Thứ Năm, 19 tháng 10, 2017

Youtube daily report Oct 19 2017

Hey there!

Welcome to Life Noggin.

Almost three million people die in America every year.

Many are buried, many are cremated, but neither of those options are perfect.

Which begs the question, what should we do with dead bodies?

Let's start with the problems of current methods of burial and cremation.

For starters, we're running low on burial land.

It's so bad that countries are even re-using graves.

Traditional burial and cremation methods aren't doing the environment any favors either.

Before a body is buried, it's pumped full of toxic chemicals and carcinogens that end

up in the air, the ground and even our drinking water.

On top of that, caskets are made of mined metals and even plastics that end up decomposing

in the ground.

While cremation is a bit greener, it's still releasing chemicals like carbon dioxide, carbon

monoxide, mercury and carcinogens into the air.

Thankfully, there are a bunch of companies racing towards solutions for these problems.

But before I get into this, prepare yourselves people.

Some of these are real weird.

One group, called Coeio, wants people to be wrapped up in a suit made of mushrooms and

be buried straight into the ground.

This method avoids harsh chemicals and preservatives, and instead uses mushrooms and other microorganisms

to help in decomposition.

This allows the body to decay naturally and distribute nutrients to the soil.

But if you don't want to be turned into some kind of human stroganoff, there are other


Like being turned into a tree!

A company called Capsula Mundi is creating a large egg-shaped capsule that will hold

a whole body underground.

Once the capsule is buried, a tree seedling will then be planted on top.

Then, the body starts to decay naturally, with the help of the carbon inside the capsule.

This carbon helps microbes in the decomposition process.[17] The idea is that the body's

nutrients will feed the tree and loved ones can go back to visit a living representation

of the deceased.

It's kinda like reincarnation.

I just hope nobody chops you down and turns you into junk mail.

If these options weren't weird enough, there are some companies that want to straight up

dissolve your body.

Alkaline hydrolysis, also known as liquid cremation, uses an alkaline liquid bath that

doesn't emit the same toxins regular cremation does and it requires about one eighth the

amount of energy too.

The body is placed in a massive tub of 300 degree alkaline liquid and after an hour or

two, most of the body is dissolved.

That liquid is then poured down the drain.

Just like that.


But could any of these options be the answer to our problem of dealing with the dead?

Alkaline hydrolysis is illegal in most of the united states due to its controversial


Plus, this method is believed to still emit about 100 pounds of carbon dioxide per person.

Not great.

Being buried in a pod and giving life to a new tree sounds cool and it could be sustainable…

but planting a more mature tree that's prepared to absorb all the nutrients could be more


This brings us to our third option, the mushroom suit.

As ridiculous as this option may be, it could be the most sound.

A green body preparation, no casing, no burning or liquefying, just a body wrapped in fungus

feeding the nearby trees.

Ah, so peaceful.

There has been a huge cultural shift towards cremation in the last few decades, which is

definitely a step in the right direction, but I wonder if the masses will ever get on

board with any of these ideas.

Would you do sign up for any of these or are you more traditional?

Let me know in the comments!

For more infomation >> What Should We Do With Dead Bodies? - Duration: 3:29.






For more infomation >> Volkswagen Polo 1.2 TSI COMFORTLINE CONNECTED SERIES | AIRCO | EERSTE EIGENAAR | PDC V+A | CRUISE CO - Duration: 0:59.


Finding Your Mission - Duration: 4:19.

For more infomation >> Finding Your Mission - Duration: 4:19.


TOP 5 Indian Actresses Who Cut Their Hairs For Movies And Tv Serial | You Won't Believe - Duration: 4:00.

TOP 5 Indian Actresses Who Cut Their Hairs For Movies And Tv Serial | You Won't Believe

For more infomation >> TOP 5 Indian Actresses Who Cut Their Hairs For Movies And Tv Serial | You Won't Believe - Duration: 4:00.


நீயா நானா கோபிநாத்தின் உண்மை முகம் போட்டு உடைத்த அவரது மனைவி | Tamil Cinema News | Tamil Rockers - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> நீயா நானா கோபிநாத்தின் உண்மை முகம் போட்டு உடைத்த அவரது மனைவி | Tamil Cinema News | Tamil Rockers - Duration: 2:03.


5 Must Have Outfits for Fall/Winter - Duration: 5:15.

So who else is excited for fall? I know I am! Finally, you're gonna post some of

those stylish looks that instantly just makes guys look more sophisticated, just

by adding layers. In today's video, I'm gonna show you how to do just that. By

giving you five outfits that you can wear this fall. You're gonna see some

essential pieces, that definitely should be in your wardrobe during this season

that are trending. And on top of that killer footwear to go with it. If you

didn't catch my last video, I definitely suggest you check it out. In there I

talked about 5 shoes that should be in your collection for fall and winter. One

of them being our sponsored Thursday Boots, by far one of the best options

when it comes to fall and winter. If you don't have at least one pair of Thursday

Boots for your fall and winter season, you guys are missing out. I told you guys

before and my personal collection I have about 4 different pairs of Thursday

Boots, and my first pair that I got from them was about three years ago, and I

still wear it today. That's how good they are and that's why I recommend them to

anyone of you guys. When you invest in them, not only are they affordable from

the start but they have so much value and quality and grain in them, that you're

gonna have them for a years. So every time fall and winter comes along,

you're already covered when it comes to fall footwear. If you guys haven't

checked out Thursday Boots or have tried them out definitely, check them out below

this is a company you want to invest in for this season. Alright guys so let's

start with look number one, the trench coat. This is definitely a coat that

you're gonna want to have for fall. It's a lighter coat, that's definitely gonna

keep you warm during those bricks fall nights. Usually during fall you're not

gonna want to be layering thick overcoats on, the trench coat is the

perfect option. Pair that with the turtleneck. Turtleneck is definitely

essential for fall and winter. And of course, I ended it up with those wingtip

Thursday Boots. Those have the weather safe suede on them, which I've talked

about them before. The great thing with this is that you still get to wear suede

during fall and winter, even if it's snowing with Thursday Boots they

developed a weather safe suede. So if you get any water on them, as you can see,

you're fully protected. This means they're gonna be stylish warm and dry

through fall and winter. Look number two, it's the camel coat. Definitely another

essential. This thing is another classic that should be in your closet. The great

thing with the camel coat like any other coat, it makes your outfits just looking

more sophisticated and it's easy to layer. You could throw that

over a t-shirt, over a hoodie, over a suit, doesn't matter it ends up looking good.

