The Overwatch World Cup has been an excellent opportunity to catch a glimpse
at potential future all-star players. Welcome to Akshon Esports and these are
the Top 5 best plays from the Overwatch World Cup 2018 Bangkok
Qualifiers starting off we have the Australian Tank Trill claiming the
Number 5 spot with a powerful ult combo against Team Thailand with careful
coordination with his teammate HUS their EMP and primal rage combo absolutely
crushes Team Thailand and buys Australia more than enough time to win the round
with ease sure with a massive triple kill laying down the hammer to take the
Number 4 spot we have Reinforced with his impeccably timed earth shatter
against Team Australia. With Australia nearing the last checkpoint reinforced
returns from spawn and just in time denies Australia's final push preventing
them from capturing all three points just rings in one after the other with
these respawns keep this one in contest Reinforce he has a shatter! He has a shatter. Here is comes
throws it down locks out a couple of members, swings coming through from the
Hammond the firestrike comes out Trill going to die. PUNK goes down and Custa gets taken
down as well. Reinforced swings his way through the
home team bar is gonna be plummeting and they managed to hold him off in front of C. For
third we have Shaq's from Team Denmark with his pulse bomb it changed the
course of his team's match against Team Australia. The clock was ticking down and
Denmark desperately needed to take the first point on Anubis. Just as it looks
like Australia have repelled Denmark's last push Shax does what his team
couldn't, catching Trill and ckm with a Pulse Bomb then he and Ding clear the
last defender and take point. Oh no
ckm they can't finish off the Junkrat. He's coming in the stick though.
explosive way to get rid of your rodent problem I suppose Shax do you think what
the rest of his team could not. Even get the de-mech and oh man this myth struggled for
Denmark they're finally gonna get to the point
Australia has bought a lot of time. Team China had a dominating performance of
the entire tournament but Guxue impressed us so much with his Winston
play that he earned the second place spot on our list.
Just as team Australia looks to flip the point in overtime on Nepal Guxue
leaps into action getting a vicious 4 K against Team Australia to secure the map
win. Akraken going to be eliminated into the back goes Guxue has Custa complete locked in the room.
supporter Akraken gonna be going down and he is not done yet just chases deep yes
absolutely everybody this guy has been on a fire all weekend long. Before we get
to Number 1 we have an honorable mention going to networks from Team Spain with
his crippling Earthshatter on Team Thailand. The entire weekend had
noteworthy Tank plays and this was most certainly one of them. Negate the nano
blade they'd be absolutely right. Harryhook. Oh yeah that shatter nets him 3 its ginormous that with the charge as
well gonna get all sorts of pics. That's a 3k for him if I can count
directly which I think I can the UK education system is pretty good
I can see Reinforced over there taking notes the next season he's got his notebook
out mate. And without further ado the young all-star to be Patiphan cuts his
way through the top of this list. The 15 year old DPS player cuts through all of
Team Spain with a nano blade evocative of the very best Genji's seen in the
game. While Team Thailand did not ultimately make it to BlizzCon this year
Patiphan ensures that he has a place in the scene
any value but they take out either one but it doesn't matter this go time baby
what a penguin - but Patiphan with three don't bait me like this lad you gotta for sure
the shurikens are there and he's gonna be easily laughing to the bank with this
one Thailand should be sailing it into second. Do you agree with our list what
was your favorite play from the Bangkok qualifiers as always let us know in the
comment section below if you enjoyed this video be sure to like and share as
it really helps out the channel quite a lot otherwise be sure to subscribe and
follow us on Twitter if you want to stay up to date with all of our content and
hit that bell to stay notified. This has been Darren from Akshon Esports and
we'll see you in the next one thanks for watching.
For more infomation >> Top 5 Overwatch World Cup Bangkok Qualifier Plays | OWWC 2018 - Duration: 5:04.-------------------------------------------
The Flintstones Theme - EASY Piano Tutorial - Sheet Music (Synthesia) - Duration: 0:58.
Aitor, Cyclo - Mi Contradicción (Videoclip Oficial) - Duration: 3:40.
Bleaching Asian Hair to Blonde + Purple | Lab Muffin Beauty Science - Duration: 5:42.
good morning I'm in the car getting ready to go and it's really cold it's
really early and for some reason I'm really nervous as well so oh it's so
early it's so cold
'The Five' on explosive devices sent to prominent Democrats - Duration: 6:38.
How Brexit developments, Italy budget may affect US markets - Duration: 5:04.
"Wrap My Hijab" Rapper Mona Haydar Talks Sexism, Misogyny, and Religion on the Internet | ELLE - Duration: 3:00.
My name is Mona Haydar.
Or, if you're not anglicizing my name, Mona Haydar.
I grew up in Flint, Michigan, and you might know me from my music video, "Wrap My Hijab,"
or "Hijabi."
You might not know me, if you're a white supremacist,
because you probably don't like people like me.
I love being a woman on the Internet, because I love representing almost 2 billion people
as if we're a monolithic group.
And they especially love being reduced to a pregnant, rapper chaplain.
["Wrap My Hijab" plays]
I'll always be loved by my fans, until I wear something that they think is ugly,
or too covered up, or too revealing.
Then, they'll spend all their extra time trying to convince everybody why I'm a possessed
demon woman, trying to take everybody to hell with me.
I will never need a therapist, because everyone is always willing to let me know if my actions
and behaviors on social media are a cry for help... like changing my hijab style.
I love being a woman on the Internet, because dudes are always willing to let me know when
I'm being reverse-toxic patriarchal misogynist.
I especially love it when dudes send me messages asking me if I'm married.
And then, if I don't respond, start threatening my life.
And then, when I do respond, they ask me if I'm happy in my marriage and let me know how
they can make me happy.
["Dog" featuring Jackie Cruz plays]
I especially loved being a pregnant woman on the Internet.
Especially when I got comments from people like, "Is that safe?
Should she be doing that?"
Or like, "She shouldn't be rubbing her belly like that.
It's too suggestive.
It's too sexual."
Like, dude, how do you think I got pregnant to begin with?
I really loved being a postpartum woman on the Internet, especially when people would
ask me, "When are you gonna have your baby?"
And I'd already had my baby.
I love being a woman on the Internet, because, like when people will post a video, and then
everybody gets really excited about how deep and dope the lyrics are...
But that's never happened to me, because in my comments, all I ever see is,
"Go back to Trashcanistan you goat f_____."
I love being a woman on the Internet, especially when people are like, "Hey, where are you from?"
And I'm like, "Flint, Michigan."
And they're like, "No, where are you from from?
You're so exotic."
And I'm like, "Syria."
And then, I'm like, "So where are you from?"
And they're like, "North Carolina."
And I'm like, "Wow, so you're Cherokee?!"
Nasdaq CEO says regulations are partially to blame for IPO decline - Duration: 5:41.
Why it's too hard to start a business in Africa -- and how to change it | Magatte Wade - Duration: 9:13.
Today, what I want to share with you is something that happened to me,
actually, around four weeks ago, it happened.
Words were said to me that I never thought I would ever hear it said to my face
by another human being.
And those words, they shattered my heart.
And at the same time, they filled it with so much hope.
And the whole experience renewed my commitment
to the idea that I came to share with you today.
You see, I tell everyone that I am a haunted person.
What haunts me is the impossible stories,
story after story after story after story
of young people, my people, people like me
dying out there on the ocean, right now, laying at the bottom of the ocean,
serving as fish food.
Do you really think that's the best we can do?
To serve as fish food?
And for those of them who are trying to migrate to Europe --
because that's what it is all about,
they are trying to migrate to Europe to find a job.
Going through Libya.
Do you know what happens to us when we're trying to cross through Libya
and we're trapped over there?
Well, we're being sold as slaves.
For 300 dollars, maybe sometimes 500 dollars.
Sometimes I hear stories of bodies that fall off an airplane.
Somebody hid in the landing gear of a plane
or in the cargo section of a plane,
and then you find them frozen to death.
