Thứ Năm, 19 tháng 10, 2017

Youtube daily report Oct 19 2017



For more infomation >> ГАРЕТ УОКЕР В РЕАЛЬНОЙ ЖИЗНИ. КТО СЫГРАЛ ГЕРОЯ FIFA? - Duration: 2:09.


Bad Kid Steals Candy IRL Learn Colors with Candies for Children Family Fun, Kids Pretend Play - Duration: 4:02.

Bad Kid Steals Candy IRL Learn Colors with Candies for Children Family Fun, Kids Pretend Play

For more infomation >> Bad Kid Steals Candy IRL Learn Colors with Candies for Children Family Fun, Kids Pretend Play - Duration: 4:02.


Girliyapa's Breakup with Bai - Duration: 5:46.

-Tell me, Ria. -What's happening, Anu?

I'm just waiting for the guests to arrive.

That's nice.

Guess what?

Shashi is late again!

-What? Again? -As usual...

This is not working out for me.

-Listen... -I think I need to end this.

Think a decision through before you do anything in haste.

You've been together for one and a hlaf year.

I know, Ria!

But it's not the right person for me.

-Yeah, that's true, but... -I think Shashi is here.

-Wish me luck. -Okay, call me back with details.


I've been waiting for you for so long. Where were you?

Just because I don't say a word. You'll take me for granted?

That's it! I can't do this anymore.

You don't have to come to work from tomorrow onwards.

Every maid ends up being late.

Tell me the truth, isn't this because of Kamla?

I saw her missed call on your phone.

You check my phone?

You were the one who gave it to me to charge it.

I saw it then.

She's the one who's provocating you.

Stop it!

Every Kamla isn't a maid, that was my aunt!

But how would you know? You're not even here most of the week.

-Am I not here today? -Should I dance to it?

I bet you don't even know what's in 2 days?

Oh shit! A dry day?


Oh God! I just can't expect anything from you!

The one who couldn't deal with a stain for a year, won't do a thing for Diwali!

This isn't a design?

Madam, stains like this don't leave!

Really now?

You know the difference between CIF and you?

Unlike you this actually does what it says.

Okay then get it to do all your work.

Good idea. You leave!

-I should leave? -Yes, you leave.

In that case, don't send me an emotional story like last time.

That your home's dirty without me. And to please come back.

I won't ! I'll delete your number and kick you out of the WhatsApp group.

There's just us in that group!

Yeah, yeah, whatever! Why don't you leave?

-I'm really leaving. -Yes, please.

-I'm leaving. -Then leave!

Why should I leave?

I've been working here for a long time. I'm not leaving!

Shashi, Shashi, please understand.

You're the one who doesn't get it, do you?

It's Diwali and you don't have the strength to everything yourself.

This is what was taught to me in my childhood,

that a girl's life is incomplete without a maid.

"The one under a maid's protection will find heaven under their feet.

But you've just messed up the house!

You don't even go done.

I clean the downstairs every day!

Where do the cobwebs come from then?

Just dusting as an obligation doesn't count as cleaning!

You just want to fly away after work.

You don't even look back to see if anything was wrong.

I'm going to do all the cleaning with CIF henceforth.

I don't need you.

Madam, you don't value me at all!

-Really? -Yes!

Did you know that every maid works for 4 houses?!

I didn't do anything remotely close!

You know why? 'Cause I love it here!

You like it?

Then what were you doing last year at Mrs. Shukla's place during your holiday?

You thought I wouldn't know?

Madam, we were on a break!

It's not what it looks like!

Really! I just went there for a day!

Just to do their dishes.

-She'd called first. -Shashi, please!

Just tell me the truth.

Is her balcony bigger than mine?

I wonder sometimes...

If I hadn't seen you working during Tina's party,

I wouldn't have called you to make a cup of coffee at home,

nor would all this happen...

I wish we'd never met, Shashi.

Don't say that, Madam.

Madam, think of the days,

when you'd steal the boss' JD and I'd steal my husband's cigarette.

Madam, we'd sit together and bitch about the society women.

Madam, there's something between us...

The one that's even related to a gas stove!

-Connection? -Yes, that's absolutely right!

Madam, forget everything!

We'll start again!

Shashi, reading a book twice doesn't change it's ending.

It's over.


If you've already made a decision for this, then...

I'll get going. Remember me in your accounts.



Careful, the Rangoli is ahead.



-You're forgetting something. -My salary?

The keys.

Did you hear, Ria?

I threw her out of the job!

She was telling me to think about her when I'm doing my budgets.

Oh shit! My Rangoli!

For more infomation >> Girliyapa's Breakup with Bai - Duration: 5:46.


Learn Colors with | Dog Funny Colors | Videos for Kids Babies | Finger Family Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 2:19.

Learn Colors with | Dog Funny Colors | Videos for Kids Babies | Finger Family Nursery Rhymes

For more infomation >> Learn Colors with | Dog Funny Colors | Videos for Kids Babies | Finger Family Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 2:19.


Professor Mark Lilla: Politics Isn't About Identity, It's About Winning - Duration: 2:44.

MARK LILLA: There was a time when it was possible to talk about equal rights for these groups,

civil rights movement, the women's movement, gay rights movement, without using the word

"identity" at all.

You talked about social justice.

Then something happened.

The word "identity," the concept of identity, entered the American language, and politics

was no longer a question of being committed to a cause affecting people out there, but

became a species of self expression.

I am expressing my identity by getting involved in this issue, or that issue, and I'm focused

on politics only because of my identity, and the point of that is: I need to speak truth

to power.

I need to call people out.

I've got to fight the power.

When in fact the point of politics is to be the power.

Identity movements have put themselves into a state of, at the moment, a kind of frenzy

that defeats this very practical purpose, and two things happen, and then I'll be done.

One is that a radical rhetoric gets employed that gets in people's faces in a way that

is not helpful.

Black Lives Matter, which laid out a call to the conscience of anyone with a conscience

in this country, ended up breaking up meetings with Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.


But the other point, and this is where we come to free speech, is that if your politics

are wrapped up with your definition of your self, it gets very hard to have a political

discussion because people feel that in disagreeing with their opinion that you're challenging

their identity, and that's what's happened on our campuses.

