Hello everyone this is adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister
welcome to the one bitcoin show today is the final day of 2017 it is December the
20 December the 31st 2017 strong hand buy-and-hold long term thinking 2020
it's really soon because it's gonna be 2018 soup some of you it's already 2018
where you are I'm in San Diego California right now I'm gonna go to the
Gaslamp District and walk around with all the drunks and everything right
after I'm done this show and party it up or whatever you do on New Year's it's
great to be around for the turn of the year to see it become a new year it's
it's always good to be alive we should all thank the Lord for that so it's been
quite a year and we'll get into that in the end at the end of the show a little
a little wrap-up and what to look forward to and there's there's always a
lot to look forward to wait whether it be a new year a new day a new hour you
should always have a positive outlook and this is a time of great positive
thinking I wanna I want to say I want to put that out there and I hope all of you
are in a great mood and uh be careful be careful tonight all right check out the
links section below you get shirts like you know the deal Tresor ledger etc etc
it's New Year's let's just let's get to this for God's sakes
Adam buy you why are you delaying all of this okay but it's kind of people I am I
you know we've got what do we have here 50 live viewers so far that is really
this that's a lot for this day this is that this not many people are going to
see this video so I can say just about anything
thank you yesterday uh-oh pest upset set classified set the super chat at the
end of the show I didn't get to say thanks yesterday you can do super chats
I'll answer your questions I want to give a special shout out to Wade Wade
here in San Diego he picked me up from the airport last night I'm in Baltimore
I'm trying to wrap everything up do some things with my Tresor and I get a email
from a guy named Wade he's like you want to hang out in San Diego I'm like sure
just like that just like that people if you like Bitcoin if you're a fan of the
show and I'm coming to your city you wanna hang out you tell me like eight
hours before I show up I'll go how hang out so wait and I we were hanging out
today we walked along the water we talked a lot of Bitcoin great guy knows
a lot about Bitcoin he watches the show a lot he watches a lot of other shows
too so Wade thank you very much for the ride today and it was a great time and
we'll be in touch Definitely Maybe Wade will appear on this show one day maybe
that's the way to get on the show pick Adam up from the airport you get on the
show I don't know pound that like button is that the last time I saved on that
like button in 2017 who the heck knows no probably not I'm gonna say to eight
more times alright somebody asked over Twitter and you can follow me on Twitter
at Tech vault-tec HB alt they were like it for this B rhodium airdrop remember
they take the snapshot on January 10th so you have to sign with your treasurer
or your ledger or whatever you have to follow their directions i link to it
below yesterday I forgot to link to the verify address link that they have below
you know once you sign with that address on your treasure or you you can verify
the address well someone went on a Twitter was like
it doesn't work with segue if you even if you have a segment address with
Bitcoin it's you can't sign with that and you can I did that last night before
I left Baltimore I did everything I needed to do with my Bitcoin addresses
so I'll get the B rhodium so that when they take the snapshot on January 10th
I'll be title to my be rhodium I've looked it up
on the the B rhodium verify address lookup and sure enough they had it
recorded that I I signed correctly so those of you who have a segment
addresses you try it out too if you want your freebie rhodium and again the
snapshot is on the tenth pressure your exchange is to list B rhodium and also
you get for every Bitcoin you have it your address you get ten B rhodium which
is interesting because they're only gonna make 2.1 million of them ever so
you're getting a lot so that will be interesting it's an interesting
experiment and as I have said a many a time now the guys at B rhodium are very
responsive and hey man if you're a marketing type of guy volunteer for them
or maybe they all have they have a budget I have no idea contact them if
you're if you're a programmer you're a geek I don't know do it also in the
super chat who is this Daniel misc Micah's Ely make the Liese hi remember
me remember whoa you you bagged me I thought he said something else you
bagged me and laughed at me for DNR Denarius coin market calm
so he says this Denarius coin and yeah I did laugh at this guy because I thought
he I I didn't think Denarius even was a real altcoin we were talking about like
fake I was talking about fake gold coins and then someone says Denarius coin and
like the Denarius coin was a coin that they cut pieces of gold off of to make
it - to make it worth less I mean I don't remember the whole story now but I
thought the guy was like I thought he was trolling me but now is this a real
coin so obviously he's paid me five dollars again to mention it it must be
doing well if you watch the show yesterday I talked about how the 50 Roth
T coins are all doing well there's a junk rally right now so I don't know