Wouldn't you be haunted if, like me, from the moment you were a little girl,
you hear these stories and they keep repeating themselves,
over and over and over?
Wouldn't you be haunted?
That's my case.
And at the same time, you know, as my people are dying,
my culture is also dying.
There, I said it.
Because, you know, we have this culture inferiority,
which means that anything that comes from us is not good enough.
But you know, in my situation,
and because I was raised to criticize by creating, it's Michelangelos.
My father said, "Do not come to me with problems
unless you thought of a couple alternatives.
They don't have to be right,
but I just want to know that you thought of something."
So, I have this attitude in life -- something is wrong, find a way to fix it.
And that's why I start the businesses that I start,
that's usually consumer brands,
that have embedded in them the very best of my African culture.
And what I do is it's all packaged, 21st century, world-class tendered,
and I bring that to one of the most sophisticated markets in the world,
which is the US.
First company was a beverage company,
second one is a skin care company, third one is launching next month,
and they all have that in common.
So, why are these people leaving?
They're leaving because they have no jobs.
They're leaving because where they are, there's no jobs.
So ...
But poverty, that's really striking them, is the root cause of why they're leaving.
Now, why are people poor?
People are poor because they have no money.
You have no money because you have no source of income.
And for most of us, what is a source of income?
For most of us, what is our source of income, what is it, tell me?
Jobs, thank you.
Where do jobs come from?
Come from where?
Businesses, thank you.
Now, if jobs is what fixes poverty,
and jobs come from businesses,
don't you think --
especially, they come from small and medium size enterprises, SMEs --
then don't you think, maybe for a second,
that we should focus on making it easy for a small-business person
to start and run their business?
Don't you think that it makes sense?
Why is it that when I look at the Doing Business index ranking
of the World Bank,
that ranks every country in the world
in terms of how easy or hard it is to start a company,
you tell me why African countries,
all 50 of them,
are basically at the bottom of that list?
That's why we're poor.
We're poor because it is literally impossible
to do businesses in these countries of ours.
But I'm going to tell you exactly what it means on the ground
for someone like me.
I have a manufacturing facility in Senegal.
Did you know that for all my raw material that I can't find in the country,
I have to pay a 45 percent tariff on everything that comes in?
Forty-five percent tariff.
Do you know that, even to look for fine cardboard
to ship my finished products to the US,
I can't find new, finished cardboard?
Because the distributors are not going to come here
to start their business,
because it makes no sense, either.
So right now, I have to mobilize 3000 dollars' worth of cardboard
in my warehouse, so that I can have cardboard,
and they won't arrive for another five weeks.
The fact that we are stifled with the most nonsensical laws out there.
That's why we can't run businesses.
It's like swimming through molasses.
So, what can you do about that?
I told you today that someone said to me words that marked me,
because I explained the same thing to my employees in Senegal.
And one of them started crying -- her name is Yahara.
She started crying.
I said, "Why are you crying?"
She said, "I'm crying because I had come to believe --
always seeing us represented as poor people --
I had come to believe that maybe, yes, maybe we are inferior.
Because, otherwise, how do you explain
that we're always in the begging situation?"
That's what broke my heart.
But at the same time that she said that,
because of how I explained just what I explained to you,
she said, "But now, I know that I am not the problem.
It is my environment in which I live, that's my problem."
I said, "Yes."
And that's what gave me hope --
that once people get it, they now change their outlook on life.
Here, what are some of our solutions, then?
If jobs is a solution,
don't you think, then, that we should be simplifying
the business environment of all of these countries?
Don't you think?
And along with you,
I would like for all of your friends from the other 50 countries
that are on the bottom of that list to do the same thing.
You do that, we do the rest of the job.
I'm doing my part of the game, what are you doing?
What are you doing?
What are you doing?
And as for you, everybody here in this room,
I leave you with two marching orders.
Get in the game,
and the way you get in it is educate yourself,
build awareness around yourself,
and then also advocate for e-government solutions.
He said, "Oh, corruption, how do we fight corruption?"
Well, as a matter of fact, I'm here to tell you
that yes, you can do it by the stroke of a pen.
You do not need anyone to tell you when and how to do that.
It is one thing, actually,
that you don't need to wait for anyone to do, so do it.
Otherwise, don't come and tell me that you want to fix corruption.
You and your other 50 friends from the other 50 countries
that are at the bottom of that list.
That's how you fight corruption.
If you were only charging me 5 percent to get my stuff in the country,
my raw material,
instead of the 45 percent,
do you really think that I would have to go a pay a bribe?
That's what breeds corruption.
Bad laws, sets of horrible, nonsense laws.
(Applause) (Cheers)
You want to fight corruption?
That's what you do.
And again, remember, you don't need to wait for anyone.
You can do that by yourself.
Unless you're telling me that maybe you have no sovereignty,
and that's a whole other problem.
OK, so, from here on, I have simple words for our "leaders."
This can go two ways.
It can go the nasty way,
because we have hundreds of millions of young people
coming to life right now, here,
and if they don't have an outlook in life,
they are going to go for a revolution.
They're going to go for violence.
And none of us wants that.
None, none of us.
That's the one way it can go.
Or the second way it can go is,
all this happens peacefully, productively, and everything is good,
and you do what you need to do, you get out of my way,
you let people like me do our job, we create all these jobs we need,
and then Africa becomes this very prosperous country
that it's designed to be, it should have been for a long time.
It happens like that, everybody's happy, we move on with our lives.
It can happen in two ways --
pick violence or you pick the calm, productive way.
I want the calm, productive way.
None of us should ever, ever even try to think
about what else could happen if we don't go there.
So, please.
And the time has come.
This type of picture -- prosperity, happiness, human flourishing --
that's what I see if we do our job.
Thank you.
(Applause) (Cheering)
Thank you.
How Europe Will Save Space Travel - Duration: 4:14.
Narrator: Europe is leading
one of the most important space
travel efforts of this century.
It's a mission called RemoveDEBRIS,
and if all goes according to plan,
it could save the future of space travel
as we know it.
The objective of RemoveDEBRIS is just that.
Demonstrate how we could remove
space debris that's cluttering up
Earth's orbit,
including pieces of used up rockets
and retired satellites.
Even though you can't see it from the ground,
there are more than half a million
chunks of space trash flying around
our planet,
and most of it is concentrated
in low earth orbit,
where it whips around at 28,000 kilometers
an hour.
Fast enough to fly from LA to London,
in just 19 minutes,
but here's the trouble with that.
Low earth orbit is our
front door to the universe.
To get anywhere in space,
whether it's the International Space Station,
Mars, or beyond,
we have to cross that threshold first,
but if you have a bunch of garbage
blocking your path,
it's gonna be difficult.
Even worse,
experts, like astrophysicist Donald Kessler,
fear that just one collision
between two large objects,
could seal up that opening forever,
because it would set off
a chain reaction.
One collision after another,
after another,
which could produce thousands of additional
pieces of debris.
This domino effect is called the
"Kessler Syndrome,"
after Donald Kessler himself,
and it predicts that low earth orbit
could become littered with space trash,
making it too dangerous for spacecraft
to fly through,
or also reduce their life spans
because of collisions.
That's where Europe's
RemoveDEBRIS mission comes in.
In 2018,
it successfully tested the first
of four stages of its trash
clean up technology,
and it looked like this.
This is not an illustration.
This is actually happening in space.
That's a net about the size of
a large dining room tablecloth,
ensnaring a small spacecraft
that the mission team planted
for the experiment.
Now, this was just the first
of what will, hopefully,
be many more tests,
because in the future,
we're gonna need a bigger net.
Guglielmo S. Aglietti: At the end of the day,
the final goal is to be able to
capture very large targets,
so, possibly what one of the targets
that has been mentioned, as a potential one,
is an old satellite,
and it is maybe the size of a bus.
Narrator: Scientists have been proposing ways
to clean up space junk
since the early 90s.
They've thought of everything,
from lasers,
to robotic claws.
But this is the first time any concept
has actually been tested in space.