We're no longer detached enough to argue without feeling that it's about us, and the big lesson

we have to learn it's not about us.

It's not about how we define ourselves, it's not about intersectionality, it's not about

my sensitivities, it's about fighting for justice out there for other people,

and to do that, you need to retool.

TOM SLATER: Thank you very much, Mark.

For more infomation >> Professor Mark Lilla: Politics Isn't About Identity, It's About Winning - Duration: 2:44.


A Powerful Method to Help You Learn the Sounds (Phonemes) of English | Improve Your Pronunciation - Duration: 5:37.

For more infomation >> A Powerful Method to Help You Learn the Sounds (Phonemes) of English | Improve Your Pronunciation - Duration: 5:37.


OFF ANGLE: Episode 02 (Compromising CT positions) - Duration: 4:42.

So everyone knows that as a terrorist executing on a site, your goal is to limit the amount

of good spots the CTs can stand in, hold as many rotates as possible,

and overwhelm the remaining CTs with multiple points of attack,

and good spacing.

However, as a CT you have the comfort of setting up in unknown positions, counter-nading and

creating crossfires to make it difficult for the terrorists to get that first site-opening


On big sites like the one we're going to look at today, it's common to have up to

4 players sit and wait just to make sure that every choke point is secure, because as we're

about to see, one crack in the dam can take the whole wall down.

This is why today's topic is compromising spots.

I'm launders and this is off-angle episode 2.

Today's demo is from week 4 of ESL Pro League, where liquid and nrg faced off in a heated

bout on inferno.

The first half consisted of a couple of lackluster B hits and a very persistent obsession with

taking lane.

On nearly all counts, NRG held A with ease, but on one round there was an arch split that

completely dismantled the A defense, so why was that?

In the first round of the match liquid got the bomb planted on A but only after losing

everyone besides elige.

As the last man standing he looked to library and won a fight with fugly which improved

his odds dramatically, but not just because it went from a 3v1 to a 2v1.

Having killed the big flank and knowing the next two players would be lane-side, elige

had a much more comfortable position playing the cover.

Apart from hitting nice shots, elige was able to turn a 3v1 into 3 1v1's, which is exactly

what NRG would've liked to avoid.

Take a look at the site cover elige would NOT be able to stand in if fugly stayed alive

long enough to approach the site.

Now here's round 10.

Liquid execute with 3/2 lane and halls split on A and get shut down.

If we look at this from the terrorists POV, they are coming up lane expecting that pit

will be handled by the 2 players jumping out, which it is.

Turning their attention to the site, however there are a handful of angles that the CTs

can be in, meaning aim-wise the Ts will have to be flicking around and guessing.

From the CTs perspective, they realize because of daps info on arch and pit the remainder

of the Ts will all come from this single point of contact.

It's true that even with this setup Liquid could've won if they flicked and hit their

first bullets, but that's not the point.

This round evidences why it is that CTs have advantages in lesser numbers and shows why

they these kills appeared to come as easily as they looked.

So let's pull up our last round to show an example of how one might circumvent the

problem of CTs being way too comfortable in their aim and not having to flick around too

much to lock down multiple kills.

Round 4.

Liquid wrap A with 3 arch, 1 lane and 1 halls.

It would be disingenuous to ignore that as this wrap unfolds fugly calls for a flash

that daps delivers perfectly and even though nitro eats it, somehow managed to call upon

some ungodly muscle memory to flick back for the instant kill.

Focusing on this however would unfairly take away from the fact that the same two remaining

players on A in our previous round were able to find 4 easy kills between them and here

seemed to have no chance to do that.

Now, Brehze started the round on balcony but switched up spots when twistz threw a flash

out of halls.

Changing to pit, while not unfavourable did limit his ability to fight against arch knowing

that he has an opponent lane and halls just waiting to hear him use his bullets.

Once this spot has been compromised daps is painted into a corner, unable to rely on someone

to take the arch-wrappers attention away from him.

He fortunately wins one duel but has no way to reposition and is traded out right away

by stanislaw.

As Brehze tries to pick up where daps left off, his spot is compromised one more time.

This made it impossible for him to even try to get back to cover to delay for their first


In the midst of the madness, brehze was able to hit a clean shot on twistz in halls but

because liquid closed in him from 3 angles there were way too many hard shots for brehze

to be responsible for.

In terms of odds NRG, may be able to win this round some of the time, but realistically

speaking if we focus on how many outs liquid had we also see that they would have had to

rely on huge individual plays which is not sustainable.

In CS, splitting sites allows for the best odds to rob the CTs of easy fights and so

compromising spots is a critical component of undermining crossfires and overwhelming


For more infomation >> OFF ANGLE: Episode 02 (Compromising CT positions) - Duration: 4:42.


Best Kirtan Ever - ਗੁਰੁ ਜੋਗੀ ਪੁਰਖੁ ਮਿਲਿਆ - Bhai Parminder Singh Australia - Duration: 1:03:33.

