Thứ Ba, 10 tháng 10, 2017

Youtube daily report Oct 10 2017

Meaningless days

As I'm getting used to it

As I'm getting tired of it, I

Close my eyes and think about you

My heart is beating

The beating is getting louder baby

More than half of my day is empty

The depth of my heart won't be filled

Getting bigger, deeper, and wider

What I'm feeling right now is like before the sun up

I'm confused and lost

When my head is pounding, when I'm exhausted

You hold my worn out hand

You hold me warm and tight

I've always been running without looking back

Whenever I run out of my breath

Please be my sky

It's a beautiful sky

The sky is clear, like you

There is not a cloud

Because of you

The world feels different to me

My day's been rainy

Other people can't see my sky

I can't breathe, I can't eat, I can't sleep

I was completely destroyed before I met you

Now I'm okay, feel alright

Because you're within my reach

When I see you behind the clouds clearing up, I

I'm confused and lost

When my head is pounding, when I'm exhausted

Take all my pain away go away

My cuts get healed from your touch

I've always been running without looking back

When the reality hits me

Please be my guidance

It's a beautiful sky

The sky is clear like you

There is not a cloud

Because of you

The world feels different to me

You'll look up at the sky when you're happy

When it's hard, let your painful half rain

Tomorrow my sky will be full of you

I don't need anything but you, understand

Just like now, you

Just stay beside me

Look at me with warm eyes

Just like this

You wouldn't know this but

It's your existence

That keeps me breathing

Beautiful sky

The sky is clear, there are no such thing as tears

There is not a cloud

Because of you

The world feels different to me

For more infomation >> GOT7 "You Are" M/V - Duration: 3:31.


Let's Play - GTA V - Geoff Bag 2 - Duration: 33:32.

Billiard Gavron suave don't race. Yeah troll spotter created by troll spawn

killer old mary hope not

Bullard Frances

Table to billiards Ginty

Gionta you think it's a big table

What are we gonna drive is there something we all want to do. Oh, yeah

What should we have picked let's pick the first car that was up there the GTA race oh no

I don't know what I even picked


epic poem this Oh, No

I'm in a coma

Not in the car I picked at all I'm an old Inca, okay, I'm in the same car oh

You probably got em all you gonna use the rockets to blast the ball alright. Who's breaking what is happening. We're just playing Snuka

I don't think the race looks important

Lucky shirt, I'm upside down. I don't know how do you how do you play? It's just a race on a pool table? Oh?

That's confused, but we're trying to get the balls in the hole, I think so there's nothing to do with it

It's just a race and they're just it's like look. They're in the way

Yeah, I broke

Stop sticks yeah, no that was

Javan slowest car ah


Was just about to shoot backwards in the night. I do know what happened up here. What's going on whoa?

Oh, I think Oh guys what Oh God hi everyone. Oh, oh?


Is this the pool table you go up I missed like I don't really make a turn

really fucked everyone everyone oh

Where does it go from there oh?

I guess it goes in here. Maybe obliterated Gavin Fritz

How'd you kill him to hold it in like a second? Oh, that's where it goes

Silent yeah, man, it gets confused

real confusing oh nice turn oh

Boy Oh, oh my god, yeah, it does Ryan whoa

whoa oh

man alright, son I can't

Dead yeah, you guys. What's that? Yeah? That's what you are

What's the best flip I've ever seen this is no good job, I'll be back on my hood

Yeah, you motherfucker I was waiting to fire you to

See me yeah, what's all sexy?

Did I shoot at you, it was not a purpose now

He's staring at the ceiling just pink thunder there big hero

Boy you gotta turn upside down so many times while doing this

No Jeremy criminy I I saw my Rockets in the air accidentally landed upside down why kill Kevin?

Yeah, you were shooting at me. I'm trying to get out. What everyone's going in. Why'd you shoot at me? Oh only fired yourself?

Right after the coolest flip you have done so much you should be doing a lot man. This is a video to remember

That was one of those again what my car is not in good shape

It's in first

That was cool. You caught up the ball. I was right behind you for a while silently trying to fucking kill you Oh

Like that except Jeremy cool ball down here

It took me way back

No I was waiting front of you, I shot it backwards oh

I saw that all timing or you. I just fired a random shot

Into one of the pockets

My cars full explosive, that's picking up Rockets area so this sort of true

My car is no longer a steer car. Oh boy. Oh, Jeremy does that mean doesn't it only goes right me? There's a cow?

The ladies is a lady go

For the Red Bull down a Oh

Take that moon deep

Hello oh hi Ryan boy, that's really gonna fuck me yeah

thanks to the Czech boys the intent I

Kind of need you to be a little fucked go son


You didn't blow me up. We're trying to yep

Can I just flip my car over? Thank you damn it?

Whoo always remember this time. Oh show started racing at downtown instead of just

That'll put me in second oh

This pole is a pain. Uh how long is this fucking course go on. It said it was like 40 minutes. Oh, yeah

All right, and there we go oh


Fuck you Kevin. Oh, oh oh

Oh, so scary scary everywhere

Every time I see a checkpoint. I just want it before I get blown up yeah turn over oh


I had on collided, then he was like Mario's will just shoot you fucking blew up. Yeah like the way

I just got out of a jump there uh

Yeah, except that he used his rock come on

Think I got the checkpoint though hey UF no, I didn't you royally fucked me Jeremy why is your cruel joint? Why am I?

increased on TV

Can you stop fucking up you jerk off his name is Gavin death by drive.file. Oh

Tonight got a Gavin turn the fucking stunt camera off. Yep. That's that's the crazy wolf

Yeah, the end, oh whoa I can't believe I fuckin miss that this game still

Plays that means there's someone behind you Jeff. I shot some Rockets at the last second

The most fucking annoying part

Suck me a fucking for right at the end. Yeah, you've been running the race

I was until then he slid right off the edge get the fucking thing you cock suck son of a bitch

God this race was so fucking long

It was pretty much further ado I have to fucking go get Khan I do about 19 seconds

I was expecting a nice friendly game of billiards Jesus fuck

Jeffie gonna make it. I don't know I don't know where the end is done your day is over

Right ah done did Gavin screen just along around

That's the only time I did that don't I'm happy I saw it I flew off the map pretty sweet outfit together

I didn't have a lot of time so I


Is looks cool, it's called ice climbing ice climbing by men kids. Oh, all right all right

Happening out there yes well I ran

Blind car it's like they're running from Batman. They're on the right shit

there we go what I try somewhere I picked my schrott toe thing shit or a

shrine bike

Tron bite gather you gonna buy one of me

I don't want the fat. Yeah, yeah


it looks like we can't hit each other is it a

Jackson visibles

Alright boring

Yeah fun seeing is where it's at. I gotta say yeah. Yeah, if you've got a race without bunts

It's not much of a rate. Just so impossible without punch

I didn't even look at it. It's never been yeah, it's usually not on by follow balls coming down

Well, that's oh, yeah

There's a ball coming for I wonder if we pick the right bike for this all that balls right my fucking face probably not

Also, the balls are just floating there. They're not

Are they boom balls

They're probably supposed to probably sposed to be like GTA race or something well bowl have oh boy gravity

I mean it is by default is what's gonna. Be fair. I'm holding right trigger and

Driving guys. It's really close closest race. We've ever had

But it's pretty fucking close hi detoured around what I thought was a danger ball and that put me in at all oh

I didn't get my grip there. Oh man. Oh

No way with it really just keeps going oh. Yeah, it's

Wrong what I'm understanding is this is like this is know. I lost a lot of traction

This is fuel you all are thinking. This is more like trials. No. It's trials is hard

This isn't hard the the challenge is just it's gonna go on for three and a half hours

It looks like the top nevermind. I lied for at the top. Let's go back down. Yup. Yeah, oh

Alright, well this will be the moment right trigger the whole way

down see bouncy bouncy bouncy

Is cool the bouncing is pretty cool

It became a race up there I go there I go

Jeff has done it Jeff is one well not yet. Well you didn't fly off the world which was critical

Jeremy oh no it sounds like Jeff oh

Oh, there's a hole on the side oh

I've drove right through the hole

When you're like this

hard and all of my ears oh

Shit, I made it

Nice. Yeah watch you just fuck

Oh, and dude, I'll be honest this course came around yeah

Bullshit oh I hit a break or something there. We go okay. How do I do jack?

He's gotta jump across my favorite private investigator. Oh Oh

What the fuck?


Wow Jack after those waves yeah

About halfway done with them right now, and I'm just fuckin it up

No fuckin sides is a nightmare Oh a pile on pile on you must construct additional times thinking the same thing


There's a huge wall ride

Holy fucking shit. What is this map alright made it through the minute. Oh, I missed waves Oh

Mr.. Josh

Well c'mon come on

This is fucking watts Annie. I'll receptor. That's not playing graveyard. Okay. Uh all right through the waters

Feel like if we did this again, though

We would have a much entrant more interesting race because we now kind of know what - it's yeah, Oh

Get it get it. I got it

Bad shit

Down there we go Oh Jeremy are you really oh?

No, Jeremy's gonna fight. You how do you get on the wing? I'm in second?

Michael did sorry yeah

Yeah, oh well she might Wow someone just flew right off yep

You got more it's really understandable after that part

Fun believable and achai landed on top of the red that red tunnel my god

I respond immediately cuz I flew off that thing all those cars in here

Ah fuck god damn it boom car car my head gonna light on fire

It's like driving through the credits of a king TV show

Shepherd driving, it's traffic as much the civilians in the pipe. I'll never see the end of this through it. Oh

Fucking finish god. There's gonna be a fire. Yes sure oh

Fortunate I died you died. Yes. I don't get hit by couldn't hit the wall and kill me weird oh great

That's a long respawn - alright. I can yay. How'd you get around match?

Huh when I cut to your serene you're like a full stop in the world yeah, there's not easy good

Just can't you just like oh?

Cars yeah, I keep hearing about other parts. That sound cool. Though. Where you see them

thing I didn't

Get down oh, yeah

Time these cars want to kill you there you go DNF 23 seconds. I think Gavin will make it

I don't think I will no you might you got a chance

I'm on the ground you probably uh well you're about to knock me over

Jumped ah

Now you won't make it what that just bug what happened hit a car head-on hard Oh, No yep?

It was right in front of a race was there

After you just like one more jumping. Oh

Penises penises penises that was fucking sanity

Shit yeah, that's gonna be it RPG buses Jets

Betting we almost had a thx thing going on there was a video other than that happen right the thx yeah

Sorry watch

Oh my god, I have a role, but I also have a fucking fly into us

We've done. I take this point yeah. He's a shit plane and a good point

Yeah besra and then like a fucking like crop duster. I got a pink jet yeah

I've got the Ramirez ride

The Bezier it

Where are they

They come in from should be the bedroom one of them's in a jail. I'll go spill not in something okay

Where are you guys still out of area? Oh? No there you go now. They've somebody fine. Oh, they're on top Juliet

They're on top of Chilean. Oh, yeah. Weak. We're not sure yet. Ya know. We're on a loose you're on a platform about

Oh, there's one

Barely got to be that way right Oh bullshit there is

Behind right over somebody now. You got to be careful cause as we know as we all know Jeff is just he's deadly deadly

That maybe not necessarily to you

somebody's flying under us Oh

Jeff Jeff sonars like I was flying flew under yep

That was Jeff you did Oh

Jeff you're bezzerides like Griffin

Oh, he's got a lease. Whoa yes

Slime by

Jack here comes Jack coming for kill. He's low

Same thing same height

That was landing

wheels backside

That was like Free Willy if freewheelin was a killer free wheelie lol, okay?