The team hopes to test its other
three technologies, as well,
which involve a harpoon,
for spearing the trash,
a navigation system for analyzing the trash's
size, distance,
and rotation,
and a sail for slowing the trash down,
so it can reenter,
and burn up in Earth's atmosphere.
But all this technology isn't the reason
this mission has come closer than any
before it.
Aglietti: Everybody agrees, that to remove some of
this debris,
is the right thing to do,
but, clearly, the issue is going to be,
you know, the cost.
Narrator: The RemoveDEBRIS project has
cost 15 million euro,
or, about 17 million US dollars.
Aglietti: The current mission was sponsored
by the European community,
and, again, we had, you know,
ten partners, working on this project,
and, overall, the cost of this project
was about, you know,
€15 [million].
When you are going to do
this kind of mission,
for real,
the cost will be higher,
and, so, I think the various stakeholders
around the world,
have to get together,
and decide how such mission could
be funded.
We are talking about not just,
you know, the UK,
or, maybe, NASA, but also,
China, you know, Russia, and so on.
The problem is, again,
who is going to pay for it?
Narrator: So, Europe has taken the lead.
Rest of the world,
it's your turn now.
The Most Important Cipher in Classified BO4 Zombies Easter Eggs - Duration: 9:26.
For a limited time get your perkposters at
Hi everyone and welcome to another zombies video.
Today we break down the Tank Dempsey Cipher in classified.
This cipher has HUGE implications on the story so let's get into it.
The cipher reads: Plaintext:
(cough) Field Report...
(heavy cough) I don't know why I'm doing this.
Is anyone even receiving me?
(cough) If you are, then all hope is lost.
I'm the last one.
The others... they're... gone.
We failed.
(cough) I don't know if there are multiple outcomes,
or if this has always been the only one.
No matter what we do, what we fix, we still end up
here... this time travel shit, multiverses, shit fries your brain.
(cough) I hope Richtofen established contact with
the others.
Woke them up.
It's the only way now.
It's up to them.
(cough) Damn it's cold... very cold...
(beat) Not much time left now.
What you might not know is Dempsey has been calling in field reports since Origins.
When his character was first teased in Black Ops 2 his field report was shown on Treyarch's
Facebook and twitter page.
Each map, he continued to file his field reports like a good soldier.
Even before his own death in the Der Eisendrache trailer you can hear Dempsey calling in
a report.
"Plays report" Samantha in Origins, The Shadowman in Revelations,
and Dr. Monty in Black Ops 3 all criticize him for
still calling them in.
Everyone believes he is talking to no one and eventually even Dempsey believes that.
This report even starts out with Dempsey's new cynicism toward what he has been doing
with these reports.
He has found all of his actions to be hopeless.
But like a hopeless person will pray to a god they don't believe in, Dempsey files
his report hoping someone will hear him.
Do you want to know the heartbreaking truth?
All of his reports were being heard by America in the classified Universe.
There was no way to interact with Demspey because of all the time travel and dimension
jumping he was doing.
But like the good soldier he was he called in every report, which ended up in the Pentagon.
His reports were probably filed away with the 115 programs and maybe even used for the
Broken Arrow's research.
Do you know why this is actually great news?
Our post-moon Ultimis crew is at hanger 4 inside classified.
Tank Dempsey has quotes talking about setting things right.
Post-Moon Tank might be finally coming out of his 115 delusions and he will have all
of his reports from Primis Dempsey.
Potientially post moon Dempsey could come to his sense and lead the crew this time around
with the aid of Ultimis Richtofen who has found his way back inside his body.
Moving past Dempsey's story let's get into the details of the cipher.
Dempsey states "No matter what we do, what we fix, we still end up here."
It would seem our characters always end up dying in some location.
My guess is Blood of the Dead is that location until the cycle is broken.
This is why I believe Blood of the Dead could have its own loop.
In the music trailer they seem, to die over and over again.
This happens in the other BO3 trailers too.
Jason Blundell has said that those trailers serve as a way to tell more of the story and
are canon.
Let's turn the date back to September of 2016 to read a cipher by Dempsey that seems
very similar.
"I am the last of us, but I will be joining you soon my friends.
-cough, cough- death is near.
I hope what we have done doesn't come back to bite this universe in the ass.
Thank god we will all be gone, because if Monty ever found this place, we would be in
a world of shit.
Maybe now, with us all gone, the children will truly be safe.
-D" Once again, we hear Dempsey bleeding out,
but in much different tone.
The classified cipher seems to have Dempsey agitated and pissed that they keep dying no
matter what they do.
The Revelation cipher is a peaceful goodbye to his team of friends, hoping what they did
finally saved the children.
What I want to highlight is the sentence "I hope what we have done doesn't comeback
to bite this universe in the ass."
That line could indicate despite killing all their other selves there could still be something
This could lead to Ultimis needing to take over or this is describing the last conflict
left in the Aether storyline.
Somehow they may have caused Monty or the Shadowman to stir up more shit.
Back to the Classified cipher.
Dempsey goes onto say "I hope Richtofen established contact with the others.
Woke them up.
It's the only way now.
It's up to them."
Once again, this cipher is suggesting that another crew needs to finish the job.
Post-Revelations Primis, Victis, or Ultimis could get to call to carry on the mission
or finish all things.
What is interesting is The Giant may be providing a bigger role than we thought.
When Takeo says "We must awaken the test subjects."
This continues to take on new meanings.
Are they looking for the fractured universe Ultimis crew, the post-moon ultimis crew-,
the post-rev crew, the vicitis crew form a universe where they don't die?
This is one of the better ciphers we can get.
It answers some big questions, but causes us to ask new ones.
These ciphers should fill you with excitement because it is wrapping up our Aether story.
It is hinting at another team getting the spotlight in the end and hints at another
gut-wrenching sacrifice from Primis.
Dempsey seems to have the burden of being the last one alive in these universes.
He has to share his field report just before death takes him.
He has to watch his team fail.
He has to watch his friends die.
He has to be the last hope, even though there is no hope left.
Dempsey character is getting more of the beautiful writing we are experiencing in Black Ops 4.
These ciphers help give excitement to the future and flesh out Tank Dempsey in ways
multiple maps couldn't achieve.
Thanks for watching!
I hope you enjoyed the video.
Please let me know what you make of these ciphers in the comments below.
It is a big deal to see what consequences these can have on the future of our game.
Potinetially these ciphers are telling us the end to a future map, to primis, and to
the zombie storyline.
If you want to support the channel, consider going to to purchase t-shirts
or posters that are on sale now through the 31st.
I might even extend the sale due to the time it has taken my artist to finish up creating
the memories collection.
I have everything to ship the products now, so the first batch of orders should go out
by the end of the week way ahead of the November deadline.
I hope you have a wonderful day and I will see you in the next video!
This is how Bali is fighting plastic pollution | CNBC Reports - Duration: 5:23.
Interesting if you put the dots together.
Like, styrofoam is only what, a couple, a meter away from the fish that just died.
So, connecting the dots here again and seeing...hmm.
I'm in the island of Bali, Indonesia, and I'm taking an evening stroll with Melati Wijsen, a Balinese teenager.
Melati's no ordinary youth though.
She's just 17 years old, but together with her 15-year-old sister Isabel,
the two of them have met with world leaders, celebrities and spoken at numerous global events.
Recently, she was invited as the Inspirational Speaker at the IMF and World Bank meetings in Bali.
That's because Melati's been fighting to tackle plastic pollution.
Her hometown Bali may be a holiday paradise for many, but it has such a serious waste problem
that the government declared a "garbage emergency" last year.
It started five years ago with my sister, and we were at the time,
I was 12 years old and my sister was 10. This is our home beach.
So we grew up here on the island of Bali.
One thing is really the awakening of, you know recognising that plastic was everywhere,
whether we were going swimming in the ocean, tanning on the beach,
walking through the rice fields, on the street. Plastic was everywhere.
Melati and her sister, Isabel, decided that even though they were young,
they could not wait for change to happen.
