Thứ Bảy, 14 tháng 10, 2017

Youtube daily report Oct 15 2017

While living in Nargothrond, Turin son of Hurin, became an important advisor to King

Orodreth and practically came to rule in his name, convincing them to abandon their traditions

of secrecy and build a great bridge across the river Narog, then gathering and marching

their armies to fight openly against the Dark Lord Morgoth and the battle of Tumhalad.

Unfortunately their forces were unprepared to confront Glaurung, the father of Dragons,

who devastated their ranks with dragonfire.

The battle was an important victory for the forces of Morgoth, who killed King Orodreth

and sacked the city of Nargothrond, slaughtering and enslaving its population.

Glaurung also used his magic to place Turin into a hypnotic daze, which caused him to

stand by in a stupor as the Elves he knew and loved cried out in anguish as they were

carried away in chains.

When Turin awoke from his trance, he did not immediately set out to rescue his allies,

because the Dragon Glaurung had twisted his mind, convincing him that his mother Morwen

and younger sister Nienor needed him desperately in Dor- Lomin.

Swiftly he took off after them, unaware that his mother and sister were safe, having left

their homeland, and travelled to Doriath searching for Turin.

Arriving in Dor-Lomin, the son of Hurin learned that his mother and sister were gone and was

so enraged that he killed the Easterling Lord Brodda before turning back to seek out and

rescue his friend Finduilas taken during the sack of Nargothrond.

Yet because of his journey west, he was too late to save her, and collapsed in grief upon

her burial mound.

Returning to the forests of Brethil, Turin now named himself Turambar meaning Master

of Doom, and came across a beautiful woman, crying with great sadness and no memory of

her past.

She took the name Niniel, and soon they fell in love and were married.

And for a short time, Turin knew true happiness.

But the curse upon his family has not ended, and soon enough he faced his old foe once

more, setting out to confront Glaurung, father of dragons who was attacking the area.

Turin set out with 2 companion, one of whom lost heart and abandoned them, while the other

continued on, fighting and dying in the battle.

Yet eventually Turin succeeded in landing a killing blow, crying out 'Hail, Worm of


Well met again!

Die now and the darkness have you!

Thus is Turin son of Hurin avenged.'

Yet as Glaurung lay mortally wounded he once again used his powers to enter Turin's mind,

causing the man to collapse unconscious by his side.

Turin's wife Niniel then found them and Glaurung used his final moments to inflict

more pain and tragedy against the family of Hurin, lifting the veil of amnesia to reveal

that her name was actually Nienor sister of Turin Turambar.

Nienor and her mother had spent some time in Doriath, but soon Morwin took off to Nargothrond

in search of her son who was rumoured to be in the city.

Nienor, unwilling to stay behind, also made the journey, only to find the city already


Glaurung then used his magic to raise a mist to rise from the river, causing Nienor to

lose all her memories, eventually lowing her way in the forest of Brethil, collapsing in

tears, where she was found by her brother Turin, though neither of them recognized the


When Nienor realized she married her own brother, and was pregnant with his child, she threw

herself into a ravine, taking her own life.

Turin then awoke, and was told what had occurred by Brandir the Lame, Lord of the Haladin,

but was so enraged by his words he would not believe it, killing the man before many witnesses.

Yet when his friend Mablung of Doriath arrived and confirmed the truth of Brandir's words,

Turin could no longer abide the misery and tragedy of his life, deciding to end it all

by falling upon his sword.

And so with Hurin's children all dead, the Dark Lord Morgoth feigned mercy and freed

him from captivity, knowing that the man was now broken and might bring his misery and

doom upon others he might encounter.

Finally free, Hurin first returned home to Dor-Lomin but found it occupied by the Easterlings,

with the last of his people enslaved or killed.

He then set out to find Gondolin where he might take refuge with King Turgon, but when

he arrived in search of the Eagles who might carry him into the city, he received no response,

as the king feared this might be a trap by the Dark Lord.

