Thứ Năm, 19 tháng 10, 2017

Youtube daily report Oct 19 2017

It's my one subscriber special my my growl subscriber my grandma's um subscription finally came through

yeah, um this is my one subscriber special um I I thank grandma so much for subscribing and

Thanks for so much support. Well. I'm not gonna do anything but um I

May feel like myself and subscribe for maybe like my a thousand subscribers

special but thank

Thanks for subscribing to me and this is the end of my 1 subscriber special. Bye

He was gonna buys it it's a quick vlog today, and I just want to say I have reached 37 subscribers

And I'm pretty much really happy

So you guys keep doing your work so I can oh my God like I said on my bio

My goal is a million subscribers and like it's that goal

It's all because of you guys and most lately if I reach like 2 million. I'm Gonna start giving 5 giveaways

It's definitely gonna be sugar giveaways, then you guys are all gonna want all of you

37 of you guys which I have 37 all 37 of you guys well

I gotta I just gotta add a sniper on so every 38 of you guys, and when a prize probably so yeah

Um quick vlog. I just wanted to say

hey, and thanks for the

Didn't see you there. Yeah, I did. I really did see you there considering. How I have

sixteen thousand subscribers

Literally, I just in panicking. It's so much fun and just I can't even think like literally. I can't believe it

I set for three to five likes and I have like I

have like

40 or 30 K bytes and

The Feedback has been amazing. I loved it. We're gonna progress it enough regrets

We're awesome sure let's just go with that the feedback was awesome

It's gonna inspire me to really do a lot can we go for a hundred likes on

Drugs I said no, it can't happen considering. I got 30k or something. I'm the other one. Let's go youtube


Hey, what up guys I?

Hope that you guys are enjoying my new YouTube channel. I'm so thankful for having

Two subscribers already, and I just started this channel yesterday


So thanks for the two subs. What is up guys this is ice-t lures here, and

I just want to thank

everybody for 5 Subscribers 5 I

know it's a pretty small channel, so

It feels good to have five. Thanks to all those five people that subscribe to me wait can't describe our

That's right guys with that's right. We hit changer Shrine with the big fat team

one is

not six not one but


We hit to a big fat tip yeah, right. We're tim, but that's not the big

thingy right now when I look at recess I

talk to Leo I

Said do you have an iPhone or iPad Rick said? Yes?

so I was like don't know YouTube

Log it Shiny buddy

typing Chuck-E-cheese kid 9000

Watch one of these videos and subscribe and when he came home he might have done it

He might have done it the secret has been revealed, and you didn't even hear it, but that's not I'm not lying

Alright. I'm not lying, but thanks for 10 subs. Hi guys. It's me and today

I just want to say thank you very much for

Subscribers, I know you might think well. Let's not you 10 subscribers, but really it's a lot to me

I want you start YouTube and already we've hit 10 subscribers

Yes, so I just want to say thank you to all of you out there who are subscribed to me?

And yeah, remember to like share and subscribe with your friends hey guys

it's me Brandon um I'm filming another video and

you guys don't know this is my

0 subscriber, so I've no subscribers, which is awesome. No one hates me

I only have like 5 million dislikes

You know I have a lot of views on my videos like I'm 0 and you know

I just think I'm one of the best features on the site always doing good stuff

and I

Mean I really appreciate this guy's thanks for all the all the good


sexy men people other people I like men all no, I mean people people and uh

Yeah, I just got this new camera um. It's like this flip. I mean

Regular camera, and uh thanks guys. I know you guys think I'm the best by far

I'm really by far the best, and I'm just gonna tell you guys

Thanks for all the sprouts before I love it

Where did you eat my fries about them and they?

But you ain't there?

Yeah, you laid my fries and I cried

But you didn't see me, cry

Daddy, do you even love me?

Well wish you tow it cuz I wouldn't know it. What kind of tell you'd see is how distress walk straight?

You're almost there

Okay, stop

Now walk slightly to your right?

Okay, and I keep going straight and don't stop. I say - you're almost there

is A


okay, he is a

Pacific Islander okay gets the hair okay you see all that see all that

He that he black know any white nope the islander. Yep, okay?

This word right here

I've heard several black people or people and white people

Say this out loud

It ain't Mona what it ain't?

We don't say that over there Nollans. We don't say that



Moana that's why they put the oh a little different no

It's like the waves when it comes out Moana not say



Don't know why my eyes are watering cuz I already feel like I'm cry


What did I do to deserve to be blessed today? I love you

For more infomation >> my 1 subscriber left me.. - Duration: 10:09.


Justice League NEWS The Flash New LOOK,Steppenwolf Final Battle REVEALED?Flash V Superman CONFIRMED? - Duration: 9:13.

I know you have abilities I just don't know what they are

Barry Allen a normal guy got hit by a bolt of lightning giving him superpowers

making him the flash come on that's cool so you're fast that feels like an

oversimplification he brings to the Justice League this extra dimensional

power the Speed Force he's so fast in fact that his movements are invisible to

the naked eye it's really cool you guys seem ready to do battle and stuff but

I've never done battle I just pushed some people and run away

save one person Oh which one don't talk don't fight get in get one

out you know he's the youngest member of the Justice League

I need friends but also the coolest guy he thirst flash has the ability to

experience time more slowly than the average person to useful power Barry

Allen is criminally excited to be a part of the Justice League

how many of you are there oh wow they just they really just vanish

oh that's rude

what is good YouTube Warsth here with a video on the Justice League movie

so we've got our first proper look at Barry Allen of the flash played by Ezra

Miller thanks to an A and T T promotion which are played before you started to

watch this video there would have been a clip where we see Batman given the flash

some advice which it's a pretty cool trailer I mean as ramona did post that

it's flash week so we could have seen this coming

they did a similar thing with Jason Momoa Aquaman it's really cool thing

it's really cool that you you guys seem ready to do battle and then he's like

and stuff but I've never done battle Elijah tells Batman I've just pushed

some people and ran away I presume that's the kind of reference to Suicide

Squad with the Captain Boomerang scene Batman tries to come down with a

singular focus save one person Batman don't talk don't fight get in in get out

when the flash us then what badness says you know it's pretty funny

it does seem pretty cool and one could only assume this scene is just before

the league prepares to fight against Steppenwolf and his legion of parademons

the humorous exchange between the flash and Batman I feel like is going to carry

throughout the whole of the movie we've seen this in the scene when they're in a

Bruce Wayne's car and he's like so what's your superpower and he's like I'm

rich that's just like a prime example of the humor between them too and how it's

you can already tell it's going to completely be a different version of

Bruce Wayne to the one that we got in Batman vs Superman it all he or Bruce

Wayne already seen was such a different kind of character he seems a lot lighter

toned obviously the death of Superman has a kind of giving him motivation to

become a hero and though in very recent early trailer the Batman had gone but

now he's back so we get another look at the Barry Allen correct Barry Allen's

office I mean it's not a style out but it's his office I guess you could say

and we see the flash suit on display which looks absolutely insane

the special effects on this epic scale movie looks so great this speedforce

lighting I guess you could call it it makes a flash TV show look pathetic

but that's a harsh criticism as the Justice League movies budget is probably

100 times higher and the childsplay TV show it just looks awesome

and this isn't even the final cut the flash appears to be the standout hero of

the movie and I really hope he is because of how popular TV show is I can

see that like being transparent and carrying over to the kind of movie world

and a lot of people actually know who the flash is because you would think

with all how popular the flash TV show is there being a lot more Flash

merchandise out by guarantee after the Justice League movie and building up to

the flashpoint movie the flash is going to be really popular

it appears kind of funny in quirky we don't really get that on the flash TV

show I mean I do love the flash TV show Grant Gustin version but from what we've

already seen of the DC EU movie world kind of version the flash he looks a lot

more like the new 52 version of the flash so also in the news um there's

some news come out about the final fight I don't know if it's legit but I think

it's worth going over so there's two different versions so apparently

Superman is going to use his freeze breath on the Steppenwolf axe and then

it's also a rumor going around that Steppenwolf gets knocked around by the

Justice League the parademon swarm to his fear then they lift him up and then

somehow his body gets ripped apart and he gets sucked in it to the wormhole

portal my boom tree I guess you could say that takes him back to apocalypse

and then he's going to end up like being dead when he gets back to Darkseid I

mean do you think that's actually how it could play out guys I mean I think that

it could be kind of cool if like the Legion of parademons I guess you could

say take out Steppenwolf but I would prefer it to be someone like Wonder

Woman as I have been saying that for a while and also I've been said some

things about Sumer

Barry Allen the flash having a race to save a family a Russian family they've

the race to see who get there faster I mean if this is the case it just sounds

absolutely ridiculous and it would sound like I don't want to hate on Joss Whedon

because just we did this great work I mean you could say did some great work

and age of Ultron but now we know they've changed the whole ending of how

Hulk actually got into space so they've kind of axed his ending so it's a bit

ironic that everyone was saying but they're gonna be acting a lot of Zack

Snyder stuff when they haven't so it's kind of Marvel's kind of doom everyone

said the DC is doing so it's kind of pretty ironic but the flash racing

Superman is kind of iconic it would be a reference to the comic books so I think

it would be a quite cool fan thing to see on very Zack Snyder shared an

awesome image of the antion King king standing next to Zack Snyder wearing our

commanders armor and Crown holding the Trident which is kind of cool so this

will most likely be the prequel scene it's filmed by the same guy that filmed

the Battle of the be on games of Thrones and if you watched Game of Thrones your

night scene was awesome so I think the prequel scene when we get

the first dock I kind of darkside war when he tries to get hold of the mother

box and fails I think that scenes gonna be absolutely freakin insane but the

interesting thing I think about the image is the anting King is wearing the

aqua man suit I guess you could say or at least that's my interpretation of it

guys anyway tickets are supposed to go and sell for this epic movie on the 30th

of October and it's my birthday on the 31st just plug in that a bit so I will

be doing a justice the giveaway for some tickets I guess most likely only

uk-based because I think it'll be hard to buy tickets for other countries but

I'll have to look more into that details to come at that closer to the Justice

League movie coming out anyway guys before we go let me know what you think

about the flash new trailer and let me know about the kind of fight or seen it

do you think it's going to be one of the parademons

taking out a second wolf or do you think it's gonna be Superman with his freeze

breath would you like the flash and Superman to have a race I mean it would

be pretty cool and what do you think about the lantern King image that Zack

Snyder has shared on his very account it's kind of funny because everyone says

that the sex night is done with Justice League yet he keeps sharing images he

also shared an image of the welcome to Central City sign so guards personally I

do think this art is gonna turn up the premiere at Leicester Square in London

on the 15th of November personally I think it's an exciting will be there I

just think he's not gonna promote himself being there anyway guys please

like subscribe and comment if you would would be awesome let's try and get

10,000 subscribers if we can hit the bell button down below guys and I will

catch you in another video very soon I've got a cold my guys have a sound a

bit different that's why hello see you soon guys catch

ya later

For more infomation >> Justice League NEWS The Flash New LOOK,Steppenwolf Final Battle REVEALED?Flash V Superman CONFIRMED? - Duration: 9:13.


Scandal 7x03 Sneak Peek "Day 101" (HD) Season 7 Episode 3 Sneak Peek - Duration: 0:48.

We're gonna do great things.

As soon as we can get out there, we are going to make a difference.

I need you.

We're a team.

Have you talked to her?


You haven't spoken to Mellie?

I thought you were asking about Liv.

I haven't spoken to Olivia.

I haven't spoken to Mellie.

What happened with you two?

Ah nah, nah.

I'm not talking about dating your ex-wife.

Isn't that what guys talk about at bars?

For more infomation >> Scandal 7x03 Sneak Peek "Day 101" (HD) Season 7 Episode 3 Sneak Peek - Duration: 0:48.


The Cinematographer: Crash Course Film Production #8 - Duration: 8:47.

Movies are made up of series of images.

Some are beautiful, some are harsh, and some stick in our minds forever.

Like the gently rolling spaceships in 2001 A Space Odyssey.

Or Peter O'Toole riding out of the desert in Lawrence of Arabia.

Or Darth Vader emerging from the smoke in Star Wars.

But who actually takes these pictures?

If the director is the one who sets the vision for the film, whose job is it to bring that

vision to life?

That's the person who puts the pictures in motion pictures.

The cinematographer.

[Intro Music Plays]

Cinematographers must be artists, engineers, photographers, and storytellers, all at once.

Sometimes you'll hear the cinematographer referred to as the director of photography

or "DP."

But don't be confused, it's the same job.

In some parts of the world, they prefer one title to the other, but generally speaking,

the two titles are interchangeable.

And no matter what they call themselves, their basic job is to translate the director's

vision into things like framing, lighting, and camera movement, so that the film's

story, emotions, and themes are conveyed visually.

A cinematographer must not only possess great technical skills, but also understand the

fundamental narrative beats of the film, the arc of the characters, and how the shots might

cut together in the editing room.