ਰਾਗੁ ਗਉੜੀ ਮਾਝ ਮਹਲਾ ੪ ॥ Raag Gauree Maajh, Fourth Mehl: ਗੁਰਮੁਖਿ ਜਿੰਦੂ ਜਪਿ ਨਾਮੁ ਕਰੰਮਾ ॥ O my soul, as Gurmukh, do this deed: chant the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ਮਤਿ ਮਾਤਾ ਮਤਿ ਜੀਉ ਨਾਮੁ ਮੁਖਿ ਰਾਮਾ ॥ Make that teaching your mother, that it may teach you to keep the Lord's Name in your mouth. ਸੰਤੋਖੁ ਪਿਤਾ ਕਰਿ ਗੁਰੁ ਪੁਰਖੁ ਅਜਨਮਾ ॥ Let contentment be your father; the Guru is the Primal Being, beyond birth or incarnation.ਵਡਭਾਗੀ ਮਿਲੁ ਰਾਮਾ ॥੧॥ By great good fortune, you shall meet with the Lord. ||1|| ਗੁਰੁ ਜੋਗੀ ਪੁਰਖੁ ਮਿਲਿਆ ਰੰਗੁ ਮਾਣੀ ਜੀਉ ॥ I have met the Guru, the Yogi, the Primal Being; I am delighted with His Love. ਗੁਰੁ ਹਰਿ ਰੰਗਿ ਰਤੜਾ ਸਦਾ ਨਿਰਬਾਣੀ ਜੀਉ ॥ The Guru is imbued with the Love of the Lord; He dwells forever in Nirvaanaa. ਵਡਭਾਗੀ ਮਿਲੁ ਸੁਘੜ ਸੁਜਾਣੀ ਜੀਉ ॥ By great good fortune, I met the most accomplished and all-knowing Lord. ਮੇਰਾ ਮਨੁ ਤਨੁ ਹਰਿ ਰੰਗਿ ਭਿੰਨਾ ॥੨॥ My mind and body are drenched in the Love of the Lord. ||2|| ਆਵਹੁ ਸੰਤਹੁ ਮਿਲਿ ਨਾਮੁ ਜਪਾਹਾ ॥ Come, O Saints - let's meet together and chant the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ਵਿਚਿ ਸੰਗਤਿ ਨਾਮੁ ਸਦਾ ਲੈ ਲਾਹਾ ਜੀਉ ॥ In the Sangat, the Holy Congregation, let's earn the lasting profit of the Naam. ਕਰਿ ਸੇਵਾ ਸੰਤਾ ਅੰਮ੍ਰਿਤੁ ਮੁਖਿ ਪਾਹਾ ਜੀਉ ॥ Let's serve the Saints, and drink in the Ambrosial Nectar. ਮਿਲੁ ਪੂਰਬਿ ਲਿਖਿਅੜੇ ਧੁਰਿ ਕਰਮਾ ॥੩॥ By one's karma and pre-ordained destiny, they are met. ||3|| ਸਾਵਣਿ ਵਰਸੁ ਅੰਮ੍ਰਿਤਿ ਜਗੁ ਛਾਇਆ ਜੀਉ ॥ In the month of Saawan, the clouds of Ambrosial Nectar hang over the world. ਮਨੁ ਮੋਰੁ ਕੁਹੁਕਿਅੜਾ ਸਬਦੁ ਮੁਖਿ ਪਾਇਆ ॥ The peacock of the mind chirps, and receives the Word of the Shabad, in its mouth; ਹਰਿ ਅੰਮ੍ਰਿਤੁ ਵੁਠੜਾ ਮਿਲਿਆ ਹਰਿ ਰਾਇਆ ਜੀਉ ॥ The Ambrosial Nectar of the Lord rains down, and the Sovereign Lord King is met. ਜਨ ਨਾਨਕ ਪ੍ਰੇਮਿ ਰਤੰਨਾ ॥੪॥੧॥੨੭॥੬੫॥ Servant Nanak is imbued with the Love of the Lord. ||4||1||27||65||

For more infomation >> Best Kirtan Ever - ਗੁਰੁ ਜੋਗੀ ਪੁਰਖੁ ਮਿਲਿਆ - Bhai Parminder Singh Australia - Duration: 1:03:33.


Theo Walcott's Training Secrets | "I've worked with a sprint coach!" - Duration: 3:28.

I think it's important to always be one step ahead of everyone else.

I think any small percentage that is going to help.

Obviously, the older you get, the more you want to look after yourself.

The game physically, the intensity each year is just improving because of the young

talent coming through and it's tougher competition.

You want to make sure you're fit and ready to go.

Not for me.

I'm someone that isn't too bothered about anyone else.

I just focus on myself.

I think, as a player, you normally just do the things right.

You do everything right and things fall into place.

I tend to have my daily week planned out.

When it comes to match day, I know I've done everything right.

I know I haven't cut any corners or anything like that.

Then the performance can look after itself.

There is some competition when players put up stuff.

You'll see a player try and do something or you'll see a coach take one of your drills

- but it's cool.

It's all fun and games.

When I did my cruciate, at the time I got introduced to a sprint coach.

I felt that was the main thing I had to do.

Straight away, I'm not going to be a long distance runner, but I wanted to make sure

that I always had that burst of energy and speed because obviously, that's my complete


There is drills, like what you saw earlier with the ladder, that's the main stuff.

But even reaction stuff with the cones, that's another side of it.

When you don't know where you're going to go.

And when it comes to the games, it just happens for you.

There's all sorts of techniques that you get in sprinters.

When I was younger, I tried to do 100 metres and enter into the county level but their

technique was so much better than mine.

Mine was all over the place, mine was like a footballer, like the way I move on the pitch:

it wasn't straight.

I never really got the chance to work on that but who knows if I did, where I would be now.

There's loads of drills but I would mainly say the ladder work and the reaction work

from cones.

As I say, I'm the sort of person who is doing a lot of work outside of it as well.

So, I know I can look after myself and recover well from ice baths and cryotherapy chambers.

I don't really tend to have aching legs.

I've got the game ready machines which look after yourself as well, compression, stretching and yoga.

So there's loads of things I can do which will benefit me the longer I go on in football.

For more infomation >> Theo Walcott's Training Secrets | "I've worked with a sprint coach!" - Duration: 3:28.


Trump Just Accomplished The Impossible And The Mainstream Media's Totally Ignoring It!!! - Duration: 2:06.

