Thứ Năm, 12 tháng 10, 2017

Youtube daily report Oct 12 2017

Welcome back to The Legal Brief, the show where we CRUSH the various legal myths and

misinformation surrounding various areas of the gun world.

I'm your host Adam Kraut and today we're talking about the one law you NEED to know about that

shields manufacturers from being sued for the criminal acts of people.

The PLCAA or Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act came into effect in October of


Prior to its enactment, firearm industry members were frequently the targets of lawsuits for

the criminal or unlawful misuse of their product.

PLCAA was enacted in order to provide industry members a legal shield from those lawsuits.

Which is why anti-gun politicians want to get rid of it.

Congress specifically found that "Businesses...that are engaged in...commerce through the lawful

design, manufacture, marketing, distribution, importation, or sale to the public of firearms

or ammunition...are not, and should not, be liable for the harm caused by those who criminally

or unlawfully misuse firearm products or ammunition...that function as designed and intended."

Congress also stated that "The possibility of imposing liability on an entire industry

for harm that is solely caused by others is an abuse of the legal system"

We're going to break this episode into three parts.

What the PLCAA is, a quick case study on PLCAA, and thoughts in relation to the lawsuit recently

filed against Slide Fire.

First up, what does the PLCAA do?

That can be summed up in one sentence.

"A qualified civil liability action may not be brought in any Federal or State court."

A law can't be that simple, can it?

As you probably guessed, there is much more to PLCAA than the one sentence.

The definitions are the part where the majority of the analysis happens.

We'll need to define a few terms like: manufacturer, seller, qualified product and qualified civil

liability action.

Now I know this doesn't sound like a lot of fun, but it is important in order to understand

what PLCAA protects.

A manufacturer is, with respect to a qualified

product, a person who is engaged in the business of manufacturing the product in interstate

or foreign commerce and who is licensed to engage in business as such a manufacturer

under the Gun Control Act or GCA.

A seller with respect to a qualified product, is a) an importer as defined in the GCA, who

is engaged in the business as an importer and who is licensed to so, b) a dealer as

defined in the GCA, who is engaged in the business as a dealer and who is licensed to

do so; or c) a person engaged in the business of selling ammunition at the wholesale or

retail level.

So in the most simple terms, a manufacturer, importer or dealer, who is engaged in the

business as a manufacturer, importer or dealer and is licensed to do so is protected.

Additionally, since there is no license to sell ammunition, a person selling ammunition

at the wholesale or retail level is also protected.

A "qualified product" means a firearm, any antique firearm, or ammunition (as defined

in the GCA), or a component part of a firearm or ammunition, that has been shipped or transported

in interstate or foreign commerce.

Lastly, the term "qualified civil liability action" GENERALLY means a civil action or

proceeding...brought by any person against a manufacturer or seller of a qualified product...for

damages or other relief, resulting from the criminal or unlawful misuse of a qualified

product by the person or a third party...

As with everything, there are always exceptions.

Congress specifically defined six instances where a suit is not a qualified civil liability


In the interest of time and ease of understanding, some of these have been summarized.

They include:

(i) an action brought against a transferor convicted under section 924(h) of the GCA

(this is the section which makes it a crime to knowingly transfer a firearm that will

be used in a crime of violence or drug trafficking offense), or a comparable or identical State

felony law, by a party directly harmed by that conduct;

(ii) an action brought against a seller for negligent entrustment or negligence per se;

Congress defined the term negligent entrustment to mean the supplying of a qualified product

by a seller for use by another person when the seller knows, or reasonably should know,

the person to whom the product is supplied is likely to, and does, use the product in

a manner involving unreasonable risk of physical injury to the person or others.

We saw this theory being floated in the lawsuit against Bushmaster in Connecticut.

(iii) an action in which a manufacturer or seller of a qualified product knowingly violated

a State or Federal statute applicable to the sale or marketing of the product, and the

violation was a proximate cause of the harm for which relief is sought.

There are more specific details about this particular section which are found in the

law which is linked in the video description.

(iv) an action for breach of contract or warranty in connection with the purchase of the product;

(v) an action for death, physical injuries or property damage resulting directly from

a defect in design or manufacture of the product, when used as intended or in a reasonably foreseeable

manner, except when a person intentional discharges the product in a criminal offense; or

(vi) an action or proceeding commenced by the Attorney General to enforce the provisions

of the GCA or the NFA.

So again, those six points we just covered are when an individual CAN sue and PLCAA won't


Simply put, in order to be protected under the PLCAA, the person manufacturing or selling

the product has to 1) fall within the definition of "manufacturer", "seller" or "trade association"

(which I did not cover), 2) manufacture or sell a qualified product, and 3) be sued by

someone for a person's criminal or unlawful misuse.

If none of the six enumerated exemptions apply, the lawsuit must be dismissed.

Ok guys, I know that was a lot.

And probably a little boring.

Let's move on to the second key point here so you can see it in action.

As you may recall the Brady Campaign was behind a lawsuit that targeted Lucky Gunner for selling

ammunition to the murderer who perpetrated the Aurora, Colorado shooting.

You can find the court opinion in the description down below.

One of the theories the Plaintiffs floated to get around the PLCAA was negligent entrustment.