And the job begins long before the cameras start to roll.

During pre-production, the cinematographer assembles the camera department, plans shots

with the director, and determines any special equipment that might be necessary for the

shoot – from cranes and dollies to steadicams and special lenses.

They also help the director decide what kind of film stock or digital cameras to use and

what the overall look of the film will be.

During production itself, the cinematographer oversees the lighting and shooting of the

film, shot by shot.

This includes supervising the camera department and working very closely with the lighting

department -- the head of which, you'll recall, is the gaffer.

Since pictures are technically just a record of light bouncing off objects, the gaffer

is fundamental to achieving the images that make up the film.

And when it comes to the lights themselves, the cinematographer has a lot to choose from.

For example, there are Fresnel lights, which use special lenses called … Fresnel lenses

... to produce a wide, hard light that softens at the edges.

Commonly used for stage lighting, these lights can get very hot very quickly.

Fluorescent lights are much cooler and softer, but they're quite fragile, which matters

on a film set when the lights are being moved around so frequently.

LED lights create very little heat and are favored by a lot of independent and DIY cinematographers

because they're cheap and use less power.

However, the colors and shadows they cast can be unreliable and difficult to match,

bulb to bulb.

Incandescent lights, meanwhile, generate a lot of heat, but they generally give a warm,

yellow light that can be very appealing.

And then we have HMIs, or... this...

These are massive lights that give off an enormous amount of heat.

They're so bright that they're often used to simulate daylight.

As in, the sun.

So, that's the hardware, but in addition to choosing which of these lights should be

used, the cinematographer also has a say in how they're arranged.

The most basic style of lighting, used in everything from formal interviews to fiction

films, is 3-point lighting.

You start with a key light, which is the brightest light, often positioned so that it shines

most directly on the subject of the shot.

Then you add some fill light, which is a dimmer and more diffuse light used to fill in the

shadows created by the key light.

Finally, back light, which is usually brighter than the fill light, shines from behind the

subject of the shot.

This creates a "halo" or "edge" of light that outlines the subject and separates

it from the background.

One of the questions the cinematographer grapples with is figuring out where the light is coming

from in the world of the film.

This will determine the direction, color, intensity, and quality of light that illuminates

the shot.

Sometimes cinematographers will use practical lights, which are light sources you can actually

see in the shot, like desk lamps or windows.

Other times they'll deliberately use artificial lights, or even turn to a more radical strategy

to light their films.

Cinematographers Néstor Almendros and Haskell Wexler famously shot Terrence Malick's Days

of Heaven using natural sunlight, mostly that brief period of the day immediately before

sunset, often called magic hour.

While working on Catch-22, David Watkin said, "I'm going to do something rather daring.

I'm going to light the actors with only explosions."

And he did!

Cinematographer Ellen Kuras relied on a unique combination of practical and artificial lights

to create the unusual transitions and effects of Jim Carrey's memory loss in Eternal Sunshine

of the Spotless Mind.

Malik Hassan Sayeed is a master of style, shooting everything from Spike Lee's He

Got Game to Beyoncé's Lemonade.

When Gordon Willis decided to light The Godfather in such a way that Marlon Brando's eyes

would often be in shadow, it was seen as a risky and daring strategy.

Cinematographers were supposed to light a character's eyes.

That's just how it was done!

Instead, Willis chose to use this lighting "mistake" to illustrate the dark and unknowable

soul of Don Corleone.

Now, the cinematographer also works closely with the production designer, who's the

head of the art department.

The production designer is in charge of carrying out the whole look of the film, particularly

the physical elements like sets, costumes, props, hair and makeup, but also non-physical

elements like computer-generated images and how they interact with the physical objects

on camera.

The cinematographer and production designer work closely on everything from the color

scheme of a set to how reflective its walls should be.

And for sure, in addition to the lighting, cinematographers have to consider all kinds

of factors when setting up their shots.

Not only do the shots need to cut together to tell the story, but they're often constructed

to have a beginning, middle, and end all their own.

The director and cinematographer must decide how much of the frame should be in focus,

using lens choice, film stock, and aperture.

Related to that, the cinematographer has to think about what's featured in the foreground,

middle ground, and background of the shot.

The arrangement of these features within the frame can have a profound impact on the audience.

Color and contrast also fall within the cinematographer's aesthetic toolkit.

Color can be used to draw our eye to or away from one part of the frame, make narrative

or thematic links, or – as in The Wizard of Oz – transport us to an entirely new


Contrast, which refers to the ratio of the darkest parts of the image to the lightest

parts, can perform many of the same functions.

Before there was color in film, contrast was a particularly powerful tool for cinematographers.

Noir classics like Carol Reed's The Third Man use deep, dark shadows cut by bright shafts

of light to convey a sense of mystery and menace .

Cinematographers might also decide to move the camera to evoke a particular feeling or

psychological effect.

This movement might be as simple as a pan or a tilt to follow the action, or as involved

as Citizen Kane's dramatic crane shot in through the top of a nightclub.

Moving the camera in toward a character can convey a variety of emotions, from fear closing

in on them, to some kind of internal revelation.

There are some pretty entertaining supercuts of push-in shots on YouTube.

It makes you realize this technique is used everywhere.

Now, what happens after the film is in the can?

The job's over, right?

Of course not.

The cinematographer is heavily involved in a film's post-production, too, because

the editing process offers a lots of opportunities to manipulate the images that have been captured.

If a movie's been shot on film, there are all kinds of options to change color or exposure

by altering chemicals and timing, as the exposed negative is developed and processed.

But whether the film was shot using traditional film stock or a digital process, most feature

films are digitized at some point, to make the editing easier.

And once the images have been converted into digital information, even more options open

up for manipulating the footage.

Filters on photo apps like Instagram give you some idea of how drastically you can change

a digital image after it's been shot.

In order to maintain the look of the film, the cinematographer is almost always deeply

engaged in this process, working hand in hand with the director, the editor, the post-production

supervisor who's overseeing this phase of the process, and the special effects department.

So, yeah, it's kind of a big job!

There's a fantastic documentary called Visions of Light that traces this history and art

of cinematography.

It's out of print, but if you can find a copy of it, you can hear some of the original

masters of the medium share their stories and see examples of their work.

As with much of film production, there are guidelines and customs when it comes to cinematography,

but no actual rules.

The right style of lighting or camera movement for one film will be completely wrong for


It's up to the cinematographer to work with the director to realize their vision for the

film, translating int into images that will cut together to tell the story.

Today we learned about the multi-faceted job of the cinematographer.

We covered the various roles of the camera and lighting departments and how they work

together to realize a director's vision.

And we considered some of the tools and strategies available to the cinematographer.

Next time we'll look at the fascinating on-set work of set designers, costume designers,

and special effects make-up!

Crash Course Film Production is produced in association with PBS Digital Studios.

You can head over to their channel to check out a playlist of their latest amazing shows,

like It's Okay to be Smart, Physics Girl, and The Art Assignment.

This episode of Crash Course was filmed in the Doctor Cheryl C. Kinney Crash Course Studio

with the help of these nice people and our amazing graphics team is Thought Cafe.

For more infomation >> The Cinematographer: Crash Course Film Production #8 - Duration: 8:47.


Official Ayo & Teo "Better Off Alone" Dance Challenge - Duration: 3:25.

Yo, yo, yo!

What's up?

It's Ayo. This Teo.

And we're about to show ya'll how to do the the #BetterOffAloneChallenge.

Let's get it!

For more infomation >> Official Ayo & Teo "Better Off Alone" Dance Challenge - Duration: 3:25.


Niall Horan - Flicker (Acoustic) - Duration: 4:17.

For more infomation >> Niall Horan - Flicker (Acoustic) - Duration: 4:17.


15 SCARY Events Caught on Tape II - Duration: 14:16.

You may feel safe right now, but the majority of these videos happened to people who mistakenly

let their guard down while doing routine things that they've done a million times before.

Always try to stay alert and never get too comfortable –even in familiar settings.

Otherwise, you could make the next list.


You may be wondering why this man is poking around his shoes with a stick, but anybody

who lives in a warm desert or tropical environment will probably understand what he's doing.

Here's why you don't put your shoes on straight away in the rural countryside of


This baby Indian cobra is responsible for most of the snake bites in India.

And yes, it is venomous, so even a small one like this is probably the last thing you would

ever want to find in your footwear.

It doesn't even necessarily have to bite you, it can spit venom into your eyes instead.

If you live in places like India, Australia, the American southwest, or anywhere else that's

similar, then let me know what the craziest thing you've ever found lurking in your

shoes was.


This video is simply called "Path of the Banshee".

A man is walking all by himself down a bleak path with rows of trees reaching out for him

from both sides.

He spots something in the distance and freezes.

Some people claim that the scream is fake and edited in.

Even so, plenty of people say they can see a figure in white robes in the distance.

Do you see anything like that when he zooms in?

Also, if you can identify if that scream from a video game or a movie or something, then

let me know.

Maybe together we can prove if this video is fake or real once and for all.


This footage was taken at the Chapelfield Mall in Norwhich, UK.

The mall is closed when a mysterious red balloon makes an appearance out of nowhere.

As you watch this balloon float around on its own, keep in mind that the air conditioning

was off, the escalator was off, and there is supposedly no wind blowing in from the


If all of this is true, then how exactly did the balloon move without any air currents?

Even more bizarre is how the balloon stays low to the ground the entire time, almost

at the height of a child.

Could this balloon simply be half-deflated, or is it being held by a youthful spirit?


Interviewing a lion through a thin chain link fence is probably not the best idea as this

reporter comes to find.

Look at how she stares directly at the lion and then raises her hand, two things that

can be taken as a challenge.

When she turns back to him again, he decides to make her back away from his territory.

Fortunately for her, this appears to be more of a warning than an actual attempt on her



Orissa Kelly is a British archer with a very unusual style and near perfect aim.

Her skills are so exceptionally good that her own mother is willing to put her life

on the line just to showcase Orissa's talents.

She has nothing but complete faith in her daughter as Orissa tries to concentrate on

this amazing trick shot.

Yes, she actually used her feet to fire an arrow.

She is currently the only person in Britain who can do this.

I personally think this is amazing, but Orissa has been getting some flack on this video.

Do you think involving her mother for this stunt went too far?


A YouTuber named MadMupp had to get some keys to unlock a gate at his warehouse job, but

when he came back five minutes later, he was shocked to find that it was already wide open.

When he checked the security cameras to see what happened, this is what he found.

An invisible figure apparently tests the gate and then somehow unlocks it.

You can see the padlock lift high into the air and turn on its own as if a key is being


Let me know if you think this is fake or truly paranormal.


Video rental stores used to be really popular not too long ago, and apparently sometimes

even haunted.

A clerk is stocking movies one night all by himself, but something refuses to let him

do his job in peace . . .

I honestly would probably clock out early if a cart moved on its own like that, but

he doesn't think much of it and continues stocking movies.

Finally he gets spooked and runs away.

Everything from strings to a minor earthquake has been proposed, but I think it may be real.

There's something about his reaction that seems genuine, but I'd like to know what

you think.


The Three Arrows Pub in Heywood, UK is 150 years old and notoriously haunted.

Customers and staff have reported drinks spilling themselves, doors slamming shut, strange voices

and even glasses exploding out of nowhere.

Here are just a couple incidents caught on tape . . .

A menu is neatly placed on the table when all of the sudden . . .

Okay, so maybe the air conditioning blew it over or something like that, but how about

this much heavier bottle opener that's firmly attached to the counter?

I guess this could be a prank of some sort, but paranormal encounters at a building that's

over a century old sounds doesn't sound like too much of a stretch, either.

They could be using a ghost story as a way to gain more business, but from what I understand,

this pub is already doing fine and doesn't really need to come up with a publicity stunt.


Here's another video of a different warehouse that's possibly haunted.

Take a look at what one of the security cameras picks up slinking around their screen presumably

late at night after everyone has gone home.

The footage looks really grainy, which ordinarily would be a sign of editing, but then again,

this is also exactly how most low budget security cameras look.

Maybe it was a bug walking across the lens, maybe it was edited, or maybe it really was

a shadow person silently floating across a worksite.

We'll never know for certain.


The Basset Arms Pub in Barry Town, Wales is another famously haunted watering hole in

the UK.

All sorts of strange sightings occur here on the regular, but this one is probably the

most convincing.

It almost looks as though an apparition is literally leaning out of the wall and reaching


Tell me if you can see its head, shoulders and arms when I pause the video at the 7 second


Then again, I guess this alleged ghost could have been nothing more than a spider web dangling

in front of the camera.

I wish they would have gone to the camera and checked for any webs or long strings of

dust nearby to confirm this possibility.

It's the only alternative explanation I have to the paranormal.

Unfortunately, we will never know for sure.


This short clip was taken at an unidentified prison that is most likely abandoned.

Is this an actual creature coming out of the darkness, or are the shadows just playing

tricks on you?

