Thứ Năm, 12 tháng 10, 2017

Youtube daily report Oct 12 2017

Hey guys, it's your Star Wars Geek Julia here, and I just finished watching the trailer for

the new Star Wars movie, The Last Jedi and I am so excited, but who the heck is this


I don't know, I hope he's not squaking like that through the whole movie, if you know

what I mean?

Back to what this video is really about.

When Ben and I were planning our honeymoon, we had just seen Star Wars: The Force Awakens,

and we just had to visit that beautiful island where Rey meets Luke Skywalker.

But there are definitely things I wish I'd known before I left.

So, I've got some words of wisdom to share with you, young padawan.

Like we're all hoping they'll do with the movies, I'm saving the best for last.

This is my Star Wars Geek's Guide for Visiting Skellig Michael.

So first thing's first, you've got to book your landing tour well in advance, I'm talking


And make sure that it actually says landing tour, otherwise, well.

It's a trap!

So this is a big one for me.

There are no bathrooms on the island.

There are public bathrooms near the docks at Portmagee, but that's going to be a good

five hours where you're not going to be able to go.

So with that in mind, be careful how much blue milk you drink in the morning.

Another reason to eat light in the morning is to prepare for the rough seas.

The water was so rough on the day of our trip that they almost cancelled it.

And four out of the twelve passengers tasted their breakfast twice.

So do yourself a favour and bring gravol.

The force is strong with the island, and by that I mean the force of the wind.

If you're wearing a baseball hat, it will probably fly off.

Any loose clothing could catch the wind and could throw you off balance when you're walking

up or down those steep steps.

If the sun comes out, it might get warm, but if it's cloudy, it could be as cold as Hoth.

It's a good idea to bring a backpack with extra layers and extra socks.

It's quite a climb getting up to the monastery, so make sure to bring yourself some water

and some food.

Keep in mind, anything that you bring onto the island you'll have to bring off of the


If you're looking to get some of those iconic photos or videos without any people in the

background, you're going to need to be the leader of the pack.

We recommend that you get up to the monastery as soon as you can before it gets over crowded.

This is such an awe inspiring place that it's easy to lose track of time, make sure that

you give yourself enough time to make the trek all the way back down, keeping in mind,

you'll probably want to take a few photos along the way.

So this is the biggest piece of advice I could give, don't live behind the lens.

Although it was our love for the Star Wars movies that brought us to the island, as we

arrived and stared up at this beautiful, majestic beast of an island, the scenes from The Force

Awakens were far from our minds.

Don't get me wrong, I am so happy that we have so much footage from the trip, but I

wish I'd taken a little more time to appreciate what this place was.

Thank you guys so much for tuning in today.

If you want to see the full video of our trip, I'll link it below.

Don't forget to hit subscribe, or give us a like, or comment below if you've got any

questions about visiting Skellig Michael.

This was Julia with Konkin Can Do and May the Force Be With You.

For more infomation >> A Star Wars Geek's Guide to Visiting Skellig Michael - Duration: 4:54.


Stars You Didn't Know Killed People In Real Life - Duration: 5:28.

For actors, singers, and other stars of stage and screen, death often factors into their

performances, whether it's pretending to get murdered on a TV show or crooning a ballad

about a lost loved one.

But sometimes, the veil of fiction drops, the record skips, and famous performers are

put face-to-face with death in real life … and it's by their own hands.

Here are a few stars who reportedly killed people in real life.

Rebecca Gayheart

In June 2001, actress Rebecca Gayheart was driving her friend's car in Los Angeles when

she hit 9-year-old Jorge Cruz Jr. as he walked across the street.

Cruz died of his injuries a day later.

Eyewitnesses said that after several cars stopped to let Cruz cross, Gayheart allegedly

"swerved around the traffic and into a two-way left-turn lane, hitting the boy."

Gayheart pleaded no contest to misdemeanor vehicular manslaughter and was sentenced to

"three years' probation, a one-year suspension of her license, a $2,800 fine," and "750 hours

of community service."

Gayheart also settled a wrongful death civil suit filed for an undisclosed amount.

In May 2005, she told People that it took her years to cope with that tragic day.

She claims she, quote, "couldn't really function for a while" and eventually turned to therapy

to try to rebuild her life.

Lane Garrison

In 2006, actor Lane Garrison's career prospects were looking good.

He had a recurring role on Prison Break as "Tweener," as well as a small part in the

Mark Wahlberg action drama Shooter.

But on December 2, 2006, the 26-year-old star decided to party with some teens he met in

a grocery store parking lot, and everything went sideways.

Garrison was driving the teens back to the parking lot after attending a party when he

lost control of his Land Rover and hit a tree.

Seventeen-year-old passenger Vahagn Setian was rushed to the hospital but did not survive.

At the time of the crash, Garrison's blood alcohol level was point-two-zero and police

reported that he had, quote, "an undisclosed amount of cocaine in his system."

Garrison pleaded guilty to vehicular manslaughter without gross negligence and two other alcohol-related


He was sentenced to 40 months in prison.

"Not a day has gone by that I've not thought about that young man, and not thought about

all that I've been through, and that's why I'm so blessed to be sitting on this couch

and getting a second chance."

Keith Moon

The Who drummer Keith Moon reportedly ran his Bentley over his chauffeur, Neil Boland,

while trying to escape from a pack of skinheads in January 1970.

The angry horde was gathered outside a pub, rocking Moon's car and throwing coins at it.

Boland confronted them, and when things got ugly, Moon tried to drive away, accidentally

striking Boland and dragging him under the car.

He later died at the hospital.

Moon was charged with drunk driving, driving without a license, and driving without insurance.

A judge told Moon that Boland's death, however, was an accident, and he wouldn't face charges:

"Under the circumstances, you had no choice but to act the way you did and no moral culpability

is attached to you."

Gig Young

On the screen, Oscar-winning actor Gig Young was a consummate performer.

He was nominated for an Academy Award three times, and won for best supporting actor in

1970 for his role in They Shoot Horses, Don't They?

Offscreen, Young saw three marriages end in divorce and was an alcoholic, sometimes even

appearing to be drunk during interviews …

"There's so many actors in Hollywood usually one works only…

I've only worked with each one once."

In 1978, Young's troubles came to a head when, just three weeks after marrying German actress

Kim Schmidt, police say he shot and killed her, then turned the gun on himself.

Longtime agent and friend Martin Baum, to whom Young willed almost his entire estate,

later said, "He seemed like a man who had everything going for him…

How little we know."


In December 2006, R&B singer Brandy rear-ended another motorist, causing a chain reaction

involving four cars.

A 38-year-old mother of two, Awatef Aboudihaj died as a result of "major injuries" sustained

during the crash.

After a year-long investigation, prosecutors determined there was insufficient evidence

to charge Brandy with vehicular manslaughter.

The singer settled with Aboudihaj's husband for an undisclosed amount, and paid $300,000

each to his two sons, who were in the vehicle with their mom at the time of the accident.

Speaking with Oprah Winfrey in 2014, Brandy said the tragedy renewed her faith in God

because she had "no one else to turn to."

"I don't think that's something I could ever get over or ever truly understand, but that

was one of the worst times in my life."

Michael Massee

Rising action star Brandon Lee died in March 1993 on the set of The Crow after being shot

with an ill-prepared prop gun while filming his character's death scene.

Michael Massee, who played the villain, Funboy, was the unlucky one who pulled the trigger.

A fragment of a "dummy bullet" accidentally left in the chamber came to rest near Lee's

spine and caused so much damage that the doctors were unable to save his life.

Massee, who died of cancer in 2016 at the age of 64, reportedly only spoke publicly

about the tragic accident one time, in a 2005 Extra interview.

He said Lee's death affected him so deeply that he immediately took an entire year off

to do nothing but stick close to family and friends.

"I don't think you ever get over something like that.

No, I've gone through it a lot and things keep changing…

You just keep on going.

Life is extraordinary and very resilient, you know?

And you take the good where you see it."

Thanks for watching!

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Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Stars You Didn't Know Killed People In Real Life - Duration: 5:28.


I Should NOT Have Eaten This (World's Hottest Cereal) | Challenge Pete - Duration: 7:34.

Hi, I'm Pete and last week you guys voted for hot sauce

cereal remember to vote for what you want to see me do next time by clicking the button that's popping up at the top of the

Screen right now now this challenge actually comes from someone when I was deciding what to put in the vote

I waschecking my comments

And I saw someone comment hot sauce cereal so you have this guy or girl to thank for this video. Thank you! Anyway

Let's get on to it. I'm gonna be eating cereal

smothered in the devil of all sauces

Hot sauce, let me know in the comments below what other mixtures of things

I should use instead of milk on my cereal lemon juice maybe you guys seem to love my sour face

Ok now you're probably expecting my hot sauce of choice to be Da Bomb because I use it in like every video

But no, I've decided to change it up a bit. I've done Da Bomb a million times before, so today

I thought I'd test my taste buds and go with Dave's ghost pepper Naga Jolokia

hot sauce ghost pepper being infamous for being it used to be the hottest chili in the world now

I think its second hottest chili in the world even if its second hottest chili in the world

Warning! It's never good when a food product has warning on it

But you know in the world of challenge Pete warning usually means it's going to be a good video keep away from the eyes pets

And children not for people with heart slash respiratory problems also

This is a delicious addition to most any food by especially sauce, meat and ethnic foods. What cereal is not on there

Oh well first time for everything. It's also a great industrial cleaner and grease remover

Well, I know one thing's for sure it's going to industrially clean on my intestines my insides are going to become my outsides. It's also got

A nice handy little heat rating which rates it insane

Just like me! So I've got my hot sauce now I got thinking what could possibly the worst

type of cereal to mix hot sauce with

What could really absorb the hot sauce and make it like eating hot sauce soup oh?

Hot sauce soup that's another video. I did anyway. I decided to go with

Porridge! Let's not waste any more time let's cook

I wish Chef Pete was here, there should be a Chef Pete challenge Pete crossover episode

Give this video a thumbs up if you want to see a chef Pete challenge Pete crossover episode

Oh, it's got me excited! Let's weigh out the porridge

Got to do this scientifically

It's got to be perfect. No point in wasting good porridge

Very dry. Sorry if I just covered you in porridge. Let me clean you

Didn't really work. Oh damn it. I did this the wrong way round see we need chef Peter. I'm doing this completely wrong

Use 200 ml of milk or water

So obviously I'm not using milk for my for my cereal

We've got hot sauce so I'm going to mix there one hot sauce to one part water

That makes sense to make sure it actually

Works because I don't think hot sauce has the same properties as milk or water so it might not actually make the porridge

it'll make gloop, but then again that is porridge. I'm just confusing myself here. Let's get on with it one pot hot sauce one part


Let's crack open Dave's hot sauce

That's very liquidy as well, I don't like that

When I get into the process of making these things that's when it hits me that I have to start eating it in a sec

And that's when I get a little nervous

Now for the microwave

Kind of need my camera

That's what's going to be destroying my insides any minute now. I think it said stir half way through. Oh!

I forgot to put the porridge in!

I'm an idiot!

How did I forget the most important bit!?

It actually looks really nice and fluffy

That is uh... quite the smell!

