Chủ Nhật, 24 tháng 12, 2017

Youtube daily report Dec 24 2017

● There are some things that everyone knows are imaginary or fake, like unicorns, hangover

cures and Donald Trump's hair.

But are people wrong about anything else?

Can we believe everything we've been told?

Here are the fifteen fake things that everyone believes are real.

15 - , TV Detector Vans ● Something which may be more familiar to

British viewers, TV detector vans are vehicles from the British Broadcasting Corporation,

or BBC, which drive around the country.

The vans supposedly scan people's houses for TVs which don't have a licence.

However, their technology has never been explained by the BBC and most experts in communications

believe that the vans never had the ability to detect signals from household tvs, nor

can they scan for illegal internet use from the street.

14 - , Magnet Bracelets ● If you search online, you'll find hundreds

of alternative health sites advertising the healing power of bracelets with magnets in


They claim to effect your body's energy fields, reduce pain, or to improve blood flow

in the veins.

While it's true that your blood contains iron, a magnetic metal, all studies have shown

that wearing the magical jewellery has no effect other than a placebo.

Bit at least it looks cool, right?

13 - , Sugar Rush ● Many parents will no doubt be well aware

of the cake and candy-fuelled madness that overtakes children at a birthday party.

Many still believe in the idea that too much sugar causes hyperactivity in children, giving

them excess energy.

But rigorous scientific study has proven this to be false.

We may have the cause and effect the wrong way round: it's not that eating sugar makes

kids hyperactive, but rather hyperactive kids stuff their faces with more candy.

12 - , The Santa Claus Myth ● Sorry kids, Santa ain't real.

But that's not the myth we're debunking here.

Most people have now heard the fact that the modern image of a fat, red and white Santa

was designed by the Coca-Cola company's marketing department.

While it's true that Saint Nick used to be drawn as a tall, thin, robe-wearing saint,

there are descriptions of a red and white Father Christmas in the 19th century, long

before Coca Cola started using him to sell fizzy sugar.

11 - , Basin Coriolis Effect ● It's said that the water in baths, basins

and toilets circles down the drain in opposite directions north and south of the equator.

This is based on something known as the Coriolis Effect, where the spin of the planet causes

the water closer to the equator to spin faster.

But the difference between the top of your basin and the bottom is so slight that there

is pretty much zero effect.

Although the Coriolis effect does affect weather patterns.

10 - , Homeopathy ● In the 19th century, a German physician

invented an alternative therapy system based on the idea of diluting substances in water

many times to cure illnesses.

Pretty much all scientific trials in multiple countries have found this system, called Homeopathy,

to be ineffective at treating anything, beyond the placebo effect.

Despite this, homeopaths still make a lot of money worldwide, selling water to believers.

Sounds like a good business model to me.

9 - , Iron Maiden ● Don't, we're not saying that the heavy

metal band doesn't exist - we're talking about the medieval torture device they were

named after.

The iron maiden was a metal coffin with long spikes on the inside that would slowly pierce

the skin of the victim inside whenever they tried to move.

However, all evidence suggests that it was a museum piece created in 1802 to shock visitors,

along with a false history written by a German philosopher.

8 - , Lie Detectors ● We've all seen movies where a suspect

is forced to take a lie detector test.

The machine measures blood pressure, breathing and sweating to determine when a person is

speaking the truth.

But the majority of psychologists argue that lie detectors, known as polygraphs, can only

really tell when a person is nervous, which everyone would be anyway.

People's brains work in different ways, and there are no universal signs of lying.

7 - , Voynich Manuscript ● In 1912, a Polish collector received a

mysterious, ancient book containing an indecipherable language, strange images of plants and astrological


Over the last century, many linguists and code breakers have proposed theories, such

as the recent suggestion that it was a women's gynaecological manual.

But more serious historical experts remain convinced that, while the book is definitely

very old, it's probably just a hoax, written intentionally to confuse people.

6 - , MSG allergy ● Monosodium Glutamate or MSG, is a naturally-occurring

salt found in cheese and tomatoes, which can also be synthesised to add meaty flavour to


Its heavy use in Asian cuisines has lead to something that people call 'Chinese Restaurant

Syndrome', where diners report suffering from headaches and nausea after chowing down

on chow mein.

But no government study has shown this to be anything more than a combination of people's

overeating, and suspicion of foreign food.

5 - , Japanese Panty Machines ● There are numerous stereotypes about every

country, which often have a hint of truth to them.

The English love tea, Spaniards are always late, and the Japanese are into weird sex


There is some truth to the last one, but many people falsely believe in the Japanese used

panty vending machines.

Although some have existed in the more extreme sex shops of Tokyo, the only people you'll

find hunting for underwear dispensers are tourists who've heard about this myth.

4 - , The Thanksgiving Tradition ● In American culture, Thanksgiving marks

the first shared meal between the puritanical English settlers and the friendly native Americans.

A meal of potatoes, and roast turkey marked the bond between the new arrivals and the

wise locals.

This is wrong in many ways, with some historian suggesting that none of the Wampanoag tribe

actually attended the original feast.

Also, turkey wasn't on the menu until much later, around Abraham Lincoln's time.

3 - , Lost Cities ● In South America, Spanish conquerors searched

for El Dorado, the city of gold.

Ancient Greek philosopher Plato wrote of Atlantis, a mighty state that sunk beneath the sea.

Mythical English king Arthur lived in the grand Camelot, according to early French literature,

and Buddhist and Hindu texts refer to the heavenly city of Shambhala.

But with no sign of these places on our extensive satellite maps, and none of the countless

explorers finding anything, we can be pretty sure that these cities are fictional.

2 - , Subliminal Advertising ● In 1957, an advertising researcher claimed

to have discovered a way to subtly influence consumers' minds without them knowing.

He stated that images, shown for a fraction of a millisecond, could cause cinema audiences

to subconsciously start craving the products they had been shown.

This study has since been discredited, and despite many people's fears that this psychological

trick is being used today, it has very little effectiveness, and is banned in most countries


1 - , Ghosts ● I'm sure a lot of you will disagree

with this one; but sadly for phantom enthusiasts, pretty much all ghost sightings can be explained

as stress-induced hallucination, sleep paralysis, false memories or just hoaxes.

No test has ever reliably proved ghosts' existence and there have been a huge number

of experiments.

One experiment actually showed that people can be made to see and feel ghosts, just by

confusing their brain signals, showing that ghosts are just creations of our own minds.

For more infomation >> 15 Fake Things That Everyone Believe Are Real ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) - Duration: 7:52.


The Story of Genn Greymane - Part 2 [Lore] - Duration: 24:17.

Hello everyone!

