Thứ Sáu, 13 tháng 10, 2017

Youtube daily report Oct 13 2017

Mr. Beat presents

Supreme Court Briefs

Germany, The 1930s

The Nazis arrest thousands of Jehovah's Witnesses across the country who refuse to salute the Nazi flag.

Why didn't they salute the Nazi flag?

Well, for starters, it's against their religion to salute a flag, as they believe by doing so idolizes the state rather than God.

After these German Jehovah's Witnesses were thrown into concentration camps for not saluting the Nazi flag, leaders of the church in the United States called for an end of participation in daily flag salutes that had become mandatory in American schools.

Yes, those are real photos. It's called a Bellamy salute.

Look it up. Yes, it really existed, and yes students don't do that anymore because of, you know, the Nazis.

Anyway, because the children of Jehovah's Witnesses refused to salute the American flag and refused to say the Pledge of Allegiance, they got in a lot of trouble.

Some administrators even threatened to send these kids to juvy or have their parents arrested.

In 1935, the principal of a school in Lynn, Massachusetts expelled a 9-year old named Carlton Nichols for not participating in the Pledge of Allegiance, and the local authorities arrested his dad.

This case made headlines across the country, and inspired many other Jehovah's Witnesses to also sit down during the Pledge.

In Minersville, Pennsylvania, a dad named Walter Gobitas had his children not participate in the Pledge.

By doing so, the entire family was actually breaking a local law, and they all became marginalized and were straight up attacked by the other citizens of Minersville.

Residents boycotted the Gobitas family store, and the kids were bullied at school.

One of them had rocks thrown at her.

Another one was hurt after his teacher tried to force his hand out to salute the flag during the Pledge.

The kids, of course, were eventually expelled for their Pledge boycotts.

But their dad, Walter, fought the law that forced students to salute the flag and say the Pledge of Allegiance.

Gobitas based his argument on the fact he thought the law violated both the First and Fourteenth Amendments.

His case ended up going all the way to the Supreme Court.

That case, announced on June 3, 1940, was called Minersville School District v. Gobitis...

yeah, a clerk misspelled Gobitas' name on court records. Details, right?

Anyway, the Court ruled against Gobitis, arguing that the law that forced students to say the pledge was NOT a violation of religious freedom.

It was an 8-1 decision, with Justice Felix Frankfurter, one of the dudes who started the American Civil Liberties Union, ironically, giving the majority opinion.

So yeah, things were not looking so good after this case for the Jehovah's Witnesses, especially since now they were huge targets for continuing to refuse to say the pledge.

Nearly 1500 Jehovah's Witness were physically attacked in over 300 cities across the country after that case.

In Wyoming, one was tarred and feathered.

Some were lynched. Others were forced out of town after having their homes burned to the ground.

A Southern sheriff explained it all by saying "They're traitors; the Supreme Court says so. Ain't you heard?"

This made Supreme Court justices like Frank Murphy feel guilty.

Murphy actually said he regretted his decision in the Gobitis case and wanted an opportunity to revisit the issue.

Sure enough, that opportunity came fairly quickly, as Jehovah's Witnesses boldly continued to defy the Pledge and flag salute.

On January 9, 1942, the West Virginia State Board of Education ordered all teachers and students in the state to salute the flag and say the Pledge.

Well, this story sounds familiar.

Another dad, this one named Walter Barnett, had his kids not salute the flag nor recite the Pledge.

And again, the principal expelled those kids, whose names were Marie and Gathie Barnett.

However, on the advice of a lawyer, Walter sent his kids right back to school, where they were called "Nazis" and "Japs" by fellow classmates.

And….each day, the school would send them right back home.

The Barnetts sued the State Board of Education, taking them to the United States District Court for themselves and other families who were fighting the same thing.

The 3-judge district court panel agreed with the Jehovah's Witnesses, arguing it wouldn't normally go against a Supreme Court decision, but that recent developments across the country made them reconsider the Gobitis case.

The persecution of and violence against Jehovah's Witnesses surely had an effect on them.

The Barnett sisters returned to school, although now a half a school year behind their classmates.

The West Virginia State Board of Education appealed to the Supreme Court, arguing they clearly had the Gobitis decision backing them up.

The Court heard oral arguments on March 11, 1943.

That's right, this was all happening smack dab in the middle of World War Two.

The justices were much more conflicted on this one, with perhaps the exception of Frankfurter, who stood firm with his decision in the Gobitis case.

Oh yeah, and there were two new dudes with the Barnett case that weren't there for the Gobitis case- justice Wiley Blount Rutledge, and justice Robert Jackson.

Both had taken the place of two justices that voted AGAINST Gobitis three years prior, and both seemed more sympathetic to the arguments of the Jehovah's Witnesses.

On June 14, 1943- that's right...FLAG DAY, oh snap justices well played.

Anyway, yes on Flag Day they announced their decision.

They sided with the Barnettes, with a 6-3 vote, overturning the Minersville School District v. Gobitis ruling decided just three years prior.

Three justices had changed their minds with the Barnett decision: Hugo Black, William Douglas,

and Frank Murphy, who was a big reason why this case even saw the light of day. What a turn of events.

The Court relied heavily on the Free Speech Clause of the First Amendment this time,

as opposed to the Free Exercise Clause referenced for the Gobitis case.

Justice Robert Jackson, still a relative newbie in the Court, wrote the majority opinion.

"If there is any fixed star in our constitutional constellation, it is that no official, high or petty, can prescribe what shall be orthodox in politics, nationalism, religion, or other matters of opinion or force citizens to confess by word or act their faith therein.

If there are any circumstances which permit an exception, they do not now occur to us."

West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette, hold up...BarnettE?

Are you telling me a clerk misspelled a Jehovah's Witness's name for the court records again?

It's supposed to be B-A-R-N-E-T-T.

Geez, what are the odds. Details, right?

Anyway, West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette was a huge victory for Jehovah's Witnesses across the country.

To this day, because of this case, students have a right in school to not participate in the Pledge of Allegiance nor be forced to salute the American flag.

Are kids still bullied over it?

Likely, but this case set a big precedent that it's quite ok to have a minority opinion.

Dissent should be protected.

I'll see you for the next Supreme Court case, jury!

For more infomation >> West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette - Duration: 8:12.


TOP 25 osobností: Libor Sionko - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> TOP 25 osobností: Libor Sionko - Duration: 2:03.


Fiat Panda 0.9 TWINAIR EDIZIONE COOL airco/cdv afst/hoofd steunen v+a/boekjes/etc - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Fiat Panda 0.9 TWINAIR EDIZIONE COOL airco/cdv afst/hoofd steunen v+a/boekjes/etc - Duration: 1:01.


Stand Up Comedy from Ismael Loutfi - Duration: 6:13.

For more infomation >> Stand Up Comedy from Ismael Loutfi - Duration: 6:13.


💧 Learn English Words - DELIQUESCE - Meaning, Vocabulary with Pictures and Examples - Duration: 1:13.

Deliquesce to melt and disappear

I bet the sidewalk is so hot that the ice cube will deliquesce the moment it touches


Because the ground is too warm, the snow will deliquesce as soon as it hits the ground.

The wax in that candle holder will deliquesce, and the candle will have to be changed.

The recipe says to add the butter while constantly stirring to help it deliquesce into the other

liquid ingredients.

The sour cream didn't quite deliquesce into the chili mixture because it lightened the

color of the sauce.

Deliquesce to melt and disappear

For more infomation >> 💧 Learn English Words - DELIQUESCE - Meaning, Vocabulary with Pictures and Examples - Duration: 1:13.


