Thứ Ba, 26 tháng 12, 2017

Youtube daily report Dec 26 2017

Hey, what's up?

John Sonmez here from

I've gotten quite a few questions about like what should I do with my life.

Should I do this, make decision or this decision?

In fact, I'd say a majority of the emails that I get from you guys are emails basically

asking for my advice on a particular situation on making some kind of life decision, whether

it be what major that you should take in college, whether you should take this job or that job,

whether you should pursue this sport or that sport.

All kinds of questions about big decisions that you have in life.

I've been there too.

I have definitely struggled with making decisions on which way should I go, but one thing that

I found is really, really important to consider is that the decision like what you do doesn't

matter as much as how you do it.


You know, how you do something is so much more important than what you do.

This might seem like this isn't true.

You might say, "No, John.

This doesn't make sense.

I disagree with you.

Making the right decision and choosing what you do is really, really important," but,

you know, I will tell you this, is that most of the time when you're making a decision,

when you're choosing between two things that are somewhat—what you think might be equally


If you actually make a decision between two things, you probably narrowed things down

to what you think are probably like the best two choices or maybe there are only two options.

Most of the time, they're all good options.

They can all be successful.

There's a lot of roads, there's a lot of paths that can lead to success in life, but every

single one of those roads is going to require you to execute.

Most people, what they lack is execution.

They lack the ability to actually put in the hard work and to execute successfully.

The problem is not that they're making bad decisions in life.

It's that they're not executing on the decisions that they are making.

You can make perfect decisions on choosing the perfect major in college or the perfect

job, or the perfect workout routine or diet.

If you don't execute on that, if you don't put in everything that you have, if you're

not doing—I did this video on nine or above, but if you're not doing a nine or above, it's

going to matter a lot less than the actual decision itself.

What I would encourage you to do is to think about, for a lot of decisions that you're

making in life, not which one is right?


Because we don't have crystal balls.

We can't predict the future, right?

It's like betting on the stock market.

I mean you can pick a stock and you can think that this one is going to do well.

Ultimately, no one knows the future.

For a lot of decisions in life, no one knows what the answer is going to be, whether this

will be a better decision or not.

A lot of times, even making a suboptimal decision can be overcome by putting in a more than

optimal amount of effort.

How you do the thing.

The other part of this also is that you have to realize that it's not all about results.

It's not all about the outcome.

I talked about this a lot in a lot of videos.

I did this video on making—what it felt like making my first million dollars and I

talked about this a lot in that video if you're curious about that and that story.

A lot of it is about how you feel about what you're executing on, what you're doing.

How you do things is going to determine your overall well-being, a lot more than what you're

doing and the result that you get from that, the kind of success that you get.

You can feel a lot better and I'll tell you this.

A lot of you won't believe this, but I'll promise you that you'll feel a lot better

in life giving your all and executing as well as possible, putting in hard work and putting

your maximum effort in and making a small amount of money for that, but knowing that

you've given it your all, knowing that you've put in the execution that was necessary in

order to achieve the success, even if it's a small success, then you will being handed

something that you didn't have to work very hard for even if there's a great price attached

to the end.

Again, I know a lot of you say, "No.

I just want the money.

Just show me the money."

I understand that, that perspective, but I'm telling you that in the long run in life that

the thing that's going to matter is that you've earned what you've gotten, that you've actually

put in the effort.

You shortchange yourself if you achieve a result without putting the effort that is

required to deserve that result.

Does that make sense?

Do you see what I'm saying?

That's why I say that like when you're making these decisions, don't make the decision

based on a crystal ball on thinking what will produce the best possible outcome.

A lot of people do this in career choices.

They say, "Well, what's going to produce me the maximum amount of pay?

Do doctors make more than lawyers?"

I don't know.

It doesn't really matter, but I'll tell you what.

Who makes the most money is the person or whose—it doesn't even matter about making

the most money in this case, but who is the most successful, who is the most fulfilled

in their life is the person who actually puts in the work.

Whatever you choose, make sure that you're going to be able to give it your 100%.

It might not be your passion, but you can be passionate about it.

You can bring passion and you can give your 100% to whatever you choose.

Whatever I'm doing in life, if I'm going to do it, I'm either going to bring my 100% to

it, I'm either going to bring my nine or above game or I'm not going to do it at all.

That's what influences my decisions more than the actual what is the most optimal thing.

I could give an example here with Simple Programmer.

A lot of the decisions, a lot of things I do with my life, if my goal were to just make

as much money as possible, I wouldn't be doing a lot of things that I'm doing.

I wouldn't be doing things the way that I'm doing, necessarily recording two to three

YouTube videos a day.

Probably, it's not as profitable as I could spend that time either doing coaching where

I bill 2000, 3000 bucks an hour or doing some kind of consulting, or building up another

product or doing some investing.

There's a lot of other ways that I could be spending my time that would produce a larger

amount of money, but I'll tell you what, the thing that I'm going to put my all into because

I want to is recording the YouTube videos.

It's creating this channel, it's doing this stuff, because this means a lot to me.

Again, it might not be—it is something that I'm passionate about, but I'm bringing the

passion to it.

I've decided to make this decision, to go down this path, to do what I'm doing with

my time because I know that I'm going to bring my all to this because this is something that's

important to me and I've chosen that.

Ultimately, like I said, I could choose different paths.

I could do different things.

If I were spending my time blogging and I did for a long time, I would be putting my

100% into the blogging.

Those choices, again, are not as important as what you bring to it.

When you're making the decision in life, don't just think about what is potentially going

to have the best outcome.

Think about what is going to—what are you going to be able to commit to 100%?

What are you going to be able to put in the work, the effort required to achieve success,

and what are you going to be able to sustain over the long run?

What thing is it that you're going to be able to keep on putting in that maximal effort


Then focus on how you do it.

Once you start executing, start focusing on how you do it.

There's a bunch of diet programs and fitness programs that will get you phenomenal results.

You don't necessarily have to have a magic bullet program, although I think the one that

I'm working on creating is going to be pretty close to that because it's pretty damn good.

It doesn't matter if you follow my program or something else's program.

You have to execute.

There's probably a hundred different diet and fitness programs that could get you really

good results.

Now, some of them might be better than others, like I said, but the problem is not that people

don't have the right advice.

It's not that people don't have an effective diet or fitness program.

The reason why they don't achieve results has to do with how they do it.

They're not consistent.

They're not executing on it.

They're not doing what they're supposed to do.

This the whole metaphor that I'm trying to explain here for life and making big decisions

is again, it's not so important to pick the very best one.

What's important is that you actually execute, that you actually follow through, that you

give it your all and how you do it is not only going to affect the outcome more than

the decision itself in most cases.

I mean there are some poor decisions that you can make, but it's also going to affect

more than anything else, how you feel about it and how you feel about the result that

you get because you're going to achieve a suboptimal result but have deserved it and

have earned it, and have put in the work and you're going to feel good about that.

Whereas, you can achieve a grandiose result with—if you haven't put in the effort,

if you haven't put in the work, if you haven't earned it, that's the road to actually depression

and suicide that a lot of—you'll see this in a lot of celebrities, a lot of rock stars,

a lot of people that feel like they've gotten a bounty dumped on them that they didn't

deserve in life because they haven't earned it.

Focus on earning things.

Focus on how you do things, not what you do and that's the path that's going to lead to

the most success in life and the most fulfillment in what you're doing.

All right, that's all I got for you today.

If you like this video, make sure you click the Subscribe button below.

Click the bell so you don't miss any videos.

I'll talk to you next time.

Take care.

For more infomation >> Less Research, More Action! - Duration: 9:11.


ТОП 10 САНТА КЛАУСОВ Снятых На Камеру - Duration: 6:24.

For more infomation >> ТОП 10 САНТА КЛАУСОВ Снятых На Камеру - Duration: 6:24.


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For more infomation >> Custom Verdi Park Model has 1 Bed · 1 Bath · 399 SqFt - Duration: 2:54.


Create Anything Using Your Subconscious Mind Power. Wealth, Law of Attraction - Duration: 12:24.

I want to begin this session with a discussion on what role actions play, and

how to use them in creating riches. It's important to know what role actions play,

and how to use them in creating riches or anything else for that matter. Actions

are used to enable us to receive what we've already created on the

non-physical level. Actions make it possible to receive

what's coming your way from your intentions. Intention initiates the

creation of riches. An action enables the reception of those riches. One of the

mistaken certainties or misconceptions that most people operate under is that

you can get what you want in life by what you do or through the actions you

take. Most people believe that the doing or the action part is what makes things

happen, and this is not true. In fact if you analyze it, 90% of most people's

actions are spent trying to compensate for inappropriate creating. We've all

been programmed that in order to get what we want in life that we have to

work hard. And this is a core belief of most people. How many times have you

heard no pain no gain? The implication is that if you want to make something of

yourself, you have to work hard. The message is clear: if you're not hurting

or struggling, you're not moving forward. But here's the truth.