Last week we began the story of Genn Greymane in which we talked about his youth, growing

up with his father advice to never take anothers hand and leading the people of gilneas.

The war against the horde, the formation of the alliance of lordaeron until Genn had enough

and decided to build a massive wall around his city.

A wall that could not hold against the massive numbers of the scourge so they decided to

go with Archmage Arugal's plan of summoning the worgen from a realm which they described

as a dark place, a place of nightmare, but it was actually the opposite.

The origin of the worgen goes way back in time like 9.300 years back to a war called

the War of the Satyr.

Night elves fought against demons and satyrs, enemies left over from the war of the ancients

and some felt that an advantage was needed to turn the tide of battle.

Ralaar Fangfire begged Malfurion to allow them to use their pack form, but despite the

power that form offered, it was uncontrollable so their shan'do told them not to use it.

1 dire battle the druids threw caution to the wind and slipped into this form, which

allowed them to survive and win but also had them turn on their own night elf allies.

After killing a fair few of their own, some were able to regain control and Arvall, Ralaar's

best friend told his love Belysra Starbreeze that he would never use the form again.

He would not turn himself into a monster to kill monsters and this ultimately lead to

his demise at the hands of satyrs and the creation of the scythe of Elune.

In her grief, Belysra agreed to Ralaar's plan of combining the staff of Elune, an item

which held Elune's noble power and enchantments with a fang of Goldrinn which embodied the

feral nature of the pack form.

Legends told of Elune's desire to tame Goldrinn's ferocity and perhaps with this combination,

they'd be able to soothe the chaos of their form, use it as they desire to get their vengeance.

Instead, Goldrinn's essence rejected the moon goddess and their ritual backfired, turning

Ralaar into the alpha prime and creating the druids of the scythe.

Their feral nature had taken them over, their bite transformed others into their worgen

form and Ralaar did not only turn against the satyr, he once again struck out at his

own people, believing Malfurion to be responsible for his best friends death.

In the end, Malfurion used the scythe of Elune to banish Ralaar and his fellow worgen to

the realm of the Emerald Dream, where he hoped they would remain pacified at the base of

the majestic tree Daral'nir.

This was the tree where Malfurion himself was brought by none other then Cenarius when

he too had experimented with the pack form long before Ralaar had.

That's why he had forbidden it and this great tree was able to bring Stormrage back

to his senses, but the scythe of Elune had perverted their ways.

The form they now held was beyond druidism so bringing them back to their senses was

out of the question, but at least the tree could keep them pacified.

Slumber instead of execution, it seemed like a better option, but too the worgen it was


They were meant to run, to hunt, you cannot tame what is meant to be wild, but for millenia

they were forced to slumber within the emerald dream.

So that is where Arugal summoned his forces from and now we see the Worgen, lead by Alpha

Prime, turn on the gilneans.

Genn has a festering wound, the priestess Belysra is helping him control it with the

powers of Elune, our forces have been ambushed within the cathedral but the battle isn't

over yet.

Parapampammmmm Ow helly Godfrey.

Bit rainy aint it?


"Look at what you've become.

Those cursed beasts.... they've left you nothing more than just another wretched mongrel."

"Do you even remember what you did to your friends?"

"Your kind....haunting the wilds unchecked until we found you."

"They've kept you alive, because they still believe you can be saved."

"To which...I must ask...

Is there even a shred of humanity left within you?"


We will find out...soon enough."

Godfrey has no compassion for the people of Gilneas that have fallen to the Worgen curse,

but Greymane sees it differently.

He has had a lot of time to think about the past...the decisions he made.

If things had gone differently between him and Crowley, they could have fought of the

worgen together, they could have saved gilneas.

Lorna will never forgive him for her father's death and he doesn't know if his people

will ever forgive him for losing the city.

Maybe they shouldn't, his father certainly wouldn't have been able to but in Liam's

mind there's nothing to forgive.

For him, his father is a great leader who's done what he believed to be the best for his

people even if he didn't always agree.

Yet in the recent past he feels like his father has lost faith in himself.

If he can just find a way to believe in himself once again, he's sure that their people

will believe in him too and they will forgive anything.

It was Greymane who gave the order to trap instead of kill, the reason why we as the

player were not shot on sight.

The potion Belysra and Krennan have been working on did the trick, it gave us some sort of

control over our minds back but our humanity is still lost.

We were only recently bitten, there are more worgen, feral gilneans that have dealt with

the curse much longer.

It's uncertain if the potion will work on them, but time for doubt is a luxury Genn

doesn't have.

The Forsaken attack by sea and he gives the order to double the dosage and release them.

He will lead them himself, it's high time these forsaken bastards learned there's

nothing more dangerous than a cornered animal.

Gilneas makes a stand as we help out with taking out the forsaken forces and the captains

of the ships, but the cataclysm is hitting the land hard and the ocean swallows everything.

The land, the forsaken, our own people are claimed.

We do our best to save as many as we can while we make ready to evacuate Duskhaven and head

on over to safer grounds, Greymane manor.

Queen Mia Greymane is trying to keep the people calm while her husband is up in the observatory

again where he can clearly see that the Horde isn't giving up quite yet.

We have no choice but to move further inland, along the way we help out Prince Liam whose

carriage was attacked by Ogres until our journey takes us to Tal'doren and some of the night

elves that joined Belysra.

We find out that Darius Crowley survived the ambush at the cathedral and has also become

a worgen.

We secure the scythe of Elune that ended up in the hands of the forsaken.

In the comic Alpha Prime is defeated and we even undergo a special ritual.

The potion we took has kept the beast at bay, but it won't last for ever.

The night elves familiar with the pack form offer aid as we drink from the Well of Fury,

Tranquility and Balance.

Let us be blessed with the wisdom of our people and the ferocity of Goldrinn.

Just as the majestic tree Daral'nir soothed the worgen in the dream, let Tal'doren soothe

our spirit.

Let the scythe unbind that which was not meant to be bound, let the soul master the beast,

lest the beast master the soul!

Ingame the ritual looks real easy, but not all make it through.

Everyone has to battle with their own demons, but when successful...we master the animal

inside and even regain some of our humanity by being able to transform at will.


You and your elven allies are hereby ordered to serve along the king's army!

Cursed or not, you are still bound by Gilnean law!"

"Does this toad speak for you, Genn?

Do you come to our dwelling as a friend?

Or do you come as a tyrant?"

"No, old friend.

I've come to you as an equal."


"Aye, Genn.

It's now law that binds us.

It is something far stronger.

My men are ready to give their lives under your command."

"It is decided then.

We will unite all Gilneans and drive the Forsaken from our lands."