Damn you does explode if you touch that thing

Gavin annihilated me from Soho that was a shot wait to see them. I wasn't even that predictive

I think you just didn't turn in relation to me yet. No I didn't I just I was on a straight line

Alright, let's do this anal bead bleed anal beads yum, so you want to plan hard mode. Take the propeller plane-- yeah

Let's likely to explode


It's just like shoot me in the face

Shit, man. Yeah, you know the fact that goes a little slower might help. Yeah the key

Oh the key is to go underneath like stay low and then kind of pop up good luck

Hellman he's up the key the key a lot memories things who thought winning was the key, that's true. Yeah, that's

True when he does winning we need the poop was pretty

right Jim Cummings

Okay there they all here come some Jets

All right see how this goes

There's one

Thank you

All right, I just gotta cruise it over. Oh


You guys are so fucking tiny yeah, it is not easy like an the yellow ones really being cheesy

I just it

Has got him on my William Ryan nailed me. I was awesome

Where are you guys not all of it?

My friend out of the wing yeah, Ryan's dead Julie would love

All right guys medially 50 Aven

Don't do the scares that faster, okay? Whoa there is because above you Oh Gavin oh

Oh, she

Called Yoshi

Yoshi platform

You can do it. Yeah, but you can do it

just got a

Damn, you got a disruption to their difficulty

Trusted if you thought you just give it up wait I can

Go a little bit further out, thanks. Take your time all right hold on you're just you're just circling here you go

You got to get further away from the platform right you don't

Know boy you go fast boys two minutes losing it now

so much for parties

Sir the pilot seems to have found some cocaine

God I can't

They're so tiny

Yeah, I give yourself some more time, dude like I'm hey shake

You got to get a good run up a little and line it up

Chef gonna kill me shot got the hole my body's right there

You were with them the whole bus my body lies over George then

Well alright sing hey anyone nope hacky sack

Good catch that's a really satisfying sound yeah, it was

All right here we go we're monitors somehow somehow cuz the rooms not full of them bounced around

Let's do it

I'm just I'm just popping the shooting tools shooting at tubes. They are Holly. We reached. I don't care I

only see two blips

Yeah, cuz there's like a plane on top of one they come out

About there we go. I got scared. I was gonna jump off, but I didn't

But I thought about it

Alright a-holes play knees

Flying in like bunch of planes. I keep my wheels down. See maybe I don't know real high someone's going really

Probably jack is looking like he's gonna see oh

Shit oh

We almost hit each other there jack now once squeaked by you

Supply is a very epic game. Type in it. Yeah. This is a pretty good one

Hard to get a fucking kill with the Jets


That was a bit on my screen I scooped you

With the fucking blade

Trade is it - - - yeah. It's - - Jack. That was real life my shoes would have still been up

Landed I did yeah, yeah, briefly touchdown. I honestly I saw you coming on the mini-map

I didn't for a second think you'd be that load


This bounced off in between you guys, and we're just Jeff we just wait till he kills himself what's that?

Both going pretty slowly

Alright one be one no Jeff

Michael versus you go on Michael boy come on Jeff you can do this jump just plain boys

Out hopefully

Janet that engines gonna die


My god Jeff, it's not good. He's not the best run out, No

You've got a time Jeff. This is mine to throw away

You know what I don't think Jeff no I do yeah

Spacing in micro, and I have no idea where Jeff is Michael just keeps switching direction, but Jeff never arrives

Is the nose of his plane bent to the wall, I mean yeah, I you know he's making it

Has a broken nose Jeff line up on the mini-map, dude. You can see her Michael is on the mini-map. Do you?

Fuck you trying to come up under him because I don't want to get fucking I just screw it now so much blood on this

Platform all right come on Jeff nail em down Jeff. You got one Jeff. Please go in go in with a knight. Yep

There you go perfect

All right, Oh rolling out the shoulders

pop that back

pop those tits tits -

All right, Jeff. We know you know yeah

You suck, I suck today

I don't think did you have head you might?

You know he didn't do head your mind Richards out combat I'm just happy when a GTA let's play happens. Not a good

Yeah, unfortunate I feel guilty when it doesn't have could have done. We got a prop plane coming in who's probably

Someone's barrel rolling over here. Oh, it's Ryan

It was Rhys wreckage almost hit me too over the top of me all right, here's another one coming this way

I got Jeff good job. Did you die doing? Oh? Yeah nice nope I skidded him and bounced off Oh cabott in the

Propeller my first plane kill. I didn't realize that they want both

I was running towards the wrong one and I switched

Gods you knocked me over. I rolled onto the wing man havin eternal land and change planes. I've already

Really good. Oh, yes, sir after my one attempt when I suicide in ten seconds

Beat them a little bit comes Gavin whoa okay, I'm gonna keep an eye on Gavin oh

Did you fall off no and you're smoking Michael yeah

Michael hit me again. I have no help all right Jeremy you keep an eye on Michael. I'll keep an eye on Gavin

My landing gear


For me. I hope there's a new any new issues. Are you gonna eject?

All that I have God Gavin yeah, but dude eject or what yeah, how are you gonna do here Michael Gavin?

What happened to that one? I just I never landed. I just bailed out okay? I

Flew over to see if there was a plane - oh shit the bed almost got you all right there you go

No, there's no jet no that was a fucking goddamn. Crop duster. Fuck listen one's gotta have wood, right

Dad yells reloading it's gotta happen right please my girls might go off to search another dude. Oh

Michaels gonna bail out of the shelter don't miss it don't miss it

Oh, we split him Michaels out of his jet I can see the world thought someone Gavin's gone real high

Clipped it if you get a look around put your special glasses on you're

In the Sun oh he's making a diamond

You couldn't wait for me body go

falling a hand directly having it right behind it I

Was trying so hard to get back my as much health back as I can get did you do it it

Just got my point. You don't eat P's and Q's

No, I mean. It's just it. You know you naturally get back there naturally. Yeah

I have to have did I land near anyone yeah, you were right Thank You Alma. I thought you nailed Jack our Jamie

Let's not kill each other by accident


You know what guys?

Such a good tracking shot oh my god

I flew straight up and I was like am I gonna end up the prediction that was fucking I

know I

Got last round. This is it well

I think

You can just bail out of the planes, and there's a helicopter underneath the platform where you could just go and get another one?

No, okay, you should get in that helicopter. I mean, they're not that many planes so you can only do that few times

But that certainly make it interesting I mean there's there's a bunch it just sucks when you don't know which ones have been taken

Cuz you just walking around going like oh no no, I gotta hit someone. I need to hit somebody

It's fucking satisfied. It looks so satisfying when I see like my teammates get nailed by a plane of my pawns - felt good

For both of them

Yeah, all right the last flight of the of the day Concord jetty Tim the bathroom. Is this I don't find

Around double triple fine

So the wheel for three times now, there's no reason that I'm shooting

Jetties coming in coming in low

I'm just I'm just distracting them



Why there were two I'm gonna fucking row and I'm gonna destroy both of you

God I fucking love that

Was awesome

First place well that was beautiful actually back good time. Let's check the ranks

See how the playlist goes Jeremy had it

Way down are you yeah? We'll see 12 points for that so the most I could have games is for

It's not like racing yeah in team stuff, it's also Jack who was a Jack was sin second. I thought Jack what's nothing second

You're in second. You're a now you're in Johnny urine this

For more infomation >> Let's Play - GTA V - Geoff Bag 2 - Duration: 33:32.


Bob Corker Gives Trump A Taste Of His Own Medicine: A Twitter Insult - Duration: 7:19.

For more infomation >> Bob Corker Gives Trump A Taste Of His Own Medicine: A Twitter Insult - Duration: 7:19.


Jon Stewart Grants Trump's Request For Equal Time On Late-Night - Duration: 6:57.

For more infomation >> Jon Stewart Grants Trump's Request For Equal Time On Late-Night - Duration: 6:57.


Stray Kids "Hellevator" M/V - Duration: 4:12.

My life's at a rock bottom's cliff, I'm walking in a dark tunnel

I'm holding up this cruel, dreadful day alone

My school hallway is fading away, on this unfamiliar way

I'm so unlucky, I don't have any map to tell me whether this road is right

There's no way to go up, what I've been through is a maze I never want to go back to

I'm comforting myself shedding bloody sweats instead of bloody tears

They tell me such hills are just passing showers

If you want success, put snares that are called failures

So yes, I bite the baits that are called pain

I'm wandering around, with my exhausted wings of passions temporarily folded

My life's at a rock bottom's cliff, I'm walking in a dark tunnel

I'm holding up this cruel, dreadful day alone

Though I reach out my hand, there's nobody to hold it

They're going up riding on my pain, my tears

I'm on a Hellevator

My Hellevator

I'm on a Hellevator

My Hellevator

I'm on a Hellevator

There's nothing for me, nobody really cares about me

No worries for me, just stone cold "Give up on your nonsense dreams"

Their words on giving up hit my ears, my despair only gets bigger

Covering the sky called hope with the hands of the people beside me

I'm praying for myself to hold on, to save myself from their unkind stares

They're arguing if I'm crazy or not, I'll be somebody's clown even if I make it through

that's what you're going to be, stop trying to be a singer

I push myself through more hearing them talk

My life's at a rock bottom's cliff, I'm walking in a dark tunnel

I'm holding up this cruel, dreadful day alone

Though I reach out my hand, there's nobody to hold it

They're going up riding on my pain, my tears

I'm on a Hellevator

My Hellevator

I'm on a Hellevator

My Hellevator

I'm on a Hellevator

I'm going to find out where the exit is

To save me from being locked in the darkness

I frantically try to, run away

I'm on the Hellevator, I'm going up

I'm escaping my dark past, lighting up my dark road ahead

I run as I could forget those tedious moments

The bell of the new beginning that they've been ignoring rings

I got on my Hellevator that'll hold my hand and take me to the penthouse

I'm on a Hellevator

My Hellevator

I'm on a Hellevator

For more infomation >> Stray Kids "Hellevator" M/V - Duration: 4:12.


Accessing the Art Bell CD R Archive | Slacker study | CircuitSlacker - Duration: 7:15.

I finally found my collection of episodes of Coast to Coast AM with Art Bell.

These are on CD-Rs that I burned 15 years ago.

My biggest fear is that these discs will not be readable.

Now, I've seen the end of this video and thankfully, generally, yes they are readable.

However, I did run into some problems.

When trying to read old CD-Rs, don't give up!

You may need to try multiple drives before you find a drive that will read your disc.

I'm going to demonstrate why you don't give up, especially when you are trying retrieve

your Art Bell archive.

The Art Bell archive is 40 CD-Rs that were burned in 2001 and 2002.

They were cared for with love but I am afraid that disc rot may have destroyed some of them.

Research conducted by J. Perdereau indicates that CD-Rs have an average life expectancy

of 10 years.

Most of the CD-Rs I used at that time were the absolute cheapest quality discs, so I'm

sure the 15 years that have already passed are really pushing this life expectancy.

I begin by copying Art Bell disc 1 to a hard drive.

I'm reading the CD in a 2008-era Sony multi format DVD/CD burner.

Everything goes well until the end of the disc.

My experience has been that most discs that have read failures experience those failures

in a higher frequency closer to the outer edge of the disc.

CDs and DVDs start writing at the innermost track of the disc and move toward the outer

edge as more data is written to the disc.

In contrast, a vinyl record is read from the outermost track and moves toward the center

of the disc as more information is read.

Art Bell disc 1 failed to read a text file near the end of the disc.

I'm using KDE as my desktop which uses Dolphin as the File Manager.

Dolphin gives the user an option to retry reading a file.

Retrying a second time worked.

Remember, don't give up!

As more information written to a CD or DVD, that information is written closer and closer

to the outer edge of the disc.

