Thứ Tư, 18 tháng 10, 2017

Youtube daily report Oct 19 2017

Today Kids TV | Learn colors with Animals for Children | Finger Family Song Nursery

For more infomation >> Today Kids TV | Learn colors with chicken & Animals | Finger Family Song Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 2:19.


Look at me || animation meme - (I'm Mr. Meeseeks Remix song) - Duration: 0:32.

I'm Mr. Meeseeks!

Look at me!

I'm Mr. Meeseeks!


You make a request,

the Meeseeks fulfills the request,

and then it stops existing.


I'm Mr. Meeseeks!

Look at me!

I'm Mr. Meeseeks!


I have to fulfill my purpose,

so I can go away!

(So I can go away!)

So I can go away!

Existence is pain!

Original meme by: CookieJarLocks

Song: "I'm Mr. Meeseeks (Rick and Morty remix song)

Captions by: ThisIsFrog!

For more infomation >> Look at me || animation meme - (I'm Mr. Meeseeks Remix song) - Duration: 0:32.


Tips For Fishing Current with SBFishingTV! - Duration: 4:07.

what's up guys i'm matt from SB fishing TV here from history tackle box today

i'm out fishing on the potomac river i want to give you a couple of tips and

tricks on how to effectively fish in the current so if you find yourself on a

body of water that you're fishing with current it's gonna be a lot different

than fishing a pond or a lake and there are a couple different tactics that you

can use to help you find fish a little bit easier so today we're gonna go over

where to find fish and current what baits to use boat positioning and bait

positioning so as far as baits go and fishing in current or you know faster

moving water I like to use moving baits so right here I have a Lucky Craft

Square Bell crank bait that's the first thing that I'm gonna be throwing around

today I also have a strike king swim jig tied on and a bladed swim jig as far as

finding fish goes when it comes to fishing current you really want to look

for those areas that have a little bit of slack water behind moving water so

you're gonna look for you know pieces of wood big logs any sort of bridge pilings

you know and you can also let the water kind of tell you what's going on as you

can see out here on the water there's a bunch of ripples and that generally

means that there's some sort of change in bottom contours so whether it's cover

you know rocks wood or just the difference in bottom contour a lot of

those fish are gonna stack up behind these areas that kind of have eddie'd

water and basically they're just kind of chilling back there waiting for bait to

come overhead so they can go so when you're fishing in areas with

heavy currents such as this you're gonna want to look for things that are gonna

break up that water a little bit so as far as this bridge goes the pilings work

really well for breaking that water and kind of giving you an area with a little

bit of an eddy so you can see here in the corner the water kind of circulates

around like this and that's because this edge is blocking that current flow so

something really important that you want to keep an eye out for us fishing those

areas because that's where the fish are gonna stack up and congregate a little

bit more than being out in the main current so these fish are going to stack

up behind these pilings and just wait for bait to come by for an easy meal

they'll shoot out and grab it and then go right back into those eddie'd spots

where the water isn't moving so fast so you want to make casts to these spots

got a higher your percentage in catch rate and you're just going to have the

bait in the fish's face a little bit longer that way I don't know if you guys

just saw that right there but there was actually there's actually a small

marginal fast chasing a tiny little minnow right here in that little edit

area that I was just talking about and you can see the water swirling around

and basically that baitfish got caught in that current and the bass just came

up and absolutely annihilated them right here on top I really hope that showed

that was pretty cool but a perfect picture of what I was trying to paint

earlier bait positioning is a really important thing when fishing current you

always want to throw into the current and pull it down and as far as boat

positioning goes say we were out on the water you want to face your boat up into

the current and what I like to do is I like to do a technique called back

drifting so the currents flowing this way right now I'm gonna have the boat

facing forward to the trolling motor up and I'd be basically drifting backwards

and just using the trolling motor to keep the boat straight making casts up

into the current and again pulling it back down towards the boat and that's

really effective because it's gonna keep the bait and the fish's face longer it's

also gonna allow the fish to see that bait a little bit longer and hopefully

it'll catch you some really big fish alright guys I hope you enjoyed these

tips on fishing in the current if you enjoyed this video make sure you hit

that like button and make sure you subscribe to mystery tackle boxes

YouTube channel if you like this video also if you want awesome baits like

these that I today sent your house every single month

head over to mystery tackle box comm and get your first box for as low as 15


For more infomation >> Tips For Fishing Current with SBFishingTV! - Duration: 4:07.


