Being Early, Being First: Unique Cannabis Growth Stock (OUTSIDE NORTH AMERICA)
Welcome to looking at the markets with David Moadel I've got a fantastic guest
today's this is going to be so informative about the world of cannabis
cannabis stocks and what's going on in the world of cannabis I'm speaking with
mr. Lucas Birdsall from ICC that's international cannabis Corp and we're
going to be talking about what's going on not only with his company but you
know how you can be positioned to maximize your potential profits in the
world of cannabis and cannabis stocks so mr. Birdsall welcome to looking at the
market sir thank you Dave appreciate your time I appreciate your time I know
you're a busy man all right so let's talk about cannabis and cannabis stocks
you know as a coach to a lot of people they came to me they said Dave I've got
money I want to invest in cannabis stocks and this was a day or two before
October 17th when the big news came out in Canada about legalization for adult
recreational use all across the nation in Canada so people came to me a day
before two days before they said I want to put all my money into cannabis stocks
right now what do you think and I said well you might want to be cautious I'm
bullish but you want to be cautiously bullish and some people got a little bit
trapped there and let me ask you this are you still despite the fact that some
people are trapped do you feel bullish on cannabis stocks in general and the
industry right now absolutely David I mean I will reiterate I think cautiously
bullish is a fantastic stance to take obviously as you said on October 17th
Canada celebrated a federal legalization of adult cannabis consumption and
cultivation was quite an exciting day up here for all of us but at the end of the
day you know investing especially investing in cannabis stocks is all
about the management of expectations there was a considerable
speculative premium that was built into the marketplace that was led by the
smart money whether it was institutions or cannabis focused hedge funds you know
they were all aware of some some legalization stuff a little bit probably
before the general investor public and regrettably you did see a little bit of
a sell-off but I like to frame it more as a buying opportunity here you're
gonna see some amazing things come out of the cannabis industry especially in
Canada over the next two to three years and this is just another great
opportunity to position yourself in the next great run I'm looking forward to
that next great run I think it's going to be sooner rather than later and
buying opportunities so true by the way while people are watching this I want
you to check out in the description below this video we're going to have a
report for you it is portfolio wealth /world wo rld that's
portfolio wealth global comm /world it's a premium report you can access it and
it's going to tell you how to best position yourself for the next cannabis
market boom that is going to happen all right
once again I'm speaking with Lukas Birdsall from international cannabis
Corp and if you're interested in this company you should check out I n TL
cannabis Corp comm and that link will also be in the description below this
video the ticker symbols if you're a stock
trader or investor you might want to check it out on the CSE Canadian
exchange ticker symbol is wrld in the United States on the OTC markets it is K
and H B F alright so what do you see since you're actually into it you're in
the midst of the cannabis revolution and you know what's going on because you're
in the middle of it I'm over here in the United States I don't have the access
that some people in other parts of the world do like Canada especially so what
do you see for the cannabis industry what are the innovations that are
happening right now yeah absolutely I mean from an innovative perspective I'm
a firm believer that Canada is at the forefront whether it's in extraction
technologies we're moving CBD from from cannabis power or from industrial hemp
we're gonna see some some drastic improvements in the extraction
technology over the next twelve months you're also gonna see massive amounts of
consolidation in the industry that's one of the major themes I'd like to convey
to the audience this is gonna be very similar to any
other industry where you see a lot of M&A or consolidation and that's just
going to take advantage of economies of scale you have some behemoths of the
industry up here whether it's canopy whether it's Aurora and regrettably at
this time they don't have all the pieces of the puzzle they're going to look to
acquire smaller firms that may have you know extraction technologies that may
have access to hydroponic or fertilizer equipment that you know regrettably they
don't have yet at this stage in their growth and you're gonna see a lot of the
consolidation I think that's that's the major theme number one and secondary
you're gonna see a little bit of that that purchasing premium disappear from
cannabis assets up here in Canada historically Canadian cannabis assets
are are you able to acquire them but you know you have to pay quite a premium and
that's just due to consistency in regulation across all provinces
especially at the federal level after October 17th you know down south in
nineteen twenty R for cannabis cultivation cannabis extraction in North
America and let's just do the inconsistencies of regulation across