much about the Nereus coin but if it's doing well I guess it's doing well and
again I that you know you weren't trolling me I
thought you were trolling I thought it was a joke and I was liar I was laughing
during a video like all I got I got trolled but I didn't get true and I
thought too much into it so anyway thank Thank You Danny I do
remember you and that is a memory from 2017 we have all sorts of memories from
2017 okay but thank you for the $5 and thank you for the past donations to
because you did given the past also thanks to everyone who has supported the
show in 2017 and and the years past also but this has been a huge year for the
show it's been a huge year for me in terms of Bitcoin and cryptocurrency and
did my internet presence and Dom just becoming a more free person I guess I
mean I I've only worked for myself for a very long time but now it's like a whole
new level of comfort because of the Bitcoin my savings account which is
Bitcoin has obviously increased a lot in value I mean we a year ago we were
talking about how Bitcoin was about to hit a thousand dollars and now I guess
as of Showtime what is it 13,500 so it's gone up 13.5 times so my my my holdings
have gone up 13.5 times at the very least it's like counting the be golden
tubie cash you know all that fun stuff there's OPSEC again classified giving
two dollars dude you're trying to be the last dude of 2017 to give up to do a
super chat maybe you are thank you very much thank you very much thank you
everyone okay so yeah be rhodium experiment with your segment addresses
many lingham has a very interesting tweet out there I he basically asked I
didn't copy this part of the tweet how do I link to it below so check it out to
tell me what it really says he basically asked people how do they value their
wealth you know I say value your wealth in
Bitcoin he didn't phrase it exactly like that but 48% of people say they value it
in u.s. dollars twenty eight percent say Bitcoin
fourteen percent say other fiat currency ten percent say other cryptocurrency so
okay forty eight percent say US dollar twenty eight percent say Bitcoin let's
come on 2018 let's bring it up that day more people on Vinnie Ling camps Twitter
hello because he obviously has more cryptocurrency people following him than
non cryptocurrency people well maybe he doesn't because you know he's been on TV
and everything for his TV show but we want the people who value their wealth
and Bitcoin to surpass the people who value their wealth in u.s. dollar at the
very least I hope that the people who watch my show that most of you by now
value your wealth and Bitcoin I totally value my wealth and in Bitcoin you know
when I was playing around with the Z classic thing I don't care how much Fiat
that you know it goes up in value I care how much that thing goes up in
value in terms of a Bitcoin that's how I care about all the crypto dividends
whether it be private be gold be cash and for me it's like I'm getting this
thing for free I want to get this amount of Bitcoin out of it I don't care that
it's worth one's worth 301 days for 250 the other day no I care if it's worth
two percent of a Bitcoin one day 1% of a Bitcoin the next day no I wanted to be
2% I'm gonna sell it to for 7 or 3% of a Bitcoin trying to get as much Bitcoin as
possible I have a goal for 2018 how many Bitcoin I want to be at by the end of
2018 and I probably could get to that it's a nice round number
I don't want to you know everybody knows I already have a good amount of side I
want to get to another nice round number there and it would be you know I think I
could probably can get there now if I got rid of all my uh you know the be
gold or I don't know who knows but by the goal is and you should let why I'm
rambling on about this right now is you guys to buy the into 28:18 set a goal
say I want to have 10 Bitcoin by the end of 2018 I would have a hundred Bitcoin
by the end of 2018 and again you don't have to buy it you
you cannot get your Krypton dividends you can just hold it you know put some
pressure on the exchanges in Tresor a ledger to split some of these guys that
are out there or start your own steam it page and earn steam and steam dollars
and trade that in for Bitcoin or just you know you got a bonus from work you
get a fifty thousand dollar bonus at work
yeah then use that to buy Bitcoin sure do that then use your feet I'm saying
I only again I've only used Fiat to buy I mean I've never used Fiat to buy
anything else but Bitcoin Antonelli only I'm gonna tell people to write Bitcoin
with their Fiat only don't don't say oh there's like coins cheaper there's a fee
no oh don't do that get into the Bitcoin alright I've been saying the same thing
all 2017 I said 2060 SN 2015 check out the archives link to below if you don't
believe me why oh my god 600 videos but basically all say the same thing which
is buy it home pound that like button that's all I really say but I mean still
people don't maybe they want to play around with things their Genesis mind
sanity ugh that remember I'll be in Johannesburg omars attempt most likely
for a meister event more details in 2018 we're getting close I only have a little
bit over an hour left here in Sandia it is beautiful in San Diego I haven't been
I was in San Diego as a very young person and so I haven't been here for a
long time but it's beautiful and Petco Park is a complete copy of Camden Camden
