Chủ Nhật, 1 tháng 10, 2017

Youtube daily report Oct 2 2017

Welcome back beautiful and amazing human being so the ...

we are change Sunday recap episode where we go very ...

important news you should know about and don't distract ...

you with CIA propaganda about the Rocket Man or ...

people doing which of course I see is a big distraction over all ...

the other distractions at the mainstream media pushes on ...

you so in this video we will be talking about what fascism ...

actually looks like a former UK prime minister committing the ...

worst act possible please fighting other police officers ...

the war on drugs and other things to make you critically ...

think and inform you about what's really happening in this ...

world that we all share together as you know I've ...

been doing a lot of traveling lately I got sick and of course ...

I just missed one of the biggest stories happening ...

right now and that is the Catalan Independence ...

Movement where police officers from the local title and ...

and Barcelona police actually clashed with the national ...

police force of Spain and the Civil guard during a vote that ...

was supposed to happen for. Domino's independence from ...

the Spanish government and it wasn't just police officers ...

clashing with police officers it was also other firefighters ...

from the Catalan District that got brutalized and beat by the ...

national Spanish police who in very large numbers swarm the ...

Catalan area to prevent the voting for independence from ...

even happening I got someone who has covered ...

Spain's protest movements during the ignoto before even ...

Occupy Wall Street I could tell you that the Spanish National ...

Guard does not play around and they are one of the most ...

repressive and brutal police departments out there in the ...

world but I think everyone's realizing that right now.

And as we're talking right now the AP is saying that over 460 ...

people are injured right now in Catalonia and for my ...

experiences and knowledge that number won't be even ...

close to the fearful people who were hurt from the ...

videos. I'm seeing online pouring in all ...

over social media and the crazy thing about this this was ...

done and not because of people protesting but because ...

of people going to the voting booths wear mask men from ...

the Spanish government and National Police Force came in ...

and ripped away The Ballot Box and voting boots from the ...

cattle and people who wanted to cast their votes against the ...

Spanish government leaving even the elderly beaten and ...

bloodied on the streets of Barcelona today I mean they ...

even went after a man and his dog a dog who wouldn't leave ...

the side of his owner who's getting brutalized by the police ...

today shocking images of grandmas with bloodied heads ...

mask men at taking away people detaining hundreds ...

with the pure brute force of government repression and ...

has the chaos and Susan Barcelona and Madrid the ...

capital of Spain people are singing the fascist Anthem ...

and giving the fascist salute in.

Town Halls right now as we're speaking Google has lent their ...

support to the Spanish government by censoring ...

voting location apps US president Donald Trump and ...

other world leaders have put their support behind the ...

Spanish government which not so long ago was an actual ...

fascist regime and historically speaking the tensions ...

between the Spanish government and the Catalonia ...

people have been going on for a very long time with the ...

Spanish government being a specially repressive for ...

decades now against the Catalan people and the ...

tension between the cattle and Spanish government has ...

it been higher ever since the fall of Franco's military ...

dictatorship in the 1970s and the real main issues boiling ...

down here or not only historical or not only out of ...

respect that the cattle and people want but also ...

economic reasons the Carolina government says ...

that they pay 11.8 billion dollars to the Spanish tax ...

authorities money of which that they say does not go ...

back to Catalonia the Spanish government is saying that the.

Number is more complex and that there isn't an official ...

member of the tax dollars that the Spanish government takes ...

away from Catalonia and the Spanish government is saying ...

that the catalonian government is violating ...

people's voting rights and privacy at this boat and ...

referendum is called illegal but knowing anything about mass ...

movements and protest and ideas the more that you tried ...

to repress them the more popular they become and right ...

now the catalonian independence movement is ...

stronger than ever I definitely see more international support ...

of the cattle on people now and this only being the ...

beginning of conflict between the Spanish government and ...

the Catalan people which of course we will be keeping a ...

close eye on here on this YouTube channel and for ...

freaks sakes hopefully won't get sick and I will be able to ...

be there on the ground next time it was not just a ...

catamaran people who want independence it's also the ...

Kurds who are located in side of the Middle East more ...

specifically Iraq who want their independence which I ...

think is a very important story since a lot of international ...

play. Those are actually involved in ...

this Kurdistan independence movement that we're not ...

really hearing much about in the US mainstream media and ...

just a few days ago on September 25th the Kurdistan ...

region held a referendum on Independence with a majority ...

of 92.7 people voting in favor from succeeding from the rest ...

of Iraq as a newly established state which gained support ...

from many neoconservative House of Representatives ...

members of the United States government including John ...

McCain himself who last week and you know wherever John ...

McCain go seek early you know something's afoot yeah ...

that's him and other neoconservatives idealist like ...

the prime minister of Israel president Benjamin ...

Netanyahu have fully supported the Kurdish ...

Independence Movement which is actually happened ...

would create a better geopolitical situation for the ...

United States Saudi Arabia and Israel and of course ...

counter Iraq Iran and turkey which have been at odds with ...

those. And that's why Israel ...

supported the Kurdish Independence Movement ...

which even the president of Turkey artegon claimed that ...

Mossad supposedly interfere in their independence vote a ...

few days ago which of course Israel denied and this is an ...

important story to me because it could lead to another ...

potential conflict within the Middle East which is already ...

riddled with conflict of course sectarian violence in Conflict ...

among different Muslim sects and religions that have made ...

the Middle East of destroyed place that it is right now and ...

that's why hezbollah's leader who are connected to the ...

Iranian government are saying that this could lead to an ...

internal War which it hasn't so far but the internal ...

implications are very Grand Iraq of course does not want ...

Kurdish Independence because it would take away a ...

very loyal Rich area and as we're speaking just as of ...

yesterday they are staging for Civil War as the Iraqi ...

government issued the Kurdish government an ...

ultimatum to hand over their airport and control of their ...

borders who are. Will issue an air embargo on ...

the Kurdish region threatening civilian air traffic of course this ...

has sparked a closer alliance between Iraq and Iran which ...

you're not going to be conducting a joint military ...

exercise which is going to be a show of force against the ...