I will say that there are signs of editing.

The dust is swirling a lot faster than normal, which makes me believe that this footage was

sped up.

It could have just been a normal person dressed in all black quickly walking up and then backing

away, which would look very paranormal when sped up like that.

Then again, maybe the video was sped up for some other reason and is in fact real.


A family in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania see something that is so incredible that they have to stop

what they are doing and start recording.

Strange shimmering spots appear out of nowhere and seem to float above the meadow and nearby

forest floor.

For a moment they think it could be other people, but whatever they are seeing is floating

around everywhere, even in the trees.

Many people who watched this video think that these are ghostly soldiers from the Civil

War marching in single file lines, just like they did on the day of their demise.

Others think that this could be flashlights from hikers, though this doesn't really

look like a flashlight to me.

I would definitely like to hear what you think is causing this scenario.


Imagine waking up one morning and finding this thing lurking in one of the most intimate

areas of your home . . .

That's the reaction of a YouTuber named Stefani Vanttinen and her mother upon finding

a huge rat in their toilet.

They start talking about how to get rid of the giant rodent and finally come up with

a plan.

When coaching it to jump into a bag doesn't work, Stefani grabs a glove and a towel, and

with the help of her mother, finally gets it inside of the bag.

Her mom runs outside of the house and puts the rat in the front lawn.

My question is do you think you would have had the courage to grab a possibly diseased

rat straight from a sewer like they did, or would you have called animal control services?

To be honest, I probably would have contacted animal control services.


This footage comes from a 1950s-themed restaurant called Twisters off Route 66 in Williams,


Judging from the looks of this wholesome family diner, you'd never know that a small room

downstairs has quite an unnerving history.

But before I get into that, here's what a motion detection camera recorded downstairs

one random night.

A long time ago this building used to be a gas station, and the owner took his life in

the downstairs office for reasons unknown.

Ever since then, the new owners feel like they are being constantly watched, and the

wife refuses to go down there alone.

Oh, and one more thing: his body was found in the exact same corner that his possible

ghost was frequenting.

Before we get to number 1, my name is Chills and I hope you're enjoying the video so


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a questions or suggestions.

Also, I recently created a subreddit, where you can submit videos and stories for future

lists, it's r/chillsnarrator and the link is in the description below.

If you'd like to see more of these videos in the future, then hit that subscribe button

because I upload a new video every Thursday.

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click "More", then "Add Translations", by translating the video not only will more

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A YouTuber named "JUSTIN Case live" has been livestreaming a lot from his home lately,

which he claims is haunted.

He says that the bathroom has been getting the most paranormal activity for some reason,

when sure enough, this happens . . .

Then, just when he thinks it's safe . . .

His reaction seems very genuine, which makes me think this video is real.

And since it was live streamed, that means editing the video later would have been impossible.

For more infomation >> 15 SCARY Events Caught on Tape II - Duration: 14:16.


[PAYDAY 2] Resumen "Locke and Load" Día 1 (Crimefest ) - Duration: 2:56.

For more infomation >> [PAYDAY 2] Resumen "Locke and Load" Día 1 (Crimefest ) - Duration: 2:56.


Elon Musk takes on the Airline Industry with SpaceX's New Rocket - Duration: 18:11.

Hi it's me, Tim Dodd, the Everyday Astronaut!

Elon Musk recently announced SpaceX's plans to be able to transport people anywhere around

the world in under an hour, with MOST long distance trips taking less than half hour

using SpaceX's upcoming BFR rocket!

Hold on, what?

Anywhere on Earth in under an hour?!

That can't be possible, right?

Well today, we're going to look into the feasibility as well as some of the challenges

SpaceX will face trying to bring this concept to life.

We're also going to do a quick look back at history to see what other once thought

impossible modes of transportation are now a part of our everyday lives.

So, will the average citizen really be getting on top of a rocket and traveling anywhere

around the world in less than an hour?

Let's find out!

On September 29th, 2017, Elon Musk unveiled SpaceX's updated plans for their future

rocket the BFR or Big Falcon Rocket.

Now, despite this new version being smaller and more conservative than the version they

announced just last year, there was one aspect that is widely criticized as being too far

fetched and impractical - using the BFR as a high speed point to point transportation

service here on Earth.

So first off, let's do a really quick recap of what the BFR is in the first place.

If you want to get more in depth, make sure and check out my video titled "SpaceX's

crazy new plan to get to Mars, the Moon and anywhere on Earth."

The BFR is SpaceX's next generation rocket and spaceship whose ultimate goal is to send

humans to Mars to colonize it.

Yes, that really is the primary mission.

Some quick facts: Although it won't be the tallest rocket ever, coming in just behind

the Saturn V moon rocket, it is still massively tall standing at 106 meters or 347 feet tall.

It's also not quite as wide as the Saturn V but it maintains its massive 9m diameter

from the bottom to the top, only tapering at the very tip.

But the most record breaking aspect is thrust.

The BFR will be powered by 31 methane fueled Raptor engines which can produce a whopping

53 meganewtons of thrust at sea level, which is more than the 35 meganewtons of thrust

on the SaturnV.

Scientifically speaking is a crap ton of thrust.

That's enough power to lift 36 million bananas.

The key aspect that makes the BFR even remotely viable as a point to point transportation

service on Earth is the fact that the first and the second stage of the vehicle are designed

to be fully recoverable and rapidly reusable.

The upper stage or the spaceship portion is sometimes called the BFS or Big Falcon Ship

so we'll refer to the upper stage as the BFS from here out.

The BFS is designed to handle the heat of Mars atmospheric entry, as well as Earth reentry

and then it will land using a trio of Raptor engines to come to a soft and accurate tail-first touchdown.

SpaceX will have a ton of practice launching and landing the BFR and BFS as they foresee

using upper stages as fuel tankers to rendezvous and dock with a nearly empty BFS.

After the tanker refills the spacecraft, it will land back on Earth.

They might do this up to 5 times on some interplanetary missions.

So they will have an awful lot of practice landing both stages of the BFR and if they

can manage to do this reliably, why not start putting humans onboard?...

Well let's address some of the issues.

Let's talk about the feasibility of using a ROCKET as a transportation service.

There's several factors that come to mind including; reliability, passenger health and

safety, noise, economics and the legality of flying a rocket to and from different countries

around the world landing near highly populated areas.

First up: Reliability.

Can rockets really be reliable enough to be a viable form of mass transportation?

One of the major design aspects of the Space Shuttle was to make it airliner like, routine

and safe.

As a matter of fact after the first four test flights of the Space Shuttle, crew onboard

forwent wearing pressurized spacesuits and instead wore essentially a pair of blue coveralls

and a crash helmet.

They did this right up until the space shuttle's 25th flight when disaster struck with the

loss of Space Shuttle Challenger and its 7 crew members.

We're not going to get into why the space shuttle ended up being unsafe in today's

video, but I bring this up so we can reflect on the fact that NASA thought the Space Shuttle

would be so safe, it would almost be airliner like…

But this doesn't reflect modern day, right?

We've learned a lot since then, so let's take a look at SpaceX's track record on

their current workhorse rocket, the Falcon 9.

To date, the Falcon 9 has launched 43 times with 2 loss of vehicles, giving them a current

success rate of 95.5% compared to the Space Shuttle's 98.5% success rate.

Now one could argue that in the case of the SpaceX failures, had there been humans on

board, they would've probably would've been fine due to the presence of a launch abort

system, but that's actually the kicker here.

First off, the BFR doesn't appear to have a launch abort system and second in order

for mass transportation to be considered a viable option, you can't go losing 4.5%

of your rockets or 1.5% or heck, even one in a thousands failure rate would be far too high!

But, at the pace of SpaceX's launch cadence, they clearly seem to be getting the reliability

thing down and I would love to see SpaceX hit 99% success with the Falcon 9 by 2020.

Considering even in 1960, when airliners weren't nearly as reliable as they are today, there

was still an impressive 99.995% success rate, or a failure just once in every 20,000 flights.

And although there isn't good data from the very early days of airliners, it's still

safe to assume they were much more reliable than 99 percent.

Elon reiterated how important safety is when he answered questions on a reddit "ask me

anything" recently.

He mentioned that safety, "will be especially important for point to point journeys on Earth.

The advantage of getting somewhere in 30 mins by rocket instead of 15 hours by plane will

be negatively affected if "but also, you might die" is on the ticket.""

That being said, there's still hope.

For instance, take SpaceX's workhorse rocket engine, the Merlin 1D.

Due to the high pressure and stresses, its safe to assume that the rocket engine is the

most dangerous and the least reliable part of rockets, despite this, SpaceX has flown

435 Merlin engines and has only experienced ONE fail in flight, which was safely contained

and the flight was still a success.

That's getting pretty darn reliable.

Not only this, the BFS will have 3 engines for landing as opposed to the one engine that

lands the Falcon 9.

Also, despite the fact that landing the first stage of the Falcon 9 is still considered

to be experimental, SpaceX has managed to land 14 in a ROW.

It seems now that they've got it figured out, it's a pretty reliable system of recovery.

And the good news is that SpaceX continues to pick up its launch cadence, up from just

2 launches 5 years ago to hopefully 20 in 2017!

They're even planning on 30 launches for 2018 and they show no signs of slowing down.

This of course means that they'll have many chances to learn from anomalies and design

new reliability methods often.

With airliners flying multiple times a day for several hours, there's troves of data

to make aircraft safer, and now hopefully, we'll begin to see more reliable rockets

as the cadence picks up.

Not only this, but since SpaceX has successfully recovered so many first stage boosters, they've

been able to collect data and analyze their vehicle more than previously possible!

Which should lead to an even better and safer rocket.

There's one more factor to keep in mind.

That's the fact that SpaceX will be building the BFR from the ground up with full reusability

in mind.

This is different than current rockets that still share their heritage with expendable

launch vehicles.

They're currently made to be as light, high performance and inexpensive as possible.

The BFR overcomes some of these barriers with its sheer size, its massively efficient Raptor

engines as well as advanced carbon fiber construction.

One of the biggest issues with the space shuttle was having to inspect and replace the 20,548

different high temperature reusable surface insulation tiles that made up the heat shield

on the underside of the shuttle.

SpaceX's approach will be to mount heat shield plates directly to the primary talk

wall for simplicity and for being the most mass efficient method.

This should make for refurbishment and servicing quicker and easier.

Due to the fact that the BFS won't quite be getting up to orbital speeds on these suborbital

point to point hops, the reentry heating will be much less than the Space Shuttle, but it

will still probably be pretty high and will probably be a major factor in the viability

of this concept.

Due to heat increasing by velocity CUBED (not squared), it means if the vehicle comes in

just 10% slower than that of orbital velocity, it would receive 25% less heat on reentry!

If you want to learn more about the effects of reentry heating, I suggest you check out

my video titled "Can SpaceX reuse a second stage?"

So now what about the logistics of passenger safety?

Forget the reliability of the rocket, what are we going to do about having an 85 year

old grandparent experiencing 3 g's of acceleration for 7 minutes, followed by zero G's for

several minutes, followed by another 3 g's of deacceleration.

Forget puke bags, this thing is going to be a giant flying puke bucket!

Well, perhaps there's something SpaceX can do to lower the G forces and make the flight

more enjoyable.

In fact, Elon addressed this in a tweet stating, "Assuming max acceleration of 2 to 3 g's,

but in a comfortable direction.

Will feel like a mild to moderate amusement park ride on ascent and then smooth, peaceful

& silent in zero gravity for most of the trip until landing."

Elon went on further to talk about how the landing portion will be as low as 1.3 g's,

which is the same as the initial launch.

Since the BFR is capable of going into a high Earth orbit, it's safe to assume that the

BFR could still reach its destinations while throttling down the engines to provide a less

punishing ride to space.

Rockets experience gravity loss on ascent and when propulsively descending, so it is

more efficient to accelerate quickly.

But since these are suborbital hops, they won't require the full performance of the

vehicle and we could assume they can throttle down a little for passenger comfort.

I speculate that unlike airlines today, there would need to be a rigorous health and background

check in order to be a passenger onboard a BFR.

This is something that perhaps could be a yearly check up and a yearly background check,

but hopefully it wouldn't impede travel too much.

It surely might weed out a few people, but I suspect rocket travel isn't for everyone

in the first place.

Speaking of impeding travel.

One of the biggest points of criticism I've heard was the time it would take to board

a BOAT, yeah a BOAT, and then get all those passengers up on top of a rocket.

Well, first off, I genuinely can't believe they didn't show using a hyperloop instead

of a boat.

I mean this is the future after all.

If we factor in check in, security check, a 20 or 30 minute boat ride, an elevator,

boarding, fueling, and all that, there could easily be 2 to 4 hours of preflight for the


So some flights might not even make sense, but obviously, the payoff becomes greater

and greater the further away your destination.

While we're on the topic of boarding, how will passengers sit?

