- [Crew Member] Styles for different things
or occasions take one.
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Hey guys, and welcome back to the channel.
My name is Thomas if you're brand new,
and I make style and related videos every single week.
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So in this video, I'm gonna be documenting
different longhair styles but different occasions.
I had somebody in the Facebook group,
if you haven't joined yet, make sure you go and join it.
Shameless plug.
I had somebody in the Facebook group asked about this.
Like different longhair styles
that they could do for different occasions.
And I found just by listening to you guys,
that things like going for a job interview
or going to your formal or even like, casual.
Deciding which hairstyles are going to work for longer hair,
is a little bit tricky, because let's face it,
the guys with the short hair,
they can just go shaving sides look sleek,
bit of blue man whee!
And they look they look good for any occasion, right?
But what about us?
We struggle with big fuzziness,
we still struggle with the length,
we struggle with looking presentable
in the corporate sense.
There are so many issues with that.
And yeah, you're right, there's a definite need
for this type of content.
So I'm going to make some.
Oh, there's so many.
I thought I'd break it down
into four different segments as well.
So we've got formal, we've got semi formal,
we've got business and we've got casual.
So there's going to be a lot of hairstyles
that I mentioned here.
Some crossover as well.
Some can work with all different ones.
And then others are just specifically like,
whoa, you just don't cross that line.
So for a formal event.
Let's define what a formal event is first.
A formal event to me would be something like,
a YouTuber event, or a red carpet event,
or maybe even like a, I don't know,
a book launch or something like that,
or your actual formal at school.
Or I think you call it in America,
what do they call it?
Various dress codes and stuff that go with that.
And the ones that I've got.
So number one would be something like beach waves.
So if we take Johnny Depp for example,
he's a very good classic example of that.
He does the whole beach wave look,
with it pushed back.
It looks semi messy but it's still like
it's still looks very professional.
Obviously he's got a hairstylist that does it all the time.
And his hair is sort of a medium length,
so he can really pull it off.
But I wouldn't even restrict that to longer hair
even like mine.
Like if you look at the chapter hair styling video
I did with brides and their styling cream,
that's look it was a very clean, crisp curl controlled look.
And I think that suits a formal environment.
So something like those curls
or beach waves would look good.
Or something similar to the Johnny Depp style
would be a good option.
You've also got things like the neat low man bun.
So kind of like what I've got today
but a little bit neater.
So if I were to do a neat Low Man Bun,
I'd probably straighten all of this
and then tie it in the exact position that's in now.
Or I do a neat medium bun,
so like up here around the middle section.
I probably wouldn't do a high bun for a formal event,
because it's very like peew!
It almost like I don't know people could have
very mixed judgments on it.
Not that they don't have mixed judgments on men buns
as it is already.
But yeah I would leave the the high one alone
and I would just go with a medium and a low
neat man bun maybe.
That would be a lot better,
cause they're need they're tidy and they look formal.
Another one on the list that I had for a formal
would be something like a sleek back.
I probably wouldn't do is sleeked back
with the length of my hair is at now.
But when my hair was more to about here,
remember I did that sleeked back hair style
with the Hybrid Cream Clay.
That length I think would be very appropriate
especially for formal sleeking it back.
Or if you've got a disconnected undercut as well,
ages ago, like we're talking three years,
I did a sleek back with my disconnected under cut.
I really liked how it looked at the time.
And I think that also fits into the formal category.
So remember, we're just looking for like clean, not messy.
You just want to avoid messy at all costs essentially.
The last one I had on this list as well
was like a low ponytail.
So I think with a low ponytail straightened as well.
I think a low ponytail that's bushy.
Like if I put my hair right now into a ponytail,
it would just look messy and not great.
I think a straightened ponytail worn low
is very conservative.
And it's also something that we say like,
I feel like it's in that real old time
where everyone used to sail on ships.
You know, like the real important people,
they'd have those big curly wigs,
but with like a very straight conservative ponytail
at the back the men would.
And I think obviously, without the big Kelly boots
at the top.
I think using something like the conservative ponytail
just flying down the back,
it can look really nice,
especially for a formal sort of event.
Okay, so that's formal off the rank.
Now next, we've got semi formal.
So that's a step down from a actual formal event.
So we talked about red carpets and you know, glitzy events.
I would classify semi formal,
maybe it's like a birthday dinner,
where you're going to a nice restaurant,
or you're hanging out with your friends.
Or you could be going to, you know,
some kind of family gathering
where you need to look presentable,
so it's kind of like that, that formality about it.
But it's also,
about adding a little bit more of yourself personality.
Cause it's semi formal, half formal, if you like.
So you can bring half formal and half yourself.
That's how I look at it anyway.
So hairstyles that I've got for that
is like an asymmetrical curly hair style.
I like wearing this after I've used something like
the Monarch Paste.
I kind of just swoop all of this hair over to the side
have a little bit tuck behind here.
Have a little flowing down.
Put product in it, so it looks tidy.
But it's asymmetrical and I think
that's a really groovy look.
That's the personality part
and I would probably wear,
I don't know maybe like a dress shirt
or something plain and conservative like this.
Like something black and tight I think looks quite smart.
I also think the semi formal any neat man bun variation
can work here.
The low neat man bun, the medium neat man bun
and also the high neat man bun
in this one because again, I said,
it's time to bring a bit of personality.
So if the high man bun in an neat version is,
a bit more indicative of your personality.
Sure, go for it.
You're at a dinner with your friends,
you most likely with people that you know,
and they get who you are.
It's like time to show a bit of like, what you like to do.
But keep it neat.
Another honourable mention, I think as well
would be something like RockStar kills.
You know, like the whole Harry Styles look.
He's kind of got asymmetrical RockStar kills.