Kurds Iraqi Parliament authorized the prime minister ...

of Iraq to deploy troops into the Kurdistan controlled areas ...

and we're looking at a succession that could lead to ...

a more violent result than what we're seeing in Spain ...

right now also interesting Lee enough partisan girl who is ...

very critical against the Kurds just had her Facebook ...

account deleted there's also alleged video from Isis ...

member saying that they are forbidden to attack the Kurds ...

inside of Syria and Iraq which would make sense but can't ...

really be corroborated other than this Isis prisoners ...

confession but that's a whole nother issue that we will get ...

into into future we are change videos but most importantly ...

what are you think about the Kurdish Independence ...

Movement are you for it or are you against it what are you ...

think about this. Better I'm looking forward to ...

your comments in the section of this video and most ...

importantly an opportunity to try to learn from you and now ...

I'm moving forward no more shocking and disturbing use ...

today we are finding out that the former prime minister of ...

the United Kingdom sir Edward Richard George ...

Heath Court into a police report abused 42 children ...

boys as young as 11 after an official investigation by the ...

police which reported on the person who was head of the ...

United Kingdom as a pedophile know that should be ...

shocking news that someone in such a high level of government.

Could commit such a trocious horrible acts and then never ...

faced Justice for it said he has already passed away and ...

he will never face any judicial system for the horrible crimes ...

that he has committed including the large that he has ...

damaged and it should be shocking to everyone the ...

high-level numbers of pedophiles within government ...

like Anthony Weiner but was just sentenced to 21 months ...

in prison after sexually courting of 15 year old girl on ...

Skype and Snapchat and the story becomes more ...

disturbing when you learn about the complexities of the ...

media and entertainment industry which just like we ...

saw what the BBC covering up the Jimmy Savile pedophile ...

Scandal or no seeing the New York Times saying in an op-ed ...

why they called admire Anthony Weiner I'm at a loss for words.

Many times doing this job but I still.

I don't get this and I think it's very clear politicians should ...

never be trusted.

Because mainly door evil people only looking out for ...

their best interest and do really creepy dark magic I'll ...

called stuff especially when you go into the higher ...

echelons of any kind of authority and what people ...

become addicted to power Dell do anything to keep it and ...

expanded as we're seeing from our next story where ...

we're learning that the Trump Administration is now ordering ...

Facebook to hand over private information on anti ...

Trump activists as the Department of Justice is ...

demanding Facebook hand over the personal information ...

of potentially 6 thousands of its users to the US ...

government and not with Facebook complies with the ...

doj which they most likely will it will mean the federal ...

government will have access to the personal data including ...

private messages of nearly 6,000 users or simply like the ...

disrupt j-20 page a huge over-reach of power that ...

would send Trump supporters are running for the hills if ...

Hillary Clinton did this even imagine imagine if Hillary ...

Clinton was doing. Next to Trump supporters and ...

I don't like any government Authority and I think we ...

should all agree that this is an over step of power it's ...

critically important for Trump supporters to raise the alarms ...

for this to let you know that trumps base is not okay with ...

this because in the next election if a Democrat comes ...

in they will also have the same power and authority ...

over you and this is the same government that it was just ...

revealed days ago ruined the lives of 653 249 lives because ...

of marijuana and cannabis use every 48 seconds the ...

government bust on somebody's door or arrest ...

somebody for simply using a plant that of course either ...

makes you sleepy eat a lot of food or laugh a lot so that I ...

don't personally partake in but I believe in the freedom of ...

others to partake in especially with cigarettes and alcohol ...

being legal in the prohibition that is being run by the police ...

state by the prison industrial complex by the ...

pharmaceutical industry. Ridiculous back then and it is ...

ridiculous now and needs to end and people need to ...

realize just because your person is in office.

Does it mean you should still support the expansion of that ...

office because that office will soon turn against you and you ...

have to understand as an American the government ...

interest are not your interest as a US senator Chris Murphy ...

said it's worth asking why we spend 600 billion dollars a ...

year on the military if we can't get more than five hundred ...

troops and 50 helicopters to Puerto Rico should make you ...

think just for a little bit about where the interest really lie ...

okay moving on no actually some good news Monsanto ...

has just been banned from the European Parliament as they ...

have restricted parliamentary access to Monsanto after ...

allegations that it unduly influenced studies into the ...

safety and 10 mini commonly use pesticides not sure the ...

Europeans are weird but they actually did a good thing here ...

since you know the power of Monsanto lobbyist and ...

scientists that have underhandedly allowed the ...

mass Corporation. Two become one of the ...

largest Food suppliers of this world and also some of the ...

very people that said policy since a lot of the American ...

FDA directors were also for Monsanto executive I know ...

that lobbying it stopped in the European Union and they ...

won't be able to buy government like they always ...

did before so yeah that is the news here for you today and ...

remember it is only ignorance that is allowing Society to be ...

acceptable the way it is right now and it is the stopping of ...

this ignorant educating yourself and Power Ranger ...

sell understanding what's really happening in this world ...

and changing your decisions that will really make an impact ...

on this world that's truly what I believe deep down and that's ...

why I do this every single day so stay tuned subscribe to ...

this YouTube channel and if you want to see us grow and ...

expand support us on we are Ford's donate ...

because I'm like the horse Street Media prostitutes we ...

don't have any corporations are governments dictating ...

what we could say and do because we are supported by ...

you and you only.

I love you guys thank you so much for allowing me to have ...

this incredible opportunity stay tuned for more here on ... forward slash we are change.

For more infomation >> Truth About Kurd and Catalan Referendum For Independence, Disgusting UK Prime Minister Exposed - Duration: 14:04.


Bol Mitti Deya Baweya Punjabi Folk Song Traditional Music Neelam Sharma USP TV - Duration: 4:29.

Ho bol mitti deya…

Ho bol mitti deya baweya, tere dukhan ne maar muka leya

Ve mera sohna maahi, aaja ho… oye

Ho mitti da main

Ho mitti da main bawa banaya, utte chaakniyan khesi

Watana'n wale maan karan, ki main maan kara'n pardesi

Ve mera sohna maahi, aaja ho… oye

Buhe agge lavan

Ho buhe agge lavan beriyan...