Hurin, feeling betrayed by the king for whom he'd sacrificed so much, then yelled out

in anger "Turgon, Turgon, remember the Fen of Serech!

O Turgon, will you not hear in your hidden halls?"

Yet by yelling out in this way, he revealed to Morgoth the general location of Gondolin,

which would ultimately contribute to the cities downfall.

Turned away, Hurin continued on to the Forest of Brethil, where he at last was reunited

with his wife Morwen, encountering her at the graves of their children.

Yet the years had been hard on the women, and he found her in rags, wary from heart-ache

and despair.

Saying their final words to each other, Morwen died, and was buried alongside her children.

The location of their graves was one of the only areas to survive the destruction of Beleriand,

becoming the island of Tol Morwen.

Hurin, now poisoned with bitterness and hatred in his heart, found the petty dwarf Mim, and

killed him for his betrayal of Turin, then heading to Doriath where he scornfully blamed

King Thingol for failing to protect his son.

Yet Melian the Maia saw that Hurin was not in his right mind, and used her magic to lift

the cloud of darkness, poisoning his thoughts.

His mind now clear, Hurin saw all the harm he'd done and how his actions only served

to help the Dark Lord Morgoth.

Distraught, and unable to cope with the curse that destroyed his family, Hurin Thalion,

hero of the House of Hador and rightful Lord of Dor-lomin, ended his own life, throwing

himself into the sea.

And while the story of Hurin and his children was one of great tragedy, according to the

Second Prophecy of Mandos they would one day be avenged in the Dagor Dagorath, the final

battle at the end of the world, in which the Valar will wage war one last time against

the dark Lord Morgoth.

According to the prophecy: "In that day, Tulkas shall strive with Morgoth, and on his

right hand shall be Eönwë, and on his left Túrin Turambar, son of Húrin, coming from

the halls of Mandos; and the black sword of Túrin shall deal unto Morgoth his death and

final end; and so shall the Children of Húrin and all fallen Men be avenged.

For more infomation >> LOTR: Children of Húrin (Part 2 of 2) - Duration: 6:43.


Office Halloween Party - SNL - Duration: 4:22.

For more infomation >> Office Halloween Party - SNL - Duration: 4:22.


Kumail Nanjiani Standup Monologue - SNL - Duration: 7:44.

For more infomation >> Kumail Nanjiani Standup Monologue - SNL - Duration: 7:44.


Kellywise - SNL - Duration: 4:00.

For more infomation >> Kellywise - SNL - Duration: 4:00.


Hotel Check In - SNL - Duration: 4:27.

For more infomation >> Hotel Check In - SNL - Duration: 4:27.


P!nk: What About Us - SNL - Duration: 4:56.

For more infomation >> P!nk: What About Us - SNL - Duration: 4:56.


Donald Trump Trucker Rally Cold Open - SNL - Duration: 6:08.

For more infomation >> Donald Trump Trucker Rally Cold Open - SNL - Duration: 6:08.


USL LIVE - Phoenix Rising FC vs Portland Timbers 2 10/14/17 - Duration: 2:10:02.

For more infomation >> USL LIVE - Phoenix Rising FC vs Portland Timbers 2 10/14/17 - Duration: 2:10:02.


Colors for Children Wrong colors ,Heads Mega Gummy Bear Fanny Finger Family Songs - Duration: 2:13.

Colors for Children Wrong colors ,Heads Mega Gummy Bear Fanny Finger Family

For more infomation >> Colors for Children Wrong colors ,Heads Mega Gummy Bear Fanny Finger Family Songs - Duration: 2:13.


Film Panel - SNL - Duration: 5:37.

For more infomation >> Film Panel - SNL - Duration: 5:37.


P!nk: Beautiful Trauma - SNL - Duration: 4:14.

For more infomation >> P!nk: Beautiful Trauma - SNL - Duration: 4:14.


