'll ruin your health."
But Dad won't listen to her.
They once got in a fight.
She pushed him out of anger and
threw a glass vase on the floor.
- Your grandma did? / - Yes.
I went to clean it up.
And a small piece of glass...
It cut you?
It got stuck in my foot
and I had to get it out by myself
without going to the hospital.
What about your family beside your grandma?
Mom left Dad when I was 6
so it's just me, my little brother,
Grandma, Dad, our dog and cat.
I see.
Do you argue with your mom in front of your kids?
Since she is getting old
and she recently had two back surgeries,
I want her to stop working, but she insists.
I yell at her when she insists on working.
Mom left Dad after they had an argument.
I'm worried that Dad will leave us like Mom
or one of them might get hurt.
It scares me.
(She's worried that she'll lose her father)
You're worried that your dad might leave you?
When Dad and Grandma fight,
what do you and your brother do?
My brother doesn't really care.
He watches TV or plays games.
I try to stop the two from fighting.
It's so heartbreaking that she's worried that
her dad might leave just like her mom did.
That's why she's worried more than kids her age
that her father might die of lung cancer.
Because she doesn't have a mom.
She's afraid to lose her father, too.
Did you know that Daeun felt this way?
She gets stressed when you argue with your mom.
(He answers too well)
I don't want to be rude,
but could you tell us what happened?
It was an international marriage.
When Daeun was 5,
my wife left after we had an argument.
Did you just find out
that she's afraid to lose you, too?
Yes, it's so heartbreaking.
Is it heartbreaking?
Why didn't you tell him?
I was afraid that he would get mad.
You were afraid that he would get mad?
You won't get angry, right?
You'll listen to what she has to say?
Tell us everything that's on your mind.
When were you most worried about your dad?
One time, his motorcycle slipped
and he was hospitalized for 40 days.
He was hurt so badly that we couldn't recognize him.
Even after he recovered, he kept smoking,
so I thought, "What if I can never see him again?"
I was on a motorcycle to farm and it slipped.
I hurt the left side of my head.
For a week...
I was in a vegetative state.
- You were unconscious? / - Yes.
You were severely injured.
I am glad you woke up.
All I could think was,
"I should buy my kids good food."
"I need to get better and keep working hard."
(She nearly lost her father in that accident)
What did the doctor say?
I'm doing a lot better now,
but he said that I may collapse if I keep smoking
and that I should quit smoking.
Didn't you think that you should quit right away?
I do know that I should quit, but...
When your father was in a vegetative state,
did you know about it?
Yes, I knew.
You must've been shocked.
I think you should make
a detailed promise in front of
your daughter and all of us.
I was shocked when
Daeun said that she didn't realize that
she smells like cigarettes.
Right. That's the most serious problem.
If you can't quit, you should make a rule.
He should promise to listen to what Daeun says.
It's okay to smoke in front of me,
but please don't smoke in front of my friends.
No! Don't be so lenient.
He can't smoke at home or in his car, right?
I don't want him to smoke in the car.
I will never smoke at home or in my car.
- Really? / - Yes.
You should smoke less, too.
I will reduce it by a pack a day.
A pack a day?
She thinks you smoke about a pack a day.
But the way I heard it,
if you smoke every 20 minutes,
you smoke more than 2 packs a day, right?
About 2 packs a day.
How many do you want him to smoke until he quits?
Half a pack a day.
Then 10 cigarettes.
That's what she says. What do you say?
I will do my best to do that.
- Can you really do that? / - Yes.
Can you really do it?
I love him, so I trust him.
Do you think he can quit smoking?
(You can do it!)
What do you want to do with your dad?
I want to go on a family trip.
I want to go to a zoo, an amusement park
or a water park,
but Grandma can't go to those places.
So I want to go on a picnic in a flower field.
She is being considerate of her grandmother, too.
I want our family to have a good time together.
Look straight into your father's face
and tell him what's on your mind.
Dad, please quit smoking soon
and express love to me more.
She needs her father's love.
All right.
I love you, Dad.
Tell your grandma that you love her.
Grandma, live a long life. I love you.
Tell your brother that you love him, too.
I love you.
(She's a realistic sister)
Do you think it's a concern or not?
When he sees how happy Daeun is
he'll realize how precious that moment is.
Please make happy memories with her.
I think it's a concern, too.
I think it's a concern, too.
Wouldn't she need a father
who can always protect her rather than
a father who may collapse or get sick?
If you think this is a concern,
please press the button.
(What does the audience think?)
5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
Please stop.
Please say a word to your daughter.
I will do my best
to quit smoking as soon as possible.
Please wait until I can do so.
I love you.
Please say a word
to her classmates who teased her.
Tell them that she won't smell anymore.
Daeun's friends.
Be stern!
Make a promise to her friends.
I'll quit smoking, so please don't tease her
about smelling of cigarettes.
Be good friends with her, okay?
Please show us the result.
The last digit is a 0.
Did they get over 100 votes?
(What's the result?)
160 votes. They got a lot of votes.
(They got 160 votes)
Can you sing for us in front of your fans? [Hello Counselor ENG,THA/2018.10.15] - Duration: 6:08.
Here are today's guests.
He's a living legend of hip hop.
The godfather of hip hop, Tiger JK!
