Hi everyone good morning and good evening maybe that's where you're at and
depending which part of the world you're from thank you for joining me live in
our live learning today this is something we're experimenting with on
our Facebook page to make it easy for you to attend some of these live
trainings in the past you've joined me in live webinars or live trading in the
past we've used a different system of webinars to be able to get you this
information but we thought hey why don't we use something that you're on here
quite often right and it gives a chance for you to just come on in and not have
to sign up for anything to watch our training and we will be doing these
things about once a month and it's really great for me because I get to
interact with you live and collaborate with you live here and be able to have
these collaborative discussions around all things with life and career
transition building your site hustles and creating that life of freedom and
work of freedom that you're probably here to try to do for yourself so
today's topic is all about three ways to overcome your fear of uncertainty so if
you're here to learn you're probably in the midst of some sort of change and if
you're joining me live I would love to hear from you what sorts of change is
currently going on in your life and what what is it about your fear of
uncertainty that you would love to learn about today so this could be your
personal life right things that are going on and changes in your personal
life maybe it's your work you're looking to
quit your job and doing something different with your life or
relationships are environmental anything that you're going through change with I
would love to hear what is that what is happening in your life today and what
fears do you think is creeping up when you feel uncertain now this is really
normal to feel ungrounded and a little bit you know frazzled when we are
pursuing a path that is less ordinary right no other maybe no one you know
around your life is about to make the changes that you're about to make and
there is the rules and guidebook for you to sort of be tapping into you know a
lot times when we live a very conventional
life a very traditional life most of these rules have been given to us in
some way right we kind of know we have to go to go to go to university or go to
school right we graduate hopefully with a degree that will last us forever till
the day retire that's what we've been told and you know we also know that in a
particular type of profession or vocation there is some rules around that
you know how many years you have to be in a position to be able to upgrade to a
manager role or whatever credential that you're looking to go after there's other
people beyond you right that I've sort of paved the path in some way to show
you what these what you need to be doing but however when you go off the beaten
track when you don't follow traditional conventional rules which is why you're
here it can be exciting that you're finally taking control of your life and
being creative in the way that you want to reinvent your life and go towards the
outcomes that you truly want to have but then it also comes with this feeling of
absolute overwhelm and fear because you get to make up your own rules now right
the power of freedom is exciting but fucking scary at the same time and I
think you know as much as you hear success stories about how people have
done what they've done it we also need to talk a lot about that uncertainty
period of time that you know a lot of the emotional resilience that needs to
be cultivated at this moment in time in order to have you do the things that you
want to do but I've never done before right so our brains at this moment in
time can really help us or it can really project all sorts of stories right that
can make you feel really panicked that keeps you sort of stuck in where you
think you should be it's really hard to play big when we feel so scared right
and when we take this leap of faith when we believe that if we take this leap of
faith of what we're about to do and this can potentially lead to very disastrous
outcomes and that will very likely send all sorts of panic modes or panic alert
bells in your head that will sort of sabotage you right from making any move
at all so today's collaborate collaborative
discussion is we're gonna really talk about how to build your tolerance for
change and uncertainty in order to live your best version of your life where you
do make up the rules but you're also really mindful about what you need to do
for yourself in order to go through that change and build that resilience for
change and it's not something that you just sort of get up and it happens to
you right it's a muscle that you really need to build so if you're joining me
live or watching the replay we do have a resource for you that I've created to
sort of help you follow through with what we're gonna be discussing today and
it might be something you replay again even if you're joining me live here
where you walk yourself through some of these clarity questions that I've
constructed for you to help walk you through those these three points that
we're going to talk about today so if you haven't downloaded it already we
have a guide and a resource tool with these clarity questions I'll be going
through today that you can have handy as you listen to this training where you
can download it above this post that has a link to it that will allow you to
download that guide and follow through as we walk through these questions
