Thứ Năm, 19 tháng 10, 2017

Youtube daily report Oct 19 2017

Good news, horror fans: 2018 is shaping up to be a banner year for spooky and spine-tingling

video games.

From groundbreaking zombie shooters to vampire RPGs, there's something for every fright fan

in the new year.

Here's a look at some of the most promising — and chilling — titles so far.

Overkill's The Walking Dead

Like The Walking Dead's zombie hordes, Overkill's The Walking Dead is proving very, very hard

to put down for good.

First announced in 2014 with a message from Walking Dead creator Robert Kirkman, the first-person

survival shooter from the studio behind the Payday series was originally scheduled for

a 2016 release.

Now it looks like The Walking Dead will finally shamble onto Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and

PC in the second half of 2018—fingers crossed.

Because Overkill's The Walking Dead promises not to be your run-of-the-mill zombie shooter.

It challenges players to survive the zombie-ridden wasteland using a combination of action, stealth,

and resource management.

And like Rick Grimes and his followers, you won't be going it alone, either—while you

can play solo, cooperative multiplayer will be the main focus.

"I'm happy to say that it is the, uh, co-op game that all The Walking Dead fans have been

waiting for."

State of Decay 2

Need more zombie action in the new year?

State of Decay 2 is sure to please Walking Dead fans — especially those that enjoy

the survivalist aspects more than the gore.

Like the first game in the series, State of Decay 2 forgoes active zombie hunting and

asks you stay put, hunker down, and build a base that can protect you and your followers

from the undead horde.

That's easier said than done, and every choice you make has lasting consequences.

You'll need seeds and equipment to grow a garden and feed your crew, for example, which

means leading excursions into town to secure supplies ... which means facing swarms of


Maybe you should focus on building a guard tower instead?

It's up to you.

That kind of variation is what makes State of Decay 2 so compelling.

You'll never play the same game twice.

Look for this Xbox One and Windows 10 exclusive in Spring of 2018.

Metro Exodus

The Metro franchise doesn't have the name recognition of games like Dead Space or Bioshock,

but 2018's Metro Exodus — available on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC — might change


In a post-apocalyptic world where nuclear fallout has forced humanity to retreat to

underground subway tunnels to survive, players fight their way out of a mutant-filled Moscow

and cross the continent in search of a better future.

Like the previous two games in the series, players still need to engage in meticulous

stealth-based challenges and fast-paced combat to survive, and gathering vital supplies is

still a big part of the experience.

But Exodus shakes things up by combining linear levels with new, open areas for players to


Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night

If you miss those traditional 2D Castlevania games Konami used to crank out out a regular

clip, longtime Castlevania producer Koji Igarashi has you covered.

His Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night isn't an official Castlevania game, but it might

as well be.

Like Castlevania, Bloodstained stars a cursed protagonist who explores a spooky castle filled

with demons and secrets.

You'll amass a wide array of weapons and face all kinds of monstrous foes in your journey,

while robust RPG-like levelling and crafting systems will ensure that Bloodstained never

gets old.

And yes, while Bloodstained is a Kickstarter-backed game, which have disappointed in the past,

don't let that turn you off: Igarashi and his crew say they purposefully delayed the

cross-platform, crowdfunded title until 2018 in order to make sure Bloodstained: Ritual

of the Night lives up to its potential.

Code Vein

Mix Dark Souls with vampires, and what do you get?

Okay, well, Bloodborne.

Throw in some anime-inspired art, however, and you end up with Code Vein, an upcoming

horror-action title from Bandai Namco, available on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC.

Code Vein wears its influences on its sleeve—producers aren't shy about evoking the Souls comparison,

and why should they be?

Dark Souls' combat is just as thrilling as it is difficult, and you'd be hard pressed

to find a better model for an action-RPG.

But Code Vein isn't just a knockoff—and that's where the vampire element comes in.

Players can suck their enemies' blood and then use the super-charged fluid to unleash

special attacks, buff their characters' stats, and access all kinds of other supernatural


Days Gone

If you've ever watched Sons of Anarchy and thought it'd be better with monsters, then

Days Gone is for you.

The upcoming PlayStation 4 exclusive details the adventures of a biker-gang-turned-survivalist

group in the Pacific Northwest in an open-world adventure that takes cues from Tomb Raider,

Grand Theft Auto, and The Last of Us.

As Deacon St. John, you'll traverse the decimated Pacific Northwest's varied terrain on foot

and by motorcycle, attacking enemy outposts while making sure your gang remains on top.

The monsters will make that difficult.

Set two years after a plague ravished the Earth and killed most of humanity, the world

of Days Gone is filled with zombie-like creatures called Freakers.

Freakers aren't your typical undead foes, either.

They don't just shamble or shuffle; sometimes, they run—and they're really fast.

In addition to many human enemies, St. John will need to outmaneuver and dispatch swarms

of hundreds of Freakers, all while making sure he's got the resources he needs to fight

another day.

While the specifics of Days Gone's story remain elusive, the technology on display in the

demos alone is undeniably impressive, making this one of the most anticipated titles of

the first half of 2018.

Plus, it's likely the only game of the year to feature a weaponized grizzly bear …

"Just back up, nice and slow.

Don't make a sound."

Thanks for watching!

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Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Horror Games That'll Blow Everyone Away In 2018 - Duration: 5:37.


Flu Vaccine Scam - Duration: 5:30.

Flu Vaccine Scam

Vaccines are such a hot topic. As flu season approaches, the

flu vaccine is being heavily pushed, despite the fact that

it's the least most effective vaccine, and should definitely

not be given to pregnant women. You can't be for them without

being attacked by the anti-vax crowd, and you can't be against

them without being attacked by the pro-vax crowd. I'm sure many

of us have been fed the same information that vaccines are

safe and effective, have been used for decades with no major

problems, help prevent life-threatening diseases, and

are "for the greater good." There are a great deal of people

that are pro-vax that have no idea how they work or the

ingredients that are in them. And similar can be said for the

anti-vax crowd in that they also don't know how they work,

or think it directly correlates with other disorders. The

statements on both sides tend to be over exaggerated and people

are gullible. With that being said, many that are pro-vax are

oblivious to the bigger picture. Armed with information, however,

a discussion can go a long way. Many who blindly trust vaccines

and their doctor simply don't know about the possible side

effects. Did you know that vaccine injuries are real? The

Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is a clear

example of this. Did you know that the National Childhood

Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA), passed in 1986, prevents vaccine

manufactures from being held liable for their own products

they deem as "safe and effective?" What if a batch is

contaminated? It's not their problem, it's yours. Did you

know that heavy metals are present in vaccines as a

preservative (mercury) and to make them more effective

(aluminum)? What about the other ingredients? Depending on what

you consider ethical, this may come as a shock. Not only is

animal DNA used to grow the viruses and injected into our

bodies (monkey kidney, canine kidney, fetal bovine, chick

embryo, guinea pig, etc.), but so is DNA from an aborted human

fetus from the 1960s (WI-38 & MRC-5). Did you also know that

the SV40 virus, which is a cancer causing monkey virus, was

discovered in the monkey kidney cells used to produce the polio

vaccine. In the 50's and 60's, nearly ALL children and the

majority of adults where given a contaminated polio vaccine

containing the SV40 virus. One of the most common pro-vax

arguments is "herd immunity." However, the theory of "herd

immunity" is largely overplayed as it's mostly a scare tactic to

get more and more people vaccinated. To easily debunk it,

people who are in their 30s and older had far less vaccines than

the younger generation today are getting. Yet, they pose no

increased risk of passing diseases that we are vaccinating

for today. Also, many vaccines that we got as a child have more

than likely worn off by the time we were an adult. They do not

last more than a few years, let alone a lifetime, and yet we

pose no risk of spreading diseases. And furthermore, even

a 100% vaccine rate in a community can not totally

prevent an illness in every person. Current vaccines have

also been contributing to the rise of allergies. How this

works is exactly how the vaccine is intended to work. Our bodies

build antibodies to the virus in the vaccine. The aluminum

present in the vaccine encourages an immune response

from our bodies. But, our bodies can also produce antibodies to

the other ingredients present in the vaccine, thus leading to an

immune response if we ingest one of those other ingredients...aka

an allergy. The best we can do is ask for informed consent.

