Thứ Ba, 23 tháng 10, 2018

Youtube daily report Oct 23 2018


For more infomation >> HOW TO REVERSE MINECRAFT ! - Duration: 10:02.


Vrai ou faux sur le Moyen Âge | Vraiment Top | tfo | Documentaire | Mystère - Duration: 2:31.

- (narrators): Really great!

- (narrator): The Middle Ages

is a period of history

having taken place between the 5th and

the 15th century. Is it true that

people did not wash there,

that life expectancy was there

shorter and that Robin's

Wood really existed? here is the

top 3 of the "true or false" on the

Middle Ages. Number 3: People do not

did not wash: true or false?

False. Lack of hygiene

Middle Ages is a very myth

tenacious. Yet, it would seem

that people were washing themselves

frequently and that we considered

water as a remedy. The fear

water would have done little by little

its appearance towards the end of

15th century. She was then

suspected to be responsible

the spread of epidemics.

And the nobles began to

use perfumes and

powders to camouflage their

odour. The dry toilet is

become the norm. People get

were passing towels on the

body and face rather than

immerse yourself in the water of a bath.

In other words, people get

washed less during the Renaissance

than in the Middle Ages. Number 2:

life expectancy was higher

short: true or false? True.

Today, life expectancy

in France is around 79 years old

for men and 85 for

the women. In Canada, we talk

about 80 years old for men

and 84 years for women.

Nothing comparable with the Middle

Age. People were dying there

much younger. Some

people were reaching 60 or 65

years, but the life expectancy

was on average 14 years old!


Yes, 14 years old! You have to say

that at the time, the conditions

of life were much more

difficult. The lack of

food and diseases there

were for something, without

forget the wars. Number 1:

Robin Hood really

existed: true or false? Mystery.

The oldest text that makes

mention of Robin Hood date

from 1377 and is called Peter the

plowman. He rubbed shoulders with the king

Richard Lionheart who has

ruled from 1189 to 1199. To death

of King Richard, it's his brother

John who was proclaimed king

from England. In order to straighten

the finances of the state, this

last raised taxes,

which raised an important

wave of indignation.

(hubbub of anger)

That's when

the famous Robin Hood.


This outlaw with a big heart

would have traveled the forest of

Sherwood stealing from the rich

to redistribute to the poor.

The problem: no historian

did not find his trace.

Subtitling: SETTE inc.

For more infomation >> Vrai ou faux sur le Moyen Âge | Vraiment Top | tfo | Documentaire | Mystère - Duration: 2:31.


Ike Barinholtz's Vasectomy Had a Disturbing Side Effect - Duration: 4:41.

-You and I had the most wonderful trip,

because we met in Amsterdam.

We worked for a theater called Boom Chicago.

And Boom Chicago had its 25th anniversary this summer.

-It did. -Which was great because I think

only a 25th anniversary would our spouses allow us

to go back to Amsterdam. -Yeah.

-And there's a bunch of us here.

Colton Dunn, there's my brother Josh,

Jill Benjamin, Josie O'Reilly, Liz Cackowski.

-Liz Cackowski, good group. -And how did you --

We were there for three days back in Amsterdam,

where we lived in our 20s.

-Yeah, and it's very different living in Amsterdam

when your in your mid-20s than when you're early 40s.


-It's bad when you're early 40s, because your body --

I don't know if you know this, Seth.

Your body changes as you get older.

-Yeah. -I don't know if you knew that.

-Yeah. -I found it out, and, you know,

when you're in your 20s, you can drink, oh, 20 beers.


-I did that with you a couple months ago.

-Yeah, 'cause you definitely --

You still have the head of a 20-year-old, my friend.

-Yeah, I do. Yeah, I do.

Spiritually, I'm 20. -Yeah.

-Physically, I'm --

-Your spirit animal is you at 20.

[ Laughter ] -It is.

And my physical animal is... Remember Buddy Ebsen?

[ Laughter ] -Yeah.

From "The Beverly Hillbillies"? -Yeah.

-Yeah, that's -- that's who it is.

-Well I remember you and Liz Cackowski,

who's a fantastic comedian, writer,

you guys flew out together, and the pictures on the flight

to Amsterdam, where you guys, like, yeah, toast.

-Yeah. -You're so happy.

And then tell us about the flight home.

-The flight home, I don't remember it,

but I remember turning to her dramatically in the lounge

and going, "Liz, I need to get on that plane."

Sounded like Harrison Ford in "Air Force One,"

but the opposite. -Yeah.

-Yeah. And she was like, "All right, fine.

Don't worry about it." -Now, it should be noted

that this is an early flight leaving Amsterdam.

And how much had you slept? -0.0 hours.

-Okay, gotcha. Yeah. -I laid in a park.

-Yeah, you fell asleep in a park for a second.

-Yeah, but I put my hat out. I got a couple bucks.

[ Laughter ]

Bought a nice broodje at the airport.

-Dutch for sandwich. -Dutch for sandwich.

[ Laughter ]

Thank you. Yeah, it was --

But then, I woke up seven hours in, I felt great.


-And then for two weeks, I had depression.

-Uh-huh. -And then I felt great.

-Oh, well, that's good. -Yes.

-Well, it was a great trip,

and it was worth two weeks of depression.

-Yeah, yeah, yeah. No doubt.

-Your wife and my wife both very nice.

I have two kids. You've got three now.

-Three kids. Yeah.

-So, now I know Halloween's coming up.

Are you guys enthusiastic about it?

-They are. The kids are.

We're doing a "Star Wars" theme.

-Oh, that's great. -Yeah it's great.

Rey, then my wife is Leia, then the middle kid is Yoda,

and then the youngest is Chewbacca.

Han Solo, obviously. -Uh-huh.

[ Laughter ]

-But maybe Han from "The Force Awakens."

The kind of slower... "Huh, huh. Huh."

He always looked surprised -- "Hunh! Hunh!"

[ Laughter ]

But, yeah. -I'm glad you've gotten

a lot of your Harrison Ford impression in tonight.

[ Laughter ]

-Yeah, I guess you can open with your closer. Yay!

But, no, I'm not gonna have any more kids.

I had a medical procedure. -Oh, wow.

-Yeah. -Congratulations.

-Yep. I found a guy on Craigslist.

-Okay. [ Laughter ]

He just -- He came over and just kicked me in the nuts a bunch.

-Uh-huh. -And, uh --

-But you did actually have -- -I did have the vasectomy.

-Okay, gotcha. -Yeah, which --

-Was everybody in the family in agreement?

Was Erica behind the idea? -It was Erica's idea.

-Okay, gotcha. -And I jumped on board.

[ Laughter ]

It was kind of fine for the first, you know --

Like three days, I was like, "This is not a big deal."

-This is after the fact? -This is after the fact.

And then the fact... -Okay.

-...was that -- I don't know how to say this.

My -- Well, my -- It turned purple.

-Oh, wow. [ Laughter ]

-Now, I don't mean like, "Oh, it was kind of purple."

I mean, it was -- You know Grimace from McDonald's?

-Sure. [ Laughter ]

If he had one, it would look indistinguishable.

[ Laughter ]

So, I am the new face of McDonald's.

-Wow! [ Laughter ]

Congratulations. -Thank you. Thank you.

-You made -- You made lemonade, my friend.

-Purple lemonade. -Purple lemonade.

-Yeah, it really hurt, and it was real scary for a minute.

But I'm fine now. -Gotcha. You're fine now.

Back to like, 60% purple, which is normal.

That's normal for me. -Oh, that was where you were at.

That was your starting point. -Yeah.

-My God, you have so many great things going on right now.

-Got a vasectomy. -You got a vasectomy.

-I'm gonna be old Han Solo. [ Laughter ]

-Buddy, it is always just such a pleasure to have you here.

Congrats again on the movie. It's really amazing.

-Thank you. [ Cheers and applause ]

-That's Ike Barinholtz, everybody.

I'm his friend. "The Oath" is in theaters now.

For more infomation >> Ike Barinholtz's Vasectomy Had a Disturbing Side Effect - Duration: 4:41.


'진성 덕후'들만 안다는 짱절미 숨겨진 매력 포인트 '도깨비 뿔' - Duration: 1:47.

콩고물이 묻은 듯 보드라운 털에 짧은 다리, 축 처진 귀와 통통한 꼬리까지.

