Thứ Tư, 18 tháng 10, 2017

Youtube daily report Oct 18 2017

hello everyone this is adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister

welcome to one of my shows I'm not sure what show this is going to be it might

be today in Bitcoin it might be the 1 Bitcoin show I'm recording it here in

Brussels in the airport on October the 17th 2017 No and so maybe it'll be

tomorrow show maybe the next day show video just be an extra show but I was

thinking on the plane coming from Alby they're coming from Spain a LeConte day

to here on my way to Tel Aviv about Andreas Antonopoulos and what he's out

there he's got so much Bitcoin knowledge and I think a lot of people are somewhat

intimidated by that because they feel like well I don't know as much as he

does so I probably can't monetize my Bitcoin or cryptocurrency knowledge and

no you know you probably don't know as much as Andreas Antonopoulos but the

Bitcoin cryptocurrency space is huge there's so many niches out there and you

can be knowledgeable in at one mission and not another and you can find ways to

monetize what you know in this space because on one end we have

the extreme in knowledge which is someone like andreas but then most

people who enter the Bitcoin world they know so little and if you're watching

this most likely and if you understand half the things I'm talking about you

know a lot more than a lot of people in the space currently and all of the

people that are about to enter the space because there's so many new people

entering entering the space every day so if you know how to do something if you

can teach someone how to do something that deals with Bitcoin whether it be

technical or marketing advise someone like you know a lot of people say well

Adam you're not a tactical guy and then they're people who know very well that I

have monetized this quite nicely I mean I've got a YouTube channel

I've got a consultancy you can email me at Adam at trade or help calm I can help

you set up your trays or I can give you also you can ask me all sorts of

questions and I've got clients and it's great and you can do the same thing

don't don't let other people say you can't because the opportunity is out

there because they are so many new people who need guidance in this space

trust me on this so you don't need any remember you don't need any

accreditation or fredda date whatever you don't need a degree you don't need a

gatekeeper to tell you that you're an official Bitcoin

knowledgeable person you just need the knowledge understanding the confidence

and the ability to communicate and spread the word that you're out there to

help people and that yeah you've got you've got some something to give so you

in return would like to be compensated and you can set your own rate but I'm

trying to get people more independent there so because I'm walking around this

place and I see people working in the airport you know work in retail and I

just don't I and I know a lot of you guys are like that you work for someone

else and then I see myself and I'm just walking around the airport I don't even

know how long my layover is now I don't even keep track of like all that stuff

because I'm free I work for myself I don't have a schedule and it's awesome

and I and Bitcoin is something that helps people become independent and I

say that and I'm trying to give an example of how you can use Bigpoint and

your cryptic on because I know if you're watching this you you know something

about this and you can monetize this stuff so don't feel intimidated by all

the super technical people out there you don't need to know what they know trust

me you've got some knowledge monetize it

spread the word you know me I'll give you a shout-out if it's a if it's a

really good thing anyway so that's a little short show of the day we'll see

how that goes i'm adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister pound

that like button i forgot to say that remember to subscribe this channel like

this video share this video do check out the notes section below bye bye

For more infomation >> The 1 Bitcoin Show- You have elite BTC knowledge when compared to most people so use it! - Duration: 4:49.


INDONESIANS VS BULE #2 - Duration: 5:40.

There's a girl whose doesn't understand art

I'm an Art Specialist

so this will be a piece of cake

Ok Andovi?

I'm gonna get her number

Help me out okay



Let me introduce you....

this is my boss

ohhh boss


hello, Jovial


Andovi, his Personal Assistant

please sit down boss

are you alone Niken?

ehh yeah coincidentally

coincidentally, this painting is a work of art by a friend of mine..

ohhh your friend

by Muklay

a close friend

so my boss here is a collector of the very best Indonesian paintings

no don't listen to him

what is this about actually?

so here's the deal Niken

this painting that is put on top of teak wood from pandaigelang...

this is actually about mountains

Mountains symbolizes something big

Mountains....Big.....this is what they truly want

they want this life

this life of money

about raffles for getting shoes that they want

and ummm....

ehh Niken...



For more infomation >> INDONESIANS VS BULE #2 - Duration: 5:40.


Ford C-MAX 1.6 150 pk EcoBoost Titanium, PDC v+a, 1500 kg trekgewicht - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Ford C-MAX 1.6 150 pk EcoBoost Titanium, PDC v+a, 1500 kg trekgewicht - Duration: 0:59.



For more infomation >> Opel Corsa 1.0 TURBO 115 PK COSMO CLIMATE CONTROL-BLUETOOTH-PARKEERHULP V+A RIJKLAAR! - Duration: 0:59.


EXO THEORIES: Wolf - Duration: 7:47.

It's time for another EXO theory video! Or rather a clear analysis and interpretation of their MVs

I recently analysed the newest EXO MV - Power

It's time to get back to the older vids

I started to analyse them in the 1st part of this serie

The next MV I'm going to analyse is Wolf

It has two versions - a normal one and a drama

Let's start!

When we analyse Wolf, we should also mention the name, the whole wolf concept and the numbers

Both type of numbers - Wolf 88 and their individual numbers

Let's start from the individual ones - Baekhyun has number 4

He wanted to be a singer since 4th degree

But if we multiply 4 by the number of members we get 48

And 4 + 8 = 12

Suho has two numbers - 1 or 7

7 is the number of years he spent as a trainee in SM Entertainment

And 1 with Kris' number 00 gives us 100

Sehun's number is 94 and this is pretty easy

He was born in 1994

Xiumin's number is 99

Math is quite easy here as well because if we get the main number 88 and we add 11

because it's the number of the teaser where we saw Xiumin for the first time

We get 99

Luhan - 7 or 77

And the meaning of it is really original and interesting

It was Cristiano Ronaldo's number when he played in Manchester United

Lay - 10 because he was born in October

And this number also means perfection in China

21 is Chen's number and it refers to his date of birth - September 21st

D.O's number is 12 and he was born on January 12th

and EXO has 12 members

At least, it used to back then

Tao - 68 and 6 + 8 = 14

and it refers to his second teaser

Chanyeol's number is 61

His childhood nickname was Park Chanho

A famous Korean baseball player whose number was 61

Kai's number is 88 and 'H' is the 8th letter in alphabet

It gives us HH - Hip Hop

And if we talk about the number 88 which is also EXO number in Wolf era,

we should look at other meanings of this number

88 in Morse's Code means hugs and kisses

It's a reference to xoxo - EXO's album

The combination of the number 88 and wolf was inspired by the movie Lone Wolf from 1988

It's a story about a not well known rock band that came to a small town Fairview

A full moon happens a few days later

and weird and creepy things start to happen

People start finding dead bodies

At first they apportion blame to wild dogs and later to the rock band

But the truth is different and way more scary

Of course, it turns out that a warewolf is a murderer

But going back to EXO - the combination of Wolf is also a reference to the concept EXO sticks to since their debut

An eclipse and a moon - and wolves howl to the moon

The lyrics can seem easy, a bit senseless and quite stupid

but if we look closely to it, it's a story of a beast loving a human girl

In this case - it's a wolf and each EXO member

they fall in love with a human girl

Because of that they let go of theirselves and they stop being a beast

And they're faithful for this love

And here we have a proof for that:

I can't reject this strong feeling

Fall into it, I let go of myself

It also refers to EXO's situation because after leaving the exoplanet, they stopped using their powers

and they fall in love with mortal, human girls

Wolf MV is a choreography where we can see the tree of life made by EXO and we heard about it in MAMA narration

and then EXO members pretend to be a pack of wolves

The choreography was created by Tony Testa

EXO explained that it has 3 important elements:

A tree, a cave and wolves

I think more interesting thing is a bit controversial

Because the meaning of a Wolf and the number 88 is a little bit different for German and European people

I already mentioned that H is the 8th number in the alphabet

This is why 88 (HH) will symbolize the well known Nazi greeting

The same thing goes with the symbolism of Wolf

It was a cryptonym of the German politician - Hitler, of course

I emphasize the fact that the WW2 has nothing to do with EXO

It has nothing to do with the MV and to anything connected to this group

It's just an interesting fact because there were a few situations when people talked to German EXO-Ls on the street

They were wearing the Wolf 88 t-shirt

and people asked them if they know what it means

Another symbolism of the number 88 is a comparison of two worlds

and they move into opposite directions

It connects with EXO concept and their story about two worlds

and we had the description of it in MAMA narration

Except normal Wolf and Growl MVs, SM released two episodes of music drama

And they're just MVs with a good plot

At the beginning we see Kris saying goodbye to Luhan

If we pay attention to the symbols on their hands, we can say that they are wolves

Kris is alpha male

and he has to leave his pack for some reason

We get a proof for the fact that Luhan is a wolf in the next scene

because he does some acrobatics

And in the next scene he rescues a random girl from another clan

Luhan attends a new school and he's in class with the rest of EXO and also with the girl he saved before

They become friends immediately and EXO helps him with fighting with a bad clan

but Luhan's wolf nature turns on and he accidentally hits D.O

and because of that, EXO leaves him

This girl seems to know Luhan's true nature

she saw what happened

And in the 2nd episode, when EXO visits D.O in the hospital, Luhan runs away as soon as he's seen by her

Luhan is hurt and the girl helps him

Kai is waiting in front of Luhan's house and he sees a girl going out

He gets mad and we see he's in love with her

One of the members of the bad clan sees Luhan with the girl

They kidnap her as a revange

Luhan rushes to help her but he cannot do it alone

It's a bit shocking but the rest of EXO decide to help Luhan

In the end, he probably loses his power and it also makes Kris (who suddenly came back) mad

'Growl' appears in the 2nd episode of this drama and it's connected with Wolf

Especially the lyrics because 'growl' is definitely a sound made by wolves

The MV is all about the choreography

There is also a 2nd version of this MV but it's also based on the choreography

Wolf and Growl refer to loving a human girl

and this feeling is something new for exoplanet residents

I know that Wolf and Growl don't add anything special to EXO theories

and to the whole supernatural powers thing

but it's worth mentioning so this is it for now

I hope you liked it!

Of course, write your own theories in the comments

and opinions about this serie

If you want us to continue this serie, also let us know!

And see you in the next video!

For more infomation >> EXO THEORIES: Wolf - Duration: 7:47.


Надя Дорофеева: Макияж с подиумов UFW | Макияж в стиле города - Duration: 2:22.

For more infomation >> Надя Дорофеева: Макияж с подиумов UFW | Макияж в стиле города - Duration: 2:22.


Monster Factory Presents: Just Like Art — THE REAL BOOGERMAN - Duration: 8:53.

GRIFFIN: Old Boogerman.

It's like Metal Gear Solid 4.

JUSTIN: He's still got some boogers left in him.

Hi and welcome to the final episode of the first season, I guess,

of what we're calling Monster Factory Just Like Art. I'm Griffin McElroy.

I am Justin McElroy.

Justin, have you learned anything about art and video games in the process of this miniseries?

Uhh, I always thought art was hard.

But then we did this and it was easy.

It's easy as hell!


Let's get going.

GRIFFIN: "What even is art?" I think is maybe the question we should answer with this one.

Because we haven't done a very good job.

I feel like we've been focusing too much on, like, recreating Rachel from Friends

or a new Harry Potter character.

We've lost the plot a little bit.

What if the theme for this episode was we just try to make the most powerful

poignant piece of art ever created by mankind?

JUSTIN: Oh that's good, Griffin.

Something that says something for once.

GRIFFIN: Let's go with this... this canvas.

"Turn the lights off!"

"Quit doing that, Kyle!"

"Kyle! Kyle, stop doing that!"

JUSTIN: This is always such a challenging part of the process

because we're basically just putting paint on the palette.

GRIFFIN: I mean maybe we go with more of a natural...

JUSTIN: Just a natural green...

GRIFFIN: Ah, nevermind. We haven't done it green yet.

JUSTIN: Mmmm. He's like a living booger.