Ho buhe agge lavan beriyan

Gallan ghar ghar hon teriyan te meriyan

Ve mainu shakal vikha jaa, aaja ho.. oye

Ho gall vich mere

Ho gall vich mere dholna

Ho gall vich mere dholna, sanu maaf karin manda bolna

Ve mainu shakal vikha jaa, aaja ho.. oye

Maa dhee nu mattan dendi, tu maya vich moyi ni

Maa dhee nu mattan dendi, tu maya vich moyi ni

Tenu lajj kise di naai, tu ki laina maee ni

Sahib da dil hoeya neewa, tu pagdi ucheyayi ni

Jaag swere gafal kudiye, sutteyan rain vehayi ni

Ki hoya ki hoya tenu, charkha tand na paaya ni

Ban bethi tu phullan rani, ghar vich hukam chalaya ni

Jis kolon tu kotha litta, kagaj nahi karwaya

Haye ni bolda, poora kyun nai tolda

Haye dilan di kundi nu vairiya ni kholda

Bol mitti deya, bol mitti deya

Bol mitti deya, bol mitti deya

Bol mitti deya, Ho...

For more infomation >> Bol Mitti Deya Baweya Punjabi Folk Song Traditional Music Neelam Sharma USP TV - Duration: 4:29.


Pregnancy in Brazil ブラジルの「産婦人科」ってどうなってるの?[Vlog#19] - Duration: 10:25.

When you think that you've got pregnant


Hey, what's up? It's Harumi.

Hospital in Brazil (pregnancy)

In another video

I talked about how the hospitals

in Brazil work.


I think I'll talk about hospital

regarding to pregnancy.

I had babies twice here

but I don't have an experience in Japan

so I can't compare here and there.

So I'm just gonna talk

how it was in my case.

First of all I wanted to say that

In Brazil


(got something in my throat)

(try again)

Brazil is

famous for caesarean section.

It's also called as "The Kingdom of Caesarean section".

I've seen that 70~80% of all

is caesarean section.

But this number isn't really exact

because in Brazil there're people

who don't give birth in hospital

or don't register

because they're poor or for some reason

so it seems to be quite difficult to investigate

the exact number.

But the percentage among the people

who give birth normally and register 70 to 80%...?

It seems a lot, isn't it?

But actually hearing stories

of some women

who had babies here I feel

that about 70~80% of them really did caesarean section.

So it really can be true.

It's that a lot!

Everyone does cesarean section.

I personally had natural chi...?

natural childbirth..?(That is what it's called?)

both twice.

If I say that everyone goes like


It's quite rare

and people say I'm brave.

(thinking where to start...)

Shall I start from where going to hospital..?

At first,

when you think you have a baby

you go to hospital

knowing that 80~90% positive already,

don't you?

here in Brazil

you go to

gynecological hospital...?

(can't remember) Did I go?

Wait, how was it?

(remembered!) So at first

when you think you probably got a baby

you go to a clinic

but you're not 100% sure

that's why you go there.

Then I'd imagined that

in gynecological hospital

they do ultra sound or blood test, I don't know,

then they go like "congratulations!".

Here, as I mentioned in another video

they don't do everything in one place

like tests

or whatever.

So even if you go to gynecological hospital,

or clinic

there isn't a machine for ultra sound,

don't do blood test or urinalysis.

Nothing like that.

So at first you search a clinic

that your insurance covers,

reserve and go there

and what you're going to do is

telling a doctor that you think you have a baby

and you want to make sure.

Then the doctor gives you a request papar

to have a blood test.

So the first moment is that's it.

That mean when you first go to clinic

they don't confirm that you're pregnant.

Later you go to laboratory with the paper

your doctor gave you

to do the blood test

in another day.

And the result will be out

in a few days

then you go back to the doctor

with your result.

And the doctor will see it

then give you "Congratulations!"

(even though I'd already knew it.)

But there is no ultra sound at this moment.


At the beginning of pregnancy,

according to my internet search,

using pregnancy test

if you get "positivo"...


even if it comes out positive,

how is it called?...gestation sac

until you see that the pregnancy isn't really confirmed.

Is that right?

The only way you find that out

is to do ultra sound.

That how I understood

but here they don't check it in the early pregnancy.

So even after your result comes out positive

you still get kinda nervous

for a while

in the early stages of pregnancy.

That's a big difference comparing to Japan, I think.


Speaking of ultra sound,

in Japan every time you go to clinic

you get to do..right?

But here in the whole process

in average about 5 times, I think.

It can be 4 times, too.

Depending on women it can be more

or less..

In my case I did 4 or 5 times, I think.

So it's the average.


When your pregnancy is confirmed

at that time you get a card like this.

"Pregnancy card"

In Japan it's called...


ah, it's maternity handbook!

Here it's nothing like a "book"

(depends on the clinic)

It's just a piece of paper like this.


It has all the information inside,

well there isn't that much ALL the info though.

Every time you go

they put the date, blood pressure,

well so, what you normally do there is

measuring your blood pressure

weigh yourself

he'll ask you how's everything..

and if there's some result of the examination

that you have to show your doctor

you bring them and

see if everything is ok.

(in the later stages the doctor may check your belly by touching it and hear the heart beat of the baby.)

But basically that's it.

Just talking.

So it can in my case,

fortunately everything went pretty well

so it didn't have any problem

and nothing to ask every time

so the check-up was always quick.

The fastest went like 5 minutes.

And at this check-up

if there's examination

like ultra sound at the specific stage

to check the growth of the baby

your doctor writes this paper

in order for you to do whatever the examination

that you may need.

And then you go to a clinic

where specifically does ultra sound

which you have to search by yourself,

make a reservation,

and you go there...

then you get the photo of ultra sound looks like this.

Ultra Vídeo Center

The quality of the machine vary depending on the clinic.

It may also vary depending on your insurance.

What I have is the minimum level

and especially in a small city like here in Cabo Frio

it's not easy to find a clinic.

It's already kinda common

to see your baby in 3D photo

but here didn't have

such a place

I only did the things

that I needed at least.

So doing this ultra sound

at the next check-up

which happens once a month,

you bring it to show the doctor

if everything is fine.


We do blood examination

in the early stage

in the middle..maybe

and then at the like 3 times.

4 or 5 times of ultra sound..

and the check-up once a month.

You've got to go to each different place.

On the last month of pregnancy

it says frequency of check-up increases

like once every 2 weeks,

or once a week..

but in my case!

Until towards the end it continued once a month.

Further more,

on the last month of pregnancy

when we actually have to increase the check-up,

in my case actually

there was no check up.

I just had to wait labor.


That's actually the part a bit

complicated when you have a baby in Brazil.

Especially for us, Japanese women.


As I said in the beginning of this video

Brazil is the Kingdom of cesarean section.

So for example let's say that you want to have a natural childbirth.