이달의소녀탐구 #196 (LOONA TV #196) - Duration: 0:54.

(JinSoul who is shooting her individual cut!)


Kim Lip: I said that I'm very scared of English…

Choerry: Now I'm foreigner. Talk to me first.

(The mission is to talk with a local staff!)

(It looks like her English is not bad!)

Kim Lip: Mission complete!

Choerry: We all are frozen!

'Are you good at speaking English?'

JinSoul: Yes. I'm good at speaking English!

(He doesn't know well them but he thinks the music is his type of thing!)

(Kim Lip & JinSoul promoting their music to the staff)

KIm Lip: If you want to be good at English,

Kim Lip: You have to face it!

JinSoul: You just need to know words!

JinSoul: I think that's English!

(Now she overcomes a fear of English?)

For more infomation >> 이달의소녀탐구 #196 (LOONA TV #196) - Duration: 0:54.


Gentle On My Mind - Glen Campbell, Dean Martin (Covered by Naotoshi Maeda) with lyrics - Duration: 2:50.

It's knowin' that your door is always open And your path is free to walk

That makes me tend to leave my sleepin' bag Rolled up and stashed behind your couch

And it's knowin' I'm not shackled By forgotten words and bonds

And the ink stains that have dried upon some line

That keeps you in the back roads By the rivers of my memory

That keeps you ever gentle on my mind It's not clingin' to the rocks and ivy

Planted on their columns now that bind me Or something that somebody said because

They thought we fit together walkin' It's just knowing that the world

Will not be cursing or forgiving When I walk along some railroad track and

find That you're movin' on the back roads

By the rivers of my memory And for hours you're just gentle on my mind

I dip my cup of soup back from a gurglin' cracklin' cauldron

In some train yard My beard a rustlin' coal pile

And a dirty hat pulled low across my face Through cupped hands 'round a tin can

I pretend to hold you to my breast and find That you're waitin' from the back roads

By the rivers of my memory Ever smilin', ever gentle on my mind

For more infomation >> Gentle On My Mind - Glen Campbell, Dean Martin (Covered by Naotoshi Maeda) with lyrics - Duration: 2:50.


NFL: NFL Commissioner In FULL-PANIC, Asks One Final HUGE Favor From Every American. - Duration: 5:30.

NFL Commissioner In FULL-PANIC, Asks One Final HUGE Favor From Every American.

Looks like the powers that are in the NFL are starting to get desperate!

Since NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell and the rest of the weak clowns who run the NFL are

starting to see the writing on the wall, he is now resorting to begging for us fans to

come back and watch their little protests.

In a statement today he said that the NFL actively has about 12 players who are protesting

during the national anthem and that they are working towards making it zero.

He added that the NFL wants their players to stand and that they are currently working

with them to encourage every player to stand.

Good luck with that Roger.

What Goodell and the rest of the inept people who run the NFL don't seem to understand

is what American Pride is.

We, as a nation, love football, but we love our nation and the flag which represents her

even more.

We common folk watch these games and buy their overpriced Chinese made merchandise because

we like the escape from reality.

But once the NFL turned into a political platform for protesting, us Americans said enough.

And we won't be going back anytime soon.

Fortune Reports:

The NFL Can't Keep TV Afloat Anymore Football ratings show no signs of reviving.

The NFL has long been the cornerstone of the U.S. pay television market.

Viewers' loyalty to their favorite teams and the tradition of watching games on Sunday

afternoons (and Monday nights) provided stability and certainty for stakeholders across the

TV ecosystem.

Mass-market advertisers could plan fall marketing campaigns knowing that NFL games would reach

just about everyone.

Broadcasters and cable channels (such as ESPN) could enter into long-term deals for broadcast

rights knowing that people would "always" want to watch football, creating an anchor

tenant for the rest of their programming lineup.

Last but not least, pay TV providers have long used their exclusive distribution rights

to NFL games as both a carrot (to attract new subscribers as DirecTV did with its wildly

successful Sunday Ticket package in the 1990s) and a stick (to keep existing households from

canceling service regardless of the cost or frustration many folks have with their pay

TV provider).

The question today, however, is what if this entire edifice is just a house of cards?

NFL ratings have fallen significantly across all providers over the past seasons and so

far 2017 is not looking any better.

The only positive element to that decline may be that fewer people have to watch the

sad sight of the Los Angeles Rams playing in front of a mostly empty stadium at the


There are endless theories about the decline, from the rising popularity of video games

to player safety to (ridiculously) the Colin Kaepernick situation.