The Rasmus - Dark Matters EPK (2017) - Duration: 6:28.

When I was writing Paradise I had this picture in my head of palm trees against the sunny sky -

- but like I would look at it through some kind of a filter like it was nighttime during the daytime -

- like something was really wrong in the picture.

The album title Dark Matters has multiple meanings.

First of all dark matter as the astronomical term -

- but also dark matters like dark subjects which are the songs in this case -

- and then dark matters to me, dark is important.

Without dark you can't see the light.

I'm not really a dark and gloomy person, but I've always had that side in me -

- and that's why I wanted to give this album a dark background, a dark frame.

We were super young when we started the band, about 14, 15 years old.

The first gig we ever played was in a Christmas party in our school.

Before we were 20 years old we had already released three albums and toured all over Finland.

Living the rock 'n' roll life!

2003 we wrote In The Shadows which was a big hit all over the world.

We were able to make a world tour for the first time.

We played in about 65 countries with that song, it was amazing.

After that we have constantly been touring and releasing new material -

- all the way until 2012 when we decided to have a little break.

I've gone through a lot of changes in the last couple of years in my life.

I moved to LA and I started a life in a new city without really knowing anyone there.

Also, I got divorced last year, so it's been big things happening for me -

- and it's been very emotional.

So most of the inspiration for this album comes out of that.

Black Days is a song about the feeling I get sometimes -

- when I just want to dive into the misery and sorrow and never come back again.

There's just something so beautiful of being sad.

Silver Night is a song about being left outside, being rejected by your own kind.

Being the lonely wolf.

Something in the Dark is a song about a child's imagination.

It's a really cool thing to be able to escape to your fantasy world -

- and to believe in something that doesn't exist.

Wonderman is another song about children's great imagination.

This kid has created himself an alter ego that he becomes when he's been bullied -

- or put in a hard place. Again, his imagination saves him.

Nothing is a song about being a really bad person, just taking advantage of somebody -

- just like a vampire.

Empire is a song about my divorce from last year.

It was a long, important era in my life, but I guess that's the way it is.

You can't control life, you can't control your heart -

- and that's the whole beauty of it.

Dragons Into Dreams is a song about the kid who lives in another dimension -

- whenever he closes his eyes. He desperately wants to help people and tell them what he knows.

Share his secrets.

Me and Pauli, we write most of the music and lyrics together -

- but Eero and Aki are very much involved when it comes to the creative things.

I think the reason that we're still together is that we know each other so well.

I don't even consider us as being friends.

It's more like brothers.

For more infomation >> The Rasmus - Dark Matters EPK (2017) - Duration: 6:28.


🤢 Learn English Words - CRAPULENCE - Meaning, Vocabulary Lesson with Pictures and Examples - Duration: 1:23.

Crapulence illness due to overeating or drinking too much

After the winner consumed 44 pancakes at the 25th Annual Lakesmith Pancake Eating Contest,

the crapulence he felt made him bedridden for the next few hours.

Eating at a buffet will sometimes cause patrons to have crapulence since they would eat as

much as possible to make it worth the cost of the buffet.

When the server continued to bring the man milkshake after milkshake, it wasn't long

before the man began feeling crapulence from the excessive intake of ice cream.

Halloween night usually plagues children with crapulence if their parents do not put a limit

on the amount of candy they can eat on that night.

Crapulence illness due to overeating or drinking too much

For more infomation >> 🤢 Learn English Words - CRAPULENCE - Meaning, Vocabulary Lesson with Pictures and Examples - Duration: 1:23.


Jared Padalecki on Supernatural - Duration: 2:38.

For more infomation >> Jared Padalecki on Supernatural - Duration: 2:38.


20 Things to do in Lviv, Ukraine Travel Guide - Duration: 12:01.

Today's video is all about our visit to Lviv (Львів).

Having come straight from Kiev (Київ), Lviv offered a real change of scenery.

The city was much smaller, more walkable, and it looked distinctly Central European.

In some ways, it reminded us of a smaller version of Krakow or Prague, though a little

rough around the edges.

But enough about first impressions; let us actually show you around.

In this video we're going to take you on a grand tour of the city and highlight 20

things to do in Lviv on your next visit.

A solid day of sightseeing needs to start with a good breakfast, and after walking around

the Old Town a bit, we found a place to eat: a post office-themed cafe!

This is so amazing.

This is so much more beautiful than I was expecting.

So right in front of me I've got these crepes with apple and walnuts.

And just look at the way they've like folded them and like twirled them.

Like it is so pretty and it has cottage cheese as well.

Icing sugar, cinnamon.

Like this is a gorgeous work of art.

I almost don't want to dig into it.


Aside from crepes, we also ordered pancakes, cappuccinos, and verguny served with cream,

so it was a bit of a sugar kick, but what a tasty way to start the morning.

Alright guys, I was super excited to visit the Armenian Church (Հայկական տաճար)

and it is not open.

It looks like it has been undergoing some renovations so we're just going to have to

peek through the gates.

There is some concrete bags and yeah this is all we can see which is too bad.

Okay, so the Armenian Church (Вірменський собор - Katedra ormiańska) may have

been closed but there is no shortage of churches in this city so we've come across another


The Transfiguration Church (Преображенська церква) so we're going to go inside

and have a look.

Like in Kyiv (Київ), we quickly discovered that Lviv is a city of churches, so our next

stop was the Church of the Holy Communion (Домініканський костел

і монастир).

This was our third church of the day, and it wouldn't be our last.

So we haven't exactly been having the best of luck with churches and cathedrals today.

First one was under repair, the second one we weren't supposed to film but we got a few

shots very discreetly.

And the 3rd one there was a wedding.


What have we found here?

Well so far we've been just wandering around Lviv (Львів) for a little while and we've

found a lot of cool markets.

Like there is touristy ones but there is also some more local ones like just behind me here

people are selling books and it is a little bit of a flea market going on as well.


We then visited the Dormition Church (Успенська церква), also known as the Assumption

Church, where yes, there was yet another wedding taking place!

(Ukrainian signing)

Needing a little break from ecclesiastical architecture, we walked over to the Lviv's

Town Hall, where we decided to climb to the top of the Bell Tower for some views of the


I'm totally out of breathe.

That is a lot steeper and higher than I thought.


And yeah we're almost there though.

It is super stuffy there is hardly any air.

The views will be worth it.

We're not actually done though.

Oh, woah.

It continues.

Made it to the top.

Made it to the top.

The views are worth it but we've been climbing so many towers I almost feel like we should

be getting paid to be going up them instead of paying ourselves.

There was like no air in this tower.

It was so stuffy.

It was kind of gross.

It smelled funny.

Yeah, as we were going up it started to smell like farts.

Haha, Sam.

I think someone let a bomb go.

I'm not kidding.

Maybe it was Sam.

No it wasn't me.

Or maybe not.

It was not me.

And after climbing up and down hundreds of rickety stairs, it was time for lunch!

So it was like mid-afternoon.

This is our first full day of like wandering around the Old town.


And we walked by this place I saw people eating sushi and it looked so good.

And we're like we have this massive craving for that.

To be fair we've had a lot of Ukrainian food while we've been here so I feel like it is

nice to mix it up a bit.

Yeah, and it is good to show like there is really good International Food in Ukraine

(Україна) so yeah yeah we've ordered a whole bunch of different uh sushi rolls.

Sushi rolls and I have a big beer coming up and so yeah I'm just kind of in my happy place

right now.

The food is here.

I've got my miso.

Lots of sushi.

I've almost finished my Warcraft beer.