Remember, negligent entrustment is one of those exemptions.

The Court outright rejected this argument, finding that the plaintiffs "are required

to plead facts showing that defendants "[knew], or reasonably should [have known]," that [the

perpetrator] was likely to use the product sold to him in a manner "involving unreasonable

risk of physical injury to" others," and that they failed to do so.

In fact, the only evidence the Plaintiffs offered to show that Lucky Gunner knew or

should have known about an unreasonable risk of physical injury to others was the quantity

of ammunition that he purchased, which the Court dismissed finding that "there is nothing

inherently suspicious about large internet orders."

In short, because the Plaintiffs could not meet the burden required to show negligent

entrustment, the case was dismissed and the Court ordered the Plaintiffs to pay Lucky

Gunner's attorney's fees.

I've provided a few other examples in the description for you to read through.

Now, onto our third and final key point.

What does this all mean in relation to Slide Fire and the lawsuit against them in regards

to Las Vegas?

As we talked about earlier, in order for the PLCAA to apply, Slide Fire must either meet

the definition of Manufacturer or Seller.

Fortunately for Slide Fire, they are a Type 07 FFL, which I believe puts them into the

definition of a Manufacturer under PLCAA.

Which then raises the question, is the product protected under PLCAA.

I think the answer to that is yes.

The Slide Fire stocks, being a stock, are "a component part of a firearm".

So, it is my interpretation that it would be a qualified product.

As such, it would naturally follow that the PLCAA would apply.

So a quick recap.

The PLCAA was implemented to prevent people from bankrupting an entire industry due to

the criminal or unlawful acts of a person or third party.

In order to be protected under PLCAA, the person manufacturing or selling the product

has to 1) fall within the definition of "manufacturer", "seller" or "trade association", 2) manufacture

or sell a qualified product, and 3) be sued by someone for a person's criminal or unlawful

misuse of the product.

If none of the six exemptions in the statute apply, the case must be dismissed.

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And as always thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> The Brady Bunch is at it Again! - The Legal Brief - Duration: 10:12.


The Best Horror Sequels That Were Ever Made - Duration: 10:04.

More often than not, horror sequels are downgraded ripoffs of the original, wear out what may

have been a novel concept to begin with, or resort to extreme gore and jump scares to

one-up their predecessor.

"Stab 2?

Who would want to do that?

Sequels suck."

"Oh, come on, man."

"Oh please, please, by definition alone they're inferior films."

That's true of most sequels, really, but it seems especially common in this genre.

There are exceptions to every rule, however—and these sequels not only live up to their horrifying

predecessors, they're even better.

Evil Dead II

Without The Evil Dead, we would have never been introduced to Ash and his cabin of horrors.

So, there's certainly something to be said for the merits of the movie that started it


However, the "re-quel," as Bruce Campbell calls it, was a lot campier and more self-aware—and,

as a result, more fun.


Instead of Ash coming in as the prototypical hero type, he became a lot more humorous and



Sure, this meant the gore got dialed down a bit, but it also set a new tone for the

series that was much cheekier and far more unique than the first.

Evil Ash!

"Groovy" Ash!

More mania!


Evil Dead II cemented the series as a viable franchise, opening the door for movie three,

Army of Darkness, as well as a remake and the TV spinoff series Ash vs. Evil Dead.

Bruce Campbell may have done other work in between all these Evil Dead installments,

but he'll still be forever be known for his demonic slaughtering skills.


Lookin good.

Lookin sweet!"

Friday the 13th, Part 2

The first Friday the 13th certainly set a tone for what would become a sprawling series

of slasher pics targeting teen counselors at Camp Crystal Lake.

"The counselors weren't paying any attention.

They were making love while that young boy drowned.

His name was Jason."

But its commitment to realism in having a villain who's a real person, rather than future

franchise mainstay Jason Voorhees, meant it wasn't really all that different from any

other entry in the "teens running from the psycho" subgenre.

"Must be my imagination."

The second movie, however, threw caution to the wind and resurrected Jason from his watery

grave to do all the gore-dealing.

And it totally paid off.

"Here it comes!"


Not only is Friday the 13th, Part 2 eerie and well-made, but the idea that Jason would

be the one to take up his mother's torch and terrorize campers for the next few decades

was solid and sustainable.

"And he's hungry.

Jason's out there."

Without this movie, Jason Voorhees wouldn't be such an icon of the horror genre, which

is just plain unimaginable.

The Devil's Rejects

Rob Zombie's House of 1000 Corpses was a shockingly brutal parade of violence and mayhem, and

produced some pretty unforgettable moments of violence that will haunt many nightmares


"Behold, fishboy!"

"Oh my god!"

But The Devil's Rejects came along and took its trio of nefarious butchers into more realistically

terrifying territory.

Baby, Otis, and Captain Spaulding are seen fleeing the police and tormenting anyone unfortunate

enough to find themselves in their path.

"You're not gonna slay us are you?"

"Ugh, slaying sounds so permanent."

The Devil's Rejects may have lost the atmospheric creepiness of the original, but it somehow

managed to be even more disturbing, since all these slayings were done in plain sight.

The depravity of these three was downright horrifying, and the fact that the movie was

so packed with relatable victims made the dread that much more visceral than its predecessor.