Kwon Hyuksoo.
The goddess of beauty creators, Risabae.
Weki Meki's Doyeon and Elly.
(Nice to meet you)
Tiger JK, I'm a big fan.
I'm a fan, too.
Our program has been on for nearly 10 years.
- Congratulations. / - Thank you.
How come you've never been on our program?
It's your first time here.
I feel so awkward. I've only worked on music.
Your TV at home has been broken for years,
but you never got it fixed?
It's been a while, so I can't watch TV.
You've never watched our show before?
I'm sorry. Never.
- We've been on for years. / - 8 years.
I know that it's a program about people's concerns
and I don't have any concerns.
You don't?
You've been married for a while, right?
I've been married for 10 years now.
No matter how close you two are,
I would think that you'd argue in a hip hop way.
Am I wrong?
We do argue in a hip hop way.
Really? How?
Through our songs.
- When we release albums. / - Dissing.
Are you certain that she's referring to you?
I can tell by the lyrics she writes.
- What's the title? / - "Like a Dog."
We can already tell by the title.
(She already won just by the title!)
How do the lyrics go?
It goes, "You're like a dog."
"You said you'd earn a lot of money.
"You just spend every day drinking."
(Lyrics are referring to him)
So I answered to her with my new song.
How do the lyrics go?
I admit that everything is my fault.
"Right. I am a dog."
I changed it to, "I am like a child."
That's nice.
You two are known to be a devoted couple.
We are very glad to see Hyuksoo here.
He was actually here with his own concern once.
- He calls 30-40 times. / - Missed calls?
I think every parent would do the same.
Is he the same when he goes into a restaurant?
He goes in saying, "Here comes Kwon Hyuksoo."
He still does that?
Yes, he does.
"Here comes Kwon Hyuksoo, everyone."
I feel like I have to wave.
And say hello to the cooks, too.
(He's so unique)
Hyuksoo is good at doing impressions.
Yes, that's right.
I prepared an impression of Yeongja.
Can you beat Kim Youngchul?
I can't copy Youngchul's impression of me either.
That's what you're going to try?
I'll copy how you express food.
That's what I'll show you.
"There is a table full of food."
"It makes me so happy."
"Don't you feel like a nobleman eating this?"
- Like that. / - That was good.
You're good at mimicking her expressions too.
Let me try that.
You do that with your hands.
I can't help it when I'm happy.
Risabae is here today, too.
She does makeup covers of stars
and they often go viral.
- She looks the same. / - Yes.
You do look like Sunmi.
(Even her facial expression is perfect)
(MAMAMOO's Hwasa)
- You did that? / - Yes.
- That's you? / - Yes, that's me.
- No way. That's Hwasa. / - Unbelievable.
That's you? IU.
(Oh my)
That's IU.
- That's you? / - That's me.
It looks like IU in the morning.
You look just like him. (Chang Chen)
(Are you alone?)
(She's Chang Chen himself)
Unbelievable. How did you do that?
Wow. Unbelievable. I'm impressed.
Some people thought I looked like
Yoon Kyesang from the start.
Now that you've copied Chang Chen,
maybe you can try Tiger JK next time.
I would like to try that.
You've been a fan since you were young?
Yes, he is my idol.
You met your idol.
I know all of his songs.
From "I Want You.", "8:45 Heaven",
"Good Life", "Convenience Store",
"Drunken Rapping" to "Do You Know Hip Hop?"
Wow. Thank you.
Now... Now...
(A hip-hop way of saying thank you)
(I'm honored)
Thank you.
Can you sing for us in front of your fans?
(I love it)
(Everybody, hey!)
(And take)
(Perfect harmony)
(She's good)
You really are a fan.
Risabae! You weren't lying.
I really know all of his songs.
Weki Meki released a new song.
Could you show us?
(Everybody welcomes it!)
("Crush" by Weki Meki)
(Weki Meki is back more lovely than before)
(Making fans with their charms)
(Loving it)
Drunk Donald Trump – "I Don't Know What the Hell He's Talking About" Edition - Duration: 0:51.
Sports Hating Hipster Interrupts Jimmy Kimmel's Monologue - Duration: 3:33.
Trump Paints A False Portrait Of The Migrant Caravan - Duration: 9:34.
Why Charlamagne Tha God Cancelled On Kanye - Duration: 6:59.
Commerce Amendment Bill - Third Reading - Video 10 - Duration: 5:16.
Commerce Amendment Bill - Third Reading - Video 9 - Duration: 4:17.
Commerce Amendment Bill - Third Reading - Video 12 - Duration: 5:14.
Pod Save America Hosts: The Midterms Will Be Tight - Duration: 6:14.
Commerce Amendment Bill - Third Reading - Video 7 - Duration: 5:29.
SchloerBITS Ep 2.12b - "The Strangers" - Duration: 0:57.
[creepy music]
Liv Tyler is clearly in a house, and I'm guessing it's not her house because she
looks really creeped out. She's gonna get haunted? Terrorized? Horror-filmed? She's
gonna get horror-filmed! I'm thinking this is, like, your classic, you know, lost in
the middle of the night, car breaks down on the side of the road type of thing
and so then you find your way to the only house that you could find. It's the
wrong house to be at because you're in a horror film so, of course, it's the
wrong house to be at and bad things then happen. Maybe something happens with
this deer antler thing in the background. Maybe something happens with that creepy
mask thing on the wall. There might be some piano playing.