And oh my gosh this is our favorite.

Philadelphia rolls.


Cream cheese, avocado, salmon.

We basically just got different combinations of that.


Both those are like the main ingredients in all of our sushi.


This was such a good idea.

His happy place.

That is all I'm going to say.

And keeping with the theme of churches, after our sushi lunch, we visited the Bernardine

Church in the south end of the Old Town; followed by the Latin Cathedral (Лати́нський

собо́р - Katedra Łacińska), which sits in the southwest corner of Market Square;

and finally the Jesuit Church, where if you can believe it, we stumbled upon yet another


Clearly, it was wedding season.

(Church choir)

So that was our 6th church of the day.

It was the former Jesuit Church.


Sam is just popping in to say hello.

Um, it was my favorite church so far.

It was under renovations, scaffolding inside, the ceiling looked like it was crumbling down

but there was a wedding taking place.


So we were able to like stand there and watch it and it was really cool.

They had a beautiful choir.

That afternoon, we also came across Lviv's Souvenir Market, where you can find everything

from matryoshka dolls and painted landscapes, to traditional clothes and football gear.

The market is located just east of the Lviv Theatre (Львівська оперa - Opera

Lwowska), and on that note, here you can get tickets for the ballet and the opera for very

affordable prices.

Now let's move on to food.

Lest you think all we ate in Lviv (Lwów) was pancakes and sushi, we also made time

to visit a traditional restaurant outside the Old Town, called Seven Piggies (Сім


Alright guys, it is lunchtime here in Lviv (Львів) and we tried to find the most

traditional Ukrainian restaurant that we could and that is how we ended up at Seven Piggies

(Сім поросят) and yeah I can tell you taxidermy is really popular.

Lots of stuffed animals.

There is like beavers and squirrels and owls.

Um, it is very colorful.

It is all white walls but is is like decorated with these bright flowers.

So yeah, it is super cool.

We're the only ones here and our food has arrived.


Banosh (Банош).

We ordered dishes like Banosh, a maize porridge prepared with salty sheep cheese, eggs and

bacon; black dumplings, which were a little different from the varenyky we'd become

used to; a soup served in a ceramic bowl with bread cooked overtop; and a pork leg with

the most tender meat ever.

This apparently is the house specialty.

They have actually named this dish after the restaurant and it is the 7 pigs and it is

a huge pork leg (ГОМІЛОЧКА "СІМ ПОРОСЯТ").

It appears like they have like a cheese or melted cheese.

Melted cheese sauce and I'm just going to like carve off a huge.

That looks good.

Look how big that is.

Oh man, the meat looks so tender.

It does.

It looks really tender.

So I'm going to get some sauce on that and take a huge bite.


My gosh that is such nice meat.

So tender and actually it is not a cheese sauce it is a mustard sauce.

Oh, it has got a kick to it.


Totally different than what I thought.

Alright guys, so this afternoon we are visiting the Lviv Historical Museum.

Pretty cool but you have to wear special slippers to get in here.

This is one of the oldest and richest museums in Ukraine (Україна) in terms of its

artefacts, and if you're feeling a bit peckish after that, they have a charming cafe right

in the Italian Courtyard, which is well worth the visit.

And not too far from there, you also have the Lviv Arsenal, which houses the Weaponry

Museum featuring items from the Late Middle Ages through to the 20th century.

So I spy a little creature over your shoulder.

Oh, who could that be?

Where could we be?

We're at a cat cafe.

Cat cafe.

It is such a nice surprise.

We had no idea this was here.

We just kind of found it spontaneously and yeah we both love cats.

Well actually I like cats even more than you.

I like dogs.

No, you actually secretly love cats.

No, I like dogs.

Audrey secretly loves cats but we're going to go in right now and check it out.


So we made it inside the cat cafe.

We're currently being ignored by the cats.

Actually there is children running around peaking under our table to see if we're hiding

any cats.

No, cats anywhere near us.


So yeah, we're going to dig into the cake and this one is called the cat cafe cake which

is their signature dish I guess.

So my cheesecake has arrived.

Take a look down here.

And this is the traditional um Ukrainian kind.

It is called Cernik (xxx).

I think it may also share the same name in Poland.

I remember in Poland it was called Sernik (xxx) too.

Maybe very similar names.

But it is a very thick type of cheesecake and it is really good.


Very dense.

Dense cheesecake.

I like it.

For a more unusual attraction in Lviv (Львів), you have the Yard of Lost Toys, which is a

makeshift graveyard and outdoor museum for toys that have been lost of left behind.

Apparently, it all started when a resident from one of the apartment blocks along Mukachivska

Street found two lost toys and placed them in the shared courtyard, and it kind of grew

from there.

So, we've already shown you views of the Old Town from the Bell Tower, but another

free alternative is walking up Castle Hill (Високий замок - Замкова

гора - Wysoki Zamek).

It's a pretty easy walk along a defined path, just don't go expecting a castle at

the top because all that remains are a few ruins.

Lastly, let's talk about transportation in the city.

The tram (Львівський Трамвай) is hands down the cheapest way to get around

Lviv (Львів), and while you can still see a few older ones around, modern trams

are slowly taking over, so it's a fairly reliable way to get around town.

And that's a wrap for our visit to Lviv, Ukraine (Україна).

We found this to be a charming city with a completely different look and feel from Kiev

(Киев), so we're glad we added this stop to our itinerary.

If you're short on time, this is a great destination for a weekend escape.

Now you know the drill, if you have any other suggestions of cool things to do around Lviv

(Львів), feel free to share those with fellow travellers in the comments below.

Wishing you happy travels and until next time!

For more infomation >> 20 Things to do in Lviv, Ukraine Travel Guide - Duration: 12:01.


William Patrick Corgan: Aeronaut - Duration: 4:05.

For more infomation >> William Patrick Corgan: Aeronaut - Duration: 4:05.


❄Frozen: Эльза и Джек💕Холодная любовь🌷 ЭЛЬЗА НЕВЕСТА? - Duration: 4:45.

For more infomation >> ❄Frozen: Эльза и Джек💕Холодная любовь🌷 ЭЛЬЗА НЕВЕСТА? - Duration: 4:45.


Story Of Seasons Trio of Towns Launch Trailer CZ - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Story Of Seasons Trio of Towns Launch Trailer CZ - Duration: 1:02.


Dyno Test Yamaha 125ZR modified 200cc by Casper Racing Greece - Duration: 1:39.

Dyno Test Yamaha 125ZR modified 200cc by Casper Racing Greece

For more infomation >> Dyno Test Yamaha 125ZR modified 200cc by Casper Racing Greece - Duration: 1:39.


2017 Audi Q3 Review – is this the best small SUV around? | What Car? - Duration: 8:05.

For more infomation >> 2017 Audi Q3 Review – is this the best small SUV around? | What Car? - Duration: 8:05.


[kt Rolster TALK] Am I a trash? Score's story of ending up as a trash - Duration: 1:38.

Score playing JG Ezreal

(Score) Ezreal JG is pretty fun to play. There's some sticky taste to it

(Score) Doing some AAs when your Stormraider gets activated

(Score) Let's give it a go (Full of confidence)

(Score) Have to go for an invade, invade

Stealing enemy Red buff and

while taking our Blue buff

He encountered Sejuani

(Score) Sejuani is screwed even though I didn't do anything

Ezreal scaling horribly

(Score) I'm gonna run for the wolves

(Score) Wolves might be alive right now

Even steals away the enemy wolves

Score heading for Mid lane

(Score) Is there a ward here?

Hey hey!

(Score) How did I miss that?