My own view is that declining NFL ratings are the logical outgrowth of the decline in

legacy linear television overall.

This larger decline has been going on for over a decade now; is rooted in a fundamental

shift to anytime, anywhere viewing on broadband devices; and affects all legacy TV programming

to one degree or another.

In short, contrary to the hopes (or delusions) of some in the TV industry, the NFL is not

immune to these larger societal and viewing dynamics.

The more important question is: What happens to the pay TV edifice when the NFL cornerstone

isn't there anymore?

The answers are multiple, but two are particularly important.

First, the link between household growth and pay TV growth has been irreparably broken.

The creation of a new household—most commonly by a young adult leaving home—used to almost

automatically result in an additional pay TV household.

That is simply no longer the case.

Millions of American households are living happily without pay TV and one of the reasons

is that Monday Night Football and other NFL games are simply no longer must-see TV.

Put another way, U.S. legacy pay TV households have peaked and will only decline going forward.

The second effect of declining NFL ratings is the slow collapse of the supersize pay

TV bundle itself.

If the NFL isn't must-have content, then nothing is must-have content.

The result is a mushrooming of skinny bundles from providers as varied as Sling TV, DirecTV

Now, PlayStation Vue, YouTube TV, and Hulu's Live TV.

These services vary pretty dramatically, seemingly agreeing only on three things: people want

cheaper pay TV offerings; what people want varies (including access to the NFL); and

half a loaf (in terms of monthly subscription fees) is a whole lot better than none.

What Goodell should have done is put a stop to this malarky when Colin Kaepernick first

decided, with the encouragement from his Islamic girlfriend, that it was a great idea to kneel

during the national anthem in order to deflect from the fact that he's just a poor player

and was on the cusp of being cut from the Forty Niner's organization.

That was the moment to stop it, now it's too late.

What the NFL should do now is concentrate on maybe trying to come back once all these

ungrateful and anti-American players have retired and are long gone from the sport.

And next time around maybe research who you hire.

Maybe it should take more than just the ability to toss around a ball to get you a multi-million

dollar contract.

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

top stories today.

For more infomation >> NFL: NFL Commissioner In FULL-PANIC, Asks One Final HUGE Favor From Every American. - Duration: 5:30.


Scythians: Curator's choice - Duration: 1:39.

For more infomation >> Scythians: Curator's choice - Duration: 1:39.


Beach Justice: The Academy (remade) - Duration: 0:37.


It's over, Rico! Drop it!



Sorry about the Beach House.

Forget about the Beach House, man.

Get him good!

For more infomation >> Beach Justice: The Academy (remade) - Duration: 0:37.


Eminem Receives BAD NEWS After Publicly Trashing Trump - Duration: 19:16.

Eminem Receives BAD NEWS After Publicly Trashing Trump

The HUGE confrontation between Marshall Matters Eminem and President Donald Trump reached

the zenith recently after the famous rap legend decided to make a freestyle rap to 'diss'

President Trump using serious insults and accusations.

However, this is another bad news for him and for the leftists because they actually

made Trump a great favor.

Read more below:

It didn't take long for the rapper to get his wake-up call of reality after hopping

on the wrong train.

With the failure of the NFL and Kaepernick's career, Eminem should have seen that the country

is ready to something new, not more of the same rhetoric.

Now, Trump is getting the last laugh just 12 hours after being trashed.

"Eminem's unhinged cringeworthy attack on President Trump at the BET awards only

helped to strengthen Trump's re-election campaign," Red State Watcherreported.

As soon as the video came out of his performance, Twitter was ablazewith irritated people on

both sides of the aisle wondering why these self-entitled entertainers can't just do

their jobs and leave the president out of their performance.

Eminem's freestyle rap suggests that perhaps he's obsessed with Trump and the power he

has over him and is disguising it as a fake outrage to his career advantage.

"The washed-up aging rap star unveiled his disgusting song during Tuesday's BET Hip-Hop

Awards," Prissy Holly reported about the performance.

"The lyrics declare a literal war on Americans who dislike Kaepernick, and the new NFL unofficial

anthem says 'F YOU' to anyone who supports President Trump."

"This is for Colin (Kaepernick), ball up a fist

And keep that (expletive) balled like Donald the (expletive)…

Any fan of mine who's a supporter of his (Trump)

I'm drawing in the sand a line

You either for or against…

The rest of America, stand up."

