Thứ Bảy, 27 tháng 10, 2018

Youtube daily report Oct 27 2018




Nat: Is that you get pressure, to say perfect, super fast, Super clear




Alba: Can you bring me a bread? Nat: There isn't


Mike: Ay, you'll be able to marry Alba, that well Alba: I will find love, marry not


Alba: I'm crazy that I've been in Pamplona, also in my drawing block I've a streetlight drawn from Pamplona (NAT IS FROM PAMPLONA)

Alba: The week that were the squatters NAT: Because we were in the same street probably the same day



Alba: I also have it, but of course you don't see NAT: Which? Ahh the Rose




Alba: Why do you look at me so much?

Nat: Buaah, she deserved it so much!


Nat: I'm in shooked


I swear that I'm in shook. I needed to cry but when she's gone


Nat: bitch (with love)

Nat: You made me cry with delay Alba, I cried when you were gone

Nat: I'm freak out so much

Nat: we've been speechless






Nat: How are you? What's going on? Alba: Nada


Nat: Seriously, let's go super soon to sleep today.

Nat: Then things always happen (and look at Alba) * * WHAT THINGS WILL HAPPEN * *

Nat: that Alba this week is something stratospheric

** WE WERE TALKING ABOUT SCARY MOVIES Nat: Alba, you've given me a lot of fear

* * There're just the groomsmen, the maid of honour and the biggest PESETA behind. What a beautiful picture!

Nat: Albaa! the microphone. **SHE ALWAYS TAKE CARE OF HER

Julia: Are you more of meat or fish? Alba: none



Marilia: what do they write to you? Alba: 'Because of your magnetism', they liked magnetism for my

Marilia: the magnetism of where we get it or where did they get it? Alba: Natalia, Natalia's post-it





For more infomation >> Natalia y Alba Part 23 - Albalia - Duration: 6:39.


Why Does Getting Kicked in the Balls Hurt So Badly? - Duration: 8:20.

This episode is brought to you by Skillshare.

The first 1,000 people to sign up using the link in the description will get their first

2 months free.

We've all been there, at least those of us who are the proud owners of testicles.

Whether it's a purposeful strike to the balls from an attacker or a stray tennis ball

getting you in the sweet spot, you know that it can cause excruciating pain that can leave

you on the floor.

In worse cases, it can actually do a fair bit of damage, or at least make you throw


According to Snopes, who asked the question, "Is It Possible to Kill a Man with a Swift

Kick to the Groin?"

The answer is no, getting a blow to the privates, gonads, nuts, stones, bollocks – there are

more terms – won't be the end of you.

But let's find out why it's so painful, in this episode of the Infographics Show,

Why does it hurt so much to get kicked in the testicles?

Ok, so let's just clear up a few things up first.

We know we said you couldn't die from getting kicked in the ding-dangs, but there is some

literature in Germany from the 19th century that said a custom used to exist in which

quarreling men would basically squeeze each other's balls.

It was written that in one case a man was "seized with violent convulsions, and died

in a few minutes."

There have been a few very rare cases in recent times when someone died after taking hit,

but there was always a secondary cause as to why they died.

So, it's not gonna kill you, or make you stronger, but it will hurt like hell.


These sperm factories and testosterone makers are a man's crown jewels, but unlike the

real crown jewels they are not exactly heavily fortified.

They hang outside your body, and are not surrounded by bone or muscle as other important organs


It's almost as if nature gave men an Achilles heel, except put it right under their body's

piece de resistance, their highly-valued penis.

Your junk of course is your most valued treasure because without them you wouldn't be able

to procreate.

In the cold eyes of mother nature, that's the only reason you exist.

For that reason, there are lots of nerves around your cojones so you will take better

care of them.

Pain to some extent is our friend, it helps us to take care of ourselves.

People who feel no pain, those suffering from the very rare condition of congenital analgesia,

often die young and live miserable lives.

So, look on the bright side, your sensitivity is good for you.

Another good thing is the fact that the large number of sensory nerve endings means it can

feel quite nice having them touched.

Squeezing though, might be a bit much for some people.

There is another reason why nature put these highly sensitive organs on the outside, and

that is because sperm likes a nice climate.

If it was too hot or cold the sperm would die before it could get to its destination,

the female reproductive tract.

Your body is amazing, it regulates the temperature of the balls using the cremasteric muscle

to pull them up to the body when conditions are too chilly, and letting them dangle down

on a toasty day.

Your lucky balls have year-round climate control.

When you get hit in these glands, as we said, there is nothing to protect them.

They are soft so can absorb much of the blow, which would be much better than if you could

actually break your balls.

But how does the pain manifest?

As you boys and men will know, it doesn't just stay down there in those little sacks.

The pain moves into your stomach, which is what we call referred pain.

The feeling travels like a little pain-train up through the perineal and pudendal nerves,

and that train's destination is all the way to the groin, the abdomen, up the spine

and sometimes with a last stop at the buttocks.

The stomach plays an important part, as your Reese's Pieces actually developed near to

your kidneys, and from there they moved down until they reached your ball sack.

On the way they connected with lots of nerves, which make up the spermatic plexus.

For this reason, getting a direct shot to your walnuts can make you feel nauseous or

actually make you puke.

One doctor described it like this, "It's due to the vagal reflex, in which a nerve

signal from your testicles travels up your spinal cord and brain stem and activates the

nausea and vomiting centers in your brain."

He went as far to say that this has another evolutionary purpose, and that is if you are

sick you will give up the fight and no more damage will be done.

He gives the example of animals of the same species getting into a scrap; often if the

testicles are hurt the victim gives up and the aggressor moves off.

Humans, though, can sometimes be a little more barbaric.

So, what else can we expect when we get hit in our plums?

Well, the pain should last anywhere from 10-15 minutes, and as you know, there is not much

you can do about it.

But it can be worse.

You might just get a bit of bruising, which can be managed with some ice.

You might also hit them so hard that you get something called trauma induced testicular


That doesn't sound good, and it isn't.

We found a research paper that told the story of a 14-year old boy that did a somersault

off a springboard and hit the water baubles first.

His pain didn't go away and he was taken to ER, where he was diagnosed with a traumatic

scrotal haematoma (blood forming outside the blood vessels).

But the pain and swelling just kept getting worse even with pain medications.

He ended up going back to the hospital five days later and it was discovered that one

of his testicles was gangrenous.

He had immediate surgery and kept the injured apricot.

You could also rupture your apples, which means basically you tear them on the inside

and the testicular contents get spilled.

This can be very painful, and only usually happens after extreme trauma, such as your

bangers hitting the gear stick of your car as you smash into a tree at speed.

You'll need an ultrasound to see if you have ruptured them.

The rare outcome is you losing one or both balls, but the testis or testes can be salvageable.

Although, your goolies might not be quite as good at making semen as they used to be.

The good news is that 90 percent of these ruptures leads to a full recovery and a working

set of healthy nuts.

There is another thing we should talk about, and that's the missing bean.

This is what one person wrote on Reddit when the topic of worse testicle hit was raised.

"Riding a bicycle in the rain.

Feet slip off the pedals.

I land on the cross bar.

One of my nuts ends up inside me."

What happened to him was he suffered a testicular dislocation, wherein a lone marble can get

hit so hard it ends up going into your abdomen or even close to the pubic bone over the penis.

According to one health site, indeed this often happens when riders of bicycles or motorbikes

hit their nads on the frame or a gas tank.

It is rare, but if it does happen you'll need surgery and a bit of testicular repositioning

if you want your egg to keep working.

We hate to tell you this, but there is also something called being degloved, which is

your scrotum just being torn right off.

But we are talking about hits today, and it's not likely you'll get degloved from a blunt

force trauma unless you are involved in some kind of vicious accident.

The rule of thumb is that if your pain doesn't go away in say 20 minutes, you might want

to get your testicles looked at.

Also, if you start peeing blood after a hit, of course get that checked out.

Taking a swift kick to the unmentionables is no fun and can be really, really painful.

Thankfully Skillshare offers hundreds of courses to help you feel better right now- from massage

remedies to herbal recipes to help soothe pain, try out a class on Skillshare today

and start feeling better right away!

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Over to you now, tell us about the worst time you were hit in the testicles?

How did it happen, and was it over quickly or did you get one of these types of more

severe injuries.

Also, do you know how many terms we used for testicles in this story?

Let us know in the comments!

Also, be sure to check out our other video called Most Painful Things A Person Can Experience!

Thanks for watching, and, as always, don't forget to like, share, and subscribe.

See you next time!

For more infomation >> Why Does Getting Kicked in the Balls Hurt So Badly? - Duration: 8:20.


Why Can Severe Pain Make You Vomit? - Duration: 2:59.


Throwing up is actually the worst, but at least your body has a good reason for it

most of the time, like if you've eaten bad seafood or something.

But nausea and vomiting are also common side effects of severe pain,

whether it's from a migraine or getting punched really hard,

and that seems much less logical.

Like, why would a raging migraine in your head

make your body want to empty your stomach?

Well, there's a chance you can blame it on our old friend adrenaline.

There's lot of anecdotal evidence for the link between pain and vomiting,

but purposely hurting people badly enough to make them blow chunks for a

study is kind of ethically sketchy.

So research on this usually follows surgery patients

people who will likely be in pain anyway, and at predictable times.

In these studies, patients experienced both pain and nausea

after their procedures.

And the researchers found that when only the pain was treated,

the nausea tended to disappear, too.

At least, the vast majority of the time.

That strongly suggested the pain was the source of the queasiness in these

cases, not something else about the surgery, like anesthesia.

Since pain is so complex, both in terms of where you feel it and how strong it is,

it's difficult for scientists to pin down exactly what mechanism

links pain and vomiting.

But they do have some promising ideas,

one of which involves hormones like adrenaline.

Adrenaline is the stuff that gets your heart pounding before a first date

or a big race, and it's also released when you're in pain.

That's probably because pain is a sign that something is clearly going wrong.

So by speeding up your breathing and heart rate,

adrenaline can prepare your body to escape a potential threat.

As part of that preparation, the hormone activates a bunch of receptors

throughout your body, including one type called alpha-adrenergic receptors,

which might be specifically responsible for the pain-induced vomiting.

This hasn't been directly tested in humans, but in some animals, activation of

these receptors can cause neurons to fire in a brain region called

the area postrema, a tiny spot in your brainstem

more commonly known as the vomiting center.

And like the name suggests,

it triggers the numerous systems that lead to revisiting your lunch.

So when you're in a ton of pain, that flood of adrenaline could activate a bunch

of these alpha receptors, and therefore your vomiting center.