As I've mentioned, I've found the outermost tracks to be the most unreliable.

Because if this I now often limit the amount of data I write to a disc to about 90% of

capacity so that I do not use the tracks at the outermost edge of the disc.

Unfortunately 15 years ago I did not do this and now today - I wish I had.

Art Bell disk 1 has been completely read.

Now I'll try Art Bell disc 2.

All files copy until very near the end of the disc.

Two MP3 files for the March 2nd episode are unreadable, the MP3 file for part 4 and the

MP3 file for part 5.

I'll set this disc aside and try to read it later in another drive.

Continuing on, disc copying goes very well until Art Bell disc 24.

The Sony reader won't even recognize the disc.

I finish the remainder of the discs and move to another computer which has a different

optical drive installed.

This drive is a 2004-era Lite-On multi format DVD/CD burner.

Art Bell disc 1 is read with no problems at all, unlike reading it on the Sony drive.

The Lite-On drive has the same problem with Art Bell disc 2 and in addition it won't

read the part 3 MP3 file of the March 2nd episode.

Art Bell disc 24 is again not recognized by the Lite-On drive at all.

Now it's time for something different.

I have a large collection of old CD and DVD drives, both read-only and writers.

I'll grab an old CD-ROM drive, install it and see what happens.

This drive is a Lite-On CD-ROM drive from 2005.

It's actually newer than the Lite-On DVD/CD burner.

I have two problem discs, disc 2 and disc 24.

I'll load disc 2 into the CD-ROM drive.

Completely unreadable.

I did check this drive and confirmed it does work so it appears to be a problem with the


When I inspect the disc closely, I find that there is a burning defect at the outer edge

of the disc, where I assume these unreadable files exist.

That assumption is based on the date order in which the files were burned.

This mark probably existed before I burned this disc in 2001 and these files probably

never had a chance of being read.

Lessen learned: Verify your burns.

Looking at disc 2 has exposed the reason for the unreadable files, I should look at disc


Oh no, I think I see disc rot.

The variation in the burn pattern isn't perfectly circular, like it is at a burn-speed


This cloudy streak could be the early stages of disc rot.

With fear and trepidation I load disc 24 into the CD-ROM drive.

So far, so good.

The disc is recognized with no problem.

I'll attempt to copy the files and see how bad this might be.

Again, no problem.

All files read the first time in the CD-ROM drive.

I think it's obvious why the last two files on disc 2 just can't be read, the data just

does not completely exist.

However, the story of disc 24 is quite different.

I can't explain why it couldn't be read in a couple drives but an old CD-ROM drive

did read it but I think it's a good case where your trying to recover a disc and there

is no physical obvious defect, don't give up!

For more infomation >> Accessing the Art Bell CD R Archive | Slacker study | CircuitSlacker - Duration: 7:15.


Lea Michele Smuggled Toilet Paper Out of the White House - Duration: 4:15.

For more infomation >> Lea Michele Smuggled Toilet Paper Out of the White House - Duration: 4:15.


Jason Aldean Cold Open - SNL - Duration: 4:00.

For more infomation >> Jason Aldean Cold Open - SNL - Duration: 4:00.


First Date - SNL - Duration: 4:53.

For more infomation >> First Date - SNL - Duration: 4:53.


Zonestar Z5F Review - Sub EN - Duration: 16:22.

Hi guys

today we try a new printer

let's see how it works

in the kit you have this tools

1 tweezers .. 1 nippers .. 1 screwdriver .. and some allen wrench

to assemble the kit you use only screwdriver

and ..

proximity sensor

for auto leveling

and 1 extra temperature sensor

and extra motor cable

print dimension are 220x220x220 mm

the kit comes

in 4 preassembled blocks

there is the bed block

this bar .. here below

extruder block

to mount on the cart

the main frame block

display .. and .. electronics and the power supply block

filament extruder .. all metal

now we see in the detail

the bed

look .. ( and listen )

the distance of these wheels is wrong

are wide

these are ok ...

but these no

listen ..

look ..

the wheels .. look here

this not much ..

3-4 wheels are ruined

they have cuts .. one is this ..

another is this .. uff now it is blocked

but if you go to look the official images of this printer

on the image of cart you can see the wheel with cuts

then .. the main frame

is fixed only to this base

then .. this piece and this

are fixed by this plastic base

then ..


I move this .. but the bed stay fix

the bars are fixed by only this "L"

look how easy is to move it

here the cart arm

it was bent wrong

and the distance

is wrong

when it go on the botton

you see the joint

that folds .. out

push the screw .. out

here there is a problem ..


here another ..

the extruder cart

listen .. it is difficult to move

same here .. the distance of the wheels

made wrong .. or designed wrong

the electronic is mounted on this base

whit this lateral plate

but .. look

it .. dancing

other ..

the x axes

it is mounted wrong .. not ortogonal

is 2-3 degree out

is need to dismount all

and remount all right because the screws to fix it are .. back here

the endstop of x is on fan ..


the electronics

firmware is Repertier 0.92

display at 4 lines

many options

a strange thing .. is .. with all options that it has

you can preheat pla or abs

and this activate extruder and bed

after you can go in other menu and deactivate the extruder

if you want preheat only the bed

other strange thing

when the printer working

nothing options to stop the print

example .. you can

disable the bed and extruder temperature

and the printer continue to print

until filament blocked

but you can't stop the print

you need to power off the printer

I think this is stange

or .. also you can press that button

that it is reset on main board

the electronics is branded

zonestar v3.2

5 drivers

the 5th for the second extruder

and nothing to add

ah! .. a interesting thing

look here .. the bridges

these bridges are on second plug of z motors

in case it used on printer with 2 z motors

and .. this is ..

because the plugs are in series

and for use with one motor, are needed the bridges

this is a good thing

of this electronics

for the others things, it seems like melzi

power supply 20A 12V


z axes has many problems

the layer shift

here .. in down .. and here in up

how tell .. seen the hardware

I did not expect otherwise

the print is completely crooked .. twisted

well .. the conclusion

I not think there are others things to tell

the printer looks very attractive

a simple kit .. quick assembly

the possibility to add the second extruder .. or the laser

but the practical realization is disappointing

my vote for this printer is 5

sincerely at the current state of the kit, I do not recommend it

now a quick unboxing .. bye .. to the next video

For more infomation >> Zonestar Z5F Review - Sub EN - Duration: 16:22.


RWBY: Volume 5 Trailer - Duration: 1:31.


There doesn't seem to be anyone here.

The White Fang was promised the destruction of Haven

And they'll have it once we have what we need...

Your plan isn't gonna work, Blake.

Just leave Menagerie before it's too late.

You're going to have to make me.

And I'm, uh...

Looking for someone.

Mistral's controlled territory is the widest reaching in the world, you know, and that makes it infinitely harder to protect.

We get one shot at this.

If Adam gets his way and Haven falls,

It's only going to make things worse for the Faunus.

We're better than humans.

We have everything humans have and more.

Things are bad,

But we can figure this out.

My sister has the Spring Maiden and I know where she is!

We need to go as soon as possible.

I always knew I wanted to be more than a farmhand, but...

Who who would ask for this?

Can I

Help you?

For more infomation >> RWBY: Volume 5 Trailer - Duration: 1:31.


Themyscira - SNL - Duration: 4:53.

For more infomation >> Themyscira - SNL - Duration: 4:53.


Weekend Update on the Las Vegas Shooting - SNL - Duration: 8:30.

For more infomation >> Weekend Update on the Las Vegas Shooting - SNL - Duration: 8:30.


Salon Marketing Minute: Match Clients with the Right Stylists - Duration: 0:55.

Welcome back to your Meet Your Stylist Marketing Minute, I'm Shana Dee, and

today I want to talk to you guys about something that Tony Robbins taught me.

Which is, success leaves clues. The main reason why I teamed up with Meet Your

Stylist is because Meet Your Stylist, they have success and they have proven

their success through results. Meet Your Stylist is a company that helps salon

owners keep clients in their salon. It's a matching survey that matches new

customers coming in, and matches them with hair stylists that are already in

your salon. I only have a minute, so what I've done is I put a link below for you

to go check out that'll tell you even more about Meet Your Stylist. Remember

success leaves clues and I'm leaving you the first clue right there. Bye!

For more infomation >> Salon Marketing Minute: Match Clients with the Right Stylists - Duration: 0:55.


Dos jovencitas se pelearon a golpes por un chico | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:35.

For more infomation >> Dos jovencitas se pelearon a golpes por un chico | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:35.


Harvey Weinstein Is A Bad Person - Duration: 3:10.

For more infomation >> Harvey Weinstein Is A Bad Person - Duration: 3:10.


ON Series: Workplace violence and mental health - Duration: 13:45.

For more infomation >> ON Series: Workplace violence and mental health - Duration: 13:45.


Let's Play - GTA V - Cunning Stunts feat. Robbie Kay - Duration: 46:34.

Let's play let's play cutting stunts special guest Robbie Kay oh

hello, so Robbie you uh before we go any further than this I think you're British yes. Yes

Yeah, if you could and would point out at every opportunity

How shitty Gavin is at being British, how he doesn't know anything about being British, how he barely has a British accent, how

Things about being a Brit, Yeah

Talk about how he is a posh prick he is.

Okay, so what's first of all what's all the animosity towards him

Well he just sucks

He's a real pleb and, um, he talks down to everybody. [Gavin] They're using my words against me.

[Michel] And his ultimate defense is "I'm British and you don't understand me"

He's like it's just it's British you don't understand, but as we've had it in the past

Other British people have come in and said apparently like are you familiar with the TV show The Inbetweeners?

Yeah, that guy James Buckley who plays Jay

And they between errs video with him and found out Gavin's apparently shitty as hell of being Britain

And he's well he fed James Buckley, and I'm from different areas Christ. Oh my god

Oh, yes, so that wonder the fuck you stunt race. This is the fuck

Each other, I thought it was cool that robeast embrace is that the same thing

Fuck you fuck you

See that holy fuck Jeff that was awesome yeah

Something what's all this this Bunsen mr.. Bunsen. It's all from Hudson burners. Oh, yeah, so they should tell Ronnie what's broking is

That's when someone fucks. Okay. That's why we use the terms

Like whoever that dipshit was it could have been anybody. I've just sprung

Careful we don't need to be like that. I'm inside there goes two o'clock just from me. It's wrong. Robbie's little readies, yeah

Oh, we bring you sprung me

I'm sorry the

Fucking right up majorly sprung queue come don't come for me so Robbie why the fuck are you in Austin guy fflippy stream?

I'm shooting a film called bloodfest

Yeah, it's going great with oh, I'm so sorry

Robbie you first yeah, so you

You've done some you've done a wheel stop like you play here and like once upon a time, yeah

Yeah, yeah, and and like actual productions. Are you a community service?

Kind of you know felt pretty sorry for you guys

No, it's great we're about halfway through filming and to be honest the production's been

That's kids they're probably talking about me

I don't know why

Right hit the brake

Six I wasn't first that could have just been flat

I am cleaning up really sticking shit out slow down

You're a PlayStation man

Make it make it make it oh

Oh, he don't make it. I me. I'm a PlayStation guy playing that fee for an AFB food. We wanted a CA

You guys play fifa

I've read a vague on the feet we played at one time, but we call them master

Yeah, we pistol on

Cool, should do you look at three on forehead? It's Robbie in America. They cool the hell out of the soccer

soccer ball

Even though this might happen, I'm sorry


Sprung to myself that time god. What is this Jeff? How did you spunk yourself stop it? What is this?

