Thứ Hai, 16 tháng 10, 2017

Youtube daily report Oct 16 2017

When Star Wars debuted in 1977, no one could have predicted it would become the most popular

and influential film franchise in history.

The cast of Star Wars is beloved by fans, but behind the scenes, they didn't always

love each other nearly so much, battling with fellow cast members as well as creator George


From epic feuds to secret affairs to that infamous gold bikini, here's a look at some

dark secrets the cast of Star Wars tried to hide.

C-3PO and R2-D2 hated each other

The bickering robotic odd couple C-3PO and R2-D2 are fan favorites.

But behind the scenes, actors Anthony Daniels and the late Kenny Baker actually loathed

each other.

Before his death in 2016, Baker told Metro, "We could make a fortune touring around making

personal appearances.

I've asked him four times now but, the last time, he looked down his nose at me like I

was a piece of sh*t.

He said: 'I don't do many of these conventions — go away little man.'"

For his part, Daniels simply dismissed Baker out of hand in an interview about The Force


Daniels told The Mirror, "He's not actually on the set.

I haven't seen him for years.

His name is on the credits as a sort of…

I don't know, a good luck charm, a courtesy.

He's a talisman."


Alec Guinness loathed Star Wars

When Oscar-winning actor Sir Alec Guinness agreed to play Obi-Wan Kenobi, he just thought

it would be a quick paycheck.

Instead, it became a worldwide phenomenon that Guinness couldn't escape.

He tried though, reportedly begging George Lucas to truly kill off Kenobi.

He also would return Star Wars fan mail unopened, and wasn't shy about telling fans what he


According to Entertainment Weekly, "Guinness was approached by a young boy who begged for

his autograph, claiming to have seen 'Star Wars' countless times.

Sir Alec agreed, on one condition — that the boy never, ever watch the film again.

The kid burst into tears."

Harrison Ford tried to destroy the Millennium Falcon

Star Wars turned Harrison Ford from a struggling part-time carpenter into one of the biggest

movie stars in the world.

But he famously thought the character of Han Solo was poorly written, screaming at Lucas,

"George, you can type this sh*t, but you sure as hell can't say it!"

According to co-star Mark Hamill, Ford was so upset about the writing that he tried to

use his carpentry skills to destroy the Millennium Falcon.

Hamill told Empire, "You heard about Harrison taking a saw to the Millennium Falcon because

he got so mad?

People were coming up to me going, 'You gotta stop Harrison, he's sawing up the Falcon.'

It was made of wood and he just took a saw to it."

Ford and Fisher had an affair

In her 2016 book The Princess Diarist, the late Carrie Fisher revealed that she had an

affair with Harrison Ford — that started when she got drunk at a party.

Not only was he married with children, but Fisher, who wrote that the affair did long-lasting

damage to her self-worth, was only a teenager at the time.

Marcia Lucas was erased from history

Shortly after wrapping Star Wars, Lucas showed a rough cut of the movie to a group of fellow


It was a disaster.

So how did Star Wars end up becoming the classic it is today?

Well, much of the credit goes to Lucas's then-wife Marcia, who fixed the film in editing, completely

re-working the epic Death Star trench attack by Luke.

She and her co-editors did such a great job, she ended up winning an Oscar for her work.

However, after the two divorced in 1983, Lucas and LucasFilm tried to erase her.

She's barely mentioned at all in official histories and documentaries despite the major

contributions she made the franchise.

In the book Easy Riders, Raging Bulls, she told Peter Biskind that Lucas, quote, "never

felt I had any talent, he never felt I was very smart and he never gave me much credit.

When we were finishing Jedi, George told me he thought I was a pretty good editor.

In the sixteen years of our being together I think that was the only time he complimented


But her importance to the series might be best illustrated by what happened to the franchise

after she left.

Mark Hamill told Film Freak Central that her absence is why prequel trilogy sucked so much.

"You can see a huge difference in the films that [George] does now and the films that

he did when he was married…

She was really the warmth and the heart of those films."

Fisher's coca habit

In 2012, eagle-eyed internet users noticed that one of Fisher's fingernails was noticeably

longer than the others in a scene from Return of the Jedi, and a screencap immediately made

the rounds claiming it was Fisher's "coke nail."

Fisher responded with her usual humor, tweeting "I never used my fingernail for drugs.

I used dollars or tiny spoons like any other respectable former drug addict."

And when The Daily Beast asked her if she had a "difficult time" because of her battle

with addiction while filming The Empire Strikes Back, Fisher laughed it off.

"Actually, no, I didn't go through a difficult time!

I said I did blow a couple of times.

That's not a difficult time!

…Oh god, that will be fun for Disney!"

That bikini

The gold bikini Fisher wore during her scenes as Jabba the Hutt's prisoner in Return of

the Jedi has become controversial enough that Disney reportedly no longer produces any toys

featuring the look.

And it caused a lot of problems for Fisher.

Besides being physically uncomfortable, Fisher told The Daily Beast that being forced to

lose weight to fit into the bikini contributed to "serious body dysmorphia issues"

Still, she maintained a sense of humor while describing the costume's particular... challenges.

"'I always thought that if Boba Fett were of a mind, he could see all the way to Florida.'"

Fisher was probably used to the weirdness by that point, considering that — according

to her book Wishful Drinking — Lucas had a lengthy explanation during the filming of

A New Hope as to why Leia wasn't allowed to wear a bra.

"What happens is you go to space and you become weightless.

So far so good, right?

But then your body expands?

But your bra doesn't — so you get strangled by your own bra.

Now I think that this would make for a fantastic obit — so I tell my younger friends that

no matter how I go, I want it reported that I drowned in moonlight, strangled by my own


Carrie Fisher: pretty much cooler than anyone else in Star Wars ever.

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Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Dark Secrets The Cast Of Star Wars Tried To Hide - Duration: 6:30.


my boyfriend is leaving me.. - Duration: 10:15.

What the hell you need a boy singapore?

Boyfriend what to protect you what's he gonna? Do put you on the handlebars and take you on a date to a Taco Bell?

Yeah, okay. Hey, let's you know what why you like him? Oh, yes?

