Thứ Bảy, 14 tháng 10, 2017

Youtube daily report Oct 15 2017

What are you doing?!


Shiranui's motive was choosing a "vessel"

that Gyze could diffride from among the Under 20 participants.

The remaining fighters in the final stage

need to be very cautious about making contact with the Diffriders.

Because of that, all of the branch chiefs...

Who are you?!

From Team Diffrider...

Saori Fuchidaka.

I don't go by that anymore.

Now the name is Dumjid.

I'm an Apostle of the Dragon Deity of Destruction, Gyze!

An Apostle of Gyze, you say?


What's wrong?

I went out of my way to come here.

Give me a warmer welcome than this.

Get serious!

You call yourself an "Apostle," but why did you come here?

Just to say hi.

In that case, you can stay a little longer and tell us everything.

The purpose of you Apostles...

And just what is "the Dragon Deity of Destruction, Gyze?"

Fine. That is, if you can beat me.

But are you prepared to go up against an Apostle of Gyze?

Let's fight.

Turn 2 Challenge from the Apostles

Mamoru, what do you know about him?

Saori Fuchidaka participated in Under 20

as a member of Team Diffrider, along with Kazumi Onimaru,

but disappeared during the final stage.

I'll crush you!

Stand up...

...Z... ...the...



To you, that means this is your final battle.

Wyvernkid, Deidda.

Neon Messiah Aurion.

That's Neon Messiah's evolved form!


Dragon Knight, Tahir!

I ride Dunamis Messiah.


I ride Dragon Knight, Mbudi!

Call! Shakur!

What are the Association bigwigs even doing here?

Were you analyzing the info on Shiranui you got from Kazumi Onimaru?


I ride Metallia Messiah.

I call Arrester.



I attack your Vanguard.

It's hilarious...

...when weak humans become desperate!


Dragonic Blademaster "Kouen"!

No matter what you do, it's meaningless!

Why would Saori Fuchidaka enter enemy territory?

He's got guts.

He said he just stopped by to say "hi," but he must have had an ulterior motive.

We don't need to hypothesize about this or that.

It'll all become clear soon.


If Ibuki wins this fight.

Although that's his ulterior motive...



Twin drive!

Second check! Critical trigger!

I give all of the effects to Shakur!


Go, go, go, go, go!

Burn him!

What are you scheming? Why are you after Fides?!

The answer is here.

This will obliterate Fides. Fight me!

I accept your challenge!

What's your name?

Aqua Force Marshal, Valeos!



Alter Ego Neo Messiah.

That's the evolved form of Ibuki's...


Stride Generation!

Genesis Dragon, Basaltis Messiah.

And a new G unit!

Alter Ego Neo Messiah's stride skill.

I call one card from my hand

and can choose to lock one rear-guard unit of each fighter.

I lock Shakur.

I lock Aurion.

Cards that have been locked can't do anything until the next turn.

Metallia's skill.

The unit gets +3000 power.

The same skill, once more.

I call Beloved Child of Superstring Theory. Skill activated.

I give +3000 power to Arrester.

No matter how you lowly humans struggle, it's all for naught!

Arrester attacks.

Basaltis Messiah attacks your Vanguard.

Skill activated.

For each face-up card in the G Zone,

I choose one rear-guard and one locked card,

then lock and unlock them, respectively.

I lock Deidda.

I unlock Aurion.

I unlocked one or more cards, so I draw one card.

Metallia's skill activated twice.

The unit gets +6000 power.

On top of that, Aurion's skill activates.

I draw one card.

Basaltis Messiah. +5000 power.

His opponent's rear-guards are all locked.

And by repeatedly locking and unlocking his own units,

he's increasing their power.

This is the director's specialty!

Perfect guard!

Flare Trooper, Dumjid!

The Under 20 was playtime,

but what's going to happen from now on is different!

Triple drive!

Second check.

Third check.

Critical trigger.

I give all of the effects to Metallia.


This time it's a real battle!

It's war!

There's no way you people can resist!

Turn end.

Alter Ego Neo Messiah's skill activates.

During this turn, I unlocked a card with an effect from one of my cards,

so I draw two cards.

You can't protect yourself against anything!

You'll all die.

From the power possessed by the Apostles of Gyze.

Stride Generation!

Flare Arms, Ziegenburg!


Ziegenburg's skill!



Jaugo, +6000 power!

Tahir, +2000 power!

I'm not the same person I was before.

I've obtained new power.

Mighty power only granted to Apostles.

With this power, I'll seal your future right here!

Generation Guard!

Light that Seals the Tear, Lady Healer.

With its skill, it gets +10000 shield.

And also, guard!

Triple drive!

Second check!

Third check!

Critical trigger!

I give all of the effects to Ziegenburg!

Ziegenburg's skill activated!

I stand Ziegenburg!

Drive minus 2!

Now you'll realize how fragile humans are!

And weep! Curse your fate!

Perfect guard.

Drive check!

Critical trigger!

I give all of the effects to Jaugo!

You people don't stand a chance!


You survived... this turn.

Turn end.

I unlock Shakur and Deidda.

With Kouen's skill, I move the Kouen in the Drop Zone to my hand.

With this, the cost for stride is guaranteed.

And I have plenty of defensive cards in my hand.

Your death is assured.

I'm going to crush you people, this world and everything!

Don't underestimate me.

I'll show you the power of humans... my power!

Stride Generation!

Genesis Dragon, Harmonics Neo Messiah!

Harmonics Neo Messiah...

Ibuki has even more of a chance with that.

The future that Ibuki hopes to attain...

Stride skill. I lock Shakur.


Arrester's skill.

+2000 power.

Prayer Child of Steady State Cosmo's skill.

I lock two of my own rear-guards.

I draw one card.


No matter what happens, we're going to protect this world and Vanguard to the end!


Arrester attacks!

As if I'd take it?!

Arrester's skill.

I lock it and Deidda.

Sacrifice's skill.

I lock it.

Harmonics Neo Messiah gets +3000 power.

I attack your Vanguard!

Skill activated.

I unlock all locked cards.

All of my units that were unlocked get +5000 power.

And Harmonics Neo Messiah gets +5000 power

for every card that was unlocked.

Total of +30000 power.

Also, I unlocked five or more cards,

so you can't guard with any grade 1 or higher cards.

This is the power of Genesis Deity Messiah,

the counterpart of the Dragon Deity of Destruction, Gyze!

And its vanguard is Kouji Ibuki...

No guard!

Triple drive.

Second check. Critical trigger.

I give the power to Lady Battler and the extra critical to Harmonics Neo Messiah.

Third check. Critical trigger.

I give all of the effects to Harmonics Neo Messiah.

Gimme a break!

Is this the end of the line?

Ah, well...

All right!

Jeez. You had me on the edge of my seat.

I was afraid you were gonna overdo it and send him back to the planet Cray.

Then there would've been no point to the fight.

I know that. I held back.


But it turned out all right, so I guess I should say, "Well done."

So, why don't you tell us the Apostles' scheme?

Fine, but...

...I won't be the one who tells you.

What is this?! What's going on?!

Welcome to the ancient temple dedicated to my master.

My name is Gastille.

I worship the god of destruction and chaos.