Yards trust me it is they all copy Camden Yards Camden Yards in Baltimore
it was the first of the retro ballparks that is where I am from Baltimore so
I've got the can demure can the Arts pride I'm a Petco Park look beautiful
and I got really up close to it it's cotton it I mean I'm not gonna be
the baseball stuff they never won the World Series here so they have to have
their little National League pennants instead of having a World Series title
this did no offense San Diego I'm not nipping on yet I'm not ripping on you
bottom Orioles 1966 1970 1983 world champions
and that is part of by the way all of you people who can't be long-term thing
his long-term thinkers who are impulsive part of my training on being a long-term
thinker I've been waiting since 1983 ok I I know what it was like to wait for a
world series okay that's the last time the world's with the world series my
whole life I've been waiting for enough bass referred up for I know they'll be
back yeah I'll be back one day though or else I'll be back they will win the
World Series one day again just like the Cubs fans had the weight they had the
waiter over a hundred years well I guess they were all dead by the time it
happened but ain't happy and that's the thing with Bitcoin to long term just be
don't be impulsive long term with Europe with your financial management people
think long term alright be private has a new reddit I think they had a problem
with their first reddit I went to it below I also drink to a new article of
theirs below which is you know it's informative a a lot of people have
classic questions about the Z classic be private Bitcoin crypto dividend again
really simple um yes if you hold Bitcoin you will get your be private if you hold
Z classic you will get your V private also that's all I have to say about that
for now was we've talked about in so many other shows now it's ridiculous
Wade Wade they do to pick me up we were talking about the Tresor today and just
how helpful it was you know when he he didn't have a Tresor yet at the time of
the be cash fork so he had to deal with the paper wallet and it was really a
pain and again the Tresor simplifies everything for you you don't have to
worry about the crypt of dividends how you gonna get it they'll do it for you
eventually it's very safe you can send from there from paper
wallets you can't send from the Tresor what is I don't know how much it costs
now it is very much worth the investment whether it be $100 or $200 buying a
crypto a stone you wallet comm use the mine link below or just buy in at Tresor
and use my link below you'll get discounts okay
but that should be your resolution 428 one of your resolute tho resolutions for
2018 dead at reservoir it's safety it'll get your coins off of these exchanges
and again keep your Bitcoin there your Z cash there your aetherium your theorem
plastic your light for your - treasurer does a lot
I probably skip something so make your treasurer resolution in 2018 it has been
it has been great for me I know Andy Hoffman will say it has been great for
him also pound that like button check out crypto Gold Central Command Andy -
what a year has been for andy hoffman you know at the beginning of 2017 he was
mr. gold now he's mr. Bitcoin times are
a-changing people times are a-changing who could have predicted that who could
have predicted anything uh you know that so many of the things that happened
anything had happened I mean I remember March when we had the Bitcoin what would
they even call that the Bitcoin unlimited threat there were threats
every month there were high points every month we had some great shows on here oh
it's a rate this week's in bitcoins that the dad that wanted March when Vinnie
lingham came on in the middle of the show that was the bet that was the best
there was a lot of fun that was getting thrown around man but it was like
breaking dude oh you guys gotta check out the archives for that when I didn't
link to it below but check out the March money it was two hours it was a great
time well what great memories we all have from this year and what you know
we've all mine you we all met some great people some of us did we all met online
and it's funny I think Wade would agree you know when people meet me it's like
they already know me because I do put it all out there and then everyone I have
met in real life says I'm I'm the same as I am right here right now this is who
I am but it's kind of cool when I meet someone who who's followed the show and
just pay attention to the show it's like I know them too it's if you follow the
show if you follow them with all the antics and stuff it's it's cool it's
it's really cool when I meet some who has watched the show now obviously
they they know me better than I know that if they haven't put everything out
there but still there's a there's a compatibility it's really awesome and I
hope to meet more of you in 2018 in person in person again I'll be in again
Colorado I'll go over all the dates I might be in San Francisco next week in
Portland and West Coast tour convinced me to come to Los Angeles next week
people come on I'll be here until the ninth
give me a reason to come up to Los Angeles and then I'll go to San
Francisco afterwards or my friend in Portland okay we're not gonna get into
that and I do like ever I do like Los Angeles I I know Los Angeles what's up
to the people at Echo Park my hipsters up there yeah God so final tweet here
