Thứ Tư, 11 tháng 10, 2017

Youtube daily report Oct 11 2017

GRIFFIN: I'm not even touching it no more, I'm not even touching it no more! okay okay

JUSTIN: Okay! Okay!

GRIFFIN: I am touching it no more. Get— What?! What the—?!

Hi and welcome back to Monster Factory: Just Like Art, I'm Griffin McElroy.

You got Justin McElroy on the line.

And here at Monster Factory: Just Like Art, we take video games

and do bad jobs of making characters inside of them, and...

I think that's it?



GRIFFIN: Okay so what have we done? We've done sort of mysterious,

we did powerful,

we did hyper commercial Jerry Potter.

I think this time let's just try to capture the ezzence of beauty.

JUSTIN: The essence of beauty, that's evocative. An evocative phrase.

GRIFFIN: When you're an artist, you have to say it like ezzzzence.

Forehead fix? Yes, fix the forehead.


JUSTIN: Apply! GRIFFIN: It's not doing it.

JUSTIN: Apply! Save! GRIFFIN: Bad slider!

GRIFFIN: Elf ear. Yes, ohhhh shit! It's beautiful.

All elves are beautiful. JUSTIN: Wow!

JUSTIN: Don't feed this one after midnight. Hachi Machi!

GRIFFIN: Can we split the difference between Chomp Mom and Jerry?

Can we get it, like—

JUSTIN: That's like a normal neck, right?Halfway between those two, though.

GRIFFIN: That's certainly what my neck looks like!

A beautiful boardwalk caricature.

What meat is that?

What meat is this?

What are we seeing here?!

JUSTIN: That's like a— it looks like eye tongues?

Or maybe some black-eyed peas in there?

GRIFFIN: I think we've made like an early '90s, like, PC game elf? From the side?

From the front it's, uhhh...

JUSTIN: An early '90s PC game drawn by Al Hirschfeld.

Finally, a character with a Fritos scoop for a nose.

GRIFFIN (laughing): Look at this fucking vuvuzela on there.

Thanks, Todd, for the vuvuzela.

JUSTIN: You've got your finger on the pulse of gamers.

GRIFFIN: Can we give her that Mona Lisa smile?

There we go, we found it!

Get that lip meat away from that teeth meat!

I gotta keep em separate on my plate.

I like to eat em one at a time.

Oh, shitbirds!

JUSTIN: Whoa, whoa. The mouth has gone— the teeth have gone rogue.

GRIFFIN: I don't know if that's particularly beautiful.

I know I said I wanted my teeth meet lip separate on the plate, but this is—

these are two separate plates at this point.

JUSTIN: Yeah, we've like— we've careened into Hannibal.

Oh, Griffin.

This is a tough one.

This is a challenging one.

GRIFFIN: What if we put some wonderful hair?

Can we get blonde with brown highlights in it?

Cuz then we can get doing get Janiston's whole scene

JUSTIN: This is soooo Rachel.

GRIFFIN: This is VERY Rachel-from-Friends Rachel.











JUSTIN: Why WEREN'T the Friends radioactive barbarians?

GRIFFIN: That is a great question that I ask myself every day.

JUSTIN: How 'bout it, HOLLYWOOD?

GRIFFIN: Ohh, fuck. We've never done a very big.

Maybe we slide that— remind me to slide that one back.

Damn, the game done— damn game don't—

JUSTIN: Wow, that's a... slider and a half, eh?

GRIFFIN: Yeah this one does some shit.

JUSTIN: What?!

GRIFFIN: By messing with this slider, your mouse actually starts pumping Molly into your system.

I'm not even touching it no more, I'm not even touching it no more!

JUSTIN: Okay. Okay.

GRIFFIN: I am touching it no more.

What— What the—?!

What is happening to Roachle?!

JUSTIN: Griffin, take your hand away from the mouse!


So... here's— I guess we—

Let's see what the game has decided for us.

(laughing) We've kind of made a snake.

If you look at it from the right angle.

JUSTIN: Snakel!

GRIFFIN: Alright! There's Snakel from Friends.

JUSTIN: Okay, so...

...that's exactly what I was hoping for. (Griffin makes slithering sound effects)

GRIFFIN: Here she come! (slithers)

"What's up, Draugur?! [Chomp chomp chomp chomp chomp!]"

"Got you with my little tooth!"

I don't wanna do my art in here!

I want a beautiful, sort of, uh, prairie scene

or I want to find the apartment from Freind's.

What's a big one? Solitude?

Well, there's enemies nearby. Hold on, let's try this.

Can I go to Solitu— hey, there we go.

(both laugh hysterically)

GRIFFIN: Here we are, the big city! Just like in Friends.

Just like in Friends.

This is just like the episode where the friends watched a public beheading.

"I got it!"

(Justin laughs hysterically)

GRIFFIN: Why y'all beefin?!

Why is everyone beefin?!

JUSTIN: What's the problem?

GRIFFIN: And then Rass stole a loaf of bread from the local baker

and he got beheaded.

(Griffin imitates Friends theme song)

GRIFFIN: What do snakes enjoy?

Eating butterflies, obviously. [Chomp chomp chomp chomp chomp!]

Alright so statues are beautiful.


JUSTIN: Come onnnnnnn!

GRIFFIN: No, we're doing this!

I don't want the corpses— I mean, it's gonna be tough to shoot around the corpses, but okay.

This is confused art.

We just gotta get out of the city, I can't work in this fucking environment.

I just— everybody's always trying to stab me to death.

GRIFFIN: A boat!

Why is she on a boat? That's the art!

What are Griffin and Justin even doing?

They were doing a Friends thing, and then they did a snake thing,

and then they were trying to do beauty, and then they ended up on a boat.

What are they doing?

JUSTIN: It's a journey, Griffin.

It's organic.

GRIFFIN: Alright!

Snakel, what's your deal?

JUSTIN: Can you do snakes?

GRIFFIN: I could add more Snakel from Friends.

Well that's nothing.

JUSTIN: That's not actu—

GRIFFIN: Well... they got part of it. They did get part of it!

Alright, so... let's get a hundred what

Let's get a hundred.

(Griffin imitates Friends theme song)

JUSTIN: This is what it must have been like to be Jennifer Aniston in the '90s.

It's like, everybody wanted your look.

GRIFFIN: I dunno, I fuckin' hate all this.

JUSTIN: Whoaaaa. Okay.

GRIFFIN: Can I have my frames back, Todd?

Todd, I'm WORKING right now!

JUSTIN: Um... okay. Okay. Okay.

What about the butterflies.....

(in unison) ...HERE.


Fifty torches, still dark. Skyrim.

GRIFFIN: Good lighting, Todd.

JUSTIN: Oh! The statues!

That's what we forg—that's what it's missing.

GRIFFIN: Alright, but I'm not fucking moving again.

I can't keep fighting these frames.

Statues gonna land where the statues land.

There they are, there's the statues. Art, everybody!

JUSTIN: There. There! Now it's pretty.

JUSTIN: Oh, that's— okay.

Right here, Griffin?

I'm not sure what this is saying, but I think that's beautiful.

GRIFFIN: Yeah and you have to really look for where the art is in it.

Cause if you— see, it's right there. Boop! You see her? Boop!

JUSTIN: A lot of times, the art comes to you.

And this— in this time, you have to come to the art.

GRIFFIN: This is a nightmare.

What if we just get abstract with it?


GRIFFIN: That's the art this time, everybody!

(in unison): That's the art!

GRIFFIN: What does it MEAN?

That's up to you to decide!

Boy, there's actually a lot to take in here, Justin.

I think this might be the most art we accidentally did.

JUSTIN: Yeah, this is great! What is it SAYING?

GRIFFIN: There's some sort of human lever...

...there's some snakes...

I think we get, like, one pixel of Snakel in there in the background.

And there's the devil, and he's telling me a secret message of everything I should do today!

You see that one too, in this art, right?

JUSTIN: Uhhhh......

(Griffin imitates Friends theme song)

(Friends theme song plays)

(Griffin sings along to Friends theme song)

For more infomation >> Monster Factory Presents: Just Like Art — SNAKEL FROM FRANDS - Duration: 8:29.


Is Title IX a Violation of Your Constitutional Rights? - Duration: 4:02.

Obviously, we've spent a pretty good amount of time around here talking about the assault

on free speech on college campuses.

As I've said before, I believe this strike against free speech to be one of the biggest

problems we face today as we are breeding a generation of young people who won't be

equipped to use logic and reason in their own arguments when they graduate to the real

working world.

The university's misguided use of safe spaces and trigger warnings, coupled with violent

protests and deplatforming or shouting down speakers is actually robbing many of these

students of literally the most important thing they can learn in college...the ability to

think for themselves.

Instead of graduating as fully equipped adults ready to fight for what they believe in because

they know what they believe in they are being coddled like children who might crumble at

the mere hearing of an idea that challenges them.

This inability to debate ideas is leaking out of the universities and into society at


Celebrities spend all day on Twitter ranting and raving about topics they don't understand

at all.

Comedians, some of whom I know personally and really like, have become the screeching

lunatics they're supposed to make fun of.

Politicians talk a lot but don't actually do a lot, and the rest of us are left here

trying to make some sense of what's going on.

A great example of this is the Title 9 fiasco which took root on college campuses over the

past few years.

Title 9 is part of the Education Act of 1972 which states that "No person in the United

States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits

of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving

Federal financial assistance."

That sounds pretty good right?

What we should be going for here is an even playing field of equal opportunity.

Title 9 doesn't guarantee equal outcome, which is where hard work, perseverance and sometimes

luck comes into play, but it does guarantee that whether you're a man or a woman, you

won't be discriminated based on your sex.