...Couldn't continue talking...

(Score) Wow, am I a trash?..

(Score) Everyone, call me trash

(Score) Ah but, I was a bit like "that"

(Score) I had a single complacent thought of assuming that we'd still be able to get him anyway

For more infomation >> [kt Rolster TALK] Am I a trash? Score's story of ending up as a trash - Duration: 1:38.


Little Fighter 2 - Practical Combos for (almost) all LF2 characters - Duration: 11:03.

For more infomation >> Little Fighter 2 - Practical Combos for (almost) all LF2 characters - Duration: 11:03.


The Filmmaker's View: Reed Morano – Being in the moment - Duration: 6:18.

I think every cinematographer will agree. Every cinematographer,

that likes to operate, will agree that you become a character in the scene.

So you are just acting along with the actors as well.

You are reacting off of them.

Getting up in it and being part of it is so much fun.

My name is Reed Morano. I am a DP and a director.

One of the first films I shot on the ALEXA was "Shut Up and Play the Hits"

which was like a concert documentary about the band LCD Sound System.

I knew I was going to have to be run and gun

and sort of make the light work wherever I was.

I was not really going to have a lighting crew.

And it was going to be vérité and the lot of shooting the front man,

James Murphy in his apartment and just like in his life.

Where your only tools are opening and closing the blinds.

Or, maybe putting up some duvetyn on a wall basically.

Which I found that the ALEXA was really useful for.

And I remember when we were shooting the actual concert,

we cleaned out all the ALEXAs in New York City.

And there was none to be found. We had to start sourcing them elsewhere

because I think it was right at the beginning.

I think we had ten ALEXAs.

I was roaming around and supposed to stay with James Murphy

and was able to go on stage with him and shoot.

That was actually pretty incredible freedom. I mean, I did use Prime lenses

which was very tricky when you are shooting a concert doc on the run.

But everything else about it was pretty great. Because there was a lot of LED lighting

and what-not going on. And it was sort of easy for us

that there were no unknowns. It was nice to be able to see

what I was getting right away and controlling that.

Everything just looked really phenomenal.

I think I had a learning curve with digital. And it took me, I would say,

probably until I got to "Meadowland" to really be happy with how it looked.

"Meadowland" is the story of a couple. Pretty much within the first five minutes

of the movie, their son goes missing.

And it picks up a year later and he is still missing

and there are no answers. So it is a film about being in this weird

purgatory where you do not know if you can grieve or not.


"Meadowland", which is the film I directed, I also DPed it

and operated and that was ALEXA.

I did originally want to shoot that movie on film.

But then when my producers were like: "No, it is not happening."

and I realised I needed a certain amount of days so I started thinking

like a director and instead of just like a DP.

I knew that if it got me more days of shooting

it would make a lot more sense.

And there was that unknown of, can I split my brain and operate the camera

and think about the story and the emotions and find the emotion in the shot.

But then there is so much of that is part of what an operator does already.

A lot of people told me not to do it, a lot of other DPs told me not to do it.

Someone who had done it told me that he would never do it again.

I got like a lot of warnings to not do it.

But I just had this weird feeling, I am a mom, I have two kids

and I work full-time, I could probably do both jobs.

And then I took a chance and did it and it.

I was DPing with my eyes closed and the other stuff

I was just concentrating on directing.

I just happened to have the camera on my shoulder.

There were moments in "Meadowland", for example,

where I was holding the camera and I would reach out

and I could touch Olivia. And that affected her performance.

It is about being in the moment. And that is what actors, they have to do.

They have to be in the moment and it is kind of nice

if the director is forced to be in the moment too.

"Don't leave me."

"It might just keep getting darker?"

We also used the ARRI Master Anamorphics

on that film. And I think we were the second film

to use the Master Anamorphics. For me, I have a very strong reaction

to shape of bokeh. The idea of having

that sort of oval shaped bokeh that had this interesting character to it.

I just thought it was a nice combination and it would look pretty.

And maybe it would not be like I am not trying to emulate film.

But it would be its own interesting cool look.

I was so happy at the end of that movie, I did not feel like I sacrificed anything at all.

I do not get upset anymore when I have to shoot digital

because I know I can make it look a way that I am happy with.

And I do not feel like I am making a sacrifice.

Because I was a little depressed for a while. I am not going to lie.

And then when the ALEXA came out, I do remember, it was a bit

of a turning point. Because I was like:

"Oh, this actually, already on its own, looks like worlds above anything else

that I have seen that is video or you know."

But also to go back and shoot film with the knowledge

that I have picked up on digital, is a whole different experience.

Trusting myself more and trusting my gut more.

And I think it is because of experimenting so much on digital

that it actually empowered me and it gave me the confidence.

Why does it have to just be one? Why can we not have many tools

in our toolkit? There is different needs for different shoots

and there is definitely different movies that I would say:

"I would rather shoot digital on because of X, Y and Z."

Right now is a great time for filmmakers because you have both options.

Digital may have refined my lighting overall. Because I had to be better at it

to make it look good.

And now it is like, it is just easier and easier. Because each new generation of camera

coming out it is like it just looks nice.

For more infomation >> The Filmmaker's View: Reed Morano – Being in the moment - Duration: 6:18.


Mufti Fayjur Rahman Bangla Waz - Bangla Waz 2018 - Duration: 31:45.

Mufti Fayjur Rahman Bangla Waz - Bangla Waz 2018

For more infomation >> Mufti Fayjur Rahman Bangla Waz - Bangla Waz 2018 - Duration: 31:45.


Soccer Moves and Creativity - Duration: 4:15.

Hello guys, this is Gabriel Carrera from best soccer tricks dot com. Okay, today we

have an exciting drill. It's going to be a different soccer drill. It's going to be a

creativity drill for soccer okay. So important here, you always know that

we have, we want to do, we want to do well our touch, we want to do well our passing,we

want to keep our soccer simple. That's really important, yes. We have to keep it

as simple as possible. You know, your first touch, your passing, your shot,

keeping your head up when you take a decision you know. It's going to help you to catch all the

information, holding your head on the sides. You know simple things, the details that

there are key and you can use it and are so simply okay. But at the same time

sometimes it's good to go to outside the box. The big players, sometimes the players

that are the best the best in the world sometimes they think outside the box and

they just have fun sometimes they just take the ball and have fun. So what I'm

asking you right now is just to take, you take a ball. Have a ball in front of

yourself and spent at least 15 minutes, I recommend 15 to an hour where you have

nothing to do where you have maybe maybe your legs are a little bit too tired to

have full practice you know shooting that and you want to change it a little

bit. So just go with the ball and try to you know, have as much as contact with the

wall as possible do some touches maybe so you want to try some drills that you

saw on TV or some drills that you saw on another YouTube channel. You know, maybe and even for

yourself, you even something that is new, why not? or it's going to... this is going to help you

This is going to help you to improve your control to improve your skills with the soccer ball.

and you're going to be more confident okay. I'm not saying necessarily that you will

use it in a match or that you'll use it, but it's for fun, it's for

improving yourself or for giving confidence to yourself. So here we go

I'm just going to demonstrate for example what we can do, you know okay.

So here we go.

[Soccer player doing creativity moves.]

That's it guys. That's it, you keep going until you have no breath, until you

feel tired a little bit. It's good a little for your cardio and it's good for

your control like I said having fun. We're having fun okay. So make sure you

do it, I really recommend it. You really to try it, it's really fun, I like

it I enjoy it. So I hope you do it. Thank you so much. Make sure to check the

website Thank you

[Best Soccer Tricks]

For more infomation >> Soccer Moves and Creativity - Duration: 4:15.


