Thứ Ba, 10 tháng 10, 2017

Youtube daily report Oct 10 2017

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Todays our subject is About DIGIPAY V23

and old version is not working properly

now we shoud start with our base software which is 2.2

For more infomation >> DIGIPAY V 23 Available How To Update See Detailed Process - Duration: 5:18.


Sony a7R II vs Sony RX100 V — Vlog and Camera Review - Duration: 6:20.

Okay, cool.

Uh, hey, are you available to like go shoot some stuff with me for this, uh -- I'm going

to test out the RX100 and the Sony a7R II.

Are you down to go help me shoot some stuff?

PHONE: Yeah, for sure.


Alright, I'll -- I'm going to leave my house in like 20 minutes.

I'll pack my stuff and see you soon.

I'll pick you up.

PHONE: Sounds good.

Cool, alright buddy.

Thanks man.

PHONE: Alright.

Alright, bye.

[Upbeat Pop Music]

I mean there's--there's two ways we can go.

We can either go to like, uh, Mount Laguna, I was thinking.

Not like all the way up to Mount Laguna, but just like right when you exit there's that

area in Descano.


I mean dude it's just--it's freakin' hot today.

Like it's--what is it?

97 dude.

It's 97 right now.

What do you say we get some Chick-fil-a?

Just a little some--just a little something to satisfy us, to give us some fuel because

I am starving right now.

I'm gonna get me a spicy chicken sandwich.

Yeah, just the sandwiches, uh, extra crispy.

Can we get some Buffalo sauce as well?

One thing you're going to learn about me is that I Iove Buffalo sauce...

can't have enough of it.

Honestly, I gotta say, vlogging in public is really really weird.

Peter, what the heck are you doin' man?

Peter, go ask for two more Buffalo sauces.


Alright, Chick-fil-a was a success.

Now, time to do the test.

[Upbeat Pop Music]

[Car Alarm Sound]

Alright, so today we took the Sony RX100 Mark V and we put it up against the Sony a7R II.

Now, I know what you might be thinking: why bother, right?

I mean clearly the a7R II is gonna be the clear champion.

But that wasn't the purpose of this test.

It wasn't to prove whether the RX100 is better than this camera.

It was to prove whether you could get decent image quality, a comparable image quality

to the a7R II.

This shoots sLog2 and so does this.

This is Sony and so is this.

So I wondered: could I get a decent image out of this?

Is this a viable back-up option for b-roll and vlogging.

Let's face it.

This camera is about $1,000, whereas this camera, just for the body alone is about $3,000.

And if you add the f2.8 24mm-70mm G Master, that's about five grand in total.

So you're talking about five grand versus 1,000.

Not everybody can do with this option, so I was curious: is this a viable option?

Now, some of the pros about this camera.

What do Iike about this camera?

Well, the form factor.

It's very small, it can fit in your pocket.

That's a big plus because not everyday can you go and take this out with you everywhere.

I mean, sometimes you're just going and hanging out with friends and you don't wanna take

this with you where ever you go.

Sometimes, you just wanna take something small with you and then, maybe, you see something

that's worth photographing or you see something that's worth video-ing.

And that's where this comes in handy.

The other thing I really like about this camera is the fact that it's got a flip up LCD screen.

If you compare that to, lets say, the Sony a7R II, that only comes out about 90 degrees.

So if you wanted to vlog with this camera, you're pretty much in the dark.

The fact that you shoot sLog2 on this thing is awesome because you can match footage from

other some cameras like the a7S

or the a7RII or the a6500.

Going into this test I knew this camera was gonna fall short in terms of depth of field.


It's very simple.

The smaller the sensor, the worse the depth of field is.

The bigger the sensor, the better the depth of field.

You get more bokeh, better bokeh.

But I was pretty impressed that you could still get a decent bokeh from this camera.

Let me tell you one of the major cons about this camera and it's the reason I'm actually

not gonna be keeping it.

I purchased it for vlogging, but honestly, the biggest con, for me, is the fact that

you cannot plug-in and external microphone and record directly into the camera.

You have to use the built-in microphones made in the camera and quite frankly, I don't

find them to be that good.

Some people might argue that they're not a big deal or it's not that bad, but for

me, I come from a filmmaking world, I come from a filmmaking background and it just doesn't

cut it for me.

With my a7R II, I can just plug in a Rode mic or with my GH5 I can do the same thing

and I can get amazing crisp audio.

If I wanted to do that with this camera, that means I would actually have to record to an

external audio recorder and for practical purposes, for vlogging purposes, it just doesn't

make much sense and for that reason—that's the reason I'm actually sending this camera


But overall, I really love this camera and I hope Sony, in the future, if they end up

releasing a Sony RX100 Mark VI, that they put a—some kind of audio jack where you

can plug-in an external mic.

That would be really really cool and then I would instantly have no doubts about purchasing

this because I mean, look at the size of this thing.

Look at the size of this thing.

I love this camera, but I also love the size of this camera and I love that I can get a

decent reliable image out of it.

But if you're looking for really crisp audio,

this is not going to do it.

And that's it for this week guys.

Thank you all for watching.

Please let me know in the Comment section: what did you think about this test?

Was it useful?

Was it beneficial to you?

What did you think about the image quality that this little tiny camera produced?

Other than that, hit that thumbs up, hit the subscribe if you haven't already, and I'll

see you guys next Tuesday.

Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> Sony a7R II vs Sony RX100 V — Vlog and Camera Review - Duration: 6:20.


i can sing with my mouth closed.. - Duration: 10:38.

Okay, so people always ask me to talk to my mouthful for them, so I'm assuming video


I can say

hi, and spoon or

Hi, tiny. I mean I can say long things with announcer, but

your letters and harder to stay on the line and

and on smile, Alyson, Hannigan

Dragon has the three songs

Here back in addition, and I'm it's a good size matching mMM, sing twinkle twinkle little star

welcome to my video on

just listening to me making noises my

going to show you some of the impressive noises that I can make first of all I can whistle really lab with my fingers and

It would sound like this

Well my parents didn't hear that um yeah, so that is my finger whistle I'll do it again

that's my whistle with my fingers um

My next one is the water drop noise with sounds like a water drop noise

That's why it's called net wow. I sound really stupid. Okay. It sounds like this

Now that noise is perfect for when it's completely silent during class and you just want to

Make a distraction and make everyone look at you

The water drop noise next is the crab scratch also known as the average scratch I

Don't know I didn't name it that this noise. Do you?

Incorporate normally people incorporate it into their beatbox beats

Because it sounds like a scratch that you would do on a disk, so

now you would make that noise like say about a Beatbox which I'm not good at just saying but

Something like that if you hear from a real beat boxer, then it would sound much better because I'm not

that glad beatboxing um

But anyways yeah

crap scratch ever scratch, whatever

Next would be the bubble noise

I think it sounded like a bubble noise because why do I do it sound like bubble noise, okay, so

you might have had to turn up your volume a little bit on that noise because kind of quiet, but

Yep, that's my bubble noise um I can also do a race car noise

I'm really doing the race car noise like I'm not just covering my mouth

But I have to cover my mouth like that because it. What sounds better if I do it like that, whatever but

Yeah, that's my race car noise. I mean it sounds like a chainsaw just a fart to some people, but I

Think it sounds like a race car um

Also, I know how to do a hooting noise. This only works occasionally for me when I have a good day, but um


I could do a cricket noise

Just saying I'm going to be covering my mouth again, but I'm really doing it. I'll do it without my hands department Malchus

and I think it just sounds better if I would cover my mouth like this I

Can make a I'm sure everybody knows how to make a port noise like I?