This straight forward law of equal opportunity changed under the Obama administration when

in 2011 and 2014 he issued new guidelines on how schools should deal with cases of sexual

assault on campus.

While I believe Obama's intentions were good, the law in effect circumvented our system

of due process.

The Obama administration's policy used the preponderance of evidence standard in cases

of sexual assault— not the beyond reasonable doubt standard — which reduces the burden

of proof on anyone accused of sexual assault.

This was a subtle but powerful change in how we litigate these cases of sexual assault

on campus and some would argue an outright violation of the accused's constitutional


Betsey DeVos, Trump's Education Secretary, recently rescinded these Obama mandates, and,

judging by the celebrity and comedian critics out there, Trump and Devos were not only anti

woman, but suddenly pro rape as well.

Christina Hoff Sommers wrote an excellent piece in the Journal of Higher Education explaining

why removing the Obama guidelines was actually a win for due process and the constitution,

an article I shared with some of the famous people I saw ranting about Trump's pro-rape


Of course nobody responded.

We'll link to Christina's article below for you to read for yourself.

To unpack Title 9 I'll be talking to author and Professor Laura Kipnis today, as we unpack

her own story of how Title 9 has affected her both personally and professionally.

Laura has been in right in the middle of the Title 9 firestorm and our friends at Learn

Liberty have sent her our way this week.

Knowing what you're talking about is a lot harder than just screaming about how you feel

about something, but a good education taught me it's worth the effort...

For more infomation >> Is Title IX a Violation of Your Constitutional Rights? - Duration: 4:02.


Alien invasion Mysterious "portal" opens on the sky of Russia - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> Alien invasion Mysterious "portal" opens on the sky of Russia - Duration: 3:29.


Educação Sexual das Meninas (Subtitulado Español) - Duration: 9:39.

For more infomation >> Educação Sexual das Meninas (Subtitulado Español) - Duration: 9:39.


Steven Hill: The Downsides of the Digital Job Market - Duration: 8:47.

For more infomation >> Steven Hill: The Downsides of the Digital Job Market - Duration: 8:47.


Coloring Pages How to Draw CUTE BOW for Kids Learn Colors with Coloring Books - Duration: 11:56.

How to Draw CUTE BOW





For more infomation >> Coloring Pages How to Draw CUTE BOW for Kids Learn Colors with Coloring Books - Duration: 11:56.


learn colors with my cat | Finger Family Song Nursery Rhyme | video for kids |Today kids TV - Duration: 2:31.

learn colors with my cat | Finger Family Song Nursery Rhyme | video for kids |Today kids TV

For more infomation >> learn colors with my cat | Finger Family Song Nursery Rhyme | video for kids |Today kids TV - Duration: 2:31.


FIFA 18 НАРОДНАЯ КАРЬЕРА l ВЫПУСК #2 - Duration: 5:16.



For more infomation >> FIFA 18 НАРОДНАЯ КАРЬЕРА l ВЫПУСК #2 - Duration: 5:16.


Jump Up, Super Star! - Super Mario Odyssey Muzikálový Trailer - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> Jump Up, Super Star! - Super Mario Odyssey Muzikálový Trailer - Duration: 1:41.


Here She Is - Beeing a queer in Aberdeen .feat Lise - Duration: 14:16.

For more infomation >> Here She Is - Beeing a queer in Aberdeen .feat Lise - Duration: 14:16.


Les Brown - Excuses Are For Losers (Les Brown Motivation) - Duration: 19:47.

LES BROWN► that a lot of things that we want to do a lot of places we would like to go a

lot of things we would like to experience and we just stop at but and

we build a case in fact I was reading something the other day that talked

about but it says but is an argument for our limitations and when we argue for

our limitations we get to keep them see but will cost you to procrastinate

but will cause you to hide out behind fear what will cause you to come up with

all type of excuses that you can validate you're in action and not acting

on your dream and right now more than ever people need to look for ways to

live their dream people need to look for ways to make it on their own there is no

such thing as job security there's no such thing as a storm proof or tragic

proof life there's no guarantees today ladies and gentlemen the illusion is

gone there was a time when when we graduated from high school you're told

go to college and get out and you go and work for corporation for 30 or 40 years

and give your goal watching you'll retire special announcement that day is

gone that day is gone never to return again so instead of people living in

fear feeling stressed out feeling powerless feeling like victims I think

it should be a time that we need to begin to look at ways that we can become

an active force in our own lives look at ways when we can decide to take charge

of our own destiny look at ways when we can decide to design a life of substance

and begin to truly live our dreams and it's time for people decide I'm ready to

get on with my life shake somebody's head on your writing

life a guy named Bob may say they say don't let nobody turn you around do that

right quick now you're not a lot of people say I'm

going to live my life one day when things get right when I get all my bills

paid when I get my feet on the ground I say what have you been walking on

see there no problem free moments guy named dimples had a record one time call

if it ain't one thing it's another and I say if it ain't one thing is twelve

others always something there to bilikiss and why you can't move on why

you can't grow to the next level why you can't begin to manifest your greatness

why you can't begin to live life on your terms always something there to block

you to keep you where you are and keep you from beginning to develop your true

greatness always some fear how do we handle it and I'm saying that if you've

been hiding out behind but if you've been using the fact that you don't have

enough money or you don't have the education take it head-on don't get the

education I'm saying to a guy the other day who was saying he said how old are

you is 47 years old I said your sister tell me that you can't read he said

that's right I said why well you know I I didn't go to school excuse how old are

you I'm 47 47 yes and you can't read or write yes have you ever heard of adults

cool adult education have you decided that you should learn how to read to

begin to expand your world why are you using that as a racket why don't you

decide now that you can expand your world that if other people can learn you

could learn too well it's hard for me how do you have you been and sit in a

class yet have you signed up yet no I haven't see a lot of people say no

ladies and gentlemen two things and they don't even know what they're saying no

to ever even challenge themselves he hasn't even gone to sit into a class

that say teach me how to read instead it's been easier for him to go through

life he thinks trying to play a whole con game pretending he knows how to do

something that he doesn't know how to do and you know what most of us go through

life like that most of us go through life pretending pretending that we're

satisfied where we are pretending that everything is okay pretending that that

we don't have any special goals or ambitions or

desires when really deep down inside we do really want more but if you look at

our behavior if you judge based upon what we do and really will tell you some

true stories about people because you have to judge a tree by the fruit it

bears not the fruit that it talks about see a lot of people pretend that they

want more out of life but all you have to do is watch their actions that will

tell you something so I used to pretend that I want to lose weight but how could

you tell I was pretending watch me when I have a piece of sweet potato pie

peanuts some potato chips say I was pretending that I really wanted to lose

weight no you don't watch what I eat that tell you what I'm seriously

committed to people tell you all yeah one day I want to have a restaurant see

they're pretending they want to go into business for themselves

watch what they're doing the proof is in the pudding so if you want to do

something if you've thought about something you want to do take it head on

decide that you're going to start looking at it start doing research on it

start tackling it start becoming involved in whatever and wherever it

might lead you to begin to explore the possibilities in that particular thing

that you're seeking so that you can begin to learn all you can about it

decide that you're going to face it that whatever shortcomings you have that

you're going to strip in yourself there whatever training is required that

you're going to go get that training but you're gonna get started right now at

George Washington Carver which they do what you can where you are with what you

have and never be satisfied yes be fully used to say are you heard Joe doubly

talked about always trying to be more than that which you are yeah don't get

satisfied with yourself always know that wherever you are you can enjoy more that

you deserve more but most people you know they do most people go through life

quietly and safely tiptoe into an early grave find out what it is you want and

go after it as if your life depends on it

why because it does people that have found their passion people that found

the things that they love people that have found the things that

they can pour their lives into those people live longer I was in New York and

I had to do a seminar at a special church and a guy by the name of Reverend

Johnny Youngblood and I said how is it that you were able to build this big

housing facility and got all of the various community and religious groups

together to to have this dwelling for 2,000 residents that were were once

homeless how were you able to take on this responsibility wasn't it

overwhelming he said the kind of work I do he said it's in me I've got to live

what's in me and I think that's everybody's desire in life you got to

live what's in your life is just too short and unpredictable but what are

what are we saved but but there always be tomorrow oh no there's no guarantees

you're gonna show up tomorrow a lot of people who are here yesterday that

they're not here today there are a lot of opportunities that were around

yesterday they're not here today oh you can wait but you know what Abraham

Lincoln said well good things might come to those or to who wait but all of the

things that have been left over by those who hustle

so who want to go through life picking up leftovers you deserve much more than

that the leftovers is somebody's left you so

take it head on begin to explore here's something else decide to do it now

decide whatever you want to do that you are now going to become actively

involved right now exploring the possibilities for you that you're going

to look at it and do just a little bit of it right now when I decided to become

a speaker I didn't just quit my job and just ran out and say I'm a motivational

speaker know what I did was I decided to start looking at other people that were

involved in the speaking profession I've volunteered to work with some speakers

so that I could learn whatever you want to do get your feet wet gain some

experience doing some volunteer work in the area and find out whether or not

this thing you want to do will fit for you friend of mine told me he wanted to

have a restaurant and say have you ever operated restaurant before he said no I

said we're really you don't even know if you want one I said what's your

expertise what do you bring to the table he said I can cook real good I said well

