Thứ Tư, 11 tháng 10, 2017

Youtube daily report Oct 11 2017

Same old, same old

It's been the same old for me

the same way...You


Remember? When is the day?

The day when the pretty clouds were floating in the sky

You and I had a cup of warm coffee

After petty squabbles, we just looked out the window

But then you smiled at me

I thought it was not a big deal

That might make you feel hard

I don't know what I should do with this unexpected contact

Same old, same old

It's been the same old for me

I just dont' have you now

Same old, same old

It's been the same old for me

I still miss you

Same old, same old

It's been the same old for me

I just dont' have you now

the same way...You


think abuot you and like you



We may exchange greetings with a lightheart

There'll be no problem cuz it's been a quite while since we separated

such as my illusion and always self-centered decision

again and again

repeat and repeat

This is not the right time to meet you

Frankly I can't

It's hard for me to get out of time as being bad

still the same

Yes. It's just I really want to be honest

I never forget. How can I do that..

I thought it was not a big deal

That might make you feel hard

I don't know what I should do with this unexpected contact

Same old, same old

It's been the same old for me

I just dont' have you now

Same old, same old

It's been the same old for me

I still miss you

Same old, same old

It's been the same old for me

I just dont' have you now

the same way...You


think abuot you and like you

I can't forget about you.

It's impossible to erase you

Cuz I felt crazy about you

Cuz I don't want to hurt you anymore

I'm sorry and I'll answer with this song

little by little ..very slowly

It seems that it'll take time..

Not yet..not

Same old, same old..

For more infomation >> Jang Woo Young (Of 2PM) "똑같지 뭐 (Still here)" M/V - Duration: 4:12.


#DėmesysEurolygai. P.Jankūnas ir V.Micičius – apie pirmuosius varžovus Eurolygoje - Duration: 5:12.

For more infomation >> #DėmesysEurolygai. P.Jankūnas ir V.Micičius – apie pirmuosius varžovus Eurolygoje - Duration: 5:12.


MINIVERS - Xux et l'oiseau - Duration: 7:01.

For more infomation >> MINIVERS - Xux et l'oiseau - Duration: 7:01.


Run Tour Praha 30.9.2017 - 10 km barefoot - Duration: 10:52.

Travelling to Prague

Luckily in Prague, having the dinner

Greetings from Prague,

gonna have a dinner with guys,

and then I will go to my couchsurfing host.

Guys are leaving the city.

- Bye guys! - Bye bye!

We had a tasty dinner,

I liked it a lot.

So now I'm going to my host,

and prepare for tomorrow.

I look forward to it.

Saturday morning, underground and bus, for the first time in Prague barefoot.

Heading to underground in Prague,

my first subway ride barefoot.

We are here, Ladronka park in Prague

I'm already heading to Ladronka park,

there will be the race there, today. Let's go!

Ladronka is beautiful large park,

today I will run race for 10 km for the first time,

so I hope I'll do it.

I want to run it under one hour,

so I hope I'll achieve my goal.

Weather is very nice,

I feel very good,

I believe that everything will be ok,

and I will able to run on this route.

Asphalt here looks very good.

Also kids enjoyed their race

Ready to start

The start is coming. Let's do it.

Let's go for it!

Let's go for it, woohoo!

I'm in the finish! I did it!

I'm here! Yes!


So it is here.

I'm finisher.

And this was the route

Short resumé

Hello there, people! I did it!

10 km under one hour.

I also achieved my personal record,

I'm really glad.

I'm very grateful to Peter,

whom I met about during last 2 km.

He helped me to keep my pace until the end.

I followed pacemaker for 55:00 till about 5 km,

then I lost them.

But I did it in 56:53 minutes,

so I achieved my goal, and I'm happy.

And really, thanks again to Peter,

that he was with me and pulled me.

He ran in FiveFingers, so little bit as my colleague.

So it was very fine.

And I take this beautiful medal from this race.

So I'm glad, it was very nice event.

Very nice park. Route had mostly asphalt surface,

but also some pebbled pavements,

so sometimes I ran on the grass,

not to be slowed down by them.

So good, I'm happy.

So see you next time, bye!

Let's go back home

For more infomation >> Run Tour Praha 30.9.2017 - 10 km barefoot - Duration: 10:52.


How to Create a Watercolor Painting Effect with Photoshop CC Free Tutorials - Duration: 7:15.

Double Click on Lock icon

For more infomation >> How to Create a Watercolor Painting Effect with Photoshop CC Free Tutorials - Duration: 7:15.


The Boar in Celtic Culture - Duration: 9:17.

Hello friends my name is Arith Härger and today I'm going to talk about the Boar in the Celtic culture

just the other day I have spoken about the bear as an

ancient symbol related to strength and leadership so why not talk about the boar?

also an animal of great symbolical significance to our ancestors

but let's focus on the Celtic culture

there are many mythological accounts concerning Boars

in a variety of cultures throughout the world

Boar-hunt and all its process, from tracking the animal, chasing it and delivering the final blow at the end

has always been a very ritualistic activity greatly linked to initiation rites

tests of manhood, strength and an exercise to prepare for war

To start: Hercules chased and capture a ferocious and gigantic boar

the goddess Artemis sent a boar to Calydon to ravage, lay waste, to create chaos in that region

because Oeneus, the king of that city, forgot about the early sacrifice rituals to the gods

in Norse mythology of course we have Gullinbursti - the god Freyr's mount - a boar

and in indu mythology the boar Varaha the third of the ten avatars of Vishnu

and under that form Vishnu defeated the demon Hiranyaksha

well it's not my intention to give you a list of mythological accounts about the boar

I just want you to understand that this was an animal of

great importance in many cultures but well let's focus on the Celtic culture

so through archaeology we know our ancestors started the process of

domesticating animals during the beginning of the Neolithic period

of course, obviously, they domesticated animals before this period but the

Neolithic marks a time when man's actions greatly changed the behavior and

the physical appearances of animals, changes in animal eating habits

changings in the habitats and interbreeding to enhance certain

features of an animal - the earliest genetic changes

- well, a variety of factors which contributed to change the physical appearances of animals

boars were domesticated and we have transformed them into pigs

and for millions of years in general to us there has always been this idea that boars

were just wild pigs and pigs were domesticated wild pigs

so there was no great difference between the two, however, to the Celts a pig was a pig

and a boar was a completely different creature

in the Celtic languages there are different

words for a pig and for a boar, I mean, the Celts didn't just refer to boars as wild pigs

the Celts did not identify the two animals as being from the same species

for instance

the word for "boar" in ancient Irish and Gallic-Scottish is "torc", in Welsh is "baedd gwyllt"

and in Cornish "bath" - this shows us the singularity of the boar in the Celtic cultures

both the bear and the boar were considered to be the most fearsome

creatures of the forest in pre-christian times and throughout the early Middle Ages

the Celts highly respected and admired the capacity the boar had to

defend itself when the creature felt threatened, so the boar became a symbol

of courage and bravery and also ferocity in battle

to the Celts and also among the anglo-saxons the boar assumes a zoomorphic figuration of the ideal warrior