together okay so that should be a convertkit page where you can just enter
your email and I'll send it to you by email and then you can download that
Google Doc and follow through as we go along okay so if you're joining me live
here or on the replay I do have a question for you to get started I would
love to know and you can post below this video in the comments field is what
scares you most about taking the leap to an unfamiliar or uncertain path what
scares you most about taking the leap to an unfamiliar or uncertain path I would
love to hear from you some of you guys might be taking the leap into
entrepreneurship some of you might be taking the leap just to have the bravery
to tell your spouse you're about to change jobs some of you may be actually
moving countries and may be trying to live some more more affordable for your
escape plan and that is scary for you whatever it is I would love to hear what
scares you most about taking the leap to an unfamiliar or in a certain path
alright so as we introduce this topic today what I want you to know is that in
society we have been given these rules as we talked about how to get to
traditional trajectories of success right we've learned it from our parents
we've learnt it from our teachers we've learned it from other people who are
doing the same things so when we do change our path it can feel really
ungrounded and shaky to take that leap into the unknown
right and this uncertainty really fills us with these feelings of fear panic and
anxiety and then what we do is we start to create these stories write these
worst-case scenarios like if I start this business and I fail I'll be a
laughingstock in my community or you know I've been a lawyer for 20 years and
now I'm wanting to be a novelist you know what would people think of me maybe
they'll think I'm having a midlife crisis too early or you know I'm giving
up on something that I know how to do so we always sort of make up a lot of these
stories and it's great to be mindful of what these stories are because it kind
of tells you a lot about your biggest fear and we want to be able to utilize
these fears appropriately nothing is wrong with fear nothing's wrong with
feeling afraid that's the first thing I want to say nothing's wrong with you
every normal person has fear and fear doesn't it just doesn't mean that you
shouldn't be going forward with the path that you want to be creating for
yourself so when we do end up playing small because of this fear we sort of
play into our fears as well by either never moving at all or moving very
tentatively like sort of not fully committing to that leap right and hence
why a lot of times you might feel that I've been thinking about these awesome
goals that I want to make for my life but they just never come into fruition
it's very likely it's because you haven't gone all in you haven't actually
really navigated a lot of what your fears are trying to tell you right in
order to create the right action to actually be able to do this effectively
and to feel good while you do it you're sort of shoving it under the rug hoping
that you'll get brave but not actually really moving towards doing anything at
all right as I said very normal occurrence when we're about to do
something big or something different in our lives so what we wanted to try to do
instead of this being very stuck point of where we're at is to build a
tolerance for change and for tolerance for uncertainty so that we can keep
moving forward despite the
the fear so we're gonna start with these three lessons that I've learned
personally myself on how I do this hi Heather great for you to join us and all
to share with you these three big lessons that actually help move the
needle for me and by the way you know five-and-a-half years later of being an
entrepreneur I am still scared shitless of lots of things it doesn't mean I have
the superhero cape where I've just been like the most bravest woman I ever have
imagined it's just that I got I got a lot better
and moving faster and moving despite the fear and being able to actually self
analyze and self assess and help myself through that fear right rather than just
remaining comfortable right and neutral in the place that I'm in hey Betina all
right let's go into lesson one what's the first thing that I would want you to
know about in terms of building your tolerance and your resilience for change
the first lesson is don't avoid the feeling of discomfort that is the number
one thing you should stop doing is feeling bad and shameful about having
discomfort one of my favorite TEDTalks speakers and you might have heard of her
on the TED talk or named Susan David she's the author of emotional agility
she says a quote that I love all about this topic
she says discomfort is the price of admission to a meaningful life now that
is such a refreshing take on not actually going fight the fear and you
know punch fear in the face and who cares because actually we do care we do
get emotionally fucked up when we feel the feelings of failure and self-doubt
you know and we have when we have impostor syndrome for example we have to
acknowledge that these feelings are happening and there's nothing wrong with
fears have you ever watched ISM Davis TED talk around emotional agility and
emotional resilience she really talks about actually allowing yourself to
actually be empathetic and lean into that fear because acknowledging it helps
you to recognize what is trying to tell you and also it gives you actual