And then it's hello, toilet.

Then again, the answer could be more complicated.

See, while vomiting itself has some pretty clear-cut mechanisms,

the causes of nausea are still poorly understood.

Studying it is really tough because unlike pain,

nausea is more than just a physical signal.

It's a full-on physical, psychological, and even emotional experience,

and that makes it hard to test in animals.

It's not like you can just ask a rat how queasy they're feeling.

So, it's possible that pain mostly leads to nausea, and that sickly feeling is what

makes you throw up, rather than pain directly leading to vomiting.

To learn more, scientists will need to find some way

to research this process in humans.

But since they can't just go around punching people until they throw up…

first they'll need to find a safe way to do it.

In the meantime, thanks for asking, and thanks to all of our patrons on Patreon

who voted to have this question answered!

Hopefully all this talk about vomit didn't make you too queasy.

If you have a science question for us, or want to get access

to other cool rewards like exclusive blooper reels

while supporting this show, you can go to


For more infomation >> Why Can Severe Pain Make You Vomit? - Duration: 2:59.


Evolution Of Michael Myers 1978-2018 (Animated) - Duration: 3:31.

It seems the only thing that can defeat Michael Myers is a retcon. But just how

have he and his looks evolved through the Halloween series? From the 1978 classic

to the latest 2018 sequel reboot, let's slash our way through. Michael

first appears as a murderous blond boy wearing a clown costume.

He's sent to a mental institution and 15 years later he breaks out and dons the iconic spruce

green jumpsuit and a Captain Kirk mask, painted white with darkened hair.

He goes on a bloody massacre and is then shot multiple times and falls off a balcony.

In Halloween 2, taking place within the same night, Michael Myers is

somehow stockier, his mask is aged and now has reddish hair. He sets out to kill

the surviving victim from the last film who happens to be his sister.

She shoots him in the eyes and he set on fire.

Michael does not appear in Halloween 3: Season of the Witch,

except briefly on a TV commercial, but that doesn't count so on to the next film.

In the Return of Michael Myers, Michael awakens from a coma covered in bandages.

He's taller bulkier finds a greasy blue jumpsuit and

a new mask to wear. This one is less detailed and features a shocked

expression with slicked orang-ish hair that briefly turns pink and blonde.

After learning of his sister's death he instead hunts his niece. But is shot and falls down a mineshaft.

In the revenge of Michael Myers,

he is nursed back to health by a hermit.

His mask has elongated with hair that's grown out.

Once again he searches for his niece, but he's put in jail and breaks out soon after.

The Curse of Michael Myers features a more classic looking mask.

His jumpsuit has also been slightly updated.

In this film it is insisted that Michael needs to kill his family because of a druid curse.

Yet again he hunts down his family members, but this time

he's tranquilized to sleep.

Ignoring the plots of the movies 3 through 6,

in Halloween H2O Michael is looking for his sister again.

He switches between a variety of masks settling on one with frizzy hair and eerily revealing eye-holes.

Once he meets up with his sister she decapitates him for good.

In Halloween resurrection it's revealed Michael faked his own death.

His mask is similar to the original, but with the addition a very noticeable makeup.

This time he manages to kill his sister,

but later on his electrocuted and presumed dead.


But that doesn't matter as the films were rebooted in 2007.

In the reboot Michael is again

introduced as a murderous blonde boy.

But when fully grown appears to be built like a hulking dump truck.

He eventually dons a greasy jumpsuit and a near original but much dirtier mask.

In the reboot sequel the mask is falling apart

and Michael is now donning new hobo-esque attire.

But this bum would succumb to barrage of bullets.

The latest sequel disregards every film but the original.

And introduces an older camera shy Michael in all-white prison garb.

Michael is put on a prison bus but


It crashes and he breaks out, steals a dark blue jumpsuit and his

original much more weathered mask.

A slaying or ten later...

he's taken down.

And in a brief moment of unconsciousness, his new psychiatrist tries on the trademark Michael mask.

But don't worry, Michael promptly comes to and nips that twist in the bud.

Moving on to go ahead to head with his now not-sister.

She, and her family, trap him in her heavily guarded house and set it on fire.

Which as we've seen before is a super effective way to kill him.

Does anyone else hear that breathing?

Thanks for watching this new and improved version of the evolution of Michael Myers.

Check out the original animation to compare,

and comment down below if you can spot the updates.

For more infomation >> Evolution Of Michael Myers 1978-2018 (Animated) - Duration: 3:31.


PBS NewsHour Weekend full episode, Oct. 27, 2018 - Duration: 26:58.

For more infomation >> PBS NewsHour Weekend full episode, Oct. 27, 2018 - Duration: 26:58.


🧠 Avoid These 5 Brain Damaging Neurotoxins Found In Popular Foods - Duration: 10:29.

Hi, it's Dr Sam Robbins,

Today I want to discuss 5 brain damaging, neurotoxins that are found in very popular


Plus, I'll also give you healthy alternatives.

And this is a really important topic for anyone who wants to increase your energy levels,

improve your memory and cognition, your mood and especially if you're concerned about

Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease, like I am due to my family history.

As a reminder,neurotoxins are substances that can harm your central nervous system (CNS).

And your Central Nervous System (CNS) controls most functions of your body and mind.

It's basically your brain and spinal cord.

Simply stated, when these neurotoxins get into your body and "attack" your CNS,

they negatively affect how you feel and function.

All of your senses (sight, sound, smell, taste, touch, etc.).

Your organs and stomach.

Muscle movements and strength.

Your emotions, mood, memory, cognition, sleep, etc., etc.

Obviously, this is a really big deal.

More so, it's a massive problem because the FDA allows over allows 3,000 food additives

to be used in our food supply and relatively few of them have been tested for safety.


They barely know what these additives do when used by themselves.

And they most certainly do NOT know what they do when they're used together.

There's just too many of them.

Unfortunately, a handful of food additives are well-documented neurotoxins, but are still

found in popular foods most people eat daily, even in relatively healthy diets.

So let's get started

Neurotoxin #1: Aspartame Artificial Sweetener

Aspartame is a very popular artificial sweetener, especially about a decade ago.

It's found in most things labeled "sugar-free" or "diet".

Its typically found in diet sodas, candies, chewing gum and so forth.

You know, a lot of the stuff the kids eat, unfortunately.

The brand name is Equal or NutraSweet and sadly, I used to have a lot of this junk over

20 years ago.

There are over 100+ reported side effects of aspartame including migraines, dizziness,

anxiety, memory loss, insomnia, and the worsening of many disorders ranging from fibromyalgia

to Alzheimer's disease.


In fact, there were over 7,000 aspartame side effects reported to the FDA (US Food and Drug

Administration) between 1982 and 1995.


You can also find lists of reported side effects on various reputable websites including


So, make sure you read the label and avoid this artificial sweetener.

In fact, avoid them all except one of my favorites being, Stevia -- which is a natural, herbal


Stevia has been used safely in Japan for a few decades before showing up in the US.

It's 200 times sweeter than sugar and doesn't increase blood sugar or promote tooth decay.

Neurotoxin #2: Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) This basically acts like salt and it's found

in many packaged foods you eat, also when eating out.

The saltier the food, the higher the MSG.

They used to be heavily used in Chinese Foods.

MSG is very addictive and causes you to gain weight, but I'll get to that in a minute.

Many times MSG is found in foods like canned soups, salty snacks, ramen noodles, processed

meats and refined soy products.

Also in many "spices", broths and "flavorings".

Unfortunately, the labels do NOT have to even say "Contains MSG".

Many times, using the word "natural flavoring" allows the use of MSG, without stating it

on the label (thank you FDA!).

Here are some label-listed ingredients that always contain MSG: (25)

• hydrolyzed vegetable protein • hydrolyzed plant protein

• hydrolyzed protein • plant protein extract

• calcium caseinate • sodium caseinate

• yeast extract • textured protein

MSG has many negative mental and physical side-effects -- however, one that most people

don't know about is that it has a "negative nutrient partitioning" effect.

This means that when you eat foods with MSG, the food converts much faster to BODY FAT,

than to be used as energy and muscle building.

So you can basically eat the same amount of calories, but get fatter because of this artificial


Plus, it increases your appetite and has an addictive quality to it.

THIS is why food manufacturers put it into to so many of their "snacking" products.

And, this is one reason it's so hard to stop eating a bag of chips or something similar.

Unfortunately, all we can do is read the label and do our best to avoid packaged foods, especially

those that I mentioned earlier.

Neurotoxin #3: Diacetyl (In Popcorn) Home-popped, microwave popcorn contains butter

"flavoring", with an additive called, diacetyl.

You won't see the word diacetyl on the label, but if you see "artificial butter flavor"

or "natural flavors," assume the product contains this neurotoxin.

Diacetyl causes much harm to the brain, by crossing a protective filter called the blood-brain


You don't want this.

And one of the common negative effects is Alzheimer's.


So the solution to eating popcorn is just make it at home, using an air popper.

Neurotoxin #4: Mercury In recent years, I've been much more concerned

about mercury poisoning because I've been eating more fish.

I go out and eat sushi.

Unfortunately, many fish have high levels of mercury, due to environmental pollutants

in the air and water.

This includes one of my favorite fish, TUNA - which I now avoid.

You also want to avoid swordfish and orange roughy.

Mercury can also cross the blood-brain barrier and accumulate in your brain - which can cause

"mercury poisoning".

The first signs of mercury toxicity include memory loss, depression, anxiety, mood swings,

numbness, and tremors.


Fatty fish are low in mercury and the best are wild-caught Alaskan Salmon, herring, mackerel

and sardines.

These fish are also highest in healthy, Omega 3 fats.

Neurotoxin #5: Aluminum The last neurotoxin you want to avoid is Aluminium,

because there's 50 years of proof that it can lead to Alzheimer's.

Unfortunately, aluminum is very common...

It's used as an additive in baking powder and anti-caking agents.

However, the most common is found in your drinking water (tap), antacids and deodorant


So, I suggest drinking filtered water and using regular deodorant, not antiperspirant).

Of course, it's also readily seen in aluminum foil, cans and cookware.

Instead, using cookie sheets, glass bottles and containers.

Bottom Line & Summary

Neurotoxins are chemicals known to be harmful to the brain directly and therefore, to your

body, indirectly.

The end result is poor memory, cognitive problems, brain fog, poor sleep, mood disturbances,

fatigue and lots of brain and mental illnesses such as anxiety, depression, Parkinson's

and Alzheimer's, just to name a few.

And I actually bring this up mainly due to the fact that I have a family history on BOTH

my parent's side of some these problems - specifically, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's.

