sorry did you just put my soda on top of my play things like anxiety or social
anxiety or feelings of awkwardness there is so much that you can learn from the
queen of exposure therapy Shane Dawson
what is everybody this is Chris from the reword soul where we talk about the
problem but focus on the solution and if you're new to my channel my channel is
all about mental health so what I try to do is pull things from the YouTube
community and pop culture to teach you how to improve your mental health and
that's why today we're talking about anxiety exposure therapy and Shane
Dawson so if any of that kind of stuff make sure you subscribe and win that
notification belt and before I jump into exposure therapy I have - yes - real
quick exciting announcements all right so anyways I want to give a shout out to
the channel dose of dad for a little while now little quirks and the things I
say something that he pointed out and something my girlfriend was saying to
this mental health and stuff like that so that is now available in the merch
store if you would like to get one to rep the rewired soul where we talk about
the problem but focus on the solution by the way on the back of all the shirts
it says focus on the solution language second announcement is thank you to
naruto fan 2003 for reminding me that there are other places than Las Vegas so
here in Las Vegas it's still bouncing around from like 60 to 80 degrees it's
not that cold but Naruto fan 2003 was like yo why don't you have any sweaters
and I'm like snaps why don't have any sweaters so by the time you're watching
this video all of the designs in the merch store there are now sweater
options available so now you can be cozy in the winter time while repping some
mental health merch you know what I mean let's get started with the video so yeah
again all of you who know me what I'd like to do is try to take things from
all the stuff that you're currently consuming and teach you the lessons that
you can learn to improve your mental health and I know a ton a ton of you
have come to my channel because of Shane Dawson so a lot of you have been
watching Shane for a while now and you might not even notice but Shane is doing
something for his anxiety and awkwardness and it's called exposure
therapy which is a theory very very very good form of therapy for anybody with
anxiety obsessive compulsive disorder and any kind of any kind of mental
illness that involves anxiety it can also help with PTSD all right so what is
exposure therapy okay alright we're just gonna do it I'm not gonna plan it out
I'm not gonna stress about it that's a lie I'm gonna stress about it I'm
freaking out I'm sweating oh my god oh my god oh my god I just really wanted to
go low exposure therapy is a technique in behavior therapy to help treat
anxiety disorders exposure therapy involves exposing the target patient to
the anxiety source or its context without the intention to cause any
danger doing so is that to help them overcome their anxiety or distress
so yeah that's what exposure therapy is so if you've been watching Shane for a
while before he even started doing these docu-series with like gravy on a girl
and stuff like that you you could see this kind of change and Shane Dawson's
content where you know what I first found and what my girlfriend told me
about him watching because he would eat which he would eat a bunch of food and
make weird food and life hacks and stuff but then he started getting into like
some different content and he wanted to push himself and things like that
and he made some videos about like confronting my ex are talking to this
person and stuff and one of the videos where I just really thought was powerful
was he did a short little mini series was like three episodes long of him
confronting his father so those of you who aren't familiar with Shane Dawson
Shane's father kind of walked out of its life at a young age and Shane was taking
care of his mom and like his dad have talked a few times throughout the years
but he made a whole thing about life just sitting down and talking with its
father about these hard questions throughout all these videos like I
wonder how many of you sat down and thought about how scary that would be
how uncomfortable that would be but with Shane's doing is he's exposing himself
to those fears what that does it builds up our mental resilience so Shane
whether he realizes it or not he is actively decreasing his anxiety and
fears by exposing himself to these things in all honesty like not joking I
definitely feel like we talked about a lot of stuff today a lot of it was
off-camera but a lot of it was on camera I don't know I feel closer definitely I
mean I feel closer to Shane's pushing boundaries
it is like lifting weights to calm down your amygdala amygdala is the part of
your brain for fight flight or freeze so what exposure therapy does is it
actually helps to decrease the activity of the amygdala right so I wanted to
make this video after watching Shane Dawson's finale inside the mind of Jake
Paul where he was just having this like serious one-on-one conversation with
Jake like and what's funny is - real quick this is like extra like awkward
because there's no music in it do you do some drama music music to go with this
so but anyways like you could just see that and like I was getting
uncomfortable and my wife seemed I was like oh was Shane gonna call him out on
this or is he gonna talk about this and like you gotta think you got a sink like
how awkward was that for a shame how difficult was it for Shane
how difficult was it for Jake it seemed like this was one of the times the first
one of the first times Jake has ever had somebody seriously sit down and have a