practical actions that you might need to be cultivating in order to move past
that fear now there is a lot of value in fears if we choose to utilize it as a
tool to give us clues for knowing what actions we need to take
very likely the fear is actually almost like you know an alarm bell right oh
wait a second we're about to do something abnormal I want I want you to
be safe so why don't we think about this that's what fears usually trying to tell
you right but when we avoid feeling scared when we don't admit that we're
scared when we actually pretend to be brave we sort of add this extra layer of
weight and I feel that is this feeling of shame and guilt anyone here feels
shameful for not being brave or when you look at other people making these big
leaps or your friends starting businesses so quickly or whatever it may
be you're like why not me why am I so slow why am I so scared right so when
you give yourself this hard time for being a scaredy-cat you're actually
really in a way putting this extra weight of shame and guilt that is not
helpful to get to where you want to go because when we feel shame and guilt
right anytime we do that we become five years old again and we're like no not
going anywhere Chloe under the blankets I don't want to
deal with this because now you've added an extra layer of feelings right so
first you were just scared and now you're shameful of that fear right and
that's this extra layer we don't need to put upon ourselves so not sure if you
guys do that to yourself I sure do I'm very much of a
perfectionist someone that likes to do things without failing so when I feel
scared I feel like I'm losing control right I don't have control over my my
circumstance and that is something I'm not used to having being someone who is
a perfectionist and so when I feel shameful I don't ask for help I don't go
and get a mentor I don't actually talk about what I feel about my fear and that
actually shoves it under the rug and doesn't give me any insight to play with
and that can absolutely be happening to you so instead of piling on the extra
weight of shame and guilt I would like for you to ask these questions and again
if you download it the free document and the free guide and clarity questions
you'll get these questions to go over again after this training but here's
some of the questions to ask yourself instead right when you start feeling
these injections of fear ask yourself what am I afraid of and why we want to
get to the root of why the fear is coming up right you might be actually
sometimes say I'm afraid of doing my business or creating a business that's
not but if you keep asking why you're afraid
of that and kind of keep going down the rabbit hole of asking why why why you
might actually get to the root that a lot of it might be things like being
judged for failing right or losing an identity that other people rely on you
for or your family has rely on you for and you can't be successful in that
identity anymore maybe it's a fear of success some people might think that if
I'm actually successful you know things might have to change
around my life I might have to have more boundaries around my relationships I
might actually have to put myself first when I choose this path and that can
scare a lot of people I work with a lot of moms as well by the way and moms feel
huge shame all the time doing something of their own because their identity has
been tied to being a great wife being a great mother you know and doing that
first prioritizing other people and if they were to put themselves first what
they're most afraid of us other people are going to feel that they're failing
them or they're abandoning them and they don't want that sort of identity with
their family and friends and that might actually be your fear you know so it's
really great to acknowledge what that is another question to ask yourself is what
am i hiding from right what am I really hiding from so if I know what I need to
do to get to where I need to go right and I know what I'm afraid of but is
willing to go through that fear but what am I really hiding from maybe it's that
I do have a voice I recognize have a voice to share hence why that's my
motivation to start a business for example right or one more meaning in my
my work so I'm wanting to take more control over the way that I create my
role but I might be hiding from that because I may not feel that my voice is
good enough or I might feel like I'm not a new voice in the industry and will
anyone listen to me right there could be all sorts of reasons about what you're
hiding from and again it could be about this new identity or new role you're
about to step into that you're super afraid to show up for another question
to ask is am i afraid of the process or the result now what I mean by that some
people are afraid of the process because they actually need to have steps right
that you need to know I don't have clarity I know where my goal is but
actually I don't know how to get there you know I might need to break it down
further and that's the work that you need to do breaking
down that work that is the journey or the map to get to the goal of the result
or it could be about the result to some what if the goal changes everything else
is my life what if I decide to actually change my relationship sometimes that
happens I've had people that change their lives that end up getting a
divorce that is not usually the outcome that we want to you know advocate but
that happens when you have a life change other parts of your life could change so