Heck, when I got into my 40's, my memory and energy started to get worse and now that

I'm almost 50 years old, this is a big worry for myself -- and, maybe something you're

concerned about as well.

If you are looking for a proven solution for improving your energy levels, dramatically

improving your memory, cognition and help reduce and even avoid "brain illnesses"

such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's, I suggest you click the below this video and try a formula

that I've been using for ever a decade to help with all of these issues.

So I hope this video was helpful and gave your more clarity and something to think about.

Please share healthy with a friend.

Subscribe to this channel if you haven't already and do me favor and please your comment

below and let me know what you liked or learned about today's video.

Thanks for listening and have a happy and healthy day!

For more infomation >> 🧠 Avoid These 5 Brain Damaging Neurotoxins Found In Popular Foods - Duration: 10:29.


The Southern Charm Drama You Don't Get To See On TV - Duration: 7:48.

Southern Charm is arguably one of the most engrossing reality television shows on Bravo.

And because many of the cast members are friends - or at least frenemies - in real life, the

drama continues between seasons, off-camera.

Pour yourself a glass of sweet tea and get ready for all of the Southern Charm drama

you don't see on TV.

Austen Kroll's cheap shot

Friendly exes Austen Kroll and Chelsea Meissner present a united front on camera, even professing

mutual adoration for one another in Season 5.

"You're, like, one of my best friends."

"I'm gonna cry.

You know that I feel the same way about you, Chelsea.

You know that."

So fans wondered why Kroll seemed to take a shot at Meissner in June 2018, just after

their heartwarming exchange aired.

It all started when Kroll shared a photo of himself pretending to propose to girlfriend

Madison LeCroy.

Following the post, a fan took Kroll to task for not sealing the deal with Meissner when

he had the chance, writing in a since-deleted comment:

"It's only exhausting because you don't want to do the work necessary to get Chelsea.

You are ok to settle for the lowest hanging fruit."

But instead of brushing the comment off, Kroll doubled down with:

"I need a woman with a sex drive."

The #HiAshley movement

If you're a Southern Charm fan on Twitter, there's a good chance you caught wind of the

"HiAshley" hashtag.

Longtime cast member Kathryn Dennis created the hashtag to throw shade at Thomas Ravenel's

then-girlfriend, Ashley Jacobs.

After Dennis received a nasty message in June 2018 from a new Twitter account that only

had a few followers, she insinuated Jacobs was the troll behind the account by responding:

"Hi Ashley."

"I got a message on Instagram.

It was like Ashley is like a high-end escort."

Soon HiAshley became the battle cry of Kathryn's supporters on Twitter.

In fact, model Chrissy Teigen even got in on the action.

When Dennis asked her followers if HiAshley is the new ByeFelicia , Teigen tweeted, "Stopppppp

is she making fake accounts, i die."

Even fellow cast member Patricia Altschul, who had completely written Dennis off in earlier

seasons, also got on the HiAshley train.

As for Jacobs' take on the mess?

She denies making any fake accounts.

"She's so delusional.

I wanna say every nite you go to bed you think about how Ashley Jacobs is winning"."

Patricia versus Kathryn

It's no secret that Patricia Altschul and Kathryn Dennis got off to a very a rocky start.

Altschul often took Thomas Ravenel's side over Dennis' throughout their tumultuous on

and off relationship.

But everything changed, however, when Altschul invited Dennis to her winter ball, on the

Season 5 finale.

"It's a bit jarring seeing mom and Kathryn talk.

It's like seeing the mailman shaking hands with a doberman pinscher."

Altschul tweeted that she'd been told Dennis was doing well and "had been sober for quite

some time.

I had seen it for myself from watching the show and I no longer believed the lies Thomas

and Ashley had been telling me about her."

"It's been five years."


Five years exactly."

Altschul and Dennis have continued their friendship post-filming.

Not only does Altschul retweet positive messages about Dennis, but she also defends her against

Jacobs' tirades.

Here's to a positive new chapter for Altschul and Dennis.

These two have come a long way.

Thomas gets blocked

Patricia Altschul's son, Whitney Sudler-Smith, and Thomas Ravenel were close friends before

Southern Charm ever became a hit.

But, given their long history, some fans might be surprised to learn that the two aren't

on speaking terms anymore.

Altschul dropped this major bomb in June 2018, when a fan asked where she and Sudler-Smith

stood on Ravenel following the jaw-dropping Season 5 finale.

Altschul tweeted: "Neither Whitney nor myself have a relationship…and haven't for quite

some time."

"I just had an inkling that all hell was gonna break loose.

And I was right."

Fans caught a whiff of this drama months earlier, when Ravenel bashed Altschul for blocking

him on social media.

He wrote in a since-deleted Instagram comment:

"The queen of Southern gentility and the recent author on Southern etiquette has blocked me

from Twitter and IG.

Just FYI."

So, what led to Ravenel's falling out with these two?

Look no further than his then-girlfriend Ashley Jacobs' supposed harassment of Altschul's

close pal, Luzanne Otte.

In a June 2018 tweet, Altschul implied that Jacobs allegedly "cyberbullied" Otte due to

her quote, "obsessiveness and insecurity."

Kroll's wild claims

Austen Kroll just can't keep his mouth shut about his exes.

Just six months after he broke up with Season 5 girlfriend Victoria Bolyard he took to Instagram

to accuse her of erratic behavior.

"Do you feel like that was appropriate body language for two people that are friends who

used to be dating?"

"I guess that the only right answer here is no."

Kroll alleged that Bolyard flipped out because he'd remained friendly with ex-girlfriend

Chelsea Meissner.

He supposedly told a fan:

"After she threw the drink on me, she followed me home and threw a rock through my window

and I had to call the cops.

That was the third time she's had similar freak outs."

When Bolyard caught wind of Kroll's dig, she reportedly shot back with a jab of her own,

commenting on Instagram,

"I was the one girl who didn't cheat on him or blow up his character flaws on national

TV but he still chooses animosity toward me."

Uh-oh - was Bolyard insinuating that Meissner cheated on Kroll?

If it's true, this tea is piping hot.

Rose and Dennis hooking up

Fans of Shep Rose and Kathryn Dennis becoming an actual couple will wanna sit down for this


The friends - who admitted to having hooked up in the past - actually did the dirty together

"six or seven" times.

Rose shared the shocking truth during a July 2018 episode of Watch What Happens Live, telling

Andy Cohen,

"Well we met at one of my bars and we had a couple drinks and it was just like on fire


Rose also revealed that he'd consider taking his relationship with Dennis to the next level.

"Do you go on dates first or cut right to the chase?"

"No, We've never been on a date.

I would go on a date with her, but like we're both sorta like…"

Supporters of these friends with benefits will be thrilled to learn that Dennis is also

open to the idea of a romance with Rose.

She said on the show,

"I still play with the idea because I don't know.

We have good sex, whatever.

And he's cute."

Kroll, LeCroy, and 'bumps' in the road

If you want more proof that Austen Kroll has a difficult time maintaining romantic relationships,

look no further than the rumor that he cheated on his girlfriend, Madison LeCroy.

The sordid drama reportedly went down in mid-2018, when Kroll enjoyed a night out on the town

with two local women.

A source told FITSNews the outing apparently took a turn for the scandalous when Kroll

allegedly "quit responding" to LeCroy's text messages.

LeCroy then "showed up at his house early the next morning" to have it out about the

radio silence.

When she arrived at his home, she supposedly found the ladies in his bedroom.

But LeCroy has since moved on from the dramatic event.

She replied to a fan on Instagram in July 2018, writing,

"Like every relationship - we have [gone] through a few bumps in the road to get where

we are now.

A video taken several months ago, while we weren't in a relationship is showing one side

of a story, this will not tear us apart.

We chose to forgive, forget and move forward with a fresh start."

Elizabeth doesn't want "help"

Naomie Olindo, who dated Southern Charm star Craig Conover for three years, is no stranger

to stirring up drama on the show.

Fans witnessed this in Season 5, when she took cast member J.D. Madison to task for

allegedly cheating on his wife - and her friend - Elizabeth Madison.

"You pretend to do like the golden boy s---, it doesn't work anymore.

Everybody at this table knows that you're a complete piece of s---."

But strangely enough, Elizabeth didn't appreciate Olindo's support.

She told the Daily Dish,

"Naomie took some things I had shared with her in private and mixed them with lies, rumors,

and her own personal judgments to cast J.D. in a negative light."

Olindo defended her decision to confront J.D., telling The Daily Dish:

"It's one thing if this is what you choose, but why would you throw me under the bus and

discredit what I did?

[…] It's so crazy to me that now it's like she's trying to rewrite history."

While J.D. and Elizabeth split in early 2018, according to The Daily Dish, it looks like

the two might be back on, according to Elizabeth's Instagram.

For more infomation >> The Southern Charm Drama You Don't Get To See On TV - Duration: 7:48.


Officials: Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooting A 'Horrific Crime Scene' Leaving 11 Dead | NBC News - Duration: 20:42.

For more infomation >> Officials: Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooting A 'Horrific Crime Scene' Leaving 11 Dead | NBC News - Duration: 20:42.


The Terrible Things People Have Said About Rachel Ray - Duration: 4:12.

For a seemingly friendly TV personality, Rachael Ray attracts a lot of negative attention,

especially from fellow celebrity chefs and food writers.

For one reason or another, the following folks just can't stand Rachael Ray.

"Not good enough" for Martha

The queen of homemakers, Martha Stewart, expressed her skepticism of Rachael Ray's skills in

a not-so-flattering way in 2009.

Stewart revealed in an interview with ABC News that Ray once admitted to her that she

couldn't bake.

Exposing that weakness on national TV was bad enough, but Stewart kept throwing her

trademark brand of subtle shade.

"She just did a new cookbook which is just a re-edit of a lot of her old recipes, and

that's not good enough for me."

Stewart went on to say that Ray is more of an entertainer than a teacher.

Stewart defused the situation not long after with an apology to Ray on her show, and Ray

told ABC News that, ultimately, Martha had a point.

"When it comes to producing a beautiful, perfect, high-quality meal, I'd rather eat Martha's

than mine too."

Too amateur for Emeril

Emeril Lagasse eventually got over his tiff with Rachael Ray, but for a while it looked

like they were going to be lifelong enemies.

According to journalist Allen Salkin's 2013 Food Network tell-all From Scratch, Lagasse

once said Ray, quote, "doesn't know anything about food" and even said if it was his call

to make, she never would have been on TV.

"I love that!