Mean that's Pathetic if you don't know how to do that

This is a little different because I do this with my hands and my mouth I do

Also, my gunshot noise. Oh


Probably look really stupid doing that just now this next

Everyone knows how to do that

I'm sure and you don't you don't know how to do it you can just look at me doing it right now and

You would know how to do it, but we've got ten nights until the next full moon

But already there have been sightings of these creatures around, San antonio

Yeah, those creatures are teen wolves and as ken's 5 chicag reports. They haunt our high schools

School's out at John Marshall high but this could be any school and with any school

Come - clicks - Cheerleaders nerds jocks and goth, but lately we've tailed another group on and off campus literally

We're not a to be feared. It's not emo, and it's not God. It's well more animal than that

Meet members of the Wolf Pack one of Several packs scattered about San Antonio's Northside

We're not a gang at all like gangs are posers. They just want attention

That's why they go on tagging stuff the packs

We're family like we go just each other for our problems and yes

They sometimes meet under a full moon that is if mom and dad let them out of the house. We're here

The Fascination with werewolves dates back to the 1930s with popular movie starring Lon Chaney Jr.. I

Think more recently movies like van helsing and the Twilight series have captured the attention of teenagers

They may not be mutating for Amanda wolf but counselors warned these teens are experiencing

Transformations of their own from childhood to adulthood young people are looking to define their identities

sometimes to come together and affiliate around a theme or an idea and just really to

Belong that sense of belonging and a sense of belonging is just what this group says they're after your friends you've in place

You belong yeah

You pretty much like you're accepted or to where you are who you are what you are day Khitan wolfram lupus is the unofficial leader

Of the pack at Brandeis high he says he's got some wolf in him howling sometimes to get out

We spotted the tails at a westside mall doing what teenagers do we just hang out here like

we're just like another family like this is our second home basically and you couldn't help but notice the eyes and the fangs it's a

Style we're told and nothing more we're not trying to be intimidating. We're not trying to be menacing or anything

We're just trying to live our daily lives and just hang out. You know as teenagers. We just won't have fun

They just kind of look at you where sometimes at point, and you can tell they're kind of talking about you

But attention they have received one of the wolfpack who many consider the alpha dog received some international acclaim when a neighbor's dog went missing

Only to have its skull found in possession of 118 year old Wolfie black heart it created a firestorm on the internet

It was san Antonio's first glimpse into the world of these transform teens

Northside officials confirm wolf packs do exist in at least half a dozen schools with anywhere from Twelve to twenty

Werewolves in each they walk down the hallways and and meld into the the fabric of the school and don't seem to be

Troublesome in the school environment now Northside counselors say it's extreme expression

Day says it's something deeper than violating the school's dress code. I don't believe anyone that's just human

It's just everyone's got something else mixed in with them

Just they've got to actually look inside themselves and find out what it is Jay's got his only she wears

And then there's the kind his mother keeps him tethered to his family his chores his studies as soon as he walks in the door

he is supposed to take out the things loose the glock the

Lenses and put his hair back Pam manly says she's proud of her son. They could

Go subscribe to them you beautiful people

For more infomation >> i can sing with my mouth closed.. - Duration: 10:38.


Farming Simulator 17 Special MT800E And Agrisem Cultiplow - Duration: 11:59.

HI GUYS !!!! Welcome to Farming Simulator 17 Mods Channel in this video I will show You The Challenger MT800E Series And The AGRISEM CULTIPLOW PLATINUM 8M.

Challenger MT800E 4 Engine Setup 4 Design Setup 40Km/h Top Speed

IC CONTROL SPACE So many New Function Like !!!


AGRISEM CULTIPLOW PLATINUM 8M Colorable 8m Working Width 12Km/h Working Speed Recommended Power 420Hp

If you enjoy watching my videos... Give thumb up SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE And for any question ( or just for say HI!!) LET comment I will be happy to answer you...... bb

For more infomation >> Farming Simulator 17 Special MT800E And Agrisem Cultiplow - Duration: 11:59.


Learn English Words - CENTRIPETAL - Meaning, Vocabulary with Pictures and Examples - Duration: 1:07.

Centripetal moving towards the center

Dancing in a centripetal motion, the ballerina slowly moved her routine towards the center

of the stage.

A centripetal force applied by the track kept the soaring roller coaster car from flying

off the rails.

A satellite in orbit around earth is kept on its path by gravity, which serves as a

centripetal force.

Without a centripetal force to keep the object near the center, it made its way outside of

the margins.

Centripetal moving towards the center

For more infomation >> Learn English Words - CENTRIPETAL - Meaning, Vocabulary with Pictures and Examples - Duration: 1:07.


(AT) Výzva predsedu parlamentu Katalánska k parlamentu o stave regiónu - Duration: 31:13.

For more infomation >> (AT) Výzva predsedu parlamentu Katalánska k parlamentu o stave regiónu - Duration: 31:13.


How to Improve Blood Circulation Naturally - Duration: 2:52.

Your blood does a fantastic job of transporting nutrients and oxygen to every part of your

body, so if you have a problem with your circulatory system, it can affect your overall health.

Poor eating habits, a sedentary lifestyle, heart diseases, thyroid problems, stress and

depression are some of the factors that contribute to the development of problems in the circulatory


They're easy to detect because the symptoms are noticeable, such as spider veins, water

retention, and fatigue.

In today's video we will show you how to make 3 teas that stimulate circulation and prevent

problems in the circulatory system:


White willow bark tea

White willow tree bark is known as a "natural aspirin" due to its anticoagulant properties

and capacity to improve blood flow.

Its regular consumption helps regulate blood flow and protects against heart diseases,

heart attacks, strokes and varicose veins.


1 spoonful of white willow tree bark; 1 cup of water.


Put the bark in a cup of boiling water and let it steep for 10 to 15 minutes.

Drink it once a day, every 2 or 3 days.


Horsetail tea

Horsetail tea keeps arteries from hardening and lipids from accumulating, such as cholesterol

and triglycerides.

Its consumption lessens circulatory problems and prevents varicose veins.


2 spoonfuls of horsetail; 1 liter of water.


Boil the liter of water and once it has boiled, put it in a jar with the horsetail.

Let it steep for 5 to 10 minutes, strain it, and drink.

Drink 1 or 2 cups a day, every day, for about a month.


Ginger tea

Ginger's anti-inflammatory and anticoagulant properties help maintain our veins' health

and prevent problems with our circulatory system.

It also works as a tonic that can protect your arterial walls against lipid buildup.


2 pieces of fresh ginger; 1 cup of water;

Honey and lemon (optional).


Put the pieces of ginger in cup of boiling water and let it steep for 10 minutes.

Before drinking the tea, you can add honey and lemon to make it taste a little better.

Drink up to 3 cups a day for at least 2 weeks.

If you're currently taking any medications or if you have any health problems, consult

your doctor before drinking any of these teas.

For more infomation >> How to Improve Blood Circulation Naturally - Duration: 2:52.


The Flash 4x01 Sneak Peek #2 "The Flash Reborn" (HD) Season 4 Episode 1 Sneak Peek #2 - Duration: 1:40.


What are we looking at?

Holy Ronin.

It's a samurai.

Anybody speak Japanese?

Tell me he did not just speak Japanese?

I can do things.

The Flash.

Yeah, you're looking at him, pal.

You're not The Flash.

You're not the best.

Bring me The Flash.

Sensing an "or else."

Or else your city falls.

The Flash ain't coming.

Furthermore, Mifune, we're gonna need you to sheathe that sword before somebody gets hurt.

Somebody like you, for instance.

Cause you're up against some bad hombres.

And what do you think you're gonna do against us... with a sword?

You guys okay?

The hell kinda sword is that?

You have one day.

If The Flash does not face me, Central City dies.

The Flash Season 4 premiere this Tuesday at 8/7c on The CW.

For more infomation >> The Flash 4x01 Sneak Peek #2 "The Flash Reborn" (HD) Season 4 Episode 1 Sneak Peek #2 - Duration: 1:40.


pickled chicken recipe - Duration: 10:55.

For more infomation >> pickled chicken recipe - Duration: 10:55.