Here to show you just the variation with the camel coat, I decided to go with

something more street inspired. So I am pairing it with some torn denim, again

just to show you that even this classic staple you can wear casually, if you're a

young guy. And of course no street wear look is complete without a pair of

Chelsea Boot. These again are from Thursday Boots and these are the suede

option. Now Thursday Boots has different types of Chelsea Boots, they have the

leather ones, from black to brown, but they also have suede options. Personally,

I love the suede Chelsea Boot just because you could wear it through

multiple seasons. Number three is something more laid-back and casual.

Maybe you're walking your dog, you're running errands, you're shopping for

groceries, so here the sweatpants is the essential

part. Make sure whatever sweatpants you're gonna try to use for a

comfortable cozy look, is a pair of tailored pants. Doesn't look like you

just rolled out of bed, these are the perfect option for that. Pair that with

some sneakers, of course you want to keep it relaxed and laid-back, this is to make

sure you're still comfortable and tailored at the same time. The great

thing is that if you want to explore a little bit outside the box you can make

this a stylish option, so instead of just wearing it with the basic t-shirt or

hoodie like anybody else would, try to pair it with a menswear piece like a

bomber jacket or a denim jacket. It's gonna instantly dress up that cozy

outfit, still keep you comfortable, but 10 times more stylish than almost anybody

else would pull off sweatpants. We love number four, it's gonna be around the

biker jacket. Another essential for any wardrobe, this is another timeless piece

that you're gonna be wearing for multiple seasons so it's worth investing

in a good one. So here I'm gonna go for an all-black look. I love every time I

wear a biker jacket I kind of like going more for a rugged bad-boy look, and that

usually means stripping color away from the outfit and sticking to those neutral

dark colors, so black, navies, grays. Here I'm just gonna stick with black, I'm

gonna pair it with some black jeans and some black Chelsea Boots, these are from

Thursday Boots. And the cool thing is that they have different colors when it

comes to their Chelsea this is their black leather Chelsea Boot. Which is a

great option for fall and winter. The great thing with the leather jacket is that

you could pair with almost anything you want and it's gonna look good. If you

want to dress it up a bit you could swap all of this, throw on some trousers, keep

black boots, keep the biker jacket and you still look good. Which will roll me

over to the fifth fall and winter look which is a more dressed up look. Again,

you can keep the black boots since it's a black leather upper it is a dressier

option than the suede. Which means it's easy for you to dress up. So I'm gonna

keep the trousers and then just put an overcoat over it. Usually when it comes

to these outfits, I love keeping it monochromatic and neutral. Not too much

color since it is fall and winter, as you saw from all these outfits I tend to

keep color away and keep it usually darker; that's just to stay with in

season. So, if you guys liked this video and found it informative don't forget to

drop us a like down below. Those were five outfits that you can definitely

rock for fall and winter. Also if you want to check out our sponsor Thursday

Boots, they are gonna be linked down below. That's it for me today, see you next time!

For more infomation >> 5 Must Have Outfits for Fall/Winter - Duration: 5:15.


-3KG 극성수기 일주일 다이어트 100% 성공법! My 1 Week Crash Diet | 데이지 Daisy - Duration: 7:16.


so far this is the most dressed-up intro I've ever had, no?



before I leave, I want to talk about this!

it's my '1 week crash diet story'!

I was so nervous to work with such amazing models beside me

so I did my 1 week detox crash diet and the result is unbelievable!

2kgs of body fat is gone! and my bodyline is totally different, especially my legline!

before furtherado, I want to jump in to my crash diet routine and some tips!

before starting this video, I want to tell you that crash diet can carry several side effects.

I am NOT saying this is a healthy diet method, and I am sure a lot of you already know I pursue healthy lifestyle during the most of the times.

I will give both tips and precautions.

the first thing I did is to eat green vegetables.

what I did for a week is so called detox diet

I had one bottle of green juice made of green vegetables per day.

the other way is to eat kalamansi, it's a fruit with lots of vitamin C and it helps to detox your body.

I bought this kalamansi crude liquid and mixed this to water / sparkling water of 2:8 ratio

this tastes really sour... lol

green juice and kalamansi helps you go easy on toilet lol

I guess a lot of you would wonder what I ate for a week, right?

before going into diet routine, I want to point out that it's almost impossible to only lose body fat during crash diet.

so it's important to eat protain and water, and do exercise regularly.

The night before day 1, I had a bottle of green juice.

that helped me a lot on the first day to start my diet

then I had this shake called labnosh everyday for a meal

so what I ate on the first day are: labnosh shake 1, loaf bread 1, kalamansi + water 1, green juice, apple or pear

and I didn't finish this shake at once, I sipped 1-2 times whenever I felt hungry.

it helped me not to feel starved.

I thought I need to eat some carbs to get more energy so I had 1 loaf bread.

then I added one of the following options: 2 eggs, 5 pieces of smoked salmon, 2 potatos

so basically I ate 1 shake, 1 loaf bread, 1 kalamansi water, 1 green juice and 1 apple / pear and I added egg / salmon / potato

next thing is exercise! it's vital to lose fat and keep muscles in your body.

however, I don't recommend workout over 1 hour per day.

this diet plan has very low amount of meal portion and you can't exhaust your body through harsh workout plan.

over-workout can cause dizziness and headache.

I recommend stretch / yoga to relax your body and boost your body circulation.

if you keep the following steps, you may lose weight, but the thing is that there are circumstances that you have to encounter.

so I want to talk about side effects and cautions you may want to keep in mind.

the first thing: crash diet may need you to reschedule mealtime.