Little thin, pretty little-"



The two seemed to patch things up, though, or maybe Lagasse just realized that publicly

berating a popular figure wasn't the best way to revive his then-waning career.

Regardless, Lagasse went on to become a frequent, chummy guest on Ray's show.

"Salt for the taters!"

"Oh, those look so good, Rach!"


Not gellin' with Giada

While Giada De Laurentiis has officially denied rumors of a feud with Ray, if you read between

the lines, it seems likely there's at least a little bit of bad blood between them.

In 2009, De Laurentiis tried to squash rumors of a feud in Redbook, but her attempt to put

out the fire was less than convincing.

Giada admitted in the magazine,

"Do we hang out all the time?


Are we best friends?


The two went head to head on Iron Chef America in 2006, and De Laurentiis, who was teamed

up with Bobby Flay, doesn't seem to have gotten over losing to Ray and Mario Batali.

In 2014, she told Hamptons magazine how annoying it was that people still asked her how she

felt about losing to Ray.

"It will bother me until the day I die [...] I'm a fighter, and I like to win; I'm not a good


Too brash for Bourdain

The late Anthony Bourdain was never known for holding back his true feelings, and he

had an intense dislike of Rachael Ray.

In a now deleted 2007 guest post on author Michael Ruhlman's blog, Bourdain wrote,

"Complain all you want [about Rachael Ray].

It's like railing against the pounding surf.

She only grows stronger and more powerful.

Her ear-shattering tones louder and louder.

We KNOW she can't cook.

She shrewdly tells us so.

[...] She's selling us satisfaction, the smug reassurance that mediocrity is quite enough."

Bourdain portrayed Ray as a sort of anti-Julia Child who, rather than enlightening aspiring

home chefs and inspiring them to cook better food, she, quote, "uses her strange and terrible

powers to narcotize her public."

"Let's say that's perfect, shall we?"

Not subtle enough for Sara

Sara Dickerman, a former chef, cookbook author, and food writer at Slate, called out Ray in

2005 while discussing the sorry state of culinary TV.

In a takedown of all things Food Network, she singled Ray out as the most problematic

celebrity chef, writing,

"Worst of all, there are endless hours of Rachael Ray, who dines out on the cheap and

cooks on the fly, chirpily renouncing such culinary values as elegance, subtlety, and

perhaps even flavor.

It is enough to make you give up on TV cooking shows."

"And we have our-"

"We'll get that later!"

For more infomation >> The Terrible Things People Have Said About Rachel Ray - Duration: 4:12.


The Purge (TV Series) | Season 1 Ep 8: Penelope Confronts Good Leader Tavis (3/5) | on USA Network - Duration: 2:42.

For more infomation >> The Purge (TV Series) | Season 1 Ep 8: Penelope Confronts Good Leader Tavis (3/5) | on USA Network - Duration: 2:42.



Incoming transmission

Did you ever wonder what kind of long-lasting batteries Henry the RC car uses? Well wonder no longer

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They come with a Deans plug. So make sure you purchase the right adapter for your RC vehicle

The purchase links are in the description

end of transmission

Kody: Hey Henry, come watch this Shane Dawson documentary on Jake Paul. It's actually pretty good!

Kody: Henry?

Kody: Hey, where did you go?

Henry: I'm right next to you.

Kody: Oh my god! Ummm Henry, why are you dressed like that?

Henry: It's my Halloween costume, "Henry The Wizard"!

Henry: So Kody, what do you think?

Kody: But Halloween is still a few days away

Kody: Plus you can't wear that costume

Henry: And why the hell not?

Kody: Your beard will get tangled up in your wheel axle!

Henry: Oh, I didn't think of that!

Kody: I'm sure you can find a more functional costume to wear for Halloween

Henry: But Kody, I really like being "Henry The Wizard"

Kody: Don't worry. We have plenty of costumes in storage.

Henry: Whatever...

Kody: I'll help you choose one, go in the changing room and I'll toss you a few to try on

Henry: Ugh... Fine!

Kody: A few moments later...

Henry: Geez, I look like an idiot.

Kody: No you don't! Henry come on out for us to see

Henry: Ugh... God, you're annoying

Kody: Ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce to you, "Henry The Pirate"!

Kody: Back up a bit, so that they can see you better

Kody: Isn't this cooler than the wizard?

Henry: Are you serious? I can't even see through my right eye!

Kody: So you mean, you can't see the parrot on your head.

Henry: What?! What are you talking about?

Kody: Um, never mind...

Henry: Oh my god, you mean I have a freaking parrot on my head? Get it the hell off, before it craps on me!

Kody: But Henry, it's not even a real perro...

Henry: how dare you do this to me?! This is car abuse, I could report you!

Kody: Okay, relax, go try on the next costume.

Henry: Don't freaking tell me to rela...

kody: few more moments later...

Henry: Okay, this is a little more like it!

Kody: All right, come on out!

Henry: Hold your horses, I'm coming!

Henry: nana nana nana nana Batman! I'm ready to fight crime!

Kody: Hmm. I don't know. I think it's missing something.

Henry: Nope, it's perfect, my cape won't get tangled in my wheels or anything...

Kody: Actually, I think I know what this costume needs!

Henry: What possibly could you add to make this costume better?

Kody: Just go back in the changing room. You will know in just a bit.

Henry: Ugh, fine!

Kody: This will just take a moment...

Kody: Thank you for your patience

Kody: All right, come on out!

Henry: Nope, not happening! I look like a freak

Kody: oh, come on!

Kody: Henry?

Henry: Ugh, I bet you're enjoying this.

Kody: Why would you say that? You don't like the wings?

Henry: You think?

Henry: In what freaking dimension, would you assume that Batman would look good in rainbow colored fairy wings?!

Kody: Think you look fabulous!

Henry: Are you serious?!

Henry: I look like if Batman and My Little Pony, had a baby they were ashamed of!

Kody: Oh, come on, you are overreacting!

Henry: No, I'm not! If I went outside looking like this,

Henry: I wouldn't blame any kid who by impulse, felt the need to pummel me into the ground

Henry: They would probably be doing me a favor!

Kody: But Henry i reall...

Henry: I want out of this freaking nightmare of a costume and we shall never speak of this again!

Kody: Oh my...

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It isn't going to click itself!

Hurry up! You're running out of time!

You're too late!

For more infomation >> WHICH HALLOWEEN COSTUME SHOULD HENRY WEAR? (PART 1) "HENRY THE RC CAR" - Duration: 4:25.


The Bully Pulpit Is Effective - Amazon's Wage Hike Is Proof - Duration: 3:48.

Next question's from the Atomic Sultan who asks, "Regarding Amazon's wage hike to $15

an hour, do you believe that Bernie Sanders was the main cause of Jeff Bezos' decision

to do that?"

A 100%.

Nobody, I mean, possibly democratic representative, Ro Khanna, who was also very vocal on this

issue and also sponsored the same legislation that Bernie did in the Senate, Ro Khanna did

in the House, so he's got to get a lot of credit on this as well.

But that pressure is what made Bezos do this.

He would not have done it had it not been for these high profile politicians putting

the pressure on him, keeping the story out there, getting people on social media active,

getting news outlets to start interviewing former employees of Amazon to tell them how

bad the situation truly was.

Yes, that was Bernie Sanders and a handful of other politicians.

I mean, to be honest, not even a handful.

Again, you had Ro Khanna.

That's about all you got.

Yes, it was the result of these politicians, but that's their job.

It's refreshing to see politicians out there doing that.

They did sponsor this legislation.

Both men knew that it had no chance of actually passing, but by putting it out there, by getting

the coverage for it and then by using your most powerful tool of all, which is the bully

pulpit, going out there and keeping the heat on, putting the pressure on, keeping the media

focused on it, they made Amazon change their ways.

That is what more and more politicians should be doing every day.

To be honest, this country would be a much different place today had Barack Obama done

that more often as President of the United States.

To me, that's his biggest failure as President, not using that bully pulpit.

We have seen how effective it can be.

We have seen the results that come from getting out there, putting public pressure on these

companies, and forcing them to make the changes that are desperately needed.

Bernie Sanders did a great job here.

Ro Khanna did a great job here.

If I'm leaving anybody else off that list, my apologies.

I do want to give credit to everyone who helped work on this, not just the politicians, but

the outside organizations, the progressive media outlets that kept covering this story.

The corporate media outlets, even some of those got involved talking about this story.

Props to everyone on this.

Do it more often though.

Don't just let these corporations slide, okay?

We have too many still out there, big box stores screwing over their workers, engaging

in active wage theft of their employees.

That has to come to an end.

But it's not going to come to an end unless there is this public pressure which requires

a public spotlight.

The average American citizen cannot hold that spotlight up because they don't have the platform

to do it.

Politicians do, media outlets do, and they're the ones who have to take the lead on this

to force the change on other corporations in the United States.

Again, if you have a question for us, please send it using the hashtag, #AskROF.

You can also follow the show on Twitter @RingofFireRadio and you can follow me @FarronBalanced.

Feel free to send your questions directly to us, either my Twitter or the show's Twitter.

We will respond to them on the air.

We've got to take a quick break, we'll be right back.

For more infomation >> The Bully Pulpit Is Effective - Amazon's Wage Hike Is Proof - Duration: 3:48.


Flight in 2 Easy Steps - Duration: 0:47.

Here are some facts about flying.

One: You need wings to fly.



<< heartbeat >>

<< faster heartbeat >>


Ya ever see that basketball movie, with the song about flying?

This is just like that...

For more infomation >> Flight in 2 Easy Steps - Duration: 0:47.


Top 10 WWE Superstars Triple H Regrets signing - Duration: 10:26.

Hey guys, thank you for watching the slat rock channel

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Today we present you with top 10 WWE

superstars triple h regret signing

number 10 Eva Marie

You have to give Triple H credit with this one because it's clear

He tried his best to help Eva giving her opportunities on both the main roster and NXT

joining in 2013 as part of the first season of total divas Eva was

Immediately rejected by fans who saw her as nothing more than a model using WWE to advance her career

Eva didn't exactly help her case when she showed that she was far more

Interested in being a reality star than a wrestler which as you can imagine caused friction in the locker room

Whilst Eva did show some improvement and her gimmick of finding excuses not to wrestle on Smackdown was entertaining

it was clear that her backstage issues and lack of skills was too much to overcome and her time with

WWE quickly came to an end

number 9 Cassius Ono

Some fans may remember Cassius Ono leaving WWE in 2013

Meaning not only has Triple H hired Ono, but he also fired him

Originally, let go due to a lack of commitment to physical conditioning Ono returned to the company in 2017 with Triple H seeing potential

In the former, Chris hero

Sadly, he's failed to connect in the same way. He once did and his future doesn't seem as bright. His fans had first hoped

Things may turn around now though with Ono having a slow burn

He'll turn though after twenty years in the industry fans have to wonder how much longer he can keep going it

Seems that for the time being Ono is proving to be a disappointment to the game and not for the first time

number eight mike Kanellis

When mike Kanellis joined the WWE alongside his wife Maria

It was clearly Triple H's decision

The duo were fast-tracked to the main roster skipping NXT in what is in retrospect a terrible decision

Before joining the company the Kanellis had made a major impact in Japan with them becoming one of the hottest acts in wrestling as well

as a real life power couple

However, Triple H. Probably didn't know when he signed the pair that Mike had been struggling with personal issues including painkiller addiction

Which began after a knee injury?