I've done before I'm gonna roll the dice to see how many spoonfuls of this

hot sauce cereal slash porridge slash mush slash vomit, it looks

It looks like I've already vomited it out before I've even eaten it

it's not appetizing so I roll the dice will decide how many spoonfuls I have to do with this and

Almost forgot if I fail to do the amount of spoonfuls, I need to do all I drink milk or whatever before

Completion that I've got this to answer to I'll do a couple drops of psycho drops

killer million capsaicin extract on my tongue so that gives me the motivation to

Eat the porridge breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so I've got to eat it

Four. I'll take it

It defy gravity

That's how you know you've got quality porridge is when it defies gravity

Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave

What are you doing to me, so let me let me. Let me prepare myself mentally

It's gonna be like swallowing vomits all right, let's do it so I can get on with my day

Wow I'm tingling again, I'm getting the tingling in my ears like I always do

That hit me like a sledgehammer, I've got three more to do and then I can drink milk

Two more

My face is leaking

It wasn't that hot. Ok I got the choice of mango lassi or lyche lassi, what should I drink? I'll drink both at the same time

Dave's ghost pepper sauce

It gets my seal of approval for being hot. I'm a mess well. Thank you for watching hot sauce cereal, if you enjoyed it

Please give it a thumbs up remember what you want seen do next time subscribe for new videos every Thursday on Sunday

Thank you for watching good.

For more infomation >> I Should NOT Have Eaten This (World's Hottest Cereal) | Challenge Pete - Duration: 7:34.


Why Gucci Mane's "I Get The Bag" & Migos' "Slippery" Are Basically The Same Song | Genius News - Duration: 1:04.

Letty Martinez: Gucci Mane and Migos really know how to top themselves on the charts.

Earlier this summer, the trio's hit "Slippery" featuring Gucci Mane, peaked at No. 29 on

Billboard's Hot 100 Chart and has since gone platinum.

Then, in September, Gucci's "I Get The Bag" featuring Migos did their previous

collab one better.

This song is Gucci's biggest debut to-date.

So far it's risen to No. 22 on the Hot 100, the highest Guwop's ever risen as the lead

artist on a track.

And if the hits sound similar to you…

...that's because they really are.

Turns out "I Get The Bag" contains an interpolation of "Slippery"

And that's the Genius of Migos, they can even take their own flow and flip it and tumble it.

For more infomation >> Why Gucci Mane's "I Get The Bag" & Migos' "Slippery" Are Basically The Same Song | Genius News - Duration: 1:04.


Outlander | Season 3, Episode 5 Clip: I Want You to Go | STARZ - Duration: 2:51.

If I go...

I may never be able to come back.

It's not like an elevator,

where you can just jump on and off.

You've done it before.

But there are no guarantees.

It's possible we may never see each other again.

Can you live with that?

'Cause I don't know if I can.

To not be there to... to see you get married.

[ sighs ]

Walk you down the aisle,

or to watch you become a mother...

hold my first grandchild.

I know. It won't be easy.

But I have been trying to figure out

if I was more Randall or Fraser.

And what I realized is that I'm more you

than I am either of my fathers.

And if I can turn out to be half the woman you are,

then I'll be fine.

But I'm the one who knows you better than anyone.

You know who doesn't know me?


You owe it to him to go back,

and I want you to go.

And tell him everything.

There's something else.

What if he's forgotten me?

[ sighs ]

Or what if he doesn't love me anymore?

You told me what you felt for Jamie

was the most powerful thing you ever felt in your life.

Has that changed?


Then you have to trust it's the same for him.

You gave Jamie up for me.

Now I have to give him back to you.

[ exhales, kisses ]


For more infomation >> Outlander | Season 3, Episode 5 Clip: I Want You to Go | STARZ - Duration: 2:51.




For more infomation >> STEWIE2K HILARIOUS FAIL! KENNYS CRAZY ACE! CS:GO Twitch Clips! - Duration: 10:13.


Pennywise dances to dootmario2.mp3 - Duration: 0:23.

Eh, step right up

Cum on u no

Kime 2 doo MECHrio time


Inside... 2 MECHrio park

Doo teh Mario time



For more infomation >> Pennywise dances to dootmario2.mp3 - Duration: 0:23.


Sonic Skate-Off - Kind of a Big Deal | Delish - Duration: 5:27.

(up beat music)

- I'm kind of a big deal.

- I'm a big deal here.

- Hey, I'm kinda a big deal here.

- I'm kind of a big deal.

- Hey man, I'm kind of a big deal.

(up beat music)

- I started working at Sonic in 2011.

She asked me if I knew how to skate.

I told her I did, I lied.

I had never touched skates before.

I was falling everywhere, dropping orders.

I asked if I could take the skates home to practice.

I skated to school the next day.

Skated home from school the next day.

Skated to wrestling practice.

Skated to work, back from work, everywhere.

I had a car, I didn't even drive my car.

I just skated.

- One day my grandparents found out there was a rink

like five minutes down the street from us.

Ever since I laced up, I fell in love with it.

- I'm 24 years old, I'll be 25 in October,

so I've been skating for about 22 years.

My grandfather, he was a really big disco roller skater

and I wanted to be like him.

He passed away in 2005 and I feel like

every time I lace up my skates now,

I connect back with him.

- Me and my bet friend used to

also skate around the neighborhood.

I said, man I wanna work for Sonic,

so we can get paid for doing what we like to do for fun.

- How long have I worked at Sonic?

About a year and a half.

- Last year, I met Josh.

And I moved to his city to learn from him.

I love him to death.

I've been to a lot of performances outside of Sonic,

but Sonic is our steady thing

where we can constantly get better on the skates

because we're always on the skates.

- I spend at least nine extra hours

skating outside of Sonic,

because I also work back in my local skating ring as well.

- I always skate in Sonic.

Outside of Sonic I skate.

Every now and then, I throw on my skates even

when I'm running shifts just because

I feel like me when I'm on the skates.

- I enjoy skating because it makes other people happy.

They see me skating and they're like hey that's Tyler.

- Pick up their order, going from there

will go through weaving through the barrel madness.

(upbeat music)

- First place gets $1500, second place gets $1000,

third place gets $500.

I'm gonna win the competition because I gave it all I got.

I went out there and gave the crowd as much as I could.

Tried to get everyone hyped up as possible.

- This is the kind of stuff I've been practicing

my whole life since I turned about five years old.

- This year I studied.

Studied film, studied film like I was going to play Alabama.

When I got done I just felt so good about myself

that the energy was amazing.

- Cause I feel like I brought

a lot of enthusiasm and personality.

I just think I left it all out there.

- You can't not get hyped when the Rocket shows up

cause you know you're gonna blast off when I'm here.

Why would I win this competition?

Because I'm too energetic not to win.

But, I'm not here to win this competition.

I'm here to learn.

I just want to keep running into more skaters

so I can be one of the best skaters in this world.

(bass music)

- Like this competition is not a competition at all.

All we did while we was here was tryin'

to help each other on our freestyles.

- I love the experience

and I just can't wait to see who wins.

- It means I came a long way from where I started at Sonic.

I was kinda shy and not very bright,

but now I'm this brightful person.

I just think I'll make a lot of

people happy if I win this competition.

- Winning this competition would mean a lot to me.

But not as much to me as it would mean

to the people that support me.

It's an inspiration.

People need inspiration.

- My next step in my career move if I was to win,

to keep skating man.

To help people out when I can,

to grow the skating community.

Cause the more we grow this, the bigger it'll get.

- It'd be great to see my man, Josh, win it this year.

He's been here three years.

Last year he should have won it easily.

I look up to Josh.

Josh is my teacher, I see him as a legend.

- This is something that is gonna help me get my career

where I need it to be in the long run.

- The bronze medal goes to Devin Berry

Sedalia, Missouri ran a 38.2.

- And the silver medal goes to, Lydel Rocket Dyess.


- And now, Sonic's very best,

the winner of Sonic's Skateoff Competition gold medal.

Joshua Tucker, 4606 Dalton, Alabama.


- The more we have people roller skating,

the more we're out getting active,

the less problems we have in the world.

It helps you solve your problems.

So my next move would be to influence people to skate.

To try to get my name out there

so people can understand that rollerskating is not dead yet.

For more infomation >> Sonic Skate-Off - Kind of a Big Deal | Delish - Duration: 5:27.


[CC PT-BR] BTS as ASDFMovie - Duration: 5:17.

For more infomation >> [CC PT-BR] BTS as ASDFMovie - Duration: 5:17.


Miss Amazing: Beauty Pageant for Girls with Disabilities - Duration: 29:00.


Two, three, four.


My name is Abigail Manery. I am 17 years old.

I go to Vallivue High School, and I am gonna be a junior.

I am the 2017 Miss Amazing Teen Queen.

When I won Miss Amazing for Idaho, I began to cry on stage.

I was honestly up there saying, 'Wow, I had a good night. I'm glad I did not win.'

And then I heard my name, and, like, 'Oh, yay, I won.'

I have a developmental and cognitive disorder.

Basically, that means my brain works differently than most people.

It's changed my life. It's changed the way I speak to people.

It changed the way... I... walk.

It helps me with my self-confidence and my self-worth.

And I am hoping to be the first Idaho representative to ever win the Miss Amazing pageant.

Thank you for your time and have a good day.

And then we'll put the stuff in here.

Hey, Mom. Hey, Dad. Hi. This is my mom and this is my dad.

Hi. Hi.

'I have a really big family, but it's mainly just my dad, my mom and I.'

They are very protective because they love me

and they want me to have the best life I can ever have.

And they

treat me like I was

b-born in this family.

That was just— Show your dad your gun show.

How was your—? (GRUNTS)

How was the Y? (LAUGHS)

Besides you smashed your finger on a weight.

'Chuck and I got married when I was older. He has five children from a previous marriage.

'So we have six children.'

The peppers are going through all over. Yep. Yep.

'I was 39 when I got married, so according to my doctor, my eggs were dusty.'

And so we just decided that maybe biologically having children wasn't for us.

And then, when we heard about Abigail, it just seemed to click in my heart and in my mind.

Aw. This is you in the orphanage.

See how small you were? Yeah.

'I was born in Bulgaria, and then I had two heart surgeries.

'And then my parents couldn't afford having me, because Bulgaria's a poor country.'

So they entered me into an orphanage, where I lived there

for two years of my life.

Abigail was adopted by a couple that lived in Idaho,

and she felt that Abigail was more high-needs than they had been led to believe.

And then we were able to adopt her after that.

Yep, there you are again, way back. Aw! These aren't in order.

When she came to us, she was 6 years old. She still was on a bottle.

She was the size of a 2-year-old. She had just learned to walk and run. I mean, she didn't talk.

All of her insides are backwards.

Her heart is closer to the middle, and it's also backwards. She's had three heart surgeries.

And her intestines were also backwards, and that required surgery as well.

(LAUGHS) You decided right then you wanted to be a princess.

You ever thought back then that you'd be a Miss Amazing now?

No. No, me either.


Miss Amazing pageant is a pageant for girls with disabilities.

It's not your typical beauty pageant. It's not...

where they see how beautiful you are on the outside.

It's— They see—

It's a skills-based pageant.

The skills are interviews.

So they teach job-interviewing skills,

on-stage introduction, teach public speaking and a stage walk in gowns to build confidence.

Abigail and our family has set a goal to raise the money to get to the pageant.

And Abigail, in the process, has had to set several little goals of fundraising and doing appearances.

Going to the national pageant, for Abigail and for Chuck and I, has everything to do with

connecting with other families, letting Abigail be with other people who are like her

and making connections and making friends and just finding a community.


How do you think you wanna wear your hair at the pageant? I dunno.

One more crimp. One more crimp.

My name is McKenna.

I'm 17 years old.

You done? Yeah.

I'm the Teen Queen from Miss Amazing Georgia.

Let's practise the speech real quick for Miss Amazing, while we have a few minutes.

OK. I'll be the judge.


I like doing VibeClass and Zumba, and I work with animals, and I cheer, and I work with little kids.

Remember, you're— BOTH:, beautiful and important.

When I won Miss Amazing, I felt happy.

I was, like, so surprised that I did happy crying. And then I liked it.

Do you want half a bagel? Do you wanna split one with me? I'm good.

In my family, there's me, my mom, my dad,

and my dog and my cat.