A bond stronger then law brings the former friends, former enemies now so much closer.

Gilneas, worgen or not stands together while we move our people through the blackwald but

as you might imagine, Godfrey isn't too happy about all of this.

He has no love or trust for the worgen, in his eyes they're cursed beasts and now his

own king is one of them.

He travels together with Genn, a man that he once thought he knew.

a proud, fierce and intelligent man.

A man who made bold choices for the good of his people despite what others thought.

A man like his father.

A patriot, but that man is dead.

There was a time when we were of like minds, you and I.

Two compatriots strengthening a nation we loved.

There was a time when we hunted vile worgen, shot them dead without a second thought, and

now you've all but taken them in as family.

See, you're the traitor and you always told me that traitors must be punished.

The only way to counter the forsaken threat is to negotiate with them.

In order to negotiate, I need to possess something they want, and now I do.

So get settled, majesty...

The royal alchemist Krennan is tossed out of the vehicle and lets us know what's going


With a potion of his design, one that grants us stealth, we assassinate the traitorous

lords and save our king.

"No, I'd sooner die then have one of your kind as a king."

And he's not kidding either, Godfrey runs off the cliff and ends his life only to be

later resurrected by the Forsaken but that's a different story.

A few days later, outside of Gilneas, Genn has a talk with his son Liam as he confesses

that he was the one who told Arugal to summon the worgen.

The prince had told his father before and now says it again, in his mind there's nothing

to forgive.

'We'd never spoken of it and some things aren't always easy for me to communicate

Genn said.

I've never told you I love you, son...I've never said those words.

But I mean them every day."

While we help out the people with fighting off some of the forsaken troops at Emberstone

mine and village, in the comics Genn bears his soul.

He reveals to them, despite the fear of his people rejecting him as a leader, he shows

them all what he has become.

He is a worgen but for them he is still their king and together, with every available gilnean

rallied and armed, the battle for gilneas is upon us.

Time for those forsaken predators to become the prey!

"The forsaken think we're weak.

A broken people.

They think we'll roll over like a scared dog.

How wrong they are.

We will fight them in the fields until the last trench collapses and the last cannon

is silenced.

We will fight them on the streets until the last shot is fired.

And when there's no more ammunition, we'll crush their skulls with the stones that pave

our city.

We will fight them in the alleys, until our knuckles are skinned and bloody and our rapiers

lay on the ground shattered.

And if we find ourselves surrounded and disarmed...wounded and without hope...we will lift our heads

in defiance and spit in their faces.

But we will...NEVER SURRENDER!!!!!!


"Abominations are blocking the way towards the military district!

This won't be easy."

"The villagers were thankful to have Emberstone back.

They brought us a little something to help against the Forsaken!"

"You're a sight for sore eyes, Lorna.

Let's get those cannons manned!

The rest of you, lure the abominations into the open!"

The battle for gilneas takes us back to where it all began as we follow Liam through the

cities, taking one distract back at a time.

Together with Crowley's forces we take out Gorerot until the banshee queen herself becomes

our next target.

"Let us join your father's forces, Liam.

They'll need our help against Sylvanas."

"Block their retreat Liam!

We've got them right where we want them!"


This is actually after Sylvanas tossed herself from the top of icecrown and returned to lead

her people in this war, a war ordered by Warchief Garrosh Hellscream.

She was going to do this her way though, the forsaken are no longer arrows in a quiver,

now they're her bulwark against the infinite, the hell she saw when she ended it and she

will let no one carelessly toss away her defenses.

Our prey may be cornered, but the banshee queen did not come unprepared.



"We did it...father...

We took back our city.

We took back..."

That arrow was not meant for Gilneas her favorite son, but Liam took it for his father all the


We do not have the luxury of grief while the enemy still breathes gilnean air.

Crowley is ready to strike and we must track her down while we still have the banshee queen's


This leads us back into Light's dawn cathedral where we find out some disturbing news.

"It appears you're losing control of Gilneas, Sylvanas.

Garrosh fears he's going to have to carry out this invasion himself."

"You can assure Garrosh that this is a minor setback.

Our victory in Gilneas will be absolute."

"You sound very confident, your Majesty.

I seriously hope you do not plan to use the Plague.

Garrosh has explicitly forbidden it."

"You'd do well to watch your tone, General.

Neither you nor Garrosh have anything to worry about.

We've ceased all production of the Plague, as he ordered.

We'd never deploy it without his permission."

"I will deliver my report to our leader, then.

By your leave, my lady."

"Go with honor, general."

"My Lady!

Should I order my men to stop the deployment of the Plague?

Or are we to continue as planned?

" "What kind of question is that?

Of course we're deploying the Plague as planned.

Let the Gilneans enjoy their small victory.

Not even their bones will remain by tomorrow.

" "As you wish!'

Despite Garrosh telling her no to, Sylvanas is planning to turn Gilneas in a plague infested

hellhole and a choice has to be made.

It's Genn's most difficult choice of his life.

He wants swift and brutal vengeance for the death of his only son, but that would not

be honoring his memory.

Liam has always cared for the people first and foremost and so will his father.

While we fly out on a captured bombing bat and unleash some hell upon those who seek

to bring the plague to our people, the rest of gilneas evactuates.

We follow shortly after through the tunnel but in our hurried escape for safety, we disturbed

the resting homes of our ancestors.

A grave sin, the stampede of people fleeing from the tunnels have unearthed the mementoes

buried with the fallen so we collect them, offer them at Aderic's tomb where we also

put Liam to rest.

Cinematic: "May the light bless the spirits of our

ancestors, for they've chosen to allow my son to rest upon this holy ground.

It is here, surrounded by the heroes and patriots of Gilneas where he belongs."

"You were a true man of the people, Liam.

Unlike any Royal I ever met.

We'll make them pay for this."

"Gilneas will remember your courage forever, Liam."

"We'll return, Liam.

I swear this to you."

One day Liam, one day we'll return but for now Gilneas must be abandoned.

Thankfully the night elves have made good on their promise and Admiral Nightwind has

shown up with vessels to get us out of here.

While they make ready to set sail, we buy some time by taking out the unrelenting horde

and we blow up their airship so they can't murder us from the sky.

Lorna Crowley: "Attack!"

"Secure the rafters" "I want 2 sharpshooters to stay behind and

cover the deck.

Everyone else, use the ropes to rappel down.

Let's give them hell!"

Repel down unto Gunship "Hands up, greenskins!

My men will give you your new bearing.

You try anything funny and we'll fill you with lead."

"The rest of you, follow me downstairs!"

"We've got the explosives in the furnace room.

Just hold them off now!"

Korm Bonegrin shows up "That's ... one big orc."