1 week crash diet demands your body to run under low supply.

so if you keep your mealtime as usual, your brain may think 'meals' can't provide energy anymore.

to minimize this situation, you can eat more frequently.

this is absolutely NOT healthy during usual days,

if you pursue diet on a long-term, it's better to keep 3 meals/day routine

if you do crash diet, please be aware that you need to keep providing energy to your body

secondly, crash diet can make you get nervous!!

I felt my senses all got awake at once and

and the level of immunity can get low, so I recommend to keep your body warm all the time.

don't try this crash diet over 1 week!

the last thing is that your stomach can get nervous as well.

so avoid greasy, spicy, and salty food during crash diet.

it's just 1 week, guys! you can do it!

it may take 2-3 days to recover from bad foods...

this is just a concern, if you ever have thought of avoiding water during diet because you are afraid of gaining weight..

please please drink a lot of water, it just never go wrong with water

our body need water to burn fat, water basically helps burning calories in our body.

For more infomation >> -3KG 극성수기 일주일 다이어트 100% 성공법! My 1 Week Crash Diet | 데이지 Daisy - Duration: 7:16.



For more infomation >> FACCIO LA TINTA CON VOI!! CARA L' OREAL.. - Duration: 3:37.


TOP 3 BEST Builder Hall 7 Base +4800 Trophy!! | CoC BH7 Builder Base Layout | Clash of Clans - Duration: 11:47.

TOP 3 BEST Builder Hall 7 Base +4800 Trophy!! | CoC BH7 Builder Base Layout | Clash of Clans

For more infomation >> TOP 3 BEST Builder Hall 7 Base +4800 Trophy!! | CoC BH7 Builder Base Layout | Clash of Clans - Duration: 11:47.


How To Lock Your Keyboard And Mouse On Your Computer | Laptop Hindi/Urdu - Duration: 4:06.



For more infomation >> How To Lock Your Keyboard And Mouse On Your Computer | Laptop Hindi/Urdu - Duration: 4:06.


9 Mind-Blowing Facts About the Avocado - Sharp Science - Duration: 3:54.

Would anyone like some AVOCADO toast?!

JK, but I am here to talk about avocados.

These green gems are everywhere now: on toast, in sushi, even in ice cream.


Is nothing sacred anymore?

Most people just drop dollar dollar bills and pick one up from the store like their

college debt isn't waiting for them at home… but did you know there's more to this droopy

fruit than meets the eye?

Here are the most mind-blowing facts about the avocado.

Number 1.

Love your 'cado?

Thank the sloth.

As if we needed another reason to love 'dem cuties.

Avocados need mammal intervention for it to spread and evolve.

More than 10,000 years ago, the now-extinct giant sloth was one of few ancient animals

that spread the seed by swallowing the avocado whole

and… wait for it…

pooping out the pit.

Thanks to them, it existed long enough for the Aztecs to start farming them for human


Fun fact: the name comes from an Aztec word ahuacatl which means


Number 2.

An avocado is a fruit, not a veggie.

Did you catch it earlier when I said "droopy fruit?"

More specifically, avocados are berries.

A fruit is defined as "the matured ovary of a flower"...

Oh god, what is this, '50 Shades of Grey?'

And since the meat of an avocado is fleshy and not dry, it's considered a berry.

Berry cool!

Number 3.

It's easy to tell if an avocado is ripe.

Look at the stem!

I mean the protruding part at the top of the avocado.

Try peeling it off.

If it's too hard to peel, it's not ripe yet.

If you peel it but it's brown underneath, it's overripe.

But if you peel it and it's a perfect shade of green, you've got yourself an Olympic

Gymnastics gold medal-winning avocado.

Number 4.

If your avocado isn't ripe yet, you can ripen it yourself!

Just put it in a paper bag with other fruits, like apples and bananas, and seal it and put

it away in room temperature.

The fruits emit ethylene gas which, when trapped, ripens the fruits faster.

In 1 to 3 days your precious avocado should be ripe.

Number 5.

Avocados are expensive…


Blame its popularity.

And no, not only in the US.

Other places like China and Europe are also discovering how awesome-sauce avocados are.

Darn it, I knew posting pictures of avocado toast on Tumblr was a bad idea!

Well now, due to increased demand for the fruit, costs are up.

Also because of inconsistent farming conditions in Mexico and California in recent years due

to droughts and heat waves,

they're making the precious Instagram food more expensive.

Number 6.

Avocados are basically champions of all fruits.

This isn't even a contest.

Avocados have the highest fiber content of any fruit and contain vitamin B6, vitamin

C, potassium, magnesium, Vitamin E, and folate.

They also have the highest amount of protein than any other fruit, with one containing

around 4 grams of protein.

Avocados be swole, ya'll!

Number 7.

Avocados are poisonous to many animals.

It contains a fungicidal toxin called persin that is safe for human consumption, but dangerous

to animals.

If your dogs and cats eat a small amount, it should be okay.

But try to keep the pit away from them since it's loaded with persin and is also a choking


Number 8.

California is king when it comes to avocado.

Around 90 percent of the nation's avocados are produced in Southern California.

Who knew the avocado loved the sun as much as a sorority girl in Vegas?

Number 9.

There are actually many types of avocados.

There are more than 15 types of the plant, but the most popular one is called the 'Hass'

because it produces year-round and has a great, rich flavor.

But another common one is the 'Choquette,' which is produced in Florida!

Well there you go.

Now you know basically everything you need to know about the GOAT of all fruits.

Go forth, conquer!

Just don't knock over the old lady at Whole Foods

on your quest to purchase the perfect Avocado.

There's enough to go around.

For now...

For more infomation >> 9 Mind-Blowing Facts About the Avocado - Sharp Science - Duration: 3:54.


Life at Home Report 2017 – Beating the Battles - Duration: 3:09.

My name is Lydia Choi-Johansson, and I'm an intelligence specialist doing research at IKEA.

Ever since 2014, we've produced our Life at Home report.