Are we just doing stunting? What were they doing? The beginning.

The beginning of the hip-hop or the cheer? The hip-hop.

'We didn't really have a plan to have one child. That's how it happened.

'But around 10 months, my father realised that she wasn't really responding

'as quickly as a 10-month-old would.'

I guess we're done. Yeah.

'We went to a neurologist and had an EEG done, and they discovered that she has seizures.'

In the beginning, you couldn't really tell, unless you spent a lot of time with her,

that she would just kinda blank out for 30 seconds at a time, 60 seconds at a time.

As she got older, the neurologist had warned us that they could morph into different types of seizures,

where she did have a grand mal seizure when, I think, she was 3 years old.

She always has seizure activity going on in her brain,

and disruption in her thought process, which caused learning delays.

It's gonna be a good day, right? Yep. (BOTH CHUCKLE)

I think you go through a grieving process, that it's not what you pictured happening.

And then you're scared, and then I'm one that researches a lot on the internet,

so then you get more scared.

You just come to a point, well, we're gonna work with what the situation is,

and we'll make sure she gets the best care possible

and make sure that she can do all the activities she wants to do.



Shake it, girl. (BOTH LAUGH)

'We've been doing a lot of prep work for Miss Amazing,

'practising her talent, which is a hip-hop dance.

'Trying to do it once a day, when she feels like it.'

'She's more spur-of-the-moment; she might practise it five times in a row one day.'

Put some more oomph into it.

'I hope that I can win Miss Amazing to go on the next stage, so I can help people.

'It's about, like, kids with disability, like me.

'Like, if kids are, like, feeling lonely, then I help them.'

I really wanna make a difference in the world, from, like, if people are sad, then I make them happy.

We'll practise some more so we have it down pat for Miss Amazing, OK? High five.

This is the stairs. Now I'm gonna come and show you my room.

Abigail has an attachment disorder. If you want to see my room.

For six months prior to actually moving in with us,

her other family had her staying with a family friend. So we're her fifth placement.

And this is my room, and— Oh.

This is my cat, named Noel.

(MEOWS) Don't bite me!

When she first moved into us, all day long, 'I'm your baby. Yes, I'm your baby.'

'You're my mom.' 'Yes, I'm your mom.'

I feel that I have to work really hard to please everyone here,

because I've been bouncing back from house to house to house,

and I'm just afraid that if I mess up, then

I would be kicked out on the kerb.

Oh, I love you, little one.

When she would get in trouble as a child, there would be a look that would come into her eyes

and a look on her face that broke my heart.

It was not the same experience as a typical child would, where, 'Oh, I made a mistake.

'I get to clean it up.' It almost felt like, in her mind,

she was thinking, 'Oh, this is it. This is the last straw. I'm out of here.'

We try to help her see that, 'Whatever you do, we're gonna hug you

'and we're gonna snuggle you and we're gonna say, "I love you,"

'and you're gonna get up the next morning, and you're still gonna be in our house.'


I really love my family.

My parents are my heroes, and they help me with the big stuff like the Miss Amazing pageant.


So, this is the first dress I wore doing the pageant — doing the Idaho pageant.

We got this all the way in Utah.

We couldn't find a dress that either fit me or a dress that... was a little more modest.

I want it to be modest.

OK, well, you know, I'm not used to looking at these dresses,

so I'm not really sure what we're looking for, but we'll see what we can find.

With the princess style, this might look really good, because it's shorter.

What about something like that? Or is that too much?

I think the slit alone is taller than Abby. (LAUGHS)


I like that one. We'll need to work on the spin, but that one's kinda cute, isn't it?

Yeah, and— Oh. I like it.

So, I have a scar — my three heart surgeries.

The reason why I'm so insecure is cos people ask me, 'Why do you have a scar?'

And I don't really like answering, because then they would be like,

'Ha-ha-ha!' And they would just make fun of me.

See what we think in the mirrors. 'Abby has multiple medical issues.'

In a heartbeat, Abby's intestines can twist.

And we have been told that if they twist, she will throw up multiple times

or it will throw up green, and we have six hours to get her into a children's hospital and treat it,

or she'll die.

'On a daily basis, we're checking in with her eating, her fluid intake,

'her heart rate; are her lips turning blue?

'I don't think we live in fear, but it's definitely constantly in the back of our minds.'

Mm-hm. Do another spin.



Go around.

Gun it.

So, make sure you keep your eyes on the road at all times, all right?

'She's not able to get a licence to drive a regular car now, but she knows how to drive.

'It gives her a little bit of independence, and she doesn't feel left out. She's still driving.

'And every time we go to the beach, she drives us everywhere in this thing.'

All right, so, stop at the stop sign.


OK, look both ways.

You're good to go.

Watch me turn here.

MAUREEN: I would like McKenna to be as independent as possible.

I think it's important to let her know what's out there, to expose her to a lot of different things.

We try to travel, and we also stress to her it's important to give back to the community.

She volunteers at church with other kids with disabilities that are younger than her.

Let's go past Miss Deborah's house, and let's go down all the way to the other side.

I've always felt like friendships are very important. I have a close group of friends.

And I knew that would be important for her.

And it's very difficult, I think, for special-needs children to connect.

And I think activities are important, and to be aware of the activities.

All right, forward rolls down the mat, OK?


Georgia All Stars has been a blessing to us.

The parents that are involved in this particular gym are so supportive.

We're all kind of on the same page. Great resources for each other — that's so important.

Exchanging information when the school year rolls around.

I'm one of the ringleaders, I guess, for the men that go to these cheer competitions.

And I never thought I'd be going to cheer competitions, but here I am.

They practise throughout the year, and they have a couple of national competitions —

one of the largest in the world, which is called Cheersport.

Clap — one, two. Bend—


Step in. One foot. There you go. And another foot.

Come on, lift yourself up. I can't lift you.

Good job. Stand up. Stand up. It's OK. Stand up.

All right, stand up.

You got it. Very good.

Good job!

I'm free!

Bring his feet down. OK. There you go.

They are my family. They are really my closest friends here.

My support system, people to cry to, people to laugh with, people to go out with. It's been great.





I love animals, cos they're really nice to me and they... they don't judge you at all.

Animals, also, I don't have to be afraid to be myself.

I can just be myself.

And they don't mock me.

Oh, you like it right there, huh?

READS: I know it can be difficult to be friends with someone who's different.

They may not always understand what you are saying. We may not always

be able to follow the conversation.

We may have funny behaviour, such as weird head movements,

talking to themselves, saying the same thing over and over again, talking loudly,

not being able to say words correctly.

I spend a lot of time alone.

I don't get invited to parties.

I don't get to go to movies with my friends, to just hang out.


Abigail has been teased and bullied and made fun of

her entire school life.

She has a couple of behaviours from being in an orphanage that are part of her development,

that she will always do, and one of them is a head movement like this, and it happens;

she can't control it; she doesn't know she's doing it. It's just a part of her, as breathing is.

But that's been a big source of kids making fun of her.

They have teased her for her small size.

They'd say the most horrible things to her, and Abigail would come just home crying.


This year she texted me. She said, 'I was doing fine until they started throwing things at my head in math.'

And then I had a complete meltdown, and I left work immediately and went to school.

And I remember thinking the whole way there that Abigail is such an amazing young woman

who is working her butt off at everything they do,

and those kids are throwing things at her head in a classroom.

And then I got to the school, and when she saw me, she just fell into my arms just sobbing,

and that's where she shared that they had been doing that basically all year.

I don't like the students because there are some students that bully me

and it just wasn't as fun going to school.

And,... yeah.

I keep it a secret from my parents cos I'm a people pleaser

and I don't want those kids to hate my guts.

And it just breaks my heart.

I... It would mean the world to me if Abigail had...

just even one person.... that wanted to hang out with her.

DIRECTOR: How many friends have you got, Abigail?

I don't know.

Not many.


I can't even walk in a straight line.


All right. Let's go.

We're gonna party! Time to party. Come on.

Hi, Ashley! Hi! (LAUGHS)

Lookit — I'm hooked up to a mic.

Hey! Come on in, guys.

Hi. Hey, how are ya?

I dunno why I plonked the sandwiches in the middle there.

Well, thank you guys for all coming. Thank you.

Here, I'll blow it. Oh my gosh!

# Happy birthday, dear McKenna.

GIRL: McKenna! # Happy birthday...

To you! # you. #


Make a wish. Yeah!


I have 10 best friends.

My favourite things to do is hang out with my friends, go underwater with them, and hanging out.


DIRECTOR: If you could have one thing in the whole world, McKenna, what would that one thing be?

My friends. Yeah.

Miss Amazing is awesome, because, like, I get to meet friends in there.

Like, if they kids don't have any friends, then I can be their friend.

And then... And then I can, like, help them.

McKenna heard about an opportunity from Miss Amazing to reach out to other girls in other states

that have won the pageant in her category.

She found a girl named Abigail, who lives in Idaho,

which she had to look up on a map — she did not know where it was — so that's exciting in itself.

Hey, Pea. Hey.

Oh, I wanted to write a letter to Abigail. That sounds good.

'I decided to write a letter to Abigail cos I wanted to be her friend.'

What do you wanna tell her? I can't wait to see you. That sounds good.

'Because I know she didn't have any friends, and I wanna be her pen pal.'

Love, McKenna. There.


Have you been practising? What? Your trumpet.

Yeah, I have.

So you did what Mr Adamson's asked you to do? Yeah.

OK, good.


When we heard about the Miss Amazing pageant, we had no idea what it was, so we went, and...

it immediately felt safe.

Try it with the click. (CLICK TRACK PLAYS)

One, two, ready and go.


They were all sharing their talents, and then they were looking beautiful, and they all got a crown,

and they all were able to feel special for one day,

and, yes, I wanted so much for that, for Abigail to have that day

where she just got to go hang out with a bunch of girls,

learning about doing hair and just getting a buddy and meeting different girls.


You were awesome! You did so good. I'm so proud of you.

I can tell; I made you cry. Yes, you did make my— You did make me cry.

Beauty is just about bringing out your talents,

because there are some people that are really beautiful at singing.

When I sing, I sound like a dying walrus.

SINGS BROKENLY: # ...victory march. It's a cold and it's a broken hallelujah.

# Hallelujah. #

What I like about having a job is

I am learning how to

put things away, and I'm learning how to organise.

Not only that, but I'm learning how to stay on task

and be able to do the things

that I will do at the job I want.

It's really fun.

It's really fun being able to earn my own money

and to be able to

do what I'm supposed to do and pay my own bills.

Abigail is 17. She should be a senior, but she will just be a junior next year.

In school, she has an individual education plan, where she got some accommodations to help her.

She is allowed extra time, because her brain does process things a little slower.

And your total is gonna be $21.20, please. All right.

Thank you so very much.

Our neuropsychologist told us that her IQ number will never change,

but her ability to function, to grow and to manage life is unlimited.

And a big part of what we're doing now, as Abby's getting ready to turn 18,

is teaching her how to advocate for herself.

Here I am, sitting in a car, wanting to bite my nails,

cos Abigail is inside the store, doing fundraising all by herself.

I have total confidence in her, but it is a little nerve-racking just sitting here waiting.

Hello. Is the manager or owner here today? Um, I can speak to you there.

I'm Abigail Manery.

I am the 2017 Miss Amazing Teen Queen.

I was wondering if you would like to help fundraise so then I could go to Chicago.

OK. Well, we actually don't do a lot of sponsorship type of thing,

but I really would like to do something for you, and I hope it helps you out.

Well, thank you. We can give you a gift certificate.

I hope that can help you out one way or the other.

Well, it was very nice meeting you, and thank you for your time.

Thank you for coming in, and good luck, OK?

Thank you. Have a nice day. You too, ma'am.