which is why the figure of the boar appears in decorations of weapons

and in the equipment of warriors, most prominent in helmets and shields

when the Celts went to war one of the most characteristic objects

they would take with them was the Carnyx, those long bronze trumpets

with an animal head from where the sound would come and most of the heads were

representations of a Boar's Head, of course there were other animal

representations such as serpents, but the boar was the most used

representation for these wind-instruments

the boar being an animal linked to courage, bravery and ferocity in battle, it's really interesting to see

this very creature represented in these objects emitting a battle chant from the depths


the boar is also associated with certain Celtic deities

such as Vitiris - a Celtic God who was worshipped in the British Isles

a very popular deity amongst young warriors and even Roman warriors

who adopted this God

and the god Mogons, also associated with the boar

and Moccus adeity from Gaul, worshiped by boar-hunters

the goddess Arduinna

also from Gaul, a goddess from a specific forest in ancient Gaul, and she is associated

with hunt and the boar, she even rides a boar

and of course in ancient Lusitania the cult of the God Endovélico, involved sacrificing boars and also pigs

so the boar was one of the main animals used in the cult of a variety of Celtic deities

and we have other spiritual/religious references to the boar such as

some of the warriors from ancient Celtic Scotland - they wore wild boar skins

or even a celtic tribe from northern Britain whose name was "Orci"

which means "tribe of the boars" and then a wondrous variety of statuettes and

figurines of boars and boars represented in coins

the boar was one of the most represented animals, second only to the horse

in conclusion the boar is one of the most representative animals of the Celtic culture as a symbol associated

with war, but above all, courage, bravery, ferocity in battle and in a variety of

folktales and Celtic legends even the ones about King Arthur, the boar is also

associated with magic and the Otherworld

in Celtic mythology, especially in Welsh mythology

the boar can speak with humans and the creature is able to

lead people into the world of the spirits, linking the animal to initiation rites

rites of passage

Alright friends, I know this is a short video

but I just wanted to tell you that at a certain point in history we used to

respect animals in our prehistoric communities, is very shamanic in their spiritual network

and then society evolved, economy, politics, technology and even the religious structure

so animals' abilities and skills, animal power

passed on into gods and we started to worship gods, but even during those times we still respected animals

and nowadays what I see is that a lot of people are

becoming vegans and vegetarians but I'm afraid that is becoming a trend

not everyone of course, but a lot of people are becoming vegans and vegetarians

because it's cool and- I'm not trying to say that please everyone

become a vegan or don't, you can eat whatever you want

what I'm trying to say is that instead of radically change our eating habits

we should first try to introduce this concept of respecting nature

respecting animals, respecting life in general, and maybe for that we should turn to certain

traditions, certain spiritualities that help us to understand why we should

respect animals as living beings, respect life in general, I think that would be

one of the best steps we could take towards-

towards the future, towards a better society


as you already know

all the links my social media are down below at the description so you can contact me

any questions, any doubts, please feel free to ask and I will help you if I can

once again thank you so much for watching, see you on the next video and as always . . .

Tack för idag! (Thank you for today!)

For more infomation >> The Boar in Celtic Culture - Duration: 9:17.


The Moss MAP //OPEN// - Duration: 4:07.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

Part 9

Part 10

Part 11

Part 12

Part 13

Part 14

Part 15

Part 16

Part 17

Part 18

Part 19

Part 20

Part 21

Part 22

Part 23

Part 24

Part 25

Part 26

Part 27

Part 28

Part 29

Part 30

Part 31

Part 32

Part 33

Part 34

Part 35

Part 36

Part 37

Part 38

Part 39

Part 40

Part 41

Part 42

Part 43

Part 44

Part 45

For more infomation >> The Moss MAP //OPEN// - Duration: 4:07.


Sewer Cleaning Garden Grove CA 800-538-4537 Sewer Cleaning Garden Grove CA - Duration: 1:09.

Sewer Cleaning Garden Grove CA. Are you sick of having your drains or sewer line clogged and having to pay a plumber every

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Give us a call today, we'll get there fast!

For more infomation >> Sewer Cleaning Garden Grove CA 800-538-4537 Sewer Cleaning Garden Grove CA - Duration: 1:09.


【MUKBANG】 [Sukiyaki + 5 Rice Cups] Meat With Eggs 'An Irresistible Taste' [About 6326kcal][Use CC] - Duration: 5:22.

Hello its Kinoshita Yuka (English subs by ~Aphexx~)

so today! tadaa I feel like making some sukiyaki

its starting to get cold out and a making a hot pot like this is nice when its cold

also I totes love sukiyaki it combines soy sauce and sugar its so sweet and salty

and then you factor in the egg dipping sauce which makes things so yummy

alrighty lets get cookin

first of all warm up our pot and take some beef tallow and coat the bowl in it

unfortunately I don't have any on hand so I'll be using veg oil instead

cook up some gr. onion to add flavor

then quickly fry up the meat on both sides

once the meat has taken on a nice color sprinkle over with the broth

cook on low

oh wait a minute maybe having some of the meat on top would have made it look better

lid and once its cooked through it is ready to eat

K once its pretty well cooked through its ready to eat

tadaa they're eggs such wonderful colors

mix up the eggs

the meat looks so yummy

dip into the egg

look so yummy

oh wait up wait up... I haven't said itadakimasu just yet

I was flyin' through this video so fast but anyways.... ITADAKIMASU

the meat is so fatty and flavored with sweet and salty flavors that mix up with the mellow egg flavors

its super delish

I can eat so much of this with this rice

atsuage (tofu product)

whenever I make a hot pot I def gotta eat this over rice

I love these 'maloni'

its soaked up the flavors from the meat and the broth making it so yummy

I've got 5 cups of rice today

this sukiyaki is so piping hot when you first pick something out of it but...

since you dip it into this egg it cools it off to a nice temp that I really appreciate

so yummy when you dip it in egg

I'm getting so hot right now its been getting so cold lately

but when you make a hot pot like this you get so warm

perfect for cold days like this

its gettin' way too hot I'mma turn on my AC

I'm def not being good to the environment today

cooking with this hot pot and then turning on my AC

the veggies have gotten so very tender

(RAW EGGS Totally safe in Japan, no worries of salmonella they taste great and have no odor)

now that I've eaten quite a lot of it.....

I'll now take the contents of this pot and put it over some rice

most of it is on the rice and...

and pour on the remaining egg that I've been using as dipping sauce

and I'll add another egg for good measure

tadaa the sukiyaki-don is complete

I'll now break the yolk

looks yummy

and I'll pour over the broth we were using as well

such an extravagant gyudon (beef bowl)

I feel I can eat all this rice with just the sukiyaki broth alone

last of the meat

forgot to say the last mouthful but last tiny bits ITADAKIMASU

all done gochisosamadeshita

the sukiyaki was so yummy it would be yummy to finish off the dish with some udon as well

but today I finished it off by making it into a sukiyaki bowl

with this hot pot you can enjoy all sorts of veggies and meat which is so nice

I feel like I can eat way more veggies that usual this way

this was so yummy won't you all please give this a try and as always thanks for watching and if there is

anything that you'd like me to do or eat please tell me about it in the comment section or via twitter

if you liked this video please hit the like or subscribe buttons BAI BAI

For more infomation >> 【MUKBANG】 [Sukiyaki + 5 Rice Cups] Meat With Eggs 'An Irresistible Taste' [About 6326kcal][Use CC] - Duration: 5:22.