Whenever you or your child are about to get a vaccine, ask for

the vaccine insert from your doctor and go over it with them,

ask them about what the ingredients do, all the side

effects that are possible from the vaccine, and do your

research about the ingredients, side effects, and what you may

expect after vaccination. Information is power,

and the more informed we are and make wise choices,

we will be making a difference.

Please check out these informative resources.

For more infomation >> Flu Vaccine Scam - Duration: 5:30.


CREEPIEST STRANGERS EVER | Dolan True Stories - Duration: 8:49.

• From a stranger admiring your junk to a homeless hitman, the Planet Dolan crew re-enact

some of the best true stories from our subreddit about the creepiest things strangers have

said to us.

I'm Nixxiom – or Danger Dolan – and today I'll be your narrator.

Number 10 was submitted by AlexDrakeNoReally Ramona

A few weeks after giving birth to her first child Ramona really needed to get out of the


She went for a walk and decided she should grab a quick coffee.

While she was waiting in line the man in front of her suddenly turned around and looked at


He leaned in, sniffed the air around her and whispered, "I can smell your milk…"

At that point Ramona decided to just make coffee at home…

Number 9 was submitted by Pingulikesbananas Honeybits

HoneyBits went to school with a boy who didn't talk much.

Since he was always by himself HoneyBits wondered if he was sad.

One day during a class field trip she decided to sit next to him on the bus and see if she

could start a conversation.

Instead of a normal response, the weird loner boy leaned over and whispered in her ear,

"Have you ever watched something die?

I have…

It's amazing…"

HoneyBits immediately changed seats and never tried to speak to the boy again.

Number 8 was submitted by _im_goin_in_ Hellbent One time Hellbent went to a public bathroom

to take a leak.

As he stood there at the urinal an old guy came in and stood right next to him.

The old guy looked over at Hellbent and said, "Mm…

That's so nice...

Even after seeing it twenty-seven times I can't help but be impressed…"

That was the fastest Hellbent has ever peed in his life…

Number 7 was submitted by SheWhoLovesToDraw Pandora

When Pandora was twelve she went into a store that sold mystical items like crystals, potions

and tarot cards.

The owner of the store claimed to be psychic and stared at Pandora as she looked around.

When Pandora was leaving the psychic woman put her hand on her shoulder and said: "Your

sister is always with you…"

Pandora didn't have a sister so she laughed and thought, 'Yeah, right.

What a phony!'

A few years later during an intense conversation, Pandora's mom accidentally let it slip that

Pandora did have a sister once – a twin who'd died in the womb!

Pandora got a chill down her spine when she realized the psychic had been right all along…

Number 6 was submitted by Typhoon_62 Grgak One morning when Grgak was fourteen, he went

to the nearby bus stop to catch a ride to school.

While he was waiting a really rough-looking hooker came over and sat next to him.

She was wearing the shortest skirt imaginable – even though it was the middle of winter!

She looked at Grgak and asked for the time.

Grgak answered: "Six…" but this confused her even more!

She asked if he meant AM or PM, and Grgak explained that it was six in the morning.

They waited for awhile in silence.

Then the hooker told Grgak she was cold and asked if she could have his pants.

It was the most eventful wait for the bus Grgak has ever had…

Number 5 was submitted by Canarandimanat3onum Melissa

When Melissa was nine she used to play hide and seek with her friend outside her friend's

mom's liquor store.

One time, while her friend was counting, Melissa decided to hide in a nearby alley.

While she was in there a young homeless woman came out from behind a dumpster.

The homeless woman creepily said, "Hey kid, do you want anyone to disappear… forever?

I'd be glad to help…"

Melissa raced inside to tell her mom and together they called the cops.

The homeless lady was gone but she'd left a note that said: I'll come back for you…

Number 4 was submitted by Conveniently_So Zaraganba

When Zaraganba was younger he worked in a dead-end retail job where he saw a lot of

weird customers.

But by far the creepiest was a seemingly sweet old lady who came in to buy a new toaster.

When she got to the counter, she looked Zaraganba in the eyes and was totally transfixed.

Zaraganba said, "That'll be $60, thanks" but the old lady didn't hear him.

Instead she said: "You have a friendly smile…

It reminds me of my grandson's smile… before he was killed."

Zaraganba laughed nervously and tried to process the sale as quickly as possible.

He decided not to try and sell her the extended warranty…

Number 3 was submitted by Oarrrkward GhostToast Late one night, GhostToast and his friends

had the munchies so they decided to grab something from McDonald's all-night drive-thru.

As they placed their order, GhostToast thought the employee's voice coming through the

speaker sounded a bit creepy…

They drove to the pickup counter and finally saw the guy they'd been speaking to.

He had greasy red hair, bags under his eyes and was twitching like he was on drugs.

He handed them their food and said in the creepiest voice ever, "Enjoy the mayonnaise…"

GhostToast couldn't bring himself to eat the food – just in case the weird employee

had added his own secret sauce.

Number 2 was submitted by harajuku_gurl Doopie Once Doopie was taking a nice afternoon stroll

around the neighbourhood.

She noticed a woman across the street looking at her but didn't think much about it.

A few minutes later, the woman had crossed the road and was power walking to catch up

to Doopie.

When she caught her, she tapped Doopie on the shoulder and enthusiastically said, "You

know, I think your hair would look wonderful on my wig stand!"

Doopie didn't know what to say to that!

She's sure it was meant to be an innocent comment, but the woman's enthusiasm and

the fact that she crossed the street just to say



her out.

For more infomation >> CREEPIEST STRANGERS EVER | Dolan True Stories - Duration: 8:49.


Обзор 2017 года в Hearthstone (субтитры) - Duration: 7:00.

For more infomation >> Обзор 2017 года в Hearthstone (субтитры) - Duration: 7:00.


Project CARS 2 Accolades Trailer - Duration: 1:06.


Rated E for Everyone



For more infomation >> Project CARS 2 Accolades Trailer - Duration: 1:06.

------------------------------------------- Katyusha - BM 48lvl 102K - Low Level BM: World Damage Record 2017 - Duration: 3:28.

I have sinned against gods and men,

I have spent ten years in places darker than hells,

contemplating the meaning of life,

and the purpose for which we have been created.

After all of this, I know, that what I have seen...

it surpassed everything, what I have seen so far...

This is my place!

For more infomation >> Katyusha - BM 48lvl 102K - Low Level BM: World Damage Record 2017 - Duration: 3:28.


Hot seller in hell? | Family Feud - Duration: 2:26.
























































































For more infomation >> Hot seller in hell? | Family Feud - Duration: 2:26.


BREAKING: James Comey Just Got Devastating News, He Deserves This. - Duration: 3:51.

BREAKING: Comey Just Got Devastating News, He Deserves This.

Former FBI Director James Comey has come under scrutiny from both sides of the political

aisle for his handling of prominent political scandals.

Now his role in the investigations of Hillary Clinton's private email server is again

being called into question.

According to The Washington Times, a lawyer filed a bar grievance this week accusing Comey

of both lying to Congress and destroying potential evidence in the Clinton scandal.

This process could eventually result in Comey being disbarred.

The grievance was filed by Ty Clevenger in New York, where Comey is licensed to practice


According to Clevenger, the former FBI Director's claims to not have pre-determined the outcome

of the Clinton investigations are not backed by evidence.

Clevenger points to recent revelations that Comey began drafting an exoneration for former-Secretary

of State Clinton months before he even spoke with her.

He says Comey is guilty of giving Congress "false testimony."

"Insofar as Mr. Comey gave materially false testimony to Congress, it appears that he

violated Rules 1.0(w), 3.3(a)(1), and 8.4 of the New York Rules of Professional Conduct,"

Clevenger wrote.