GRIFFIN: He's like a booger man.

JUSTIN: Boogerman. He's back.

GRIFFIN: He's back in 2017.

He said, 'Hey if Bubsie can come back, why not Boogerman?'

JUSTIN: He's gritty, he's realistic, he's artistic.

He's fartistic.

'Cause now he has fart powers.

He probably had fart powers before, actually.

GRIFFIN: He definitely did.

GRIFFIN: Maybe we don't fuck the face up completely this time.

JUSTIN: Yeah, yeah. Maybe the face is like, 'Greetings! I'm the booger man.'

GRIFFIN: Yeah! Let's just not get too wild with it! It's just the Booger—

JUSTIN: That's good. That's a basically normal—

That's like a normal thing that can happen.

That's less so.

GRIFFIN (imitating): "What?!"

"Cheryl, you are KIDDING me!"

GRIFFIN: Big powerful nose, right?

JUSTIN: Sure, yeah.

GRIFFIN: Spacious. Lots of capacity in there.

JUSTIN: For boogers.

GRIFFIN: Is he showing 'em off or is he hiding 'em a little bit?

JUSTIN: That's good, that's just a normal... yeah.

I mean, it's a little bit more pronounced, but his name is Boogerman. Like, of course—

GRIFFIN: He's definitely, yeah, I mean it's gotta be sort of exaggerated for the art of it.

JUSTIN: Now I don't know about those cheekbones.

Yeah. Hmm... that seems normal.

GRIFFIN: Good. He's normal. It's Boogerman.

Wow, those eyes are something.

JUSTIN: It's just normal.

GRIFFIN: Normal. It's just Boogerman.

JUSTIN (laughing): Okay.

That's..... good.

Oooooh, see— mmm mmm...


No, no.

Yeah. Yeahhhhh.... that's good.

GRIFFIN: Oh shit, oh, we made him angry!

GRIFFIN (imitating): "Bring my eyebrows back, Kyle!"

GRIFFIN: Alright... Damn.

GRIFFIN (imitating): "I'm sorry I yelled!"

I may want no hair at all.

JUSTIN: I was— I was thinking no hair at all, Griffin.

The elder statesmen of boogers-themed video games.

BOTH: Ohhhh!

JUSTIN: I think a little bit of that— ohhhhh, mama.


JUSTIN: Mmmm. He's just like you or me.

Okay, that's SO good.

GRIFFIN: 'Eeeeee!' he says.

'Eeeeeee! I'm back!'

GRIFFIN: This is, I think, the last episode of Just Like Art.

Should I set this man free?

JUSTIN: He's born witness to all the art, and now he can go back to his dimension.

Oh boy, that goes down smooth.

GRIFFIN (imitating): 'Hey Jeremy, did you— Jeremy?!'

'Oh god!

JUSTIN: What's his body like?

GRIFFIN: So fuckin' sexual.

JUSTIN: He's just a regular Boogerman.

He probably has a little bit of a belly.

GRIFFIN: Well you gotta be careful. You give him too much of a belly

and all of a sudden we did a Shrek. Another one.

Yeah, this is getting too Shrek-like for my tastes.

JUSTIN: No no, you're ruining it. You're ruining it.

There's a belly slider! Just slide—

GRIFFIN: It doesn't work, it doesn't work.

That's for one of the sex mods that I don't have installed anymore.

JUSTIN (laughing): Anymore.

JUSTIN: That's good, he's strong. He's Boogerman. GRIFFIN: Strong as hell!

JUSTIN: He's just a regular strong guy. GRIFFIN: Strong. As. Hell.

JUSTIN: Yeah! Like normal!

Yeah, Boogerman!

GRIFFIN: That's a big boy. Hands, hands, hands.

JUSTIN: Boogerman!

GRIFFIN: Alright! So, this is...

JUSTIN: This rules, Griffin.

GRIFFIN: Is it just 'Boogerman,' or 'The Boogerman,' or...?

JUSTIN: Or... GRIFFIN: 'Boogerman Returns'? Or...

JUSTIN: The Real Boogerman.

GRIFFIN (imitating): "Where's the museum?"

JUSTIN: "Pardon—" GRIFFIN: "Pardon me, I'm looking for a museum."

"Can you tell me where it is?"

JUSTIN: Well that's not very helpful.

Maybe he's got directions to the museum in his pocket.

GRIFFIN: I mean, you got me! JUSTIN (laughing): Fair enough!

JUSTIN: Oh, jail art! GRIFFIN: Now THIS could be good.

JUSTIN: This is something new we haven't tried before.

GRIFFIN: Uhh, this is extremely good. I mean—

JUSTIN: Wow, this is so good.

GRIFFIN: I mean, my dude look like Shrek.

What can we put in here with Boogerman to create

the most beautiful, most poignant piece of art ever generated by humans?

Holy shit, dude.

JUSTIN: This is so close to art.

GRIFFIN: I need more flowers!

So we're the prison— we're the warden, right?

We've got all these people, all these artists in here.

They don't realize all these flowers are here, but the one person who's gonna escape it is

the soul of a child. So let's get some kids in here.

JUSTIN: Uh, I'll take fifty.

Awww yeahhh!

GRIFFIN: Alright. This is almost— we almost have a message here.

JUSTIN: Yeah it's almost saying something, but like—

GRIFFIN: I still need a fuckin' kid up in here, though!

JUSTIN (imitating): "Papa! I hate this room!"

"What are you talking about, there's a hundred— three hundred dolls in there!"

GRIFFIN: He's not feeling it.

Why does this boy got quests?

JUSTIN: 'Cause you can adopt him.

GRIFFIN: Alright, that could be good art, though.

If we can get, like, ten Alesans all trying to run away—

sorry, test kid, you've been cut from the painting.

JUSTIN: "Wait!"

GRIFFIN: Nah, I just want a bunch of Alesans all trying to get the fuck away from here.

Oh, my boys!

JUSTIN: Oh, this is good art!

GRIFFIN: Oh my god, one got out!

Go, you beautiful boy! You're free!

GRIFFIN (imitating): "Hi there!"

GRIFFIN: Holy shit! Justin, the art's getting out! Justin, the art's getting out!

JUSTIN: Get back in your prison!

They're— they're not running away, though.

Hey— are you serious right now? In front of my sons?!

GRIFFIN: All my sons are seeing this!

"Now boys, that's how you do a haymaker!"

"Dad made the bad man go to sleep!" "You don't— boysssss!"

All the art got out, Justin, look! There's fuckin—

Fuck me.


GRIFFIN: Lock level a hundred! JUSTIN: Thank you.

GRIFFIN: I'd like to see my boys get out of here THIS time. My fifteen sons.

What the fuck?!

Oh, Jesus, okay. Okay.


JUSTIN: Is it... okay, you motherfu—

GRIFFIN: There's a boy leak! There's a boy leak in the gate!

God, you fucking jerk kids.

Fine, get out of here!

This is why I don't work with kids. Get out of here! Go!

JUSTIN: Go, despawn, see if I care!

GRIFFIN: Can I just fill this motherfucker up with dolls?

JUSTIN: Griffin....

Oh, my. Okay, you are... perilously close to art right now.

GRIFFIN: Let me just get a few more dolls.


GRIFFIN: C'mon, baby dolls, c'mon! JUSTIN: C'mon, Todd!

GRIFFIN: Grind it out, grind it out! Attack that shit, attack it! Come on!

Maaaaan. Uh oh. Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, uh oh.

JUSTIN: What's happening— what?

GRIFFIN: Uh oh! Uh oh!

Uhhh... JUSTIN: Sorry, what's happening?

GRIFFIN: I hate that. JUSTIN: Yeah.

GRIFFIN: Unless....

JUSTIN: Oh. Fuck. Yes. Griffin!

GRIFFIN: I mean, Boogerman's not in it, though.

JUSTIN (laughing): Very helpful, Boogerman. Thank you.

GRIFFIN: Thank you, Boogerman.

You fuckin' jerk.

JUSTIN (laughing): What an asshole.

Oh, oh, oh, yeah!

Griffin, that's it! Griffin, that's it!

GRIFFIN: This is it, Justin! This is the art!

Boogerman's back and the children wanna help him become the IP that he once was!

The rich and valuable intellectual property!

JUSTIN: This. Is. ART!

GRIFFIN: Eh, I think we peaked with Chomp Mom.

For more infomation >> Monster Factory Presents: Just Like Art — THE REAL BOOGERMAN - Duration: 8:53.


'Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi' Actors Sandeep And Ashlesha Are In A Live-In Relationship!! - Duration: 3:17.

'Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi' Actors Sandeep And Ashlesha Are In A Live-In Relationship!!

For more infomation >> 'Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi' Actors Sandeep And Ashlesha Are In A Live-In Relationship!! - Duration: 3:17.


Барби учит КРАСИТЬСЯ👄МАКИЯЖ Барби💄Урок макияжа косметика видео для девочек - Duration: 3:41.

For more infomation >> Барби учит КРАСИТЬСЯ👄МАКИЯЖ Барби💄Урок макияжа косметика видео для девочек - Duration: 3:41.


Legends Never Die (ft. Against The Current) | Worlds 2017 - League of Legends - Duration: 2:59.

Legends never die

when the world is calling you

Can you hear them screaming out your name?

Legends never die

they become a part of you

Every time you bleed for reaching greatness

Relentless you survive

They never lose hope when everything's cold and the fighting's near

It's deep in their bones they run into smoke when the fire is fierce

'Oh pick yourself up, cause

Legends never die

when the world is calling you

Can you hear them screaming out your name?

Legends never die

they become a part of you

Every time you bleed for reaching greatness

Legends never die

They're written down in eternity

But you'll never see the price it costs,

the scars collected all their lives

When everything's lost

they pick up their hearts and avenge defeat

Before it all starts,

they suffer through harm

just to touch a dream

'Oh pick yourself up, cause

Legends never die

when the world is calling you

Can you hear them screaming out your name?

Legends never die

they become a part of you

Every time you bleed for reaching greatness

Legends never die

For more infomation >> Legends Never Die (ft. Against The Current) | Worlds 2017 - League of Legends - Duration: 2:59.


How To Play DIRETIDE Dota 2 in 2017! - Duration: 3:48.

For more infomation >> How To Play DIRETIDE Dota 2 in 2017! - Duration: 3:48.


WARNING: The WPA2 Protocol Has been Hacked! - Duration: 4:48.

For more infomation >> WARNING: The WPA2 Protocol Has been Hacked! - Duration: 4:48.


3 Filmmaking Tips to Slay Your Editing - Duration: 7:03.

So, uh...


What did you call me here for, Sven? You promised you're not recording? you asked me to put this t-Shirt on and come over?

None of that is true.

Hi, this is my friend Tyler Dana. - It's Danna, but I've only known him for...

14 years. - He's been teaching film for over a decade.

"Uh... what are you doing?" - We had an idea for a new series looking at how the lessons generally taught in film school applied to real life editing.

"Oh yeah, baby, work it!"

In future episodes we'll discuss the power of discontinuity.

The use of circles.

And how Jean-Claude Van Damme's hair can inspire the editing of an action scene.

Before we get to today's topic, I wanna let you know that this video is brought to you by

An exclusive source of video assets and After Effects templates for editing and motion graphics.

In a lot of film schools, it seems like editing...

It's all an

afterthought in the weirdest way. The people don't know how to edit, they don't understand where this stuff's ending up and they think it's

like a human version of an old PC

that you just feed shit into and then a movie will come out of the other end and it's always going to

be done the same way or the other. But it's the most ridiculous thing because it's really like

casting. You could have a great role that Daniel Day-Lewis is the worst person in the world for.

Right? You could have a great role that, you know, Meryl Streep wouldn't work for. So finding that connection with an editor and

casting someone as your editor, that's kind of making choices in their performance.

"I shouldn't wear scarves." And there's this really poisonous kind of thing going around,

Which I think is the worst thing ever to tell film students and it gets in their heads and everyone carries it around, this idea

That, well, Hitchcock's movies edited themselves or John Ford's movies edited themselves.