General Hospital 10/10/17 - Duration: 36:13.

For more infomation >> General Hospital 10/10/17 - Duration: 36:13.


Baby Dolls Tayo Little Bus Mcqueen Car Play Fishing Games Kids Playground Kids Song Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 4:43.

For more infomation >> Baby Dolls Tayo Little Bus Mcqueen Car Play Fishing Games Kids Playground Kids Song Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 4:43.


Faire entrer la nature en politique - Pr Descola - Duration: 1:36.

For more infomation >> Faire entrer la nature en politique - Pr Descola - Duration: 1:36.


News Brief Oct 10, 2017 - Duration: 10:23.

Picture this - more than a dozen wildfires clustered together all whipped up by this

hot, dry wind.

Yeah, Rachel, that is the scene right now in northern California where at least 10 people

have been killed in these fires that are ravaging the region's wine country, familiar-sounding

places like Napa and Sonoma.

And Sonoma is where Mickey Raymie (ph) awoke to her phone ringing.

I finally answered the phone and looked outside and right above my house was a huge, orange


And you could feel the heat, and the smoke was intense.

And I knew the fire was very close to the house.

So I started screaming at the kid and got them in the truck and just started driving.

As we drove out of Kenwood, there was flames on both sides of the highway.

We literally had to drive through it to get out.

Raymie says she spent the entire night in her car.

She is afraid to go inside because she just wants to keep an eye on those flames.

That's harrowing.

All right, we're going to go to the Bay Area now.

And KQED's John Sepulvado, he's been covering all this.

John, what is the situation right now?

What can you tell us?

These fires, presumably, are still not contained this morning.

Yeah, they're not contained, Rachel.

And we don't know when they'll be contained.

Part of the problem right now is that the winds during the night that push off the ocean

are what spread these fires.

So the night time is actually the wrong time to try and get these - this containment in

this particular area.

We just heard right there, you know, so many stories from this area of people leaving the

clutches of the flames, really courageous stories of neighbors hosing down other neighbors'

property so that their families could get out.

I've heard several stories about people taking garden hoses to lawns to essentially fight

the flames so people could get out, other first responders going door to door.

And I think it's really important to note that while this is wine country and wine country

has a certain connotation to it to the rest of the country...


...There are some very impoverished folks.

There are a lot of immigrants.

And these fires have specifically hit construction that was kind of shoddily designed.

So we're talking about mobile homes and lower-income housing.

This has really affected poor people.

These are all the people who support the industries that you might think of that come to mind,

these, like, high-end wineries or restaurants.

But as you say, there's a lot of income diversity there.

Is there one story that stands out to you when you think about all the people who've

had to evacuate?

I mean, what's striking - it's just so close.

These flames are so close to people.

Yeah, the one story, actually, is about a homeless camp.

There's a significant homeless population that are up in the hills of this.

And there is a homeless camp that is surrounded by fire that is not evacuating.

And the reason they're not evacuating, some of them are wanted.

They have criminal warrants out.

Some of them have severe mental illness.

And some of them have drug addictions.

And I went up into the camp yesterday as this was happening to really talk and get an understanding

of why they wouldn't leave.

The other thing I heard that was really ugly about that was that there were some homeless

people who were trying to flee looking for help, but people with trucks and those people

were ignoring them.

So we're seeing the best of humanity there with the courageousness of the first responders

and others.

And we're seeing kind of the worst of humanity as well as some of the less among us are being

completely ignored.

All right, we will keep following this for sure.

KQED's John Sepulvado reporting there from San Francisco on the wildfires that have ravaged

wine country.

Thanks so much, John.

Thank you, Rachel.

Now a decision by the Trump administration that is roiling environmentalists.

That's right.

Scott Pruitt, the head of the Environmental Protection Agency, explained it yesterday

when he was on a stage in eastern Kentucky.

I'll be signing a proposed rule to withdrawal the so-called Clean Power Plan of the past

administration and thus begin the effort to withdrawal that rule.

(APPLAUSE) And, Rachel, I've got to tell you, that applause

went on and on and on.

This was deep in coal country, a town called Hazard, Ky.

And the Clean Power Plan, this Obama era policy would have steered states away from coal plants

in an effort to limit greenhouse gas emissions.

All right, so the EPA officially moves to scrap that plan today.

Tamara Keith is on the line.

She hosts NPR's Politics Podcast and covers the White House for us.

Hey, Tam.


Does this mean coal is coming back?

Well, this is not a magical fix to some real structural challenges that are faced by the

coal industry.

And, sure, the industry has complained mightily about regulations, especially this one.

But there's a bigger challenge for coal and that's cheaper and cleaner natural gas.

Natural gas has been winning the battle for power plant dominance recently.

And also, renewable energy has gotten much more inexpensive as time has gone on.

Well, so by that same token, does it make a big deal then that the Clean Power Plan

would be rolled back because as you note, a lot of states, just for their own economic

reasons, have already transitioned to cleaner kinds of energy.

Well, and here's the other thing.

The Clean Power Plan never took effect.

The rule was finalized in late 2015 and has been held up in court ever since, including

the Supreme Court, which granted a stay last year, preventing the rule from going into


And you're right.

Some states have moved aggressively to control their own emissions and move away from coal


Other states have not.

And in those states, this repeal of the Clean Power Plan would allow them to continue on

the same course.

And that could make it harder for the U.S. to meet the goals of the Paris climate accord,

which, of course, the president has already said he plans to...

Pulled out of, anyway.

...Pull out of.

Yes, exactly.

So this isn't exactly a big surprise.

Environmental groups knew that this was coming down the pike.

But nonetheless, how are they responding?

They're not happy about it.

And states and environmental groups are actually lining up and preparing to sue once this becomes


You know, the interesting thing though is just like the Clean Power Plan was this a

long, slow, drawn out rulemaking process that involved a lot of legal challenges, this repeal

is going to go through that very same process.

So it's not going to happen immediately.

But it's also not in effect.

The Trump administration, though, I mean, the EPA has a mandate to regulate carbon emissions.

So they have to - if they take the Clean Power Plan away, they have to replace it with something,


In theory, they do, though in a leaked document, the EPA says - and I'm going to read from

it - (reading) it has not determined whether to promulgate a rule to regulate greenhouse

gas emissions from existing power plants and if it will do so, when it will do so and what

form that rule would take.

That said, industry groups actually want something in place because they want some certainty.


There's no guarantee that the next administration is going to have the same view about carbon

emissions as the current administration.

All right, NPR's Tamara Keith.

Thanks so much, Tam.

You're welcome.

All right, David, if you dreaming about a holiday vacation in Istanbul, which you might


I might be.

I might be thinking about that.

You might want to rethink your travel plans.

I think that might be good advice because the U.S. and Turkey have decided to stop issuing

new visas for the moment.

This comes after the arrest of an employee who works at the American Consulate in Istanbul.

NPR's Peter Kenyon is on the line from Istanbul.

He is going to break this down for us and explain.