I see the fundraising as being a way for Abigail to learn how to approach people she doesn't know,

to learn how to handshake, eye contact when talking to people,

and as a way to say, 'Hey, this is what's going on. This is what I need. How can you help?'

Hello. Hello. Is the manager here today?

Yes, that's me. I'm David Wood. How are you? I'm doing well, thank you.

And yourself? I'm doing great today. Good.

'Before Miss Amazing, I did not do any public speaking. I did it all afterwards.'

So then, cos the public speaking mainly helped, so I could...

feel more confident in my speaking, and it helped me so I could

fundraise some money, so I could go up to Chicago.

I was wondering if you'd be willing

to support me

so that I could go to Chicago.

And... if I win, I'd be the first Idaho representative to win.

I would love to go ahead and donate. Could I give you $50 donation? Would that be OK?

That would be amazing. Thank you. OK.

And I hope you have a nice day. OK. Thank you. We'll see you later. See ya. And thank you.

Uh-huh. Bye-bye. Bye.

Yeah. How are we gonna do in here?


Are you thinking short or long? Both.

OK, yeah, we can try both. Yeah. (LAUGHS)


Beautiful, like a princess.

I think she'll be happy for anyone who wins.

I mean, I'm her mom; of course I would love for her to win.

I think she has a great platform that she could share with people if she does win.


Even if she doesn't, I think this has brought a comfort level to her that she can share a message.

I wanna public-speak with my friends.

My tag line is, 'Smart, beautiful and important.

'And don't forget it.'



I got a letter from another contestant, and now I'm writing back to her.

McKenna lives in Georgia, and she wrote to me from Georgia.

And I'm gonna be able to meet her in August in Chicago.

Yes, it makes me super excited,

cos then I can make a new best friend.

I'm really excited to meet Abigail in Chicago,

and I'm really happy that I get to be her friend.

DIRECTOR: And what are you saying there in the letter?

READS: Happy birthday.

I can't wait to meet you in person.

I hope that you have a good 17th birthday.

You are the bomb. Love, Abby.


Yay! We're off to Chicago! Whoo! (APPLAUSE)


(GASPS) McKenna!


My name is McKenna Brooks. I am 17 years old.

My favourite hobbies are cheerleading, and I do Zumba.



Ladies and gentlemen, put your hands together for your 2017 National Miss Amazing Teen Queen.

For more infomation >> Miss Amazing: Beauty Pageant for Girls with Disabilities - Duration: 29:00.


Bill Wiese - 23 Minutes in Hell - Duration: 28:19.

Welcome to this edition of prophecy in the news I'm

your host Kevin Clarkson And I want to thank you

for joining us today we have a fascinating show

and one to follow this up really want to ask you the

question what do you believe about hell the

Bible speaks of it Christ spoke of it more than

anyone many people today say that this is hell here

on Earth there are skeptics even within

Theological Seminary who deny its existence and

call it a holdover from a devious ideas we're going

to explore today with a man who was given a vision

he says by the Lord that corroborates what the

Scripture teaches about the subject of hell our

guest today is Bill Wiese and Bill was a realist or

and a business man in that sense and God really did

something amazing in his life some years ago he

wrote a book called The twenty three minutes and

Hell he may be familiar with it and we're

celebrating the tenth anniversary of it this

year it sold a multimillion copies and

Bill welcome to profit in the news thank you past

have an honor to be with you thanks for having me

well it's good to be with you I like to often just

have a good time and joke around but when I get to

this topic there's just a sense of a a sudden

heaviness and seriousness that comes upon me yeah it

does bring that out and it should be because it's

such a serious decision you know if people could

get a glimpse of how for even five seconds they

would realize how severe it is and.

I understand you have to make the decision now

while you're alive to to avoid this horrible place

called Hell it's really real just like Jesus

talked about where you were more than a five

second view you titled your book twenty three

minutes you want to tell us about really the

experience out of which this whole thing was

brought to the fore in your life yes.

You know I've never studied the topic of hell

before this I was a Christian at that point

for twenty eight years this happen November

twenty third one thousand nine hundred eight and my

wife and I attended a prayer meeting that we

tended every Sunday night came home like any other

normal night.

And at like I said I had never studied the topic of

hell at that time I had never gone the dark movies

I've never drank and never taken drugs and I never

had a vision before so not what candidate for this

guy the things that were not me and I was

conservative person I was not given over to things

like that but yet I got up at three o'clock in the

morning to get a glass of water

and passed it haven't suddenly I was pulled out

of my body like being drawn up out of your body

and I found myself falling through the air down this

long tunnel and it was getting hotter and hotter

and I entered this open cavern like area and I

landed on an actual stone floor in a prison cell in

hell you're awake or your i was away away while I

had walked to the living room and I saw my body

fall to the floor so this was not a near death

experience this was an out of body experience that

would be classified as a vision in the Bible

remembrance and Corinthians twelve wanted

to Paul when he was caught up in heaven in a vision

he said whether in the body or out of the body he

did know and he saw the third heaven right and yes

he doesn't know why did you know right alive or

dead and but the largest happen to give me a

glimpse and I saw my body lying on the floor so

and in a vision you can actually travel like Paul

and John actually traveled to heaven in the vision in

their spirit bodies First Corinthians fifteen forty

four talks about a natural body in a spirit body and

is equal Chapter eight he was picked up by his hair

Was carried from Babylon to do so in a vision so

you can travel in a vision and that's what this was

and job seven fourteen says You scare me with

dreams and terrify me through visions

and Isaiah twenty one two he was given a grevious

vision so you can have a grevious terrifying vision

I remember Jeremiah had a vision was exhausted with

over and to Daniel was terrified that's right


So so this was just a vision and but it changed

my life this vision and so but when I first came to

in this prison cell I wondered how do I get here

why am I here but the first thing I noticed

faster was the intense heat it was so far beyond

the ability to sustain life I wondered how could

I be alive in this place

and lying face down on the floor in this prison cell

there scripture for everything I'm saying it's

in our book that's what's important for people to

believe not my experience surely that's just the

Word of God I'm just a signpost pointing to the

Scriptures but there was I was in this prison cell

and I noticed I had no physical strength in my

body whatsoever you're completely void of

physical strength and help and I say fourteen nine

and ten points out and Psalms eighty eight for

them I would you describe it like being just like as

live as a rag or just you know if you ever had the

flu or had a flu and you felt weak like a thousand

times worse and that OK and it made me to even

move right any movement took tremendous effort but

Seven hundred twenty eight says in Him Christ we live

and move and have our being so even movement

comes from God It's not automatic

but let's leave me to think that maybe in the

situation of hell there's a lesser.

It gets a qualitative a lesser presence of God but

there's less awareness of that.

You know what I'm trying to say yeah yeah suddenly

God is there but it's in a diminished capacity

obviously All right the way the Saints will enjoy

No His attributes and goodness are withdrawn

from hell and.

I observe these there were demons in the cell reptile

ish in appearance bumps in scales all over the one's

body they were pacing in the cell like a vicious

caged animal and they had a rule for extremely

ferocious demeanor about them and they were

blasting and cursing God then extreme hatred for

God then they directed at hatred they had for God

towards me I wonder why what have I done to them

but this one demon picked me up threw me into the

wall this prison cell I collapsed on the floor or.

Why am I living through this I should be dead the

other demon picking up dockets cause my chest

just tore the flesh open this is actually happening

to me and again I could believe I was surviving

this why am i still alive

but I ask just for clarification for our

viewers when you are already a believer in

Christ I was a believer for twenty eight years

that time yeah because you'd been to a Bible

study and prayer meeting that LIDAR dry day so are

you going around your mind Lord have you forsaken me

now because one thing I the LORD blocked it for my

mind that I was a Christian OK he hid that

fact from me and it was just your full awareness

of experiencing is right that was your total

attention right the reason he did that was like

seeing Luke twenty four sixteen when Jesus

appeared to disciples on the road to a mass It says

their eyes were holden that they should not know


well the Lord blinded them from who it was he had

that fact from them so he hid this fact from me and

I was a Christian for this reason I see follows there

is a Christian which I was

but I didn't realize I would have known praise

God he's getting out of here right right

but he wanted me to experience what they feel

as a lost person would the lot the hopelessness so in

the sense you were standing in their shoes

right right and all in the hope of what about a word

that is right

and that's the part the worst part of how is

understanding you'll never get out of this place see

that we don't understand what it's like to be

hopeless you know it's life because even if your

situation is so painful you can die to get out of

it but how you have the understanding there's no

one going to come rescue you not ever going to get

out of this place and that really is the worst part

of understanding that you're not going to get

out and we are certainly not Catholic in our

theology but I've never forgotten.

Dante wrote the vision of the writer and oh

and I remember as he entered course above it

said Abandon hope all right he winter here right

what what what exactly are five thought with no hope

I say if the.

Thirty eight eighteen says those who go down the pit

cannot hope for the truth

and we know Jesus said I am the Way the Truth and

Life they have no hope for him because too late.

And anyway as I was observing all this I

noticed I had a body Matthew ten twenty eight

talks about a body and Luke sixteen the rich man

number he wanted a drop of water to move his tongue

he could speak yet eyes to let you have a body and

all these are says they gnash their teeth Right

exactly so but this body was stored with stands

these torments that I know something there was no

blood or water coming from the wounds that the demon


but Leviticus seventeen eleven says the life of

the flesh is in the blood Well there's no life in

house there's no blood.

That's interesting I thought that is it there's

no water in hell there is no these demons have no

mercy over you whatsoever they have an extreme

hatred for mankind about this time pastor it went

dark and I believe it was God's presence there too

illuminated so I could see but then he would drew his


and it was absolute pitch black darkness I mean you

cannot see a hand in front of your face Lamentations

three six says

he has set me in dark places as they the be dead

of old Jude thirteen mentions blackness of

darkness forever the mist of darkness right and I

was taken out of this prison cell pastor sitting

next to this big pit a fire as a lord I observed

it was about a mile across with literal flames raging

high up in this open cavern and it wasn't

metaphorical fire it was real literal fire I felt

the heat I saw the flames but more importantly it's

what the scripture says you know Psalms eleven six

says upon the wicked he will rain fire and

brimstone a horrible tempest in Matthew

thirteen forty nine mentions the angel sever

the wicked majestic cast away get in a furnace of


but this is where I could first see people inside

this pit there were literally thousands of

people inside this pit burning screaming and it's

a most awful thing to see a person on fire and

they're being shot by.

Back in this pit by demons The screams are so loud

and deafening you want to get away from the screams

but you have to endure that for all eternity the

loudness of people in agony the stench in hell

is so foul and putrid the worst like the worst open

sewers you can ever imagine

and the smell of the demons have a disgusting

order to them remember Jesus rebuked the foul

spirits twenty five years and the smell of it smell

like burning flesh and burning software

and if you go to Hawaii to the volcano They have

signs posted where you cannot go past a certain

point because the toxicity of the software coming up

it's called software dioxide you breathe it

it's toxic it will kill you well will Soffer just

another word for brimstone or Brimstone is all

through the Bible yes you're breathing in this

foul putrid disgusting air that you don't want to

breed but it's even worse than that because there's

not enough air to breathe in hell you have to fight

for even the tiniest bit of oxygen in hell and you

deny that so any moment you feel like you're going

to suffocate

but you know Isaiah forty two five says the Lord

gives breath to the people upon the earth you're not

upon the earth you're down deep beneath the earth

and that's another thing I understood I was down deep

beneath the earth I descended to get there I

ascended when I left but more importantly there's

forty nine verses of talk about where the current


or Sheol is located the pit young Zico twenty six

twenty number sixteen thirty two and thirty

three very clear down deep in the earth but I

understood that I also understood there were

different levels of torment and degrees of

punishment Remember Jesus said Matthew twenty three

fourteen you sever see the greater damnation and for

us a letter right in their hypocrisy right inferring

there's a lesser damnation Our Matthew Chance if

Teenie said It shall be more tolerable for Saddam

a bore in their judgment than for that city and

frame is a lesson tolerable for Hebrews ten

twenty eight says and how much worse than the

punishment suppose it shall be for you you who

have trodden under foot the Son of God there's a

worse punishment but my point is there is no

tolerable level in hell any level is horrendous.