온 국민이 열광한 강아지 '짱절미'의 매력 포인트를 나열하자면 끝도 없다.

그중 최근 짱절미의 새로운 매력 포인트로 떠오른 신체 부위가 있다. 바로 뾰족 솟은 '뿔'이다.

지난 22일 짱절미의 인스타그램 계정에는 강아지의 뒷모습이 담긴 사진 한 장이 올라왔다.

공개된 사진 속에는 보송보송한 털로 뒤덮인 짱절미의 동그란 뒤통수가 등장했다.

귀여운 뒤통수에서 가장 눈길을 끈 건 도깨비 뿔처럼 유달리 튀어나온 털이었다.

짱절미의 뿔(?)이 담긴 사진은 이뿐만이 아니다.

짱절미는 다른 사진 속에서도 삐죽 튀어나온 털로 귀여운 매력을 뽐냈다.

일부 팬들은 짱절미의 삐죽 솟은 털을 보고 도깨비와 이름을 합성한 '절깨비'라는 별명을 붙여주기도 했다.

새로운 매력 포인트를 알게 된 짱절미의 팬들은 "절미 귀여운 아기 도깨비였다",

"'절미 나와라 뚝딱' 해보고 싶다", "너무 귀여워서 숨이 멎을 것 같다" 등 뜨거운 반응을 보였다.

한편, 짱절미의 본명은 인절미로 한 가족이 사과밭 옆 봇도랑에서 떠내려온 강아지를 발견해 붙여준 이름이다.

For more infomation >> '진성 덕후'들만 안다는 짱절미 숨겨진 매력 포인트 '도깨비 뿔' - Duration: 1:47.


News & Improved: Taco Bell's Newest Burrito Is "Lit A-F" - Duration: 3:20.

-Guys, you ever see a photo in the news and think --

Wait, Jack's not still here, is he?

[ Laughter ]

Jack, you can leave. [ Laughter and applause ]

You don't have to be --

Jack, you can go home if you feel like.

You can go home if you feel like it.


All right, all right, that's --

All right, thank you, thank you very much.

Good to see you, buddy. Thank you, Jack. Thank you.

He works for us. Video researcher.

-Yeah, researcher. Video researcher.

-Guys, you ever see a photo in the news

and think that headline could be much better?

I'll show you what I mean.

It's time for "News & Improved." Here we go.


♪ -News and Improved ♪

-For example, check out this first photo.

The original headline was

"Sanders and Warren attack Amazon."

The headline could definitely be improved

because if you only looked at the photo

the headline could have been,

"Mom immediately regrets letting Grandpa say grace at dinner."

[ Laughter and applause ]

Check out this next photo.

The original headline was "Trump backs water projects."

If you only looked at the photo, the headline could have been,

"Hungry baby opens up wide

for the airplane to fly in with the applesauce."

[ Laughter and applause ]


-Next headline was "McConnell might revisit Obamacare repeal."

The headline could have been,

"Terrified Josh Groban fan attends Cardi B concert."

[ Laughter and applause ]

"Shouldn't be here."

The next headline says, "Canada legalizes marijuana."

The headline could have been,

"Taco Bell's newest burrito is 'lit AF.'"

-Really? [ Laughter and applause ]


-Up next, this headline says,

"Prime Minister volunteers at charity event."

The headline could have been,

"Lunch lady loses contact lens in chili

and decides to just leave it."

[ Laughter and applause ]

Next headline was "Bolton readies Moscow visit."

Headline could have been, "National Security Advisor

repeatedly denies he is the Lorax."

[ Laughter and applause ]

-He does not speak for the trees.

-He is not the Lorax. -He's not the Lorax.

-Next headline was "Brazilian election heats up."

Headline could have been, "Local dad regrets taking ecstasy

at Imagine Dragons concert."

[ Laughter and applause ]

Next headline was, "Judge drops some charges against Manafort."

The headline could have been,

"Weird cousin stares as birthday cake brought out doesn't sing."

[ Laughter and applause ]

That was my favorite one.

-Mmm. [ Laughter ]

-Doesn't say anything. -Not a word.

Doesn't say anything --

-Doesn't sing and doesn't say anything

as he watches the cake come in.

Next headline was "LeBron James joins Lakers."

Headline could have been,

"Game of dodgeball ends with sixth grader in hospital."

[ Laughter and applause ]

Finally, this headline was

"Trump defends relationship with Saudi Arabia."

The headline could have been,

"New 'Mary Poppins' reboot receives terrible reviews."

That's all the time we have for "News & Improved."

For more infomation >> News & Improved: Taco Bell's Newest Burrito Is "Lit A-F" - Duration: 3:20.


Recording Hardware Samplers To DAW - Duration: 3:48.

What is going on recording your hardware sampler into a doll last week we had an

impromptu livestream here and it was amazing we had a whole bunch of

questions shout out to everyone who caught it we had a good time but there

was one question that was asked that I completely did not answer properly and

that is the idea of syncing up your hardware sampler to a software DAW in

order to record the audio into the da for mixing or whatever the case may be

so in this video we're going to use the ensoniq ASR 10 and Ableton as an example

of how to record audio from your hardware sampler into a dog but first

I'd like to invite you to like share and subscribe to our sampler channel and

with that let's get to it alright so starting with your sampler the first

thing that would be best to do is get all your connections straight so we're

gonna connect a MIDI cable to the MIDI in port on your sampler secondly we need

to get the audio out of the ace r10 so we're using standard quarter-inch cables

for both of the left and right stereo outputs and we're gonna connect those to

the ASR 10 and we're going to be sending those to the input of your sound card

the one we're using here is just a focusrite scarlett and since this is a

USB audio interface the audio is gonna travel through the USB cable going

directly into the computer alright so we'll just make the connections here

going into the front panel of the Focusrite audio interface we're taking

those same quarter inch cables that were coming out of the ASR 10 into the

Focusrite alright in addition to being a great controller

for native instruments maschine the Maschine controller is an outstanding

MIDI interface so if you don't have a MIDI interface handy you can always use

your machine to do the job alright we're done with the connections now once you

have your beat ready to go in the ASR 10 sequencer you're going to go to a

sequence menu by pressing edit sequence and change the MIDI sync from internal

which will use the internal sequencer to external and by doing this the ASR 10

will now follow the instructions sent to it by Ableton if I hit play on Ableton

sequencer the ASR 10 will start playing along and the reason why I do it this

way is I usually find that get a more tighter sync between the two

if the sampler follows the doll every time I've done it the other way around

I've gotten some type of lag it never really gets as tight as I'd like it to

be so back here in Ableton we're gonna turn the MIDI output port on and at the

same time have Ableton acknowledge that the machine controller is in fact the

MIDI interface all right so we're good now when I hit record in Ableton Ableton

sequencer will begin to record and the ASR 10 will follow recording all the

audio coming from the ASR 10 at the same time so here I'm recording beat as three

tracks each of the ASR tracks individually and how you would do that

is just so laid the track that you want to record individually report that for

however long one let's say eight bars and then solo the next track you'd like

to report and record that for eight bars and at the end you'll have each track

individually tracked out into Ableton and the thing is this has become a

little bit of a old practice now because now when we make music it's usually all

in the dock but for older machines you got to do it this way and just so you

know this can be a very long process if you have a project with a whole lot of

tracks it's gonna take you a while but the good news is once it's over it's

over anyway thank you for watching if you liked and learn something today

subscribe to us here on YouTube I will catch you on the next one in the

meantime take care of yourself peace

For more infomation >> Recording Hardware Samplers To DAW - Duration: 3:48.


Hoda Kotb Does Karaoke to Flo Rida's "Low" While Playing Most Likely To - Duration: 3:31.

-Guys, we love you.

And we thought we'd play a little fun game.

I always like to play a game with you guys.

It's called "Most Likely To."

Here we go. -Okay.

You have an arrow. You have an arrow.

-Okay. -Okay.

-Just to get to know you a little bit better.

Here we go. Which of you is most likely

to be the last one to leave a party?

-Okay. The first person to leave a party is Hoda.

Should we call it The Great Hodini?

Like, she comes in. She's like, "Hey!"

And then you're like, "Where's -- Oh, she's gone."

In like ten seconds.

-I like to go to the party. -Okay.