While he's rapping and spitting his hate, Trump is winning and laughing all the way

into 2020 reelection.

The hateful people in Hollywood can keep up their rants and protests because Trump will

keep doing what he does and that's winning.

These petulant children are throwing nothing more than a tempter-tantrum to the public

and it's serving as an awesome contrast to all of Trump's achievements for America

in just the first nine months of his administration.

It's ironic that the blunt Eminem pushed in his rap that the "lines have been drawn

in the sand," is actually reality, but not in the way of what the rapper thought he was


Liberal entertainers in a variety of venues have drawn the line between themselves and

the rest of the country who wants to be entertained, not politically preached to by these people.

Rappers and racist athletes didn't draw the line, citizens did by not paying to participate

in their rhetoric.

NFL coaches also did who refused to hire race hustlers like Kaepernick and moviegoers who

picked different flicks that didn't push a divisive message.

All these things led to a major financial demise in these parts of the entertainment


H/T FreedomDaily

There's nothing they can do to make the nation hate Trump.

This story is just another solid proof that the liberal propaganda and their UNDERESTIMATING

of the American people always backfires.

It backfired this time again.

Eminem is facing a huge boycott- he shouldn't have done something this much stupid.

Don't you agree?


For more infomation >> Eminem Receives BAD NEWS After Publicly Trashing Trump - Duration: 19:16.


Even Sober People See It Happen! Ventura Bar's Furniture Moves On Its Own - Duration: 2:22.

For more infomation >> Even Sober People See It Happen! Ventura Bar's Furniture Moves On Its Own - Duration: 2:22.


The Best Fish Ravioli Recipe - Heghineh Cooking Show - Duration: 13:58.

Tha Best Fish Ravioli Recipe - Heghineh Cooking Show

For more infomation >> The Best Fish Ravioli Recipe - Heghineh Cooking Show - Duration: 13:58.


Video: Stretch of warmth for almost a week - Duration: 1:58.

For more infomation >> Video: Stretch of warmth for almost a week - Duration: 1:58.


First Lady Melania Trump to donate her inaugural gown to the Smithsonian's National Museum - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> First Lady Melania Trump to donate her inaugural gown to the Smithsonian's National Museum - Duration: 3:22.


Lakeland News at 10 (October 18, 2017) - Duration: 33:33.

For more infomation >> Lakeland News at 10 (October 18, 2017) - Duration: 33:33.


Disney Cars 3 for Kids Lightning McQueen Shu Todoroki Max Schnell Carla Veloso Race with Spiderman - Duration: 10:05.

Disney Cars 3 for Kids Lightning McQueen Shu Todoroki Max Schnell Carla Veloso Race with Spiderman

For more infomation >> Disney Cars 3 for Kids Lightning McQueen Shu Todoroki Max Schnell Carla Veloso Race with Spiderman - Duration: 10:05.


Arlington Police Standoff Ends With An Arrest - Duration: 0:40.

For more infomation >> Arlington Police Standoff Ends With An Arrest - Duration: 0:40.


Halloween party for kids at Connecticut Children's Medical Center - Duration: 0:20.

For more infomation >> Halloween party for kids at Connecticut Children's Medical Center - Duration: 0:20.


Swastika Found On SI Family's Garage - Duration: 1:37.

For more infomation >> Swastika Found On SI Family's Garage - Duration: 1:37.


Massachusetts Communities Apply For Amazon Headquarters - Duration: 1:44.

For more infomation >> Massachusetts Communities Apply For Amazon Headquarters - Duration: 1:44.


Slavs In GTA - Duration: 0:24.

Cheeki Breeki, cyka blyat, idi nahui,

t o o m u c h v o d k a B L Y A T

I need somebody in my life.......

For more infomation >> Slavs In GTA - Duration: 0:24.


Mazda 6 1.8 stationwagen,bj.2008,blauw,airco,climate,NAP uitdraai met 200102 km.en APK tot 03/2018,b - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Mazda 6 1.8 stationwagen,bj.2008,blauw,airco,climate,NAP uitdraai met 200102 km.en APK tot 03/2018,b - Duration: 1:00.


パCSファイナル第1戦の勝敗を分けた、楽天とソフトBの「駆け引き」 - Duration: 3:42.

For more infomation >> パCSファイナル第1戦の勝敗を分けた、楽天とソフトBの「駆け引き」 - Duration: 3:42.