You could only put it together in one way because of the way he shot it and that's the biggest load

of shit I could ever imagine and there's endless examples in Hitchcock films, especially

Psycho, where that's completely untrue; not only are there scenes that he would let Anthony Perkins

improvise. Improvise! There are a couple of scenes

where he's like "Well, just try something your own way." - "I always change the beds here once a week, whether they've been used or not. Hate

the smell of damage. Don't you? Such a...

I don't know, creepy smell.

How are you gonna have Anthony Perkins do that entire scene - do ANY scene in Psycho and just do the bits that you're gonna

cut to him for? That's insane!




damaging for filmmakers to think that way. What you want to be doing is setting yourself up to have

everything that you need to

let an artist like Sven go to work and use his take on it to realize,

whatever that ultimate vision is gonna be. "I mean, if you are an editor that has an ego and an agenda,

then it becomes a problem; you're not doing it because you're Seeing it in the footage, but you're seeing like

"Oh, I can put my style on this, I can put my stamp on this and then

you're competing with the director. With all the great directors that I was able to work with, there was always this

appreciation for somebody who's a strong collaborator with a point of view." - "Yeah." - "It is better."

There's that movie coming out now, that documentary I can't wait to see, the thing with the title of that,

what does that tell you in terms of whether he knew exactly what was going to be used or not. Sven: "Right." There's like

27 extra shots that didn't end up in that movie. Sven: "Yeah, he didn't intend to cut it with music...

Probably the first cut of that scene was very different from what it is now."

"I think I'll never have a shower again."


"It's getting there." And the other thing With that shower scene, the example I love, because we're always telling

students and filmmakers: Just get some cutaways.

Which is a shot that provides atmosphere but has nothing to do with the story, that you can go to at any time. It's invaluable, as

an editor, in Psycho, the most famous scene Hitchcock ever did, the most meticulous scene,

infamously was

ruined without him noticing it because him and the editor would not notice that Janet Leigh blinks when she's supposed to be dead.

Sven: "Yeah." But you watch that movie and they cover it with...

a cutaway. In the shower. They just go to the shower head because he had that Footage and it's a great example of a cutaway.

That makes the scene more

impactful, as it adds that feeling watching it - this is why I took it but like - "Shit, no

one's gonna turn that shower off." - Sven: "Yeah." You know, which is haunting in a way, and it was just to cover a mistake, but it makes

the scene so much better. - Sven: "Well, talking about the blink, I mean there's like this pupil moving at the end as the camera pulls away."

Yeah. - Sven: "I mean, obviously it's a mistake, but it's

also so haunting in a way, that suddenly it becomes really real for me at that moment." What happens is, it goes from...

they had a giant

freeze frame. - Sven: "Yeah."

That's what they did the effect with... - Sven: "Okay." - it pulls out, so with that whole camera moving always out the freeze, that's a freeze frame.

But it's so much better than anything. It's something about it being real, like I've heard people criticize that famous transition in

2001 Space Odyssey.

They're like "That doesn't match perfectly, this is not good." it's like "Fuck you!

They cut it on film, like how, - what audience in the 70s is

going frame by frame with their print, their 35mm print to make sure it doesn't match. - Sven: "Even when I watched it the first time,

I never thought "Oh, this is a match cut, because if you're thinking "Oh, this is a match cut",

that's not quite perfect, then the filmmaker has failed at that moment because all you're..., it's all

visceral, it's all like "Oh shit, we just jumped,...

we just made this leap of humanity."

You're not thinking about any of this, you're just feeling it. Now that everybody's showing this cut and you can

look at it and not think "Oh, it's a match cut."


A graphic match cut.

Recap: Shooting less coverage doesn't make a director great. Good directors want an editor with a specific

point of view. Embracing mistakes can provide opportunities.

Thanks so much for watching and

we'll see you on the next one.

We want to thank for letting us use their 4K video overlays and audio transitions. Give RocketStock a

visit by clicking on the link in the video description below. Thanks so much for watching.

For more infomation >> 3 Filmmaking Tips to Slay Your Editing - Duration: 7:03.


Michy Batshuayi | Goalscoring masterclass | Train like a pro - Duration: 3:50.

For more infomation >> Michy Batshuayi | Goalscoring masterclass | Train like a pro - Duration: 3:50.


Forgotten Realms Lore - Moonshae Isles - Duration: 5:42.

Hello everyone, Jorphdan here the PH is silent.

I was kind of at a conflict as to what to talk about.

So I stared at the Forgotten Realms map and suddenly went, what's with all those islands

west of Amn?

So I hope you find this video interested as we dive into the history of the Moonshae Isles.

The Moonshae isles are a group of islands that form a circular archipelago with the

Sea of Moonshae in the center.

Located southwest of the Sword Coast it seems like all the inhabitants migrated there at

some point.

There are two human tribes that live here.

The Ffolk with two f's, which I assume you pronounce as just "folk."

They sailed over around 140 DR to an island named Gwynneth.

They were descendants from Tethyr and took with them their love of agriculture and the

goddess Chauntea.

Much of the Ffolk have a strong druidic tradition, and a connection with the land is important.

They are peaceful with their farming, fishing, hunting, and trading.

And are also accomplished shipbuilders.

In contrast the other group of men that came to the Moonshae isles are the Northlanders.

They are a hardy warlike people who worship the god Tempus.

Tempus being the god of war.

They are believed to be related to the Uthgardt tribe, which if you want more information

on them Faerun History did a great video on the Uthgardt tribe, links in the doobly do.

The Northlanders started a longtime conflict with the Ffolk, raiding settlements and not

respecting the land.

The Ffolk are organized into a number of small kingdoms, loosely collected under the leadership

of a High King.

The High King is more of a figurehead than a true ruler.

Other races live on the islands but in much smaller numbers.

The Elves of Moonshae are known as the Llewyrr.

They were once the dominate race but now claim only a small portion of the islands as theirs,

they are similar to high elves.

Dwarves and Halflings outnumber the elves but are still in smaller numbers compared

to humans.

There aren't many magic users on the Moonshae isles.

The craft is held in suspicion and magic users are looked at negatively.

I imagine the elves have their innate magic and are probably more relaxed to magic than

than the other human tribes.

The High King has his council of mages but for the most part you won't see any Northlander


Both the Northmen and the Ffolk are taught that arcane power is a tool of the gods and

their agents.

Wizards are viewed as untrustworthy or downright evil.

Despite their infighting there are other worries on the Moonshae isles.

Trolls present a common threat including marine Trolls that can retreat back into the sea.

Wyverns fly over remote places and can attack settlements.

Giant centipedes, ropers, shambling mounds, dire wolves, and harpies are only some of

the dangers adventurers may find.

The people of the Moonshae isles worship an entity known as the earth mother.

While this earth mother is an aspect of Chauntea they literally worship their nature surroundings.

Chauntea is the goddess of agriculture and the Earthmother is nature itself.

While the divine powers are one in the same the perspective of the worshipers are different.

So from what I gathered the Earthmother is Chauntea they just don't call her by that

name, kind of interesting and kind of confusing

Chauntea protects and loves the Moonshae isles, much like how Ubtao was with Chult.

The Children of the goddess, the animals of the islands, take three particular forms.

Leviathan, Wolf Pack, and Unicorn.

These creatures are symbols of the earth mother herself and thus they are well respected in

Moonshae culture.

The goddess holds balance upon nature in her lands but there is an enemy.

Kazgoroth, the beast kills for fun, pollutes its surroundings, and wages war against the


He delights in nothing more than the corruption of a druid to it's evil purposes.

Kazgoroth's natural form was a Tyrannosaurus rex, but he can shape change to other forms.

Including those of people who he would kill and take their identity.

The creature served Bhaal and had the power in his bite to curse a creature to become

a lycanthrope.

He has been defeated in the past but since he is an aspect of Malar (an evil lesser deity

of beast savagery and evil lycanthropes) he always seems to return several years later.

As of 1371 DR the majority of Moonshae Isles were controlled by one High Queen named Alicia


Under the rule of Alicia and her father a peace between the Ffolk and the Nothlanders

was created.

This changed with the spellplague and House Kendrick lost most of their control.

By 1479 DR the islands have different rulers controlling separate areas. For Instance;

Fomorians crossed over from the feywild and took control of the island of Oman.

And the isle of Moray is under the control of evil Lycanthropes.

The Black Blood Tribe is a tribe of lycanthropes that are dedicated to summoning Kazgoroth


They live on this island with other were-beasts that migrated from the Feywild as well.

There are pirates that live in these waters with secret bases on several islands.

They prey on ships coming to and from Amn and Calimshan.

The Isle of Snowdown is controlled by a vampire who is loyal to Amn.

Lady Erliza Daressin was changed into a vampire in Amn and seeks to ascend and become queen

of the Feywild.

She came to the Moonshae Isles looking for a portal to the Feywild.

Seems odd to me that a vampire wouldn't want to seek a way to the Shadowfell instead.

I know there are perpetual twilight areas in the Feywild but you don't usually think

"undead" when you think of the Feywild.

There is a lot of fighting currently between all the different islands.

You've got the human tribes as well as the influx of creatures from the Feywild.

Might be a fun place for your adventurers to return from the Feywild.

Battle the political plots of vampires, or stop evil lycanthropes from resurrecting an

avatar in the shape of a Tyrannosaurus rex.

There was a great article in Dragon magazine 196 that had some information on the Moonshae

Isles, and how to drop your party there for an adventure.

Worth checking out.

That's it for this week's episode.

Thanks so much for watching, hit that like button as it helps the channel and share this video

with your gaming group.

I'll be back next week for more Forgotten Realms Lore!

For more infomation >> Forgotten Realms Lore - Moonshae Isles - Duration: 5:42.


O Poço Materno (Subtitulado Español) - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> O Poço Materno (Subtitulado Español) - Duration: 3:30.


bangla Khobor 18 Octobor 20017 Today Bangladesh Latest News Bangla Breaking News BD News all Bangla - Duration: 13:18.

bangla Khobor 18 Octobor 20017 Today Bangladesh Latest News Bangla Breaking News BD News all Bangla.

For more infomation >> bangla Khobor 18 Octobor 20017 Today Bangladesh Latest News Bangla Breaking News BD News all Bangla - Duration: 13:18.


Karla y Francisca confiesan que han sufrido a causa de algunos estándares de belleza - Duration: 1:32.

For more infomation >> Karla y Francisca confiesan que han sufrido a causa de algunos estándares de belleza - Duration: 1:32.


BMW 3 Serie 330e Luxury Line | Navi Professional | Surround View | Lane Change | PDC V+A | - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> BMW 3 Serie 330e Luxury Line | Navi Professional | Surround View | Lane Change | PDC V+A | - Duration: 0:54.


Shell Argina - Keeping Plants Running - Duration: 3:24.

Electricity today, is at the heart of everybody's lives.

Across the world there's an increase in the demand for electricity

and our power customers, they have to meet that demand.

In Bangladesh, 76% of the people are getting power.

Nowadays there is a demand

and more people are using power in every instance.

Raj Lanka is a power plant,

we're generating 52.2 megawatt of power and connected to the National Grid.

Actually for running the power plant,

if the lubricants fail, it damages everything.

So there will be a major breakdown, if we select a poor quality lube oil.

The major issue which is coming up from the customer,

problems like more partial replacement of the oil,

plus the BN depletion,

plus the increase in viscosity,

and it means you need new products that can actually manage these challenges very effectively.

And that made the basis for the development of our new product.

The development process can take a number of years.

And then we do a field validation.

We start identifying the right engine for our new Argina S5 trial,

we engage with Wärtsilä.

We were informed that Shell has a new product and they want to validate it.

Wärtsilä, we are supplying a lot of engines to power plants in Bangladesh.

So we can validate in Bangladesh.

Raj Lanka, the engines also operate on base load,

close to 100%, and that gives the real representation

of the stress on the lubricating oil.