-But then I like to vanish right away.

-You don't say goodbye or anything?

-No. Irish goodbye. -Really?

-No, I'm, like, on the way to the bathroom,

and then I'm out the door and in the car.

-But it's not like an hour later.

It's like six minutes later. -Really.

Savannah's like, "You're already out?"

I'm like, "I am so out already."

I love doing that.

-Do you still bring your Ziploc bag of --


-[ Laughs ] She doesn't have a purse.

She has a Ziploc bag with everything in it.

-You know what? At the Emmys, she got a new Ziploc.

-Oh, it's a brand new Ziploc. -It's a brand-new --

-It was a Gucci Ziploc. All right.

Who is more likely to be pulled over for speeding?

-Yeah, me. Without question.

-Lead foot. -Yeah.

-Really? -Always in a hurry, you know?

-Wow. -I'm a rule breaker.

-Oh, yeah. You're such a rebel, Savannah.

Oh, my gosh.

Who is more likely to sing at a karaoke bar?

-Well, I think both of us are. -Yeah.

-I think both of us are. But I like a karaoke song.

-I would say Hoda. -You would?

-I would 'cause I've seen -- I've heard you sing.

You have a great voice. -I have a terrible voice.

-No. -But I love karaoke.

-What's your go-to song?

I like a little "Apple Bottom Jeans" by Flo Rida.

[ Cheers and applause ]

-Ohh! -Yes!


-Do you know the words? -Is that --

-One, two, three, four. -Wait. When does it start?

Is it starting? Now? One, two.

Help me. -I don't know it.

♪ Apple Bottom jeans, boots with the fur ♪

♪ The whole club was looking at her, unh ♪

♪ She hit the floor, next thing you know ♪

♪ Shorty got low, low, low, low ♪

-All right! Hey, hey!

-Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!

[ Cheers and applause ]

Thank you. -Oh, my God.

That is -- That is awesome. -Come on.

-That is unbelievable. -...Flo Rida.

-All right. I'm gonna do -- Last one here.

Who is more likely to have a hidden talent?

Do you -- -Well, I don't really --

Okay, back in high school,

I was number 24 on the Fort Hunt Federals.

I used to play high-school basketball.

-Okay. -And that was my jam.

Do y'all play basketball? Don't you love it?

-She still puts the "Eye of the Tiger" --

-I used to be able to spin a ball on my finger.

-Oh, really? -A real good basketball spin.

-Do we -- I don't have a basketball.

Can you spin Savannah's book?

Do we have a basketball?

Let's try the book, see if that works.

-Yeah. -All right.

[ Cheers and applause ]



-Pressure's on. We made you sing.

-No. Come on. Give me that ball.

-Oh, wow. Here we go.

-I have to stand up. Is it okay?


[ Cheers and applause ]

Hey! [ Laughs ]

Hoda Kotb right there!

The Great Hodini. Savannah Guthrie.

See them weekday mornings on the "Today" show.

For more infomation >> Hoda Kotb Does Karaoke to Flo Rida's "Low" While Playing Most Likely To - Duration: 3:31.


Ike Barinholtz on How the 2016 Presidential Election Inspired The Oath - Duration: 3:56.

-Us talk-show hosts, we throw around "good friend" a lot,

but you and I, we've known each other upwards of 20 years.

We are real, actual good friends.

-We are, and I have to come clean 'cause I messed up.

-You messed up? What'd you do, bud?

-Well, I was on "The Howard Stern Show."

-Uh-huh. -And he asked me.

He goes, "Who are your best friends in show business?"

And I said Seth Rogen.

[ Laughter ]

And, you know, like, five seconds after,

I said, "I meant Seth Meyers."

-It took you five seconds? -[ Laughs ] Yeah.

Well, I was -- I was drinking.

But I didn't want to go back and be like,

"No, not Seth Rogen. I meant Seth Meyers."

Because I'm also friends with Seth Rogen.

-Yeah. -Much better friends with you.

-Right. -I was at your wedding.

-Yeah. -Wasn't at Seth's.

-Mnh-mnh. -Would have loved to been.

I didn't make the cut. -Yeah.

-But you, I did.

So I want to say here and now

that I'm closer friends with you than I am Seth Rogen.

Screw Seth Rogen.

-I feel like you need to correct the record

on "Stern" next time you go on.

That's what I'm gonna be...

-He'll watch this, and that will serve as the correction.

-[ Laughs ] There you go. Hey, man. Congrats on this movie.

-Thanks, baby. -We've talked about it already.

It's so wonderful.

You wrote it, you directed it, you star in it.

And it is about --

It was inspired by the result of the 2016 election.

-Yes, yes, this movie would not have been possible

if Hillary Clinton was president.

-Yeah. -So thank you to Donald Trump.

-Yup. -I appreciate it.

Thank you, sir. -He created jobs.

He gave you -- He created a job.

-He gave me a job. He gave me a job.

[ Applause ]

And, uh -- He did.

My imitation -- I imitate Trump,

but I realize my imitation is just your imitation.

-And it's a real C-minus impression.

-Yours -- So, mine's derivative of that.

It's like a D, but it's j--

[ As President Trump ] Look, Seth, no, no, no.

[ Normal voice ] It's that. You know?

-It's really -- I actually think it's really good.

-You really think it's good?

-You look like you've put a lot of thought into it.

-Should I take it on the road?

But, yeah, it was inspired by --

After the 2016 election, my mother, my brother, and I

got into this huge fight after dinner about the election,

and we started kind of pointing fingers,

and we're saying things like, "It's your fault,"

which was crazy.

But I woke up the next day. I was like,

"I have to write a movie

about a family fighting at Thanksgiving."

And here we are. -And here we are.

And you mentioned your brother.

Your brother, John Barinholtz, is in the movie

playing your brother, and he's fantastic, as well.

-Speaking of brothers, Josh Meyers is in this movie.

-My brother is also in the movie, yeah.

-That's right. That's right. -There you go. Family affair.

-There you go. Keep it in the family, baby.

-And you shot the film --

You shot it all in Chatsworth, California?

-Chatsworth, California,

is about, oh, 39 minutes north of L.A.

Fun fact -- the first film to be shot in Chatsworth

that wasn't pornography.

-Oh, wow. -I know. It's nice. Right?

Yeah, the mayor came. -Oh, he must have been so happy.

-He gave us a key to the city and stuff, and it was crazy.

I shot my movie where,

you know, they shot, you know, "MILF Hunter 6."

-Oh, wow! -You know, uh...

-What's their Planet Hollywood like?

-[ Laughs ] You don't want to eat there.

-Yeah, yeah.

There's so many MILF pornos. There's no DILFs.

-No DILFs? -There's --

You may see the MILF. "Oh, the MILF, the housewife."

But no one's like -- -That is how I talk about it.

-[ Laughs ] -"You see, the MILF is..."

-I guess I'm Richard Lewis from 1989.

But there's no DILFs.

Like, I want to see, like, a porno that starts off

with a guy, like, calling DirecTV.

"Why can't I get the Cowboys game?

Ahh! I'm so horny."

[ Laughter ]

I think I got my next movie.

-You certainly have act one, yeah.

-You just need one act. -You do need one act.

-No one makes it past the second act of a porno.

"I loved it. It's started off great.

Then in the second act, I got real tired."

For more infomation >> Ike Barinholtz on How the 2016 Presidential Election Inspired The Oath - Duration: 3:56.


당신이 몰랐던 명아주의 놀라운 효능 11가지! 명아주 먹는법 | SHARE 건강정보 - Duration: 8:11.

For more infomation >> 당신이 몰랐던 명아주의 놀라운 효능 11가지! 명아주 먹는법 | SHARE 건강정보 - Duration: 8:11.





意大利女排再受打击:无缘夺冠后更无缘世界杯,女排夺冠大有望? - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> 意大利女排再受打击:无缘夺冠后更无缘世界杯,女排夺冠大有望? - Duration: 2:19.


OP-Z 3D visuals - Duration: 1:03.

hello world! i'm tobias with teenage engineering.

and this is the OP-Z.

and this is a short introduction to the OP-Z's ability to control live 3D visuals using unity.

track 16 on OP-Z, with the camera symbol, is dedicated to controlling live 2d or 3d visuals

running on a separate display, or on a big projection on stage.

when this track is selected we see the visuals on screen, all live and connected.

if i adjust this dial for example we see direct feedback on the screen.

these visuals can be controlled in real time...

or pre-programmed like the rest of the tracks.

just like sequencing a beat.

thank you for watching.