you wanted to identify what are you most afraid of is it the process or the
result and then lastly what's the worst case scenario and how likely is it going
to happen so we talked a lot about your brain injecting all sorts of worst-case
scenarios right building up stories of failure that can happen before you do
something so what is that story you like let your egoistic brain sort of pan that
out let it have its way of talking and sort of look and see where it's bringing
you a lot of my fears end up telling me I'll be homeless and alone anyone else
have that same fear hey Ani nice to see you honey
and you know so really get through to that story of what that ego was trying
to tell you that could happen to you let us have this worst-case scenario
meltdown you know and purge but then actually recognize like how likely is it
gonna happen is this something am I really gonna be homeless if I have a
degree I could find a job elsewhere I could make ends meet if I need to I
could move in with my mother if necessary it's not ideal but I will not
be on the street sometimes we have to sort of take a look at what is actually
realistic because fear tends to sort of produce out all sorts of unrealistic
scenarios that will never come true but we need to sort of let it talk it out so
that it has its say and it's not shoved under under the rug so if you're
listening today I have a question for you what are you afraid of and why right
so if you went through some of those questions Jen you said you have that
fear of being homeless I think we all do sometimes when we've grown up in very
sort of poor families like I have definitely done that and I have a
horrible relation with money back in the day so you know that was a fear that
came up for me but if I really looked at all the times I've never been employed
you know unemployed you know I've always tried to be employed I know that I have
skills to share even if it's not my own business you know that you can help
yourself right and that sometimes you have to put those conditions in place to
allow your or you know your your brain to sort of
recognize there is an alternative plan in case something doesn't work out for
you right so what are you afraid of get real honest and this is where you might
do it in this platform is what are you afraid of and why right and go through
some of the questions that you download it to get through to those clarity
questions all right lesson number two on how to build your tolerance for
uncertainty and change lesson number two is identified the missing skill
knowledge or awareness that can ease your fears now you may have heard me say
this before if you've attended other trainings in the past is that fear is
really just in my opinion a missing gap of information a missing gap of
knowledge skills and awareness that's very likely causing your anxiety and
your fear if you don't know something we can actually have a proactive action to
find out what those missing gaps of information is for me so for people who
are afraid to start a business for example a very practical question or
missing gap of information if I don't know my strengths enough to know what
business to start I don't know if my strengths will be valued if I try to
make money with it and those are good questions like those are not questions
to ignore you know and and and and I think that's something to explore you
know in terms of what can I do about this question that's gonna allow me to
ease this fear a little bit so some of the questions you can ask here in this
sort of second step is can I get more information to gain better clarity what
am I missing in terms of my own self-awareness of my strengths or
whatever it is that's missing for you do I have a knowledge gap about the thing
that I'm about to do right so some people I have you know talk about
digital Maddison they're like I want to move to Bali just like you I want to
move somewhere else and be location dependent but the scares the shit out of
me and that could be because you don't know what it feels like to live in a
country like that you don't know what it feels like to make an income from a
country like that you know what kind of business to start maybe to make money
from being abroad and that is the missing gap you will need to get help
with or explore or experiment or research on in order for you to feel
that you can move abroad right Jen you said let me go back in there I think you
said something about it just disappeared the comment
I think he said something about afraid of being successful right just in case
or not being successful sorry and you might have to go back in the workforce
right and that feeling of shame that happens to a lot of people and a lot of
times it's all it's all in our heads we've sort of predetermined what people
will judge us on and criticize us on but your worst critic is very likely
yourself and you're probably the one is that's gonna judge yourself more than
other people I think most people already know you're brave for trying to take
that leap and even if you decide to change paths or you might to get a
part-time job they're probably still admiring you for even taking the leap
because they're not gonna do that as much as you have you know so you have to
give yourself kudos for giving a try and know that even if you have to get a job
that's no shame in that we have to pay the bills we have to feed the kids so we
have to have a roof over our head and it's totally ok to have side side
