Chủ Nhật, 21 tháng 10, 2018

Youtube daily report Oct 21 2018

what's up fishtank people all Dustin's fishtanks bring it to you setting up 125

gallon aquarium if you missed it last week we did the hardscaped hardscapes

the hard part yeah it's fun part now it's time for the super fun part now

it's time for the plants and I actually have a strategy that I'm gonna use with

this here is a detailed plant listing of everything that we're bringing with this

sucker well bite as Lancelot off as le small boost gigantea you name it I'm

bringing it it's all right here in a pile

I've actually got this pre-drawn out ahead of time had a little bit of a

vision and it's actually coming we're gonna go dark to light dark on the

outside light in the middle and we're gonna work all kinds of crazy plants

into this hard scape here I'm super jacked about it because I have a lot of

awesome hardy plants this tank is not dirted so we're gonna have to feed it

which I'm going to show you guys throughout this video so if you like

this type of video hit the subscribe button and you'll be seeing more of it

let's get after it so bulb itis right here the tips got a little dried out

it's okay I'll completely be fine once it gets back in the water will bite us

who talati i'm gonna go each side so I've got one side for mellitus another

side right here so I've got brightest all day long super Hardy comes from

Africa and we're gonna start with the darkest plants work our way into

gradually less dark plants in the middle what we're gonna get light and I always

like to leave a bag or in this case a bag or six things of gravel to kind of

like tie stuff down so right here I've got a little loose spot beau Biden's can

have its rhizome down and gravel no problem I'm gonna go ahead and utilize

some of this travel here as like my patchwork gravel so I'll just kind of

pour it down on there and then pull the plant out of it kind of worked it in so

I've got the bull itis over there now I want to work in the Lancelot Lance a lot

coming in pretty fire obviously all of these are available on do not leave this video

the roots not the rhizome this is all being done without water everything

that's kind of laid over a little bit it'll all perk up when there's water

around it well brightest does not care favorite plants right I found that the

rhizome above itis doesn't care to be buried so that's how I roll

now I'm going the philosophy of this tank is dark green dark green into the

center rainbow so dark green lighter green light green yellow orange the

whole deal and while I love this piece right here

I love anubias gigantea more so it needs to come in the front this is actually a

cooler plant in my book than the one I just put it's got this trident looking

leaf on it that's just killer I'm stuffing that down in there gigantea

it's not the easiest anubius still in anubius so it's still pretty easy but

definitely my favorite and I love the dis the spearhead look - it looks yeah

that's got the leave like that with this Arrowhead leaves love it we're gonna

work some down in here - and I have tested the anubius gigantea in thus the

way I'm planning it right now so I know that it's okay with having its rhizome

stuck down

I really want a centerpiece in the gigantea in this tank it's just one of

my favorites go what do you think for tank people I don't have any opposition

this side but I kind of like it there's no off facility on that side because I

kind of like that darker and that's different over there so I'm gonna leave

that originally the plan was to have the widest gigantea Lancelot this is the

gigantea side there's no gigantea on that side there you go see if anybody

notices so we're gonna work it in now you're gonna close out the anubius

africa chapter we're gonna move into the bacopa level we're gonna get all these

plants somewhat sorted out of here

I want to go from the dark greens to the lighter green look at how this is bacopa

yellow flame at its finest you will not buy a better plant from anybody online

than me with this pickle yellow flame I guarantee it it's a bold statement but

that's pretty fire so check that out now the bacopa Maneri super duper easy plant

it's gonna give us some contrast with all the other stuff we're gonna take it

out of the rubber band and they say the Japanese say that the you know the

process of like playing with the plants is to the tank so it's how you get to

the tank per the customer's request I would be planting these significantly

deeper than I am it's not dirt it doesn't matter supercopa Maneri so it's

okay that it falls over because it's not supported by water and I like the

contrast with the Maneri in the anubius right next to it I'm gonna make this

Maneri come up the cliff just like that just like that and like this and extra

gravel got money war we got pennywort Josh

hates this plant I hated this plant got brownie love it because it just grows

like a weed does not care and it's actually perfect for back here and you

won't be able to see it initially but it'll come on strong because it's going

to be underneath standard double but it's it's gonna look real cool back

behind he's barely gonna be able to see that but in time she will come on strong

hydro cotta Lucia Walla also known as penny war

smoke OPA yellow flame but I mentioned I like this plan I just got the red flames

now honestly this plant is not gonna stay as red in here just because of lack

of nutrients I mean he's not doing the water change

as we are but it will certainly still look cool Wow Wow

I'm doing a little halftime hard scape adjustment because I want to make sure

that this log stays exactly where it is so I'm actually wiring this down which

socks it is ugly but I'll be able to cover it up with plants it doesn't

matter but I want to make sure this log is affixed to this log without any

problems so I'm gonna tighten this up and that will just make sure that this

piece stays because it's such a it's a vulnerable piece being up like that so I

want to make sure it stays on so I'll take this ugliness for what I'm gonna

get an exchange I'm gonna plan all the way through there so this all I'll be

covering in just a second all right now it's time to fill er up I told him it's

gonna be ugly the first fill is gonna be ugly because

just all the dust and everything is gonna settle I'm using this stuff this

is the accr I buy it in a huge box so that's why I have it in this Cup but

this is the deke lure time for your moment is then my friend we've got a

couple of more spots I want to work some stuff in but I want to see what's

happening what do you think my friend it's exceeded your expectations huh

that's cool man

my broth was stripped up sanitary supply that's cause inside terrorists love it

what do you think fish tank people I think it's looking pretty killer the mr.

customer said it exceeded his expectations do want to point out a

quick thing here you better hit the subscribe button like button share

button if you care I had to leave some rocks up here because the driftwood is

not fully waterlogged it will be soon so it's messing up my scape there but

overall I'm pretty pumped about hit the like button subscribe button share

button and drop me a comment on what you think about this world 25 tank on

everybody light boom boom

For more infomation >> FRESHWATER Aquarium Setup - NEW (2018) - Adding PLANTS - Duration: 10:15.


What $1,800 Will Get You In New York | Sweet Digs | Refinery29 - Duration: 6:34.

Hi everyone, I'm Austin.

I'm Amanda,

and welcome to our Sweet Digs.

Before you come in, subscribe below.

Great, come on in.

We live in Grasmere in Staten Island,

very, very close to the Verrazano bridge,

and we pay 1800 dollars for our rent,

and I think that that's pretty good

since we have two bedrooms,

and we have an attic space as well.

Normally something like that would get you

in someone's basement with no windows,

so I would say that's a pretty good deal.

So, Staten Island gets a bad rap.

Everyone comes to New York, they go to Brooklyn,

Manhattan, you know, Queens, whatever it is,

and everyone forgets about Staten Island,

but it's a super great place to live and

we love it here.

Right over here is my office.

We're both photographers and filmmakers.

We have our own wedding cinema film business right now,

that's what we're focusing

on full time for the most part.

So, this is my office, this is actually the second

bedroom in the house.

We keep all of our gear in here as well,

so it kinda works like a gear closet slash office

at the same time.

Since we have Layla, which is our cat,

of course we need a litter box.

We have what have a poop palace.

Which is kinda integrated into our décor.

It's very discreet.

This is our bedroom.

Where Layla is sleeping.

I have a clothing rack that's

right by my bed,

I have a closet, I have storage under the TV,

and then for all of the clothes that I'm not wearing,

in off season that's gonna be upstairs.

Austin keeps his clothes-

I have a closet in my office.

I'm simple, I'm a guy.

We met at an anti-Valentine's Day party

that I threw… 7 years ago?


I think it's gonna be 6 years in February, no?




Austin was wearing a plaid shirt

that was similar to mine

and then we kinda connected,

and then for our wedding when we got married,

I had Austin get ready in his plaid shirt.

We're both in the wedding industry

so we know that they can be super overwhelming.

So, we eloped in Thailand.

Just us and a few friends.

Kept it very small.

We love to travel too so

all our friends and family kinda expected us

to do something like that.

My apartment pet peeve is when

Austin leaves my mail on my side of the bed.

He thinks that that's the only way I'm gonna look at it.

It's true.

It is.

But I hate that because I feel like it's dirty.

My apartment pet peeve is

when she puts all her bags

on all the handles of the doors,

and I can't close any doors,

'cause there's bags on them.

Just too many bags, and every door has bags on each handle.

This is our bathroom right over here.

At the end of every night,

me and Austin we may have had different schedules,

different days,

so we always come back home,

we shower together,

and then after that we have tea time.

Austin usually makes the tea because I spend

a little bit extra time in the shower.

So, while I'm finishing up,

he's making the tea so it's ready.

My next apartment I want a huge shower…

and bathtub.

I want both.

On the way to the kitchen

here is our map on the wall where we pinned all the places

we've been to so far.

This is our kitchen,

our super nicely lit kitchen with the skylight.

Wherever we go we usually buy a magnet from our travels.

Everybody who visits can see the fridge

and kinda tell where we've been so far.

I personally love Thailand,

that's my favorite place that I've been.

I love the landscape, I love the food, I love the people there.

I think my favorite place so far has been Iceland.

Almost as extreme as you can get from

being in one of the most populated cities in the world.

We're not that big on cooking but we do have,

we're known for our chicken parm nights.

People even ask us once in a while,

"When we having chicken parm again?

When we having chicken parm again?"

So, that's kinda like our main thing that we cook.

We sound the parm alarm.

Yeah, the chicken parm alarm.

Chicken parm alarm.

My favorite part about this apartment is the beautiful light.

Specifically, in the kitchen we have a skylight, it's vaulted ceilings.

Our living room area.

So, one of my favorite parts about this living room

is my DIY lights that I made using Ikea products.

So, I just used a bracket,

and we wrapped a light, the string around it.

It's kinda cool, it's like a little Edison bulb.

We wanted to make our apartment into a smart home.

So, we have Alexa kinda integrated into our home,

we also have smart lock so that when

we're approaching our apartment

the door will automatically unlock for us,

and we have a Roomba that goes off two times a week.

Our apartment is travel themed

because it's such a big part of our lives.

We have a bull from Spain,

a car from Cuba,

we have a camel from Dubai,

maracas from the Dominican Republic,

so it's kinda like a little scavenger hunt.

I would say the least favorite part of my

neighborhood where we are is the parking situation.

We're right by an express bus stop

so people drive their cars and park in our area.

This is our attic.

This is the attic area, we've made this into our guest room.

This bed over here, it's actually a stacked bed.

It can be two separate beds, it can be one full sized bed.

In our entire apartment

there's only one wall that actually has a color.

And it's this accent wall that's over here.

Your eyes are pulled toward the wall

instead of the low ceilings that are around here.

So welcome to my drum room.

This is where I play music.

*muted rock n roll style drumming sounds*

Should I mention that it's like not a real drum kit? Like it's…

Since we live in an apartment

it's too loud to have an actual kit,

so I had this modified,

you know, quiet little practice drum set upstairs.

*more muted rock n roll style drumming sounds*

Welcome to my office.

Austin works from home full time

so I let him have his little space downstairs.

And since I'm not really up here often

it's totally cool to have like a little area.

I also love it because it has the sloped ceilings,

and it gives me Pinterest vibes.

I would say the worst part about it is the heat.

It's probably about 90 degrees up here right now.

I try to make the most of it.

I'm thinking about doing some hot yoga up in here.

The most surprising thing about Staten Island is how

fresh and awesome the air quality is.

At one point, Staten Island was like New York's dump.

People thought it was like gross, or whatever,

but there's a lot of trees,

and you have the ocean, so…

It's the Borough of Parks.

It's the Borough of Parks.

It's like a breath of fresh air when you come here.

I'm originally from Brooklyn New York.

I've been in Staten Island a super long time though.

15 years I would say.

A little bit longer.

And Austin's been in Staten Island his whole life.

I was born in Brooklyn,

but pretty much lived my whole life in Staten Island as well.

From traveling we always see different things,

like oh we wonder how it'd be to live here

or here for a while.

I'm definitely open to leaving, I just don't-

that's like a big struggle with us,

we don't know where we wanna end up.

I think it's a great place for now,

until we find out what works for us.

Thank you for checking our Sweet Digs,

and to see more videos click here.

And to subscribe click right here.

For more infomation >> What $1,800 Will Get You In New York | Sweet Digs | Refinery29 - Duration: 6:34.



For more infomation >> AĞDA ŞAKASI ( UYURKEN KARDEŞİME ŞAKA ) - Duration: 12:33.


Sweet, crunchy & nutty anchovies (Myeolchi-ttangkong-bokkeum: 멸치땅콩볶음) - Duration: 7:23.

(chopping and happy upbeat music)

- Hi everybody!