what about the management side what about the biz

part of the restaurant you're not gonna be cooking all the time somebody's got

to receive the money who's gonna manage the personnel he said you got all right

you got a point there so this guy got a job in a restaurant in the evening time

on a part-time basis after doing that for a while he said you know what I

think I just want to be a chef he said after working there people that show up

the working it's as hard to find the help people weren't responsible they

headaches the guests were just giving him problems day in and day out they

weren't ever satisfied he said no I just think I'll stick to cooking see you got

to find out what fits for you because you might decide after you go up in

there and examine it experience it and get some experience on the about on it

well you say this is really not what I want this does not fit for me so decide

that you're going to do that now Johnny Johnson said something that's very

important he said there's no defense against an excellence that meets a

pressing public need see whatever you decide to do look at it and find out

what is it that I have that I could bring to the table that can begin to

enable me to ensure that I could be successful in this where is the opening

for you there's room for you out here out here in the arena called life

there's room for you to come out and live your dream don't allow but to keep

you in the corner or keep you up in the bleachers looking

at life being a spectator not being a participant making a difference in life

I believe that all of us came here with something all of us showed up to give

something and that nobody but nobody is going to give that service that you have

to give no one's going to produce your product no one's going to write your

book no one's going to open your academy no one's going to begin to create your

date here with a special curriculum to help to cultivate the high self esteem

and our children that's your idea and if you don't bring your ID out here when

you die all of us will suffer because we've been deprived of your genius

because you allowed but to keep you in the bleachers and not pursuing your

greatness you take it to your grave with you and that's what most people do I

think that's why the guy said that many people die at age 21 and don't get

buried until they're 65 they're walking dead you can tell him by

the way they walk how they look in the face when they speak to you I was giving

a speech of this high school and a lady came after school she said mr. Brown I

want to talk to you about my son I said what is it she said he's not motivated I

said I wonder why you gotta have energy ladies and gentlemen you got to have

life if you excited about what you're doing even in the area of selling you

know people don't buy because of logical reasoning people buy because of your way

of feeling they don't like to be around their people

oh no let the dead bury the dead no no keep him away from before they grab you

what a hold on to use up some of the fact that that whatever you do you want

to be excited about you want to have the kind of excitement that is so contagious

that people want to be around you because whatever you're doing whatever

you talk to people about this particular idea that you have they're looking at

you and they want to know do you believe it and are you the kind of person they

want to be in business with and if you're not positive if you're not

energetic if you're not fired up about it how can you expect anybody else to be

fired up about your idea I'm alright alright repeat after me please I'm gonna

be fired up about my dream I'm gonna go at it

with everything I got shake somebody's hand on your right and left and say you

got what it takes there are a lot of people who say but I

tried once or twice and it didn't work out and so they use that as an excuse

not to ever come out again guys said if at first you don't succeed you're

running about average so so so if you have come out here with an idea and it

didn't work out two or three times well that's all right you're running about

average you know I heard something a jarring question it says why is it that

people prefer known hell's to unknown heavens you know why because it's

comfortable ladies and gentlemen I remember I was in a service once and I

heard dr. Johnny Coleman give this example she talked about a man who had

been captured behind the enemy lines in a war and was sentenced to to be killed

or another option the captain said to the guy listen he said tomorrow morning

at 6 o'clock you can face the firing squad or you can go out this door over

here and the guy said what's off the door he said no one knows all we can

tell you just unknown horrors he thought and the next morning he selected the

firing squad after the shots rang out the captain's secretary said what's

beyond that door and he said freedom but very few people would select to do it

because it's unknown see a lot of people never live their dreams a lot of people

never do the things they want to do a lot of people stay on jobs where they're

miserable I reckon I don't recall is your job making you sick a lot of people

some of y'all know about that already so gonna say hey man it's alright that

one lady Tony she said less when I used to go to work she said when I stepped in

the door felt like a refrigerator dropped on my shoulders how many all

understand that kind of feeling they were miserable just hated to go after 60

minutes on Sunday afternoon or come Monday morning my head used to thrive I

just couldn't take it didn't wanna go sometimes just just for the heck of I

just drive on by I used to hate to go to work many of us choose an active living

death many of us are Walking Dead The Walking Dead that we're not doing what

we want to do many of us stay in relationships where we're dying together

rather than growing and expanding and living together we're miserable but

because we don't have the courage to see ourselves beyond that relationship that

has turned toxic we go through life living dead people and then you can

always tell couples that have been together for a little while

born a restaurant the one sitting side-by-side giggling and talking to

each other feed each other with their focus food they just got together

forward wheel you see him in the car they sitting all of each other hook and

smart or they've been together about three days all right

but if you see people to the restaurant to you know see a couple and they're

sitting in front of each other take so long for this food I wonder when they go

hurry up those are Mary was four years living in two separate rooms sleeping in

two separate beds well it's cheaper to keep it not necessarily it's a quarter

to the price you want to pay see the price of peace of mind the price of

living the truth of being honest with yourself in that wait a minute it's got

to be more than this so you've got to decide wait wait even if I I think don't

work out even if I experienced defeat of failure that does not make me a failure

it's the difference between failing and being a failure if you if things don't

work out if you don't produce the results you want that's all but don't

confuse who you are with the results that you produce I used to be a state

legislator in Columbus Ohio and I remember once I was going to introduce

some legislation on the floor and after getting that legislation passed a guy

came up behind me and he had some legislation that I opposed him on that

and I was about to stand up to debate this guy and got next to me said skew

don't don't debate that guy why do you know who that is I said no it's will

Koski from Toledo it's a bad dude he's a lawyer less that man can debate I don't

care less brown baby Browns

sorry raise my hand miss mr. speaker he said the gentleman from the 29th House

District so you serve to tell the gentleman I like to take him on

challenge him on this legislation he said well cause he said I would more

than like to mr. speaker everybody say woo I asked him some

questions he responded I say I wonder why instead of a that question well cos

he won't be out I mean I was up there and I just lived it back to my room with

my yes I get out of however here's what I learned when you win see you if I win

a debate I win because of what I know when I lose I lose because what I don't

know so I had to check out what is it that I did not know I wasn't prepared I

did not do enough research I did not do my homework so he handled me like he

wanted to so I came back again I waited on some other legislation did my

homework but he was more than able to take me out again but pretty soon each

time it would take him it would become a little bit more difficult and a little

bit more difficult and the older guy say would you argue in behalf of at this

legislation for me I said sure I started volunteering to do work in the

legislative committees for the older guys I said absolutely and the more I

did it the better I became and then people began to start respecting me and

when I would ask her said Mr Speaker I like to speak on that bill so guys flip

start wriggling and stuff like Jimmy other oh wait a minute a ruffle can we

have a

For more infomation >> Les Brown - Excuses Are For Losers (Les Brown Motivation) - Duration: 19:47.


The Guilty Reader Tag {cc) - Duration: 6:52.

For more infomation >> The Guilty Reader Tag {cc) - Duration: 6:52.





దీపావళికి లక్ష్మీపూజ ఇలా చేస్తే కోటీశ్వరులు ఖాయం | Deepavali Goddess Lakshmi Pooja | Diwali Pooja | - Duration: 4:25.


For more infomation >> దీపావళికి లక్ష్మీపూజ ఇలా చేస్తే కోటీశ్వరులు ఖాయం | Deepavali Goddess Lakshmi Pooja | Diwali Pooja | - Duration: 4:25.


Achcham Telugandham - Spyder - (Fingerstyle Guitar Cover) - Duration: 3:04.



Kanulaku dorikenu tholisaari

Blind date


Yedhuruga nilichenu sukumari

Phone lo

lovely ga

Manasuni kadhipina pillenaa



endukundhi asalu idhi thaanena

She is Miss Mysterious

Kaani bloody gorgeous

Ababa obscurious

Neno Confucius

She is Miss Mysterious

Kaani bloody gorgeous

Ababa obscurious

Neno confucius



Thermometer thermometer cheptundi


height entho

Altimeter altimeter cheptundi



Fathometer fathometer cheptundi



matter cheppe meter kanipettaledhe

She is Miss Mysterious

Kaani bloody gorgeous

Ababa obscurious

Neno Confucius

She is Miss Mysterious

Kaani bloody gorgeous

Ababa obscurious

Neno Confucius


kalalu kane

Tholi tholi alajadi eemena



padi padi poojalu chesena



baruvuga atu itu thoogenaa



medhaduku padhunuga saagenaa

Oka roopam renduga

Migilindho prashnaga

Gamanisthu vinthaga

Thanu nenayyanugaa

She is Miss Mysterious

Kaani bloody gorgeous

Ababa obscurious

Neno Confucius

For more infomation >> Achcham Telugandham - Spyder - (Fingerstyle Guitar Cover) - Duration: 3:04.


Tukur Tukur | Arijit Singh | Male version | Lyrics - Duration: 4:29.

For more infomation >> Tukur Tukur | Arijit Singh | Male version | Lyrics - Duration: 4:29.


Couple Build Themselves A 'Hobbit Home' - Duration: 0:44.

For more infomation >> Couple Build Themselves A 'Hobbit Home' - Duration: 0:44.


Strong Animal Kaiser Maximum M2 | How to Unlock Guardian Spirit | Kaiser Two Horn - Duration: 11:05.

Here's the cards used : //pretty awesome for mostly normal cards, thought i was a goner a couple of times !

Fight : Saber-Toothed Tiger Friend : Ace

Miracle : Alien Egg American Bigger : Patrol Car

When using the GAK ID card, you can use items to boost attribute and add skills, i chose the 3 scoop ice-cream (gives additional 900 experience points after battle aid leveling process).

Well if you haven't unlock any guardian spirit yet, you have to do with the default one. Kaiser Daedalus

Selecting mission mode and fight in God World to choose the guardian spirit that you want to unlock first, there are a total of 9 guardian spirits.