My guess would be the seats will start upright and then they'll rotate back before launch

so passengers are on their backs.

Like this.

Maybe a little smoother than that.

How far out would the launch and landing pad have to be from a populated area for the sound

to not be an issue?

Let's use the Saturn V as a reference which was 91 db's at 10 kms or 6 miles away, and

considering the FAA defines significant noise as 65 decibels we'd want these launch pads

to be much further away than that.

If the pads were 38 kms or 24 miles out, the launch would be a much less noticeable 79

db's, but that's still pretty noisey.

To get down closer to 65 decibels, the launch pad would need to be nearly 160 kms or 100

miles away from populated areas….

Hope they still aren't planning on getting there by boat!

If you've ever tried to catch a rocket launch in person, then you're probably familiar

with the term scrub.

When a launch gets delayed for any multitude of reasons, whether it be mechanical, range

safety or weather, the launch is scrubbed for its next available slot, which is often

the following day or sometimes a few days later.

This is something that will just take time to improve.

For now, there's NO WAY you could rely on a rocket launch to get you to an important

meeting on the other side of the world, but with experience and time, hopefully scrubs

will be a thing of the past.

For instance, when SpaceX first started using super chilled propellant and oxygen, the industry

poked fun at them, saying it's impossible to master and they're just wasting their

time trying.

At first, it seemed like everyone was right too.

SpaceX would have scrub after scrub after scrub as they tried to perfect their prop

loading procedures.

As a casual (or obsessed observer), this period of time was frustrating and almost scary.

A lot of us fans wondered whether or not the others in the industry were right and that

perhaps SpaceX was getting greedy trying to squeeze too much performance out of the Falcon 9.

Well, fast forward to less than two years later and the Falcon 9 has been hitting every

launch on time lately without fuss.

No resets, no scrubs, nothing.

Smooth sailing.

Practice makes perfect and with SpaceX launching more rockets than anyone, they certainly are

getting better and better.

Now what about weather delays?

One fun note is weather might actually be less of a challenge for rockets in some ways

than it is for airliners.

A rocket would only be in the atmosphere for a minute or two and then from there on out,

it'd be smooth sailing.

So as long as the weather is good enough for launch, there should be no turbulence or weather

issues during your travel.

In fact, the Soyuz rocket can take off during storms, high winds, rain and snow.

Hopefully SpaceX will figure out how to make it so the BFR can take off in just about any

situation that an airliner would be able to take off in… but we'll see!

And although SpaceX isn't planning on using a launch abort system, they claim that they

can get to airliner like reliability and safety.

This would be an absolute must if there is an absence of an abort system.

It will probably take hundreds if not thousands of successful flights of the BFR before anyone

considers it a viable mass transportation method… but seeing how often SpaceX is launching,

perhaps this will be sooner rather than later.

So now we need to bring up cost.

With the Falcon 9 currently costing around 60 million per launch, it's hard for us

to picture a scenario where it would be even remotely affordable even the richest people

to fly on a rocket…

But with a fully reusable system, the launch cost will eventually just be the cost of some

fuel, some check ups and the occasional servicing, just like a jetliner.

And luckily for future ticket holders, the methane fuel that powers the BFR is a lot

cheaper than the RP1 fuel used by the Falcon 9.

According to Elon, he foresees the cost getting down to that of a full fare economy ticket

on today's airliners.

Although that seems VERY unlikely at this point in time, even if they can get it down

to say $20,000 per ticket, they still might have a valid business case for the ultra rich.

One more small detail is that it's currently illegal to fly a rocket from one country to

another due to rockets being able to deliver quickly deliver nuclear weapons.

But, this could likely change if it is seriously pursued.

And lastly, I think perhaps the biggest bonus is how many people would get to experience

the overview effect.

The overview effect is a an awareness reported by some astronauts and cosmonauts during spaceflight,

often while seeing the Earth from orbit or from the surface of the moon.

It refers to the experience of witnessing with your own eyes the reality of the Earth

in space, as a tiny and insignificant ball of life.

From space, nations borders disappear, the petty conflicts that divide people becomes

less important, and the ultimate desire to unite all humans becomes apparent.

To me, this unifying effect might be the most important reason we need the BFR.

So to summarize, I think its best thing we take a quick look back at history.

Once upon a time, only about 100 years ago, if you needed to travel from say Europe to

New York, you'd hop on board a ocean liner and 5 to 7 days later you'd arrive at your


A first class ticket would cost around $50,000 USD with the cheapest tickets being around

$172 in today's costs.

Now if you were onboard one of these ships and someone came up to you and said "In

just 40 years, you'll be able to do this same trip in around 6 hours for about $500"

you'd ask them "How much did you have to drink tonight?"

It would've been simply impossible to imagine a world a world where in just 40 years, the

average person would be able to fly on a jet powered airliner that would go across the

Atlantic Ocean.

Let's do this again with another moment in history.

On October 14th, 1947, pilot Chuck Yeager climbed aboard his Bell X-1 rocket plane and

broke through the sound barrier, something that most people thought was physically impossible.

Now despite this, in less than 30 years, you could purchase tickets on the supersonic jetliner,

the Concorde.

And although the Concorde was forced into retirement due to rising costs and low passenger

numbers, it does goes to show how quickly we can go from something being impossible

to something anyone with enough money can experience in less than 30 years.

Elon Musk seems to thrive off this type of nay saying.

People laughed when he said he was going to launch a liquid fueled rocket into orbit.

People laughed when he said he was going to dock with the International Space Station.

I was there when SpaceX rolled out the first Falcon 9 with landings legs for mission CRS-3

in 2014.

I heard the laughter of how silly it was to put landing legs on a rocket.

People are laughing now when Elon says we can go anywhere around the world in less than

an hour by putting people on top of the world's largest rocket… well I'm not a betting

man, but if I were, I wouldn't bet against Elon musk.

So what do you think?

Do you really think people will be boarding a rocket and getting anywhere around the world

in under an hour?

Take the poll and let me know your thoughts in the comments below!

That being said, make sure you're subscribed so you can join the discussion when we continue

to learn more about the BFR.

Also remember I live host SpaceX launches starting about 30 minutes before lift off!

So come ask questions and join in the conversation live!

And as always, a big huge thank you to my Patreon supporters for helping make this and

other Everyday Astronaut content possible.

I owe a special thanks to those of my Patrons who are in the Discord channel who help me

script and research!!!

If you want to help contribute, please visit

Thank you.

Don't forget to check out my webstore for shirts, hats prints, mugs and lots of other

fun stuff at

And as always all the music in the background of my videos is original.

Feel free to check it out and download it for free at

Tell a friend!

Thanks everybody, that does it for me.

I'm Tim Dodd the Everyday Astronaut.

Bringing space down to earth for everyday people.

For more infomation >> Elon Musk takes on the Airline Industry with SpaceX's New Rocket - Duration: 18:11.


Difference between old age hamster and young hamster - Duration: 2:25.

Mr.Cheese's mental stability

There is tomato ♥


This is in the way

yum yum yum...

Taste good

This is very important, so let me explain once more.

Taste good

Alright then


smug look

Mr.Othello's a weak hamster

There is tomato ♥


I was surprised! !

Alright then


My baby ...! !

if I remember righ


This is pretty tough! !


How could you do that!?

I'll give it another try.



I have not eaten yet! !

Let's try once again.


I got to habe lunch


There's only one way to find out.



I did it!!!!!!


A Tomato should be under my belly ♥

Tomato:I'm shocked!

At long last, we meet,my baby

It's been a long way,

Now, I'm happy ♥

So, I will forgive you for touching strange things ♥

Tomato:Nosh me up!

Alright!I am very satisfied.

See you,Tomato

Tomato:Seriously? Are you for real?

For more infomation >> Difference between old age hamster and young hamster - Duration: 2:25.



- Hey it's Fred!

What's up Homie G?

(hip hop music)

- Hey it's Fred!

What's up Homie G?

(hip hop music)

Okay, what even is this song?

- One, two, three.

Oh my god it's cold.

- One, two, three

Oh my god it's cold!

- I need medication, I need medication, I need medication

I need medication!

- I need medication, I need medication, I need medication

I need medication!

(hysterical laughter)

- Uh-huh.

Yo it's Fred.


You know what I'm saying?


Kinda strange.

- Uh-huh.

Yo it's Fred.

Does this look the same as the video?

Yeah, oh.

You know what I'm saying?

Yeah, kinda strange!

- If you're wondering why I'm wearing my shirt

while I'm going swimming it's because I'm uncomfortable

with my body.

- If you're wondering why I'm wearing my shirt it's

because I'm uncomfortable with my body.

Nuh-uh this is [Inaudible 00:01:27]

Oh wait, this is YouTube, I probably shouldn't be

doing that.

(hysterical screaming)

- Earlier today I drew a picture of guy hurting a little

kid and my teacher was like, "That's not appropriate

"for school!"

And I was just like, "You gotta accept it.

"It happens.

"People get hurt.

"People hurt one another in this world."

- Earlier today I drew a picture of a guy doing

something to a kid.

And my teacher was like, "That's not appropriate for


I was just like, "You gotta accept it.

"It happens.

"People get things done to each other.

"People hurt one another in this world."

- Oh my god there's a shark!


- Why is Marilyn Monroe in here?

Oh my god!

- I'm scared!

- I'm scared!

- My mom said she got put into a straight jacket once.

She was tied to a bed in a straight jacket.

She told me it wasn't a good experience.

- My mom said she got put into a straight jacket once.

She was tied to a bed in a straight jacket.

She told me it was bloody.


- That's gonna be me if I don't get any meds.


- That's gonna be me if I don't get any diarrhea pills.


- Where are they?

Where are they?

They're not in here!


Where are they?

- Oh my god, oh my god.

Where are they?

They gotta be somewhere, where are they?

Where are they?

- That just hit the spot!

- That did things.

- [Male voice] Fred we have to leave for the dentist,

come on!

- Okay, mother!

- [Male Voice] Fred, we have to leave for the dentist,

come on!

- Okay, mother!

(hysterical screaming)

- I thought that our good president, George Bush,

would have made laws that kids couldn't go into

operations without being put to sleep.

- I thought our good president, Donald Trump, would

make a law that kids can't go into operations

without being put to sleep!


- I'm bleeding!


- I'm bleeding!

- Gimme a bigger pool, you stupid floatie, gimme a

bigger pool.

- Gimme a bigger pool you stupid toilet paper, gimme a

bigger pool.

- Bye!

- Bye!

For more infomation >> RECREATING MY BROTHER'S FRED VIDEOS - Duration: 3:48.


CNC Projects #3 - Growth Height Charts - Legacy Woodworking - Duration: 2:07.

Hello, welcome back to another project video with Legacy Woodworking Machinery.

Today we are going to be demonstrating how to create these awesome Height Charts

that Wayne Mack is producing on his Maverick CNC.

"Intro Music"

Wayne, of Essex Woodcrafts in the UK,

uses his CNC to produce a variety of products that can easily be customized.

He has allowed us to share a few of his projects with you, including one of his most popular items,

the Height Charts.

Here we see a ruler shaped height chart being produced on the Maverick 3x5 CNC Router System.

As you can see, we used a vacuum table to secure the material.

A V-Cutter is used to engrave the details and chamfer the edges,

while a 0.25" end mill machines the pockets and cuts out the shapes.

The entire process takes less than 9 minutes to complete.

Wayne sells these height charts as both finished and unfinished products.

This is a great product that is fast and easy to produce on a CNC and appeals to a lot of


After all, who doesn't love tracking the growth and memories of their children.

Whether you want to make these as a treasured gift or add them as another money making opportunity to your business,

you can produce these Height Charts on your CNC by purchasing the CAD drawings on Legacy's website.

Just click on the link right over here.

To see Legacy's last video on the best way to produce high-end, custom cabinetry on your CNC,

click down there.

And remember to press that subscribe button to see new product videos like this and as

always, thanks for watching and we'll see you in the next video.

For more infomation >> CNC Projects #3 - Growth Height Charts - Legacy Woodworking - Duration: 2:07.


Lonzo Ball Cleared of Injury and Will Play in Season Opener Against Clippers - Duration: 1:55.

What's up guys?!

Beija here for Complex.

Fans and haters alike have been waiting for Lonzo Ball's official debut in the NBA and

thanks to receiving a clean bill of health from doctors, we'll thankfully see that

go down as ball hits the court when The lakers take on the Clippers at the Staples Center.

Ball has been out for a hot minute during most of the preseason due to a sprained left


It's now being reported that Lonzo's injury has subsided to the point that he'll be

able to hit the court and face a troublesome defender, Patrick Beverley, who's more than

likely going to make the rookie work hard to earn his stripes.

Ball has also been given no health-minute restrictions so it's going to be mad exciting

to see him take on his opponents.

"I have been watching the NBA for a long time, [Beverley] definitely picks up full court

and plays hard.

It is going to be a lot of fun.

He is going to go at me, I am going to go at him and it is going to be that."