Anytime you're struggling, you're miss creating. Any time that you feel pain or

struggle, your magnetic point of attraction is directed to that which you

do not want rather than to that which you desire. The reason we put so much

emphasis on wasted action is because we don't understand the power of thought.

When you've learned how to focus on what you really want instead of what you

don't want, you're going to find there's a lot less action necessary to

accomplish your goal. Most of the action that we take is because we get caught up

in the after effects of our unconscious thinking. We spend most of our action

putting out brush fires along the way that are created by focusing on what we

don't want instead of what we do want. And so we have to take action

to correct our situation. However, when you use the process of creating only by

focusing on what you want, you will see that the universe will provide a

different set of circumstances for you that will require much less action. Now

I'm not saying that action is not important or necessary. The point I'm

trying to make is that the majority of action that people take is not in

harmony with their true intention. Most people act out of doubt, fear, and worry.

And what most people are doing is utilizing action to compensate for

inappropriate thought. The problem is that most of us are preoccupied with

doing. Unfortunately, most of our doing usually involve struggle. In the Western

world we're conditioned to be action-oriented. And so we place a

tremendous value on doing. We're so busy doing that we don't realize that in all

this doing this it causes us to create in the reverse fashion. The problem is

that you limit what you can accomplish when you focus on the doing or the

action process. In addition to creating in reverse, not much action is done in

joy. We're conditioned to deliberately sacrifice joy in the moment for the sake

of some future reward that we believe that will bring us the happiness that we

seek. This causes us to live out of the moment and to look towards someplace in

the future for the satisfaction that we're chasing after. Most people believe

that in order to get what they want, they must focus on what they need to do.

Usually this causes them to take actions out of fear, worry, or doubt because

nothing will get done unless they do something. In other words, they're trying

to force their desire into manifestation through action. Most of the time these

actions are counterproductive. That causes them to take another action to

try to fix it. Then getting more frustrated, they take another action and

so on. If your decision to do is dominant, then you will not focus on what you want

to be in the present moment. Most people reverse the creative process.

in other words, they say I will do this, then I will have this, then I will be

happy. For example, I will do this work, and I'll earn enough money, then I'll

have this lifestyle that I want to have, and then this will cause me to be happy.

That's creating in reverse. I'm not saying you won't get there, but I can

assure you it's a very difficult path. People often say to me I don't know what

to do. What should I do? The answer is simple: if

you don't know what to do don't do anything. The fact that you

don't know what to do simply means you don't have enough information yet. so

don't do anything. When it's time for action,

you will feel positive emotion, and that's your time to move. Otherwise your

action is counterproductive. Again, realize that it's not your action that

makes things happen. it's your intent. We've been conditioned

to believe that we must perform a certain amount of activity in order to

gain a certain amount of results. What this means is that we're very limited in

what we can create, because of our belief that there's only so much time available.

Said another way, we believe there's only so much action that we can take within

this limited amount of time. Our mistake is believing that our action is what

really creates. Most people try to use action rather than aligning their energy.

And then they feel overwhelmed because they can't produce enough action, or they

can't put enough effort to make it happen. Action is and should be

just the way you reap the rewards that you've created through your thought. The

key is to make a decision that any action you take will always come based

on what you're thinking and how you feel. If the universe is responding to your

magnetic thought vibration, do you think it makes any difference whether your

vibration is in response to what you're thinking and feeling, rather than to what

you're doing? And the answer is obvious: no there is no difference. Here's the

secret - you can reduce the need for action to a very minimum by allowing

yourself to focus on what you desire until you feel the positive energy begin

to move within you. This energy is not based on doubt, fear,

anxiety, worry, or need. If you focus on what you want instead of what you don't

want, you will know when it's time to take action. And when you do it will be

effortless. Doors open and the entire universe will conspire to assist you in

your desire. Put simply, you should take no action on anything until you

visualized your desire and made it real enough in your mind that your next step

or your next action, whatever it is, seems like the most logical step. How can you

know the next step is the logical step? Here is the test that you can give

yourself before you take any action. If you focus on what you desire, and you

still feel overwhelmed or anxious, then you're not ready for any action. You know

you are ready when it feels like the next logical step is effortless. There's

no effort, no strain, and no pain. Unfortunately, most of the time the

action that we take doesn't feel like the next logical step. And the reason it

doesn't feel that way is because we're trying to force things

to happen. Therefore, it's not the next logical step. What we want to do is use

the leverage of energy. The same leverage of energy that creates everything in the

universe. For example, 17 seconds a focused thought that is not contradicted

by fear, doubt, and worry is equivalent to over 10 hours of action or activity. Just

60 seconds of focused, non-contradicted thought is equivalent to more action

than you could take in a day. The problem is we rarely hold ourselves in focus

with non-contradicted thought for even seventeen seconds. We're so caught up in

the reality of what is that we feel we must put in more time and create

everything through mental effort and physical activity. Have you ever seen

people who seem like they have all the wonderful things in their life without

much effort? It's almost like they have an advantage over everyone else. Then you

see people who work the hardest, they usually have the least. That

doesn't seem fair does it? But that's the way the universe works. Unfortunately,

those who work the hardest usually have the least, because they haven't learned

the leverage of aligning their energy. They're going about creating their lives

the hard way. They're trying to use their actions to create what they want.

Remember, the creation of anything is through your vibration. Everything

vibrates, and it's by vibrating that we harmonize and attract the experiences to

ourselves. So before you act or do anything. first ask yourself how am I

vibrating? How do you tell? You tell by how you feel. Your feelings show you your

vibration. How you feel determines what you attract. Action is necessary, but it's

the last step. It cannot be used effectively to initiate, because the

initiation is the function of being, then thought, then action. Now if you want to

take action, here's something that you can do that will assist you in creating

massive riches, or to create anything else that you desire in your life. And

it's based on the two most powerful words in our vocabulary. What are these

two words? The two words are "I am." These are the two most powerful words in our

vocabulary. When we say I am, we are creating our present reality. By saying I

am in reference to the things that we don't want, such as I am fat I am

overwhelmed, I'm broke, I'm frustrated, I'm sick and tired, I'm forgetful and

worthless. our body and life force hears us and responds accordingly. As we

continue to focus on the negative I am, we invoke negative feelings that send

out a powerful signal that attracts more of what we're giving our attention to.

Here's a sample of some of the I am statements that you can use. I attract

money easily. There's always more money coming in than going out. I spend money

wisely and comfortably. I'm open and receptive to new avenues of

income. Money is my friend, I enjoy my experience with it. I am

comfortable with large sums of money. I'm rich and I'm generous.

I'm worthy and I deserve large sums of money. I consciously rejoice in and I

bless the good fortune of everyone. I'm grateful for everything that I have in

my life right now. I am seeing the good and all of the events and details of my

life. I'm creating more and more experiences that generate feelings of

joy. I'm attracting like-minded people who can help me fulfill my desires. As I

ask for what I want, I let the universe take care of orchestrating all the

details and bringing me what I've asked for. And I'm grateful for this powerful

assistance. As you practice this process daily, you'll begin to see evidence of

your I am statements develop in your life. As these things start to come to

you, don't forget to express your gratitude. When we speak these I am

statements we're truly creating our ideal reality.

For more infomation >> Create Anything Using Your Subconscious Mind Power. Wealth, Law of Attraction - Duration: 12:24.


Alessio Arena - Atacama #5 Pisagua es nombre de sirena - Duration: 4:24.

For more infomation >> Alessio Arena - Atacama #5 Pisagua es nombre de sirena - Duration: 4:24.



For more infomation >> JUDGE LAUREN..."TRAIN WRECK",THIS WAS BAD AND IT GOT WORSE!!! - Duration: 16:30.


camping campfire ฮักอีสาน บ้านเฮา กินข้าว เผาข้าวหลาม จี่หนังควายหลอด บรรยากาศบ้านทุ่ง โต้ลมหนาว - Duration: 26:41.

Hello everyone. Welcome to Hug Isan ban hao "ฮักอีสาน บ้านเฮา" channel. I hope your enjoy for watch my VDO. please enjoy with my cooking VDO and eat Isan food .

For more infomation >> camping campfire ฮักอีสาน บ้านเฮา กินข้าว เผาข้าวหลาม จี่หนังควายหลอด บรรยากาศบ้านทุ่ง โต้ลมหนาว - Duration: 26:41.


10 Ways to Disarm Negative or Difficult People - Duration: 9:33.

10 Ways to Disarm Negative or Difficult People

"Dwelling on the negative simply contributes to its power."

~Shirley MacLaine

I love her to death, but it's draining to talk to her.

Every time I call this friend of mine, I know what I'm in for: a half-hour rant about

everything that's difficult, miserable, or unfair.