These trials are very critical from OEM approval perspective,

because any of the product that can be used in this engine

has to be approved by an Indian manufacturer.

After 4000 hours of completion,

we found that all the pistons, piston heads, everything,

that the lubricants functions well.

So we found that everything is like new.

We have quite a lot of parts inspected already,

and everything looks really good.

The engine is clean on the inside,

and the oil performs well,

so that's good for us and Shell.

Based on our final assessment,

we found Argina S5 offers up to 15% less oil consumption,

compared to previous oils customer had used

and up to 18% better BN retention

compared to the previous product customer had used.

I am confident that when our customers start to use the product,

they will be able to reduce the amount of oil they're using in those engines.

And they will see that the area around the piston is cleaner than they expected.

Probably cleaner than they've ever seen it before.

For more infomation >> Shell Argina - Keeping Plants Running - Duration: 3:24.


Burma Par Allah Ka azab - Allah Ka azab - Duration: 2:35.

allah ka azab

For more infomation >> Burma Par Allah Ka azab - Allah Ka azab - Duration: 2:35.


How to Defend Yourself | Average Guys Ep 3 - Duration: 9:27.

Morning everyone

I have an announcement to make

Okay so starting today we have a new addition

Full time addition to the company


Is it me?


Kelvin you work here



More importantly it's a she

Who is it?


Christine Chew

Who's Christine Chew?

She's my secondary school crush


Good try


*Clears throat* Hi


I wouldn't have gone full time if I didn't need to

This industry isn't great for women

Men, they get second chances all the time

I slap a client once and I get blacklisted

He touched my camera

You don't touch a woman's camera without her permission

-No no no no no no -It's not up to you

You can't just go out and like go on this crusade on your own

It's in the- It's in the building!

I know it's in the building but that's up to her

How she wants to deal with it right?

No it's a public iss- It's a public thing

No no no no

Daniel come on

Come on, you got to listen to her

It's her thing

Attention everyone

Drop your work

We are going to make a PSA video

For women on how to defend themselves from

sexual assault

Daniel, I have important work to do

And teaching women how to defend themselves

from sexual assault is not important?

That's what I thought

No, you have to give us a proper reason to- why

we are doing this


of our co-workers

Obviously I can't say her name

for privacy reasons

But she

has been followed by a stalker

And also this is common to women everywhere

Everyone is getting sexually assaulted nowadays

It's trending

And we need to stop this trend


Daniel has something he feels strongly about

He makes a PSA

Short for Public Service Announcement

He uploads these videos on YouTube

I have no idea who watches this shit

Okay put on your thinking caps

I will be right back

You guys do this often?

It's part of Daniel's process


Who do you think is getting stalked?

Who's ready for the brainstorm?

All right

Daniel, this whole thing is a bad idea

There is no such thing

as a bad idea

I have an idea

What about-

Okay wait no

What if

we've been looking at it the wrong way?

How about instead of teaching women how

to defend themselves from sexual assault

We teach men

how not

to sexually assault women

So basically just being a normal decent person

Why teach women how to

defend themselves from sexual assault

When it's men who are the monsters


The lens

What are we doing here?

We are doing a PSA

I know we are doing a PSA but what are WE

doing here?

Okay team


Here's what's going on

I play

a guy

Who has a crush on a girl

who works in the same building

And Fauzi plays the girl

That's it

Why can't May play the girl?

And you're gonna operate the camera?

Scene 1 take 1

You work here?

Yeah, I work here

You work at the stationery company right?

How did you know?

A person like you is hard to miss

Sorry wait- what?


Late for work?


The train broke down again

(both) It's getting really bad

*Daniel laughs* Jinx

Isn't it funny how

We work on the same floor

But it's the first time we're actually

talking to each other?


that's really funny

What's that for?

Can I- can I have your number?



I have a boyfriend

No it's-

It's fine

I'll go this way

And cut

Awesome, guys

Is he going to be okay?


Give him some time, he'll be fine

Happens all the time

All the time


Hey I didn't see you there

I was just

I was just going to make some

Some Likes

Oh my god

who filled

the cupboard




Kelvin did you do this?

Oh my god


stop lah


What? What's that


Comment on the


Oh Gandalf

"Comment on the channel"

Gandalf, they don't want to do that

stop it

go back inside

So, yeah



Was that good?

Wait, try again

For more infomation >> How to Defend Yourself | Average Guys Ep 3 - Duration: 9:27.


[VOSTFR CC] NCT DREAM BOY VIDEO B-CUT Teaser - Duration: 0:44.

For more infomation >> [VOSTFR CC] NCT DREAM BOY VIDEO B-CUT Teaser - Duration: 0:44.


How To Draw BIG Letter B With Elliot | Print Letter B | Learn Letter B Sound - Duration: 5:29.

Elliot - Hi there!

Welcome to myABCdad.

My name is Craig and this here is...

Elliot - Elliot!

And what are we doing today with everybody Elliot?

Elliot - Printing letter B's and drawing big, fat...

Big, Fat letter B's aren't we?

Elliot - Yes.

Shall we show everybody what they can expect?

Elliot - Yes.

Okay, here we go.

There they are, so we hope you join us for that and...

Elliot - Let's get started!

Let's get started!!!

Here comes the letter B. So we're going to print it first... about that long.

Now we are going to do a little bump at the top that goes about half way.

And then a slightly bigger bump at the bottom.

And that goes all the way down to the bottom.

Now for the lower case, or small letter B, we start with a line as well that is about

the same size as the upper case B... or the capital B.

And then a bump... around like that.

Okay, with the giant B, we start about half way.

Put a dot there.

And a dot here.

We'll put a dot at the bottom and we want to connect those two.

It doesn't need to be a completely straight line.

And now we are going to do a big bump at the top, just like we did at the top here.

And it needs to go all the way around, but not touching the line.

Okay, and now a slightly bigger bump at the bottom...

all the way to the line this time.

And we're going to repeat that for the inside so...

I'm going to put a dot here.

And a dot here, and a dot about here.

So you want to do a circular... just like you're doing for the top.

Follow about the same... shape as the outside line there.

Okay, and then connect the two.

And then the bottom, two dots just to keep you on track.

And you want the line to follow pretty much what you did at the top or on the outside.

Okay, and now we connect the two.

Elliot - It's quite a skinny one hey.

It is a skinny, skinny...

Elliot - Mine.

Now the lower case B. So we start with a line...

about the same size as the upper case B.

And we do a line across...

...a line down at the bottom.

Now we bring this line down, not all the way, about half way.

And now we do a little line just up to about there.

And then those two, we connect your bubble and...

There we go.

Okay. And then inside we do two dots.

Then we connect those... with another bubble.

And then we connect those two.

Elliot - Looks like...


Elliot - a flag hey?

It does a little bit, yeah.

There is the letter B.

Okay Elliot, what sound does the B make?

Elliot - B...


Elliot - B...


And if we forget the sound, what action could we use to remind ourselves?

Like a baseball bat...


Elliot - B...


Elliot - B...

Okay everybody, now to help you remind yourself how to print the B, we've got a great activity

where Elliot and I try printing the upper case and lower case letter on each other's backs.

So he just turns around and we get a nice flat surface here, he's going to put his hood on.

And here comes the letter.

Is that the upper case or the lower case B?

Elliot - The lower case.

Your turn to try on my back.

That also is the lower case B, isn't it?

Elliot - Yes.

So have a go at that, drawing on paper, drawing big, fat ones and drawing on each other's backs.

Okay, we hope you enjoyed that and we will...

Elliot - See you soon.


Elliot - Bye.

For more infomation >> How To Draw BIG Letter B With Elliot | Print Letter B | Learn Letter B Sound - Duration: 5:29.


Potassium Deficiency Treatment With 5 Natural Food - Duration: 14:09.

Top 10 Potassium-Rich Foods. Potassium is an important mineral, though less discussed than iron and calcium. At its core, potassium is crucial for life and the functioning of several organs including the heart, kidneys, brain and muscular tissues.

This mineral helps regulate blood pressure and aids the functioning of the heart and the nervous system. It also negates the damaging effects of sodium, improves sleep quality, boosts mental function and aids muscular function and waste removal. Potassium also helps regulate your body's fluid levels. Here are the top 10 potassium-rich foods.

1, Bananas. Bananas are well-known for being rich in potassium. One medium-sized banana has 422 mg of potassium, or 12 percent of the recommended dietary intake. You can eat this fruit as a snack or add it to oatmeal, yogurt and smoothies.

Along with potassium, bananas contain fiber, vitamins B6 and C, iron, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, and zinc. Due to the natural sugars like sucrose, fructose and glucose in bananas, they are a great energy booster. In fact, bananas make a healthy, high-energy snack and are better than a sports drink. A 2012 study published in PLOS ONE reports that bananas provide cyclists with antioxidants not found in sports drinks as well as a greater nutritional boost, including fiber, potassium and vitamin B6. Regular intake of this tasty fruit helps regulate bowel movements, improve your heart health, treat anemia, lower your blood pressure, cure ulcers, soothe heartburn and improve your skin condition, to name a few.

2, Avocados. Just 1 ripe avocado provides 975 mg of potassium, which is equivalent to 30 percent of the recommended dietary intake. You can eat a half of a plain avocado sprinkled with lemon juice or your favorite seasoning to meet a good portion of your daily needs. You can also use avocado to make guacamole and other dips or add it to salads, smoothies or sandwiches. This superfood also has plenty of heart-healthy fats as well as fiber, potassium, B vitamins, vitamin K, copper, iron, phosphorus, protein and folate.

Including avocado in your diet can help ease arthritis symptoms, reduce your risk of certain cancers, lower your cholesterol level, boost your eye health, improve your heart health, promote weight loss, regulate your blood sugar and help with digestion. It also improves the production of collagen, which maintains your skin's elasticity and firmness.

3, Spinach. Most dark green vegetables are rich in potassium, but spinach is worth mentioning. Just 1 cup of boiled spinach provides 839 mg of potassium, which is equivalent to 24 percent of the recommended dietary intake. You can enjoy this green vegetable in salads, vegetable juice or green smoothies. Also, spinach can be added to soups, side dishes or omelets. Apart from potassium, spinach has calcium, vitamins A and K, dietary fiber, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, zinc, protein, selenium, copper and nitrates. Plus, these green leaves are high in water content and low in calories.

Some of the potential health benefits of consuming spinach include improving blood glucose levels, reducing the risk of cancer, lowering blood pressure, improving bone health, lowering the risk of developing asthma, improving bone health, fighting anemia, reducing inflammation, protecting your vision from age-related problems and lots more.

4, Sweet Potatoes. Another potassium-rich food is sweet potatoes. Just 1 medium-sized sweet potato contains 952 mg of this mineral, which is equivalent to 27 percent of the recommended dietary intake. You can enjoy them sautéed, baked, steamed or fried. You can also add sweet potatoes to soups or salads.

Sweet potatoes contain a good amount of vitamins A and C and also contain vitamins B1, B2 and B6. They also have manganese, copper, pantothenic acid, fiber, phosphorus, calcium, iron and complex carbohydrates. Regular intake of sweet potatoes can help reduce inflammation, improve your vision, protect your skin from sun damage, ward off cancer, fight premature aging, regulate your blood sugar level, boost your immune system, keep stress under control and much more.

5, White Beans. White beans are also a very rich source of potassium and just ½ cup provides you with 502 mg, or more than 15 percent of the daily recommended amount. You can add boiled white beans to salads, soups and stews. These beans can also be used to make burgers and hummus. These beans are also rich in fiber and contain folate, iron, magnesium, manganese, copper, phosphorus, vitamin B1 and plant-based protein.

Another good aspect of white beans is that they contain little to no fat and are cholesterol-free. By including white beans in your diet, you can prevent blood sugar levels from rising too rapidly after a meal, lower your heart attack risk, lower your cholesterol level, boost your energy level, maintain your memory, and prevent constipation and other common digestive disorders like diverticulitis and irritable bowel syndrome.