Happy Halloween! Bye!
破掉美軍!反擊美國退群,大國神秘電波射向美家門,美最強轟炸機隱身失靈 - Duration: 14:37.
Opel Corsa 1.0TURBO SPECIAL EDITION 90PK 3DRS - Duration: 1:03.
這個跟國家兩千架戰機三千架輛坦克直接丟沙漠裡,比中俄牛逼多了 - Duration: 9:08.
聽起來只是一 個和平時期 的儲存工作 而已,
其實它是作為 各國每年的 重點國防建 設項目而存 在,
因為戰略儲備 指數的高低 是直接決定 了一個國家 戰爭潛力的 最直觀指標 ,
因此才備受各 國重視。
以美國為例: 美國目前封 存儲備的各 型三代軍用 飛機達到2 000多架 ,
坦克裝甲戰鬥 車輛的儲備 也有近30 00輛,
如此大規模的 飛機戰略儲 備量甚至都 已遠遠超出 中俄兩國的 三代飛機之 總和,
地面裝備的儲 備量也足夠 武裝一個大 國陸軍的部 隊了,
可見美國軍隊 的後備力量 都遠超中俄 兩國。
既然這個戰略 儲備工作如 此之重要,
那麼本期節目 ,
小兵兵就來和 大家好好聊 聊這個話題 。
各國的戰略儲 備工作主要 包括,
裝備儲備、油 料儲備以及 專業人才的 儲備與動員 等。
首先是裝備儲 備方面,
在封存地面裝 備的工作中 ,
尤其是封存主 戰坦克這種 大型地面裝 備時,
需要將車內所 有的油料全 都抽出來,
包括發動機和 燃料箱裡的 燃料油,
還有傳動系統 以及各油路 管線內的液 壓油、潤滑 油等。
這樣做的目的 是為了,
防止油料長時 間封存在車 內會出現固 化、泄漏、 和(讀作h uo四聲) 油泥等不良 反應。
在電路系統的 封存中就要 注意,
防止蓄電池出 現硫化現象 。
主戰坦克的封 存還要注意 車載觀瞄/ 火控系統、 主炮、同軸 機槍和扭力 杆等設備部 件的老化。
而飛機的封存 工作就更加 複雜了,
除了要清理油 路管線和發 動機內的燃 油以外,
還要將飛機的 各個電器設 備的電路先 切斷,
以方便日後啟 封時對裝備 進行改造升 級,
飛機的座艙和 所有縫隙都 用特殊乳膠 密封后,
再注入惰性氣 體,
以防止氧化和 沙塵侵入。
再有就是飛機 內部如:供 氧系統、彈 射逃生系統 、液壓系統 等進行檢查 或密封,
以保障日後啟 封時的使用 需要。
接下來我們就 說一說油料 的戰略儲備 工作,
在現代戰爭中 ,
油料已經成為 了必不可少 的核心組成 部分,
其地位一點也 不亞於在戰 爭中研製出 了一種新型 武器,
油料的價值幾 乎就是一場 戰爭運行下 去的血液。
現代各國對油 料的儲備分 為原油儲備 和成品油儲 備兩大類,
先說原油的儲 備,
在儲備模式上 就分為國家 儲備、民間 儲備、行業 儲備或是由 第三方合作 模式,
即本國和產油 國共同儲備 。
在儲備基地的 選址、設計 和建設時,
既要做到地面 、地下和山 體岩洞儲備 設施相結合 。
還要綜合考慮 、統籌安排 ,
要控制好原油 儲備基地的 基礎設施完 備性,
還有交通網絡 與物流運輸 的便利性。
成品油的儲備 也是同樣重 要的,
不僅需要顧及 可能爆發的 戰爭消耗需 求,
還要兼顧到日 常防止因國 際油價上升 而導致的成 品油供需失 衡。
在油品的儲備 品種上,
主要有:各型 標號的汽油 、柴油,
還有潤滑油、 溶劑油、石 腦油、航空 煤油、煤改 油、液化石 油氣等日常 必備油品。
說完了裝備與 油料的儲備 ,
我們就要來說 說,
戰爭中最為重 要的因素「 人」,
一個國家對於 專業人才的 培養與儲備 都是極為重 視的,
其價值絲毫不 亞於戰時幾 個精銳作戰 師所帶來的 巨大力量。
對於人才的儲 備,
通常各國會分 為裝備操作 人員、裝備 維護人員與 裝備保障人 員三類來培 養,
其中最重要的 無疑是武器 裝備的操作 人員,
因為離開他們 任何裝備都 不能正常使 用,
想訓練一個合 格的裝甲兵 至少需要兩 到三年的時 間,
而訓練一名合 格的飛行員 最少也要四 到五年才能 行,
可見操作人員 的培養是需 要有多麼大 的投入。
接下來是裝備 維護和保障 人員,
說到武器裝備 的維護與保 障,
很多人想到的 就是:無非 給裝備修修 零部件、緊 緊螺絲,
或是幫著加個 油補個彈藥 什麼的,
仿佛什麼人都 能幹,
武器裝備的各 個子系統維 護都是需要 不同專業領 域的老兵來 執行,
例如:通訊、 電子、機修 、光學、槍 炮維護等專 業,
這些專業技能 也是需要常 年的訓練才 能掌握的。
至於專 業人才的動 員,
主要是靠動員 預備役部隊 的人才,
這是一個動態 的系統工程 。
這個系統包括 人員、內容 、方法、制 度等系統要 素,
各個要素相互 依存又相互 影響。
而這些都是一 個國家維持 平時部隊運 轉,
以及戰時消耗 的基礎組成 部分。
最後我們從這 三類戰略儲 備工作中可 以看出,
現代化戰爭呈 現出一種高 消耗、高成 本的特點,
所以各國才會 對戰略儲備 如此之重視 ,
節目的最後小 兵兵想說: 戰略儲備工 作就是對天 下雖安,
這一古訓的根 本體現。
據美國"航空 周刊"網站 8月17日 報道,
美國密蘇里州 懷特曼基地 ,
將派出3架B -2A隱形 戰略轟炸機 ,
飛往西太平洋 的關島安德 森空軍基地 ,
替換關島基地 里3架老舊 的B-52 H轟炸機。
這3架B-2 A在飛行途 中還會在夏 威夷火奴魯 魯島希凱姆 空軍基地稍 作停留,
最終完成此次 替換部署。
伴隨著夏威夷 火奴魯魯島 上的一陣轟 鳴聲,
美軍3架隱轟 已飛往西太 平洋關島安 德森空軍基 地。
中國部分專家 表示,
殲20的對手 來了。
代號為"幽靈 ",
是目前世界上 最先進的一 款隱型戰略 轟炸機,