"What's the matter kid, don't you like clowns?"

Saw II

Saw is a modern horror classic that introduced audiences to a game no one in their right

mind would ever want to play.

"I want to play a game."

With special focus on the two victims of the day, Saw presented Jigsaw and his philosophical

torture-dealing scheme and paid off with a twist ending that opened the dirty bathroom

door to a whole franchise of gory traps.

"Hello Dr. Gordon.

You are perhaps my greatest asset."

But where the first movie suffered some pacing issues due to its shoestring budget and tight

set space, the second movie cleverly expanded the Jigsaw universe.

"Oh, yes.

There will be blood."

Not only did it present the first film's survivor Amanda as Jigsaw's protége, but it also committed

to its puzzle dynamic and got even more creative with its terrifying traps.

"Let the game begin."

Saw II was more exciting and interactive with the audience, and it offered much more insight

into who Jigsaw was and what he wanted to accomplish.

"By creating a legacy, by living a life worth remembering, you become immortal."

With the added layer of a bigger game in play for one of the detectives investigating Jigsaw's

crimes, Saw II began to really flesh out the formula introduced by the first and offered

a sustainable launch pad for the bevy of sequels to follow.

"Game over."

Wes Craven's New Nightmare

A Nightmare on Elm Street's original concept—that a boogeyman who haunted dreams could actually

merk a person in their sleep—was enough to make anyone afraid of bedtime.

"This… is God."

But once that storyline was beaten to lifelessness with a slew of progressively lame sequels,

franchise mastermind Wes Craven decided to get a little more creative about how to amp

up the intrigue.

With Wes Craven's New Nightmare, he ventured outside of the box and pegged all the predecessors

as the fictional movies that they were.

"I'm doing a film about my nightmares as I'm dreaming them.

In order for the movie to continue, it was dependant on me having more nightmares.

Well, fortunately, I did."

Once his creation Freddy Krueger started bleeding into real life, though, his original stars

had to play their old parts in an effort to stop the very evil he'd created with the original


What resulted was a smart statement about the industry—and his own place in it -- and

a film that was both self-aware and completely entertaining at the same time.

"Nine, ten, never sleep again."

Scream 2

Scream remains a central piece of '90s slasher history thanks to its quotable psycho and

fascination with its own genre.

"Do you like scary movies?"

"Uh huh."

And its sequel, Scream 2, took the property to new heights by focusing on what made the

original so, well, original.

The first installment followed a fairly standard formula about a masked psycho offing high

school students, but there was an element of satisfying self-awareness that set the

movie apart.

Scream 2 accentuated that aspect by introducing a movie-within-a-movie storyline that winked

at its own pop cultural relevance in a charming new way.

"See, I've got my whole defense planned out.

I'm gonna blame the movies."

While some of the slay scenes from the first film were a little more thrilling than anything

that came after, the first sequel's subtle statements about itself were refreshingly

on point.

"It's showtime!"

The Purge: Anarchy

The Purge was laser focused on a single family trying to survive America's annual night of

government-sanctioned mayhem.

"Please just let us purge."

And while that was exciting enough to spawn a sequel, there was a lot of room to grow

once the concept proved to be viable at the box office.

Instead of just focusing again on a select few struggling to survive the night, The Purge:

Anarchy introduced some of the socioeconomic factors that would be an important part in

creating such a system of disorder.

While fans of the first film might've been left to wonder why and how the U.S. stooped

to allowing such chaos, Anarchy attempted to answer those questions.

By putting its central players outside the comfort of their own homes, we got to see

a lot more of the destruction and fallout from the Purge, and it was a lot more satisfying

and informative.

"Can't have heroes."

The parallels to the occupy movement also set the stage for the third installment, The

Purge: Election Year, and the pic also left room for the forthcoming prequel series that'll

delve into how society devolved in the first place.

Dawn of the Dead

George A. Romero's Night of the Living Dead is a classic, no doubt about it.

It marked the beginning of the zombie film craze and holds up as an esteemed chapter

in his filmography.

"They're coming to get you Barbara."

However, Dawn of the Dead, the second installment in his Living Dead series, expanded the first

movie's ideas by showcasing the root cause of this epidemic.

"When there's no more room in Hell, the dead will walk the earth."

The film more narrowly pinpointed Romero's parallels between zombification and American

consumerism by having its victims take cover in a shopping mall.

And the film's juxtaposition of excess and materialism with hopelessness and violence

helped define the zombie genre as a whole forever.

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning

When it comes to the Texas Chainsaw series, nothing has or probably ever will beat Tobe

Hooper's 1974 original.

When it comes to the modern reboots, though, there are some which were better than the


After a series of Texas Chainsaw sequels that got progressively more ludicrous, 2003's reboot

looked to return the franchise to its original form by having a group of unexpecting teens

return to Leatherface's isolated abode.

"What's wrong with you people?"

"Oh my, my, my, my, my…"

The pic benefited from modern cinematography and sound effects, and one deliciously evil

sheriff that made Leatherface seem like a teddy bear.

However, it added very little to the story we already knew.

Its sequel The Beginning, however, did some digging as to why this cannibalistic family

became what they were.