For more infomation >> Potassium Deficiency Treatment With 5 Natural Food - Duration: 14:09.


O Poço Materno (Subtitulado Español) - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> O Poço Materno (Subtitulado Español) - Duration: 3:30.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 160 BlueEFFICIENCY Business Class - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 160 BlueEFFICIENCY Business Class - Duration: 0:57.


50 Most Perfectly Timed Photos Ever Captured - Duration: 6:50.

Most Perfectly Timed Photos

Ever Most

Perfectly Timed Photos Ever Most Perfectly Timed Photos Ever

Most Perfectly Timed Photos Ever

Most Perfectly Timed Photos Ever

For more infomation >> 50 Most Perfectly Timed Photos Ever Captured - Duration: 6:50.


Featuring Musician Megan Ni...

For more infomation >> Featuring Musician Megan Ni...


For more infomation >> Featuring Musician Megan Ni...


Peugeot 207 1.4 VTi Cool 'n Blue - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 207 1.4 VTi Cool 'n Blue - Duration: 1:01.


For more infomation >> Peugeot 207 1.4 VTi Cool 'n Blue - Duration: 1:01.


Trump Surprises UN With Major WITHDRAWAL Over Evidence Of Anti Israel Bias - Duration: 19:14.

Trump Surprises UN With Major WITHDRAWAL Over Evidence Of Anti-Israel Bias

Donald Trump sticks to his well-known policy: America always first.

The hidden tension between the UN and Trump's administration now erupted after Trump makes

major withdrawal over evidence of anti-Israel bias in the organization.

Of course, the liberal leaders didn't show support for Donald Trump and his efforts to

stimulate the world to take world terrorism and N. Korean threat more seriously.

Now, Trump is running out of patience.

The State Department announced Thursday its decision to withdraw from UNESCO, citing "continuing

anti-Israel bias" and financial mismanagement at the U.N.'s educational, cultural and

science organization.

"This decision was not taken lightly, and reflects U.S. concerns with mounting arrears

at UNESCO, the need for fundamental reform in the organization, and continuing anti-Israel

bias at UNESCO," State Department spokesperson Heather Nauert said in a statement.

The U.S. will remain engaged with UNESCO as a non-member observer state after the withdrawal

takes effect on Dec. 31, 2018, according to Nauert.

The U.S. helped establish UNESCO after World War II to help protect world heritage, establish

journalistic freedoms and promote scientific collaboration and education.

UNESCO is best known for the World Heritage program, which helps maintain historical sites

of "outstanding universal value" around the world.

However, Israel recalled its ambassador to UNESCO in 2016 following the organization's

passage of several resolutions that denied Israel's cultural and religious ties to

East Jerusalem.

As a candidate for president, Donald Trump weighed in on UNESCO's resolutions, calling

them a "one-sided attempt to ignore Israel's 3,000-year bond to its capital city" and

"further evidence of the enormous anti-Israel bias" at the United Nations," according

to the U.K. Independent.

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson notified French President Emmanuel Macron about the

U.S. decision to withdraw several weeks ago, according to Foreign Policy.

UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova expressed "profound regret" at the U.S. decision

to withdraw from the Paris-based organization.

Bokova said U.S. decision to withdraw was a "loss for multilateralism."

"Universality is critical to UNESCO's mission to strengthen international peace

and security in the face of hatred and violence, to defend human rights and dignity," she

said, according to The Washington Post.

Thursday marks the second time the U.S. has withdrawn from the organization.

Former President Ronald Reagan pulled out of UNESCO in 1984, citing concerns that it

had a pro-Soviet Union bias.

Former President George W. Bush rejoined UNESCO in 2002, but the U.S. pulled funding less

than 10 years later when the organization accepted Palestine into its ranks as a member.

H/T WesternJournalism

This is a huge and serious decision.

Our country is not part of UNESCO anymore.

Trump said that UN literally exists on the back of the American taxpayer because the

US cover near half of all expenses of the organization and it's really not fair if

they work against the interests of the USA.

Conspiracies are not allowed anymore, Obama's era ended.



For more infomation >> Trump Surprises UN With Major WITHDRAWAL Over Evidence Of Anti Israel Bias - Duration: 19:14.


For more infomation >> Trump Surprises UN With Major WITHDRAWAL Over Evidence Of Anti Israel Bias - Duration: 19:14.


Un policier décide de suivre une oie qui l'appelle. Ce qu'il trouve caché dans... - France 365 - Duration: 4:39.

For more infomation >> Un policier décide de suivre une oie qui l'appelle. Ce qu'il trouve caché dans... - France 365 - Duration: 4:39.


For more infomation >> Un policier décide de suivre une oie qui l'appelle. Ce qu'il trouve caché dans... - France 365 - Duration: 4:39.


Tutorial Cover Suspiros de España | level 4/5 - Duration: 9:44.

Hi! Do you wanna see one of my guitar lessons?

Don't say that you don't. Please, don't you turn me down at the first rhetoric question…

Do you want to see how to learn a little bit

of music that could lead you to the ecstasy of the enjoyment?

Yes, maybe I have been exaggerated...

In this video we'll learn a cover of the famous Spanish pasodoble "Suspiros de España".

It's a pro level cover. Don't worry if you see it too difficult.

I chose to start with this piece to motivate you and for you to see that something difficult can be understood

if you explain it well.

In this video we'll have the next challenges: strums, horizontal movements,

slurs (pull off & hammer on)

and much more.

I am Pablo Romero Luis and this is

Learn Music n' Guitar


Do you know what the title means?

"Suspiros" are a kind of sweets from Cartagena (Murcia, Spain)

and "España" the cake shop where the composer bought them from.

We can asure you he had good taste for sweets.

And now, we go for the lesson!

In this first bar you have a three-note strumming: ring finger, middle finger, and index finger.

You have to practice this way:

Dropping the fingers down separately

one by one, and fast

It has to sound this way, or faster,

you have to hear 1, 2, 3

Lets begin, prepare an E chord

This is how it should sound:

g, b, a, c… look your left hand out!

We are going to take up this position it is like E chord, but one more fret

I repeat the first bar,

easy? The second bar it's the same.

And now third bar

three-movements strumming

F chord

This is a little bit complicated.

F chord, it could be F7

You have to raise the capo to pick the A note, later c note and continue

Don't raise the capo completely because the sound will sound kind of empty

If you leave the capo the sound stays and sounds better. I repeat:

You can find other fingerings,

But, you have to have a big hand, I recommend you to play what it's on the score.

Bars 4, 5 y 6 are the same as 1, 2, and 3, so I continue at bar 7.

C chord

and now E7 chord

Very important: let ring the 1 and 6 chords

We continue at bar 9.

Here we have a four-movements strumming, Lets practice with mute strings.

Down ring finger, down middle finger, down index and up index.

This symbols indicate: down, down, down, up and at last down.

I am gonna play it by following the pulse

You have to practice this way:

Thumb, ring finger, middle finger, index, index and index fingers.

Put the Am position and we repeat it.

You could do it without control on each finger,

but I recommend you practice it separately.

You are gonna hear cleanliness in sound when you play fast afterwards.

You can play this with the capo on fret, like I do, or without the capo.

E chord.

You can play it different ways.

Ten bar, the same.

The introduction ends here, we will continue with section A.

Maybe rhythm is a little bit difficult here,

I played slower than normal because of that, play with me!

Watch my hand to see if leave or keep the fingers of my left hand on some note

We continue at 13 bar, the rhythm is

Triplets versus sixteenths notes.

Practice it slowly!

Am and E chords

I play it again.

Go on!

We carry on…

Here, you try with fingers 2 and 4, and we go to fret 8

Prepare fingers 2 and 1.

I recommend you to link this with finger 1.

And open string.

These five notes,

I recommend you practice them with your thumb and mute them off

We go on with F chord

Yes, fingers 2, 3 & 4. If you think this is too difficult remove the bass note.

We continue with the pizzicato section.

This is like muting in electric guitar:

We have to put the hand palm near the base and let the sound linger a little bit.

Without muting the sound completely

Without let it completely ring

And we play!

This is like the pizzicato section with violins at the orchestra

Go on!

This is like before

Here we have one of the most difficult sections:

Watch the rhythm here, I play it slow.

Did you notice my 2 finger?

This could be strange, but it works for me.

I chose this fingering for my comfort. You should make yours up.

Lets conclude, bar 24

Whats out this flat B note.

This part is easier.

Am at fret 5.

If you like the cover, but

it is too difficult for you, mark it as a challenge.

Today we have practice: four- and three-note strumming, different slurs and horizontal movements

for the left hand.

Review all this with attention.

Don't forget: slow practice and metronome.

If you enjoy the lesson, subscribe and we'll see each other in the next video!

For more infomation >> Tutorial Cover Suspiros de España | level 4/5 - Duration: 9:44.


For more infomation >> Tutorial Cover Suspiros de España | level 4/5 - Duration: 9:44.


Une femme veuve a reçu un email surprise après la mort de son mari… - France 365 - Duration: 5:40.

For more infomation >> Une femme veuve a reçu un email surprise après la mort de son mari… - France 365 - Duration: 5:40.


For more infomation >> Une femme veuve a reçu un email surprise après la mort de son mari… - France 365 - Duration: 5:40.


Ein Fieser Trick & Pwnhammer Duece ★ Super Mario Bros. X # 12 [ Deutsch ] - Duration: 7:40.

For more infomation >> Ein Fieser Trick & Pwnhammer Duece ★ Super Mario Bros. X # 12 [ Deutsch ] - Duration: 7:40.


For more infomation >> Ein Fieser Trick & Pwnhammer Duece ★ Super Mario Bros. X # 12 [ Deutsch ] - Duration: 7:40.


Recording of a child freeing himself from the harness of an attraction - [LANGOSTO] - Duration: 0:55.

In one of the largest fairs in Europe

they lived moments of panic

when a harness climbed NINI

that held the seat

It happened at the fair in Hull,


north of England.

According to the British press,

They saw about 30 people

and there is no evidence

to suffer any damage.

For more infomation >> Recording of a child freeing himself from the harness of an attraction - [LANGOSTO] - Duration: 0:55.


For more infomation >> Recording of a child freeing himself from the harness of an attraction - [LANGOSTO] - Duration: 0:55.


How To Gently Stretch The Hip Flexors - Duration: 2:43.

Hey it's Nick Ortego here. I'm gonna show you how to do nice easy gentle hip

flexor stretch using a table. You can do this on the edge of your bed as

well. It's gonna be in the Thomas Test

positions. That's a way that we trainers sometimes use to look at

whether you need to stretch your hip flexors. Just sit on the edge of

the table or a bed, pull your knees up. Make sure your butt's really close to

the edge so that you can hang one leg off like this. And from here you want to

pull your knee toward your chest such that your lower back flattens out. Then

you're looking at the leg that's hanging. The weight of the leg is gonna give you

a gentle hip flexor stretch. Also if you want to test it: if your leg's not hanging

at parallel with the floor, if it's a little higher than parallel with the

floor, that's an indicator that your hip flexors are tight and needs some

stretching. Also if your shin is hanging like this more than like this. It's not

really vertical, if it's kind of 20 degrees or so away from vertical it's an

indicator that your two-joint hip flexors (ie your rectus femoris and your

quad) is tight and could use some stretching. Then you just hang the

other side off and breathe in a slow gentle way allow your abdomen to expand

on the inhale see the abdomen is expanding on the inhale and retracting on the


On that kind of stretch it's pretty gentle you can go for a longer duration.

You can go for like two three even up to five minutes and it won't be a problem.

Another way that you can intensify it a little bit as if you take ankle weights

put an ankle weight on the leg you're trying to stretch. This is a three pound

ankle weight. I wouldn't go above like a five pound ankle weight. Then just

let that leg hang so the weight of the leg plus the weight of the ankle weight

is helping you stretch your hip flexors. Give that try and if you got any benefit

from this video leave a comment below. If you like to get more content that's

not available on the blog or the regular YouTube channel, then click the link

that's connected to this video you'll have a chance to sign up for the Run

Better Now VIP club.