Today I'm going to make a really simple and quick side dish

with small dried anchovies.

So it's called myeolchi-bokkeum, stir-fired dried anchovies

but I'm going to add peanuts.

Maybe you went to a Korean restaurant,

they bring many side dishes,

and there are some small tiny anchovies

with peanuts.

You just see:"Oh this is so delicious and crunchy and sweet,

nutty!" and I saw lot of, lot of people

who kept eating, eating this,

even it just ran out before the real main dish comes.

Today let's make it, so easy and fast.

This is really tiny, isn't it?

So these are the anchovies we are going to use,

this and when I make stock it's with this large anchovy

around three to four inches and this is in between,

between these, a little larger than very tiny anchovies.

In Korean grocery stores you will see several kinds,

different sizes, but today I will just make this

with these really tiny anchovies, this one.

We call this jiri-myeolchi

myelchi is anchovy.

So first let's measure one cup, one cup two ounce

and 60 grams.

I will put it in my strainer, this is a coarse mesh strainer

and shake this.

So it's little kind of look like dust, we just remove this.

I will use just one large clove of garlic.

So let's mince.


Never skip garlic, it removes a little fishy smell

and also they really go well together.

This is vegetable oil around one tablespoon.

Medium heat.

I will add the garlic here.

Add my anchovies

and stir fry.

These are peanuts, roasted peanuts.

I will use around half a cup.

If you have some peanut allergy you don't have to use them.

You can use other nuts, walnuts,

any kind of your favorite nuts and add these peanuts.

And keep stirring until peanuts are very crunchy

and anchovies just light brown.

So this is medium heat,

so slowly I will just stir fry around a couple of minutes.

Meanwhile, I'm going to make the sauce for this.

In the old days we added a lot of soy sauce

but by itself it's salty enough.

I'm going to use only one teaspoon soy sauce

and one teaspoon water, same amount.

Brown sugar one tablespoon.

You can hear the sound, tideek, tideek sound.

Rice syrup, this is optional but when you add

just a little, one teaspoon rice syrup

it makes it really shiny.

One teaspoon and mix.

You see peanuts are light brown.

Okay, this is very hot.

Let me taste this.

(yummy exclamation)


I will just turn off the heat.

Push it this way, and my pan is very hot.


And mix.

Nicely, well done.

And then this is sesame oil, one teaspoon.

Yeah, done, done!

In five minutes we made this, awesome.

And you know, in the old days I used to make a lot

and just kept it in the refrigerator for one month,

and even after one month it's still left over.

Make this food with only one cup of small dried anchovies

and you can eat it for one week

and then later you can make it again.

Last step is sesame seeds around one teaspoon.

All done.

When it's cooled down, transfer this to an air tight container

and then keep in the refrigerator.

(crispy food against plate)

Today I'm eating just a simple lunch.

I made miyeok-guk, seaweed soup,

and then myeolchi-bokkeum plus kkakdugi.

Gim... crunchy, crunch.

Never hungry.

We have some kimchi in the refrigerator all the time

so this gim and then just do this.

Well fermented, my kkakdugi.

Usually for kkakdugi, I put some in small bowl

but today is special

because I wanna show you how I eat sometimes,

I just take it out from the refrigerator

and eat it just like this.

For gim, what I'm doing usually, is I just put some rice here,

like this and one kkakdugi, kkakdugi and anchovy,

make a wrap and eat.


Miyeok guk.

This little bite is really nice and tasty.

You can use also spoon like this, spoon use.

(yummy exclamation)

And sweet and crunchy and nutty, yum, yum, yum.

So today we made myeolchi-ttangkong-bokkeum,

stir-fried dried anchovies and peanuts.

Enjoy my recipe.

See you next time, bye.

(happy upbeat music)

For more infomation >> Sweet, crunchy & nutty anchovies (Myeolchi-ttangkong-bokkeum: 멸치땅콩볶음) - Duration: 7:23.


PJ MASKS Toys Halloween Game - Duration: 14:33.

Look out the zombies are coming

Hey, what's that noise Frankenstein

Super cat speed

Luna girl can the PJ masks save them. It's time to be a hero

Frankenstein and sleep a the PG max toys play Halloween Frankenstein game

Hey Dino pals, this is toy Rex here. Let's see what toy surprise we have today. It's


Luna girl Benny the PJ men have to team up with the knight villains to save our heroes

Can they save it from Frankenstein?

The PJ Masks have to make it all the way to the finish line over here to save our and learn a girl

but if they wake

Frankenstein then they'll go into jail too. Oh, oh

The first player is cat boy super cat jump

Player number two is PJ masks. Check it out. Super Gekko muscles

Player number three is super smart night. Villain Romeo

have a super giant genus brain

And that's is PJ Mask and the next player is Night Ninja the PJ masks game

Halloween Frankenstein game

Okay inside it's bedtime

Frankenstein sleepy

Geckos gonna go first this game is super awesome

This game is super awesome


What happened?

Your not gonna go first. Because Night Ninja wants to go first.

We're on the same team

Let's go to the blue color boys and girls one, two, three, four five six, haha

I move six spaces and there's a number four on this new color

Here's the alarm clock boys and girls we've got to be super super quick. Here's number one

Frankenstein's sleep

Time to go back to the sleep Frankenstein

Don't worry. He'll it the PJ Masks must save you one two, three, super Gekko muscles

Gotcha yellow, let's go to the yellow color

Super good job. Gekko cat-boy is on this closest yellow color

That means getcho gets to go all the way over here. Let's go get go

one two three, four, five six seven Wow

Gekko moved seven spaces and is there a number on this color?

There is there's a four that means Gekko has to push the alarm clock four times you can do it

Frankenstein is so scary. But this Halloween game is super fun. Let's count together. Here's one


Three. This is the last one boys and girls we can do it

Frankenstein is still sleeping like a baby that means i passedand it's time for Romeo to go super duper awesome

The Halloween game, huh?

Okay, it is super easy. Thanks to my super giant genius brain one, two three

I got

One two three

Four spaces and there's a number two stick there. Oh, no, that's a really big number throw me away

What hello boys and girls watch me win this game, here's number one

Wow good speech a robot

SuperDuper awesome tech boy is ready on the first blue color that makes PJ robot gets to go all the way over here

Wow super jump and there's a number four that means PJ has to push the alarm clock four times you can do it

PJ Masks robot

We have to be really quiet boys and girls, here's number one


Three Oh No

Frankenstein woke up

Guys will come for the rescue. It's my turn cool chameleon

Frankenstein sleepy time you go to bed Frankenstein

This Halloween game is super fun with Frankenstein one, two, three super spin. Well, it was it awesome spin

That's the same colored gecko got cool chameleons

Supercat chill

Awesome. Oh wait, here's the red plant again dory. Gecko. I'll save you super cat speed

Awesome I went super fast and now we trap the plant

Wow awesome job

No, I am the best and now it's my turn, haha


Got green. Let's go to the green color. Hey green is the same color as Gekko and even Frankenstein

One two three four

Romeo mood for space game and there's a flag time to push the alarm clock five turn

Frankenstein is sleeping like a baby. Let's push the door one more time. Here's one


three last one

Your turn Gekko cool chameleons one two, three super spin I got rid

You three

There's a 2 here 2 is a really small number. I love to push the alarm clock 2 times that's gonna be super easy

1 2 3 go here's number 1

Ok time for your turn cat-boy, I'm gonna catch up to you Gekko! 1 2 3 super cat jump


Where's the yellow color, it's right here cat boy. Okay, one two three

Catboy I got to move three spaces and there's a six here. Wow. That's a really big number little cat boy wake Frankenstein Oh,

super fun

Six is a really really big number. Let's count together Oh

Halloween Jail Oh

No now Frankenstein has peih-gee robot

I'll let Luna girl cat-boy and night ninja

can Romeo and gecko Oh save all the PJ Masks and Night Villains. Let's find out time to go back to sleep

Mr. Frankenstein

Now, it's your turn. Gecko. Cool chameleons. Let's do it. Super

One two three four awesome

Gekko move four its color

And look there's no number on the yellow color. That means gecko doesn't have to push the alarm clock

Now, it's Romeo's turn, let's spin the super good color one two three spoon

Romeo got red. lets go to the red color

one two three

Romeo moved three times and there's a two here. That's a small number. He only has to push the alarm clock to time

Here we go, what oh, no, ah

Romeo I got you now

Don't worry guys, I'm almost at the finish line. The PJ masks will win the game super duper girl

Gekko is almost at the finish line and he can win the game one, two three

Gekko got yellow awesome.

Let's go to the yellow color boys and girls one two, three four

Wow Gekko got move 5 spaces.

No, that's a really big number if Gekko wakes Frankenstein then the zombies will get him

Gekko you have to save everyone no problem time to be a hero

Six is a really big number boys and girls. I need your help. Let's count together. Here's number one




Five, here's the last one juice the last one

Super duper cool chameleons

Here's the finish line. Gecko get red blue or yellow and he'll win the game one, two three spin

Gekko got Red Yeah, he makes it to the finish line

Super duper cool. You guys are the best best dino friends?

Well, we got a lot of super cute Halloween surprise toys, and this is a Bat wow.

Can fly and they can also turn into a vampire

This bed has a yellow nose a red mouth and he's got black wings with green

He looks so cool. And then this is another pumpkin. Well, look at this pumpkins eyes

Well how so funny he's got big googly eyes on Halloween

We take pumpkin sand carve faces and put a candle inside so fun and this

Really sharp teeth watch out

Super fun bats can fly at night. This one has really big eyes and purple wings. Let's go a little bat.

And then we have a spider watch out those spiders coming

He's got one two, three four

All right

That's so many a little red tongue and he's got one two, three four

Five six seven eight eight spider legs. That's so cool

Well, that was super duper fun boys and girls. We got a lot of Halloween toys at the haunted castle

It's time to be a hero go PJ Masks

Thanks for watching. Dino pals. You guys are awesome

For more awesome surprises with me click here and give me a big high-five to subscribe and join the Dino Club

For more infomation >> PJ MASKS Toys Halloween Game - Duration: 14:33.


【MMD獣人】 BINCH ! Weird Meme - Duration: 0:39.

Yo man, you'd see a picture my cxxk


I love you, Binch!


Give my nuts!

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Uh...

Why you mad?

For more infomation >> 【MMD獣人】 BINCH ! Weird Meme - Duration: 0:39.


LANY "Thru These Tears" Official Lyrics & Meaning | Verified - Duration: 5:36.

I think there's something like scientific or chemical attached to crying.

I was just completely alone in my car very late at night, pulled my car over crying and

then I had that moment of clarity that was like, dude you are gonna be okay.

You know you're gonna be okay.

You just can't see it right now and I just feel like in that moment, I had such a vision

for where I was taking the next song.

I can't explain it.

Sometimes people think that like heartbreak is so generic and there's only one emotion

but I mean there are so many nuances.

You basically are faced with two outcomes.

You're either going to get through it or you're not going to get through it and I think we

all do want to move past that hurt and that pain so that's a conversation almost like

an inward conversation

You share a moment with somebody a song with somebody, you know, like an experience with

somebody of course that's gonna remind you every time you pass that or hear that song

or you know pass that park or past that beach or like you know.

Your friends always you know kind of ask hey what's up and what happened and so it's just

you know the beginning stages of that is always a little uncomfortable and nerve racking and

can give you a bit of anxiety.

For a while I was waking up and every day it hurt a little bit more

People had these like weird equations they'd be like, however long you were with somebody

divided by two.

Like you take that in half and that's how long it's gonna take or some people like well

however many months you were with somebody that's how many months it's gonna take.

There was a day where I woke up and it, for the first time, it didn't hurt as much

I hope that I go through life.

I hope that I don't carry a lot of baggage.

I hope that I'm really good at ... I do think the way that you end one season is how you

enter another one and I try to do that as well as I can.

I'm not a perfect person obviously.

I think it's my responsibility to make sure that every new door that I walk through or

new season that I walk into that I leave things in the past and I don't carry them.

I can bring the good but leave the bad and yeah I think that memories can disappear.

Sometimes when you're not sure why something ended and you can't explain it and everything

looked right on paper and it just kind of crumbled right in front of you and you don't

know why, I think your head can spin and you can start assuming and guessing and then blaming

yourself or blaming them or you know, your mind can run crazy.

It might but that obviously is an empty way to live

Kind of explaining that side of the story was also just kind of like a beautiful color

in the picture that I was painting.

It can be confusing as well.

It's like, it's over but then you're upset that it's over and I'm upset that it's over

why is it over, but it is.