Angelina Jolie Praises Jane Goodall at Premiere of 'Jane' | Daily Celebrity News | Splash TV - Duration: 1:08.

Jolie and Jane… together at last.

Check out these shots of Angelina Jolie and Jane Goodall spending a few minutes together

in Los Angeles at the premiere of, Jane, the documentary film chronicling the life of the

wildlife activist.

And look, Angelina brought her kids.

Speaking to People, Jolie said she was so happy to be there to support her friend, and

the cause that she has given her whole adult life to.

She added that when someone with all of Jane's wealth of experience and knowledge and wisdom

tells us that we don't have unlimited time to save wildlife and environment, we really

have to take notice.

Jolie continued, saying that her children look up to Jane not only as someone who has

lived an amazing, brave, and adventurous life, but as an example of a person fighting for

all she believes in.

The National Geographic film opens in limited release on October 20th.

For more infomation >> Angelina Jolie Praises Jane Goodall at Premiere of 'Jane' | Daily Celebrity News | Splash TV - Duration: 1:08.


5 Terrifying Jumpscares in Movies - Horror Month 2017 - Day 10 - Duration: 3:02.

Geeky Gaming Hey Geeks, it's Andrea.

It is day 10 of Horror Month 2017 and I figured today we can talk about something I have a

love/hate relationship with.

Jumpscares in movies.

I love that they exist, but I hate that they scare me so easily.

Don't forget, links to actual clips are in the description below.

Alright Geeks, let's go.


Insidious - I can still hear that voice Insidious is a decent horror movie if you

haven't seen it.

One of my personal favorite scenes in this movie is when the mother of the main character

is describing a dream that she had.

I always love simple lines before a jump scare and in this one she states, "I can still

hear that voice."

when the camera cuts to see her son, you see the man with the red and black face behind


Of course accompanied by one of those terrifying demon screams that jump scares like to use.


Sinister - The Lawnmower Scene I love the setup for this jumpscare.

It takes the silence before a scare to a whole new level.

Rather than having someone talk or looking around the room and someone being behind them.

Which are all valid ways to do jumpscares, but you have to love when someone does something

their own way.

Entering into the scare on this one, you are watching a fuzzy video with no sound.

There is nothing special going on.

Just a guy pushing a lawnmower.

That is until you see someone laying in front of the lawnmower and hear one of those horrible

demonic screams.


A Tale Of Two Sisters - Girl Under The Sink You kinda see a jumpscare coming from a mile

away with this one, but they do it in an interesting way.

First they have her looking over her shoulder in such a way that you're sure something

is going to be standing there.

So maybe for a moment when you realize that it isn't there you might feel at ease.

That is until you see the hair pin on the floor.

You kinda know where it is going at that point, but that doesn't make me jump any less.


The Orphanage - Benigna Grabs Laura We actually talked about this movie the other

day whenever we were looking at masks in movies.

This doesn't show the creepy child, but it is disturbing none the less.

The woman laying on the sidewalk badly injured is presumed dead when she suddenly grabs Laura's

wrist and makes a horrible grunting sound before, well, dying again.


Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring - Bilbo Baggins

Oh god, this was like my nightmare when I was a kid.

I know that Lord of the Rings isn't the most terrifying movie out there, but that's

kinda why this is so unexpected.

You're just sitting around, watching a classic Lord of the Rings movie and then BAM!

There is a face that makes you want to cry for your mommy.

Alright Geeks, that's going to do it for this video.

Thank you so much for hanging out with me today.

We still have 21 days to come, so be sure to come back tomorrow for another video.

Be sure to pick up the limited time Horror Month t-shirt and check out the official song

for this Horror Month on bandcamp.

On your way out, subscribe, like, and comment.

Alright Geeks, I will see you tomorrow.

For more infomation >> 5 Terrifying Jumpscares in Movies - Horror Month 2017 - Day 10 - Duration: 3:02.


THE ONCE AND FUTURE LAMB - Duration: 20:48.

For more infomation >> THE ONCE AND FUTURE LAMB - Duration: 20:48.


A Look at Meghan Markle's Fabulous Fashion Sense | Daily Celebrity News | Splash TV - Duration: 1:11.

A lot has been said about Meghan Markle's one of a kind style, but we think it deserves

a little more attention.

Like the time she wore an Alexander McQueen embellished wool dress for the world premiere

of the film, the Hunger Games: Catching Fire…

And speaking about fire, she was certainly on fire when she showed up at fashion week

in a Herve Leger dress back in 2014.

Not to mention the times she wore a Jill Stuart dress, a Roland Mouret mermaid gown or this

high neck brocade Dolce & Gabbana min.

But even when she's going casual and understated, like when she's wearing J Crew, she still

knows how to make her mark.

When she showed up at the Today Show in March of 2016, she was head to toe in navy, wearing

a skirt by Veronica Beard with a popping pink Mark Jacobs bag.

So no matter what she's wearing or when she's wearing it, we can now clearly say

her fashion sense is second to none.

For more infomation >> A Look at Meghan Markle's Fabulous Fashion Sense | Daily Celebrity News | Splash TV - Duration: 1:11.


WaPo Russian linked ads found on Google MSNBC - Duration: 5:23.

For more infomation >> WaPo Russian linked ads found on Google MSNBC - Duration: 5:23.


IFK Helsinki vs. Comarch Cracovia postgame interviews - Duration: 1:20.

The bar definitely was not so high tonight,

Cracovia played tonight so much better than in Poland, and they got our offensive game taken off.

On the other hand we sunk to very passive gameplay, specially in the offensive zone.

It tells something, that the opponent didnt have to take penalties,

Well, it is kind of semi-fresh, it is half of being fresh

It is nothing nice, it is a big disappointment.

Our goal was to qualify from the group, now it is too late to wonder what happened.

This is now over. We have to play that well (in Liiga) that we can play here next season again.

I think it was a really good game from our team.

First period was pretty even, 1–1 score.

In the second period they got that two goal cushion, made it 3–1 and then 4–2.

But we fought until the very end.

Looking back, I think we did a great job here.

It was very good for both, players and coaches.

For more infomation >> IFK Helsinki vs. Comarch Cracovia postgame interviews - Duration: 1:20.


Genç Hane - Rap Versiyon -YEeter Artık (Youtuberların Bitişi) Diss Track - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Genç Hane - Rap Versiyon -YEeter Artık (Youtuberların Bitişi) Diss Track - Duration: 1:04.


1.5 RAS - Duration: 2:18.

[Denise] Hello and welcome to this episode of Two for You, where we're going to be talking

about the Reticular Activating System, or the RAS, and how you can put it to work

for you as leaders in your work, your community, or your personal life. [Lori] So I

love the RAS. The reticular activating system is - it starts above your spinal

cord and it's about two inches long, it's about the width of a pencil, and it's

where all your senses come in. Well, except for your smell, which goes into

your emotional center of your brain, but the rest of them come in through the RAS

and what the RAS does is really connect that subconscious part of our brain with

the conscious part of our brain. So, for example, how this works is, if you were to

look around the room and look for the color blue. Do you have some examples?

Like Denise's scarf, for example. But the use of scarf is always there, as well as

the other blue things that you identified, but what the RAS does is then

bring to light that we're looking for. [Denise] Which is really a key component of

getting to your goals. So as leaders, we can talk about the word "hope" for example.

We "hope" this will get done. But when you use the word "hope" there's a lot of doubt

floating around in there. You could change that to "want" - I "want" this to be

done, I "want" to complete this, but again, the door is open for that doubt. You know,

will you or will you not get there. But when you use the term consciously -

use the term "intend" - what it does is that it takes away the doubt and it kind of

kicks that RAS into high gear. It helps you to start filtering out those pieces

that can help you with that intention and so the conscious mind brings that

into your subconscious mind and so you start to see and hear and understand the

things that will help you get to what you're intending. [Lori] I love that, so you know,

be intentional about what you want identify and have that subconscious part

of your brain work for you. So join us next time as we talk about how we can

live and lead with intention.