RUSSIANS REACT TO FRENCH TRAP | Kaaris - C'est la base ft. XV Barbar | REACTION - Duration: 5:55.


Nice, nice

I'm already dancing

That letter "T" looks interesting

It's a band BarBar

The video is too simple for Kaaris

Yeah, it's probably old

Usually he has Lamborginis in his videos

This guy is good

I think we've seen him before

Maybe. Maybe they had a cypher together

Look how many people are there

Finally Kaaris showed in the video

Kaaris probably is only gonna rap a little at the end

You might be right

This dude is screaming

This dude is sweaty, his hair is wet

He just washed it for the video

He was brushing his teeth with champagne

That dude is going crazy

Yeah yeah yeah

I like his dance moves

Hard dance music

True, Kaaris will only rap at the end

He just came here so they could put his name in the title

Cuz if they put Kaaris first, they will get more views

Red bandana

It reminded me of Metro Boomin, he always wears bandanas like Tupac

6 minites of turning up

And all artists are dope

It's like FGE cypher. The 3rd part was super dope

And this is a cypher too

I thought he would never gonna rap

Not bad, not bad

Party in the house

Good verse

This song woke me up

Yeah, that was hard

Yeah, but the melody was kinda old

But still, they killed it

One guy was screaming like crazy

And dancing like crazy

Especially thumbs up to the guy who looked like a Russian gopnik

6 minutes of non stop hard music

Guys from France, we love you

And big shout out to our translators:

Ilya, Antoine and Karim

Thank you very much brothers, you are very dope

And all our fans from France, you are the best

And follow us on Instagram. And buy our merch on

For more infomation >> RUSSIANS REACT TO FRENCH TRAP | Kaaris - C'est la base ft. XV Barbar | REACTION - Duration: 5:55.


Gary the Unicorn Hugs Ruth B | Hug Club | CBC Kids - Duration: 1:32.

For more infomation >> Gary the Unicorn Hugs Ruth B | Hug Club | CBC Kids - Duration: 1:32.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180 CDI AMBITION, NAVI! - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180 CDI AMBITION, NAVI! - Duration: 1:01.


¿ Adonde ? - PLANET CLIPTON clip 9 - #16 - Duration: 4:38.


If I´m walking by the street I ask me where I am going

I want to know what happen after

Where I am now? Why it´so dark?

Looking to the Rio de la Plata I´m arriving to the square

My heart is not lost

Looking to the Rio de la Plata I´m arriving to the square

My heart is not lost

If I´m walking by the street I ask me where I am going

I want to know what happen after

Where I am now? Why it´so dark?

Looking to the Rio de la Plata I´m arriving to the square

My heart is not lost

In the square, looking to the river I´m arriving to the silver

My heart is not lost

For more infomation >> ¿ Adonde ? - PLANET CLIPTON clip 9 - #16 - Duration: 4:38.


This Old Man Animal Songs For Kids & Babies | Children Songs | Baby Hippo Tom Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 4:31.

This Old Man Animal Songs For Kids & Babies | Children Songs | Baby Hippo Tom Nursery Rhymes


For more infomation >> This Old Man Animal Songs For Kids & Babies | Children Songs | Baby Hippo Tom Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 4:31.


제2강 의문문 만들기 (초급 영문법) - Duration: 3:26.

For more infomation >> 제2강 의문문 만들기 (초급 영문법) - Duration: 3:26.


Featuring Musician Megan Ni...

For more infomation >> Featuring Musician Megan Ni...


For more infomation >> Featuring Musician Megan Ni...


Mr.N - ขอโทษได้มั๊ยหล่ะ - Duration: 2:55.

For more infomation >> Mr.N - ขอโทษได้มั๊ยหล่ะ - Duration: 2:55.


For more infomation >> Mr.N - ขอโทษได้มั๊ยหล่ะ - Duration: 2:55.


Peugeot 207 1.6 HDI COOL 'N BLUE - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 207 1.6 HDI COOL 'N BLUE - Duration: 0:57.


For more infomation >> Peugeot 207 1.6 HDI COOL 'N BLUE - Duration: 0:57.


Non, vous n'êtes pas gros ! Votre ventre est Juste gonflé et voici la solution… - Duration: 6:16.

For more infomation >> Non, vous n'êtes pas gros ! Votre ventre est Juste gonflé et voici la solution… - Duration: 6:16.


For more infomation >> Non, vous n'êtes pas gros ! Votre ventre est Juste gonflé et voici la solution… - Duration: 6:16.


All Things Pumpkin Open Collab - Duration: 7:15.

Hi Mia here from mommy and mia homeschool Chronicles and today I'm joining an

open collab from Rachel at day to day joys right compliment she's shy

people yes we are joining in on in all things pumpkin collaboration with Rachel

at day to day joys so stay tuned to see what we're gonna be whipping up here in

our kitchen

pumpkin spice pumpkin flavored morsels this is the first time I'm gonna try

this it is flavored with cinnamon and spices

so we're gonna be using this as well so now we're gonna mend all our ingredients

together and then we're gonna show you how to dump it inside of the crock pot

and then we'll show you what the dessert is gonna look like afterwards so stay

tuned all right so Mia and I mixed all the ingredients according to the box of

the post very perfectly pumpkin cake mix I have Mia working back there the next

thing that while she's mixing the cake I am going to be preparing the pumpkin

spice jell-o pudding mix which we are going to need now this recipe is a

pumpkin spice latte and I it just came the idea came to me originally from the

chocolate lava cake that they have I believe as an Oliver sauce or all spice

recipes I forgot the name of the website but I'll put a link where I got

a recipe for a crock-pot chocolate lava cake and I just said you know what for

this collaboration as all things pumpkin I am just gonna substitute everything

that I can find with pumpkin and when I was shopping I came across the cake mix

the pudding and I saw the chocolate morsels right now we had an aha moment I

said ah I'm gonna make this pumpkin spice lava cake chocolate chip but it's

not it's pumpkin cream so you know this is why I decided to go this route so

stay tuned so Mia is almost done mmm mixing up the cake batter so what I did

was that I greased my crock pot now you can use the Baker's spray to spray down

the crock pot or you can use butter I didn't have to spray so I use butter and

now I'm ready to put the inside of the crock pot

this is a cook until all the ingredients are put into them you think so all right

so we already mixed our pudding and is soft set so once you beat it for to the

two minutes according to the instructions on the box

you're gonna allow for it to set for those swaps that for five minutes

once that's done you're going to pour the the pudding along with the cake mix

our gonna be ready to put in our pumpkin spice morsels into the mixture all right

so maybe some of these in here

and then once we have done that it's already all you have to do is set it on

high and let it just slow cook for three to four hours

and serve it up and once it's lit down we'll make sure to show you how to surf

this up and enjoy it so my lava cake is almost done or our lava cake Nia it's

almost done I could a butter knife through it but it's still a little moist

in them centers it's not quite done yet so we're gonna leave it for about

another half hour so and then we'll serve it up all right so I served up our

pumpkin lava cake and I put some french vanilla ice cream on top of it and now I

am gonna sprinkle some pumpkin spice on the top of the ice cream and then we're

gonna try this so hold on so you can see our reaction alright so me and I are

gonna try the lava cake for the first time it smells good in here doesn't it

Mia and she is dying to try it so let's see how it tastes alright so here is our

spoon Cheers she's just dying to eat it he's like an

app words he's delicious this is totally delicious great just for

the season and I think this will be also good for Thanksgiving to serve up as a

dessert oh my goodness so good thank you so much Rachel for inviting us to join

in on this all things pumpkin collab make sure to check out her channel make

sure to check out the playlist of all the other YouTube creators that

participate it that is all for now thank you for watching don't forget to

subscribe do not forget to hit the notification bell bye

For more infomation >> All Things Pumpkin Open Collab - Duration: 7:15.