well Panda I forgot to share this yesterday if you really believe Ripple
which isn't even a blockchain project is the future of cryptocurrencies and I
have some big connect and one coin to sell you that's pretty funny dude that's
pretty funny well that adds up all right so 2017 clearly was the greatest year at
Bitcoin history so far but guess what 2018 is gonna be the best year in
encrypted in Bitcoin history so far every year is a better year that's the
excitement in this Sun in this industry and this ecosystem it's so unpredictable
there's so much growth whether it be even the awkward side or the Bitcoin
side of things it has just been wild yeah obviously I think if you're a
programmer if you're an engineer type if you're a technical guy here a marketing
guy i think bitcoin is the best to get into maybe not if you're a marketing guy
actually marketing is sales people they the off points probably need you more
than big point does they'll pay you victory can't pay you the centralized
ones will pay you so what am I saying but it's it's exciting I think all of
you will agree it's exciting and about to enter a new year I will not
make the price prediction I wouldn't even say maybe big boy wanting to be
worth more than thirteen thousand five hundred on the last day of next year I
don't know I do know by 2020 it will be worth more though at the 2020 happy it
will be worth more than it is today that is what long-term thinking is all
about yeah I know some of you think January 1st 2019 seems like it's far
away it is it's just 365 days away that's not very far away
Bitcoin having in 2020 look is a bit further away so that's your goal people
I get one step closer the big point happening in 2020 or what's tough
question the big point having a 2024 or 2028 etc etc etc so thanks for the great
year everyone be proud of yourselves all the people that helped through all of
this be proud be half pride I admire your conviction and you've all done a
great job and those of you who were tempted and sold and everything you know
what no regrets just hold on now hold on now we're still far away from 2020 this
is only the beginning found that like button everyone it's
been a great year I look forward to doing a show every single day of the
year in 2018 other than the second day of Rosh Hashanah and the second day of
Passover which is the tradition so but there will be way more than 365 shows
that in the year though obvious sometimes I do two or three a day thank
you very much everyone i am adam meister the bitcoinmeister the
disrupt meister remember to subscribe this channel like this video share this
video check out the notes section below one final time in 2017 pound that like
button be safe have fun tonight everyone I will see you in 2018
bye bye
For more infomation >> The 1 Bitcoin Show- Brhodium, Bprivate, Bring on 2018! Trezor resolution - Duration: 21:46.-------------------------------------------
Savoy baur in ville zurich Switzerland Europe - Duration: 7:08.
All eyes on me - Meme【Danganronpa AE】 - Duration: 1:01.
sun hao international hotel douliu taiwan asia - Duration: 5:17.
Fox Harb'r Resort in Wallace, Canada, North America. The best of Fox Harb'r Wallace Resort - Duration: 5:17.
Hotel d'Angleterre in Geneva, Switzerland, Europe. The best of Hotel d'Angleterre in Geneva - Duration: 5:07.
American Sign Language ABC's ❤ Jessica Marie Flores ❤ - Duration: 5:16.
Wanna learn the ABC's in American Sign Language?
HELL YEAH you do!
High Five!
Dude, put up your hand.
You're gonna high five the screen right now.
Okay, ready? On the count of 3...
For those of you who actually high fived your screen,
I love you.
There is only 26 letters in the alphabet.
And the best part about American Sign Language
is you don't need to learn how to pronounce anything!
Oh thank god!
#One Of The Many Reasons Why You Should Learn Sign Language.
Also if you do learn American Sign Language
or at least the ABC's...
I'm telling you guys right now,
you could really help...
A homie out.
(AKA me)
So, I'm gonna show you guys how to sign the ABC's
in American Sign Language.
But, at the same time I'm gonna give you guys
my visual tips and tricks
that I used to remember the alphabet.
Let's get started!
So, I always thought that [A] kinda looked
a little bit like an apple.
If you turn it this way it's like
it's got the little stem sticking out.
That's how I remembered it.
(crunching sounds)
So, there's two ways I remember the letter [B]
One way is that it kinda looks like you are holding up a book.
So [B] for "Book".
The other way I remember it is [B] for "Backhand".
You know like all those times you got in trouble
with your parents
and they'd give you the backhand.
"What'd you say to me??"
"Go clean your room!"
[B] for "Backhand".
Now I think it's pretty straight forward.
I mean like, can you not [C]
That the [C] looks like a [C]...
Now the way that I remember [D] is that,
[D] is always going to be number #1.
(Chanting) [D] is number #1! [D] is number #1!
And if it helps, pick any word
that begins with the letter [D] and then say it's number #1.
The way I remember [E]
is imagine you have something gross on your fingernails,
and then you look at it and you're like,
[E] is for "EW".
When it comes to the letter [F] I always like to think,
"Oh I'm fine"
[F] is for "Fine".
"I'm fine guys don't worry about me!"
Now [G] is kinda tricky to remember
because it looks so similar to [H].
But the way that I remember it, is that [G] is for "Go".