So, Peter, explain.

Hey, Rachel.

What is going on?


Last week, police detained a man.

He's been identified as Metin Topuz.

He works at the consulate, the U.S. Consulate.

And pro-government Turkish media very quickly started reporting that he's suspected of ties

to the U.S.-based cleric Fethullah Gulen.

You might remember, he was accused in a failed coup attempt last summer.

He denies it.

But the U.S. Embassy responded to the arrest by halting new visa processing at its embassy

and other facilities.

Very quickly after that, the Turkish Embassy in Washington did basically the same thing.

So you've got suspensions on both sides, and that's where it stands at the moment.

So - and the U.S. is saying that the employee did nothing wrong, presumably?

Well, Ambassador John Bass says in a statement the Turkish government hasn't given them any

information to suggest he did anything wrong.

Bass was...

That's different.

Slightly but it's careful.

He was very critical of the leaks to the Turkish media, which reported this employee was suspected

of talking with police.

And those police allegedly have these ties to Gulen.

Well, Ambassador Bass says this employee's job was talking with police.

He's in charge of liaising with law enforcement on security issues.

And he also used some pretty strong language saying this arrest raises questions of whether

some officials are trying to disrupt cooperation between the U.S. and Turkey.

So kind of what we're seeing so far is an odd mix of airing grievances and hoping for

a resolution.

But, I mean, this is a big deal, right?

I mean, the U.S. and Turkey are close allies, especially in the fight against ISIS.

And there's been all this tension between the U.S. and Turkey's President Erdogan.

So this - I mean, this is complicated.

This has huge repercussions, does it not?

Well, it does.

And that's why diplomats are very much hoping this doesn't escalate further.

The Turkish prime minister today said this needs to be resolved immediately.

And the big issues, as you mentioned, the fight against ISIS is one of them.

I mean, American troops still use a Turkish air base to launch their anti-ISIS attacks.

And that's despite anger inside Turkey over American support for Kurdish fighters in Syria.

So, you know, Turkey is also very frustrated at America over this question of extraditing

Fethullah Gulen.

So there's been a lot of anti-American sentiment here for about a year.

And this certainly isn't going to decrease it.

You know, if anything, it could get stronger.

All right, NPR's Peter Kenyon reporting there from Istanbul.

The U.S. and Turkey have stopped issuing visas for people to come visit those countries,


Hey, Peter, thanks so much for your reporting this morning.

Thanks, Rachel.

For more infomation >> News Brief Oct 10, 2017 - Duration: 10:23.


BBC 6 Minute English - Estate agents' language - Duration: 6:07.

Hello, I'm Yvonne Archer and this is 6 Minute English.

Today, I've been joined by Alice.

Hi Alice!

Hi Yvonne!

Now Alice, everyone seems to have something to say about estate agents or as

they're known in the United States, real-estate agents - the people who help

others to buy or sell houses or flats.

But what would you say about the language they use?

Oh, it can be very descriptive and often, they make things sound better than

they really are.

Hmm – I have to agree with you on that one.

Well, estate agents do seem to have a language all of their own.

For example, if they describe a house as 'characterful' – what would you think they

meant by that, Alice?

Well, 'characterful' – so full of character, perhaps old, unusual and maybe that

there are quite a few things that need fixing.

Mm-hmm, definitely!

But before we go any further, let's have today's question.

There are lots of old houses in London Alice, but do you know anything about

the smallest house?

The smallest house?

I don't.

Well, the smallest house was built 1805 in central London and it's said that it

was used by people who were watching out for body snatchers – people who

stole bodies from the nearby cemetery for medical examinations.

Anyway, can you guess how wide that house is, Alice?

a) 2.4 metres b) 5.6 metres or

c) 1 metre

Oh, I think I'll go for 2.4 metres.

I can't imagine anything smaller.

No - but I will tell you what the correct answer is later on.

So, we've already heard some language used by real-estate agents,

but what about some of the other things they write in advertisements.

In 1968 it became illegal - against the law – to advertise a house or a flat

in a way that might discriminate against different groups of people or encourage discrimination.

Listen to this example:

Beautiful 3 bedroom house, close to temples.

Alice, why might that language be seen as discriminatory?

Well, it said 'close to temples'.

So maybe that might describe the perfect house for people of a certain religion.

But it could also seem like the sellers and the

estate agent won't sell the house to people of any other religion.

Mmm… so using the words 'close to temples' could be used to exclude or

discriminate against people of other religions, or encourage discrimination

against them.

Hmmm, it's complicated.

So estate agents have to be very careful about the

language they use to stay within the law.

Now one of the most interesting uses of language in estate agent adverts are

the synonyms; finding words which mean the same thing.

So, for example, how many ways can you say the word 'small'

without putting people off?

Here's Paul Bonnett, an estate agent, who's said that for the past 30 years, the

vocabulary estate agents use hasn't changed much.

You've got the compact, you've got the bijou, you've got the delightful, you've got

attractive (charming), you've got panoramic…

So there, we heard words that lots of estate agents use.

Alice – can you explain them for us, please?

Yes – we heard 'compact', which means that it's quite small, but everything

that's needed can still fit into it.

We heard 'bijou' – that's more elegant.

It means that the apartment, the flat, is small

and elegant.

Mm… and what about 'panoramic'?

Well, that means there's a good view of the area.

So you can see all around you from the flat.

Now, Paul Bonnet wanted the adverts from his real-estate agency to stand out

from all the others – to be more noticeable so that they'd attract more


They decided to make their descriptions more poetic – like poetry.

And of course, while factual descriptions appeal to or satisfy our heads – our

intellect – poetry appeals to our hearts – how we feel.

It does, so here's a factual description for a flat:

Two bedroom, first floor balcony flat with some superb sea views towards the Palace


Okay, we know there are two bedrooms, but did the description include

anything that appeals to your emotions, Alice?

Well, not really.

I mean 'superb sea views' sounds quite nice, but nothing too


No, so let's hear a more poetic description of the same flat by the poet, Paul


He's helping Paul Bonnet write his adverts:

The room fills your eyes with air and space.

The first thing you see is the sea meeting the


The windows lead out onto the terrace, taking you above and beyond with room to


Would you be interested in viewing that flat, Alice?

It sounds lovely!

Filling your eye with air and space.

So adverts that appeal to our emotions but are also accurate and fair seem to

work quite well for us, don't they Alice?

They do.

Now earlier, I asked you how wide the smallest house in London is and what

you said was…

I think I went for 2.4 metres.

Oh, it's actually 1.05 metres wide – really narrow.

So – compact and bijou!

Well, that's all for today's "6 Minute English".

Join us again.


For more infomation >> BBC 6 Minute English - Estate agents' language - Duration: 6:07.


2. Organizing Information in the Introduction - Duration: 6:17.

Welcome back!

This video discusses how to write an INTRODUCTION.


will be covered in the next videos.

In the introduction of a research article,

writers typically do 3 main things.

This is what we call "MOVES".

Move 1: Writers start by establishing a territory

(that is, the research area and the general topic

to be discussed).

Here, they introduce the topic they are studying

and briefly discuss previous research on that topic.

This is usually done in the form of an ARGUMENT.