"It's about to blow, jump on the wyverns!"

It's about time to get out of here, if we leave now we'll leave the forsaken fleet

in the dust.

Now for the players the journey is quite uneventful while the trip in the story took quite a bit

longer and had some difficulties because of the cataclysm.

Greymane is on a ship with Talar Oaktalon who offers him a hand to get out of bed since

the king's body is still hurting from the lost battle for gilneas.

"This old king needs not your help or anyone else's to leave a bed, Talar Oaktalon.

Of that I am still capable."He brought himself to his feet, embracing the wave of agony that

splashed his back.

The old teachings of his father are a big part of Greymane's character and motivation,

but trying to do it all on his own is what got him into this mess to begin with.

That would soon enough become clear to him as a massive storm with waves three times

the size of giants caught their ships at sea.

This was no natural storm, these were the aftershocks of Deathwing breaking out of the

world and causing the cataclysm.

Their plan was to form a massive flotilla, binding their ships closely together, that

way they all had a better shot of fending off the brutal storm than each ship would

have on its own.

Genn noticed that Elune's Radiance, the ship carrying his wife and daughter was still

unaccounted for.

Demanding a spyglass from a night elf sailor, he peered through the glass and saw that Elune's

radiance was guiding a damaged ship.

Another wav, eighty feet high hit them hard.

Genn could see the wave roll further, towards the vessel carrying what he held most dear

in life.

Before anything could be done, the surge crashed into the lumbering vessels and the two transport

ships collided into each other.

Despite the horrific storm Talar quickly called for rescue vessels and Gen wanted to come


That's not something they could allow, it was their mission to get the king and his

people to darnassus safely and they couldn't risk his life.

It was a dangerous task, but they were all that Genn had left.

He could not stay...He could not.

This was his family.

He owed them much.

Even now, with their world shattered to pieces, even accounting for every foolish choice he

had made, Mia and Tess still believed in him and supported him.

He took a deep breath and let out a roar.

He could feel the change, his body expanding, his hair rapidly growling, his face extending

into a grizzled muzzle.

In his worgen form he jumped from the side of ship, dropped down into the lifeboat and

joined the mission, a good thing too since by the time they reached Elune's radiance,

his wife and daughter were nowhere to be found.

He moved inside the ship, despite Talar's warnings and first he found a group of sailors

trapped behind some wreckage.

Not even his worgen might was enough to move it on its own, but together, combining their

forces, he was able to get them out.

They told him that his wife's cabin was much lower and with that, Genn released his

grip and let himself drop down, through the hall and through the smoke of the fire.

'Help us!'

It was a woman's voice, it was Mia's voice.

Genn knew it instantly.

He reached out his hand, clasping a doorframe, stopping his fall.

"I am coming, my love!"

Turns out that when the ship crashed a dresser fell on Mia's leg, shattering it and Tess

couldn't leave her mother behind.

Mia even told them to both just go, to leave her behind but Genn wasn't hearing it.

"Shhhh... there no, my love.

I will get you of here.

You must hold on."

Through her pain, she gave him the wide-eyes smile that always brightend up her entire

face and crinkled her button nose.

It was the smile that had made him fall in love with her all those years ago when they

had first met at the Royal Aderic Banquet.

She was going into chock from the pain, but her smile was still radiant.

"Grab onto my back, Daughter.

We must make haste!"

Tess wrapped her arms around his burly frame, and with a focus he had not felt in days,

Genn charged into the smog, holding onto Mia with every fiber of his being.

The decks were virtually flooded, and the hallway leading toward the bow was submerged.

With one arm he pulled himself forward, lumbering upward, with Tess helping to hold onto her


Slowly but surely Genn willed himself and his family onward, fighting against the rising


The ship was plunging deeper and time was on his side.

With one last burst of energy he raced as fast as he could toward the exit.

Outside of the porthole he could see the lifeboats huddled close together, receiving the final

few survivors.


The queen is injured.

You must help her and the princess!"

Genn yelled, his voice bullying its way through the winds.

"Drop them down.

I will retrieve them!

We can heal her!"

Talar shouted back impressed with what he was seeing.

Genn looked to his left and right.

These two women were what he had to live for now.

No nation, no son.

They were his everything.

Despite the pain that was sure to come, Mia told him that she could endure any pain as

long as he was near her.

She was dropped and Tess quickly followed, Greymane was about to pull himself out but

then a massive vacuum pulled him from below.

As if janked by some great force beneath, the Elune's Radiance jetted downward.

Genn's eyes went wide as he was knocked back instantly, tumbling down the cabin into

the flooded hallway, a suction pulling him down, down into the guts of the drowned ship.

He fought the pull behind him with everything that he had.

He fought the blackness in his mind that was trying to draw him under with equal force

as the water.

Opening his eyes he could see an extended violet hand reaching through the window.

It was Talar, his other hand holding the window frame tight as the currents tried to yank

him inside.

Genn looked right into the glowing eyes of the night elf, then down at the outstretched


Talar had come for him.

He had risked his life to rescue a man he barely knew and barely liked.

With one final act of exertion, summoning every ounce of strength he could, Genn launched

himself forward, his own hand reaching until it clasped Talar's right grip.

And then....everything went black.

Genn woke up on the ship with Talar with him.

He was gratefull for the night elf saving his life and had come to understand that his

son would have made a fine king, a better one than the stubborn old man he was.

The prince understood that there are always other ways to consider, that differnet times

call for different actions.

Perhaps, we all can consider other ways, Talar said.

Your people are stubborn, and so are you, but without that trait many of the sailors

would not be alive today.

He offered a hand again to help Genn out of bed, but this old king needs not your help

or anyone else's to stand up, Talar Oaktalon.

Tell me you did not forget this,' and he pulled himself up, wearing a sly grin.

Talar broke into hearty laugher "As you would have it, my friend."

Talar was still chuckling.

It was the first time Genn had heard the night laugh or seen him smile.

His whole body hurt, but his mind was cleared that it had been in weeks.

'You said to me that this Archdruid Stormrage believes my people will be an important asset

to the Alliance."

'That I did."

Perhaps he is right, then....Perhaps he is right..."

And that's how Greymane and the worgen completed their journey to the land of the Kaldorei

and were welcomed by Tyrande and Malfurion.

The old stubborn man has come to realize that accepting a hand from time to time, not being

stuck in your own mindset is of great value and will surely come in handy when they ask

for the Alliance to not only give them a hand, but open their arms and welcome them back

into the fold.

Varian Wrynn still remembers the man greymane used to be, but that's a tale we're going

to save for next week so as always thank you very much for watching everyone!