And usually when you tell someone to go
you're like, "Hey you need to go!".
If you turn it like this and put a line through it,
it looks like an [H].
[ I ]
Pinkies up! [ I ] is the fanciest letter there is.
You just can't get anymore fancier than [ I ].
[ J ]
You literally take that fancy [ I ] of yours
and just draw a [ J ] with it.
[K] is a hard one for some people to remember.
But I mean if you look at it,
it kinda looks like a [K]...
Cuz' you got the thingy...
And then the other thingy.
[ L ]
is definitely an [ L ].
The [M] to me, always reminded me
of those tiny little [M]'s drawn on the M&M's.
After [M],
Just like the [M] the [N] kinda looks like an [N].
[O] Snaps! How'd that get there?
[O] like the [ L ], super straight forward.
There's two ways I remember [P].
First way is that [P] is actually a [K] upside down.
The second way I remember [P] is that,
[P] kinda looks like two legs are standing up,
and they're peeing.
[P] is for "Pee".
Guy's we got another letter from the upside down.
[Q] is actually a [G] upside down.
Mind blowing.
[R] to me kinda looks like a lower case [r].
But another way that you could remember it is that,
crossed fingers is [R]
In the word "Crossed"...
There's an [R]!
Woah, woah, woah, woahh!
It's not a [A]
it's an [S].
Remember, apples have stems
and [S]'s don't.
The other way I remember [S]
is that you can literally strike somebody with an [S]
Pow! Right in the kisser!
[ T ]
[ T ] is for "Trick".
Because it reminds me so much of all the times
when my grandpa would be like,
"Ah Ha Ha! Got your nose!"
"Just kidding, tricked ya!"
"I don't have your nose!"
[U] looks like a [U].
I mean it doesn't look like YOU but it looks like a [U].
It's a [V].
Which brings me to [W]
it obviously a double [U]
So the way that I remember [X] is that
I literally imagine myself
to be Captain Hook.
And I pretend I'm a pirate looking for my treasure.
And I'm all like,
"AHOY! [X] Marks the spot!"
Sooo... [X]!
Two ways I remember [Y].
One, it looks like a [Y].
And two, "SHAKA!"
[Y]? Because I have family in Hawaii.
I'm all about those Aloha vibes Bro!
Last but not least!
[Z] is for "Zorro".
(sword swishing sounds)
Anyways that's it!
If anyone has some weird ways that helped them remember
the alphabet, make sure to leave them in the comments below!
Hope you guys learned something today!
But more importantly,
Stay cool and I'll see you all later!
Alright guys, ready?
❤ -ABC Review Time!- ❤ Go at your own pace and pause the video.
Star Trek Continues V01 "Turnabout Intruder" Vignette - Duration: 4:39.
I've lost to the Captain.
I've lost to James Kirk
I want you dead!
I want you dead.
I want you dead.
I'm never gonna be the Captain
LESTER: Never...
Kill him...
DR. COLEMAN: You are...
You are as I loved you
LESTER: Kill him..
Can you do anything for her?
DR. COLEMAN: I'd like to take care of her.
DR. MCCOY: Of course...
...Come with me.
KIRK: I didn't want to destroy her
SPOCK: I'm sure we all understand that, Captain.
KIRK: Her life could have been as rich as any woman's
If only...
If only...
She musta really loved you once, sir.
Well if it was ever really love...
Turned to vengeance and anger a long time ago
Like they say, there's a thin line between love and hate.
Very thin
I never cease to be struck...
...by what passion and emotions drive humans too.
<i>What they cause you to become.</i>
Sometimes I almost envy you, Mr. Spock
What'd I miss?
Is that a smile I see on your face, Mr. Spock?
Guess not...
I believe it we're scheduled to rendezvous with the Potemkin
Yes sir. In under four hours
Well let's not keep them waiting.
Lt. Uhura, contact and let them know we'll be...
...Lighting all the boilers. If that's alright with you, Mr. Scott
Ah. As if you hadta ask.
Mr. Chekov...
...Set a course for Beta Aurigae
Course laid in, Sir.
Mr. Sulu...
Warp Six.
Yes, sir.
English Captioning: Peter Goundrill
Valache Birde Recipe | वालाचे बिरडे | Valache Bhirde | Broad Beans Gravy Recipe In Marathi | Archana - Duration: 2:46.
Jimmy Swaggart Ministries We Shall Rise & Aint No Grave Gospel Music & Songs Ft. Tareva Henderson - Duration: 8:26.
Mountain Stream - Canada's New Years Eve: Countdown to 2018 in Mountain Time Zone | CBC - Duration: 1:09:50.