Never forget! Academic writing at university level

is not about story-telling, like in secondary school.

It is mainly about argumentation!

Let us now examine the following example from

the field of sports coaching:

The research TERRITORY identified in the paper


First, the writer defines "Agility"

and then highlights why it is important

to do research on "agility".

Typically, all this is done by referring to

previous research:

for instance [references 4, 18],

or [references 18, 19], etc.

Once the importance of the topic

has been emphasized,

the argument continues by explaining

the kind of exercises coaches use

to improve the agility in athletes.

And more previous work is quoted

[for instance, references 3, 12, 19], etc.

Move 2: After introducing the topic to their readers,

writers need to establish a niche

or research gap.

They do so by identifying problems

found with previous research,

pointing out at aspects

that have not been covered in previous research

or questions that have not been answered so far.

That is: Previous research has included X and Y,

but Z has not been well studied yet.

For instance, in the paper we are examining,

the writers identify the following niche

or research gap:

"previous research has not studied

the differences in kinetics

between lateral plyometric exercises."

And in order to further stress

the significance of this research gap,

they highlight one important consequence:

"coaches currently choose between plyometric exercises

according to their experience and observation,

not according to empirical evidence

of whether these exercises are more or less effective".

Move 3: Once the research gap has been identified,

the writers then state the purpose of their research

and explain how this will help

address the existing research gap.

In the article we are discussing,

the purpose statement is clear:

"to compare the differences

in Ground Reaction Force (GRF) and Ground Contact Time (GCT) patterns

between 2 types of lateral plyometric exercises:

namely lateral alternative leg hopping (codenamed HOP)

and speed lateral footwork (codenamed SPEED)".

After stating the purpose, the writers explain

how the findings can be useful

in helping coaches choose between different types

of agility training exercises

and how this enhanced knowledge

will help improve the quality of training programs

and therefore, the performance of future athletes.

So, this way it is clear

how important this research can be.

In the article we are examining,

this section ends with a hypothesis:

SPEED, which aims to increase step frequency,

may have a short Ground Reaction Force,

whereas HOP, aimed at improving leg strength

and power,

may have higher peak force,

peak rate of force development and impulse.

Please notice that these three moves

(Establishing the Territory,

Establishing the Niche and Occupying it)

can be realized differently

in different articles.

Some elements in these moves

may appear almost every time,

whereas other elements can be optional.

This is mainly due to disciplinary variation

as well as differences in writing styles.

So, it is important

that you read more academic articles

in your discipline

and pay attention to how these moves are realized.

Okay, let us wrap up now.

In this video, you have learnt

that the introduction of a research paper

typically contains three moves:

1: establishing the territory,

2: establishing a niche (or research gap)

and 3: occupying the research gap.

In realizing these moves,

writers go from general to specific.

In Move 1, the writers first introduce

their general research area

and then they narrow the discussion

onto their specific research topic.

In Move 2, they establish a niche

by discussing what is missing

or problematic with previous research.

In Move 3,

they highlight

how their current research

can fill in the gap

identified in Move 2

and maybe

emphasize the significance

of this research.

After that,

writers may also provide

an overview

of the rest of the article.

By signposting the text in this way,

it is easier for readers

to follow the discussion

in the entire paper.

You may now take a good look

at the introduction of the paper

discussed in this video,

to be found in the resources folder

in this learning platform,

and spend more time examining the 3 moves.

For more infomation >> 2. Organizing Information in the Introduction - Duration: 6:17.


3. How to Work Out the Method Section - Duration: 7:47.

Welcome to Video 3!

Here we discuss how to write a METHOD or METHODS

in a research paper.

In the METHOD section,

the writer first explains HOW the research has been done.

You need to make sure

you get your METHOD right

because otherwise your research may not be valid!

One more word of caution here!

The way the METHOD section is designed

may vary significantly depending on the discipline

and even the kind of academic paper

one is writing.

There are even papers where there is no METHOD

because they are not based on empirical research.

In sports-related studies,

the METHOD may vary depending on

whether the research is quantitative or qualitative.

For instance, quantitative research mainly relies on tests or surveys,

which require more complex statistics.

Qualitative research, on the other hand, can be based on case studies and interviews.

There are a number of things you need to consider when planning your METHOD section:

First, the methods need to be perfectly aligned

with the problem identified

and the purpose of your research,

as stated in the introduction.

This may sound obvious

but many inexperienced researchers

often fail to identify a clear research gap

or plan a method for collecting data

that may not suit the kind of research that needs to be done.

Second, the METHOD or methods adopted

need to be clearly explained,

so that other researchers

may be able to replicate your study

or judge whether you are doing the right thing or not.

When doing quantitative research,

you need to ensure

that you keep all the variables under control,

so that you can prevent

alternative explanations to your research hypothesis,

which may render your research invalid.

For instance, variables such as age or sex

may be crucial when measuring a person's agility.

If you choose participants from very different age ranges,

differences in explosive leg power and high step frequency

may be attributed to age differences

rather than to the exercises used in the tests.

In the sample article,

the authors start the METHOD section

by explaining how the experiment was designed:

• The experiment took place

at the Human Performance Laboratory.

• 2 lateral plyometric tests

were conducted on a force platform

in counterbalanced order:


• To compare the 2 lateral plyometric exercises,

the 3-dimensional Ground Reaction Forces

were recorded,

that is: anterio-posterior,


and vertical forces.

The authors

also provide some useful background information

about the participants

and the circumstances

in which the tests were conducted:

• The participants were already familiar

with the type of exercises done in the tests.

• When the data collection was scheduled

the participants had been asked to refrain

from doing vigorous exercise prior to the test.

Next, the authors

explain the characteristics of their participants

in the test:

the number of participants,

the average age and physical constitution, for instance,

are discussed.

The circumstances in which the tests were conducted

are also explained.

There is a good reason

for including this information in the method section:

All these are significant variables

which may affect the results of the test

and need to be reported

so that the readers can interpret the results

more accurately.

After explaining how the participants warmed up

before the test was conducted,

the actual test is described in great detail, step by step.

As I said before, it is very important

to describe the tests clearly and accurately:

readers may need to replicate such tests in future

and if the tests are not well explained,

the results of the study cannot be interpreted properly.

The lateral plyometric exercises conducted for the tests

are carefully explained

and they are illustrated in Figures 1 and 2.

Each player was instructed to perform

HOP and SPEED exercises in sequence

and a force platform was located

in the middle of the pathway

to record the Ground Reaction Force (GRF)

and Ground Contact Time (GCT) during each trial.

The mean values of each exercise

were used in the analysis.

Next, the writers detail how the data were

collected and measured.

Again, this is needed

to ensure the readers are able to replicate the tests,

if they wish to do so.

The writers first explain

that the Ground Reaction Force (GRF) data

were collected using a specific platform model,

carefully positioned to collect the data

the researchers were hoping to examine.

Next, they discuss

how the Ground Contact Time (GCT) data

were collected:

by writing a customized protocol

to identify the Ground Contact Times

measured in seconds

and calculate the peak forces in newtons.

The last section in the Method,

titled "Statistical analysis",

deals with how the data were analyzed.