He could hold my hand really do you know Jesus

Okay, then all of Sudden I

Think I'm pregnant

So you think you're pregnant because my baby's here if we do like this a lot?

That's our biscuits women you're holding hands never because if a whole week


You want to wait you want a boyfriend a boyfriend?

Fred you can't afraid you can be a boy to spot it



Wait, are you talking about he had?

Poison poured your boyfriend hey, no he's not


No, you don't have any boyfriends. I am a

Boyfriend at school. No you don't I am at school. I play said no

No, you don't have a boyfriend at school. Yes. He surely you and then I have a boyfriend

Okay, no sad okay. It's okay

No, it's not okay, okay?

Well, I think you have a lot of friends at school -

Paddy travels it

Makes my boys home Paddy told you that Sam is your boyfriend? Oh, no, oh?

Yeah, no, why don't you tell with legos? No? Yeah? That's why?

You when you get your house, whoa. You're not gonna. Have a boyfriend


Come here

Come here


You are not going to have a boyfriend

You better not have no boyfriend. I'll kick their fuck

Yes, when you get older. No, you're not

Doesn't mean you could have a boyfriend

Daddy will get him and put him upside down. Well, you're awesome

Yeah, yeah, but you're not you're never gonna be a nun. I'm

from under and two voices

drop badge as a boyfriend a girlfriend named

Calloway you're gonna be a nun, babe. You're gonna go no, babe. You can look at the church


No, boyfriends. Jelly. Yeah, Daddy will Kick their butt

When you get older and you finish school and you go to college, and you're 30.5 near 30

You could have a way for a gay Illini for would your boy?

not when you're four when you're 30


Deal when you're 30?

Pinky Promise

See I promise that

No, boyfriend till you're 30 see it

when you're 30, okay, do

Good night, mom. I'll show you that you bigger. We promise

No, boy

Wait, why do you?

Look like a ashwin. Oh my is it look exactly the same

How to pay yo you please don't think I'm cute. I want to get here, so

Which one do you want to marry what you want is you want to marry?


Think you're doing this can I please see your picture?

Why so that I can show you when you're older because it's going to get lost

Fine, I have a crush on somebody okay, and his name is avery Aubrey's brother

but in my class

And I'm almost interest rate

Here's one of them playing football in it is just a 'very is on the football team

I'm not come yep

And I really have reserves on them and here's me in him and a big heart surrounded by other hearts

And it says I love avery okay now tell me about avery. What made you like them?

I don't know you can't have curly hair and he does

I just knew it ends up this hair healey splits it and he just go steal now coming

But what grade is he in for and what grade are you in?

Kindergarten is that a big age difference

Nope, okay?

Now what happened in the lunch?

he was putting stuff up for

Field day, which is tomorrow man. I'm always at a stall and I'm

on the stove list oh

Dated oh yeah. I'm dead right, and when he was a normal Thursday on bus on the first row you can man and

How does that make you feel?

Really good because he touched your hand yes, okay? It was this hand, okay. Nose right here


Now can I say how I feel yes? You're not supposed to like voice until you're 18. I can't mike unless I want

Okay, anything else you wanted you want to tell anybody?

Yeah, even you won't get to see avery anymore

For a whole summer well, I know we're all great houses

I might go down to you if you have a car. Don't let you take me probably to overthink my day now Travis

yeah, now I'm not fine because a boy's gonna be there, so I'll probably knock him a


Where'd you meet him at?

You just met I mean. He's your boyfriend. What's his name? Oh?

Okay, um you're kind of too young to have a boyfriend

You can't have a boyfriend

Well, he could be your best friend, but he can't be your boyfriend. I thought you said he's your boyfriend. Oh

So your belt is he your best friend or boyfriend. Oh

I'm not tell mom you got a boyfriend. Yeah, what do you think she's going to say very cute enemies?

What do you think mom's Gonna Say?

It's okay for you. Have a boyfriend. I think he's about nine years old. How old are you?

You're not one, how old are you?

You're you're three and a half. I don't think you should have a boyfriend - you're like 20

So grandma says you can't have a boyfriend

You can't you can't best friend. You can't have a boyfriend where you go to eat look at Grandma. Are you mad at me? Why?

No, you can have a boyfriend till you're 40?

Well, you can't have him. What do you think you're doing? I'm really not. I'm going to get though your dog

I'm moving on why do you have to move on I have to move on

I mean in this house way too long. I can move how long have you been here all right fuck you

Well yak is your fight. Well. I need to move on why I need to move on sometime one

That's more all I'm like gentle as clean as I can make it well. Why can't you make myself clean?

I'm trying again HmM better or not

Well, why can't you do mine?

Cuz I don't love to you what it is. Do I goody yeah?

No, thanks my bedroom in does that don't have known?

And I couldn't baby. I put my stuff. What are you gonna? Do it himself? I had lack of stuff

I'm moving on I'm going again

I'm going to miss you when I love you and want me to hope I'm moving no you're not your day ready

Yeah, stay with your mommy no

I am go eat what you say, I'd he's gonna say about I'm Gonna move

I'm gonna be sad I can't I am moving ah

Good money repeat after me I promise

hey, hey, I



no, never -

you have a


For more infomation >> my boyfriend is leaving me.. - Duration: 10:15.


Lukostřelecký turnaj CSWBS v Tv Slovácko /Warbow Archery Tournament CSWBS in TV Czech Republic - Duration: 1:51.

Fans of heavy bows have compared their aim and strength in Old City in Czech Republic

There was taking place tournament in historical war archery for the 5th time

There were 3 attractive shooting disciplines in the program

20 participants have participated along with the traditional target shooting with discipline for the longest shot

3d discipline was target shooting at distance of 100 yards - flight

Archer equipment is historical bow

We are shooting primitive historical warbows, replicas from 14th century hundred years war

Draw weights of these bows are about 50kg (100pounds) and more

The very best archer in the flight shooting was archer Jan Kašpar

His arrow hit the 230m (250yards) distance

To succeed in this discipline is not just a raw strength but also a specific technique

Even some strong mens from public couldnt draw these bows

You have to use whole your body muscles to pull it like a jack

Another essential thing to succeed is to have high quality bow and correct arrows

Its technology is not far enough from historical alchemy tests

Arrowheads are hand forged by Slovak master blacksmith "Lasky"

Shafts are made for several types of wood

For example ash, poplar, aspen, alder tree, even pine or spruce

The difference is mainly in weight and size of fletching, length is the same

The heaviest of them has the minimum weight 114g (quater pound)

The lightest of them has the minimum weight 52g (BLBS)

Winner of the tournament became Pavel Sesulka across all the disciplines

Second place won Jan Kaspar, third Miroslav Hlavacka, all from CSWBS

For more infomation >> Lukostřelecký turnaj CSWBS v Tv Slovácko /Warbow Archery Tournament CSWBS in TV Czech Republic - Duration: 1:51.


