what's up fishtank people all Dustin's fishtanks bring it to you setting up 125
gallon aquarium if you missed it last week we did the hardscaped hardscapes
the hard part yeah it's fun part now it's time for the super fun part now
it's time for the plants and I actually have a strategy that I'm gonna use with
this here is a detailed plant listing of everything that we're bringing with this
sucker well bite as Lancelot off as le small boost gigantea you name it I'm
bringing it it's all right here in a pile
I've actually got this pre-drawn out ahead of time had a little bit of a
vision and it's actually coming we're gonna go dark to light dark on the
outside light in the middle and we're gonna work all kinds of crazy plants
into this hard scape here I'm super jacked about it because I have a lot of
awesome hardy plants this tank is not dirted so we're gonna have to feed it
which I'm going to show you guys throughout this video so if you like
this type of video hit the subscribe button and you'll be seeing more of it
let's get after it so bulb itis right here the tips got a little dried out
it's okay I'll completely be fine once it gets back in the water will bite us
who talati i'm gonna go each side so I've got one side for mellitus another
side right here so I've got brightest all day long super Hardy comes from
Africa and we're gonna start with the darkest plants work our way into
gradually less dark plants in the middle what we're gonna get light and I always
like to leave a bag or in this case a bag or six things of gravel to kind of
like tie stuff down so right here I've got a little loose spot beau Biden's can
have its rhizome down and gravel no problem I'm gonna go ahead and utilize
some of this travel here as like my patchwork gravel so I'll just kind of
pour it down on there and then pull the plant out of it kind of worked it in so
I've got the bull itis over there now I want to work in the Lancelot Lance a lot
coming in pretty fire obviously all of these are available on
dustinsfishtanks.com do not leave this video
the roots not the rhizome this is all being done without water everything
that's kind of laid over a little bit it'll all perk up when there's water
around it well brightest does not care favorite plants right I found that the
rhizome above itis doesn't care to be buried so that's how I roll
now I'm going the philosophy of this tank is dark green dark green into the
center rainbow so dark green lighter green light green yellow orange the
whole deal and while I love this piece right here
I love anubias gigantea more so it needs to come in the front this is actually a
cooler plant in my book than the one I just put it's got this trident looking
leaf on it that's just killer I'm stuffing that down in there gigantea
it's not the easiest anubius still in anubius so it's still pretty easy but
definitely my favorite and I love the dis the spearhead look - it looks yeah
that's got the leave like that with this Arrowhead leaves love it we're gonna
work some down in here - and I have tested the anubius gigantea in thus the
way I'm planning it right now so I know that it's okay with having its rhizome
stuck down
I really want a centerpiece in the gigantea in this tank it's just one of
my favorites go what do you think for tank people I don't have any opposition
this side but I kind of like it there's no off facility on that side because I
kind of like that darker and that's different over there so I'm gonna leave
that originally the plan was to have the widest gigantea Lancelot this is the
gigantea side there's no gigantea on that side there you go see if anybody
notices so we're gonna work it in now you're gonna close out the anubius
africa chapter we're gonna move into the bacopa level we're gonna get all these
plants somewhat sorted out of here
I want to go from the dark greens to the lighter green look at how this is bacopa
yellow flame at its finest you will not buy a better plant from anybody online
than me with this pickle yellow flame I guarantee it it's a bold statement but
that's pretty fire so check that out now the bacopa Maneri super duper easy plant
it's gonna give us some contrast with all the other stuff we're gonna take it
out of the rubber band and they say the Japanese say that the you know the
process of like playing with the plants is to the tank so it's how you get to
the tank per the customer's request I would be planting these significantly
deeper than I am it's not dirt it doesn't matter supercopa Maneri so it's
okay that it falls over because it's not supported by water and I like the
contrast with the Maneri in the anubius right next to it I'm gonna make this
Maneri come up the cliff just like that just like that and like this and extra
gravel got money war we got pennywort Josh
hates this plant I hated this plant got brownie love it because it just grows
like a weed does not care and it's actually perfect for back here and you
won't be able to see it initially but it'll come on strong because it's going
to be underneath standard double but it's it's gonna look real cool back
behind he's barely gonna be able to see that but in time she will come on strong
hydro cotta Lucia Walla also known as penny war
smoke OPA yellow flame but I mentioned I like this plan I just got the red flames
now honestly this plant is not gonna stay as red in here just because of lack
of nutrients I mean he's not doing the water change
as we are but it will certainly still look cool Wow Wow
I'm doing a little halftime hard scape adjustment because I want to make sure
that this log stays exactly where it is so I'm actually wiring this down which
socks it is ugly but I'll be able to cover it up with plants it doesn't
matter but I want to make sure this log is affixed to this log without any
problems so I'm gonna tighten this up and that will just make sure that this
piece stays because it's such a it's a vulnerable piece being up like that so I
want to make sure it stays on so I'll take this ugliness for what I'm gonna
get an exchange I'm gonna plan all the way through there so this all I'll be
covering in just a second all right now it's time to fill er up I told him it's
gonna be ugly the first fill is gonna be ugly because
just all the dust and everything is gonna settle I'm using this stuff this
is the accr I buy it in a huge box so that's why I have it in this Cup but
this is the deke lure time for your moment is then my friend we've got a
couple of more spots I want to work some stuff in but I want to see what's
happening what do you think my friend it's exceeded your expectations huh
that's cool man
my broth was stripped up sanitary supply that's cause inside terrorists love it
what do you think fish tank people I think it's looking pretty killer the mr.
customer said it exceeded his expectations do want to point out a
quick thing here you better hit the subscribe button like button share
button if you care I had to leave some rocks up here because the driftwood is
not fully waterlogged it will be soon so it's messing up my scape there but
overall I'm pretty pumped about hit the like button subscribe button share
button and drop me a comment on what you think about this world 25 tank on
everybody light boom boom
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