3 EXERCISES to not play ALL THE TIME THE SAME THING - Learning Gypsy Jazz - Duration: 8:23.

Hi, Clément here

in this video, I will answer a question I've been ask in an e-mail recently

it was: how to not have the feeling of always playing the same thing while improvising

it's true that often while improvising

we have muscle memory in place at the lick, scale or arpeggio level

and even totally different pieces

some licks always come back

we play licks, and sometimes we feel like we are playing the same thing all the time

Firstly, one thing to know is

that feeling is not only a beginner thing

it's all musicians even the greatest guitarists will have this feeling

of playing always the same thing, even I get this feeling

truth be told advanced musicians have this feeling but it's not...

listening there are a lot of changes, but it's a feeling a lot of guitarists do feel

and in this video, I'll give you three small tips

that will allow you to get out of that and don't have this feeling anymore while improvising

so, the first exercise you can do

to leave what you're used to do

will be to pick up licks or improvisations of other musicians

because if you're playing always the same arpeggios, scales and licks

you confine yourself within your own things

and you won't realize what you could do to come out of that

and picking up improvisation or licks could allow you to

discover new things on the neck, it could be a new path on the neck

for example if you're used to always playing here in C

maybe you will pick up a C lick at this level of the neck and it will open new possibilities for you

and from here you will find new scales or arpeggios

or other fingering that will change up what you're used to playing

So, to discover new licks and new paths on the neck

a nice thing is to pick up improvisations, like django's or from other musicians

even from other instruments, saxophone licks, whatever you want

and then once you did that, you can take a bit of the lick that you like

to play them back in other ways

I wrote an article about that

it was "How to integrate to your improvisations the licks you've picked up"

you can click on the 'i' for info in the top right corner of the video

I explained from a lick we picked up in an improvisation

how to adapt it to one's own play style

to enrich one's improvisation

So, that was the first thing to get out of your habits

pick up improvisations, understand what it is and adapt it

and then integrate it to enrich your licks repertoire your arpeggios, and point of reference on the neck

the second thing you can do is to think more about rhythm rather than notes

for example if you're used to playing the C scale

like so with eight notes, you can try adding rhythm to what you usually play

I'm just doing random rhythms here

but by thinking more about rhythm on a pattern you already know

it can result into a really different music coming from a same lick

if you play...

it changes up the lick even though it's the same notes

It's another way to approach rhythm

to add rhythm and variation on the licks you already play

it allows you to change the way you improvise as well

you can also do rhythm patterns on one single note

for example, take a note

think less notes, think more rhythm

find your own rhythm pattern

play on one or two notes while trying to add a rhythm to it

to get out of the licks you play like a recitation

that was the second thing you can do, thinking about rhythm instead of licks and notes

and the third exercise you can do

it'll be to learn new diagrams of scales or arpeggios on the guitar

for example if you play a piece in A

and you're always playing the A scale like that

you're kind of stuck in this diagram

so, all your licks will be more or less similar

because you lock yourself in a diagram

if you learn another diagram

on a chord

for example

so, that was a Am6 diagram

it will allow you to create new point of reference on the neck

other fingerings, other diagrams

and it'll give you new ideas to create licks

other than the one you're used to play with the diagrams you already know

a nice to do to work on this, is to learn new diagrams

so, if you know a diagram of Am here and here

try finding one here or there

or another over the whole neck

if you know an arpeggio here, try learning it here and here too

that way while learning new diagrams of scales and arpeggios

it will allow you to find on the neck

other spot to improvise where you weren't used to going

that way you'll have other fingerings

and it will make you discover new licks

and you will enrich your play style, with new licks, scales, and point of reference on the neck

So, that was three exercise you can do to try to enrich your improvisations to not feel like you're always playing the same thing

the first thing is to learn licks and pick up other musicians

the second is to think about rhythm more than thinking about notes

and the third is to learn new scale and arpeggio diagram

So, I will make a summary PDF of that

if you're on Youtube there will be a link leading you to the website

and at the end of page, there is a box where you can put your e-mail and I will send it to you

if you have questions on that, ask away in the comments

think about giving a thumb-up on Youtube and that's it for today

I hope these advices will help you to get rid of this feeling of always playing the same thing

See you soon for an upcoming video

Hey! Did you like the video?