I think kaiser Two Horn is probably one of the more useful one and charge up faster. My gut feel was he's gonna be an easy one ... oh well.

Before meeting the boss, i have to go through the minions beetle and hammered head shark first. I got lucky and took the first strike ! hoorah.

Saber-toothed health is really low, 5000HP, 1 miracle hit and the bigger vehicle is out, vroom vroom my patrol car.

It's challenging recording plus hitting yellow button for higher percentage bonus for bigger vehicle card.

Goodness can we had a 50-50 tie for 3 times !!! I m amazed by my luck!

Vehicle broke and extinct declaration kicked in, which can be extremely helpful or bad. Doubling miracle help set the first match.

Finally we meet kaiser two horn, Nikaku but my badly injured saber-toothed is shaking as the ground trembled.

Let's see what kaiser two horn got, waiting ....boy it's time to call our medic ! medic medic !

Seem like kaiser two horn want to befriend me by taking a 10 slot.

Ace defence focus came at the right time which triggered the bigger vehicle patrol card

follow by a doubling bigger plus focus attack seal the game and unlock the guardian spirit.

For more infomation >> Strong Animal Kaiser Maximum M2 | How to Unlock Guardian Spirit | Kaiser Two Horn - Duration: 11:05.


Hotel Questions Latest Las Vegas Massacre Timeline - Duration: 1:19.

For more infomation >> Hotel Questions Latest Las Vegas Massacre Timeline - Duration: 1:19.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 AMG Line | Ambition - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 AMG Line | Ambition - Duration: 0:59.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 160 Business Class - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 160 Business Class - Duration: 0:41.


How to Optimise Your Workplace | Average Guys Episode 2 - Duration: 4:43.


Okay, this is the plan

We need to make a strong first impression

So we need to show off our best player

Are you [censored] kidding me?

I need my job, I need my job

Did someone say Sharp Images?

I don't think he can hear us

Are you guys from Sharp Images?

Yes we are

You're late

No, we are


Guys, hurry up please



May is a camera operator

who freelances with us very often

We work with her because she's

One of the few who hasn't blacklisted us

Guys please take a seat

You are late already

But we- we haven't done our cheer

No, you don't have to do your cheer

Team Byte Design didn't do their cheer

Daniel signed us up for this

Sports workshop to build teamwork

Daniel has been obsessed

With optimising the company

So he's been doing trust falls




Without warning

Okay fine

Do your cheer

Okay GO!












We didn't rehearse


We found out that Kelvin is dyslexic


Or lose-lose

Depends on how you see it

Alex Alex Alex

Pass pass pass pass pass

By default

Men are


How do I put this politely

They are


Am I a feminist?


What for?

Women are better than men

I go with the Sharp Images guys because

They give me jobs

I was calling for the ball

They don't really have a choice 'cause

No one wants to work with them

Am I taking advantage of them?


Do I feel bad about it?

No, not really

That's good

Okay let's go back-



Oww, I can't hear

Which side?

Both sides

I cannot hear both sides



I'm sorry

Trust isn't something you can learn

From some workshop

By playing football

It's something

You have to earn

It's not that difficult

You just have to listen to me

Treat me with respect and

I'll treat you with the same respect

Just work with Alex

Don't pass it to Kelvin anymore



Go Daniel

When everyone suffers together

They start trusting each other

That's what trust is

Trust fall


If you're using Wi-Fi to watch this

You've wasted your time

But if you are in public and using 3G, 4G

Or some of you 5G


You've wasted your time

And money


For more infomation >> How to Optimise Your Workplace | Average Guys Episode 2 - Duration: 4:43.


Learn to talk about exercise in 6 minutes - Duration: 6:13.

For more infomation >> Learn to talk about exercise in 6 minutes - Duration: 6:13.


National Coming Out Day - Duration: 3:51.

Chris: When I went to went to university, there was that kind of phase of

I guess accepting the fact that I was gay.

Being away from all my friends being away from what I knew -

my church, my family - just realizing that

that was kind of a part of my life and it wasn't going to be changing.

That kind of, I guess I segued me into realizing that

I also had to talk about it with people.

Kathy: In a lot of Asian cultures it's sort of

like right over the head and "Anyway when you get married to your husband and have

children..." and you know it's it's not like "Oh my gosh, I can't believe...!" it's it's

That didn't change anything about anything;

That didn't change anything about any reality.

Monica: So when I began to come out

I made sure to tell all the important people in my life in person.

I didn't even want to tell anyone over text or anything

I really just wanted it to be a personal conversation

Chris: A huge motivator for me for me for sharing was

this idea that I felt like if there was any place in the world that

I should feel safe talking about this it should be the church

which maybe wasn't the most

logical understanding of it but

or realistic understanding of it,

but it was what I figured should be the case.

Kathy: And so what I did

which seems very counterintuitive to me

was I wrote them an email. And that seems

like "oh how could you - how could you do something so impersonal" and

"you should be able to be face-to-face!" and that's my preferred way anyway.

But I did it for a number of reasons

I wanted them to have something that they could come back to

they could read over again.

The other thing is I could craft it make sure that

I'm using good language--not simple language because my parents aren't

intelligent--but I just want to make sure that they understand what I'm trying to say.

Monica: So after I come out personally to the

most important people in my life I wanted to put something on Facebook.

This was - there was multiple reasons for this:

One was just ease of kind of letting everyone know

without having to repeatedly come out and just kind of

letting it get around so I didn't have to

go through the process every single time.

But also because I knew there's a lot of people on my facebook who were

maybe people who didn't necessarily interact with me on a regular basis

who might benefit from seeing that someone they knew

- like once knew or still know - is not straight.

Kathy: And I knew that they would both

deal with it differently but my mom would especially have a really hard time

and I wanted her to be able to take that time,

come back to me when you're ready

Monica: Within this post I talked about how knowing more people who are different

helped us to be more accepting and loving,

and how that's sometimes all it takes

is just knowing a person on a personal level.

So that's, that was kind of my aim.

Kathy: And it took maybe three months before we talked again

and that was the longest by far amount of time that we had not spoken

but I I realized that was the right way to do it for my parents.

Chris: You will be constantly coming out to people

you'll always be doing that because

it's just naturally assumed that I'm straight unless I tell them

it's not like I'm gonna first time I meet someone tell them, but

as you get to know someone it sometimes is important.

Especially if you're trying to relate to them spiritually.

For more infomation >> National Coming Out Day - Duration: 3:51.


Ski Skrunchy Binding Passion and Innovation Together at Clarkson University - Duration: 1:57.

(melodic dubstep) YOUNG MAN: I'm the founder of Ski Scrunchy LLC. I was a mechanical engineering major, and I started my business last spring, actually.

The past few winters, I was a ski instructor at a local ski mountain, and I worked with kids that were from 3 to 15,

including some families. And I found that students had big difficulty with carrying their skis and poles to and from the mountain.

So I kind of came up with an idea, you know, to make that easier, so kids can carry their skis.

And that's kind of where I created the Ski Scrunchie.

Which is here --- so, it is a product that bundles your skis and poles together, which allows you to carry your

ski like a handle

using your poles. So I looked at a bunch of schools --- Clarkson was one of my top choices --- and

they provided a lot of background into mechanical engineering,

but also allowing me the possibilities of working with the

Entrepreneurship Center here at Clarkson. In the spring, they started out by kind of helping me,

just trying to get me on track to, you know, getting my design on paper,

and how the process will kind of fold out. And in the fall, here in the last couple weeks,

they have been very helpful. I sent them an email anytime

they'd get back to me in the next couple days. And they helped me with a lot of the paperwork --- filing for the LLC,

some of the stuff that may not be quite as exciting --- and kind of just really helped me personally

with what I need. I started out by using just like a rubber band. Rubber bands are very small and don't like the cold weather,

so they kind of fell apart a lot. And then I started out by using a bungee cord,

and I eventually started out and created a product that utilized a

sleeve to help, kind of, protect the elastic on the inside.

Over the summer, I worked on prototyping, and when I got back to campus, I worked with

the Shipley Center, created my LLC, worked with a web designer and got my logo.

So now I have a website that is live, and you can purchase the product online.

For more infomation >> Ski Skrunchy Binding Passion and Innovation Together at Clarkson University - Duration: 1:57.


BMW 最強レースカー「M4 GT4」、フルエアロ装着の公道テストをキャッチ! - Duration: 1:19.

For more infomation >> BMW 最強レースカー「M4 GT4」、フルエアロ装着の公道テストをキャッチ! - Duration: 1:19.


Featuring Musician Megan Ni...

For more infomation >> Featuring Musician Megan Ni...


For more infomation >> Featuring Musician Megan Ni...


Кукла Гретхен Кидз Н Катс Minis - Duration: 3:41.

For more infomation >> Кукла Гретхен Кидз Н Катс Minis - Duration: 3:41.


For more infomation >> Кукла Гретхен Кидз Н Катс Minis - Duration: 3:41.


Transparent Smokey Nail Design - Acrylic Stiletto Nail - Subtle Halloween Design - Duration: 10:52.

For more infomation >> Transparent Smokey Nail Design - Acrylic Stiletto Nail - Subtle Halloween Design - Duration: 10:52.


For more infomation >> Transparent Smokey Nail Design - Acrylic Stiletto Nail - Subtle Halloween Design - Duration: 10:52.


Cosmic Quest - Air Oasis (feat. Vaughn Trace & Virginia Palms) - Duration: 3:29.

Cosmic Quest - Air Oasis (feat.

Vaughn Trace & Virginia Palms)

Cosmic Quest - Air Oasis (feat.

Vaughn Trace & Virginia Palms)

Cosmic Quest - Air Oasis (feat.