Healed by seeing a happy funny hamster - Duration: 2:11.

Hmm···? That is ...

I will dive into a pellet pool! ! !

The bottom is not free! !

Please be looking at blissful cheese for a while ♥

Alright, I will come out!


No problem!



Foot slips!


It's a complete delusion!


Easy win.



Don't bother me.

Please take off.

For more infomation >> Healed by seeing a happy funny hamster - Duration: 2:11.


Vehicles for kids | Learn Street Vehicles for baby | Cartoon police car, fire truck, monster truck - Duration: 7:01.

Vehicles for kids | Learn Street Vehicles for baby | Cartoon police car, fire truck, monster truck

For more infomation >> Vehicles for kids | Learn Street Vehicles for baby | Cartoon police car, fire truck, monster truck - Duration: 7:01.


'Living Fossils' Aren't Really a Thing - Duration: 5:06.

Thanks to Curiosity Stream for supporting PBS Digital Studios


Horseshoe crabs.

And of course ... tuatara!

They're all animals that have persisted for millions of years, said to have gone unchanged

since the days of the dinosaurs.

So, like, living fossils.


Well, no, not really.

When you look at the history of life on Earth, you see lots of major changes.

In one part of the tree of life, you'll find a lineage of lobe-finned fish that gave

rise to amphibians.

In another, a branch of feathered dinosaurs evolved into birds.

And a subset of adorable little hoofed mammals even developed into whales.

But there's a whole category of species that apparently didn't get the memo that

dramatic change is where it's at.

These are things like your nautiluses, your coelacanths, your ginkgo trees -- organisms

that look basically the same today as they do in the fossil record.

People call them "living fossils."

But, at the risk of being "that guy," the idea of a "living fossil" is kind

of problematic.

Really, the only guy who can get away with using that term is Charles Darwin, because

-- well, he coined it more than 150 years ago.

In 1859, he pointed out that some animals -- like the duck-billed platypus and the lungfish

-- seemed to have held onto the same basic body plan for millions of years.

And Darwin figured, that was because there was no evolutionary need for them to change.

It was an important insight.

But since Darwin's day, this rather simple idea has gotten bundled up with a bunch of

misconceptions about evolution.

Today, the term "living fossil" is sometimes taken to mean that some organisms evolve,

while others don't.

Or that living things only evolve … some of the time.

But just one of the problems with the idea of "living fossils" is that there are

actually many plants and animals that look a lot like their distant ancestors.

If the definition of a living fossil is an organism that's basically unchanged over

long periods of time, then we got a whole world of living fossils around us!

For example, jaguars and gray wolves would fit that description, because fossils that

look just like them can be found as far back as the last Ice Age.

And ... we'd be living fossils, too!

(Some days, to be honest, I feel like one myself.)

But, the oldest remains of Homo sapiens are more than 200,000 years old, and those fossils

look just like us.

So, as a descriptive term, "living fossil" doesn't seem very useful, at least on smaller

geologic time scales.

But another, bigger problem with this idea, is that it makes organisms sound like they

haven't changed at all, when in fact, they're the results of millions of years of evolutionary


Just take a look at one of the most famous so-called living fossils -- the crocodylians,

like alligators, crocodiles, and gharials.

Today's crocodylians are all aquatic ambush predators.

They stay close to the water's edge and attack whatever prey that comes within range.

And we know from the fossil record that, way back in the Jurassic Period, there were croc-like

ancestors -- called crocodylomorphs -- that looked more or less like the crocs we know


But look into the even deeper past, and you'll find a staggering array of croc-like reptiles

unlike anything we see now!

More than 200 million years ago, in the Late Triassic Period, some of these reptiles lived

not at the water's edge but on land.

I'm talking about truly terrifying carnivores like Postosuchus, which basically looked like

a four-legged T. rex.

By contrast, in the Late Jurassic, there were others, like Dakosaurus, that spent their

lives entirely out at sea.

These reptiles lost their body armor, had feet that looked like flippers, and used shark-like

tail fins to move through the water.

So, crocodiles didn't just slide into the water and stay the same since the Triassic.

Sure, you can find a fossil of a croc ancestor that looks more or less like a modern one.

But what you're not seeing are all of the forms of crocodylians that have since been

lost -- ones that show us how much their family has changed.

Which brings me to one last point.

And that is: Life is evolving all the time, even if we can't see it!

Just because an organism might look much like it did millions of years ago, that doesn't

mean that it hasn't felt the effects of evolution.

Genes, if not anatomy, can show us that life is constantly evolving.

For your consideration, there's the tuatara!

Show me your best tuatara

I just got a neck cramp

This reptile from New Zealand looks straight-up like a lizard, but it actually belongs to

an entirely separate group of reptiles called Rynchocephalians.

These reptiles thrived over 200 million years ago, but the tuatara is the last remaining

member of their family.

Because of its ancient pedigree, the tuatara is often called a "living fossil"

Oh man

I'm a living fossil!

but its DNA proves that it has changed over time -- a lot.

A study in 2008 compared the mitochondrial DNA from both modern and fossil tuatara bones.

And it found that this reptile is undergoing faster genetic change than any other vertebrate.

Its bones may resemble those of its Jurassic relatives, but at the molecular level, the

tuatara -- like all of us! -- is changing all the time.

So, sometimes evolutionary changes are big and obvious, but sometimes they're almost

imperceptibly small.