Trump Just Accomplished The Impossible

that feel but meanwhile let's keep our eyes on good news here stocks keep on

climbing new records for the Dow the SP and the Nasdaq President Trump

touting the record rally in a tweet today saying the US has gained more than

five point two trillion dollars in stock market value since election day also

record business enthusiasm the coal pedal lady says that the stock exchange

ground zero for enthusiasm what's bringing it up to it it's pretty amazing

right don't forget what Donald Trump actually tweeted Fox Business after the

bell I saw that tweet all right let's check it out right now so we're up 84

points you asked what really ran this market up today we did see financials

materials and energy helped to lead the way records across the board the Dow the

Nasdaq and the S&P here also you're watching for Jo 23,000 we're closing

less than 50 points away with some of the movers today that we watched though

came under pressure Nordstrom dropped and that was to the lowest level in five

months the North stream family was trying to make an attempt to move this

one to the private sector bring this one private but in fact you did see it drop

five percent by the end of the day they had difficulties in arranging the debt

financing ahead of the key hobbit holiday shopping season so that idea

sort of would hit the fan and look the stock sold off then we watched Tesla on

the move there were reports that there were firings dismissals 400 to 700

people reportedly they did acknowledge that they did fire people they didn't

say how many but saying it was because of performance and that stock drop 1.5

percent but the big picture is that we know they're trying to get those model

threes out which have been missing the estimates back to you guys absolutely

just about 40 points away for 23,000 not a bad thank you god bless you and God

bless america


For more infomation >> Trump Just Accomplished The Impossible And The Mainstream Media's Totally Ignoring It!!! - Duration: 2:06.





Report from Catalunya - Duration: 13:02.

For more infomation >> Report from Catalunya - Duration: 13:02.


Scarecrow Makeup Tutorial | Easy Halloween DIY Angela Lanter - Duration: 4:33.

hello gorgeous welcome back to my channel welcome to October and this is

my first official Halloween tutorial of 2017 I decided to make it an easy one

one that anybody can do and it's stuff that you probably already have at home

for the most part really the only thing I had to buy to do this look was the

straw and the hat so it was pretty simple to put together and it's cute so

if you want to see how I got this look you know what to do alright guys so to

get started I'm priming my skin using Mac's prep and prime just applying it

all over before I foundation up next I'm going in with my brows and are going to

do my brows using a benefit brow palette love this palette it's I'm using the

powder side and just applying it with my it cosmetics brow brush to set my lids

I'm using the Make Up For Ever flash palette using the gold shade just

applying it directly onto my lid for eyeshadow I'm using the Urban Decay

Naked fire palette oh my gosh I love this palette you guys know that using

this tan shade and working it right into my crease and then I'm going in with the

lighter shade and applying it to my brow bone

next I'm using the colour-pop blow me away palette again these colors are

incredible they're like peachy orange II like they're just speaking to my soul

adding them directly on to the gold that I put on it's gonna set that in place

and then working it underneath my lid for eyeliner I'm using this black kohl

pencil this one's from Marc Jacobs applying it all over my upper lash line

my lower lash line waterline and tightline you name it I'm just lining it

up and then for mascara using this Ardell mascara this is the whispies

formula now I'm gonna go in with foundation using Kat Von D's tattoo

locket concealer I went with the lightest shade that I had in her

concealer foundation I don't went in with the lightest shade of her

foundation I really wanted to get a really good coverage and I think that

her foundation does the best for heavy coverage applying some loose powder from

Kat Von D again went back in with the flash palette and I am just marking up

my nose I'm gonna give myself a scarecrow nose it's just like a teardrop

shape okay so taking that same shade from the flash palette and loosely

drawing a circle on my cheek don't worry if it's not a perfect shape just work

that out with your finger and then using Mac blush to set that in place going

back in with the Marc Jacobs eyeliner and I'm just lining the edges of that

nose and drawing some stitches on to it to make my nose look like it's done

next I'm applying my lashes they're my favorites six four teams which are salon

secret I buy these at Walmart and like the multi pack and the 615 lower lashes

I think these are my local Halloween store you should be able to get them

online this is what I was talking about here see I'm ty lining then I'm just

going in with a dark shadow and tight and applying that on the tight line so

it doesn't budge lining my lips with Mac nude pencil then I'm going in with

lipstick I'm using the covergirl Star Wars this is the special edition so Matt

loved it I'm gold lipstick it's like the bb-8 going back in with that Marc Jacobs

liner and I'm just loosely drawing lines up the side of my face because I'm gonna

make them look like stitches and I'm using a liquid eyeliner here just to

mark up some random stitches along that line

all right so this is the finished look it was so easy to do it took me like no

time at all this would make such a cute family costume because you've got

Dorothy the Carrie the lion the Tin Man everybody could be somebody and then if

you have a dog the toto if you recreate this makeup please be sure to tag me on

Instagram so I can see because I love when you guys recreate my makeup looks

don't forget to visit me on my blog Angela Lee intercom please please please

subscribe to my channel cuz you guys want to be the first to know when I have

a new video go up right leave a comment below if you have a Halloween tutorial

request because I'm still gonna be filming a couple more and thank you guys

so much for watching happy Halloween

For more infomation >> Scarecrow Makeup Tutorial | Easy Halloween DIY Angela Lanter - Duration: 4:33.


JBJ - 'Fantasy' Jacket Making Film (DAY1) - Duration: 4:29.

I am so excited

This is our first photo shoot for the album cover, today

I am extremely excited

and feel good as I expect a good outcome

The concept of today's outfit is Naruto

I think I gained weight

Oh... what do I do?

I'm touched


I can do the photo shot with members

Who would have known that?

The title track is

a reply to the messages from our fans

That's the story of the song

You would know what this means as you listen to the song


We have two members from produce 101 who pretended to be cool

Ano, ano Haji memashite

Oh, I was cool and

I can't catch it Oh, it's cool

I was not pretending

I am naturally cool...

It's not cool if you act like that

You look cool if you naturally act

I am natural

No, you were too conscious

No no

I won't shoot today

I think I can do better

Hyunbin was a model...(he's doing great)

Do you see how Kenta is posing over there?


I wonder how Longguo would shoot this


(Longguo is posing like this)



Wow, Longguo looks beautiful

Kenta, you said you are on a diet

and had tons of salad

I am shooting you

Oh this...

This is salad

Guys, this is salad

(Full of mischief, LOL)


Hey, are you okay?


(He's searching for the next target, LOL)

Wow, look at my sexy clavicle



Wow, I saw how Taehyun looked at me



- I head a weird sound - You hear a weird sound?

You misheard it. Go ahead

Right, I am sad about it

(Kenta's mini signing event, LOL)

In your fan signing, fans can sit by you


Let's stand in order of good-looking appearance

You said in order of being good-looking


You can't be here

Look at Kenta's straight posture, LOL

Everyone looks good

It's good

- Good job - Good job

Today's photo shoot is finished

Good job, thank you

For more infomation >> JBJ - 'Fantasy' Jacket Making Film (DAY1) - Duration: 4:29.