I thought that was such a beautiful moment in the song because I'm talking about how

I'm dealing with it but then it's almost like a flashback to one of the last memories and

kind of frames in my mind

You have this whole song with this really established chorus that the listener knows

and then at the very end you use the same melody but it's a completely different.

Like it just as this last final thought.

My vision isn't clear.

What we had and who we were was, but right now I can't see anything.

I can't see nothing through these tears.

I thought that was such a clever way to kind of tie in the literal and what would you call

that, like the metaphorical ideas of this.

For more infomation >> LANY "Thru These Tears" Official Lyrics & Meaning | Verified - Duration: 5:36.


La REPRISE, c'est DUR, MAIS ça REVIENT VITE ! – Rainbow Six Siege Gameplay fr - Duration: 9:12.

For more infomation >> La REPRISE, c'est DUR, MAIS ça REVIENT VITE ! – Rainbow Six Siege Gameplay fr - Duration: 9:12.


【MMD獣人】 Korean I Love You 【CC Eng Sub】 - Duration: 1:36.

What were you talking about with that girl?

Nothing much, really.

How was the audition?

'Maybe next time'

You know there's not gonna be 'next time'...

There's audition everywhere.

Nobody knows what it'll be like in 1 year or 10 years...

You'll get it one day if you start out with a clean slate every time.

I've faith in you.

Thanks anyway.

Shiyu, did you mean what you said?

What do you mean?

That you'll wait for me.

I can bear 21 months. It's Nothing to me.

You're not seeing with someone else, are you?

I love you.

I wish time could stand still right now.

Hey, don't check out other guys while you're there.

I trust you on this.

For more infomation >> 【MMD獣人】 Korean I Love You 【CC Eng Sub】 - Duration: 1:36.


These Markers Are INSANE... - Duration: 4:22.

For more infomation >> These Markers Are INSANE... - Duration: 4:22.


3 Types Of Guys That Give Girls The Creeps - Duration: 6:49.

Good? We're ready to roll? Okay cool. What's your name?

Lucy. Hi Lucy. What makes a guy creepy?

From talking to a lot of women and understanding the dynamics of what a

woman is looking for in a man, I've been able to sum up 3 different types of

guys that women are creeped out by. What is the definition of a creepy guy?

A creepy guy is a guy who is not socially calibrated and a guy that a woman can't

trust. This is what happens when a woman is feeling that sense of I think this

guy is kind of creepy. He's a little bit weird, he's

socially uncalibrated so he's not very good in social settings. Maybe he's a

little off-putting and I'll be giving you examples of what this looks like in

terms of the 3 different types of guys, but this all happens and then a

woman can't trust him. The second that she feels that this guy is creepy,

she can't trust and then is no longer attracted. If a woman can't feel safe or

understand who the guy is that she's with and understand more of his

intentions, then she's not going to be turned on or attracted so let's go into

the 3 different types of guys. Guy number one is the psychopath, the

narcissist, the guy who has no empathy. He lacks the ability to understand what a

woman is feeling and women can actually catch on to this. They can see when and

feel when a guy is lacking that empathy and this comes out in their conversation.

He's almost robotic. He has no emotion, his face is very stoic, he's not very

responsive to what she's saying. Meaning, she might be saying

something and he can't empathize, he can't relate to her. He's not smiling.

These are characteristics of a guy who is creepy because he is not

showing any sort of human emotion and this can happen even if a guy is not a

narcissist, psychopath or sociopath. A guy who is very shy

could come off so timid that he ends up completely choked up in his voice and

he's not really responsive and he's got this fear in his eyes. This can

actually be creepy to women. "Long stares, like if you're my boyfriend sure but

you're not so please don't. Just don't do that". Don't stare just go up and say

hi instead of just sitting. "Don't be just sitting there and being like oh

like I like the longest stare like it's awkward and you'll catch people doing it

and it's like oh god." The next guy that women are completely creeped out by is

the overtly sexual guy. This is a guy who doesn't understand his boundaries when

he's talking to a girl. Maybe he's not giving her enough personal space, he's

touching her too much, he's complimenting her too much especially right away and

this happens and the girl's creeped out by this guy when the guy is coming on

strong very fast. This is when it's very creepy. The things he's doing

are completely normal if the girl knew him for a long time. But cat calling

her, saying weird things to her, when he just meets her. Like touching her

too much, talking about anything sexual within the first couple of minutes of

meeting her is going to completely creep her out. "Just like approaching at an

unapproachable time maybe just kind of like inserting himself into like my

personal space and just being like super forward rather than being polite.

I feel like guys are just too forward rather than taking into

consideration like whoa I'm just getting in her space and that's

kind of creepy." If you're socially calibrated enough, maybe you can get away

with being more physical with a woman fast or talking sexual to a girl

fast. But the problem is, is a guy who's not socially calibrated is not being

able to tell what the girl is feeling and thinking so if you're talking to a girl

and you have no idea how she's feeling in an interaction, which is what this

creepy guy does, then it can be a big problem. A guy might go too sexual,

too fast and sees that she's uncomfortable but doesn't care or

doesn't take notice and still continues to be too

sexual with her. This is a problem. You'll be labeled as creepy. The next guy

that women are creeped out by is sort of a similar dude but instead of being

overtly sexual, he's overly emotional. This is the obsessive guy. This is a guy

who shows up to her place unannounced, text messages her all the time,

says that he really likes her or maybe even says I love you when they just

barely met. "When they like you too much." What does that look like?

"Too many texts, too many phone calls. And when they don't have any friends and they just always...

Is that creepy?" What is creepy? "I think it's creepy when they don't have any friends

That's a red flag." Why do you think this is a red flag? "That means there's

something wrong with them. Exactly." On social media he's commenting on

every photo, he's liking every photo. This shows up a lot in social media where a

guy will basically stalk a girl and they don't even know each other and girls are

completely scared and creeped out by this. "Tinder matches often will just

keep it up even if you don't answer. You have to block them usually.

That's happened to me three times in the past week." Don't do this

and don't think that if you're a guy who's consistently commenting or liking

or doing anything on social media on her profile, Instagram, Facebook whatever that

she's gonna pay attention to you and then like you. No, this is creepy.

This is obsessive. It's very weird and it will turn a girl off very fast. You have

the unemotional sociopath guy, you have the guy who is overly sexual and you

have the guy who's completely obsessive. Try to stay away from entering into any

of these zones so you don't turn her off and I think one of the biggest things

that you can understand in terms of avoiding this is really understanding

what the woman is feeling and thinking. And one of the best ways to do that is

to consistently go out and talk to women so you can get an idea of how they're

feeling in an interaction. You are human, you have empathy, you have eyes, you can

hear so you can understand what a woman is feeling and thinking when you're her.

It's that gut feeling. It's gonna be telling you that but you're only gonna

get better at that when you go out and talk to more girls so make sure

you do that.

For more infomation >> 3 Types Of Guys That Give Girls The Creeps - Duration: 6:49.


5 Haunted Forests Around the World That Will Give You The Chill - Duration: 8:48.

five haunted forests around the world that will give you the chill every

haunted forest in the world always have their own creepy stories from the

appearance of astral beings to the story of a murder and suicide overshadow a

number of jungle in the world in general forests are known as a haunted place

because there are so many tall trees and so little to no human activities at all

even if there are humans who do a hiking and camping sometimes it is still creepy

from some others especially in the middle of the night well this time let's

going to explore the mystery in some of the world's most haunted forests five

haunted forests around the world that will give you the chill number five

daring woods England daring woods is also known as a screaming woods because

there are so many mysterious voices such as painful screams whispers and

footsteps according to the story the voices are reportedly derived from the

ghosts of the spirits of people who lost and died in this forest the legend also

became a terrifying witness of this forest

daring woods forest had once been the scene of a military colonel suicide in

the beheading of a robber captured by villagers number four Devil's tramping

ground North Carolina one of the forests in Bear Creek North Carolina touted as a

haunted forest because this place is believed to be the shelter of the devil

and yes in the middle of this forest there is a mysterious circle without a

single plant growing inside nor any animals cross its path the locals call

the mysterious circle as The Devil's tramping ground it is said that the

circle in the forest is where the devil comes to stomp and dance every night the

devil will come to the forest and walk through it a number of people also

claimed to have seen a pair of red eyes staring at them behind the dense forest

trees number three Alki Kihara Japan among the

many haunted forests in the world it seems that this Alka Kihara forest is

the most famous located at the foot of Mount Fuji this forest is known as the

suicide forest there are at least dozens to hundreds of suicide cases that occur

each year in Akihabara many people commit suicide in this forest by hanging

themselves on the tree according to the local community this negative energy in

the forest reinforces the sadness of forest visitors and gives suicidal

suggestions and because this forest is so vast a lot of visitors often lost

direction and struggling to find their way out visitors who come here and do

not intend to commit suicide will usually mark their way with a ribbon so

they can find a way out number two Dao hill forest India don't imagine Dao Hill

forest is a beautiful pine forest like in the Twilight movie this is a pine

forest with a spooky stories that will definitely make a goosebumps not far

from the forest there is a school building that is still actively used

however locals have heard there are footsteps echoing from the school hall

when the school is closed and there is no one there damn Hill forest is also

claimed to be one of the world's deepest spots due to the activities of

supernatural beings up to the killing here forest visitors have reported that

they often see a headless child wandering among the trees in the road

that connects the forest to the school number one

elfin forest California this forest is known to be the most haunted forest in

the world aside from its creepy appearance because there are a lot of

trees with a winding stems apparently this forest is also very attached to the

stories of ghosts or spiritual beings some visitors have reported that they

saw an appearance of a ghostly white dressed female ghosts a robed goes to

ride a black eagle serious creatures footprints the legend

that overshadows elfin forest is no less terrific it said that there was once a

massacre of gypsies living in this forest and it's been a myth that the

Gypsy group souls demanded retaliation and reportedly still roamed in the elfin

forest well those are the five haunted forests around the world that will give

you the chill really cool information isn't it so do you have some creepy

stories when you happen cross your way on the forest I hope you enjoyed this

short video if you have something on your mind please share your thoughts and

experiences in the comments below don't forget to subscribe to our Channel and

watch all our other amazing videos thanks for watching



number-5 intelligence isn't so much valued Matthew Stern said people are

known for their personality ie humor charming appearance not for being

intelligent he did mention the likes of Albert Einstein Bill Gates and Steve

Jobs intelligent people are always treated with suspicion and disdain no

one likes a know-it-all so we generally have to hide our intelligence or develop

charming humor so we don't seem as threatening Kant said well those are the

five disadvantages of being highly intelligent so really cool information

isn't it I hope you enjoyed this short video if you have something on your mind

please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below don't

forget to subscribe to our Channel and watch all our other amazing videos

thanks for watching

For more infomation >> 5 Haunted Forests Around the World That Will Give You The Chill - Duration: 8:48.


Dance Moms: Abby and Jeanette Showdown (Season 5 Flashback) | Lifetime - Duration: 4:34.

For more infomation >> Dance Moms: Abby and Jeanette Showdown (Season 5 Flashback) | Lifetime - Duration: 4:34.


Goodlatte previews Rosenstein questions, defends format - Duration: 11:32.

For more infomation >> Goodlatte previews Rosenstein questions, defends format - Duration: 11:32.


Try Not To Laugh | 20+ Best Funny Kids Fails - So Cute Kids Fails 2018 - Duration: 10:05.

For more infomation >> Try Not To Laugh | 20+ Best Funny Kids Fails - So Cute Kids Fails 2018 - Duration: 10:05.


Prank War - Duration: 0:59.

What's up, everybody quick update video just letting y'all know

We actually have a new mobile app game called Prank War. You can either get it on the App Store or Google Play

So you can either play it on your phone or any type of iPad you have now

This is a fixed premium version of Pie smash that has no bugs in it

And also it's ad free so you don't have to worry about all those annoying ads while you're playing the game

Now this one does cost Five Dollars USD

So this is also a great way for you to support us and for the true fans out there to actually support I'll do us

A big favor and go ahead and buy the game

It's only five dollars you guys also make sure you give the game a 5 star rating and comment about it

Let us know what you think about the game. Hey, what do you think about the game man? Oh, maybe

Rocks man. This game rules man. I downloaded it like a billion times. I lose my phone a lot

This guy loves the game. Alright, so make sure you go out. It's legit. Only five bucks

Get it right now guys. Alrighty. Make sure you stay tuned next week for a new video guys. All right, we're out now

For more infomation >> Prank War - Duration: 0:59.


How To Be A Good Father - Duration: 5:41.