This is very important for us to fulfil our vision, to create a better everyday life for the many people.

This year we have been bigger and bolder in our approach, and we visited 36 homes in 6 different cities:

Munich, Mumbai, Austin, Chengdu, Copenhagen, and Osaka.

We also did quantitative surveys with over 21,000 people in 22 countries.

We discovered that people are generally happy when it comes to life at home.

Over 50% of the people feel joyful, peace and happy about home,

Over 50% of the people feel joyful, peace and happy about home, but there are still challenges that we need to solve.

but there are still challenges that we need to solve.

We discovered five frustrations throughout people's life at home,

it's the five frustrations that are universal no matter where you live, how you live.

And one of the frustrations is that people have a very hard time 'decluttering' and having less stuff at home.

People want to have less stuff, but then they have very complicated emotional attachment to stuff.

When I moved here I said to Elle, I go, you know "I'm glad the lamp is coming with us".

It's comfort, that's all it is, like a blanket, in a way.

It provides some type of emotional comfort.

And second challenge is that we discovered a 'happy' life at home is a mix of my space, your space, and our space.

But people have a hard time really defining 'my space' within their mixed shared spaces.

Those are things that are… that are… 100% his.

And that if it were up to me, I would not necessarily have these displayed.

The third frustration that people have is being 'mentally present' at home.

And one of the things is that technology gets in the way, work gets in the way.

I do quite a bit of work from home.

And when I do, I always say I'm going to do it at the dining room table, because… it's…

you know, I use my mouse, or whatever, and it's easier to just be in there.

But I always end up just in… in here.

That leads to the fourth frustration which is that people have a hard time balancing the good side and the bad side of technology.

I think I need to respond immediately when people send me a message, or… mostly it's messages.

And so you find me… attentive towards the phone.

And then the last frustration that people have is that people want homes to be finished as a 'one time project'.

Home should be 'deliberately unfinished', but people have a hard time accepting this.

Along the way we met very creative, passionate people, who take homes to the next level.

They live in unusual places and they're very creative when it comes to really leading the Life at Home.

Through them, we discovered 'Home Pioneering thinking'.

It's not really about the skills or economic status but it's actually a mindset.

Anybody could be a Home Pioneer.

At IKEA, we believe by truly understanding people's life, and their dreams and hopes and challenges,

we could really understand them to create a better solution and products for the many people.

For more infomation >> Life at Home Report 2017 – Beating the Battles - Duration: 3:09.


Aviso (watch this please) - Duration: 0:27.

Well guys, this week I got my first strike from youtube

When this happened on my first channel, it was all too fast and that same week youtube deleted my account… I was completely unprepared and lost everything

Start over from scratch is extremely exhausting and I honestly don't know if I could do this again, so, as a prevention, this time I created a second channel

I'll let the link in the description, ok? This will be my only way of contacting you guys in case this channel get deleted, so, please, subscribe there <3 I'll be posting some videos there too

Thank you ^^

For more infomation >> Aviso (watch this please) - Duration: 0:27.


Клим Жуков про рождение революции: рождение буржуазной революции - Duration: 1:52:04.

For more infomation >> Клим Жуков про рождение революции: рождение буржуазной революции - Duration: 1:52:04.


Is Trump Ending US Power? | Iran & The Suez Crisis - Duration: 4:23.

Hey There.

Last time I talked about the way that Trump is building a massive international coalition

in opposition to US interests.

The controversy over the Iran deal is only the most obvious place where this is happening.

His growing attempts to trash the world trade infrastructure are another example.

Today I'd like to talk about why that matters.

And to do it I want to talk about the end of the British Empire.

I'm writing a book at the moment called Avoiding the British Empire, and it's about

how the US Empire can avoid falling into the same traps that the British Empire did.

Historians favor many different dates for the end of the British Empire.

But the one that makes the most sense to me is 1956, with an event we know as the Suez


In 1956, Britain, France and Israel invaded Egypt.

It was a classic piece of imperial skulduggery.

Supposedly in the name of peace, Britain took back the Suez canal that Egypt had just nationalized.

It looked like a success.

Then the United States intervened.

This intervention in the Suez crisis didn't involve a single US soldier.

US president Eisenhower wasn't interested in backing this 19th century play from fading

European powers.

He simply told the British that if they continued their occupation, the United States would

no longer support the British pound.

Britain had no choice but to back down.

This destroyed British prestige forever.

Though only 16 British soldiers died, it was the end of the Empire.

After 1956 if the British wanted to look like a big deal on the world stage, they could

only do it by allying with the US.

Independent British power in the world ended with the Suez crisis.

One of the goals of this channel is to fend off a similar Suez moment for the United States.

Some people think China will play the role of the United States when US Empire goes the

way of the British Empire.

That strikes me as pretty unlikely.

If absolutely everything goes right for China, for another half century, then maybe it could

occupy a position similar to the United States in 1945.

But that's probably not going to happen.

No, when the US empire is told to take its ball and go home, it will be a world-wide

coalition that does it.

This moment should have been decades off.

The US has actually done a pretty good job of providing benefits to a wide range of people,

and playing natural enemies off of each other.

Most of the components of any broad US alliance have more reason to be suspicious of each

other than they do of us.

Sane leadership from the United States should have meant decades before we had to worry

about a Suez Moment.

But this Iran deal issue risks creating a real international anti-US coalition today

not decades from now.

It probably won't.

We might still have the power necessary to force Europe into new anti-Iran sanctions.

But they wouldn't be happy about it.

Perhaps the most frustrating thing about all of this is the fact that we'll probably

make it through a Trump term, and possibly even two without feeling the effects of this

horrifically bad decision.

It will be Trump's successors that have to deal with Iran as North Korea, and a richer

world that hates us.

The Man is a vandal.

Make no mistake, Donald Trump is a turning point in US history.

It's not a turn for the better.

Thanks for watching.

Please subscribe, and if you'd like to help this channel keep going, please consider chipping

into my crowd-funding thing at Patreon.

For more infomation >> Is Trump Ending US Power? | Iran & The Suez Crisis - Duration: 4:23.