state borders you know there's there's some inconsistency in taxes etc and that
allows the savvy consumer that allows the savvy entrepreneur to pick up
cannabis assets at a discount but David the true discounts the the the the true
steals I'd like to put it are in the international jurisdictions you're
seeing all these all these different countries whether it's Greece whether
it's Denmark whether it's Colombia whether it's South
America whether it's Africa they're truly - are starting to adopt cannabis
as a part of their economy and you're able to pick up some very very good
deals right now okay you mentioned jurisdictions where these companies
these under-the-radar opportunities in the cannabis stock
sector it's important to have jurisdictions where you're holding these
cultivation licenses where let's get to your company in particular where does
ICC international cannabis corp hold these jurors these jurisdictions where
do they hold these cultivation licenses that's a great question David and I
guess I'll start off with all convey our vision our our vision okay
ICC the International cannabis court our objective is to become the world's first
we're integrated pure cannabis play what does
that mean it means we want to bake our self into every single link in the
cannabis chain whether it's supplying hydroponic equipment and lights whether
it's supplying fertilizer whether it's actual cannabis cultivation whether it's
CBD extraction or ultimately whether it's distributing these cannabis
products and cannabis derivatives to the end consumer
right now we hold five different cultivation licenses that's across four
different countries and three continents truly we're looking to have an
international footprint and the best analogy I can give David is you know
back in the late 1800s the mid 1800s we had the gold rush here in North America
people were clamoring up to the Klondike they were exploring California in hopes
of finding a gold nugget and striking it rich well right now this is the Green
Rush and we're focused on planting the ICC flag and as many jurisdictions as
humanly possible I mean I I've met deals on a daily basis my friend whether it's
from Central America whether it's from South America I truly believe that
Africa is going to be the engine that may be able to power all of your ups CBD
needs and we're looking at everything right now this is a staking rush we're
looking to acquire this is a buy and build strategy and ultimately over the
next 12 to 18 months we're gonna look to operate them gotcha I never would have
thought to look to Africa for example as the driver of growth in this industry I
will be looking to that as well as all the other exciting developments for ICC
now how is ICC going to bring how you're going to bring your products medical
cannabis flower CBD extracts which I know are very hot right now how are you
gonna bring those to the market a great question so right now through a wholly
owned subsidiary of ICC international cannabis court by the name of Cosmos
holdings we have access to 35,000 plus pharmacies in Europe now we're looking
to bring our products to market through these pharmacy chains through these
pharmacy shops and ultimately into the hands of the end consumer in addition to
that through another a wholly owned subsidiary we have access to 2800
corporate and independent pharmacies in South Africa now I'm sure some of your
listeners are aware but a couple weeks ago South Africa actually legalized
recreational cannabis consumptions for citizens of South
Africa this is exciting this is something that we applauded and
ultimately we're looking to kind of leverage both these distribution
channels both these distribution footprints and able to complete that
whole vertically integrated ecosystem gotcha
so what are some of international cannabis Corpse flagship assets a great
question so first and foremost I'll lead with Denmark ICC International Canada's
Court holds one of 12 cannabis cultivation storage and manufacturing
licenses in Denmark now that entrance into that jurisdiction
mirrors industry peers such as canopy growth Corp Aurora
the Supreme cannabis company and we own one of 12 it's very exciting we've just
acquired a 55 acre plot of land in a northern Danish town and we're looking
to kind of capitalize on that over the next eight months we view Denmark as
being a primary supplier to northern Europe whether it's our northern
European pharmacy chains and that's probably our first flagship assets I'd
like to move on to Greece we hold both an industrial hemp cultivation
processing and storage license in Greece as well as a medical cannabis
cultivation license we view that as the southern European engine to fuel our
pharmacy chains we hold a cannabis cultivation license in the kingdom of
Lesotho which is a small Enclave country that's located inside of South Africa
we're hopeful that Liz ooh - can fuel all the cannabis needs with it within
South Africa and I guess to cap it off we have Colombia a couple of weeks ago
ICC economists announced that we have broken ground on our cannabis center of
excellence now this is very competent to say a Microsoft or an apple centre of
excellence where by industry experts geneticists master growers other
cannabis professionals can come together they can collaborate on revolutionary
cannabis projects and that kind of is the tip of the iceberg in Colombia we're
looking at finished construction on a 13 acre cannabis cultivation plot which