Featuring Musician Megan Ni...

For more infomation >> Featuring Musician Megan Ni...


For more infomation >> Featuring Musician Megan Ni...


THIS TMT LIFESTYLE LIT!!! | 101 Da Exclusive - Duration: 3:15.

What's good, everybody you should brought one on to exclusive, and I'm back with another video

I'm not sure what type of video this gonna be I've been putting a lot of tight beat videos out

And then you guys been out there now unloading them. Hopefully you guys love and enjoy all the peace

I've been producing for you guys stay tuned right out wait more coming new be support dropping every day

So make sure you hit that like button and subscribe button down below, so you can stay tuned on every new

Content piece of consciousness, I upload you know I understand your point 101 this blue sea

I'm not even sure what?

Today is gonna be about I just want to

You know sit on my green screen and say you guys are covering things about what's going on with me

as you know

Working with Floyd Mayweather and his record label

He has me traveling a lot shoutout to ENSO James

He's managing the label on behalf of Floyd and sure we got it out her children thug

DJ drama drama boy like me and Lee James. We really live in the light for real fruit

We traveling and working with you know our favorite artists, and you know it's just a dream come true

I'm highly blessed to be able to be in such situation. You know you make me wanna


I'm just like you know just really wanted to make a video to just send out love and let all my fans know

Thank you for watching my videos and now I appreciate everybody to watch these videos

Because it just keep me going keep it going man sometimes up

You feel like giving up, but you know I see those good comments and the views and stuff like that

And it just push me forward know

Make sure you guys leave your comments below. Let me know what type of beasts you would like to see me drive

I'm also going to be doing a lot of how-to these videos

Showing you guys how to make these from scratch for additional on you, so I'll be making these in studio, please

I'm actually gonna do like a studio diary to work

I'm going to record myself while I go to different peoples

Recording sessions or their children with certain artists just to show you guys more of my lifes

Don't know what I do because it's actually late, man

I just do so much so that is it is what it is, man

Make sure you guys check out all of my beats, and you know I'm rapping down to Soho

I have a lot of music videos on the way. I just dropped a bone egg yellow. Freestyle grind in that's more pretty good

Don't change up. That's my art. The best one right now. I actually ended all the videos myself

Recording them my studio, but yeah guys, I just want to thank you guys again for watching

Subscribe like comment below. Let me know your feelings on where I'm headed or where you're headed. I definitely respond to all my comments

I'd be around computer all damn day though ain't no reason for me not to like responses to come it listens a hater

You know I'm just and I might just

Be a man as we should Louis for 101 exclusive


For more infomation >> THIS TMT LIFESTYLE LIT!!! | 101 Da Exclusive - Duration: 3:15.


For more infomation >> THIS TMT LIFESTYLE LIT!!! | 101 Da Exclusive - Duration: 3:15.


TwitchCon event will be strea...

For more infomation >> TwitchCon event will be strea...


I'm The One & How To Love - J Fla (Mashup Cover)[ Nightcore ] - Duration: 2:28.

Thanks for watching !!!

For more infomation >> I'm The One & How To Love - J Fla (Mashup Cover)[ Nightcore ] - Duration: 2:28.


Look at me || animation meme - (I'm Mr. Meeseeks Remix song) - Duration: 0:32.

I'm Mr. Meeseeks!

Look at me!

I'm Mr. Meeseeks!


You make a request,

the Meeseeks fulfills the request,

and then it stops existing.


I'm Mr. Meeseeks!

Look at me!

I'm Mr. Meeseeks!


I have to fulfill my purpose,

so I can go away!

(So I can go away!)

So I can go away!

Existence is pain!

Original meme by: CookieJarLocks

Song: "I'm Mr. Meeseeks (Rick and Morty remix song)

Captions by: ThisIsFrog!

For more infomation >> Look at me || animation meme - (I'm Mr. Meeseeks Remix song) - Duration: 0:32.


Eminem Receives BAD NEWS After Publicly Trashing Trump - Duration: 19:16.

Eminem Receives BAD NEWS After Publicly Trashing Trump

The HUGE confrontation between Marshall Matters Eminem and President Donald Trump reached

the zenith recently after the famous rap legend decided to make a freestyle rap to 'diss'

President Trump using serious insults and accusations.

However, this is another bad news for him and for the leftists because they actually

made Trump a great favor.

Read more below:

It didn't take long for the rapper to get his wake-up call of reality after hopping

on the wrong train.