These issues have seen the miracle missed the majority of his time in WWE

something that the Cerebral Assassin cannot be pleased to see

Hopefully Kanellis will be able to turn things around now as part of 205 live as well as sober and a new father

number 7 Adam rose

When Adam Rose first came to WWE

He was working as the sadistic Leo Kruger, which was interesting but didn't gain many reactions from the crowd after

Triple H changed the gimmick to the party loving Adam Rose this lifeline helped Rose

Keep his WWE career afloat

But the Russell Brand knockoff quickly became an afterthought coming out to crickets and eventually being released in May 2016

Rose hasn't exactly helped his chances of being resized getting arrested not long before his release for domestic assault and while the charges were later

dropped the ordeal left a black mark on his resume to

Make things worse Rose would later release a shirt of his mugshot following his domestic assault arrest

Which couldn't have gone down? Well with any WWE officials a

Series of issues both in and out of the company. There's no doubt that Triple H deeply regrets working with him

number 6 Simon Gaucho

From an in-ring standpoint. There's no reason why Triple H would regret signing Simon Gaucho an

Extremely solid wrestler Gaucho worked wonders as part of the vaudevillians with the team capturing the NXT Tag Team

Championships in August 2015

While the team's success on the main roster may have been limited Gaucho

Constantly worked hard and was a key player in the tag team division

Unfortunately, it is gotchas behaviors behind the curtains that likely has made Triple H regret bringing him in as Gaucho was known for attitude problems

having multiple fights backstage

the most famous of these is an altercation with Sin Cara where Gaucho claims the masked superstar knocked him out after throwing a coke can

Whether the story is true or not. Gaucho is constant attitude issues and tendency to rub people the wrong way

Clearly did not sit. Well with the game to let God go in April 2017

number five Apollo Cruz

Well, he might still be working for the company

It's fair to say that things have not gone the way the Triple H had planned for Apollo Cruz

Winning his debut match at takeover Brooklyn in 2015

There were clearly big plans for Cruz pushing him straight to the top of the NXT brand with Cruz having a title shot against then

NXT champion Finn Balor just two months after debuting

Unfortunately things would quickly go downhill for him as he rapidly was shoved onto the main roster being drafted to SmackDown live in the

2016 draft and quickly being forgotten about

Despite moving to raw and joining Titus worldwide

It seems that there's very little that can be done to get Cruz over and now he struggles to get any airtime on Monday nights

If this continues Cruz career with the company may come to an end sooner rather than later

Which would likely be a huge disappointment to Triple H who had so much faith in him?

number four James Storm

When the cowboy James Storm arrived in WWE in October 2015. He was one of the biggest signings of all time

One of the most recognizable stars from Impact Wrestling

Storm would later be followed by other stars from the company including AJ Styles Samoa, Joe and Eric Young

But despite being offered a full-time contract after only a handful of he matches

Storm turned down the companies offer an act that no doubt embarrassed the game

Instead storm returned to impact being promised another tag team title run with Beer Money partner, Bobby Roode

Mere weeks after winning the gold. However Roode would leave signing with WWE

Himself and becoming the NXT champion not long after

Who knows perhaps if he had stayed it would be James Storm appearing on Monday nights each week instead of the Canadian

With that said we just can't imagine the self-proclaimed cowboy trading in his signature coat and hat for a glorious robe

Number 3 Sin Cara mystic. Oh

We're specifically talking about the original sin cara here as the current one. We have seems to be doing fine

Even if he's rarely seen on TV

The fact alone that we now have a second man under the mask

Probably gives you an indication of why Triple H regrets signing the original

Before debuting the first Sin Cara worked as mystic

oh and was one of the game's first and biggest signings with the company with

WWE having high hopes of the lucha star being the next rey mysterio

But weeks of vignettes and a flashy entrance could not save miss Tico

Whose repeated Boches turned him into a joke with fans just months after debuting in 2011

Not only that but a series of attitude problems followed the masks are around with the altercation

mentioned earlier between him and Simon Koch being far from a one-off incident a

Failure almost instantly after arriving. He remains one of the biggest blemishes on the king of kings signing record

number two Enzo amore

With his incredible mic skills and unique look it seemed Enzo amore was going to be one of Triple H's most successful signings

Becoming the cruiserweight champion. He was going to help turn around the 205 live brand with his over-the-top personality and brilliant. Charisma

However, Enzo would become one of the cerebral assassins biggest mistakes with plenty of backstage issues including bragging about how much he earned

And inviting his friends backstage without the company's

The most damning of all came when Enzo was accused of sexual assault which led to his suspension and later release

Well, he has since been cleared the damage had been done to WWE with Triple H taking the brunt of the blame as the guy

Who signed him?

Amore has since said he's done with wrestling focusing on his rap career where he has been just as controversial

including lyrics mocking his accuser

Number one Hideo Itami

Originally appearing as Kenta Padilla itami was one of NXT s big five signings

Joining alongside stars including Kevin Owens Finn Balor Sami Zayn and Neville, but unlike the first for the former

New Japan for a wrestling star has become one of the company's and Triple H's biggest ever flops

When he debuted at Itami was expected to become a huge star in NXT with many assuming an NXT championship run was guaranteed

sadly a series of injuries to railed all momentum at Itami had and the

WWE quickly stopped caring about him having itami written off TV after being attacked

Backstage with fans still waiting for the attacker to be revealed

Now three years later that Itami can be found on 205 live where he isn't even one of the show's top stars

Further proof that the company has given up on him

Well guys, that's our list

can you think of any other Superstars that Triple H may regret signing leave us a comment below and let us know if

You liked this video. Don't forget to check out our previous video 10 recent WWE releases

Where are they now and check out our other high rated videos by clicking the link at the upper right hand corner of the video?

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For more infomation >> Top 10 WWE Superstars Triple H Regrets signing - Duration: 10:26.


Fashion to Figure Plus Size Haul: Meh, just kind of meh. - Duration: 13:19.

hey everybody today I have a quick haul from a brand that I have not hauled in

like a really really long time and the reason has been that they got bought by

New York and company and then like Idon't know I just kind of forgot about them they

kind of like disappeared for a little bit and I was like time to revisit them

and that brand is fashion to figure so let's like jump in the first

thing I got was actually a set and it's this pair of chain print joggers and

it's fun like kind of Versace inspired print I would just say that these are

less like joggers more like leggings they're very very thin and light which

is surprising because when I was looking on site I like literally thought I was

getting some sweatpants but no these are thin which I guess is okay but I'm a

little annoyed because I was expecting sweatpants it's got the Versace print

and then the ends and then I think no not even at the waist just at the ends

it's got this black and gold ribbing again I'm a little a little disappointed

it's really see-through - at least I can see through it I think you can see my

face right so I'm a little concerned that I will not be able to wear this you

know just like hey girl because everything will be showing but we'll see

I might have to put some shorties on underneath it to try it on we'll find

out cuz that's like I can already tell that my booty is gonna be on parade and

I did not sign up for that so it has a matching top that goes with it let me get

it out it is out of the same fabric so again a really sheer it's an

off-the-shoulder Versace print again and then I loved how it was a crop and then

had this like stretch same elastic that's on the legs of the pants here at

the bottom of the crop and then at the arms it's pretty standard just off the

shoulder piece again I was expecting sweatshirt material this is a really

really thin like polyester Jersey but not the soft kind I'm gonna be real here

I'm disappointed not impressed not impressed in the first item but

let's keep going maybe it'll get better okay so real talk I hated this when I

was unboxing it but on it is very comfortable

and it doesn't seem to be see-through pretty much at all

my only annoyance is that I wish the elastic here was the same elastic that's

everywhere else I just feel like it would look better altogether but overall

I'm not a hating it I kind of like it and it's like challenging my like own

first opinions which is why I always say to people try new things and force

yourself to try them on because when you do that you might find something you

like that you know instinctively you're like no no

no but then you open up your judgment zone and you find oh wow like

this thing that I thought doesn't work for me actually does work for me I've

just been telling myself it doesn't so I'm okay with this I kind of I kind of

like it I kind of feel hip this is a top in my favorite color I like the

colors but it does not fit me well I'm not

keeping it just not even across the chest not working which is like Hello

that's like not even a big area for me like well it's a stripe in my favorite color so