And it isn't only Comey on whom he has set his sights.

Clevenger also asked for a renewal of his grievances against Barack Obama's Attorney

General Loretta Lynch over Comey's claims that she tried to pressure him into minimizing

the Clinton probe.

As reported by Christian News Alerts, Lynch asked Comey to call the Clinton probe a "matter"

rather than an "investigation," in what many believe was an attempt by the former

Attorney General to protect Secretary Clinton's reputation in the middle of an election.

The State of New York deferred the grievances filed by Clevenger in January, citing the

ongoing investigation.

Clevenger was told to await the outcome of the probes being carried out by Congress.

The attorney says the time for waiting has passed.

Because the probes appear to be over, Clevenger asserts now is the right moment to continue

with the grievance processes.

He also warned the commission not to let partisanship cloud their judgment, reminding them that

former President Richard Nixon was disbarred from practicing law because of his involvement

in the infamous Watergate scandal.

Clevenger's other targets include Clinton's lawyers.

In Maryland, he won a court order demanding an investigation by the grievance committee

into Clinton attorneys David E. Kendall, Cheryl Mills, and Heather Samuelson of their alleged

role in helping Clinton destroy evidence in the email probe.

The three lawyers may find themselves disbarred as well.

President Trump has spoken out about Comey's alleged protection of the former Secretary

of State.

Trump took to Twitter on Wednesday to write: "Wow, FBI confirms report that James Comey

drafted letter exonerating Crooked Hillary Clinton long before investigation was complete."

"Many people not interviewed, including Hillary Clinton herself.

Comey stated under oath that he didn't do this –obviously a fix?

Where is Justice Dept?" the President continued in tweets.

As Fox News reported, House Oversight Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy (R-SC) said he wants Comey

to testify before Congress again in light of the exoneration letter draft release.

"Congress should look at this decision not to charge and whether or not it was made before

you interviewed two dozen witnesses, including the target of the investigation, yeah we need

to talk to him again," Gowdy said.

Hopefully, some justice will come from the grievance process, since it doesn't appear

to be becoming from the Justice Department.

Is Comey's Career Over?

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

top stories today.

For more infomation >> BREAKING: James Comey Just Got Devastating News, He Deserves This. - Duration: 3:51.


Shamba The Artist - I Do. ft. DEETRANADA (Official Video) - Duration: 4:36.


You act like it's so good

Like everything's golden this way

Like we don't have issues

So everything's perfect this way

No way, I say no way we won't go lying

For the world to know

I hate you then again I love you, know you love me to

Tryna picture a world without you don't know what I'd do

Even hearing me say it is kinda crazy oh

You're all that I know

Never letting go

Feel it in my soul

Our love is so bold

I love you forever, forever I do

I love you forever, forever with you

Even when we're wrong

Our love is still strong

The days that we fight

I'd love you that night

I love you forever, forever I do

I love you forever, forever with you

Some days are good

The next day I hate you

What am I saying

I know I need you

Cause when you're not here

You're all in my head

I cannot take it (x2)

Don't wanna lose you

But when I have you

I don't want you here no more

When we're together

It feels like heaven

But I don't even feel no more

You're all that I know

Never letting go

Feel it in my soul

Our love is so bold

I love you forever, forever I do

I love you forever, forever with you

Even when we're wrong

Our love is still strong

The days that we fight

I'd love you that night

I love you forever, forever I do

I love you forever, forever with you

It something about you

And I kinda hate it I kinda love it I dont know

Hope you dont go

Im fine with the rain just dont get cold so it won't snow

Like its homecoming

Pop out so we flex on em have the clones running

So down to earth like me, ducked off, watch out boy the drones coming

Its feelings I got that I cannot describe woah

Feelings thats buried inside

You do ya own thing and Im worried inside oh

Promise you won't leave my side?

Tell you my secret, please dont spit it out

Oh you out? Hit my phone when you get in the house

We be out like a felon that just beat his trail

Bump all them rumors they be talking about

Its me and you, like Im eating food I want a piece of you that Im keeping boo

I be speaking truth when I speak to you, when I speak to you its a feeling boo

You can leave the crew Ill leave the booth for a minute

Shock em like pikachu when I see you no peak a boo

Oh you love me? Boy I love me too like

I hate you then again I love you, know you love me to

Tryna picture a world without you don't know what I'd do

Even hearing me say it is kinda crazy oh

You're all that I know

Never letting go

Feel it in my soul

Our love is so bold

I love you forever, forever I do

I love you forever, forever with you

Even when we're wrong

Our love is still strong

The days that we fight

I'd love you that night

I can't imagine going a day without you

You're all that I know

Never letting go (6x)

You're all that I know

Never letting go

Feel it in my soul

Our love is so bold

I love you forever, forever I do

I love you forever, forever with you

I love you forever, forever I do

I love you forever, forever with you

I love you forever, forever I do

I love you forever, forever with you

For more infomation >> Shamba The Artist - I Do. ft. DEETRANADA (Official Video) - Duration: 4:36.


Lottery Winners Who Weren't Exactly the Brightest Bulb in the Pack! - Duration: 13:10.

Here are lottery winners who went completely broke!

9 - David Lee Edwards Can you guys imagine being on both ends of


A life where you've been in jail, but where also you flew in a private plane between your


Well, that basically describes David Lee Edwards, a convicted felon from Ashland, Kentucky,

who won a $27 million dollar lottery jackpot back in August 2001.

But his ridiculousness free-spending ways left him and his wife broke and living in

a storage unit within just FIVE years of winning 27 million dollars!

If you're wondering how someone can blow 27 million in 5 years, you're definitely

not alone.

Let's do some really quick math here.

In his first year as a millionaire, Edwards spent TWELVE MILLION.

SOMEone didn't do their math right!

So yeah there goes almost half his money right there.

Edwards bought a $1.6million, 6,000-square-foot house in a private tennis and golf community

in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida.

He spend $600,000 on another home nearby.

He paid $1.9 million for a LearJet, bought three losing racehorses, and bought a fiber

optics installation company and a limo business for $4.5 million.

I'm gonna guess he probably didn't exactly to do the discounted cash flows for THOSE


Oh yeah, he also bought his daughter a $35,000 Hummer golf cart to drive around because she

couldn't actually drive at the time.

At one point, he had a million dollars in vehicles parked in front of his house.

His neighbors complained that his house in the upscale community started to look like

a car dealership!

You guys know the end.

Because of his reckless YOLO spending, he lost every last penny of his $27 million fortune

and died owing thousands of dollars to friends.

8 - Callie Rogers Callie Rogers was just a 16 years old kid

living in foster care when she won 1.9 million pounds in the lottery in 2003.

As you guys can expect, her spending spree began prrrretty much immediately!

Callie forked out £11,500 pounds on not one, but TWO boob jobs, £300,000 pounds on clothes,

make-up and tattoos.

Well, at least she only spent £85,000 pounds on sports cars.

Buuuuut hold up, she did spend a quarter of a million pounds on uh….nose candy.

Callie spent an additional £250,000 pounds on vacations around the world, and get this,

she also spent £118,000 pounds on gifts to her former boyfriends!

I mean…..who and what DIDN'T she spend on her money on?

Basically, as expected, she spent all her money, and in 13 years, she just has around

£2,000 pounds left in the bank.

She actually called her win a curse, because she said that she felt the pressure of having

to live it up with the expectation of having a party lifestyle after winning the lottery.

More money more problems I guess, because she now lives with her three kids and says

she's "happier than ever".

7 - William Post Way back in 1988, William "Bud" Post III

was the winner of a Pennsylvania Lottery jackpot worth $16.2 million dollars.

On the day he won the jackpot, he had just two dollars and forty six cents in his bank


I guess when you have that little money in your bank account, you feel like a little

over 16 million In the two weeks after Post collected the first of his 26 annual payments

of almost $500 thousand dollars, he spent more than 300,000 dollars on gifts and investments.