With the failure of the NFL and Kaepernick's career, Eminem should have seen that the country

is ready to something new, not more of the same rhetoric.

Now, Trump is getting the last laugh just 12 hours after being trashed.

"Eminem's unhinged cringeworthy attack on President Trump at the BET awards only

helped to strengthen Trump's re-election campaign," Red State Watcherreported.

As soon as the video came out of his performance, Twitter was ablazewith irritated people on

both sides of the aisle wondering why these self-entitled entertainers can't just do

their jobs and leave the president out of their performance.

Eminem's freestyle rap suggests that perhaps he's obsessed with Trump and the power he

has over him and is disguising it as a fake outrage to his career advantage.

"The washed-up aging rap star unveiled his disgusting song during Tuesday's BET Hip-Hop

Awards," Prissy Holly reported about the performance.

"The lyrics declare a literal war on Americans who dislike Kaepernick, and the new NFL unofficial

anthem says 'F YOU' to anyone who supports President Trump."

"This is for Colin (Kaepernick), ball up a fist

And keep that (expletive) balled like Donald the (expletive)…

Any fan of mine who's a supporter of his (Trump)

I'm drawing in the sand a line

You either for or against…

The rest of America, stand up."

While he's rapping and spitting his hate, Trump is winning and laughing all the way

into 2020 reelection.

The hateful people in Hollywood can keep up their rants and protests because Trump will

keep doing what he does and that's winning.

These petulant children are throwing nothing more than a tempter-tantrum to the public

and it's serving as an awesome contrast to all of Trump's achievements for America

in just the first nine months of his administration.

It's ironic that the blunt Eminem pushed in his rap that the "lines have been drawn

in the sand," is actually reality, but not in the way of what the rapper thought he was


Liberal entertainers in a variety of venues have drawn the line between themselves and

the rest of the country who wants to be entertained, not politically preached to by these people.

Rappers and racist athletes didn't draw the line, citizens did by not paying to participate

in their rhetoric.

NFL coaches also did who refused to hire race hustlers like Kaepernick and moviegoers who

picked different flicks that didn't push a divisive message.

All these things led to a major financial demise in these parts of the entertainment


H/T FreedomDaily

There's nothing they can do to make the nation hate Trump.

This story is just another solid proof that the liberal propaganda and their UNDERESTIMATING

of the American people always backfires.

It backfired this time again.

Eminem is facing a huge boycott- he shouldn't have done something this much stupid.

Don't you agree?


For more infomation >> Eminem Receives BAD NEWS After Publicly Trashing Trump - Duration: 19:16.


Gentle On My Mind - Glen Campbell, Dean Martin (Covered by Naotoshi Maeda) with lyrics - Duration: 2:50.

It's knowin' that your door is always open And your path is free to walk

That makes me tend to leave my sleepin' bag Rolled up and stashed behind your couch

And it's knowin' I'm not shackled By forgotten words and bonds

And the ink stains that have dried upon some line

That keeps you in the back roads By the rivers of my memory

That keeps you ever gentle on my mind It's not clingin' to the rocks and ivy

Planted on their columns now that bind me Or something that somebody said because

They thought we fit together walkin' It's just knowing that the world

Will not be cursing or forgiving When I walk along some railroad track and

find That you're movin' on the back roads

By the rivers of my memory And for hours you're just gentle on my mind

I dip my cup of soup back from a gurglin' cracklin' cauldron

In some train yard My beard a rustlin' coal pile

And a dirty hat pulled low across my face Through cupped hands 'round a tin can

I pretend to hold you to my breast and find That you're waitin' from the back roads

By the rivers of my memory Ever smilin', ever gentle on my mind

For more infomation >> Gentle On My Mind - Glen Campbell, Dean Martin (Covered by Naotoshi Maeda) with lyrics - Duration: 2:50.