Northcote en Langho, Reino Unido, Europa. Lo mejor de Northcote en Langho - Duration: 5:17.
Relais La Suvera en Pievescola, Italia, Europa. Lo mejor de Relais La Suvera en Pievescola - Duration: 6:53.
wasim akram interview about umar akmal \ Umar Akmal Leaves Interview to medio - Duration: 1:22.
wasim akram interview about umar akmal \ Umar Akmal Leaves Interview to medio
Mutton Rogan Josh (मटन रोगन जोशन) - Restaurant Recipe By Biryani Kingdom - Duration: 11:19.
Subscribe to Food Fatafat and click on the Bell Icon for more latest videos updates.
Hello friends!! How are you all?
Friends do you remember him?
He is the same chef, who serves us Chicken Dum Biryani
and today he will serve us some another new item,
So sir, what will we make today?
Today we will make Mutton Rogan Josh!!
lets see what is the full process of making mutton rogan josh and how it tastes
His name is Amar and he previously he shown us how to make authentic Hyderabad chicken dum biryani, which is really very tasty.
so first, lets see what are the spices and ingredients which we are going to use.
Turmeric Powder, Salt, Cumin Powder, Whole Spices
Curd, Ginger, Bay Leaf, Kashmiri Red Chilli Powder
Coriander Powder, Garam Masala, Coriander Leaves
Ghee, Ginger Paste, Garlic Paste, Chopped Tomato
Chopped Onions, Cooking Oil, Mutton
Heat Up
Whole spices
Cinnamon sticks
Star anise
Big Cardamom
Bay Leaves
Chopped Onions
Garlic Paste
Ginger Paste
Kasmiri Chilli Powder mix with water to give rogan to our mutton
Half Kg Mutton
Fry it for 10 mins
Turmeric Powder
Garam Masala
Cook for 15-20 Mins till mutton gets cooked
After 15 mins. our mutton is almost cooked
Coriander Powder
Cumin Powder
Desi Ghee
Funny Clown Bob | Construction vehicles Excavator & Concrete Spreader in Road Construction for kids - Duration: 3:10.
Hi Kids,
Today Funny Clown Bob will present you a live video with Construction vehicles.
In this video for kids you will learn construction vehicles excavator and concrete spreader in road construction video for kids.
Do not forget to subscribe under the video and like it
Click on the picture to see other funny videos
Here's the best local stories of 2017 - Duration: 1:57.
Home Made Face Pack For Healthy Glowing Skin - Tomato For Face Fairness - Duration: 4:12.
we often spend a lot of money on skin creams on facials to get a glowing skin
before any important occasion or party let us look at some face packs that
include tomato as its main ingredient to pep you in just a couple of minutes
tomato is a natural estrogen that assessee o clean your skin pores
tomatoes are furthermore very rich in antioxidants and help your skin looking
anew for long one tomato for blemishes tomato lightens the blemishes and honey
aids the healing process by supplying essential nutrients and antioxidants for
this remedy we need tomato pulp 2 teaspoons honey
mix ingredients
unhappily the mixture of honey and tomato pulp on your face leave it on for
15 to 20 minutes or until it dries and rinse with lukewarm water - Tommy - for
blackheads for this remedy we need tomato pulp 1 tbsp oats 2 tablespoons
yogurt oatmeal acts as a deep cleanser and removes all the impurities that have
accumulated in the pores yogurt has lactic acid that helps in this cleansing
process by exfoliating the dead cells mix the yogurt and tomato pulp first
and then add oats to the mixture
uh played this baked on your face and keep it on for 20 minutes wash it off
with the regular normal water three tomato for dark circles for this remedy
we need tomato pulp and aloe vera gel tomato has skin bleaching properties
that will lighten the doc and skin under the eyes
aloe vera contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds that will
rejuvenate the skin and also reduce the signs of aging
apply the mixture under-eye area and let it stay for 15 minutes and then rinse it
off with lukewarm water apply these remedies at least once in every day for
quick results for tomeato for golden glow to make this face pack the
ingredients that you would require or one single juicy tomato one teaspoon of
honey 2 to 3 tablespoons of gram flour and curd 1 TSP gram flour has been used
for ears for glowing and beautiful skin even in occasions it is mixed with
turmeric to get a golden glow over the face the combination of tomato with gram
flour will work in a much more fascinating way add the ingredients one
after another and mix it thoroughly
now up legate wobba you face and stay until it dries now rinse the face and
see the difference before and after thank you for watching this video
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New Kid on the Block - Duration: 6:04.
Hey guys, who am I?