You know I've always wanted to be a dad. I knew at some point I was going to get

married, I was going to have kids. And you know, I got exposure to realize that some

kids have crappy childhood, some have great childhoods. And that doesn't always

have the bearing on who the person is going to become. But I asked myself, "What

would happen if I dared to be a great father?" what would happen if I tried to

teach my children everything I have learned about life and wealth and love

and relationships. What if I could do everything in my power to help them have

an extraordinary childhood? Listen, we could sit and talk all day about the

mistakes I make as a father. Because I make them. I was just on a hike with my

daughter the other day and and right now I'm trying out this thing every week

called date with dad. And it's an opportunity for me to select one of my

children and just have some alone time with them. And one of the questions

that'll ask him is, "Hey, where do you think I'm falling short? Where do you

think mom and I are messing up? What are the things that you see us doing that

you'd like to see improved?" Now, that takes a certain level of vulnerability

for an adult to talk to their child and admit that they're wrong.

But the reality is I do make mistakes. In fact, I've never been a dad before so I'm

having a learning experience. I hope that I become a better father with time. But

if you are going to grade me on effort then yeah, I think I'm a pretty dang good

awesome dad. Because I'm willing to take a look at the faults and the things I do

wrong. But more importantly, do you know what I

think the secret is to being a good parent in our day and age. I think it

comes down to time, right? How you use that time? Well, that's up to you but

being there for your kids, spending time with them. You know, kids when they're

young before they become teenagers, they idolize you. And they want to learn

everything they can and they want to be like you. The one thing that they really

want and yearn for is time. They want to be acknowledged by you, they want to be

recognized by you, they want to be tickled and chased by you, they want to

laugh with you, they want to learn from you, they want all of that. And so, I think

one of the first things is how much time you're putting into being a parent? If

you... If you've if you've got offspring, then what does your intentional plan

look like for the childhood that you want to create

for them. So, I think time is a function. Then number 2 is what do you want them

to learn? I mean the reality is society has school set up for them, right? You put

them in public school and everything they're going to learn has already been

decided. But how are you going to customize that education? What do you have to offer

your children that you're the best one and most equipped to teach them? You know

I decided early on that I wanted to be a Renaissance man.

And that meant for me to have a level of balance where I could produce results in

the financial world. I could produce results in my health and

body, I could produce results in my relationships and that in my personal

life, that I would have a level of confidence. Not from ego but from

self-acceptance and a self-love of Who I am.

And I've built my life on this concept. I want you to be thinking what's your

concept of what you wanna be teaching your kids. Those are my four. And the only

way I can teach my kids most importantly is by example. It's not the

lessons and the lectures. It's what they see. So, for example one of the things

that's important to me is I don't want my children to have to struggle with

obesity. So, instead of teaching them to eat healthy food, instead I just go to

the gym and I make sure they can see that and I eat healthy and then I

provide the house with healthy food. That example, I believe is so much more

meaningful than anything you'll ever teach them. Because really they're

looking for hypocrisy. They'll believe you when they see none and they'll

believe you way less when they see hypocrisy. You want to improve your

relationships or your money then fix it. Put time effort and energy into it. And

show them. Let them actually witness what that looks like. I think that if they can

observe that from example that I think the most powerful lessons will actually

come from that. And I think the third thing that I'd share is dare to be your

best. You're going to screw up, you're going to mess up. We all are. But have you put it

out there that you want to be the best dad possible? Have you put it out there

that you want to just rock their childhood by providing exceptional and

extraordinary experiences? Taking the time to to give them and invest into

them? Help them with their hobbies and their sports? Don't just be the person

that says, "Schools been provided a house has been provided. Hobbies have been

provided." Be there in their life and dare to be

the greatest parent, the greatest dad, the greatest mom that you possibly can.

That's my intention. I tell my kids, "I am the best dad on this planet." And I felt

that quite often. But it gives me something to look up to and to keep

striving for. Comment below on what you do to be an awesome parent. I would love

to see a collection of your ideas of where you know you are rocking it and

you are an all-star mom or dad. Put that out there would love to see that. Make

sure that you subscribe and then I want to share this final offer. If you have

teenagers 12, 13, 14 years old on up, I want to invite you to to bring them with

you and join me at one of my 3 day life changing live experiences. If you've got

a strained relationship or a relationship that you want to strengthen.

Whether it's with your spouse with one of your kids, bring them to the event and

because it's a facilitated experiential event, we put you into a number of

exercises that are mind-blowing. They get you rethinking life and they'll give you

an opportunity to actually forge a much deeper relationship. We have people come

to the events that have strained relationships and three days later,

they've had their biggest breakthrough and they have become friends again. So, if

you're looking for some type of intervention that could really reframe

your relationship, then go to Click the link in the description

below. Check out one of my upcoming experiences and join me there.

For more infomation >> How To Be A Good Father - Duration: 5:41.


We Try Escaping A Killer Like In "Halloween" - Duration: 8:28.

For more infomation >> We Try Escaping A Killer Like In "Halloween" - Duration: 8:28.


Predicting the End | Eschatology - Duration: 13:59.

Once you understand your history, we can, we might, have the possibility with this technology,

this new Guttenberg press of the internet, we might have the chance of stopping the ten

generation cycle of empire, cycle of civilization in its tracks.

Look, I've been a history guy for a while now and I've never heard of a ten generation

cycle of civilization.

A generation is about 25 years, depending on your source, from the time you're born

until the time you have kids, it's roughly 25 years.

Ten generations is 250 years.

Stefan is talking about Rome, which… the Republic lasted over 500 years, the Empire,

at least as a whole, lasted over 400 years.

I don't know where he's getting this 250, ten generations thing.

The average age of the world's greatest civilizations from the beginning of history

has been 200 years.

So wait, does Rome not count?

I'm confused.

I can't think of a single country that has only lasted for 2- they're talking about


Which would put the end, right about now.

This video is brought to you by Cheddar.

Eschatology is a field of study within theology concerned with the end times.

For Christianity, that means the book of Revelations, the Rapture, the battle of Armageddon, and

the second coming of Christ.

It's been seven years since these billboards were put up just about everywhere.

They were placed by the Family Radio Network, led by Harold Camping, in preparation for

the Rapture, which he calculated would happen on May 21, 2011.

And that wasn't his first prediction.

In 1992, he predicted that Christ's second coming would occur two years later, on September

6, 1994.

When that didn't happen, September 29th, then October 2nd, and then just for good measure,

March 31st, 1995.

According to Harold Camping, the Church Age ended in 1988 which began a six year period

of Tribulation, the seventh year being the year that Jesus would come to Earth, so 1994.

The number seven comes up a lot.

Since God created the world in seven days, they take that number seven and then the word

day to mean whatever they want, in this case, years.

The Tribulation is mentioned by Jesus in Matthew 24.

For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world

to this time, no, nor ever shall be.

He doesn't specifically what's going to happen during it or how you even know if it's

actually happening, but there you go.

It's apparently just the period of time before the end time.

When nothing happened, Camping revised his calculations to say that the Tribulation would

last 8400 days or 23 years.

How did he come up with 23?

Numerology is the belief in a divine or mystical importance attached to certain numbers, seven

for example.

Harold Camping believed that the number seventeen signifies heaven.

Since six years of the Tribulation had already occurred, he just added seventeen, and got


Twenty-three also means judgment…


So in his fifth prediction, Camping had convinced his followers that the end would occur on

May 21, 2011.

Many of his followers sold their worldly possessions and donated all their money to his awareness


Over 100 million dollars were spent on billboards and advertising to get the word out that the

Rapture was coming.

The Rapture is the part of Christian eschatology when all true believers are taken to Heaven

and it precedes second coming of Christ.

So, when nothing happened on May 21st, Camping declared that a "spiritual rapture" and

judgment had occurred and that the end of the world would follow 153 days later.

So Simon Peter climbed back into the boat and dragged the net ashore.

It was full of large fish, 153, but even with so many the net was not torn.

This seemingly random verse, is literally how he came up with 153 days.


Which happened to be October 21, 2011, seven years ago, today.

It's almost like I planned it that way.

But Randy Macho Man Savage died the day before and stopped the Apocalypse from happening.

Hey, it's just as good of a theory as 153 fish.

Harold Camping died in 2013, otherwise I'm sure the seven year itch would have been significant


People have been predicting the end times since basically the beginning, there is a

massive Wikipedia article listing every substantial prediction for the end of the world, going

all the way back.

It seems we can't go 2 years without someone declaring that the end is nigh.

This is despite the fact, that the bible itself says that you can't calculate or predict

the end.

But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but

only the Father.

But that doesn't stop people from trying anyway.

Like in 1833, when pastor William Miller calculated that the Second Advent of Christ, which is

just another word for the Second Coming, would be on March 21, 1844.

He arrived at this date because in 457 BC, Jerusalem was rebuilt.

The return of the Israelites to Israel is often cited as one of the signs of impending

doom, which Harold Camping also used.

It doesn't matter that in 1833, the state of Israel didn't exist, all that matters

is they attempted to rebuild it in 457 BC.

He said to me, "It will take 2,300 evenings and mornings; then the sanctuary will be reconsecrated."

So, we take 457 BC, and we add 2300 years, because day means year… and then we add

one, because the year zero didn't happen, it just went 1 BC to 1 AD… so we get 1844.

When nothing happened on March 21, they just added seven months to it, because you know…


So on October 22, 1844, the Millerites prepare for the end of the world, and much like with

Harold Camping, many of them gave up their worldly possessions.

This was the inspiration for the opening scene of Season 3 of the Leftovers.

This event, or rather, the fact that the world did not end, is known as the Great Disappointment…

Which is what my dad says about me whenever I tell him I'm a youtuber.

William Miller spent the rest of his days hiding in shame, I mean imagine googling what

was the biggest disappointment ever, and there's your name, 170 years later… nothing worse

has happened since then apparently.

The Millerites later became the Seventh-Day Adventists, who continue believing to this

day that the second coming will happen any moment now.

Much like the people who knock on your door… no, the other ones.

Jehovah's Witnesses.

Both of these churches believe that the world was created 6000 years ago.

So, Young Earth Creationists.

Or at the very least, it's been 6000 years since Adam, so we are currently in the seventh


With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.

So for them, a day is a thousand years, rather than just one year.

It is said in the bible that Jesus will return to Earth and usher in a thousand-year kingdom,

known as the Millennium.

Jehovah's Witnesses are trying to get that going now.

In fact, they believe that they are the earthly representatives of God's Kingdom and that

we are currently in the Millennium.

God's Kingdom was established in 1914, which is also when World War 1 started.

And since then, Jehovah's Witnesses have predicted then end of the world multiple times,

but their first prediction was 1941.

Which was when America joined World War 2, strangely enough.

Post-World War 2 America saw a huge increase in religious interest, especially when it

comes to the end of the world.

We now had bombs that could cause that, so, makes sense.

As a result, we saw the rise of Evangelicals, like Harold Camping, new religions like Scientology,

and various other cults and alternative movements.

Jehovah's Witnesses and Seventh-Day Adventists both believe in Millennialism.

That's the idea that we either are or soon will be under the thousand year reign of Christ,

which should be relatively peaceful.

This is in contrast to Millenarianism which has a more cataclysmic apocalyptic view.

Many millenarian cults came out of the 50s and 60s, including the Branch Davidians, a

splinter group from the Seventh-Day Adventists, founded in 1955.

Vernon Howell changed his name to David Koresh, believing he was a descendant of King David

from the bible.

David Koresh also identified himself as the lamb mentioned in Revelations chapter five,

meaning he is the final prophet that will usher in the second coming of Christ.

The Branch Davidians believed they were the ones who would break the Seven Seals and bring

about the end of days.

Instead, in 1993, their days were ended at their compound in Waco, Texas which was the

90s version of Sandy Hook.

Conspiracy theorists will never shut up about it.

So to avoid any of that, I'm going to point you to a few videos down below and I'm not

going to say anything else about Waco.

So stop typing.

A lot of these cults that were started in the 50s and 60s met their end in the 90s,

due in large part to the fact that original members were dying off.

Also thanks to the internet, very few cults made it through that filter.

In 1997, a UFO religion known as Heaven's Gate made headlines by committing mass suicide.

Their leader, Marshall Applewhite, believed that he was the reincarnation of Jesus.

They also believed that the Earth was going to be destroyed and that the only way to survive

was to follow Applewhite onto a spaceship which trailed the comet Hale-Bopp.

The comet was at its closest distance to Earth on March 22, 1997.

Four days later, the bodies of 39 Heaven's Gate members were found after committing mass

suicide in order to transport their spirits onto the UFO.

They mixed phenobarbital with apple sauce and vodka, then taped plastic bags around

their heads.

The expression "drinking the kool-aid" comes from Jonestown even though it was actually

the knock-off brand Flavor Aid.

But they didn't necessarily believe that the end was coming, which is good, because

I don't want this to be another 30 minute video.