Taking matters into their own hands, they decided to set up
Bye Bye Plastic Bags to get people to say no to using plastic.
Melati took me to her local beach, just 100 metres from her house, to show me the extent of plastic pollution.
Sorry, some plastic.
That's some plastic that they've found.
This stuff washes up all the time and it's not only coming from the oceans, it's coming from the land.
Plastic is literally everywhere.
It's pretty ironic as well if you think about it that the bin is just here but the plastic is there.
Oh, yeah.
It's because this bin never gets picked up, so they kind of get fed up and dump it all in there.
Indonesia has a serious plastic problem.
It's the world's second-largest plastic polluter, right behind China.
That's because of many factors, such as the many plastic products
offered in Indonesia to suit its emerging market of consumers.
We have all of these single, single day packs for shampoo or you have five peanuts
or five pieces of keropok, like crackers, rice crackers, in their own single, plastic bag.
And we consume it every day without thinking about the consequences.
Indonesia also faces the problems of a fast-growing population
and a general lack of awareness on plastic pollution.
Again, the statement of people on the island do not care. I don't believe in that.
I think the people don't know what else to do.
To combat the problem, Bye Bye Plastic Bags has raised awareness through some of the biggest
beach clean-ups in Bali, bringing together more than 35,000 people in the last two years.
The organisation, which is run on donations and by volunteers, have also put together
a booklet to educate children on plastic pollution and what they can do to reduce plastic use.
Melati is taking a gap year before starting university, and she's working on several projects,
such as a social enterprise making bags out of recycled materials.
As part of the One Island One Voice project, her latest initiative is getting businesses
in Bali to commit to using fewer plastic items like straws and bags.
She has more than 350 businesses on board in just three months.
And aims to get 1,000 by the end of the year.
It's been a rollercoaster ride for both Melati and Isabel, but they have been persistent and pretty fearless.
Four years ago, they even staged a hunger strike to get
the governor of Bali to meet them. And he responded with an offer to meet.
He signed a memorandum of understanding to work together with Bye Bye Plastic Bags,
and later declared a commitment for Bali to be plastic free by 2018.
That hasn't happened yet, but Melati says she isn't deterred.
As a 17-year-old changemaker what has been super interesting
and a learning curve for me has been learning how to deal with politicians.
So I would say it's like dancing with politicians,
it's three steps forward two steps back and then again and again.
There are many organisations trying to raise awareness,
and plenty of eco-friendly businesses selling plastic-free products.
In Bali, many hotels and restaurants have gone plastic free,
preferring to use to paper straws or recyclable straws instead.
Indonesia has set a goal to reduce plastic waste by 70% by 2025.
And with passionate young Indonesians like Melati and Isabel,
the country may well be able to win its battle against plastic pollution.
Tesla earnings: Revenue exceeds Wall Street's expectations - Duration: 0:59.
Fitting Models Is like Tetris: Crash Course Statistics #35 - Duration: 11:09.
Hi, I'm Adriene Hill, and welcome back to Crash Course Statistics.
General Linear Models -- like Regression and ANOVA -- let us create a statistical analysis
of data for our specific needs.
Fitting the right model to our experiments is kind of like Tetris…
GLMS are in this analogy tetriminos.
Sometimes you need the skinny-long bric, called the straight sometimes you need the square
sometimes you need the left snake.
In stats, its similar sometimes you need regression sometimes ANOVA but there's also ANCOVA
---The Analysis of Covariance.
And the Repeated Measures ANOVA.
Today we'll look at the shape of those models.
And how they might help us level-up!
As a quick review, in a few of our past episodes we covered the fact that ANOVAs and regressions
are both General Linear Models.
ANOVAs allow us to analyze the effect of variables with two or more groups on continuous variables.
And regressions allow us to analyze two continuous variables.
General Linear Models explain the data we observe by building a model to predict that
data, and then keeping track of how close the prediction is.
And both regressions and ANOVAs use a similar model setup.
It looks just like the equation for a line that you may have seen if you've taken Algebra.
The fact that they're set up the exact same way is helpful for two reasons.
One, it means we only have to remember one general mode , and two it allows us to combine
these two powerful models to give us the even more flexible ANCOVA.
For example, we might want to look at the amount of general anesthesia needed to put
a patient under.
There have been studies that suggest that redheads require more anesthesia than non-redheads
because the gene mutation that causes red hair, also affects pain receptors.
So we have two groups: redheads and non-redheads.
Those are categorical variables.
But, we also think that weight will have a meaningful impact on the amount of this specific
anesthetic that's needed for surgery.
Weight is a continuous variable.
To make sure things are relatively equal, we look at only one kind of simple, routine
surgery: appendix removal.
Working with a hospital, we collect data on 100 randomly selected patients.
50 redheads, and 50 non-redheads.
We record their weight, natural hair color, and the amount of anesthesia needed during
their surgery.
We can now build a model to predict milliliters of anesthesia based on hair color and weight.
Just like its friends, regression and ANOVA, the ANCOVA looks at the overall variation
in the data, and uses different variables, like hair color and weight, to explain it.
The overall variation is, as always, measured by the sum of the squared distances between
the overall mean amount of anesthesia used, and each dose of anesthesia that was administered.
This variation is called the Sums of Squares total.
So now we can calculate an ANOVA table that shows us the sums of squares and F-tests for
each of our effects.
Even though this is an ANCOVA model, we still usually refer to these as ANOVA tables.
And even though this table has both continuous regression factors and categorical ANOVA factors,
we read it just like it's a regular ANOVA table.
Here we can see that weight is a significant predictor of how much anesthesia you'll
need, but hair color isn't .it's really tempting to call hair color "nearly significant"
because it's SO close to 0.05.
But our cutoff is strict.
It has to be less than 0.05.
We now have a tool that allows us to combine categorical and continuous variables into
one General Linear Model.
The world as they say is our oyster.
We can predict all kinds of things with all kinds of variables.
We can also use our new ANCOVA models to make stronger inferences.
In our example,we were interested, mainly, in whether being a redhead significantly increased
the dose of a new anesthetic.
But we also included weight in the model, since we knew that weight plays a pretty big
role in how much anesthetic you need.
Weight accounted for a lot of the variation in the model.
Its eta squared is 0.353, which means that it accounts for about 35% of the variation
in our data.
That's pretty high.
And since it "soaked up" all of that variation, our Sums of Squares Error is now smaller.
If we had run a simple ANOVA with JUST hair color, the differences between anesthetic
doses due to weight would have just been chalked up to "random variation", or error because
it's source--weight--wasn't in our model.
For both of these models, the simple case where we ONLY look at hair color, and the
more complex case where we look at both hair color and weight, the total variation in the
data is the same.
Because it's the same data.
Total variation looks only at our outcome variable--like milliliters of anesthetic.
So, when we build our models, we're partitioning the same amount of variation into groups.
Our simple ANOVA model JUST looks at how much of this total variation is due to being or
not being a redhead.
The rest is counted as error, just because "error" refers to variation that our model
doesn't account for.
When we use the bigger model that includes both hair color and weight, we take some of
that variation that was attributed to error, and attribute it to weight instead.
This makes our pile of error variation smaller.
For this reason, many researchers will add covariates--continuous variables that are
used to explain our outcome variable--not only for inference, but also to reduce the
amount of error variation.
Let's take another example.
Say we want to look at the effect of a new brand of formula on the weight of infants.
We have two randomly assigned groups of infants: those with our new formula and those who get
an established brand of formula.
But infants grow very quickly, so we want to account for any variation due to age, so
we include age in days in our model.
If we just ran a model that included formula type, our Sums of Squares for Error is pretty big.
And formula doesn't have a significant effect on infants' weight.
But we know that infants weights are strongly correlated with how old they are, so when
we include that in a new ANCOVA model, it takes some of the variation that was error
variation in our simple model, and accounts for it using age in days.
As you can see from this ANOVA table, adding age as a covariate allowed us to explain some
of the variation, while making it easier for us to detect the fact that there is actually
a significant effect of formula type on babys' weights.
And we're not limited to just one covariate.