Have you done a lot of horror work in the past? I did one I've done one for horror film in the past

It's called cold moon. We shot in Louisiana a couple years ago. It was good fun

I've never done a horror comedy before which is what this is

They think I'm from East, Alabama

Jeff you're from Alabama I am NOT from Easter they have a different accent that were you on the west side

I was slightly posh. What's the best Alabama part the best part of Alabama's relooking exit sign and leave on iPad?

yeah be welcome to

Dixon fuck is that you Jeffy pink daddy sprung to yourself first ice probably something first

I didn't say well is it Jeff you still have lose concentration of a partnership. I'm the

farm working started making and entertaining videos and winning

Yeah, yeah, so why don't you do that? Yeah? I'm sorry you

Know I could hit you right, where are you I'm way back yeah

I appreciate that you didn't go for the surprise myself and blacks in Brit so stick together true

So I saw earlier Robbie that Barbara don't come in and she crawled out of her hole. That's right. Yeah

What's it been like long sir?

Her name's Barbara, that's what her name is yeah. Yeah, yeah, that makes sense. We've tried to avoid noisy thinking great

Very candid

There's very long contract with a lot of names that he had to be nice to you

It's it's been it's been fairly so the whole cast and crew is great

And I know that a lot of the crew have done other recentiy stuff before like day five


Which I think just came out and a couple other stuff, so they were know each other anyway

What do you fucking nuts?

You know she made the first move and after oh

Do I look behind me as you disappeared

I don't crave unit I think there's something interesting about to like

British people just gently like sprung 'king people. It's just south -. PO. I'm sorry look pardon me coming through

Painting I've killed you Robbie tea times coming up

Arty take it home


It's a good queen when I took it home know what you do with that Gerry probably Warner's busy antifreeze or Austen tea party

The one you just got sent yeah off the box of it oh

God damn it

God damn you I slammed into a wall. He passed robably one

We both crashed into a pole

Geoff no Gavin stop it yes

I fuckin

Landa and you could on the right you could almost finish my sport now

Finish backward there it is damn

gonna finish

Right around the corner damn it. I thought I was so much further. That was a boy fit six, right

I'm pulling a solid 15 Alfredo there

Yeah, well that means I'll finish first next time it means you'll get four DNFs and two first no

Raises it falling over

The other night Robbie, and I went out for some every barber in there, and you were gonna go to the bar

But it was closed

We showed up to this bar wanting to go in and they were like I'm sorry we're closed for the night

Because we're all watching Nickelback at their concert allowing us to go to Nikolai

Was like why would you tell people that now no one's gonna come back?

That's what yeah, what fucking bar was this that we're not going to Hajj remember the name of it Robin no

I know which bars. We did go we went to the elephant room. Just like a cool jazz place. I love

Yeah, I remember the name of it, what was it oh he's the mustache was it a mustache handlebar handlebar

Yeah, that was it

Oh, so they were going ironically or they just didn't want to serve British people so they came up with the way

That Nickelback didn't even come to us. Yeah

That guy's dead they kill ever Levine they go back

That dad's a lead singer. Chad kroeger killed her hotness by putting himself in her oh wait

I thought you meant like did he kill the real level Avril Lavigne. Oh no

She's been dead for years, and you got the fake boat. I've heard about that

We've all heard about Gavin right here at preschool sighs passed away

People kept asking me about that on the podcast today. I thought it was something to do with people talking learning digs website

That was like it he died. He was almost 90, but yeah, been on the TV. It's like 75 years

he hosted a dancing show Strictly Come bears grandparents literally click the

Last time we did anything right Bruce Forsyth was in bed knobs and bruises

It's like it's a classic it's like

I thought I want to see Ben Thompson pretty

Yeah, it's like we just killed himself chat house me. It's a bloody ax what's the name from Angela Lansbury yeah from Feeny?

Yeah, she she has like a bed map she screws on and then it travels through time and shit

Sound like a porno he's like she screws the bed no he screws it on the ball. He does well

I'd rather screw on the bed than off the bed oh

They're fucking by the way Robbie's waiting again

He's in first right now. Is he in first to go. What do we do?

I'm right behind him win no no no no everyone knows. We are nicer e6. I'd never play this game

Do you play you gave a lot um yeah, I can compare bit yeah, it's so far ahead

What do you mostly play is it you guys got your custom? I play. I play a lot of stuff

I actually I quite like getting trophies like nice very nice, so if there's like a good deal going on in this store pickup

Player so think like a few things. Yeah lots of GTA lots of but FIFA is a great pastime

Thank you for giving us a legitimate excuse for why you're thinking

That's the thing I've noticed a lot is that now I actual real famous people because everyone's so young everyone's into video games

video games less no

You'll rot your brain son. Well. There's a lot of downsides


As well yeah like you guys had a games when you didn't see where ya played you played Skyrim. I played the fuck out

Right in the first one. I've actually debated where this place garden again looks quick on the switch

Place Kyra, okay, what a good game you played it three times here, but

I mean this somebody has to get sprung key

Those funky Jim put the attitude down right a spunky buy him in front of win not trying

But you're doing it slowly up front guys. Oh

y-yeah weird orgy room oh

We're not fighting for first

All here sorry these are the difference easy I think it's you I feel like Jeremy's got all of his vehicles souped-up - yes

Yes, that's it. That's that's

It's funny that Trevor saying that while he sits in Jack's see

Jack says that every time well Jeremy only one probably playing the role of Jeremy yeah, you gotta take on a person

Bald angry boston and

There is fell through in that tube, there's a hole I didn't realize all through it yellow. You got sideways yep

I've hit a bitch locked in sixth place

They'll notice that every single actor that comes to the fucking perform of this is British. No. It's all of the actors

Would take you with taking all your jobs

Taking them for a while who is this Accord like all the superhero. Oh wow?

I hate you dammit. Who's this guy here

Riding your bike riding didn't paint only American

They're not good for nod. You call yeah

Weed it's Canadian or British next we should do it your elbow. You just looking play against him. I'll suck his dick

Oh, I would suck at yourselves dick absolutely

You know exactly where that conversations really back of a turn there, but yeah, it's a call back. It is a

Call back to a different video


But this is what happens when you go over bag its interests come on. It's that's fair anybody dark tower

I did I heard it the mess

Actually audition for that

The gunslinger ray is that actually for a very different or XP? I had you also audition for Michael Caine's role?

Yeah, I went I got past three times at the very end they never having seen Robbie oh I saw him I

saw Matt this morning on

It's Jeremy's vehicles I promise uh-huh and your inability to make a mistake yes, we got it

No there. It is so um. Why is the cones dry skin cream? I?

Took a question cuz that seems like that's Jeff's cream I bet Jeff I might be Jeff touch that present. That's Jeff's for sure

He needed to lube, so I did probably shove something we're doing the face thing

Oh, we were gonna make a mold of his face. He wanted to lube it up before we put the plaster on it damn it

So as you can see a reasonable explanation that makes sense and you're gonna lube up his face

Yeah, and we didn't we were lube up his face so many interesting things on this desk

I gotta get this American bra off my shirt, so yeah, we said we just get more here

You got a way. I'm gonna go fucking brought

Your Wonder Man do you have a youtube channel Robbie? No you ever thought about doing one?

I bet $1,000 my big winner

It picks this by their missile. It's either this or the dopey, Sancho Celia

Space boy

Neither of us are wearing helmets no danger, I'm not doing well exist and I can't see ya


My god, I went off, but I need will boys are busy out here

Drac it's busy those right there. Oh good a finger right in my

Spot it does

Only v. And then I remembered gap yeah


Yeah, I'm actually gonna come rooting for you. I'll Bend everyone else

Right behind you going go Ryan. You've got

The Tron ball that was a bad place I

Really hit that better bett why would I lose control?

Hi, Danny. Yeah, you've already x8 me again. Oh, well farewell. Okay. We're good

I'll save you a spot

A savior spot, yeah wait long for you. Oh boy. Oh boy

Probably true Oh God this Christ Trevor hey

Hey, how's it going? I?

Just met you. What are you doing ding ding ding?

yeah, I


It's getting tight it's getting quite over here. I'm not quite like a toy gun oh oh run itch oh

My god no no I landed on my head like you're off the unit

Crap old for that big jumps in this track yeah

On a moped robber not a lot of good Gavin will just deport it oops. I was in first

I hit the ramp, and I'm in for Ryan worried people went over my head. Oh

God like a high-speed race it is it five of us. Yeah is it?

Very fast Gavin very fast. There's a lot of things happening rig necks it's not enough time to even figure out

What's important ooh? Can we lap them?

Problem why can't we do it anyway? Yeah, I guess the question is Gavin. Are you still on the trip?

I am I was trying to escape but I fell in the river

You said it slowed me back. He's sped into a different low me have you seen the big blue like up and downs?

Maybe I wonder if you're bad you can make it up high

There's Gavin oh my god, he's so far behind. We've been on this lap for 35 seconds

It's like bring your kid to the race here, I got this car for you. It's embarrassing. I'm in a full races controller plugged in

Battery you give me that second player. I'm still not he's just like everybody's

Jeff it

Pieces of the track that no one's ever here

Look out what

Do you think finished

You get up those hills and I I'm really struggling on these blue hair

I just sort of it like not be able to make it out come on son

I did yeah come on son Oh

The Orion's got this listen, it's gonna happen. Oh, I'm other one's ample opportunity

There's a stupid way to make a living yeah watching Gavin good look at me

Ryan you got a little left there, no you were Viren oh here there


Shit yep I saw you on the map

Probably ever same here

It's all the fucking draft, Oh God


Hole you go off once I'm screwed and finally Robbie didn't come in first

Somehow Robbie so good he Mackin ated it that Ryan finished pretty good day

It's pretty good day. Did win the race, but I did take a line like Rochas

It looks like a GTI watch that Top Gear special. Oh my god, and that when they went to Vietnam on notice

I did it's kind of like one of those

pedal faster Gavin

Vietnam disappear

Yeah, no shit

No, I lap me like a minute after everyone else, I just didn't finish I

Suck I don't like Gavin


Gavin did you finish a lap on that?

Yeah, Gavin first a loss thinking about it Debbie. I don't know I don't think yeah what Gavin's doing is

he's rewinding right now to actually record this video I

Tooked over I'm like are you checking your footage? Oh, no, you're trying to record this

It's very quietly trying

Not to get caught being an idiot got that that footage. I'm so weary of audio right now. Uh still a commanding lead

Yeah, he's got a ten-point lead

At the beginning did it for you. It was not not my strongest finish still

Partial critics I made a lap

What parts or credit a half a point?

participated rock it

Oh, so this is the rocket car when you doing the left stick you got a rocket in the back right the motor something should

I bet on this time

Gavin oh yourself

Well, I don't know who do you want to win?

Tory's won 9 lost 149

Robbie's got some sort of power everyone boost don't go yeah. That's generally the rule left quit Robbie is to boot


What happened was I wasn't gonna make your job as I was going so slow with me so I

Steal it and generate me and just fund me

Make the jump, and I hit Michael and launched off of him

Especially in the face right you did. How's it like a hassle-free spin?

So no Gavin just exceptionally good, just I mean I was right with all

The damn time that is right loose around corners

Your logic will tell you not to boost on a race shot that work for me


You getting close

God keep tasting jet he did you got it right up in my face

It does not Yeah

Right behind someone and they boost it just dead stop a car no sir

Yeah, fuck's the person behind it it happened to be in better with Gavin

So concerned, Oh Michael you almost didn't make that I was saving my boost I had I had a cool midair boos

Don't want to do

We think Jack's doing right now offer Dixon once I was I was thinking how could I say food?

But you went right to pussy. That's um Jackie's up fucking boarding Jeremy right now summer

He's pussy or lunch. Oh Jeff

Wait Jack's neck shut pussy a bunch of questions. Yeah, but it's literally it's looking all right innit

You're you're measured Gavin sprung spongy stuff

Please do

You want?