For more infomation >> 1.5 RAS - Duration: 2:18.


Entrevista com Travis Wester - Shinobi Spirit - Duration: 5:42.

For more infomation >> Entrevista com Travis Wester - Shinobi Spirit - Duration: 5:42.


David Newburger Disability Employment Q&A Series - National Disability Employment Awareness Month - Duration: 1:17.

Congress designated October as National Disability Employment Awareness Month.

Originally the program started in 1945 and it was for a week.

Since 1988, it's been for a full month.

The issue is this program covers is critical.

80% of the working age population of people with disabilities do not have jobs.

Not doubt, some can't perform jobs.

But many could perform jobs, but they can't get hired.

The Office of Disability Employment Policy from the Department of Labor spearheads this

month-long program and does other good works throughout the year.

We at the Starkloff Disability Institute are laser focused on helping people with disabilities

get hired, and helping employers be able to comfortably and productively hire people with


If we can ever help, please give us a call or write us. Thank you.

For more infomation >> David Newburger Disability Employment Q&A Series - National Disability Employment Awareness Month - Duration: 1:17.


Gangaji: Here to Love One Another - Duration: 6:10.

Somebody gave me a little picture Papaji some years ago and a nice like Santa Fe

type frame, and they had cut it out a little

just taking a sentence out of something he had said sometime he said. He said the

whole range of everything. But this really went with this particular picture and it

was, we are here to love one another. And I loved it you know. I mean, it's sweet

and it's deep and it's profound and it's immediate.

Sometimes when the words truth and freedom, enlightenment are used, they get

very abstract and cool. But we're here to love one another. This is like, well,

there's nothing cool about that. There can be enormous overlays, the judgment,

given the fact that we don't love one another, and striving to somehow get to

that place of loving one another, until finally it's really the surrender,

the surrender to love one another, which is the truth.

Which really is freedom, regardless of the form of relationships that

appear in that love, even the form of enemy's, the form of disagreements, form of

contraction, even that is appearing in this call within us to love one another,

not just to love one. I also love that part of the little quote, not we're here to

love one. We're here to love oneself or we're here to love all. We are here to love

one another.

Nothing is excluded in that. Duality is not excluded. Non-duality is not excluded.

Everything is included. And so, here in a weekend like this where we are really

called to be here, to get something from it, to give something to it, we have the

opportunity to discover the ongoingness of really the loving one

another that's here, that may be covered, is usually covered by conditioning, animal

conditioning, human conditioning,

social conditioning, political conditioning, spiritual conditioning, the

worst of all.

Because in that you hate yourself. You exclude oneself. So our conversations can

take any, any range of subjects. But really, and in the realization of truth,

in the recognition of freedom, in though doubtless recognition of oneself, that is

here, to love one another. And that's the challenge. There are many, many instances

or experiences or moments of clarity and realization and truth. And as you

everyone knows in this room, at least, following that there is the struggle of

the mind to hold and keep that to use against one another. And so, our initial

opening or initial true essential experience is both the ending and the

beginning. And the ending is that really the ending of identifying yourself as

as anything, and the beginning of recognizing how much you identify

yourself as something. That's the vigilance. But because it is horrifying

to recognize how much we identify ourselves as something, it is horrifying and shocking

and numbing. The greatest tendency of all is just to put that another aside

and return to an altruistic view of oneself, and so loving oneself excluding

another. The real challenge is to include all, every aspect of yourself, even the

aspect that hates can be loved. Because who you are is more than the sum of your


For more infomation >> Gangaji: Here to Love One Another - Duration: 6:10.



For more infomation >> Ford B-MAX 1.0 ECOBOOST(120pk) TITANIUM TREKHAAK/TOMTOM NAVIGATIE - Duration: 0:55.


Peugeot 207 5-deurs Style 1.4 VTi 95 pk | ZEER LAGE KILOMETERSTAND | - Duration: 0:50.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 207 5-deurs Style 1.4 VTi 95 pk | ZEER LAGE KILOMETERSTAND | - Duration: 0:50.


Featuring Musician Megan Ni...

For more infomation >> Featuring Musician Megan Ni...


For more infomation >> Featuring Musician Megan Ni...


N'ignorez jamais ces signes et symptômes précoces du cancer des ovaires ! - Duration: 7:12.

For more infomation >> N'ignorez jamais ces signes et symptômes précoces du cancer des ovaires ! - Duration: 7:12.


For more infomation >> N'ignorez jamais ces signes et symptômes précoces du cancer des ovaires ! - Duration: 7:12.


Shy'm: « J'ai envie d'être maman, ça me restera tant que je n'au­rai pas - Duration: 1:57.

For more infomation >> Shy'm: « J'ai envie d'être maman, ça me restera tant que je n'au­rai pas - Duration: 1:57.


For more infomation >> Shy'm: « J'ai envie d'être maman, ça me restera tant que je n'au­rai pas - Duration: 1:57.


23CUPS | It Ain't Free {OFFICIAL AUDIO} - Duration: 2:57.

Two Three!

Now I apologize If I wasn't into you

Yeah I had to do What the boy had to do

I'ma keep it real I don't where to start I'm serious baby I didn't mean to break yo

heart (I didn't mean it) Don't hate on me

Know you feel some type of way but love it ain't free (It ain't free no woah)

You miss me I know You just want some mo'

Want some mo' Want some mo' aye (Want some mo' 2x)

Aye (5x) You just want some mo'

Want some mo' Want some mo' aye (Want some mo')

Aye (7x) You just want some mo'

Want some mo' Want some mo'

You wanted more with me But it ain't free

Maybe you thought us was a guarantee (Maybe) I'ma keep it real I don't know where to start

I'm serious baby I didn't mean to break yo heart (I didn't mean it)

All Tiana wanted was a husband and some kids Carly wanted a new job, cars and a crib

It's some in between's that wasn't really serious

And all I gave 'em was some headaches and serious d*ck

I Can't take it back, If I could I would Had run through the bad to get to the good

Never took a L Only lesson learned

I didn't wrap it up, and living fast got me burned

Yeah they love you when you really on the up and up

Who gone stick around when you down and broke as f*ck

It's the little things you gotta pay attention to

And If you ask another n*gga I can't f*ck with you

If you ask another n*gga I cant fuck with you

If you ask another n*gga yeah

I know, I know baby You like damn two three

What you talking about if I ask another n*gga baby

Exactly what I just said If you ask another n*gga for a hug, I can't

f*ck with you If you ask another n*gga for a hello, I can't

f*ck with you You know what I'm saying baby

When you f*cking with me its only one me, ya feel me!

Now I apologize If I wasn't into you

Yeah I had to do What the boy had to do

I'ma keep it real I don't where to start I'm serious baby I didn't mean to break yo

heart (I didn't mean it) Don't hate on me

Know you feel some type of way but love it ain't free (It ain't free no woah)

You miss me I know You just want some mo' want some mo' want some mo' aye

Aye (5x) You just want some mo' want some mo' want some mo' aye

Aye (7x) You just want some mo' want some mo' want some mo' want some mo'

For more infomation >> 23CUPS | It Ain't Free {OFFICIAL AUDIO} - Duration: 2:57.


For more infomation >> 23CUPS | It Ain't Free {OFFICIAL AUDIO} - Duration: 2:57.


Kate Midd­le­ton atten­due pour sa 1ère appa­ri­tion depuis l'an­nonce de sa gros­sesse - Duration: 2:57.

For more infomation >> Kate Midd­le­ton atten­due pour sa 1ère appa­ri­tion depuis l'an­nonce de sa gros­sesse - Duration: 2:57.


For more infomation >> Kate Midd­le­ton atten­due pour sa 1ère appa­ri­tion depuis l'an­nonce de sa gros­sesse - Duration: 2:57.


JSB Exact Jumbo Beast .22 33.956 grains Grouping and Ballistic Coefficient - Duration: 8:15.