conversation like this with him they did this for over an hour right what is your
fear my fear with we're talking about it is like it's such like a sticky
situation and like if I talk about it like it's just gonna like bring up all
the it again and like and so Shane is exposing himself to that stuff so by
doing this as part of his job think about how he's able to have these
types of conversations with people like Ryland or when Rheinland made the video
about how they were kicking Morgan out like these are tough tough conversations
but he's exposing himself to those things so again like I don't want you to
just passively watch content I want you to really consume the content and
realize what these people are doing in their videos what can you learn from are
they positive or negative things because exposure therapy is definitely
definitely a positive thing
and this is actually something that I've been doing for myself like like I know a
lot of you can't afford therapy or you don't trust their pets or whatever like
like me personally like when I started working on my mental health I was just
pushing myself more and more and what I would do is I would force myself to go
into uncomfortable situations so I can learn how to be comfortable with being
uncomfortable and here's what I mean by that like I used to have crippling
social anxiety it's one of the reasons why I drank and use drugs and stuff like
that I just could not be around people because my mind was always racing like
what are they thinking about me and all that stuff so when about six years ago
when I still working on mental health like I was like I gotta learn how to
just be okay with this so people would invite me out for like coffee where
they'd be like 30 or 40 people just all meeting up hang out at their house and
play board games and whatever and let me tell you I used to be so awkward
uncomfortable you'd be like 25 30 people around
everybody's like my brain is just telling me how stupid I look how
ridiculous this is more all sorts of stuff but over time it got better
because I just kept pushing myself I kept moving forward I kept exposing
myself through these uncomfortable situations when I started working at the
drug-and-alcohol treatment center a few years ago I was so afraid to do groups
like I was working at a big treatment center some of these groups were in
front of 50 60 70 people sometimes I was so afraid to do it
but I signed up for as many groups as I could I just started doing group after
group after group after group comfortable this is something a lot of
youtubers struggle with summit I've heard a lot of people talking about how
they're still uncomfortable on camera or they're awkward it's interesting too
because by the way youtubers I hate to tell you this
like I notice it I definitely notice it there's so many youtubers who I met
where they're really reserved in their YouTube videos but there's so much more
charismatic in person I realize that a vid summit and like I get it like I was
like that too if you go back and look at my first videos they are not nearly
nearly as energetic as these ones were like I was just really uncomfortable on
camera hello everybody and welcome to the rewire my name is Chris bootay yes
you heard it right my name is Chris bootay so what are the reasons I make so
many videos is because every execution of a video I get a little bit more
comfortable I get a little bit more confidence you know what I mean
so all right not only do I put out a bunch of content for all of you but for
me I expose myself to the things that make me uncomfortable so what can you do
in your life what can you do to expose yourself to these these situations but
like it says for exposure therapy like we don't want you to put yourself in
danger I'm not telling you to expose yourself to like jumping off you know
like or something crazy like just make baby steps maybe your baby step is just
going to a Starbucks and sitting there right
just sitting there around people okay maybe you do that two times a week then
you up it to three times a week then four times a week there's five times a
week and then maybe maybe you start making a priority to talk to one person
just one person something that you might do there's like a gas station that you
go to every single day and you're awkward and uncomfortable make small
talk with the cashier with the person behind the register they're bored all
day you might as well make some conversation with them like expose
yourself to these little things because I'm telling you like this is
scientifically proven okay it will strengthen your resilience when
it comes to these things all right so do little things tiny little things to push
yourself and face one of your fears every single day like Shane Dawson is
doing and I guarantee you will start to reduce your anxiety your social anxiety
your awkwardness and all of that stuff a lot of you asked me how I managed to not
care so much about what people think it's because I've been pushing myself
like this for years now anyway hear from all of you I want to hear from all of
you what either a what do you do right now to expose yourself to get into
uncomfortable situations to kind of build up your resiliency or what can you
do all right let me know down in the comments but that's all I got for you
today so if you like this video please give it a thumbs up and if you're new
here make sure you subscribe and ringback notification about and a huge
thank you to everybody supporting the channel over on patreon and remember
there are some brand new merch s sweaters up in the shop so make sure you
click a tap on that icon right there thanks so much for watching I'll see you
next time
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