具有航程遠、 載量大、隱 形突防、精 確打擊四大 特點,
這也是它的優 勢所在。
因B-2A機 造價昂貴,
單價竟達24 億美元,
美國目前只生 產了21架 。
B-2A的航 程可在滿油 的情況下持 續飛行1.
在空中加油一 次能續航6 000千米 ,
可連續飛行1 0小時以上 。
B-2A機外 形光滑平穩 ,
具有極強的隱 身性能,
不易反射雷達 波,
雷達反射截面 不到0.
在武器載荷方 面,
B-2A裝有 兩個旋轉彈 架,
能攜帶16到 80枚不同 型號的炸彈 ,
包括AGM- 129型巡 航飛彈或C BU-87 型集束炸彈 ,
以及各種普通 炸彈,
能準確瞄準1 6個目標同 時發射,
而反觀我國的 殲20,
代號"威龍" ,
單位造價約1 .
最大航程達6 000千米 ,
雷達反射面積 為0.
05 平方米 ,
在這一點上與 B-2A不 相上下。
殲20可攜帶 6枚飛彈,
若要加大帶彈 量,
就得犧牲其隱 身能力,
主要執行遠程 的攔截任務 ,
破壞對方的防 禦戰機、巡 邏機、預警 機等,
打開對方的空 中防禦缺口 。
但B-2A性 能與技術方 面確實是領 先前列的,
但卻有著一個 局限,
那就是不僅造 價高,
其維修費用也 很高,
竟一次機身清 洗費就達1 0萬美元,
越珍貴則越不 可取,
早先就因兩個 傳感器傳輸 了錯誤的數 據,
致使一架B- 2墜毀,
若用它來作戰 ,
無異於是大材 小用,
性價比還不如 普通隱轟機 。
B-2A的確 實是目前最 先進的多用 途戰略轟炸 機,
但真要拿它用 於常規戰爭 ,
但B-2A性 能與技術方 面確實是領 先前列的,
但卻有著一個 局限,
那就是不僅造 價高,
其維修費用也 很高,
竟一次機身清 洗費就達1 0萬美元,
越珍貴則越不 可取,
早先就因兩個 傳感器傳輸 了錯誤的數 據,
致使一架B- 2墜毀,
若用它來作戰 ,
無異於是大材 小用,
性價比還不如 普通隱轟機 。
B-2A的確 實是目前最 先進的多用 途戰略轟炸 機,
但真要拿它用 於常規戰爭 ,
what3words – towards a universal addressing system. - Duration: 13:51.
I'm going to talk a little about how things have changed.
In the last few years the way that we move, the way that we move ourselves,
the way we move things has really, really changed.
So the way that we move and the way we interact
with places we go has changed.
And it's often based on these devices.
But there's a problem.
Which is that some of the systems that we use
were not designed for devices. They weren't designed for machines.
So, one of those systems is street addresses.
Now, street addresses were designed a few hundred years ago.
They were designed when maps were big things that you used on paper.
They were designed to take a piece of mail
and deliver it to someone's house.
Probably by a person who knew everyone in the village
and knew exactly where it would go.
But what we do with addresses, street addresses today,
is we type them into devices.
We type them into our cars, more and more we say them,
with our voice, into our cars.
And addresses were not designed for this.
And this is a problem.
So we don't have a simple way to explain where things are.
And this is a world full of millennials like me who are very demanding.
So it's not just about getting lost.
We've become more and more demanding.
A few years ago, if I ordered something online
maybe I ordered a package, maybe I ordered pizza, when I was ordering something online I was much more patient.
So when Amazon a few years ago used to take two weeks
to deliver my package. That was okay.