For more infomation >> OP-Z 3D visuals - Duration: 1:03.


Savannah Guthrie and Hoda Kotb Tease a TODAY Show Halloween Twist - Duration: 4:26.

-Welcome back! I love you guys!

-We love you.

-The hardest working people in show business. Oh, my gosh.

-Come on. -You are.

-Been up since the "Today" show. Oh, please.

-You just had that hiatus.

-Exactly. I had all this time off.

But I enjoyed you when I had all that time off.

I watched you every morning.

-Thank you, Jimmy.

-You're also doing -- you're getting ready.

You're going to co-anchor the election coverage

for the midterm election.

-Election night. Two weeks from tomorrow, I think.

-That's a big deal.

-Yeah, me and Lester and then all the cast of characters

from NBC and all our correspondents working so hard.

So it's gonna be a big night.

-It's a big night.

You guys have been so busy with all the stuff.

You have your second best-selling book.

Congratulations, Savannah. -Thank you.

[ Cheers and applause ]

-Come on. Best-selling author.

-Well, you know that we have a little bit of --

because you have "Dada" and "Mama."

-That's right.

-So now we're like two versus two.

But I'm just saying.

-What are you just saying?

-I just am saying, like, your book is way more popular.

But mine has more words.

-Yours definitely has more words.

I have mama, dada, quack.

And then I got writer's block. [ Laughter ]

Congrats on this though. This is taking off.

-Thank you.

-And we should point out that Savannah had

both of her children's books were number one and number two

on "The New York Times" best seller's list at the same time.

[ Cheers and applause ]

-Oh, my gosh.

-But we only read "Mama" by Jimmy Fallon.


-I saw you guys the other day with Michelle Obama

and a whole crew of cool people.

What was that thing? What was it? International --

-Yeah, International Day of the Girl.

It was so fun.

We brought our girls,

which was really just cool to see them out there.

-It was great.

In addition to Michelle Obama, we had some great music.

We had Kelly Clarkson and Meghan Trainor, Jennifer Hudson.

-That's right.

-And, like, a sea of young girls.

And I got to tell you, the place was lit up.


-Savannah's daughter Vale

and Kelly Clarkson's daughter River Rose...

-They fell in love. -...are inseparable.

They were trying to separate them.

And they were crying when it was over.

-Did they know each other?

-No. But we -- so, Kelly Clarkson

has a children's book.

There we are back -- And it's her daughter's name, River Rose.

And she's the star of the children's book.

So, Vale -- for her to meet River Rose

was like meeting Santa.

She was like -- Look at them. -Look at this.

-They were in love.

[ Audience aws ]

-I mean, come on. You can't get cuter than that.

-It was really sweet.

-Of course, everyone's probably asking you guys

about the big Halloween.

You guys do it up on the Halloween show.

It's next Wednesday.

On the "Today" show, you go nuts.

Have you picked your costumes out?

-Yeah. -Okay. We know our costumes.

'Cause we usually all dress in, kind of, a theme-y thing.

But the rule this year was

I'm not supposed to know what Savannah is.

I'm not supposed to know what Al is.

He's not supposed to know what we are.

We are all supposed to surprise each other on Halloween day.

-So we'll have that big moment where it's like,

"Oh, that's what you are."

-But for real, you really don't know?

-Well, Hoda told me. -In the makeup room.

[ Laughter ]

-And she blurted it out, and then she's like,

"Wait, are we not supposed to tell this year?"

-I know, but you forgot it.

-And I did forget for a long time,

but then I remembered. -Yeah.

[ Laughter ]

-So she knows. -I love it.

-I love you guys' chemistry.

That's why it works so well.

What are the kids?

Can you tell me what the kids are being this Halloween?

-Oh, yeah.

-Haley is gonna be a bumblebee, which is --

[ Audience aws ]

Stop it. -I know.

-I'm so excited to take her out.

I mean, she's trying on her costume there.

[ Audience aws ]

-Come on!

-Checking herself out in the mirror.

-She likes it. -Stop it.

-That is so cute. -I went on Amazon.

It showed up at the house.

I'm so -- And we are all kind of decking out together.

We're all gonna do it.

Joel's doing it. I'm doing it. My mom's coming.

We're all dressing like bees.

-Oh, you're all gonna be bees.

-We're gonna be bees.

-But that's different than "Today" show.

-That's different, yeah. -Okay.

And your daughter is going as Little Red Riding Hood.

-Yes. -Come on.

-She's already wearing the costume.

-I know. Yeah, we ordered that. I was so excited.

But now she wants to do a combo

and be Little Red Wonder Woman Riding Hood.

[ Laughter ]

I'm like, "Okay." -It always happens, right?

The week up until Halloween, it just changes.

My daughters were butterflies.

And my wife worked on their costumes for the whole year.

Felt and glue and made these butterflies.

And the day before, they're like,

"Mommy, I don't want to be a butterfly."

And my wife's like, "Oh, you're gonna be a butterfly."

[ Laughter ]

There's no question. That's what you're gonna be.

She goes, "What do you want to be?"

She goes, "I want to be a dragonfly."

So my wife just added a tail. [ Laughter ]

Perfect. -Now, you are.

-It wasn't that different. Yeah, exactly. It was great.

For more infomation >> Savannah Guthrie and Hoda Kotb Tease a TODAY Show Halloween Twist - Duration: 4:26.


Trump's National Emergy, Anthony Scaramucci's Book - Monologue - Duration: 4:11.

-Let's get to the news.

President Trump told reporters today

that he gets along well with Senator Ted Cruz, saying,

"He's not 'Lyin' Ted' anymore. He's 'Beautiful Ted.'"

Dude, if that's Beautiful Ted, then you're Lyin' Donald.

President Trump today blamed the Mexican police and military

for failing to stop a caravan

of migrants from entering the U.S.,

adding, "I have alerted border patrol and military

that this is a national emergy."

Yeah, we can't have a bunch of people coming in

who can't write in English.

We'd have to make them all president.

[ Cheers and applause ]

We don't have that many open president jobs.

After a "New York Times" reporter asked President Trump

what evidence he has that hardened criminals

are trying to cross the U.S.-Mexico border,

Trump responded, "Oh, please don't be a baby,"

which is, incidentally, the same thing

he said while Eric was being born.

[ As Trump ] I was hoping for a watch.

[ Normal voice ] In a new interview

with "The Washington Post," President Trump commented

on White House senior advisor Jared Kushner's relationship

with Saudi crown prince Mohammed bin Salman, saying,

"They are just two young people.

They are the same age.

They like each other, I believe."

Why do you always sound like

you're being shown a Rorschach test?

[ As Trump ] They're just two young people.

They are the same age.

Their father hates them. I don't know.

[ Normal voice ] President Trump held a campaign rally in Texas

today, and then he spent the rest of the day

chasing a better toupee.

Former White House Communications Director

Anthony Scaramucci will release a new book tomorrow titled

"Trump, the Blue-Collar President."

What? You worked there for 10 days.

That's like me releasing a book about my time

in line at the DMV.

A zoo in California temporarily shut down last week

after an antelope nicknamed Taylor Swift escaped

from its enclosure.

There will be an investigation into how she escaped,

as well as into the creepy zookeeper

who named their antelope Taylor Swift.

To help residents adjust to the legalized use of

recreational marijuana, government officials in Canada

have set up a website offering step-by-step

instructions on how to properly roll a joint.

Step one, knock on your older brother's bedroom door.

Caroll Spinney, the puppeteer behind

Big Bird and Oscar the Grouch has announced

that he's retiring from "Sesame Street."

Even sadder, the guy who plays Mr. Snuffleupagus' butt

died in 2009, and no one noticed.

[ Audience "awws" ]

He's sad, too.

Officials in Virginia last week seized 50 baby turtles

from a person selling them in a Burger King parking lot.

It's the second-weirdest thing ever sold at Burger King.

And, finally, a toddler at a Chinese train station last week

accidently climbed onto a baggage belt

and went through an x-ray scanner,

which explains this x-ray.