Aside from the Ufologists, 1997 was an important date for end times predictions, since it was

2000 years since Jesus was born.

Yeah, you heard that correctly.

Jesus was actually born in the year 4 BC, when they set the starting point for the calendar

they didn't know that, I guess, then you add 2000, and then one because the year zero

didn't happen.

When nothing happened in 97, people moved to the year 2000, because obviously.

Numerous churches and preachers believed that the world would end in the year 2000.

So let's just talk about one.

The Unification Church was a cult founded in 1954 by Sun Myung Moon, and believed that

the Kingdom of Heaven would be established in the year 2000.

Members of this cult are known as Moonies, which is hilarious.

Jesus didn't return in the year 2000 and Moon died in 2012, so that was basically the

end of that.

Though, the next big religiously predicted date is 2033, 2000 years after Jesus died.

Just for the sake of being thorough, this is the exact same thing that happened around

the year 1000.

But let's take a step back from religion and look at the more secular predictions.

You probably remember the Y2k bug… unless you're current in high school, in which

case you were born after that….

I'm so old.

Basically, it was thought that computers wouldn't know how to interpret the date going from

99 to 00 and the power would go out, planes would drop from the sky, basically everything

that happens in Fallout.

And then of course, there was 2012, which all of you should remember.

That hysteria stemmed from the Mayan calendar, December 21, 2012 clicked over to the thirteenth

baktun, there's a Scishow episode explaining all of the cycles if you're interested.

But the Maya never predicted that the world would end.

We entered the twelfth baktun on September 18th, 1618 and nothing happened, everything

kept ticking over.

The Maya did believe that the last creation lasted thirteen baktuns, but didn't predict

how long this one would last.

Pop culture just decided we should make a big deal out of this in order to sell books

and movies.

And just for good measure, somehow brought Nostradamus into it.

Nostradamus… mmk, he… a lot of people, after something big happens, go to his poems

and look for a line that kinda sorta says what they want it to in order to say that

he predicted it.

When 2012 was a thing, they tried to say Nostradamus predicted it.

He didn't, in fact, he only ever makes one end of the world prediction and it was several

years before that.

The year 1999 seven months From the sky will come the great King of Terror.

Most people interpreted this to mean that an asteroid or comet would strike Earth in

July 1999.

Until it didn't happen, then they interpreted it to mean all sorts of things, like John

F Kennedy Jr dying.

But what would happen if a comet or asteroid were to strike the Earth?

Cheddar explored that question in their video "Is there a best case asteroid impact scenario?"

What would be better for us life here on Earth, an asteroid hitting the ground or an asteroid

hitting water?

Cheddar is a fairly new Youtube channel focusing on business, technology, media, and news but

without the boring parts.

They also seem to have quite a few videos regarding asteroid impacts on Earth.

Including and interview with the guy whose primary job is to discover and find ways to

divert asteroids.

I'm Lindley Johnson, I'm the Planetary Defense Officer here at NASA.

Planetary Defense Officer, that's just amazing.

So once you're done here, make sure to head over to the link at the top of the description

to check that out and consider subscribing.

Scientists have their own predictions for apocalyptic events, including an asteroid

impact and things like Yellowstone eventually exploding.

And of course the sun swallowing the earth and the eventual heat-death of the universe.

But a surprisingly large amount of people believe that they are currently living in

the end times…

49% of Americans… yeah.

But that shouldn't really be surprising, given all of the examples we just went through

and the countless that we didn't, it seems like every generation almost wants to be the

last generation.

That's why they pick arbitrary numbers like 2000, or 10 generations, or 153 fish.

The bible itself says that you won't know the world is going to end until it's actually

happening, so relax, because now, you know better.

If you didn't notice, I got some new channel art courtesy of PoetheWondercat.

I wouldn't've been able to do that without the support of my patrons, especially my newest

legendary patron, Patrick.

If you'd like to help support the channel, head over to, and

don't forget to rapture that subscribe button, follow me on twitter and facebook, and join

us on the subreddit.

For more infomation >> Predicting the End | Eschatology - Duration: 13:59.


Tater Tot Casserole | Counting On - Duration: 3:52.

















































































































For more infomation >> Tater Tot Casserole | Counting On - Duration: 3:52.


29º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario – 21 de octubre de 2018 — Ciclo B - Duration: 2:12:06.

For more infomation >> 29º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario – 21 de octubre de 2018 — Ciclo B - Duration: 2:12:06.


Đây là lý do Volvo XC90 Excellence 2018 trở thành chiếc SUV sang trọng bậc nhất |AUTODAILY.VN| - Duration: 19:38.

For more infomation >> Đây là lý do Volvo XC90 Excellence 2018 trở thành chiếc SUV sang trọng bậc nhất |AUTODAILY.VN| - Duration: 19:38.


[basic] Korean alphabet - How can I pronounce and write Korean? 모음 vowels ㅞ - 웨 we(we/weː) - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> [basic] Korean alphabet - How can I pronounce and write Korean? 모음 vowels ㅞ - 웨 we(we/weː) - Duration: 0:31.


吳謹言黑白配俏皮,於子洋純色溫柔,反觀李冰冰魚尾裙纔是氣場足 - Duration: 3:59.

For more infomation >> 吳謹言黑白配俏皮,於子洋純色溫柔,反觀李冰冰魚尾裙纔是氣場足 - Duration: 3:59.


倪妮的"三不"原则,让冯绍峰和井柏然离开了她 - Duration: 3:42.

For more infomation >> 倪妮的"三不"原则,让冯绍峰和井柏然离开了她 - Duration: 3:42.


[temel] Korece alfabesi - Korece nasıl yazabilirim? 모음 Ünlü Harfler ㅞ - 웨 Vê(wɛ/vê) - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> [temel] Korece alfabesi - Korece nasıl yazabilirim? 모음 Ünlü Harfler ㅞ - 웨 Vê(wɛ/vê) - Duration: 0:31.


Babar and the Adventures of Badou | Jumpball Bu | Part 3 | Yellow Butterfly - Duration: 3:59.

PLEASE LIKE, SHARE, SUBCRIBE video! Thanks you very much!

It goes wild

So why aren't you when tersh practicing together but

Because I ran off without asking him to come with me happy. I just want to win the championship

So dilash will stop making fun of tersh. I think tears probably would like to win too, but you know what?

I bet he'd like more a chance to play good lad

Come on we got a game to win Asha the only way we'll beat Monroe and dilash as if we play as a team

All right time to begin the jr. Jump bull championship games

Starting positions players

He told us he'd been practicing

Tie game next go winch

Huh, where'd it go

Nice one Munroe, you played a great game? Yeah. I've been working on that move for a while

Congratulations team to Monroe and

Everyone now last one to the Papa tough parlors are run by fire

Well, boys, that was a good game

Even if he didn't win it was a good game because we played our best

both of us together

Babar has the ball

Keep a stupid man who makes a triple trunk twist toss, huh? There's the other team

attorney tersh charges it

And the sign of the old travelers temple, buddy, oh yeah papi

Nits and gnats what happened to that tree? It looks like it was hit by a bolt of lightning

There's something on the end of that branch

It's eggs, this is your big discovery

For more infomation >> Babar and the Adventures of Badou | Jumpball Bu | Part 3 | Yellow Butterfly - Duration: 3:59.


6 signes de fatigue vocale - #BienChanter n°86 - Duration: 9:34.

For more infomation >> 6 signes de fatigue vocale - #BienChanter n°86 - Duration: 9:34.


For more infomation >> 6 signes de fatigue vocale - #BienChanter n°86 - Duration: 9:34.



For more infomation >> 20 FOIS OÙ LES CÉLÉBRITÉS SONT ALLÉES TROP LOIN DANS LES TENDANCES DE MODE | Lama Faché - Duration: 10:24.


For more infomation >> 20 FOIS OÙ LES CÉLÉBRITÉS SONT ALLÉES TROP LOIN DANS LES TENDANCES DE MODE | Lama Faché - Duration: 10:24.


I Adopted Rich People's Habits Attracting Success : RESULTS AFTER 6 MONTHS - Duration: 9:17.

Ah, but it's actually doing that with that done ! pleasure to see and what he still does big

pleasure too is that I receive more in addition to messages on instagram like

what thanks to my videos I motivate some to put themselves to sport to lose

weight others to achieve a goal and

joints you progress that you advance it's so cool because it's

exactly that the purpose of my videos so know that it's far from stopping otherwise

do you remember the video I took 6 habit of attractive rich

success it's been six months now that I took his habits that I

applied and I held the result the final result

after six months is that I became richmond range and it works of phew but

you do not realize it's a trick of sick but no and there I answer to

all the people who wrote to me in the comments yeah but you

think she's a way intermittent and not even rich and if

this person is you have nothing understood but I give you habits

that have worked on some people having achieved such success

that they are the financially and this in order to advance progress of

more productive is to become the best in his field is

certainly not to become rich here you have understood where I want to come

now I resume the first video if you have not seen it you can

to watch right there it's important that you do not see it I come back on each

usually rectify it and add other

at the end of the video I gave you three ways of thinking that they are going

greatly help you it's a little the same style as early habits

it's hard to cash in but on the long term yields 2

the result of waking up every days at 6 am and unsurprisingly on the

long term it's incredible than recommended at the level

of sleep it's true that I had done an error I have a little underestimated

the importance of sleep in the first video

I said it was psychological and it's not especially so for you

for the vast majority is still in full growth

to see his sleep is a real need and no it's not

psychological by cons when I say it's the veto that also means that you

go to bed early and so you have your hours of sleep that are for adults to

seven to eight hours a night and for the teens from 9 to 10 o'clock if you go

in bed every day at 9pm and you wake up at 6 am it's just perfect

in the beginning when I took this habit it was not easy I felt

always tired and makes it the reason it's not because I was sad

to get up all but that's because I was having trouble falling asleep early

I went to bed at 9pm and for two hours I turn I turned everything

the time I was moving etc once I discovered the turbosiate

and my guy it changed my life but a sick thing I swear to you once I

did that just I was a little tired I was a little slammed before

the workout I went to bed 20 minutes I woke up just before

to fall asleep I just woke up before falling asleep

but I never do the workout it was amazing so I

really advise you to do some turbos siaci all the anc or you go out a

little tired or like that you're a hit pump

as much stop denture vision in this that you do for twenty minutes and

after that it will leave you much better will be more productive by cons obvious

to fall asleep really because when you'll wake up like 30 minutes or

40 minutes later you'll feel hyper evil to get back in this

galley and more and more pena fall asleep castera already slept a little

day finally short this is something that I add clearly in the habits

and play their account did not like olemps terre to subscribe

he added it's sport it's the base is made before going to

work if possible I do it all days

and frankly it goes much more soon after the sport for me it helps me

but in all cases of times I have just want to move other times that

helps me to externalize problems that I have to think about something else

for me it's a bit of a solution all the problems and in addition you have to

performance to everything that goes with

at the social level I tell you well choose your entourage friends etc

and ultimately all the people who are around the kits I'm playing whatever

it is batta has nothing to fuck because that you this kit matters is the entourage

that you have chosen and he is going to support and that's fine, it's not going a little bit

contradiction with the new habit which I chose to talk to you about

today and that I also took listen to everyone but listen this is

not to say that it's going to impact you that's at say listen everyone takes

the information has chosen what you want to do after with maybe it's

bigger assholes who says whatever something that will not please but at

final it can help and maybe his best friend who goes

to say something in the end it does not come to advance

so take all the information that you can filter them according to

what can be useful to you or 9 by report to the phone I have a lot of stuff

cool in the first video so if it's not done yet will see her at

less this passage but I would like add that it can be a fucking

francs for your sleep I know it's boring but avoids

take it while trying to go to sleep and if it's your alarm clock at home

what is it at worst we have a novel message on a stage of some posters and hsbc

at the gillett reading level instructing to read but in my opinion it is

rather to find his way without what you want to do a little in inspired opinion

find ideas etc but once you know what you want

do that at 100% so do not do pass the reading before that after if you

have some free time with really kiffes read all that it can be

really hyper well anyway I have decided to put a cross on everything

just not it sticks me be time

than here I am back on all the points

the first video now I gave three ways of thinking that they should

make him think maybe you'll apply them

also in your life

the first is constantly thinking about what could you do

now to get closer to Goals do not stop as long as you have

not finished in fact our life is based on

decisions that we take at length of day and it's all about doing

the right decisions to move forward think all the time to the best decision to

the best thing that will make you move forward and progress

and in the end it will not always be most pleasant decision

so you're going to have to discipline that is to say that even if you

not want to do it felco m this is worth and cam ward second habit to take

and that's important soan is with the people around you but that's good

Sounds logical but are also honest with you even if for example tea

bad in English justice has spent a little my case

you're bad in English do not have to to say to each other but no it's good I'm going out