Subscribe if you like my videos, leave a like if you enjoyed this one aaaand until next

time guys....see ya!

For more infomation >> The Story of Genn Greymane - Part 2 [Lore] - Duration: 24:17.


BOMBSHELL!!! Hillary BRIBED Them With $700K!!! ROT IN PRISON! - Duration: 6:18.

BOMBSHELL!!! Hillary BRIBED Them With $700K!!!


Not one to mince words, President Donald Trump let FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe have

it in a series of tweets on Saturday and Sunday accusing him of rampant corruption in the

investigation of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's private email server.

In addition to revelations that two top FBI staffers exchanged pro-Clinton, anti-Trump

text messages, McCabe remains under investigation by the Justice Department's inspector general

for how he handled the FBI's probe of Hillary Clinton's private email server.

This comes after McCabe's closed-door testimony in front of congressional committees this


President Trump asks –

"How can FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, the man in charge, along with leakin' James

Comey, of the Phony Hillary Clinton investigation (including her 33,000 illegally deleted emails)

be given $700,000 for wife's campaign by Clinton Puppets during investigation?"

He followed with news that McCabe is planning to retire in a few months when he becomes

eligible for his government pension in 2018.

McCabe announced his retirement after a disastrous round of Congressional testimony, where he

reportedly failed to answer basic questions about his connections with the anti-Trump

Russian dossier and the investigation of Hillary Clinton's private email server.

In a seven-hour interview with the House Intelligence Committee Wednesday, McCabe repeatedly declined

to answer even the most basic of questions with regard to whether the bureau has been

able to verify the substantive allegations in the now infamous Trump dossier.

McCabe failed to identify a single substantive allegation that has been corroborated throughout

his lengthy hearing.

President Trump's tweet reads –

"FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe is racing the clock to retire with full benefits.

90 days to go?!!!"

President Trump also accused McCable of political bias in the investigation into Hillary Clinton's


He cites McCabe's use of his official FBI email account to promote his wife Dr. Jill

McCabe to promote her political campaign in her 2015 bid for Virginia state Senate, as

well some questionable donations to the tune of approximately $675,000.

Jill's campaign received donations from former Democratic National Committee Chairman

Terry McAuliffe's super PAC, as well as the Democratic Party of Virginia.

McAuliffe is a Democrat with longstanding ties directly to Bill and Hillary Clinton.

President Trump tweeted –

".@FoxNews-FBI's Andrew McCabe, 'in addition to his wife getting all of this money

from M (Clinton Puppet), he was using, allegedly, his FBI Official Email Account to promote

her campaign.

You obviously cannot do this.

These were the people who were investigating Hillary Clinton.'"

McAuliffe's political action committee ponied up $467,500 to Jill's campaign, and the

Virginia Democratic Party gave more than $200,000 at a time when McCabe headed the FBI's Washington

field office.

That same field office provided the manpower for the investigation into Hillary's secret

email system.

McCabe would later be promoted to the third-ranking post at the FBI, and then named deputy.

Jill ran to unseat sitting Republican Senator Dick Black.

His ouster would have swung control of the Virginia state Senate to Democrats.

Black ultimately won the senatorial election and states it was his belief McCabe should

resign from his post over what he and many others view as a significant bias or conflict

of interest.

Black also revealed that many local Democrats in Virginia were irritated at what they perceived

as McAuliffe handpicking Jill to run for the seat and he wonders just how much the money

influenced the FBI's investigation into Hillary and her actions.

Black states –

"It is kind of hard to imagine that a huge contribution of that magnitude to his wife

would not consciously or subconsciously influence how he would decide the case.

Now I can't say for certain, but this is the reason that the ethical standards say

you should avoid even the appearance of impropriety because ordinary people looking at the facts

would say this really stinks and this really, really smells of government corruption."

McCabe has also exhibited a significant level of corruption and bias in other areas acting

against the best interests of the country.

Many in the FBI have spoken of McCabe's penchant for carrying vendettas and believe

that former Trump National Security Adviser Michael Flynn may have been targeted by McCabe

due to Flynn's intervention in an agent sexual discrimination case against McCabe

and other top officials.

As previously reported by AFF –

"Flynn's intervention in the EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) case on

behalf of Supervisory Special Agent Robyn Gritz was highly unusual in and of itself.

His intervention included a letter in 2014 on his official Pentagon station, as well

as a public interview in 2015 supporting Gritz's case.

He also extended an offer to testify on her behalf making him a hostile witness against


McCabe was soaring through the bureau's leadership ranks at the time.

Flynn's testimony was so damaging the FBI sought to block Flynn's support for Agent

Gritz, in May of 2014 they sought a federal administrative law judge to keep Flynn and

others from becoming a witness in her EEOC case.

Two years later the FBI opened its inquiry of Flynn in timing that is suspect at best

given the EEOC claim is still pending.

No less than three separate FBI employees speaking only on condition of anonymity for

fear of McCabe's retaliation have stated that McCabe personally disparaged Flynn's

character during the time the retired Army general emerged as a person of interest regarding

the Russia matter.

They did not understand nor know the source of McCabe's seeming hatred for Flynn but

it made them highly uncomfortable as the Russia probe began to unfold and the investigation

began to focus on Flynn with almost single-minded obsession.

One of the employee's even sought independent counsel."

It seems the level of corruption McCabe and others he surrounds him with knows no bounds.

what do you think about this?

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For more infomation >> BOMBSHELL!!! Hillary BRIBED Them With $700K!!! ROT IN PRISON! - Duration: 6:18.


Other Interstellar Objects in the Solar System? - Duration: 3:58.

The recent case of Oumuamua the interstellar asteroid underscores that our solar system

is not by any means isolated from the rest of the galaxy.

Rather, it is a member of a galactic system that exchanges electromagnetic waves and even

comets and asteroids and even planets.

Up until now, detecting these objects was difficult but as instrumentation has improved

we're now able to see objects like Oumuamua as they pass through our system.

And, current estimates are that we're going to see this a lot in the future offering us

plenty of opportunity to study the conditions of other star systems from the comfort of

our own solar system.

But, as Oumuamua shows, that won't always be easy.

It's travelling very fast through the solar system, and while it's not impossible that

we might study it with a probe, it would be a difficult task.

But in reality, it's not the only object of suspected interstellar origin in this solar


Jupiter is large enough to capture these objects and put them into orbit around the sun.

This is thought to happen only occasionally, something on the order of once every 60 million

years, but that's actually a lot in light that the solar system has been here for 4.5

billion years.

There should be quite a few captured objects out there for us to study.

And, indeed, we already have two candidates.

The first is comet 96/P Machholz.