Sometimes she focuses on the people she feels have wronged her, and other times she explores

the general hopelessness of life.

She never calls to see how I'm doing, and she rarely listens to what's going on in

my life for more than a minute before shifting the focus back to herself.

I tell myself I call because I care, but sometimes I wonder if I have ulterior motives to pump

up my ego offering good advice or even to feel better about my own reality.

I'm no saint, and if there's one thing I know well, it's that we only do things

repeatedly if we believe there's something in it for us.

Even if that something is just to feel needed.

While I believe everyone deserves compassion, I understand what she meant after reading


She went on to describe her offensive, sexist, racist boss who emotionally exhausts everyone

around him.

He sounds a lot more hateful than my friend, who is sadly, just terribly depressed.

But these people have one thing in common: boundless negative energy that ends up affecting

everyone around them.

So today I started thinking about how we interact with negative or difficult people.

People who seem chronically critical, belligerent, indignant, angry, or just plain rude.

When someone repeatedly drains everyone around them, how do you maintain a sense of compassion

without getting sucked into their doom?

And how do you act in a way that doesn't reinforce their negativity and maybe even

helps them?

So here are the things that might help you deal with negative or difficult people.


Resist the urge to judge or assume.

It's hard to offer someone compassion when you assume you have them pegged.

He's a jerk.

She's a malcontent.

He's an–insert other choice noun.

Even if it seems unlikely someone will wake up one day and act differently, we have to

remember it is possible.

When you think negative thoughts, it comes out in your body language.

Someone prone to negativity may feel all too tempted to mirror that.

Try coming at them with the positive mindset you wish they had.

Expect the best in them.

You never know when you might be pleasantly surprised.


Dig deeper, but stay out of the hole.

It's always easier to offer someone compassion if you try to understand where they're coming


But that can't completely justify bad behavior.

If you show negative people you support their choice to behave badly, you give them no real

incentive to make a change (which they may actually want deep down).

It may help to repeat this in your head when you deal with them: "I understand your pain.

But I'm most helpful if I don't feed into it."

This might help you approach them with both kindness and firmness so they don't bring

you down with them.


Maintain a positive boundary.

Some people might tell you to visualize a bright white light around you to maintain

a positive space when other people enter it with negativity.

This doesn't actually work for me because I respond better to ideas in words than visualizations.

So I tell myself this, "I can only control the positive space I create around myself."

Then when I interact with this person, I try to do two things, in this order of importance:

Protect the positive space around me.

When their negativity is too strong to protect it, I need to walk away.

Or the 2nd thing, help them feel more positive, not act more positive which is more likely

to create the desired result.


Disarm their negativity, even if just for now.

This goes back to the ideas above.

I know my depressed friend will rant about life's injustices as long as I let her.

Part of me feels tempted to play amateur psychiatrist, get her talking, and then try to help her

reframe situations into a more positive light.

Then I remind myself that I can't change her whole way of being in one phone call.

She has to want that.

I also can't listen for hours on end, as I've done in the past.

But I can listen compassionately for a short while and then help her focus on something

positive right now, in this moment.

I can ask about her upcoming birthday.

I can remind her it's a beautiful day for a walk.

Don't try to solve or fix them.

Just aim to help them now.


Temper your emotional response.

Negative people often gravitate toward others who react strongly, people who easily offer

compassion or get outraged or offended.

I suspect this gives them a little light in the darkness of their inner world, a sense

that they're not floating alone in their own anger or sadness.

People remember and learn from what you do more than what you say.

If you feed into the situation with emotions, you'll teach them they can depend on you

for a reaction.

It's tough not to react because we're human, but it's worth practicing.

Once you've offered a compassionate ear for as long as you can, respond as calmly

as possible with a simple line of fact.

If you're dealing with a rude or angry person, you may want to change the subject to something

unrelated: "Dancing with the Stars is on tonight.

Planning to watch it?"


Question what you're getting out of it.

Like I mentioned above, we often get something out of relationships with negative people.

Get real honest with yourself: have you fallen into a caretaker role because it makes you

feel needed?

Have you maintained the relationship so you can gossip about this person in a holier than

your way with others?

Do you have some sort of stake in keeping the things the way they are?

Questioning yourself helps you change the way you respond which is really all you can


You can't make someone think, feel, or act differently.

You can be as kind as possible or as combative as possible, and still not change reality

for someone else.

All you can control is what you think and do, and then do your best to help them without

hurting yourself.


Remember the numbers.

Research shows that people with negative attitudes have significantly higher rates of stress

and disease.

Someone's mental state plays a huge role in their physical health.

If someone's making life difficult for people around them, you can be sure they're doing

worse for themselves.

What a sad reality, that someone has so much pain inside them they have to act out just

to feel some sense of relief, even if that relief comes from getting a rise out of people.

When you remember how much a difficult person is suffering, it's easier to stay focused

on minimizing negativity, as opposed to defending yourself.


Don't take it personally, but know that sometimes it is personal.

Conventional wisdom suggests that you should never take things personally when you deal

with a negative person.

I think it's a little more complicated than that.

You can't write off everything someone says about you just because the person is insensitive

or tactless.

Even an abrasive person may have a valid point.

Try to weigh their comments with a willingness to learn.

Accept that you don't deserve the excessive emotions in someone's tone, but weigh their

ideas with a willingness to learn.

Some of the most useful lessons I've learned came from people I wished weren't right.


Act instead of just reacting.

Oftentimes we wait until someone gets angry or depressed before we try to buoy their spirits.

If you know someone who seems to deal with difficult thoughts or feelings often (as demonstrated

in their behavior), don't wait for a situation to help them create positive feelings.

Give them a compliment for something they did well.

Remind them of a moment when they were happy, as in "Remember when you scored that touchdown

during the company picnic?

That was awesome!"

You're more apt to want to boost them up when they haven't brought you down.

This may help mitigate that later and also give them a little relief from their pain.


Maintain the right relationship based on reality as it is.

With my friend, I'm always wishing she could be more positive.

I consistently put myself in situations where I feel bad because I want to help, because

I want her to be happy.

I've recently realized the best I can do is accept her as she is, let her know I believe

in her ability to be happy, and then give her space to make the choice.

That means gently bringing our conversation to a close after I've made an effort to


Or cutting short a night out if I've done all I can and it's draining me.

Hopefully she'll want to change some day.

Until then, all I can do is love her, while loving myself enough to take care of my needs.

That often means putting them first.

Well, that's the 10 ways to deal with negative or difficult people.

Hopefully after watching this video you can manage yourself more in order to deal with

negative or difficult people around you.

Please do share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to give us account subs and watch other amazing videos on our channel.

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 10 Ways to Disarm Negative or Difficult People - Duration: 9:33.


Best Friends Discover They Are Brothers - Duration: 0:34.

For more infomation >> Best Friends Discover They Are Brothers - Duration: 0:34.


Talkin' With Joe 12/26 - Duration: 3:02.

For more infomation >> Talkin' With Joe 12/26 - Duration: 3:02.


Elio&Oliver┃I wish you only knew - Duration: 3:44.

When you least expect it

nature has cunning ways of finding our weakest spot

-Elio? Elio, you alright?

-Ow you'll fucking kill me if you do that

-Oh, I hope not

But to make yourself feel nothing

so as not to feel anything

what a waste

-Oh, does that mean we're on speaking terms but not really?

-No, no, no, no, no

-Means we can't talk about those kinds of things,

-We just can't

-You really that afraid of what I think?

-You saying what I think you're saying?

-I'd kiss you if I could

-You're making things very difficult for me

-You're not sick of me yet?

-This make you happy?

-I just wanted to be with you

-I don't want you to go

-Are you happy I came here?

-I'm glad you came


-I'm nervous

-Can I kiss you? -Yes please.

You were both lucky to have found each other because...

You too are good

-Do you know how happy I am that we slept together?

-I don't know

-Of course you don't know

You're too smart not to know how rare...

CALL ME BY YOUR NAME AND I CALL YOU BY MINE special, what you two had was.

For more infomation >> Elio&Oliver┃I wish you only knew - Duration: 3:44.


32歲美胸皇后劉伊心「閃嫁豪門」後一心想生龍鳳胎!大24歲CEO老公「突然怒嗆」現場沒人敢插話! - Duration: 1:53.

For more infomation >> 32歲美胸皇后劉伊心「閃嫁豪門」後一心想生龍鳳胎!大24歲CEO老公「突然怒嗆」現場沒人敢插話! - Duration: 1:53.


Hmoob song Remix | Nkauj hmoob remix 2018 | nkauj tawm tshiab - Duration: 6:08.

For more infomation >> Hmoob song Remix | Nkauj hmoob remix 2018 | nkauj tawm tshiab - Duration: 6:08.