But we have become more and more demanding.
Now, I order a package I want it the next day.
Sometimes I order a package and I want to know
it's arriving between 1pm and 2pm.
And at five minutes past two I get on the phone and I say: "Where is my package?"
We are very, very demanding as consumers and we're more connected to the brands than ever.
So we complain.
We complain when things are five minutes late.
When our Mytaxi or Uber doesn't arrive within three minutes
we cancel it. We order something else.
So consumers are becoming more and more demanding
with the way they move, with the way things are delivered to them around the world.
If you're shipping a package from China to the U.S.
there's a strong possibility there's going to be a mistake in that address.
And if you have a mistake in the address it's very hard to make that delivery.
And in fact, this is an expensive problem.
So last year nineteen per cent of failed deliveries
were due to inaccurate address details.
Maybe mistakes,
maybe the package got shipped to the wrong place.
Addresses are a very expensive problem. Poor addresses are an expensive problem.
And you have other problems.
So, for example if I told somebody to meet me at Harrods,
this is a very famous shopping center in the UK.
But there's one address and it pins in the middle of the building.
Now if I'm getting a helicopter to the top of the building, maybe that's helpful.
Otherwise, this gives me no information about where the parking is.
Which particular entrance of the many entrances I want to go to.
And what if you're a delivery driver,
if you're a delivery driver how do you know where the goods entrance is if it's the first time you've been there.
We're about to be in a world where you can get in a flying taxi
and in can take you from one point to another
and we're using addresses that just aren't very good.
They just don't do the job.
This was my old flat in London.
Now if I looked up 62 St. Gorge's Way it pinned in the middle of the road.
Now my flat was actually at the end of this kind of U-shaped building.
At the end.
Okay. That's a slightly frustrating problem for me.
When I ordered my Uber they would always show up there
and I would phone them and I would say
"Keep driving 30 secs up the road."
When I had packages delivered I would often get a phone call from the courier saying:
"I'm sorry, I can't see your house."
Now, that's frustrating for me. But if you're a delivery company
and you're delivering a million packages a week
and maybe one in five of those you can't find the entrance,
you have to phone the customer, that is a seriously expensive problem.
And then let's talk about voice.
So voice search is coming.
The projections mean that by about 2020
half of searches will be by voice.
And that's cause voice when it works is amazing.
It's so much faster. It's in fact three times faster than typing.
But addresses were absolutely not designed for voice.
And this is one example of that.
So this is in London and there's a place that's called Lome Road, the one on the top,
and there's another place called Lawn Road.
Now they are just spelled differently, Lome and Lawn.
But they are said exactly the same.
There is no difference in pronunciation.
So if I wanted to get Alexa to order me an Uber and I said:
"Alexa order me an Uber to Loam Road",
how on earth does Alexa know which of those I meant?
So, let's skip ahead a little.
We are thinking about voice.
We are thinking about making deliveries. We are thinking about moving people.
The minute you take the driver out
this becomes much more of a problem.
So right now if my Mytaxi driver, my Uber driver can't find me we phone each other.
And I say "I'm wearing a green skirt. I'm standing outside Starbucks.
Can you see me?"
When you have no human being to communicate with
that's driving your robot taxi, that's delivering your package,
maybe it's one of those very small delivery robots,
you cannot do that.
You cannot phone that robot. And say:
"Can you see me? I'm wearing a green skirt."
So. This is a problem we want to fix today.
Before we take the drivers out of cars.
This is a problem we need to fix today
so that tomorrow we don't have frustrated customers,
who can't find their taxi. Who can't get their packages delivered on time.
So, we basically decided: It's time for something new.
It's time for a universal addressing system.
Now this is a system that should work the same way in every country in the world. .
If you are shipping from China to the U.S.
you should have the same system.
If you're staying in an Airbnb or a hotel in Japan or in Hawaii
you should have the same system.
So there is a wonderfully accurate system that is universal.
And it is GPS coordinates. Now, this is perfect if you're a machine.
With a GPS coordinate I can say
the particular entrance to the building is here.
A different entrance is over there.
It works the same in every country in the world.
But the problem is: It looks like this.
So, we wanted to take GPS coordinates and make them work for everybody.
Work for those of us and especially to work for voice.
So what we did is we took the entire world. And we made a grit.
So it's a grit like this. It's a grit of 57 trillions squares.
Each of those squares is 3 metres by 3 metres.
So about if I stand here, about from here to the van, that's about three metres.
There are 57 trillion of these squares in the world.
That covers the whole world including the ocean.
And we labeled every single square with an address made of three words
from the dictionary.
So this parking space is at "spicy float Monday".
I can tell you to meet me at "apple banana spoon".
There are 57 trillion of these addresses,
each one is totally unique.
So "spicy float Monday" is this parking space.
And this one is "pirat gather daisy".
So everywhere in the world has an address made of just three words from the dictionary.
That's how simple it is.
These are all unique. I can give you no more information.
I can say: Meet me at "apple banana spoon"
and it is every piece of information that you need
to meet me at a three metre by three metre square.
So we have an app.
So right now you guys can download this app for free anywhere in the world
and look up the address of your house.
Now, we've done this in 26 languages.
So if you speak German you can use German three word addresses in Germany,
in Hawaii, in Russia, in Japan.