wholesale name is something that you do not master basilone see what you

can the roar on the roofs guys if I'm never bad in English but

it's useless to lie to oneself you see it's not going to move forward

especially if you kill me even you will to stay in this perspective of

but no it's good I'm sure worry

so at no time you will do something to move forward and progress

in this area is this point emerging precisely on the third way of

to think who is to assume everything

assumes absolutely everything you say is everything you do just does it

to be honest with oneself well, you'll say 'I'm bad at

English but I assume them I can tell you we can see it

that is to say that your friend he can say to another friend

yeah that guy there if ever it's a shit in english bah yeah ok judgment

I master it not achieved 4 what I mean by that is that absolutely

everyone has the shortcomings and weaknesses is nothing more ridiculous

that a guy breaks up and argues that in does not it look so bad

a domain or in another we see if you're ok you go on ice you show

to people that you are banks if you're not good, you say that's the guys if ever

I'm not good ok everyone will have nothing to fuck people wrongly judged

why because you take it and it it is important

I give myself an example I made a masturbation video

so obviously you can imagine when I arrived to my friends and well they

were going to make fun of my mouth the guy you're doing a video on the

masturbation you cracked or what there I had two solutions available to

me means to react so either I came to giza men

fucking fechimm judge they tell me that it's shit and all that and suddenly

I delete the video that is to say that I do not be either I totally assume that

yeah I did a video on the masturbation in reality having fucking

concept behind that gratification instant it's really interesting and

I wanted to address the subject I do it to through masturbation

I assumed it and no problem exactly what I did we have more

spoke again at all

I hope it helped you ten months in comments what you think

I still manage to answer all the world so do not hesitate buying like

carbon you know the song you can read on all social networks is

really very heavy that happens on the chain a regrets but

really the next video is from the madness you are going to you really will not be

disappointed so do not hesitate to share this video with other people than that

could help also see you soon ciao

For more infomation >> I Adopted Rich People's Habits Attracting Success : RESULTS AFTER 6 MONTHS - Duration: 9:17.


For more infomation >> I Adopted Rich People's Habits Attracting Success : RESULTS AFTER 6 MONTHS - Duration: 9:17.


Kingdom Hearts Bilan #1 | Il y a Tellement à Apprendre - Duration: 19:46.

For more infomation >> Kingdom Hearts Bilan #1 | Il y a Tellement à Apprendre - Duration: 19:46.


For more infomation >> Kingdom Hearts Bilan #1 | Il y a Tellement à Apprendre - Duration: 19:46.


L'incroyable aventure de la chatte 🐱 Victoria - Duration: 8:33.

For more infomation >> L'incroyable aventure de la chatte 🐱 Victoria - Duration: 8:33.


For more infomation >> L'incroyable aventure de la chatte 🐱 Victoria - Duration: 8:33.


[basic] Korean alphabet - How can I pronounce and write Korean? 모음 vowels ㅞ - 웨 we(we/weː) - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> [basic] Korean alphabet - How can I pronounce and write Korean? 모음 vowels ㅞ - 웨 we(we/weː) - Duration: 0:31.


For more infomation >> [basic] Korean alphabet - How can I pronounce and write Korean? 모음 vowels ㅞ - 웨 we(we/weː) - Duration: 0:31.


공부잘하는 법 수능입시 명문대입시 수능준비 수학과외 과외구하기 - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> 공부잘하는 법 수능입시 명문대입시 수능준비 수학과외 과외구하기 - Duration: 1:00.


For more infomation >> 공부잘하는 법 수능입시 명문대입시 수능준비 수학과외 과외구하기 - Duration: 1:00.


공부잘하는 법 수능입시 명문대입시 수능준비 수학과외 과외구하기 - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> 공부잘하는 법 수능입시 명문대입시 수능준비 수학과외 과외구하기 - Duration: 1:04.


For more infomation >> 공부잘하는 법 수능입시 명문대입시 수능준비 수학과외 과외구하기 - Duration: 1:04.


Comment est fabriquée la tequila ? Reportage Mexique - Julien Explore - Duration: 3:46.

For more infomation >> Comment est fabriquée la tequila ? Reportage Mexique - Julien Explore - Duration: 3:46.


For more infomation >> Comment est fabriquée la tequila ? Reportage Mexique - Julien Explore - Duration: 3:46.


Soi số lô đề chuẩn ngày 22 tháng 10 năm 2018 - Soi Cầu miền Bắc Hôm Nay - Duration: 10:55.

For more infomation >> Soi số lô đề chuẩn ngày 22 tháng 10 năm 2018 - Soi Cầu miền Bắc Hôm Nay - Duration: 10:55.


For more infomation >> Soi số lô đề chuẩn ngày 22 tháng 10 năm 2018 - Soi Cầu miền Bắc Hôm Nay - Duration: 10:55.


ANTISTRESS AGAINST MAGICAL PETS #2 Experiment with Radovanova and play Kick the Buddy - Duration: 20:07.

For more infomation >> ANTISTRESS AGAINST MAGICAL PETS #2 Experiment with Radovanova and play Kick the Buddy - Duration: 20:07.


For more infomation >> ANTISTRESS AGAINST MAGICAL PETS #2 Experiment with Radovanova and play Kick the Buddy - Duration: 20:07.


HEART OF CANDY Gift to mother Gifts with meaning ☆ Master class - Duration: 14:21.

For more infomation >> HEART OF CANDY Gift to mother Gifts with meaning ☆ Master class - Duration: 14:21.


For more infomation >> HEART OF CANDY Gift to mother Gifts with meaning ☆ Master class - Duration: 14:21.


What is vitamin D? ☀️ And how can a deficiency be compensated? 😎💪 - Duration: 2:59.

Vitamin D has become the big shooting star among vitamins in recent years.


According to the current nutrition report approximately every second austrian

as well as every second German has a vitamin D deficiency.

Vitamin D is therefore considered a so-called risk nutrient.

Therefore one should pay attention to the Vitamin D status especially in the winter months.

What is Vitamin D?

Vitamin D is the only vitamin that the body can produce itself.

Strictly speaking, vitamin D is therefore not a vitamin at all, but the precursor of a hormone.

How does the body produce vitamin D?

By sun irradiation.

In order to produce this vital hormone we need a certain amount of UVB radiation.

In our latitudes, however, the solar radiation is not sufficient outside the summer time,

to produce enough vitamin D in the skin.

This is particularly unfavorable for our bones, for example.

They need vitamin D for the storage of calcium and phosphorus.

Vitamin D plays an important role in the maintenance of normal bones.

Vitamin D also supports our muscles and teeth.

One should not forget also the positive influence of vitamin D on our immune system.

How can I absorb vitamin D?

The vitamin D requirement of a person is over 80 percent

covered by the body's own synthesis via the skin.

This means that the sun is our most important source of vitamin D.

For a sufficient supply the austrian nutrition report recommends

to expose face, hands and arms daily for about ten minutes to sunlight

between april and september.

All those who are not exposed to the sun should pay attention to a vitamin-d-rich diet.

But be careful.

Food is secondary for the supply with vitamin D and usually not sufficient.

With the exception of fatty fish and liver, most foods contain only small amounts of the so called sun vitamin.

How much vitamin D does the body need?

According to the German Nutrition Society (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ernährung), in order to ensure sufficient supply

800 so-called international units per day are necessary.

It is hardly possible to absorb this amount of vitamin D through a normal diet

and for the body's own synthesis all prerequisites have to be met

with regard to solar exposure.

This is not possible all year round in our latitudes.

This is why vitamin D is one of the most important

food supplements of our time.

We recommend that you have your vitamin D status checked.

Because according to the Austrian and German

Nutrition report, to ensure sufficient vitamin D supply

a vitamin D preparation is necessary.

Watch your health!

For more infomation >> What is vitamin D? ☀️ And how can a deficiency be compensated? 😎💪 - Duration: 2:59.


For more infomation >> What is vitamin D? ☀️ And how can a deficiency be compensated? 😎💪 - Duration: 2:59.


[temel] Korece alfabesi - Korece nasıl yazabilirim? 모음 Ünlü Harfler ㅞ - 웨 Vê(wɛ/vê) - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> [temel] Korece alfabesi - Korece nasıl yazabilirim? 모음 Ünlü Harfler ㅞ - 웨 Vê(wɛ/vê) - Duration: 0:31.


For more infomation >> [temel] Korece alfabesi - Korece nasıl yazabilirim? 모음 Ünlü Harfler ㅞ - 웨 Vê(wɛ/vê) - Duration: 0:31.


고3수능 공부잘하는방법 최고의공부법 수리논술준비 회독공부법 고등학생입시과외 - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> 고3수능 공부잘하는방법 최고의공부법 수리논술준비 회독공부법 고등학생입시과외 - Duration: 1:04.


For more infomation >> 고3수능 공부잘하는방법 최고의공부법 수리논술준비 회독공부법 고등학생입시과외 - Duration: 1:04.


수능공부법 국어공부법 수학공부법 공부법레전드 공부법추천 확통공부법 - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> 수능공부법 국어공부법 수학공부법 공부법레전드 공부법추천 확통공부법 - Duration: 1:04.


For more infomation >> 수능공부법 국어공부법 수학공부법 공부법레전드 공부법추천 확통공부법 - Duration: 1:04.


Gainful - Personalized Protein

For more infomation >> Gainful - Personalized Protein


Impractical Jokers: Inside Jokes - Sal's New Pen Pal | truTV - Duration: 2:08.

They are giving away a $100 gift card

every 15 minutes.

Joe: Here we go, Sal.

Murr: First text sent.

He just got it.

Here you go. He's writing back.

Q: Okay.

What was that?

"Okay" emoji. Okay.

Okay, got it?

[ Laughs ]

You ready, dudes?

Yeah, here we go.

Here we go.

That's the whole text?

Oh, come on.

"I imagine you have all your teeth?"

[ Laughter ]

He's laughing!

Joe: "Yeah, all of them."

Q: He goes, "Yeah, all of them."

All right, sent.

Joe: He got it, he got it, he got it!

Q: Here we go. Here we go. He's looking.

Sal: "Teef" with an "F"?

Q: He's looking.

[ Laughter ]

Joe: Don't look. Don't look.

[ Laughter ]

Joe's writing.

Joe's writing.

[ Laughter ]

"Look at me right now, please,

and don't stop looking no matter what."

He's reading the text.

[ Laughter ]


[ Laughter ]

[ Laughter continues ]

Murr: He's still looking.

Sal, one more time. One more time.

He will not stop looking.

Tell him to stop looking, man.

All right, I'm sending one to him.

[ Laughter ]

Murr: Look at this. Look at this.

[ Laughter ]

We're like pen pals now.

Huh, Sal's, like, making a new friend?

Well, we're making a new friend.

For more infomation >> Impractical Jokers: Inside Jokes - Sal's New Pen Pal | truTV - Duration: 2:08.


Minke – Maybe 25 (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:28.

♪ Maybe 25 ♪

♪ 30 at most ♪

♪ Caught me with the eye ♪

♪ Like I'd seen a ghost ♪

♪ Quick send of reply ♪

♪ Thank you for the moment ♪

♪ Cars are streaming by ♪

♪ Morning has broken ♪

♪ Swipe left or a right ♪

♪ Working to the bone ♪

♪ I could be free tonight ♪

♪ Are you alone? ♪

♪ 'Cause I cannot wait no longer ♪

♪ To know ♪

♪ Not getting any younger ♪

♪ I know ♪

♪ So, give me highs, give me lows ♪

♪ Give me tonight and maybe I ♪

♪ Can give you just a little bit more ♪

♪ Meeting Friday night ♪

♪ Dancing with Coronas ♪

♪ 'Til closing time ♪

♪ I smile like I'm supposed to ♪

♪ And we say goodnight ♪

♪ Save it for the post then ♪

♪ 'Cause I cannot wait no longer ♪

♪ To know ♪

♪ Not getting any younger ♪

♪ I know ♪

♪ So, give me highs, give me lows ♪

♪ Maybe we can stay a bit longer ♪

♪ Give me tonight and maybe I ♪

♪ Can give you just a little bit more ♪

♪ Give you just a little bit more ♪

♪ Can we stay just a little bit longer ♪

♪ Give me a sign ♪

♪ Give me your lies ♪

♪ Searching for a sign ♪

♪ Baby, not a Virgo ♪

♪ I think I should've defined ♪

♪ I'm on the right in the photo ♪

♪ What keeps you alive ♪

♪ What hurts you the most ♪

♪ 'Cause I cannot wait no longer ♪

♪ To know ♪

♪ Not getting any younger ♪

♪ I know ♪

♪ So, give me highs, give me lows ♪

♪ Maybe we can stay a bit longer ♪

♪ Give me tonight and maybe I ♪

♪ Can give you just a little bit more ♪

For more infomation >> Minke – Maybe 25 (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:28.