又一只網紅狗狗永遠地離開了我們,其實做好這一點就能避免悲劇 ✔ - Duration: 4:20.

For more infomation >> 又一只網紅狗狗永遠地離開了我們,其實做好這一點就能避免悲劇 ✔ - Duration: 4:20.





울긋불긋한 여드름 피부를 유발시킨 황당한 이유 - Duration: 4:57.

For more infomation >> 울긋불긋한 여드름 피부를 유발시킨 황당한 이유 - Duration: 4:57.


Гномы-вредители: Дуэль. Обзор настольной игры от Игроведа. - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> Гномы-вредители: Дуэль. Обзор настольной игры от Игроведа. - Duration: 2:54.


Lauren's List: Rules On Returning Gifts - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> Lauren's List: Rules On Returning Gifts - Duration: 2:07.


Why Not To Trust The Change Engine Oil Light - Duration: 3:17.

one, two, three, four!

Rev up your engines!

It's time for the Scotty Kilmer Channel

Today I'm going to talk about if you should trust those little warning systems in your car

that tell you when it's time to change your oil,

now theoretically they are complex systems that take into driving speed, all kinds of

things, and tell you when it's time to change your oil, but really, I've seen too

many problems with them and I would not trust them, as an example, take this Yukon,

the lady drove it until it said it was time to change the oil, and guess what I

found, when I drained the oil out it was this black horrid stuff, and this is all

that came out, about a quart and a half of oil, and the engine holds six quarts,

so trusting that stupid system that tells you when to change the oil, hey, it

might have led to some internal damage on this engine, I'm going to put some additive in

to try to help it out, but you don't want this to be something that

happens to you, and realize this happened in a vehicle where the system was

actually still working, I seen them where the system just stopped and never told

them they needed to change their oil, and that led to some engines blowing up,

because they never got a warning, so they never change their oil, so really, do like

I do, go to your memo on your phone and just type in when you want to change

the oil and how many miles or what date it needs to be changed, I do like I do, the old

style, write in a notebook, throw in a glove box, then you know

it's there and you can look at it every once in a while to see when it's time

because these electronic warning systems, hey, sometimes they're just a moneymaker,

you'll wear your engine out faster, then you're going to buy another vehicle, so

I don't trust them, because this Yukon, it's got one hundred and twenty one

thousand miles, it's well out of warranty, so if the engine goes out guess who pays

for it, certainly not GMC, it's going to be you, and of course if the light comes on

warning it's time to change the oil when you have the oil changed, you need to

reset it, and there's some pretty crazy ways that reset some of them, you can

always google it and find a way for your particular vehicle, but look at the crazy

setup on this Yukon, what you have to do to reset it, so you change your engine

oil but the stupid change engine oil soon light is still on, how do you

turn it off, well some of this stuff is crazy, on this Yukon, you just turn the

key on with the engine not running, then you step on the accelerator, one, two,

three times fast, now it's reset itself, notice the light is

off, boy they are sure coming up with some crazy ideas now, I guess the software

engineer who wrote it was a Wizard of Oz fan, like Dorothy clicking her heels

three times and going back to Kansas, so when it's time to change your oil, don't

trust those stupid warning systems, do it by mileage or time, because really oil is

cheap, maybe you changed a little bit earlier great, an engine costs many

thousands of dollars, and a quart of oil even the good stuff is only six or seven

dollars a quart and remember, if you have any car question just visit the Scotty Kilmer Channel, and I'll answer them, as soon as I get back from paradise,

assuming I come back!

For more infomation >> Why Not To Trust The Change Engine Oil Light - Duration: 3:17.


Motorcycle Rear Ends Scooter | Crash | What Really Happened? - Duration: 2:07.

Just another normal ride through the rush hour traffic and coming to a stop at red light when this motorcycle appears to be speeding is caught by surprise by the scooter guy in front. He crashed but I think road rage was avoided. What do you think happened? P.S. Please wear Helmets guys and ride responsibly. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

For more infomation >> Motorcycle Rear Ends Scooter | Crash | What Really Happened? - Duration: 2:07.


Cách Tạo Kiểu Tóc Nam Đẹp Tại Nhà - Đẹp Trai Chuẩn Bài - Duration: 20:11.

For more infomation >> Cách Tạo Kiểu Tóc Nam Đẹp Tại Nhà - Đẹp Trai Chuẩn Bài - Duration: 20:11.


Train Like A Warrior -Coming ...

For more infomation >> Train Like A Warrior -Coming ...


For more infomation >> Train Like A Warrior -Coming ...


Les plantes qui favorisent le sommeil - Duration: 5:38.

For more infomation >> Les plantes qui favorisent le sommeil - Duration: 5:38.


For more infomation >> Les plantes qui favorisent le sommeil - Duration: 5:38.


Tex viré de France 2 : « totalement dingue», selon Nagui - Duration: 2:02.

For more infomation >> Tex viré de France 2 : « totalement dingue», selon Nagui - Duration: 2:02.


For more infomation >> Tex viré de France 2 : « totalement dingue», selon Nagui - Duration: 2:02.


Tex viré de France 2 : « totalement dingue», selon Nagui - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> Tex viré de France 2 : « totalement dingue», selon Nagui - Duration: 2:06.


For more infomation >> Tex viré de France 2 : « totalement dingue», selon Nagui - Duration: 2:06.


Avec leur lait 100% sarthois, ces éleveurs retrouvent foi en l'avenir - Duration: 4:09.

For more infomation >> Avec leur lait 100% sarthois, ces éleveurs retrouvent foi en l'avenir - Duration: 4:09.


For more infomation >> Avec leur lait 100% sarthois, ces éleveurs retrouvent foi en l'avenir - Duration: 4:09.


Iris Mitte­naere a reçu une éton­nante demande en mariage pendant son règne - Duration: 2:37.

For more infomation >> Iris Mitte­naere a reçu une éton­nante demande en mariage pendant son règne - Duration: 2:37.


For more infomation >> Iris Mitte­naere a reçu une éton­nante demande en mariage pendant son règne - Duration: 2:37.


Iris Mitte­naere a reçu une éton­nante demande en mariage pendant son règne de Miss Univers - Duration: 2:26.

For more infomation >> Iris Mitte­naere a reçu une éton­nante demande en mariage pendant son règne de Miss Univers - Duration: 2:26.


For more infomation >> Iris Mitte­naere a reçu une éton­nante demande en mariage pendant son règne de Miss Univers - Duration: 2:26.


10 DESSERTS FOR THE NEW YEAR 2018 - Duration: 6:58.


If you get in the way of subtitles - turn them off!

Hello! My name is Dina. Welcome to my "Recipes Collection" channel.

Sweet table, always the culmination of any celebration

and no matter how it was on the festive table of salads, snacks and hot dishes, everyone - both adults and children are waiting for a dessert,

it is not only a tradition, but also an indispensable component of any holiday.

As promised, I present to your attention a selection of the most suitable desserts for the festive table.


This is the famous almond-chocolate cake,

which has gained immense popularity in Europe, and is traditionally the symbol of the New Year.

The cake "Esterhazy" is a combination of a delicate, crispy nut meringue with a custard oil cream and a thin layer of apricot jam.

Decorated on the sides with petals of almonds, topped with white chocolate and a thin tender spider web,

it will become an ornament of any festive table.

The cake is unusually tasty, delicate, with a pleasant nutty aroma, and it's not so difficult to cook this delicacy.

CECS Irish Coffee Cups

How nice to get together a friendly company for a cup of coffee.

This delicious dessert on the festive table is nothing more than a confectionery version of the famous Irish coffee with whiskey and cream.

Dessert "Irish coffee cups" is an excellent combination of air coffee biscuit,

aromatic caramel sauce and a generous portion of whipped cream.

Your guests will certainly appreciate the unusual taste, originality of this dessert and will certainly thank you.

Chocolate-nut muffins with almond cream

This is a simple, but at the same time refined treat with an unusual almond flavor and two kinds of delicious cream.

Chocolate-nut muffins are perfect for a large company,

and will not leave indifferent your sweet tooth.

This dessert will be a wonderful addition to any festive table.

Orange-sour cream cake with icing

This is an unusually appetizing and delicate cake with a citrus aroma.

Each piece of it melts in the mouth to the last crumb.

And despite the fact that the recipe is very simple, the result is a delicious treat,

and a special piquancy to this cake gives orange glaze.

Viennese strudel with apples

The Viennese strudel is a traditional dessert made from a thin dough with apple or cherry filling.

It is a delicious puff pastry with a ruddy, crispy crust and fragrant apples inside.

The filling of the strudel is very spicy, tender, while the dough does not deform, just such a stuffing is famous for a real Viennese strudel.


This is a famous air dessert, consisting of two round biscuits, filled with cream and covered in sweet.

There are many options for making this cake, and I offer you 2 of them.