So think about liking it, it's always appreciated

You can also subscribe to my Youtube channel by clicking on the big red button just below, there

And if you want to receive 3 free lessons on gypsy jazz guitar

with videos, PDF and many really amazing things

In the right corner there, there is a button, you can click it's free

See you soon for an upcoming video


For more infomation >> 3 EXERCISES to not play ALL THE TIME THE SAME THING - Learning Gypsy Jazz - Duration: 8:23.


Weekend Update on Harvey Weinstein - SNL - Duration: 5:02.

For more infomation >> Weekend Update on Harvey Weinstein - SNL - Duration: 5:02.


October 15, 2017 - (MT 22:1-14) - Duration: 1:57.


What idiots!

What idiots!

In the same or similar way Jesus' listeners had to react,

when they start to understand the content of this parable.

Be invited to the wedding feast,

have an opportunity to enjoy all this, what there is prepared,

not only the food, but in general, everything appreciated in the East,

that is a good company,

the joy of being in communion, in community with other people,

eating food together, drinking wine together, joy.

These are all images of happiness in general, of what is the tastiest in human life.

And all to be wasted, refused, in the name of some dumb excuse that

I have bought a cow, a horse, I have to try

a piece of the field.

"What idiots!", that's how Jesus' listeners would have to react .

Can I dare to make such kind of assessment of some of my decisions,

where on the one hand, having happiness God gives me

in His Word, in His sacraments, in His closeness, His trust in me

I choose some meaningless junk?


For more infomation >> October 15, 2017 - (MT 22:1-14) - Duration: 1:57.


MY TOOLS AND ART SUPPLIES - Father & Sons' Design Workshop - Duration: 13:37.

Okay, 3.2.1...

Hello! Welcome to our YouTube channel!

Let's do it again.

We all say hello together.


You didn't say it!

Hello! Welcome to our YouTube channel!

My name is Thomas Romain

I'm french but I'm living in Japan for almost 15 years

I'm located in Tokyo where I'm working in an anime studio

After the work or during the weekends

I'm doing a project with my sons

My name is Ryunosuke

My name is Itsuki

We are working on a series of drawings

There are making original designs

from which I draw illustrations

This kind of drawings

On this video I'm going to talk about my drawing tools

I've got lots of questions on Instagram, Twitter and YouTube

from people who would like to know which supplies I'm using

I'm trying to reply individually but I thought doing a video would be more effective

I hope you'll like the video, let's begin!

To begin with I wanted to say that although the supplies you're using may be relatively important

they are not what matters the most

When I started this series

I didn't have much

I was using this small sketchbook

But this wasn't suitable for watercolor

The watercolor set I was using was also very small

It is actually Itsuki's set I borrowed him before buying my own.

There is only one small brush in this set an not so many colors

But it was more than enough to create a good artwork

Actually all my drawing tools are stored in this box

I don't have my own workshop, I'm working on the living room table

Of course the company I'm working for provides me a working place

But on this side project, i don't have a dedicated working space

I'm going to open this box

and show you each tool I'm using

The very first step of the creation of the illustration is rough sketches

i'm using this sketchbook but you can of course use anything

At first I was drawing on single pieces of paper

But then I thought that it could be nice to have all the rough drawings gathered in a sketchbook

To draw in this sketchbook I'm using a mechanical pencil

0.7mm with HB graphite grade which is neither to hard nor soft

I'm using a standard eraser too

I'm actually using the eraser pretty much at first

when I'm looking for design ideas and shapes

I'm using this brush to sweep away the small bits of eraser from the surface of paper