These Markers Are INSANE... - Duration: 4:22.

For more infomation >> These Markers Are INSANE... - Duration: 4:22.


Household Budget: Our Top Expenses - Duration: 6:02.

Today I'm going to take an in-depth look at our household budget and I'm going to

go over our top expenses in each category. So I'm gonna try and not make

it too numbers heavy, but you know me I love me a good household budget and

there's a little more that I like talking about than OUR household budget!

It kind of makes Mauricio a little bit crazy or cray-cray as Melina would say.

I don't understand all.

Hey guys! So today I am collabing with Mark Goudy to talk about our top expenses every month and there are a ton

of awesome collaborators participating with us so they are all linked down in

my description box if you were looking to check out some new channels or maybe

be reminded of some old ones go ahead and click on those for sure before I get

started let's talk about the elephant in the room our household budget is weird

we routinely put forty to sixty percent of our income to debt every month and we

live with my parents so our expenses are odd so knowing that

let's go ahead and jump into our top household budget expenses every month so

in our housing category we only have actually one budgeted item and that is

our storage unit and because I mentioned the term storage unit I'm gonna have to

point you in the direction of the video up in the eye in the sky because people

will ask and it's just easier if you watch that video because I'm not

hoarding stuff in my storage unit and I'm not selling it just saying so our

storage unit costs us two hundred and seventy dollars a month which it is

super expensive but it's also a storage unit holding five bedrooms worth of

stuff and in our utilities category our biggest expense is our cell phones at

two hundred and ten dollars a month in our food category well food is the most

expensive because well that's the only thing there

is in that category so in our transportation category normally our gas

is our most expensive I mean we have a car payment which we're paying off

quickly that's 465 a month but that's in our

debts category but if you want to include it that would technically be our

largest payment normally your most expensive item in transportation is

actually gas which we put at about a hundred dollars a month or 200 if we're

driving two cars and not carpooling but this month our most expensive was

personal property tax at 370 116 but that only happens once a year even our

insurance and tax category our most expensive is well insurance we have our

car insurance and our renters insurance bundled together through USAA and that

is a hundred and eighty three dollars every month and that's pretty awesome

considering what they're covering and in our health category well that fluctuates

every month because you know someone's we go to the doctor or some months we

don't some months we need medication refill some months we don't some months

Molina needs to go to the specialist someone she doesn't and so it really is

a hundred percent dependent on the month this particular month it was Molina's

specialist visits which are not covered by our insurance plan directly they

don't bill insurance so i have to fill out the paperwork we pay out of pocket I

fill out the paperwork send it to the insurance and they reimburse us so

relatively speaking that's pretty much free but it looks like a big expense and

in our savings category we have our largest expense is us saving for a trip

to Colombia to go visit my in-laws so we try and go and visit them a minimum of

every year but well we've been paying off debt it's been closer to every two

years and we did go about two years ago and we want to go back so we are saving

a thousand dollars a month for five or six months depending and so that will

cover every single possible expense we could have

you know us we like to pad the budget in case there are unexpected overages

because there are always unexpected overages so we're hoping to be able to

come back with a little bit of money but if we don't we don't that's why we put

it in the budget so in our lifestyle category the category that irritates me

because some of the things in this category I don't consider lifestyle

choices I consider necessities so as you can see in our lifestyle category we

have multiple categories that fall under our lifestyle category and Mileena is by

far the most expensive of all of those well king milena is a lifestyle choice

so of all the lifestyle choices that we have

Melina's before and after care at six hundred and eight dollars a month is by

far the most expensive the last category which I haven't talked about is our debt

category and our debt category is multiple debts and I think our minimums

less than $2,000 for all of them but collectively we try and put between six

and eight thousand dollars a month towards those debts because we are

trying to kill it and get out of debt if you are new to my channel I really hope

you stick around we talk personal finance and household budgets constantly

on this channel and so I'll see you in the next one

see ya wrap

For more infomation >> Household Budget: Our Top Expenses - Duration: 6:02.


【MMD獣人】 Korean I Love You 【CC Eng Sub】 - Duration: 1:36.

What were you talking about with that girl?

Nothing much, really.

How was the audition?

'Maybe next time'

You know there's not gonna be 'next time'...

There's audition everywhere.

Nobody knows what it'll be like in 1 year or 10 years...

You'll get it one day if you start out with a clean slate every time.

I've faith in you.

Thanks anyway.

Shiyu, did you mean what you said?

What do you mean?

That you'll wait for me.

I can bear 21 months. It's Nothing to me.

You're not seeing with someone else, are you?

I love you.

I wish time could stand still right now.

Hey, don't check out other guys while you're there.

I trust you on this.

For more infomation >> 【MMD獣人】 Korean I Love You 【CC Eng Sub】 - Duration: 1:36.


Lataif Ke Batni Maqamat Aur Un Ke Kaam | Younus AlGohar | ALRA TV - Duration: 7:45.

For more infomation >> Lataif Ke Batni Maqamat Aur Un Ke Kaam | Younus AlGohar | ALRA TV - Duration: 7:45.


Where Did Everybody Go? | Joshua George - Duration: 12:48.

I'm awake I'm awake stay - and I'm awake so that's all I can ask for at this

point well I could ask for my camera to be in focus but that's another issue how

- is so cold when does a certain defrost over

luckily mine isn't but so cool let's go pick up Braddock day - let's see if we

can hit 5 out of 5 days this week you can appreciate the fact by the time you

get into this car it's warm yeah I get in my car and drive over here is

freezing the entire way in my part was cold and I was ok

your apartment with Chris Wow was he cold the room was cold it was like the

furnace was like nails all his dogs need to be water the 6:30 in the morning

maybe the person needs to be walked baby look at that ladies walking your dog

like if my dog had to be walked 6:30 in the morning I loved him but I

would I would have to say goodbye and oh you better not other there's two spots

in the front you're gonna take it that's my spot

Jesus saved that for me you are robbing me of Jesus's blessing another dog

walker yeah like my dog was legit like upset that I grabbed him out of bed made

him go to the bathroom I don't know what's going on voter parking only

ain't no her coming to vote at 6:30 maybe I shouldn't vote while I'm here

I'm gonna do my civic duty before I go

yeah some dick Toobin again nobody's here

come to

that it no I have lost Radek I don't know where

he went

do you want to get in the car

two birds one stone today seven eggs

it's like what some of the cows pieces well I actually counters eternity some

sliced up little trick me up in that too and some cheese life

and up for four hours Josh later but okay goodbye guys morning it is day four

Thursday we took a day off yesterday to like a midweek rest day on Wednesday

yeah so this is a day for day 3 back in the gym it's not as cold this morning

some cloud cover it's not too bad my card a little frosty oh this is cold in

here Oh buddy so was it cold until I sat down

in here let's crank the heat up down those


all right let's go sister out winter is coming

that is frost on that roof all over

were you erratic

so to stay awake this morning we're going to drive across town with the

windows rolled down no way a teacher this morning yeah there's no this is

like the hour to come in because no one has ever here at 6:30 to set in the

morning they got on my favorite time

it's chief do you think and I could go for cut for this morning

to early morning sweaty Starbucks

somebody else's like oh yeah guess who's getting the front spot at

the gym this morning they're waiting for me there you go have a blessed day let's

try that before I picked you up I was cranking this up now check it out good

morning good day Instagram

good copy

thanks lot see you later how many people were like I had sixteen

hundred dollars in my checking account let's go to Starbucks like so many

people are there bye little guy have a good day every morning when I leave for

work I put on a movie for my dog no no is that weird this morning I'm

kind of jealous cuz I wish I could stay home and watch it with him and put on

the City of Ember so good I would say I gotta get to work so let's go I I don't

know when the time lapse quit you may have noticed that I've just been in the

cardio room every morning this week I do know that I need to get into a workout

routine outside of the cardio room this is just my first week back and I'm just

trying to wake myself up and get myself used to 6 a.m. morning calls do the rest

day Wednesday and then today's Thursday and we went this morning and that will

go again tomorrow morning which is Friday so 4 out of 5 days that is better

than 90% of my life I do have a workout routine that I do plan on starting it's

called body Evo by Brendan Meyers and I will definitely be vlogging that because

it will be extremely uncomfortable and extremely painful

I don't like weight rooms they they just I'm gonna get into that in a like a

lengthy sit-down chat video probably I want to get into calisthenics and body

weight workout and so I've got this program by Brendan Meyers which looks

amazing and it has the amount of detail that I need them I need structure ok I

go into a gym I have no clue what I'm doing there's 5 bajillion different

types of workouts that you can do in a gym I don't know what to do with the

weights but with Brendan Mars program like it is stacked like everything is

laid out like line item and that's the kind of structure I need in my life

but I'm pretty excited uh I'm feeling good today I was talking on Twitter I

have these days where I not only have no energy

but I'm depressed I am just down in the dumps and I feel like giving up on

everything I feel like giving up on YouTube even though my Instagram is

growing like crazy right now I feel like giving up on Instagram I don't know what

to post I don't know what to say I don't know how to share my life I I

when I'm not doing YouTube I suck at social media on my personal Facebook I

never post on it ever Instagram when I wasn't posting on YouTube

I wasn't posting on Instagram either I just I it's very difficult for me I

don't know why to share my to share to share things about me and I know that's

completely backwards from being on YouTube if you're supposed to you know

be open with your audience and and social media and social media is a big

part of YouTube culture and I just I struggle with it I'm feeling productive

I'm feeling positive today I'm feeling energetic I'm feeling good about life

and feeling good about Instagram and social media and posting on YouTube

again but it's just a complete backwards day from yesterday and I said on Twitter

that I just have to remember that every every foul mood will pass and I just

need to stick it out and that's what I'm trying to do every day because that is

what gets me with weight loss that's what gets me with going to the gym

that's what gets me with dieting it is it is it's it's wildly different from

what I used to do it's a change in my diet and I know that anyways I'm

rambling but I just wanted to say I'm feeling good today compared to yesterday

and I have these wildly different back and forth days and I just need to

remember that every bad day will pass and I want you guys to refer that to

every bad day will pass okay I gotta go also my battery's dying

it is Friday and this is wrapping week one at the gym actually woke up I didn't

get to bed till after midnight last night and it's like 6:30 it is a really

weird morning okay so first of all I am never hungry when I wake up for some

reason I am starving and all week when I've gotten here there's nobody in the

car dear um this morning there's like three people in there so

For more infomation >> Where Did Everybody Go? | Joshua George - Duration: 12:48.


[FREE] Travis Scott x Lil Uzi type beat "No Control" | Free Trap type beat ( SammieSosza) - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> [FREE] Travis Scott x Lil Uzi type beat "No Control" | Free Trap type beat ( SammieSosza) - Duration: 3:16.


【MMD獣人】 BINCH ! Weird Meme - Duration: 0:39.

Yo man, you'd see a picture my cxxk


I love you, Binch!


Give my nuts!

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Uh...

Why you mad?

For more infomation >> 【MMD獣人】 BINCH ! Weird Meme - Duration: 0:39.


これだけは聞かないで!ゲイにしてはいけない質問集!Don't Ask Gay People【LGBT / ゲイ】 - Duration: 7:15.

Hi guys. My name is Moa.

Today, I'm going to talk about things that you shouldn't ask gay people.

I received many opinions from people,

so I'm going to show you them, and my opinions as well.

This is for gay people who haven't come out yet.

If you haven't come out yet, or can't figure out if you are gay,

maybe people might know,

or people think you are straight, so it can't be helped.

I got the same question, and I didn't like it.

First one is, "you don't have a girlfriend?"

Or, "when will you get married?"

I never knew how I should have answered.

I got this question from parents, grandfather, grandmother, and my friends.

I really didn't know how I should answer it.

For the marriage question, you can say you don't have a partner,

but for girlfriend one, I was like I don't have a "girlfriend" when I had a boyfriend.

If I don't have a boyfriend, I'm always like I'm not going to get girlfriend.

If you didn't come out, it can't be helped.

This is the question that I got many times and I was like AGAIN ??

Another one is, "who is your favorite actress?"

Or, "what kind of girl do you like?"

I was like I'm not interested in girls.

I got the question so many times from my friends, Senpai and Kohai when I was a high school student.

If you ask me that question, that means I like girls, or I'm interested in girls.

Maybe it's better to ask what type of person do you like?

Then I can answer that.