In this particular case,

various statistical tools and measurements

were employed:

the Shapiro-Wilk test

was used to confirm

the normal distribution of the data.

The intra-class correlation coefficient

and the coefficient of variance

were employed

to measure reliability and variance, respectively.

The differences

between the 2 lateral plyometric exercises

by considering all kinetics parameters

were examined using repeated-measure MANOVA.

Last but not least,

Pearson product moment correlation coefficient

was used to assess

the relationship between the kinetics parameters.

In the sample paper discussed in this video,

the results of the various statistical measurements

are briefly mentioned

and illustrated with the help of various tables,

not shown in this video.

After that,

the writers will proceed with the discussion.

Let's wrap up.

In this video, you have learnt

how to write a METHOD section,

where the writers detail

how their research has been carried out.

It is important to explain the methods clearly

so that other people can replicate your research.

In the sample paper analyzed in this video,

the writers first explain

how the experiment was designed

and then describe the participants

and the equipment used in the tests.

Next, the various tests conducted

are explained in great detail,

including the procedures

for collecting the data.

The methodological choices made

could also be justified

in accordance with established research protocols.

Last but not least,

the statistical methods

for analyzing the data are introduced.

For more infomation >> 3. How to Work Out the Method Section - Duration: 7:47.


4. Reporting and Discussing the Research Results - Duration: 5:44.

Welcome to Video 4!

Here we explain the last sections in the paper, which cover the RESULTS and the DISCUSSION.

First the data obtained in the research (for instance, the results of the tests conducted)

are reported.

After reporting the results, these are discussed, explained and often contrasted with similar


In their discussion, the writers try to answer one key question: how can the findings help

fill in the research gap identified in the introduction?

As you can see, the flow of information here goes in the opposite direction of the introduction:


Finally, conclusions are drawn.

Also, if any question remains unanswered in the research or if there is a perceived need

for further study, this should be also discussed in the conclusion.

In the sample paper, the discussion starts with a brief recap of key information previously

included in other sections such as the purpose of the study, already mentioned in the introduction,

and the things that were measured in this piece of research, such as Ground Contact

Times, peak force, peak rate of force development and impulse.

You may wonder: what is the point of repeating something already mentioned elsewhere?

Remember the Russian dolls?

The entire article is like a big doll which contains inside smaller ones.

These smaller dolls are sections that should read independently from each other.

That way, one can easily find out key information without having to read the entire paper.

The discussion then continues with a reference to the hypothesis made towards the end of

the introduction.

The authors here state that their hypothesis has been confirmed by the results of the tests:

That is, the SPEED exercise may be more suitable to increase footstep frequency because of

its short Ground Contact Times, whereas the HOP exercise may be better suited to increase

leg power because of the higher peak force, peak rate of force development and impulse


In the rest of this section, the authors go on discussing various test results and how

these results can be interpreted in connection with the purpose of their study.

At the same time, the authors also integrate into their discussion key issues previously

mentioned in the literature which are relevant to their study.

At some point in the discussion, the authors explain some key differences between their

study and previous studies, in order to stress how their research contributes to filling

in the gap by answering questions other studies could not answer.

However, there are always questions left that cannot be answered by the present study.

That is why the authors end their discussion stressing that many other lateral plyometric

exercises being used in training have not been quantified in the way their study has


Therefore, further study of this topic may be necessary.

That is precisely the new research gap emerging after this study: something other researchers

may consider doing in future.

The last paragraph in the article is dedicated to concluding what this research has determined:

that HOP produced longer Ground Contact Times, higher peak force, peak rate of force development

and impulses when compared to SPEED.

And therefore, SPEED is more suitable to increase foot step frequency while HOP is more suitable

to increase leg power.

As both foot step frequency and leg power are important in improving agility performance,

these research findings can help improve quality training programs.

Let's wrap up.

In this video, you have learnt how to report and analyze the data of your research and

summarize things in the conclusion.

The main thing the writers need to achieve in the discussion is to explain to the readers

how the research gap identified in the introduction of the article has been filled.

So now information flows from specific to general: from the specific data obtained in

the various tests to generalizations where the authors discuss how the test results may

help them fill in the research gap.

If the research gap is not completely filled, the authors may point to a new research gap

that could be addressed in future studies.

In the conclusion, the writers usually summarize their argument to enable the readers to have

quick access to key information, following the Russian dolls principle.

Would you like to learn more about academic writing?

After watching these videos, you can log onto English@THEi learning platform to practice

reading academic papers from your discipline and do more exercises.

You are also welcome to join our #Writeadvice workshops to learn more about how to write

an excellent Final year Project.

Last but not least, if you have any question about your work, you can always make an appointment

at #Writeadvice!

We look forward to seeing you!

For more infomation >> 4. Reporting and Discussing the Research Results - Duration: 5:44.


Alin Popescu, despre reforma copyright în UE - Duration: 4:17.


The reform proposal limits freedom on the Internet The European Commission threatens the right to link and to upload

Let's just say that this whole idea of ​​amending copyright legislation

comes from the fantastic pressures exercised by big media companies.

On the one hand, we have the idea of ​​piracy of movies, music and so on,

which are copied without the permission of those who produced them.

On the other hand, we have all sorts of large media institutions, huge publications which are used to the old system

– if you published a newspaper, no one would copy it. It was too complicated to do that.

Now there is Google, Facebook, there are all kinds of people who mix copyrighted content

and these new habits put tremendous pressure on our lives

and on the way we understand the law and its application in real life.

Communication is no longer "Let's write a letter and send it somewhere by mail"

or other traditional forms of communication.

Now, communication can mean remixing a song and making fun of one another.

If this law passes in the current form, if we want to share a link on Facebook,

we won't be able to share the snippets, the bit which Facebook automatically draws from a website,

containing a photo, the title and a little piece of text linked to that article, unless we pay a certain amount of money -

big or small, we don't yet know how much it will be.

Let's say I write something on Facebook. Perhaps I have an idea of what I want to write on Facebook,

but since I haven't started writing, I don't have copyright on my thoughts.

Let's think a little bit about the logic of this rule. There are a lot of ideas in our head 20 00:02:16,480 --> 00:02:21,320 and what's interesting for now is that, at least until Mr. Zuckerberg gets into our heads

and takes out our ideas and puts them on Facebook, until then -

no one can prove that we had one idea or another. This is the first aspect.

And the second part refers to what form that idea had in our head.

Therefore, the only thing that we can understand and prove in court,

is just the expression of our idea, meaning the way it was fixed on a material,

digital or electronic support and so on.

There may be a sort of improvement of nowadays quality of press publications

in a sense that it will only remain high-quality content which will be revealed precisely by the efforts of the readers who support it.

On the other hand, bad content and the idea of ​​fake news won't be stopped by any kind of initiative

because in order to make fake news, you don't need extraordinary editors and publishing houses.

Often there are just one or two people behind.

It's not enough to be a number in a TV show audience

or to be a number in a total of podcast downloads or streams.

It's important to make your voice heard, because if you listen and you don't act, that doesn't mean anything.

This means that you're just one regular taxpayer and that is all.

And you know, someone said an interesting thing:

bad things don't happen because of people doing bad things,

but rather because of those people who lie back and do nothing.