Lonzo also touched base on what he thinks his biggest challenge will be going into the

2017-18 NBA season.

Unlike his boastful father LaVar thinking his biggest challenge is "himself", Lonzo

is already thinking about the transition of strength from his previous collegiate opponents

to what he'll have to face now in the NBA.

"Just the strength.

It's grown men now, so every night, night in, night out, they going to be strong."

Luke Walton, the head coach for the Lakers, knows that Ball's rookie season will not

always be a smooth run but believes Lonzo will eventually get acclimated to his new


"Obviously, it is going to be a big learning curve -- he has never played in this type

of game before where the guards and the players are this good and this strong and he is going

against grown men, a team full of them.

I think he will be fine.

I think he will rise to the challenge like he has his whole life."

That's all the news for now, but for more on Lonzo Ball, be sure to subscribe to Complex

on Youtube today.

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For more infomation >> Lonzo Ball Cleared of Injury and Will Play in Season Opener Against Clippers - Duration: 1:55.


The Bold and the Beautiful - At Odds - Duration: 4:00.

For more infomation >> The Bold and the Beautiful - At Odds - Duration: 4:00.


What is China buying in Australia? | CNBC Explains - Duration: 4:36.

Australia is a hugely popular place

for Chinese investors.

They're investing heavily into

real estate and infrastructure projects.

Just take a look around here,

it's not hard to find China's money

flowing into Australia.

From major ports to landmark buildings

and large sections of Australia's farmlands,

Chinese investors are buying at a rapid rate.

Here in Sydney, this building

which is home to the Australian stock exchange

was recently purchased.

The buyer?

A billionaire from Hong Kong known to be

one of China's largest toy manufacturers.

Then there's Australia's massive ports.

A group of funds backed by Chinese investors

agreed to buy the nation's busiest port,

located in Melbourne, for more than $7 billion.

Australia's agriculture sector has also

caught the eyes of Chinese investors.

The biggest importers of Australian wine

used to be the U.S. and the U.K.

just a few years ago.

Today, it's China.

And now some of China's biggest wine makers

are buying up large vineyards with

the intent of selling the wine that's produced here

directly into China.

In 2016, Australian wine exports to China

surged 40 percent.

And wine only scratches the surface.

China's investment in Australia's agricultural sector

has gone from $300 million to more

than a billion dollars in just one year.

The shift is being driven by China's booming

middle class which has high demand for things

like produce, meats, dairy and minerals.

One specific example: baby formula.

After outbreaks in China from tainted infant formula,

the product has been flying off the shelves in Australia.


Millions of Chinese trust

"Made in Australia" much more.

And consider this, more than 17 million babies

were born in China just last year.

Some Chinese tourists are snatching up

as much formula as they can

to sell it for a premium back on the Mainland.

Many stores now have a limit on

the amount you can buy.

Perhaps no sector in Australia though,

is being more impacted than housing.

Home prices in Sydney have nearly doubled

since the global financial crisis.

In Melbourne, they're up a 84 percent.

Which could be nice if you bought a home before then,

but for first time home buyers,

it's practically devastating.

And that's caused what's now known as

Australia's housing affordability crisis.

In New South Wales,

the Australian state where Sydney is located in,

foreign buyers are acquiring

a quarter of new property supply.

And Chinese buyers account for

87 percent of foreign demand.

After China, it's buyers from New Zealand,

accounting for just 1.6 percent.

And it makes sense.

Buying an entire home here

is often more affordable than buying

an apartment in some of China's biggest cities.

The median apartment price for Beijing

is more than $800,000.

While Sydney is under $620,000.

But, of course, neither China nor Australia

is particularly pleased about this trend.

And both governments have been implementing

higher taxes in an effort to slow it down.

Not only has Chinese money

surged home prices in Australia,

but in some cases there's even

been concern over national security.

Australia's federal government recently

blocked the sale of the nation's largest electric grid,

after a Chinese and Hong Kong holdings company

attempted to purchase a controlling stake.

The government bowed to pressure

from opponents of the deal,

who said they were giving away

control of their power grid to another country.

The outflow of cash from China has prompted

Chinese authorities to announce new regulations

for investing money outside of the country.

New South Wales has doubled taxes

on foreign buyers to 8 percent

of the purchase price.

But here's the thing.

Government initiatives have

hardly slowed down demand.


Well, there are a lot of millionaires in China.

And their wealth is growing at a much faster pace

than the total value of Australia's housing market.

The combined wealth of all of China's millionaires

was only slightly more than the entire value

of Australia's housing market back in 2011.

But, today, China's millionaires are worth twice as much.

And that gap is only expected to continue.

Meaning China's massive surge in wealth

makes it only more likely that China will

continue buying up assets in Australia.

For more infomation >> What is China buying in Australia? | CNBC Explains - Duration: 4:36.


Wheels on the bus videos for children, Color buses for kids, Color Bus song Nursery Rhymes Spiderman - Duration: 10:30.

Wheels on the bus videos for children, Color buses for kids, Color Bus song Nursery Rhymes Spiderman

For more infomation >> Wheels on the bus videos for children, Color buses for kids, Color Bus song Nursery Rhymes Spiderman - Duration: 10:30.


G82 Dwell Time Explained – Haas Automation Tip of the Day - Duration: 6:35.

- [Host] Hello, and welcome to this Haas Tip of the Day.

What makes a G82 spot drilling cycle so special?

Different than a regular G81 drilling cycle,

is its ability to dwell at that bottom of a hole.

So, when should we dwell at the bottom of a hole?

How long should we dwell for?

Does it matter?

Well, the answer might surprise you.

(upbeat electronic music)

- [Host] I've spot-drilled this hole,

but haven't dwell at the bottom.

I used a regular G81 drilling cycle,

which goes straight in, and immediately back out.

It looks great to the eye,

but if I blue it using layout fluid,

and cut it again, a little bit deeper,

we can see that the part doesn't

clean up all the way around.

Without a dwell on this drilling cycle,

my spot drill doesn't even make

one full revolution at the bottom of this hole.

That's gonna leave an uneven surface.

It's not even gonna clean up.

An uneven surface with a spot drill is bad.

But if you're cutting valve seats on a cylinder head,

or if you're trying to get a nice seal surface with a

port contour cutter on a hydraulic manifold,

you might end up with an uneven surface,

that could cause leaks, you might end up with a bad part.

Here, we have a tool that isn't even

making it one full revolution.

We used a G81 with no dwell.

This will give us an uneven floor surface finish.

This dwell is too short.


Here, we have used a G82 cycle with a one second dwell.

One second doesn't sound like much, but it at our RPM,

that leaves the tool rubbing the part for

more than 30 revolutions.

This will cause our tool to wear out quickly,

and can ruin our surface finish.

This dwell is too long.


Now, here, we have our perfect Goldilocks dwell time.

This dwell is just right, not too short, not too long.

We've done the math, and commanded a P dwell.

That's enough to fully clean up the surface,

but not so long that the tool sits, and rubs excessively.

On aluminum, dwelling too long isn't so bad.

I mean, it wastes cycle time,

but the burnished parts will probably work just fine.

Harder materials, like steel, titanium,

and even powdered metal valve seats, are way less forgiving.

They don't like dwell times that allow the tool to rub.

When a tool is rubbing, it's gonna wear out quickly,

and it could also ruin your surface finish.

So, this is why we've got our perfect

Goldilocks dwell time formula written out for ya.

Here's how it works.

Our dwell revs, revolutions, is the number of times the

tool is gonna make a full revolution at

the bottom of the hole.

Sixty thousand is just a conversion factor.

This is because there are 60 seconds in a minute,

and we want our formula to work in milliseconds,

not seconds.

RPM is just the S code, our RPM value in our program.

And G82 is our spot drilling can cycle with a P value.

This P value is what our formula is trying to get us to.

A P1.0 equals one second.

That's a one second dwell, but so is a P1,000.

If our program uses a decimal point,

then the control is gonna read this dwell in seconds.

If our P value does not have a decimal point in it,

then the control is gonna read that as milliseconds.

Now, most of our dwells are gonna be really small.

To make a two revolution dwell on most parts,

is only gonna take between 15 and 300 milliseconds.

So, we're gonna end up using a P15 to a P300.

That's a normal amount of time for a dwell.

When a human eye blinks, it usually takes between

three and 400 milliseconds, not long.

So, our entire dwell time literally happens

within the blink of an eye.

Now, for our port contour tool,

I wanna go with a one and a half revolution dwell.

So, I'm gonna put in 1.5 into our formula.

I'm gonna carry down this 60,000.

That's just our conversion factor.

My RPM on my port contour tool is 2,000 RPMs, that's S2000.

So, if we did the math, this would give us an

answer here of 45.

That means that, in my program,

I'm gonna command a G82, we're gonna use a P value of 45.

At 2,000 RPMs, my port contour tool is

gonna dwell for 45 milliseconds.

I'm not using a decimal point.

Forty-five milliseconds, which is gonna give us

one and a half full revolutions of dwell,

which is plenty to clean up our part.

Forty-five milliseconds.

That's our perfect Goldilocks dwell time at 2,000 RPMs

to give us our one and a half full revolutions.


Zero milliseconds was way too short,


One second dwell, way too long.


Well, the next time you run some counterbores,

countersinks, ports, or you're just spot drilling,

remember to calculate that Goldilocks dwell time.

Your programs aren't gonna take any longer than necessary

now that you're gonna be using short dwells,

and your tools won't be rubbing,

which means they're not gonna be wearing out

any faster than they need to.

If I'm just gonna break the edge of an existing hole,

just putting a chamfer on a hole with my spot drill,

I typically don't dwell at all.

I'll just use a G81.

Now, dwells, the P values don't work with G81 cycles,

but on a side note, did you know that those dwells

can be added to your G83 peck drill cycles?

You can dwell at the bottom of those holes, as well.

Well, like always, talk to your tooling vendor

about your specific application,

and play around with those dwell revolutions to

figure out exactly what your part needs.

Check your programs, do the math,

and shorten up those cycle times by using

very small dwells.

Milliseconds, not seconds.

Well, thanks for letting us be a part of your success,

and for watching this Haas Tip of the Day.

(upbeat music)

For more infomation >> G82 Dwell Time Explained – Haas Automation Tip of the Day - Duration: 6:35.



hey guys it's Kevin Kreider more than just muscle I want to share a little bit

of a vlog on why I decided to not compete in the IFP a pro in men's

physique or any type of competitions probably for a very long time I would

consider myself semi-retired right now and the reason why I am semi-retired

right now is because the guys in men's physique are just getting so large now

it's becoming more of a bodybuilding show just in swim trunks and I don't

really like that kind of stuff I like the aesthetics of a person that can fit

into clothes better that can fit into the designer jeans that they desire to

fit into suits and look good in suits not look like a block I mean have you

ever seen some of these body butters or even physique competitors now they look

horrible in suits they look actually if they look stupid looking all honestly

they just don't dumb and that's the thing like I don't want to look like

that and that's my personal preference some people might like that so that's my

opinion and then you might have a different opinion about that but I just

don't like that look and here's the thing guys I might wait

until I'm probably in my masters and that's a few years from now but the

thing is I want to come into masters looking great and shredded and looking

aesthetic as well I don't want to lose that part of men's physique and

bodybuilding like in the days of Steve Reeves of the aesthetics it was all

about the aesthetics about the proportion of the shoulders the waist

legs not being too blocky and not having too big of a chest not having your arms

overpower anything but having a great lean physique as well and that's what I

loved about bodybuilding so that's no reason why I'm quitting and then other

you get too obsessed you get too obsessed with building your body when

you're competing for 3 to 6 months I would literally not progress in my work

my relationships our friends or career because I was just bodybuilding I was

just lifting eating dieting lifting 80 dieting sleeping and repeat rinse I it

was just a lifestyle that was not for me I wasn't I was missing out on

things I really enjoy and I gotta tell you in the Naturals there's not much

money involved right now and the thing is there's very few people in the

naturals that can really make a ton of money and I just couldn't see myself

making that sacrifice because there are some stuff that you take that's

questionable if it's natural or not it feels a little weird the fact that you

can get it one month and then six months later you're like well what the heck

happened to this supplement oh the FDA took it off alright next and that's the

thing guys I want to go into my next bodybuilding show as a masters and be

totally none of that other shady stuff maybe take some Elsa - Elsa :

essentially mallet and some creatine hydrochloride go into the show dry out

for the week before or go in there pump up and just get a little bit of a tan

and going there looking aesthetic that's how I want to kill it next time and I

want to do when I have a little bit more free time - it becomes obsessive it

becomes your life it becomes self-absorbed it also becomes one of

those things where actually now that I'm saying this it makes me not want to do

it again but I know I'm gonna wanted to step on stage once more of what I'm a

little bit older - because I believe I'm probably going to age into those masters