First discovered in 1986, this comet has both an unusual orbit that brings the comet very

close to the sun, and a highly unusual composition in that it is both depleted in carbon and


One possibility to explain this is that it formed in another star system, though it might

also have formed in a particularly cold part of the early solar system and the repeated

close passes to the sun depleted the cyanogens.

The second candidate is comet Hyakutake which made headlines in 1996 in that it was a really

bright naked eye comet for a short time.

This comet was surrounded by all sorts of interesting space oddness.

It was actually discovered by Yuji Hyakutake, a Japanese amateur astronomer who specifically

searched for new comets.

He found them alright, he discovered this particular comet while looking for another

comet Hyakutake he had discovered only a few weeks previous, and more recently for his

service to astronomy they named an asteroid after him, which might be a record for having

objects in space named after you.

Another oddity, which wasn't noticed until years later came from the Ulysses spacecraft

which recorded a series of strange magnetic and proton measurements in space indicating

that it had crossed the wake of an object.

That turned out to be comet Hyakutake.

But this comet too was found to be anomalous chemically.

It contained hydrocarbon ices, such as methane, acetylene and ethane.

Current models of the composition of the original solar nebula suggest that while methane was

abundant, ethane and acetylene were present at much lower levels.

That should have been the case for this comet, but all three were abundant.

Explanations for this could include that it is an interstellar object, or interstellar

material was present in the early solar system and contributed to this comet's formation.

The idea that comets from other solar systems can appear in our solar system is a captivating


After all, how cool is to get to study materials from another star system.

But we have also found within our own comets and meteorites associated with them the building

blocks of life, amino acids, and life on earth may have arose using materials delivered by


Who knows what studying the composition of interstellar comets might tell us about the

prospects for life elsewhere in the universe?

Thanks for listening!

I am futurist and science fiction author John Michael Godier and if you would like to help

support the channel check out my patreon page, link in the description below, or check out

my books at your favorite online book retailer and subscribe to my channel for regular, in-depth

explorations into the interesting, weird and unknown aspects of this amazing universe in

which we live.

For more infomation >> Other Interstellar Objects in the Solar System? - Duration: 3:58.


BREAKING NEWS!!! BOMB SQUAD Called To Trump's Treasury Secretary - Duration: 8:29.


BOMB SQUAD Called To Trump's Treasury Secretary Secretary of the Treasury Steven Mnuchin received

quite literally the smelliest present of the Christmas season last night when a Los Angeles

Department bomb squad responded due to the delivery of a suspicious package.

Turns out the only thing explosive about the package was its stench, as it was filled to

the brim with horse manure.

Classy…real classy.

According to NBC Los Angeles, a large gift-wrapped box, discovered to contain horse manure, was

dropped off in Mnuchin's neighborhood.

A neighbor who received the package reported it to officials, who investigated with involvement

from Secret Service.

Local authorities reported the call came in around 7:30 p.m. regarding a possible suspicious

package wrapped in Christmas wrapping paper was addressed to Mnuchin with a return address

label reading it was from "the American people."

The package was not left at Mnuchin's home but in the driveway of a neighbor's home

in the 900 block of Bel Air Road.

Inside the present, police also discovered a Christmas card, which was also presumably

covered in fecal matter.

The card made negative references to Mnuchin, President Donald Trump and the $1.5 trillion

tax bill that Trump signed into law Friday, police said though the exact wording has not

yet been disclosed.

The LAPD and Secret Service agents along with the LAPD bomb-squad officers swarmed the area

to investigate the suspicious package.

The bomb squad x-rayed and then later when deemed safe to do so, opened the package revealing

the stinky contents.

No injuries were reported.

An ariel video of the scene taken by an NBC Los Angeles helicopter, a bomb squad officer

can be seen opening the suspicious package as well as dumping out its contents.

Three members of the LAPD bomb squad can be seen standing around the pile, shining flashlights

on the manure and moving it around with their feet checking to see if anything additional

was hidden within the smelly contents.

Mnuchin was said to be at his home when the package was delivered and during the ensuing


LAPD and Secret Service officials stated he was made aware of the situation but was not

in immediate danger.

No evacuations were made as a result of the package.

The LAPD reports the bomb squad handles more than 1,000 calls potentially related to bombs

every year.

Of those calls, only about 22% actually involve live devices, live military ordnance or illegal


Mnuchin became the 77th secretary of the U.S. Treasury in February when the U.S. Senate

confirmed his appointment by President Trump and all of this hoopla is due to the backlash

against the recent passage of President Trump's tax bill.

Speaking at CNBC and Institutional Investor's Delivering Alpha conference, Mnuchin spoke

about the new tax plan recently passed stating yet again top earners will not see their tax

bill fall under the tax plan being worked out by Trump administration and lawmakers,

describing the plan not to cut taxes for the wealthy as "the Mnuchin rule."

The Trump administration has repeatedly echoed this sentiment stating that it plans to reform

the tax code and would not cut income taxes for top earners.

Instead, the administration says it is focused on cutting income taxes for the middle class

and businesses.

Mnuchin said the top tax rate may be cut but that this would be offset by the loss of deductions,

particularly as it pertains to deductions for state taxes.

According to Breitbart News, there are multiple myths with regard to the new tax bill as evidenced

by the smelly and classless package sent to Mnuchin FACT: Middle-income Americans are

the biggest winners under the tax bill.

One of the reasons critics of the tax cuts claim the bill will raise taxes on the middle

class is stemming from the fact many of the cuts to individual tax cuts are set to expire

after 2025 in order to comply with Senate budget rules.

If those cuts are allowed to expire, taxes WILL go up, however, there is no reason currently

to expect that Congress will allow those tax cuts to expire particularly if the right maintains

control of the House and/or the Senate.

Middle-class Americans WILL SEE the largest deductions in their tax bills according to

the facts as reported by the nonpartisan Joint Committee on Taxation –

Middle-income Americans win the most.

People earning between $40,000 and $70,000 would see their tax bills falling by 7.1 percent.

People with incomes between $20,000 and $30,000 would see a 10.4 percent decline in their

tax bills.

Millionaires get just a 5.3 percent cut.

And most middle-income Americans win.

Eighty-one percent of taxpayers earning between $50,000 and $75,000 get a tax cut under the

Senate bill, according to the JCT.

For people earning between $75,000 and $100,000, 84 percent get a tax cut.

The same with those earning $100,000 to $200,000.

Just 80 percent of those earning a million dollars or more get a tax cut.

A lot of families will owe no taxes at all.

Most married couples with children earning less than $60,000 per year will have no income

tax liability at all.

That's because under the Senate bill, the child tax credit rises to $2,000 per child.