Target Run - A New Day Line - Fall Test and Review - Duration: 13:59.

hey there welcome to my target run I am going to review and test targets new

women's clothing line a new day for this fall and also two or three things from

Mossimo that just jumped into my shopping cart I'll show you the dressing

room looks that did not quite make it and the ones that did make it there were

a lot that I love from the new clothing line called a new day I just went in for

a target run to get candy corn did I remember it no but I just ended up

getting all this stuff for fall could not believe this new line alright this

is the blue velour women's top it is absolutely gorgeous it's a bright blue

and I love the bright blue this of it I did size up it's an extra large and I

like it this large because the arm holes are pretty large and it's long enough to

go past my waist line where my button is and below it's not a shirt that I would

tuck in but it's like a top that is just dressed up a notch just a little fun to

it and I love it I really like the vintage tea set that a new day created

this year because it's not clingy these shirts are not as clingy in

stretchy as the Mossimo brand or the Merona brand that they have on super

deals these are 2 for 14 right now and I also did not notice how deep the v-neck

was in Large and so I am NOT going to keep this one but I am going to get the

one that I tried on in the dressing room the the short-sleeved crew gray t-shirt

with the rose gold circles in a pattern a weird pattern I love the look of this

you totally dress this up with a blazer you can wear it with shorts with jeans

but the medium was too tight on me it's not clingy but like their material is

not clingy but it is too tight in a medium so I did go up to a large I even

tried their polka dot one in the cuse color this maroon color that looks more

like cranberry burgundy to me in real life loved it but can you see the little

gap that's behind I didn't care for that this is my favorite find I think besides

the blue velour top my favorite find in houston we need for winter a lot of

plaid shirts we cannot wear flannels so I have been on the look out for plaid

shirts and this is a tunic so in the back it's really long but because it

hangs so well and drapes so we'll you can tuck it in it's not going to be

tucked in all the way to your thighs you can tuck it in and really drape it out

it looks so good for fall it's then it's very very well made I can tell and I

want you to look at the pocket and how the pattern is juxtaposed to the other

plaid on this plaid pullover love these colors together the orange one it's

super bright orange and I loved it but it was a little the pocket i mean the

buttons pulled apart just a little bit too much and I liked these colors on my

skintone more than the bright orange this women's poncho from a new day fall

line is gorgeous this color is considered orange on line but you can

see it's not orange it is definitely a rust color which is flattering on so

many color skin types but it was a little too long I mean it's

like all the way to my knees and the front and the back so I am returning

that and I don't like it like there are no sleeves to it whatsoever

I like how lightweight it is but I want sleeves when I have like

like that so I wore a tank top underneath it and I don't like that you

can see all my like love handles and all those things if I just lift up my arm

I'm too self-conscious and I'm too self-conscious I don't spend money on no

matter if it's a good deal or not now my style friend said that everybody needs a

good white top and this is absolutely gorgeous it's it's bouncy without being

clingy y'all the 3/4 length sleeve does exactly what it's supposed to do

you don't have to pull with it or mess with it

it's got a more casual vibe but I think with a plaid really pretty skirt it

would look so good for work wear and you can totally wear it down to okay this

was my third favorite find these women's skinny corduroy pants they are by

Mossimo they're high waist skinny and if you look online these are going to look

like they are super tight they are not tight they're not tight-fitting there

they have a tag like 1% of stretch to them they are how I said they zip you in

without without tight and without cutting you in but look at the bottom

there frayed so they're almost capris they're pretty much capris and

cigarette pants so fun these colors I love it with the light pink I love this

color with the rust poncho that I'm not keeping this color is a classic that I

will keep and it's not corduroy material it's cotton pants except the corduroy

facade on the outside really soft really smooth high-waisted in a really good fit

without any being tight or cutting in good I also think they were good with

this t-shirt from Mossimo this is one of their shirts that is not clingy

it's v-neck doesn't go too far down but it is a classic color for fall if you

look flattering like a burgundy if organdy is some good flattering color on

you in the fall or whatever then this would be a good color on line if you go

to my links below for each of these things online this says that it's the

color red you can see that it is a burgundy with a hint of rust in it it is

absolutely so cute I think this will go good with mint it would go good with

light denim with even a mustard color like cardigan or scarf kind of thing ooh

love this one so this is a staple that I will I have added to my closet I think

it's because it's considered a relaxed t-shirt instead of just a t-shirt by

Mossimo maybe that's why it's a little looser and not as clingy and stretchy

alright this I am returning because I already have a burgundy velour top that

I have with the cute little baseball tee stripes and I already have this navy one