This is Boucher with marshmallow cream, and also with creamy cream and chocolate icing.

The light structure of marshmallow cream perfectly complements an already soft and gentle biscuit,

and cakes with an air cream of whipped cream are perfectly combined with a delicious chocolate icing.

Cakes "Boucher" are very delicious, fragrant and moderately sweet.

If you have never cooked this cake - I recommend to cook and please your relatives and friends with something new and unusual.

Cake soufflé «Bird Milk»

This is a very famous and beloved cake.

There are a lot of recipes for his preparation, they are preparing "Bird's Milk" on gelatin and on agar-agar.

I propose a cake recipe for gelatin.

The advantage of this cake is that it can be prepared in advance, and it is perfectly stored in the refrigerator for several days.

"Bird's milk" - the cake is very soft, delicate, but at the same time the biscuit and souffle keep the shape perfectly.

The taste of the cake is moderately sweet, with a pleasant creamy aroma,

with light lemon sourness and a unique touch of chocolate glaze.

Cake "Anna Pavlova"

This is one of the most popular desserts in the world.

A very airy, light and delicate cake with snow-white meringue, a cloud of whipped cream and a scattering of fresh fruits and berries.

The dessert turns out to be stunningly beautiful and, despite some complexity, it can be cooked at home!

The advantage of this recipe is that the protein cakes can be baked in advance and leave them in the off oven,

and decorate with cream and berries the next day, just before serving.

You can decorate the cake with any seasonal fruits and berries.

Of course, it is very delicate and fragile, but it is easily cut, keeps the shape well and does not crumble.

This wonderful airy delicacy can be cooked as a whole cake, or as individual portioned cakes.

The cake turns out very tasty, light crispy meringue is combined with the taste of delicate whipped cream

and a pleasant light sourness of fresh fruits and berries.

Prepare this wonderful dessert and your guests will be delighted!

Lemon-poppy seed-cake with creamy cream

This is traditionally American, small-piece pastry, or rather a miniature cake for a few bites.

Varieties of capkeys are endless.

I offer a recipe for unusually tasty, delicate, poppy-flavored cakes with a citrus aroma and a cream of whipped cream.

Lemon-poppy seed-cakes deserve to get to your festive table at least once.

Curd-coconut muffins "New Year's Herringbone"

This recipe will become the most relevant on the eve of the New Year holidays.

I propose to prepare a curd-coconut muffins with an oil cream "New Year Tree".

This is the most favorite and delicious dessert in festive attire, they will always be a welcome guest on your New Year's table.

Charming little muffins decorated with a Christmas tree decorate the festive mood and will especially please the kids.

I recall that all the links to video-recipes from this collection you will find in the description.

If you liked these desserts - put "Like"

Share videos with friends and write your comments!

Do not forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel - "Collection of Recipes" and click on the bell to receive notifications of new videos.

I have on the channel a whole series of sets of festive dishes, look, if you have not seen.

All links on the screen and in the description.

I wish you delicious holidays!

With you was Dina. Until next time!

For more infomation >> 10 DESSERTS FOR THE NEW YEAR 2018 - Duration: 6:58.


For more infomation >> 10 DESSERTS FOR THE NEW YEAR 2018 - Duration: 6:58.


Angle Grinder Hack, Chainsaw Box Creation - Break Squirt Guns - Duration: 1:32.

welcome back, welcome new people, It is Poodle Paw... What would you do for a view?

today I'm the hacked angle grinder box We're destroying 12 squirt guns!!! >>> ((( Music )))

Now that you watched the last 40 seconds.We got a little secret to tell you.

That was running at 33% of the speed.

Stick around for the next 16 seconds and watch it at normal speed. Don't forget to Sub...

EVERY Tuesday and Friday

we'll be back!!!...

What would you do for a view? --(((Music))) >

For more infomation >> Angle Grinder Hack, Chainsaw Box Creation - Break Squirt Guns - Duration: 1:32.


For more infomation >> Angle Grinder Hack, Chainsaw Box Creation - Break Squirt Guns - Duration: 1:32.


Nikola Tesla - Lord of the World (CHENNELING) - Duration: 20:13.

For more infomation >> Nikola Tesla - Lord of the World (CHENNELING) - Duration: 20:13.


For more infomation >> Nikola Tesla - Lord of the World (CHENNELING) - Duration: 20:13.


Jurassic World (2018)

For more infomation >> Jurassic World (2018)


Doc Mcstuffins Cute Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children part 459 - NTR MEDIA - Duration: 16:45.

Please LIKE, SHARE, COMMENT & SUBSCRIBE Video! Thank You Very Much!

Blast off to the unknown

Twice Oh commander crush is gonna. Be well crushed their space buddies forever

It's so sad. We need a cuddle

I know this is gonna be hard for you, but it's also gonna be hard for Carlos. I guess I didn't think about that

He's probably excited and scared and sad dr. McStuffins

I can't believe I'm moving I bet it'll be exciting to live someplace new I guess but

Scary too. I know I'm gonna

Friends I'm about to depart on my final space alien someplace far far away

How are you feeling zero I'm an alien we don't have emotions which is good

You know get in the moving van and drive to my new home stop that countdown honey. There's no blasting off in my clinic

I'll give you a please have a diagnosis you have a case of stompa

Let's see let's blast of bubble boom zero zero tube got disconnected

I'll pop it back in hey, buddy. I won't be coming back

Cry and I I really don't be scamander's space playing but deep down

We're both powered by double-a batteries. We won't be able to play intergalactic space explorer


we'll never see each other again this feels an awful lot like I'm

Scared and sad it turns out alien astronauts can feel emotions look don't want to go

Doc my stomper isn't working again, don't worry. I'll just use some tape to even on this time

Hippie does she always have to be the best toy doctor. There is couldn't there be mint give it to me

tight fit prepare yourself

Bumpy landing though space alien worth his weight in cinnamon toast would fly without his trusty helmet

That you can't fly without the helmet commander crushes seed

Summit should see you're cleared for takeoff. You're ready to go in the moving van with Carlos. Oh really because

My knee isn't talking right? I'm I'm gonna crack. I'm not trying to make you crack zero

I'm trying to help it seems alien astronauts. Do have emotions

BTW for a moment alone

Okay dawg really oh

I never thought of it that way you need help Co blast off to the unknown and be brave. Can you do that?

Confirm it, but I'm here to get you mission ready. I'm gonna be brave for both of us you might feel bad

And you may feel blue

This is gonna be a great adventure zero

You'll make new discoveries and new friends and will always be connected with you guiding my ship

You're cleared for blast-off

Doc McStuffins random assortment of delightful toys. Thank you and goodbye

I will and

Send a postcard okay. I will I know you're gonna have an amazing adventure on your new planet

I'm going to miss you, but I know Wilden affirmative I

Got this one

When I get there hi

Doc can I cry now you can I'm proud of you commander you're a great friend

Zero out my space buddies back

Mandor that's not the same moving truck zero is not moving back

Toys I know change can be hard

So I caught a meeting to talk about the new family moving into the house where Carlos used to like toys that are

Rounded white and made of snow they'll love you as much as we do

Now your highness you know we're not doing that

Commander what if the new topics like you can hear me crying inside you think someone's really crying

Hi, my name's da are you okay and toys?

Especially if your toy gets hurt, but I'm a doctor for Zeb the animals and toys I could fix Ferris then bring him back

Under crush how many intergalactic missions have you been on my only mission is dancing commander

I live to dance. There's nothing like zero

Let me give you a checkup Ferris do you really think you can help your heart has a great beat?