(Note, this is not from JCT but from the MarketWatch tax calculator.)

It's actually the wealthy that disproportionately pay higher taxes under the bill.Very few people

would face a tax increase under the Senate bill, and those people are disproportionately


According to the JCT, just 10 percent of taxpayers earning between $50,000 and $75,0000 will

get a tax increase under the Senate bill, largely from the loss of some deductions.

That number is actually probably too high, however, because it was done before Senator

Susan Collins of Maine proposed an amendment to preserve the deduction for state and local

property taxes up to $10,000.

For lower levels of income, the numbers are much smaller.

In the $20,000 to $30,000 range, for example, just 5.6 percent will see taxes rise.

Around 19.2 percent of millionaires, however, will pay more in taxes because of the loss

of deductions.

MYTH #2: Tax cuts will blow up the budget deficit.

FACT: Budget deficits depend on economic growth, not tax policy.

The forecasts of budget deficits are not facts–they are forecasts.

If we could predict the future many of us would make decisions very differently.

Meanwhile, while a consulting a crystal ball will not tell us what we want to know, we

can only base our information going forward on what we know to be true now.

Budget forecasts are based on historical economic performance.

When growth has been good, the forecasts are too optimistic.

When it has been bad, they are too pessimistic.

MYTH #3: Millions will lose health insurance.

FACT: Ending the Individual Mandate does not take insurance away from anyone or make insurance


The recently passed tax bill removed the Obamacare individual mandate.

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) reports that some 13 million additional Americans

will be uninsured in 10 years than would be if the mandate stayed in place.

The overwhelming majority of these people do not lose insurance, however, they simply

do not buy insurance because they are no longer forced to buy insurance.

What do you think of the recent passing of the tax bill?

Are you believing mainstream media reports and the Democrats and some establishment Republicans

screaming "THE SKY IS FALLING!

PEOPLE ARE GONNA DIE!!!" or are you rationally looking at the facts and weighing them to

determine your opinion?

Sound off in the comments and let us know what you think!

For more infomation >> BREAKING NEWS!!! BOMB SQUAD Called To Trump's Treasury Secretary - Duration: 8:29.


BREAKING!!! DHS Just Implicated Obama In 'CONFIRMED A.t.t.a.c.k' - Duration: 5:37.


DHS Just Implicated Obama In 'CONFIRMED Terror Attack'

Another one of Obama's "Dreamers" strikes again!

Ths time 51-year-old Ahmed Amin El-Mofty who is a "Religion of Peace" follower from

Egypt, allegedly targeted police officers in Pennsylvania last week.

He fired multiple shots at officers while they were sitting in their police cars and

in one instance he shot into a police car and wounded a female officer.

Luckily only a few days later Pennsylvania police caught up with El-Mofty and in an exchange

of gunfire, the "peaceful Muslim' ended up being shot and killed at the scene.What

makes all this even worse is the fact that Ahmed Amin El-Mofty was an actual naturalized

U.S. citizen who was let into the United States from Egypt on one of those famed family-based

chain immigrant visas.

The long chain of migration that led to this terrorist's admission into the United States

was initiated years ago by a DISTANT relative of the suspect.

One of the recent links in that chain that is never-ending was an extended family member

admitted into the United States from Egypt on an F24 visa.

Of course, all this went down when Barack Hussein Obama was president and he was letting

people into this nation without the proper vetting, as was the case with most immigrants

during Obama's 8 long years in office.This is what years of unchecked and unvetted immigration

have brought to our great peace-loving nation.

Not sure when exactly it became a right for the rest of the world to come to our country,

but it's way past the due we stop that trend.

Just because your second cousin twice removed was allowed to come here doesn't mean you

have a right to be here also.

We aren't a wasteland for the world.

It's time to clean up our immigration system and build the wall.

If not this won't be ending well and we don't need to become another Israel where

they have been attacked day in and day out for the last 60 years.

Via Fox New:

Homeland Security says chain migration let terrorism-related suspects into U.S.\

A spokesman for the Department of Homeland Security said Saturday that two recent terror

suspects made their way into the U.S. via chain migration.

A spokesman for the Department of Homeland Security said Saturday that two recent terror

suspects made their way into the U.S. via chain migration.


The Department of Homeland Security said chain migration is the common element in two cases

allegedly tied to terrorism activities, according to a statement released Saturday.

In the statement on Twitter, Acting Press Secretary Tyler Houlton said DHS "can confirm

the suspect involved in a terror attack in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, and another suspect

arrested on terror-related money laundering charges were both beneficiaries of extended

family chain migration."

Chain migration is when an immigrant gains legal entry into the U.S. via sponsorship

by a family member who's already a legal resident or citizen.

The Trump administration launched a campaign against the immigration system, in favor of

a more merit-based structure, favoring education and job potential as factors.


The memo referred to Ahmed Aminamin El-Mofty, 51, who it said was a naturalized U.S. citizen

admitted to the U.S. from Egypt on a family-based visa.

El-Mofty went on a shooting spree Friday in Harrisburg and was reportedly targeting police


The gunman, carrying two rifles and a shotgun, fired at officers in multiple locations.

"He fired several shots at a Capitol police officer and at a Pennsylvania state police

trooper in marked vehicles," Dauphin County District Attorney Ed Marsico said.

The state trooper was injured but is "doing well," he said.

El-Mofty pursued the trooper to a residential neighborhood and encountered law enforcement

officers, who ultimately killed him after he fired "many shots" at them.

The statement also mentioned Zoobia Shahnaz, who DHS said was a naturalized U.S. citizen

who entered from Pakistan, also on a family-based visa.

Shahnaz was indicted on Dec. 14 after she allegedly laundered more than $85,000 through

Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies overseas to the Islamic State.


Acquiring the money through fraudulently obtained credit cards and a bank loan, Shahnaz laundered

the funds to people in Pakistan, China and Turkey and "planned to travel to Syria and

join ISIS," federal officials said.

Shahnaz was charged in federal court with bank fraud, conspiracy to commit money laundering

and three counts of money laundering, according to the U.S. Attorney's Office.

In the DHS statement Saturday, Houlton said, "These incidents highlight the Trump administration's

concerns with extended chain migration."

"Both chain migration and the diversity visa lottery program have been exploited by

terrorists to attack our country," Houlton said.

"Not only are the programs less effective at driving economic growth than merit-based

immigration systems used by nearly all other countries, the programs make it more difficult

to keep dangerous people out of the United States and to protect the safety of every


For more infomation >> BREAKING!!! DHS Just Implicated Obama In 'CONFIRMED A.t.t.a.c.k' - Duration: 5:37.