Those investments included things such as a liquor license, a lease for a restaurant

in Florida, and a used-car lot.

He also bought an airplane to fly around in, even though he didn't have a pilot's license.

Well, at least it wasn't a private jet.

In just three months, his debts totaled $500,000 dollars!

That's a million dollar turnaround in the wrong direction!

But listen to this story.

I guess he and his brother weren't exactly on friendly terms, so his brother actually

had it out for him.

His brother actually hired someone to go after him and his SIXTH wife!

However, his brother's plan failed and he was arrested.

His intentions were to get Post's winnings as an inheritance.

This pretty much kinda summed up the rest of the time for Post's payments; each of

the checks came just to pay off debts and Post never actually was in the green except

the day he got his first check.

By the end of his life, Post was a million in the red.

6 - Sharon Tirabassi On Easter weekend back in April 2004, Sharon

Tirabassi, a 35 year-old resident of Hamilton cashed a check from the Ontario Lottery and

Gaming Corporation for a little over 10 and a half million canadian dollars.

Well, I'm just gonna make a long story short; she blew threw the 10 mill in less than 10


She gave her parents a million and then split another 1.75 million between her four siblings.

She then took friends on wild, all-expenses-paid trips to Cancun, Florida, Las Vegas, California,

the Caribbean.

Of course, she also bought cars.

A Hummer, a Mustang, a Dodge Charger, and a custom Cadillac Escalade.

She also bought houses and rented them out at a low rent for her friends, and she offered

loans for things such as bail and business ventures, and obviously the money never came


Although it doesn't seem like Sharon spent ridiculously, all that money adds up.

Sharon never hired a financial adviser; she didn't even keep track of her account balance!

Suddenly, with just $750,000 left, reality hit her hard, and she had to go back to real


However, there is a silver lining.

What remained of her winnings when reality hit is in a trust for her six children.

That and she actually didn't go into debt!

5 - Gerald Muswagon You guys still wanna win the lottery yet?

I have a feeling that winning the lottery and KEEPING the money is kinda like losing

a lotta weight really quickly and then being able to keep the weight off!

Gerald Muswagon won a nice even $10 million lottery jackpot back in 1998.

Immediately after his win, he did as pretty much every lottery winner does, and he went

on a spending spree.

Does anyone NOT spend any of their money and just live normally for a year or anything

like that?

I think it'd probably help to let things sink in for a little bit.

Muswagon bought new cars for his family and friends, and he also bought a new house that

he basically turned into a party house for him and his friends.

Making sure his friends were happy seemed to be a big theme because he supposedly also

bought eight brand new big screen TVs for his friends in a 24 hour period!

He did tried to start a profitable business in the logging industry, but unfortunately

for Muswagon, sales were low and his business was really a liability.

He easily blew through the lottery winnings in only a few years.

Unfortunately, in a tragic and sad turn, Muswagon couldn't take it anymore and ended everything

in his parent's garage.

4 - Vivian Nicholson Way back in 1961, a British woman named Vivian

Nicholson had the opportunity of a lifetime.

Her husband Keith managed to win more than three and a half million pounds, a pretty

big amount back then factoring in inflation.

She told the press that her plans were to "spend spend spend."

And she wasn't kidding.

For the next few years she bought expensive cars, fur coats, vacations, and whatever else

rich people buy.

She lived a spectacular lifestyle that quickly caused her and her husband's fortune to


However, when her husband Keith passed a in car crash, she was left with an enormous tax


And on the top of that, what remained of her husband's winnings belonged to his estate...not


She actually became a Jehovah's witness and wrote an autobiography entitled "Spend Spend

Spend" which was of course about her experience.

Somehow it was later adapted into a musical.

3 - Billy Bob Harrell Jr.

It took Texas native Billie Bob Harrell Jr. less than two years to undo the good fortune

that came with winning 31 million dollars from the lottery.

In his case, he was just wayyyyy too nice.

After taking his family on vacation, he quit his job at home depot, gave money to his church,

bought cars and homes for his friends and family, and gave away lots of money to charities.

For example, he once donated close to 500 turkeys for poor families for Thanksgiving.

However big his heart was, his ability to manage his wealth wasn't all that great.

You guys starting to notice a theme here?

It seems that the trick is to not change your lifestyle at all, or at least WAIT a few months

to really let things sink in.

Anyways, he decided to take a bad deal with a company who paid him a lump sum in exchange

for his annual payouts from the lottery.

H was obviously left with far less money than he actually won, and it only took 20 months

for Billy Bob to blow through all the money.

According to TIME magazine, he once told a financial adviser that winning the lottery

was the worst thing that ever happened to him.

2 - Michael Carroll In 2002, when 19-year old Michael Carroll

won the U.K National Lottery, he became something of a mini celebrity.

Carroll won close to 10 million pounds, or just over 14 million US dollars.

Carroll was working as a garbage collector for a living when he won the lottery, and

Carroll didn't even have a bank account at the time, so obviously he had no clue about

handling any sort of finance whatsoever.

BUT, like a lot of lottery winners, Carroll claimed he planned to spend his money wisely

and save most of it.

Spoiler alert, obviously that didn't happen!

Instead Carroll became renowned for his partying and gambling habits.

Now it's worth noting that he already had a criminal record when he won and he was actually

wearing an ankle monitor when he collected his check.

Carroll went and bought a mansion, one he named "The Grange," where he threw crazy

parties that I'm sure the neighbors loved.

Oh yeah, he would also hold amatuer demolition derbies in his backyard!

By 2012 he had spent all of his money, was broke, and camping out in the woods!

If there's some sort of a silver lining to somehow blowing through a $14 million fortune,

he was able to drop his hug habit after losing all of his money.

He ended up working at a cookie factory making 300 bucks a week.

He told the BBC that he appreciated those wages much more than the fortune he won.

This dude lost all his money, but gained some perspective, so that counts for something…..I


But the last time I checked, perspective doesn't pay any bills!

1 - Andrew Jackson Whittaker Jr.

In 2002, Andrew Jackson Whittaker Jr won the powerball worth a ridiculous amount of money.

In fact, at the time, Whittaker's ticket was the largest single winner in the history

of the U.S lottery!

After taking the lump sum and taxes from the almost 315 million dollar jackpot, Whittaker

Jr was left with a hundred and thirteen million dollars, give or take a few hundred thousand!

Whitaker pledged 10 percent of his winnings to Christian charities and he also set up

the Jack Whittaker Foundation.

So there's $14 million right there.

Okay, let's get to the dumb stuff.

While visiting a strip club, he left 545 grand in cash in his car.

Who are you, Floyd Mayweather?!

At least Mayweather has recurring cash flows!!

Obviously his car got broken into, and the money was gone.

So that's over half a mill gone right there.

Apparently he didn't learn his lesson, because months later, his car was broken into again

and thieves made off with $200,000 in cash.


Sadly things only got worse.

He would go on to develop a bit of a gambling habit.

He bounced a 1.5 million check at a casino in Atlantic City.

And just as icing on the cake, his home caught fire in December of 2016.

It turned out that he had never insured the it was a total loss.


No Insurance?

HOWEVER, Whittaker actually was already a millionaire when he won.

Maybe that's why there actually really aren't reports of him broke.

However, with all the crazy things that's happened to Whittaker, it may just be a toss-up!

Here's what's next!

For more infomation >> Lottery Winners Who Weren't Exactly the Brightest Bulb in the Pack! - Duration: 13:10.


Eating Salad at Fit District in Lippo Mall, Yogyakarta | Indonesian Food - Duration: 8:18.

For more infomation >> Eating Salad at Fit District in Lippo Mall, Yogyakarta | Indonesian Food - Duration: 8:18.


How to Win Tickets to ComplexCon - Duration: 1:00.

What's up guys, Frazier here for Complex and if you want to go to ComplexCon this year

but are tight on cash, pay close attention.