For more infomation >> All Things Pumpkin Open Collab - Duration: 7:15.


The Story of Voyager 1 & 2 - Duration: 29:29.

For more infomation >> The Story of Voyager 1 & 2 - Duration: 29:29.


For more infomation >> The Story of Voyager 1 & 2 - Duration: 29:29.


Little Fighter 2 - Practical Combos for (almost) all LF2 characters - Duration: 11:03.

For more infomation >> Little Fighter 2 - Practical Combos for (almost) all LF2 characters - Duration: 11:03.


For more infomation >> Little Fighter 2 - Practical Combos for (almost) all LF2 characters - Duration: 11:03.


20 Things to do in Lviv, Ukraine Travel Guide - Duration: 12:01.

Today's video is all about our visit to Lviv (Львів).

Having come straight from Kiev (Київ), Lviv offered a real change of scenery.

The city was much smaller, more walkable, and it looked distinctly Central European.

In some ways, it reminded us of a smaller version of Krakow or Prague, though a little

rough around the edges.

But enough about first impressions; let us actually show you around.

In this video we're going to take you on a grand tour of the city and highlight 20

things to do in Lviv on your next visit.

A solid day of sightseeing needs to start with a good breakfast, and after walking around

the Old Town a bit, we found a place to eat: a post office-themed cafe!

This is so amazing.

This is so much more beautiful than I was expecting.

So right in front of me I've got these crepes with apple and walnuts.

And just look at the way they've like folded them and like twirled them.

Like it is so pretty and it has cottage cheese as well.

Icing sugar, cinnamon.

Like this is a gorgeous work of art.

I almost don't want to dig into it.


Aside from crepes, we also ordered pancakes, cappuccinos, and verguny served with cream,

so it was a bit of a sugar kick, but what a tasty way to start the morning.

Alright guys, I was super excited to visit the Armenian Church (Հայկական տաճար)

and it is not open.

It looks like it has been undergoing some renovations so we're just going to have to

peek through the gates.

There is some concrete bags and yeah this is all we can see which is too bad.

Okay, so the Armenian Church (Вірменський собор - Katedra ormiańska) may have

been closed but there is no shortage of churches in this city so we've come across another


The Transfiguration Church (Преображенська церква) so we're going to go inside

and have a look.

Like in Kyiv (Київ), we quickly discovered that Lviv is a city of churches, so our next

stop was the Church of the Holy Communion (Домініканський костел

і монастир).

This was our third church of the day, and it wouldn't be our last.

So we haven't exactly been having the best of luck with churches and cathedrals today.

First one was under repair, the second one we weren't supposed to film but we got a few

shots very discreetly.

And the 3rd one there was a wedding.


What have we found here?

Well so far we've been just wandering around Lviv (Львів) for a little while and we've

found a lot of cool markets.

Like there is touristy ones but there is also some more local ones like just behind me here

people are selling books and it is a little bit of a flea market going on as well.


We then visited the Dormition Church (Успенська церква), also known as the Assumption

Church, where yes, there was yet another wedding taking place!

(Ukrainian signing)

Needing a little break from ecclesiastical architecture, we walked over to the Lviv's

Town Hall, where we decided to climb to the top of the Bell Tower for some views of the


I'm totally out of breathe.

That is a lot steeper and higher than I thought.


And yeah we're almost there though.

It is super stuffy there is hardly any air.

The views will be worth it.

We're not actually done though.

Oh, woah.

It continues.

Made it to the top.

Made it to the top.

The views are worth it but we've been climbing so many towers I almost feel like we should

be getting paid to be going up them instead of paying ourselves.

There was like no air in this tower.

It was so stuffy.

It was kind of gross.

It smelled funny.

Yeah, as we were going up it started to smell like farts.

Haha, Sam.

I think someone let a bomb go.

I'm not kidding.

Maybe it was Sam.

No it wasn't me.

Or maybe not.

It was not me.

And after climbing up and down hundreds of rickety stairs, it was time for lunch!

So it was like mid-afternoon.

This is our first full day of like wandering around the Old town.


And we walked by this place I saw people eating sushi and it looked so good.

And we're like we have this massive craving for that.

To be fair we've had a lot of Ukrainian food while we've been here so I feel like it is

nice to mix it up a bit.

Yeah, and it is good to show like there is really good International Food in Ukraine

(Україна) so yeah yeah we've ordered a whole bunch of different uh sushi rolls.

Sushi rolls and I have a big beer coming up and so yeah I'm just kind of in my happy place

right now.

The food is here.

I've got my miso.

Lots of sushi.

I've almost finished my Warcraft beer.

And oh my gosh this is our favorite.

Philadelphia rolls.


Cream cheese, avocado, salmon.

We basically just got different combinations of that.


Both those are like the main ingredients in all of our sushi.


This was such a good idea.

His happy place.

That is all I'm going to say.

And keeping with the theme of churches, after our sushi lunch, we visited the Bernardine

Church in the south end of the Old Town; followed by the Latin Cathedral (Лати́нський

собо́р - Katedra Łacińska), which sits in the southwest corner of Market Square;

and finally the Jesuit Church, where if you can believe it, we stumbled upon yet another


Clearly, it was wedding season.

(Church choir)

So that was our 6th church of the day.

It was the former Jesuit Church.


Sam is just popping in to say hello.

Um, it was my favorite church so far.

It was under renovations, scaffolding inside, the ceiling looked like it was crumbling down

but there was a wedding taking place.


So we were able to like stand there and watch it and it was really cool.

They had a beautiful choir.

That afternoon, we also came across Lviv's Souvenir Market, where you can find everything

from matryoshka dolls and painted landscapes, to traditional clothes and football gear.

The market is located just east of the Lviv Theatre (Львівська оперa - Opera

Lwowska), and on that note, here you can get tickets for the ballet and the opera for very

affordable prices.

Now let's move on to food.

Lest you think all we ate in Lviv (Lwów) was pancakes and sushi, we also made time

to visit a traditional restaurant outside the Old Town, called Seven Piggies (Сім


Alright guys, it is lunchtime here in Lviv (Львів) and we tried to find the most

traditional Ukrainian restaurant that we could and that is how we ended up at Seven Piggies

(Сім поросят) and yeah I can tell you taxidermy is really popular.

Lots of stuffed animals.

There is like beavers and squirrels and owls.

Um, it is very colorful.

It is all white walls but is is like decorated with these bright flowers.

So yeah, it is super cool.

We're the only ones here and our food has arrived.


Banosh (Банош).

We ordered dishes like Banosh, a maize porridge prepared with salty sheep cheese, eggs and

bacon; black dumplings, which were a little different from the varenyky we'd become

used to; a soup served in a ceramic bowl with bread cooked overtop; and a pork leg with

the most tender meat ever.

This apparently is the house specialty.

They have actually named this dish after the restaurant and it is the 7 pigs and it is

a huge pork leg (ГОМІЛОЧКА "СІМ ПОРОСЯТ").

It appears like they have like a cheese or melted cheese.

Melted cheese sauce and I'm just going to like carve off a huge.

That looks good.

Look how big that is.

Oh man, the meat looks so tender.

It does.

It looks really tender.

So I'm going to get some sauce on that and take a huge bite.


My gosh that is such nice meat.