The way their backstory developed was clever and included some of the franchise's best


"No talking until after I've said grace, a------."

More importantly, the plot also paid more attention to its societal environment—namely,

the Vietnam War and the conscription that plagued a generation's youth.

"You kids okay?"

It still didn't transcend the original by any stretch of the imagination, but it certainly

bested the previous sequels and reboots in the series.

"You blasphemous bitch!

This is redemption, lady, that's what this is!"

Thanks for watching!

Click the Looper icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> The Best Horror Sequels That Were Ever Made - Duration: 10:04.


Lose Weight and Cleanse Your Intestine With This Natural Remedy - Duration: 3:49.

People who are in the process of making a diet to lose weight often

They do not want to wait for long months until see the first results.

In some cases, the delay in seeing or feeling the results of their dietary changes

You may even discourage the person to continue diet and, finally, make it fall into the "temptation."

Because of this, it is important that we us feel good during our change in

eating habits.

What many of us do not know is that we can digest some inefficient form of food

which creates the accumulation of mucus in our colon.

Colon mucus is generally formed by harmful toxins to the body that if

accumulated, can cause numerous problems such as power failure, weight gain and


Because of this, remove this mucus and improve intestinal process not only helps

improve your overall health, such as speed the weight loss process.

To perform this cleaning procedure, just eat vegetables or fresh fruit

and give preference to foods rich in fiber and other nutrients.

A balanced diet will give an account of this process Cleaning, however, there is an alternative

to accelerate this process.

This is a recipe for apple base.

Rich in apple fibers in addition to preventing feeling of hunger, also helps eliminate

toxins from the body, since we consume enough water to avoid prison issues


In addition to Apple, we must also consume flaxseed because it has the power

improve the absorption of nutrients in intestine, helping to slow the emptying


In its composition contains linseed properties that act as antioxidants

and prevent heart disease.

In addition to flaxseed and apple seeds, we also have the properties of chia,

that being rich in fibers promotes a healthy digestive system and also helps

to lose weight.

In addition to the health of chia strengthens heart.

Learn how to mix these three foods and how to use them in a meaningful way

in your diet to lose weight: INGREDIENTS 1 medium apple 1 tablespoon of flaxseed

freshly ground 1 tablespoon of seed soup chia

1 tablespoon of honey 1 cup water WAY TO PREPARE Beat evenly all

ingredients in a blender except chia seed.

Add the chia and let the mixture sit for about five minutes or until

realize that chia seeds began to swell.

Drink twice a day for three weeks.

See how easy?

This recipe will bring the feeling of satiety and help cleanse your intestines so

effectively speeding up the weight loss process.

Besides being a delight.

So take advantage and boost your diet!

For more infomation >> Lose Weight and Cleanse Your Intestine With This Natural Remedy - Duration: 3:49.


CALLING ALL COSPLAYERS! Alien Theory Halloween Party Announcement - Duration: 2:49.

Back in April, for Alien Day, I asked you to contribute to a fan celebration video,

and I thought it was a lot of fun and it was amazing to see how passionate fans of the

series can be, with collections, and memories, and favourite moments from all things Alien.

I know a lot of people missed out and commented that would have liked to be a part of it,

and I thought instead of waiting for the next Alien Day, I could do something similar this

year, so today I'm announcing the Alien Theory Halloween Party, and I'd love for you to be

a part of it if you're interested.

I'm hoping this will be another fun way to bring fans together and share the love for

the franchise, and I'll need your help to make the video happen.

I'd like you to send some videos or images my way, and compile I'll be compiling it together

to make a video for this Halloween.

Here's what I'm looking for: Cosplay, Halloween costumes, any interesting props or replicas

or decorations related to the Alien series.

Whether it be you dressed up as a Nostromo crew member, or a colonial marine, or maybe

even an elaborate alien costume, all is welcome!

If you have pictures or videos from years past, that's absolutely fine, it doesn't necessarily

need to be recent, but say for example if you wanted to send a video where you talk

about the costume or props, how it was made, or where it was purchased, etc., or if you

want to say hi to everyone on the YouTube Alien Fan Community, that's absolutely amazing,

but whatever you'd like to send my way is very much appreciated and it should be pretty

fun if I get a good amount of submissions!

So if you'd like to contribute, please send your attached video or image to,

include your name, or username, or whatever you feel comfortable with so I can give you

the proper credit in the final video.

There's about 2 weeks or so and if you could get it sent by the deadline of Sunday, October

29th, that should be enough time for me to edit it all together and have it up for the


Whether you're contributing or not, I hope it's a fun, kind of different video, and if

it's anything like the Alien Day Celebration I know it should be great.

If you have any questions or concerns, please leave a comment and I'll do my best to get

an answer to you or clarify anything you might not be sure about it.

So set the calendar, tune in October 31st, and be my guest to the Alien Theory Halloween


I hope to see you there!

And until next time, this is Alien Theory, signing off.

For more infomation >> CALLING ALL COSPLAYERS! Alien Theory Halloween Party Announcement - Duration: 2:49.


Homilia Diária.663: Solenidade de Nossa Senhora da Conceição Aparecida - Duration: 5:31.