class pretty gracefully at least that's what I hope for and if I don't then I

won't ever do one again that's just the way it's gonna go for me and there was a

lot of pressure on myself and there's also a lot of things that it ruined a

lot of relationships I've had in the past people didn't see it for a long

time and it's just not the way I want to live even though I had pancakes almost

every day before I got into the men's physique show it still was a little

strenuous in this sense of like well if I had my pancakes

I couldn't go out with my friends later that week or that day

I had to really be concerned about just hitting everything perfectly because

they didn't want to win you want to go in there looking your best and then you

have to pay to go into the show you don't make money in the show as a

competitor unless you win in the pros so that's the thing you pay for the spray

tan you pay for the board shorts you pay to get there to stay come the drug tests

you pay it's just like oh my god what did I just do this for just so I could

show off my suppose if I'm on stage if next time I'm going into a pro show I'm

gonna go over the place I want to go in there win get this week it has

supplements sponsored that I really believe in or maybe I'll even create a

supplement by that time the thing is I'm just going through all the things that

I'm not really really happy with the natural bodybuilding and I don't want to

do because I definitely think that if I didn't want to compete at a higher level

like the IFBB they're taking shit that we know is not really legal and the

thing is that's what

I wanna see though unfortunately that is what makes money people want to see

these freakishly large necks and veins and stuff so you can't blame the

bodybuilders for that because that's what you buy into that's what gets the

crowd going that's what gets tough Oh God

and that's what gets people inspire or aspire to look like that and be that way

it's a different culture the thing is I'm not shitting on that culture I'm

just saying that's not something that I'm not sure I want to get into that's

not the trade-off that I want I mean you look at Ronnie Coleman he was like 40

years old he had to get both hips replaced front with y'all niche I don't

know how my recovery is going I can't go up today well uh I will be walking soon

I don't want that I'd rather just have this and not that so that's the

trade-off I have to make and it could be yours too but those are some things you

have to consider and that's why I don't want to do with a pro level at the IFBB

either want to stay with the natural levels and guys please subscribe to my

youtube channel I hope you found value in this or at least it got your wheels

turn a little bit and you can make decisions for yourself if you're

interested in my nutrition and training programs you can take one of my muscle

and strength programs by taking the body design tool it's a survey you fill out a

few questions and it'll guide you to the proper workout program and nutrition for

you see you guys soon



How To Make Beaded Chandelier Earrings - Duration: 8:14.

To make one of the chandelier earrings you'll need some beads. And the beads we chose are

a lentil bead. This is spinel.

It's a really pretty gemstone, kind of a blue-black color.

It's drilled this way.

That's going to be our main center bead, and then we have six tiny rondelles.

And these are kind of a garnet color with a little bit of an AB finish.

Those are going to be our beads.

To go with the seven beads we have seven headpins.

We're going to use a headpin through each one of these beads.

The headpin is called a headpin because the head has a little ball on it.

That's a nice little ball headpin.

We also have this square hammered ring that's going to be a feature of the chandelier earring.

And of course an earring wire.

This is a fishhook style earring wire in gold to match our other gold elements.

For tools we're going to use round-nose pliers.

We're going to use wire cutters, and we're also going to use our chain-nose pliers.

Here's one of the chandelier earrings already made and I just wanted you to see it so you

can see what it is we're going to do.

We've got the lentil bead in the center.

We've got three rondelles on each side.

These are attached with headpins and we're going to do a wrap loop to do that.

And so let me show you how to do the first one.

The first one we're going to do is the lentil.

It goes in the center.

And I've got one of my headpins.

I'm going to feed it through the lentil.

And the lentil is shaped like a flat like a lentil bean and drilled this way--straight

through that way.

And what we're going to do with this to make a little dangle out of it is we're going to

make a wrapped loop at the top.

So I'm going to take the smallest part of my round-nose pliers.

I'm going to pinch just above the bead.

I've got the headpin pushed in there, and I'm going to bend that wire 90 degrees making

a little neck above the bead.

Then I'm going to reposition my pliers.

And I want the loop in this to be a little bit bigger.

If I do the loop here it's going to be as big as that end of the round-nose pliers.

I'm going to slide in a tiny bit more.

The loop needs to be big enough to go around this metal and still dangle.

We don't want it to be tight so I'm just going to go up a little bit on the round-nose pliers.

And then I'm going to use the pliers like a mandrel and let it shape that circle.

So I pull the wire around and I've got a partial loop there, and then I'm going to re-enter

the pliers into the hole like that and pull the wire around to make a complete loop.

So there I've got a nice round loop.

I let the pliers do that round loop making.

And before I close that off, I want to put it on to our square loop here.

I don't really know what to call this hammered square thing, but I'm going to call it a square


So I slide that up and into the opening.

You have to kind of work it through that little opening.

There it goes.

It's on there now.

And now I'm going to make my wraps.

So to make the wraps, to make this into a wrapped loop, I'm pinching across this loop,

the circle, of my headpin that I just made, then I take this tail and wrap it around the

neck, that little neck we pinched.

But this wire is a little bit harder to bend than wire we usually use because headpins

are made with different wires.

So I'm going to use my chain-nose pliers to get a good grip on it.

I'm gonna pull it around to make a loop.

And pull it around a second time to make a second wrap.

I'm sorry I said loop, I meant wrap.

Now I've got two good wraps on the neck, and then I just use the wire cutters to trim the


Ignore this little doodad that we made by doing the wrap.

I'm gonna hold that tail so it doesn't fly off.

And there's our first dangle.

If you have a little piece of that wire tail sticking out, I can see there's a little tiny

piece sticking up right there, you can use either your round-nose pliers or your chain-nose

pliers and just press it down a little bit.

But it's really not going to show.

The earring has a lot of movement while you're wearing it and no one's going to see all the

little details of how you did that wrapped loop.

But there's the first one!

So we're just going to do that again, but this time we're going to do it with one of

the tiny rondelles.

I'm just going to take the rondelle and slide it onto the ball headpin like that.

I'm gonna do the same thing we just did with the lentil.

I'm going to put the smallest part of the round-nose pliers in to make a small neck

above that bead.

Bend the wire 90 degrees.

I'm going to reposition my pliers up a little higher to make a bigger loop and bend the

wire all the way around the pliers.

I have an almost complete loop there.

I put the bottom part of the pliers in so I can finish making that loop.

So I'm gonna bring that around.

Like I said, this wire is a little bit harder, so I just have to give it a little elbow grease.

There's a nice little loop.

And now I'm gonna slide that loop onto our square hammered beautiful connector thing.

We got the this pair of hammered squares at a bead show.

We weren't sure when we got them what we were going do with them, but we just thought they

were so pretty we bought two.

Now I'm ready to do the wraps around my the neck of my head pin and because it's hard

wire, I'm gonna use the chain-nose pliers.

What I'm doing is I'm making a wrap close to these pliers and then going towards the

bead so the two wraps go in order- one close to the pliers and the next one closer to the


So I'm close to the pliers here.


And then I'm going to bring that around and I'm closer to the bead on the second one .And

that pushes the bead up against the headpin, too.

I've got two nice little wraps there securing my wrapped loop.

And now just as we did before I'm going to trim the wire.

And hold onto that tail so does it shoot across the room.

And there's our second little garnet.

So I'm just going to keep on working the same way until I have all six of these small rondelles

put onto our hammered square.

So we've finished with all our little rondelles, and we've got all the beads are hanging, dangling

from our hammered square thing, loop, connector, whatever we want to call it.

And then I just want to make sure that I've got three on one side of the lentil and three

on the other side.

If you get to this point and one of these is over here, four and two, just flip it back

over so you've got three and three.

And we just want to make sure that they're in the right spot before we put on the earring


So to put on the earring wire, I'm going to take the fish hook earring wire here and I'm

going to use my chain nose pliers, and I want to open this loop up.

But I don't want to open it up this way.

That in a way that it will lose its round shape.

So I'm going to open it sideways, sort of slide it past, that way.

And then I'm going to put on our hammered square connector chandelier thing like that.

Fit it down into that loop.

And I'm going to close the earring wire loop the same way.

I'm going to bring it back to center.

You see.

It stayed nice and round and that's good too because it moves.

You want all these pieces to move.

That gives your chandelier earrings nice movement and sparkle.

And there they are!

Our pretty little spinel and garnet chandelier earrings.

For more infomation >> How To Make Beaded Chandelier Earrings - Duration: 8:14.


Miami Tribe Relations - Duration: 2:11.

I am a daughter.

I am a friend.

I am your classmate.

I am a figure skater.

I am an equestrian.

I am a cheerleader.

I am a Miami University Student

I am a Miami tribe member.

And I am part of the first generation of my tribe in nearly 100 years

to be able to say Niila Myaamia, I am Miami, in my native language.

I know more about my culture because of the unique relationship

between my tribe and my University.

My ancestors lived in this region long before the university was founded.

Forced to leave some carried handfuls of soil

to help keep this place my people call Myaamionki, the land of

the Miamis, in their hearts.

In the 1970s, a relationship was forged with the University

based on our common name and place.

That relationship has since evolved into a true partnership.

A partnership rooted in trust and respect.

A partnership devoted to education Neepwaantiinki.

The Myaamia Center on the Oxford campus serves as one pathway for learning

between my tribe in Oklahoma and my University.

The recovery of our language and culture helps us heal from our recent past

and prepares us for the present and future.

Our efforts to revitalize the Myaamia language and culture

offer all Miami University students the opportunity to learn about an experience my tribes unique culture firsthand.

Whether we realize it or not, we are all part of something greater than ourselves.

Our University has demonstrated respect to my tribal nation through this partnership.

together we now share a seat around the fire burning in

my tribe's historic homelands and in our University's campus.

We are part of something greater than ourselves. We are Miami.

For more infomation >> Miami Tribe Relations - Duration: 2:11.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Automaat AMG Line | Ambition | Nightpakket - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Automaat AMG Line | Ambition | Nightpakket - Duration: 1:02.


Gratitude, a John Theurer Cancer Center Story - Duration: 5:37.

The first thing I would say is calm down. I could use that advice now as well to

an extent. Don't control every single aspect of your life because you're gonna

you're gonna make yourself sick. You know cancer to a certain point becomes a

Mindset and the way you fight cancer depends on you after after a certain

point. So you you need to make a conscious decision to calm down, relax,

accept things as they come but also include everyone in your treatment.

Yeah this is a college golf team this was a fun day. We actually

did very well in this tournament and then you dad made his famous chicken

franchise that day. I think that was just after my second R-CHOP

chemotherapy. Yeah you see how long how far we've come.

My name is Dominick Carbone and I'm a cancer survivor and I am very grateful to be

here to share my story with everybody.

When I got diagnosed with Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma it just you know

completely derailed my life as I knew it up to that point. Like in the movies when

things kind of just go white and silent, that's exactly what happened.

You know I was 28 years old, you don't expect to be diagnosed with cancer. So I started the

the usual chemo therapy that that coincides with my form of Lymphoma.

But it didn't completely eradicate it like it was supposed to and that's when

I decided to leave the establishment I was at before. And we were thinking

you know the obvious we can go into the city get the the best of care, the

state-of-the-art cancer treatments. But you know the more we learn the more we

found out that John Theurer provided the same protocols.

I remember the very first day I went to the Cancer Center.

Everybody approached me as though I was Dominick Carbone and not just this person

with this disease. They wanted to get to know me. They wanted to know what my

passions were because they understood that cancer treatment is more than just medicine.

You have to you know emotionally support yourself

To this day I can't believe what a drastic change I experienced.

From you know the lowest of a low with with chemotherapy to doing an immunotherapy

It's just a world of difference. It's not a toxic poison going into your body.

It's your own body's immune system fighting the cancer.

It's like Star Trek

future stuff. It immediately gave me my life back.

It's a miracle I was

able to you know get back into shape. I was able to play golf again.

I was able to be more involved with my family and and my friends.

Emotionally, spiritually everything that I went through all of the really tough

times proved to be a blessing because now I'm I'm engaged to a person I

couldn't have even dreamt of being with.

Before I started the therapy I kind of made a conscious decision to live my

life and to accept love and to give love back. You know I started playing the

ukulele when I got sick. It was it was a coping thing for me. So I brought it with

me to the Cancer Center. Not really thinking much of it but then found that

other patients wanted to hear me play so play a little bit louder. Then I would

sing and then it got to a point where I would just go around and and I would

sing for patients or just sit and talk to them about what they're going through.

Because everyone has a story it helps people to be able to just like let

it all out and to connect. But also helped me too. Being broken down you have

to decide the person that you're gonna be. And just seeing how my family took

care of me and and how everyone at the Cancer Center really cared about me, it

just it helped me to realize that I'm a person that people value and I'm worthy

of happiness and love. And I know that that sounds kind of silly but you start

to you know question your own value. There there were times where I didn't

think I was worth all of this attention and treatment and

my life fell apart. To be where I am at now really is a miracle John Theurer

and the people there they gave me my life back and they saved they saved

my world. I couldn't be more grateful

For more infomation >> Gratitude, a John Theurer Cancer Center Story - Duration: 5:37.