Shopify's Frenzy app has you covered.

According to Shopify, "Via a dropzone event, Frenzy will be making two VIP tickets and

one night's accommodation in Long Beach available for $1.

Drops will take place every Tuesday at noon PST leading up to the event."

So at press time that leaves you with two more Tuesdays to try and cop, the 24th and


The dropzone itself will effectively be the greater L.A. region.

So take a look at the dropzone map, and plan accordingly.

And for those unfortunate souls who don't know what ComplexCon is, WELL, it's where

we bring all things Complex to life.

Catch live performances, take in informative panels, cop exclusive fits and eat some delicious


If you do wanna see what those ticket prices are hitting for, go to

right now.

Best of luck.

For more infomation >> How to Win Tickets to ComplexCon - Duration: 1:00.


Worried about your water? Documentary shares stories of communities taking action - Duration: 9:07.

For more infomation >> Worried about your water? Documentary shares stories of communities taking action - Duration: 9:07.


Undocumented teen in legal limbo over her right to an abortion - Duration: 4:27.

For more infomation >> Undocumented teen in legal limbo over her right to an abortion - Duration: 4:27.


EA Sports EXCEPT it's in the game 1,000,000 times - Duration: 0:44.


For more infomation >> EA Sports EXCEPT it's in the game 1,000,000 times - Duration: 0:44.


He was a shorty when he started playing music. Here's how he's training the next generation - Duration: 8:20.

For more infomation >> He was a shorty when he started playing music. Here's how he's training the next generation - Duration: 8:20.


Friendship: Parenting a Child with a Disability - Duration: 4:00.

Kia ora tātou my name is Marg Slater and I have a son Jack who is 18.

I'm Mandy and I'm mother to six year old Maia.

I'm Kat and I'm mum to four year old Ella.

Hey I'm Sonia and I am mum to eight year old twin girls Thandie and Inez.

Jack was just voted house leader at his high school and he's extremely popular

but no one rings to go places.

She said to me one day I don't need friends mum my books and my friends

and I knew that she did what friends.

Are they helping Ella or are they her friend?

Are they looking after Ella because she needs help to do something

or are they her friend, they are on the same level?

She said mum I don't have any friends, I hate it, people are only nice to me

because they feel sorry for me.

She's desperate to have friends and

I'm desperate for her to have friends and not pity friends.

She didn't seem to be able to negotiate friendships

and having a twin sister I guess probably made it harder

because she could see her twin was you know happily playing with kids

and in the end she just she just gave up.

There's this idea that autistic and Aspergers' kids

just aren't social and they are, well Nezzie is,

she just doesn't have the tools, she needs to learn the tools.

The mind boggles why people don't think or expect

that a child with disabilities is okay alone.

One of the things that I think's been really important for Ella has been

recognising herself, so we've been attending on and off a walking group so

she is with other children in walking frames because at mainstream she's the only one.

So putting them in spaces where they can self-identify and that they

aren't on their own, I think that's really important.

There are groups on Facebook, I'm a member of a Facebook page called

the Unique Chromosome Cafe and

you can find friendships, suitable friendships I guess with children who

have got some other special needs.

Sometimes kids with with extra needs

only take a conversation to a certain point I would suggest to any parent you

need to cultivate it probably a little more than a child who will talk about

their lego or will talk about Minecraft or whatever they do and have those interests.

One of the big changes I think was when we, together with the school,

implemented activities that supported friendships because she finds

it really hard interacting and picking up on the nuances of girls especially

and so any activity that can kind of be added as a support

to that interaction works wonders.

So I think what you need to do is look wider in the

community and find other families like you and hang out together and let your

children see themselves through other people working with similar disabilities

and similar challenges go out and make coffee groups, ask local clubs to set up

spaces and gymnastic spaces for kids with disabilities so that they can still

do these things but they're also understanding what they are in relation to the world.

I don't still understand why people

can't be more open to just understanding that a child with a disability wants

friends just like anybody else, they want love, they want laughter, they want to be

part of a group they want to be of their own tribe you know they want to be just

what everybody else does, we're human beings we are social beasts.

For more infomation >> Friendship: Parenting a Child with a Disability - Duration: 4:00.


Guardians of the Galaxy Groot Toys Finger Family For Kids - Duration: 1:41.

Daddy finger, daddy finger,

where are you?

Here I am, here I am.

How do you do?

Mommy finger, Mommy finger,

where are you?

Here I am, here I am.

How do you do?

Brother finger, Brother finger,

where are you?

Here I am, here I am.

How do you do?

Sister finger, Sister finger,

where are you?

Here I am, here I am.

How do you do?

Baby finger, Baby finger,

where are you?

Here I am, here I am.

How do you do?

Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am.

How do you do?

Mommy finger, Mommy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am.

How do you do?

Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am.

How do you do?

Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am.

How do you do?

Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am.

How do you do?

For more infomation >> Guardians of the Galaxy Groot Toys Finger Family For Kids - Duration: 1:41.


Trump Announced One Thing The Media Didn't Want Getting Out… SEE BEFORE DELETED - Duration: 12:25.

Trump Announced One Thing The Media Didn't Want Getting Out…


President Trump took to twitter this Thursday to attack Hillary for the Clinton-Uranium

One scandal.

He decried the "fake news media" as ignoring the entire report.

Heis spot on.Yesterday, the networks chose to cover these following two stories instead

of the biggest scandal in American political history.

Exhibit A: They talked a lot about Mike Pence's gaze at President Trump.

CNN's homepage didn't even have any mention of the scandal at 10:26 pm.

Exhibit B: They covered Ruth Bader Ginsburg's workout plan instead.The minute that Trump

tweeted out the Uranium One- Clinton scandal, Business insider finally picked up on it.

This is why we can't let the press try and take away the President's twitter.

These "so-called" journalists will ignore any story that goes against the narrative.

Help Trump get this out by spreading this news everywhere.

We have to keep helping our President before the media and the deep



and bury him.

For more infomation >> Trump Announced One Thing The Media Didn't Want Getting Out… SEE BEFORE DELETED - Duration: 12:25.


Sen. Al Franken: Sessions Isn't Telling Truth About Russian Contacts | The Last Word | MSNBC - Duration: 8:33.

For more infomation >> Sen. Al Franken: Sessions Isn't Telling Truth About Russian Contacts | The Last Word | MSNBC - Duration: 8:33.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Automaat Business Solution Plus - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Automaat Business Solution Plus - Duration: 0:59.


Flu Vaccine Scam - Duration: 5:30.

Flu Vaccine Scam

Vaccines are such a hot topic. As flu season approaches, the

flu vaccine is being heavily pushed, despite the fact that

it's the least most effective vaccine, and should definitely

not be given to pregnant women. You can't be for them without

being attacked by the anti-vax crowd, and you can't be against

them without being attacked by the pro-vax crowd. I'm sure many

of us have been fed the same information that vaccines are

safe and effective, have been used for decades with no major

problems, help prevent life-threatening diseases, and

are "for the greater good." There are a great deal of people

that are pro-vax that have no idea how they work or the

ingredients that are in them. And similar can be said for the

anti-vax crowd in that they also don't know how they work,

or think it directly correlates with other disorders. The

statements on both sides tend to be over exaggerated and people

are gullible. With that being said, many that are pro-vax are

oblivious to the bigger picture. Armed with information, however,

a discussion can go a long way. Many who blindly trust vaccines

and their doctor simply don't know about the possible side

effects. Did you know that vaccine injuries are real? The

Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is a clear

example of this. Did you know that the National Childhood

Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA), passed in 1986, prevents vaccine