Hey, that's good for a dancer and your eyes are twinkly like stars. Let's check your reflexes

Good catch

Thanks commander, but I use my reflexes

Now let's get a good look at your plush. He's not interested in intergalactic missions that says what I do if I can't dance

Nothing done finished see I want to go home. Don't give up

We're gonna figure out why you keep in when you're all spiffed up check your dancing again. I'm going to need everyone's help oh

No you may not want to be a space cadet, but I will lend a hand

Me and your crush

I want you to complete the last part of mission makeover the bill both both ends toward each other then put the longer end through

the back of the shorter end and make a

Dancer needs a great partner and that was great partner and commander okay? I

Think something's really wrong, but it's not it's just how I feel, but chilly you're a genius I

Got a case of genius itis. Oh wait home

My toy box my place by the window and Dawn's old room and how much I'd loved to dance from my friends


Haven't no Ferris when my space buddy star blazer zero moved away. I was so sad my heart

Just wasn't into doing my favorite things like playing it or go

Dancing my heart is as happy as my feet. I love to dance. I'm gonna make everyone else feel

Happy when they watch me. I have lost

Delightful mind if I join you that would be space-tastic

Come here Faris may be learning new moves with a new dance partner was what I knew boys make

Friends has your doctor I declare that you're cured firts. Talk now. Let's get you back to dawn

I'm sure she's waiting for you, but

You're welcome and welcome to the neighborhood dawn

This is the best welcome present want to come over tomorrow and play bring fares

I know someone scared about moving fuck you man so much better. Thanks doc. No problem

haha space-tastic

Demitri the dazzling

Awesome how is green Donnie Dimitri's magic tricks are dazzling? Thanks doc

I want you to meet a

Fair question indeed mr.. Blue dragon, maybe just maybe it's because I can do things like this

And I've been saving my most dazzling trick for last I have someone very special I want you all to meet

She's more durable than a kitten hugging a panda on a rainbow coloured unicorn

carrots, please fetch me my mystical magic ring

Okay, he's right there stronger than a stuffed dragon, but in the hands of Demitri the dazzling

This is my damn room

I treat most of my toy pieces in here and right over here. We I can take care of it

Oh if you don't mind Dimitri not in the least

Here we go Tilly. Thank you for oh

No, no what happened carrots Oh

Sounds like you could use a cuddle

If I lose my magic act I I don't know who I'll be can't allow something like this to ever happen again

I hate to do this carrots, but you can no longer be my assistant

It's already been made. I'll need to hold auditions for a new assistant right away

Wait, did you say new assistant? I can't do a show without one and

Now ladies and gentlemen it rings

Or, maybe the floor will sorry old chap I'm gonna need more of my magical props

So I had to let her go. I'm sure we can find her a wonderful home with a less delicate toy um

Demetri where am

I wonder I

Want to look at this place I hear you, Demetri, but when you adopt a pet, it's forever

Yes, and I do love her so

Look at this Dimitri the spring that makes carrots pop out of your hat is broken. It won't stay latched shut

He keeps scratching poor carrots. I feel terrible that I overreacted

Do you think you can fix it doc can she fix it can't a shark swim now. Let's see

Yep there we go

Reunion tour and our first show is right here right now

And now ladies and dragons and snowmen prepare to be amazed

Nobody can hide me kitty

Here, I've been packing up this cat for years after these fundraisers. It'll never sell so it's yours great

So you probably just need some luck who's this?

bundle of love doc her owner

Donated her to my school secondhand seal a long time ago and since no one ever bothers

Me what I think it means that the Kitty's a toy pet hmm

I was thinking a wicked sea witch had stolen her voice, but the pet thing makes more sense


Squibbles took right to me and now we are inseparable

Is a super thing to do I don't think she likes combs

And if she doesn't like cuddles how can she be perfect for you?

You don't know what you're missing kitty. Oh Lambie adopt me

Kitty's going quicker than a quesadilla

Kitty precious I bet she won't run away if we're quiet and careful not to frighten her sounds like a plan

Follow my lead

No Thank You doc

Sorry guys, but to help the new kitty feel safe only Lambie and Hallie can be on the exam table

Oh, you got a dog sure thing and playful. It's a good sign. Yeah, all right of course my kitty would be playful

Okay Hallie, I'm gonna take the kittens baseline vitals baseline vitals are awesome

And now for our temperature

Thermometer even without clowns and monsters our instruments can be scary to a pet who's never been to the vet

The simplest things entertain kiddies

Names names names um what should I call you? Oh, you can call me chilly huh you chilly the kitty needs a--

Now that she's all cleaned

I know she's ready to be my pet just one last thing to get her ready for our perfect first cuddle

Whispers has a case of skittery kitty itis when you rescue a pet it might take time to adjust to their new home

Whispers just need some time to settle in

What if whispers never wants me what if she hides forever you're finally here

You wanna cuddle a

new addition to the family

This is warm in my hippo heart mine, too

For more infomation >> Doc Mcstuffins Cute Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children part 459 - NTR MEDIA - Duration: 16:45.


History: Sir Ahmadu Bello's Christmas message in 1959 - Duration: 1:54.

In his 1959 Christmas message, Bello, who was recognised as one of the major figures in Northern Nigeria pre-independence politics, preached religious and tribal tolerance.

Bellos Christmas message read: "We are people of many different races, tribes and religions, who are knit together by common history, common interests and common ideals.

Our diversity may be great but the things that unite us are stronger than the things that divide us.

On an occasion like this, I always remind people about our firmly rooted policy on religious tolerance. Families of all creeds and colour can rely on these assurances. We have no intention of favouring one religion at the expense of another.

Subject to overriding need to preserve law and order, it is our determination that everyone should have absolute liberty to practise his beliefs.

It is befitting on this momentous day, on behalf of my ministers and myself, to send a special word of gratitude to all Christian missions.

Let me conclude this with a personal message. I extend my greetings to all our people who are Christians on this great feast day.

Let us forget the difference in our religion and remember the common brotherhood before God, by dedicating ourselves afresh to the great tasks which lie before us.".

Bello, who was the Premier of Northern Nigeria was assassinated on 15 January 1966 in a coup which toppled Nigerias post-independence government.

For more infomation >> History: Sir Ahmadu Bello's Christmas message in 1959 - Duration: 1:54.


AIRFRAME: AC-130 - Duration: 1:08.

- [Narrator] Going all the way back to 1968, 1969

people have been flying on this exact air frame

itself just with upgrades to it over time.

(guns firing)

As the new gunships come out, having more technology

is great because it lets us be able to do

the same amount of stuff with less people on board.

It's been constantly deployed to Afghanistan

for almost 12 years now.

We have enemy (unintelligible) 300 meters.

(gun firing)

- [Narrator] Close air support is very difficult to do

because your biggest concern is anti-fratricide,

not hurting the good guys on the ground.

The reason we do that really well is one,

we can stay overhead for a long period of time.

We're a left side, or side shooting platform

and a constant pylon turn so basically

we could put rounds down on just about any part

of the area any time within seconds if we needed to.


For more infomation >> AIRFRAME: AC-130 - Duration: 1:08.


Eat Fat Get Thin book by Mark Hyman | Animated Book Review - Duration: 2:07.

A revolutionary book by Dr. Mark Hyman in which author's main point is that we never should have stopped eating fat

instead of that eating low-fat food. We should be eating food that is full of healthy fat. You might wonder

what is healthy fat and how do you obtain it? Well, here are some useful tips from Dr.

Hyman's book. One. Always have nuts and seeds with you. Author

says that he always has a small bag of nuts with him.

Nuts are high in proteins, and they can regulate blood sugar level. They also are a good source of fiber. Two. Olive oil

butter and margarine olive oil contains monounsaturated

fat. Which is considered to be a healthy fat and polyunsaturated

fat that has few health benefits from which one of the most important is reducing the risk of heart disease.

Three. Instead of fat meat, eat fat fish.

Fat fish, especially sea fish, is rich with omega-3 acids.

These fats are important for our body because it can't produce it on its own like other fats.


Refined carbs are something we should cut back on.

Refined carbs can be found in processed food like rice and wheat use for bread and pasta has whole-grain portion of the food removed

stripped from fiber and vitamin B. This helps us digest it faster and with more ease.

Five. Avoid sweet fats at all cost.

Sweet fats are prone to cause blood sugar level to rise which can result in weight gain.

Of course, this will happen only if you consume large amount of it.

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For more infomation >> Eat Fat Get Thin book by Mark Hyman | Animated Book Review - Duration: 2:07.


CANADIAN WINTER VLOG | Snow & Neighbourhoods in Toronto Exploring - Duration: 7:35.

Hi friends! How are you doing?

I'm good!

Today you're seeing me wearing this awesome "house dress".

This is exactly how I spent my time at home:

with a kind of a cover/fur on me, [FAUX FUR] which is amazing guys!

It's so warm!

Under this cover that I bring with me everytime I walk around the house,

I've got two sweaters! Two, one over the other one.

I know it sounds fun, how it can be that cold?

It is cold!

I know that I'm sensitive to the cold way more than a normal person.

I want to make fun of my self

and laught with you about my suffering!

I'm getting better actually, I feel less cold than before!

It sounds impossible since you're seeing me with this fur...

But when I'm out,

I feel my body slowly adapting.

The big issue is the wind.

Cold wind is still something I can't bear!

My face completely freeze!

We're having -10 degrees since days,

it's basically snowing every single day

and snow is now part of everyday life.

I think this snow is not going away until March.

Until we won't have the thaw, we're basically entered in an ice age...

I feel a bit like Sid in this moment!

Also because I'm eating like a pig lately.

I think the cold weather makes me want to eat!

Speaking of which, I made a survey on my Instagram, publishing some pictures

of all the food I'm eating lately.

The majority of you said yes, the cold weather will make me become fat.

You're right, I will probably become fat.

I know, and I don't care!

I've bought a new pair of boots.

The ones I've already bought are not ok for snow, I walked around and my feet froze.

I believe also a bit of snow entered inside! I think only Moon Boots are better than those.