Vaughn Trace & Virginia Palms)

Cosmic Quest - Air Oasis (feat.

Vaughn Trace & Virginia Palms)

Cosmic Quest - Air Oasis (feat.

Vaughn Trace & Virginia Palms)

Cosmic Quest - Air Oasis (feat.

Vaughn Trace & Virginia Palms)

Cosmic Quest - Air Oasis (feat.

Vaughn Trace & Virginia Palms)

Cosmic Quest - Air Oasis (feat.

Vaughn Trace & Virginia Palms)

Cosmic Quest - Air Oasis (feat.

Vaughn Trace & Virginia Palms)

Cosmic Quest - Air Oasis (feat.

Vaughn Trace & Virginia Palms)

Cosmic Quest - Air Oasis (feat.

Vaughn Trace & Virginia Palms)

Cosmic Quest - Air Oasis (feat.

Vaughn Trace & Virginia Palms)

Cosmic Quest - Air Oasis (feat.

Vaughn Trace & Virginia Palms)

Cosmic Quest - Air Oasis (feat.

Vaughn Trace & Virginia Palms)

Cosmic Quest - Air Oasis (feat.

Vaughn Trace & Virginia Palms)

For more infomation >> Cosmic Quest - Air Oasis (feat. Vaughn Trace & Virginia Palms) - Duration: 3:29.


For more infomation >> Cosmic Quest - Air Oasis (feat. Vaughn Trace & Virginia Palms) - Duration: 3:29.


Ce que cette fille de 16 ans a fait avec une banane a complètement changé le monde ! - France 365 - Duration: 4:52.

For more infomation >> Ce que cette fille de 16 ans a fait avec une banane a complètement changé le monde ! - France 365 - Duration: 4:52.


For more infomation >> Ce que cette fille de 16 ans a fait avec une banane a complètement changé le monde ! - France 365 - Duration: 4:52.


Osteopatia Biodinamica per la Sindrome Tibiale - Duration: 1:46.

For more infomation >> Osteopatia Biodinamica per la Sindrome Tibiale - Duration: 1:46.


For more infomation >> Osteopatia Biodinamica per la Sindrome Tibiale - Duration: 1:46.




For more infomation >> HOW TO CREATE POWERFUL BLACK & WHITE CONVERSION TECHNIQUE - Tech Web - Duration: 4:13.


For more infomation >> HOW TO CREATE POWERFUL BLACK & WHITE CONVERSION TECHNIQUE - Tech Web - Duration: 4:13.


GESTURE As the rest of the majors Ukraine. Exclusive, antics majors Golden youth Ukraine - Duration: 1:47.

For more infomation >> GESTURE As the rest of the majors Ukraine. Exclusive, antics majors Golden youth Ukraine - Duration: 1:47.


For more infomation >> GESTURE As the rest of the majors Ukraine. Exclusive, antics majors Golden youth Ukraine - Duration: 1:47.


Cómo cambiar cojinete de rueda delantero VW LUPO INSTRUCCIÓN | AUTODOC - Duration: 12:56.

Use a socket №18

Use a torx №T30

Use a socket №30

Use an open-end wrench №17

Use a socket №19

Use a special puller to take the tie rod end out

Use a socket №18 and a combination spanner №18

Using round-nosed plyers, take out the retaining ring of wheel bearing

Press out the wheel bearing using a hydraulic press

For more infomation >> Cómo cambiar cojinete de rueda delantero VW LUPO INSTRUCCIÓN | AUTODOC - Duration: 12:56.


For more infomation >> Cómo cambiar cojinete de rueda delantero VW LUPO INSTRUCCIÓN | AUTODOC - Duration: 12:56.


Il s'est lavé le visage avec ceci, sa femme n'arrivait pas à le reconnaitre tant il paraissait - Duration: 6:22.

For more infomation >> Il s'est lavé le visage avec ceci, sa femme n'arrivait pas à le reconnaitre tant il paraissait - Duration: 6:22.


For more infomation >> Il s'est lavé le visage avec ceci, sa femme n'arrivait pas à le reconnaitre tant il paraissait - Duration: 6:22.


How To Get More Traffic To Your Website - How To Promote Your Website And Increase Traffic! - Duration: 1:38.

How To Get More Traffic To Your Website - How To Promote Your Website And Increase Traffic! [ INTRO ]

Hello friends chetan nagda welcome your seo in hindi channel

Friends, today we are going to talk about How To Get More Traffic To Your Website - How To Promote Your Website And Increase Traffic for your blog

And how to increase website traffic free on website or blog

Friends, to increase your website's traffic first, you have to search for organic keywords by keyword research.

A keyword whose search volume is high and the computation is absolutely low

After searching the keyword well, write your own unique post article.

After writing a post, first you have to share your post on social network


There are so many posts and pages on the social site that are your topic and your niche is relayed

You post there on your post article link to it

If you give your link above unlisted post, then you will not get any benefit from it.

Friends, you just have to put your own link on Facebook or Twitter in your related category.

So you have enough chances to increase traffic to website from there and Promote Your Website And Increase Traffic your visit with your visitor

Apart from this, friends in the second step, you can create backlink on website 2.0 which is

With backlink, you can also drive traffic to your blog and website.

Apart from this, you have a YouTube video too. You can comment within the video after you go into it, and your chances are greatly increased.

You can increase your traffic with the help of YouTube videos

If friends, if you are a good writer then you can write a post for a website and blog and give your link inside it.

So you can also redirect your organic traffic to your blog.

For more infomation >> How To Get More Traffic To Your Website - How To Promote Your Website And Increase Traffic! - Duration: 1:38.


For more infomation >> How To Get More Traffic To Your Website - How To Promote Your Website And Increase Traffic! - Duration: 1:38.


Academy of Art University: Co...

For more infomation >> Academy of Art University: Co...


Gaal m G Na Lag # NEW HR Song # Anjali Raghav & Surya # latest DJ Song 2017 - Duration: 2:59.

New Song Of Anjali Raghav & Surya

For more infomation >> Gaal m G Na Lag # NEW HR Song # Anjali Raghav & Surya # latest DJ Song 2017 - Duration: 2:59.


4 English Sayings I REALLY HATE - Duration: 9:29.

Time is money. Actually, you know what? I don't think it is.

Hey everyone, Dana here! Let's talk idioms that drive me up the wall.

Eh, eh, you see what I did there?

Idioms that drive me up the wall, drive me up the wall is also an idiom, uh-huh…I know.

I'm corny.

But anyway, really, there are some common English sayings, at least commonly used where

I'm from in the U.S., that I just can't stand.

I really hate these sayings.

I hate the sayings and I hate what they mean and I hate how they are used in our society today.

Maybe at some point in time these sayings made sense, and served an important purpose,

but in my opinion, how they're used today is simply not good.

I don't like the ideas that these sayings represent or I don't like how I've often

experienced these sayings being used.

And let's start with the saying that I mentioned in the intro, time is money.

As with many sayings, this one just kind of gets tossed around so much - time is money - that

I've found it really easy to internalize it and without really even realizing it, just accept the

idiom as some kind of fact of the world or inevitable certainty, but that's not the case.

It's just a saying, not a fact.

But hearing it over and over and over again, time is money, time is money, time is money

kind of brainwashed me.

Like I found myself just kind of buying into this idea that time is money.

That we shouldn't waste time because we need to be using that time to earn precious money.

I hate that this idea has wormed its way into my brain.

First of all, don't even get me started on the phrase "wasted time," I don't

like that one either, but anyway; how ridiculous is the saying "time is money," getting

at that basically any time not spent toward earning money is wasted time.

Um, excuse me, no, what kind of crap is that?

There are countless, endless beautiful and wonderful and important things to do in life

that have nothing at all to do with making money.

So if I never, ever hear this saying again I will be very happy, but I know that's

probably not going to happen because as I said before, it's a pretty common saying

and one that I think people just often toss out without, I would say, really thinking

about the implications of what it actually means.

I know that I have certainly done that before.

I've used this saying so much without really thinking about it.

And that's exactly the problem.

People keep repeating over and over again, time is money so often that the world, I feel

like, actually starts to believe it.

But so I'm going to do my little tiny part in striking this saying from my vocabulary.

I'm going to try really hard not to say time is money.

Time is time and money is money, but no, time is not money.

And while we're on the subject of money, another saying that I really don't like

is "money can't buy happiness."

Now, okay, I do feel like this saying has good intentions, trying to remind people that

happiness doesn't come from money alone...although we do need a certain amount of money in this

world in order to live.

But okay, the saying is there to try to remind us that we need to look inward for our happiness

rather than just expecting money to simply poof, solve everything and make us happy.

But it really irritates me and I think is potentially dangerous that this saying is

so commonplace and so often tossed out in a world where the previous saying, that I

just finished pulling apart - time is money - is also so ubiquitous.

It's like, come on society, you can't have it both ways.

One moment you're standing there telling me time is money, don't waste your time

on anything else.

You gotta go earn that cold hard cash.

And then in the next breath I feel like society is looking down at me, shaking its head in

disappointment, like, silly Dana, everyone knows money can't buy happiness.

Then why did you just tell me time is money? It just feels to me like the world is

tugging me in two completely conflicting directions

with both of these sayings existing in the same world and both of them being used so often.

What do you want from me?

Another saying that drives me crazy is "it's now or never."

Nope. Wrong. Wrong. Just...wrong.

In my life more than anything else this saying and the idea behind this saying has been used

by myself as well as by others to try to pressure me into doing things that I simply have not

been ready to do at that point in time.