Here are the kind of preparatory sketches I do

Sometimes I put some touches of color on the sketches

For that I usually borrow Itsuki's color pencils

Once I have a clear vision of the design, I'm ready to draw the final piece

For that I'using a different type of drawing book

I'm actually still in the process of testing several types and brands

The very first drawings of the series were made on this sketchbook

The problem was that it wasn't well suited for watercolor use

The paper is thin, the watercolor dries too fast

which makes it difficult to do gradation effects

and also the paper wrinkles a lot

So I looked for other types of sketchbook

I bought this one which is suited for watercolor

The paper is much more thicker (300gsm)

and it absorbs the watercolor very nicely

But this one was pretty cheap and the paper quality wasn't so good

I bought other ones

Currently I'm using this one

which is slightly better

But it's a cold pressed type of paper which is a little bumpy

I usually ink the drawings with a thin marker and I don't like the paper to be too rough

So this brought me to purchase a different kind of watercolor paper

I haven't tested it yet (update : drawings from No.36 are made on this sketchbook)

This brand is one of the most expensive

The hot pressed type of paper is the smoothest.

It will probably be very nice to draw in it.

First step of the final illustration : making a rough pencil drawing on the watercolor sketchbook.

For this I'm using a 2H pencil

This is a harder graphite grade than HB, the line is thin and clear

I can sketch the characters very lightly at first

The lines are easy to erase

I'm using a regular eraser but the problem with this rubber is that

it erases the lines completely

When I want to attenuate the drawing without making it completely disappear

I recommend the art eraser

Back in the days this was made of bread (we are still using this word in french)

Now it's made of a kind of soft rubber that looks like modeling clay

The ruler, a very important tool

When you draw robots, or perspective guidelines for example

Don't be afraid to use it for all the straight elements

Of course, for some straight objects like sticks, that need to keep a natural feeling

it can be better to draw it freehand but for every hard and metallic objects the ruler can be very helpful

Another tool I'm using from time to time is this thing

It's a small metallic template with different shapes

I'm not using it to trace shapes, but to erase

It allows you to erase very precisely small zones of your pencil drawing

without erasing all the lines around it.

Can be very usefull sometimes although I'm not using it very often

Let's talk about inking now.

Once the pencil drawing is done I'm inking it

I'm tracing over the pencil line with a permanent marker

I'm buying these pens in 100 yens shops

It's not expensive at all (less than $1)

and easy to find in Japan. Although it may be more difficult to find it in Europe or in the USA.

[It looks like you can purchase it on Amazon]

This is a thin marker with a soft tip designed to write Japanese kanji characters

It's very suitable for tracing artworks as well because it allows you to trace both very thin and bold lines very easily

You just have to press it harder to draw a bolder line.

I really like these, each time I go to a 100 yens shop I'm looking for these markers at the pen corner

Once the pencil drawing and the inking is done, the next step is to put colors on it.

But before that, something I'm doing from time to time

for example on this drawing, or this one

Sometimes I'm leaving a white margin

If you want to have a clean margin all around your illustration

all you have to do is using masking tape.

Just tape it all around your drawing so that the watercolor don't go over the edges

They come in different sizes

although I haven't tried the larger one yet

I used the small one to create a very specific effect

On this illustration I used the masking tape to make the rays of light effect

Like this, you can tape it on top of the watercolor, once it's dry

Then you can paint again on top of it.

This is an efficient technique to create clean and straight separation between colors

I'm not using it all the time, but it can me useful here and there

I would like to show you this product as well.

It's called masking ink

It's a liquid masking fluid you can apply on the paper

on the zones that you want to remain white

Paint the zones first

Wait until it's dry, then just simply paint over it

then remove it.

Just rub it simply with your finger.

[Make some tests before because some low quality papers may don't react well to it]

The zones you painted with the masking fluid remain white

I'm using this technique often when I have to draw lightning sparks for example

Now let's talk about watercolor

I'm going to show you the small watercolor box I'm using.

This one

It contains 16 different colors

When some ot the half pans are emply you can purchase new ones individually

The purple one is almost empty, I'm going to need a new one soon.

This one is Itsuki's. It's a smaller one that contains only 12 colors.