I felt like maybe it was like a little bit out there it's again off the

shoulder and has some just really fun ruffles now I bought a shirt from them a

bajillion years ago that had ruffled sleeves and I gave it away and people

have been on me about giving it away forever because they thought it was like

the best looking thing ever on me PS my camera is pointed really far down I didn't

intentionally do that but I'm like aware of it now and if I fix it then the video

will be off so just deal with it but I am aware that you are like like

bird's eye viewing me right now and I feel I've even feel weird like looking

into the camera this way um I had to go where the light was people

so it has the same tiered sleeves on that shirt that I loved it looks like

it's more of a three-quarter sleeve top than like a full sleeve top off the

shoulder it's made of a polyester feel um it's not a very like high quality

fabric it's just like a standard polyester which isn't bad because the

price point isn't that high look next we have what is

this oh this is a sweater so I actually really love this sweater the problem is

is that the off-the-shoulder part even though it has these straps it doesn't

stay so maybe this for example now they're up here so just something to

note when shopping there you can like pull it down but it's gonna be need to

like be managed it takes work to look good okay it actually feels um you're

like this is a sweater and it's actually kind of making me a little bit more

hopeful because it feels much weightier than the other items I've gone through

so far it's an off-the-shoulder sweater but it does have the like straps so it's

technically a cold shoulder I don't know how that plays this to me is still off

the shoulder just with a strap it has a puff sleeve which is my favorite sleeve

and is in this lovely like rust orange red brick color which I really really

like it's got some nice movement to it but again it's it's a really nice fabric

for a sweater much nicer than what we've seen thus far and then in here I'm just

gonna look and see what it's made of because I'm not 100% certain it

is made of get out in my face hair is made of rayon and nylon so I'm guessing

it's that rayon that's making it so soft it feels almost like silky which is

it was just really nice next so fashion figure used to have some bangin

jeans and I used to get jeans from them occasionally I wanted to check out their

jeans again these are just a standard pair of leggings not leggings jeans

straight leg jeans or skinny jeans rather with some distressing um it's got

some nice stretch to it it feels similar to what it was before I don't have any

major news on this until I try it on I think a lot of my like opinions will

come in the try on on this one but yeah the fabric feels pretty nice I am a

little concerned that were already having a lot of breakage here which

means this is not gonna survive its it's gone I've been trying to hide my bra but

you know what guys I gave up just deal with it so the jeans are still

pretty consistent with how fashion to figure's jeans fit before I don't really

have any complaints about them they're actually quite nice these are cute

then I got a blazer because that's my thing this season is just big ol Blazers

this one's grey and has some light yellow detailing through it I thought it

would look nice with some of the yellow items I have it's got two buttons is it

two one button in the front it is completely unlined so that's a little

disappointing but again the price point is fairly inexpensive the sleeves don't

have any button details or anything they're just a standard straight sleeve

and it goes down you do have some pockets in the front and they are

full functioning pockets they're not like fake pockets the fabric the

fabric does not feel like a suiting material looks a little bit stretchy

it's kind of almost like what you would expect a bodycon dress to be made out of

so again a little a little weird on the fabric choice but maybe it'll look great

on you never really know more to come when I try it on I like the print of the

jacket but it's definitely cut really really small I got the same size in the

jacket that I got in my pants so like it should fit if the jeans are fitting

why is this so unbelievably and uncomfortably tight it's tight in the

arms it's tight everywhere this is like really disappointing because it's

definitely not sized correctly because I'm actually smaller in my top so if I

bought something in the size of my pants I was expecting it to be baggy on top

which is kind of the look I was looking for yes this is a big big letdown

I actually thought it'd be really cute when I saw that they had this print in

a crop top to wear this crop top in the same print as the Blazer we just looked

at underneath it looks like a pair of jeans that's like my dream outfit so

this is a little crop top in the same pattern little annoyance here you can't

adjust the strap so if it's too short you're screwed if it's too long you're

screwed it's in the same fabric as the jacket which makes a lot of sense for

this type of top does not make a ton of sense for the jacket

personally in my opinion in the world according to Anna on the inside we do

have some black lining just around the chest area but what's a little weird is

it only is this weird one center panel I'm pretty certain like like half if it

were see through half of yourself would be exposed but don't worry this section

here which many people are comfortable showing well that'll be covered such a

weird why only there why only there so this crop is fairly comfortable I like

how it comes down a little bit longer and almost hits like the top of my pants

and yeah it's just stretchy and comfortable but I am having a little

strap slippage because I don't have the adjustability on the straps which is a

little frustrating for our last item I believe yeah I think this is it I didn't

get that much I saw this bodysuit and I really not body suit jumpsuit and I

really want it to work because I really really like it wow I'm coming all kinds

of out now whoa it's party time but those are

coming out but I saw this and I just thought it was super sexy and super cute

it is this jumpsuit with a little faux leather detail here I'm loving that the straps

here are adjustable so you can adjust it and it's in a stretch polyester and it's

just in plaid which like hello welcome to my channel I really like plaid thought

it would be great comes down to a skinny leg and it's just blue-black and

fantastic again you've got a little faux leather detailing up here this is really

really lightweight faux leather so it's not super nice it's okay I love this way more than I thought I would

it's just my jam I will say I'm gonna throw this out here the quality of these

items feel on par with something like a boohoo but the price points do not match

boohoo I actually feel boohoo to be significantly cheaper than fashion to

figure so I'm a little confused I understand trying to provide items to

a market that has less bank to spend I support that I feel like every woman

should be able to buy and wear amazing clothing however if you're going to go

the cheaper route in manufacturing and production and all of that

then your price points need to match it kind of feels a little unfair to pay

what you know you get asked to pay at fashion to figure and get the quality

that you're getting so I'm a little confused here I will say it seems to me

and again I haven't tried anything on yet at this point even though you will

see in the video my side by sides it feels a little weird to me to decrease

the quality I feel based on my previous fashion to figure hauls moons ago that

the quality is not at the level it was previously but the price points are

still the same so I'm a little confused as to their new retail strategy why

they're doing this New York and company feels higher quality than this as well

like did they just find a new distributor or like what happened

the designs aren't bad it's just the execution is like a little bit

disappointing thin fabrics stretchy materials where it doesn't need to be

weird panels for modesty that don't make any sense like it's just not as good and

that's disappointing it's sad because they were once this

amazing brand and they just feel like this is like a down step and I don't

hate them I probably will still shop them occasionally for things but I don't

feel their prices are at the level they should be at the lower level they

should be given the quality of the items now they're just not the same that's sad

so thank you everybody for watching my fashion to figure haul overall I don't

think I'll probably be doing a full haul from them again I just I didn't love a lot of

the things and I didn't feel like they're fairly priced and I'm looking

out for you guys I'm trying to be nice when I can it's not a full hate haul

because I actually think the styles and the cut of the clothing is quite good

which is better than a lot of the Plus brands I haul sometimes but overall I'm

just kind of disappointed because I feel like they've stepped back from where

they were what that guy's links to everything are down in the description

box if you've any questions comments or concerns you can they leave down below

thank you so much for watching click subscribe if you haven't I'd love to see

more of you I don't know I guess if you'd love to see more of me hit

subscribe if you haven't yet love to welcome you

family and with that I'll check you later peace

For more infomation >> Fashion to Figure Plus Size Haul: Meh, just kind of meh. - Duration: 13:19.


NFL Week 8 Picks Green Bay Packers vs. Los Angeles Rams - CREED II out on Thanksgiving 2018 - Duration: 10:01.

Green Bay Packers vs. Los Angeles Rams NFL Week 8 Picks who wins

Battle of Young vs old experience old school Green bay Packers vs LA Rams who will win

week 8 ATS NFL Week 8 Picks NFL Week 8 Picks Green bay Packers vs LA Rams

who will win week 8 ATS I'm not used to seeing the Packers as

this type of underdog and it's because they've never been this type of underdog

with you away look at your hands it's time to go to

school first down comes from last year

but Brandon cooks gives them a little more versatility there's cobbs I'm I can

answer the question judge the court will wait for an answer

second and two passes caught by the tide and Everett so you really want to know

who's gonna win this game huh you don't have to answer that question I'll answer

the question you want answers I think I'm entitled you want the truth you

can't handle the truth

that right hand hurt Rocky again

come on to cover but to win Rogers has to be


it doesn't take a man how you

wearing down I know what I'm doing go out there and do it rock eye of the tiger

he's just a man be more man again go get him I am the

eye of the tiger up and down side to side around three rounds the call

Oh get come on can you feel he's getting mad


know that Todd Gurley is the focal point of that offense but if the score

is 10 nothing torching nothing then it's a situation where you can't stay with

that run game you've got to throw the ball and I think that's where the

Packers could have an event okay if you put the game on Jerrod golf by dictating

that through the score then maybe you've got a chance and that's what I'm looking

for Aaron Rodgers to do because if it comes down into two quarterbacks clearly

the Packers have the advantage of this

if the tackles off the field whether that's Brock sue doesn't really

matter get one of those guys off the field spread them out a little bit

I think Aaron Rodgers can pick that defense apart I think that's the

direction that this offense has to go if they're gonna have some success unlike

Kirk Cousins in that Minnesota Vikings offense I think the Packers offense has

a chance to make this a shootout in LA but they've just got to be able to

spread them out they can't pack it in and think that they're gonna beat the

Rams at that game I'm gonna go from a different standpoint I'm gonna go

Packers defense Clay Matthews and that guys defensive coordinator i got a doll

with a bunch of blitzes I believe the way through the Rams is to jarred golf

like I've seen him take some hits but it is not proven to me that he's that kind

of guy going stand in there and take that old fashioned NFL punishment second

oil huh yeah I need to check it and I just believe that if I can get him off I

believe that that's the way to trying to beat the rim the Rams are trying to run

the football yes sir so don't let the motion don't let the 31 personnel three

receivers one tight in in the game fool you as if they are Kansas City Kansas

City will win without winning running the football they did that the first

three games of the season now since then they started running it but the Rams

they get off the bus or get off the plane trying to run it and trying to run

it through the middle of the defense through a lot of variety of different

ways I'm trying to get after that quarterback I don't believe I can stop

Todd Gurley but if I can keep golf around 220 yards passing I believe no

matter I don't know how many points I can score but I believe that's the way

to build a slow down the Rams is get after they're still young quarterback

look a healthy Aaron Rodgers and this is the team they wanted to have going into

the game it's general looted too it's not like this Packers team's the Falcons

they've been ravaged by defensive injuries no

Aaron Rodgers has done it again never over

number 12 out on the Green Bay Packers

have won the Super Bowl

coming home now Aaron when he's hot is filthy

facility he's moving dancing in the pocket in a

way even if you've never seen a quarterback dude then we're gonna have

this year I know they had some injuries at wide receiver earlier in the year but

most of those guys they think will be back this week coming off the bye

of course Aaron Rodgers is as healthy as he's been all year

by him you know what so you really wanna know who's taken this normal person you

know how I talk to a normal person you know how I talk to a normal person they

pissed me off I tell me get the out of my place well I've given

YouTube that's right I'm crazy what I told you right here Green Bay was gonna

win and I told you the Rams were gonna win fine you really wanna know

hell you're a know who's gonna win you know I give you my first picks always

can you talk like you would come to a normal person you know how I write all

person yeah easy now if I tell me get the easy on my yeah

just write this I'm crazy Packers win I've got just

stay out of my face jump just stay out of my face

beast that he gives you crazy picks because he wants to make

everybody so happy

I thought I smelled him I think it's ours

Green Bay Packers vs. Los Angeles Rams NFL Week 8 Picks who wins

Battle of Young vs old experience old school Green bay Packers vs LA Rams who will win

week 8 ATS NFL Week 8 Picks NFL Week 8 Picks Green bay Packers vs LA Rams

who will win week 8 ATS CREED II out on Thanksgiving 2018

super excited to go see at the movie theaters too follow up on all the Rocky movies rocky

2 rocky 3 rocky IV Rocky V Rocky Balboa Creed and now Creed II

For more infomation >> NFL Week 8 Picks Green Bay Packers vs. Los Angeles Rams - CREED II out on Thanksgiving 2018 - Duration: 10:01.