General you wanna be I'm in the curly snake

In it dick hot snakes

It's not good right finish Guinea a snake hide when you got that hot the hot shits comes out like a hot snake

Not a life you want this is a power meter as well. Yeah, they all do

Iron my back. I just keep mashing it. I look at the fire in my back

God my god. Yeah, I went over you and I feel like I fucked you up a little boost. Oh if ever I came back

I thought you were in front. No I'm right behind you I was in the Gavin

Boost gave me a dead stop


Smoke down to the ground see was I fully spun out and I was murdered. I was killed. It's a one-armed man


Wow, holy shit. I can see second I can see


lap to

Like real close Gavin speed oh yeah, I've tried one out. Yeah, but you really gotta hit the gas now. Oh wow Michael

What happened why don't you fuck? Well I spun out you hit me and spun yourself out

You like completely spun me in the direction. I like I just landed two I am all over the place of freaking out

Freaking out like Jeff at the end of the raid break it out. I'm in fifth ah freak out with that yes Jeff

I did okay

I'm sorry to make that yes

What are you honey come on?

Hmm no it's quiet didn't I?

Mean it could have been anybody it could have been I have spunk myself twice

This race. Yeah, I was like definitely stumped yourself more than that today I

Think Gavin's gonna fucking win yeah. He's got it, right

How would you say that? Yeah, I would

This was the hard one to come back. I mean they all are well

Yeah, I mean not a he fucking crash alrdy sick boss. Yeah, good impression just



You ready to jog out Robbie you guys been in America's Got Talent yet, not yet. We're still waiting Archie Jenna

That was our audition Robbie. Do you know anybody? That's you Gavin? I hear you. Do you know anybody? Can you pass our tapes off?

If they're looking for people that like really fuck up songs and then add words to them that are in there

We'll do it. I will hit. I will slam anything at the Gavin stick for that's

Right even though Jeff there you go. That's your prize from their fucking support the shit out of myself

You come at 4 oh stop, I tilted my car

No yeah, I'm saying that I don't like pretty yeah

Oh balls musician

There's Jeff hey you got hot snake try and stop

Like that's that's everything now. I got hot snake pesky horse look I

Spilled my drink you got hot snake. Yeah, take that as anybody seen my keys on snake

Monkeys oh

My god, I'm just in a process to creep up on you

I can't catch these fucks and seems to be a party so I was so proud of you

He's got a super gave me the confidence I needed


There we go

I got real rough on attorney how am I still in third? I can't believe that?

Deeply boys up front

I was just touching my first Brooke like Trevor Trevor like Pitt maneuvered me, and he's spun Alex like something caught on my car that


Please what you get Jeff finished I

Got ruined so than that

Thank you, thank you for the polite applause Millicent out there it goes clapping raise your fake wait

I thought Reiter wasn't playing

I tried to

Alfredo's character looks

Like - that sucks. Oh wow you did

Wow that means nothing

All right, so now it first

Doesn't finish

he might be

This is 406. Yes. No that was for sit. Yeah, drag record doesn't imply that he'll go and not fit his betting record implies

He's perfect. I'm a bet on Robbie. Oh

Gavin just fucking screwed you

So this is the ruiner anything you can do to counteract?

Yeah, this car if you push the left stick you jump in the air, so it'll be like walls

You'll have to jump over and the right bumper opens a parachute. Okay, and if you if you press again

You can close it like reopen it as much as you want. There's a bit of a time parachute this has a pouch

Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's got to

Read lean forward lean back. That's right bumpers parachute and left Bofors guns, but

Yes, all right everyone gosh that

Little shit, yeah this cars awesome. I'm gonna say like what they've done seduce. Yeah, yeah, they made a reason. It's Kasich Lee

Very expensive reasons to be playing for us, it's great

You guys do it on go right no, I've been doing Mario


Scooped up Brian like a fuck to be good robot that's about to creep

Over locked me in

I'm stuck I'm wedged

No not all of us these mafia boys

Have no idea. That's a great question. I press down and it is name showed up

Avid fans well they're ranked up. Oh my god. Oh

I would be dead

Exploded screaming, what's the?

Yeah, I totally forgot that it was a thing

Why'd you finish you could still win

That's true. I'm just thinking about this point

Let's let's talk about what's important sure right Jeff's money


No tell me I didn't go too far down, okay, cool. Oh

Who's that Bobby?

oopsies well this water here oh

You don't have to go up here wait what yeah, it's not well I reset because I wasn't gonna make it first

Oh right bumper no ex I think I'm gonna make this

The old Paris you factors destroyed

Kid oh

Hey Jeff, Oh Jeff

Jeff I tried not to sprung Q. That's fine as you were spinning

I want you to know I went I could slam him, and he's getting sprung and I didn't I appreciate it

I really do this is good trust me. I try a lot if you guys could do it

Just be each other's nobs up there. I'd really appreciate it. I mean oh yeah, there's nothing

Jeff just jumped over the railing

And you were in first and then leaped off for no reason oh


It's like Jeff done. Oh Jeff

It's because it's so easy to push it on the list

I'm almost fucked myself. I'm in it so I use the old paddles wall flip



This is my life

He's still 6 wall slip, so I'm advanced so you didn't stay in six so you were wrong

Probably somehow muffed it up even more than I did. I think you feel trying to really figure out that parachute know

The guy that's never driven this car before bumped it up for more than you somehow weird, MA


Shit whoop I

When you're going down that big ramp?

I jumped in the air and landed on the bridge above it for some reason and then jump off the bridge

But instead of just driving on the road is it quicker to par shit over the bridge. I don't know. I don't know

That's why I said, I didn't parachute over it. I parachuted onto it and oceans off of it

Well the only reason you can do is because there's no checkpoint under the bridge, so you don't need to technically

But I don't know that it was faster. We should show you a version of this

This race where there's a timer that randomly sets off a beep and every time it beeps you have to jump that way

That's a great idea just have a beeper in the room someone screamed me

Yeah, I'll be the beeper

The only issue with that is you can't jump if your abilities out I guess yeah, you have to jump in the next available opportunity


Ryan you are up there man doing all right running a pretty good pretty clean race a

Pretty tight ship haven't muffed it at all really ship a ship not shit

I got fucked pretty hard in the beginning by Gavin, but since then yeah, but a Gavin fucking is very light and ineffective

I think I've ever had an American same month before but do you pick it up in the truth? Yeah?

I say I feel like we left off a little on them. I didn't think robot er I met him either

Smegma is a word we ever yeah you use it how many times were you called someone Smeg?

Yeah, also Smeg pot do you keep a collection gab nice red dwarf in it?

Did you tell us

And it I told minute as well oh I see someone

We have in it as well, it's a different in it, but in it well this is in it and it


Jumped as they hit the finish line and did the cut to the third person game of just my car tumbling


Please please when you're done with Jeff's view switch to my view to see him spinning through the air and

Smashing shit as he jumps off because I keep hitting it clicking in other know

We know we know what you keep doing. We know it getting hot snaked. It's

Hot snake myself makes sizzling

Finish it white tie spray six race exactly what you wanted to have to find it, but I need it first and ride

You son of a bitch alright one more race if that um. There's one more one more. Yeah five

Snake like Schneck

Brian loves the people I've got the best lap yeah

As I'm told it means nothing yeah, yeah, that's six, that's sixty points for the biggest sprung bitch

I've said a lot of points to be it is a place for ha how does that work?

I guess cuz probably cuz there's only six of us yeah, these races were up to sixteen people so

Getting fuck usually gives you nothing I'd be chaos just like real life

Who's that all right here we go

ETA wouldn't be as fun with a I like Mario Kart is

There just good for food

Oh wait, we got the you get the right bike or I just I noticed it. I just looked at it. I

Said why looking at the first time so just stare you're looking at your shitty bike that you pick every time then pick it


Your non selected

Shoes I do is that shirt uh I think John came to us with a couple of ideas

Typographical was one of them, and we went with it. That's a good one. Did you fuck up the word topical?

Graphical yeah, it's pronounced

Topical cream yeah, so we now have a topical cream in stores. I so ever get there and smear it on your hot snake burns

Snake that's a mixture you got that snake

It's just gonna be a picture of a snake snake something out of a but dude this is rough

Bounce oh man Oh

Moment of panic you're up thing is it's dangerous in the corner

it is fucking terrifying cuz you have no control into what it takes apply or

Okay, oh my god. - Luis unbelievable died in midair Robbie starts doing a fucking a wheelie

and I'm like wow that's incredible, and then I hit the ground and

Killed by his body Pollock you. Yeah, your body through me like before

Jeff fuck it up

in the air

six the third there

Cuz I had an incident with the fuck with the faggot on I hit the red thing oh

no, no damn it I

Just went between the tail and too fast. I got two furious

Second yeah pulling away from me well, I know Jeff. Oh, right we all know that

With it you just earlier

Oh God lock on the audio

Davis jr.. Lost design

That's how he did it alright

That would be fucking baller now

Y'all since I because uh the horn on a Chevy in the 50s of the bullet shaping it went in his eye

So not a tear not




Pulls away from me oh no

I I dodged the stop sign in Inked around oh

That's the end right there

You got it damn it


Think we'll tie finish I've really

Just patted me on the back and said you didn't really good for a while I

Know you got it Robbie you're gonna

Take it whoa would you get paper for it son of a bitch you're gonna take it no one who's Ryan beat me

I'm getting some JP points. Oh, dude

Nothing they were supposed to be this thing called job points, but then they never use them and they've different bothers to take them out

Right you don't take a man sighs. I leveled up. I just want you to know hey congratulations


Ryan you stole my victory from me listen Ryan, I got the best that's laughing dude. You snatched it had been slapped by

Holy shit on the doors

Please yes son of a bitch he comes in he wins he leaves well. I mean let's be honest

We let him what he did for the last sure like he was know I was always trying

Get a fucking first place

Which is crazy because fucking Jeremy always wins anyway, and he's not here. It's one on his bucket of talent the personality of the chair


You're short. I'm moving

What I'm hearing is we should burn the chair yeah

Burn, it's all debts between the game. Let's kill Jeremy. Let's stop


For more infomation >> Let's Play - GTA V - Cunning Stunts feat. Robbie Kay - Duration: 46:34.


Mom Season 5 Promo (HD) - Duration: 0:31.

At CBS we know what you want.

♫ (singing Spice Girls "Wannabe" ) ♫

You want a new season of Mom, now don't you?

Trust me, this is big.

You don't even have to ask.

Excuse me?

I'm over 50, and a man is putting a ring on my finger. Nothing?

Cause we've got you covered.

Must have forgotten your sunscreen, cause you got burned!

Yeah, that was a lot funnier in seventh grade.

A new season of Mom premieres CBS Thursday November 2nd.

For more infomation >> Mom Season 5 Promo (HD) - Duration: 0:31.


Confederacy: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) - Duration: 21:39.

Before our main story tonight,

I'd like to do something a little different

and just quickly tell you about a beloved icon

of my childhood, and it's this man...

WOMAN: For 20 years he made the dreams of young people

come true,

with his hugely popular Jim'll Fix It program.

Best known for his trademark jewelry,

track suits, tinted glasses, and Havana cigar.

Now, I know it's hard to believe,

but that bizarre looking man, Jimmy Savile,

was a national hero.

We named places for him, we gave him a knighthood,

we even put up this statue of him,

even though it clearly looks more like

a cheese sculpture of George Carlin

-that someone left in the sun. -(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)

Now, he had a show called Jim'll Fix It,

where he basically granted wishes.

And like many British kids, I actually wrote to him.

I asked him

to make me the mascot for Liverpool football club,

and he never wrote back.