And now we are in exactly this kind of situation.

THE COPYRIGHT REFORM IN THE EU Get involved and correct it!

Call your MEPs now using

For more infomation >> Alin Popescu, despre reforma copyright în UE - Duration: 4:17.


Outro? - Duration: 0:27.

Often, I am upset, that I cannot fall in love but I guess, this avoids the stress of falling

out of it.

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Mickey Famil Baby Mickey Loses His Tooth Bad Baby Minnie Mouse Pranks | Disney Cartoons for Kids

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For more infomation >> Mickey Family Baby Mickey Loses His Tooth Bad Baby Minnie Mouse Pranks | Disney Cartoons for Kids - Duration: 11:26.


Mickey Family Baby Mickey and Minnie Mouse vs The Giant Emoji Magic Prank | Disney Cartoons for Kids - Duration: 11:24.

Mickey Family Baby Mickey and Minnie Mouse vs The Giant Emoji Magic Prank | Disney Cartoons for Kids

Thanks for watching my channel. Please share my first video and don't for get Subscribe!!

For more infomation >> Mickey Family Baby Mickey and Minnie Mouse vs The Giant Emoji Magic Prank | Disney Cartoons for Kids - Duration: 11:24.


Mickey Family Bad Baby Mickey Lost on Moon Stole Rocket and Help by Emoji Ailen | Catoons for Kids - Duration: 11:28.

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For more infomation >> Mickey Family Bad Baby Mickey Lost on Moon Stole Rocket and Help by Emoji Ailen | Catoons for Kids - Duration: 11:28.


What the cast of 'Full House' looks like TODAY - Duration: 1:46.

What the cast of 'Full House' looks like TODAY What the cast of 'Full House' looks like TODAY

What the cast of 'Full House' looks like TODAY What the cast of 'Full House' looks like TODAY

What the cast of 'Full House' looks like TODAY

For more infomation >> What the cast of 'Full House' looks like TODAY - Duration: 1:46.


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Should you lose what you lov...

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Jang Woo Young (Of 2PM) "똑같지 뭐 (Still here)" M/V - Duration: 4:12.

Same old, same old

It's been the same old for me

the same way...You


Remember? When is the day?

The day when the pretty clouds were floating in the sky

You and I had a cup of warm coffee

After petty squabbles, we just looked out the window

But then you smiled at me

I thought it was not a big deal

That might make you feel hard

I don't know what I should do with this unexpected contact

Same old, same old

It's been the same old for me

I just dont' have you now

Same old, same old

It's been the same old for me

I still miss you

Same old, same old

It's been the same old for me

I just dont' have you now

the same way...You


think abuot you and like you



We may exchange greetings with a lightheart

There'll be no problem cuz it's been a quite while since we separated

such as my illusion and always self-centered decision

again and again

repeat and repeat

This is not the right time to meet you

Frankly I can't

It's hard for me to get out of time as being bad

still the same

Yes. It's just I really want to be honest

I never forget. How can I do that..

I thought it was not a big deal

That might make you feel hard

I don't know what I should do with this unexpected contact

Same old, same old

It's been the same old for me

I just dont' have you now

Same old, same old

It's been the same old for me

I still miss you

Same old, same old

It's been the same old for me

I just dont' have you now

the same way...You


think abuot you and like you

I can't forget about you.

It's impossible to erase you

Cuz I felt crazy about you

Cuz I don't want to hurt you anymore

I'm sorry and I'll answer with this song

little by little ..very slowly

It seems that it'll take time..

Not yet..not

Same old, same old..

For more infomation >> Jang Woo Young (Of 2PM) "똑같지 뭐 (Still here)" M/V - Duration: 4:12.


Maor Appelbaum on Clarity M - Desktop Audio Meter - Duration: 2:57.

If it sounds good, then we don't have a problem.

But if it doesn't sound good, we need to know which frequencies doesn't sound good.

And from the meter we can look at it, and see that it's excessive there.

And then we can fix that.

My name is Maor Appelbaum.

I'm a mastering engineer and the owner of Maor Appelbaum Mastering in Los Angeles.

I work with bands such as Faith No More, YES, Meat Loaf, Walther Trout, William Shatner and more.

I always listen to what I do, that's the most important.

You got to really listen and figure out what you're hearing there, because there's also

the taste factor, so it's not just numbers and visualizations of it,

but it's also what you like hearing.

But in addition to that I do look at meters.

First of all I'm looking at the normal peaks, just to see the values, and then after I know

where I am, if I feel there's a problem, I will go and try to see on the FFT,

which is the RTA here, I'll just look at the frequency that is levelled up.

I'll see "Okay, I do have a lot of this frequency."

Do I hear it in the speaker system in a bad way or not? And if I hear it in a bad way,

then I'll know which one it is, or the accumulation of them, but at least I'll know the two fundamental

ones that are taking most of the heat.

The cool thing about the Clarity M is that you have the possibility to work stereo or

surround, and you can change what you have on the screen.

If you want to have a surround or stereo, so you're not occupying the screen with dedicated

meters that are not in use.

So, it does give you the benefit plus you can also take this with you to another place.

Having the Radar also helps you notice how changes occur in the actual song, so you can

actually see if there's any rises and falls in dynamics.

Having the Real Time Analyzer is a cool feature, in case there's certain frequencies that jump

up and you wanna make sure it's them and not fix a different area.

If you're tracking or mixing you can always solo an instrument and look at the graph and

see if there's a resonant frequency.

When everything sounds good, then there's no problem, it's when there is a problem and

you trying to hone in on it, then a meter can really help you.

For more infomation >> Maor Appelbaum on Clarity M - Desktop Audio Meter - Duration: 2:57.


Outro? - Duration: 0:27.

Often, I am upset, that I cannot fall in love but I guess, this avoids the stress of falling

out of it.

For more infomation >> Outro? - Duration: 0:27.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Style | Ambition | Nightpakket | Panoramadak - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Style | Ambition | Nightpakket | Panoramadak - Duration: 0:54.


Kia Venga 1.4 X-tra, Nap, Airco, Cruise, Radio/Cd - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Kia Venga 1.4 X-tra, Nap, Airco, Cruise, Radio/Cd - Duration: 0:59.


How to Cancel All Pending Friend Request Only One Click From Facebook 2017 - Duration: 2:34.

Hello Friends My Name is Nouman Maqsood & Today I will Tell You

How we can Cancel All Pending Friends Request

Just in One Click From

If You Want to Know Then Keep Watching this Video till to end

You can See that

my Facebook Acccount is open right now in my pc

Know we will learn how we can canceled all firends request which we sent on facebook

Go to Friend Request & Click On find Friends

After Click on Find Friends

After Clicking on it fb will show your friends requests

Now Click on View Sent Requests

Facebook Now Show You Friends Request which you sent's on Facebook

if we will cancel them one by one then it will be take too much time

I have Java script & also have facebook link Just Copy

Now Open New Tab and paste it in search bar

Now Go to inspect

When you click on inspect

Now Click On Console

Now Copy Java Script & Paste it into Console File

And Just Press Enter

Now You Can See That All Pending Friends Request are canceled

They all Unfriend in one click

I Hope You Like This Video

Please Like Share & Comment Below

& Please Don't Forget to Subscribe How to Channel For Latest Videos

we will meet again with new video

God Bless You

For more infomation >> How to Cancel All Pending Friend Request Only One Click From Facebook 2017 - Duration: 2:34.