ASMR FOX VAMPIRE 🦊 Deep Ear Eating [Halloween] - Duration: 10:30.


Do not be afraid!

I will not drink your blood.


Why does blood flow from your ears?

I'll take a closer look. Good?

My favorite blood type.

For more infomation >> ASMR FOX VAMPIRE 🦊 Deep Ear Eating [Halloween] - Duration: 10:30.


[MMD X Self] Bad boy - Duration: 3:42.

i was bored so added weird/random captions xD -Bee



huh ooh




who that who that who that bee

i like that

(wiggle wiggle wiggle)

(look my eyes glow uwu)

(secretly praying while dancing)

(look at my hands move :3)

(i have guns for hands uwu)







ooh ay oh



ooh ay oh ay oh

shot another bad bee down

ooh ay ooh oh oh

ooh ay ooh oh oh

shot another bad bee dowwwn

oh ay oh oh oh

ooh ay ooh oh oh

(time to jumprope :3)

(my guns for hands are back :3)

ooh ooh

ooh ay ooh oh oh

ooh ooh

ooh ooh

ooh ay oh ay oh

ooh ooh

ooh ay ooh oh oh

shot another bad bee down

(body roll 1)

(body roll 2)

(Karate choppp)

ooh ooh

ooh ay oh ay oh

ooh ooh

ooh ay oh ay oh

ooh ooh

ooh ay oh ay oh

ooh ooh

ooh ay oh ay oh

another bad bee dowwnnn :3

ty for watching uwu

For more infomation >> [MMD X Self] Bad boy - Duration: 3:42.


Erth's Prehistoric Aquarium Adventure - Duration: 3:15.

For more infomation >> Erth's Prehistoric Aquarium Adventure - Duration: 3:15.


Fendt Joker 410 B - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Fendt Joker 410 B - Duration: 1:06.


Nightcore「Switching Vocals」- Woman Like Me (Little Mix ft. Nicki Minaj) - Duration: 3:22.

Lyrics on screen

For more infomation >> Nightcore「Switching Vocals」- Woman Like Me (Little Mix ft. Nicki Minaj) - Duration: 3:22.



Incoming transmission

Did you ever wonder what kind of long-lasting batteries Henry the RC car uses? Well wonder no longer

Henry uses none other than Gens Ace 7.4 volt 5000mah lipo batteries

With their 2s 50c discharge rate. They are perfect for RC long runtimes at high speeds

They are specially designed for 1/8 and 1/10 RC cars

They come with a Deans plug. So make sure you purchase the right adapter for your RC vehicle

The purchase links are in the description

end of transmission

Kody: Hey Henry, come watch this Shane Dawson documentary on Jake Paul. It's actually pretty good!

Kody: Henry?

Kody: Hey, where did you go?

Henry: I'm right next to you.

Kody: Oh my god! Ummm Henry, why are you dressed like that?

Henry: It's my Halloween costume, "Henry The Wizard"!

Henry: So Kody, what do you think?

Kody: But Halloween is still a few days away

Kody: Plus you can't wear that costume

Henry: And why the hell not?

Kody: Your beard will get tangled up in your wheel axle!

Henry: Oh, I didn't think of that!

Kody: I'm sure you can find a more functional costume to wear for Halloween

Henry: But Kody, I really like being "Henry The Wizard"

Kody: Don't worry. We have plenty of costumes in storage.

Henry: Whatever...

Kody: I'll help you choose one, go in the changing room and I'll toss you a few to try on

Henry: Ugh... Fine!

Kody: A few moments later...

Henry: Geez, I look like an idiot.

Kody: No you don't! Henry come on out for us to see

Henry: Ugh... God, you're annoying

Kody: Ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce to you, "Henry The Pirate"!

Kody: Back up a bit, so that they can see you better

Kody: Isn't this cooler than the wizard?

Henry: Are you serious? I can't even see through my right eye!

Kody: So you mean, you can't see the parrot on your head.

Henry: What?! What are you talking about?

Kody: Um, never mind...

Henry: Oh my god, you mean I have a freaking parrot on my head? Get it the hell off, before it craps on me!

Kody: But Henry, it's not even a real perro...

Henry: how dare you do this to me?! This is car abuse, I could report you!

Kody: Okay, relax, go try on the next costume.

Henry: Don't freaking tell me to rela...

kody: few more moments later...

Henry: Okay, this is a little more like it!

Kody: All right, come on out!

Henry: Hold your horses, I'm coming!

Henry: nana nana nana nana Batman! I'm ready to fight crime!

Kody: Hmm. I don't know. I think it's missing something.

Henry: Nope, it's perfect, my cape won't get tangled in my wheels or anything...

Kody: Actually, I think I know what this costume needs!

Henry: What possibly could you add to make this costume better?

Kody: Just go back in the changing room. You will know in just a bit.

Henry: Ugh, fine!

Kody: This will just take a moment...

Kody: Thank you for your patience

Kody: All right, come on out!

Henry: Nope, not happening! I look like a freak

Kody: oh, come on!

Kody: Henry?

Henry: Ugh, I bet you're enjoying this.

Kody: Why would you say that? You don't like the wings?

Henry: You think?

Henry: In what freaking dimension, would you assume that Batman would look good in rainbow colored fairy wings?!

Kody: Think you look fabulous!

Henry: Are you serious?!

Henry: I look like if Batman and My Little Pony, had a baby they were ashamed of!

Kody: Oh, come on, you are overreacting!

Henry: No, I'm not! If I went outside looking like this,

Henry: I wouldn't blame any kid who by impulse, felt the need to pummel me into the ground

Henry: They would probably be doing me a favor!

Kody: But Henry i reall...

Henry: I want out of this freaking nightmare of a costume and we shall never speak of this again!

Kody: Oh my...

Please subscribe and click on a playlist below to watch more videos!

Did you click on a playlist yet?

It isn't going to click itself!

Hurry up! You're running out of time!

You're too late!

For more infomation >> WHICH HALLOWEEN COSTUME SHOULD HENRY WEAR? (PART 1) "HENRY THE RC CAR" - Duration: 4:25.


黄轩频繁与大导演合作是因为演技好?郑晓龙曾评价他"不行" - Duration: 5:07.

For more infomation >> 黄轩频繁与大导演合作是因为演技好?郑晓龙曾评价他"不行" - Duration: 5:07.


Travis Scott ft. Drake Type Beat - "Stacks" l Instrumental Freestyle - Duration: 2:56.

Buy 1 Get 3 Free at:

For more infomation >> Travis Scott ft. Drake Type Beat - "Stacks" l Instrumental Freestyle - Duration: 2:56.


Tour of where I smoked 5-MeO-DMT in Queretaro, Mexico | Teaser from DETOUR #014 - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> Tour of where I smoked 5-MeO-DMT in Queretaro, Mexico | Teaser from DETOUR #014 - Duration: 1:35.


For more infomation >> Tour of where I smoked 5-MeO-DMT in Queretaro, Mexico | Teaser from DETOUR #014 - Duration: 1:35.


Young Interview Client and Agricultural Technician Juan Lázaro Mancheño - IberoPistacho - Duration: 4:15.

Hi. Good morning, Juan Gallego speaks to you, Manager of IberoPistacho, we are here in

Fruit Attraction, in Madrid, and I have the nice to be with one of our

clients, what is Juan Lázaro, how about Juan? (Juan Lázaro: good, delighted), good that your pistachio plantation

what are you going to do next month, surely, right? You have it planned

with us. Juan Lázaro: yes from 12, from 12 to 16, I will pick up the plant in Manzanares

and then put it, plant it and grow it, What was it that made you get into the world of

pistachio? Well I I consider myself a person, well I do not

I consider, I'm young, I think this has a great future and good

I'm not going to .... at the moment I can not hope for a large area, or a large farm

but little by little, we will try to prosper. Good, it is clear that you are going to start with a

little to know better the culture, but that your idea happens to be able to grow

in this crop and be able to open your way and Apart from being a farmer, you are also

doing Agronomist career and you idea is to be able to combine your exploitation,

with your profession True? That is, to be able to apply all my knowledge so much of

University, as of work experience in my farm, because that's not a

large farm, it is small in size, family, but

the knowledge never comes badly. We talked before of camera, because he is from Corral de

Almaguer, is a town in the province of Toledo, a town where the vineyard is the

king cultivation, where the lands are very good, I know

I commented to him, and it's not because I'm listening, is that it is reality, its

lands, the land of this term municipal are very good, and the cultivation

of the pistachio can be perfectly turn also into a crop

representative, in a social culture like it is the vineyard. What do you think with

regarding the wealth that you can give to your town that the cultivation of pistachio

Can it be extended? The pistachio, as I said before

has a great future, both in terms of price and can bring a lot of work

in what is the town, and apart from the people, the person who

cultivate, and it's a term that has a lot of vineyard The vineyard is already a little

more settled, and people know more about what that crop is, and of course, go out

of the comfort zone is very difficult, for people a little bit older so

say it, that is already settled with their crops and

knows what to do in each moment of the year, because it's the simplest, but if

maybe you look long term, you can go out a little and bet on other things.

It is clear that the changes always they start with a person, and that

person is the one who starts to create a movement, and that in this movement

other people come, and in the end this mass makes it settle a practice and

in this case we from IberoPistacho, from the point of view of the soil, because

is a plant like any other, that has, let's say have some conditions

favorable, so that it can be developed and it can be profitable. The market is

favorable, without a doubt, but about everything is favorable, because it is a product that

it can be consumed by anyone, from any religion, from any area of ​​the

world. It is a product that can consume a child, it can be consumed by a person

older, and we have a lot of faith in this cultivation and that's why we're betting

strong, in counseling on the one hand, in trading with quality plants,

in buying quality crops, and this plant that we sell to people who

become customers and then once that we have this fruit already having it

processed, take it to the market so that is valued and so you can be in the

table of each house. Many thanks juan. (Juan Lázaro: Thank you very much, delighted).

Pass it pistachio.

For more infomation >> Young Interview Client and Agricultural Technician Juan Lázaro Mancheño - IberoPistacho - Duration: 4:15.


For more infomation >> Young Interview Client and Agricultural Technician Juan Lázaro Mancheño - IberoPistacho - Duration: 4:15.


Gainful - Personalized Protein

For more infomation >> Gainful - Personalized Protein


Leica Instant M Concept features viewfinder display of 1:1 ratio to film and Full Frame Leica M lens - Duration: 2:23.