Which I'm actually glad about, because after he died,

Britain began to find out who he really was.

And the truth was horrific.

He's gone from a much loved entertainer,

and respected charity fundraiser,

to a man described by Scotland Yard

as a predatory sex offender.

Jimmy Savile's headstone was here

for less than three weeks.

His epitaph read, "It was good while it lasted."


That is an unsettling thing

to have written on his gravestone.

Although to be fair, nearly every famous epitaph

would sound horrifying written on a sex offender's gravestone.

From Dean Martin's "Everybody loves somebody sometime,"

to Rodney Dangerfield's "There goes the neighborhood."

-(AUDIENCE LAUGHING) -You know, funny, funny.

But if he'd been a sex offender,

not so much.

The point is, Savile's headstone was taken down,

as was that sign, and that creepy statue,

because once we found out that he was a monster,

we accepted it was no longer appropriate

to publicly glorify him.

Which actually brings us to our main story tonight...

the Confederacy.

America's tracksuit sex offender.

-(AUDIENCE LAUGHING) -Now, in recent years,

there has been a robust debate over Confederate symbols.

From flags being taken down, to statues being removed,

to the white nationalist rallies in Charlottesville.

Both the one that ended in violence in August,

and another that happened just last night.

So as this debate is clearly not going away,

we wanted to take a look at some of the arguments.

Because you don't have to look hard

to find people very upset

at the idea of Confederate statues being taken away.

You can't change history.

You can't pick and choose what you decide is history.

I think they oughta just leave 'em alone

and leave 'em where they are, you know.

They're part of history.

I just don't think we can erase our history.

It may not represent the best idea...

that anybody ever came up with.

But nevertheless, it's part of our history.

And, uh, I think it should stay there.

You know what, I'll give him this, he is right

that the Confederacy and everything that came with it

is, to put it mildly, "not the best idea...

-(AUDIENCE LAUGHING) -anybody ever came up with."

Because that of course is making grilled cheese

on a toaster turned sideways.

That is a billion-dollar idea

that is also completely worthless.

-(AUDIENCE LAUGHING) -But they're also right

about one thing.

We should remember our history,

so tonight, let's do that.

And let's look at the unique heritage of these symbols.

Starting with the fact that there are a lot more

than you might expect.

REPORTER: The Southern Poverty Law Center

found some 1,500 Confederate memorials across the country.

More than 700 of them are statues and monuments,

and ten U.S. military bases

are named for Confederate officers.

Think about that.

There are U.S. military bases named for Confederate officers.

And they were the enemy. They killed U.S. soldiers.

That's like finding out that Nancy Kerrigan

-named her child Tonya Harding. -(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)

Why would you do that? That's a weird choice.

And tributes to the Confederacy are everywhere in the South,

and notably some in the North too.

And that map doesn't include kitschy ways

that the Civil War is presented, like at this family restaurant:

ANNOUNCER: Dolly Parton's Dixie Stampede

brings a rip roaring taste of America to life.

Dixie's Stampede is a musical extravaganza

of sight and sound.

Centered around a friendly North-South rivalry,

friendly servers bring the delicious four course feast

right to you.

Including a whole rotisserie chicken,

and all the Pepsi, iced tea, or coffee you like.

Yes. That is a Confederate soldier

serving a small child all the Pepsi she likes.

Which is still remarkably

only Pepsi's second worst ad campaign.


And the thing is if you grew up with experiences like that,

it can seem like the Civil War is just a friendly rivalry.

A fun, colorful part of U.S. history.

But that omits the key fact about the Civil War.

The Confederacy was fighting for the preservation of slavery.

And that's not my opinion, that is just a fact.

There are many ways that we know this.

Slavery is mentioned in multiple state's

declarations of secession

with Mississippi saying,

"Our position is thoroughly identified

with the institution of slavery."

The Confederate Constitution contains a clause

enshrining slavery forever.

And then there's the speech Alexander Stephens,

the Confederate vice president gave in 1861,

in which he articulated the basic principles

for the Confederate nation.

ALEXANDER STEPHENS: Its foundations are laid.

Its cornerstone rests upon the great truth

that the Negro is not equal to the white man.

That slavery, subordination to the superior race,

is his natural and normal condition.

Wow. Subordination to the superior race.

That is explicit.

If the Confederacy was not about slavery,

somebody should really go back in time

and tell the fucking Confederacy that.

-(AUDIENCE LAUGHING) -And yet, remarkably,

many people think the Civil War was over something else.

REPORTER 2: When people were asked, "What do they think

the main cause of the Civil War is?"

48% said, "Mainly about states' rights."

Only 38% said, "Mainly about slavery."

Nine percent said "both."

And that is amazing.

Only 38% thought the Civil War was mainly about slavery.

In other words, look to your left,

now look to your right,

statistically all three of you live in a country

where only 38% percent of people

-think the Civil War was mainly about slavery. -(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)

And on that "states' rights" argument, for the record,

the Southern states were ardently pro-states' rights.

But with some glaring exceptions.

Notably, when Northern states

passed laws to help protect runaway slaves,

the South wanted the federal government

to override those states laws.

So, they loved states' rights,

as long as they were the right states' rights.

The wrong states' rights would be states' wrongs,

wrongs which would need to be righted

by the right states' rights-- look, to put it really simply,

they just wanted to own black people,

-and they didn't much care how. -(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)

That's a fact!

But that's a very hard fact for some people to accept.

Especially if a member of your family

fought for the Confederacy.

And sometimes, the understandable desire

to want to distance your relative from that cause

can lead to people distorting the cause itself.

Just watch as one man

at a community meeting in North Carolina

defended a Confederate statue

by talking about his family history.

My great grandfather was a Confederate soldier.

And I was proud of that.

Because my opinion of his fight

was for his rights.

I don't know what his rights were.

I wasn't there.

He was dead long before I came along.

But I'm really concerned about our monument.

I want it to stay.

It reminds me that I got a little rebel in me.

You know, we all want to kind of be independent.

We all have a little rebel in us, even the ladies.

-Ooh! Even the ladies! -(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)

Hashtag feminism, hashtag confedera-she.


I don't know, I don't know

why his great grandfather fought.

It is hard to know the motivations

of any individual soldier.

What we do know is that again, collectively,

they were fighting to preserve the institution of slavery.

And I do get, honestly, I honestly get

wanting a more comfortable history for your family.

But in doing so, you can't invent

a more comfortable history for your country.

Because you would be erasing the actual painful experiences

of many Americans.

As a fellow North Carolinian explains.

When I walk by this statue, I-- it becomes very painful

when I think of the suffering that my ancestors went through.

They enslaved people.

Abused people for their own economic impact.

And it should not be celebrated by these statues.

Right. And that is the harsh reality

of what was done by those Confederate men.

And yes, even the ladies,

-hashtag confedera-she. -(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)

If you want to see a perfect crystallization

of what happens when two people have

wildly different views of the same symbol,

just watch this local news clip.

Why do you carry that flag?

Because this is my heritage.

My family fought to save their farm

under this flag.

Who was working that farm?



That is a good, tough question.

And the news clip actually cut out there,

but we were so intrigued to find out what his response was

we tracked it down.

And whatever you are expecting, you're going to be surprised.

-MAN: Who was working that farm? -My family was!

-Who was working the farm? -They were poor,

Do you know how much a slave cost back then?!

-(AUDIENCE SHOUTING) -Oh! Whoa, whoa, whoa!

You know you are in the wrong

when you decide your best argument

is screaming at a black man,

"Do you know how expensive you used to be?!"

It is--

It is comments like that one

that landed this guy on the cover of

Holy Shit That Is Not Remotely The Point magazine.


And look, that-- that is clearly an intense example.

But denial of this painful part of history

can take many forms.

Look at PBS's Finding Your Roots,

where Henry Louis Gates explores

celebrities' family histories,

and he often finds some shit.

Famously, Ben Affleck pulled strings

to get the show to remove all references

to his slave-owning ancestors.

And though he later apologized,

that impulse right there is not good.

Because it sanitizes history.

And while there is no easy way to respond

to learning that kind of horrible information,

it is worth watching Anderson Cooper find out

how one relative of his died.

Boykin was murdered by a rebellious slave.


Your ancestor was beaten to death

with a farm hoe.

(LAUGHS) Oh my God.

That's amazing. This is incredible.


I am blown away.

-You think he deserved it? -ANDERSON COOPER: Yeah.

-Wow. You know what? -(AUDIENCE CLAPPING)

You know what, as a general rule,

just try not to live a life

...that could lead a descendant of yours to one day say,

"A guy smashed grand-poppy's head in

with a garden hoe?

That's amazing. Great job 'That Guy!'"


But, my absolute favorite response

to a nasty surprise,

undoubtedly comes from Larry David,

who received a real one-two punch.

Are you telling me that my great-grandfather

fought for the South?

In the Civil War?

(LAUGHS) What? Are you kidding?

Oh, my goodness...

I hope no slaves show up on this--

Please turn the page.


Now, Larry, this is another part of the 18th--

Oh-- oh, you did it! You did it!

-I knew it! I knew it! -(GATES LAUGHING)

-Unbelievable! -Unbelievable.


HENRY LOUIS GATES JR: That's b-- unbelievable.

Oh boy, oh boy.

-Yeah. Prettay, prettay, -(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)

pretty bad!

Pretty bad!

And look!

Larry David is not responsible

for what his ancestors did.

None of us are.

I have to believe that, because I'm English.

-(AUDIENCE LAUGHING) -And I would like to go

to an Indian restaurant again at some point in my life.


But-- but we do have to reckon personally, and as a country

with what our heritage means.

You can't ignore it like Batman,

you can't say it's something else

like town meeting Santa,

you've got to actively, painfully,

come to grips with slavery,

and the lasting benefits and disadvantages

that if conferred.

In ways that, frankly, we haven't yet.

And that actually brings us back to Confederate monuments,

because there is something about them that

that symbolizes our reluctance to have that conversation

and that is the dates that they went up.

Because while some initial memorials

were built mainly in cemeteries, shortly after the Civil War,

the real surge came much, much later.

MALE REPORTER 1: The Southern Poverty Law Center

says a majority

of the more than 700 Confederate monuments

in public spaces across the country,

were erected decades after General Lee's surrender.

It's true, as this chart

of the years that they were dedicated shows,

there was a big spike from 1900 to 1920

as white southerners were re-asserting their dominance

through things like Jim Crow laws,

uh, with another spike in the 50s and 60s

as the Civil Rights Movement was gaining steam,

so those statues weren't so much

commemorating recently fallen dead,

as sending a pretty hostile message

to African-Americans.

And sending messages is kind of what statues are often for.

This one says, "We love freedom."

This one says,

"The most notable thing about our city

-is a fictional character." -(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)

(STAMMERS) And this one says, "About yay big."

-(LAUGHING CONTINUES) -We still don't know...

what he was trying to measure, but whatever it was,

-it was... "About yay big." -(LAUGHING CONTINUES)

But... look, for some Confederate statues though,

for some Confederate statues the intent is crystal clear.

In that town meeting from before,

the statue that they were debating

was this one, which went up in 1914

and a leader of that county's chapter of the KKK

gave a speech at its dedication,

calling the occasion an opportunity

"To recall the achievements of the great and good

of our own race and blood."

Which, again, is pretty on-the-nose right there.

And the largest Confederate memorial,

the carving on Stone Mountain in Georgia,

is located where the 20th century KKK was born.

It depicts three Confederate leaders

on horseback, and it was completed in 1972,

so that means there is color footage

of the dedication.

After nearly half a century of work, the memorial carving

here at Stone Mountain is finally finished.

And officials are calling it the eighth wonder of the world.