This man is Gastille...

He's already being diffridden.

And that's...

...the Dragon Deity of Destruction, Gyze!

The Dragon Deity of Destruction, Gyze, will annihilate everything

and return it to nothingness.

We're trying to hasten that "end time."

We, the six Apostles.

And the "trump card" we need to do that is already in the palm of our hand.

"Trump card"?

Zeroth Dragon.

The world will be silent before the destruction of our god!

What was that?!

All an illusion? A hologram?

Wakamizu is capable of that much.

That boy outwitted us, huh?


This was a declaration of war.


Trump card... Zeroth Dragon... What does it mean?


Ibuki, we've got an emergency.

Chrono is... Chrono is...

What?! Chrono disappeared?!


Hey, Tsuneto, wake up!

Hey, Tsuneto!


Are you okay?

Wh-Where are we?!

I dunno.

What's going on here?!

I said, I dunno!

All of a sudden, I was dropped into...

You dragged me into dangerous business again!

Shut up!

What's with your hand?

What is that?

The Diffride mark...

But I don't feel anything different.


Looks like you're okay.

I-It disappeared!

I'm clueless, but let's get the heck outta here.

Yeah, I'm with you on that.

I guess I'll have to pull your fat out of the fire again.

I didn't ask for your help. In fact, you're a hindrance.

What was that?!

What was what?!

All right! Let's go!


Go and fight, Vangua-rou!

Let's go, Vangua-rou!

Chrono and Tsuneto!

What?! Chrono?

By the time Kazuma and I ran over there, he was already gone.

Tsuneto too, as he tried to save Chrono.

I'm going after Noa. - Chrono

Taiyou, I want you to get in touch with Shion right away.

He hasn't answered any of my messages, and I can't get a hold of him.

Of Shion?

He's not picking up?



Still, I was surprised.

I never expected one of Gyze's goons to crash HQ.

Although Ibuki won the fight,

it went exactly as the enemy planned.

These guys are trouble with a capital T.

Their secret weapon is Zeroth Dragon.

I'm worried about that, too.

Problems galore. I've got a bad feeling about all this.

Turn 3 Blue Wave Marshal Valeos

For more infomation >> [Sub][TURN 2] Cardfight!! Vanguard G Z Official Animation - Challenge from the Apostles - Duration: 26:39.


Success Reveal - Top 10 Company manage Cambodia economic | Part 2 - Duration: 10:32.

Success Reveal

Top 10 company manage Cambodia economic Part 2

For more infomation >> Success Reveal - Top 10 Company manage Cambodia economic | Part 2 - Duration: 10:32.


How Disney XD is Ruining DuckTales 2017 | Secret Screening - Duration: 10:28.

It turns out that Disney is already starting to mess things up with DuckTales 2017, and

as my fans will attest, if I'm taking a moment to talk about something negative it

must be serious.

So join me as I look into the secret way Disney XD is hurting DuckTales 2017.

As my Twitter followers know, this story broke back on Saturday, September thirtieth, when

a frustrated Frank Angones posted a thread that exposed the bafflingly altered release

schedule for DuckTales twenty seventeen.

As of the making of this video, only six episodes have been released.

The pilot, which counts as two episodes, and four additional episodes.

Now, before I proceed, it's important to note that when the pilot is eventually split

into two episodes for syndication, the second half - Escape To slash From Atlantis, will

be re-edited and possibly lose some scenes as it's cut for time.

A tragedy, but not the tragedy I'm here to talk about.

The actual season began with two episodes: Daytrip of Doom, followed by The Great Dime


Both released on September Twenty Third to welcome DuckTales back after the brief hiatus

following their pilot.

But according to Frank, here's where things start going off track.

You see, the true fourth episode - as it was planned and orchestrated by Matt Youngberg,

Frank Angones, and the entire creative team - is an as of yet unscheduled and unannounced

Huey centered episode that would have not only explained why Huey wasn't present during

the Great Dime Chase, but also given his underdeveloped character some much needed screen time.

The problem is compounded when you look further into the schedule.

The fifth released episode was The Beagle Birthday Massacre.

Technically this should be the sixth episode, so half way in, we're not that far off track.

However, it's important to remember that this episode marks the midpoint of the first

half of the season.

It introduces a new character, has a huge plot reveal that teases a big bad, and clearly

sets up game pieces that won't be put into play until the final episodes of the season.

But as you can see by from Frank's tweets, the release schedule goes haywire from here

on out.

The sixth scheduled episode, Terror of the Terra-Firmians, should be the tenth!

This is followed by The House of the Lucky Gander, which should be the seventh episode.

And leaves The Infernal Internship of Mark Beaks, The Living Mummies of Toth-Ra, and

the missing Huey Episode up in the air with not enough days in the month to air all three.

This scheduling miss match may seem confusing or not very important, but I assure you it


As Frank himself puts it, "There is an optimal flow that we tried to create with our episode


That's our order to properly space out character spotlights, season arcs, and the right ratio

of Duckburg episodes to Globetrotting episodes."

The order the series was produced in reflects and represents the hard work of writers Frank

Angones, Colleen Evanson, Bob Snow, Matt Youngberg, Madison Bateman, Christian Magalhaes, and

Rachel Vine to construct a well balanced story that lovingly introduces characters, story

elements, and plot arcs in a way that builds suspense and makes sense.

The order itself is part of the experience of consuming a show, and when that order is

changed against the wishes and designs of the creative team it affects the entire experience.

For example, take a look at a former Disney XD prestige series, Gravity Falls.

A show hinged on its intricate overarching story.

Imagine seeing Dungeons Dungeons and More Dungeons before seeing Not What He Seems.

The series biggest plot reveal ruined because of rescheduling.

Now while these schedule changes do seem like nothing more than the mysterious whims of

Disney XD, a force of nature with divine reasoning that's impossible to predict or judge...

It's not.

There was a very specific reason they made these changes, and one that I'm not afraid

to say.

Disney XD thinks that you, the person watching this video, are stupid.

Well, let's be a little more precise and say that Disney XD thinks that children are


And when you look at the updated episode order through that lens, things start making a lot

more sense.

Let's start by looking at the pilot movie.

Woo-oo does two things.

It introduces us to the updated characters - and it introduces us to the series biggest


What happened to Della Duck?

Only Disney realized they had a problem.

The Della Duck mystery isn't referenced again until The Great Dime Chase.

Figuring that kids are stupid and forgetful - or worse, demanding and bratty - they had

to bump things up.

By tossing out the Huey-centric Episode Four and airing two episodes back to back, they

can introduce the Beagle Boys AND give the audience a few more breadcrumbs about the

Della Duck mystery.

Reminding forgetful stupid kids about one of the show's key story arcs after a month's


So knowing they needed to keep kids hooked from the very start, they continued the bump

by pushing The Beagle Birthday Massacre next to introduce Lena and the second big story

arc of the season - the machinations of Magica DeSpell.

But now Disney XD has ANOTHER problem.

Lena and Magica aren't reincorporated into the story again until at least the tenth episode,

Terror of the Terra-Firmians.

"These stupid kids are never going to remember who Lena OR Magica are if they have to watch

three whole episodes without them appearing in the show!" they probably thought to themselves.