manufactures from being held liable for their own products

they deem as "safe and effective?" What if a batch is

contaminated? It's not their problem, it's yours. Did you

know that heavy metals are present in vaccines as a

preservative (mercury) and to make them more effective

(aluminum)? What about the other ingredients? Depending on what

you consider ethical, this may come as a shock. Not only is

animal DNA used to grow the viruses and injected into our

bodies (monkey kidney, canine kidney, fetal bovine, chick

embryo, guinea pig, etc.), but so is DNA from an aborted human

fetus from the 1960s (WI-38 & MRC-5). Did you also know that

the SV40 virus, which is a cancer causing monkey virus, was

discovered in the monkey kidney cells used to produce the polio

vaccine. In the 50's and 60's, nearly ALL children and the

majority of adults where given a contaminated polio vaccine

containing the SV40 virus. One of the most common pro-vax

arguments is "herd immunity." However, the theory of "herd

immunity" is largely overplayed as it's mostly a scare tactic to

get more and more people vaccinated. To easily debunk it,

people who are in their 30s and older had far less vaccines than

the younger generation today are getting. Yet, they pose no

increased risk of passing diseases that we are vaccinating

for today. Also, many vaccines that we got as a child have more

than likely worn off by the time we were an adult. They do not

last more than a few years, let alone a lifetime, and yet we

pose no risk of spreading diseases. And furthermore, even

a 100% vaccine rate in a community can not totally

prevent an illness in every person. Current vaccines have

also been contributing to the rise of allergies. How this

works is exactly how the vaccine is intended to work. Our bodies

build antibodies to the virus in the vaccine. The aluminum

present in the vaccine encourages an immune response

from our bodies. But, our bodies can also produce antibodies to

the other ingredients present in the vaccine, thus leading to an

immune response if we ingest one of those other ingredients...aka

an allergy. The best we can do is ask for informed consent.

Whenever you or your child are about to get a vaccine, ask for

the vaccine insert from your doctor and go over it with them,

ask them about what the ingredients do, all the side

effects that are possible from the vaccine, and do your

research about the ingredients, side effects, and what you may

expect after vaccination. Information is power,

and the more informed we are and make wise choices,

we will be making a difference.

Please check out these informative resources.

For more infomation >> Flu Vaccine Scam - Duration: 5:30.


Trump Announced One Thing The Media Didn't Want Getting Out… SEE BEFORE DELETED - Duration: 12:25.

Trump Announced One Thing The Media Didn't Want Getting Out…


President Trump took to twitter this Thursday to attack Hillary for the Clinton-Uranium

One scandal.

He decried the "fake news media" as ignoring the entire report.

Heis spot on.Yesterday, the networks chose to cover these following two stories instead

of the biggest scandal in American political history.

Exhibit A: They talked a lot about Mike Pence's gaze at President Trump.

CNN's homepage didn't even have any mention of the scandal at 10:26 pm.

Exhibit B: They covered Ruth Bader Ginsburg's workout plan instead.The minute that Trump

tweeted out the Uranium One- Clinton scandal, Business insider finally picked up on it.

This is why we can't let the press try and take away the President's twitter.

These "so-called" journalists will ignore any story that goes against the narrative.

Help Trump get this out by spreading this news everywhere.

We have to keep helping our President before the media and the deep



and bury him.

For more infomation >> Trump Announced One Thing The Media Didn't Want Getting Out… SEE BEFORE DELETED - Duration: 12:25.


Increase Your Breast Size Naturally - Duration: 2:08.

Increase Your Breast Size Naturally

For more infomation >> Increase Your Breast Size Naturally - Duration: 2:08.


Featuring Musician Megan Ni...

For more infomation >> Featuring Musician Megan Ni...


For more infomation >> Featuring Musician Megan Ni...


Chaco Canyon Oval Kingman Turquoise Stud Earrings - Duration: 2:42.

For more infomation >> Chaco Canyon Oval Kingman Turquoise Stud Earrings - Duration: 2:42.


For more infomation >> Chaco Canyon Oval Kingman Turquoise Stud Earrings - Duration: 2:42.


El balance de Valverde en 100 días es muy satisfactorio - Duration: 2:41.

For more infomation >> El balance de Valverde en 100 días es muy satisfactorio - Duration: 2:41.


For more infomation >> El balance de Valverde en 100 días es muy satisfactorio - Duration: 2:41.


ArtU's Photography Graduate...

For more infomation >> ArtU's Photography Graduate...


Sandia Pueblo donates $1M to American Red Cross Disaster Relief - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> Sandia Pueblo donates $1M to American Red Cross Disaster Relief - Duration: 0:41.


Renault Twingo 1.0 SCe Limited ** Private lease Najaarsdeal t/m 31 oktober!** - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Renault Twingo 1.0 SCe Limited ** Private lease Najaarsdeal t/m 31 oktober!** - Duration: 1:00.


Elena Of Avalor Masks of Magic Episode 21 - Green Paw - Duration: 17:16.


Model sister

We really have a lot to do today princess your majesty penny. Oh, thank you that reminds me

I need you to sign this very important pollination for the royal visit tomorrow. Okay, oh

What's that Ragan would save oh? I'll never have mismatched socks again

Isabel is entering it in the invention fair today inventors from all over the kingdom representing

Whoa the point of a test run is to work out the kinks now you know the king

Sorry, I'm a little late. I was busy bail

The grand council meeting is called to order Mr. Bond the Crown Princess is supposed to do that

Of course how are the preparations coming the Royal chef will be serving in a valoran feast?

But since this is a special occasion. I am making the tamales myself

This is first time in a velour wouldn't he be interested in how we do things here

No, I have been to the kingdom of satu many times, and I know it better than anyone

What will impress King Toshi? I do all right?

Let's put it to a vote all in favor of doing everything to saw to a raise your hands. Oh

Great yeah, actually you're free all afternoon Chancellor Thank You agents perfect

Do not worry if you cannot do it right away it took me years to perfect. I think I got it


Know you want to help your sister, but it is your royal duty to host King Toshi

Wait Isabel oh, I thought King Toshi was do you have enough time oh?

She has plenty of time King Toshi is not expected until this afternoon

great, I'll be back before you know it I

Better run home and let my father

But now she might not even be here at all so

That's why you didn't tell them King Toshi was coming today. You catch on quickly Higgins

Once King Toshi sees how Oh what is it? Tell me don't tell me you will see soon enough Higgins

Alright son never change you mean more than all the rest

And even though I must rule I promise you from

This is for you I made you a necklace out of spare parts oh, I love it

Thanks for always being you

This is our spot

It will be easier for me to find it I know exactly where it is it's blue right red with the flat

Handle round on it

You risk that Coach you've got it, but there's no time to stop look out a three jump one

Where is Elena not to worry. I will greet King Toshi on her behalf

We are honored to be here princess Elena, this is Shoji my Royal advisor

Please accept this gift on behalf of my kingdom a fan made

for King Toshi aleena this

yes, it's a twist look made from the finest iron and a velour ah I have never sleep the

tour oh

Yes, of course

Music room drawing-room sitting-room

Which is the perfect place to sit and take a nap you must be exhausted from your journey? Thank you but surprise

I know you will know so let us begin shall we

Coming near Lina right behind you cousin

There's no way this is gonna work of course

It will all you have to do is sit at the table and pretend to be me

I'll give this twist hook to Isabel and be right back. Are you sure no one all right is Elena coming?

Oh good you're here. We can begin. Where is Naomi, but this morning. Oh my granddaughter is a fast learner


That 51

Is there anything I can do to help? I wish there was but I have to do it myself great

I mean, okay, if that's what you want

Excuse me and fair didn't you yes, I'm sorry Mika. This is your first royal visit

I know I know but

'yes' having trouble with her invention

Elena will be right back

Okay, I'm sure we can fix it. What's this happen where have you been and where's my or chata?

Hair kingdom

You said you would always make time for me. I know I know but today

I have more important things to do no it's okay. I can fix the me prize

King joshey to show our honour and respect

I have learned to perform the most cherished and difficult satu dance

Just tell me when it's over I can't

We can't make him stop no no I promised the Chancellor a good joke we'd make great trade allies

And I'm really sorry to do this, but I made a promise to help my sister at the invention fair

And I must put my family first roofie Elena's clearly not ready for the responsibility that comes with a crown

All right is you?