LEGO music shop & laser tag arena MOC gets a roof! Progress 10 - Duration: 4:58.

hey one welcome back to my lego city where I've got a little bit of progress

on my music shop and laser tag mock that I have put back over here for the time

being roughly where it's going to go you can pretty much assume that everything

else is not where it's going to go at this time everything's still work in

progress of course but I do have a roof on this thing now I'm not entirely happy

with one part of it I like the roof itself I think that turned out maybe a

little bit better then I was hoping like the smaller details on it off to go

inside of the table to show you the HVAC units on the other side they were an

interesting challenge to do in kind of a a low-profile form but I think this

looks best a little bit lit closer to a minifig I view as wasn't intended so

that's a little bit more what the people would actually see of this thing I think

that the overall look is right in the range that I was going for for a retail

conversion of an old industrial building an old warehouse like thing or workshop

like like thing but what I'm unhappy with is this edge treatment along here

so I have a couple of ideas for how to change that up and hopefully make it

significantly better needs a little bit more depth it's just too plain right now

not even certain about the color I think the color was the right choice

but either there's not enough of it or there's not enough contrast against it

just as it's shaped right now so that will get fixed up in due time like I

said I'll do a little bit of experimentation for that but all in all

looks pretty appropriate per what I was going for it needs to be blended in down

at the base around the sidewalk and plaza areas let me get you over into

that spot so you can see the other angle there you go and

side especially down here at the base looks especially plain by design it does

not matter because all this is gonna get covered up back here anyway but I want

to show you the tool HVAC units that are here nice and low so they're just not

too apparent from the street I mean they will be visible a bit but I put a

close-up photo of one of those right set up and one of them upside down on

Instagram if you want to see how that's built underneath just had to do a bit of

experimentation and use some funky little building techniques a little bit

of almost cheating but not quite not entirely knocking over some some trees

here which are not going to be staying that's always been just very temporary

but I got the building in place and like I said I'm going to do some some

touch-up work around the edges up top and at the base but I'm looking forward

to moving on and doing some other things this thing has been in progress for as

usual entirely too long and that's just how it goes these things just continue

to move very slowly but I'm glad that I'm not rushing myself cuz brushing is

no fun especially in a creative process so happy to keep that factor out of

building some of this stuff most of this stuff and I'm definitely looking forward

to the next thing because I definitely have a lot to work on I've got a lot

more space for structures for the Train stuff these days and of course I have

the whole port section that's kind of new now out there and that's ready to be

developed and also the zoo needs to be redone and planetary Defense Force Base

needs work on it pretty soon so a lot of things that are kind of top of mind for

me right now and I'll just kind of choose or let them choose for me maybe

whichever one kind of pulls me in its direction next that's where I'll go

thank you for following along sorry it has taken so long to get this building

in again it's not done but it's as close as it's

as it's ever been for sure and it won't be too much different when it is truly

done at least done for now it's always a chance that I'll redo it in the future

like a number of my other older buildings already on that on the table

they're ready to be taken off and redone so thank you for your support along the

way thank you for your patience and I'll be talking to you again soon


For more infomation >> LEGO music shop & laser tag arena MOC gets a roof! Progress 10 - Duration: 4:58.


New Nail Art Tutorial 2017 😍 The Best Nail Art Designs Compilation October 2017 😍 Part 11 - Duration: 11:06.

The Best Nail Art Designs Compilation

For more infomation >> New Nail Art Tutorial 2017 😍 The Best Nail Art Designs Compilation October 2017 😍 Part 11 - Duration: 11:06.


Kman夾娃娃 我明明要夾索隆,你怎麼搶著出貨呀!!航海王 羅賓公仔。UFOキャッチャー#141-1 - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> Kman夾娃娃 我明明要夾索隆,你怎麼搶著出貨呀!!航海王 羅賓公仔。UFOキャッチャー#141-1 - Duration: 1:41.


Let's Talk About Art– Kids have their say: IRVING PENN - Duration: 1:25.

Let's talk about ART


It's very weird.

A lady ate a multi-coloured strawberry and got it all over her face.

It's like she spat a rainbow out.

It looks like she's bleeding lots of colours.

She's pale, she's poorly.

Maybe she's a mummy.

It's lipstick, but she's put too much on.

I don't agree.

How can you put make-up on a mummy?

She wanted to put it on correctly, but someone made her mess up.

And again, and again, and again.

She scribbled on her mouth.

- Is it a painting or a photo? - Is it a painting or a photo?

It's a painting.

- It's a painting. - No, a photo.

She's messed up her make-up.

Subtitles: Marion Cole

Subtiling: ST' 501

For more infomation >> Let's Talk About Art– Kids have their say: IRVING PENN - Duration: 1:25.


PICKLE RICK OPERATOR ??!?!?!!?!?!? (obviously not) - Duration: 3:08:29.

For more infomation >> PICKLE RICK OPERATOR ??!?!?!!?!?!? (obviously not) - Duration: 3:08:29.


हमें प्यार क्यों हो जाता है? | Why do we fall in love? - Duration: 7:50.

For more infomation >> हमें प्यार क्यों हो जाता है? | Why do we fall in love? - Duration: 7:50.


how to Learn english vocabulary verb with example sentences images in hindi - make words meaning - Duration: 8:45.

For more infomation >> how to Learn english vocabulary verb with example sentences images in hindi - make words meaning - Duration: 8:45.


FAMOUS MALAY FOOD - Amazing MASAK LEMAK CILI API | Food and Travel Channel | Selangor, Malaysia - Duration: 11:04.