So they bumped that episode up behind the one where they were just introduced.

Problem solved!

With November and December being dead zones for TV shows ratings-wise because of all the

holidays crammed into those months, Disney XD likely won't air any new episodes until

at least January.

Technically, this even gives them enough time to re-air the first nine episodes again before

jumping back into new episodes after most of Football Season is over.

And the shame of that forced hiatus is that we now have an actual lost episode of DuckTales.

One that might not see the light of day until the summer of twenty eighteen - especially

if it deals with the Junior Woodchucks.

If my theory is correct, then it can easily be packaged into a special camp-themed summer

episode to keep hungry fans sated until the second season finally comes around.

And that sucks.

It really sucks.

Because that episode should have been the reason fans fell in love with Huey.

As it stands, Huey has the least character development so far, and has the bad luck of

being the stodgy stick in the mud know-it-all in the most recent episode.

But character aside, people worked hard on that missing episode.

It had a specific place, and it shouldn't be dumped off because it was perceived as

"filler" and "less important" by Disney executives.

The success or failure of DuckTales twenty seventeen isn't in the hands of its creative


Not entirely.

It's also in the hands of Disney XD's executives.

A group that clearly devalues and discredits its primary audience to such a degree that

they are willing to toss out the series structure in order to pander to what they perceive as

the lowest common denominator.

But perhaps I'm getting upset over nothing.

DuckTales 2017 Season 1 currently has a 100% Fresh rating from Critics on Rotten Tomatoes,

and the all day launch of the pilot on September 23rd was Disney XD's highest rated show

launch in two years.

Heck, the pilot alone has over fifty million total views across multiple platforms - including

YouTube where it currently has over 3 million views.

But on closer examination, the audience reaction leans a little less favorable.

Looking back on that Rotten Tomatoes score, it currently holds an 88% fresh rating from


A solid B, but far from the A Plus rating sites are trumpeting.

And that can partially be chalked up to people hating changes to their beloved childhood

IPs, but I feel some of this low grade comes from how uneven these first few episodes have


Even Frank has had to take to Twitter to remind the audience that Scrooge is still very much

a part of the show, and that the rest of the season will incorporate Scrooge in some way.

I can only hope Disney XD's executives will allow things to get back on track, trust their

creative teams, and leave the series order intact for the remaining episodes of the first


The good news is that the second season has already been greenlit, so DuckTales isn't

in any immediate danger of cancellation.

However, if it fails to connect with modern audiences, a large share of that blame must

be laid at the feet of Disney XD itself.

A group of executives with a cowardly history of taking the easy way out at the expense

of their shows.

Don't believe me?

Just ask a Gravity Falls fan about The Love God.

Or a Wander of Yonder fan where Season three is.

Or a Future-Worm fan why their show disappeared from the schedule.

Before I close, for folks who don't follow me on social media, I do really like new DuckTales.

The episodes so far have been fun and adventureful in a way I both enjoy and missed.

I'll talk about the series in greater depth when we hit the winter hiatus, but I ask that

you don't read too far into this video.

It's angier than most I've created, but I feel its for a good reason.

I just hope you fully understand where that anger is directed.

Thanks for watching.

Until next time, I'm Douglas MacKrell, and I'm asking you to share and like this video,

and subscribe to my channel.

Because you'll always have a ticket for my next Secret Screening!

For more infomation >> How Disney XD is Ruining DuckTales 2017 | Secret Screening - Duration: 10:28.


11 prank calls from stream 14.10.17 - Duration: 39:09.

For more infomation >> 11 prank calls from stream 14.10.17 - Duration: 39:09.


Ichika catches a fever from Akira? - Duration: 0:53.

That's true.

Avoid going out, and stay in bed today.

Okay? Answer me?


There, there.

Well done!

Sorry, Ichika-chan.

I gave you a cold.

Leave nursing to me.

Don't worry.

Your temperature is not so high.

Ichika-chan! Are you alright?

I feel feverish.

For more infomation >> Ichika catches a fever from Akira? - Duration: 0:53.


Kamen Rider Build- Episode 8 PREVIEW (English Subs) - Duration: 0:15.

Kamen Rider Build!

The truth could lie in the memories you've forgotten...

I'm gonna elevate the Rider System into it's next stage of evolution!

What I'm afraid of... everything I don't know about myself.

Sunday @9AM!

For more infomation >> Kamen Rider Build- Episode 8 PREVIEW (English Subs) - Duration: 0:15.


Burger King® | Spicy 10-Piece Nuggets Review! 👑🔥🐔 - Duration: 5:12.

peep this out guys it's Ian K back again with another one for ya' cheaters cam style

after hours heading into BK to take a look at an upgrade to a fan favorite

menu item that looks a little heated so being that it's nice and cool late at

night let's hit the drive through right now and scoop it up yeah peep this out lemme go for

an order of those spicy nuggets with a side of ranch please and that's all yes

thanks a lot now actually reviewed the

original chicken nuggets a while back and I'll actually link to that review in

the upper right-hand corner of your display right now but I'm very curious

to see if this new version is really gonna be super spicy especially with the

ranch that I'm getting with it but we shall soon see hey my friend how are you

fresh is always good fresh is always good is it really good though the

homestyle breading and everything nice nice can't wait to try it

thank you as well thanks so much you as well alright guys I've got 10 nuggets

with spicy crispy goodness coming my way let's peep this out

we're having it our way here at BK after hours guys let's get that fast up close

and personal look of the all new spicy nuggets and I got to say I am already

digging what we're working with here already guys a heated version of the

original 10 of these bad boys for a $1.49 and take a look at the crispiness of

that coating on there guys lightly breaded fried up to a nice golden brown

and as expected I was really hoping to see a little bit of a red tint and I

kind of do actually I am really digging the way the spices look on this one and

that one there especially looks like it's got a little bit more heated red

action going there too got a side of ranch that is always my

go-to here at BK and I am really excited to see how this is gonna go again guys

the value is high ten of these for $1.49 and they're looking pretty

fantastic it's the all-new spicy Nuggets here at BK after hours let's peep out

this flavor check out that awesomely crispy coating on the outside guys and

it looks like it's seasoned up pretty nicely as well let's do this a quickie

review of the spicy Nuggets here at BK

mmm crispy a little bit of sizzle coming oh

yeah that's got a little bit of heat a little bit more pepper I got to be

honest wow that is really staying with me in the back of my throat right now

pretty good mmm juicy white meat chicken on the inside

lightly crispy on the outside but it's that peppery type of heat that I'm

getting in the background that is really doing it for me right now and real fast

to all my Wendy's peeps who are missing the spicy nuggets that they took off the

menu over there definitely give these a shot these are pretty tasty already just

a fast shot on the inside of this nugget guys the quality of the white meat is

really tasty it's juicy even though it is white meat it is really holding its

own and like I said the crispiness on the outside is definitely on point along

with the heat and that sizzle that I'm getting from the pepper alright I got to

do a real fast on camera I got to get this in the ranch real fast to see if

it's gonna cool it down just a bit let's hit it creamy Ranch goodness goes

amazingly well with just about any type of chicken nugget out there as far as

I'm concerned and most of you guys know I'm definitely a ranch guy when it comes

to chicken like this so I cannot wait to give this a shot

hmm delicious now of course the heat is gonna be a little muted because of the

ranch flavor but man the Tanginess the tartness of the ranch over here at BK

along with the crispiness on the outside of the Nuggets the moist white meat

which is really kind of nice to see considering it's not dry at all is going

so well and I got to say now I'm getting the sizzle on the back end coming there

from the spicing this actually really does a pretty nice job initially of

giving me the impression that it's gonna be a little cool but then it comes back

and hits you really hard in the back hmm tasty I wouldn't say crazy hard but it

lets you know that it's there lemme crack one of these open for you real fast here