Even the most ancient-looking organism carries a record of its history in its anatomy and

its genome, and together they show us that evolution is always at work.

PBS Digital Studios is sponsored by Curiosity Stream, where you can stream documentary films,

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And if you're watching me right now, you should probably check out Planet Dinosaur,

a three-part BBC series about the latest discoveries

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Now what do you want to know about the story of life on Earth?

Let us know in the comments.

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But the fun doesn't end here!

Do yourself a favor and check out some of our sister channels from PBS Digital Studios.

For more infomation >> 'Living Fossils' Aren't Really a Thing - Duration: 5:06.


O.J. Simpson Photographed Chatting With 3 Women at a Las Vegas Bar - Duration: 0:37.

For more infomation >> O.J. Simpson Photographed Chatting With 3 Women at a Las Vegas Bar - Duration: 0:37.


SCREAM MOST CRISP ONE TAPS in CS:GO! (2017) - Duration: 10:04.


For more infomation >> SCREAM MOST CRISP ONE TAPS in CS:GO! (2017) - Duration: 10:04.


WCS Signature Series - Elazer - Duration: 4:03.

For more infomation >> WCS Signature Series - Elazer - Duration: 4:03.


Larvas de bambu ao molho barbecue / BBQ bamboo worms - Duration: 2:31.

Laura: Hi! Leo: Hi!

Today, Laura will do the talking

Laura: We're gonna eat some bugs!

Leo: Which bugs are we eating today?

Laura: "Bambuormer"?

Bamboo earthworm

Bamboo sorrow (????)

Laura: Bamboo worms! Leo: yes

Laura: check it out

Leo: hold it up...

Laura: Now we're gonna open it Leo: Go for it.

Laura: I'll try

It's really difficult

Leo: That's it

Laura: Maybe we need some scissors

Leo: Scissors?

Leo: So, these are the bamboo worms!

With barbecue sauce

Laura: barbecue, right

That's right, so what are we going to do now, Laura?

ehrm.. eat them ?


Leo: So, do you wanna pick one? Laura: Yes

Whoa... did you get a whole one?

Show your bug, then

Wait, dad will choose one too... this one!

Dad, is it right that this black part here is the head?

Yes, that's the head. The black part.

Should we do it, then?

So let's go. Who will count? You count.

Laura: now we eat it

Leo: one, two, three


Laura: it's good

Leo: is it really good? Laura: yes

Leo: are you sure? Laura: yes, they taste really good

Leo: so, would you like another one? Laura: yes

So take one more. I'll have another one too.

This is the best one, so far

Still has some of the fish food taste, which is soy

But it's better.

Laura: Much better

Leo: Is that the third, already? Laura: aham

Leo: So this one worked, didn't it? Laura: yeah

So, what do we say now?

Laura: Bye bye! Leo: Bye bye!

For more infomation >> Larvas de bambu ao molho barbecue / BBQ bamboo worms - Duration: 2:31.


NFL: Racist Seahawks Player Protesting Anthem Just Made SICK Demand Of All Whites At His Games. - Duration: 4:31.

Racist Seahawks Player Protesting Anthem Just Made SICK Demand Of All Whites At His Games.

We're barely into football season, and racist anti-American football players are already

up to their antics.

Not learning their lesson after witnessing Colin Kaepernick's football career completely

destroyed last season, Seahawks' defensive end Michael Bennett has been leading the latest

string of protests.

But startlingly, Bennett has much bigger plans for disrespecting our country other than just

sitting the bench for the National Anthem, with what he's demanding all white people

to do at his games.

Protesting the anthem is a slap in the face for every single American soldier who has

fought, bled and died for this country.

While it's these players' right under the First Amendment to protest the flag they

ridiculously view is a "symbol of oppression," that doesn't mean their actions come without


Michael Bennett has benefited immensely from country he vows to keep protesting, as he's

able to pursue his dreams of being a millionaire football star.

Bennett just signed a $30 million dollar contract with the Seahawks, but still somehow feels

"oppressed" as a black man living in America.

While protesting is his God-given right as a citizen in this country, Bennett isn't

simply satisfied with sitting silently on the bench.

Ever eager for more media attention that his anti-American actions bring him, he's now

demanding that all white players on the team join his protests too.

"It would take a white player to really get things changed," Bennett said Wednesday

on ESPN's SC6, "because when somebody from the other side understands and they step

up and they speak up about it … it would change the whole conversation.

Because when you bring somebody who doesn't have to be a part of [the] conversation making

himself vulnerable in front of it, I think when that happens, things will really take

a jump."

But Bennett's plans to influence other demographics to join his anti-American circus doesn't

end there.

In the same interview, he expressed his intentions of setting his sights on children too, as

he views them as a group of Americans he can easily influence (AKA indoctrinate) and pass

on his hatred for our country to.

"Instead of just inspiring them to be athletes, we can inspire them to be change makers,"

Bennett said.

What's even more disturbing is how the NFL is not only supporting this behavior, but

bashing the fans for their ongoing outrage over these racist players' protests.

NFL commissioner Roger Goodell had the opportunity several days ago to condemn these actions,

"but put the problem on the fans who are furious about it, rather than punishing the

athletes who are abusing their platforms, calling for Americans to be 'more understanding'

of what they are trying to say with their protests," Freedom Daily's Amanda Shea

previously reported.

New York Daily News reports:

NFL commissioner Roger Goodell says football fans should be more understanding when players

protest the national anthem.

During a Q&A session with Cardinals season-ticket holders, Goodell was asked if he believes

protests are "going to be another problem" this season.

"It's one of those things where we have to understand that there are people who have

different viewpoints," Goodell said via ESPN.

"It's something that I think everybody wants.

The national anthem is a special moment for me.

It's a point of pride.

That is a really important moment but we also have to understand the other side – that

people do have rights, and we want to respect those."

Sadly, many blacks in this country have been brainwashed by morons like Barack Obama and

Al Shaprton and other black leaders who continue to demonize whites and police officers, as

these idiots will continue to rise in political prominence and cash in on their little manufactured

race war.

Race relations in this country are now at an all-time low, thanks to the race-baiting

antics of Obama who used his platform to drum up anti-American sentiments like this country

has never seen before.