For more infomation >> Trump's National Emergy, Anthony Scaramucci's Book - Monologue - Duration: 4:11.


【MUKBANG】 Trying Grilled Beef Tongue In Sendai!! [Gyutan Kisuke] 10 Servings..Etc! [9000kcal][CC] - Duration: 6:12.

hello it's kinoshita yuka


i'm in visit to sendai just for the grilled beef tongue

and i'm now in a restaurant that called "Gyutan Kisuke"

This restaurant is listed in Sendai Guide, it's so famous in sendai

and because i like grilled beef tongue, i'm looking forward to it

there are a lot of things here

you can use the "Gyutan" to make all of this

this looks so tasty !!

this special grilled tofu beef tongue looks so tasty

tantofu, that's my first time to hear about it

"Thick-skin boiled beef", what a cute name

gyutan thick-baked egg, because i like eggs, i'll eat anything made of it

jaaan, the plates are ready

10 servings of gyutan

look at this, have you eaten this before ?

it's called "shabu", and i have 3 servings of it

looks so tasty

and i asked for a lot more plates from the menu


let's start with the gyutan

oooh, looks so tasty, look at this this

it looks really yummy

looks tasty


so yummy

the flavor explodes in your mouth

and the texture of the meat is not hard, it's soft and tasty


maybe you noticed all this things that's around me

that's datema's rice that i did a video about it on the main channel

and today i'm going to eat datema's rice as well

ah, looks so tasty, isn't that !

the rice is fluffy

and the aroma is so good


it goes so well with the meat

we tried it with fish and now with meat

this is my first time that i did a mukbang about gyutan, and this makes me so happy

this is tail soup, isn't that so tasty !

mmmm, the aroma of the dashi is amazing

looks at the size of the meat here

and this is the tantofu

it's so rare


made with tofu and gyutan sauce

hot and spicy and this is tasty

let's prepare the shabu's sauce

i think that's my first time to try Gyutan shabu shabu

it's so rare isn't that !

let's add plenty of onion

and let's cook the meat

aah, that's so quick

let's take with it some onion

and we eat it with ponzu sauce

tasty !

the balance between the texture of the meat and the crispy texture of onion is so nice

and ponzu sauce goes so well with it

eating plenty of vegetables is a good thing


that was so hot !

the shabu shabu is so scary

it's so hot

and here what called tororo

i really like the tororo, and i'm going to use it with rice

let's make it so tasty

looks so yummy


the best

thanks to the tasty rice, it's much more tastier

let's eat that now

gyutan thick-baked egg

the shape of the eggs is so cute

written on it "Kisuke", what a nice name

looks tasty, and it's filled with the gyutan


the sweet taste with the saltiness of the gyutan is really tasty

only 3 servings of gyutan are left

the last plate

looks tasty


the last bite, itadakimasu



grilled beef tongue and Gyutan shabu shabu was so tasty

and because i like the gyutan, eating plenty of it made me so happy

and the rice was tasty as well !

and because it was so tasty, why you don't try this too ?

And as always thank you for watching !

if there's anything You want me to do

please tell me in a comment Section below

if you like this video please hit the like And subscribe buttons

bye bye

all rights reserved. copyright © 2018 Kinoshita Yuka

For more infomation >> 【MUKBANG】 Trying Grilled Beef Tongue In Sendai!! [Gyutan Kisuke] 10 Servings..Etc! [9000kcal][CC] - Duration: 6:12.


Pinpoint Weather 12 Forecast - Duration: 3:42.

For more infomation >> Pinpoint Weather 12 Forecast - Duration: 3:42.



For more infomation >> Ford B-MAX 1.0 ECOBOOST 100PK TITANIUM *PARKEERCAMERA | HOGE ZIT | CLIMATE CONTROLE* . - Duration: 1:03.



For more infomation >> Mazda CX-5 2.5 GT-M LINE AWD AUTOMAAT 192PK FACE-LIFT (LEDER NAVI CAMERA CLIMATE CRUISE LED 19INCH B - Duration: 1:10.


数学家有嫉妒心是有多可怕?李永乐老师讲最速降线和伯努利家族宫斗 - Duration: 15:37.

For more infomation >> 数学家有嫉妒心是有多可怕?李永乐老师讲最速降线和伯努利家族宫斗 - Duration: 15:37.


Volkswagen up! 1.0 60PK 5-DRS Move Up! | Airco | Bluetooth | - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen up! 1.0 60PK 5-DRS Move Up! | Airco | Bluetooth | - Duration: 1:08.


Opel Meriva 1.4 Turbo Start/Stop ecoFLEX 120pk Berlin - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Opel Meriva 1.4 Turbo Start/Stop ecoFLEX 120pk Berlin - Duration: 1:08.


图谏CG:中国要出口一款2万吨巨舰!外贸版比自用版火力更强 - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> 图谏CG:中国要出口一款2万吨巨舰!外贸版比自用版火力更强 - Duration: 3:22.


For more infomation >> 图谏CG:中国要出口一款2万吨巨舰!外贸版比自用版火力更强 - Duration: 3:22.


Telecommunications (New Regulatory Framework) Amendment Bill - Committee Stage - Part 1 - Video 1 - Duration: 11:31.

For more infomation >> Telecommunications (New Regulatory Framework) Amendment Bill - Committee Stage - Part 1 - Video 1 - Duration: 11:31.


For more infomation >> Telecommunications (New Regulatory Framework) Amendment Bill - Committee Stage - Part 1 - Video 1 - Duration: 11:31.


MORNING FROTH - Duration: 19:27.

This is too late for there to be any taxi

But it's early

It's almost morning

Especially for someone drunk like you

Oh, is that a turtle?

What? Where?

Maybe I just imagined it

Ah, no, actually

There are turtles in this lake Ah, no, actually

There are turtles in this lake

They sell them at the temple over there

For people to release as an act of mercy

Is that so?

But, then they recapture them to

Sell them again

Not that many turtles to go around

Why were you drinking so much today?

Girlfriend broke up with you or something?

No, nothing like that

You drank even more than I did

Well, It's part of my job.

You drink so well

Were you anything like me when you were at my age?

Of course

I used to drink, got wasted

And puked everywhere too

Still, everyone starts out that way

You see

That's what I don't get

about our drinking culture

You're never done with just one

Drink 2, 3, as much as you can, then

Then you do really stupid things

But everyone is fine with that

NMaybe except for me

Actually, it's not about whether you like it

Or not

Even if you don't like it, you drink anyways


It's easier to accept than to say no, right?

No, the way I see it

Nobody wants to be refused

Hey, so the drinking like this

does it get any easier? Hey, so the drinking like this

does it get any easier?

It did

At least for me

Keep it for warmth

I'm gonna head out for a second, wait for me

Don't fall asleep, ok?

Call me bae Where are you? Why don't you pick up the phone? I am waiting for your news.

Here, drink this, it'll take the edge off




Why are you so tense?

What's the matter?

No, it's nothing

Don't tell me your girlfriend really broke up with you

No, really

Why do you keep asking about my girlfriend

You've been drunken three nights in a row

If I were your girlfriend, I'd be worried

Perhaps so

What about your husband?

Is he worried?


He got used to it

What about before?

Did you ever get in trouble because of it?

I'm sorry, you can not answer if you don't want to

It's ok

Back then

We quarreled a lot already


How did you resolve when that happens?

We didn't

We kept arguing

Until we stopped

Eventually, he

Accepted it as a part of my job

The thing is

He used another way to accept it

Don't tell me that

I knew, between us

There were many differences


I can't understand how he could do that to me

At that point of time

Did he even care about the family anymore

I really can't get it

Can I have a cigarette?

You smoke?

It'll be my first

What are you smoking for?

Do I need a reason to smoke?

Something's clearly bothering you

Tell me

No, I'm fine

Are you still

Bothered by earlier?

It's just that

I don't want things to be that way


I don't want to be like my husband

If you're so unhappy now

Why don't you do something?

Even if I want to, I can't

Then why did you get married in the first place?

I was young then

What I chose

I have to live with


If you get to choose again, what would you do?

If I get to choose again now

Anything's better than this

You see, there's the feeling of

You know, but you can't choose

Then you'd rather not know it, right?

What do you mean?


I wanted to be an artist

Then why didn't you do it?