We can add many, if we want.
We could add mother's weight to this ANCOVA, or even another categorical variable, like ethnicity.
Our models are limited only by our ability to collect data.
But we have to be careful when we're using covariates to do inference.
There are cases when it makes sense to have a bunch of covariates.
But if someone is adding a bunch of them just to make their p-values significant, that could
be considered p-hacking
And we can continue to customize our model even further so that we're partitioning
our variation more accurately.
Previously, we noted that it's difficult to do a statistical test on whether there
was a significant difference between the mean ratings of two coffee shops.
That's because people's individual coffee preferences add extra variation to our data.
People who hate coffee will always rate it relatively low, and people who love coffee
will always rate it pretty high.
In that simple case, we did a matched pairs t-test in order to "subtract" the variation
due to people's different levels of coffee affinity.
Essentially, what we were doing was allowing each person to have their own "baseline"
coffee preference.
This allowed us to see whether there was a pattern of one coffee shop getting higher
ratings than the other, regardless of whether the people who rated it loved, tolerated,
or hated coffee.
And we can do that with more than 2 groups as well, using something called a Repeated
Measures ANOVA.
A Repeated Measures ANOVA asks whether there's a significant difference between 2 or more
groups or conditions.
The key to an Repeated Measures ANOVA is that the same experimental unit, whether it's
a cell, a person, or an animal, is measured multiple times.
Hence "Repeated".
And in practice, it works pretty similarly to the match pairs t-test, except it allows
you to look at more than 2 groups.
A repeated measures ANOVA lets each experimental unit have its own "baseline".
So we could ask whether there's a significant difference between 10 different coffee shops,
or whether there's a significant effect of slow, medium, and fast tempoed music on
the speed we run.
Everyone has a different baseline running speed.
Maybe your friend who injured their knee runs pretty slowly, but your cousin can run a 6
minute mile.
But it's still possible to say that on average, people run faster when a bear is chasing them--whether
they're fast or slow.
We're looking at data from 150 people, and we record how fast they can run a mile listening
to slow, medium and fast tempoed songs.
We measure them on different days so that they don't get too tired after all that
running (that could affect our data).
And we make sure to randomize the order of the music so that not everyone gets slow first,
or medium last.
If we simple looked at an ANOVA that used music tempo to predict mile pace there's
a lot of variation.
And when we ran this simple model, the effect of music tempo is non significant.
That may be due in part to the fact that the difference between how fast individual people
normally run is counted in the Error Sums of Squares, making it a lot bigger.
(That might not be the only reason, though.)
So, we tell our model which measurements belong to the same person.
And then, we tell our model to let each individual person have their own baseline mile time,
and we'll just look at how much music tempo affects the changes from people's baseline
running speeds.
So whether you normally run a 5 or 15 minute mile, an increase in 1 minute will be counted
the same.
Theoretically, it's sorta like centering everyone on their own mean running speed.
If you normally run a 6 minute mile, that becomes your 0 baseline.
Same thing if you normally run a 12 minute mile.
Since the math of these models--sometimes called Random Effect Models--can get a little
intense, we're just going to focus on how to read the ANOVA table output from a Repeated
Measures ANOVA.
Here, our output shows us that there is actually a significant effect of the music tempo on
running time.
Because we allowed everyone to have their own "baseline" speed, we in essence took
that variation away, and made our error term smaller.
We now have the shapes we need to fit all kinds of situations…
We can combine categorical and continuous factors, and we know how to handle data where
the same subject is measured multiple times.
We can slide these pieces together in all sorts of ways.
We can build a model that looks at how the number of hours of Tetris we play affects
how far we go in each game and if expertise level effects how long someone plays.
Or we could add statistical rigour to the decade long arguments over which Tetris shapes
are the best (it's the straight) and the worst to get.
Thanks for watching, I'll see you next time.
Multiple Shot At Kroger - Duration: 2:16.
When Uncle Ted Comes to Town - GEICO Umbrella - Duration: 0:16.
Next on The Umbers, uncle Ted's in town and it's non-stop laughs until he
borrows the Umber's car. Fortunately, their umbrella insurance helps cover injuries
to the other driver in excess of their car insurance. Until next time, Ted!
Here's How Much Bill Cosby Is Really Worth Now - Duration: 3:55.
Once reportedly worth $400 million, Bill Cosby was one of the richest entertainers ever.
However, lost royalties, quiet settlements, and a barrage of civil suits have begun to
erode his fortune in the wake of his 2018 conviction for assault.
Here's what Bill Cosby's net worth really is.
Building a brand
During the 1980s, Bill Cosby was the world's highest-paid entertainer, reaching international
audiences with his work in stand-up comedy, as well as his role as Dr. Cliff Huxtable
on The Cosby Show.
In the decades since the debut of the influential series, its reruns have generated well over
a billion dollars in revenue, with Cosby himself pocketing $166 million from the show's original
syndication deal.
Cosby also leveraged his popularity and television success into lucrative TV commercial work,
eventually becoming one of the most popular pitchmen of all time.
It's not just Jell-O that he shilled for — he was also a pitchman for Coca-Cola, Del Monte,
Ford, and Kodak, among others.
His skills earned him a spot in the American Advertising Federation Hall Of Fame in 2011
— an honor which was rescinded in May 2018.
With multiple mega-hit shows and companies lining up for his endorsement, Cosby eventually
amassed an estimated net worth of $400 million.
A different world
Assault allegations against Cosby surfaced throughout the comedian's career, but by 2014
they were out in the open for good.
As the number of accusers against Cosby grew into the dozens, networks severed ties with
his once-beloved properties.
Reruns of The Cosby Show were pulled from syndication, and companies like Hulu and Bounce
TV removed the series from their libraries, cutting off a valuable revenue stream.
New projects from Cosby were also cancelled as the allegations mounted, with NBC pulling
the plug on an in-development comedy series in November 2014.
That same month, Netflix also scrapped a new stand-up special from the comic just days
before its intended release date.
Legal bills and civil suits
As Cosby fended off the allegations, mounting legal fees left him struggling for cash.
In 2017, Page Six reported that Cosby attempted to take out a loan of $30 million on his 12,000-square-foot
Upper East Side mansion, which he purchased in 1987.
The development was seen by some as a sign of desperation.
He was also sued for legal fees by a former member of his own defense team.
Cosby also spent exorbitant amounts of money on settling civil suits.
In 2004, Cosby drugged and assaulted Andrea Constand in his Pennsylvania mansion.
It was later revealed in April 2018 that he paid Constand almost $3.4 million in 2006
as part of a confidential civil agreement.
Take the money
After Cosby was sentenced to prison for his crimes against Andrea Constand, his wife Camille
reportedly attempted to drain their joint account of money.
According to Radar Online, Camille cashed a check for $100,000 and attempted to withdraw
more before the bank intervened.
When the bank contacted the imprisoned comedian, he asked them to freeze the account.
Though the account is technically shared between the two of them, it primarily belongs to Bill,
and reportedly contains close to $120 million.
The cost of silence
Frank Scotti, a 90-year-old former NBC employee, told the New York Daily News in 2014 that
he helped Bill Cosby make payments to eight women from 1989 to 1990.
One of the women was Shawn Thompson, who allegedly received $100,000 from the predatory entertainer.
Scotti claimed that Cosby once presented him with a large amount of money to distribute
to the comedian's accusers under his own name so that the money couldn't be traced back
to Cosby.
At the time, he didn't realize that he was part of a criminal cover-up.
Scotti later determined that Cosby was paying the women for their silence, sending some
of them thousands of dollars every month during this time.
Far from finished?
According to some analysts, financial missteps by Bill Cosby could eventually erode his entire
It's a process that could continue long after his death if civil litigants continue to successfully
chip away at his estate.
Though he's only been convicted of his assault on Andrea Constand, Cosby has been accused
of assault by nearly 60 women.
Many of the women have sued Cosby for defamation, and might be entitled to massive payouts from
his estate.