hustles right good draw I have clients that drive uber you know or babysit or
dog sit as a way of making a side income you know while they pursue their core
business because we know that income doesn't come right away and there's no
shame in doing all that as you transition and you need to let go of
that feeling of being perfect you know feeling good about that which I think it
starts from ourselves right Annie you said your fear of not knowing what I'm
good at yeah that is a fear a lot of people have
about leaving their jobs so your job is not to perpetuate that fear right by
just saying I don't know what I'm good at is that you say well what can I be
good at what sorts of assessments can I do to myself what do I need to get a
coach a career coach or an identification of skills assessment
right just rich sort of look at my inventory of jobs I've done in the past
what I've been actually you know has been meaningful for me to do and can I
explore after trying out that role you know so if I'm good at writing for
example but I've never done it to make an income could you just offer to write
for other people for free you know could you put yourself up on fiverr.com
and actually do a thousand words to edit someone's manual or you know write a bio
page for someone and test out your skills before you can actually say I
don't have anything to offer right so that idea of experimentation Annie for
you is going to be really important so that that fear isn't creeping up the
entire time another question to ask yourself is what don't I know about
myself my motivation or my use that should be driving my actions
right a lot of times we might have these dreams these goals of what we want to
have this amazing paradise on the other side of the rainbow but we have to know
why that whole thing of what we're trying to achieve is important to us why
is it more important than the fear itself you know the cost of not pursuing
my dreams the cost of not going after something I've been thinking about for
so many many moons you know what's that costing me to remain where where we're
at a lot of times we look at the cost of failure the cost of light ship not
working out but we also don't look at the cost of light well if I'm unwilling
to go through that discomfort right and trying new things
what could also happen that's really costly for me forever if I don't make a
move right and what values and I really you know driving my actions for change
so for example if my value is truly freedom right freedom to express myself
freedom to do work I love freedom to live from anywhere and I remain here as
where I am that I'm not honoring my values and do I want to live that way
right so we have to be really honest about what those values are and how that
can actually be a lot of a higher priority than the value of our fears and
then lastly you only know what you know so sometimes you have to sort of
outsource your worries and outsource your concerns to someone else to support
systems that we can absolutely be cultivating in our environment to
actually instill newfound knowledge into our into our circumstance so the
question you can ask us do I know someone who has been in this position
where I am who can provide detail around what currently feels abstract and scary
so you can't get that information or things feel super hazy you've done your
research you've done that self accountability and self assessment and
you're still missing in like how can I really do this what should I be doing
you know to eliminate this fear or know the rest of the right steps right to get
to my goal you might actually need to talk to other people is there anyone
living a life that you currently are hoping to lead or starting a business
you want to start right or having being able to hire a mentor or a coach or or
some sort of advisor that can help you they've done what you are planning to do
it can or cut you two answers you know we're
just having these conversations with other people that might be taking a leak
themselves you know they might have gone through some ways of doing so that can
be really helpful to you as you do this change right don't always try to take it
on on your own it can be very lonely and scary dealing with fear that way but
actually find communities and find people to outsource that worry to by
asking that same question so I have a question for you in this
lesson what do you think is the missing gap of knowledge skills or
self-awareness that you need to find out more about at this current moment it's
going to help you ease this fear a little bit and I promise you if you sit
with each of these questions one by one and answer them from an honest place you
will have clarity on what to do next because your answers will provide
information to really create an action list from an empowered place and really
allow you to grow and succeed so share with me what do you think is your
missing gap of knowledge and skills and awareness that can help you if you know
that answer whether it's outsourcing it or finding it out you're on your own can
help you get to your goal in a much more easier way okay let me know in the
comments okay lastly lesson number three build your
tolerance for uncertainty by making micro decisions okay so as I mentioned
in the beginning I wasn't very brave myself I still am not always the bravest
person in the room but what I do do really well in these days is I make
smaller decisions in order to allow myself to be closer to the bigger goal
and the bigger dream that I have for my life and for my business for anything