I painted the first illustrations of the series with the small set.

A friend offered me a larger set for my birthday.

Same brand but larger and more expensive because it contains 24 colors.

Which is great, but honestly, you can start with a smaller set and mix colors together

to get lots of variations.

About the brushes

I didn't have a proper brush to do the first pieces

I was working with the tiny brush which was inside Itsuki's small watercolor box.

This very small brush designed for casual and outdoor use.

Since then I bought my own set of brushes

Various sizes

I'm using the small one a lot

Not the smallest which I use for very small details, but this one.

When I have wider zones to paint, I'm using larger brushes.

There was a square brush in the set but I haven't used it a lot so far.

Because I'm painting on small formats, I don't need wide brushes.

Actually I'm not experienced enough to recommend you good brushes.

The set I'm using was one of the cheapest of the art supplies store.

[I didn't want to buy expensive brushes at first, there was way too much types and brands available.]

From now I'll probably buy better brushes from time to time and test them.

I've been using watercolor for only half a year, therefore I am still testing different kind of papers and brushes.

My advice : begin with affordable paper and brushes, then buy better supplies progressively, while testing them.

Last but not least, another technique I'm using pretty often

is painting with white gouache.

I'm using it at the very end to add small highlights.

Watercolor being an additive medium, it is impossible to lighten a dark zone by painting on top of it. You'll need gouache for that.

That's it! I think that's all you need to know about the art supplies I'm using on this drawing series.

I hope that it will be useful when you'll purchase supplies

especially if you intend to draw illustrations in a similar style.

Thank you for watching the video.

We hope that you liked it. See you soon! Bye!

For more infomation >> MY TOOLS AND ART SUPPLIES - Father & Sons' Design Workshop - Duration: 13:37.


Nursing Home - SNL - Duration: 4:32.

For more infomation >> Nursing Home - SNL - Duration: 4:32.


Learn Colors with Lollipops for Kids! Colours for Children to Learn - Duration: 1:53.





















For more infomation >> Learn Colors with Lollipops for Kids! Colours for Children to Learn - Duration: 1:53.


Relief group steps in after devastating Valencia Co. flooding - Duration: 1:48.

For more infomation >> Relief group steps in after devastating Valencia Co. flooding - Duration: 1:48.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 160 BLUEEFFICIENCY Sportpakket Trekhaak - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 160 BLUEEFFICIENCY Sportpakket Trekhaak - Duration: 1:00.


USL LIVE - Phoenix Rising FC vs Portland Timbers 2 10/14/17 - Duration: 2:10:02.

For more infomation >> USL LIVE - Phoenix Rising FC vs Portland Timbers 2 10/14/17 - Duration: 2:10:02.


Bị chồng đánh, ôm gối ngủ rồi tử vong - Duration: 5:01.

For more infomation >> Bị chồng đánh, ôm gối ngủ rồi tử vong - Duration: 5:01.


すこしPUBGするを 모두 알몸으로 배그 - Duration: 1:14:22.

For more infomation >> すこしPUBGするを 모두 알몸으로 배그 - Duration: 1:14:22.


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For more infomation >> Featuring Musician Megan Ni...


Nhiều nữ sinh, phụ nữ đi đường bị tấn công bằng kim tiêm, dao lam - Duration: 5:01.

For more infomation >> Nhiều nữ sinh, phụ nữ đi đường bị tấn công bằng kim tiêm, dao lam - Duration: 5:01.


For more infomation >> Nhiều nữ sinh, phụ nữ đi đường bị tấn công bằng kim tiêm, dao lam - Duration: 5:01.


Secret Story 11 : Cassandre et Benjamin se font des ennemis, Charlène sous le choc - Duration: 3:51.

For more infomation >> Secret Story 11 : Cassandre et Benjamin se font des ennemis, Charlène sous le choc - Duration: 3:51.


For more infomation >> Secret Story 11 : Cassandre et Benjamin se font des ennemis, Charlène sous le choc - Duration: 3:51.