For more infomation >> Homilia Diária.663: Solenidade de Nossa Senhora da Conceição Aparecida - Duration: 5:31.


SNORKELING PLUS ISLAND HOPPING around Karimunjawa Island - Duration: 5:42.

For more infomation >> SNORKELING PLUS ISLAND HOPPING around Karimunjawa Island - Duration: 5:42.


Michael Pérez: "Todos los partidos que vienen para Chivas son finales y no podemos ni empatar" - Duration: 0:47.

For more infomation >> Michael Pérez: "Todos los partidos que vienen para Chivas son finales y no podemos ni empatar" - Duration: 0:47.


La Trobe University Living History: Terry Moran - Duration: 2:25.

♪ (Music Playing) ♪

Most of my professional life came to be identified

with reforms of one sort or another.

Most of them were successful, and they're

nice because you essentially get those things

in the public service world through peer recognition.

Terry Moran. I'm now retired.

I started here in 1967, graduating in 1972.

I grew up in Reservoir. Had a very stern Catholic education.

Got into law at Melbourne.

Before it really started I decided that wasn't for me,

and sort of literally I walked down the road from

where I was living with my parents and enrolled

in social sciences.

The founders of the University had envisaged

a University that was a rather more personal place

than the larger Universities were becoming.

La Trobe at that time only had about 500 students.

The academic student ratio was so rich that you had a

lot of contact with very experienced professors and

so forth, many of whom had come to La Trobe themselves

looking for something new.

There were lots of demonstrations, sit ins.

It was time to get out of any connection with the

Vietnam War, to start to respect the arts

and cultural life within Australia.

There was quite a lot of excitement around those times.

La Trobe seems to enrol students who come from all

the different groups within our society.

Melbourne is, along with Sydney, one of the most

diverse cities in the world now, and a unique part

of Australia's success probably since the '60s

is the extent to which, without difficulty,

we've abandoned the White Australia Policy and

embraced happily people coming in great numbers.

La Trobe and other Universities, they're all

a critical part of making progress through education

achievable without students having to worry as to

whether they will be regarded in some other way

than their simple academic results when it comes time

for Universities to make selection decisions.

For more infomation >> La Trobe University Living History: Terry Moran - Duration: 2:25.


KDKA-TV News at Six - Duration: 2:53.

For more infomation >> KDKA-TV News at Six - Duration: 2:53.


Hopes and Dreams | AMV (joke) - Duration: 3:02.


I can see that you've turned on subtitles.

I mean... what did you expect? Legit subtitles for every bing and bong all the way through?

Pfft, nah. I'm too lazy.

Don't get your bings and bongs confused, I don't have the patience to do that.

Enjoy a fight with a star-shooting, time-controlling, rainbow-magic demon goat that's the God of hyperdeath.

I've been waiting for someone to find these subtitles.

If you did, good for you.

There's nothing interesting here.


..or is there?

Nah, don't fool yourself.

Enjoy your bings and bongs and murderous flowers and hyperdeath goats

That's Undertale summed up right there.

For more infomation >> Hopes and Dreams | AMV (joke) - Duration: 3:02.


ATÉ VOCÊ ME ESQUECER | 1x04 - "Acidente" (Série LGBT) - Duration: 9:18.

For more infomation >> ATÉ VOCÊ ME ESQUECER | 1x04 - "Acidente" (Série LGBT) - Duration: 9:18.


Kate's 6pm Thursday Evening Forecast - Duration: 3:05.

For more infomation >> Kate's 6pm Thursday Evening Forecast - Duration: 3:05.


15 Tricks Advertisers Use To Manipulate You Every Day - Duration: 6:50.

• Advertisers are all about trying to get into your head and create subliminal ideas

without you noticing.

How can they do that without even saying anything to you?

Here are 15 of the sneakiest tricks being used to manipulate you into buying things

every single day.

15 – Misleading Visuals • You know how the food you buy never looks

at all like it does in their commercials or pictures?

• Well, there's a whole industry devoted to making food look absolutely perfect.

And ironically, a big part of that business involves making that food completely inedible.

• The "syrup" you see being drizzled on those pancakes?

That's probably motor oil.

• That lovely white milk in cereal?

That's either glue, or shampoo.

• And the reason that hamburger bun looks so appetizing is because it's been painted

with brown shoe polish.

14 – Placement of text • You'd never think it normally, but where

text is placed in an ad makes a big difference.

• Even something as simple as whether the text and logo are on the right side or the

left side makes a huge difference in how our brains process it.

• The placement of the text changes depending on whether the ad is colourful or somber in

tone, and what kind of emotion it's supposed to get out of you.

• There are literal psychologists working on these things, helping advertisers get into

your subconscious all the time.

13 – Limited time only!

/ While supplies last!

• Nothing spurs a purchase decision like the fear that you're on some sort of time


• But here's the thing.

The time's not that limited, and the supplies will totally last.

• They're trying to get you to take action immediately, because if you don't, you'll

probably just forget about it.

12 – Fake sales • A number of American retailers like to

pretend they're going to charge you a hundred dollars for a 30-dollar pair of jeans.

• Why?

So they can trick you by saying it's "70 percent off" when they actually sell it

to you for 30 dollars.