Hi I'm Thomas and I'm Sheena and we're Chasing a Plate, today we're in Bandar Baru

Bangi in Selangor and we've come to an eatery to try a dish which is famous

in Negeri Sembilan state it is masak lemak cili api a dish which is made with a coconut

milk and turmeric gravy with a number of different proteins cooked with

it we can't wait to try it, we're starving

let's eat

the eatery that we're at Itik Salai Masthar serves their masak lemak

cili api with a range of smoked meats and you can see them all smoking here

they look so good, there's ducks, there's ikan keli which is catfish, there's beef, there's

chicken and wow like the wafts of smoke smell so delicious we can't wait

to get in, let's go and order some food

we have got a feast masak lemak cili api on this table so we have

ordered smoked catfish or ikan keli, we've got some smoked duck or itik

and some smoked beef which is daging

salai, oh my gosh, that plus some ulam which are fresh, raw vegetables which we will dip in sambal

to accompany our masak lemak cili api spread I cannot

wait to get in basically this place is just a visual feast you can walk right

up to where the staff are cooking this incredible dish you can see them with

their big woks, the spice mix bubbling away with that coconut milk and then them

adding that beautiful smoked beef or smoked meats into the spice mix and coconut milk

it looks incredible I'm just gonna get in and eat because

these dishes are just calling out my name we have actually tried masak lemak

cili api it was one of the first Malay dishes that we actually sampled we'll

link the video up there and that was when I fell in love with the ikan keli

version so that's what I'm gonna start with so they've just grilled and smoked

the fish whole so I'll just peel Wow I've just peeled back that skin look how tender that

flesh is, holy moly, some I'm going to grab a little bit of

that it peels away so easily, dip a little bit of that in the sauce and I'm

just gonna eat that by itself without any rice just to see what the flavour's


mmm mmmm mmmm wow oh my gosh Thomas we're gonna have to

order more catfish that is sensational the smoke flavour is very strong, quite

salty and then that maska lemak cili api sauce I've just got to

go again it is really strong in flavour too - very creamy, quite spicy like it's

got a really good chilli kick and that beautiful fresh turmeric like it's

just got given the sauce that stunning golden colour, go again with some


oh wow that is one of the best dishes we have had in Malaysia so far

I'm desperate to try these dishes sorry if it's a bit noisy now a band's just

started up so hopefully you can hear us over that, they are really good

now this sauce it's just, it's runny but it's very creamy, it's thick, thick and

runny if you know what I mean so it's got texture it's a coconut base and then it

has some chillies and turmeric, ginger just other aromatics and herbs I'm gonna

try the sauce by itself so this is the sauce from the from the duck but all the

all the dishes have the same sauce on them let's try this

Wow it's really spicy oh that's a really good spice, the coconut is

incredible it's got a bit of oil on top I'm gonna try the one from the beef

because for some reason it's it's not quite as oily that one

ohhh that flavour it's so fragrant ohhhh it's really spicy that is good but a really

good spice, let's get in and try this actual dark so I'm gonna grab some of

the sauce and just dump that on my rice, look at that colour of that sauce

from the turmeric wow that looks so good and look at this duck so, big chunks of

duck and duck isn't a meat you see that we, we haven't seen very much in

Malaysia so I'm not sure how prominent duck is here but this is really exciting to

try so let's go rice, sauce and some duck

so the ducks all just been cut up, it's still got the bones in there

that is incredibly tasty, it's taken on the sauce being cooked in the sauce

wow, it's still quite pink

it's juicy and it just falls away from the bone and the rice soaked in that sauce

that is heavenly in flavour, the chilli is definitely the overriding strong flavour

but it's not a type of chilli that you just think arghhhh that's so hot I can't taste

mouth or I can't feel anything you can taste everything else all those

fragrant things, the coconut, it's all there.

time to try this daging salai

or smoke beef, neither of us can get over how creamy sauce or

gravy is and I heard that or one of our subscribers told us that the family were in

the business of coconuts beforehand well before they opened this eatery and

that's why they're really well known for their super, ultra creamy coconut-y

sauce, let's just give this a go the beef is really thinly sliced

and it's just coated in that beautiful masak lemak cili api

I've also got a selection of ulam here ulam are fresh raw vegetables that you eat with

your meal we've got some pennywort and some winged bean, we tried pennywort

the other day in our tempoyak or ikan patin tempoyak video

we'll link it up there and a lot of our subscribers told us that I was eating it

incorrectly because I was just grabbing the bunch, dipping it in the sambal

eating it like this but in fact you're supposed to grab like some leaves and then

eat it with your meal so that's what I'm going to do and our subscribers also

told us that the pennywort has heaps of really amazing health qualities and

benefits like it's anti-aging so I'm gonna be devouring this bunch of

pennywort, if you have any food knowledge or or tips about the food

that we eat in our videos we would love to know so please comment down below and

whilst you're down there, if you haven't already please subscribe for more food

videos okay enough talking let's just eat, so I'm going to try this smoked beef

and get a little bit of that pennywort as well

mmm mmm mmmmm, the beef is really tender but it's still got a bit of chew to it which I love

and it's so smoky and again that gravy is super creamy, that pennywort reminds me a bit of arugala or rocket

it's quite peppery, quite spicy and it adds such a refreshing zing to each mouthful

holy moly, we've just got to get eating and stuck in because this is such an amazing spread

this is all going down so so well the rice is incredibly fluffy we forgot to

mention it came with so you got a basic plate of rice but with that you got a

little fried fish which I haven't tried yet, oh it's like a salted fish that's

really woah, woah that's so salty, okay I'm gonna have tiny bits of that as I

have the spicy stuff but also they gave us these cucumbers which are perfect cos

it's so spicy and that's really good to just break

through the spice freshen up your mouth unbelievable meal I've been up watching

them cooking and on that huge grill the smoke billowing out of it you've got all

the fish laid out, huge bits of beef being put on there and the meat all has

a really smoky taste because of it particularly the fish because it's much

more delicate in its overall flavour it's really taken on the smokiness of being

on that that smoker or that grill unreal, absolutely unreal meal, as always

directions in our description or restaurant name etc this one is totally

worth the trip this is a very special and very memorable meal

that was sangat sedap or very delicious so we are gonna grab some takeaway and have it for dinner

Wow Wow Wow so many wows that was incredible if

you enjoyed the video don't forget to subscribe and give us a thumbs up and

remember details down below so you too can come here and be amazed by that meal

we can't wait to try masak lemak cili api in Negeri Sembilan if you

have any recommendations as to where we should go to eat it let us know

in the comments below, we hope we inspired you to eat and explore like a

traveler not a tourist we'll see you next time thank you so much for watching

jumpa lagi.