Is that the question you're asking well I am a vlogger I don't know.
It's the first video and you know what I think, it's gonna be a good one.
It's the first day of 2018 in Australia and I decided to do something different.
I decided to start this and whatever this is, whether it's good or bad, if it's going
to go up or down who knows but there is one thing I'm certain of, and that is it starts
right now.
Hey guys so we're walking down to the park right now and after new years eve fireworks
man, it wasn't that packed this year but you know it might still be a bit littered, so
yeah see you down there.
Hey guys, we made it to the park, the cicadas are very loud, the sun is out and it's a 29
degree (c) day and I'm just enjoying life at the moment.
I'm on school break so all is good and it's the first day of 2018 and I bet this is gonna
be a great year especially with you guys and I guess I can tell you guys why i decided
to start vlogging my life.
and so the reason I decided to start vlogging in the great year of 2018 is, well not the
fame, not for the money, popularity, none of that.
It's because, well it's a passion, I wanna share content with all of you guys, with the
world and I hope we can make a great fan base, out of it, even if we have a thousand subscribers,
a hundred subscribers, ten subscribers, I'm still going to do this, I'm still gonna be
passionate because this is what i wanna do.
Hey guys, I just wanna remind you to please go click the subscribe button down bellow
and like this video to just show some support because as the new kid on the block, well
I really need it and it'll be much appreciated.
so yeah, and also take a look at this, water is looking good today.
Hey guys, just finished shopping and got me some milk, just some milk you know, cause you need it.
Also got some oats, eat a lot of oats because they are good for you, but yeah shopping update.
Milk is finished, that was some good stuff, yeah.
Hey guys, so we are back home, this is basically where I'm going to end the vlog today, it
has been quite a short one, but it's our first one, so you know i didn't want to to nothing
too big, so yeah.
I might put in some fireworks right now, maybe from last night and I might put some highlights
from the Sydney ones because they were the biggest, I didn't go to those.
Just finishing off for the day, going to edit and upload this in about 2 hours, probably
not 2 hours probably 1 hour, and yeah.
So, I'm glad that I'm doing this obviously and it has been a great first experience and
i'ld love to do more, so.
Daily vlogs is happening.
Please go hit the subscribe button and if there is more videos out by this time please
go watch those.
Leave a like if you enjoyed and please by all means share with your friends, tell them
i'm here because again, I'm going to say it again.
I'm the new kid on the block and I really need some help so thank you all and I will see
you tomorrow.
BF2142 Reclamation Launcher Tutorial (How To Play Battlefield 2142 After Revive Shutdown) - Duration: 9:28.
Hello everyone! My name is Geoffrey and welcome everyone.
Today i'm gonna give you a little tutorial about our launcher, which is going to be our latest update
that's gonna be released on New Year's Eve which is gonna be in two days so
I'm recording this right now I don't have very much time so i apologize in
advance for the quality of the video which is not gonna be very great because
as you can probably see by my shitty desktop, I am a very busy man.
This video will teach you how to use the launcher basically and
all of the stuff that there is to it and also how to play if you don't have a
game, so yeah let's get right into it, so first off you download the launcher this
is what you have so we'll put it on the desktop and we'll run it, so firstly caref-
careful exactly like that because if I don't pay attention, your antivirus will
actually block it because it is, if I just remember the term.. it requires
UAC permissions which means that basically it will need admin permissions
so the anti viruses, they can block that. For me i have to disable
advanced threat defense so you know just be careful sometimes the antivirus will block it.
Once you're in there, you'll see you have three tabs, one for home
one for the maps, and one for help, so firstly you have home, you have the bf version.
So we're gonna do firstly what if you came from revive, so
if you came from revive you will have your game be updated at 1.51
Well for me it says 1.01 because I keep messing with the fucking game
but if you actually look in the registry my game is 1.51
So yeah, you want to have that updated to 1.51
basically what this does,
you can basically just put the screen size you want, so
again to show you that i'm not bullshitting you, i'm gonna put it like this, I'm gonna apply set
and then I'm gonna click play. And what's it gonna do when I click play, is that it's gonna open
Gameranger, so if you don't have Gameranger
don't worry, we'll come to it towards the end of the video with the details & stuff.
So from there on once you join the server chat, you press join, and of course
right now it's 8 a.m. and in the middle of the night for the USA so it's not a very busy moment.
But yeah as you can see i'm not bullshitting you, it launches in
windowed mode, it works perfectly, there you go, but for me I prefer to put it at
custom in 1910 by a 1000 and hit set and then play, it's very, very easy.
And the teamspeak auto-connect is basically if you wanna join our teamspeak or not.