that I choose to do that is my better version of life now most humans are not
like a Tony Robbins style person we aren't just people that face adversity
really well and just sort of go I can do this and I could just you know talk
myself into doing things you know Tony Robbins is a beast of a man and he's
amazing and he that's why he doesn't what he does but most of us may not be
in that state of mind or even in a circumstance at the moment that you know
that that really makes us feel very brave and that's really normal I think
99% of people are here because most of us are not a will jump off a cliff and
hold a parachute opens kind of people we are people that take calculus
wrists where people that need to feel some safety net we need some safety net
to make small jumps right so we need to sort of dictate for ourselves what is
that next safety net we have to create in order for us to just move slowly and
more sustainably towards our big goals because the truth is incremental
decisions and actions are really what gets you to your goal in more of a
sustainable way and less of an emotional burdening way when you can do things
slowly right slowly but surely but you do something right something small every
single time so to not scare the shit out of yourself and talk yourself out of
things more often than not because you've jumped way too fast or you're
over planned things you have too high of expectations for yourself we do need to
take smaller bites right towards our goals to really ease ourselves into
courage right that's the only way to build that muscle of resilience and
build that muscle of courage so whenever you feel really scared when you look at
your goal and you go holy shit that feels so far that feels like something I
can't achieve right away you're right so what can you do instead right in order
to make this work for you so instead of looking at what won't work what is hard
what is difficult or what feels hard shift your focus to what can work what
can I do what can I be accountable for today and capable of doing today that
can let this be easy right if it feels too difficult you've you've chewed off
too big of a step right or you haven't found enough information to make that
step and that's where your work should be at okay and I always love asking
myself whenever I feel a bit trumped by what to do next this what does one small
thing I can do today to honor the goals that are important to me just one thing
and that could be just picking up the phone and calling someone that can get
me out of this rut of feeling bad about myself or one thing I can do is actually
just stop thinking about the future and focus on what I can do for to really
help with my environment today you know or do one small thing you know with
Annie you said I don't know what I might be good at right I mean I don't know
what I can do with my skills that maybe one of the things to do is not to know
our business to start but actually to go what am I good at let me take up no to
pad of paper out and actually start taking inventory of skills and I know
how to do things that I know that other people may not know how to do and I can
give value publicly with it and it might be something to experiment with that can
be a great place to start in something very doable then let's just start a
business today right that's too big of a goal to me and one really big important
question to really ask yourself here is what am I willing to tolerate to have
what's really important to me I really love this question because you know one
of my favorite writers is Mark Manson right and Mark Manson says you know
every decision you're ever gonna make you're gonna eat a shit sandwich right
and and you got to discover or identify with shit sandwich you're willing to
swallow because anything that you do even if you're passionate about
something even if you found your passion which you thought great that is awesome
that passion will still come with a shit sandwich that passion will still have a
cost in a way of pursuing it but we want to at least make that thing that you're
about to pursue really worthwhile that you're willing to actually tolerate some
of these shit sandwiches you're about to eat because the reward of that that that
goal or that reward of that decision is going to or you know be a lot more
rewarding and a lot more it Trump's you know that fear that you're going to feel
while doing it so for example if you're an artist okay you love to sell your
your paintings or your art or you love to design right what if you want to be
an artist and you want to be known to be an artist you want to advocate for
yourself as an artist you're gonna need to tolerate being rejected because
that's what happens to artists and musicians and creative people I'm not an
art person I can barely draw a stickman but I do look at my work as a piece of
art right I write about the things I care about when I teach something it
comes from my heart it doesn't really come too much from the logical Prine and
that's something around the passion that I'm you know backing but to put myself
out there to talk to you guys today live like people could be like you're full of
shit and I don't believe what you're saying or I don't want to do that you
know I'm going to have to tolerate this idea of being rejected and criticized in
order to advocate for my art so to me everyone is an artist in some form or
another you don't have to be a musician or a writer or a painter to be an artist