• Macy's, Sears, JCPenney, and Kohl's have all faced lawsuits for this "fake sale"


11 – Emotional charge • If an ad can hit you in the feels, it


You're more likely to remember an ad if it affects you emotionally.

• That's why you see the "dog waits for its human" ads about drunk driving,

and why heartfelt stories about random acts of kindness go viral.

• Of course, when a commercial tries too hard to go for your feels, it can fail and

have the opposite effect.

10 – No dollar sign • It's sort of unavoidable – the dollar

sign represents money.

So when you see it on a restaurant menu, you associate it with SPENDING money.

• The solution to this?

Restaurants have started removing the dollar sign from the menu entirely.

• Some menus actually have numbers written out, rather than in Arabic numerals, so there's

even more of a disconnect in your brain while you're trying to add up the check in your


9 – Acknowledging resistance • Advertisers are so good at their jobs,

they already know what your first objection is going to be to their sales pitch.

• So they get out in front of it and try to respond to that criticism before you even

make it.

• That makes them seem transparent and in touch with you.

8 – Color • Different colors spur different subconscious

emotions, and advertisers know that.

• There is constant research being done into what colors generate strong emotions

in their consumers, and brands today have that in mind when trying to market themselves.

7 – FUD: Fear, Uncertainty, & Doubt • Sometimes the trick isn't in what they're

saying, it's in what they're NOT saying.

• Many times, a sales pitch to get you to buy something is loaded with seeds of doubt

to get you to be leery of a competitor.

• A statement like "our products are 100% compatible with your system" may not seem

underhanded, but the immediate implication is that some other products may NOT be compatible.

• So immediately, you're doubtful and uncertain about other products.

6 – Retargeting • Have you ever noticed that sometimes you

start getting ads for a website after you've visited it one time?

• That's re-targeting.

Sales people know you're probably not going to make a snap decision to buy something the

first time you see it.

• So they use retargeting ads to keep reminding you that they exist, so that when you make

up your mind, you'll remember that you kept seeing them.

5 – Pointing out or manufacturing flaws • This is especially prevalent in the world

of beauty products.

• After all, there's no better way to convince people they need beauty products

than to tell them they're ugly.

• Cosmetics companies will manufacture whatever images they can, no matter how falsified.

The goal is to convince their customer base that there's an impossible standard of beauty

to strive for, and that the only way to get there is with their products.

4 – Music in stores • If you're walking through a store playing

music, that music most likely isn't there on accident.

• Everything from the genre of music, to the volume, to the tempo, to even the key

signature, is calculated.

• Studies have shown that people are likely to spend more money when slow, sad music is

playing at a low volume.

A supermarket may be more suited to pop ballads, while an upscale department store is more

likely to use classical music.

3 – Scented shopping area • This, along with music choice and color

design, play into a business term called "atmospherics."

• The idea behind atmospherics is that the overall "feel" of a store is as important

as the products it sells.

• If you're shopping someplace that is too loud and smells bad, you're not going

to want to stay there and spend money.

• Scents are also used to make you feel hungry near restaurants or food courts.

2 – Social proof • Social proof is a simple enough concept.

It's basically throwing numbers at you.

• The concept is basically that lots of people before you have bought or used something,

and that means it's trustworthy and satisfying.

• You know the McDonalds' signs that say "billions and billions served?"

That's a form of social proof.

1 – Smiling logos • One of the core tenets of customer service

is that the smile has incredible power.

• So much so, that it's hidden in a number of logos, including Goodwill, LG, IHOP, Hasbro,

and even Amazon.

• Smiles mean happiness.

And every brand wants your brain to make the connection between their business and your


For more infomation >> 15 Tricks Advertisers Use To Manipulate You Every Day - Duration: 6:50.


Extra Effort Award: Nina Routh - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Extra Effort Award: Nina Routh - Duration: 1:13.


More than 40% of RI ambulances pulled from service after inspection - Duration: 6:02.

For more infomation >> More than 40% of RI ambulances pulled from service after inspection - Duration: 6:02.


Survivor's Remorse | Series Finale Preview | STARZ - Duration: 0:42.

First time in my life I'm really sure about anything.

This is literally just good old-fashioned love.

That's the story you're sticking with?

This deal is a money train, and we ain't missing it.

- We are regular people. - He's right Jimmy.

Fine, you win.

- Whoo! That's my baby! - Nice.

♪ That's mad love ♪

This is true love, Cam.

♪ Love doesn't mean a thing ♪

Why aren't you dressed for the game?

I'm not playing.

- [ chuckling ] - I'm done.

♪ Baby so real ♪♪


For more infomation >> Survivor's Remorse | Series Finale Preview | STARZ - Duration: 0:42.


Mass Bay employee returns from helping in Puerto Rico - Duration: 1:42.

For more infomation >> Mass Bay employee returns from helping in Puerto Rico - Duration: 1:42.


Exclusive: Tour of old Nueces County Courthouse - Duration: 1:28.

For more infomation >> Exclusive: Tour of old Nueces County Courthouse - Duration: 1:28.


Hudson shooter pointed gun at school, engaged in gun battle with deputies in middle of street - Duration: 7:01.