Airgun Shooting and Related Activities

JSB Exact Jumbo Beast 5,52 mm

2,20 g | 33.956 gr

Batch information

10.74 mm | 0.423" (Taller than most pellets)

You have to be patient to load it in the HW100.

Grouping at 50 yards (46 meters) range, Weihrauch HW100 T FAC .22

CTC: 1.8 cm | 1.353 MoA

CTC: 2.5 cm | 1.904 MoA

CTC: 0.9 cm | 0.690 MoA

Ballistic Coefficient Measurement

JSB Exact Jumbo Beast 2.20 g (33.95 gr)

Weihrauch HW100 T FAC .22, 48 J (35.5

Distance between chronographs = 43 m (47 yd)

Temperature = 25ºC (77ºF)

Relative Humidity = 23%

Atmospheric Pressure = 1016 mBar (30"Hg)



Weihrauch HW100 T FAC .22 ~48 J (36

Homemade chronograph screens (V1)

chronographs placed at 43m (47 yards) from each other

Homemade chronograph screens (V2)

Digital audio recorder

after 13 more shots, here are the results

Average BC = 0.0457

Drop from Line of Departure (LoD)

Retained Velocity and Energy at 50 meters (54.7 yards)

Comparing drop for Baracuda and Beast

37 Joules (27 on target at 50 yards

Thanks for watching. Till next time

For more infomation >> JSB Exact Jumbo Beast .22 33.956 grains Grouping and Ballistic Coefficient - Duration: 8:15.


For more infomation >> JSB Exact Jumbo Beast .22 33.956 grains Grouping and Ballistic Coefficient - Duration: 8:15.


Rise of Digital Gaming

For more infomation >> Rise of Digital Gaming


Nelly Furtado - I'm Like A Bird - Duration: 4:44.

For more infomation >> Nelly Furtado - I'm Like A Bird - Duration: 4:44.


BMW X3 2.0d 222pk high executive M-pakket panorama Facelift model - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> BMW X3 2.0d 222pk high executive M-pakket panorama Facelift model - Duration: 0:54.


What is the One Thing that Scares You the Most? - Duration: 6:00.

Hi! I'm Sharon Jurd and welcome to my Biz Blitz video

and today I want to talk to you about what is the one thing that scares you the most.

Now just have a think about that for a minute, I want to talk to you about that.

The thing that scares you the most will be different from someone else. That fear that we all have is usually quite unique to us.

I've got a little bit of an exercise today, which is a bit different from my Biz Blitz so grab a pen and paper,

I want you to write something down. I want you to write this thing down,

what is the one thing that scares you the most? Write it down.

In business, in life that you don't want to do, it might be cold calling, it might be making phone calls, it might be getting out and networking,

loads and loads of things, it might be just success in general.

So write it down and I want you to really feel that. When you think about that 'thing',

think about how you feel and I'm sure it will bring up emotions of being fearful.

Once you've got that down, I want you to ask yourself this question, "what do I believe to feel fearful about that thing?" What do I believe?

And I want you to write some things down about this. Do you believe that people are not going to like you?

They're going to reject you, they're not going to like your product, and you're not going to deliver the service that they are expecting.

It might be that, what happens if you are successful? What are you going to do about that or are you ready for that?

I want you to list these things down for me because you really have to be truthful to yourself and really go,

"what do I believe when I'm feeling scared about this thing?" Write it down.

Stop the video if you have to and write them down. There might be tons of them that come into your head right now. Do that.

But once you've done that I want you to look at that list and if you are really being honest with yourself,

you will realise that those stories you are telling yourself are probably not true. They're probably a bit BS, right?

When you look at that list, you look at it and you go, "That is ridiculous why am I thinking that?"

If you are being honest with yourself and you wrote down honestly what you're believing in that moment,

you will realise that when you've got them down on paper, it's actually a load of crap and you'll be going,

"Oh my God, I can't believe I'm even thinking that."

When I say it out loud it sounds ridiculous. These people aren't going to hate me,

they just might not need my product now but what I'm thinking is,

when I'm doing my cold calling or door knocking that they hate me and that is totally, totally untrue because they don't know you.

But in reality that may be something that you believe right now in this scary moment.

The next thing I want you to do is write down what can I now believe?

If you want to change that to a positive, what is it that you can believe right now?

And that might be that there are people out there looking for me right now. I need to get out and allow them to find me.

I need to market better because these people need to find me.

You might believe that you have a product that these people need right now and you need to share your knowledge with them.

You might believe now that you were put on this earth by God or the universe

or whatever you believe in for a purpose and that purpose you are going to deliver.

So you can easily change the things that you do believe that are crap, BS, call it what you like, you're lying to yourself,

you sound silly and change them into a more positive affirmation or belief and you can easily do that by simply writing it down and saying this to yourself.

If you're go to do your cold call or you go to do the networking look at this list and say,"

These people need to hear from me." "They need to meet me." "I need to get out there",

or whatever it is that's a positive notion or a positive belief in what you are feeling scared about.

I hope this little exercise has helped you today. What you need to do is write down the thing that you're most scared of

then write down what do I need to believe when I'm scared of doing that thing and then write down

the positive things that you can believe right now to change your thought process right now.

If you want to work more closely with me or find out how you can work more closely with me,

please go to the link that's in this video it is

and that will give you all the information you need to connect with me,

and I hope that we do connect and I can work with you in the future.

I'm Sharon Jurd and thank you for listening today, I really appreciate your time.

For more infomation >> What is the One Thing that Scares You the Most? - Duration: 6:00.


23CUPS | It Ain't Free {OFFICIAL AUDIO} - Duration: 2:57.

Two Three!

Now I apologize If I wasn't into you

Yeah I had to do What the boy had to do

I'ma keep it real I don't where to start I'm serious baby I didn't mean to break yo

heart (I didn't mean it) Don't hate on me

Know you feel some type of way but love it ain't free (It ain't free no woah)

You miss me I know You just want some mo'

Want some mo' Want some mo' aye (Want some mo' 2x)

Aye (5x) You just want some mo'

Want some mo' Want some mo' aye (Want some mo')

Aye (7x) You just want some mo'

Want some mo' Want some mo'

You wanted more with me But it ain't free

Maybe you thought us was a guarantee (Maybe) I'ma keep it real I don't know where to start

I'm serious baby I didn't mean to break yo heart (I didn't mean it)

All Tiana wanted was a husband and some kids Carly wanted a new job, cars and a crib

It's some in between's that wasn't really serious

And all I gave 'em was some headaches and serious d*ck

I Can't take it back, If I could I would Had run through the bad to get to the good

Never took a L Only lesson learned

I didn't wrap it up, and living fast got me burned

Yeah they love you when you really on the up and up

Who gone stick around when you down and broke as f*ck

It's the little things you gotta pay attention to

And If you ask another n*gga I can't f*ck with you

If you ask another n*gga I cant fuck with you

If you ask another n*gga yeah

I know, I know baby You like damn two three

What you talking about if I ask another n*gga baby

Exactly what I just said If you ask another n*gga for a hug, I can't

f*ck with you If you ask another n*gga for a hello, I can't

f*ck with you You know what I'm saying baby

When you f*cking with me its only one me, ya feel me!

Now I apologize If I wasn't into you

Yeah I had to do What the boy had to do

I'ma keep it real I don't where to start I'm serious baby I didn't mean to break yo

heart (I didn't mean it) Don't hate on me

Know you feel some type of way but love it ain't free (It ain't free no woah)

You miss me I know You just want some mo' want some mo' want some mo' aye

Aye (5x) You just want some mo' want some mo' want some mo' aye

Aye (7x) You just want some mo' want some mo' want some mo' want some mo'

For more infomation >> 23CUPS | It Ain't Free {OFFICIAL AUDIO} - Duration: 2:57.


Lucius - Truce [Official Audio] - Duration: 3:27.