Traditional henna bridal mehndi designs for hands in flipkart and amazon shopping online - Duration: 0:58.

Traditional henna bridal mehndi designs for hands in flipkart and amazon shopping online

For more infomation >> Traditional henna bridal mehndi designs for hands in flipkart and amazon shopping online - Duration: 0:58.


Stupid driving mistakes #113 (October 2017 English subtitles ) - Duration: 11:14.

pay attention to the white wagon and the man with the child


your bunny wrote blya!

Are you an idiot or something? blya?

your bunny wrote blyaааааааа!

Pizdetz ,and where are you - the white Explorer, are you running away?

yob tvoyu mat blya!

it's fun!

Vasya I broke my car! pizdetz

what is it? Is this our wheel? no

pizdez blyat! you're a rider, f*cked in the eye! where did you learn to drive?

PUSH PUSH gas gas gas PUSH!

Kiryukha! Kiryukha blyat!

dumb ass

another dumb ass

Natasha! See the car in the ditch

he has touched us?

Yes or no?

I have to go out

feminine conversation

stupid woman blyat!

she drove into the curb

she's an idiot! Now would have dropped her car, on my car, on me !!

And I'm sitting here and making plans for the weekend, what plans can I build when there are many stupid women in the world who can destroy your plan in a second!

stupid wingless hen

For more infomation >> Stupid driving mistakes #113 (October 2017 English subtitles ) - Duration: 11:14.


Ask Alabama: Why is Montgomery the capital of Alabama? - Duration: 3:37.

Montgomery is the capital of Alabama. But why? iIt's not the biggest city or even

the oldest city in the state. I mean in Birmingham we like corrupt politicians

as much as the next guy. So why are they all based in Montgomery... and also the

normal boring politicians too, I'm sure.

So as part of Ask Alabama we were asked, "Was

Wetumpka once considered a candidate for the state capital?" And the answer is

yes. A bunch of cities were but Wetumpka did come closer than most. See

before 1826 the Alabama capital had been bounced around to a few different places.

It had been in Washington County, then briefly in Huntsville, then briefly in

Dallas County, before shifting up to Tuscaloosa. There were a few reasons why

these locations didn't work out. The Dallas County site got so flooded

lawmakers literally had to paddle to the second floor of the Capitol building to

cast a vote. But a big reason was that every time the capital was shifted to

the southern part of the state the northern counties would throw a fit and

the southern counties would do the same when it was shifted north. So in 1826

when the capital was moved to Tuscaloosa it shouldn't surprise you that all the

southern counties weren't happy. And they began a long campaign to get the capital

moved again. But it was tricky because this time the new capital of Tuscaloosa

was written into the state constitution. So to move it again they would need to

pass a constitutional amendment. Unlike today when folks in Alabama vote on ten

constitutional amendments every time they go to the poll, back then an

amendment was a hard thing to get passed. But after 20 years the southern counties

found a way. They tied moving the capital to a different amendment that would

allow state lawmakers to meet every two years. At the time they only met every

four years so it was hard to get stuff done. That was an incredibly popular

amendment so it passed in 1846 along with the measure to move the state

capital. So once again the capital was up for grabs. Now in the past the fight for

the capital had largely been between northern and southern counties, but in

the intervening years the central part of the state had established its own

power base. This area known as the Black Belt because of the black soil in the

area had gotten rich because of cotton plantations. So when it came time to vote

on a capital a lot of southern counties were willing to move it to a city in the

Black Belt as a compromise. The area wasn't too far north or too far south

and a confluence of rivers and train tracks in the area made it easy to

travel there from basically anywhere in the state. The two biggest contenders in

the Black Belt were Montgomery and Wetumpka. Today people think of Wetumpka

as a suburb of Montgomery, but back then it was actually a bigger more

well-established city than Montgomery. But Montgomery was offering up free land

to put the capitol building on and even offered to pay for the new building.

Anyway in 1846 a bunch of cities made their pitches to be the new capital.

Mobile was in the running, as was Selma and Marion, and Tuscaloosa, Wetumpka and

Montgomery. The legislature heard the pitches and then cast a vote. And the

city with the most votes was... Tuscaloosa. People in northern counties were so

annoyed that the amendment had passed that they were willing to make the

amendment say that the capital would be moved from Tuscaloosa to Tuscaloosa.

But while Tuscaloosa had the most votes no city had enough of a majority to win.

So they voted again, and again, and again. Each time more lawmakers who had been

supporting some of the cities that didn't really have any chance of winning

were putting their lots in with Wetumpka or Montgomery. Finally after the

16th round of voting a final decision was reached. Third place was Wetumpka,

second place was Tuscaloosa, and the winner was Montgomery.

I guess the promise of a Capitol building at no cost to the state was

a tempting enough offer to get them over the top. Ironically while the city of

Montgomery did pay for and build the Capitol building it only stood for two

years before it burned down in a fire. The state ended up having to pay to

build a new one. So I guess there's no such thing as a free lunch.

So yeah, Wetumpka was a major contender for the state capital but in

the end montgomery won. I'm Jonathan Sobolewski for Reckon.

If you like these videos you can go to the Reckon by Facebook page

where you can find a lot of videos and stories on history and news. And be sure

to like the page before all our likes get used up. It helps us share these

videos with even more people. Thanks.

For more infomation >> Ask Alabama: Why is Montgomery the capital of Alabama? - Duration: 3:37.


Plan B: Wird "Love Island"-Chethrin die neue Bachelorette? - Duration: 1:35.

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B-Movie: Lady BIGFOOT(4/4) B-무비: 레이디 빅풋(4/4) 한국어 자막 - Duration: 2:15.

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Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 160 | Airco | Regensensor | Chroompakket | Cruise Control - Duration: 1:01.

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Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180 AUTOMAAT (CLIMATE CRUISE PDC LM-VELGEN SLECHTS 8DKM!!) - Duration: 1:00.

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Une carence en cette vitamine provoque migraines et maux de tête. Voici comment y remédier - Duration: 3:19.