For more infomation >> How To Gently Stretch The Hip Flexors - Duration: 2:43.


For more infomation >> How To Gently Stretch The Hip Flexors - Duration: 2:43.


Academy of Art University

For more infomation >> Academy of Art University



[Intro music]

Um, so our first guest um, that we're welcoming is Valerie Robin Clayman.

Um, Valerie is the author of

so I'm supposed to lead to this,

this book here which she is selling,

um, today, so you can pick up a copy of that

and she'll have it signed for you.

Um, Valerie, um, is-Valerie completed her masters degree

at the Institute of Feminist and Gender Studies

at the University of Ottawa.

She also holds a certificate in Women's Studies

from the Simone de..


Valerie: Beauvoir.

Beauvoir Institute,

and a bachelor's degree in Political Science

from Concordia University in Montreal.

Um, she is a self proclaimed

comic book superhero and 80s movie aficionado.

Um, she's currently an associate member of Aesthetics and Politics

at the Image Research Group based at the University of Ottawa.

Um, she is also now currently working um, towards

her PhD in Feminist and Gender Studies.

Did I get all that right?

Valerie: Yes.

Okay. [Audience laughs.]

On a more personal note-

Valerie: I sound really educated!


Alright, and next to Valerie we have the

ever brightened hair coloured,

Chase Ross.


[Valerie claps]

Chase: I was waiting-


Chase is a trans activist, speaker, educator and academic.

His popular YouTube channel, @uppercasechase1


As incorrect on the back of your book, by the way,

he has over 110,000 subscribers

and over 10 million views on YouTube.


Mostly underexploited in this book.


Um, Chase is currently working on his masters thesis in Sociology at Concordia-


University at Montreal.

His research focuses on the experience of trans masculine individuals, identity, tattoos and internet culture.

He is also a large fan of cats.

As I remember, refreshing myself on his videos last night.

Valerie: I'm going to start because I'm the older one.


Apparently I'm more educated.


Valerie: Um, so what happened

what happened was-I'm going, I'm going to

share my story, as a second wave tran.


And I came out in 2006,

Chase: So I was 15. Just to make you feel old.

[laughter and applause]

Valerie: And I was joining around drag bars in 1997.


Chase: I was 6.


Valerie: And, um, I saw The Crying Game actually in the cinema

in 1992.

Chase: I was 1.


Valerie: So, um, before I came out

I read a lot of memoirs that trans people had written, they self published them..

I started collecting them. I got this in my mind that one day, I was going to go ahead and write my own memoir and somehow publish it.

I started writing a manuscript it ended up being about

70,000 words or something like that

Every day when I would finish a chapter I'd hand it to my partner,

and she would read it.

And when I finally finished it,

she looked at me and she said:

"You cannot publish this."

And I'm like "What do you mean,

I can't publish this?" and she said:

"Someone is going to use you as their research."

and she said "I'd recommend that you just go back to school and

turn this into your own research and research yourself."

Trans people are too often the research of people who aren't trans, and aren't familiar with our

experiences. So, um I wrote this because I always had felt that the images that I saw growing up as a

closeted, not even knowing what a trans person was, in the 70s and 80s,

um, was hampered by all the images that I was seeing on screen, in magazines, in books etc.

And uh, I decide to write about that.

So I wrote about that and I turned it into a memoir of sorts.

And it's all focused on me, me, me,

because trans people are extremely narcissistic.


And uh, yeah, we like to tell, we like to tell our stories.

Chase: Just see my YouTube channel.


Valerie: So yeah, so what happened was-

I was able to focus on myself, my own experience.

because I can't speak for the trans masculine experience.

Because, well, duh.

And, Chase and I figured this would be kind of cool,

if we talk about all these images and then we turn it over,

and we start talking about trans masculine experiences.

Now that we have other trans masculine images,

other than Boys Don't Cry.

Chase: Uh.

Valerie: From 1999.

Chase: Yes. That was from 99?

Valerie: Yes.

Chase: I was 8.


Chase: Um, the character is outed, like, multiple times by different people.

It's not the actual character that has control over their own narrative.

Like, what if they didn't want other people in their family,

like, the person's family, to know.

Whether they want other people to know.

Valerie: I just feel like some, like..

I just feel like sometimes the scenes just aren't written by trans people.

Like, I have a feeling they're not written by trans people.

Chase: Oh, like Degrassi?


Valerie: It's like, even here, even there, with Shameless and The Fosters,

Chase: Yeah.

Valerie: I don't feel trans people wrote those scenes.

Chase: No.

Valerie: Like I think Elliot Fletcher tries to insert a lot of his, you know, ideas into it.

Chase: Yeah.

Valerie: But, um, that particular scene, the beach scene in The Fosters, is just terrible.

Definitely not written by a trans person.

Chase: Yeah.

Valerie: Definitely not. My supervisor would never let me say that.


Valerie: Definitely not written.

Chase: Yeah.

Valerie: I can't say that.

Chase: But I still think, that for some trans people, it's like

"Oh my god, this is a possibility."

Valerie: Yeah, but the whole thing could have been done without having like: "Oh my god, he's trans!!"

Chase: He's trans! shhh! Trans!

Yeah, for sure.

Valerie: Or, if she just like kept it secret and said it was something else.

Chase: Secret..

Valerie: "You know, like when he was younger, he almost died.."

Chase: Oh, make it really scandal.

Valerie: Yeah, that way he'll be way more "I probably shouldn't say anything."

Chase: Yeah.


Valerie: That's the thing with soap operas, they keep playing that cheesy music all the time.

Chase: They do.

Have you seen The Fosters? It's a good show, but like, we get it.

Valerie: Every single scene has music in it.

Chase: Sounds like you watch it.


Valerie: I don't, I could barely watch the stuff Chase wanted me to watch.

It was painful!


Chase: It's because it's trans men! I see! I see you.

It's not always about you, Val.


Valerie: I can't wait for Laverne Cox to show up.

Chase: Oh my god!


Chase: Okay, so I keep talking Degrassi.

Let me like, why I'm like-ehmm. Side eyeing Degrassi.

Valerie: Does it have to do with Drake?

Chase: Drake? No.

This is way later on!

Um, so there was a trans character, a trans guy-

Valerie: Joey?

Chase: Joey?

Valerie: Yeah, back on the original Degrassi.


Valerie: Is this Degrassi The Next Next Next Next Next Generation?

Chase: Yeah, it's season 9 or something.

Anyways, I'm pretty sure the character's name is Adam.

Audience member: Yes.

Chase: Thank you.


Chase: I was like "Someone here must have seen it!"

So, um if you watch the entire season or a couple of seasons,

where Adam is part of the cast,

um, his transition is kind of,

not really talked about but they talked about it

I mean like a main subject, which Degrassi does a lot.

Like they focus on like one person, and then the next episode was focused another person they kind of do that.

Um, but the, the representation of trans men with Adam-

I think was good for a lot of people because it's like a younger trans guy in high school, trying to transition,

trying to get people to accept him, trying to get his mum to accept him.

And then, I think in the first episode that he's introduced to,

he has to go see his grandma, and he has to wear a dress.

And like "women's clothing" to like pass,

and to like, not arouse suspicion.

And he just can't take it any more.

So I think that that was really powerful and really great for people to see, and especially if there's like families,

who their kid just came out and they're really confused.

Like, maybe that could show the distress, the dysphoria,

that some trans people, especially trans kids, trans youth, trans teens, could experience.

Valerie: And for trans elders..?

Chase: Listen..


It's our turn.

Be young.


Chase: I don't mean it like that! I love her.

Um, but later on in the season-I feel like I spoil everything for everyone,

I actually talked about this in one of my talks in like,

Utah years ago, and I was like "I'm about to spoil it, he dies."

And somebody in the front was like "What?!" and they had just started watching it.

And I was like "Oh my god, I'm so sorry."

I literally spoiled it for them.

Anyways, do you know that?


Valerie: So I'm only here for the reaction shots.

Chase: So the character, Adam,

um, which, played by a cis woman by the way, obviously.

Sorry, forgot to mention that.

Valerie: Forget about Max?

Chase: No, um. Is then, uh..

Like in a car, and then they're texting and driving, and get into an accident.

And then they end up in the hospital under coma and then I remember watching it-

Valerie: Do they wake up and forget that they're trans?

Chase: No, but that's my worse fear.


Chase: Wake up and be like, "What happened?!"


I'm kidding, I'm kidding.


Chase: It's a choice!


Chase: The kid is in a coma, and um, I haven't seen it in a while. I don't remember.

They were talking about how, um, Adam had just started hormone blockers

and that kind of interfered with the state that he was in.

Anyway, he dies and that's it. And he just dies.

And then, later on, never really talked about ever again.

So the character is trans, the trans character,

the trans character is in Degrassi for two,

maybe three seasons.Of these two, three seasons, then the character disappears and he's dead.

And then no one talks about the character ever again.

And that's it.

Like why did you have to kill off the only trans character? The only trans guy character, who at the time,

'cos this is happened been years ago,

It was the only other trans male representation other than Boys Don't Cry.

And maybe some here and there.

But like things that are on TV, Degrassi is really popular, it's popular.

It's Canadian, we watch it.

Valerie: L..The L word.

Chase: The L word? Oh..

[Audience members groan]

Valerie: I heard groaning.





Do I Think in METRIC & CELSIUS Now? - Duration: 8:20.

The temperature? It's 35 degrees out. No wait, I mean it's 2. Wait, how much is that?

Hey everyone! Dana here, today answering a question that I've actually gotten quite a lot: I'm

from the U.S. where we use Fahrenheit and feet and inches and miles, but now I've

lived in Europe for about 9 years, where people use Celsius, meters, liters and grams.

So what do I use and what do I think in now?

And I will start by saying…it's complicated!!

My brain is totally confused.

It's a big mishmash mix up in there at this point.

As far as outdoor and indoor temperature goes, I will say that by now I have basically completely

switched over to Celsius.

When I first moved to Europe, I moved here from South Florida, and in South Florida we

don't really have cold temperatures, and my first couple summers here in Europe were basically

not very warm at all, so for the first few years in Europe, I actually thought about

cold temperatures in Celsius and warm temperatures in Fahrenheit.

But over the years it has definitely balanced itself out, and now, as I said, for outdoor

and indoor temperatures, I think in and exclusively use Celsius.

But I expressly say for indoor, outdoor temperatures because I love to bake and my baking recipes

are all from the U.S., so for baking my brain is still in Fahrenheit, I still have to convert

350 and 425 degrees Fahrenheit to Celsius all the time.

And when I think about baking, the temperatures are just kind of, yeah, they're in Fahrenheit.

The temperatures that I need to know, so that things won't burn in the oven are in Fahrenheit

in my brain but not in Celsius.

But yeah, for everyday life my brain is in Celsius, but for baking my brain is still

in Fahrenheit.

And while we're on baking, in the kitchen I would say that I've got, just in general,

a pretty good mix going on.

I use both measuring cups and spoons that I brought from the U.S., but I also measure

some things using a scale, which measures in grams.

And then I've got the oven, which I'm thinking about in Fahrenheit, but I'm keeping track

of what temperature the room itself is in Celsius.

And as far as thinking about measurements goes, if someone says to me to picture a cup

of flour or I read in a recipe that I'll need a cup of peanut butter, I can very easily

imagine how much I'll need. It's a cup.

But if someone says to picture 100 grams of flour if a recipe calls for 100 grams of

peanut butter, I have no idea how much of each of those ingredients that is.

So that's the thing that I really appreciate about recipes using cups and measuring spoons

because, you know, a cup is always this much. This is always a cup of something.

And so I can very quickly skim down a recipe that's using cups and measuring spoons and

immediately know whether or not I have enough of everything.