♫ I caught you talking to yourself

♫ You're so fed up and I can tell

♫ This leads to nobody's win

♫ Why don't we bury this thing

♫ There's words we meant to say

♫ And words we can't erase

♫ But this hatchet's rusted out

♫ Don't need it anyhow

♫ Now that we've opened the floor

♫ Move with me till we are cured

♫ I know we've had enough

♫ You know it's true

♫ I'm calling your bluff

♫ Let's call it a truce

♫ I know we've had enough

♫ You know it's true

♫ I'm calling your bluff

♫ Let's call it a truce

♫ You caught me falling under your spell

♫ It's been some time but I can tell

♫ We haven't flown too far

♫ To save our lonely hearts

♫ There's words we meant to say

♫ And words we can't erase

♫ But this hatchet's rusted out

♫ Don't need it anyhow

♫ Now that we've opened the floor

♫ Move with me till we are cured

♫ I know we've had enough

♫ You know it's true

♫ I'm calling your bluff

♫ Let's call it a truce

♫ I know we've had enough

♫ You know it's true

♫ I'm calling your bluff

♫ Let's call it a truce

♫ I know we've had enough

♫ You know it's true

♫ I'm calling your bluff

♫ Let's call it a truce

♫ I know we've had enough

♫ You know it's true

♫ I'm calling your bluff

♫ Let's call it a truce

♫ I know we've had enough

♫ You know it's true

♫ I'm calling your bluff

♫ Let's call it a truce

For more infomation >> Lucius - Truce [Official Audio] - Duration: 3:27.


3⃣ RULES FOR TRADING & INVESTING 🔥 Fintech World News Jamie Dimon X22 Report Crypto News roger ver - Duration: 1:05:01.


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For more infomation >> 3⃣ RULES FOR TRADING & INVESTING 🔥 Fintech World News Jamie Dimon X22 Report Crypto News roger ver - Duration: 1:05:01.


Renault Clio Estate 1.5 DCI SÉLECTION BUSINESS SPORT Airco ECC Cruise control Licht metaal Inruil m - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Renault Clio Estate 1.5 DCI SÉLECTION BUSINESS SPORT Airco ECC Cruise control Licht metaal Inruil m - Duration: 1:05.


Lucius - Better Look Back [Official Audio] - Duration: 3:43.

♫ We'll say it perfectly

♫ And it slips right through the cracks

♫ They'll mince our words down to a nugget for the masses

♫ And they'll push it down the conveyor belt

♫ Once more

♫ More

♫ Something for everyone

♫ Something that's so different from before

♫ Before

♫ It shines

♫ Better look back 'cause I see that that better than before

♫ Look how it shines

♫ Better look back 'cause I see that that better than before

♫ Give us a reason why you're feeding us this way

♫ Our minds are thirsty and our appetites depraved

♫ And our children say there's no time to play no more

♫ More

♫ Their books are on the lawn

♫ Conversations gone

♫ I'm bored

♫ Want more

♫ It shines

♫ Better look back 'cause I see that that better than before

♫ Look how it shines

♫ Better look back 'cause I see that that better than before

♫ This whole thing's gonna keep us in a daze

♫ Never quite figure it, out the questions remain

♫ Better look back 'cause I see that

♫ Better better look back

♫ Better look back 'cause I see that

♫ Better better look back

♫ Better look back cause I see that

♫ Better better look how it shines

♫ Better look back 'cause I see that that better than before

♫ Look how it shines

♫ Better look back 'cause I see that that better than before

♫ It shines

♫ Better than before

♫ Look how it shines

♫ Better look back 'cause I see that that better than before

For more infomation >> Lucius - Better Look Back [Official Audio] - Duration: 3:43.


Farming Simulator 17 Special MT800E And Agrisem Cultiplow - Duration: 11:59.

HI GUYS !!!! Welcome to Farming Simulator 17 Mods Channel in this video I will show You The Challenger MT800E Series And The AGRISEM CULTIPLOW PLATINUM 8M.

Challenger MT800E 4 Engine Setup 4 Design Setup 40Km/h Top Speed

IC CONTROL SPACE So many New Function Like !!!


AGRISEM CULTIPLOW PLATINUM 8M Colorable 8m Working Width 12Km/h Working Speed Recommended Power 420Hp

If you enjoy watching my videos... Give thumb up SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE And for any question ( or just for say HI!!) LET comment I will be happy to answer you...... bb

For more infomation >> Farming Simulator 17 Special MT800E And Agrisem Cultiplow - Duration: 11:59.


Lucius - What We Have (to Change) [Official Audio] - Duration: 4:28.

♫ Don't want to talk to you today

♫ Don't wanna play the games you wanna play

♫ I love you baby but I just don't know

♫ What we have

♫ What we have to do to change

♫ Leavin' you has crossed my mind

♫ But I'm afraid another heart is hard to find

♫ I love you baby but I don't know why

♫ Why our love

♫ Why it's fallen so behind

♫ Find me a mountain or any grand canyons

♫ Just find us an igloo and I'll freeze with you

♫ I'll climb any tower

♫ Take any grand notion

♫ Just find us an ocean to swim into

♫ Anyway if we don't find a way

♫ I'll have to get over you

♫ Remember on our wedding day

♫ I went to work after I dropped off my bouquet

♫ We should've figured it would be this way

♫ Oh our love

♫ It has never had the time

♫ Leaving you has crossed my mind

♫ But I'm afraid another heart is hard to find

♫ I love you and I don't know why

♫ Why our love

♫ Why it's fallen so behind

♫ Find me a mountain

♫ Or any grand canyons

♫ Just find us an igloo and I'll freeze with you

♫ I'd climb any tower

♫ Take any grand notion

♫ Just find us a ocean to swim into

♫ Anyway if we don't find a way

♫ I'll have to get over you

♫ Oh

♫ Oh

♫ Oh

♫ Oh

♫ Oh

♫ Oh

♫ Oh

♫ Oh

♫ Find me a mountain or any grand canyons

♫ Just find us an igloo and I'll freeze with you

♫ I'll climb any tower

♫ Take any grand notion

♫ Just find us an ocean to swim into

♫ Find me a mountain

♫ Or any grand canyons

♫ Find us an igloo and I'll freeze with you

♫ I'll climb any tower

♫ Take any grand notion

♫ Just find us an ocean to swim into

♫ Anyway if we don't find a way

♫ I'll have to get over you

♫ Anyway if I don't find a way

♫ How will I get over you

♫ You

♫ Oh

♫ Oh

♫ Oh

♫ Oh

For more infomation >> Lucius - What We Have (to Change) [Official Audio] - Duration: 4:28.


Lucius - My Heart Got Caught On Your Sleeve [Official Audio] - Duration: 4:35.

♫ Don't know how to start this

♫ No I don't know what to say

♫ This seemed to fall out of the sky

♫ Lost and found is all the same

♫ I'm trying to think of my heart as an ocean

♫ Where there's room enough for things

♫ To come up to the top

♫ I'm counting on it sinking down again

♫ My heart got caught on your sleeve

♫ I need it please give it back to me

♫ My heart got caught on your sleeve

♫ Please give it back to me

♫ Please give it back to me

♫ Smoked another cigarette 'cause even though I quit

♫ I'd do about just anything

♫ To pacify my own torment

♫ The moon is full and I can hear him laughing

♫ As he plays his tricks on me

♫ Almost like he's cheering on my dueling joy and agony

♫ My heart got caught on your sleeve

♫ I need it please bring it back to me

♫ My heart got caught on your sleeve

♫ Please give it back to me

♫ Please give it back to me

♫ I am lost in my own home

♫ I am lost

♫ I am lost in my own home

♫ I am lost

♫ I am lost in my own home

♫ I am lost

♫ I am lost in my own home

♫ I am lost

♫ The guilt of just a thought

♫ Can break your heart

♫ Sometimes wish we never met 'cause now I fear the best

♫ Oh I am captive in my thoughts

♫ Surely this must be a test

♫ I hardly know your voice

♫ And find that I am hanging on your every word

♫ Burned inside my brain and I must stop

♫ Until we meet again

♫ My heart got caught on your sleeve

♫ I need it please bring it back to me

♫ My heart got caught on your sleeve

♫ I need it please give it back to me

♫ My heart got caught on your sleeve

♫ Please give it back to me

♫ Please give it back to me

♫ Please give it back to me

♫ Please give it back to me

♫ Please please please please

♫ Please please

♫ Please

For more infomation >> Lucius - My Heart Got Caught On Your Sleeve [Official Audio] - Duration: 4:35.