Are beyond what you can imagine you don't get to

be with people even though I saw all those people I

saw people in the pit burning they're kept at a

distance from each other isolations you never have

any conversation with anyone your complete

isolation you're just by yourself

and you know you have your full memory just like Luke

sixteen a rich man remembered his brother's

live remember my wife I thought about my wife I'm

on the earth I thought I'll never to see her

again on never be out to say goodbye to her.

And you don't realize where tormenting thought

that is you have no finality with your family

with your loved ones

and they don't realize that you still still exist

you're just down deep in the earth I'm here an

enormous regret as you say that right at the feeling


No hope but also right for a label to go back and do

anything well just to be on not have any finality

would to say goodbye to your family and you close

a people did that any closure that you don't

realize how tormenting that is and you understand

when you're in held his job seven once he goes

down the she'll she'll come up no more you have

that understanding you're not going to get out you

can't say goodbye to anyone and to see Death

does not mean cease to exist death means

separation from God You still exist you're just

down deep in your well I do want to get to some

other questions that spring out of this but

quickly how did this experience come to a

conclusion that that day well as I was observing

all this for maggots and snakes and torment and so

forth I began being lifted up this dark tunnel

and in the midst of this darkness pastor suddenly

this bright light appeared.

And I knew immediately who was there was no doubt my

mind I didn't see his face I just saw the outline of

a man standing in a bright pure holy light and I just

called out his name I just said Jesus.

And he said I am.

And what I shal features just just just exactly why

behind right right now.

He said I am I passed out I went out I can explain

it to Revelation one sixteen when John saw him

he said his countenance was bright as a sign it

was a dead man and I felt his death

but he touched me I came to and it hit me so

strongly at his feet that if he would have gone to

the cross I would be in that place for all


I was so grateful for the cross What a day away for

what's right and that's the whole thing and then

he answered some thoughts that I had and so forth

and but the thing that he pointed out to me that I

was allowed to feel was a piece of his heart

when we went above the earth in this whirlwind

tunnel we came out of hell and he.

Turn around and look back and people are falling one

after another after night back down into hell

and he actually wept when he saw people falling into


and he allowed me to feel peace of his heart how

much he loves people the anguish he feels for a

soul falling into hell

he doesn't want one person to go there and he

actually went back couldn't stand even feel a

piece of the love he has for people you know fees

are one thousand census love passes knowledge he

doesn't want to see anybody go to hell but

because he loves man he gives in that free will to

choose right.

Such powerful experience bill coming years ago with

no November twenty third one thousand nine hundred

eight OK So about one thousand years ago when

we're talking with the always and he's the author

of twenty three minutes in hell this book has been

out for ten years this marks the ten year

anniversary of it it's a multimillion bestseller

It's a drawing a lot of attention we're going to

address some questions in a minute you may have

about why would you have an experience like this

why isn't the Bible up Didn't Jesus say that you

know he told the rich man inhale that they have the

scriptures Moses in the broth It's why would this

happen and there's this counter of the Bible or

what are we to make of this we're going to be

addressing those questions in a in a moment but I

really think you'd like to have a copy and if you got

this ten years ago there been an expansion made and

did you say four new chapters or a chapter new


There this is available as always of the eight

hundred number on your screen or going to our

website at prophecy in the News dot com Go to our

bookstore or call the number in our helpful

staff will be there to help place your order this

is fifty ninety five plus shipping and handling and

I really do believe for a lot of people this could

be a great eye opener not just for people that are

lost I understand that they may have some fear

inside and a surface skepticism a kind of

bravado but also the true skepticism as you found

pressure within the church correct Tell me about that

well a lot of Christians actually don't that's one

of the things the Lord said to me many people do

not believe in how

and he said even some miles my own people do not

believe how is real which that statement surprised

me I thought all Christians believe in how

we found out since many Christians believe in

annihilationism that's a teaching us says if you

deny Jesus you simply cease to exist

or universalism that's a teaching that believes had

no matter what you believe eventually everyone will

make it heaven

not a false teaching or soul sleep so the Lord

just want to me to point people to the Scriptures a

myth and by those be persuaded you tell me I

believe that you have a rather one hundred fifty

verses that scripture cooperates what you saw

exactly and that's what's important for them to

believe let's let's think about that a moment I know

that you go rather than are able to give talks and

presentations of your experience and sometimes

you put it aside another Pastor Don Jones who had

ninety minutes in heaven now done hyper I'm sorry I

said done Joe.

Forgive me.

But but that's quite an intriguing thing but you

said as you've done this and traveled all over the


That you've opened it up for questions in you begin

to notice a pattern that there are like ten of the

top most common

questions would you write would you tell us kind of

what you encounter in that room and how you deal with


Yes sure one of the top questions is and this is

usually from this is from an unsaved person number

one is you know if God so loving and so good how can

he send a good person to hell

and I explain one number one God doesn't send

anybody to hell it's our own words that condemn as

Jesus said Matthew twelve thirty seven your own

words will condemn you because he said in

Revelation twenty one eight he said all

unbelievers shall have their partner like a fire

so there's a warning he gave us a warning if you

don't believe the Word of God you'll end up in a

lake of fire

but people say I don't believe the Bible that's

why he could say your own words of condemning he's

not sending anyone but number two they base it on

being good they think that have a good person good

person but they don't understand that it's not

our standard of good it's God's standard of good and

James two ten says if we found his law and one

point were guilty of all if we lie once if we steal

one thing if we have one last Will thought that the

same as committing adultery said and that's

just three the Ten Commandments so for going

to be judged by that standard of good would we

be guilty or innocent there's even a scripture

in Proverbs twenty four nine that says even the

thought of bullishness is a sin

void one full of so that's a pretty high standard so

none of us can stand before a holy God say I'm

pretty good job fifteen sixteen says man is so

filthy he drinks iniquity like water so our standard

of God and gods are two different things thank God

that is not based on being good because none of us

would not be righteous nose on righteous as not

well and good right and sometimes an analogy would

help people understand this because they still

struggle over this good but if you went and found

the most expensive home in the country knocked on

their door and said Scuse me but I'm moving in with

you because I'm a good person I think people

would say no right you don't know them you have

no relationship with them yet people go through

their whole life they have nothing to do with God

They deny Jesus is a Son of God which he said is

the only way to his house then at the end of a their

life they knock on his door demand I live there

because they're good what does good have to do with

it you don't have a relationship with him.

See God offers to be people's father throughout

their whole life

but they push him away see God as their He's not he's

their creator he's not their father to the invite

in Jesus or savior exactly then he becomes their

father now we have the privilege of living at his

house so see good won't get you into heaven it's

not based on being good it's based on a

relationship with Jesus Christ So that's number

one so other people have asked you know why does OK

seventy or eighty years of sin why does that deserve

an eternity of punishment couldn't God let someone

out after a while

but see times are wrong premise.

It's not based on time and again it's based on

relationship because our time spent in hell would

represent works I paid my five hundred years in hell

I paid off my sin right then you're saying I paid

for my sin and were saved by grace not by works of

facing to eight nine says So those are some are and

other reason is our time is not valuable enough to

pay for since only the shed blood of Jesus can

pay for cents in Hebrews nine twenty two says

without the shedding of blood there is no

remission of sins so again our time is not valuable

enough to pay for this and so time is the whole wrong


but another reason is we have to understand that

who were sinning against There you go and Thomas

Aquinas pointed this out he said the higher the

position the one sinned against the grave or the

sense in other words if I lied to you would be wrong

but if I lie to the Supreme Court it be worse

because of their position if I punch you in the

stomach at the wrong but if I punch my mother in

the stomach that be far worse because of her

position God is infinitely greater in position

but he's also infinitely greater in being if I step

on a bug and kill it no big deal even though it's

life but if I kill a dog or cat that's worse that's

deserving of some kind of punishment yet if I kill a

human being that's far worse deserving a much

greater punishment and we've sinned against a

holy omnipotent perfect eternal God.

Therefore our sin against him is deserving of

eternal punishment

and that's why it took an eternal god to pay for our

eternally deserve sent.

To get explained so Stan who they're sinning

against it's not just a human being we're sinning

against a holy

omnipotent perfect God

and I know that probably one of the other questions

surely within the top ten would be would ask you

about the people that die without hearing the Gospel

right right person remote jungle ever heard the


but you know first John five thousand nine hundred

says the whole world lies in wickedness That's the

whole world and Psalms nine seventeen said the

wicked shall be turned into hell and all nations

that forget God then X.

Seven hundred thirty says God commands all men

everywhere to repent all men everywhere have to

repent and in first John four three says every soul

that confesses not that Jesus Christ is come in

the flesh.

Is condemned so we all every single person has to


and has to believe in Jesus Christ as their Lord

Savior John a twenty four he said if you die in your

sins you a book you are dying your sins if you

believe not that I am he if we dine or sins we

cannot enter heaven so what seed God will get

through that person in the remote jungle that's going

to ask you that were right but but how is it fair if

they never heard well because Romans one number

one hold man accountable because of creation you

know the evidence of design is all around us

the human by how well it's made a baby being born the

plant life the animal kingdom it shows design

that points to a designer so God says I hold you

accountable just because a design is overwhelming Lee

evident all around you so if that person in the

remote jungle will look and say there must be a

creator that made all this and shows just an ounce of

humility and says Who are you God will God will then

find a way to get to that person there's

missionaries that are sent there there's Bibles or

churches everywhere there's T.


Radio Internet also there.

Description job thirty three that says he even

gives man dreams and visions to keep back his

soul from the pit so that person in the jungle he

will give them a dream or vision or get a missionary

across our path or more Bible in their hand to

show them the way of salvation we've heard it

I'm sure you have to in your circles incredible

and it dotes of people who were just what you

described and God got the gospel to them exactly he

really did and to some little bit humility I

think he will be maybe the word because you know

Romans one says that they.

They did not acknowledging this God knew they were

thankful that's right and and humility the opposite

of that right and it says A Romans one that they

push him away exactly there's nobody in hell

unjustly That's right people know what they're

doing they're pushing got away in Sanaa I don't want

you in my life and then you know I don't want to

go too far into this but you know there is there is

for us as believers in the character of God You've

already referenced the fact that there are

degrees of punishment and certainly if you're

someone who's never heard this consigned to

separation from God forever

but they were like say the Pharaoh sees who stand so

close to the law right that right that's what's

really bad right right their condemnation with

was greater Exactly and so I'm not lessening the

torments of hell right but God is a just God right so

there will be lesser degrees of punishment and

suffering and different levels of hell our time is

just collapsing like this I want to disco on and

we're going to do another show but we're really

going to go off of this on to your other book about

what happens when I die but maybe we can revisit

some of the thoughts just really quickly you shared

you weren't seeking such a vision you really wish to

God It kind of left you alone now and then you

just got shared a Bible study and things took off

from there more people wanted to hear your story

until it ultimately resulted after seven years

in the publication of the book and and all but you

mentioned he's a famous lay preacher a Baptist.

Tinkerer in England John Bunyan and you said you

discovered he had.

Heaven and Hell that he wrote about and much of it

paralleled you're right you got to be quick with

him we know he wrote the programs progress

but he also wrote a book called Visions of heaven

and hell were God showed him how he saw the exact

same things I saw and much more I did know about his

book too after I wrote mine but he's considered

very credible by even the can conserve of scholars

Yes visions of Heaven and Hell check that out well

could you in about a minute's time take this to

a point of war we do with lives like you would end

at a church service where yes.