Know let's get this thing fixed. There's no way I can fix the machine in time. Maybe you can't but I know we can

This is why the cogs keep coming the chain is broken up. No. There's only one way to find out a few comes a judge

Are you ready to present your invention she sure is

In Sicily no, it's not at all I already know

What subtle is like the purpose of my trip is to experience the sights and sounds of avalor?

But what has really impressed me oh?

I'm so proud of you oh

Is that my twist took Weesa has prepared for you? Thank you you open it like a present and then dig in?

You're really there for me today, that's what sisters do you?

Scepter of light

What's the rush Isabelle hey Matteo

What are you doing here Isabelle showing me the mad clips but looking directly at the Sun hurts your eyes

So I invented it this oh

It looks like a telescope. It was but I turned it into it good

Huh I can't wait for the Eclipse to be over

Hi a total solar eclipse only comes to a floor once every two to three hundred years. We're lucky. We get to see it

A morovian wizard stopped her and sent her into the spirit world

But it is said she found a way to return to avalor

Come on let's get dressed for the festival is about our Mon going. It's just a story. We'll be fine


Whoa you must have had some fiestas. I didn't have a party

It was myself on the job. No tell me exactly what happened okay?

I picked up the scepter and it glowed like it does every time

I pick it up which is weird by the way cuz it never did that for my father

drop it and step away from the scepter and

Do not say blaze

So why did it do that objects really? Oh? Yeah, so maybe your scepter is magical too

You know what I'm gonna run this by a few friends in the spirit world

Okay, I have some info boy things with a single word

Let's look in that way, but we don't know exactly how it all works yet now

I'm gonna try and find out, but until I do. I think it's best if you don't touch this up in the spirit jail

Great of all the scepters in the world I get the one that blasts things. Why can't it just be sparkly?

Princess Elena

You forgot your scepter oh

Thanks Armando

Total solar eclipse in a velour

So I am honored to spend this once-in-a-lifetime occasion with you and your families like these torches

The one and only lady, Oh is back and who are you dearie?

Elena Castillo Flores, I'm the crown princess well Elena Castillo Flores

Thank you for throwing me the saloon to this land of mine

I've been trapped in the spirit world forced to bide my time

To rescue

The eye of midnight

Those pesky Malou viens hid it from me in one of their temples last visit

I couldn't find it, but I will this time and when I place

You'll, thank me with all of your might, but I can't get

Sit tight dear ease and wait for the midnight

Is there any way to stop her the story says if she can't find the jewel before the Eclipse ends?

She goes back to the spirit world

wait oh

I'm not all that good at writing horses. It's easy all you have to do is not fall off. Oh

Is that all put that jewel on the Sun stone Your Majesty?

Orizaba is very powerful. Well Matteo has gone up against powerful magic before but nothing like orizaba fellow

Well this is the only temple I haven't checked the I must be in here

Not in here

Elena oh um

Really wait wait we can talk about this later right now you have to go too late quick hide him here

Why can't I blast it whatever happens stay here

But you talk too much, but that sure isn't Thank You dearie

Are you okay, I'm just a little dizzy is that happen Stanley?

We have to go after her oh

We better go back to the palace

Of honor

Home it should have been over by now

I'm fine now

You don't seem fine

Using that sector did something to you. I remember seeing a chapter in the Codex Meru about old magical objects thoughts

What words it doesn't say, but there is a warning. It says the more power you use the more you lose

What does that mean?

I don't know we find you I spoke to the spirit guide who used to hang with the morovian

And he said the sceptre saps your energy big time like if you use it too much. You could get hurt. Oh

Today's collapse isn't it I knew there was something. I was forgetting Suze. Oh yes

She got the eye of midnight. She froze the Eclipse. It's not so bad. Just think of it as a non-stop slumber party

No, there's got to be some way to undo it a spell some kind of magic well

I and you said I could get hurt. I sure did and you sure good

Then that's a risk I'm willing to take

Bereit world it takes a magical light to undo magical darkness

Make the scepter glow again. I don't know how you could probably put attempting the tale

Okay, glove

Do it I will be

Where are you going to get rid of orizaba? I hope

Hello again princess

I'm just making myself at home since this is my new home. What do you think well to be perfectly honest?

I prefer a little more

Or stop is getting away

My powers

It worked

Do you want us to close the curtains me keep that no that's okay the sunlight feels good

Let everyone know and then I said well

Elena how'd you meet your scepter glow like that yes, since when did you become a wizard?

I'm not a wizard abuelo, but I do have a bit of me later right now

I could really use some more rest you heard her everyone

Out I was so worried. I'm okay now

And carrying me back to the palace whoa

You're so much more than the Royal wizard Mateo

You're my friend. Oh

Gods do and I promise I won't use it again until I know exactly what I'm doing

Look at us. We're like a magical dream team

For more infomation >> Elena Of Avalor Masks of Magic Episode 21 - Green Paw - Duration: 17:16.


2.017 Honda City DX 1.5 AT! (Review) Detalhes Sobre o Carro. - Duration: 6:19.

For more infomation >> 2.017 Honda City DX 1.5 AT! (Review) Detalhes Sobre o Carro. - Duration: 6:19.


Volkswagen Polo 1.0 75PK FIRST EDITION 5D Airco, Cruise Controle - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Polo 1.0 75PK FIRST EDITION 5D Airco, Cruise Controle - Duration: 0:54.


A Short Film about Drugs, Friendship & Cadavers - "I'm Sorry Marcus" - Duration: 9:47.

For more infomation >> A Short Film about Drugs, Friendship & Cadavers - "I'm Sorry Marcus" - Duration: 9:47.


Lottery Winners Who Weren't Exactly the Brightest Bulb in the Pack! - Duration: 13:10.

Here are lottery winners who went completely broke!

9 - David Lee Edwards Can you guys imagine being on both ends of


A life where you've been in jail, but where also you flew in a private plane between your


Well, that basically describes David Lee Edwards, a convicted felon from Ashland, Kentucky,

who won a $27 million dollar lottery jackpot back in August 2001.

But his ridiculousness free-spending ways left him and his wife broke and living in

a storage unit within just FIVE years of winning 27 million dollars!

If you're wondering how someone can blow 27 million in 5 years, you're definitely

not alone.

Let's do some really quick math here.

In his first year as a millionaire, Edwards spent TWELVE MILLION.

SOMEone didn't do their math right!

So yeah there goes almost half his money right there.

Edwards bought a $1.6million, 6,000-square-foot house in a private tennis and golf community

in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida.

He spend $600,000 on another home nearby.

He paid $1.9 million for a LearJet, bought three losing racehorses, and bought a fiber

optics installation company and a limo business for $4.5 million.

I'm gonna guess he probably didn't exactly to do the discounted cash flows for THOSE


Oh yeah, he also bought his daughter a $35,000 Hummer golf cart to drive around because she

couldn't actually drive at the time.

At one point, he had a million dollars in vehicles parked in front of his house.

His neighbors complained that his house in the upscale community started to look like

a car dealership!

You guys know the end.

Because of his reckless YOLO spending, he lost every last penny of his $27 million fortune

and died owing thousands of dollars to friends.

8 - Callie Rogers Callie Rogers was just a 16 years old kid

living in foster care when she won 1.9 million pounds in the lottery in 2003.

As you guys can expect, her spending spree began prrrretty much immediately!

Callie forked out £11,500 pounds on not one, but TWO boob jobs, £300,000 pounds on clothes,

make-up and tattoos.

Well, at least she only spent £85,000 pounds on sports cars.

Buuuuut hold up, she did spend a quarter of a million pounds on uh….nose candy.

Callie spent an additional £250,000 pounds on vacations around the world, and get this,

she also spent £118,000 pounds on gifts to her former boyfriends!

I mean…..who and what DIDN'T she spend on her money on?

Basically, as expected, she spent all her money, and in 13 years, she just has around

£2,000 pounds left in the bank.