So then you hit play and it will take you to the same window again
and as you can see I just need, once it actually loads, I just need to do
that and I have it in full-screen borderless mode and there's 1.51 here.
So you can see it works perfectly, everything works fine.
So yeah that's basically it
if you came from revive basically that's all you need.
And then there's the maps, which I forgot to actually delete one of the maps for this
video's purpose so the maps are actually located in the levels folder, I'm gonna
delete endstation for that.
Oh okay alright I see, you need to, yeah you
need to relaunch it sometimes so it actually updates the information.
I'm gonna hit the arrow once I've selected a map and you will see
it will download it automatically and it will will put it in the level folder by itself.
It's a very quick download, very easy stuff, but again remember to do
these one by one, otherwise you will create an error
you know, just let it do its thing, so if i refresh it you can actually see
endstation is in there. Very nice indeed. So that's easy. So then the help tab
there's just you know, if you have any problems, the remove compability mode
this is i think, if i remember correctly, this is if you're
if you're stuck on the.. what's it called again?
On the EA login, if you're
getting stuck at connecting, and it doesn't actually connect, this will
actually fix it. You can hit that and apply compatibility mode and
you can re-hit that and it will and it will remove compatibility mode, so
it's a two-way thing.
Then also there's the delete profile, you probably
need to do that because if you came from revive you'll probably need to do
that so yeah, these are just general fixes.
So then you also got a link towards a discord
"Oh what's the discord/(what is discord)?" well on discord, as you can probably tell
by this forum post, this is our forums, very nicely made by our designer
and this is my forum post that will explain to you everything you need to
know about discord.
So yeah here's the invite link and on our discord, if i
actually bring it up, there you go, you have everything you need.
Literally everything, tech support, everything so this is where we'll go now
to the people who don't have a game, so for those who don't have a game, we have
as for the moment the download links here, and I have another one by Google Drive
that i'll maybe put in too, we're doing 10,000 things at the same time so yeah
we're kinda busy. I apologize, but yeah we need to update this.
And basically the launcher will remove all of this, well
except the Gameranger part but it will be much easier to use.
So what if you don't have a game? Well you download it
it's around three gigs and once you have the game it won't be to the latest version.
It will be, I can't remember the exact version, but it won't be 1.51
But you need 1.51, so what you're gonna do is you're gonna go to
to the help tab and you see "install patch 1.50", one after another
you're gonna do these then first you hit "fix", download, I'm not gonna download
it because I don't need it, but yeah you're gonna run this, point it
to where your game is installed and yeah
do these one after another, I cannot stress how important that is, one after
another. Otherwise you will have issues, because you know, it just clogs up the
fucking launcher/ the process so yeah.
Let me think if there's anything else, oh yeah after that you can go here and you can just
choose whatever you want, and that should be basically it, I think.
Alright so one thing I forgot to mention before when I made the recording, is that we actually have
logs for the launcher itself so if there's any problems, if there's any
error with any of the processes it will appear in the Documents folder in BF2142
it will appear under "Hub" and "Logs", as you can see I got one today
"impossible to start the process" you know, it will be in your own language as well
so don't worry about the language, just because it's in French on mine
doesn't mean it will be in French on yours so don't worry about that.
This launcher has been made by Lilly is hot, Lilly is shot or whatever the fuck he
names himself, it's one of our programmers so kudos to him, if you have any problems
or you see anything, report it to him, he is the one who manages this launcher.
And also for the Gameranger part which I forgot to mention
once again everything is on our discord in that part, and I'm also
gonna put that in our forums I think I'm gonna do a complete thing once this
video is actually online, I'm gonna do a complete forum post about how to play.
So yeah these are the instructions and also this will be gone, this won't be
needed anymore and I will do a separate forum post about if you're still confused
about my borderless thing that answers all the questions about that
so yeah, back to the previous recording.
Remember if for additional support
if you need anything, don't hesitate to go in tech support
you know, don't hesitate we are here for you, we have proper tech support people
we're always here, we respond to you very quickly so yeah if you need anything
just come here, we'll be there. So yeah I think that's all. So with that said I hope
you had a very good Christmas and I'll see you guys in 2018!
It's gonna be a great year I can feel it, also master server is coming very well
it's gonna be released I think late January with the stats included
and early January without the stats because it's a lot of work, it's gonna be with
open spy you know, I can't really tell you too much right now I don't wanna
say some bullshit but yeah. I hope you enjoyed this, leave a like if you found it
helpful and if you have any questions, tech support chat or down below in the
comments and I'll see you guys in the next video! Ciao!