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✔ 王彩樺飆淚自首「為小開墮胎」從小被逼當「檳榔西施」又慘遭....心酸過往逼哭粉絲! ✔ 宠物屋 - Duration: 4:04.

For more infomation >> ✔ 王彩樺飆淚自首「為小開墮胎」從小被逼當「檳榔西施」又慘遭....心酸過往逼哭粉絲! ✔ 宠物屋 - Duration: 4:04.


Minecraft Küfürlü Dublaj-Komik Olmayan Espiriler #3 - Duration: 0:53.

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For more infomation >> U.S. intelligence sources say N. Korea is building a new 2000 ton SLBM capable submarine - Duration: 1:42.


Gökçe - Her Şey Bitmedi Bitemez - Işıl Ayman cover - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> Gökçe - Her Şey Bitmedi Bitemez - Işıl Ayman cover - Duration: 3:01.


For more infomation >> Gökçe - Her Şey Bitmedi Bitemez - Işıl Ayman cover - Duration: 3:01.


Nissan Micra 1.0L Acenta * 17" - 'Plus Pack' - Exterior Pack Plus Enigma Black - Apple® Carplay - N - Duration: 0:54.

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For more infomation >> Nissan Micra 1.0L Acenta * 17" - 'Plus Pack' - Exterior Pack Plus Enigma Black - Apple® Carplay - N - Duration: 0:54.


N3wport - Running To You - Duration: 3:22.

N3wport - Running To You

N3wport - Running To You

N3wport - Running To You

N3wport - Running To You

N3wport - Running To You

N3wport - Running To You

N3wport - Running To You

N3wport - Running To You

N3wport - Running To You

N3wport - Running To You

N3wport - Running To You

N3wport - Running To You

N3wport - Running To You

N3wport - Running To You

N3wport - Running To You

N3wport - Running To You

N3wport - Running To You

N3wport - Running To You

N3wport - Running To You

For more infomation >> N3wport - Running To You - Duration: 3:22.


For more infomation >> N3wport - Running To You - Duration: 3:22.


Spider carrying his children on his back .. something incredible .. - Duration: 0:41.


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For more infomation >> Spider carrying his children on his back .. something incredible .. - Duration: 0:41.


Une carence en cette vitamine provoque migraines et maux de tête. Voici comment y remédier - Duration: 3:19.

For more infomation >> Une carence en cette vitamine provoque migraines et maux de tête. Voici comment y remédier - Duration: 3:19.


For more infomation >> Une carence en cette vitamine provoque migraines et maux de tête. Voici comment y remédier - Duration: 3:19.


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For more infomation >> Rihanna critiquée pour son poids, elle répond avec humour - Duration: 2:29.


En larmes, Justin Trudeau rend hommage à un célèbre chanteur canadien - Duration: 2:02.

For more infomation >> En larmes, Justin Trudeau rend hommage à un célèbre chanteur canadien - Duration: 2:02.


For more infomation >> En larmes, Justin Trudeau rend hommage à un célèbre chanteur canadien - Duration: 2:02.


Cоmo cambiar muelles de compresión trasero VW LUPO INSTRUCCIÓN | AUTODOC - Duration: 3:48.

Use a socket №16 and a combination spanner №16

For more infomation >> Cоmo cambiar muelles de compresión trasero VW LUPO INSTRUCCIÓN | AUTODOC - Duration: 3:48.


For more infomation >> Cоmo cambiar muelles de compresión trasero VW LUPO INSTRUCCIÓN | AUTODOC - Duration: 3:48.


Star Wars Battlefront 2 Single Player Trailer - Duration: 1:51.

Admiral Versio...

The rebellion cannot be allowed to persist.

Ignite the inferno.

You wished to see me, sir?

The emperor is dead.

So, what happens now?

We retaliate, commander.

We've been fighting our whole lives. <i><b><u><font color=#00000000></font></u></b></i>

Today, the rebellion dies.

The Empire's time has come.

This is not our mission!

I am your commander; Stand down!

You take orders from me!

For more infomation >> Star Wars Battlefront 2 Single Player Trailer - Duration: 1:51.


For more infomation >> Star Wars Battlefront 2 Single Player Trailer - Duration: 1:51.


Tanks Dreams - Cartoons World of Tanks - Duration: 16:00.

Tanks Dreams - Cartoons World of Tanks

For more infomation >> Tanks Dreams - Cartoons World of Tanks - Duration: 16:00.


For more infomation >> Tanks Dreams - Cartoons World of Tanks - Duration: 16:00.


Cet homme ne s'attendait pas à avoir le visage explosé, maintenant il avertit les autres ! - Duration: 6:19.

For more infomation >> Cet homme ne s'attendait pas à avoir le visage explosé, maintenant il avertit les autres ! - Duration: 6:19.


For more infomation >> Cet homme ne s'attendait pas à avoir le visage explosé, maintenant il avertit les autres ! - Duration: 6:19.


On vous dit que l'eau de citron le matin est bonne pour la santé. - Santé - Duration: 5:33.

For more infomation >> On vous dit que l'eau de citron le matin est bonne pour la santé. - Santé - Duration: 5:33.


For more infomation >> On vous dit que l'eau de citron le matin est bonne pour la santé. - Santé - Duration: 5:33.


Elle donne naissance à son premier enfant à 72 ans ! quoi ressemble le bébé ! - Duration: 5:59.

For more infomation >> Elle donne naissance à son premier enfant à 72 ans ! quoi ressemble le bébé ! - Duration: 5:59.


For more infomation >> Elle donne naissance à son premier enfant à 72 ans ! quoi ressemble le bébé ! - Duration: 5:59.


Trump & Sin | Newsbroke

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BMW 1 Serie Coupe 120I AUT.*!*M-PAKKET/SPORTLEER/XENON/NAVI*!* - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> BMW 1 Serie Coupe 120I AUT.*!*M-PAKKET/SPORTLEER/XENON/NAVI*!* - Duration: 0:58.


UNBOXING ► SEVENTEEN - Al1 - Duration: 15:41.