So you can use your own language as you navigate the world.
So that's the idea. We wanted to create a system that is universal,
that is simple, it's accurate and it's built for voice.
So that's "what3words".
Now it's used all over the world
by thousands of businesses, governments and NGO's.
It's used to help to make sure you don't get lost.
Mercedes became the first car company
to bring "three word addresses" into their cars.
So you can get in your new Mercedes, like an A-class.
You get in your Mercedes, you say: "Hey Mercedes,
take me to what3words "sunroof mall jingles".
Just with your voice.
No complex typing in of long addresses
no going back and starting again, because it didn't hear you properly,
you get in you say: "Hey Mercedes", you give in three word address
and you navigate to that exact three metre by three metre square.
Now think about delivery. What does that mean for delivery?
Well, it means you can be much much more efficient.
So we've done some tests all over the world
and this is in London with a courier company, a courier company that does one hour delivery.
And their speciality is being very fast
and they tested street addresses
versus three word addresses.
And they found that
three word addresses were about 30 percent faster in the last mile.
Think about what that means. 30 percent faster.
Times that by a million deliveries a week –
that's a lot of money that you've just saved.
And it's not just about speed.
It's also about customer experience.
With traditional street addresses they've had to phone customers seven times to say:
"We can't find the entrance.
We're in the parking garage, where are you?"
With three word addresses they didn't have to phone any customers
because they knew exactly the three metres square that they were after.
And it was also reducing variability.
So it means you can make much more accurate predictions
of when those deliveries are going to arrive.
And that matters. If you're saying to people:
"We commit to delivering between one and two pm."
You need to know you can deliver between one and two pm.
So three word addresses are making sure
you have much more efficient deliveries
and much more accurate time estimates.
I'm gonna just show you what that looks like.
A sprinter with the "MBUX" multimedia system
features a further innovative navigation function.
"What3words" can determinate any destination in the world accurate to three by three metres.
So when you're getting you're packages delivered you know that you can say "business anchors noisy"
and that will refer to a three metre by three metre square
and you can get you're package there on time.
It's actually much bigger than that.
One of the things that "what3words" has been doing over the last few years:
We've been working with governments, NGO's
and organizations like the United Nations
because in disaster zones you may not have any street addresses anymore.
Think about an earthquake.
If you have an earthquake in a city
you no longer have street addresses
because you no longer have proper streets.
And yet that is the time it is more critical than ever
for something to get to the right place.
You need to get medical services to people.
You need to get infrastructure delivered.
And a disaster zone is the place you need addresses more than ever
and yet you cannot use them.
So the United Nations has integrated "what3words" into their disaster reporting app.
So first responders, emergency teams, medics
can communicate with each other over the radio, on the phone, by text message
about "what3words" using three word addresses to send the location
that services need to be delivered to, the location people need to go to.
And we've seen this used all over the world
so this was the Mexican earthquake last year,
responders in Mexico were sharing three word addresses in Spanish with each other,
fully offline, so it works offline.
And they were sharing addresses to do recovery.
This is a problem, not just in a disaster zone.
So actually 75 percent of the world looks a bit like this.
Now, you can see one street name here. Asfan Road.
All of these other streets, none of them have names.
And it's going to get worse.
So if we think about 2050, when 70 percent of the world's population is expected to live in urban areas
this is a problem we need to fix.
And today, as it is today, 4 billion people in the world live without an address.
Now we take for granted here that we have an address.
I may get annoyed when my pizza is cold because they couldn't find me
but if I have to phone an ambulance, if I had to register a birth,
if I have to go to the hospital I can give someone an address.
If you live there and you have no address
you may have no way to tell a midwife
you're having a baby and you need the midwife to come and visit you.
You may have no way to register your business.
You may have no way to vote.
Addresses are absolutely critical.
We had a doctor and he basically emailed to say:
"I have a problem." Now this is the doctor.
And I remember my first phone call with him.
He is a pretty amazing guy and he said:
"Claire, women are dying in childbirth because I cannot find them."
So he has people who are literally dying, the mums are dying or the babies are dying
because he cannot reach them in time.
So what he's been doing since
is he's been visiting homes, he's been giving stickers,
signs with three word addresses on.
To the people who live there.
So this lady she now has a three word address.
He visits the home, he says: "Hi guys this is your three word address.
If you need to call the doctor, you need to call the ambulance,
say these three words and we will know exactly where you are."
And because these words never change
it doesn't matter if they don't have a smartphone, that is the address.
It's fixed and it will never change.
So they can communicate with emergency services, with government,
with health teams to explain where they are.
So these three word addresses are all over the world and you can use them,
you can use it now, today you can download the app
and look up a three word address and share it.
You can use it with delivery companies and if you're a company making deliveries,
moving people, moving things,
you know you can do that much more efficiently,
using just three words.
purismo y moralidad en la comunidad asexual (rant) [CC] - Duration: 15:05.
陈晓陈妍希同框显尴尬那是你没看到陈晓转头看她的眼神,很甜 - Duration: 3:12.
DIY Comment faire de Kick the Buddy le jeu du carton - Duration: 5:02.
未播先火的影视剧,林心如的《东宫》被吐槽,网友:还演少女? - Duration: 2:38.