Comment retrouver la formule d'une puissance d'exponentielle ? - Duration: 2:33.

For more infomation >> Comment retrouver la formule d'une puissance d'exponentielle ? - Duration: 2:33.


For more infomation >> Comment retrouver la formule d'une puissance d'exponentielle ? - Duration: 2:33.


Treinen/Trains in Schiedam (Februari 2017) - Duration: 19:05.

For more infomation >> Treinen/Trains in Schiedam (Februari 2017) - Duration: 19:05.


For more infomation >> Treinen/Trains in Schiedam (Februari 2017) - Duration: 19:05.


TwitchCon event will be strea...

For more infomation >> TwitchCon event will be strea...


Mazda CX-3 2.0 SKYACTIV-G 120 GT-M 2WD - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Mazda CX-3 2.0 SKYACTIV-G 120 GT-M 2WD - Duration: 0:57.


Bị chồng đánh, ôm gối ngủ rồi tử vong - Duration: 5:01.

For more infomation >> Bị chồng đánh, ôm gối ngủ rồi tử vong - Duration: 5:01.


lil azac - pain (audio) - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> lil azac - pain (audio) - Duration: 2:17.


The Meaning Of Life | Bruce Lee - Duration: 11:09.

Hello everyone, my name is Andrew, and welcome to the video.

So today I'd like to talk about a quote by Bruce Lee, and he says, "The meaning of

life is that it is to be lived, not traded, conceptualized, or squeezed into a pattern

of systems.

Now our approach to this quote is very important here because our usual, habitual way of approaching

things, is to find an answer, you know, find the meaning to life, take a stand, come to

a conclusion.

And all of these are of the thinking field.

Any answer we come to, will be limited, will be an idea, that inevitably brings about conflict

through separation and division.

So that means our approach has to be completely different right?

So we got to look at this quote as it is, not looking or searching or trying to find

a meaning of life, according to what we think it may be or what I think it may be, because

we honestly don't know.

It may or may not be this or that.

So he talks about the meaning of life is that it is to be lived.

So I question is the meaning of life filled with conflict and misery and suffering and

sorrow and pain and anxiety and and just all of that?

Or is the meaning of life beyond all this, beyond all these words, these concepts, these

ideas, that we're living with?

So therefore, this first part of the quote is pointing to something that is outside of

words, outside of the field of the brain that uses intellect.

So therefore, it is unthinkable.

Now we are not satisfied with this right?

We need an answer, we, we have to have some kind of meaning, because, you know, our brain,

the ego, is always seeking this protection, this safety, this satisfaction, and that is

why we program ourselves right?

Program like a computer, like we write a code in we hit enter and boom!

The computer starts to run, and in the same way our brain is like this clever and intelligent

computer, where I don't know what happened, probably millions of years ago this may or

may have been the reason, I don't know, maybe man has felt like okay, there is so much danger

around, you know, wild beasts running around and poisonous plants and stuff.

So that idea, I have to protect myself, probably arose from there, just a guess, but yeah,

so that's maybe how we got caught in programming ourselves to live, to conceptualize, to squeeze

ourselves into a pattern, you know, a routine like, I must wake up every morning and pray

or I must wake up every morning and make my bed, I must wake up every morning and eat

this specific kind of breakfast only, these specific kind of foods and why do we do that?

Why do we put ourselves in this pattern?

Because what do patterns or programs do?

Well they give us something to depend on for our security, but what is it that we're really

dependent on?

Because this pattern, this program, is like a continuous stream of memory right?

Memory being, you know, the thinking, the thought, the knowledge, the experiences, that

we've accumulated throughout our lives thus far.

So what is it that we are really dependent on that makes us feel secure, safe and satisfied?

Because that is why we are putting ourselves in this habit, in this program, is because,

I want to get something or because I do that, I have that feeling of security and safety

and I want more, so I keep planning and preparing, you know, and acting or thinking before I

act, and therefore, whatever action I do, is limited, is according to a past idea, that

is gone, that is dead, because memory, is only representative of what's already gone,

of what's already dead, but we like this memory.