We must recall those principals of loyalty, dignity and honor

that shine through the lives of men

we commemorate today.

Yes. That was Vice President Spiro Agnew

commemorating the loyalty of literal traitors.

But, what can you really expect from a man whose name,

rearranged, spells "Grow a Penis."


and some-- here's the thing.

Some monuments went up even more recently.

I-- I wanna show you one

that was erected on private lands,

but very much for public consumption.

Because once you see it, you will not forget it.

MALE REPORTER 2: The statue was erected in 1998.

It portrays Nathan Bedford Forrest

on his horse.

Gun in one hand, and sword in the other.

Surrounded by Confederate state battle flags,

visible for all to see on the side of I-65.


MALE REPORTER 2: Forrest was a Confederate general

-and an early leader of the KKK. -(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)

That is just objectively terrifying

regardless of context.

He looks like if a nickel did cocaine.

-(LAUGHING CONTINUES) -So-- so some of these statues

commemorate people who thought a war to preserve slavery,

were erected to preserve white supremacy

and were dedicated by Klan members and yet,

there is a blanket defense

that tends to get authored by people

and not just people, also, this guy.

They're trying to take away... our culture.

They're trying to take away our history.

Okay, that argument is taking these statues down

obliterates history, which is clearly just ridiculous.

First, monuments are not how we record history,

books are.

Museums are.

Ken Burns 12-part mini-series are.

Statues are how we glorify people.

Or, in the case of one in Tokyo, how we glorify

giant radioactive lizards.


the President's concern seems to be

that tearing down statues leads to a slippery slope.

This week it's Robert E. Lee.

I noticed that

Stonewall Jackson's coming down,

I wonder, is it George Washington next week?

And is it Thomas Jefferson the week after?

You know, you all--

you really do have to ask yourself,

"Where does it stop?"

Okay, well, I'll tell you where it stops.


Anytime someone asks, "Where does it stop?"

The answer is always, "Fucking somewhere!"

You might let your kid have Twizzlers,

but not inject black-tar heroin.

-(AUDIENCE LAUGHING) -You d-- you don't just go,

"Well, after the Twizzlers, where does it stop?"

-(LAUGHING CONTINUES) -And the same is true

of Confederate monuments.

Think of it this way, all people, living and dead,

exist on what I'm gonna call The Hitler-Hanks spectrum,

from bad to good.


on the spectrum,

monuments to honor people are going to be inappropriate.

Although it-- to be fair,

it does get tricky around the middle,

where, of course, you'll fine Adolf Hankler.

-(LAUGHING CONTINUES) -And-- and look,

there are clearly people deserving of statues

who were imperfect humans.

And sometimes our standards change over time,

which can then get tricky,

because you're judging historical figures

by modern standards.

But for many Confederate monuments,

especially those erected well after the Civil War,

valorizing the cause

or leadership of the Confederacy,

this really isn't a close call.

This is your babysitter showing up

in a Jimmy Savile t-shirt.

I don't care what you think that represents,

you're not staying home with my fucking kid tonight.


And for Robert E. Lee in particular,

it's actually even easier because of this.

MALE REPORTER 1: Interestingly, Robert E. Lee was once asked

about placing memorials at Gettysburg in 1869.

The former general replied,

"I think it wiser... not to keep open the sores of war,

but to follow the examples of those nations

who endeavored to obliterate the marks of civil strife,

to commit to oblivion the feelings engendered."

It's true. Robert E. Lee was opposed to statues

of people like Robert E. Lee.

So, any city that decides to keep a statue of him

should at the very least add a speech bubble saying,

"You know, I told you all specifically, not to do this."


So-- so what do we do now?

Well-- well, I would argue that nothing is not acceptable,

and-- and trying to paper over the cracks

can actually make things worse.

In the 1990s, Richmond tried to fix its Monument Avenue,

a street lined with statues of Confederate leaders

by adding African-American tennis legend,

Arthur Ashe to it.

And you can't just give Confederates a black friend

and say, "We're good, right?"

-(AUDIENCE LAUGHING) -We're good! Arthur's up there!

You love Arthur!

So-- so, if we really want to learn from,

and honor our history, perhaps the first step

might be to put most of these statues

somewhere more appropriate,

surrounded by ample historical context,

like in a museum.

Where people go to proactively learn about history,

and also to punish their children.


try not to think of this as a loss,

because it's actually a real opportunity,

and I'll show you, please.

Come with me.

-♪ (PATRIOTIC MUSIC PLAYING) ♪ -Because if and when

a pleat becomes empty,

that is a chance for your area to honor someone

who really deserves it.

A-- And I have some-- some ideas for replacements

that I would love to run by you.

First, Beaufort County, South Carolina,

how about a giant statue of...

Robert Smalls here?

He was born into slavery.

He stole a Confederate boat, and he sailed it to freedom,

and later served five terms in Congress.

This guy is amazing.

Atlanta, Texas.

You are the birthplace to...

Bessie Coleman.

The first African-American woman pilot.

-(AUDIENCE CHEERING) -Why would you not want this in your town? She's incredible!

Now, Florida.

You might not want an individual,

but how 'bout something that honors

what your state represents?

Something that says,

"You've got a little rebel in you."

So, I give you this statue

of your official state reptile...

-(AUDIENCE LAUGHING) -an alligator

giving everyone the finger.

He's called Herman,

and he definitely says Florida,

while also having nothing to do with slavery.

And finally, finally, there is Charleston,

and to you, I say this.

Why have a divisive, Confederate statue when instead,

that pedestal can be filled by your favorite son,

-(AUDIENCE CHEERING) -the actual Stephen Colbert,

who will stand up there all day

telling you fun facts about your wonderful town.

-JOHN OLIVER: Right? -Yes.

-OLIVER: Really? -Yes.

Charleston. Charleston.

Charleston is the site of the first free public library

-in America. -That's fascinating, Stephen.

Every year, we host Zugunruhefest,

the Southeast's most comprehensive

migration-focused birding festival.

That sounds incredible, I'll google it!

See Charleston?

You can have this 24 hours a day,

seven days a week.

I-- I actually need to do my show five days a week.

Five! How?


(WHISPERS) I don't know. I don't know.

Ooh! We're also Travel and Leisure's

number one U.S. destination for the last five years running.

-(AUDIENCE CHEERING) -Come on Charleston, you can have this in your life!

That's our show, thank you so much for watching.

See you next week. Goodnight!

For more infomation >> Confederacy: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) - Duration: 21:39.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180 AMBITION Urbanpakket, Navigatie, Parkpilot incl. parkeerassistent, Cruise - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180 AMBITION Urbanpakket, Navigatie, Parkpilot incl. parkeerassistent, Cruise - Duration: 1:00.


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something beside me has always been and I was awake this is Curtis and welcome

back to malevolent elephant oh my god guys did you see the awesome trailer for

the new Star Wars last of the Jedi movie oh my god I am so excited it looked

awesome of course there is just one problem

hi mr. Curtis aka malevolent elephant a guy who is a profound movie buff and

cinematic sycophant have never ever ever seen one single Star Wars movie how in

the hell does that happen how does the greatest sci-fi franchise in the history

of geekdom slip by me of all people man look I have no idea it's the same reason

I haven't watched Breaking Bad Walking Dead and Game of Thrones you know I

missed one episode or one movie then I missed the second and eventually I get

so far behind I just never take the time to sit down

and watch them I suppose that's my only excuse here's where I need you guys to

come in I need to know the exact order that I need to watch these movies in do

i watch Star Wars in chronological order do I skip the prequels I have no idea

guys let me know in the comments the exact order I need to watch them in and

you can be rest assured that before this movie comes out in December I will

commit to watching all of them so I can get up to speed love you guys as always

thanks for watching I've had some subscribers ask me how

they can support the channel other than viewership well you can

donate via PayPal of course no pressure if you choose to donate the link is in

the description also there are several electronic products that I use that are

also in the description I'm a huge tech guy and I love Amazon so I'm an

affiliate of Amazon but please note that if you were to buy any of these items

that I have linked in the description you pay not one penny extra there's no

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without subscribing see you next time


For more infomation >> Star Wars Last of the Jedi(You Won't BELIEVE What I'm Going to Say!) Trailer Reaction - Duration: 3:20.


Star Wars - The Last Jedi - Trailer - Duration: 2:45.

Hi there, welcome to my channel!

Follow me on all social media links to keep up with my adventures.

I really appreciate all of your comments. I'd love for this channel to grow. Subscribe.!..It's free.

Thanks for the likes and comments!

For more infomation >> Star Wars - The Last Jedi - Trailer - Duration: 2:45.


Zia, Chef De Cuisine Part 2 - How I got my job and where I'm going - Duration: 9:04.

I almost wanna say that this career chose me.

I dealt with a lot of racism in school

when I was growing up, so I spent a lot of time at home.

That being said, I spent a lot of time

to myself and I realized that I had a love for the arts.

I ended up reading a lot, writing a lot,

drawing a lot and I spent a lot of time

with my mother at home in the kitchen.

So she actually taught me how to start

cooking when I was 10 years old.

And the first thing that I made at home was her meatballs.

She was cooking meatballs for the family

and I started mimicking her moves

in a smaller pot for myself right next to her.

And ever since then, I've just fallen in love with cooking.

It was so interesting to me.

Where as a year or two later I started accompanying her

to supermarkets and buying my own produce.

I taught myself how to hold a knife, how to cut vegetables.

My favorite thing to make was vegetable stir fry

just because it involved about 20

different vegetables in one dish.

And I learned how to cut everything,

cook everything together.

I spent years trying to perfect it

so nothing came out mushy, everything tasted good

and everything came together and it was actually just a kind

of a preliminary for me to start out in this field.

My father passed away when I was 16.

He was always pushing me to do something with science.

And almost to make him happy after he passed away,

I enrolled in engineering school,

but then when I got to engineering school,

I realized I just didn't have a passion for it.

After graduating high honors in high school,

I slept through exams, I didn't go to class,

I was put on academic probation after my first semester.

The second semester of college, we,

I took one program where a different engineer

of a different field would come in

and start talking about their jobs and I almost fell asleep.

I just, I couldn't see myself doing that with my life.

That same semester, one of my close friends, Mary,

wanted to do something nice for her boyfriend

for Valentine's Day, so she invited me and about five other

friends into the kitchen with her to cook for her boyfriend.

And between me and these five other girls,

they were all impressed that I knew

my way around the kitchen and I almost kind of took over.

After that it was just kind of staring

at me in the face what I should be doing with my life.

So I dropped out of college and went to culinary school.

I went to the Art Institute of New York City.

At the time it did have a culinary program,

it's not there anymore.

It cost $36,000 for a year and a 1/2 program.

And the year and a 1/2 program was both classroom portion

and kitchen portion, so we spent the mornings in a classroom

and the afternoons in a kitchen.

They teach you the basics.

The very first class that you take,

as far as the kitchen goes, is learning how to hold a knife

and learning how to cut vegetables

and then after that you go into baking,

you go into sauteing, you go into roasting, poaching.

After I was done with my classroom portion,

I did my internship at Jean-Georges Mercer Kitchen in SoHo.

I spent 11 weeks there unpaid and finished

what we call a kitchen externship.

It actually didn't go very well for me.

So, my very first hour, my very first day there,

I actually cut myself really badly.


I spent one hour there

and then I went to the hospital to get seven stitches.

I actually went back the same day

in which case the chef told me to go home.

The kitchen externship is actually just

to get your feet wet as far as, now you've gone to school,

you've seen everything that happens,

but in school everything happens at a slower pace.

Now that you're in a restaurant setting,

you realize that everything happens at a much faster pace

and you're working alongside more experienced cooks

that can cut faster, that can cook faster,

that can think faster and basically the point

of the externship is for you to be immersed

in a new type of world.