If Cosby failed to put his money in a legally impenetrable trust, then some think he could
eventually go bankrupt — a stunning reversal of fortune for a formerly beloved figure.
5 Examples Why You Shouldn't Make Messi Angry - Duration: 7:16.
messi was having a quiet game until pepe stood on his hand, the next time leo touched the ball after that moment he pulled out a magical assist to abidal
a week later...
showed neuer who the real boss is
Neuer: I'll show Messi who's boss
zaragoza player, ponzio, was trying to stop him with hard fouls, messi awswered with magical dribbles and goals
balenziaga man marked messi for 15 minutes, you know what happened next.
madrid players tried really hard to keep messi out of this game with a lot of dirty tackles and man mark. the rest is history...
The Purge (TV Series) | S 1 Ep 8 Full Opening Scenes - "The Giving Time Is Here" | on USA Network - Duration: 6:43.
Cardi B - Money (Official Audio) Reaction - Duration: 6:14.
Drop like on this video if you guys enjoyed
Comment down below your thoughts in your opinions about the video. Make sure to subscribe
With host indications on so you stay down fight on every single video also follow my social media
So they tuned for updates for incoming videos. Thank you
What's up guys still crabs here welcome back to another reaction so we'll be racking to
Cardi B's new song called money
music video or
Well, I mean it's kind of both because a music video. Well, it's basically a song
This is number one or training now and it came out yesterday. I was gonna definitely
react to it yesterday, but I I
Found it out on my phone on YouTube like 10:30 at night, and I was sleepy at that time
at that time
Yeah, let's see what car to be has us in
today and if you're wondering why I'm blocking my comforter with my spreader and I don't usually do that because
My school logo is behind it, and I don't want to risk anything. So I hope you guys understand that
So, oh then let's begin in three two one. Let's go
To send so cool all gross eating the
Meat is fire, but the lyrics is alright
And it's kind of getting better
Nothing in this world I like more than
what I really wanna see I don't really need a
role of a bitch need cake
To be honest, I
didn't enjoy I like to be but de lyrics was okay except for
Alright so in my opinion, I think this video was good
especially the bead it was
Fire and the lyrics was okay, but when like neither end it was kind of getting a little bit better
but still
This is not my top favorite song now
but I have liked still three favorite songs okar to be which I do love and I
Like the lyrics and the beat number one. I like I like it
Okay, and I like black yellow and be careful those three cardd songs that I definitely do love and do enjoy
So, uh neckties thank you guys for so much for watching drop a like on this video comment down below if you got it
what you guys thought and
Subscribe to the channel and turn our presentation so that guys will guys enjoyed and I will see you guys in the next video
Goodbye, everyone
Ford B-MAX 1.0 ECOBOOST 100PK STYLE *Hoge zit | Airco | Radio Cd-speler* Garantie t/m April 2023!! - Duration: 1:04.
华鼎奖古装剧最佳女演员投票开启,杨紫以绝对优势超杨幂倪妮等人 - Duration: 2:42.
Champions League highlights: Why are Liverpool, Tottenham, Barcelona goals not on ITV? - Duration: 2:52.
Tottenham were in action in the early kick-off as Mauricio Pochettino took his side to PSV Eindhoven looking for their first points in the competition
In the other fixture from Group B, Lionel Messi was forced to watch his Barcelona side from the stands following his arm injury as the La Liga giants battled it out with Inter Milan
Liverpool lined up against Red Star Belgrade this evening while Paris Saint-Germain and Napoli were also in action
Last night saw Real Madrid return to winning ways while Manchester United were unable to get a result against Juventus on Cristiano Ronaldo's return to Old Trafford
Why are Champions League highlights not on ITV? Coverage of the Champions League is shown exclusively by BT Sport in the UK and Ireland The broadcaster obtained the rights for the 2018/19 campaign, meaning ITV will not be able to show any highlights
BT Sport will be running a highlights show of their own each week, but will also be posting clips from matches on their Twitter page
How to watch Champions League highlights tonight Highlights of the Champions League will be shown on BT Sport 2 tonight from 10
30pm BST. Customers will also be able to stream the highlights show through the BT Sport app and the company's website
EE mobile customers are able to gain access to BT Sport channels for free, thanks to a subscription plan recently announced by the network
The company said: "To say thanks for being with us, here's a special sporting treat for our pay monthly mobile and tablet customers: three months' free BT Sport on your EE phone and connected tablet
"Just text SPORT to 150, register for a BT ID then download the BT Sport app and get watching!"Champions League winner - Latest odds (Betfair) Manchester City 9/2 Barcelona 5/1 Juventus 11/2 Paris St-Germain 8/1 Liverpool 8/1 Bayern Munich 9/1 Real Madrid 10/1 Atletico Madrid 10/1 Manchester United 50/1 Borussia Dortmund 50/1
冯绍峰自爆不娶倪妮的理由,明白原因后,网友颖宝没嫁错人 - Duration: 4:56.
Seat Leon 1.9 TDI Eco Business Style Pro - Duration: 1:05.
Eu já eu nunca - Pum, crush na escola ou xixi na cama? - Duration: 8:23.
Opel Meriva 1.4 Turbo Edition - Duration: 1:06.
Toyota Yaris 1.0 VVT-i Aspiration - Duration: 1:05.
Opel Corsa 1.2-16V Business - Duration: 1:06.
Škoda Superb 1.9 TDI GreenLine Business Line - Duration: 0:50.
李娜爲什麼要出家呢? - Duration: 3:59.
韩寒,道歉! - Duration: 4:35.
Nightcore - Mystify - (Lyrics) - Duration: 2:44.
Nightcore - Mystify (NEFFEX) - Lyrics on the screen
Opel Insignia 1.6 CDTI ecoFLEX 136pk, Business+ ** EU Navi, LMV, Leder ** - Duration: 1:13.
Volkswagen Polo 1.2 TDI BlueMotion Comfortline - Duration: 1:11.
Champions League highlights: Why are Liverpool, Tottenham, Barcelona goals not on ITV? - Duration: 2:54.
Tottenham were in action in the early kick-off as Mauricio Pochettino took his side to PSV Eindhoven looking for their first points in the competition
In the other fixture from Group B, Lionel Messi was forced to watch his Barcelona side from the stands following his arm injury as the La Liga giants battled it out with Inter Milan
Liverpool lined up against Red Star Belgrade this evening while Paris Saint-Germain and Napoli were also in action
Last night saw Real Madrid return to winning ways while Manchester United were unable to get a result against Juventus on Cristiano Ronaldo's return to Old Trafford
Why are Champions League highlights not on ITV? Coverage of the Champions League is shown exclusively by BT Sport in the UK and Ireland The broadcaster obtained the rights for the 2018/19 campaign, meaning ITV will not be able to show any highlights
BT Sport will be running a highlights show of their own each week, but will also be posting clips from matches on their Twitter page
How to watch Champions League highlights tonight Highlights of the Champions League will be shown on BT Sport 2 tonight from 10
30pm BST. Customers will also be able to stream the highlights show through the BT Sport app and the company's website
EE mobile customers are able to gain access to BT Sport channels for free, thanks to a subscription plan recently announced by the network
The company said: "To say thanks for being with us, here's a special sporting treat for our pay monthly mobile and tablet customers: three months' free BT Sport on your EE phone and connected tablet
"Just text SPORT to 150, register for a BT ID then download the BT Sport app and get watching!"Champions League winner - Latest odds (Betfair) Manchester City 9/2 Barcelona 5/1 Juventus 11/2 Paris St-Germain 8/1 Liverpool 8/1 Bayern Munich 9/1 Real Madrid 10/1 Atletico Madrid 10/1 Manchester United 50/1 Borussia Dortmund 50/1
Opel Insignia 1.5 Turbo 165pk, Online Edition ** EU Navi, Trekhaak, AGR stoele - Duration: 1:11.
Opel KARL 1.0 ecoFLEX 75pk Edition ** Airco, Bluetooth, Lage KM-Stand ** - Duration: 1:10.