The NFL league has invested quite a bit of money into falsely presenting themselves as

patriotic organization over the years, only to have it destroyed by these spoiled and

racist millionaire NFL players who want to use the football field to whine about their


If these morons want to continue to bring politics into America's favorite pastime,

it's only going to rub salt in the racial wounds that Obama ripped oven even further.

It's time to give these NFL players the message that this behavior won't be tolerated,

and they can protest America all day long in an empty stadium.

Thank you for watching...

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For more infomation >> NFL: Racist Seahawks Player Protesting Anthem Just Made SICK Demand Of All Whites At His Games. - Duration: 4:31.


Warframe: Footsteps of an MMO - Duration: 4:41.

The MMO is a genre that is synonymous with sucking the essence out of your life. Warframe

itself is no different. It isn't exactly a bona fide MMO, despite having some traits

that are common with games of the genre. If anything, Warframe is often put side-by-side

with Destiny, another game with MMO elements despite not being labeled as an MMO by its

developers. Even though it possesses some attributes that current mainstream MMOs also

have, Warframe's true identity is that of an MORPG. That isn't to say that Warframe

will never be an MMORPG, the issue is that besides the obvious player difference, Warframe

does not exactly meet all the requirements of an MMO.

An MMORPG can be defined with the following rules:

For a game with a long lifespan to continue to make loads of money, content must be supplied

to keep the players occupied and satisfied. Every MMO on the market follows this rule.

Warframe, although it receives free Updates every few months, does not receive expansions

of the same caliber as any MMO would, although the open world zone added by the recent Plains

of Eidolon Update could be considered an "MMO scale" addition. Warframe's grind cannot be

considered a substitute for the actual content that a typical MMO expansion delivers, because

grind creates the illusion that you're accomplishing something, when really you're sitting at your

desk waiting to get the thing you want. The Updates that Warframe receives are more often

than not a "more things to kill shit with" patch than an MMO-esque expansion, but to

be fair, The Plains of Eidolon is Warframe's first MMO-esque Update, so only time will

tell if similarly sized additions will follow. Technically speaking, Warframe does meet the

requirement of being designed for longevity since it does receive somewhat periodic Updates,

but to compare it to MMOs simply because it meets this requirement would be like comparing

the Canadian dollar to the Euro.

World of Warcraft is a prime example of this. To the game's credit, it's been out for well

over 12 years, so you'd expect its story to have been built upon greatly. Warframe, although

possessing potential to be delved upon, (as shown with the currently in-progress comic

book series), hasn't really had that much time put in to deepen its lore. Granted, not

every MMO has a massive super-complex story behind it, but even then, it's typically something

with more depth than "Space ninja piloted by space child murders things in space." The

lore is what keeps players invested in addition to the already in-place gameplay. Addiction

to playing the game can only get you so far; as a player can easily become bored of doing

the same thing over and over in an MMO, a.k.a. being burned out on grind. Having an engaging

story is what helps a player stick to what would otherwise be a flat game. To put it

simply, if you can get a player to put their time both in playing your game and reading

about the universe of your game, they're more than likely going to be interested, and thus,

invested in what you have to offer.

Although Warframe has been in the top 5 most popular Free-To-Play titles on Steam for quite

a while now, its growth has been rather slow given that other games higher up on the list

have garnered most of the attention in the Free-To-Play space, not to mention that Warframe's

advertising hasn't really been that impactful until now. Even if Warframe had a top-notch

advertising campaign, it's limited by the fact that the game is Free-To-Play. For a

game like Warframe, anyone can jump in and play due to the fact that there is no subscription

or expansion fee for the game. However, because the game is Free-To-Play, Warframe is always

under the threat of potentially going Pay To Win, or completely abandoned should things

go sour for the developers. Granted, that isn't likely given the game's current stage

of development, but that does not rule out the possibility, although at this point the

chance is basically negligible, there have been cases of stellar Free-To-Play games dying

due to mismanagement or other issues.

Strictly speaking, Warframe is an MORPG. While it's taking baby steps into being a bigger

game, it'll be a very long time until it can reach that point.

Thank you for watching.

For more infomation >> Warframe: Footsteps of an MMO - Duration: 4:41.


IZA - I Put a Spell On You (Reaction) - Duration: 5:32.

hi everybody my name is kaif welcome

back to my channel. so guys want me to

react to Iza, I think that's how

you pronounce her name. I think I'm

pronouncing it right, now. I love

her. I reacted to her video and oh my god

the first thing I noticed was she can

sing. sing, sing, sing, sing, sing. she is

absolutely amazing and how beautiful she

is and she performed I put a spell on

you I think that's the song from Fifty

Shades of Grey "I put a spell on you

because you're mine" I can't sing

I'm sorry

oh yes that's the song from Fifty Shades

of Grey


oh yes skin. she gave me goosebumps



her voice is just amazing

oh yes fashion queen and look at her

skin, flawless.


oh she is just amazing she was born to

sing and shout out to the people who are

playing instruments,




I'm gonna download this.


original version, who?


yes Queen you did that yes she did

better than the original because I've

heard the original before, this was

better. the confidence in her voice

she gave me goosebumps.

her voice is just amazing, amazing and

how beautiful she is like God spend

extra hours on her, she's so beautiful.

she's so talented.

okay I subscribe to her Channel.

she have a lot of covers she covered

Beyonce's "flawless" and Rihanna's

"rude boy" okay I will react to that - and

please recommend me more of her videos,

i would love to watch and hope you

guys enjoyed this one if you enjoyed

make sure to give this video a thumbs up

and make sure to subscribe and i will see you guys in my

next video bye

For more infomation >> IZA - I Put a Spell On You (Reaction) - Duration: 5:32.


What Are Walk in Souls And What Do They Do - Duration: 11:38.

For more infomation >> What Are Walk in Souls And What Do They Do - Duration: 11:38.


Daily Blast LIVE | Monday October 16, 2017 - Duration: 3:09:51.

For more infomation >> Daily Blast LIVE | Monday October 16, 2017 - Duration: 3:09:51.


My Most Liked Photos, The Making of: Photoshop Composite Part 2 - Duration: 10:36.