For more infomation >> Hudson shooter pointed gun at school, engaged in gun battle with deputies in middle of street - Duration: 7:01.


Chivas no quiere saber de fracaso y se aferra al milagro liguero: su primer obstáculo, Monarcas - Duration: 2:51.

For more infomation >> Chivas no quiere saber de fracaso y se aferra al milagro liguero: su primer obstáculo, Monarcas - Duration: 2:51.


How To OVERCOME PAIN: Bust Through Hardships And Come Out On Top - Duration: 11:41.

For more infomation >> How To OVERCOME PAIN: Bust Through Hardships And Come Out On Top - Duration: 11:41.


Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 1 Complete Script Breakdown - Duration: 7:42.

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and comment your opinion after watching the video.

Aftermath of the Night King�s attack on Eastwatch By The Sea. Tormund and Gendry are

able flee the scene. Undead Viserion sets Crows and Undead afire. Lord Beric Dondarrion

stays behind to fight the White Walkers (dies off-screen?), but not before killing the White

Walker that killed Edd. Edd is stabbed to death by a White Walker. Tormund and Gendry

ride for Winterfell, whilst we see a burning Castle Black in the background.

Daenerys, Jon, Tyrion, Davos, Jorah, Brienne, Podrick, The Hound, Missandei, Varys and Theon

arrive in Winterfell. Davos remarks that it has gotten much colder and darker since he

has left with Jon. Jon and Arya are first reunited. Daenerys meets Sansa Stark and Sansa

asks whether she and Jon are in love now. Daenerys don�t give a proper response to

that. Sansa doesn�t seem too pleased with Jon returning to Winterfell and Daenerys�s

presence. Jon notices this and chats with her. She mentions Littlefinger�s death and

how he has always betrayed them right under their nose. She says it is plain stupid to

work together with Cersei Lannister. The Hound and Arya also have a conversation with each

other. Arya tells the Hound she didn�t regret to leave him behind without having him killed

off. The Hound answers that Arya should have had him killed off right there, especially

with the things he has seen beyond the Wall. Euron Greyjoy arrives back in King�s Landing

with the Golden Company and meets up with Cersei Lannister and the commanders of the

Golden Company in the Throne Room. Cersei thanks Euron for having the sellswords shipped

to King�s Landing. Cersei orders the commander-in-chief to take Storm�s End and to have the army

gathered in the fortress. Robert Baratheon once told her that the fortress has stood

for many centuries and she�s sure that it will keep standing during the Long Night as

well. Since there�s no Baratheon holding the castle any longer, it wouldn�t be too

difficult to just take it themselves. They�ll need to protect themselves during the Great

War. Later that night, Euron Greyjoy is about to have sex with Cersei Lannister. Euron jokes

that she won�t miss her brother after she finds out what he can give her. Cersei�s

face says enough. She isn�t too pleased with Euron in her bed. Possible nudity to

be seen here. The following morning Euron leaves with his ship �The Silence� to

ferry the sellswords to Storm�s End to take the fortress. After he comes back, he tells

Cersei he wants to be her king. Inside the Silence, Euron has a conversation with Yara

Greyjoy about Queen Cersei. Yara point-blank tells him that she knows he isn�t interested

in being Queen Cersei�s pet/husband at all. Euron laughs and tells her his good friends

from Braavos will take care of that problem soon enough.

Daenerys, Jon, Sansa, Tyrion, Davos, Missandei, Sam, Varys, the Northern Lords and the Knights

of the Vale gather in the Great Hall of Winterfell. Sweetrobin and Yohn Royce are also present

in this scene. Sam reunites with Jon and the two share a hug. Jon tells Sam he�s glad

to have him back. The Northern Lords aren�t too pleased to accept Daenerys as their Queen.

Daenerys defends herself very well, but she doesn�t get the support of the North just

yet. Lyanna Mormont tells Daenerys Targaryen that she will never call her �Your Grace�,

because she only knows one King and that�s Jon Snow, the King in the North. Tyrion smiles

and mentions that she�s a ferocious girl on which Jorah replies that Mormonts don�t

stand back for anything. Jon tells them there�s no time to argue with each other and brings

up that there hasn�t been word of the Lannister army yet. Sansa responds that she warned them

not to trust Cersei Lannister. Tyrion mentions that they can trust his brother Jaime but

Daenerys doesn�t seem to agree on this one. The group discusses how they will defend the

North against the Night King�s army. Jon Snow tells Robin it�s wise to bring the

Eyrie into the fold and to lure the Night King in there. Robin doesn�t really seem

to care and accepts Jon�s proposal. After the meeting, Daenerys tells Jon that the Northerners

really are stubborn and small-minded people.

Theon Greyjoy visits the Godswood of Winterfell and thinks of his friend Robb and meets with

Bran Stark. He immediately apologizes to Bran for everything he has done against House Stark,

but Bran tells him there�s no need for that. He knows that Theon has redeemed himself by

saving his sister Sansa. He has seen how much he has suffered at the hands of Ramsay Bolton.