Whereas with grams, since grams is a weight, 100 grams of flour looks very different from

100 grams of peanut butter, so I don't know right away if I have enough of each ingredient

just by quickly looking down a recipe if it's in grams.

And I guess if I continue using grams for many years, I'll eventually learn how much

each thing is.

But for right now I still just don't instinctually in my mind know how much 100 grams of something is.

And just for fun, by the way, I went and measured each one out.

So this is what 100 grams of peanut butter looks like, and this 100 grams of flour.

So if like me you didn't know how much each of these things were, now you do.

But on the other hand, using grams to measure out stuff like peanut butter is really nice

because with a cup, I first have to scoop the peanut butter into the cup container,

measure out a cup, and then I have to transfer that from the cup into my bowl, which is not

only an extra step, an extra thing to wash, but I also lose a little bit of peanut butter

in the process. It gets stuck in the cup.

Whereas with a scale, I can just put the bowl on the scale and put as much peanut butter

in the bowl until it reaches 100 grams.

Of course, though, like I said, I don't know beforehand how much peanut butter that

will actually be. It's like a surprise. Oh look! That's how much peanut butter it is!

Because, yeah, I can't picture 100 grams of peanut butter off the top of my head.

Okay, so let's leave the kitchen now and go out into the world.

How do I think about the world around me?

Do I use miles, feet, and inches, or kilometers, meters, and centimeters?

Well, the thing is...the thing is: I've never really been able to imagine how long a mile is.

I really struggle with that, mentally picturing longer distances.

So basically my answer is: I don't really "think" in miles or kilometers.

My answer is neither.

But for the shorter distances my brain definitely still goes for feet and inches.

If you tell me that something is 10 feet away, I know what that means.

If you tell me that someone is 5 feet tall, I know approximately how tall that is.

If you tell me something is 10 meters away, I'm not going to be sure exactly how far

away that is.

Like, I guess I would have an approximate idea, that I think might maybe be right, but

I definitely would not be 100 percent sure.

And if you tell me how tall someone is in centimeters, yeah, I have no idea.

My brain really struggles with centimeters.

One time and I don't know, maybe this is TMI, but Mr. German Man missed shaving a hair on

his face for I guess a little while and it had gotten kind of long.

And so I tried to use centimeters and be like, oh my God, Stefan you have a super long hair

on your face.

And he's like: how long?

And I was like, I think it's, like, 10 centimeters long and he got really alarmed.

Like rushed to the mirror.

Yeah, apparently 10 centimeters is not what I thought it was. Apparently that's a bit long.

So my question for you is: Which of these do you think in and use, and what do you see

as the pros and cons for each one?

Also, do you ever mix and match them like I do?

Please let me know in the comments below.

Thanks so much for watching. I really hope that you enjoyed this video.

If you enjoy these videos, please don't forget to subscribe and hit the like button.

And also a very big thank you so much to our patrons on Patreon,

who help make these videos possible. Thank you so much for your support.

If you would like to check out our Patreon page, you can find a link to that down in

the description box below.

Until next time, auf Wiedersehen!

But I'm keeping track of what temperature the room yeah, that's a mix.

It's just a big mishmas... It's just a big mishmas mix-up in there. Mishmash?

Just a big mishmasch...

But I've lived in Europe...Europe.

Yeah, that's confusing.

For more infomation >> Do I Think in METRIC & CELSIUS Now? - Duration: 8:20.


Julia Wróblewska kończy dziś 19 lat. Tak się zmieniała - Duration: 2:02.

For more infomation >> Julia Wróblewska kończy dziś 19 lat. Tak się zmieniała - Duration: 2:02.


Best October Dance Mix 2017 - Butiful Gilrl Dance - Music Dance 2017 - Duration: 3:56.

Best October Dance Mix 2017 - Butiful Gilrl Dance - Music Dance 2017

For more infomation >> Best October Dance Mix 2017 - Butiful Gilrl Dance - Music Dance 2017 - Duration: 3:56.


[ENG SUB] [RECIPE] how to make Cream Stew from Midnight Diner(深夜食堂,Shinya Shokudo) 이제이레시피/EJ recipe - Duration: 4:45.

First, cut the potatoes, carrots, and onions for the stew.

If you do not want the potato and carrots to break, you should cut the edge carefully.

Cut the chicken thighs and other vegetables into same size as other ingredients.

Add chicken stock into the water and mix them.

Stir fry the chicken thigh first into a pan with oil.

Add carrots and onions too.

Add the potatoes and the chicken stock mixture into the pan until the ingredients can sink under water.

Continue to boil.

Put the butter into a pan and mix it with flour.

Add some milk in this mixture and continue to stir it.

Pour white sauce in the stew that was boiled previously and continue to boil.

Add brocoli and button mushrooms in the end so they do not get overcooked.

Add some salt and pepper to season.

Boil the mixture until it gets a bit sticky.

You can choose the density of the stew.

This is the cream stew from the Japanese drama Midnight Diner(深夜食堂,Shinya Shokudo).

The weather is getting colder so I made it because I wanted to eat something warm!!

The stew was pretty thick but it was not too rich! I felt like my body warmed up because of the meat and vegetables in the soup~!

It goes well with some bread or you can just eat it by itself too~ :)

I will see you in my next tasty video! Bye~

For more infomation >> [ENG SUB] [RECIPE] how to make Cream Stew from Midnight Diner(深夜食堂,Shinya Shokudo) 이제이레시피/EJ recipe - Duration: 4:45.


MACRO VIDEOGRAPHY - Beginner Tips For Macro Filmmaking - Duration: 5:00.

For more infomation >> MACRO VIDEOGRAPHY - Beginner Tips For Macro Filmmaking - Duration: 5:00.


EXO THEORIES: Wolf - Duration: 7:47.

It's time for another EXO theory video! Or rather a clear analysis and interpretation of their MVs

I recently analysed the newest EXO MV - Power

It's time to get back to the older vids

I started to analyse them in the 1st part of this serie

The next MV I'm going to analyse is Wolf

It has two versions - a normal one and a drama

Let's start!

When we analyse Wolf, we should also mention the name, the whole wolf concept and the numbers

Both type of numbers - Wolf 88 and their individual numbers

Let's start from the individual ones - Baekhyun has number 4

He wanted to be a singer since 4th degree

But if we multiply 4 by the number of members we get 48

And 4 + 8 = 12

Suho has two numbers - 1 or 7

7 is the number of years he spent as a trainee in SM Entertainment

And 1 with Kris' number 00 gives us 100

Sehun's number is 94 and this is pretty easy

He was born in 1994

Xiumin's number is 99

Math is quite easy here as well because if we get the main number 88 and we add 11

because it's the number of the teaser where we saw Xiumin for the first time

We get 99

Luhan - 7 or 77

And the meaning of it is really original and interesting

It was Cristiano Ronaldo's number when he played in Manchester United

Lay - 10 because he was born in October

And this number also means perfection in China

21 is Chen's number and it refers to his date of birth - September 21st

D.O's number is 12 and he was born on January 12th

and EXO has 12 members

At least, it used to back then

Tao - 68 and 6 + 8 = 14

and it refers to his second teaser

Chanyeol's number is 61

His childhood nickname was Park Chanho

A famous Korean baseball player whose number was 61

Kai's number is 88 and 'H' is the 8th letter in alphabet

It gives us HH - Hip Hop

And if we talk about the number 88 which is also EXO number in Wolf era,

we should look at other meanings of this number

88 in Morse's Code means hugs and kisses

It's a reference to xoxo - EXO's album

The combination of the number 88 and wolf was inspired by the movie Lone Wolf from 1988

It's a story about a not well known rock band that came to a small town Fairview

A full moon happens a few days later

and weird and creepy things start to happen

People start finding dead bodies

At first they apportion blame to wild dogs and later to the rock band

But the truth is different and way more scary

Of course, it turns out that a warewolf is a murderer

But going back to EXO - the combination of Wolf is also a reference to the concept EXO sticks to since their debut

An eclipse and a moon - and wolves howl to the moon

The lyrics can seem easy, a bit senseless and quite stupid

but if we look closely to it, it's a story of a beast loving a human girl

In this case - it's a wolf and each EXO member

they fall in love with a human girl

Because of that they let go of theirselves and they stop being a beast

And they're faithful for this love

And here we have a proof for that:

I can't reject this strong feeling

Fall into it, I let go of myself

It also refers to EXO's situation because after leaving the exoplanet, they stopped using their powers

and they fall in love with mortal, human girls

Wolf MV is a choreography where we can see the tree of life made by EXO and we heard about it in MAMA narration

and then EXO members pretend to be a pack of wolves

The choreography was created by Tony Testa

EXO explained that it has 3 important elements:

A tree, a cave and wolves

I think more interesting thing is a bit controversial

Because the meaning of a Wolf and the number 88 is a little bit different for German and European people

I already mentioned that H is the 8th number in the alphabet

This is why 88 (HH) will symbolize the well known Nazi greeting

The same thing goes with the symbolism of Wolf

It was a cryptonym of the German politician - Hitler, of course

I emphasize the fact that the WW2 has nothing to do with EXO

It has nothing to do with the MV and to anything connected to this group

It's just an interesting fact because there were a few situations when people talked to German EXO-Ls on the street

They were wearing the Wolf 88 t-shirt

and people asked them if they know what it means

Another symbolism of the number 88 is a comparison of two worlds

and they move into opposite directions

It connects with EXO concept and their story about two worlds

and we had the description of it in MAMA narration

Except normal Wolf and Growl MVs, SM released two episodes of music drama

And they're just MVs with a good plot

At the beginning we see Kris saying goodbye to Luhan

If we pay attention to the symbols on their hands, we can say that they are wolves

Kris is alpha male

and he has to leave his pack for some reason

We get a proof for the fact that Luhan is a wolf in the next scene

because he does some acrobatics

And in the next scene he rescues a random girl from another clan

Luhan attends a new school and he's in class with the rest of EXO and also with the girl he saved before

They become friends immediately and EXO helps him with fighting with a bad clan

but Luhan's wolf nature turns on and he accidentally hits D.O

and because of that, EXO leaves him

This girl seems to know Luhan's true nature

she saw what happened

And in the 2nd episode, when EXO visits D.O in the hospital, Luhan runs away as soon as he's seen by her

Luhan is hurt and the girl helps him

Kai is waiting in front of Luhan's house and he sees a girl going out

He gets mad and we see he's in love with her

One of the members of the bad clan sees Luhan with the girl

They kidnap her as a revange

Luhan rushes to help her but he cannot do it alone

It's a bit shocking but the rest of EXO decide to help Luhan

In the end, he probably loses his power and it also makes Kris (who suddenly came back) mad

'Growl' appears in the 2nd episode of this drama and it's connected with Wolf

Especially the lyrics because 'growl' is definitely a sound made by wolves

The MV is all about the choreography

There is also a 2nd version of this MV but it's also based on the choreography

Wolf and Growl refer to loving a human girl

and this feeling is something new for exoplanet residents

I know that Wolf and Growl don't add anything special to EXO theories

and to the whole supernatural powers thing

but it's worth mentioning so this is it for now

I hope you liked it!

Of course, write your own theories in the comments

and opinions about this serie

If you want us to continue this serie, also let us know!

And see you in the next video!

For more infomation >> EXO THEORIES: Wolf - Duration: 7:47.


BYU Women's Faculty Flag Football Team "A Lot" - Duration: 5:46.

BYU fans know the story of how coach Bronco Mendenhall righted the football

ship with his band of brother's team. What they don't know is how a certain society

of sisters started some football history of their own on this campus.

I never thought I would end up being a football player, but here I am after my PhD playing football.

I was in a PhD program, and I was roommates with

Sarah Olson Brinton, and she told me that she had a dream to come to BYU in some

kind of faculty capacity and to start an all women's faculty flag football team.

So playing against students is an interesting proposition. It's mostly

really discouraging because it turns out that the like 20 years between their

average age and our average age like you lose a lot of speed and agility and on

top of that like, let's be honest, most of us are pretty nerdy, and so we were never

like top athletes to begin with.