And while, yes sometimes it really is truly a now or never situation, a lot of the time,

in my experience, when this saying has been used by me on myself or by others on me as

a way to try to pressure me into doing something, it wasn't actually, truly a case of

now or never.

It was really usually more of a case of now or at some other point in time in the future,

which would probably end up being a little bit more inconvenient to myself or the other

person trying to pressure me into doing the thing.

And the last hated English saying for this video, because there are more, there are more

of them, and maybe I'll make another video about some of those other ones in the future,

but lastly for this video, we have "don't cry over spilled milk."

So this saying is supposed to mean that the person shouldn't worry about events that

have already happened and which they cannot do anything about, like, for example, if you

spill milk, no point sitting around crying about it because, well, it's already been

spilled...there's nothing you can do about it, might as well just move on with your life.

And while I do think that it's important to try to focus on the things that we can

do something about in life, and try not to dwell on the things that we can't do anything

about, I know that in my life both internally from myself and externally from others, this

saying has been used to try to discourage me from allowing myself even a single second

to be disappointed or frustrated or sad about something, just because that something is

something that I can't change, it's something I can't do anything about, so I'm not allowed

to feel disappointed about it.

Which I am learning is also not so healthy for me.

Okay, right, it might not be so healthy for me to dwell on it, but I've also learned

that it is important for me to allow myself to feel the feeling of disappointment of sadness

of frustration or whatever it is I'm feeling.

Even if that feeling comes from something that I can't change.

I still need to give myself some time to feel that feeling.

And then after that, make the decision to move on with my day.

So my question for you is: What is your take on these sayings, and what sayings in English

or any language do you dislike?

Please let me know in the comments below.

Thank you so much for watching.

I really hope that you enjoyed this video.

If you enjoy these videos, please don't forget to subscribe and hit the like button.

And also a really big thank you so much to our patrons on Patreon, who help make these

videos possible.

Thank you so much for your support.

If you would like to check out our Patreon page, you can find a link to that down in

the description box below.

Until next time, auf Wiedersehen!

I'm like jumping an invisible jump rope. I don't think that's how jump ropes work.

When this saying has by...yeah.


As with many sayings, feels...yeah.

Pretty clever I think. I know I'm corny. But I like it.

For more infomation >> 4 English Sayings I REALLY HATE - Duration: 9:29.


PANCHAYATHI KARYADARSI JOBS IN AP - 5800 || Out Sourcing Jobs in AP - Duration: 1:20.


For more infomation >> PANCHAYATHI KARYADARSI JOBS IN AP - 5800 || Out Sourcing Jobs in AP - Duration: 1:20.


Here She Is - Beeing a queer in Aberdeen .feat Lise - Duration: 14:16.

For more infomation >> Here She Is - Beeing a queer in Aberdeen .feat Lise - Duration: 14:16.


Knitting Help - Carrying Fair Isle Floats - Duration: 8:02.

[00:00:00] [music]


In this video, I'm going to show you a couple of different ways to carry floats in your

Fair Isle knitting.

And I got the idea for this video because I recently put out a video called "Weaving

In Ends As You Go" that shows kind of a unique method for weaving in ends behind the work

without creating double or triple-thick stitches, and I'll give you a link to that video here.

But in the comments, people said, "Hey, this is the exact way that I carry floats in Fair

Isle knitting and that's a great idea.

I had never thought of using that same technique for carrying floats."

So in this video, I'm going to show you a couple of different ways to carry the floats

in Fair Isle, and this video is brought to you by Knitter's Pride.

I'm using their needles in this video.

Specifically, I'm using their 16-inch Royale needles and I have a kit of the full-size

Royale needles to show you, so let's go and take a look.

These are the Royale interchangeable needle set and what you get are these awesome needles

that are in all different colors of wood with metal tips, and I've said before that these

needles are so great because they make the greatest clicking sound when you're knitting

with them.

So you pick the needle size that you need, and in your awesome case there's a pocket

where you pick the cord length that you need, and you just attach one to the other.

So this is the full-size set, and then the cords come with 24, 32, and 40-inch cords.

You can make long, long needles to knit bigger things, but what I'm using here is the Royale

16-inch set, and it's the same thing.

You use the key to attach your needle that the needle size you need to the short cord,

and then tighten it up.

You get a beautiful, smooth join when you do.

And these are the needles I'm using.

You're gonna get to hear the awesome clicking sound as I'm using them, and this example

that I have here is Fair Isle knitting.

This is my "Learn to Knit a Fair Isle Hat" pattern.

I'll give you a link to that right here.

It's a good first Fair Isle hat pattern if you're new to Fair Isle, and when you're knitting

Fair Isle, if the colors are changing every few stitches, you don't really have to carry

a float.

You don't have to do anything special.

The float just carries in the back of the work, but when you have a longer stretch,

usually at six stitches, I start doing a little technique to catch the float on the back of

the work.

That's where these come in, and it's going to become more clear as I work this.

So I am going to get started.

I have my chart pattern here that I'm looking at kind of off-camera.

I want gray, gray, gray, gray...going to, blue, gray, gray, gray.

Okay, you see here, I'm not doing anything special.

I'm just carrying the other yarn behind because these are a little, little, short bits of


And now I've gotten up to the spot where I have eight gray stitches and a float across

eight gray stitches is really too long.

There's a chance that it will mess with the tension, that it'll get caught on something,

so this is what I'm going to show you first.

I'm going to knit up to...I'm gonna knit three stitches because I did four last time.

I knit three stitches.

This is how I have always caught the floats in the back of the work.

I think this is probably the way most people do it.

You just wrap one color around the other, so this blue yarn is getting caught up in

this gray yarn in the next stitch, you see?

So that's one way to catch the float so it isn't loose on the back of the work.

And now let me get up to the next section of eight.

Blue, blue, oops.


I'm back to the next section of eight stitches.

I'm gonna show you this other way.

The way that I learned...Well, I knew how to do it, but I didn't realize that it would

work for Fair Isle floats.


If you watch the Weaving in the End video, you kinda already have the gist of it.

So I'm going to put one color in each hand, which if you're already knitting Fair Isle

this way, that is awesome.

You're one step ahead, but it's just for one stitch.

I only have to do it for one stitch, so if it's awkward, it's okay.

It's just one stitch.

I put the needle in, I pull the color that I'm carrying, which is over here in my left

hand, forward over the work, over the needle.

Wrap that stitch and pull it through, and then pull it back.

Now it didn't seem like much, but when you look at the back of the work, that blue stitch

was coming from here and it's caught up here.

And when you knit the next stitch, it's really caught up.

I'll show you that again.

[00:05:50] [silence]



I'm up to the long section.

Normally, what I would do, the old way of doing things that I've done my whole life,

is to wrap like this to catch the float.

Nothing wrong with that.

But if you don't like your yarn getting all tangled up and wrapped around, here is the

other way to do it.

Put one yarn in each hand.

The yarn that you want to wrap, put in your left hand.

Well, gosh, let me think about this because if you're a Continental knitter, you're gonna

want to probably do it the...Nope, you really need to have it over here.


So put the needle in, like you're gonna work your stitch.

Pull the yarn you want to wrap forward over the needle and over the work, wrap the back

needle and pull it through.

Then pull your carried yarn back and work the next stitch, and when you work that next

stitch, it gets caught up in the back of the work.

Isn't that awesome?

I learned something from the comments that you're leaving, and I was able to put it into

a video to share it with others.

Thank you for that.

I always read those comments, and I'm always very appreciative.

All the information about everything you see in this video including the hat pattern, the

yarns I used, the Royale needles, it's all in the video description field or on my website

if you click the little eye in the upper-right hand corner there will be more information

about the Royale 16-inch circulars and the full set circulars here.

I hope that helps.

Good luck.

[00:07:44] [music]


For more infomation >> Knitting Help - Carrying Fair Isle Floats - Duration: 8:02.


Library and Frozen covers (Raven Vlog) - Duration: 7:32.

Hey guys, this is RavenHilarious and this is my dog named Hedwig. Hedvig! Hedwig! Hi!

Okay, so, I just went to the library and I just delivered a book that my friend

borrowed afterwards, so now I'm heading home, and I will see how much of the song

Let It Go I can sing before I get home. And I'm starting... now!

(music plays and I try to sing the piano music while saying DO DER DOO)

(singing) The snow glows white on the mountain tonight

Not a footprint to be seen

A kingdom of isolation

And it looks like I'm the queen

The wind is howling like the swirling storm inside

(stuttering) Couldn't... keep it in... heaven knows I tried

Don't let them in, don't let them see

Be the good girl you always have to be

Conceal, don't feel, don't let them knooooow

Well, now they knooow

Let it go Let it go

Can't hold it back anymore

Let it go Let it go

Turn away and slam the door

I don't care

What they're going to say

Let the storm rage ooooon

The cold never bothered me anyway

It's funny how some distance Makes everything seem small

And the fears that once controlled me Can't get to me at aaaaall

It's time to see what I can do

To test the limit and break through

(fumbling) No... no right no wrong no rules for meeee

I'm freeeeeeee

Let it go Let it gooo

I am one with the wind and skyyyy

Let it go Let it gooo

You'll never see me cryyyy

Here I'll stand

And here I'll stay

Let the storm rage ooon

Do Da Doo (and such)

My powers flurry through the

(visual puns but mic doesn't work so you can't hear my voice which is probably good because I can't sing)

Dadada... I'm creating frozen fractals all around

Dadada... crystalizing... an icy blast

I'm never going back The past is in my paaaaast

Let it gooo Let it go

I'll rise like the break of daaawn

Let it go Let it gooo

The perfect girl is gooone

Here I'll stand

In the light

(it's day but you can't hear me)

Let the storm rage ooooooon

The cold never bothered me anyway

Wow, I just finished Let It Go before I got

home. So either I'm a really fast singer or I'm a really slow walker. I believe in

the last one... Okay, now what? I don't know. Now what? What should I sing now?