You know if you don't know Jesus Christ as your Lord

and Savior This is the only way you can be saved

Jesus said John fourteen six I am the Way the Truth

and the life no man comes on to the Father but by me

he is the only way he loves you he gave his life

for you died on a cross and in Revelation twenty

fifteen says Whosoever was not found written in the

Book of Life was cast in a lake of fire he has a book

and you can be assured your name is put in his

book if you would just say this prayer if you're

willing to do this you can enter heaven just say dear

God in heaven I know I have sinned and I cannot

save myself I believe you sent your son Jesus to die

on across from me and he was crucified died and was


and rose again from the dead I ask you to forgive

me my sins I'm sorry I repent come into my life I

receive you as my Lord and Savior thank you for

saving me thank you for taking me to heaven.

In Jesus name amen thank you our guest has been

Bill Wiese we will be seeing you in the next

show as we follow up with him until then we're going

to keep looking up.

For more infomation >> Bill Wiese - 23 Minutes in Hell - Duration: 28:19.


Voices: Living with Schizophrenia | WebMD - Duration: 9:48.




I'm Michele Hammer

and I have schizophrenia.

Schizophrenia is

a mental illness that changes

the way you think, feel,

and act.

It's broken down into three

separate categories,

positive, negative,

and cognitive.

Positive symptoms don't mean

they're a good thing.

It's an add-on

to your normal behavior, things

like hallucinations, delusions,

and voices.

SPEAKER 1: You know, I had

so many ghosts and shadows

inside of my mind.

SPEAKER 2: A demon was perching

on the end of my bed.


Negative symptoms take away

from your behavior.

SPEAKER 3: I showed no emotion

and I was just totally

out of it.


symptoms make it hard to pay

attention and hard to focus.

SPEAKER 4: Your brain is just


It can't stop.

SPEAKER 5: The pathology

of these illnesses

has only become recently


MICHELLE HAMMER: Schizophrenia's

different for everyone.

My symptoms aren't like

everybody else's.

My first symptom

of schizophrenia was pretty much

just zoning out, thinking I was

in a different place.

Then, it turned into kind

of voices in my head.

They just plagued me over

and over again.

I thought my mother was trying

to hurt me.

I didn't know what to do

about anything, because I

thought everyone had it

out for me.

So I didn't know who to go to

for help.

Sometimes I kind of hear a voice

more coming from the right side

of my head saying, like--

Everyone hates you.

Stop what you're doing.

Don't do anything.


While there's kind

of like the other side of me

that's kind of arguing back

with the voice.

Don't worry about anything.


Just chill.



Just chill.

You can get through it.

And it's kind of just

like the thing is who's gonna

win, who's gonna win,

who's gonna win.

When I take my medicine,

the good side wins.

I mean, living in the city

and having schizophrenia

is interesting, just because I

do hear voices as I'm walking

down the street.

So in my head I'm thinking

of the person talking to me.

But then, I start talking back

to the person.

And then, maybe I'll snap out

of it, look around,

and like five people are staring

at me.

But mostly I kind of just

get plagued by thoughts that are

just so repetitive in my head

and they just go around

over and over and over again,

when really you just want them

to be nice and quiet and silent.

All through high school,

I had this really crazy

paranoid delusion that my mother

was trying to kill me.

Every time she went to try

to get me to a therapist

or anything,

because she knew something

wasn't right, I always thought

she was trying to ruin my life.

So when I went to college,

I thought I was free of her.

And everything was great.

And then, all of a sudden,

my best friend, my roommate, I

started thinking

the exact same things about her.

So realizing that I had

the problem was, like, the start

of the entire thing.

And that was the hardest thing

to do, I think, realizing there

was a problem.

At 18, I was told I was bipolar.

But I kind of

knew that diagnosis was


So at 22,

I spoke to a different doctor.

And I was more honest with him

and he diagnosed me

with schizophrenia.

And that was like the best thing

that ever happened to me,

because he got me

on the right medication

and I feel as good as I can

possibly feel right now.

SPEAKER 2: I finally told

a therapist about what was going

on with me.

I had all these problems

and I finally had a name

for them.

SPEAKER 6: Over time, we've

realized that mental illness is

nothing more

than physical illness.

Talk to as many people as you


Don't be ashamed.

Don't be judgmental.


a psychiatrist every other week.

And we just kind of talk

about things that are going on.

Mostly I just share really silly

stories with him and we just

laugh a lot, when really he's

measuring just my mood.

That's what I know that he's


For my medication,

I take seven daily medications,

six in the morning

and one at night.

The ones in the morning

just get me ready for the day,

get me focused,

make it so I can get out of bed

without having a horrible day.

And the one at night

just keeps me kind of level,

knocks me out, and let me have

a good sleep without completely

panicking in the middle

of the night.

SPEAKER 2: It can be very lonely

having schizophrenia,

the paranoia, the fear,

the voices,

everything that goes along

with it.

SPEAKER 5: The compliance

with medications

is gonna ultimately lead

to a recovery

and your son or daughter can not

only be OK,

but they can be great again.


a process of almost 10 years

to get me

on the right medication.

But I'm glad that I finally am.

People think that just

because you're on medicine

that the voices will completely


But you just can't stop

the voices.

With medication, it's more

positive listening.

It's more just zoning out.

As long as I'm not thinking

of negative, horrible things.

SPEAKER 7: My soul was leaking

out of my body.

SPEAKER 1: I just saw

a human being, empty.


So you can't turn the voices


You can just make them to what

you prefer to hear.


Be conscious of something that

will take your attention

from that negative situation

into a positive one.

And you know, it takes a lot

of discipline,

but little by little,

it becomes a habit.

MICHELLE HAMMER: One in five New

Yorkers has a mental health

issue, but people don't talk

about it, because of all

the stigma.

SPEAKER 3: There is still a lot

of stigma, but people are

starting to understand it

a little bit better.


of like a big reason

why I started my clothing line

was that I was on the subway

and I looked down the subway


and there was

a homeless schizophrenic guy

just talking to himself.

And I noticed it was

the same exact mannerisms as I

do it.

So I kind thought to myself,

what's the difference between me

and this guy.

And I realized if I didn't have

my friends, my family, my doctor

I could so easily be

in his position.

Part of the reason I started

my whole business

was to just tell everybody

that I have schizophrenia.

Showing people

you can live a completely normal

life, medicated,

and be a completely normal


And my whole thing

is, if everyone would just kind

of tell people that they have

a mental illness,

there wouldn't be so much

a stigma.

There really shouldn't be

any stigma.

That needs to go away.

Mental illness is so common.

How can there be so much stigma?

So I kind of wanted

to do something that could raise

awareness, give back

to the mentally ill,

homeless community,

and just kind of make

a difference.


How are you guys doing?

Schizophrenic NYC was all made

by me, schizophrenic New Yorker,

trying to change the way New

York City sees mental health,

especially the mentally ill


Donate a portion of the profits

to help them out.


I just pack up my bag.

I wheel it over to my shop

every Saturday.

And I just sell my merch.

And I talk to amazing people.

Yesterday, I met two people that

work in a psych ward.

We had the greatest conversation

about psych wards.

They totally bought something

from me and they took my card

and they're like, we love what

you're doing.

This is so great.

Mental health professionals love

what I'm doing.

They always think it's great.

I've gotten negative reactions.

Like one lady came up

to my booth last year and says,

I can't believe you would name

a business this.

This is offensive

and I'm a mental health advocate

and this is offensive.

And she took my flyer

and ran away.

And I was like, can I tell you

about it.

I'm a mental health advocate


And she just ran away.

And I was like, isn't

that stigma?

Aren't you judging

me before I even tell you

about it?

Stigma right there.

This shirt's pretty awesome.

It's not a delusion.

You are incredible.

Some common questions that I get

is what medications are you on.

Mostly by people

in the mental health field.

They want to know.

Other common questions are

like how to handle somebody

in a crisis.

I mean, definitely never tell

them that they're wrong.

Don't try to take away

their feelings.

You always have to be


I would try to convince them

that they should seek

professional help.

Find a good doctor.

Find the meds that work.

If you try hard enough

and you really want to fix it,

you can.

Don't take your medication,

feel better, and then think

you don't need your medication


It took a lot of pride

that I had to say,

I need medication and I'm just

gonna take it.

SPEAKER 2: My advice to someone

who's going through it

is be honest.

If you keep telling people

you're fine, they'll believe it.

SPEAKER 1: I believe there is

a component

beyond medical treatment

that it has to be with education

and creating positive voices

that can influence and override

the negative ones.

SPEAKER 8: Just because they

have schizophrenia, doesn't mean

that they can't be someone who

will contribute to society, who

can make the world a better


For more infomation >> Voices: Living with Schizophrenia | WebMD - Duration: 9:48.


What's the difference between the IMF and the World Bank? | CNBC Explains - Duration: 4:16.

If you're confused by the difference

between the International Monetary Fund, the IMF,

and the World Bank.

Well, you're not the only one.

Famed economist John Maynard Keynes,

who was a founding father of both institutions,

said that he was confused just by their names.

The IMF and World Bank are closely linked.

So close that their headquarters are across

the street from each other here in Washington.

So what's the difference between them?

It all started at this hotel

in New Hampshire in July 1944,

where 44 countries gathered

for the Bretton Woods Conference.

The goal of the conference was to agree on

a new framework for the international monetary system,

which is the rules and institutions

that keep the global economy running smoothly.

After World War II, most people agreed

that the old system had failed.

It had seen the Great Depression,

unfair trade policies and unstable currencies.

After three weeks of heated negotiations

at Bretton Woods, especially between Keynes

who was representing the United Kingdom

and Harry Dexter White,

the U.S. Treasury representative,

a deal was reached.

The agreement created the IMF and the

International Bank for Reconstruction and Development,

soon to be known as the World Bank.

Each institution was given a distinct role.

The IMF's job was to oversee a system of

fixed exchange rates, which tied the value

of a country's currency to the U.S. dollar,

which was pegged to gold.

The main purpose of this was to make sure

exchange rates stayed stable to encourage global trade.

The IMF was also tasked with

providing short-term loans

to countries struggling to pay their debts.

Meanwhile, the main goal of the World Bank

was to give financial assistance to countries,

mainly in Europe, that needed to rebuild after the war.

The roles of both the IMF and the World Bank

have changed a lot since the days of Bretton Woods.

President Nixon unpegged the U.S. dollar

from gold in 1971,

essentially dissolving the fixed

exchange rate system that the IMF oversaw.

Since then the IMF has taken on a bigger role

fighting financial crises around the world.

It keeps tabs on the global economy

and puts economic policies

in place in member countries.

The World Bank focuses its efforts on

development and reducing poverty.

It provides funding and resources in projects

in some of the poorest countries in the world.

Both institutions include 189 member countries

but the IMF has around 2,700 employees,

compared to the World Bank's staff of 10,000.

The IMF is funded mainly by quotas,

basically subscription fees, from member countries.

It receives about $675 billion in quotas,

with the U.S., Japan, China and Germany

contributing the most.

The World Bank is financed mostly

by issuing bonds to global investors.

The group's lending commitments reached nearly

$59 billion in fiscal year 2017.

The IMF has committed $160 billion

under its current lending arrangements.

Today the IMF's biggest borrowers include

Greece, Ukraine, Portugal and Pakistan.

The places where the World Bank is running

the most projects are in Africa and East Asia.

One thing the IMF and World Bank have in common

is that they both have some opponents.

Critics point to the conditions attached to their loans,

saying they don't always address

the specific economic issues within a country.

The IMF has come under fire for

continuing to bail out Greece

even as the country has

failed to clean up its finances.