So tender and actually it is not a cheese sauce it is a mustard sauce.

Oh, it has got a kick to it.


Totally different than what I thought.

Alright guys, so this afternoon we are visiting the Lviv Historical Museum.

Pretty cool but you have to wear special slippers to get in here.

This is one of the oldest and richest museums in Ukraine (Україна) in terms of its

artefacts, and if you're feeling a bit peckish after that, they have a charming cafe right

in the Italian Courtyard, which is well worth the visit.

And not too far from there, you also have the Lviv Arsenal, which houses the Weaponry

Museum featuring items from the Late Middle Ages through to the 20th century.

So I spy a little creature over your shoulder.

Oh, who could that be?

Where could we be?

We're at a cat cafe.

Cat cafe.

It is such a nice surprise.

We had no idea this was here.

We just kind of found it spontaneously and yeah we both love cats.

Well actually I like cats even more than you.

I like dogs.

No, you actually secretly love cats.

No, I like dogs.

Audrey secretly loves cats but we're going to go in right now and check it out.


So we made it inside the cat cafe.

We're currently being ignored by the cats.

Actually there is children running around peaking under our table to see if we're hiding

any cats.

No, cats anywhere near us.


So yeah, we're going to dig into the cake and this one is called the cat cafe cake which

is their signature dish I guess.

So my cheesecake has arrived.

Take a look down here.

And this is the traditional um Ukrainian kind.

It is called Cernik (xxx).

I think it may also share the same name in Poland.

I remember in Poland it was called Sernik (xxx) too.

Maybe very similar names.

But it is a very thick type of cheesecake and it is really good.


Very dense.

Dense cheesecake.

I like it.

For a more unusual attraction in Lviv (Львів), you have the Yard of Lost Toys, which is a

makeshift graveyard and outdoor museum for toys that have been lost of left behind.

Apparently, it all started when a resident from one of the apartment blocks along Mukachivska

Street found two lost toys and placed them in the shared courtyard, and it kind of grew

from there.

So, we've already shown you views of the Old Town from the Bell Tower, but another

free alternative is walking up Castle Hill (Високий замок - Замкова

гора - Wysoki Zamek).

It's a pretty easy walk along a defined path, just don't go expecting a castle at

the top because all that remains are a few ruins.

Lastly, let's talk about transportation in the city.

The tram (Львівський Трамвай) is hands down the cheapest way to get around

Lviv (Львів), and while you can still see a few older ones around, modern trams

are slowly taking over, so it's a fairly reliable way to get around town.

And that's a wrap for our visit to Lviv, Ukraine (Україна).

We found this to be a charming city with a completely different look and feel from Kiev

(Киев), so we're glad we added this stop to our itinerary.

If you're short on time, this is a great destination for a weekend escape.

Now you know the drill, if you have any other suggestions of cool things to do around Lviv

(Львів), feel free to share those with fellow travellers in the comments below.

Wishing you happy travels and until next time!

For more infomation >> 20 Things to do in Lviv, Ukraine Travel Guide - Duration: 12:01.


For more infomation >> 20 Things to do in Lviv, Ukraine Travel Guide - Duration: 12:01.


Ceci peut tuer 93% des cellules tumorales du cancer du colon en seulement 2 jours ! - Duration: 4:06.

For more infomation >> Ceci peut tuer 93% des cellules tumorales du cancer du colon en seulement 2 jours ! - Duration: 4:06.


For more infomation >> Ceci peut tuer 93% des cellules tumorales du cancer du colon en seulement 2 jours ! - Duration: 4:06.


On the Fringe in Japan

For more infomation >> On the Fringe in Japan


Porsche Boxster 2.5 TIPTRONIC AUT Airco ECC Cruise control Hardtop Org NL Navi Licht metaal Inruil m - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Porsche Boxster 2.5 TIPTRONIC AUT Airco ECC Cruise control Hardtop Org NL Navi Licht metaal Inruil m - Duration: 1:03.


#FunFriday: Reading translated movie summaries - Duration: 4:57.

Hi! Welcome to another Fun Friday video.

Today I'm gonna be doing something a little bit different.

I discovered that

there is such a thing as Chinese Amazon.

I don't understand Chinese so I didn't really know what I was looking at

but I did find

a bunch of movies on there.

And I thought, it would be fun

maybe to take the description of the movie

that was written in Chinese

and then

translate into English and then find out

kind of what gets lost in translation there.

So I have a few movies

so we're just gonna go ahead and we're gonna read some of these descriptions.

Now I have to admit I haven't seen Moana

so I don't know if that's accurate at all

but if you have, leave a comment

let me know if it's even remotely in the ballpark

of what that movie is about.

Oh, that's some Chinese there.

I tried to find Star Wars movies

but I could only find one

and it was the description for the

VHS copy of Star Wars Episode three Revenge of the Sith.

It goes like this.

Or the Chinese title of this movie...

By virtue of their own extraordinary intelligence and tenacious persev...

These are just like, not right.

Or as it is known in Chinese...

So there you go.

Let me know if you like this if you want me to find and do more

movie descriptions from Chinese Amazon.

But thank you for watching and tune in next time.

For more infomation >> #FunFriday: Reading translated movie summaries - Duration: 4:57.


After Estill: the problem with cricoid tilt for belting in Estill Voice Craft - Duration: 6:53.

For more infomation >> After Estill: the problem with cricoid tilt for belting in Estill Voice Craft - Duration: 6:53.


VOA news Oct 13, 2017 - Duration: 4:59.

From Washington, this is VOA news.

I'm Jonathan Smith reporting.

Pakistan's military has rescued a U.S.-Canadian family from a tribal region bordering Afghanistan

nearly five years after they were abducted by militants.

American Caitlan Coleman and her Canadian husband Joshua Boyle went missing in Afghanistan

in 2012.

The Taliban later claimed responsibility for kidnapping them.

President Trump on Thursday said he hoped others will be rescued.

"We hope to see this type of cooperation and teamwork in helping secure the release of

remaining hostages and in our future joint counterterrorism operations."

In a statement the Pakistani military said the rescue operation was conducted based on

"action of all intelligence from the United States."

Egyptian officials say an attack on a checkpoint in the northern Sinai Peninsula has killed

six people.

The attack happened Thursday on the outskirts of the city of el-Arish.

Egypt has been battling an insurgency in the northern Sinai that has been led by an Islamic

State affiliate since 2014.

Ethiopian government forces killed four people and wounded 18 others Thursday in the town

of Soda in the restive Oromia region.

Residents, who asked for anonymity out of fear of retaliation by the Ethiopian government,

told VOA's Horn of Africa service that eight trucks escorted by federal forces were stopped

by residents of Soda and surrounding villages, suspecting the trucks were transporting weapons

to special "Liyu" police in the neighboring Somali region.

The security chief of the Dirre district in the Oromia region said, "The federal forces

were angered by the residents' demand to stop the trucks and opened fire."

This is VOA news.

The United Arab Emirates announced Thursday it will halt the issuance of visas to North

Korean workers.

Kuwait and Qatar have already done so.

The decisions limit North Korea's ability to evade sanctions and make money off the

laborers it sends to work in Middle Eastern nations.

The UAE also said it would block North Korean companies from operating in any of its seven


The Trump administration says the U.S. will withdraw from the United Nations top cultural

and educational program, UNESCO, at the end of the year.

Reuters correspondent Matthew Larotonda has the story.

The announcement coming in a press release from the state Department citing "continuing

anti-Israel bias at the agency" and "need for fundamental reform."