(me and Anna) Do you wanna build a snowmaaan?

Come on, let's go and plaaay

I never see you anymore Come out the door It's like you've gone awaaay

And Hedwig is running awaaay


That's it

We used to be best buddies

But now we're not

I wish you could tell me whyyyy

Do you wanna build a snowmaaaan?

Go away, Anna!

Okay, byee

Do you wanna build a snowmaaaan?

Or ride a bike around the haaalls?

(I think) Some company is overdue So I've been talking to the picture on the waaaalls Hang in there, Joanne

It gets a little lonely

On this empty floor Watching the hours pass byyyyy

And then the parents go away and then Anna's like

"I will see you in two weeks," and then Elsa's like "do we have to go?" and the parents

will be like "yeah, but we'll be home soon" and then they die, and then there's a funeral; that's

sad, and then Anna's like Please

I know you're in there

People keep asking you've been

They say have courage And I'm trying to

I'll be right here for you Just let me iiiiin

We only got each other

It's just you and me What are we gonna dooooo

Do you want to build a snowman?

Doo doo doo etc.

And then we all cry. Or at least, I do.

Because I have an older sister. And a younger sister.

And I love them both, really much.

And I...

And I'd also cry if something happened to either of them.

Or if either of them started to ignore me.

Yeah, that's sad.

Now what am I going to sing?

(me and Kristoff) Reindeers are better than people

Eh... Yeah, okay, I don't know very much of that soooong

Yeah, everyone except you

But people smell better than reindeers

Sven, don't you think I'm riiight?


So I'll say goodnight

Goodnight, goodnight

Don't let... you dreams... come true... No, that's not the right lyrics...

I have no idea what I'm doing, but I will be home very soon...

Hey guys, I'm home now, and i'm currently editing this video, aaaaand...

Yeah, it's raining outside, so it's very good as I... that I'm home now.

It starting as soon as I got inside, so...

Yeah. And I'm in my bed, yeah. Yeah, that's... bye.

And yes, I'm wearing some really beautiful pink headphones. They're really

cheap and they're... well, I think they're broken in one year but... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ whatever.

Raven HIHIHIHI larious


For more infomation >> Library and Frozen covers (Raven Vlog) - Duration: 7:32.


China Dynasties & Human Population Through Time - Duration: 41:43.

China History Map

Xia dynasty

Shang dynasty

Zhou dynasty

Spring and Autumn period

Warring States period

Qin dynasty

Western Han dynasty

[BC207] Liu Bang Invade Xian Yang. Qin Empire Ended Qin Dynasty Last 3 Generation. Dynasty Period 14 Years

[BC 202] Liu Bang Defeated Xiang Yu. Built Empire of Han. Historically Named Western Han Dynasty

[BC 140] Emperor Wu of Han Ordered Official of Diplomat Zhang Qian in search of Silk Road

[BC 111] Emperor Wu of Han Conquered Nanyue

Xin dynasty

Xuan Han dynasty

Eastern Han dynasty

[48] Xiongnu Divded. Han Xie Surrender to Han Dynasty

[184] The Uprising of Yellow Turban. Influence The Domination of Han Dynasty

[200] Cao Cao & Yuan Shao in Battle of Guandu. Cao Cao Has Dominate North Area.

[208] Sun Quan & Liu Bei Alliance Defeated Cao Cao In Battle of Red Cliffs. Three Kingdom Has Formed

Three Kingdoms

[220] Cao Pi Proclaim as Emperor of Cao Wei [221] Liu Bei Proclaim as Emperor of Shu Han

[220] Cao Pi Seize Han. Han Dynasty Ended Western, Eastern Han Dynasty Passes 26 Generation Han Dynasty Period - 405 Years

[229] Sun Quan Proclaim as Emperor of Wu

For more infomation >> China Dynasties & Human Population Through Time - Duration: 41:43.


Airtame 3.0 Update - Duration: 2:21.

We have just released Airtame 3.0,

a big new software update

coming to the app, device firmware, and Airtame cloud.

For this update, we have been focusing on scaling simplicity.

We want to make it even easier to set up a new Airtame device.

So when you plug it into a TV or a projector,

it automatically shows up as a new device needed to be setup in the app.

You simply hit a button, add the name,

and the WiFi network and everything happens automatically from there.

When it's setup,

you click start on the intended screen you want to stream to

and when you are done you simply hit stop to disconnect.

Another thing you will notice coming with this new Airtame 3.0 update is a new background.

This can actually now be changed from the new settings panel inside the app

and that is a much more simplified look over

for example, changing the device name,

changing the background into an image or into a website and also registering the device to the Cloud.

With this new 3.0 update, it is now possible to change the settings of your Airtame devices all from one place.

You now simply open up your browser.

Go to the Airtame Cloud

where you have all your devices registered and here you can apply settings to devices in batches.

Let's say you want to update the backgrounds of all your devices installed in reception areas,

you can now do that from single place.

Last thing I want to mention is that you should never hesitate to reach out to us.

We have a super friendly customer success team who will reply you within minutes, 24 / 7.

So simply go to

Come chat with us.

You can also book a call

if you want extra help or if you want to discuss if your company or your school is ready for a wireless solution.

For more infomation >> Airtame 3.0 Update - Duration: 2:21.


765 Sq. Ft. Cottage Near The Beach of Washington | Adorable Small House Design - Duration: 3:00.

765 Sq. Ft. Cottage Near The Beach of Washington

For more infomation >> 765 Sq. Ft. Cottage Near The Beach of Washington | Adorable Small House Design - Duration: 3:00.


You don't need a Bible to follow Jesus - Duration: 4:31.

You don't need a Bible to follow Jesus Christ. Many believers will immediately

attack me now and say that I'm against the Bible, that's not true. Most believers

do not follow Jesus Christ. They have Bibles but they do not obey Jesus Christ.

They are not His followers. They are just believers. They believe that they have

salvation because they believe in Jesus Christ, but they do not have salvation

because you cannot have salvation if you do not have Jesus, and if you do not

follow Him. You cannot follow Jesus Christ if you do

not have the Holy Spirit. The Bible says, Romans 8:14, "those who are

being led by the Spirit of God, they are the children of God, they are the sons of

God." You need the Holy Spirit to follow Jesus Christ.

Most believers do not want to follow Jesus. They believe that they are already

saved because they just believed in Him for salvation, but they are deceived.

Jesus Christ is the way and the truth and the life, and we need to follow Him

to have eternal life. We need to obey the gospel of Jesus Christ, as recorded in

your Bible, in the Gospels Matthew Mark Luke and John, you need to repent and be

baptized in water, turn from sin, and from your own ways, and follow Jesus. Seek

Him with all your heart. He will give His Spirit in you to teach and guide you. He

will baptize you in the Holy Spirit . None of the disciples had Bibles.

None of the first followers of Jesus Christ had Bibles, but they had the Holy

Spirit, because they obeyed the gospel of Jesus Christ. We read in Acts 2:38

On the day of Pentecost Peter said to the people" repent and be

baptized and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, that is promised to

you and to your children and to all those whom the Lord our God will call

unto Himself. Without the Holy Spirit we cannot follow Jesus Christ. You might

have a Bible. You might know the scriptures, you might know the Bible very

well, but that is of no benefit if you are not following Jesus. That is of no

benefit if you do not have the Holy Spirit. You cannot follow Jesus Christ if

you do not have the Holy Spirit and you only receive the Holy Spirit when you

obey Him ,when you obey the gospel; repent and be baptized and then He promised to

give the Holy Spirit in you, to teach you and to guide you, to be with you, until

the very end. Without the Holy Spirit you cannot follow Jesus Christ. Have you

received the Holy Spirit that Jesus Christ promised to those who obey Him

and are you following the guidance of the Holy Spirit every day? Those who do

not have the Spirit of Christ do not belong to Him. Do you have the Holy

Spirit? May Jesus bless you. Jesus Christ is alive and hell is real.

I am here to introduce you to Jesus Christ so that you can know Him and

follow Him and have eternal life. Subscribe to my channel to

more about Jesus. May Jesus bless you.

For more infomation >> You don't need a Bible to follow Jesus - Duration: 4:31.


Eminem Unleashes Freestyle Rap Attack on "Kamikaze, Racist, Orange" Trump BEST Lines - Duration: 2:01.

I'm not sure how rap battles work, but I'm pretty sure Eminem is now the President of

the United States of America.

Eminem took shots at President Donald Trump at Tuesday night's BET awards in a four

and a half minute freestyle.

The star said he "came to stomp" on the President, calling him a "racist 94-year-old

grandpa" and accusing him of disrespecting the military.

The rapper paces back and forth in an empty Detroit car park, sparring with the camera

as he raps.

The track was named after the ominous comments Mr Trump made last week while posing for a

photograph with military leaders, suggesting their meeting was "the calm before the storm."

With all the gems in the song, these are my favourite lines:

1) "A kamikaze that will probably cause a nuclear holocaust"

In this line he references the escalating tension between US and North Korea.

Donald Trump even referred to Kim Jong Un as a "rocket man."


"Racism's the only thing he's Fantastic 4."

"For" is spelled like "four" and it references the Marvel comic book series to

compare Trump to The Thing, because he's orange.

3) "He attacks the NFL so we focus on that - instead of talking Puerto Rico or gun reform

for Nevada"

Eminem is referring to the Take a Knee trend where footballers don't stand during the

national anthem.