We like this continuous thinking going on and why?

Why is that?

Let's investigate this together, because I feel that we like this continuous thinking

of what we're going to do, how we're going to do it, not only because it gives us a security,

but also, because it's like a constant sense of certainty, like I'm certain about this,

I'm certain about that, and that feeling, it feels so good, it's like either a sigh

of relief, or like I'm doing what I meant to do in this life, but the fact, the fact

is that life is uncertain, and we plan and prepare and put ourselves in a habit for things

that we are uncertain of.

So we're living this big contradiction of thinking or being certain that this is going

to help me or secure me or this is going to get me that, but life is always uncertain

and changing and therefore, a contradiction of the opposites which, bring about this sorrow,

this suffering, this conflict.

So then we have to go into, well then, how will there be order in my life?

If I just don't use patterns or systems or repetition or routine which all dulls the

mind, dulls the senses of the intelligent body, the human being, that we are.

Then if I don't do all that, there will just be disorder right?

But everything I think of, and we see this going on we're all trying to think of new

ways and new gimmicks and tricks to make this world a better place, but the world is still

on fire, it still degenerating, is burning, so every solution, every answer we think of

and we implement, doesn't radically change anything.

So, therefore, have we gone into the structure?

Examined what it is that is responsible for this, and therefore, through that examining

and understanding, that brings about its own order right?

Through understanding, examining this brain, that is the center of everything that's going

on, of what we're doing, of what we're using, what we're inventing, of what we're creating.

So when we understand the center and learn about the center, which everything else flows


Then through that, is order, naturally, but we're too scared, because we're too frightened

of this, because we're caught in this continuous thinking, this continuous memory that brings

about security, and then, now we've come to see that, okay well, natural order says to

stop this or is going to interfere with this stream.

So therefore, I won't have my security, I won't...

I'm too frightened to do this.

I'm not going to try this at all.

See what's going on here?

It's so interesting, but yes, I'm kind of going on too long now, so yeah, that's all

I'll talk for in this video, for now, probably make some more about this kind of quote.

It's a very interesting quote, but yeah, that's all, thank you for hanging out with

me and as always stay awesome and I'll see you all next time bye bye.

For more infomation >> The Meaning Of Life | Bruce Lee - Duration: 11:09.


Unhinged Woman Insults Veteran In Restaurant In Front Of Everybody, But Gets Instantly Shut Up - Duration: 22:52.

Unhinged Woman Insults Veteran In Restaurant In Front Of Everybody, But Gets Instantly

Shut Up

The veterans in this country have given up all the things we take for granted so Americans

can enjoy life and freedom.

They put their lives on the line to defend what makes this country so great.

They give up their right to a normal life, they give up their safety, and they become

public servants dedicated to protecting us.

The very least we can do to thank them as American citizens, is the little things like

discounts, free entry to public venues, small tokens of our appreciation.

Some people however don't seem to have the appropriate amount of respect for our armed

service men and women, and don't quite understand what is it they do for us.

Evidence of this is shown in the video when a young veteran approaches the counter of

a fast food restaurant.

After he places his order, he politely asks if they offer a military discount.

The woman behind him in line then proceeds to call the veteran "rude" for inquiring

about a discount.

She said he was acting entitled and seeking "special privileges" because he's in

the military.

The soldier was shocked at first I'm sure, but handed the situation perfectly.

"it's not a privilege, it's a discount" he replied to the woman, "a privilege is

getting to go home.

To go home to your family every night.

To go home in a free country.

some people give up their privileges so that people like you can have them"

After he finished responding to the woman in line behind him, a woman comes up and offers

to pay for the young veterans food, but then the store manager gives him his meal for free.

The woman who accosted the veteran then decides that she doesn't want to get food and leaves.

Some people have no idea what respect is, that woman learned the hard way today.

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