I think that's quite cool.
He somehow gets away with it on the red carpet.
But I guess because he's that famous.
Like that's everyone knows who he is.
So that's where different here look, we're just normal.
But yeah, to a semi formal thing.
Even going to the movies, something like that,
RockStar kills asymmetry, I think that can work as well.
I've also put in here like the sideswiped with an undercut.
You guys really liked that hairstyle on me when I had it.
And I would just like have my side shaven
but then flop it all over to the side
and have it dangling down here.
It's quite a I don't know it's a indicative of personality.
But also it can look quite sleek,
especially if straightened and
with the right products in it.
Also, if you have an undercut,
you could also try the man braid with the man bun
and your undercut.
I still think this looks very sleek.
It's one way that you can kind of get all of you hair
in a controlled manner.
You can show off a bit of that personality,
you can show bit of like difference
and it still looks very like tidy, and neat.
And I think what contributes to that,
is the sides being shaven, and having that clean cut.
For me now, like if I would wear all braids,
I'd probably get flagged for cultural appropriation.
I don't know it's just a little bit more woo in your face,
I would probably keep that more casual,
if you're gonna do all braids.
But that's just my two sense on that.
And the last one in the semi formal area.
I think something like the half up
half down man bun is really good.
Or like the Jon Snow high bun,
that's been one of my favourite hairstyles to wear lightly.
For casual and semi formal.
It's, again, another one of those hairstyles
that's indicative of personality.
But also, it's just one of my favourite things
that I've been wearing.
And I think it looks really good.
Owkey! Pokey!
Now moving on to category number three.
So this is business, there's so little that you can do here,
it's probably going to be the easiest section
because the corporate world for some reason,
they just want to constrict everyone to being
this one way wearing black and white and tidy hair.
It's kind of like private schools,
I just want to give them all the finger
because it's just a so restricting.
I'm lucky that I can work doing my YouTube stuff.
And I work online, I actually work from home.
And so I don't really have any restrictions
and how I can look, but I still am in business.
And I can do that.
So I've seen the other side of corporate
and it doesn't have to be so restricted.
However, our culture is built around
a really restricted business settings.
So you do have to have that clean haircut.
You have to have, like, very prim and proper,
you got away like tuxedos or like dress, it's dressy.
I cannot stress that enough.
On top of that, like going to job interviews,
knowing that the fact our culture's like that
you do want to go into a business
like interview or a meeting.
Or if you're getting hired for a job,
you do want to make sure you following that corporate look,
because first impressions really count
if you're going for a job that you really want.
Like we mean bidness.
So enough rambling on that,
but let's get into the hairstyles.
So with these, I've put a neat low man bun.
So again, if you had hair like me,
I would straighten the f out of it,
and then make it look really sleek and tuck it down below.
Just so it's very conservative,
or I would not be reluctant to test the waters
but I still think it's possible to where the mid man bun.
Because if you look at it, they're not that much different.
Like in the placing of them.
So you could go with a neat or middleman bun but very neat.
And you could also if you've got the undercut again,
the sleeked back could really work with that as well,
because you has a lot of face it's sleek down,
you look clean cut,
and you can go from there.
That's allowed in same business very restricted.
And if you can get a job on the internet,
there's so many ways to make money these days.
Like who needs corporate.
Alright, moving on to our last category which is casual.
Now this all comes down to your friend network.
How you feel about yourself inside,
what you're doing with your look,
it's pretty much free rein on anything you want.
messy, bla-bla-bla-bla-bla you got it.
The ones that I listed,
like the ones that are my favourite out and crazy.
So wearing all my hair out
after I just add a little bit of product to it.
I'm really, really loving that right now.
Side, swooping so that again,
like that can look really good messy as well.
And you want to be shining out your personality.
Doing a hairstyle like that is great.
You can do it straight, wavy curly, messy really tight.
Whatever you want.
I feel like a side swoop always looks good.
Also messy waves.
So again, very similar to the Johnny Depp style.
I think this is perfect for casual as well
if you can pull it off.
Getting a Keratin treatment
has allowed me this function
of being able to wear messy sex hair.
It's my favourite thing.
You could also try with different accessories
like caps and hats.
For me wearing a hat like a fedora.
I think that's totally fine for casual setting,
with you going on a picnic going to the movies as well.
Hanging out at home,
hanging out at a barbecue with your friends.
Like whatever a hat a cap anything like that accessory wise,
kind of suits the casual setting.
Because really when you pull up to the casual setting,
you're pulling up as you, like it's cash.
I'd also recommend braids as well,
depending on whether you have,
the undercut or not.
Even hair like mine,
I still catch myself wearing braids every now and again.
I'll either do like two along here or I'll do three.
So two along here and one along there.
Or even do four, whichever you feeling,
you can do that as well in the casual sense.
And lastly I think just any type of man bun you want,
so you could be like high messy, high or low,
neat low, neat messy, like every neat messy?
But every variation I did in my 10 men bun hairstyles video,
you could go with that with casual as well.
I don't think anybody has the right to tell you
what you can do with casual.
It's up to you and how you really feel.
That's essentially it,
but they are my favourite things to do.
And that brings us to the end of this video.
So I hope you guys actually found that pretty informative.
It is quite a confusing topic like what's formal.
What semi formal what's business attire?
What's this blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
And knowing what hairstyles to wear,
especially when you got long hair,
I do know that it can be quite tough.
So I really hope I was able to bring you
some value here today.
If you have any questions make sure you shoot me a comment
in the comment section below
and give this video a thumbs up if you liked it.(laughs)
Cause you know it, help me out all right.
Please make sure you hit the subscribe button
and I will see you next week for another video.
Okay, see you later.
(cannon explosion)
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