They're over the knee, and they are very warm.

I tried, I've walked, and I was great!

So maybe guys I made it this time!

Better than this I could invent some boots arriving until the head...

Sort of balaclava-boots! In one piece!

I'm happy because now that it's snowing, there's also more snow.

It's sound crazy but it snows,

and then the day after it's often sunny.

I like better a sunny cold day

than a grey day!

I feel I have more energy in these days!

There's more light, the snow also makes everything look lighter.

Just imagine that during the night sometimes it doesn't even look like it's night,

everything is white and there's a lot of light!

It's not so dark!

Snow makes everything more white so it doesn't look like it's night.

Here everything is so beautiful covered with snow.

I also went to Toronto and I saw the city with the snow.

The mix between skyscrapers and snow is something that I never saw before!

The snow usually makes me think about the mountains,

but here is not like that, actually there aren't mountains close by!

I went to Toronto because I had an interview, that went well.

Right on the day of the big snowfall!

It's been an adventure, but it's been fun to see Toronto.

I would like to show you how the place here looks like now, 62 00:03:47,040 --> 00:03:51,470 show you some landscapes! And you will also walk with me through one of the most beautiful

and reachest neighbourhoods of Toronto, called The Annex.

There's you will see Casa Loma, a famous castle.

There's a castle right in the middle of Toronto. It's gorgeous!

Ok, let's go then!

I swear I would like to explain to you how cold it is in this moment but...

I can't find the right words!

I can't find them!

For more infomation >> CANADIAN WINTER VLOG | Snow & Neighbourhoods in Toronto Exploring - Duration: 7:35.


10 Ways to Disarm Negative or Difficult People - Duration: 9:33.

10 Ways to Disarm Negative or Difficult People

"Dwelling on the negative simply contributes to its power."

~Shirley MacLaine

I love her to death, but it's draining to talk to her.

Every time I call this friend of mine, I know what I'm in for: a half-hour rant about

everything that's difficult, miserable, or unfair.

Sometimes she focuses on the people she feels have wronged her, and other times she explores

the general hopelessness of life.

She never calls to see how I'm doing, and she rarely listens to what's going on in

my life for more than a minute before shifting the focus back to herself.

I tell myself I call because I care, but sometimes I wonder if I have ulterior motives to pump

up my ego offering good advice or even to feel better about my own reality.

I'm no saint, and if there's one thing I know well, it's that we only do things

repeatedly if we believe there's something in it for us.

Even if that something is just to feel needed.

While I believe everyone deserves compassion, I understand what she meant after reading


She went on to describe her offensive, sexist, racist boss who emotionally exhausts everyone

around him.

He sounds a lot more hateful than my friend, who is sadly, just terribly depressed.

But these people have one thing in common: boundless negative energy that ends up affecting

everyone around them.

So today I started thinking about how we interact with negative or difficult people.

People who seem chronically critical, belligerent, indignant, angry, or just plain rude.

When someone repeatedly drains everyone around them, how do you maintain a sense of compassion

without getting sucked into their doom?

And how do you act in a way that doesn't reinforce their negativity and maybe even

helps them?

So here are the things that might help you deal with negative or difficult people.


Resist the urge to judge or assume.

It's hard to offer someone compassion when you assume you have them pegged.

He's a jerk.

She's a malcontent.

He's an–insert other choice noun.

Even if it seems unlikely someone will wake up one day and act differently, we have to

remember it is possible.

When you think negative thoughts, it comes out in your body language.

Someone prone to negativity may feel all too tempted to mirror that.

Try coming at them with the positive mindset you wish they had.

Expect the best in them.

You never know when you might be pleasantly surprised.


Dig deeper, but stay out of the hole.

It's always easier to offer someone compassion if you try to understand where they're coming


But that can't completely justify bad behavior.

If you show negative people you support their choice to behave badly, you give them no real

incentive to make a change (which they may actually want deep down).

It may help to repeat this in your head when you deal with them: "I understand your pain.

But I'm most helpful if I don't feed into it."

This might help you approach them with both kindness and firmness so they don't bring

you down with them.


Maintain a positive boundary.

Some people might tell you to visualize a bright white light around you to maintain

a positive space when other people enter it with negativity.

This doesn't actually work for me because I respond better to ideas in words than visualizations.

So I tell myself this, "I can only control the positive space I create around myself."

Then when I interact with this person, I try to do two things, in this order of importance:

Protect the positive space around me.

When their negativity is too strong to protect it, I need to walk away.

Or the 2nd thing, help them feel more positive, not act more positive which is more likely

to create the desired result.


Disarm their negativity, even if just for now.

This goes back to the ideas above.

I know my depressed friend will rant about life's injustices as long as I let her.

Part of me feels tempted to play amateur psychiatrist, get her talking, and then try to help her

reframe situations into a more positive light.

Then I remind myself that I can't change her whole way of being in one phone call.

She has to want that.

I also can't listen for hours on end, as I've done in the past.

But I can listen compassionately for a short while and then help her focus on something

positive right now, in this moment.

I can ask about her upcoming birthday.

I can remind her it's a beautiful day for a walk.

Don't try to solve or fix them.

Just aim to help them now.


Temper your emotional response.

Negative people often gravitate toward others who react strongly, people who easily offer

compassion or get outraged or offended.

I suspect this gives them a little light in the darkness of their inner world, a sense

that they're not floating alone in their own anger or sadness.

People remember and learn from what you do more than what you say.

If you feed into the situation with emotions, you'll teach them they can depend on you

for a reaction.

It's tough not to react because we're human, but it's worth practicing.

Once you've offered a compassionate ear for as long as you can, respond as calmly

as possible with a simple line of fact.

If you're dealing with a rude or angry person, you may want to change the subject to something

unrelated: "Dancing with the Stars is on tonight.

Planning to watch it?"


Question what you're getting out of it.

Like I mentioned above, we often get something out of relationships with negative people.

Get real honest with yourself: have you fallen into a caretaker role because it makes you

feel needed?

Have you maintained the relationship so you can gossip about this person in a holier than

your way with others?

Do you have some sort of stake in keeping the things the way they are?

Questioning yourself helps you change the way you respond which is really all you can


You can't make someone think, feel, or act differently.

You can be as kind as possible or as combative as possible, and still not change reality

for someone else.

All you can control is what you think and do, and then do your best to help them without

hurting yourself.


Remember the numbers.

Research shows that people with negative attitudes have significantly higher rates of stress

and disease.

Someone's mental state plays a huge role in their physical health.

If someone's making life difficult for people around them, you can be sure they're doing

worse for themselves.

What a sad reality, that someone has so much pain inside them they have to act out just

to feel some sense of relief, even if that relief comes from getting a rise out of people.

When you remember how much a difficult person is suffering, it's easier to stay focused

on minimizing negativity, as opposed to defending yourself.


Don't take it personally, but know that sometimes it is personal.

Conventional wisdom suggests that you should never take things personally when you deal

with a negative person.

I think it's a little more complicated than that.

You can't write off everything someone says about you just because the person is insensitive

or tactless.

Even an abrasive person may have a valid point.

Try to weigh their comments with a willingness to learn.

Accept that you don't deserve the excessive emotions in someone's tone, but weigh their

ideas with a willingness to learn.

Some of the most useful lessons I've learned came from people I wished weren't right.


Act instead of just reacting.

Oftentimes we wait until someone gets angry or depressed before we try to buoy their spirits.

If you know someone who seems to deal with difficult thoughts or feelings often (as demonstrated

in their behavior), don't wait for a situation to help them create positive feelings.

Give them a compliment for something they did well.

Remind them of a moment when they were happy, as in "Remember when you scored that touchdown

during the company picnic?

That was awesome!"

You're more apt to want to boost them up when they haven't brought you down.

This may help mitigate that later and also give them a little relief from their pain.


Maintain the right relationship based on reality as it is.

With my friend, I'm always wishing she could be more positive.

I consistently put myself in situations where I feel bad because I want to help, because

I want her to be happy.

I've recently realized the best I can do is accept her as she is, let her know I believe

in her ability to be happy, and then give her space to make the choice.

That means gently bringing our conversation to a close after I've made an effort to


Or cutting short a night out if I've done all I can and it's draining me.

Hopefully she'll want to change some day.

Until then, all I can do is love her, while loving myself enough to take care of my needs.

That often means putting them first.

Well, that's the 10 ways to deal with negative or difficult people.

Hopefully after watching this video you can manage yourself more in order to deal with

negative or difficult people around you.

Please do share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to give us account subs and watch other amazing videos on our channel.

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 10 Ways to Disarm Negative or Difficult People - Duration: 9:33.


[FULL] NU'EST W Sohu Interview - Duration: 13:25.

For more infomation >> [FULL] NU'EST W Sohu Interview - Duration: 13:25.