Niall Horan - Flicker (Acoustic) - Duration: 4:17.

For more infomation >> Niall Horan - Flicker (Acoustic) - Duration: 4:17.


Featuring Musician Megan Ni...

For more infomation >> Featuring Musician Megan Ni...


For more infomation >> Featuring Musician Megan Ni...


Hot Sauce Willie's Mikey V's Sweet Ghost Pepper Hot Sauce - Duration: 2:46.

What's going on everybody this is Bishop Brad coming to you on Hot Sauce Willie's

coming to bring the little Texas love into all of your lives with an

award-winning hot sauce company called Mikey V's y'all may have heard of him

before that boys blowing up. This is his sweet ghost pepper now look at this

sauce it is incredible looking made with fresh ingredients as sweet and hot sauce

says Mikey V's sweet ghost pepper sauce this multiple time award-winning hot

sauce is sure to heat up those taste buds. To pair this you pour this on cream

cheese oh my gosh with crackers. You use it for actual ribs, chicken you can use

it for burgers, tacos, seafood, pork, wings, oriental food and it looks like a great

Asian oriental sauce since it's a sweet heat. Here are the ingredients the

ingredients on this say distilled water, sugar, white vinegar, red Fresno

peppers, fresh garlic which is what you see the chunks of in here salt it's got

that gum in it and ghost pepper powder high-quality sauce made in Texas baby

Mikey V style Hot Sauce Willie style I love his marketing I love the Texas flag

I love the peppers it's clean its professional it's cool now give him a

good 8 out of 10 on his marketing on this actual bottle. The sauce looks

incredible so let's do this aroma. You get the....

Wow unique I'm smelling a little bit of garlic all right let's do this man

Cheers on flavor

sweet garlic

Asian food all the way. A cream cheese all the way. This is what I call a ghost

pepper hmm dessert sauce dude. Mikey V you did it good baby boy!

On Mikey V's sweet ghost pepper sauce he gets a 9 out of 10 on this sauce, good lord!

On heat it's got some, it's got a tad spice it got the warm fuzzies kick'n. On heat

I'd give him a gosh-darn, I'd give him a, I'd give him a 4 out of 10. On all-around

product for this actual sauce he gets a strong Hot Sauce Willie's 9 out of 10

y'all need to check this out you Asian food, cream cheese lov'n, chicken lov'n

lovers of love baby great job Mikey V. I'm gonna see

y'all on the next Hot Sauce Willie's video y'all have a good one. Bye Bye.

For more infomation >> Hot Sauce Willie's Mikey V's Sweet Ghost Pepper Hot Sauce - Duration: 2:46.


For more infomation >> Hot Sauce Willie's Mikey V's Sweet Ghost Pepper Hot Sauce - Duration: 2:46.


Voici comment éclaircir vos mains facilement à la maison ! - Santé 365 - Duration: 4:47.

For more infomation >> Voici comment éclaircir vos mains facilement à la maison ! - Santé 365 - Duration: 4:47.


For more infomation >> Voici comment éclaircir vos mains facilement à la maison ! - Santé 365 - Duration: 4:47.


Co się dzieje z córką Presleya? Wygląda na wykończoną - Duration: 1:40.

For more infomation >> Co się dzieje z córką Presleya? Wygląda na wykończoną - Duration: 1:40.


For more infomation >> Co się dzieje z córką Presleya? Wygląda na wykończoną - Duration: 1:40.


ArtU's Photography Graduate...

For more infomation >> ArtU's Photography Graduate...


Niall Horan - Flicker (Acoustic) - Duration: 4:17.

For more infomation >> Niall Horan - Flicker (Acoustic) - Duration: 4:17.


How To Make Beaded Chandelier Earrings - Duration: 8:14.

To make one of the chandelier earrings you'll need some beads. And the beads we chose are

a lentil bead. This is spinel.

It's a really pretty gemstone, kind of a blue-black color.

It's drilled this way.

That's going to be our main center bead, and then we have six tiny rondelles.

And these are kind of a garnet color with a little bit of an AB finish.

Those are going to be our beads.

To go with the seven beads we have seven headpins.

We're going to use a headpin through each one of these beads.

The headpin is called a headpin because the head has a little ball on it.

That's a nice little ball headpin.

We also have this square hammered ring that's going to be a feature of the chandelier earring.

And of course an earring wire.

This is a fishhook style earring wire in gold to match our other gold elements.

For tools we're going to use round-nose pliers.

We're going to use wire cutters, and we're also going to use our chain-nose pliers.

Here's one of the chandelier earrings already made and I just wanted you to see it so you

can see what it is we're going to do.

We've got the lentil bead in the center.

We've got three rondelles on each side.

These are attached with headpins and we're going to do a wrap loop to do that.

And so let me show you how to do the first one.

The first one we're going to do is the lentil.

It goes in the center.

And I've got one of my headpins.

I'm going to feed it through the lentil.

And the lentil is shaped like a flat like a lentil bean and drilled this way--straight

through that way.

And what we're going to do with this to make a little dangle out of it is we're going to

make a wrapped loop at the top.

So I'm going to take the smallest part of my round-nose pliers.

I'm going to pinch just above the bead.

I've got the headpin pushed in there, and I'm going to bend that wire 90 degrees making

a little neck above the bead.

Then I'm going to reposition my pliers.

And I want the loop in this to be a little bit bigger.

If I do the loop here it's going to be as big as that end of the round-nose pliers.

I'm going to slide in a tiny bit more.

The loop needs to be big enough to go around this metal and still dangle.

We don't want it to be tight so I'm just going to go up a little bit on the round-nose pliers.

And then I'm going to use the pliers like a mandrel and let it shape that circle.

So I pull the wire around and I've got a partial loop there, and then I'm going to re-enter

the pliers into the hole like that and pull the wire around to make a complete loop.

So there I've got a nice round loop.

I let the pliers do that round loop making.

And before I close that off, I want to put it on to our square loop here.

I don't really know what to call this hammered square thing, but I'm going to call it a square


So I slide that up and into the opening.

You have to kind of work it through that little opening.

There it goes.

It's on there now.

And now I'm going to make my wraps.

So to make the wraps, to make this into a wrapped loop, I'm pinching across this loop,

the circle, of my headpin that I just made, then I take this tail and wrap it around the

neck, that little neck we pinched.

But this wire is a little bit harder to bend than wire we usually use because headpins

are made with different wires.

So I'm going to use my chain-nose pliers to get a good grip on it.

I'm gonna pull it around to make a loop.

And pull it around a second time to make a second wrap.

I'm sorry I said loop, I meant wrap.

Now I've got two good wraps on the neck, and then I just use the wire cutters to trim the


Ignore this little doodad that we made by doing the wrap.

I'm gonna hold that tail so it doesn't fly off.

And there's our first dangle.

If you have a little piece of that wire tail sticking out, I can see there's a little tiny

piece sticking up right there, you can use either your round-nose pliers or your chain-nose

pliers and just press it down a little bit.

But it's really not going to show.

The earring has a lot of movement while you're wearing it and no one's going to see all the

little details of how you did that wrapped loop.

But there's the first one!

So we're just going to do that again, but this time we're going to do it with one of

the tiny rondelles.

I'm just going to take the rondelle and slide it onto the ball headpin like that.

I'm gonna do the same thing we just did with the lentil.

I'm going to put the smallest part of the round-nose pliers in to make a small neck

above that bead.

Bend the wire 90 degrees.

I'm going to reposition my pliers up a little higher to make a bigger loop and bend the

wire all the way around the pliers.

I have an almost complete loop there.

I put the bottom part of the pliers in so I can finish making that loop.

So I'm gonna bring that around.

Like I said, this wire is a little bit harder, so I just have to give it a little elbow grease.

There's a nice little loop.

And now I'm gonna slide that loop onto our square hammered beautiful connector thing.

We got the this pair of hammered squares at a bead show.

We weren't sure when we got them what we were going do with them, but we just thought they

were so pretty we bought two.

Now I'm ready to do the wraps around my the neck of my head pin and because it's hard

wire, I'm gonna use the chain-nose pliers.

What I'm doing is I'm making a wrap close to these pliers and then going towards the

bead so the two wraps go in order- one close to the pliers and the next one closer to the


So I'm close to the pliers here.


And then I'm going to bring that around and I'm closer to the bead on the second one .And

that pushes the bead up against the headpin, too.

I've got two nice little wraps there securing my wrapped loop.

And now just as we did before I'm going to trim the wire.

And hold onto that tail so does it shoot across the room.

And there's our second little garnet.

So I'm just going to keep on working the same way until I have all six of these small rondelles

put onto our hammered square.

So we've finished with all our little rondelles, and we've got all the beads are hanging, dangling

from our hammered square thing, loop, connector, whatever we want to call it.

And then I just want to make sure that I've got three on one side of the lentil and three

on the other side.

If you get to this point and one of these is over here, four and two, just flip it back

over so you've got three and three.

And we just want to make sure that they're in the right spot before we put on the earring


So to put on the earring wire, I'm going to take the fish hook earring wire here and I'm

going to use my chain nose pliers, and I want to open this loop up.

But I don't want to open it up this way.

That in a way that it will lose its round shape.

So I'm going to open it sideways, sort of slide it past, that way.

And then I'm going to put on our hammered square connector chandelier thing like that.

Fit it down into that loop.

And I'm going to close the earring wire loop the same way.

I'm going to bring it back to center.

You see.

It stayed nice and round and that's good too because it moves.

You want all these pieces to move.

That gives your chandelier earrings nice movement and sparkle.

And there they are!

Our pretty little spinel and garnet chandelier earrings.

For more infomation >> How To Make Beaded Chandelier Earrings - Duration: 8:14.


Difference between old age hamster and young hamster - Duration: 2:25.

Mr.Cheese's mental stability

There is tomato ♥


This is in the way

yum yum yum...

Taste good

This is very important, so let me explain once more.

Taste good

Alright then


smug look

Mr.Othello's a weak hamster

There is tomato ♥


I was surprised! !

Alright then


My baby ...! !

if I remember righ


This is pretty tough! !


How could you do that!?

I'll give it another try.



I have not eaten yet! !

Let's try once again.


I got to habe lunch


There's only one way to find out.



I did it!!!!!!


A Tomato should be under my belly ♥

Tomato:I'm shocked!

At long last, we meet,my baby

It's been a long way,

Now, I'm happy ♥

So, I will forgive you for touching strange things ♥

Tomato:Nosh me up!

Alright!I am very satisfied.

See you,Tomato

Tomato:Seriously? Are you for real?

For more infomation >> Difference between old age hamster and young hamster - Duration: 2:25.


퍼니셔 THE PUNISHER 2차 공식 예고편 (한국어 CC) - Duration: 2:25.

For more infomation >> 퍼니셔 THE PUNISHER 2차 공식 예고편 (한국어 CC) - Duration: 2:25.


MY INTERNSHIP, TV Programs, Vegan l SanneTalk #1 - Duration: 7:57.

hi & and so nice that you are watching to a brand new video

my name is Sanne de Groot

and today I'm doing a update/ just talking video

I do this with a cup of tea

and a delicious dutch stroopwafel

so lets get started

this is what I've done the last couple of weeks

in the weekends you could find me at the set of the tv program Brugklas

at season 6

it was so nice

yesterday was also an award show the Gouden Televizier Ring 2017

and finally after three years being a nominee

Brugklas has won the award The gouden stuiver for the best children program

I am so proud of the crew and cast

and also al the figuranten ( people in the back ground)

It was mine 3e or 4e season that I was on the set of Brugklas

just as a figurant and for the fun

and sometimes I helped the production assistents with some small work

I had an amazing time

I am so happy that we finally won this award

they deserve this

Also it was very exciting for the number 1 price the ring it self

the nominees are : the best singers

sunday with lubach

and expidition robinson

I hoped for Expeditie RB as the winner

but the winner was Zondag met lubach

Almost everyone had expected this

Expeditie RB is just my favorite program and for me the winner

but im also proud of Zondag with lubach they deserved it

about Expeditie RB from last Thursday

I following it and it is so nice to watch

it was so exciting

or Joëlle or Imke would leave

Imke is one of the not famous people on the island

they are from camp south or north

I don't know it so right now

so exciting

who would leave the island?