42岁陈坤登演技C位榜首,演技人气双重认证,网友:实至名归! - Duration: 2:07.
181021 宣传委员张杰上线 更新INS打歌啦 - Duration: 0:35.
Mẫu biệt thự tân cổ điển 3 tầng mặt tiền rộng 10m tại Hà Nội – SH BTP 0132 - Duration: 2:46.
WGL'18 Sep Qualifier Lawliet(N) vs Infi(H) Game 6【Cast: TH000】 - Duration: 12:01.
I am thinking about method?
my method is waiting for next patch, see you next patch, ok?
Thank for your donate, Ying
Next would be in 2030?
If Infi get the champion, will I stick in the next tournament?
This is the only way I can do
Hippogryph Riders were not the problems just now
Hippogryph Riders were the good choice
Hippogryph Riders are much better than Dryads
I should be the caster, why Xiaomu?(TH 's wife)
write down on the list
write down on the list?
No, no, no
Moon geot the champion with 3-0 even though they changed the map (talk about the history)
and the battle between UD vs Orc is really imbalance, but 120 still could win the game
What can I say?
Is that white in color?
Yes , it is white
look at Infi......
he has no Entangle, this Footman may cancel this shop
No Entangle
One more hit, one more hit
this Footman did a great job even though he die here
No Entangle yet, and he keep running here, it's annoying
Infi is using "Strategy Wave", he is coming to harass now
This opening is really good for Infi, he may go Tier 2 now
KOG wants to kill the Footman here
AM...Water Elemental harass nothing here
Ooh, they may harass on those Wisps here
If Lawliet keep killing the Footmen, he will lose some units here
the Wisp, double screen micro is not good enough
It's not bad to use Footman for Wisp (means it's not bad if you kill a Wisp and lose a Footman at the same time)
In this round,
Lawliet lost 2 Wisps, Tier 3 is not good for him, he may use Hippogryph Riders again
Hippogryph Riders are a good choice in previous round
his strategy was not good
the details, and Hippogryph Riders are good
3 Wisps lost, it's impossible for MG or something else
Infi is 28 on supply, and Lawliet is 27
It's not bad for Infi now even though he lost some Footmen
their supply are same, KOG is in danger
there is no new Moon Well
Moon Well regenerate fast in this patch
it's hard to end this game directly
Tier 2 will be upgraded soon for Infi
Second Hero...should be Alchemist
It will be stronger
Alchemist will make you faster on your steps
Not much consideration for the late game
here, he is going for Dryads
this woods, it's impossible for MG, and Dryads...
I feel Dryads are useless in this situation
Dryads are the units for transition
it's hard for NE to play with Tier 2 only
If you want to play with Tier 2 only, Alchemist second is not good
You may choose like Moon, Dark Ranger second, and learn Black Arrow
Moon Wells are empty now, NE are going to Hero kill, but it's not a big deal for HU
he is just level 1, and Lawliet even failed to hero kill
this game will be ended here
even though the Moon Well have been buffed in this patch
Detonate with ten Wisps? That's impossible
buy a Moonstone here
double BL (Ancient of Lore's hotkey)
right here
Calling the Militias and creep 5-3-3 here (5-3-3 are level of those creeps)
wait for the Priests and Dispel
When HU have 4 Priests, this game will be ended
NE will lose for sure
the situation for "Strategy Wave" in this round...
better than LR I played and all the games today
This is the largest advantage for HU in all the games today
"Strategy Wave" will be so good
level 2, he has Healing Spray now, seems he learned Acid Bomb at level 1
he may heal this Footman reluctantly
Healing Spray and Heal by Priest
Alchemist is very good in this situation
your steps will be smoother
He make HU army hold when KOG level 3
Dispel may be upgrading now
wait, he can go to creep one to two more creep camps
and he can go to attack NE base
he builds the shop on battlefront in advance
Aww, he stop waiting, he comes and attacks immediately
Dispels, will be upgraded very soon
and these two BL, this is the end, Infi is champion
I am sure
How could this possible for "DUNAI"
Do you guys understand this game?
Dispel, Dispel
there is no producing building for NE now, NE will lose for sure
"Strategy Wave", I used it in many patches
Isn't that safe in this time?
without Sky, I am the player who use "Strategy Wave"most
In previous patches, I used it sometimes in the allowed situation
it's depend on the situation
right here, Lawliet still stick in the game
this is the last round
he may give the ring(+ 2 armors) to Alchemist
but it's not a big deal ow
Strategy Wave in two minutes? What are you talking about?
I can't understand what you are saying
HU are unbeatable, I didn't say NE are unbeatable before
I said HU ok?
HU are unbeatable, this makes me feel bored, that's why I don't want to play next time
Without acting, did you see HU lose the game recently? No
this is the last round, so he still stick in the game, but...
there is no great HU player on platform?
For more infomation >> WGL'18 Sep Qualifier Lawliet(N) vs Infi(H) Game 6【Cast: TH000】 - Duration: 12:01.-------------------------------------------
10/23/18 8:26 PM (939 N Hoover St, Los Angeles, CA 90029, USA) - Duration: 5:00.
For more infomation >> 10/23/18 8:26 PM (939 N Hoover St, Los Angeles, CA 90029, USA) - Duration: 5:00.-------------------------------------------
Tim bestrijdt zijn herfstdipje met Google Home | Wist Je Al Dat … #15 | (BE) - Duration: 0:39.