For more infomation >> My Most Liked Photos, The Making of: Photoshop Composite Part 2 - Duration: 10:36.


The Talk - Carrie Ann Inaba on Her Battle with Chronic Fatigue & Sex Drive - Duration: 3:47.

For more infomation >> The Talk - Carrie Ann Inaba on Her Battle with Chronic Fatigue & Sex Drive - Duration: 3:47.


Kate Upton Topless And Falling Off A Rock… | TMZ TV - Duration: 1:57.




































































For more infomation >> Kate Upton Topless And Falling Off A Rock… | TMZ TV - Duration: 1:57.


The Talk - Tyler Perry Got Oprah's Autograph When he was a Janitor - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> The Talk - Tyler Perry Got Oprah's Autograph When he was a Janitor - Duration: 1:02.


North Korea's doomsday weapon REVEALED: USA could be WIPED OUT in deadly EMP strike - Duration: 5:31.

North Korea's doomsday weapon REVEALED: USA could be WIPED OUT in deadly EMP strike

Experts told the House of Representatives - part of Congress - a blast from an EMP could wipe out the power grid and all electrical devices within the blast radius.

Dr William R Graham and Dr Peter Vincent Pry, from the EMP Commission, told members fridges, lights, water and communication devices would become void if a hydrogen bomb detonated at an altitude of 30 to 400km above a target.

And the blast could end up killing 90 per cent of American indirectly, along with taking down aeroplanes in flight and cause trains to stop in their tracks.

In a statement, the pair said: With the development of small nuclear arsenals and long-range missiles by new, radical US adversaries, beginning with North Korea, the threat of a nuclear EMP attack against the US becomes one of the few ways that such a country could inflict devastating damage to the United States.

It is critical, therefore, that the US national leadership address the EMP threat as a critical and existential issue, and give a high priority to assuring the leadership is engaged and the necessary steps are taken to protect the country from EMP. North Korea has long boasted about its ability to bring down the United State's financial systems and transport networks with a series of EMP attacks.

And the hermit state previously claimed it had two satellites in an "ideal altitude" to launch such an attack against the USA.

Dr Graham, a former science advisor to president Reagan and Dr Pry, a former CIA officer, has now urged US President Donald Trump to prepare for a possible EMP strike.

They said: "The EMP Commission finds that even primitive, low-yield nuclear weapons are such a significant EMP threat that rogue states, like North Korea, or terrorists may well prefer using a nuclear weapon for EMP attack, instead of destroying a city. An EMP bomb causes a greater range of destruction the higher it is detonated.

At 400km (250 miles), an EMP bomb would be just under the orbit of the International Space Station and the resulting detonation would be enough to affect the majority of the US mainland.

It is unknown exactly what weapons Kim Jong-un possess due to the country's secretive status.

But North Korea claims to have intercontinental ballistic missiles, which are thought to be capable of covering 6,000 miles, and could even have developed miniature nuclear warheads that could be fitted to these missiles.

In his most recent warning, the country's chubby despot threatened to send four Hwasong-12 missiles to Guam, which is located 2,000 miles from North Korea in the western Pacific Ocean.

The EMP warning comes after revealed that the South Korea has poured £33.6billion into its next-generation military communication network, the Tactical Information Communication Network (TICN).

But it has been revealed the system failed to account for an EMP strike and would be powerless against an attack of that nature.

Kim Byeong-gi, a member of the National Assembly's National Defense Committee, said: "DAPA said they didn't apply EMP shielding because the army didn't request it.

"Since no measures were taken against an EMP attack, the various communication devices that are used in the field could be neutralised if enemy forces attacked the TICN with an EMP during a crisis." The TICN program, which began in 2015 and is scheduled to be completed in 2026, is supposed to create a "digital communications system" that can link weapon systems with the commanders of the army, navy and air force. .

For more infomation >> North Korea's doomsday weapon REVEALED: USA could be WIPED OUT in deadly EMP strike - Duration: 5:31.


Cafe Music & Cafe Music Playlist: Best of Bossa Nova & Jazz BGM Cafe Music Compilation Jazz Mix - Duration: 3:31:45.

Title: Cafe Music & Cafe Music Playlist: Best of Bossa Nova & Jazz BGM Cafe Music Compilation Jazz Mix

For more infomation >> Cafe Music & Cafe Music Playlist: Best of Bossa Nova & Jazz BGM Cafe Music Compilation Jazz Mix - Duration: 3:31:45.


Featuring Musician Megan Ni...

For more infomation >> Featuring Musician Megan Ni...


For more infomation >> Featuring Musician Megan Ni...


TOO MUCH EVENTS IN SINGAPORE! Ft. Fireworks, NDP and more! | I Vlog U Watch #5 n 6 | Extended Vlog - Duration: 27:26.

I think I'm having a little bit of an Adam's family vibe over here.

Black hair, black clothes..

Don't you think?

*Intro Music*

Welcome to I Vlog U Watch 5! Or 6

In this Vlog, we're going to depict Singapore's Birthday.

In Singapore you have to actually bid to go to the National Day Parade and watch the live show.

So this year I managed to bid and me and my friends went to the National day parade.

Let me show you where are we.

Finding myself in the whole NDP is kind of difficult and kind of easy because.


Yes exactly why's my head chopped off? I don't understand

Even from that small little corner, right at the corner at the side of

this whole floating platform, we still managed to watch the National Day Parade.

So here is what is the National Day Parade about.

*Sound from National Day Parade*

Welcome back!

And Now, we're going to talk about Fort Siloso.

Do you know that Fort Siloso and Fort Canning is 2 different places?

I did not know that until today.

Basically a museum?

A museum of some sort.

Ok you can just watch it now.

A museum underground.

*Bug Sound*

So we're at Fort Siloso today.

*Bug Sound*

*Fast Forward Sound*

It's a museum!

Oh god.

*Walking down the stairs sound*


Oh where you want to go?

Come on let's go here.

*Environment sounds*

You can see some really cool things underground, like this.

*Other Sounds*

I think we will get lost here.

*Sounds from the environment*

*Fast Forward Noise*

*Bug sound*


*Bug sound*

Oh my god got light one sia!