that I've bought it's like a bright navy it's really a fun Navy but

this is gorgeous and the thing that's best of all is it's not see-through

there's so many women's things out there for work that are see-through I don't

want to have to wear a tank top in 90 degree weather it is so pretty it I love

the detailing around this one and the blue one

there's detailing around the sleeve which really caps it off to look well

made like you're getting high quality and that's a great thing about shopping

at Target going on a target run is that you can get quality items trendy items

for a low price in your budget and you can see that along the neck it's just

there they're top-notch I like their stitching and everything

but I am returning this this one I large and if it's totally fun I just

don't like that it's not super long enough for me and I'm fine eight so I

need things if they're gonna be boxy like this that I can wear over a pair of

jeans I need them to go far enough down so that I can and over and not feel

unconfident because if you're not confident in something don't buy it even

if you've got it out of a good deal at Target I love this stretchy thin soft

lazy Saturday tunic by Grayson and threads I could not find this anywhere

on the target site so you might have to get this in person I cannot believe it

it was $10 I think oh I've already taken the tag off because I'm keeping it but

anyway since I'm five eight I liked it it's long enough I can wear it with

leggings and it will totally cover everything and like it goes halfway down

my thighs I love how stretchy and thin but cozy it

is it's like a blanket soft like a baby blanket soft it's not a sweatshirt it's

like a thin hoodie but what's way to you feeling if that conveys what I'm trying

to say all right and then I think my number one item that I got is this

adorable shirt that's baseball tee it's also by Grayson and threads and I did

find that link so I'll link it below if you just go click on the upside now

triangle you'll see all my links to the target individual items okay here you

see it out it's untucked alright so I'm 5'8" so I want to wear high-waisted

jeans or shorts if I'm not going to tuck it in but some of you think that if you

have a tummy that you should keep your tee shirts untucked but that's not

necessarily flattering on your body type like you can see here where I've tucked

it in a little bit it just gives you a defined waist and because of the fabric

in this t-shirt it hangs right it's drapey it drapes

like a puddled curtain instead of clinging to you and showing your stomach

and you being self-conscious about your stomach but you something else on your

shirts if you can tuck them in and drape them out it will look flattering on you

to tuck it in instead of untucked you know leave me a comment below if you

want me to make a video about how to how things look for older women tucked and

untucked or tucked versus untucked but I absolutely grab this this is an

extra-large but it fits fun and it's gonna last forever I can tell that it's

very well-made it's not see-through it's not too clingy I absolutely love it

I did not get this women's floral printed any day cardigan a new by a new

day in it's considered black the length is just not flattering on me but I loved

the bright red women's asymmetrical ruffle skirt that I paired it with by a

new day but I sized up on it and it was way too tight like you had to zip it up

and it would not budge at all you can see where I'm I would have to be

self-conscious about my stomach so not worth it to me I also didn't get this

widow's fitted long-sleeve crew t-shirt by a new day it's the color magenta but

I mean it's like fluorescent pink it is a bit snug for me my self-conscious so

in its it's a little thick for me in Houston for winter but if you were in

the Northeast in the north and if you want a cozy tight like really stretchy

t-shirt check out there's because it is very snug and cozy but it's just a

little too warm for what I need oh my word I should have brought this anyday

plaid shirt home they had it I had a large it the best thing about it

is the buttons start right here at the chest you know up and you can see it is

not see-through at all this will be such a good work where top that you can also

cash it out a little bit and the buttons start right here at the chest you can

see that the pattern just like my other plaid shirts the pattern on the pocket

is juxtaposed to the plaid and the shirt I love it it was beautiful it hangs

right it's not the tunic version it is a blouse version lace also did not buy

this women's striped pull over by a new day it was a little cheaply made

they're big threads which I don't think are gonna make it through a couple of

years or washings even hand washing but it is super flattering

I would love to it was super flattering on me because it's got the wide blue up

here and the wide blue down here so cus it makes your an illusion like your

waist goes in and I love how long it is it really was great for wearing on top

of jeans and not worried about it clinging and stuff like that but I

didn't need it so I left it there but very flattering on you I also did not

like these women's slim leg chinos in green by a new day they were they were

like the pants used to be like back in the 90s once you button done with the

wooden button it doesn't give at all so it cuts into my stomach I think and I

was wearing my regular size it was like it fit everywhere else except the thighs

are really roomy a little too roomy and in there straight leg and there a non

flattering straight leg look some straight legs you can get away with but

this straight leg I don't think it would be flattering on anybody thank you for

popping over to my Laurie pop channel ideas that pop my name is Laurie and I

make videos about travel ideas fashion beauty happy planner

ideas DIY ideas I hope you enjoyed this review and test and dressing room

session kind of thing of targets the new clothing line a new day leave me a

message below about what we talked about earlier and get back with me

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