Human rights groups have criticized the World Bank

for ignoring the environmental and social impacts

of some of its projects in countries

like Ethiopia or Myanmar.

But the IMF and World Bank say

they promote global economic stability,

they make countries less vulnerable to crises,

promote higher living standards and

provide vital help to countries that need it.

Hey guys, it's Elizabeth.

Thanks so much for watching!

You can check out more of our videos over here,

including one about how hurricanes affect the economy.

We're also taking your suggestions

for future CNBC Explains,

so leave your ideas in the comments section.

And while you're at it, subscribe to our channel.

Bye for now!

For more infomation >> What's the difference between the IMF and the World Bank? | CNBC Explains - Duration: 4:16.


Wikileaks Julian Assange Just Revealed What Really Happened In Las Vegas and It Is BAD For The FBI - Duration: 20:38.

Wikileaks Julian Assange Just Revealed What Really Happened In Las Vegas and It Is BAD

For The FBI

Julian Assange is back on the scene, and we all know that he doesn't post his subtle

tweets without having some serious evidence to back it up.

While speculation has run rampant on social media forums as to what actually happened

in Las Vegas, we can now be assured that Assange knows something and fully intends on showing

us exactly what that something may be.

Questions seem to be more abundant than answers this time around, and that is what most likely

can attribute to the mass influx of regular people trying to solve the mystery by any

means necessary.

We have seen things ranging from green aliens to the very same thing that Assange is alluding


The FBI was responsible.

Which is not very far-fetched on the grander scale of things already proven in the past

about CIA and FBI involvement with events like this.

The average American, however, is becoming more attune to those very sad realities, and

due to that the sub-groups won't be able to continue their nefarious works for much


When Assange publishes whatever information it is that he surely has, we will know much

more than we ever would otherwise.

According to AFF :

In a pair of tweets that will leave you scratching your head and blinking at the screen, Julian

Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, let loose what he really thought about the FBI in the

wake of the deadliest mass shooting in American history.

His words came as a reply message to another Twitter user that posted about FBI methodologies.

The content is alarming and that's partly what is so fascinating about the statement's

placement as a reply which was assumedly meant to go largely unnoticed.

Assange, who hasn't said anything else about the shooting orchestrated by Stephen Paddock,

hasn't tweeted on the topic since and has returned to his regular rant about the Catalonia

independence movement.

Still, these few words will leave you wondering just how much we have left to learn.

Here's what Assange had to say:

Almost all "terror" plots are created by the FBI as part of its business model.

What is the business of the FBI?

Extracting tax.

What does it need to do that?

A stable threat.


Real terrorists are sporadic & make FBI look weak.


Make them.


The implications here are rather damning particularly in the aftermath of the Mandalay Bay Massacre.

Truth be told, the FBI does in fact have a long history of giving mentally deranged individuals

weapons and then arresting them for plotting attacks.

This is well documented and there is often some news segment discussing the latest sting

conducted by federal agents resulting in the arrests of a radical or potential domestic


In a number of cases, the FBI have facilitated the procurement of explosives even.

The risks involved in these high stakes set ups must go without saying: if anything goes

wrong, people die.

Take for example the gun running scheme conducted under the operation name "Fast & Furious.".

Acting under the theory that weapons could be used like a medical tracer at a hospital,

guns were injected into the cartel system by federal agents that sold them to the gangs

in the hopes that they could trace them back to the organization.

The results were abysmal and people died — some of them were border agents.

Assange had more to say:

The FBI is giving guns to the mentally ill to attack people then leaping in to save the

day, cameras rolling.

What a bunch of jerks.

Linking to an article from Business Insider, Assange conveyed one of the darker tendencies

of Federal agents: encouragement.

In many cases, agents will seek out people who have somehow demonstrated radical views,

and then coax them into plotting an act of terrorism – often providing weapons and


Before the suspects can carry out their plans, though, they're arrested.


Last March, The Intercept profiled 25-year-old Sami Osmakac, who was "broke and struggling

with mental illness" when he became the target of an FBI sting operation.

"The FBI provided all of the weapons seen in Osmakac's martyrdom video," The Intercept


"The bureau also gave Osmakac the car bomb he allegedly planned to detonate, and even

money for a taxi so he could get to where the FBI needed him to go."

Paddock: Independent or Encouraged?

Now, this leaves every sane individual with a number of questions left unanswered.

First, if the sheriff believes it was impossible for Paddock to have acted alone, who helped


And, second, what if the federal agents were in contact with him?

Finally, why would Assange choose to tweet this information out now?

Aaron Rouse, the special agent in charge for the FBI's Vegas investigation is likely

the only one that knows the answers to the questions keeping many American up at night.

He also doesn't seem inclined to reveal them anytime soon.

During his recent statement before the press he seemed quite annoyed at some of the questions

being asked and very reluctant to field any at all.

It was almost as if he was ashamed.

But there's one troubling possibility: the FBI was involved or at least aware of Paddock

prior to this incident.

They could have egged him on, they could have failed to arrest him when they planned to,

or they could have misread the immediacy of his intentions.

Regardless, if that is the case then this tragedy could be as simple as the FBI not

arresting him when they should have all because of their dirty obsession with quarterbacking



It is time the truth comes out on more than just this shooting.

We The People are no longer willing to be complacent and silent.

The Julian Assange's of the world exist for one reason and one reason only, and that

is to provide truth regardless of party lines and political affiliations.

More of us should be doing that very same thing.

Truth should be sought from every direction.

We know the left and the Democrats don't have a whole lot of truth to give, and many

Republicans are becoming just as bad, but we can and should be holding them all accountable

to honesty in the highest sense.

H/T [ AFF ]

For more infomation >> Wikileaks Julian Assange Just Revealed What Really Happened In Las Vegas and It Is BAD For The FBI - Duration: 20:38.


Ketogenic Diet Vlog | Kevin Kreider - Duration: 12:23.

hey guys Kevin Kreider more than just muscle in this video it's gonna be

pretty raw I'm gonna just do a vlog about the ketogenic diet that I've been

doing it I called it the Kevin's keto journey there was sixty days and I'm

gonna share with you my experience but first my first carb filled meal in sixty

days I'm doing gluten-free pancakes and I'm gonna put butter on those pancakes

and of course I'm gonna have some eggs because that's that was one of my

favorite meals and I still love those meals so I'm gonna make that because it

was the first time in a long time sixty days that I've had real carbs

I've had some vegetables and stuff like that but I'm also if you can't see

vlogging with my camera can you see that you're

on tape right now anybody hello Maria hello hoody guys I'm gonna try my best

to get to you if I don't I apologize I am a dick but I'm trying to cook

pancakes vlog to you and videotape this whole thing at the same time and it's a

lot more challenging than I thought so first let's get the baking mix it's

going to be delicious gotta do that I'm making pancakes why do you show us your

abs while making pancakes take your shirt off so see your abs you get a

little moody when you do a ketogenic diet that's for sure yes I'm an Asian

everyone is just captivated by your stunning ABS hmm I got a question that

do you think that YouTube fans so today is day 60 and I got my blood work done

as you can tell I don't know what it's gonna look like but I hope it comes out

for the best and I just want to tell you guys what I think about ketogenic diets

and what you should know about it because

ah man so much to talk about with the ketogenic diets a lot of people think

I'm an advocate for a ketogenic diet pancakes with butter and I have not had

pancakes for 60 days and it's one of my favorite things I was actually having

pancakes I want to say 90 days almost 90 days in a row when I was when it when I

want my IFP a pro card in natural bodybuilding and this video is gonna be

kind of raw because I didn't like the ketogenic diet in all honesty oh holy

fuck Stace oh God

whoo man I feel normal again it almost makes me want to show you guys my ABS

site so I got my bloodwork done today I'm gonna see if anything went up in

numbers or down in numbers I'm gonna lean over so I can talk to you guys a

little better it's the first time I ever did a full ketogenic diet what I did in

the past was I would actually have a really high protein diet it was almost

all protein very little fats and almost zero carbs and that really kind of that

was more of an Atkins way or at least that's we talks about kokino Jenner diet

that I followed was more of an 80% that and then it was a very moderate amount

of protein around 20% came from protein and the rest came from vegetables or low

amounts of carbs like from nuts um nuts that I chose were almonds oh my

god I missed I missed these carbs and I have to say though guys

it's a considered in a ketogenic state when you're at 0.5 millimoles to 5

millimoles I mean I think you go even higher than 5 millimoles but I tried

really hard and I usually Kito strips to test out my I can't even

find it right now but used to test out my ketone levels and I got to tell you

it was really difficult to get above the moderate range of ketones in my body

which was I almost had to millimoles at some point and that was very difficult

it was a little bit later in the day it was a little bit later in the day and I

found that taking those supplements like the brain octane and having meeting

chain triglycerides and even the ghee it was a little bit difficult to get even

to to millimoles and stay there and you get used to the butter and coffee

actually you start looking forward to it which is kind of weird

I think I'd do better with a higher fat diet yeah so I'm thinking about

switching to a 40% of my daily intake is that's and the rest is like 20% protein

and maybe 30 40 % carbs or I'm gonna play around with a little bit I don't

want to get rid of carbs anymore but what I my anticipate this happening

which is I did feel great but I also know I felt great without sugar and

gluten in my diet and I'm anticipating that when I stop eating sugar and gluten

again I'm gonna feel just as good maybe even better a lot of times people have a

keto flu and with the keto flu I believe is just a sugar withdrawal and what else

makes you feel like crap and makes you feel like sick if you're got a

withdrawal drugs and alcohol especially if you use it so I'm not really sure if

it's a keto flu per se they're saying it gets or a lot of toxins I think just

because we eat so much sugar as especially in American culture when you

eat that much sugar and then all of a sudden you stop of course your body's

gonna have a reaction and it's just cleansing itself I got

really angry at times during the ketogenic diet so I'd watch out for that

now but also I was doing intermittent fasting with it so some people don't do

intermittent fasting when they do a ketogenic diet which some people don't

recommend that and I found it was really difficult for me to stay within a

caloric intake to lose body fat because I was just so hungry at night I was just

so hungry I eat like almost like a half a jar of almond butter and each day that

went by I couldn't wait to eat carbs again and god I did have a little bit of

trouble staying asleep that's another thing oh I think I just cut my lip Bon

Appetit why in my take on ketogenic diet I think they're great if you want to get

off sugar because here's the thing I don't crave sugar that much anymore

actually none there's so much easier to say no when I was on a ketogenic diet

like I really didn't feel like having sugar which is great another benefit I

thought was my joints obviously felt fine without sugar or any type of gluten

but I also don't think I'm gonna I'm gonna feel the same I also believe I'm

gonna feel the same way by eating carbs but just eating gluten-free and

sugar-free types of carbs and and I know the pancakes have a little bit of sugar

in it but I really just want to stay away from the refined sugar of eating

chocolate and chocolate cakes and donuts because for a while there I was getting

a little bit crazy with that kind of stuff and I lose any weight now

I stayed up 185 initially I dropped down there about like 180 181 wow that's

water weight because each gram of carbohydrate that you store in your body

which is glycogen and glucose holds on to about 3 molecules which is about 3

grams of water weight and our body can hold I believe 500 to 800 grams of

carbohydrates and our whole body so you to apply that I'm not very good at math

it's a little how to weight water weight you're losing so you're literally

getting rid of muscle glycogen so your body fat or fat turns the facts into

ketones and then ketones are an alternate but I can't talk that I'm just

so happy if they so good the ketones are an alternate source of fuel for your

brain your brain needs to function off of glucose so it's an alternative source

for your brain to function off of and there are lots of other benefits for

ketones being in your body like inflammation it reduces inflammation

autoimmune diseases neurological diseases I well I might have made that

up but also cancers and the thing about ketogenic diets though it can limit to

you when you go out to eat I found that it was a little it's a little boring not

even the French fries just having a salad every time and it made me realize

how much I missed potatoes are like french fries and just like a occasional

treat like that once in a while and I just think it's I think it's good

if you have a real purpose for it like if you have joints and for your

well-being and let's just say you do have brain fog from eating all the sugar

and gluten then I recommend trying it and I also recommend just trying it for

30 or 60 days it's very tolerable for 30 days and then

eat carbohydrates again but at a moderate pace and don't and try to stray

away from the sugar I do believe that if I stay away from sugar I'm gonna get the