When I was a child, I drew

My parents praised me

So did my teachers

But when I said that when I grow up

I wanted art to be my profession, they all disapproved

Even the art school I applied to turned me down

Now then

What are you gonna do?

What else can I do

I guess I'll stay with the company

Then build a family in a few years

Then learn how to communicate with alcohol like you for instance

Do you remember earlier when I told you

That it is easier to accept than to decline drinking?

That's not the only reason

Drinking is easy

Just one gulp, down the drain

Things will be much easier

Everything will figure itself out

There are plenty other difficult things

This is nothing

What do you mean?

I mean, you're choosing

The easy way out


If you're quitting because of a little setback

Then what a waste

It's easy for you to say

Do you know the feeling of being talentless

How bad it feels?

Have you ever taken risks in your life?

Have you ever challenged yourself?

Then look at me

Right now I've got nothing

Starting everything over for me

It's too late now

But you're different

You're still young

Can start everything over

And can do whatever you want

Then why bother with how people judge

Your ability?

You mean

You couldn't pursue your dream

But you're telling me to pursue mine?

That's not what I meant

I just don't want 10 years from now at this place

You tell your subordinates about how unhappy you are with your life

And getting drunk all the time like I do

I just don't want it to be that way

I believe that

You can be an artist like you've always wanted

Your taxi is here

Will you be fine?

Don't worry about me

Go home, take a day off

Boss' order



For more infomation >> MORNING FROTH - Duration: 19:27.


For more infomation >> MORNING FROTH - Duration: 19:27.


Relief For Denture Wearers

For more infomation >> Relief For Denture Wearers


식케이 (Sik-K) - FIRE (Prod. GroovyRoom) M/V (ENG) - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> 식케이 (Sik-K) - FIRE (Prod. GroovyRoom) M/V (ENG) - Duration: 3:16.


I'm Building a CPU From Scratch - Duration: 3:48.

Okay, hi today I'm going to

Talk about this project for chicks

I'm I mean working on the last three weeks. I am going to build a computer from scratch

with the transistors

Cables, yes that no, no microcontroller. No, nothing like that only

transistors capacitors resistors


cables - Council and

I want to show that you in

Series, I don't know how many parts there are going to be

Hopefully it's going to be more than one. This is the first moment in this episode

we're going to talk about what I want to do with next computer and

Kind of like my plans on how fast it's going to be how much memory that comes up first

No computers built from a couple of shelf components

I'm using a DC 5 v 7 for

The trend as the transistor I will run out of them

So I will hope we'll use some other but now in the beginning I'm using that and the clock on this

Computer is one hatch

Normal computer is above like to get cash. So it's very slow and

Right now it has 2 bytes of memory

I need to upgrade that because 2 bytes of memory called Mike. You can't do like even like simple math

The whole computers going to be 2 bytes computer so it can max my count to 4

it can't end like 5 6 or

Number over four and call town Allah. So it's you are going to do like complicated stuff

because only count to four


Hopefully I can

do something with it like say to count to four and that reset but

The calculator will reset it automatically I will talk about the problems

I have currently then. I'm going to show you with my phone camera and talk

I'm basing this off logic gate schematic. I found online I

Hopefully edited him right now

So I need to

feel like

Everything or and gates not kids and that kind of stuff or gate

That's currently at this state what I want to do. I also want it

Be able to program it to simple stuff like account

I don't think it's going to subtract because that is kind of complicated because you know, like add to


weird kind of soft I

for European processor in your computer can't actually do subtraction it adds and

To complicate stuff with it so it can't subtract

I don't think this computer can subtract, right? Yeah and

I am NOT going to be able to hook this thing up to



if I do

Want have a screen on it? I need to have mem memory so I can store every

color of every pixel

It's really boring to build memory so I won't do that

For more infomation >> I'm Building a CPU From Scratch - Duration: 3:48.


XMG APEX 15 Gaming Laptop: m.2 SSD - Duration: 2:04.

Turn the notebook over and carefully lay on it's lid

Undo all the screws holding down the CPU and the HDD cover

Always disconnect the battery from the device before carrying out any work

Carefully push the assembly in the slot at a 45 degree angle and screw in if required

For more infomation >> XMG APEX 15 Gaming Laptop: m.2 SSD - Duration: 2:04.


Ford 12 M 1300 sedan - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Ford 12 M 1300 sedan - Duration: 1:02.


BMW 1 Serie 116i Business Line Sport 5 drs. M-Pakket Clima/Navi/Sportstoelen/ZwarteHemel/6-BAK - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> BMW 1 Serie 116i Business Line Sport 5 drs. M-Pakket Clima/Navi/Sportstoelen/ZwarteHemel/6-BAK - Duration: 1:12.


Mazda 3 2.0 GT-M Sport Pack 5drs Leder - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Mazda 3 2.0 GT-M Sport Pack 5drs Leder - Duration: 1:11.



For more infomation >> Mazda CX-5 2.5 GT-M LINE AWD AUTOMAAT 192PK FACE-LIFT (LEDER NAVI CAMERA CLIMATE CRUISE LED 19INCH B - Duration: 1:10.


BMW 5 Serie 528I HIGH EXECUTIVE | M-Pakket | Navi | Cruise | ECC | PDC | Aut. | Uniek! - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> BMW 5 Serie 528I HIGH EXECUTIVE | M-Pakket | Navi | Cruise | ECC | PDC | Aut. | Uniek! - Duration: 1:13.


BMW 5 Serie 528I HIGH EXECUTIVE | M-Pakket | Navi | Cruise | ECC | PDC | Aut. | Uniek! - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> BMW 5 Serie 528I HIGH EXECUTIVE | M-Pakket | Navi | Cruise | ECC | PDC | Aut. | Uniek! - Duration: 1:13.


Lumnah Acres and Planting Tree Crops - Duration: 5:37.

good morning modern setters release the quacking hey it's Morgan from Gold Shaw Farm

and I have quite the day planned today I'm gonna go on a little road trip

and visit a friend of mine my buddy Al who has his own YouTube channel called

Lumnah Acres it's one of those channels that actually motivated me to start

telling our story on video over the years I've learned a ton from Al and he

actually doesn't live that far from us here in Vermont just over the border in

New Hampshire so after I wrap up my chores here we're gonna go on a little

road trip and visit a little um the acres and I'm gonna help them plant some

trees but first I got to fix that tree tube over there see that when we got

knocked down I'm actually getting ready to do a replanting of my own out here

all in all I think I have about 40-45 trees that didn't make it over the last

12 months so I'll be replanted filling them in with elderberry butternut and

chestnut little barn cat and the Ducks are sort of starting to get familiar

with each other just hope our predator instinct doesn't drive them crazy I'm

gonna give Al 3 butternut trees and 3 different strains of chestnut tree I

keep the trees right now stashed in my little nursery they're healed into the

ground which means they're buried into the ground not like a permanent planting

but a temporary planting it keeps the roots nice and moist and keeps

everything at the right temperature I'm heading off to Al's to go plant some


I'm here with my buddy al from Lumnah Acres. how you doing Morgan good to be


and some butter nuts chestnuts cool thing about elderberry is one of those

plants that's easy to regrow or grow cuttings so one of the things I've done

in the past making older very plants and cut them

off right into segments when you make those cuts you're actually able to just

dip those into anything we don't have to be good

one chestnut

that's all it takes to plant one single bare-root tree I'm going through the

permaculture orchard right now and replacing all of my dead chestnut and

mulberry trees I'm replacing all the mulberries actually was butternut even

replacing the chestnuts with just new chestnut seedlings a lot of people get

worked up over how hard it is to plant the tree or how much work it is to plant

a tree but they struggle with making the commitment about planting a tree at a

specific place but I would just say that really the biggest challenge with

planting trees is time and that you need to give them time to grow as the old

expression goes one was the best time to plant a tree 30 years ago wins the

second best time to plant a tree today so go out and plant some trees guys

special thanks to my buddy Al at Lumnah Acres thanks for having me over Al is

awesome hanging out and just kind of being able to see your place and all the

cool stuff you have going on there if you want to see some more videos from al

here's I'll leave a playlist right up here or if you want to see some of my

stuff here at Gold Shaw Farm take a look at this or you can subscribe thanks

a lot

For more infomation >> Lumnah Acres and Planting Tree Crops - Duration: 5:37.