Renault Captur TCe 90PK Dynamique/ Eerste eigenaar - Duration: 1:07.
VOSTFR - MONSTA X - OH MY! - Duration: 3:46.
For more infomation >> VOSTFR - MONSTA X - OH MY! - Duration: 3:46.-------------------------------------------
Cheb Djalil Live 2019 | أجمل أغنية جزائرية - أحبها الملايين - Duration: 6:10.
For more infomation >> Cheb Djalil Live 2019 | أجمل أغنية جزائرية - أحبها الملايين - Duration: 6:10.-------------------------------------------
Gainful - Personalized Protein
U of M assistant gymnastics coach resigns after public sex arrest - Duration: 2:37.
Why Every Girl Should Learn Martial Arts - Duration: 3:09.
I started martial arts when I was six years old. My mom wanted us to learn how
to defend ourselves if someone wasn't doing the right thing.
I started martial arts and I started it because I wanted to be more confident
in myself. I've been doing martial arts for like almost a year because my brothers
were like, "You should come to this with us!" and I I just think it's a good idea
to be able to protect yourself in case, you never know what'll happen.
Martial arts has taught me to focus more
my family
powerful determine strong practicing martial arts for about 20 years and I've
been teaching for about 10 years do this time I've seen so many families come
into our studio and usually they just want their boys to join the program and
they want the girls on something like dance a gymnastics they say that their
girls are too girly for martial arts
well it's great that girls are involved in these other activities I hate seeing
them miss out and so much that martial arts can help them build it's not only a
great activity for fitness but they also learn how to defend themselves and
develop a strong and confident character it can also help girls have higher
self-esteem better learn about respecting themselves and others and
also develop mental toughness what parent wouldn't want that for their
daughter what are the other cool things on martial arts is there's no like male
or female separation you learn that anything that a boy can do you can do -
there's no such thing as like girl push-ups
there's kicks and Bluffs and techniques that everyone does I ran a martial arts
school with two of my older sisters my older sister has a PhD in electrical
engineering she competed in the national team for several years and my other
sister travels around the world was an international referee for Taekwondo she
wishes that the Youth Olympic Games in Argentina the other day I'm part of the
US team and I have a lot of personal goals and competition in my career but
honestly my biggest goal is that I can inspire and lead other young girls and
women to study the bar high and achieving all of their goals everyone
can benefit from martial arts whether they're tiny like some of our
four-year-olds or even as adults so parents think again about encouraging
your young girls to do martial art let's help it empower them to grow into
strong women
【ハムスター】やばい!ウエハースで目が飛び出る! おもしろ可愛い癒しHamster whose eyes jump out as the cheek pouch becomes full!ASMR - Duration: 3:06.
Cheese Jr. has the climbing time ❤
I arrived ♪
I want a snack ♪
I will eat here
It is tasty ❤
Aah! My eyes!
My eyes!
My eyes get out
phew、All entered the cheek bag
I want more
Please look at my ear
Is not it cute?
My ears will go up and down
Have a look?
Is it cute for my ears to go up and down?
I still eat it
Did you see it properly?
My ears to move up and down
I have not figured it out yet
It's not over yet!
Come on,
move it!
I am in pain but
I will do my best
I wish to enter
the cheek bag all
in a little while
I did it.
I'm going home
Okay, here we go
Next time for sure
I will get this ♪
I'm done !
It's a snack time at the villa ♪
Son of Jacksonville community activist murdered in Atlanta - Duration: 1:08.
BMW X5 3.0d xDrive High Executive M-pakket Aut. Head Up Display Camera Keyless - Duration: 1:13.
Nightcore - Mystify - (Lyrics) - Duration: 2:44.
Nightcore - Mystify (NEFFEX) - Lyrics on the screen
Bleaching Asian Hair to Blonde + Purple | Lab Muffin Beauty Science - Duration: 5:42.
good morning I'm in the car getting ready to go and it's really cold it's
really early and for some reason I'm really nervous as well so oh it's so
early it's so cold
Anthony Scaramucci Says Trump Needs To "Dial Down The Lying" - Duration: 3:46.
Former 10-day White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci appeared on CNN earlier
this week to not only promote his new book, but to tell all of us in the United States
that liars are not good people, and that nobody should tell a lie.
And according to Scaramucci, kind of that also applies to the President.
Take a look.
... and I think you and I agree on, I don't like when people say, "Oh, because someone
didn't go to college, they don't care about lying," because I know for a fact that people
do care about lying.
Your book, The Blue Collar President-
Hey [crosstalk]
I know you ... You explain it.
Let me rephrase it.
Okay, okay.
Let me rephrase it, because I think it's super important for everybody to understand.
Nobody should lie.
I'm not a big believer in lying, but politicians happen to lie.
Do you want to say that to the camera and to the president?
Nobody should lie-
Mr. President?
... but you're a politician now, so politicians lie when their lips are moving, and so all
these people lie.
But you should probably dial down the lying, because you don't need to.
You're doing a great job for the country, so dial that down and you'll be doing a lot
That's right, Donald.
I know you're a politician now, as Scaramucci says, so obviously you lie every time your
mouth is moving, because literally every other politician does that.
But just dial it down a bit.
Just turn it back a little.
Maybe instead of telling seven lies per day, only tell four.
That's Donald Trump's lie average, by the way, seven per day, seven, and that number's
actually been steadily increasing.
And as we see him do more of these rallies, those numbers get even higher and higher and
higher and higher.
But Scaramucci here is trying to have it both ways.
He's trying to play the middle, and he fails spectacularly to appeal to either side, because
he's calling the president a liar.
He doesn't mince words there, "Yeah, Donald Trump lies," so that's going to piss off the
But then he says, "But it's okay, because all of his ... all politicians lie, and Donald
Trump's a politician now, so he's allowed to lie."
Yeah, that's going to piss off everybody else.
So what exactly are you hoping to accomplish here, Scaramucci, the guy who spent 10 days
in the Trump administration before being fired?
Why should we listen to anything you have to say?
More importantly, don't tell the president to just dial it down.
Tell him to stop.
I mean, come on.
Tell him to stop.
That's all you had to do was say, "Stop lying."
Stop lying, two words.
Yet you, as somebody who's allegedly a communications director, can't even say, "Stop lying"?
No wonder you got fired after 10 days, you idiot.
You don't just say, "Hey, dial it down a bit.
There's no need to lie, so maybe just tell fewer."
No, you say, "Hey, here's some good numbers you could talk about.
Stop telling lies."
And you couldn't even do that when pressed by CNN's John Berman.
You are a disgusting excuse for a human being.
The only reason you're out there trying to appeal to both sides right now is because
you want to sell a few copies of your new book, and maybe make it onto that best seller
list, seeing as how you're obviously not going to make it on the list of good people from
the Trump administration.
Good luck with that.
My advice to everybody out there, don't waste your time on this Scaramucci book.
It's not going to be filled with anything that's going to give us any insight into the
It's not going to give us any decent insight into politics here in the United States.
It's just yet another former member of the Trump administration trying to make a quick
buck off of his 10 days working for the president.
Drawing out suspects: Forensic artist's sketches solve crimes - Duration: 0:59.
Hello, my name is Alexandre L'Heureux.
I'm a constable with the RCMP and I'm the forensic artist for the Atlantic region. My job consists of doing composite sketches,
facial reconstructions from human remains found
and to do age progressions from people that have gone missing in the past.
My main job is doing the composite sketches. We need to identify a person of interest that is unknown to us.
I'll meet with that person. We'll sit down and based on their memory and
visual-aid books that show noses, mouths, eyes,
we'll work together to complete a sketch that'll be an approximation of what the person of interest would be.
And in that case, we'll try to identify that person through the public or sometimes
we'll keep it within the RCMP to try to identify that person.
Ford B-MAX 1.0 ECOBOOST 100PK STYLE *Hoge zit | Airco | Radio Cd-speler* Garantie t/m April 2023!! - Duration: 1:04.