Seventeen is about to release a new album

and they're killing me every single week with new projects

but I finally got an older album

and it was one of my K-POP dreams

because it's my favorite Seventeen album

and it's also one of my most favorite albums in K-POP

And I wanted to get it for a long time already

I tried to order it a few times already but I didn't succeed

I also tried to ask our friends who went to Korea to buy this album for me

and nobody ever came back from Korea with this album

So I kept putting it in my basket but in the end I ordered something else

or I just didn't order it at all

So I told myself: No, Ann. You have to finally order your favorite album!

We ordered it along with EXO and BTS albums

And you probably saw the unboxing videos on our channel

Because we decided to publish those vids this way

I can finally open it and you have no idea how happy I am to have an album of one of my favorite groups

I chose this version because I like the photoshoot the most

The cover is also beautiful

But I liked the sunset version of this cover the most

But the inside won

And it's a big photobook

I cannot wait because I waited way too long

I saw earlier some unboxing videos of this album

Even many videos because I wanted to choose the version I like the most

Carol ordered BTS having no idea what's inside

She preordered it when nobody knew what's inside

I ordered Seventeen and knew what's inside

I like this version the most

But I'll tell you honestly that I don't remember what's inside

So I'm gonna be excited about every single photo

You really have no idea how happy I am to finally have this album!

It's incredible for me

It's a cover and you can take it off

I hope it's not going to be destroyed that fast

You can take off the cover

and we get a bible

This cover is very soft

You can put a finger here

And there are letters I cannot read

I cannot read it, it's probably...

Some important quote but... What is it?

And there is a CD inside

This album has a... rotten green color?

I don't really know how to describe this color

I wanna see the CD

CD has a member on it

In case you don't know, Hoshi is my bias

But I will scream no matter who I get on the CD and the photocard

Because I love all the Seventeen members the same

So turn the sound down

I wanna take out the CD

And see which member is inside


Is it... The8?

I had a short moment of doubt

This is weird but this photo shows only one side of him

Those arms look like legs

It looks like a knee

This is a identification mark of the performance team

They can make their arms look like knees

I'm so happy!

I'll put it back here

So nothing happens to it


It's waiting for me... Is it the same quote from before?

But I think I can read it

It wasn't 'love' but 'lose'

I'm genius

The members

Written down by their units

I'm already in love

Can you see it?!

Jeonghan... So pretty!


This photoshoot is amazing

This photobook is so big because Seventeen has 13 members

The frame is amazing, I can see only half of his face

He's so cute here!

Woozi is sitting behind him

Really, so cute!

Ah, I'm gonna hide under the table

Oh Gosh

It's even cuter! Only his head can be seen

He looks a bit like Samuel here

He's almost... a Seventeen member

But this was my first thought

Are we moving to other members?

Who is it? Vocal team?


It's vocal unit


It's Woozi

We'll see if the frame is better

Only one photo? Really?


He's writing all the lyrics for you and you give him only one photo?

Only one...

This is funny

DK is also funny

He looks 12/10, as always

Joshua looks like a little elf in the middle of this picture

This is so cute

I thought he would have only one photo...


Oh, they gave him 3 photos. It's another member here!

What are you doing?

It's... An empty... Roll of toilet paper

I think that Pledis spent all the money for genius photographers

This is why they don't have a toilet paper

It's really bad!

This one is really yellow

Okay... Let's move to Joshua

I think he's going to kill me with this photoshoot

Oh my God, can you see it?



They all want to kill me, I can already feel that my heart needs a doctor

This is pretty

He's ideal, can you see it?

And DK

The background of all of those pictures is really interesting... I can see a tap here

And a whole page for his foot

It's really vainy but let's not talk about it

He's sleeping on a book here

I'm not sure if sleeping on a book is better than going to toilet without a toilet paper

But... Okay!

They're together here...

A picture showing the action of taking off the shoes

Very, very interesting


It's so positive I wanna laugh!

Or just smile...

They're amazing

We're moving to performance unit

Hoshi, Dino, The8 and Jun

Oh my God

It's my favorite unit

It's my favorite unit and it's gonna be the most photogenic unit

The first China line member

And Hoshi is here!

The order is a bit different

Can you see this Adam's apple?

The8 is sleeping on a skateboard

This picture is very photogenic but... Please!


Dino ruins everything!

I wish he was at least 2 years older...

At least 2 years! But no, 99...

Dino! Hoshi... Who... Yes

Jun looks like he ate way too much

Not normal food...

Maybe... Something else...?

You know what I mean

The8 who was on my CD

Horror Show?

Yeah, it's a horror show for me, especially for my heart

Who is in love with Seventeen more than with any other group

This is so pretty

This Hoshi is pretty

This is definitely my favorite unit

Not only because of the visuals

but also because of the performance unit's songs

And their dance

Hoshi, why? Why did they cut half of your face?

And why does half of your face seem so perfect?


How cute! He does this!

And a postcard with Seungkwan

There is nothing on the back and I'm not going to send it to anyone as well

It's impossible

Here are the stickets and an adv...

Stickers with members

They look like stamps!

But with each member

This is my set for today

Together with The8 CD

I'm so happy

But it could have been Hoshi...

But, unfortunately, you cannot have everything

And all of this with a pretty background with The8

For more infomation >> UNBOXING ► SEVENTEEN - Al1 - Duration: 15:41.


Gorgeous Boréale Tiny House by WoodyWay | Tiny House Listing - Duration: 2:35.

Gorgeous Boréale Tiny House by WoodyWay

For more infomation >> Gorgeous Boréale Tiny House by WoodyWay | Tiny House Listing - Duration: 2:35.


[YTP] Phil Swift sells you global warming in a can - Duration: 1:05.

That windshield's frozen again!

You scrape and eparcs, but you still can't scrcs!



lol watch this

[fast as fuck boi]

For Blast Off! The-



The powerful spray that quickly melts Phil Swift's ass in seconds!

Just a quick blast, penetrates you fast!