Joëlle is leaving

Im happy with that

I think Imke deserve it more, ( I dont know her personally)

but she is so good

she is just a day in the competition

she has done one challenge

and than leaving at the first island voting game, is..

is a little bit sad

so i'm happy she is going to the next round

she also has a jacket with on the back Expeditie RB on it

if I say this right, her mother has also played in this tv program

that is really nice

so I hope she can come to the end and maybe win

Joëlle had to leave but there is someone in her place

there was another challenge at the island of the not famous people

it was the same challenge as the last time

they had to stand and keeping their balance

it was a race versus Carolina and Carlos

who was going to the next round did not mather for me

in the end Carlos was the winner

he is going to camp south ( kamp Zuid)

I'm currious about he is doing it in the competition

so that brings us to the question of today

what would you bring to a island with nothing?

for me it is a stroopwafel


nothing is better than a stroopwafel

and if there are more people you can make them happy with food haha

I'm going to my second year of college in the department Mediamanagment & Marketing

It is a great department

I'm searching for an internship

in January/February my internship has to take place

I wanna do an internship in the department media production like being an production assistent

or an redaction/social media internship looks like fun

on this moment I will be matched with one of the six companies

than I can finally apply for the job

Next week I hear witch companie I can apply, can`t wait for it!

It will be so nice

It is just something you gonna do later in your future job

knowledge, and working hard

and than everything will be okay

meeting new people

I can`t wait for it!

So that is what I did the last weeks

Its the month October

That means it is the month of the vegan-vegitarian challenge

you eat vegan or vegatarian for a month

it got me thinking

I`m not join in this challenge

I never did

But i have tought of it

but I`m not sure if I can do it

I eat less meat

its better for the environment and I just don`t like meat

so thats why I eat most of the time vegetarian

I eat almost no meat

so i`m looking for meatsubstitube

what I like and love is the Broccoli burgers

its from this brand you see on the screen

that is what I choose for if i need somthing substitude for meat

Im looking for great vegan-vegatarian options

also some snacks wich you can combine with fries

I love snacks but I have no idea what vegan snacks are nice

so if you have some great recommendations let me know in the comments

and maybe I will try them

maybe you already saw it, but I sit in font of a new setting

we have changed the whole livingroom

so we have a new bank-seat

it is so chill, you have this thing for you back that you can move

yes it still works HAHA

an industriel light

the wall is coloured grey and blue

we`ve got a new floor

guys this floor is live! it has underfloor heating

that is so nice for winter

the cup of tea is empty

so that means its the end of the video

if you liked it please put you thumps up

subcribe here down below

and you can also folow me on Instagram


I poast often on my new feed and instagram stories

if you like to see more of my life

follow me on instagram

hope to see you by my next video


For more infomation >> MY INTERNSHIP, TV Programs, Vegan l SanneTalk #1 - Duration: 7:57.


Heman and Sharron - John Lidonnice "Thanksliving" - Duration: 28:31.

For more infomation >> Heman and Sharron - John Lidonnice "Thanksliving" - Duration: 28:31.


When It's Time to Stop Drinking Water for the Day - Duration: 2:31.

When It�s Time to Stop Drinking Water for the Day?

It�s pretty much tough for me to tell you to stop drinking water because I�m one of

those fighters for people to drink water more.

However, science says that there are five times during the day you should stop drinking


This probably goes to our advantage because we will find a way how to make people drink

more water because the final goal will be better health, healthy weight, and fat loss,

and these five times I�m going to mention below.

Before I go to the main topic here, I want you to know that water is life.

You need to drink water if you want to flush all the toxins quickly.

That�s how you help your organism work properly.

Now, here are the times you are allowed to stop drinking water for the day.


When You Are Full

If your organism seeks water when you are full, you should stop right there.

Drinking too much of it could deplete the natural balance of salt, and when your body

is low on sodium, you could develop hyponatremia.


When Your Pee is Clear

Experts say that when your pee is clear, it means that your body is out of toxins and

you are clear.

It also says that you might be overhydrated.

On the contrary, when your pee is dark yellow, it means that you need water asap.


When You are Working out for a Longer Period

If your workout regime is intense exercises, your body lacks potassium and sodium.

The water alone can�t cover these two, and that�s why experts say to grab a bottle

of coconut water that is full of vitamin C, magnesium, and sodium.


Stop Drinking Water When it�s Full of Sweeteners

I think this one is clear.

If you don�t like the flat water, you must try fruit-infused water.

These are the source of life and your best option for staying hydrated and detoxify your



�Food Baby�

You know that feeling when you eat everything that comes on your way?

� That�s called the food baby.

Well, experts say that even though you need lots of water to feel better,

you will add even more to the discomfort.

Stop drinking water if you don�t want your belly to be like a balloon full of water.

There you have it.

These are the five times you should stop drinking water.

Don�t forget to share this with all of your friends.

For more infomation >> When It's Time to Stop Drinking Water for the Day - Duration: 2:31.


CREAM - Live: Grande Ballroom | Detroit (1967) - Bootleg Radio (HD) - Duration: 1:54:32.

Enjoy the music and feel free to Subscribe!

For more infomation >> CREAM - Live: Grande Ballroom | Detroit (1967) - Bootleg Radio (HD) - Duration: 1:54:32.


Volkswagen Passat GTE Connected Series Plus Passat 1.4 160 kW / 218 pk PHEV Limousine 6 versn. DSG - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Passat GTE Connected Series Plus Passat 1.4 160 kW / 218 pk PHEV Limousine 6 versn. DSG - Duration: 0:59.


CNC Projects #3 - Growth Height Charts - Legacy Woodworking - Duration: 2:07.

Hello, welcome back to another project video with Legacy Woodworking Machinery.

Today we are going to be demonstrating how to create these awesome Height Charts

that Wayne Mack is producing on his Maverick CNC.

"Intro Music"

Wayne, of Essex Woodcrafts in the UK,

uses his CNC to produce a variety of products that can easily be customized.

He has allowed us to share a few of his projects with you, including one of his most popular items,

the Height Charts.

Here we see a ruler shaped height chart being produced on the Maverick 3x5 CNC Router System.

As you can see, we used a vacuum table to secure the material.

A V-Cutter is used to engrave the details and chamfer the edges,

while a 0.25" end mill machines the pockets and cuts out the shapes.

The entire process takes less than 9 minutes to complete.

Wayne sells these height charts as both finished and unfinished products.

This is a great product that is fast and easy to produce on a CNC and appeals to a lot of


After all, who doesn't love tracking the growth and memories of their children.

Whether you want to make these as a treasured gift or add them as another money making opportunity to your business,

you can produce these Height Charts on your CNC by purchasing the CAD drawings on Legacy's website.

Just click on the link right over here.

To see Legacy's last video on the best way to produce high-end, custom cabinetry on your CNC,

click down there.

And remember to press that subscribe button to see new product videos like this and as

always, thanks for watching and we'll see you in the next video.

For more infomation >> CNC Projects #3 - Growth Height Charts - Legacy Woodworking - Duration: 2:07.


Hot Sauce Willie's Mikey V's Sweet Ghost Pepper Hot Sauce - Duration: 2:46.

What's going on everybody this is Bishop Brad coming to you on Hot Sauce Willie's

coming to bring the little Texas love into all of your lives with an

award-winning hot sauce company called Mikey V's y'all may have heard of him

before that boys blowing up. This is his sweet ghost pepper now look at this

sauce it is incredible looking made with fresh ingredients as sweet and hot sauce

says Mikey V's sweet ghost pepper sauce this multiple time award-winning hot

sauce is sure to heat up those taste buds. To pair this you pour this on cream

cheese oh my gosh with crackers. You use it for actual ribs, chicken you can use

it for burgers, tacos, seafood, pork, wings, oriental food and it looks like a great

Asian oriental sauce since it's a sweet heat. Here are the ingredients the

ingredients on this say distilled water, sugar, white vinegar, red Fresno

peppers, fresh garlic which is what you see the chunks of in here salt it's got

that gum in it and ghost pepper powder high-quality sauce made in Texas baby

Mikey V style Hot Sauce Willie style I love his marketing I love the Texas flag

I love the peppers it's clean its professional it's cool now give him a

good 8 out of 10 on his marketing on this actual bottle. The sauce looks

incredible so let's do this aroma. You get the....

Wow unique I'm smelling a little bit of garlic all right let's do this man

Cheers on flavor

sweet garlic

Asian food all the way. A cream cheese all the way. This is what I call a ghost

pepper hmm dessert sauce dude. Mikey V you did it good baby boy!

On Mikey V's sweet ghost pepper sauce he gets a 9 out of 10 on this sauce, good lord!

On heat it's got some, it's got a tad spice it got the warm fuzzies kick'n. On heat

I'd give him a gosh-darn, I'd give him a, I'd give him a 4 out of 10. On all-around

product for this actual sauce he gets a strong Hot Sauce Willie's 9 out of 10

y'all need to check this out you Asian food, cream cheese lov'n, chicken lov'n

lovers of love baby great job Mikey V. I'm gonna see

y'all on the next Hot Sauce Willie's video y'all have a good one. Bye Bye.

For more infomation >> Hot Sauce Willie's Mikey V's Sweet Ghost Pepper Hot Sauce - Duration: 2:46.


All the Things You Can Do with Vicks Vaporub - Duration: 3:21.

All the Things You Can Do with Vicks Vaporub

The features in the Vicks Vaporub is already used for so many great things.

It came out as a very reliable health remedy you can use for various skin conditions.

I haven�t used any of these remedies, but I�m looking forward to doing it.

Summer is coming.

It�s still far away, but I can feel it coming.

I�m going to target that mosquito repellent.

If it shows effectiveness against this ugly looking and skin irritating creatures, it

will save me a lot of trouble and money.

Let�s see the ultimate list of 10 uses of Vicks Vaporub and how you can implement them

in your life.

A Mosquito Repellent

Apply of the solution to your skin, and you will scare away the mosquitos.

You will be safe during summer.

Treat Sinus Headaches

All you need to do is rub some Vicks VapoRub right at the base of your nostrils.

Inhale and exhale freely.

The menthol in this product will help you get rid of the headaches.

Treat Acne Effectively

Massage Vicks onto your acne area a couple of times during the day.

You will leave no choice to the acne except to dry and go away.

Speeds Up Healing of Bruises

Mix VapoRub with a pinch of salt and apply it directly on the injury.

See the magic happen.

You will feel the bruise improving right away.

Insect Repellent

Gently massage VapoRub on your skin.

Target those areas you think they attack the most.

Some of them are:

Neck Behind the Ears

Elbows Back of the knees

Soothes Aching Muscles

Massage the aching and sore muscles with Vaporub.

After this, use a warm and dry towel to wrap those muscles up.

Repeat the procedure three times every day until the sore muscles are gone.

Prevents a �Tennis Elbow.�

Gently massage the area and see the pain go away.

Soothes Cracked Heels

Rub the solution on the cracked heels.

Put on a pair of socks and sleep tight.

Leave the Vicks VapoRub do its thing during the night.

In the morning, wash the ointment with warm water.

Hydrate Your Skin

If you notice that some areas of your skin are dry, massage Vaporub to hydrate them.

It�s your cheap and straightforward solution against dry skin.

Treat Nail Fungus

Apply Vaporub on your finger or toe nails twice a day.

The fungus will be gone in a couple of days.

Stop The cats from Ruining Your Furniture If you apply VapoRub on your home furniture

and you walls, your cat won�t go anywhere near them.

They can�t stell the smell.

It Will Help You Relieve Cough and Congestion Apply some Vicks on your throat and chest


Let it sit there for a while.

Seems simple.

I hope it will be effective, as well.

For more infomation >> All the Things You Can Do with Vicks Vaporub - Duration: 3:21.


Arsene Wenger singles out FIVE Arsenal stars for special praise after Red Star win - Duration: 2:16.

Arsene Wenger was full of praise for his troops after Arsenal's battling 1-0 away win against

Red Star Belgrade but singled out five players for particular praise.

The Gunners boss was delighted with Petr Cech, Mathieu Debuchy, Jack Wilshere, Reiss Nelson

and Matt Willock for their efforts in Serbia, where Olivier Giroud's goal saw the Gunners

win their third consecutive match in the Europa League.

And after a hard-fought victory, Wenger praised the quintet.

'It was a very difficult game – with high tensity,' Wenger said.

'We kept going and tried to win the game, they did as well in fairness.

'Cech made some good saves.

We got a win that gives credit to the mentality of the team.

'Debuchy was serious, committed and good in the air.

For a first game, he did well.

'We always expect to win the games, but tonight a point would not have been a bad


We continued to attack, though, and overall our offensive trio made the difference 'I'm

pleased for him.

He survived 90 minutes with no setback.

He had a positive performance.'

Wenger also admitted he was impressed by Wilshere's performance, with the England international

at the heart of Arsenal's winning goal, and he confirmed he's planning to deploy

him in the league sooner rather than later.

'He will get a chance in the Premier League don't worry for that,' Wenger added.

'Games of that intensity will help him a lot.'

Finally, Wenger showered youngsters Reiss Nelson and Matt Willock for their efforts,

particularly in such a raucous stadium.

'[Nelson] can always create dangerous offensive situations,' he added.

'In such a heated atmosphere with a very good winger he showed character.

The two young players did extremely well, they showed a lot of character.

It's not easy to express that at 18.

'To play in such a heated atmosphere shows how much resistance to stress they have.

but everybody deserves credit for the performance tonight.'

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