4) "He don't like his war heroes captured"

Eminem implies Donald Trump is disrespecting the military in this line.

Eminem references Mr Trump's attacks on Arizona Senator John McCain, who spent five years

as a prisoner during the Vietnam War.


"America stand up"

Eminem gives his fans an ultimatum: either support him or support Trump.

But I wanna know, what did you think of the song?

Let me know in the comments below and don't forget to subscribe!

For more infomation >> Eminem Unleashes Freestyle Rap Attack on "Kamikaze, Racist, Orange" Trump BEST Lines - Duration: 2:01.


Strong Animal Kaiser Maximum M2 | How to Unlock Guardian Spirit | Kaiser Two Horn - Duration: 11:05.

Here's the cards used : //pretty awesome for mostly normal cards, thought i was a goner a couple of times !

Fight : Saber-Toothed Tiger Friend : Ace

Miracle : Alien Egg American Bigger : Patrol Car

When using the GAK ID card, you can use items to boost attribute and add skills, i chose the 3 scoop ice-cream (gives additional 900 experience points after battle aid leveling process).

Well if you haven't unlock any guardian spirit yet, you have to do with the default one. Kaiser Daedalus

Selecting mission mode and fight in God World to choose the guardian spirit that you want to unlock first, there are a total of 9 guardian spirits.

I think kaiser Two Horn is probably one of the more useful one and charge up faster. My gut feel was he's gonna be an easy one ... oh well.

Before meeting the boss, i have to go through the minions beetle and hammered head shark first. I got lucky and took the first strike ! hoorah.

Saber-toothed health is really low, 5000HP, 1 miracle hit and the bigger vehicle is out, vroom vroom my patrol car.

It's challenging recording plus hitting yellow button for higher percentage bonus for bigger vehicle card.

Goodness can we had a 50-50 tie for 3 times !!! I m amazed by my luck!

Vehicle broke and extinct declaration kicked in, which can be extremely helpful or bad. Doubling miracle help set the first match.

Finally we meet kaiser two horn, Nikaku but my badly injured saber-toothed is shaking as the ground trembled.

Let's see what kaiser two horn got, waiting ....boy it's time to call our medic ! medic medic !

Seem like kaiser two horn want to befriend me by taking a 10 slot.

Ace defence focus came at the right time which triggered the bigger vehicle patrol card

follow by a doubling bigger plus focus attack seal the game and unlock the guardian spirit.

For more infomation >> Strong Animal Kaiser Maximum M2 | How to Unlock Guardian Spirit | Kaiser Two Horn - Duration: 11:05.


Quotamator Review | Should You Buy It Or Not - Duration: 5:31.

Quotamator Review

Whats good wealthbuilderz its yah boy DeVaughn back again with

another video and today we are talking about this

new digital product called Quotamator

And should you buy it or not

Ok I have a question for you

Do you want to start a business online?

Do you have the money start a business but not pay for all

the advertising costs?

So do you try to use Social media for marketing but notice it takes

way too long and you don't have time to be on your phone all day everyday

posting posts to facebook and then instagram

and snap chat and then linkedin and twitter?

Well if I had a way you could literally automate this process with a few clicks?

Would you be interested?

I'm pretty sure you would

I'm talking about this new product called Quotamator

Quotamator is an AUTOMATED, traffic system that uses quotes and videos

to grab your visitors attention on a personal, human-level

and inspire so they will buy from you on impulse

Its equipped with powerful nuggets of wisdom to create awareness,

drive traffic and makes it super-fast to connect and re-connect with customers on a mass scale.

Quotamator has Eye-catching, emotionally charged image and VIDEO quotes

that consistently CRUSH it on social media ALL year round in every market.

So if your looking for an automated, PUSH-BUTTON system (takes 2 clicks) that gets you FRESH

and unique, VIDEO and IMAGE content that engages your


This is IT!

No more excuses you don't have time to build a social media presence

no more excuses about not having ey catching quotes or vides to

post on different platforms with different looks or none of that stuff

This new software Qutomator will resolve all those issues

Click the link in the description now

For more infomation >> Quotamator Review | Should You Buy It Or Not - Duration: 5:31.


【配信録画】Hallowe'en(ハロウィン)って何するの実際?【ともよ。】 - Duration: 1:00:10.

For more infomation >> 【配信録画】Hallowe'en(ハロウィン)って何するの実際?【ともよ。】 - Duration: 1:00:10.


BLUE HOUR VIDEOGRAPHY - How To Record Stunning Videos At Twilight - Duration: 4:19.

For more infomation >> BLUE HOUR VIDEOGRAPHY - How To Record Stunning Videos At Twilight - Duration: 4:19.


👌TOP 5 BEST INTROS OF OCTOBER 2017 - Duration: 1:32.

All links and songs in desc !

For more infomation >> 👌TOP 5 BEST INTROS OF OCTOBER 2017 - Duration: 1:32.


US Army New Tank Use Advanced Smart Ammunition - Duration: 2:54.

The U.S. Army has gotten a deadly new weapon that has stronger armour, better electronics,

and more efficient propulsion and power systems than anything ever seen before.

Officially known as the M-1A2 Systems Enhancement Package Version 3 — or M-1A2SEPV3 for short

— the new battle tank is a huge step forward from the military's former fighting vehicle

that entered service in 2007.

Vice president at General Dynamics Land Systems Don Kotchman said the tanks offered clear

improvements from the predecessors.

"Principal improvements are in lethality, survivability and sustainability," he told


The new tank is the first in the ground combat branch's inventory to be compatible with

the Army's Advanced Multi-Purpose (AMP) smart cannon round.

Fired from the 120-millimetre-diameter main cannon, the 22-kilogram AMP round instantly

reconfigures itself depending on the type of target it is being used for.

The 'smart' ammunition replaces at least four existing rounds and will automatically

adjusting its fuse to pierce an enemy tank's armour, break through a wall or sending lethal

fragments over the location of hidden soldiers.

Lt. Colonel Kyle McFarland said once the round has been put into the cannon's breach, a

command is entered into the tank's computer and the weapon will adapt accordingly.

"Having one round for multiple targets saves critical time for soldiers in combat since

they will always have an effective round for whatever target they identify," he told .

"This ability to shave seconds off the first effective engagement can mean the difference

between life and death."

The advancement comes at a welcome time for the U.S. Army, with Russia's new Armata

tank believed to be boasting technologies far superior to that found on the new M-1A2SEPV3.

Currently still in development, the Russian tank boasts a three-person crew and a highly-automated,

unmanned turret.

"The technical means of automatic target-tracking and identification greatly exceeds the human

capability," an anonymous source told Russian-owned Sputnick News.

Lt. McFarland said the only downside of the new tank was the cost — around $20 million


"If you were to compare the cost of a single AMP round to one of the single rounds it replaces,

the AMP is going to cost more," he said.

For more infomation >> US Army New Tank Use Advanced Smart Ammunition - Duration: 2:54.


In subtitles : Eminem Rap "Donald Trump cause nuclear holocaust" lyrics|BET Hip Hop awards | Cypher - Duration: 4:35.

it's the calm before the storm right

here wait how was that gonna start this


I forgot oh yeah that's an awfully hot

coffee pot should I drop it on Donald

Trump probably not but that's all I got

till I come up with a solid got a plan -

no I got a hatchet like a damn Apache

with it I'm a hawk I'm gonna walk inside

a mosque of Ramadan and say your prayers

that every time talks she gives a

muffled aah

i'ma stop but we better give Obama props

because what we got in the office now is

a kamikaze that'll probably cause a

nuclear holocaust you're wildly drama

cops and he waits for shit to quiet down

dingus gasps is playing up and flying

around to the bottom it stops in 10

cities heightened tensions are rising

Trump when it comes to giving a shit

you're stingy is i''m except when it

comes to having the balls to go against

me you hide them cuz you know got enough

nuts like an empty asylum race to lose

the only thing he's fantastic for cuz

that's how he gets his rocks off and

he's orange

yeah sick Ted that's why he wants us to

disband cuz he cannot withstand the fact

we're not afraid of trunk walking on

eggshells I came to stop that's why he

keeps clearly playing the swamp cause

he's in quick saying it's like we take a

step forwards than backwards but this is

his form of distraction plus he gets an

enormous reaction when he attacks the

NFL so we focus on that instead of

talking portal

forward under forth from Nevada all

these horrible tragedies and he's bored

and would rather cause a Twitter storm

with the Packers he says he wants to

lower our taxes

the news is gonna pay for sex

trafficking trips back and forth with

his family was golf resort since

mansions st. shit that he tormented him

before he slandered then Gossett more

from his endorsement abandoned support

for the Klansmen tiki torches in hand

for the soldier that's plaquing plums

home from Iraq and is still told to go

back to Africa fork in a dagger in his

faces 94 year old grandpa who keeps

ignoring past historical deplorable

factors nyla flora black athlete you

were spoiling a little black for trying

to use the platform in your stature to

try to give those two voices on half one

he says he's hit me in the face event

too far for sure bastards the less your

appeal w-whose tortured advantages to

him your seals to see them like his for

heals taxon that's not disrespecting the

military that this is for Colin

Paul upon fist and keep that shit ball

like Donald the bitch

he's gonna get rid of our immigrants

he's gonna bill that banging up toddlers

miss well if he does build it

I hope it's rock solid with bricks cuz

like him and politics I'm using all of

his tricks

cuz I'm throwing that decent shit

against the wall till it sticks at any

fan of mine who's the supporter of his

I'm throwing in the sander line you

either for or against and if you can't

decide who you like more in your split

on who you should stand beside

I'll do it for you

is the rest of America standing up we

love our military and we love our



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