guys like I said the quality is decent ten of these for $1.49 you get

your spicy fix for all of you heated heads out there that are really looking

for a little bit of extra from your chicken this is really a step in the

right direction why they waited this long to do this I don't know but I'm

absolutely diggin it the spicy nuggets over here BK pretty awesome but

naturally this is all just my opinion as always what do you guys think value

aside do you think the spicy Nuggets over here at BK are definitely a step in

the right direction and if you're missing them from Wendy's are you gonna

jump on over here to give them a shot drop those comments down below and

definitely let me know and as for my overall rating I'm gonna have to give

the spicy Nuggets over here at BK a nicely heated

9 out of 10 these were made pretty fresh right now guys nice and crispy nice and juicy and I do have

to say with the ranch in particular I was kind of faked out thinking it was

gonna be a little bit more cooler but I like how the spice just came up on the

back end and like I said ten of these for $1.49 that kind of speaks for

itself definitely give these a shot these are pretty tasty and those are my

thoughts on this one as we close out another episode of peep this out guys

cheaters cam style coming at you after hours here at BK and like always I've

got brand new content every single week here on my channel so while you stay

tuned for the next review coming real soon in the meantime stay frosty I came

I saw I enjoyed and these were just as tasty as I was hoping they would be alright

guys until next time I'll talk to you soon

For more infomation >> Burger King® | Spicy 10-Piece Nuggets Review! 👑🔥🐔 - Duration: 5:12.


Film Academy Tells Harvey Weinstein To Take A Hike - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> Film Academy Tells Harvey Weinstein To Take A Hike - Duration: 2:11.


Dragon Ball Super Episode 111 - Hit vs. Jiren "analysis" - Duration: 5:46.

For more infomation >> Dragon Ball Super Episode 111 - Hit vs. Jiren "analysis" - Duration: 5:46.


Loving Husband, Father Of 4 Killed In Las Vegas Massacre Remembered - Duration: 0:50.

For more infomation >> Loving Husband, Father Of 4 Killed In Las Vegas Massacre Remembered - Duration: 0:50.


WBZ Evening Forecast For October 14 - Duration: 3:59.

For more infomation >> WBZ Evening Forecast For October 14 - Duration: 3:59.


Geraldo Gets Back From Puerto Rico, Reveals The Truth About What's Really Been Happening To Trump - Duration: 29:05.

Geraldo Gets Back From Puerto Rico, Reveals The Truth About What's Really Been Happening

To Trump

After Hurricane Maria devastated the US territory of Puerto Rico the media focused on one thing:

trying to make President Trump look bad.

They failed, as usual.

In fact, the people of Puerto Rico were grateful for the enormous aid and energy Trump put

into recovery efforts.

Fox News commentator Geraldo Rivera was in Puerto Rico and as Western Journalism reports,

he is steaming mad about how the media covered the crisis.

"He has been getting the worst, most dishonest press about his visit to Puerto Rico," Rivera


"It is staggering to me how unfair — how grotesquely unfair — the reporting has been."

Rivera saw the storm's devastation up close and his family lives in Puerto Rico.

He knows what he's talking about.

In fact, Rivera said that 95 percent of those he met were excited about Trump's visit

and appreciative.

The mainstream media lies constantly, according to Rivera.

For example when Trump praised the lower death toll of Puerto Rico as compared to the 1,800

from Hurricane Katrina the press acted like he was saying Puerto Rico's disaster didn't


Rivera referred to this kind of reporting as "fake news."

Trump has made it clear he supports Puerto Rico:

He's also made it clear the US armed forces and first responders can't stay there forever.

That's just reality:

"I think he said the U.S. military and FEMA can't be there forever.


White House

|Chief of Staff John Kelly asked a journalist questioning him about the tweet.

"First responders.

The minute you go anywhere as a first responder — and this would apply, certainly, to the

military — you are trying very hard, working very hard to work yourself out of a job,"

Kelly added.

Crisis teams are always supposed to do the job and then move on, they can't fix everything.

"There will be a period in which — we hope sooner rather than later — to where

the U.S. military and FEMA, generally speaking, can withdraw because then the government and

the people of Puerto Rico are recovering sufficiently to start the process of rebuilding," Kelly


"So this country, our country will stand with those American citizens in Puerto Rico

until the job is done.

But the tweet about FEMA and DOD — read: military — is exactly accurate.

They're not going to be there forever, and the whole point is to start to work yourself

out of a job and then transition to the rebuilding process," Kelly added.

Why is the media trying to twist this?

Don't they get that Trump is on the side of the American people?

Why won't the media listen to more honest voices like Geraldo Rivera?

Do you agree with Geraldo?

Why is the press so dishonest?

Watch video

in description.

For more infomation >> Geraldo Gets Back From Puerto Rico, Reveals The Truth About What's Really Been Happening To Trump - Duration: 29:05.


4 Philly Sheriff's Deputies Heading To Puerto Rico For Hurricane Relief Effort - Duration: 2:09.

For more infomation >> 4 Philly Sheriff's Deputies Heading To Puerto Rico For Hurricane Relief Effort - Duration: 2:09.


Hurricane Ophelia Aiming For Ireland - Duration: 0:24.

For more infomation >> Hurricane Ophelia Aiming For Ireland - Duration: 0:24.


Harvey Weinstein Ousted By Movie Academy - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> Harvey Weinstein Ousted By Movie Academy - Duration: 0:49.


Amber Lee's Weather Forecast (Oct. 14) - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> Amber Lee's Weather Forecast (Oct. 14) - Duration: 3:01.


How much paint to use? And a flip and drag FAIL! Acrylic pouring - Duration: 9:02.

One of my biggest problems is I tend to make too much paint. If you see any of my

previous videos you'll notice that I used too much. Now, I will say that I

would much rather use too much paint than too little paint because what it

seems to me is, the more you tilt it the more those colors can combine and

potentially creat create kind of a mud where the colors mix together and make

colors I don't want. Especially when I'm combining colors that you

probably shouldn't combine. So I like to have a lot of paint. It makes us those

colors stay distinct. But I don't know how much paint I really need. I'm

going to use this table that someone developed and I'll try to find out and

put it in a subtitle here because it's if it works it's very useful and I think

some people have found that it works. But everyone has different preferences in

terms of how much paint to use. So I'm going to I'll put a screen screenshot

here of that table

Okay, I think I am going to do a partial flip and drag... maybe hammer

probably not. A little more limited color palette with six 1 ounce cups.