【Ryou Aone】Hanataba o kimi e - RIP#00【UTAU Original】 - Duration: 3:48.

For more infomation >> 【Ryou Aone】Hanataba o kimi e - RIP#00【UTAU Original】 - Duration: 3:48.


[D.O.D] Making Pancakes with Jiseul! EP2 - Duration: 8:27.

(Would this pancake be a success?)

NOW is time to flip!

(So cute!!!!)

Let's see if the other side's done too!

Is it?

(..A little burnt maybe?)

..I think it's done?

I think it's burnt!

As long as one side looks pretty.... you know...

The first one is in the bag!

Do you think

- I need to give this a wipe? - Maybe?

Do you think that's necessary?

Well, IT doesn't matter, I suppose...

I will just let that part go then...

I think one scoopful is just perfect.

And then we just wait, right?

Someone said Cooking is the continuation of patience and something else....

I don't remember what something else is...

Does anyone know the answer?

Leave us the comments below, the winner shall receive Jeewon's autograph (kidding;;)

..and shall receive pancakes too!

(Bubbling up!)

Now it's time to flip, unnie!

Check the corners and make sure it doesn't stick to the pan.

Aha, so we can flip it?

Maybe jiggle the pan a little to see if it moves?

I-I... cannot tell?

(The pancake's unstuck from the pan!)

Perhaps we should cook it a little longer?

(Now it's time to flip!)

(Another Anpanman coming up!)

With the amount of batter we have, we could make 100 of these...

Should we make 100 of them? To make this go viral?

Jeewon's 100 pancake challenge!

That'd go viral right?

I prayed I could make some awesome content with Jiseul earlier...

I wanna show the viewers this: Ding-dong(?)

Can I show them?

(Ding-dong Delivery service coupons!)

I'd like to interview Jiseul about this.

Could you please explain what's going on here?

I think...

Those who are watching abroad would be curious!

So these are...

So there's this thing called "Ding-dong" (Not paid promotion)

-Could we possibly get sponsored? -Maybe?

I'm pretty sure many people living alone would agree...

It's pretty hard to cook something in this crappy kitchen...

However, thanks to today's technology...

So all these "riders" pick up food and deliver it to you with some charge...

So I can order whatever I'd like!

What kind of food have you ordered most frequently?

Gopchang! (tripe)

Can you name your top 3 favorites?

1 gopchang!

2. Tteokbokki! 3. Karaage don!

The 2nd one's done!

Can you flip the pancake and show the other side?

A little burnt, but it's okay!

We made 2 of these already!

(Here comes the last one!)

(They they have gotten better at making these!)

Jiseul! you've done such a great job!

I used to flap some jacks back in my day.

(Jeewon loses it)

Pretty funny right?


Not at all!

Alright, we made 3 pancakes. Aren't they pretty?

Now we're gonna start decorating these.

First, slice up some bananas...

Just slice this up to little pieces...

maybe cut it a little bit slanted?

- Like so, you mean? - Yeah!

- Am I doing a good job? - Yes!

(Start topping the pancakes with bananas!)

- How should I do this? - Whichever way you'd like!

I don't have any artistic sensibility...

But I'll give it a try...

(Title: Anpanman, buried under bananas.)

(Time to top off with powdered sugar)

(and buried under powdered sugar too...)

You know, I have to take this stencil off, right?

Do you need help?

Ah, so cute!

It is... but it seems too much...

(...Quite a bit a snow fall on his nose...)

Too much powdered sugar...

The 2nd one's comin right up!

- Maybe that's good? - I think so!

(Better and improved!)

(Strawberry syrup to top it off!)

That looks so good!

The best!

(Anpanman pancake complete!)

(Time to try it out!)

Gonna start with the bananas...

The bananas should be good...

I like the strawverry syrup on top!

(Now to the main event!)

Is it delicious?

Tastes like the hotcakes from McDonald's breakfast.

Are you laughing at me?


(This time around, topping bananas on the pancake...)

It's ruined~

(Jiseul, the Anpanman destroyer!)

This thing's so good, guys!

Thanks for the meal! We cleaned the tray!

It's done!

We had at least one anpanman per person

Jeewon's washing the dishes...

Are you good at washing dishes?


- Don't you do this at home? - My parents usually do all that...

Thank you so much, mom & dad!

How does it feel to do dishes on your own?

that was exhausting!

I respect everyone that does housework!

- Can you thank your parents again? - Thank you so much, mom & dad!

Now, we're gonna get ourselves a proper meal!



(This is what the had next:)

IS that tteokbokki top with fried chicken?

To them, the pancakes were...

mere appetizers!

Thanks for the meal!

(They must've been really hungry!)


For more infomation >> [D.O.D] Making Pancakes with Jiseul! EP2 - Duration: 8:27.


【MUKBANG】 Trying Grilled Beef Tongue In Sendai!! [Gyutan Kisuke] 10 Servings..Etc! [9000kcal][CC] - Duration: 6:12.

hello it's kinoshita yuka


i'm in visit to sendai just for the grilled beef tongue

and i'm now in a restaurant that called "Gyutan Kisuke"

This restaurant is listed in Sendai Guide, it's so famous in sendai

and because i like grilled beef tongue, i'm looking forward to it

there are a lot of things here

you can use the "Gyutan" to make all of this

this looks so tasty !!

this special grilled tofu beef tongue looks so tasty

tantofu, that's my first time to hear about it

"Thick-skin boiled beef", what a cute name

gyutan thick-baked egg, because i like eggs, i'll eat anything made of it

jaaan, the plates are ready

10 servings of gyutan

look at this, have you eaten this before ?

it's called "shabu", and i have 3 servings of it

looks so tasty

and i asked for a lot more plates from the menu


let's start with the gyutan

oooh, looks so tasty, look at this this

it looks really yummy

looks tasty


so yummy

the flavor explodes in your mouth

and the texture of the meat is not hard, it's soft and tasty


maybe you noticed all this things that's around me

that's datema's rice that i did a video about it on the main channel

and today i'm going to eat datema's rice as well

ah, looks so tasty, isn't that !

the rice is fluffy

and the aroma is so good


it goes so well with the meat

we tried it with fish and now with meat

this is my first time that i did a mukbang about gyutan, and this makes me so happy

this is tail soup, isn't that so tasty !

mmmm, the aroma of the dashi is amazing

looks at the size of the meat here

and this is the tantofu

it's so rare


made with tofu and gyutan sauce

hot and spicy and this is tasty

let's prepare the shabu's sauce

i think that's my first time to try Gyutan shabu shabu

it's so rare isn't that !

let's add plenty of onion

and let's cook the meat

aah, that's so quick

let's take with it some onion

and we eat it with ponzu sauce

tasty !

the balance between the texture of the meat and the crispy texture of onion is so nice

and ponzu sauce goes so well with it

eating plenty of vegetables is a good thing


that was so hot !

the shabu shabu is so scary

it's so hot

and here what called tororo

i really like the tororo, and i'm going to use it with rice

let's make it so tasty

looks so yummy


the best

thanks to the tasty rice, it's much more tastier

let's eat that now

gyutan thick-baked egg

the shape of the eggs is so cute

written on it "Kisuke", what a nice name

looks tasty, and it's filled with the gyutan


the sweet taste with the saltiness of the gyutan is really tasty

only 3 servings of gyutan are left

the last plate

looks tasty


the last bite, itadakimasu



grilled beef tongue and Gyutan shabu shabu was so tasty

and because i like the gyutan, eating plenty of it made me so happy

and the rice was tasty as well !

and because it was so tasty, why you don't try this too ?

And as always thank you for watching !

if there's anything You want me to do

please tell me in a comment Section below

if you like this video please hit the like And subscribe buttons

bye bye

all rights reserved. copyright © 2018 Kinoshita Yuka

For more infomation >> 【MUKBANG】 Trying Grilled Beef Tongue In Sendai!! [Gyutan Kisuke] 10 Servings..Etc! [9000kcal][CC] - Duration: 6:12.


Nightcore - Senpai - Duration: 2:32.

For more infomation >> Nightcore - Senpai - Duration: 2:32.


Kapuspen Kepala Pusat Penerangan TNI 2018 2010 - Duration: 1:38.