Theon asks him how he knows all of this but Bran doesn�t respond to that. Arya and Brienne

are training and Jon is impressed by his sister�s fighting skills. Arya mentions that she has

never forgotten to stick her enemies with the pointy end. He asks Arya why she didn�t

join the meeting in the Great Hall of Winterfell. Arya answers that Sansa is way better in those

things than she is. In Volantis, Lady Melisandre enters the Red

Temple. She�s again welcomed by Kinvara. Melisandre tells Kinvara that she�s played

her part in the Great War to come. She has united ice and fire. She has served King Jon

Snow, the prince who was promised and brought him back to life. Kinvara tells Melisandre

that she�s served their God well on that part, but she also made a lot of mistakes

where she needs to pay for. Kinvara tells Melisandre that their God demands one more

sacrifice of Melisandre which requires her to return to the North. Melisandre answers

that she isn�t allowed to enter the North. Kinvara smiles and answers Melisandre that

she could benefit from her punishment then. We see Jaime Lannister at an inn when he meets

up with Bronn. Jaime�s surprised to see Bronn and asks him why he followed him. Bronn

answers that there�s nothing left for him in that stinking city and he�s up for some

adventure in the North. Jaime is glad to have Bronn by his side. Bronn asks Jaime why he

has left the woman he loves the most, but Jaime doesn�t fully respond to his question.

He then asks what he�s planning to do now he has left King�s Landing. Jaime tells

Bronn he�s on his way to Riverrun to bring the garrisoned Lannister army back to the

fold. Bronn asks him why he would give up the castle he has been occupying. Jaime answers

what purpose that would have? What does he gain with that? For all he cares, Edmure can

have Riverrun back. Tormund and Gendry arrive in Winterfell. Jon

Snow asks Sansa why Bran didn�t take the time to join the meeting in the Great Hall

and didn�t even come to speak to him. Sansa tells Jon Bran has changed a lot and calls

himself �the Three-Eyed Raven� now. She tells him not to expect much of a conversation

with him. Samwell comes in between and tells Jon there�s something he and Bran urgently

needs to tell him. Bran first sees Jon in the Godswood when he�s looking into the

past. Jon mentions that he has encountered a warg beyond the Wall. Sam responds that

Bran is much more than a warg, he�s a greenseer. The two inform Jon Snow about his parentage,

which Jon doesn�t seem to believe at first sight. Bran tells Jon he knows everything

about him. He saw him beyond the Wall, surrounded by Free Folk. He saw him fighting at Hardhome

against the Night King and he saw how he was stabbed to death by his own men. Jon can�t

really believe he�s a Targaryen. Sam mentions that he�s the one with the right claim on

the Iron Throne, not Daenerys Targaryen but Aegon Targaryen.

What do you think? Let us know your openion via comments below.

And if you haven�t subscribe yet hit the subscribe button.

For more infomation >> Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 1 Complete Script Breakdown - Duration: 7:42.


Skoda Superb - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Skoda Superb - Duration: 0:54.


SEMA 2016 saw the Honda ...

For more infomation >> SEMA 2016 saw the Honda ...


BMW X6 xDrive40dA High Executive M Sport | Head-Up Display | M-pakket | Adaptief M onderstel | El.we - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> BMW X6 xDrive40dA High Executive M Sport | Head-Up Display | M-pakket | Adaptief M onderstel | El.we - Duration: 0:54.


Mercedes-Benz M-Klasse AMG ML 63 - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz M-Klasse AMG ML 63 - Duration: 0:54.


Learn Sizes with Mcqueen Cars M&M's Surprise Eggs Opening Candy Eggs Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 3:37.

For more infomation >> Learn Sizes with Mcqueen Cars M&M's Surprise Eggs Opening Candy Eggs Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 3:37.


CEO Büchele's Gifts to President Putin - Duration: 1:44.

Mr President,

I do not want to end my remarks without belated

birthday greetings on my own behalf,

as well as on behalf of the German Committee

on Eastern European Economic Relations.

Both you and the German Committee

on Eastern European Economic Relations

were born in 1952 and this binds us together.

A little later, in 1954,

Germany first became a world soccer champion.

And of course,

we all hope that next year

we will be just as successful,

and this brings me to our little birthday gift for you.

The World Cup will bring the Germans and Russians

even closer together and we hope that

we will support and root for each other.


as a little souvenir and talisman for this event,

we have brought you a German national team jersey,

No9 – centre forward.

As a mascot for the Russian national team,

we have found a little sculpture of Lev Yashin who,

without a doubt,

is the greatest goalkeeper of the 20th century and who,

by the way,

is very popular in Germany.

Let these two souvenirs bring you and us good luck,

and then we will surely meet in a great

Russia-Germany final

and we will be pleased to attend that final.

Thank you very much.

For more infomation >> CEO Büchele's Gifts to President Putin - Duration: 1:44.


CS:GO Skins GiveAway! - Duration: 1:07.

Hi, how are you? Today we brig you the first giveaway

of this channel for CS:GO!

The skins are... This FAMAS | Djinn (BS)

As you can see it's very nice!

And the second Skin is: Cz75 - Auto | Tigris (FN)

The five steps to join the GiveAway are in the video desciption

that is trouht And on 22nd of October the winners will be announced

There will be 2 winners, the first one who contact me

will choose the skin that he/she want, and the second skin for the second one.

Oks, that is all for now.

Subscribe, like the video and share if you want :P

See you next time!

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