*More Sounds*

Aside from Fort Silso, here are some mandatory Sentosa shots where I see ba….

So we're passing through RWS and you can see a lot of balloons

bouncy house, should I said.



Aside from that, here's the lion dance which I saw during the party poppers event.

You can read my Party Popper launch experience

on Ireviewuread dot com as linked above or in the description box below.v

*Sound from the Event*

Wahhhh, Smile!

Mexican Ship.

How many of you remember the Mexican ship which is parked at Vivo?

Well I do because I went on that Mexican Ship!

It's so cool!

It's literally like a pirate ship.


*Sounds from the Mexican ship*

Oh my god! They're standing on ropes.

Are they going to pull that out?

Pull open the thing?

No? I don't know..

*Sound from the ship*

Oh and you guys remember that instant Ma la craze?


… I kind of got on board and here is what happened.

So now we're trying this instant ma la huo guo.

There's instructions here.


And this is the sauce.

There's even chopsticks provided and...



There's the oil over there.

There's even an egg.

This is the erm noodles and or whatever this is.

No this is vegetable.

Oh my god.

And this is erm….

What is this ah?

Don't know.

Ok this is don't know.

And that this is the thing which kinds of heat up this whole thing.

Yeah, heating pack

So this is the sauce.

After we add the sauce, we have to add like one over third of water.

Next, we're going to put this something fen bao.

While after we stir finish this.

It looks like this.

Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng….

Why so many? Haha

Now we're going to put this.


Inside got different liao one.


There's a distinct Ma La smell.

Potato? Ya. Potato!

Look at all this vegetables

Now the egg

Is that really egg?

Quail egg

Well, the quail egg does not look round anymore.

And the sausage


Do we like need to cut this?

A, I don't know.

So now we have to wait for 15 minutes, you can see smoke oh my god

So red

Trying out appliances in my house.

Trying out new recipes in my house

didn't know that that that could be so fun.

But here is it.

So today we're going to blend some thing.

So inside here is a some strawberries, ice cubes and water.

So what we're trying to do is like a fruit smoothie, rainbow thing in this light bulb.

After all, it costs like a bomb to buy a fruit smoothie in a small little tiny light bulb.

So might as well we make ourselves right?

*Blending and Fast forwarding sound*

The bottom is a little bit diluted like ish.

But the top look nice, right?

I mean if I cut it like that, maybe I use my hand, cover it like that.

It looks damn nice right?

Now for the taste test.

Now we are going to make popsicle, this is mango and milk.

It's more like a thai mango rice popsicle without the rice.

*Blender sound*

Time to add into the popsicle bowl.

*Sounds and music*

Now it shall freeze for 24 hours

*Pokemon Victory sound*

Deng Deng Deng Deng Deng


This one only level one hor.

Total got how many level.

I don't know

but there seemed to be like a lot.



So we're at erm Singapore American School.

Let's explore the place first

We're just sitting down here waiting for god knows what.

Maybe until our stomach get hungry and get some food.

I don't know what is happening over here.

While I have one expression and he's down there practicing his face.

Ah practise some more practise somemore. Ah, very good.

There's like a bouncy castle

carnival games and people talking about something.

So yah, fun

We got corn dog and beef chilli cheese fries.

*Fireworks & Laser show*

Ice cream!


I didn't know you can dance


Hello! Now, we're heading to museum hopping in Singapore.

So the first museum I head off is to Asian civilisation museum.

A Korean Exhibition.

I didn't really take a video to exhibition because I didn't expect to vlog that day

So this is the amazing lion? Monster?

I don't know what is that dance in front of the Asian civilisation museum.


Next I head off to

National gallery Singapore, which is right next to asian civilization museum, and they have this amazing exhibition

where literally everyone in Instagram is posting about it.

You think your life is confusing and then you see the exhibition, nothing is confusing any more because it's both confusing and amazing at the same time.

There's mirrors, there's dots and there's a lot of lights. Mirrors, dots and lights.

It's just Instagram worthy that's what I can say.

What is you just walk?

Ohhhh. Let's go here.

There's a mirror. Got mirror. Why got random mirror.

Like you from outside see not scary one.

Oh you see this one. Wah, slant one side.

Quite nice ah? Ya lo.

Before you head on, do remember to subscribe like and comment on this video. And, let's move on!


Happy Birthday!

For more infomation >> TOO MUCH EVENTS IN SINGAPORE! Ft. Fireworks, NDP and more! | I Vlog U Watch #5 n 6 | Extended Vlog - Duration: 27:26.


For more infomation >> TOO MUCH EVENTS IN SINGAPORE! Ft. Fireworks, NDP and more! | I Vlog U Watch #5 n 6 | Extended Vlog - Duration: 27:26.


Demi-litre de bière chaque jour pendant un mois. Quand il s'est rendu chez le médecin,choqué - Duration: 4:25.

For more infomation >> Demi-litre de bière chaque jour pendant un mois. Quand il s'est rendu chez le médecin,choqué - Duration: 4:25.


For more infomation >> Demi-litre de bière chaque jour pendant un mois. Quand il s'est rendu chez le médecin,choqué - Duration: 4:25.


Titan Triggerfish - Duration: 1:25.

clownfish ( Nemo ) attacking my Camera ;-)

Please Subscribe

For more infomation >> Titan Triggerfish - Duration: 1:25.


For more infomation >> Titan Triggerfish - Duration: 1:25.


Kit d'essentiels de ROAD TRIP et annonce YOUTUBE | Sandra Ty - Duration: 5:30.

For more infomation >> Kit d'essentiels de ROAD TRIP et annonce YOUTUBE | Sandra Ty - Duration: 5:30.


For more infomation >> Kit d'essentiels de ROAD TRIP et annonce YOUTUBE | Sandra Ty - Duration: 5:30.


TwitchCon event will be strea...

For more infomation >> TwitchCon event will be strea...


Healed by seeing a happy funny hamster - Duration: 2:11.

Hmm···? That is ...

I will dive into a pellet pool! ! !

The bottom is not free! !

Please be looking at blissful cheese for a while ♥

Alright, I will come out!


No problem!



Foot slips!