greatest benefits from this ketogenic Cleanse I guess you can call it and it

was a 30 day thing 60 day Kevin's ketogenic journey and it was 60

days and I gotta tell you man I feel already a lot better just having those a

little bit amount of carbs and the best part is I feel full I feel satisfied I

don't feel like I need to eat more carbs because at this point I'd be reaching

for the jar of almond butter and just pounding that

down and I feel good I feel really good and I think what I'm gonna do I've still

think um if my blood work cooks if my blood work comes out all right I

think I might add butter into my coffee just for a little bit just because I'm

so used to it but I actually kind of enjoyed it at the ante that you having

that little bit of butter my coffee and I'll probably still do that I'm not

gonna take the brain octane anymore the main ingredient in brain octane anyways

is extracted from coconut oil and I'm gonna wait to see what happens with the

blood work before I make any other moves alright guys I hope you enjoyed that

video I loved I actually really enjoyed doing this experiment with the ketogenic

diet no matter how much I bitch and moan and I think the only reason why I've

enjoyed is because I could report back to you guys and share with you and we

can speak about this but anyway I hope you enjoyed my video subscribe to my

youtube channel I really liked intermittent fasting I prefer to do

intermittent fasting for my programs and everything so if you'd like you can

download the free intermittent fasting handbook the link will be in the

description and above and I'll see you guys next week

For more infomation >> Ketogenic Diet Vlog | Kevin Kreider - Duration: 12:23.


Morning Tea Music for Morning Tea & Morning Tea Ideas: Best of Morning Tea Music Playlist - Duration: 2:01:09.

Title: Morning Tea Music for Morning Tea & Morning Tea Ideas: Best of Morning Tea Music Playlist

For more infomation >> Morning Tea Music for Morning Tea & Morning Tea Ideas: Best of Morning Tea Music Playlist - Duration: 2:01:09.


Carnegie Hall Live With the Takács Quartet - Duration: 0:49.


Hey, it's Jeff Spurgeon from WQXR outside here at Carnegie Hall.

It's very noisey in New York City almost all the time.

That's why when we go to Carnegie Hall we take you indoors.

Our next broadcast will be from Zankel Hall, way underground here.

And it's going to be a fabulous evening of incredible chamber music.

The Takács Quartet will be here.

They're going to play a Haydn string quartet, a Shostakovich string quartet.

Very different textures in those two.

And then they'll wrap up the evening with a gorgeous Brahms sextet.

An intimate evening of chamber music and we'll leave all the extraneous noise behind.

Join us for a fabulous broadcast from Carnegie Hall Live.

For more infomation >> Carnegie Hall Live With the Takács Quartet - Duration: 0:49.


How to Log a Geocaching Trackable - Duration: 1:09.

The steps to log Travel Bugs, Geocoins and other Trackables through are the same.

First, locate the tracking code and enter it into

your Geocaching Application or at

This will take you to the Trackable's dedicated page.

Here you can look up the Trackable's goal and log it in one of the following ways:

'Discover it' if you saw it somewhere.

'Retrieve it' if you've taken it from the cache

or 'Grab it' if you've acquired it from another player or an unknown location.

If you 'retrieve' or 'grab' a Trackable,

it will show up in your account's online inventory.

If you move a Trackable to a new location,

try to help it along with the goal set by its owner.

There are two ways to record the movement of a Trackable while logging a cache online:

Select 'Visited' to record that the Trackable was with you when you found a cache.

Select 'Dropped off' if you physically left a Trackable in a cache.

For more information about Trackables, visit

For more infomation >> How to Log a Geocaching Trackable - Duration: 1:09.


Couple Charged In Opioid Ring Described As 'Typical Young Family' - Duration: 2:20.

For more infomation >> Couple Charged In Opioid Ring Described As 'Typical Young Family' - Duration: 2:20.





Audi Q5 - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Audi Q5 - Duration: 1:01.


Audi SQ5 - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Audi SQ5 - Duration: 1:10.


VW Golf Sportsvan - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> VW Golf Sportsvan - Duration: 1:10.


VW Touran - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> VW Touran - Duration: 1:09.


VW T6 Multivan - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> VW T6 Multivan - Duration: 1:07.


Featuring Musician Megan Ni...

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For more infomation >> Featuring Musician Megan Ni...


Aiken Young Professionals expanding music festival options in CSRA with 'Trucks N' Tunes' - Duration: 2:20.

For more infomation >> Aiken Young Professionals expanding music festival options in CSRA with 'Trucks N' Tunes' - Duration: 2:20.


For more infomation >> Aiken Young Professionals expanding music festival options in CSRA with 'Trucks N' Tunes' - Duration: 2:20.


Peugeot 207 1.4 VTI COOL 'N BLUE / 5 DEURS / AIRCO / CRUISE CONTR. / EL. PAKKET / TREKHAAK / RADIO-C - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 207 1.4 VTI COOL 'N BLUE / 5 DEURS / AIRCO / CRUISE CONTR. / EL. PAKKET / TREKHAAK / RADIO-C - Duration: 1:03.


For more infomation >> Peugeot 207 1.4 VTI COOL 'N BLUE / 5 DEURS / AIRCO / CRUISE CONTR. / EL. PAKKET / TREKHAAK / RADIO-C - Duration: 1:03.


Rocky Gold- Gros Coeur de Femme officiel ( Video Lyrics ) - Duration: 4:02.

For more infomation >> Rocky Gold- Gros Coeur de Femme officiel ( Video Lyrics ) - Duration: 4:02.


For more infomation >> Rocky Gold- Gros Coeur de Femme officiel ( Video Lyrics ) - Duration: 4:02.


Le malaise de Garou quand un jour­na­liste l'in­ter­roge sur l'exil de Florent Pagny - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> Le malaise de Garou quand un jour­na­liste l'in­ter­roge sur l'exil de Florent Pagny - Duration: 2:03.


For more infomation >> Le malaise de Garou quand un jour­na­liste l'in­ter­roge sur l'exil de Florent Pagny - Duration: 2:03.


King Baby Sterling Silver Star Design Bead Bracelet - Duration: 10:43.

For more infomation >> King Baby Sterling Silver Star Design Bead Bracelet - Duration: 10:43.


For more infomation >> King Baby Sterling Silver Star Design Bead Bracelet - Duration: 10:43.


ArtU's Photography Graduate...

For more infomation >> ArtU's Photography Graduate...


Toxic tap water probe: Company to pay $1.69M for filter systems - Duration: 2:05.

For more infomation >> Toxic tap water probe: Company to pay $1.69M for filter systems - Duration: 2:05.



For more infomation >> BMW 3 Serie Touring 318I CORPORATE LEASE HIGH EXECUTIVE LEER | XENON | NAVI | M-SPORT | - Duration: 1:00.


Ford C-MAX 2.0 PLUG-IN HYBRID TITANIUM PLUS 7% bijtelling t/m dec 2020 *Leer/ Navi/ Automaat/ panora - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Ford C-MAX 2.0 PLUG-IN HYBRID TITANIUM PLUS 7% bijtelling t/m dec 2020 *Leer/ Navi/ Automaat/ panora - Duration: 0:54.


HOW TO KNOW YOU GREW UP FRENCH...SIGNS YOU GREW UP FRENCH ( applies to those under 30 ) - Duration: 4:48.

You are french if you know le bled, le bescherelle et les cahiers de vacances

Hello every one , welcome to my channel Today for the first time I'm speaking

in french (on my channel) for this video I wanted to make it in english

but it made more sense to film it in french

this video

is called you grew up french if you grew up in france if...

the first sign you grew up french is if you

know msn and skyrock ,I spent almost all my time on msn as an adolescent

uhm as a pre-adolescent, it was when I started junior high school up to

...I don't really remember when..up to the 10 th grade it seems

11th grade, up until the 11th grade I would spend my time on messenge

MSN and on skyrock as well a little anecdote, I met my first boyfriend

on skyrock, as you can see it was an all in one

skyrock had blogs on one side

there were advice forums and it also had another side, how should I call this side..

it was a meeting and dating site..and I know many

young people had the same experience as me

meeting a boyfriend or making friends on the site

you are frech if you know le bled le bescherelle and les cahiers de vacances...I

am very well acquainted with those books, my grand mother was very

adamant about that, she made us learn our verbs,

It was very important for her that we

speak french well so

holidays are our place were not all about resting

we also did many dictations I think if you are french

or if you grew up french you know all about this

you know le bled ,you know dictations, you are french if

you know alizée; lorie; diam's, psy 4 de la rime well this mostly

applies to those under 3o I'm 23 years old so..

I used to listen a lot to them , I had dvd's of lorie and who else..

...grégory lemarchal also

even if you didn't like their videos and even if you

didn't like their songs you can still recognise 2 or 3 songs and maybe

sometimes yu catch yourself singing a chorus or something

I think everyone

or almost everybody can relate to that.

Star academy was our version of the voice

today the voice is huge evryone listens to it and watches it

for us star academy was the main thing by the way it wasn't bad, a few stars

came out of this show,

for example grégory lemarchal jennyfer

you grew up in france if

for snack time you had LU, we had LU

petits beurre, madeleines and kinder as well

I ate so much Kinder , kinder and nutella

today I can't stand them, I cant even stand to look at these products

they disgust me and I was addicted to them before, we also had 0:03:16.299,0:03:19.840 syrup for snack time at my grandma's house snack time was very simple

we always had madeleine et syrup , and guess what

today I hate madeleines

I can't even look at a picture of them, you

are french if you sigh a lot, I noticed that french 0:03:33.160,0:03:39.400 people sigh a lot, since moving to norway I've lost that habit

this is a habit I adopted when I moved to france,

I spent the majority of my childhood

in Africa, my mother is kenyan et my dad is french , and it is true 0:03:56.410,0:03:59.200 that with a kenyan mother we didn't really get the opportunity to sigh

African mom's can't stand sighing... why are you

sighing?that is the big question. what is causing you so much chagrin ?

6 months after moving to france I was sighing all the time

so anyway I hope

that you enjoyed this small fn video this is one of my first french videos

I filmed a few videos in french

but I deleted them because they were bad quality 0:04:26.110,0:04:29.890 so this is my first time in

2 or 3 years that i'm filming in french i hope you enjoyed this video

if you did , don't forget to subscribe and like this video

comment if you have suggestions for future videos

by everybody

For more infomation >> HOW TO KNOW YOU GREW UP FRENCH...SIGNS YOU GREW UP FRENCH ( applies to those under 30 ) - Duration: 4:48.


Volkswagen Passat (8) GTE Connected Series Plus Passat 1.4 160 kW / 218 pk PHEV Limousine 6 versn. D - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Passat (8) GTE Connected Series Plus Passat 1.4 160 kW / 218 pk PHEV Limousine 6 versn. D - Duration: 0:54.


레이드 SERBUAN MAUT ⑲ 공식 예고편 - Duration: 1:52.

For more infomation >> 레이드 SERBUAN MAUT ⑲ 공식 예고편 - Duration: 1:52.


(Highlights Ep. 4) NBA 2K18 GM Sim Rebuild with Cleveland Cavaliers - Duration: 5:24.

















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