For more infomation >> FAMOUS MALAY FOOD - Amazing MASAK LEMAK CILI API | Food and Travel Channel | Selangor, Malaysia - Duration: 11:04.


Happy Halloween Song | Nursery Rhymes Collection & Kids Songs | Emmie the Elephant | Babytoonz - Duration: 2:42.

Happy Halloween Song | Nursery Rhymes Collection & Kids Songs | Emmie the Elephant | Babytoonz

For more infomation >> Happy Halloween Song | Nursery Rhymes Collection & Kids Songs | Emmie the Elephant | Babytoonz - Duration: 2:42.


Learn to talk about swimming in 6 minutes - Duration: 6:13.

For more infomation >> Learn to talk about swimming in 6 minutes - Duration: 6:13.


Kman夾娃娃 我明明要夾索隆,你怎麼搶著出貨呀!!航海王 羅賓公仔。UFOキャッチャー#141-1 - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> Kman夾娃娃 我明明要夾索隆,你怎麼搶著出貨呀!!航海王 羅賓公仔。UFOキャッチャー#141-1 - Duration: 1:41.


韓國CSO 10月19日更新模組預覽 South Korea CSO 2017/10/19 Updates Models Preview - Duration: 2:20.

For more infomation >> 韓國CSO 10月19日更新模組預覽 South Korea CSO 2017/10/19 Updates Models Preview - Duration: 2:20.


Как приготовить курицу по-французски в мультиварке - Duration: 7:06.

For more infomation >> Как приготовить курицу по-французски в мультиварке - Duration: 7:06.


Featuring Musician Megan Ni...

For more infomation >> Featuring Musician Megan Ni...


For more infomation >> Featuring Musician Megan Ni...


YOG'n LIVE 21 - Le jeune hydrique, une expérience yogique ? - Duration: 14:52.

For more infomation >> YOG'n LIVE 21 - Le jeune hydrique, une expérience yogique ? - Duration: 14:52.


For more infomation >> YOG'n LIVE 21 - Le jeune hydrique, une expérience yogique ? - Duration: 14:52.


Scarecrow Makeup Tutorial | Easy Halloween DIY Angela Lanter - Duration: 4:33.

hello gorgeous welcome back to my channel welcome to October and this is

my first official Halloween tutorial of 2017 I decided to make it an easy one

one that anybody can do and it's stuff that you probably already have at home

for the most part really the only thing I had to buy to do this look was the

straw and the hat so it was pretty simple to put together and it's cute so

if you want to see how I got this look you know what to do alright guys so to

get started I'm priming my skin using Mac's prep and prime just applying it

all over before I foundation up next I'm going in with my brows and are going to

do my brows using a benefit brow palette love this palette it's I'm using the

powder side and just applying it with my it cosmetics brow brush to set my lids

I'm using the Make Up For Ever flash palette using the gold shade just

applying it directly onto my lid for eyeshadow I'm using the Urban Decay

Naked fire palette oh my gosh I love this palette you guys know that using

this tan shade and working it right into my crease and then I'm going in with the

lighter shade and applying it to my brow bone

next I'm using the colour-pop blow me away palette again these colors are

incredible they're like peachy orange II like they're just speaking to my soul

adding them directly on to the gold that I put on it's gonna set that in place

and then working it underneath my lid for eyeliner I'm using this black kohl

pencil this one's from Marc Jacobs applying it all over my upper lash line

my lower lash line waterline and tightline you name it I'm just lining it

up and then for mascara using this Ardell mascara this is the whispies

formula now I'm gonna go in with foundation using Kat Von D's tattoo

locket concealer I went with the lightest shade that I had in her

concealer foundation I don't went in with the lightest shade of her

foundation I really wanted to get a really good coverage and I think that

her foundation does the best for heavy coverage applying some loose powder from

Kat Von D again went back in with the flash palette and I am just marking up

my nose I'm gonna give myself a scarecrow nose it's just like a teardrop

shape okay so taking that same shade from the flash palette and loosely

drawing a circle on my cheek don't worry if it's not a perfect shape just work

that out with your finger and then using Mac blush to set that in place going

back in with the Marc Jacobs eyeliner and I'm just lining the edges of that

nose and drawing some stitches on to it to make my nose look like it's done

next I'm applying my lashes they're my favorites six four teams which are salon

secret I buy these at Walmart and like the multi pack and the 615 lower lashes

I think these are my local Halloween store you should be able to get them

online this is what I was talking about here see I'm ty lining then I'm just

going in with a dark shadow and tight and applying that on the tight line so

it doesn't budge lining my lips with Mac nude pencil then I'm going in with

lipstick I'm using the covergirl Star Wars this is the special edition so Matt

loved it I'm gold lipstick it's like the bb-8 going back in with that Marc Jacobs

liner and I'm just loosely drawing lines up the side of my face because I'm gonna

make them look like stitches and I'm using a liquid eyeliner here just to

mark up some random stitches along that line

all right so this is the finished look it was so easy to do it took me like no

time at all this would make such a cute family costume because you've got

Dorothy the Carrie the lion the Tin Man everybody could be somebody and then if

you have a dog the toto if you recreate this makeup please be sure to tag me on

Instagram so I can see because I love when you guys recreate my makeup looks

don't forget to visit me on my blog Angela Lee intercom please please please

subscribe to my channel cuz you guys want to be the first to know when I have

a new video go up right leave a comment below if you have a Halloween tutorial

request because I'm still gonna be filming a couple more and thank you guys

so much for watching happy Halloween

For more infomation >> Scarecrow Makeup Tutorial | Easy Halloween DIY Angela Lanter - Duration: 4:33.


For more infomation >> Scarecrow Makeup Tutorial | Easy Halloween DIY Angela Lanter - Duration: 4:33.


BMW 2 Serie Gran Tourer 216dA Centennial Executive 7p. SportLine | Trekhaak | Led | Sportstoelen | N - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> BMW 2 Serie Gran Tourer 216dA Centennial Executive 7p. SportLine | Trekhaak | Led | Sportstoelen | N - Duration: 1:00.