Can we do that if we want to?

Well it's not that simple..

It's hard to find a doctor.

(There're a lot more to talk..)

It's getting too long so

I'll split into 2 videos

like the next half would be a volume of childbirth...

For some of you

this video wasn't that interesting, maybe.

But anyway this's all for today.

For now I'd say bye!

(continues to the next video)

For more infomation >> Pregnancy in Brazil ブラジルの「産婦人科」ってどうなってるの?[Vlog#19] - Duration: 10:25.


Shorewood IL Septic Repair 815-630- 1024 Shorewood IL Septic Repair - Duration: 1:09.

Shorewood IL Septic Repair. Are you sick of having your drains or sewer line rodded and paying someone to come out

every 6 months?

Tritan Plumbing has a long lasting solution to the problem of drain obstructions and tree

roots intruding into sewer lines.

We have a state of the art high pressure water jetter that cleans out grease, sludge, tree

roots or any other blockages in your pipes.

While rodding only pokes a hole in the clog, water jetting cleans out the entire surface

of the pipe.

We are trained experts in sewers, drains, and septic systems.

We'll stop your problem at it's source and keep your home safe.

To get a better view of what's going on, our technicians can do an in-pipe camera inspection.

If your drain is blocked and causing issues, emergency service is available.

Give Tritan Plumbing a call today, we'll get there fast!


For more infomation >> Shorewood IL Septic Repair 815-630- 1024 Shorewood IL Septic Repair - Duration: 1:09.


News 4 at 11:00 p.m. - Duration: 2:35.

For more infomation >> News 4 at 11:00 p.m. - Duration: 2:35.


A lot of Disney Pixar Cars: Color Cars Lightning McQueen & his Friends funny playtime video for kids - Duration: 10:13.

A lot of Disney Pixar Cars: Color Cars Lightning McQueen & his Friends funny playtime video for kids

For more infomation >> A lot of Disney Pixar Cars: Color Cars Lightning McQueen & his Friends funny playtime video for kids - Duration: 10:13.


自転車の運転が楽しいお年頃♪ - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> 自転車の運転が楽しいお年頃♪ - Duration: 0:31.


Sinbad's Server Sandbox - Duration: 6:40.

Ok so I haven't uploaded in a while so I am gonna upload, first I want to say I got a new computer.

Before we start make sure to give Arecus a big (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ on how he/she got so much score.


Sorry for the non music, it just randomly went off.

Sorry Du (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Jejus that came out of nowhere.

Poor sO Basic. And -_-

Revenge is mine.

And you're dead, good luck getting me back xD.

That's all from me, so cya in the next video, byeee.

For more infomation >> Sinbad's Server Sandbox - Duration: 6:40.





THE ANATOMY OF A DREAM (program 1 of 2) - Duration: 20:49.

For more infomation >> THE ANATOMY OF A DREAM (program 1 of 2) - Duration: 20:49.


West Hartford Area Homes - What is a Non-MLS Listing? - Duration: 2:08.

Hi, I'm Jessica Beganski from William Raveis Real Estate in West Hartford and Farmington Valley.

It's a Sunday afternoon and I just left my daughters field hockey game to show a non-MLS

listing to one of my buyers.

My buyer asked me when I booked the showing, what is a non-MLS listing?

And it occured to me that I should do a video to explain it and I had a few minutes.

So here goes.

First, I'll explain the multiple listing service briefly- it's basically a database where listing

agents enter a property and its details, photos, a listing price

and the offer of commission to all buyers agents.

90% or more of real estate sales occur within or because of the MLS.

A non-MLS listing is when a seller signs a listing agreement with a real estate broker

but requests or agrees to keep the listing out of the MLS for a period of time.

If the MLS is the place to sell a home,

why would a seller want to keep their property out of it?

In my experience it's because the seller although they want to sell, they're not ready to- possibly

the house isn't ready, they haven't found a home to buy yet or they have some life event

they need to work around.

A non-MLS listing gives the seller time to get the house ready while giving their agent

time to do some marketing - to their database of buyers, to agents in their office or network

or do some online marketing.

Most of the time, the house does go on the market but in times of low inventory, such as now,

the seller may not ever have to go into the MLS because proactive buyers agents are looking

for Non-MLS listings regularly.

Thanks for watching.

Please follow my Facebook page, West Hartford Area Homes

to stay up to date on real estate market news.

For more infomation >> West Hartford Area Homes - What is a Non-MLS Listing? - Duration: 2:08.


Acting Swiftly! | Minecraft: Vapor SMP [S1E1] - Duration: 11:01.

What's going on guys, my name's HERO and in today's video this is the first episode of a brand new series, a brand new Minecraft SMP series on my channel,

which is called Vapor SMP of course. I'm late to the server by a month because I was invited at the very beginning, but I told the owner, which is Jack, you guys

know him already probably, and I told him that I want to wait a month because I was just getting adjusted to online school and it's been a month so I'm here ready to

join, make my first episode, and have a good start! But unfortunately, like I said I'm a month behind so I got some catching up to do. I need to act swiftly and get

caught up by the end of this episode, hopefully. So anyways, yeah let's get started with that. [Transition] So anyways guys for this series I'll be using and edit of the

default resource pack. As you can see I have my little pototos for the hunger bar, and I will not be using shaders. I was going to but I want to keep this series

As an above 60 FPS series and my computer just can't handle shaders that well to keep it above 60 FPS. So yeah- ooo.. Don't mind if I do! Nah I'll leave it.

For those of you who saw my CloudSMP series then you'll know I play SMPs a little differently and I do plan to make this series very different as well.

This series is going to be more of a personal series than a commercial series, if that makes any sense. So there we go, we got some stuff. Now I'm just going to quickly

get some essentials, and then we'll start heading towards where I want the base to be. Alright, as you guys can tell right there I'm a little hungry- in Minecraft, so

unfortunately, it's either you or me, cow. I'm sorry about this. Alright guys we have made it to- can you guess?- 15, 15. *Hundred, that is, for both of them. I was going to

2000, 2000 this season, but I decided not to. I don't need to be that far away, do I? No I don't think so. So yeah this is where the base is going to be. And now that this is

officially my territory, I gonna start mining and doing stuff. I mean I should at least get to full diamond armor by the end of this episode hopefully. But I am a very busy

person at the moment so I don't know. We'll see. I'll try, okay? Alright guys, during this little mining montage I wanted to talk to you guys about "acting swiftly", seeing

as that's what we're doing in the series and that's the name of the episode because we're late so we gotta catch up. But first before I begin that topic I wanna

to leave a comment guessing how ore you think I'll get during this montage. And then at the end of the montage you'll see how close you were. And yes this is inspired by

what Mumbo Jumbo does in his Hermitcraft series. Just gotta credit where I got the idea from. Anyways let's get started.