HILARIOUS!! Trump Just Got Off Air Force One And Holds Up A HUGE SIGN!!! - Duration: 9:28.

For more infomation >> HILARIOUS!! Trump Just Got Off Air Force One And Holds Up A HUGE SIGN!!! - Duration: 9:28.


Chaque jour demandez Moi Mes priorités en prière, Je vous les mettrai à cœur 19 décembre 2017 - Duration: 8:28.

For more infomation >> Chaque jour demandez Moi Mes priorités en prière, Je vous les mettrai à cœur 19 décembre 2017 - Duration: 8:28.


Beim Nachsitzen... - Duration: 2:48.

For more infomation >> Beim Nachsitzen... - Duration: 2:48.


Presidential Plans in Palm Beach - Duration: 2:00.

For more infomation >> Presidential Plans in Palm Beach - Duration: 2:00.


5 killed in plane crash - Duration: 4:05.

For more infomation >> 5 killed in plane crash - Duration: 4:05.


Missing 2-year-old girl found after minivan stolen in north Columbus; suspect still at large - Duration: 2:10.

For more infomation >> Missing 2-year-old girl found after minivan stolen in north Columbus; suspect still at large - Duration: 2:10.


XBOX ONLY!! | Chill Streams!!||#RoadTo 2k #SilcaArmy - Duration: 12:26.

For more infomation >> XBOX ONLY!! | Chill Streams!!||#RoadTo 2k #SilcaArmy - Duration: 12:26.


Two in custody after home invasion, police chase - Duration: 0:39.

For more infomation >> Two in custody after home invasion, police chase - Duration: 0:39.


Cancer Alliance of Help and Hope Makes Special Delivery - Duration: 0:46.

For more infomation >> Cancer Alliance of Help and Hope Makes Special Delivery - Duration: 0:46.


Mensagem de Nossa Senhora de Anguera, 24/12/2017 - Duration: 18:08.

For more infomation >> Mensagem de Nossa Senhora de Anguera, 24/12/2017 - Duration: 18:08.


Cuixart reclama "sentido de Estado" - Duration: 2:32.

For more infomation >> Cuixart reclama "sentido de Estado" - Duration: 2:32.


Officer-involved shooting under investigation - Duration: 1:32.

For more infomation >> Officer-involved shooting under investigation - Duration: 1:32.


NORAD continues tradition of tracking Santa - Duration: 0:33.

For more infomation >> NORAD continues tradition of tracking Santa - Duration: 0:33.


Snow is making some roads slippery - Duration: 2:04.

For more infomation >> Snow is making some roads slippery - Duration: 2:04.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Automaat Sport | Nightpakket | Ambition - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Automaat Sport | Nightpakket | Ambition - Duration: 0:54.


How to Earn Kohl's Cash

For more infomation >> How to Earn Kohl's Cash


For more infomation >> How to Earn Kohl's Cash


Mensagem de Nossa Senhora de Anguera, 24/12/2017 - Duration: 18:08.

For more infomation >> Mensagem de Nossa Senhora de Anguera, 24/12/2017 - Duration: 18:08.


For more infomation >> Mensagem de Nossa Senhora de Anguera, 24/12/2017 - Duration: 18:08.


About Enlightment & Ego. Despre Iluminare si Ego. - Duration: 1:13:58.

For more infomation >> About Enlightment & Ego. Despre Iluminare si Ego. - Duration: 1:13:58.


For more infomation >> About Enlightment & Ego. Despre Iluminare si Ego. - Duration: 1:13:58.


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For more infomation >> 13 aliments qui provoquent des ballonnements (et comment les remplacer) - Duration: 9:17.


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Singalong With The Strong H...

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Christmas 2017...and some interesting facts. - Duration: 2:26.

Tonight will be Christmas Eve and tomorrow will be Christmas and in different parts of the world

They are going to celebrate in different ways these special days.

For instance, in Latin America

They make something called "El Pase del Niño". "El Pase del Niño" is a parade that recreates

What happened when Jesus born. There are people that are disguise

Like Joseph, the animals, the Virgin Mary

sometimes they have dancers

Sometimes they have musicians and also sometimes they have more people involved in this "Pase del Niño".

Number two there are another thing called "La Novena del Niño"

In some parts of Latin America. It is called "La Novena del Aguinaldo" it is like when

friends, neighbors, or families are

They go together

They are reunited to pray, to sing "Villancicos". Villancicos are a

special Christmas songs and

They make these kind of things this

"Novena" the nine days before the 24th of December

Sometimes they gave presents to the children, they gave them

cookies and food etc

Speaking about food. There are special snack in Christmas.

I know there are different kind of snacks around the world, but there is something called "Pristiño"

A "pristiño" is a snack made with flour that have a special taste. It is very delicious.

Right here, and I hope you can taste it

sometimes or some day in the future the "pristiño". Very delicious!

I wish you that you have a Merry Christmas, I wish you the best

For these days and for the rest of your lives - so thank you very much to watch this video Merry Christmas

I will see you again in an another video. ¡Chao!

For more infomation >> Christmas 2017...and some interesting facts. - Duration: 2:26.



For more infomation >> ♦ OVERCOMPILATION 3.0 - COMPILATION DE NOEL ♦ - Duration: 3:03.


주병진 나이 재산 사업 성공과 집 가격 상암동 펜트하우스! | KDH 긴급 속보 - Duration: 5:00.

For more infomation >> 주병진 나이 재산 사업 성공과 집 가격 상암동 펜트하우스! | KDH 긴급 속보 - Duration: 5:00.


A Holiday Message - Duration: 0:35.

For more infomation >> A Holiday Message - Duration: 0:35.


Michelle Gurevich, Blue Eyes Unchanged - میشل گورویچ، هنوز همان چشم های آبی - Duration: 5:08.

For more infomation >> Michelle Gurevich, Blue Eyes Unchanged - میشل گورویچ، هنوز همان چشم های آبی - Duration: 5:08.


Andrea - Member Testimonial for Wealth Enhancers - Duration: 0:59.

My name's Andrea.

I work in, for an insurance broker as administration.

I found Wealth Enhancers through a friend.

He's very successful at what he does and I was in a bit of money troubles.

I feel like life can get in the way a lot, of, especially of your goals and things changes,

with me they change all the time so it's really good to be able to have that person to go

that can ground you and get you back on track, so that's the best thing that I find about


The WE team is so great, they're so much fun.

When I came into WE I was really stressed out, I had a lot of stuff, a lot of baggage.

I kind of got to that point where I was like, Okay, you need to sort your life out now.

I feel like it's such a big world, like, with finance and investment and I think that gen

y would definitely benefit from knowing more about it.

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