The table said 3 ounces for a 10" x 10" and I am going to double that. One of

the things I'm going to do here is use (if I can control myself) a smaller number

of colors in each cup so that I can kind of analyze what's happening with the

different colors... maybe just three or four colors per cup. I'm going to

speed it up because it'll probably take me a while. okay

Okay, well I decided to just put three on here for now. As I said, I've never

really done a lot of flipping and dragging but I love the effects people get.

I have really no idea what I'm doing here.

not very good at it.

so its not that promising right now to me... colors aren't the best. is

there too much of a glare? Hope not. It's not my favorite. Let's see what happens when I

torch it. I should probably blow on it... I'm just going to torch it.

It's okay. Some pretty things are happening there.

Very very pretty. That dark color I made out of Prussian blue

(oh that glare is terrible) I made out of Prussian blue and magenta against the

gold is very nice.

Just the magenta and the phthalo blue is very pretty.


I'm gonna tilt it.

okay. now it's getting pretty. now I like it

still too little paint

look at those cells getting all womplejawed. looks kind of like some feathers

well that's alright. I will stretch them back.

so that three ounces plus that white is almost enough for one go

there, if I wanted to minimize manipulation. Gonna do some

torching to get little cells.

that's kind of cute. okay so that's kind of pretty. but the dark purple

and the gold and the violet I like a lot. and I like that

phthalo blue with it and the magenta. I'm not sure about the turquoise.

I think next time around, because I've still got plenty of paint, I think I'm

gonna have to mix some white, think I'm gonna try those, and maybe that's it.

For more infomation >> How much paint to use? And a flip and drag FAIL! Acrylic pouring - Duration: 9:02.


Những em squishy mà Nhi yêu thích nhất | NYN KID - Duration: 11:40.

For more infomation >> Những em squishy mà Nhi yêu thích nhất | NYN KID - Duration: 11:40.


شرايها عليا؟ السرطان والحالة النفسية حوار 9 مع د. لودي Cancer and emotions - Duration: 22:33.

For more infomation >> شرايها عليا؟ السرطان والحالة النفسية حوار 9 مع د. لودي Cancer and emotions - Duration: 22:33.


Shot and left for dead, Klamath Falls woman is recovering - Duration: 2:56.

For more infomation >> Shot and left for dead, Klamath Falls woman is recovering - Duration: 2:56.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180 CDI *Park Assist*Navi*Bluetooth* - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180 CDI *Park Assist*Navi*Bluetooth* - Duration: 0:58.


KSAする 한국서든어택하는 일본인입니다. - Duration: 2:41:58.

For more infomation >> KSAする 한국서든어택하는 일본인입니다. - Duration: 2:41:58.


Honor 7X Price and Specifications - Everything About Honor 7X - Duration: 3:40.

Honor 7X With 5.93-Inch 18:9 Display, Dual Rear Cameras Launched: Price, Specifications.

Huawei brand Honor on Wednesday launched the Honor 7X at a media event in Beijing, China.

The successor to the last year's Honor 6X, the high-end Android smartphone features a

large 18:9 display and comes in three variants.

The Honor 7X with 32GB internal storage is priced at CNY 1,299 (roughly Rs. 12,890),

whereas the 64GB model is priced at CNY 1,699 (roughly Rs. 16,850), with the top-of-the-line

model with 128GB storage priced at CNY 1,999 (roughly Rs. 19,820).

You can purchase the Honor 7X in Aurora Blue, Gold, and Black colour options.

It will go on sale in China on October 17, a day after Huawei is expected to launch the

flagship Huawei Mate 10 and Huawei Mate 10 Pro flagship smartphones.

The first thing you notice looking at the Honor 7X is just how large it is.

Huawei has put a 5.93-inch full-HD+ (1080x2160 pixels) curved display featuring a 18:9 screen

ratio support and minimal bezels in a unibody metal form factor.

The dual-SIM (Nano) Honor 7X runs Android 7.0 Nougat-based EMUI 5.1.

It is powered by an octa-core HiSilicon Kirin 659 SoC (4 x Cortex-A53 cores clocked at 2.36GHz

+ 4 x Cortex-A53 cores clocked at 1.7GHz) coupled with 4GB of RAM and houses a 3340mAh


The company has pushed the fingerprint scanner to the back side.

The Honor 7X features a duo of 16-megapixel and 2-megapixel rear cameras, and an 8-megapixel

front-facing camera.

The Honor 7X comes in three storage variants: 32GB, 64GB, and 128GB.

All of these variants, according to the listing, support expandable storage via microSD card

(up to 256GB) in a hybrid dual-SIM configuration.

The capable Honor 7X supports 4G VoLTE, Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth 4.1 LE, GPS / GLONASS

connectivity features.

Thanks For Watching.

For more infomation >> Honor 7X Price and Specifications - Everything About Honor 7X - Duration: 3:40.


Latest Trandy Neck Design | Kurta Kurti Neck Design | 2017-2018 | BY DAHAB COLLECTION - Duration: 1:39.

Latest Trandy Neck Design | Kurta Kurti Neck Design | 2017-2018 | BY DAHAB COLLECTION

Latest Trandy Neck Design | Kurta Kurti Neck Design | 2017-2018 | BY DAHAB COLLECTION

Latest Trandy Neck Design | Kurta Kurti Neck Design | 2017-2018 | BY DAHAB COLLECTION

For more infomation >> Latest Trandy Neck Design | Kurta Kurti Neck Design | 2017-2018 | BY DAHAB COLLECTION - Duration: 1:39.


Featuring Musician Megan Ni...

For more infomation >> Featuring Musician Megan Ni...


For more infomation >> Featuring Musician Megan Ni...


Fabian Mazur - Don't Talk About It (feat. Neon Hitch) - Duration: 2:47.

Fabian Mazur - Don't Talk About It (feat.

Neon Hitch)

Fabian Mazur - Don't Talk About It (feat.

Neon Hitch)

Fabian Mazur - Don't Talk About It (feat.

Neon Hitch)

Fabian Mazur - Don't Talk About It (feat.

Neon Hitch)

Fabian Mazur - Don't Talk About It (feat.

Neon Hitch)

Fabian Mazur - Don't Talk About It (feat.

Neon Hitch)

Fabian Mazur - Don't Talk About It (feat.

Neon Hitch)

Fabian Mazur - Don't Talk About It (feat.

Neon Hitch)

Fabian Mazur - Don't Talk About It (feat.

Neon Hitch)

Fabian Mazur - Don't Talk About It (feat.

Neon Hitch)

Fabian Mazur - Don't Talk About It (feat.

Neon Hitch)

Fabian Mazur - Don't Talk About It (feat.

Neon Hitch)

Fabian Mazur - Don't Talk About It (feat.

Neon Hitch)

Fabian Mazur - Don't Talk About It (feat.

Neon Hitch)

Fabian Mazur - Don't Talk About It (feat.

Neon Hitch)

Fabian Mazur - Don't Talk About It (feat.

Neon Hitch)

For more infomation >> Fabian Mazur - Don't Talk About It (feat. Neon Hitch) - Duration: 2:47.


For more infomation >> Fabian Mazur - Don't Talk About It (feat. Neon Hitch) - Duration: 2:47.