Whenever there's any form of drama or disagreement or conflict of any kind, it is really important to act immediately because just like whenever there's a

bleeding wound you have to act quickly before you bleed out and before it's too late- you gotta do the same for emotional wounds. That's just how it goes.

Whether is on yourself or someone else. Like there's no time to waste because every day you wait to do it, they're just emotionally bleeding out more and more and more.

And this applies to yourself too, of course. If you want to change yourself, you gotta act quickly and start making change ASAP, like today. You guys can make change in

your lives today I'm pretty sure. However, that doesn't mean it's ever too late, because it's never too late. You can always change. As long as you're alive then you can

change who you are an become a better person for the rest of your life and move on from the first part of your life where you weren't as awesome. But why do we mess

up in the first place? Well- I mean, we're only human so we're prone to mistakes and regrets, and unfortunately that's just how it goes. But knowing how to act upon

stuff like that, and improving relationships, and acknowledging when you've made a mistake so you can act swiftly, and repair the damage- That's an awesome

trait to have. Anyways I think I'm gonna put some music on now so you can enjoy the rest of the montage. I didn't really have any more to say, so here we go.

(Music: JJD Marin Hoxha - Lift)

Anyways guys, that's the end of the montage and if you haven't left your comment yet guessing how much ore I got for each thing go and guess now in the comments,

I'll give you a second. Mkay, I'm assuming you paused, so you're done guessing. Here are the results! Yeah.. no diamonds.. somehow. I kinda half-expected me to get

full diamond armor in the first episode but- I mean to be fair I've barely done any mining because I've been working on lots of different things at the same time.

I'm a very busy person nowadays in case you guys can't tell. Anyways guys, be sure to check out the channel next Sunday at 6:30 PM Pacific Standard Time, and today I

want you guys to leave a comment! Please, please just leave a comment- any comment. I want to read your comments and your feedback on the series.

And if you don't know what to comment then just tell me how your day is going, okay? I' love to hear how your day is going, okay? Anyways guys, hopefully you did enjoy

and if you did there's a BUTTON for that down below, and if you really liked it, there's a button for that too. But anyways guys, my name's HERO, and I'll see you in the

next episode! Next Sunday, 6:30 Pacific Standard Time. Goodbye!

For more infomation >> Acting Swiftly! | Minecraft: Vapor SMP [S1E1] - Duration: 11:01.


'미우새' 이상민, 채무자·채권자가 함께 한 신선한 추석 풍경 | K-Couple - Duration: 8:19.

For more infomation >> '미우새' 이상민, 채무자·채권자가 함께 한 신선한 추석 풍경 | K-Couple - Duration: 8:19.


[CNCTV] '파티피플' 엑소 디오 "힘들어 포기하고 싶었던 적도" 고백 - Duration: 6:28.

For more infomation >> [CNCTV] '파티피플' 엑소 디오 "힘들어 포기하고 싶었던 적도" 고백 - Duration: 6:28.


Representative Luis Gutierrez To President Donald Trump: 'Open Up The Heart' | AM Joy | MSNBC - Duration: 7:11.

For more infomation >> Representative Luis Gutierrez To President Donald Trump: 'Open Up The Heart' | AM Joy | MSNBC - Duration: 7:11.


31 Funny Behind the Scenes Shots From Famous Movies You've Never Seen Before - Duration: 4:12.

Thank for watching my video , Please help for 100.000 Subscribe :)

For more infomation >> 31 Funny Behind the Scenes Shots From Famous Movies You've Never Seen Before - Duration: 4:12.


Senbonzakura (English Cover)【joy】 - Duration: 5:55.

With a bold and sudden calling

Western Revolution's starting

Let our hearts be open to it

Pacifist nation

Riding on a penny farthing

It's the flag of our sun rising

Warding evil spirits like an I C B M

On the train tracks running along the line

Let us move forward, don't look behind

Boys and girls becoming like samurai

Just like those from our previous life

Thousands of cherry blossoms dwindling in the light

Though I can't hear your voice, keep what I say in mind

This bouquet that surrounds is iron poison, see

Looking down at us from that big guillotine

Darkness has just engulfed the universe we know

The lament that you sing can't reach ears anymore

We are still far away from reaching clear blue skies

Go ahead, keep shooting, with that ray gun fight!

Veterans who've trained through struggles

Are now officers in battle

Here and there we see the harlots in procession

This one, that one, doesn't matter

Every single person gathers

March on to our saintly deaths now

1, 2, 3, 4!

Passing through the gates on the mountain peaks

Escaping this world, kill all the evil fiends

Surely this will end in a denouement

Among the crowd giving their applause

Thousands of cherry blossoms dwindling in the light

Though I can't hear your voice, keep what I say in mind

This bouquet that surrounds is iron poison, see

Looking down at us from that big guillotine

Darkness has just engulfed the universe we know

The lament that you sing can't reach ears anymore

We are still far away from reaching peaks of hope

Go ahead, keep shooting, use that flashing bolt!

On the train tracks, running along the line

Let us move forward, don't look behind

Boys and girls becoming like samurai

Just like those from our previous life

Thousands of cherry blossoms dwindling in the light

Though I can't hear your voice, keep what I say in mind

That bouquet that surrounds is iron poison, see

Leaping down to us from that big guillotine

Thousands of cherry blossoms, dwindling in the light

Once your song can be heard, we'll dance with all our might

This bouquet that surrounds, is iron poison see

Go ahead, keep shooting, with that ray gun lead!

For more infomation >> Senbonzakura (English Cover)【joy】 - Duration: 5:55.


La colonialidad del poder y del saber - Duration: 11:26.

For more infomation >> La colonialidad del poder y del saber - Duration: 11:26.


Cardi B - Bodak Yellow (Karaoke Version) - Karaoke Songs With Lyric - Duration: 4:06.