For more infomation >> Tim bestrijdt zijn herfstdipje met Google Home | Wist Je Al Dat … #15 | (BE) - Duration: 0:39.-------------------------------------------
iPhone 6s Rear Camera and Broken Lens Replacement - Duration: 7:09.
How to exchange iPhone 6s rear camera and camera lens
You can watch it with video.
For more infomation >> iPhone 6s Rear Camera and Broken Lens Replacement - Duration: 7:09.-------------------------------------------
Tim bestrijdt zijn herfstdipje met Google Home | Wist Je Al Dat … #15 | (NL) - Duration: 0:39.
For more infomation >> Tim bestrijdt zijn herfstdipje met Google Home | Wist Je Al Dat … #15 | (NL) - Duration: 0:39.-------------------------------------------
[VOSTFR] [EPISODE 25] Cardfight Vanguard Official Animation - Vanguard - Duration: 26:47.
For more infomation >> [VOSTFR] [EPISODE 25] Cardfight Vanguard Official Animation - Vanguard - Duration: 26:47.-------------------------------------------
Unterwegs für NRW | Josef Hovenjürgen im rock'n'popmuseum Gronau - Duration: 2:01.
For more infomation >> Unterwegs für NRW | Josef Hovenjürgen im rock'n'popmuseum Gronau - Duration: 2:01.-------------------------------------------
MOROCCO vs EGYPT | Military Comparison (2018) - Duration: 3:54.
For more infomation >> MOROCCO vs EGYPT | Military Comparison (2018) - Duration: 3:54.-------------------------------------------
Gainful - Personalized Protein
Halloween Puppy Hat Costume - Duration: 2:26.
Now we're going to make this cute little hat
that could be for a puppy
or for a little girl for a costume.
So, I've started and I've already glued on these rhinestones
with hot glue all around the hat.
And then we have these little clips here,
so I'm just going to clip this in here
and you want to just measure this around the size of
the head that you're going to put it on,
and then you clip on the other side.
So now, I'm going to set this aside.
I'm going to take my Bowdabra Bow Wire, silver,
I'm going to lay it into my Mini Bowdabra,
and I'm going to just tuck the ends underneath
so they stay out of the way.
Then I'm going to take this really pretty sparkly tulle,
Then I'm going to take some plain pink tulle.
And I'm going to just scrunch this down.
And now I'm going to take my Bowdabra Wand
and just scrunch everything down.
Then I have a really pretty little grosgrain ribbon
that I'll put in here.
And then I'll take my little pieces of--
take just two pieces of this little sort of the fuchsia grosgrain.
Then I'm going to take my Bowdabra Bow Wire,
pull it through my slipknot,
hold my bow tight while it's still in the Mini Bowdabra,
pull it out,
and I'm going to separate the ends.
And bring this around to the back.
And then I'm going to take my adhesive dot
and I'm going to put this right here on the back of my bow.
Then I'm going to take my hat,
and I'm just going to glue this
right onto the front of my hat.
And you have this really cute little fun hat.
Please do me a favor and click the Subscribe button below,
and also, like us at Bowdabra on Facebook.
NADO Co-located Stakeholder – Meet Austrade - Duration: 1:37.
My name is Martin Ferreyra.
I work for the Australian Trade Commission based in Darwin
and I am Developing the North.
Our office is located in the Northern Australia Development office.
In our office, it's quite a unique set up so the most important thing for us
is to be close to our key industries and government stakeholders.
The Australian Trade and Investment Commission also known as Austrade.
Basically we facilitate and promote exports from Australia,
facilitate and promote a foreign direct investment into the Territory,
as well as education and tourism.
They offer inter-commission support -
the Northern Australia agenda
by promoting through our offshore network,
promoting investment opportunities into the NT so in that sense,
we work very close with the Northern Territory Government
to get an understanding of where the opportunities are,
and what projects that need investment.
Well in 5 to 10 years time, I think of the Territory as being the hub into Asia
in the context of you know, Northern Australia.
I see a great opportunity for this place to, to become really a hub into
perhaps one of the most prominent regions in the world.
Subaru Impreza 1.6 i AWD CVT-Automaat Premium De prijs is Rijklaar - Duration: 1:12.
How to increase your learning capacity - Duration: 7:40.
Hello friends good morning today we are going to talk about how to make your brain super,.
For this I give you latest tips which I have learnt from Jim's kwik
If you want link of that channel. Visit description box where I have put it.
You should know English before watching his videos
5 things to do to increase your brain power
Stress manage
How many words do you remember
How to draw Nicole Watterson
Don't miss any Blabla Art episode
Subscribe! (◕‿◕)
Символ 2019 на ободке своими руками. Поросята из ниток мастер класс.Pig 2019 hair band. - Duration: 9:05.
[VOSTFR] [EPISODE 25] Cardfight Vanguard Official Animation - Vanguard - Duration: 26:47.
The Beatles Greatest Hits Full Album - Best Songs Of The Beatles Collection - Duration: 1:31:06.
Thanks for watching my video! Please Share my channel on Social sites (Facebook, Google+, Twitter etc ...) so more people can listen and enjoy it! Thanks for reading and have a great day!
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