[boi if you don't]

This advanced formula is actually gay to melt snow and ice in a lifetime!

Blast Off is perfect for sex, keeping cocks totally long! [PHIL NO]




It's cold, you're tired and your cock [haha funny am i right] is frozen again.

Why spend all-lla time scraping-

[physical pain]

Pack that heavy salt, [hell] and throw those scrapers away!


And to get Blast Off before the next big storm,

fucc yourself


But wait! I'm gonna fuck your order in half, and send you nothing!


During the special TV offer, you'll also recieve Winter Wax! (to wax your ass)

That's right! You get two cans of cans-

For the amazingly low price of only a thousand!



[laugh but demonic]

For more infomation >> [YTP] Phil Swift sells you global warming in a can - Duration: 1:05.


Volkswagen Polo 1.0 TSI Highline · Nieuwe Polo · Cruise control · Airco - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Polo 1.0 TSI Highline · Nieuwe Polo · Cruise control · Airco - Duration: 1:00.


Volkswagen Polo 1.0 TSI Highline · Nieuwe Polo · Cruise control · Airco - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Polo 1.0 TSI Highline · Nieuwe Polo · Cruise control · Airco - Duration: 0:54.


[ Liên Quân Mobile ] Test Nữ Vương Liên Quân ( Tel'annas ) | Liên Quân Moba - Duration: 10:13.

For more infomation >> [ Liên Quân Mobile ] Test Nữ Vương Liên Quân ( Tel'annas ) | Liên Quân Moba - Duration: 10:13.


Aparecida Sertaneja | Bruna Viola - Flor Matogrossense - 17 de outubro de 2017 - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> Aparecida Sertaneja | Bruna Viola - Flor Matogrossense - 17 de outubro de 2017 - Duration: 3:25.


Psiphon Internet gratuit tunisie telecom انترنات بلاش شرح واضح صوت و صوره - Duration: 4:02.

For more infomation >> Psiphon Internet gratuit tunisie telecom انترنات بلاش شرح واضح صوت و صوره - Duration: 4:02.


Liberdade - Priscila Alcântara | Cover Ana Araújo - Duration: 3:41.

For more infomation >> Liberdade - Priscila Alcântara | Cover Ana Araújo - Duration: 3:41.


How To Lock Your Keyboard And Mouse On Your Computer | Laptop Hindi/Urdu - Duration: 4:06.



For more infomation >> How To Lock Your Keyboard And Mouse On Your Computer | Laptop Hindi/Urdu - Duration: 4:06.


僕は攻め?受け?/Am I Seme? Uke? - Duration: 3:31.

Okay, Good afternoon!

It's Gure. And today...

I would like to take a quiz, if am I a Seme or Uke.

Um... XD

This site is...

A site of Jigoku Shoujo(Hell Girl). So... yeah...

A site I found is this.

Oh not this...

I'm wrong...

This is it! ^^;

I was wrong...

Am I recording? Yes I am...

Okay well... They are 10 questions, written over here.

And I...

I have to...

Find which I am.


You and your lover are alone.

You kinda want to have sex, what do you do?

The last one's bad. XD

It's a crime! (Written "Rape 'em boi")

I want to say sweet things to 'em you know?

Maybe you know? Say some sweet things then...

"Hey, you look good today^^" 'n' stuff.

And you do it. I think that way.

Q.2: Where do you want to have sex?

Of course, house.

I don't want outside.

It might be a pain in the ass if we're gonna do it in the car.

I don't like Love hotel.

Don't wanna spend money, and there might be a camera.

Me no likey.

School uniform, Maid outfit, Nurse costume, etc. Costume plays. What do you think?

If I have a chance, sure, I would try.


I like 'em^^

Okay, 4th!

The spiritual power relationship of the ideal with a lover is?

I take the initiative^^


If you are having sex with the partner, do you care about the reaction of theirs?


Of course I would love to see their reactions.

"Are they making a cute face^^?"

"Are they making an Ahegao?^^"

What are you focused on the following answers?

Adult videos.

I did play Adult games, but few.

What is sex to you?

I think it's a love communication.

"If they initiate, you do it back." Is like uh...

Is like you rape the rape.

Do you do the request by the partner?

I think I will, and in return, I also want a request.

So yeah...

I'm a "You request something to me, so I request something to you too" kind of guy.

People you do it with so far.


I'm a virgin.

I didn't date once in my life XD

Do you like sex?

Maybe I do.

I didn't do it once but...

Maybe I do like it.

Okay, the results!

Oh wow, "Sex technique 100%" lol

I-I see... lol

You are Seme with words.

I see...

You are experienced on etch, you're shining glittering offensive technique. It's a pleasure evangelist who uses words and fingertips to lead partners to the culmination.

There will be many people who are caught up in your techniques. It's already wonderful that you're sending a fulfilling ethereal life. Please continue to pursue the pleasure from now on.

Your Type is: Moe Uke type.

So... yeah. I'm seme-type.

I see, that was fun!

It was fun.

Okay, the result is: I'm Seme.

I'll screenshot this later XD

For more infomation >> 僕は攻め?受け?/Am I Seme? Uke? - Duration: 3:31.


Malaysian Terrorist na si Dr. Mahmud Ahmad, posibleng kabilang sa 13 nasawing Maute member sa Marawi - Duration: 28:22.

For more infomation >> Malaysian Terrorist na si Dr. Mahmud Ahmad, posibleng kabilang sa 13 nasawing Maute member sa Marawi - Duration: 28:22.


Carin 2 - Duration: 0:26.

For more infomation >> Carin 2 - Duration: 0:26.


Junkyard part 2 - Duration: 2:53.

For more infomation >> Junkyard part 2 - Duration: 2:53.


WFF 2017 Julia Solomonoff, reżyserka Nikt nie patrzy/Nobody's Watching - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> WFF 2017 Julia Solomonoff, reżyserka Nikt nie patrzy/Nobody's Watching - Duration: 1:05.


How To Create A new gmail account with mobile phone just 1 Click 2017-alwayshappy - Duration: 4:23.

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