your putting creative things out there to
help in the world and you will be criticized and you will have naysayers
and people that don't believe in your work but you'll have to tolerate that
shit sandwich because the idea of actually impacting some people and being
able to say your thing and spread your voice around the world and spread your
message that might actually be the thing that you're most rewarded with but you
also have to deal with this right that the toleration of being rejected and
that's something to accept and when we can accept that some of our goals and
decisions we're about to make in life will come with hard things then you're
less likely to beat yourself up about going through some of that uncertainty
and going through a bit of those hard moments of you know rejection or
difficulty or failure because it's just part of the formula nothing's wrong has
happened to you and when we don't feel a feeling of wrongness then we don't feel
as much much of that shame and that guilt we just talked about in the
beginning right less of that weight of shame and guilt so what I would love to
hear from you is also what's one small thing post in the comments below if you
were to look at that fear that you have or the uncertainty that you have about
moving forward with a goal that you have what is just one small thing you can do
today right like just I said pick up the phone write a list of inventory do some
research what is that one small bite-size action that can be done in
like an hour that can help you at least honor the goal even if not going to get
you there right away is a step forward towards it so as you do more of these
micro decisions in your life making small decisions right towards your goal
instead of taking a big chunk you can really build this tolerance through this
muscle because muscles built through experience because a lot of times when
you do fail which you will you can actually say oh I totally failed there I
fucked it all up but I didn't die right and didn't really it wasn't the last
thing that ever happened to me and I can get up again dust myself off and begin
again right but we do need that exposure
therapy to be able to face reality see that actually what we've concocted in
our stories and our worst-case scenarios did not happen and that's going to help
us to actually do that better again over and over again right exposure therapy is
your friend and we do that a lot definitely in you know my students in
the Academy or the retreat that we run we call this imperfect action and we
also call this scare sighted scare sighted is being scared about doing
something but you're also really excited is usually the indicator you're about
you want to do that think really badly you're not just excited a lot of things
you're about to do well and you want to do bigger in your life will come with
those mixed feelings of being excited and really scared shitless and that's
the sign you should be looking for if you're just like oh my god this is
awesome and I'm not scared at all you may not actually be playing that big you
might actually just not be at the cusp of your comfort zone and it may not be
exactly the biggest piece of what you want to do right so build your tolerance
for uncertainty by making micro decisions alright so hopefully that was
helpful for you those three steps on how to overcome your fear of uncertainty and
build your tolerance for change they're very practical very doable that you can
start doing today if you are been you have been mulling over right some things
to change in your life and what you want to make some moves on not everything is
done overnight we do have to have the patience and we have to build that
mastery of how we deal with change and how to deal with their emotional
resilience that is just something you cultivate from you know that's overnight
right that just puts on this brave face to do it we have to really analyze a lot
of our behavior a lot of what we're saying to ourselves and our mindset in
our inner languaging that's either keeping us stuck on where we don't want
to be or moving us forward with more positive reinforcement and actions
always get great for that right clarity always comes from imperfect action so if
again if you haven't done that already there is a downloadable which is a
resource of a guide and these clarity questions that we went over today that
you can sit alone on a coffee shop or you know get a glass of wine and just
start actually reflecting on those questions for yourself so that when
you're about to tackle that things that feels really scary this can really ease
your fears a little bit and ease you into the confidence that you need to
feel to pursue the best version of your life and your work thank you guys for
joining me as I said we go on live for these live learnings once a month and we
always love to hear from you so if there's anything that you would love to
learn in future life learnings what we can do to be of service to you what we
can break down just like what we did today to help you move for
with your big goals all you have to do is ask so comment below the video on
this livestream or if you're watching this replay and we'll make sure to make
sure that we're creating these lessons for you for free so that you can
continuously collaborate and learn with us on a virtual level and share with us
on what you're learning in this community thanks so much for joining me
and I'll see you guys in our next live learning have a good day bye
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