So when I was starting out in this industry

I had a lot of support from my family.

They helped me out a lot with bills.

For a very long time I was living at home.

And my very first job I was making $300 a week

working in a kitchen.

I was doing what I love to do,

but I didn't have a lot of money to spare.

So, they, my mother, let me still live at home.

It's not ideal for a 23, 24 year old to be living at home,

but at the time it was what was necessary to do.

Whatever money I had left over,

whatever money I saved up to buy cookbooks,

to keep reading, to immerse myself in this world,

to take myself to the next level.

And I dined out a lot of restaurants,

I cooked for myself a lot at home

just testing out new recipes and what not.

I did a lot of this at work.

I almost bugged my chefs with questions

about, ya know, can you teach me this,

can you teach me this, can you teach me this?

And I started taking on more and more tasks

to see what I could handle and what I enjoyed doing.

And starting out you will take any job you can

for any amount of money to learn any part of it.

I used to switch jobs for 50 cents more if they paid me and,

ya know, at the time I moved around a lot.

I didn't keep a job more than, for more than 10 months.

And then I went on to another job after that.

But it was all learning experience.

So in 2007, I actually,

I started eating at Tabla Restaurant.

My very first lunch I fell in love with the food.

And I remember I dined by myself,

I spent about $50 on a lunch,

which, at the time for me, was very expensive.

And it was a taste of a pumpkin soup

that just made me fall in love with the restaurant.

His application process was a two page letter that involved

all these questions to figure out what your passion is.

And it, there was a varying degree of questions.

I decided to take that questionnaire,

type it out and then at the end of the day

I wrote him a nine page letter.

I put it in an envelope, I came to lunch again

the very next day and a week later

he called me to trail in his kitchen.

I had a quick 15, 20 minute interview and then after that

I was invited back to trail in the kitchen.

So, that day involved me coming in,

working for, I believe, I was there for eight to 10 hours,

working for free to see if I fit in with them.

What they were basically looking at was my passion for food,

my knife skills, how well I worked with other people

and then at the end of the day,

they decided to give me a job.

Generally, I like to hire people

that have a great attitude about food,

that wanna learn, that wanna be here,

that wanna grow themselves and take themselves

to the next level, because it is,

it's a lot of hard work and it's a lot of repetition,

it's a lot of long hours, and since it's a small kitchen

you have a lot of people

that are working together in a small confined area.

We want everybody to get along.

Starting out in this industry,

depending on what your skill level's at,

usually most people will start off as a prep cook,

moving into a salad station then the hot line.

We actually have a bread and pastry station

in our kitchen as well for movement.

That would be the generally hierarchy that you move up to.

After that, you will, you can, go to a different restaurant

and learn their system of things.

Every restaurant is different.

Every restaurant has different ingredients,

how everything kind of comes together,

different recipes, but for the most part my advice would be

to keep your eyes and ears open to everything.

You can learn so much from your chef

versus a fellow line cook versus a dishwasher.

Everybody does things differently, and everybody has little,

almost what we call, tricks of the trade

and when you're starting out, you wanna keep your eyes open

to everything and that way when you do start

running your own kitchen, you know right from wrong.

For most chef de cuisine, it's almost a training ground

to own and operate your own restaurant.

Me being in charge of all the kitchen operations here,

the next step for me would ideally be

to be an executive chef or own my own place.

It all depends on the person

and what they want to do for themselves.

For me, personally, I'm free spirited enough

to know that whatever the next level is,

life is gonna take me wherever it wants to take me,

but for most people this would be

a training ground for an executive chef level.

In the past 10 years, the food industry has changed a lot

and a lot of that has to deal with social media, networking,

and just how much more exposure people have

to the food industry in general.

There's so many different restaurant concepts out there,

there are so many different things that you can do

in the food industry as far as even food writing,

food photography, you can be a restaurant chef,

you can own a bakery, you can, there's so many,

the possibilities are endless.

Now, for a restaurant chef,

you need to be in a kitchen for a long time,

you need to do a lot of repetition, make mistakes,

be humiliated and then just kinda keep moving forward.

A lot of people now are realizing

that they don't need to do that.

They can be making the same amount of money

doing something else in this industry.

So to be a restaurant chef, you have to follow one way,

but the food industry is open

to so many other possible things now.

In a perfect utopian world,

my girlfriend and I would live on the beach

and just own a small shack just serving people that,

whoever wants to come by and eat and I'll just cook

daily specials of probably fish and whatever I can catch

and she'll serve it and then we'll spend the night together

and that's really it, that would be a perfect utopian world.

For more infomation >> Zia, Chef De Cuisine Part 2 - How I got my job and where I'm going - Duration: 9:04.


[ Sub. español ] ㅋㅋㅋ Nuestros tiempos felices #03 - Duration: 4:58.

For more infomation >> [ Sub. español ] ㅋㅋㅋ Nuestros tiempos felices #03 - Duration: 4:58.


1 1 - Duration: 2:05.

How is eardrum perforation treated?

There are two types of treatments in patients with eardrum perforation.

First case,

if the patient has eardrum perforation related to a recent trauma

it is very easy to heal.

Sometimes, it can heal on its own without any treatment.

Sometimes, it can easily be healed by putting old cigarette papers or gelatin on perforation

and by putting the silicon that I use.

In patients with a long-term perforation, the treatment is usually through surgery.

There a few surgical techniques, some of which are operated by cutting through ear

and some of which are operated by entering behind the ear.

These perforations can be treated, using these various techniques.

However, in patients with a long-lasting eardrum perforation,

if the patient's ear hole is also okay for this, too,

perforations can be treated without applying any surgical procedure

thanks to some special matters together with the technique that I am practicing.

So that after this treatment process, it is ensured that body repairs the perforation by itself.

After this operation, -it may be wrong to call it a surgery-

the patient can go back to his/her normal life easily

since there is no general anesthesia and no bleeding.

It is an operation that provides patients with a high successful rate and high comfort in appropriate cases.


For more infomation >> 1 1 - Duration: 2:05.


an awkward duet :: dodie clark :: karis lee + friends (ukulele cover) - Duration: 4:24.

[karis] 'scuse me, 'scuse me!!!

'scuse US, actually...

[emma] we were here first...

[karis] well, we're here now.

[karis] do you want to go first?

'cause i'm happy to wait

i practiced really hard

but i'm finding it strange to start with you

[emma] so how does it go?

i've forgotten the tune

i haven't warmed up today

so i might sound a strange yes i do

[emma] and i

[karis] can

[emma] sing

[karis] i

[everyone] swear it's true

i'm just a little nervous in front of you

[karis] so who's on the third?

i think i'm better at mel-o-dy

oh I'm gonna get it wrong, should we try another song?

[everyone else] no.

[karis] o-kay.

[emma] let's just go for a take

and see how we sound

my heart is beating fast, oh vocal chords please last

here we go...

[emma] and i

[karis] can

[emma] sing

[karis] i

[everyone] swear it's true

i'm just a little nervous in front of you

[emma] a-do-do-do-do

[karis] a-do-do-do-do

[emma] a-do-do-do-do-do

[karis] a-do-do-do-do-do (idek)

*vocal improv*

[emma] hey we sound good

[karis] yeah we sound good

[emma] yeah we sound good

[karis] yeah we sound good

[emma] yeah we sound good *more vocal improv, forgive us dodie*

*emma does a solo, everyone else stares*

[emma] I think I messed up

I just wanted to im-pro-vise

shall we try another day?

well I sounded great

[Emma] yeah, I think I sounded pretty good too.

[Sarah] *makes a face*

[Emma] and I

[karis] can

[Emma] sing

[karis] i

[everyone] swear it's true

I'm just a little nervous in front of you

[Emma] get off the couch!

[Sarah] you woke me up!

[Emma] sorry... [Sarah] just go! [other Emma] love you...

For more infomation >> an awkward duet :: dodie clark :: karis lee + friends (ukulele cover) - Duration: 4:24.


When Employees Complain About Each Other - Your Practice Ain't Perfect - Joe Mull - Duration: 4:10.

In my popular Keynote "No More Team Drama"

I ask my audiences about how often they encounter

members of their teams who come to them to

complain about someone else.

If you're like most of the healthcare leaders I work with, this happens a lot.

Sometimes the complaints are minor while other times you're faced with complex conflict

that's threatening to infect your whole operation.

In either case, I'm glad you're here, because in this episode of Your Practice Ain't Perfect,

I'll give you some pointers on what to do when employees complain about each other.

Don't move…

A few years ago I encountered a leader who had just started a new job as a practice manager

in a busy outpatient clinic.

Just days into her tenure, a medical assistant named Janice came to see her to, in order

to "vent" about another member of the team named Kayla.

Not two sentences into her complaints, the new manager stood up, went out to the floor,

got Kayla and brought her to her office.

She sat her right next to Janice and said "Janice had some things to say about you

Kayla, and I thought you might want to hear them.


Now obviously this leader wanted to send a message early on.

And that day, this tactic worked.

But it may not be the best way to handle that common moment when a member of your team has

appeared in front of you, to give voice to her frustrations about something that someone

else on the team has said or done.

90% of the time the best action in that moment is to re-direct the employee back to their


And there's a very simple way to do this that doesn't sound like you're giving


Ask this question: "If the roles were reversed, and your colleague was frustrated with you,

would you want her first step to be coming to me?"

Most employees say no, and that's your chance to create some cognitive dissonance.

You might say "So then you coming to me first, is actually kind of unfair, given what

you'd want her to do in the same situation, right?"

Encourage your employee to pull their colleague aside, even if it's uncomfortable, and share

her concern directly.

If you've done any kind of staff agreement work ahead of time, where everyone has discussed

how to handle conflict as a team, then this redirection won't be a shock.

It will actually be expected.

There's another crucial step though that you have to make sure you don't skip over.

Before your employee leaves, offer to help her prepare for that conversation.

Ask her what she plans to say, and give her feedback on the feedback she plans to share,

and be sure to challenge any assumptions she might be making about her colleague's motives,

because most of the time we assume malice that's unfounded.

Lastly, be sure to follow up with the employee a day or two later to ensure that the conversation

took place, to find out how it went, and to de-brief that employee.

It probably didn't go the way she thought it would and you should reminder her of that.

When employees complain about each other it's easy to say "knock it off" or "work

it out" which is pretty much what my mother said any time my sister and I would fight

as kids.

But as a leader you need to go further.

Get the team to agree that direct contact is the best first step and help your direct

reports prepare for those conversations as needed.

In the long run you'll enhance the communication skills of your team members and you won't

have to deal with nearly as much drama.

Now it's your turn!

How do you respond when employees complain about each other?

Have you been able to reduce or eliminate this behavior?

Tell me your story in the comments box below and while you're at it, please take a moment

to share this video on linkedin, facebook, or twitter.

Until next time, good luck out there!

For more infomation >> When Employees Complain About Each Other - Your Practice Ain't Perfect - Joe Mull - Duration: 4:10.


Salon Marketing Minute: Know Who Your Customer Is - Duration: 0:47.

Hey everyone! Shana Dee here. I am in downtown DC at this beautiful shopping

center. Look how cute this is up there. Our topic today is - know your audience.

you want to know who your target audience is. So, when you're doing your

marketing, make sure that you're targeting the type of customer that you

want to have. Just like these two stores, both Louis Vuitton here, we have Hermes

right behind me. They're targeting a certain customer, all the way down to

like demographics like there's a reason they put these stores right here in DC

So I'm gonna put a list of things below that are important to fill

out and understand when you're finding your target audience. All right you guys

we'll see you tomorrow and have a great rest of your day!

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