She actually called her win a curse, because she said that she felt the pressure of having

to live it up with the expectation of having a party lifestyle after winning the lottery.

More money more problems I guess, because she now lives with her three kids and says

she's "happier than ever".

7 - William Post Way back in 1988, William "Bud" Post III

was the winner of a Pennsylvania Lottery jackpot worth $16.2 million dollars.

On the day he won the jackpot, he had just two dollars and forty six cents in his bank


I guess when you have that little money in your bank account, you feel like a little

over 16 million In the two weeks after Post collected the first of his 26 annual payments

of almost $500 thousand dollars, he spent more than 300,000 dollars on gifts and investments.

Those investments included things such as a liquor license, a lease for a restaurant

in Florida, and a used-car lot.

He also bought an airplane to fly around in, even though he didn't have a pilot's license.

Well, at least it wasn't a private jet.

In just three months, his debts totaled $500,000 dollars!

That's a million dollar turnaround in the wrong direction!

But listen to this story.

I guess he and his brother weren't exactly on friendly terms, so his brother actually

had it out for him.

His brother actually hired someone to go after him and his SIXTH wife!

However, his brother's plan failed and he was arrested.

His intentions were to get Post's winnings as an inheritance.

This pretty much kinda summed up the rest of the time for Post's payments; each of

the checks came just to pay off debts and Post never actually was in the green except

the day he got his first check.

By the end of his life, Post was a million in the red.

6 - Sharon Tirabassi On Easter weekend back in April 2004, Sharon

Tirabassi, a 35 year-old resident of Hamilton cashed a check from the Ontario Lottery and

Gaming Corporation for a little over 10 and a half million canadian dollars.

Well, I'm just gonna make a long story short; she blew threw the 10 mill in less than 10


She gave her parents a million and then split another 1.75 million between her four siblings.

She then took friends on wild, all-expenses-paid trips to Cancun, Florida, Las Vegas, California,

the Caribbean.

Of course, she also bought cars.

A Hummer, a Mustang, a Dodge Charger, and a custom Cadillac Escalade.

She also bought houses and rented them out at a low rent for her friends, and she offered

loans for things such as bail and business ventures, and obviously the money never came


Although it doesn't seem like Sharon spent ridiculously, all that money adds up.

Sharon never hired a financial adviser; she didn't even keep track of her account balance!

Suddenly, with just $750,000 left, reality hit her hard, and she had to go back to real


However, there is a silver lining.

What remained of her winnings when reality hit is in a trust for her six children.

That and she actually didn't go into debt!

5 - Gerald Muswagon You guys still wanna win the lottery yet?

I have a feeling that winning the lottery and KEEPING the money is kinda like losing

a lotta weight really quickly and then being able to keep the weight off!

Gerald Muswagon won a nice even $10 million lottery jackpot back in 1998.

Immediately after his win, he did as pretty much every lottery winner does, and he went

on a spending spree.

Does anyone NOT spend any of their money and just live normally for a year or anything

like that?

I think it'd probably help to let things sink in for a little bit.

Muswagon bought new cars for his family and friends, and he also bought a new house that

he basically turned into a party house for him and his friends.

Making sure his friends were happy seemed to be a big theme because he supposedly also

bought eight brand new big screen TVs for his friends in a 24 hour period!

He did tried to start a profitable business in the logging industry, but unfortunately

for Muswagon, sales were low and his business was really a liability.

He easily blew through the lottery winnings in only a few years.

Unfortunately, in a tragic and sad turn, Muswagon couldn't take it anymore and ended everything

in his parent's garage.

4 - Vivian Nicholson Way back in 1961, a British woman named Vivian

Nicholson had the opportunity of a lifetime.

Her husband Keith managed to win more than three and a half million pounds, a pretty

big amount back then factoring in inflation.

She told the press that her plans were to "spend spend spend."

And she wasn't kidding.

For the next few years she bought expensive cars, fur coats, vacations, and whatever else

rich people buy.

She lived a spectacular lifestyle that quickly caused her and her husband's fortune to


However, when her husband Keith passed a in car crash, she was left with an enormous tax


And on the top of that, what remained of her husband's winnings belonged to his estate...not


She actually became a Jehovah's witness and wrote an autobiography entitled "Spend Spend

Spend" which was of course about her experience.

Somehow it was later adapted into a musical.

3 - Billy Bob Harrell Jr.

It took Texas native Billie Bob Harrell Jr. less than two years to undo the good fortune

that came with winning 31 million dollars from the lottery.

In his case, he was just wayyyyy too nice.

After taking his family on vacation, he quit his job at home depot, gave money to his church,

bought cars and homes for his friends and family, and gave away lots of money to charities.

For example, he once donated close to 500 turkeys for poor families for Thanksgiving.

However big his heart was, his ability to manage his wealth wasn't all that great.

You guys starting to notice a theme here?

It seems that the trick is to not change your lifestyle at all, or at least WAIT a few months

to really let things sink in.

Anyways, he decided to take a bad deal with a company who paid him a lump sum in exchange

for his annual payouts from the lottery.

H was obviously left with far less money than he actually won, and it only took 20 months

for Billy Bob to blow through all the money.

According to TIME magazine, he once told a financial adviser that winning the lottery

was the worst thing that ever happened to him.

2 - Michael Carroll In 2002, when 19-year old Michael Carroll

won the U.K National Lottery, he became something of a mini celebrity.

Carroll won close to 10 million pounds, or just over 14 million US dollars.

Carroll was working as a garbage collector for a living when he won the lottery, and

Carroll didn't even have a bank account at the time, so obviously he had no clue about

handling any sort of finance whatsoever.

BUT, like a lot of lottery winners, Carroll claimed he planned to spend his money wisely

and save most of it.

Spoiler alert, obviously that didn't happen!

Instead Carroll became renowned for his partying and gambling habits.

Now it's worth noting that he already had a criminal record when he won and he was actually

wearing an ankle monitor when he collected his check.

Carroll went and bought a mansion, one he named "The Grange," where he threw crazy

parties that I'm sure the neighbors loved.

Oh yeah, he would also hold amatuer demolition derbies in his backyard!

By 2012 he had spent all of his money, was broke, and camping out in the woods!

If there's some sort of a silver lining to somehow blowing through a $14 million fortune,

he was able to drop his hug habit after losing all of his money.

He ended up working at a cookie factory making 300 bucks a week.

He told the BBC that he appreciated those wages much more than the fortune he won.

This dude lost all his money, but gained some perspective, so that counts for something…..I


But the last time I checked, perspective doesn't pay any bills!

1 - Andrew Jackson Whittaker Jr.

In 2002, Andrew Jackson Whittaker Jr won the powerball worth a ridiculous amount of money.

In fact, at the time, Whittaker's ticket was the largest single winner in the history

of the U.S lottery!

After taking the lump sum and taxes from the almost 315 million dollar jackpot, Whittaker

Jr was left with a hundred and thirteen million dollars, give or take a few hundred thousand!

Whitaker pledged 10 percent of his winnings to Christian charities and he also set up

the Jack Whittaker Foundation.

So there's $14 million right there.

Okay, let's get to the dumb stuff.

While visiting a strip club, he left 545 grand in cash in his car.

Who are you, Floyd Mayweather?!

At least Mayweather has recurring cash flows!!

Obviously his car got broken into, and the money was gone.

So that's over half a mill gone right there.

Apparently he didn't learn his lesson, because months later, his car was broken into again

and thieves made off with $200,000 in cash.


Sadly things only got worse.

He would go on to develop a bit of a gambling habit.

He bounced a 1.5 million check at a casino in Atlantic City.

And just as icing on the cake, his home caught fire in December of 2016.

It turned out that he had never insured the it was a total loss.


No Insurance?

HOWEVER, Whittaker actually was already a millionaire when he won.

Maybe that's why there actually really aren't reports of him broke.

However, with all the crazy things that's happened to Whittaker, it may just be a toss-up!

Here's what's next!

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