It's annoying to think what kind of girls do I like.

I never see girls from a sexual standpoint.

I always answered that I like a kind person,

or people who are quick to perceive, or people who are reliable.

I always answered like that.

Next one is where people ask you after you come out.

One is, "you want to be a girl, right?"

I got this question sometimes

I don't want to be a girl, and I know I am a guy.

Many people still think that gay means people who want to be a girl.

The next question is too.

You don't look feminine.

I was kind of a feminine person when I was high school student,

so people said to me new-half or feminine,

but I think I'm not like that now.

Even now when I come out, somebody says you don't look feminine.

I think I don't need to behave feminine,

because I don't want to be a girl.

I wonder why.

Next, I have gay friends, so I will introduce you.

I'm fine with that.

If I got the question, I feel like I can sleep with any gay person.

And I got the question I would think I'm not looking for gay friends.

There are so many tools to meet gay people,

so I feel like I will use it.

It's a chance to meet new people,

but I don't really like it.

Next, ah I though you are girl one.(bottom)

This is prejudice.

There are top and bottom,

and I look like this and behavior is like a little girl ?

So usually people say I'm bottom,

but I prefer to be top.

I got this situation many time.

For me it's okay, I don't mind,

but some people mind,

so you should ask that.

Next one is the last.

Please don't like me.

I won't like you

I think I told you guys in an another video too.

When I come out I am gay, I definitely get this question.

100%, no 99%

I don't know why.

I think people still think gay people can go anyone,

or people who you came out think you are interested in the person.

Don't worry,

I have fell in love straight guy only one time in my life,

and I won't happen again I think.

For the people who ask this question.

You can't go anyone, right ?

I have the type I like as well as you.

I usually think why when I got this question.

How was this video you guys ?

I talked about things what you shouldn't ask gay people.

I think many LGBT people watch my YouTube videos.

If you are lesbian, bisexual or transgender,

people share the same things if you have some.

I'm going to make videos with your opinions.

Today's kansai dialect lesson.


How was your exam ?

It was horrible. Or I couldn't do that.

Can I eat Butaman ?

You can't eat that.

pronunciation is...

Please try to use this word.

If you like this video, don't forget to like subscribe and comment down below.

Thank you guys so much for watching.

I'll see you guys next time. Bye-bye.

For more infomation >> これだけは聞かないで!ゲイにしてはいけない質問集!Don't Ask Gay People【LGBT / ゲイ】 - Duration: 7:15.


VIVRE SON RÊVE ULTIME SANS LIMITE - F1 !!!!!!!! VLoG 33 - Duration: 15:10.

For more infomation >> VIVRE SON RÊVE ULTIME SANS LIMITE - F1 !!!!!!!! VLoG 33 - Duration: 15:10.




For more infomation >> TOP 5 FRIENDLY CROCODILES IN THE WORLD BOUNCING CASTLES 🤣💖🤣💖😅💖😅💖 - Duration: 1:18.


A Fazenda: Após briga de Nadja Pessoa e Luane Dias, Gabi Prado cai no choro e desabafa - Duration: 6:52.

For more infomation >> A Fazenda: Após briga de Nadja Pessoa e Luane Dias, Gabi Prado cai no choro e desabafa - Duration: 6:52.


L'incroyable aventure de la chatte 🐱 Victoria - Duration: 8:33.

For more infomation >> L'incroyable aventure de la chatte 🐱 Victoria - Duration: 8:33.


Nếu cắt amidan bạn nhất định phải biết những điều này - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> Nếu cắt amidan bạn nhất định phải biết những điều này - Duration: 2:29.


n11 en iyi ürünler (muhteşem) - Duration: 4:45.

For more infomation >> n11 en iyi ürünler (muhteşem) - Duration: 4:45.


Hair Transformation 🍑Blonde to Peach - Duration: 4:54.

For more infomation >> Hair Transformation 🍑Blonde to Peach - Duration: 4:54.


[basic] Korean alphabet - How can I pronounce and write Korean? 모음 vowels ㅞ - 웨 we(we/weː) - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> [basic] Korean alphabet - How can I pronounce and write Korean? 모음 vowels ㅞ - 웨 we(we/weː) - Duration: 0:31.


181020 'S - Somthing New(Nhạc Hàn) - Duration: 3:40.

For more infomation >> 181020 'S - Somthing New(Nhạc Hàn) - Duration: 3:40.


Shavkat Mirziyoyev and Vladimir Putin at First Russia-Uzbekistan Interregional Cooperation Forum - Duration: 14:55.

President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev

Mr President, colleagues,

I am sincerely pleased to welcome President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin and members of the Russian delegation to the First Uzbekistan-Russia Interregional Cooperation Forum.

Its organisation and its high representational level are further evidence of the great mutual interest and the powerful potential of our cooperation.

We highly appreciate and sincerely treasure our stable and trustworthy relations with the Russian Federation, our strategic partner and ally.

Today's talks, in an atmosphere of full mutual understanding, trust and openness, have revealed our firm desire to expand and strengthen our diverse cooperation in the interests of our peoples.

Here we attach great importance to interregional contacts.


At this forum, you are discussing real practical aspects of business cooperation, specific projects and programmes of interaction.

I sincerely welcome and support this approach.

Interregional contacts have become highly intensive and effective.

More than 40 mutual visits over a year.

In the past several months alone, the heads of all 14 regions of our country visited 26 entities of the Russian Federation.

Taking part in our join forum are the heads and representatives of 18 Russian regions.

This is an unprecedented scale.

I want to point out that it is you who determines the specific direction of cooperation.

We need to step up efforts to create joint technological production units and deepen interaction in manufacturing sought-after products and developing markets in other countries.

Let me cite several examples of this productive cooperation.

These include the creation of a joint textile cluster, in cooperation with companies from Ivanovo Region, in regions of Uzbekistan (Navoiy Region), and the production of chemical fertilisers in Tashkent Region, and pharmaceutical chemicals in Karakalpakstan in cooperation with our partner from Tatarstan.

Our cooperation uses the infrastructure opportunities of the wholesale and distribution centres in Moscow Region, Bashkortostan, Orenburg Region and other Russian entities in order to organise supplies of agricultural produce and create a modern horticulture complex in Surxondaryo Region for the supply of fresh fruit and vegetables to Moscow markets.

There is also the construction of a plant for light and heavy metal fabrication in Qashqadaryo Region in cooperation with Sverdlovsk Region.

There is a considerable number of similar projects.

However, the most essential result is that strong and long-term partnership relations have been established between our regions.

I want to assure you that our colleagues from Uzbekistan, members of the Government, and the heads of ministries, departments and regions who are here will provide comprehensive assistance to the implementation of these projects.

Our dear guests, you can be confident that every project will be carried out, because President Putin and I have been looking forward to this for a long time.

The forum will continue for two days.

We have been discussing the problems and the bureaucratic barriers that exist between us.

The foundation that has been developed between Uzbekistan and Russia today creates every opportunity for the removal of these barriers.

The heads of the regions in the Republic of Uzbekistan are in this hall today.

I am pleased that you have become acquainted with each other, that you know your challenges and your opportunities.

So, I want to say that the leaders of Uzbekistan, and the Government too, need to know – the Prime Minister and his deputies are also here – you need to know that this is the beginning of a great journey.

If we indeed create the right conditions for each other – as I have said, we have many projects in order to jointly enter markets in third countries, third markets.

Everything we are planning today is designed to create competition and make our products more competitive.

Mr President, colleagues,

Today we are opening a new strategic area of cooperation with the Russian Federation – the development of nuclear power engineering.

I am pleased to note that a ceremony will be held here, in the presence of the heads of regions, to launch a project for the construction of Uzbekistan's first nuclear power plant.

This project is part of a new cluster and implementation will serve the goal of promoting our industrial potential and creating new jobs in various branches of our country's economy.

In conclusion, I would like to point out that this interregional forum is to become an effective platform for direct business contacts and practical cooperation between the two countries' regions.

President Putin and I have agreed that this forum should be held annually.

Once a year, we will meet with our colleagues, compare notes and review the results of these forums.

I believe that there will certainly be great results when we introduce this on a regular basis.

I wish all of you success and new promising projects.

Thank you for your attention.

President of Russia Vladimir Putin

Mr President, friends, colleagues,

I am pleased to welcome the participants of the first Russia-Uzbekistan forum of interregional relations and cooperation.

This is a useful and promising area of interaction.

Ramified relations at the regional level are the most important component of bilateral contacts.

Therefore, we were pleased to support the President's initiative to hold such a forum in Tashkent during this visit.

Russia maintains such interregional interaction with our partners from a number of states, primarily the CIS countries, and, indeed, it has a good track record

This is a working and dynamic format.

We expect this Russia-Uzbekistan Interregional Cooperation Forum to become an annual event and to make a sizable contribution to promoting cooperation between the regions of Russia and Uzbekistan.

I am referring primarily to trade and economy, but not only. Interregional cooperation can be used to develop any kind of relations, including, of course, those in the humanitarian sphere.

Notably, our bilateral economic relations are quite successful.

As was said many times today, our trade increased by 34 percent in 2017, and grew by another 30 percent in January-August.

We see that contacts between the Russian regions and the regions of Uzbekistan are gaining momentum and becoming more diverse.

We see that contacts between the Russian regions and the regions of Uzbekistan are gaining momentum and becoming more diverse.

From Russia, particularly active were the cities of Moscow, St Petersburg, Orenburg Region and Chelyabinsk Region.

We are aware that, at the suggestion of the President of Uzbekistan, our Uzbek colleagues from that country's regions have stepped up their activities as well.

This is impressive and quite promising.

As mentioned earlier, about 1,000 Russian participants from 30 Russian regions are taking part in this forum, including 10 governors and over 850 businesspeople.

This is indicative of our serious commitment to working with our Uzbek partners.

As we know from earlier remarks by the ministers and governors, forum participants discussed matters of economic and social development, infrastructure upgrades and the introduction of digital technology that are really important for the regions of the two countries.

Most importantly, we joined efforts and looked for opportunities to enhance mutually beneficial cooperation in these and other promising areas.

Since our cooperation in the agricultural sector has been expanding at a strong rate recently, it is quite understandable that this subject was reviewed at a plenary session.

I will also spend a moment discussing this area in more detail.

Russian-Uzbek trade in agricultural produce grew by almost 40 percent to $340 million in just the first eight months of this year.

I have no doubt that the numbers will continue to grow, also because Russia has created the most favourable terms and conditions for importing Uzbek agricultural products, introduced a green corridor customs system and approved a special phytosanitary control procedure.

Reduced railway tariffs have been introduced as well.

We discussed these issues during the President of Uzbekistan's state visit to Moscow last year.

As you can see, all these agreements have been implemented.

Of course, we will continue to streamline mutual trade and related logistics.

In particular, it is imperative that we encourage backhaul freight to Uzbekistan with, of course, Russian-made products, including foods.

We can do this since agricultural output in Russia has increased by more than 20 percent over the past five years.

We believe this undoubtedly represents a breakthrough in developing agriculture in our country.

We can state that a real breakthrough has been made in this area.

Last year, we had a record grain harvest, 135 million tonnes.

This year, we will harvest a little less, but still a lot at over 100 million tonnes.

I was recently in Stavropol Region and asked the manager of a company about their performance.

He told me about it.

I asked him how they acknowledged such results in the Soviet Union.

They awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labour right away.

While today this may not be something routine, but we are now accustomed to it.

Russia is the world's number one supplier of wheat and second in terms of grain crop distribution in general, and it is now significantly increasing exports of meat.

Prospects are good in other areas as well, including advanced conversion products.

In this context, we hope that the agricultural exhibition held as part of the forum will make it possible to establish good business contacts and start promising new joint projects.

Russia is ready to fully meet the needs of Uzbek farmers in high-quality agricultural equipment, and to help them upgrade the food and processing industry.

Incidentally, Rostselmash, which is our largest company in the agricultural engineering sector, is starting a project to produce forage harvesters in Uzbekistan.

Other Russian manufacturers have similar plans.

We will continue to provide assistance in training employees for Uzbek agriculture.

About 800 Uzbek students are studying at Russian agricultural colleges.

A branch of the Aquaculture department of Astrakhan University will open in Tashkent in the next academic year.

Colleagues, friends,

Agriculture is important, but by far not the only area of cooperation.

Opportunities for Russia-Uzbekistan cooperation are vast and promising, which was confirmed by today's talks.

I am confident that our respective regions will be even more actively involved in promoting bilateral partnerships.

The President of Uzbekistan and I will give our absolute support for your constructive initiatives and the joint projects you plan.

Like the President of Uzbekistan, I wish you all the best and every success in your work.

Thank you for your attention.

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