will be primarily outdoor grows as well as some some greenhouse hybrid
facilities fantastic so much room for growth here and we're talking about
international because a lot of people are focused on Canada the United States
that's fine but there's room for growth all over the world
and so icc is jumping on top of that you're an early mover in the space
that's great can you tell us let's get specific about ICC and you're three six
12-month objectives or milestones that you're looking forward to absolutely in
next three to six months we're gonna looking to continue to acquire an
assemble a robust portfolio vertically integrated cannabis assets like I
alluded to earlier we're exploring assets in all different jurisdictions
around the world we're gonna continue to travel last week I was in Lima Peru
looking at some some interesting cannabis assets you know we work with a
team full of consultants we work with regional politicians we work with local
councils and try to identify the real deals from the frauds that that's that's
our six month outlook is to continue to build out our portfolio of assets on a
12 and an 18-month basis you're going to see some management changes we're gonna
bring in some some industry veterans who have made very successful exits from the
cannabis industry here in Canada and they're gonna help us come on in operate
these things optimize what we have to grow and ultimately distribute them
through our pharmacies both in Europe and in South Africa yeah I wanted to go
back to Denmark I'm fascinated with what you said about that and ICC's
cultivation and manufacturing license in Denmark I understand that this is not
such an easy thing that anybody can get but ICC has it can you tell me about
that yeah absolutely so we worked with a Israeli consulting firm Sababa Sciences
and as I'm sure your viewers know the Israelis have been prolific in the CBD
research and development arena for you know 10 15 20 years now we leverage
their consultants we built great rapport with the local Denmark governments both
at a municipal as well as a federal level and ultimately our application was
up to snuff we were able to apply and we joined a industry care such as canopy a
war and supreme and within that role yeah fantastic and then wanted to shift
over to you mentioned Colombia what's next for ICC over in Colombia what's
next is you know we're gonna finish up that cannabis Center of Excellence we're
going to assemble all the best industry professionals that we can get our hands
on we're going to have them work on some proprietary strains we're at a complete
construction on our cannabis park which will be that 13
their cultivation arena and after that we're gonna look to import an export
because we also hold import export licenses in Colombia you got all your
bases covered fantastic so what other types of assets in the cannabis market
will ICC be exploring in the future that's a great question David you know
i-i've always been a fan of the ideology that you want to sell shovels to gold
miners now what does that mean in the cannabis space ultimately you know you
want to be involved with business businesses that procure and supply the
fertilizers necessary to complete outdoor gross you want to have access to
the hydroponic materials and the lighting necessary to help facilitate
these indoor cannabis cultivation I think you're going to see ICC
international cannabis explore some of those very interesting assets in
addition to that you know we're going to continue to explore cultivation globally
it's a contact sport out there we work with a worldwide network of consultants
and at the end of the day where it's our objective to assemble that most robust
portfolio of international cannabis assets and give our loyal investors
exposure to everything great in the international spirit I know that having
those cultivation licenses and having those agreements with governments around
the world that's really key and if people yes it's okay to have some arora
some africa some Cronos group all those that's fine it can it be growth sure but
at this point I don't see those going up a hundred percent a thousand percent in
the next year you got to find those under-the-radar opportunities I want you
to check out portfolio wealth /world wo rld just click it in the
description below this video I made it easy for you and you're gonna find the
next breakout stock and company in the cannabis space if you want to make those
big gains I've been speaking with mr. Lucas Birdsall from ICC international
cannabis Corp this stock ticker symbol if you're interested in that on the CSC
Canadian exchange wrld on the OTC markets in the United States knh bf
their website is int el cannabis Corp com mr. Burt Sol was there anything else
you wanted to my listeners and viewers no I think
that was a fantastic summary I really do appreciate your time investment today
and I would encourage all of our listeners to go out there look at our
evolving story we don't press releases check on our website and you can see
some really exciting stuff come in the next couple months here so stay tuned
we're gonna have to have you back on here for an update one of these days
real soon mr. Lucas Birdsall from ICC international cannabis Corp check out
the report folks portfolio Wolf's global comm /world Thank You mr. Burton mr.
Burton we hope to speak to you again soon on looking at the markets thanks a
lot thanks again
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