It's a complete delusion!


Easy win.



Don't bother me.

Please take off.

For more infomation >> Healed by seeing a happy funny hamster - Duration: 2:11.


Salad Monster Polymer Sculpture | PROCESS VIDEO - Duration: 3:04.

Hello again! So this is going to be the third creature in

my monster/chef/cannibal series, so if you're interested in seeing more from that series

make sure to check out my sculpture process playlist

This one is going to be kind of fun

It's kind of a salad-inspired design, though I'm technically

making these monsters out of order in terms of food courses

but as usual, material list will be listed down below

and other than that, let's start.

For more infomation >> Salad Monster Polymer Sculpture | PROCESS VIDEO - Duration: 3:04.



I'm back

not that anyone asked or noticed or u know cared.

but still I just felt like I need to say this because

you know I haven't been posting for two weeks or something already

and I just want to be back on the track

And that's what is happening right now!

Eight years ago

was it 8? I don't remember. Okay.

I remember this moment when I was moving from

my hometown to a big city or studying.

For me this process of moving flew naturally.

At this time I became the one who is

is responsible now for my own life.

I have to do my groceries to cook for myself

to do my laundry and I became independent.

Well not like totally independent from my parents

They still were the one who were sending me money but

okay I became physically independent

so I have to resolve the stuff that was going on in my life by my own

And at this time I became physically independent from my parents but not mentally

You remember when you were born

you probably don't remember.

Well I don't and this is not the point.

When you were born you knew nothing about this world

Your parents were the one who were telling you about

what is right and what is wrong and not to put fingers into power sockets!

Their opinion was the only right one because

apparently it was the only opinion that he knew at this time

and you haven't you know your own one.

But then the time has past you grew up as a person

and now you can have your own opinion of the things.

There will be a moment when you will need to separate yourself from your parents

not only physically but also mentally.

This moment in wild nature happens when the bird is

kicking off their chick out of the nest.

I'm not even sure about this fact I haven't checked it

But I'm guessing it's true.

So this moment is really important

I was watching one TV show and there was this girl

who actually put all the responsibility for her life on her mother

She was a woman who was married at this time

and who was even thinking to get a baby

But her mother was still the one who was chasing for her

what to do, what to eat,where to go on vacation!

At one point she just lost that

she just went crazy!

She started to scream at her mom for talking for her

and then she just moved away from her husband

and you know I guess this was this point for her

when she understood that for all this time

she wasn't living the life that she actually wanted.

And she actually didn't do anything that she wanted herself.

She was just listening to either her husband or her mother.

I have a message for parents.

Not that I think that any of adult people who have children

will be actual listening to me but

in case if you listen here goes the message for you:)

If u give your children chance to make their own mistakes

If you agree with their point of view.

if you admit that maybe they were right at some point and you were not.

This doesn't make you a bad parent and

this actually helps your child to understand that he can use

his own head and he can actually rely on his own feelings.

Your parents of course wish best for you!

Of course they want you to be happy!

Of course they want you to have the best in this life

but you know what?

They're not the one who can feel what actually makes you feel happy.

When you're going on a personal training and

the trainer is actually seeing you for the first time in their life they

they don't know what you are capable of.

So they will give you some exercises but

during them they will ask you how are you feeling yourself now.

Do you feel like you could do more?

Or do you feel like no this is too much for you

And u need to slow it down.

That's how you actually listen to yourself that's how

That's how you actually start to acknowledge your own feelings.

It's never too late to become mentally independent

you just need to start listening to yourself and trust your feeling.

Your parents will be there for you for an advice or a moral support

but still they have their own life and you have yours

U should everything to make yourself happy!

Cuz unlike cats you just have one chance!

so don't blew it!

And on this nice and I guess inspirational

I want to think that this was inspirational. Just you know


Well thank you guys for sharing with me this awesome awesome day!

I hope they do like this video!

I hope that you became mentally independent from your parent's opinion!

I hope that you learned to trust your feelings and to listen to yourself

And if you still haven't then it's never too late to start!

Maybe this video is gonna give you a push and you will start to do this right now!

Anyways if u like this video just give it a big thumbs up for me to see it!

Because you know it's frustrating when you don't see thumbs up.

Life is so difficult nowadays

Leave your comments and tell me how do you think

if it's important to become physically and mentally independent from your parents

or it's okay and you can actually rely on their opinion

about everything that's going on in your life?

Please subscribe to my channel not to miss more

Of this interesting and entertaining videos that I'm posting!

yeah they are.

Links on my other social media you can find in the description below!

We're seeing each other every Monday and Thursday!

Hopefully see ya! Bye!



DIY: How to bring old bundle hair back to life!! *Boiling Method - Duration: 4:48.

Thanks for watching... "PLEASE" subscribe to my channel for more videos :) Love ya!

For more infomation >> DIY: How to bring old bundle hair back to life!! *Boiling Method - Duration: 4:48.


Conchita - Österreichische Ikonen (Teil 2) 16.10.2017 - Duration: 7:59.

For more infomation >> Conchita - Österreichische Ikonen (Teil 2) 16.10.2017 - Duration: 7:59.


BBC Atlas of The Natural World; the carribean - Duration: 48:23.

For more infomation >> BBC Atlas of The Natural World; the carribean - Duration: 48:23.


Volkswagen Passat GTE Connected Series Plus Passat 1.4 160 kW / 218 pk PHEV Limousine 6 versn. DSG - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Passat GTE Connected Series Plus Passat 1.4 160 kW / 218 pk PHEV Limousine 6 versn. DSG - Duration: 1:00.


Luxus und Sportlichkeit Wird der neue BMW X3 das erfolgreichste Premium-SUV? - Duration: 4:26.

For more infomation >> Luxus und Sportlichkeit Wird der neue BMW X3 das erfolgreichste Premium-SUV? - Duration: 4:26.


Kit d'essentiels de ROAD TRIP et annonce YOUTUBE | Sandra Ty - Duration: 5:30.

For more infomation >> Kit d'essentiels de ROAD TRIP et annonce YOUTUBE | Sandra Ty - Duration: 5:30.


What I think about in my spare time... - Duration: 1:24.















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