Burger King® | Spicy 10-Piece Nuggets Review! 👑🔥🐔 - Duration: 5:12.

peep this out guys it's Ian K back again with another one for ya' cheaters cam style

after hours heading into BK to take a look at an upgrade to a fan favorite

menu item that looks a little heated so being that it's nice and cool late at

night let's hit the drive through right now and scoop it up yeah peep this out lemme go for

an order of those spicy nuggets with a side of ranch please and that's all yes

thanks a lot now actually reviewed the

original chicken nuggets a while back and I'll actually link to that review in

the upper right-hand corner of your display right now but I'm very curious

to see if this new version is really gonna be super spicy especially with the

ranch that I'm getting with it but we shall soon see hey my friend how are you

fresh is always good fresh is always good is it really good though the

homestyle breading and everything nice nice can't wait to try it

thank you as well thanks so much you as well alright guys I've got 10 nuggets

with spicy crispy goodness coming my way let's peep this out

we're having it our way here at BK after hours guys let's get that fast up close

and personal look of the all new spicy nuggets and I got to say I am already

digging what we're working with here already guys a heated version of the

original 10 of these bad boys for a $1.49 and take a look at the crispiness of

that coating on there guys lightly breaded fried up to a nice golden brown

and as expected I was really hoping to see a little bit of a red tint and I

kind of do actually I am really digging the way the spices look on this one and

that one there especially looks like it's got a little bit more heated red

action going there too got a side of ranch that is always my

go-to here at BK and I am really excited to see how this is gonna go again guys

the value is high ten of these for $1.49 and they're looking pretty

fantastic it's the all-new spicy Nuggets here at BK after hours let's peep out

this flavor check out that awesomely crispy coating on the outside guys and

it looks like it's seasoned up pretty nicely as well let's do this a quickie

review of the spicy Nuggets here at BK

mmm crispy a little bit of sizzle coming oh

yeah that's got a little bit of heat a little bit more pepper I got to be

honest wow that is really staying with me in the back of my throat right now

pretty good mmm juicy white meat chicken on the inside

lightly crispy on the outside but it's that peppery type of heat that I'm

getting in the background that is really doing it for me right now and real fast

to all my Wendy's peeps who are missing the spicy nuggets that they took off the

menu over there definitely give these a shot these are pretty tasty already just

a fast shot on the inside of this nugget guys the quality of the white meat is

really tasty it's juicy even though it is white meat it is really holding its

own and like I said the crispiness on the outside is definitely on point along

with the heat and that sizzle that I'm getting from the pepper alright I got to

do a real fast on camera I got to get this in the ranch real fast to see if

it's gonna cool it down just a bit let's hit it creamy Ranch goodness goes

amazingly well with just about any type of chicken nugget out there as far as

I'm concerned and most of you guys know I'm definitely a ranch guy when it comes

to chicken like this so I cannot wait to give this a shot

hmm delicious now of course the heat is gonna be a little muted because of the

ranch flavor but man the Tanginess the tartness of the ranch over here at BK

along with the crispiness on the outside of the Nuggets the moist white meat

which is really kind of nice to see considering it's not dry at all is going

so well and I got to say now I'm getting the sizzle on the back end coming there

from the spicing this actually really does a pretty nice job initially of

giving me the impression that it's gonna be a little cool but then it comes back

and hits you really hard in the back hmm tasty I wouldn't say crazy hard but it

lets you know that it's there lemme crack one of these open for you real fast here

guys like I said the quality is decent ten of these for $1.49 you get

your spicy fix for all of you heated heads out there that are really looking

for a little bit of extra from your chicken this is really a step in the

right direction why they waited this long to do this I don't know but I'm

absolutely diggin it the spicy nuggets over here BK pretty awesome but

naturally this is all just my opinion as always what do you guys think value

aside do you think the spicy Nuggets over here at BK are definitely a step in

the right direction and if you're missing them from Wendy's are you gonna

jump on over here to give them a shot drop those comments down below and

definitely let me know and as for my overall rating I'm gonna have to give

the spicy Nuggets over here at BK a nicely heated

9 out of 10 these were made pretty fresh right now guys nice and crispy nice and juicy and I do have

to say with the ranch in particular I was kind of faked out thinking it was

gonna be a little bit more cooler but I like how the spice just came up on the

back end and like I said ten of these for $1.49 that kind of speaks for

itself definitely give these a shot these are pretty tasty and those are my

thoughts on this one as we close out another episode of peep this out guys

cheaters cam style coming at you after hours here at BK and like always I've

got brand new content every single week here on my channel so while you stay

tuned for the next review coming real soon in the meantime stay frosty I came

I saw I enjoyed and these were just as tasty as I was hoping they would be alright

guys until next time I'll talk to you soon

For more infomation >> Burger King® | Spicy 10-Piece Nuggets Review! 👑🔥🐔 - Duration: 5:12.


For more infomation >> Burger King® | Spicy 10-Piece Nuggets Review! 👑🔥🐔 - Duration: 5:12.


Laptop Repair Brooklyn Park MN 763-324-9560 Laptop Repair Brooklyn Park MN - Duration: 1:05.

Laptop Repair Brooklyn Park MN. Has your phone seen better days?

Did your tablet take a tumble, and is clutching to life by a thread?

Unfortunately, the smallest of accidents can have the biggest of consequences

for your precious devices.

The good news?

These seemingly "dire" consequences are merely temporary...thanks

to our quick, easy and efficient mobile and tablet repair services!

We're equipped with the team and tools needed to fix damage

cause by liquids, charging faults, software faults, LCD

replacement and so much more.

We're able to use both original AND generic parts to save you a few bucks.

Our record-breaking turnaround times get you back in action without


Whether you need help for your iPhone, Samsung, LG, Nokia,

Lenovo, Acer – whatever.

You've got the broken device, now let US make it a happy device once again.

Get in touch with us today and restore your precious device to its former


For more infomation >> Laptop Repair Brooklyn Park MN 763-324-9560 Laptop Repair Brooklyn Park MN - Duration: 1:05.


For more infomation >> Laptop Repair Brooklyn Park MN 763-324-9560 Laptop Repair Brooklyn Park MN - Duration: 1:05.


Honor 7X Price and Specifications - Everything About Honor 7X - Duration: 3:40.

Honor 7X With 5.93-Inch 18:9 Display, Dual Rear Cameras Launched: Price, Specifications.

Huawei brand Honor on Wednesday launched the Honor 7X at a media event in Beijing, China.

The successor to the last year's Honor 6X, the high-end Android smartphone features a

large 18:9 display and comes in three variants.

The Honor 7X with 32GB internal storage is priced at CNY 1,299 (roughly Rs. 12,890),

whereas the 64GB model is priced at CNY 1,699 (roughly Rs. 16,850), with the top-of-the-line

model with 128GB storage priced at CNY 1,999 (roughly Rs. 19,820).

You can purchase the Honor 7X in Aurora Blue, Gold, and Black colour options.

It will go on sale in China on October 17, a day after Huawei is expected to launch the

flagship Huawei Mate 10 and Huawei Mate 10 Pro flagship smartphones.

The first thing you notice looking at the Honor 7X is just how large it is.

Huawei has put a 5.93-inch full-HD+ (1080x2160 pixels) curved display featuring a 18:9 screen

ratio support and minimal bezels in a unibody metal form factor.