Prince William And Kate Middleton's Daughter Inspires Prince Harry To Think Of Building A Family - Duration: 1:57.

Prince William and Kate Middleton s daughter inspires Prince Harry to think of building a family. I would love to have kids right now

Following the birth of Prince William and Kate Middleton's daughter Prince Harry admitted his yearning to start a family of his own

There come times when you think now is the time to settle down or now is not whatever way

It is but I don't think you can force these things it will happen when it's going to happen

He told Sky News he explained that it would be easier to have someone by his side

The Prince said of course I would love to have kids right now

But there's a process that one has to go through and tours like this are great fun. Hopefully

I'm doing alright by myself

It would be great to have someone else next to me to share the pressure

But you know time will come and whatever happens happens His Royal

commitments hindered him from seeing Prince William and Kate Middleton's daughter who has been named Charlotte, Elizabeth, Diana


Prince Harry said that his brother sent him two photos of Prince George's sister

The trip meant he missed the chance to meet his niece the Duke of Cambridge his new daughter Princess Charlotte

And he said he was looking forward to returning home to hold her I didn't see any coverage at all

He William sent me two photos one before everybody else which was nice, and then another one with her back with George back home

So I am so looking forward to seeing her to meeting her into holding her. He told the same publication

Prince Harry previously describes his nice-ass absolutely beautiful

Prince Charles is also thrilled with the birth of Prince William and Kate Middleton's daughters. He claimed that he was really hoping for a granddaughter

According to at times Prince Charles couldn't stop gushing about his granddaughter as he said she has beautiful

I was hoping for a grand daughter someone to look after me when I am very old Kate

Middleton's baby girl has been named Charlotte, Elizabeth, Diana

She will be called for Royal Highness Princess Charlotte of Cambridge Kate. Middleton's, baby. Girl is fourth in land to the throne

For more infomation >> Prince William And Kate Middleton's Daughter Inspires Prince Harry To Think Of Building A Family - Duration: 1:57.


Kate Middleton Baby Number Two Thrills Queen Elizabeth Will Her Majesty Continue To 'Spy' On Duche - Duration: 1:52.

Kate Middleton baby number two thrills Queen Elizabeth will her majesty continue to spy on Duchess of Cambridge's parenting skills

Queen Elizabeth 2 is certainly thrilled with the arrival of Prince William and Kate Middleton's baby number two who is named Princess Charlotte, Elizabeth, Diana

Susan Pollack one of the guests at the recently concluded

Buckingham Palace garden party told the mirror how the Queen reacted to the birth of Prince William and Kate Middleton's baby number two I

Told her I'm so happy at the arrival of another baby. I said congratulations

She said single quote why yes, we'd love to have another girl

She smiled at that she was very relaxed and enjoying the event

Said the guest to the mirror the 89 year old monarch is not the only one pleased

Prince Charles also recently said that he was really hoping for a girl

Prince William and Kate Middleton's baby number two was born on May 2nd at the st.

Mary's Hospital in Paddington after welcoming their second child the royal couple reportedly went back to their and myrrh hall residence

With the birth of the new royal, baby

Supporters are hoping that the alleged in difference between Queen Elizabeth 2 and the Duchess of Cambridge will vanish

It was previously reported by a Daily Mail source that Prince William's

Grandmother was allegedly displaced because the royal couple's current residence was not maintained like a proper royal household and that it's to middle-class

Gossip, Kop also reported that Kate Middleton is afraid that the Queen deliberately hired spies to pose as normal helpers the mother of two stouts

Allegedly intensified when the helpers left to join the Kensington Palace after a few months of working for her

Kate's greatest fears that someone in her house could be spying on her

She knows the Queen doesn't fully trust her and staff members are quite loyal to the Queen

Kate would hate for them to tell her anything they saw her hurt claimed an insider to the website

For more infomation >> Kate Middleton Baby Number Two Thrills Queen Elizabeth Will Her Majesty Continue To 'Spy' On Duche - Duration: 1:52.


[2/2] SEBA NARA TOUR by Sebastiano Serafini with Lilletta Ely in Japan - Duration: 10:20.

Hi youtube!

a human carriage

is this the deer lane?

32€ for some fake rice

now I'm going to feed them Senbei

the wonderful Nara adventure is not finished yet

Seba is going to talk about this city full of culture, history and deer that are attacking you!

I woke up at 6am

only for you,

because I wanted to go at the temple without people

well, I wanted to apologize to the people that are watching this video

I actually don't know if they're deer, roes, fawn

or reindeer...^^

so, sorry if I keep changing the name

but I'm sure I'm going to say at the end what they're in reality

I don't know how to translate Shika in italian...

you need to pay attention here, because deer can cross the lane

nice!! - on the street there is an attention sign

attention deer!

is this the deer lane? -don't know

there are not so many people in early morning!

we have here the first deer!

I'm afraid that they're attacking me!

I'm going to say hi to another one

I'm afraid that if I don't buy food, they won't come near me

a little bambi, I don't go to close

a deer butt!

it's so nice to see deer everywhere

ok, now we're going to the Kasuga temple

you need to know that Nara from 1710 to 1794 was the capital of Japan

it's the Nara period, the Heijō-kyō period

you can't pass through the middle, because it's the purification door

and also where the Gods pass

so you need to respect that...

well, they're all afraid of me

Nara from 1998 is part of the UNESCO

and the deer is the symbol of this city

let's continue

this is a beautiful museum

a friend of mine from Nara gave me something that I bring always with me when I travel

and he said to me that he bought it in this temple

the Omamori, a japanese lucky charm

that everybody has as a good luck sign.

you can't walk on this thing in the middle

see that there are no steps?

because everybody needs to avoid that part

maybe I'm going to do a video about these traditions

a good thing about this temple is that they're not just praying for the peace in Japan

but for the whole world

Sekai no Heiwa

sekai (world)

heiwa (peace)

good people here that pray for the peace in the world

and after beeing in this shinto shrine we go to a buddhist temple

let's go!

this is the path to go see the big buddha in the temple

this is the "winter" garden and inside that palace there is the big Buddha of Nara

unfortunately I can't take pictures inside, but I assure you that the inside is beautiful

in many entries of the buddhist temple

there are these statues of 2 very muscular men

and their purpose is to scare the "bad" creatures that want to enter in this temple

they walk together also with the Buddha, to protect him

hi youtube!

you need to make some color^^

we have some grey fur!

in Venice we have the Gondola and in Nara we have the human carriage!

he doesn't seem so fast^^

her name is Katsu

for lunch I took Udon

look at how big the plate is!

then we took the kayaku gohan

the Udon with chicken

and some warm tea!

you see with that machine they do the mochi

and this man every 30 minutes prepares them

and he does these "strange" movements

it's very soft, warm and it's deliscious!

ah maybe he does it again!

they're preparing it!

you need to be very strong

now it's getting dangerous!

and now the're selling it

inside we have the anko! it's so good

this is a funny store, because they sell handmade fake food

they're really expensive but they are all quite funny

they have all sort of keychain

USB and a lot of earrings

because, who doesn't want a egg earring?

or popcorn or tangerines?

there is for everyone|

they're not so cheap! because this one cost 32€

for some fake rice

the pizza that is not so credible...50€!

wow...and for sure the Shika can't miss!

ok, they said that I can give them also the paper,

but I don't give them the paper! These are the senbei that you give to the deer!

now I'm going to feed them

that bastard hit me!!

ok, now he get some

so cute!

I'm a bit afraid of him, let's give also to the captain a cookie...

we took the one with the white beans

it cost 2,50€

it's so cute and also good

with this strawberry in the middle


now I'm buying this magnet for my mum, because she collects them

OMG what happens right now?

it's a deer in heat

enough or you will fall down and get hurt!

here we have the yakisoba

and then the hot-dog

Aw, they kissed ❤

a deer couple

I have the suitcase, because today I'm returning to Osaka

but right now we can see this wonderful temple, look

the temple is not just wonderful, big, fabulous, high

but there are deer everywhere

also my father loves them

and for me it's the like first time I see so many

and I must say that they are very beautiful

so, well I continue with the tour

let's collect the Nara stamp

I'm going to give it away to a lucky person

leave a comment if someone wants this from Nara with also my autograph

I'm going to send it from Italy

Obviously I can't leave Nara without trying the Nara cappuccino!

look, he's doing it right now!

this is the Nara cappuccino! See you tomorrow always at 2pm (GMT+1) with another video! CIAO

did you see that I wanted to do a Give Away in the video?

so when I return to Italy someone will recieve this beautiful bag from Nara

just tell me what you would do with this bag

and the person that writes the best answer will recieve it

and maybe I will put some other gift inside here

so, write in the comments!

and also share this video on all your socials

so, that we can increase!

Thank you so much for watching and see you tomorrow at 2pm (GMT+1) CIAO!

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