TuTu Ep 19: How to Use Snap Kam Pliers Crafting Tool + Troubleshooting! - Duration: 14:39.

hey crafters welcome back to my channel for another exciting Tuesday it's kind

of a rainy Tuesday for me right now hopefully it's not rainy where you're at

and hopefully you've had an awesome week but just to catch it in it I've got a

tutorial coming your way to make your week better so today's tutorial Tuesday

it's gonna be kind of cool because it's gonna be super informational and it's

gonna be a little different than any tutorials I've done so far because I'm

going to show you how to use a specific crafting tool it's really cool so I

think you guys are gonna like this

so today we're going to be looking at snap pliers you might not know what

these are I didn't know what these were either my dad had a project that he's

working on and he's not the particularly crafty type but he's DIY in this big

project and so I'm gonna show you some of the buttons that I'm gonna put on

here but what these you use these to put on snap buttons that's these buttons

like this called snap buns because they make a snap sound when you open and

close them so we'll get to the actual assembly in a minute but first let's

look at all the materials that I have so when my dad got this he ordered a bundle

off of Amazon so I'm just gonna show you the different things that came in the

bundle that we went with and I'll go ahead and put a link in the description

below so you can find the same bundle but first off it comes with the cams

snap pliers and so this is the toilet you used to assemble the buttons and

I'll explain that in just a moment so first let's talk about the different

parts of the tool itself so this down here is the die though kit comes with

several different sizes if you look at these here you can see how there's

different size heads and that's for the different size buttons you use so you

can swap these out really simply there's a set screw right there and it comes

with a handy-dandy screwdriver to be able to get them in and out and this

just pops in pops out you tighten the set screw to hold it in place pretty

simple the next thing you have are these two metal rods I've been calling them

hammers I don't know that they have an official name other than rods and they

look very similar however the difference is if you take off the rubber part you

can see that this one's fairly thick but if we take the rubber part off of this

guy you can see the metal rod at the end and there's a difference in the size and

so that depends on what size snap buttons you're using so we'll get to

that in just a moment the next thing you have is a nice all and this is a very

sharp at the end this is so you can punch a hole through your fabrics before

assembling the button on to the pieces of fabric and we'll get to that also

once we get to the assembly but just to go over what we've got here and then

also the tip that I purchased came with a bunch of bags of these

button so in each of the bags there are all

different colors and sizes there's all this different parts so let's go over

the three different parts now you're gonna actually need four

pieces for each button you're going to need two cap that's the pieces like this

they almost look like little tacks where they've got a round flat head and

they've got this rod that comes through in a point for each button you're going

to need two of these then the other pieces you're going to want are a socket

the sockets look like this you can see that they kind of come in there in the

middle but if you look on the underside you can kind of see that it's not a

smooth pattern so that's how you know that this is the back side and this is

the front and this is a socket so the basic way that these snap clips work is

you have the cap that goes through the hole you punch with your awl then you

set either a socket or another piece I'll show you in a moment together like

this then you load it into the tool and what the tool does is it compresses this

tip here and it basically causes it to bend over this other piece the socket

and so it holds them together with the fabric held in between them the third

piece we have is a stud and this one works pretty similar goes on to the cap

and you punch it down around your fabric and hold on and then just a quick word

this is a socket this is a stud the way you can tell them apart is on the back

of the stud you've got all these little dots and that's to help it hold to the

fabric well but this one you'll notice it doesn't have those little dots so if

you're trying to figure out which is which the sockets don't have the little

dots but the studs do and this is the back of the stud and so the top of the

stud looks like this the basic idea is you use the tool to squish down those

stems and get them out of the way and then they can snap together like that

which obviously we can't do right now because the stem of the cap is in the

way but once we start using the tool you'll be able to see better how these

work so one last thing before I start talking about how to actually use the

tool and snap some of these buttons onto your projects let's make sure that the

tool is using the correct pieces that we need so remember there's two

interchangeable parts there's the die down here at the bottom

and there's the metal rod so how do you know what you want to use

when you get your bag of buttons it'll give this nice little box here or you'll

find someone to packaging it'll tell you either what size it is or what

specifications to use so the buttons that I'm using today it says use pliers

die t5 so to find out which one is the t5 size just look on the rim it's kind

of faint but it'll tell you a size so if it doesn't say t5 don't use that one

because your cap might not fit and you'll end up breaking your button

another way you can tell if you're still not sure is the cap will fit perfectly

inside of there so you can see what this one this is this needs a t5 but this is

not a t5 so it's kind of big in there so there's a lot of wiggle room and you'll

end up messing up your button which you don't want to happen so I've got the t5

already loaded into the pliers the one other thing you want to be aware of is

as I said there's two different sized metal rods if you're not sure which one

it is just pop off the rubber piece and you can look and see this is the thicker

one and my bag of buns that I'm using today says to use the narrow setting rod

so just make sure you have the correct size die and that you're using the

correct size setting broad for your button size so let's go ahead and work

on snapping some buns together so we've got our tool already so I don't need a

screwdriver I don't give these extra guy and I don't need the extra rod I'll just

put those out of the way but I am going to need the pliers my button pieces and

the all so I've got a project I'm working on today where I need to put

these ribbon loops so that way they can snap and unstack nap around the edge of

this fabric here so this is a pretty thick quilt and I'm using this because I

was already working on this project but also it shows how effective these are

then you can use it on a lots of different sides materials so I'm going

to just take my materials and get them lined up the way I want them to being

for this project and you can see here I've got the ribbon on top of the quilt

and so what I need to do is I need to put the first side of my

button here so once I get things lined up looking the way I want them to I'm

gonna take the all again being very careful because it is very sharp and I'm

going to poke it through my fabric I turn it this way so I can get it through

it takes a little bit of force but don't be shy just shove it on through so you

can kind of see how I'm running it through the center of all of that

now this quilt that I'm working with it likes to fluff up really quickly so I'm

gonna leave that in there for just a moment while I gather my pieces the next

thing I'm gonna want is the cap because once we pull the all out we're gonna put

the cap through that hole we're gonna run the stem of the cap through that

hole so I want to hold this together to make sure that this don't become

unaligned because once I pull the all out I'll have these halls and I want

them to stay lined up so in just a quick careful motion I'm gonna pull the all

out take my stent my cap and put the stem of it through the holes in forms if

you come and look at this side you might kind of have to work your fabric down

around it push it down but you can see that that'll be the outside of the

button and now I've just got to put the next piece on so I'm going to start by

taking a socket and putting a socket on this side so I'm just gonna stick it on

there and it's this nice stack like this and this is where the fun part happens

we're going to carefully take our pair of pliers and the idea here is we're

gonna line up the cap in the middle in the plastic die and then we're going to

squeeze the whole contraption and that's gonna get these two to stick together so