The U.S. actually stopped paying to the institution altogether back during the Obama administration

after it recognized the Palestinian Authority as a member, taking with it about a fifth

of its funding.

This is now the third major international body that Trump has withdrawn the U.S. from.

The U.S. withdrawal is to take effect December 31, 2018.

Hours later, Israel announced that it would also be leaving the U.N. body.

The United Nations secretary-general says early action by the international community

has helped avert widespread famine, but the number of people in need is continuing to


In February, António Guterres warned that 20 million people were facing starvation in

South Sudan, North East Nigeria and Yemen, and he appealed for more than $5.6 billion

for 2017.

On Thursday, he told the U.N. Security Council "While we have succeeded in keeping famine

at bay, we have not yet kept suffering at bay."

And, rescue workers in northern California are using cadaver-sniffing dogs to search

for bodies in the ruins of homes burned to the ground by wildfires.

The fires north of San Francisco have killed at least 27 people since Sunday while no one

has yet heard from nearly half of the 900 people officially listed as missing.

Sonoma County Sheriff Robert Giordano said identifying the victims is going to be hard.

Twenty-two fires were burning Thursday, with firefighters partially containing just one.

More than 75,000 hectares have burned so far, including some of Northern California's world

famous vineyards and wineries.

At least 3,500 homes and businesses have been destroyed.

There is more on these and other late breaking and developing stories, from around the world,

around the clock, at and on the VOA news mobile app.

I'm Jonathan Smith reporting from the world headquarters of the Voice of America in Washington.

That's the latest world news from VOA.

For more infomation >> VOA news Oct 13, 2017 - Duration: 4:59.


Kia Sportage - Duration: 0:51.

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A legendás projektek együttműködéssel kezdődnek - Duration: 2:33.

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For more infomation >> Studio One3で曲作ってます2(メイキング) - Duration: 8:13.


This is how you easily create a connected car - Duration: 10:48.

Connected cars are a popular subject nowadays.

Data is everywhere because Internet is everywhere.

My car has some things, but those don't work.

Older cars don't have an Internet connection.

An Internet connection isn't standard for cheaper cars.

It'll take some time before we all get it stock.

Fortunately I have ANWB Connected Car.

I'll show you how this works and how to install it. It's easy.

When I open the box, I see a dongle.

These dongles go in the OBD port. I'll show you in a bit.

You can buy a Chinese version on eBay, but that's lesser quality than this one.

The ANWB tested if it works properly with all cars.

It does connect with your car.

This dongle doesn't write, but you don't know what a Chinese one does.

The quality of this one is good.

So where do you plug it in? It's easy.

It depends on the car. My 1 Series has on-board diagnostics (OBD) here.

This port is meant for the workshop to check the car for errors and service it.

I do this and it connects.

No further installation is required. That's not too bad.

The dongle remembers a number of things from each ride.

It also knows where I am.

I'm opening the app on my phone.

This is the ANWB Connected app. It can do a number of things.

It shows where I am; very nice on the Landtong.

I don't live here, in case you were wondering. It is a cool spot, though.

This is convenient when you're going shopping.

It's easy to find your car in the Netherlands, but this also works in foreign countries.

If you parked your car somewhere in Rome, you can tell the app to navigate to your car.

1 minute, walk 3 meters.

It's not very accurate, but that's GPS for ya.

It's nice to use.

Eco Score is another thing.

I don't think it's very interesting, but you can save fuel with it.

It gives you a score, which you can improve.

I score low on acceleration, speed, and braking. I did good with idling.

This is from the past week. The score goes down when I push 'month', and 90 days exists too.

I can also view individual drives.

Driving from Rotterdam to Rotterdam, going from my house to the Europoort here, is 48 km.

I did it in 31 minutes. I idled for less than 1 minute.

I burned 4.1 liters and the average speed is 94 kph.

That's probably not legal. The speed is a bit too high. Strange.

If I drove more slowly, how much fuel would I save?

If you think that's important. There are events.

It says I didn't brake or accelerate hard. Well done, but no brilliant Eco score.

That is the Eco Score.

It has a trip registration. It says the battery status is good.

I noticed because the car started without problems this morning.

You can see the status and errors of the car using the OBD port.

The ANWB roadside assistance can use this.

Let's see what and how much they can do.

[ANWB alarm center]

It's fun to see the battery status, but the OBD port gives much more information you can use.

Absolutely. We remotely monitor all connected vehicles.

Of course we see battery status and error codes, but we want to prevent the car from breaking down.

Here's a red engine management light. Is that too late? You want to prevent that, right?

We started to react to the engine management light.

The user sees this too. The engine management light is lit.

The difference is that we contact you. Technicians will try to help you.

Eventually we want to prevent this. We can do this, because we see the errors on our dashboard here,

before your engine management light is lit. - A car generates errors before the lights are lit.

Each case is different. There are many different kinds of problems.

A nice example is the particulate filter. It slowly clogs up.

This produces error codes. The user doesn't see this, until it's too late and the light comes on.

We can see these error codes.

That way you can prevent it from clogging. - Is there more information?

This is rather high level. - This is the high level overview we work from.

Red indicates an engine management light and you see some error codes.

The helpdesk technicians can delve into this.

For example, I see a BMW 3 Series here.

I can see the complete history of errors it produced.

We saw the engine management light. I can see when it lit up.

I also see the error codes that have been generated.

You see those error codes are recurring.

That's how the technicians perform a good analysis, combined with the error codes, to see what's wrong.

That's a big difference.

We call our customers nowadays.

Before, our customers called the ANWB when stranded.

We reversed this and try to help over the phone.

Sometimes the car is in the workshop already.

If we can't solve it on the phone, we'll send our roadside assistance.

I really think this is the future, to prevent problems.

You don't want the car to break down. It's good to know a dongle and the ANWB can help.

If something goes wrong, there's the well-known emergency telephone icon.

I can click it. "Use the roadside assistance app."

Of course I have it. I can let them know my car broke down.

The dongle can send them data, including your location.

This helps to solve the problem quickly.

We have to be driving for another thing I want to show you.

Another thing the ANWB Connected app can do is parking.

We know this. Open it.

Using the ANWB Onderweg app.

It knows where I am. Other apps do this too.

Park in this zone.

Start. Up until now there's nothing exciting.

Other parking apps can do this too.

The fun thing is, the app knows when I'm leaving thanks to the ANWB dongle.

The dongle will give a signal and it can automatically cancel.

I don't know about you, but I forget to cancel my parking sometimes.

I remember it's still running when I get home.

That's a waste. This is convenient.

This is what car manufacturers promise you, but don't deliver.

That's because of different parking providers, but the ANWB thing works. It's brilliant. Very nice.


Now I do remember to cancel parking, but when I drive off it should stop automatically.

Look here. Your parking transaction for zone 12 has been stopped automatically.

I'm visiting the ANWB one more time to get dongles for my other cars. I liked it.

Subtitles - Maru's Text Support

For more infomation >> This is how you easily create a connected car - Duration: 10:48.


Drug Taking Climbers - #FOTD247 - Duration: 2:27.

For more infomation >> Drug Taking Climbers - #FOTD247 - Duration: 2:27.


Harvesting honey 2017 - Duration: 6:56.

Cut off the honey layer with a wire.

Also cut off the lid in the same way.

Remove the bees by hitting the hive.

Let's try with the bread!

Let's try!

It would be high density!


It's higher density than last year.

Good taste!

Ah! delicious!

It's little bit sour taste.



Here, your yogurt!


It is honey yogurt.

Ah! delicious!

Good taste!

This is good!


It fits yogurt!

The best!

Great success!

We could harvest a lot this year.

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