Cardi B - Bodak Yellow Karaoke Version - karaoke songs with lyrics

For more infomation >> Cardi B - Bodak Yellow (Karaoke Version) - Karaoke Songs With Lyric - Duration: 4:06.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


Cardi B - Bodak Yellow (Karaoke Version) - Karaoke Songs With Lyric - Duration: 4:06.

Cardi B - Bodak Yellow Karaoke Version - karaoke songs with lyrics

For more infomation >> Cardi B - Bodak Yellow (Karaoke Version) - Karaoke Songs With Lyric - Duration: 4:06.




This is crazy!

We are at Power Con,

this is just getting started.

How is it?

Really cool!!

Better than last year.

My good friend, "El alacrán"

"El alacrán" that is good.

He likes to sting by the tail.

And you are all stung?

Let me see.


You didn´t want it.

Good purchase,

really good purchase.

Well this is something we brought here

to exchange.


Go crazy!

And be able to spend more.

There you go.

You just sold the...

Black legs Trapjaw, yes!

That´s good!

The good thing is that I set aside mine.

Also putting the name of

¨Los Amos¨ on top,

I brought some of the variants because

the people

here don´t know

the difference between MABAMEX and Aurimat.

So I think there´s been a good response

because a lot of people say,

I wouldn´t even imagine it,

so I am trying that our pieces get recognition

as it happens with Top Toys.

or with Lego in India.

I'm going to get into MadHunter´s video,

I would like to tell something to all his followers.

Everyone knows that Top Toys

is Argentinian

and has many variants,

but I am telling you,

in Mexico,


I was surprised, I'm drooling!

I found a universe

that you got to know.

What he is saying is right.

You got to know it,

The real Mexican MOTU figures are amazing!

This is about to go down!


This is about to go down!

MadHunter and Eternia Pimps

as always present at the Power Con.

I'm here with my friend, Isra,

he gave me a present, an crazy Bootleg,

really cool.

Thank you very much

and thank you for following the channel,

for being here.

He also brought this piece

that I find pretty interesting.

This pieces are rare because you don´t know

if they are the discards of the fabric,

I mean the origin is always difficult to determine,

I appreciate it, and it's good that people spot this kind of figures

It´s always a double-edged sword because

sometime people say:

Well let me assemble one too.

But when you meet the people

and you know they are trustworthy it,

then they are interesting stuff that give

you something to talk about at this kind of events.

We just found the Fright Fighter

that I was missing,

it never arrived to Mexico.

It comes with all the accessories!

they are pretty flimsy,

$40 usd, it's a bargain!

I love it because the wings are pretty rare,

as I was telling you,

it´s pretty difficult to find complete.

Many people sell but they don´t have toy stores,

Some of them are collectors selling their doubles each year.

To get money to buy more toys!

Let´s go over Power Con.

I'm here with Scott.

He is the one who organizes Power Murphy Con y Robot Toy Fest.

Two very important conventions

He was not here last year.

But his both was here.

At his booth is where I bought the prototypes and test shots last year.

He still has one that I didn´t buy last year,

So we are negotiating it right now.

But I want you to look at the things he brought.

Amazing stuff.

The original art of Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors.

Sólo $3,000 usd.

Sólo $3,000 usd.

$3,000 usd each one.

You have to investigate where does this original art was used.

Maybe for a package, on a comic, for promotion.

This time he also brought many original art.

I want to show you this!

This is how it was going to look in the movie.

So this was going to be Eternia.

This is the piece that I let pass last year!

Honestly for me this is a Jewel.

They toy never came out,

but being able to see what we could have had,

makes it really interesting,

and then seeing that from this there are lots of people

who make customs and figures to recreate this that never actually exist.

Wow, ¿did you hear that?

You must remember that part from last year where they had all the prototypes.

I'm going to keep negotiating, wish me luck.

I shouldn't go crazy, but I won´t let this go again.

It's pretty crowded!

We cannot even walk!

Hello, hello.

Over here I also set aside some stuff.

The good part of being an exhibitor,

is that we have first shot in the morning to buy figures before the door is open.

What´s that?

How much was it?


$15 usd!

"Eeeeessssooo" (that's it)

It's like the guy that says "EEEESSSSOOO"

Yes, like Nintendo NES.

He comes from Island to Power Con like a fanatic.

And he makes amazing jobs,

look at what he brought over here.

Look at that!

Many people in Mexico

has been replicating vintage bootleg figures, to make them pass as real vintage pieces.

They are doing that to make money and rip-off people.

When they can put their talents

on stuff like this that is fantastic!

and that are sold as art pieces.

Wow, look at this.

¿How are you doing?

Tell me the truth.

This day has been really nice,

there´s many people.

Artists, many He-Man toys, they are everywhere.

¿Do you agree that this time there is more vintage stuff at the event?

Yes, exactly.

We are going mad right now, obviously.

Prices have not risen that much...

I mean even kids,

I saw a little kid like I don't know,

him, for example…

¿And how was the mother?

And the mom just took out her wallet

and took away from me 2 Twistoids.

She bought one and then he bought another one.

The pimp mother!

Look at that!!!

This is unbelievable, man!

This has been very cool!

What time is it?

3:49 PM

and we are really tired.

How much do we have left?

An hour, and hour and a half, two hours still.

We are fascinated,

look over here, vicious people.

Everybody is in a collector's rush.

As I told you, it´s not only because of the Toys, you run into friends or people from Instagram that you met from distance.

People from Germany or other countries

People that you have been talking to trough the internet and you met them here

It´s that warmth that we want to start creating in Mexico, you know?

That we make this kind of events, that it´s all good vibes. If you grab a piece or not,

it doesn't matter,

Enjoy the time with your pals, I think that is the objective of this hobby.

There is lots of people that came to live to the US along time ago,

And they are getting into Mexican bootleg toys

Because those were the toys they had when kids,

and it's part of their childhood.

We like to promote all this, and help others to improve their collections.

And also that there are really good prices.

Really good prices.

Even more if you join as a Duo.

You are right.

And you pick, 3, 4, 5 even 15 pieces and you end up with a better combo.

And as Lole would say…. "You make a great deal"

The same but with bad words! lol

Look at this.

This collection, has like a taboo!

Men doesn't like to collect dolls, but believe me, this is a great collection.

Look at this transparent horses,

to be honest, they are great.

$125 uds, this one $150 usd and this one.

And Catra's horse is here.

Look at this TMNT Japanese Bootleg!

How many rounds have we made through the convention?