Leica may already have its own instant camera in the form of the sofort

introduced in 2016 but let's face it it feels more like a glorified Fuji Instax

Mini than a truly premium Instax camera with the like a brand changhai based

product designer Daniel Wong took up the noble challenge to make the first

instant camera design for the Leica M lens the result is a minimalist

masterpiece that will delight the like of fans and intrigue instant photography

lovers Wong describes the personal project he later named Leica instant M

as a minimalist camera that features a viewfinder display of one-to-one ratio

to film and accommodates a full-frame Leica M lens designed to be as premium

as the like a brand name suggests Huang made the instant M out of a single piece

of translucent polycarbonate shell with a stamped inner frame he also installed

a curved glass rear which angles the display for optimum viewing and provides

thumb grip there are also swappable neck and hand strap provisions integrated at

the sides while noted that mounting a full frame lens to an instant camera

requires a hybrid system like the Instax s q10 while there are interchangeable

lens instant cameras out there they can only take custom or medium format lens

he cites limitation of the flange focal length as the reason why there haven't

been any instant cameras for aps-c or full frame lens the hybrid system on the

S q10 and s q20 solves this so he hacked an S q10 to work on a prototype that

takes a 35 millimetres like a summicron M lens

For more infomation >> Leica Instant M Concept features viewfinder display of 1:1 ratio to film and Full Frame Leica M lens - Duration: 2:23.


Citroën Jumpy M BlueHDi 120 BUSINESS Clima/Navi/DAB/Camera/3-zits - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Citroën Jumpy M BlueHDi 120 BUSINESS Clima/Navi/DAB/Camera/3-zits - Duration: 1:07.


Nightcore「Switching Vocals」- Woman Like Me (Little Mix ft. Nicki Minaj) - Duration: 3:22.

Lyrics on screen

For more infomation >> Nightcore「Switching Vocals」- Woman Like Me (Little Mix ft. Nicki Minaj) - Duration: 3:22.


The Bully Pulpit Is Effective - Amazon's Wage Hike Is Proof - Duration: 3:48.

Next question's from the Atomic Sultan who asks, "Regarding Amazon's wage hike to $15

an hour, do you believe that Bernie Sanders was the main cause of Jeff Bezos' decision

to do that?"

A 100%.

Nobody, I mean, possibly democratic representative, Ro Khanna, who was also very vocal on this

issue and also sponsored the same legislation that Bernie did in the Senate, Ro Khanna did

in the House, so he's got to get a lot of credit on this as well.

But that pressure is what made Bezos do this.

He would not have done it had it not been for these high profile politicians putting

the pressure on him, keeping the story out there, getting people on social media active,

getting news outlets to start interviewing former employees of Amazon to tell them how

bad the situation truly was.

Yes, that was Bernie Sanders and a handful of other politicians.

I mean, to be honest, not even a handful.

Again, you had Ro Khanna.

That's about all you got.

Yes, it was the result of these politicians, but that's their job.

It's refreshing to see politicians out there doing that.

They did sponsor this legislation.

Both men knew that it had no chance of actually passing, but by putting it out there, by getting

the coverage for it and then by using your most powerful tool of all, which is the bully

pulpit, going out there and keeping the heat on, putting the pressure on, keeping the media

focused on it, they made Amazon change their ways.

That is what more and more politicians should be doing every day.

To be honest, this country would be a much different place today had Barack Obama done

that more often as President of the United States.

To me, that's his biggest failure as President, not using that bully pulpit.

We have seen how effective it can be.

We have seen the results that come from getting out there, putting public pressure on these

companies, and forcing them to make the changes that are desperately needed.

Bernie Sanders did a great job here.

Ro Khanna did a great job here.

If I'm leaving anybody else off that list, my apologies.

I do want to give credit to everyone who helped work on this, not just the politicians, but

the outside organizations, the progressive media outlets that kept covering this story.

The corporate media outlets, even some of those got involved talking about this story.

Props to everyone on this.

Do it more often though.

Don't just let these corporations slide, okay?

We have too many still out there, big box stores screwing over their workers, engaging

in active wage theft of their employees.

That has to come to an end.

But it's not going to come to an end unless there is this public pressure which requires

a public spotlight.

The average American citizen cannot hold that spotlight up because they don't have the platform

to do it.

Politicians do, media outlets do, and they're the ones who have to take the lead on this

to force the change on other corporations in the United States.

Again, if you have a question for us, please send it using the hashtag, #AskROF.

You can also follow the show on Twitter @RingofFireRadio and you can follow me @FarronBalanced.

Feel free to send your questions directly to us, either my Twitter or the show's Twitter.

We will respond to them on the air.

We've got to take a quick break, we'll be right back.

For more infomation >> The Bully Pulpit Is Effective - Amazon's Wage Hike Is Proof - Duration: 3:48.


let it all go | multicouples (+kira) - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> let it all go | multicouples (+kira) - Duration: 3:11.


Hamster that does not leave the side even with a cold shoulder!【Funny & cute make your feel at ease】 - Duration: 2:17.

Hello I am a cheese Jr.

Hey Owner

Hey hey



I will not give it up.

I am thinking about a strategy

Next time for sure

I'll try my best!


Hey Owner

I want to climb





Hey Owner

Hey Owner

I want to climb just a little

What is wrong with that?

That's weird.

I am thinking about a strategy

I will not give up.

I'm done !

I am thinking about a strategy

I am thinking about a strategy

Hey hey





I'm here

I'm here!!!!

Will you leave me alone?

Give me a second

Hey Owner

For more infomation >> Hamster that does not leave the side even with a cold shoulder!【Funny & cute make your feel at ease】 - Duration: 2:17.


Robbie Williams and Ayda Field at war trying to keep plans secret - Daily News - Duration: 3:04.

 Robbie Williams and his wife Ayda Field are at war for the X Factor live shows as they try to keep their plans secret from each other

 Sources said their Mr & Mrs-style battle was heating up, with Ayda telling her Overs acts not to discuss the show with her hubby, to stop the Angels singer hearing her ideas

 And while they may seem all loved-up on camera, the American actress and Robbie, 44, have opted for separate dressing rooms to help keep plans for their categories under wraps

 An X Factor insider said: "They will do whatever it takes to win this show. It's definitely the battle of Mr & Mrs

"  The couple sit on the judging panel alongside show boss Simon Cowell, who has the Girls category, and One Direction singer Louis Tomlinson, who is mentoring the Boys

 Some of the judges are so confident about one of their own acts winning the series that they have placed bets

 Our insider revealed: "Louis Tomlinson is saying he will double the figure and he will be donating his win to charity

 "The show has never seen this amount of competition between the judges before, they are all set on winning

"  Another source close to the show said: "Who knows what lengths they'll go to, to make sure their contestants make it to the final?  "They all really care about their acts and want the best for them

It's great to see this competitive streak between the panel. They are definitely keeping everyone on their toes

"  Robbie is tending to the Groups, but it seems his wife has the most to prove.  The Loose Women panellist, 39, has told how she feels like the underdog on the series

 Ayda said: "I'm here to find some great talent and make great TV. I want to help someone achieve their dreams

 "If it wasn't a challenge, it wouldn't be fun. I'm excited to be the underdog and show the boys how it's done

" Read More Top news stories from Mirror Online

For more infomation >> Robbie Williams and Ayda Field at war trying to keep plans secret - Daily News - Duration: 3:04.


Travis Scott ft. Drake Type Beat - "Stacks" l Instrumental Freestyle - Duration: 2:56.

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For more infomation >> Travis Scott ft. Drake Type Beat - "Stacks" l Instrumental Freestyle - Duration: 2:56.


Young Interview Client and Agricultural Technician Juan Lázaro Mancheño - IberoPistacho - Duration: 4:15.

Hi. Good morning, Juan Gallego speaks to you, Manager of IberoPistacho, we are here in

Fruit Attraction, in Madrid, and I have the nice to be with one of our

clients, what is Juan Lázaro, how about Juan? (Juan Lázaro: good, delighted), good that your pistachio plantation

what are you going to do next month, surely, right? You have it planned

with us. Juan Lázaro: yes from 12, from 12 to 16, I will pick up the plant in Manzanares

and then put it, plant it and grow it, What was it that made you get into the world of

pistachio? Well I I consider myself a person, well I do not

I consider, I'm young, I think this has a great future and good

I'm not going to .... at the moment I can not hope for a large area, or a large farm

but little by little, we will try to prosper. Good, it is clear that you are going to start with a

little to know better the culture, but that your idea happens to be able to grow

in this crop and be able to open your way and Apart from being a farmer, you are also

doing Agronomist career and you idea is to be able to combine your exploitation,

with your profession True? That is, to be able to apply all my knowledge so much of

University, as of work experience in my farm, because that's not a

large farm, it is small in size, family, but

the knowledge never comes badly. We talked before of camera, because he is from Corral de

Almaguer, is a town in the province of Toledo, a town where the vineyard is the

king cultivation, where the lands are very good, I know

I commented to him, and it's not because I'm listening, is that it is reality, its

lands, the land of this term municipal are very good, and the cultivation

of the pistachio can be perfectly turn also into a crop

representative, in a social culture like it is the vineyard. What do you think with

regarding the wealth that you can give to your town that the cultivation of pistachio

Can it be extended? The pistachio, as I said before

has a great future, both in terms of price and can bring a lot of work

in what is the town, and apart from the people, the person who

cultivate, and it's a term that has a lot of vineyard The vineyard is already a little

more settled, and people know more about what that crop is, and of course, go out

of the comfort zone is very difficult, for people a little bit older so

say it, that is already settled with their crops and

knows what to do in each moment of the year, because it's the simplest, but if

maybe you look long term, you can go out a little and bet on other things.

It is clear that the changes always they start with a person, and that

person is the one who starts to create a movement, and that in this movement

other people come, and in the end this mass makes it settle a practice and

in this case we from IberoPistacho, from the point of view of the soil, because

is a plant like any other, that has, let's say have some conditions

favorable, so that it can be developed and it can be profitable. The market is

favorable, without a doubt, but about everything is favorable, because it is a product that

it can be consumed by anyone, from any religion, from any area of ​​the

world. It is a product that can consume a child, it can be consumed by a person

older, and we have a lot of faith in this cultivation and that's why we're betting

strong, in counseling on the one hand, in trading with quality plants,

in buying quality crops, and this plant that we sell to people who

become customers and then once that we have this fruit already having it

processed, take it to the market so that is valued and so you can be in the

table of each house. Many thanks juan. (Juan Lázaro: Thank you very much, delighted).

Pass it pistachio.

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