For more infomation >> BMW 2 Serie Gran Tourer 216dA Centennial Executive 7p. SportLine | Trekhaak | Led | Sportstoelen | N - Duration: 1:00.


Osa 3 "Luotan heihin täysillä" - Duration: 1:42.

For more infomation >> Osa 3 "Luotan heihin täysillä" - Duration: 1:42.


For more infomation >> Osa 3 "Luotan heihin täysillä" - Duration: 1:42.


Voici ce que révèle cette ligne de la main si vous l'avez - Duration: 3:37.

For more infomation >> Voici ce que révèle cette ligne de la main si vous l'avez - Duration: 3:37.


For more infomation >> Voici ce que révèle cette ligne de la main si vous l'avez - Duration: 3:37.


Danse avec les stars : Camille Cerf non rete­nue par la prod pour une obscure - Duration: 3:04.

For more infomation >> Danse avec les stars : Camille Cerf non rete­nue par la prod pour une obscure - Duration: 3:04.


For more infomation >> Danse avec les stars : Camille Cerf non rete­nue par la prod pour une obscure - Duration: 3:04.


Happy Halloween Song | Nursery Rhymes Collection & Kids Songs | Emmie the Elephant | Babytoonz - Duration: 2:42.

Happy Halloween Song | Nursery Rhymes Collection & Kids Songs | Emmie the Elephant | Babytoonz

For more infomation >> Happy Halloween Song | Nursery Rhymes Collection & Kids Songs | Emmie the Elephant | Babytoonz - Duration: 2:42.


For more infomation >> Happy Halloween Song | Nursery Rhymes Collection & Kids Songs | Emmie the Elephant | Babytoonz - Duration: 2:42.


Melania Trump accusée d'être remplacée par un "double" - Duration: 1:51.

For more infomation >> Melania Trump accusée d'être remplacée par un "double" - Duration: 1:51.


For more infomation >> Melania Trump accusée d'être remplacée par un "double" - Duration: 1:51.


Trump & Sin | Newsbroke

For more infomation >> Trump & Sin | Newsbroke


Labrose - Surrender Lyrics - Duration: 3:12.

I've lost you once before

And I'm not sure if I'd survive

losing you again.

There are miles and miles ahead of us

In the grand scheme of things

And I could be king and you could be my queen

Oh. x4

Broken hallelujahs is all that i'm after

Even if we've fallen into disaster.

I won't leave your side.

I won't leave your side.

Turn around, turn around

And don't hide your face

Even if it feels like you've fallen from grace

I will stay tonight

I will stay tonight

Oh. x4

I've lost you once before

And I'm not sure if I'd survive

I won't leave your side

I won't leave your side

For more infomation >> Labrose - Surrender Lyrics - Duration: 3:12.


Have you ever created a great video and found that after the initial post it just fizzled out? - Duration: 1:17.

- Have you ever done a great video,

put it on your website, maybe social media,

and got some really good traction for a few days,

or even maybe a couple of weeks,

and it fizzled out, and you wondered,

does video marketing really work?

Well, it does, if you do it properly.

And so today I'm just going to give you a few quick tips

to help make sure your video marketing works.

So my first tip is consistency.

There's two things you need to be consistent with.

The first one is your message, who you are,

what you do, and how you make someone's life better

or solve a problem for them.

The other thing with consistency is how often

you're putting out those videos,

and on what day and time.

So my recommendation is, pick a day and time

that works for your audience and do it every week

or about 12 every three months.

And finally, the last thing is,

make sure these videos are prerecorded

and less than two minutes.

Live videos are great for an audience who is

already engaged with you, but if you're looking

for new engagement, short, pre-recorded tips

are the best way to do it.

So, I want you to try these tips, and let me know

if you've increased your engagement with your videos

on your social media, on your website,

maybe even gained a new client.

If you have any questions about video,

I'm Angela with Video Power Up.

Let me know, and I will be sure to answer them.

Until next time, have a great day.

For more infomation >> Have you ever created a great video and found that after the initial post it just fizzled out? - Duration: 1:17.


Brenda stays active, even at 84 - Londoner #235 - Duration: 3:34.

For more infomation >> Brenda stays active, even at 84 - Londoner #235 - Duration: 3:34.


South Park: The Fractured But Whole | PC | Blind - First Playthrough - Duration: 1:05:48.

For more infomation >> South Park: The Fractured But Whole | PC | Blind - First Playthrough - Duration: 1:05:48.


Professor Mark Lilla: Politics Isn't About Identity, It's About Winning - Duration: 2:44.

MARK LILLA: There was a time when it was possible to talk about equal rights for these groups,

civil rights movement, the women's movement, gay rights movement, without using the word

"identity" at all.

You talked about social justice.

Then something happened.

The word "identity," the concept of identity, entered the American language, and politics

was no longer a question of being committed to a cause affecting people out there, but

became a species of self expression.

I am expressing my identity by getting involved in this issue, or that issue, and I'm focused

on politics only because of my identity, and the point of that is: I need to speak truth

to power.

I need to call people out.

I've got to fight the power.

When in fact the point of politics is to be the power.

Identity movements have put themselves into a state of, at the moment, a kind of frenzy

that defeats this very practical purpose, and two things happen, and then I'll be done.

One is that a radical rhetoric gets employed that gets in people's faces in a way that

is not helpful.

Black Lives Matter, which laid out a call to the conscience of anyone with a conscience

in this country, ended up breaking up meetings with Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.


But the other point, and this is where we come to free speech, is that if your politics

are wrapped up with your definition of your self, it gets very hard to have a political

discussion because people feel that in disagreeing with their opinion that you're challenging

their identity, and that's what's happened on our campuses.

We're no longer detached enough to argue without feeling that it's about us, and the big lesson

we have to learn it's not about us.

It's not about how we define ourselves, it's not about intersectionality, it's not about

my sensitivities, it's about fighting for justice out there for other people,

and to do that, you need to retool.

TOM SLATER: Thank you very much, Mark.

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