I'm gonna carefully slide this along I want to make sure that it doesn't all

come apart but when I slide it on here now I'm just squeezing to hold this in

place I'm not squeezing too hard yet I want to make sure that my cap is lined

up very well on the dime because if the cap is sticking out like that when I go

to squeeze down it's not going to properly attach the piece so I want to

make sure that it's lined up very well in the die and when you're using the

right size die it'll all just slide nicely into place and then this is the

fun part once it's all together and it's centered well in there just screw

and you want to squeeze fairly firmly you don't need a ton of strength because

it kind of leverages your strength but just squeeze that's all there is to it

and now you can see that it took the sharp stem of the cap and it pushed it

down so that way these two pieces stay together so this is the first half of my

step button so it's really cool and not hard at all so all I have left to do is

I just need to put my other side of my snap clip on here and then this piece

will fold over like that and snap so once again this time I'm running just

through the ribbon so you start by taking your all poking the hole now

something to consider is which side do you put the cap through I go this way or

that way well if you think about it we're gonna fold this over like that

so I want the cap to come up from the backside so that way I can have a stud

on the front and it will snap into the socket so pop them all out and run my

cap stem through the hole and just kind of work the fabric down on there so all

we have left to do is take our stud remember those little dots on the back

we're gonna put those against the fabric so just like that and just as we do with

the other side we're gonna line it up on our tool make sure our cap lines up in

the dime and then bring the arm down by just gently squeezing and I just give it

a nice tight squeeze and that's going to adhere them together so now I've got

both sides of my button fastened here it is from the other side and then the last

thing you have to do is just test it and the way you test it is you try to snap

it shut and if it makes a snapping sound when you close and open it you know

you've done a good job so let's test this unseen hey it snapped

woo so this one snapped together which means that we properly assembled this

button and there we go guys that is how to assemble one of these snap clips snap

buttons whatever you want to call them now hopefully when you did this your

snap just as easily as minded however in the

real world things don't always work out as easily as you see what other people

do them so I'm going to talk a couple of troubleshooting things so when you're

working before you even start to snap the clip together you want to make sure

you you're using the correct size die in the correct size metal rod because if

you're not using the correct sizes for your button it's gonna really cause

problems because it won't cause the pieces to adhere together correctly and

it's just gonna be a big mess all over your buttons won't be even and they

probably won't snap close so that's the first thing you want to double check if

you're having problems with a button the second thing to consider is how well

your cap is lined up in the dye if your cap isn't lined up in the dye well when

you squeeze down and the metal rod presses on the stem of the cap it's

gonna bend it sideways right a weird angle or it could even break the pieces

so we had one the other day that we were working on this project and it wasn't

lined up in the cap we thought it was and we squeezed down and it just didn't

work well at all so make sure it is lined up correctly in the cap if you're

not sure you know just bend the fabric out of the way double-check it doesn't

hurt to double check and then a final issue you might have is you squeeze it

and you look at it looks good but the next thing you know the cap and the

socket or the cap and the stud come apart and the issue with that that means

you didn't squeeze hard enough because when you squeeze it flattens the stem

out and so it catches either the socket or the stud whichever piece you're using

but if you don't squeeze it enough it won't flatten enough and it won't catch

the other piece so all you need to do then is just reload it into your pliers

give it a good hard strong squeeze and you should be good to go so I hope this

video helps you guys out this is a really great tool and I wanted to show

you guys this this is very new to me but I am definitely loving it I think it's a

perfect tool for this month because what everybody working on Halloween costumes

of course so I'm not a big sewing person even though I am pretty crafting so I'm

not a big fan of sewing I'm not that great at it either

but with snap Clips like this I can easily you know instead of sewing on a

button I can just clip it on clamp it on and boom it looks awesome really easy to

work with just snap it together snap it closed and it doesn't take any sewing so

it's a really nice alternative for working on

your Halloween costumes and I'm gonna try to come up with some different

tutorials different uses for this and put together a video on that before

Halloween gets here so you can have some more inspiration for how to use this in

your costumes but until then I hope you all have a great week and happy crafting

so I thought this was pretty funny the bundle that I got it came with these

buttons and the brand is I like big buttons because you know I like big

buttons and I cannot lie and then because I think this is from like a

Japanese company I'm just gonna read you some of the instructions on the back so

one of the features it is bulletproof plastic made bottom die in good abrasion

resistance I don't quite know what they need but that sounds pretty good use

clothing maintenance and good helper for the clothing store so lots of handy

information on the back of here if you're trying to figure out how to use

it it'll definitely help you

For more infomation >> TuTu Ep 19: How to Use Snap Kam Pliers Crafting Tool + Troubleshooting! - Duration: 14:39.


Badiou, Canguilhem, Foucault, Hypolite, Ricoeur: Felsefe ve Hakikat (1965) / Türkçe Altyazılı - Duration: 55:00.

For more infomation >> Badiou, Canguilhem, Foucault, Hypolite, Ricoeur: Felsefe ve Hakikat (1965) / Türkçe Altyazılı - Duration: 55:00.


Renault Clio 1.5 dCi [removed]LEER/NAV./14% BIJT.!!) - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Renault Clio 1.5 dCi [removed]LEER/NAV./14% BIJT.!!) - Duration: 1:01.


Shy'm lève le voile sur son couple avec Benoît Paire - Duration: 2:37.

For more infomation >> Shy'm lève le voile sur son couple avec Benoît Paire - Duration: 2:37.


Shy'm: « J'ai envie d'être maman, ça me restera tant que je n'au­rai pas - Duration: 1:57.

For more infomation >> Shy'm: « J'ai envie d'être maman, ça me restera tant que je n'au­rai pas - Duration: 1:57.


How To Design Logo In Adobe Illustrator | New iTunes Logo - Duration: 6:32.

In this video I will show you how to illustrate out the new iTunes app icon inside of Adobe


So make sure to stay tuned because that's coming right up.

Hey whats up guys and welcome back to another video tutorial here at Design with Money.

I am Muneeb and in this video I will show you the process of illustrating and tracing

out the new iTunes app icon inside of Adobe Illustrator so if you're new to my channel

then I upload these kinds of logo design tutorials and videos and all kind of good stuff so make

sure to subscribe and let's jump into the video.

So as always here I have an artboard of 1000 pixels wide and 1000 pixels tall with me and

now I'm going to set my fill to none and set my stroke to solid colour lucky for me I have

store app icon in my clipboard now while selecting this I am going to go to object lock and selection

and you are also there is so like that and then dim images to 50% you can just indirectly

template and set the color to any black colour now I am going to make a new layer and I am

going to add a rounded rectangle now we can adjust the radius of the curving properties

by actually messing with the handle and you can see we have something quite presentable

now we can use one of the start rules again if you want to know more about the same so

check out my very on that specific topic we can layout acer in here we can always adjust


With the direct selection tool so so now that's not going to be a problem fast forward now

what we can do yes we can just add some of the program redness to the corners what's

the candles another thing is to create partitions now and by the way of speaking partitions

if you know know about my 3D logo design prism tutorials make sure to check it out I really

like a really nice tutorial for me please now what's the partition has been like this

pythagoras control c and Press control and now I am going to make this one shape this

hasn't been made correctly that's why it's not alone me now I am going to select the

inner Pentagon I am going to Press control C control now can I make it into a shape now

I am getting everything I am going to whole shift add click this pentagon the outer edge

so we have the selected of the stars now we can just make this as a whole shape so you

can see what we have here now you can just change the colour actually to black you can

take this colours or something else so we can see this we can stay in this college or

something else so now now this time for creating gradients we can create the square we can

capture this colour and we can make a duplicate using the OLX and we can capture this colour

so now we can treat the one another and that's can I be the gradient now we can just set

the colour mode from grayscale or anything to rdp now we can just copy this colour code

and paste it into the first colour rGB again anthesis and we can just copy now II colour

hex code and thesis into the second grade and scholar now that we have the great and

we can we can just adjust it dance let's ok so once we have an understanding of where

the gradle launch we can just adjust it up just like last we can just believe this radiance

we can I set the star 2 white colour with the passage E2 something like 80% alice like

the intern with exact same 50% or maybe 70% or 75% address so I hope you enjoy this video

if you did then micropyle were like on the video if you have did that make sure to subscribe

check out mother awesome content on the channel this is Win Money and until then see you laterin


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