Living Dead In Finnish Folklore (Finnish With Sub) - Duration: 6:12.

Hi guys! It is Niina you are watching Fairychamber channel.

In Finnish myths and folklore

"kalmanväki" has refered to dead people and

death in general.

All kinds of things related to death

and spirits of the death and to the spirit world.

Spiritual creatures.

Traditionally in ancient (and somewhat in modern)

Finland it has been traditional to honor once ancestors.

But it was mostly relatives that one knew.

Like grandparents and maybe great-grandparents.

But after that things start to get blurry.

We don't know who our

great great great great ancestors were

and what kind of people they were.

Those long ago passed away relatives

they are not that close.

"Kalmanväki" (literally means group of dead people)

could have refered into relatives that

had passed away long time ago

and living didn't have emotional connections to them that much.

Kalmanväki was also used to describe all kinds

of elves and fairies and spirits

ihtiriekko; liekkiö

virvatuli (will o wisps)


all kinds of magical beings

from Finnish mythology that were

related to death.

They are also part of


There was also "kirkonväki" (folk of the church)

They were believed to stay in the graveyards.

Also that different kinds of spirits

elves and demons

who were fascinated by death

they went and visited kirkonväki to the cemeteries.

It was believed (during the time of reformation and after)

that some of them were working for the devil in Christianity.

People were afraid of kirkonväki

same way as kalmanväki.

One way for the kirkonväki to leave

the graveyard

could leave the cemetery.

They could just start following some

random person.

They could make this person

ill, transmit them a disease

or something else from the

cold dungeons of death.

In Finnish

the word "väki" traditionally refers into power and

strength of some specific thing.

It can also refers into group of different things.

In modern Finnish language it refers into group of people but that was not the case in the past.

But it could refer to

all kinds of groups of



So the groups had invisible power

within them.

It was believed that

kalmanväki had very strong

powers related to death.

Power of death people could use that for both negative and positive.

Positive qualities were that

witches and shamans could harness this power of death

for example

to heal people that were very ill.

If it happened that kalmanväki or

kirkonväki started to follow

some particular person.

Only people who could see these living dead

was a shaman or a witch and only they

could banish living dead

back into their graves

into the cemetery.

In Finland and around the world it has been believed

that dead people can appear

to a person that is about to die.

Dead relative can appear

to a person

that is somewhere between life and death.

There is a folktale told in Finland that I think is funny

and many other people think is creepy.

Tale goes that in Christmas eve the kirkonvaki

living dead of the cemetery wake up

from their graves in the night of Christmas eve and

they go into church and have midnight Christmas ceremony

and priest that has also got up from his grave

reads the nativity story.

It was believed that some people

could posses so called "kalmannenä" (literally means nose of death).

If person got sick with kalmannenä

they started to see more dead people than living.

They would slowly loose all

their senses.

In Finland historians and doctors and medical persons

have researched old texts and

many of them have come into conclusions

that people who were sick with kalmannenä

in fact might have suffered from schizophrenia.

When in FInland we tell ghost stories

ghosts are usually describe to be transparent creatures

or shadows

But when

we talk about kalmanväki.

They are ugly zombies and

living dead.

Kalmanväki were corpses rising from

their graves while decomposing.

When dead person was buried

they slowly stopped being individuals.

Their persona and life achievements

disappeared during

the process of dying. They became part of

the "community of the dead"

or the community of the graveyard/church of the dead

There are also stories told in Finland that

living have come across familiar living dead in the cemeteries

but these meetings are quite rare.

During the day people of the graveyards

were very peaceful.

But it was very different during the night time.

These kinds of stories are told about

the living dead in FInnish myths and folklore.

Thank you for watching and I will see you on my next video )O(

Bye Bye

For more infomation >> Living Dead In Finnish Folklore (Finnish With Sub) - Duration: 6:12.


【MUKBANG】 [Sukiyaki + 5 Rice Cups] Meat With Eggs 'An Irresistible Taste' [About 6326kcal][Use CC] - Duration: 5:22.

Hello its Kinoshita Yuka (English subs by ~Aphexx~)

so today! tadaa I feel like making some sukiyaki

its starting to get cold out and a making a hot pot like this is nice when its cold

also I totes love sukiyaki it combines soy sauce and sugar its so sweet and salty

and then you factor in the egg dipping sauce which makes things so yummy

alrighty lets get cookin

first of all warm up our pot and take some beef tallow and coat the bowl in it

unfortunately I don't have any on hand so I'll be using veg oil instead

cook up some gr. onion to add flavor

then quickly fry up the meat on both sides

once the meat has taken on a nice color sprinkle over with the broth

cook on low

oh wait a minute maybe having some of the meat on top would have made it look better

lid and once its cooked through it is ready to eat

K once its pretty well cooked through its ready to eat

tadaa they're eggs such wonderful colors

mix up the eggs

the meat looks so yummy

dip into the egg

look so yummy

oh wait up wait up... I haven't said itadakimasu just yet

I was flyin' through this video so fast but anyways.... ITADAKIMASU

the meat is so fatty and flavored with sweet and salty flavors that mix up with the mellow egg flavors

its super delish

I can eat so much of this with this rice

atsuage (tofu product)

whenever I make a hot pot I def gotta eat this over rice

I love these 'maloni'

its soaked up the flavors from the meat and the broth making it so yummy

I've got 5 cups of rice today

this sukiyaki is so piping hot when you first pick something out of it but...

since you dip it into this egg it cools it off to a nice temp that I really appreciate

so yummy when you dip it in egg

I'm getting so hot right now its been getting so cold lately

but when you make a hot pot like this you get so warm

perfect for cold days like this

its gettin' way too hot I'mma turn on my AC

I'm def not being good to the environment today

cooking with this hot pot and then turning on my AC

the veggies have gotten so very tender

(RAW EGGS Totally safe in Japan, no worries of salmonella they taste great and have no odor)

now that I've eaten quite a lot of it.....

I'll now take the contents of this pot and put it over some rice

most of it is on the rice and...

and pour on the remaining egg that I've been using as dipping sauce

and I'll add another egg for good measure

tadaa the sukiyaki-don is complete

I'll now break the yolk

looks yummy

and I'll pour over the broth we were using as well

such an extravagant gyudon (beef bowl)

I feel I can eat all this rice with just the sukiyaki broth alone

last of the meat

forgot to say the last mouthful but last tiny bits ITADAKIMASU

all done gochisosamadeshita

the sukiyaki was so yummy it would be yummy to finish off the dish with some udon as well

but today I finished it off by making it into a sukiyaki bowl

with this hot pot you can enjoy all sorts of veggies and meat which is so nice

I feel like I can eat way more veggies that usual this way

this was so yummy won't you all please give this a try and as always thanks for watching and if there is

anything that you'd like me to do or eat please tell me about it in the comment section or via twitter

if you liked this video please hit the like or subscribe buttons BAI BAI

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