I think one of my favorite things about the A Lot

is our sort of--it's kind of like sassy humility. We named ourselves the

A-lot, and that is to remind us that at the end of the day, we still have great

parking, and we you know we can take this loss.

Our cheer at the end of the game is great parking always wins because we may not have won the football game,

but we know that when we come to campus we can park closer than the students can.

(Speaking in Xhosa) That means good parking always wins Xhosa,

and Xhosa is the language I use in my research in South Africa.

Most of the people on the team have at least three degrees. I'm usually pretty introverted,

fairly soft-spoken, I do a lot of my work one-on-one with people, so that works

really well. On the field however I yell, I'm far more gregarious, willing to take

someone down if they're in my way. Easily the most competitive person on the field is Kif.

She's a lawyer. I don't know if that has anything to do with it. It's really fun

to actually play against a student that you know, so I always scan the faces of

the team before we play just looking for a familiar face. I think it's just fun to

be able to connect with them outside of the classroom. Managing the BYU football

roster gets tricky with so many student athletes coming and going to

serve missions, but juggling a roster of professor athletes that gets

exponentially more complicated. We've had a couple of teammates playing while

pregnant carrying the ball and the baby. Pulling this reverse play and just

running down the sideline high stepping it, and I mean it was fabulous.

Jen had her flags like up above her sort of belly, and, you know, the ref was like your flags

are up too high, and she was like, um, what do you want me to do like it's either up

or down, but there's no middle. My biggest supporter as I've been on the a lot team is definitely

my husband, Scott. Every time we make a first down Scott's always leading the cheer

it's pretty unusual for us to and we celebrate our first downs as if they are touchdowns

That was our last game of the season and the clock was almost running out

We've managed to march down the field we were very close to the end zone

And I was running into the end zone and I actually didn't see the other teams player

Jen threw the ball just about the time I collided with that other player

I don't remember exactly what happened I just know I kind of turned in the air and I threw my hand up to try

and knock the football down and got my hand on it, knocked it down and then I caught it

And then the ref called a penalty and the ref is actually

Well, was in my political science 150 class so pretty gutsy to do that

I started saying things like oh you should deny the penalty, you know, decline the

penalty and you know finally they said "okay, we decline the penalty" and the ref's like, "really?"

And so we ended up getting the touchdown

If we were there to win this would have been over a long time ago

Mostly what we do is we make friends and then those friends often turn into academic collaborators

Kara Stowers in chemistry and myself had been working together looking at a possible NSF grant

To actually promote women in science and that collaboration and that friendship

may not have happened if not through A lot

There's another member of the team who is also in the chemistry department

Kara Stowers and she and I along with some other colleagues have actually put together a chemistry camp BYU chem camp

that's for elementary school children to come learn about chemistry during the

summer and our goal is really to encourage young girls to pursue studies

and careers in the stem field

I ran for a position on the faculty's Women's Association and I won

And I don't think that would be the case if I hadn't joined the A Lot team

The A Lot is easily the best thing that's happend to me while I've been at BYU

I just feel like we're so close together because we do play together that if I needed help they would be there for me

We are a team both on and off the field and we're there for each other

We think it's really important for our female students to see a little bit more of our

lives and see us more well-rounded people and give them an idea of the

variety of things that adult women can do with their lives

Fourth and goal coming up for A Lot. Quarterback takes the snap, drops back to pass

Throws to a slanting Stephens tip ball and after a collision, touchdown A Lot! Stephens

Stephens came down with it! Great parking always wins!

For more infomation >> BYU Women's Faculty Flag Football Team "A Lot" - Duration: 5:46.


Members Of Congress Could Soon Be Forced To Resign After Serious Drug Scandal Just Erupted - Duration: 19:14.

Members Of Congress Could Soon Be Forced To Resign After Serious Drug Scandal Just Erupted

A huge scandal is about to erupt in Washington D.C. after the new information is being published

by the media.

Members of Congress may be required to resign if they use some certain drugs.

This scandal is connected to drugs that are being used by some members of the highest

ranked lawmaking institution in the country.

Read more below:

The ongoing debate of whether high-ranking government officials should be forced to undergo

drug testing has just been blown wide open.

Several members of Congress were just exposed for being on a litany of mind-altering medications

which a pharmacist to Washington, D.C.'s top politicians just exposed after feeling

guilty about some of the prescriptions he had been providing these officials for months.

He feels that serious conditions these prescribed medications are to treat can and do have some

particularly damning effects on the kinds of decisions these Congress members are entrusted

to make.

Many lower-level federal employees are rightfully forced to undergo random drug testing for

the obvious reason of being in an information-sensitive position.

Since these people need to be of clear mind and judgment just to handle certain paperwork

and processes, shouldn't those who make the really big decisions have to be of more

sound judgement than those beneath them?

Apparently, power has superseded this safety check and allowed many members of Congress

to medicate themselves to dangerous levels which has now caused some pretty serious problems

that the pharmacist to the politicians is feeling bad about.

Mike Kim is the owner and pharmacist of the pharmacy used by many of D.C.'s most famous

politicians and spoke to STAT News' Erin Mershon about an alarming trend he's seen


Not only has he been prescribing members of Congress with Alzheimer's medication, but

he's also been providing treatments for other calamities as well, none of which people

in this immense position of power should probably be suffering from.

STAT News reports:

Mike Kim, the reserved pharmacist-turned-owner of the pharmacy, said he has gotten used to

knowing the most sensitive details about some of the most famous people in Washington.

"At first it's cool, and then you realize, I'm filling some drugs that are for some

pretty serious health problems as well.

And these are the people that are running the country," Kim said, listing treatments

for conditions like diabetes and Alzheimer's.

"It makes you kind of sit back and say, 'Wow, they're making the highest laws

of the land and they might not even remember what happened yesterday.'"

Kim's tiny pharmacy — which, at its busiest, sends as many as 100 prescriptions to members

in a day — is nestled among Capitol Hill's stateliest row houses, less than four blocks

from the Capitol building itself.

Founded in 1867 and named for a previous owner, the pharmacy predates penicillin, the American

health insurance system, and even the Lincoln Memorial.

This is no judgment on people who take medications, as the accessibility to treatment to improve

life is a blessing of living in an age of modern medicine.

This is a matter of recognizing your limitations and acknowledging a condition and not maintaining

a powerful position just for control or any reason that could compromise performance and

decision-making abilities.

These are average expectations of people in lesser capacities of any industry, even outside

of politics that affect the direction of our country.

More importantly, this medication/medical condition situation brings the need for term

limits to the forefront.

As many of our Senators and Congressman are slipping into old age, some of their medications

should be called into question.

If a person gets to an age where they are no longer able to safely operate a vehicle,

family and friends come along side and say enough is enough.

When we elect our leaders we assume they are of sound mind and in good physical condition.

No one is expecting an elected official to run a mile in 5:00 minutes flat, but when

an individual's doctor is having to prescribe medicine to make sure that you are able to

function at a normal level mentally, then it's probably time to take action.

There are multiple Senators and Congressmen who have been in office for over 30 years,

many of these people are in there 70's and 80's and are needing some of the medications

described earlier.

Age and health should be a talking point for term limits, as clearly represented by Senator

John McCain recently.

While undergoing surgery and post-operative treatment for brain cancer, he made some controversial

votes concerning Obamacare repeal and replace.

He continues to suffer from brain cancer he has described as "very serious," yet remains

in office.

H/T FreedomDaily

Nobody judges a person for being sick, we need to show compassion because some illnesses

like dementia, Alzheimer's and other concerning illnesses are very dangerous, but we can't

allow to let people be in Congress with such diagnosis.

Will you support this kind of drug testing and revealing of the mental and physical state

of each Representative/Senator?


For more infomation >> Members Of Congress Could Soon Be Forced To Resign After Serious Drug Scandal Just Erupted - Duration: 19:14.


Asian skincare! My favorite products and dos and don'ts - Duration: 11:40.

For more infomation >> Asian skincare! My favorite products and dos and don'ts - Duration: 11:40.


How To Gently Stretch The Hip Flexors - Duration: 2:43.

Hey it's Nick Ortego here. I'm gonna show you how to do nice easy gentle hip

flexor stretch using a table. You can do this on the edge of your bed as

well. It's gonna be in the Thomas Test

positions. That's a way that we trainers sometimes use to look at

whether you need to stretch your hip flexors. Just sit on the edge of

the table or a bed, pull your knees up. Make sure your butt's really close to

the edge so that you can hang one leg off like this. And from here you want to

pull your knee toward your chest such that your lower back flattens out. Then

you're looking at the leg that's hanging. The weight of the leg is gonna give you

a gentle hip flexor stretch. Also if you want to test it: if your leg's not hanging

at parallel with the floor, if it's a little higher than parallel with the

floor, that's an indicator that your hip flexors are tight and needs some

stretching. Also if your shin is hanging like this more than like this. It's not

really vertical, if it's kind of 20 degrees or so away from vertical it's an

indicator that your two-joint hip flexors (ie your rectus femoris and your

quad) is tight and could use some stretching. Then you just hang the

other side off and breathe in a slow gentle way allow your abdomen to expand

on the inhale see the abdomen is expanding on the inhale and retracting on the


On that kind of stretch it's pretty gentle you can go for a longer duration.

You can go for like two three even up to five minutes and it won't be a problem.

Another way that you can intensify it a little bit as if you take ankle weights

put an ankle weight on the leg you're trying to stretch. This is a three pound

ankle weight. I wouldn't go above like a five pound ankle weight. Then just

let that leg hang so the weight of the leg plus the weight of the ankle weight

is helping you stretch your hip flexors. Give that try and if you got any benefit

from this video leave a comment below. If you like to get more content that's

not available on the blog or the regular YouTube channel, then click the link

that's connected to this video you'll have a chance to sign up for the Run

Better Now VIP club.

For more infomation >> How To Gently Stretch The Hip Flexors - Duration: 2:43.


De onde vem nossas "drogas"? | Minuto da Terra - Duration: 2:49.

For more infomation >> De onde vem nossas "drogas"? | Minuto da Terra - Duration: 2:49.


(B1A4/Subtitle) [CH+ mini replay] 패션위크 가는기일🤙+❤️❤️ On My Way to Fashion Week by V Live - Duration: 2:29.

Every Video Monetization have only entertainment and celebrity. I'm reported copyright. Don't worry. :)

[Cha Sunwoo on his way to Fashion Week] Since it's raining,

I want to eat chicken stew.

Why are you laughing? Why?

I watched a movie called "The Outlaws" recently.

I will do a vocal mimicry.

I will do a vocal mimicry of Yoon Kyesang.

[Ba Chen's vocal mimicry] I practiced the vocal mimicry of Jang Chen.

My stylist who's in front is going to help me out.

It's a line from the movie.

I will reenact the line that Yoon Kyesang says.

To me...

Say "Do you know who I am?" to me.

Three, four.

[Special voice appearance: stylist] Do you know who I am?

I came to get money but why do I have to know that?

[Proud] How is it? It's the same, right?

I will do it again.

Three, four.

I came to get money but why do I have to know that?

Do it again. "Do you know who I am?"

Do you know who I am?

"Do you know who I am?" Say that.

Do you know who I am?

Do it. Three, four.

Do you know who I am?

I came to get money but why do I have to know that?

I came to get money but why do I have to know that?

- What team are you? - Baro from B1A4.

- Huh? - Baro. - Babo? (Babo means "fool" in Korean)

I guess they all heard it.

Babo? Babo?

I think the security guard misheard us.

That is possible.

Hello, I'm Babo.

The fans are all laughing. What do I do?

"Hello, I'm Babo."

How was my vocal mimicry? Babo is not important right now.

How was my vocal mimicry?

I came to get money but why do I have to know that?

Did you get it?

Babo's going to go now.


Fighting today!

BANA, fighting!

Babo's younger siblings, fighting!

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