The dual-SIM (Nano) Honor 7X runs Android 7.0 Nougat-based EMUI 5.1.

It is powered by an octa-core HiSilicon Kirin 659 SoC (4 x Cortex-A53 cores clocked at 2.36GHz

+ 4 x Cortex-A53 cores clocked at 1.7GHz) coupled with 4GB of RAM and houses a 3340mAh


The company has pushed the fingerprint scanner to the back side.

The Honor 7X features a duo of 16-megapixel and 2-megapixel rear cameras, and an 8-megapixel

front-facing camera.

The Honor 7X comes in three storage variants: 32GB, 64GB, and 128GB.

All of these variants, according to the listing, support expandable storage via microSD card

(up to 256GB) in a hybrid dual-SIM configuration.

The capable Honor 7X supports 4G VoLTE, Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth 4.1 LE, GPS / GLONASS

connectivity features.

Thanks For Watching.

For more infomation >> Honor 7X Price and Specifications - Everything About Honor 7X - Duration: 3:40.


For more infomation >> Honor 7X Price and Specifications - Everything About Honor 7X - Duration: 3:40.


TwitchCon event will be strea...

For more infomation >> TwitchCon event will be strea...


Robbers against encashment - Duration: 1:53.

Hi there, welcome to my channel!

Follow me on all social media links to keep up with my adventures.

I really appreciate all of your comments. I'd love for this channel to grow. Subscribe.!..It's free.

Thanks for the likes and comments!

For more infomation >> Robbers against encashment - Duration: 1:53.


How Disney XD is Ruining DuckTales 2017 | Secret Screening - Duration: 10:28.

It turns out that Disney is already starting to mess things up with DuckTales 2017, and

as my fans will attest, if I'm taking a moment to talk about something negative it

must be serious.

So join me as I look into the secret way Disney XD is hurting DuckTales 2017.

As my Twitter followers know, this story broke back on Saturday, September thirtieth, when

a frustrated Frank Angones posted a thread that exposed the bafflingly altered release

schedule for DuckTales twenty seventeen.

As of the making of this video, only six episodes have been released.

The pilot, which counts as two episodes, and four additional episodes.

Now, before I proceed, it's important to note that when the pilot is eventually split

into two episodes for syndication, the second half - Escape To slash From Atlantis, will

be re-edited and possibly lose some scenes as it's cut for time.

A tragedy, but not the tragedy I'm here to talk about.

The actual season began with two episodes: Daytrip of Doom, followed by The Great Dime


Both released on September Twenty Third to welcome DuckTales back after the brief hiatus

following their pilot.

But according to Frank, here's where things start going off track.

You see, the true fourth episode - as it was planned and orchestrated by Matt Youngberg,

Frank Angones, and the entire creative team - is an as of yet unscheduled and unannounced

Huey centered episode that would have not only explained why Huey wasn't present during

the Great Dime Chase, but also given his underdeveloped character some much needed screen time.

The problem is compounded when you look further into the schedule.

The fifth released episode was The Beagle Birthday Massacre.

Technically this should be the sixth episode, so half way in, we're not that far off track.

However, it's important to remember that this episode marks the midpoint of the first

half of the season.

It introduces a new character, has a huge plot reveal that teases a big bad, and clearly

sets up game pieces that won't be put into play until the final episodes of the season.

But as you can see by from Frank's tweets, the release schedule goes haywire from here

on out.

The sixth scheduled episode, Terror of the Terra-Firmians, should be the tenth!

This is followed by The House of the Lucky Gander, which should be the seventh episode.

And leaves The Infernal Internship of Mark Beaks, The Living Mummies of Toth-Ra, and

the missing Huey Episode up in the air with not enough days in the month to air all three.

This scheduling miss match may seem confusing or not very important, but I assure you it


As Frank himself puts it, "There is an optimal flow that we tried to create with our episode


That's our order to properly space out character spotlights, season arcs, and the right ratio

of Duckburg episodes to Globetrotting episodes."

The order the series was produced in reflects and represents the hard work of writers Frank

Angones, Colleen Evanson, Bob Snow, Matt Youngberg, Madison Bateman, Christian Magalhaes, and

Rachel Vine to construct a well balanced story that lovingly introduces characters, story

elements, and plot arcs in a way that builds suspense and makes sense.

The order itself is part of the experience of consuming a show, and when that order is

changed against the wishes and designs of the creative team it affects the entire experience.

For example, take a look at a former Disney XD prestige series, Gravity Falls.

A show hinged on its intricate overarching story.

Imagine seeing Dungeons Dungeons and More Dungeons before seeing Not What He Seems.

The series biggest plot reveal ruined because of rescheduling.

Now while these schedule changes do seem like nothing more than the mysterious whims of

Disney XD, a force of nature with divine reasoning that's impossible to predict or judge...

It's not.

There was a very specific reason they made these changes, and one that I'm not afraid

to say.

Disney XD thinks that you, the person watching this video, are stupid.

Well, let's be a little more precise and say that Disney XD thinks that children are


And when you look at the updated episode order through that lens, things start making a lot

more sense.

Let's start by looking at the pilot movie.

Woo-oo does two things.

It introduces us to the updated characters - and it introduces us to the series biggest


What happened to Della Duck?

Only Disney realized they had a problem.

The Della Duck mystery isn't referenced again until The Great Dime Chase.

Figuring that kids are stupid and forgetful - or worse, demanding and bratty - they had

to bump things up.

By tossing out the Huey-centric Episode Four and airing two episodes back to back, they

can introduce the Beagle Boys AND give the audience a few more breadcrumbs about the

Della Duck mystery.

Reminding forgetful stupid kids about one of the show's key story arcs after a month's


So knowing they needed to keep kids hooked from the very start, they continued the bump

by pushing The Beagle Birthday Massacre next to introduce Lena and the second big story

arc of the season - the machinations of Magica DeSpell.

But now Disney XD has ANOTHER problem.

Lena and Magica aren't reincorporated into the story again until at least the tenth episode,

Terror of the Terra-Firmians.

"These stupid kids are never going to remember who Lena OR Magica are if they have to watch

three whole episodes without them appearing in the show!" they probably thought to themselves.

So they bumped that episode up behind the one where they were just introduced.

Problem solved!

With November and December being dead zones for TV shows ratings-wise because of all the

holidays crammed into those months, Disney XD likely won't air any new episodes until

at least January.

Technically, this even gives them enough time to re-air the first nine episodes again before

jumping back into new episodes after most of Football Season is over.

And the shame of that forced hiatus is that we now have an actual lost episode of DuckTales.

One that might not see the light of day until the summer of twenty eighteen - especially

if it deals with the Junior Woodchucks.

If my theory is correct, then it can easily be packaged into a special camp-themed summer

episode to keep hungry fans sated until the second season finally comes around.

And that sucks.

It really sucks.

Because that episode should have been the reason fans fell in love with Huey.

As it stands, Huey has the least character development so far, and has the bad luck of

being the stodgy stick in the mud know-it-all in the most recent episode.

But character aside, people worked hard on that missing episode.

It had a specific place, and it shouldn't be dumped off because it was perceived as

"filler" and "less important" by Disney executives.