Like 10, 15 times, it´s pretty small,

there you can see the background and there are 4 halls,

but every time you find something great.

We have gone like 3, 4 times

to the same box and you find other stuff and you wonder

¿why didn't I see this the first time?

And stuff keeps coming out.

And some times you are ambicious

so even If you have seen it, you say, well I didn´t find any other stuff, I take this one.

This is nice, the "mail away" Clark Kent

This was only send by mail, it's from the "Super Powers"

The red ninja $350 usd.

Cartoon cells are very popular too, they brought more than last year.

You can find cells from many cartoons from the 80's.

Look at the Skeletor cell over here!


This is a nice cartoon. Woow

"Brave Star"

Lupe from BRONCO. Mexican singer

You are right! lol

These large cells from He-Man are amazing!

look at this,


Let me tell you, the rare ones are the ones with the hand painted back!

Nice one!

That one has the hand painted back, great!

Wow, how much is that one?

$60 usd with painted background,

that is a bargain!

Look at this one!

You pass them so I can film.

Look here at the detail of the hand painting.


Most of the times these cells are sold with a color copy background.

You also have to check that the background matches the scene!

Wow! Battlecat! Wow!

Here it has some damage, let me ask how much for this one.

$40 usd, this is a bargain.

What would you say in this case?

"EEEESSSSOOOO" (That's it!)

The origin of "Eeeessssoooo"

These would be perfect for Edwin! lol

For Pacheco, look.

For Pacheco.

For Arturo Pacheco aka "El Chapulín Colorado".

Greetings to all the crew. Figures Palooza.

Really good vibes. I want to go again to Tijuana.

¿When are you going to invite me again?

Expenses payed!

Well, Rodrigo wants a private Jet,

6 rooms at a fancy hotel! I don´t know why you need 6 rooms! lol


Well, let´s keep looking, we already saw these, let's check there!

Look at this!

The size of this one!

I think it is signed by the voice of Evil-Lyn

Stand over there so they can see the size.

It´s enormous!

No, I have to come and take a look.

That´s really good.

Here are some She-Ra cells.


the figure was very different from the original cartoon!.

Look at Shadow Weaver!

It's very different from the original cartoon!.

Do you remember SW's voice?

"Yes, and now I will look for vengeance"

Look what he´s got.

Here we just bought some figures. Right now

I am going to take these to my booth and show them to you!



Exploring Peru - Episode 5: EXPLORING MACHU PICCHU (+ Sun Gate hike!) - Duration: 5:45.

Arriving in Ollantaytambo feels like coming full circle.

Familiar sights greeting us at both the start and end of our trek.

The celebratory mood

amplified by a buzzing and colourful parade

-We're back.

-We are! We made it to Ollantaytambo.

-Fernando, Fernando

-How does it feel to be officially done the trek?

-Oh, it feels amazing.

I feel so good. I'm way less sore than I thought I would be.

I'm just really happy. And very sweaty.

-And I think we both know what we want now.

-That's a horrible pour, but...

-Time for the train!

But the celebration is momentarily interrupted by more transportation.

Full festivities are put on hold as we hop onto a train to the Machu Picchu community of Aguas Calientes.

It's not a long journey --

just over an hour ride.

Not that Joyita and I remember much of it.

Aguas Calientes is a full-blown tourist town.

Its name literally means 'hot water'

for its public hot springs.

Which we didn't visit

because countless restaurants, bars and stores line the streets

stocked with all the souvenirs you can imagine.

-We're in Aguas Calientes.

-Yeah! Now we're looking through the local market.

-Specifically for dresses because we're tired of wearing sweaty clothes.

Apparently no dresses in Peru's winter months though.

And while trekking clothes aren't exactly party wear

that doesn't seem to stop us.

[ 'Work' by Rihanna playing ]

We can't have too late of a night

knowing we have one last push ahead at our final destination

But... one step at a time.

-She works here now.

We awake early to a downpour of rain.

But it doesn't snuff out the magic of Machu Picchu.

The damp and fog only adding to its mystique.

While the rain eventually stops

the sun stays in hiding.

So we push for one last offering of energy:

A climb, fittingly, up to Machu Picchu's Sun Gate.

-After you hike for, like, three days

what's 45 more minutes?


-Almost there!

It's almost as if someone were listening to our silent pleas.

Because soon, our climb becomes all the more brighter.

And the rays lift our spirits

all the way, about 300 metres up, to Intipunko.

It's a gratifying finish

that deserves thanks where it's due.

-We had to wait, but we got some sun!

-And it's a perfect view.

-Perfect view.

Sulpayki, Pachamama.

You get more than what you bargain for with a trip like this.

It's no all-inclusive beach resort vacation

When you put in work and take a leap

you make new connections

you break the language barrier

you reap rewards.

And you find an energy

or something inside you that maybe you didn't know was there.

Something you wouldn't have found

without the help of unique people and a very different culture.

And, for me

one of my favourite things about Peru

was the intertwining of its modern, colonial and indigenous cultures.

Flags representing Peru and the Inca Empire

proudly waving side by side in Cusco's main square.

Sure, our histories differ.

And, sure, Inca relics and architecture left modern-day Peru with a tourism goldmine.

But it seems to be that acknowledgement of indigenism lacking in my native Canada.

Where its First Nations people and government struggle to reach true reconciliation.

That Peruvian culture.



Oh yeah, and pisco, guinea pig and ceviche

make Peru as memorable as it is.

But this story

This reality

Is just one of so, so many.

There's a whole world out there left to explore.

For more infomation >> Exploring Peru - Episode 5: EXPLORING MACHU PICCHU (+ Sun Gate hike!) - Duration: 5:45.


Please Dont Go - Kc And Sunshine Band - (Versión CD) Subtitulado en Español - Duration: 4:13.

For more infomation >> Please Dont Go - Kc And Sunshine Band - (Versión CD) Subtitulado en Español - Duration: 4:13.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


Trump: Tillerson Wasting Time Trying To Talk With N. Korea - Duration: 1:42.

For more infomation >> Trump: Tillerson Wasting Time Trying To Talk With N. Korea - Duration: 1:42.


For more infomation >> Trump: Tillerson Wasting Time Trying To Talk With N. Korea - Duration: 1:42.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


Fate/Apocrypha OP - "Eiyuu Unmei no Uta (英雄 運命の詩)"【Akano & MrLopez2112】 - Duration: 2:00.