For more infomation >> Kapuspen Kepala Pusat Penerangan TNI 2018 2010 - Duration: 1:38.


Maxx Owa - Radar - Duration: 3:00.

[Intro] Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

[Bridge] Tears rollin' down her eyes, pause on the

other line I can't stay far away but I can't breathe

if I stay

[Verse 1] Here's your moment, what you do is up to you,

try not to blow it Talk behind my back, I act like I ain't notice

That's to show you half the game ain't out of focus So that's the reason I been down for the risk

I'm takin' Half these niggas outta bounds with the moves

they makin' Show me everything you down for

Said you silent but you break when it got too cold

Yeah, now it's sad to say

[Pre-Chorus] Truthfully, can't get me out your memories

Picture me on your walls See me in who you are

[Chorus] Blow the smoke real quick just to fog out

a hater Drive real slow, fuck the shit, I don't wait

up Cops got 150 miles on the radar

Goddamn, ain't you see the real, why you waiting?

Blow the smoke real quick just to fog out a hater

Drive real slow, fuck the shit, I don't wait up

Cops got 150 miles on the radar Goddamn, ain't you see the real, why you waiting?

[Verse 2] Yeah, see me all alone 'cause I can't get

you on the phone Driving through the city, see these demons

on my own Trapped inside your grip, it's hard for me

to let you go Better to pretend because it's healing

Now my ex tripping, out I'm on the scene and she fallin'

Drop 24 on the wrist, Kobe, ballin' I don't call when she want, am I next?

Yeah She only love me if I'm dead, now I'm stressed,


[Pre-Chorus] Truthfully, can't get me out your memories

Picture me on your walls See me in who you are

[Chorus] Blow the smoke real quick just to fog out

a hater Drive real slow, fuck the shit, I don't wait

up Cops got 150 miles on the radar

Goddamn, ain't you see the real, why you waiting?

Blow the smoke real quick just to fog out a hater

Drive real slow, fuck the shit, I don't wait up

Cops got 150 miles on the radar Goddamn, ain't you see the real, why you waiting?

For more infomation >> Maxx Owa - Radar - Duration: 3:00.


Joyetech eGo AIO Mansion ръководство за употреба - Duration: 1:26.

For more infomation >> Joyetech eGo AIO Mansion ръководство за употреба - Duration: 1:26.


Two Paths To Freedom I See Successful ENFPs Follow - Dreams Around The World - Duration: 9:07.

Dan here and in this video you are going to learn the two possible paths an

ENFP can take to become successful and the one route you should never ever go

down unless you love misery and heartbreak. Now if you're new to the

channel I am Dan Johnston the author of way too many books including some around

personality psychology, the creator of the Free Freelancer and ENFP Unleashed

and here my mission is to help you become the best version of yourself and

create the most awesome life possible for you and those you love so as you may

or may not know I am an ENFP myself and I have been working with enfps for many

years now and I've noticed two potential paths that what I would consider

successful enfps tend to go down no of course successful has many definitions

it's all about our own values and that's actually something we talk a lot about

on the channel is not letting other people to find you or what success is

for you but in this case I'm using success in terms of basically have their

shit together they tend to do what they say they'll do they tend to be

relatively happy with life not overly stressed not overly stressed about money

and generally have a relatively happy life so the first path is going against

your own grain but doing so in a very conscious way so sometimes I'll hear

from enfps who will say hey I am an accountant or an investor or I do some

kind of sales and I know it's not perfect for me as a creative as an ENFP

but I'm smart enough and I work hard enough that I get it done and I can make

a really good income so I've decided to go down this route and find ways to make

it more acceptable for me so that might be how they approach the job or finding

things outside of the job to give them that life satisfaction fulfillment that

they don't necessarily have within their jobs personally as you probably know

this isn't my ideal route to go down but I also know we all have different

circumstances and different obligations with their lives and

there's also the case where you might have an opportunity to make an insane

amount of money and so maybe what some enfps decide to do is from age 25 to 35

to go work an extremely draining high-paying job put in ten years and

then retire and chill on the beach or something like that

now overall though with this path the key is to acknowledge your superpowers

acknowledge your strengths and acknowledge that it's not going to be

perfect for you you're gonna have some extreme levels of stress maybe if you're

dealing with confrontation or other personality types that really conflict

with yours but that doesn't mean you can't go down this path and you can't

succeed so that's one thing that I have noticed with my clients and just other

enfps I meet the other path to success is just to totally embrace the whole

ENFP thing embrace who you are and go full-out with it so what that means is

maybe taking a high risk opportunity creating your own business doing

something a little outrageous in the creative fields these sorts of roots

generally take three to five years to succeed I look at my own business if I

look at a lot of other people I know who have successful businesses sometimes it

happens quicker sometimes it takes longer but generally you're looking at

three to five years to build a really unique life based on your passions or

your natural talents or something like that that's just how the math works out

so that's another route you can go down where you say alright the next three to

five years I'm gonna maybe struggle I might be a bit stressed I'll be taking

big risks but I'm going to be building my baby I'm gonna be doing the thing

that I've always wanted to do and I have so much passion for and it will all be

worth it that's a pretty cool route to go down as well that's essentially what

I have done after a very brief stint trying option number one now choosing

between these two if I had to say to do one or the other I think it's worth it

to take the risk sacrifice for some time and build that

thing that you're really going to love doing because we have long lives at

least most of us and there is a lot of time ahead of you so

why not invest three four five years now to create an incredible life for the

rest of your life I promise I would mention what you should absolutely not

do and that's attempt to do both of these this is the road of death for an

ENFP here's what it looks like okay I really want to be a cartoonist I love

creating cartoons I love drawing I love making people laugh but that's not very

realistic so I'm gonna get into consulting and get a job at a big firm

because you know I can I'm smart whatever it is a year into that job it's

oh man I really hate this this is such a waste of my time I hate coming in I'm

not expressing my own creativity I quit I'm gonna go do my own thing

six months later oh my god I don't have any money people are disappointed in me

I gotta get a job again go back to the job eight months in I can't stand going

into this work all the time I can't stand this job okay I'm gonna quit and

I'm gonna do my own thing a year later I'm so stressed I need money I can't do

this there's no structure I can't handle this on my own I'm gonna get a job and

you see where this goes basically any financial savings are down the drain

because every time you quit your job to do your own thing you burn through your

savings really quick and any chance at serious career progress is flushed away

because you're quitting every six months every year like no really good company

is gonna look at you and say wow you're completely unstable and have no

determination come work for us on the other side your creative journey in

terms of being an awesome cartoonist you could actually have built a great legacy

doing that built a great income after five years but you're not because you

keep quitting every six months every year and going back and forth back and

forth this is the one thing you should never ever ever ever do so what I'm

thrown out here is to be more conscious of the choice

you're making to really look at your life and if you want to say hey I'm

going to turn my back on that creative part of me that wants to start a

business or wants to do something with my artistic ability I'm going to decide

to be a bit of a realist and I hate that word just I know I'm gonna be a bit of a

realist and I'm going to suck it up and get a job and save up a bunch of money

and buy a house or provide for my family or whatever that's what you're gonna do

be honest with yourself and go that route and go all-in and commit for the

next time to 20 years of your life again would not be my path I would not really

recommend it but if you're gonna do it don't be ask yourself own it go down

that route or if you're gonna do your own thing

which is as you know what I'm all about and what dreams around the world is all

about if you're going to do your own thing then give yourself the time to

succeed give yourself two to five years acknowledge that it will be tough at the

beginning now people perhaps even me have some programs have some coaching

available that can help it go a little smoother and help you feel

like you're supported and you're not alone when you're doing it but no matter

what it's going to take time there's going to be moments or maybe weeks of

self-doubt and of struggle and of stress and overwhelm and I know that doesn't

sound very fun but the reality is if you stick with it you'll become an

incredible person you'll become tougher stronger more determined than you ever

thought possible and after a couple years you're going to have this amazing

creation whether it's an artistic business and entrepreneurial business

some hybrid of them all it will be very much worth it so I would encourage you

to make a decision one way or the other take your route and then go all in with

it speaking of all in go all in and

subscribe to this channel click that Bell button so you get notified of new

videos and tune in soon thank you for watching my question today is which

route have you been going down and looking at this what route are you

going to choose for yourself in the future thanks for watching catch you


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