The success or failure of DuckTales twenty seventeen isn't in the hands of its creative


Not entirely.

It's also in the hands of Disney XD's executives.

A group that clearly devalues and discredits its primary audience to such a degree that

they are willing to toss out the series structure in order to pander to what they perceive as

the lowest common denominator.

But perhaps I'm getting upset over nothing.

DuckTales 2017 Season 1 currently has a 100% Fresh rating from Critics on Rotten Tomatoes,

and the all day launch of the pilot on September 23rd was Disney XD's highest rated show

launch in two years.

Heck, the pilot alone has over fifty million total views across multiple platforms - including

YouTube where it currently has over 3 million views.

But on closer examination, the audience reaction leans a little less favorable.

Looking back on that Rotten Tomatoes score, it currently holds an 88% fresh rating from


A solid B, but far from the A Plus rating sites are trumpeting.

And that can partially be chalked up to people hating changes to their beloved childhood

IPs, but I feel some of this low grade comes from how uneven these first few episodes have


Even Frank has had to take to Twitter to remind the audience that Scrooge is still very much

a part of the show, and that the rest of the season will incorporate Scrooge in some way.

I can only hope Disney XD's executives will allow things to get back on track, trust their

creative teams, and leave the series order intact for the remaining episodes of the first


The good news is that the second season has already been greenlit, so DuckTales isn't

in any immediate danger of cancellation.

However, if it fails to connect with modern audiences, a large share of that blame must

be laid at the feet of Disney XD itself.

A group of executives with a cowardly history of taking the easy way out at the expense

of their shows.

Don't believe me?

Just ask a Gravity Falls fan about The Love God.

Or a Wander of Yonder fan where Season three is.

Or a Future-Worm fan why their show disappeared from the schedule.

Before I close, for folks who don't follow me on social media, I do really like new DuckTales.

The episodes so far have been fun and adventureful in a way I both enjoy and missed.

I'll talk about the series in greater depth when we hit the winter hiatus, but I ask that

you don't read too far into this video.

It's angier than most I've created, but I feel its for a good reason.

I just hope you fully understand where that anger is directed.

Thanks for watching.

Until next time, I'm Douglas MacKrell, and I'm asking you to share and like this video,

and subscribe to my channel.

Because you'll always have a ticket for my next Secret Screening!

For more infomation >> How Disney XD is Ruining DuckTales 2017 | Secret Screening - Duration: 10:28.


VTS 01 1 - Duration: 59:27.

For more infomation >> VTS 01 1 - Duration: 59:27.


메탈리카 스루 더 네버 METALLICA THROUGH THE NEVER 2차 공식 예고편 (한국어 CC) - Duration: 1:57.

For more infomation >> 메탈리카 스루 더 네버 METALLICA THROUGH THE NEVER 2차 공식 예고편 (한국어 CC) - Duration: 1:57.


New Amazon Fire HD 10 2017 With Alexa Unboxing & Hands-on Review / Fire HD 10 Tablet Case Turn On - Duration: 10:26.

Wow guys it's great to see you again I am super excited today I just got this a

couple hours ago this is the new Fire HD 10 with Alexa this is the 10 inch Amazon

fire tablet with 32 gigabyte 1080p resolution oh wow New Amazon Fire HD 10 2017 With Alexa Unboxing & Hands-on Review / Fire HD 10 Tablet Case Turn On

this is their first fire tablet that has Full HD so it's a 10.1 inch 1080p HD

display 1920 by 1200 up to 1.8 gigahertz quad-core processor 2 gigabyte RAM and

10 hour battery up to 256 gigabytes of expandable storage for offline viewing

Wow and it comes in this awesome box that looks exactly like a little bad how

cool is that I also got the case and cover I'll put a full review of this and

where you could buy it if you do like my uh unboxing and you are interested in

this please use my link below this video all the specs ok

without further ado let's open this up saw very easy to open it

trip here just pull my own eyes this thing is open it is how you have your

tablet here so this is exactly what comes in the box you got the tablet and

this little protective like plastic case you have an AC adapter here which plugs

into this USB cable so you could probably charge this using your laptop

it comes with a little Fire HD instruction booklet which is telling you

how to charge it with do more with the Fire tablet Alexa smart all okay so that

is the tablet and that is it guys that's what comes in the package nice and

simple without further ado let's go ahead and open this tablet and check it

out wow this looks really cool so here is the whole tablet guys I want a head


up here you've got power botton mini-usb over here the headphone jack and this is

for I believe brightness and this is the

well anyways let's go ahead and see if they sent me this thing charged oh they

sent it dead seriously that really stinks anyways let's go ahead and take

the case I bought the odd they have a special

package where you could get the case and the screen protector for better price

okay so here's a look at the case you just simply go ahead and put the tablet

right in there it snaps in there nice and securely and you could go ahead and

close it it's got magnets in the front that hold the case closed

and once you close the case it actually goes ahead and shut puts the system into

sleep mode and you could use the case to read text

in an upright position just simply put it back like that to read an upright

position or if you just simply go ahead hold it there and put it behind put the

pole behind you could get the tablet to stand off on its own so it's a really

nice cool looking high-quality texture on case so I really like it a lot

I'll be doing a full review on the turning on and this thing and different

options as soon as I get it charged okay guys I really love this tablet ah this

I've been using this tablet now for about two days and it is totally awesome

with the LexA with the tablet it totally changes everything for instance I could

go open my apps right away so I could just say Alexa open comics app

and it goes right to my comics ecology account I mean I love reading comics oh

dear - really nice simple you could just tap here and go through the next page or

if you tap here for comics ecology go to the guided view it'll go scene by scene

so that is really cool just go back to there and then ah Alexa main screen

there Alexa home or you could ask Alexa different things that left Alexa weather

Alexa open Geoffrey deaver book or you could even search for stuff with their

Alexa Jeffrey Bieber

so she won't go search for Jeffrey deeper on Amazon Alexa home

alexxa open ducktales

so here i've got duck tails which i bought on amazon i love the duck to new

doctor tales series I downloaded these the sound on this tablet is amazing I

love the sound they did a great job I'm gonna resume this for a few seconds so

then go ahead and really good stereo quality sound guys I mean I love it so

overall guys this tip I like to go home

Alexa stop Alexa go home so uh there you have it I mean I love using Alexa it

does come with all these apps except for the comic gaff here

it gives you 6 months of free newspaper here so you could go to Kindle newsstand

here 6 months free of the Washington Post so that is really cool so overall

guys this is an awesome tablet I really like it

great Buy with the new cover I bought for it upright or flat or upright

position so it a minute get used to this cover so there

we have upright position there you are okay let me know if you guys like it or

you could go to your favorite channel WD toys watch my newest video like I said

awesome audio quality

okay well guys let me know what you think oh there is a look at the case and

if you guys do like it I'll put a link below where you could buy the actual

tablet and also there they have a special deal where you could buy the

case and the cover for all better price I'll go ahead and put that link also

below the video thanks for viewing you guys are awesome and I will see you

to subscribe button below for a lot more fun video also click the bell button to

be notified every time I make a new video click the boxes below for a lot

more fun videos and if you want to see even more go ahead and click the

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