Suzuki Alto 1.0-16V GA 3 DEURS / SLECHTS 102.822 KM (NAP) / RADIO-CD / APK T/M 24-10-2019 / 950,- EU - Duration: 0:48.
Edinson Cavani TACKLES Neymar: PSG star stops him scoring and INJURES team-mate - Duration: 2:08.
Famously, the feuding pair have failed to see eye to eye ever since Neymar arrived from Barcelona in a world-record £200million deal
And their relationship might now hit an all-time low after this incident during their Champions League Group C match with Napoli
Things had apparently improved between the pair but Neymar will surely be fuming after the incident
It came in the opening minute of the game as Neymar galloped into the box and had an opportunity to hit the back of the net
Cavani got in his what appeared to be an accident but blocked the shot - and even injured the 25-year-old
Neymar hobbled off much to the dismay of the home fans.However, he ran the knock off and returned to the pitch as sighs of relief rang out at the Parc de Princes
It comes at a time when Neymar's future with the French giants is in some doubt. He has been linked with a sensational return to Barcelona - just months after leaving the Nou Camp
However, Barca manager Ernesto Valverde moved quickly to play down the rumours. "Any time is good to speculate, but Neymar plays for another team now," he said
"It's speculation, we're not in the market at the moment or looking short term, but anything can happen in football
" The world's most expensive player has also been linked with Real Madrid to replace Cristiano Ronaldo
Leif Alenstar's Channel - Duration: 2:46:53.
Magia Record | Ren's Winter Clothes | (Translated) - Duration: 3:12.
Ren: ... Ah.
Ren: (It's the girl from before...!)
Ren: (I should thank her...!)
Ren: ... Uh... Um...! A-Aimi... san...
Aimi: ... Hm?
Aimi: Oh! Ren-chan! It's been a while!
Ren: ... Yes...
Her name is Eri Aimi-san.
Around Valentine's Day, when I was struggling to figure out what to give to all the people I've been able to rely on... She gave me some advice.
Ren: (I've been thinking about how I wanted to thank her ever since then...)
Ren: (But now that she's here... It's hard to get the words out...)
Aimi: Hey, hey! So what happened with your valentines?
Ren: ... Ah... Um...
Ren: ... I-I... Gave them... Out...
Aimi: That's great!
Ren: ..........
Ren: (I want... To thank her...)
Aimi: ... S-so how did it go? Did anything happen afterwards?
Ren: ... Eh...?
Aimi: It's just - you look upset.
Ren: ... Ah... N-no... ... That's...
Ren: (Thanks...)
Ren: ..........
Aimi: Were they happy?
Rika: They're soooo cute!! Wow, what is this?! These chocolates are adorable!
Ren: ... Yes...
Aimi: Really? I'm glad!
Ren: (My thanks...)
Ren: .............
Aimi: ... Weeell... Then...
Aimi: Oh - were you not happy with the chocolates you made?
Ren: ........... Ah...
Ren: (How... Did she know... Back then...)
Ren: (Why is it like this...)
After making them, I thought that my chocolates had come out so well...
But then when I looked at the chocolates on display in the store, they were so beautiful... And it made me hesitate.
On one hand, I knew she would be happy to get them...
But the weaker side of me... Couldn't accept that.
These... Shabby chocolates... No one would be happy with these...
Ren: (I lost all confidence, right before giving them to everyone...)
Aimi: I think I get that.
Aimi: When you first make them, you think - "I did great!" But...
Aimi: Then you see the chocolates in stores, and the chocolates you get from friends, and it makes you want to try even harder!
Ren: ... Eh...
Aimi: Oh... Is that just me?
Ren: ... No...!
Ren: I-I... Also want... Them to... Make everyone... Happier...
Ren: (Back then, giving them out to everyone was so scary...!)
Aimi: Hey, hey - if it's not too much trouble...
Aimi: Do you want to practice making sweets together, sometime?
Ren: ............. Huh?
Aimi: So that by the time next Valentine's Day comes around, we'll have more confidence!
Ren: (... Next Valentine's Day...)
Aimi: Don't you wanna make the people you love even happier?
Ren: ............
There are unkind people in the world.
But... Ever since I met Rika-chan, the number of kind people around me has grown and grown...
The world around me has become more gentle.
So, I...
Ren: (I need to be... Just a little brave.)
Ren: ... Th... Thank you.... Very... Much...!
Aimi: ..........
Aimi: You're very welcome! Lets do our best to make good sweets!
Ren: --Yes!
Maybe Aimi-san didn't know how much her support would mean to me back around Valentine's.
But... I was able to convey my own feelings.
I want to become a person who can return the kindness that others give.
Hombre acusado de atropellar dos estudiantes permanecerá en la carcel - Duration: 0:42.
Okinawa-soba lunch in Motobu 暴風の日は本部までドライブして山原そばを食べよう:Gourmet Report グルメレポート - Duration: 3:53.
I eat Soki-soba.
I got a bit too close.
Isn't that hot?
I also eat Soki.
This isn't Pork Cartilage Spare Rib.
This is very good.
Is it good?
The bonito soup stock isn't too strong.
Very good soup.
Is the pork back rib very soft?
This is the chewy texture.
Very much noodles.
Soup is good.
Taste of soup in the case of eating noodles and drinking directly.
It is very different.
When drinking directly, it's the strong taste of course.
This is red chili pepper.
This is the last spare rib.
There were many spare ribs.
This is a very chewy meat.
Very good.
Tirer le portrait d'un suspect : Des dessins utiles pour attraper les criminels - Duration: 1:12.
QS AL FALAQ 1- 5 AYAT JUZ AMA' ANAK ANAK - Duration: 0:45.
Shaky start but £44m Fabinho could just be the new Gerrard in Europe - Duration: 3:42.
They know all about the Fab Four in these parts.The Fab One, not so much.On the evidence of Wednesday night, that may soon change
Fabinho, the £43.7m summer arrival who has so far made just one start, was belatedly handed a ticket to ride for Liverpool's Champions League clash with Red Star Belgrade
It was seen as something of a coup for Jurgen Klopp when the Anfield side announced they had captured the Brazilian from Monaco
Regarded as one of the finest defensive midfielders in Europe, Manchester United were among those who liked what they saw
However, Merseyside minutes have been hard to come by.Not that there was any chance of the all-Liverpool crowd missing him, resplendent in bright salmon pink boots
In the opening exchanges, with Liverpool slow and off-pace, Fabinho appeared to be a fish out of water
Early on, he missed a loud cry of 'man-on' from the Kop, to have his pocket picked following a square pass from Georginio Wijnaldum
Presumably, his English requires some work.It got worse, and on 14 minutes a rash, mistimed tackle on El Fardou Ben Nabouhane, Red Star's Comorian striker, may well have produced a yellow card
There were murmurs of discontent but there was also promise.Just five minutes later, Fabinho intelligently teed up Mo Salah for the kind of chance the Egyptian would have scored last season
The Brazilian's brainpower was also on display as he often dropped deep to a central defensive position to kick start attacks and keep the rhythm of Liverpool's play flowing
There were still wobbles, including an impression of a statue when Red Star's Marko Gobeljic waltzed by
But there were also thunderous, ball-winning challenges, appreciated by a curious Kop
In his preview to the match against a side that appears to be destined to become the whipping boys of Group C, Klopp had asked for patience, pointing out that Monaco's sedate system is a world away from Liverpool's organised chaos
He had also spoken of Fabinho's array of talents.All of a sudden they were on display
One minute he was breaking up play, the next spearheading incisive attacks at the other end with one ball in particular for Trent Alexander-Arnold a beauty
This was something new.A ball-playing yet shielding presence in front of the back four
Something perhaps not seen since, whisper it quietly, a certain Steven Gerrard.They are big boots to fill and this is very, very early
Despite Klopp's claims otherwise, the opposition was simply not very good.The signs from the number three, however were just that
Fabinho turned 25 on Tuesday and Klopp described a place in the starting line-up as a nice present
There were to-be-expected rusty moments, included a second-half shot blasted wide, but he returned the favour on a night which finally hinted at what might be to come
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