It's such a foolish name,

But time pursues for it

Indomitable heroes

will start that story

The gentle serenade of love wanders around the threshold

Never reaching, the fate is sneering

Bury this isolated world, I go, wanting to see you

Until this passionate loves do us part

The people called for justice!

They waved their flags on high,

Standing on top of the past.

I'll dispel the darkness and proceed on, Even if I lose this body!

Fear, bow down! I'll become a champion!

I'll proceed for as long as I live, toward the victory before my eyes.

Departing at daybreak, a new dawn is near!

Fate/Apocrypha フェイト/アポクリファ OP1 "Eiyuu Unmei no Uta (英雄 運命の詩)" by EGOIST

Vocals: Akano Arrangement: MrLopez2112 Translation: Lyrical Nonsense & Nakari Amane

For more infomation >> Fate/Apocrypha OP - "Eiyuu Unmei no Uta (英雄 運命の詩)"【Akano & MrLopez2112】 - Duration: 2:00.


Is this necessary? | daily sprout 367 - Duration: 0:50.

For more infomation >> Is this necessary? | daily sprout 367 - Duration: 0:50.



For more infomation >> CMDA DRAMA TEAM IMSUTH CHAPTER - Duration: 11:15.


Kittens' contraception surgery and baby cat harness - Duration: 1:46.

For more infomation >> Kittens' contraception surgery and baby cat harness - Duration: 1:46.


[Ep 1] Dragon Quest XI Hero Chronicle: Rough Start - Duration: 32:40.

Dragon Quest 11 has been out for two weeks

I heavily considered streaming it when it first came out

But I really didn't...

I wanted to have just, like, my time with the game, like alone

as like, silly as that sounds

So I played it off and on for the last two weeks

I thought I would be a lot more, like, into it but I'm older now

and I have y'know, work and things to take care of

so I couldn't just play this and nothing else

So I'm not as far as long as I'd like to be for the stream

I would really like to be further in the story

but I can at least show you that it's a pretty game

and that's the best part, right?

So similar to I guess all the recent Dragon Quest games since 9

the enemies walk around on the field so you can see them

Not too far into the story I got a crossbow

where I can do this

and like, piss off the enemies and make them come at me

I'm not entirely sure why you would do that

I mean I've used it a couple of times out of laziness

The true purpose of the crossbow is that there are other things you can do with it

but the fact that you can shoot it at enemies is so fun, so I do it

I've got my little buddy here with me

This guy looks big but compared to my giant cushion, he is not

Oh yeah, I guess I should actually, like, okay

You can also run around in battle, like, while it's happening which is kind of...

I think it... that's just a Dragon Quest 10 thing right?

but it's neat

Sorry, I put my feet on the table which is where the camera is

Hi Franklin!

One of my cats is up here with me

Do you wanna come sit?

No? Okay, nevermind

The party members are story party members

You can dress them up though, which is what I did

Am I still...?

I know I talk really quiet

I'll lower the game volume just another tad

Oh hi Franklin


Are you... Are you helping?

What are you doing?


I'm gonna play around your head, okay, if you're gonna do that

I'm not gonna get anything done on this stream

We're just gonna mess with the volume

We're gonna play with my cat

We're gonna look at my king slime

We're gonna enjoy my slime controller

We're gonna smack some enemies

My favorite character so far in the game is Veronica

I mean look at her in her adorable little cat suit

I also put Senya into the dancer outfit

That is my leg

Oh you're playing for me, thanks!


You're not helping anybody


This is not your tail show, it's the Dragon Quest show

He moved the camera

Dragon Quest 11 is great you guys

So, oh, I should show off some of the stuff in battle actually, let's do a few more battles

Like they've done in recent Dragon Quest games

the enemies will attack you if you're standing around in the field

if they so feel like it

You can also come up to them and you can do the first strike on them

I want to say that thing's new but I don't know

I didn't play that much of 9 um, so

I can't really help that much

I put my camera, like the actual physical PlayStation camera, right over the menu box

so I can like barely read it

So right now my party members are set to automatic

Franklin fell off the couch

You can manually tell them what to do

but because I'm lazy...

I just like to let them do their own thing

This is a very Dragon Quest 10 thing to me

the color coded spells

like these are healing spells

these are attack spells

this is status

We're gonna heal Camus!

There you go buddy

If I was controlling them all separately I could make them all run around

but instead I'm just running around

Oh, I said I was gonna show off more stuff

Let's get another battle

I like the weird thing my video does whenever I get into battle 'cause the screen turns black

So, a cool thing I can do

So here's where you change everybody

This is the usual like, this is telling me to listen to orders

this is telling everybody else to just kind of

y'know, fight balanced

which is how I prefer them

and in the middle of battle if you so want to, you can...

change who's in your party

and suddenly we have Silvia!

It's completely turn based except now you pick each turn as it comes

so you don't pick all your turns at once

you pick them...

It's kind of like an active time battle kind of thing but not really

It's basically - it's more like, you know how in Dragon Quest 10 - not Dragon Quest 10

Final Fantasy 10 - you would see where everybody's turn was?

It's like that but you can't see that part.

Like here, I'll do...

I want everybody to listen to orders

So me = attack

and then the bad guys do a thing

and then the bad guys do a thing...

and then Silvia attacks

So, see I'm controlling everybody so I can just run around

Running around, as far as I can tell, doesn't actually do anything

but I haven't played with it very much so I could be completely wrong

It's just kind of fun

'cause you can do it

I'm helpful

We're gonna do this one

Fire breath!

I love fighting with Silvia because he's fabulous

Oh my gosh I haven't run around as a kitty! Hold on you guys, this is really important

Look at her!!

She's glowing 'cause she's in the zone, which is like

It's basically like tension but it works a little differently

and you can... it does the little

Chrono Trigger style-like double attacks and stuff

I don't really need to use this but I'll use it just to show what it does

It's Senya and Veronica's dual thing they can do together

and it um...

just raises someone's MP

It's specifically their thing together when Veronica initiates it

'cause if Senya initiates it, it does something else

which is interesting

Who needs more MP? I guess I do

This one is not nearly as fancy as some of the other ones

because only Veronica had her Zone flashing

If multiple people have them you can do much more impressive attacks

Hopefully more people will get their Zones and I can show them off

That's Silvia's default outfit

That's Toriyama's idea of a jester, I guess? so...

In Dragon Quest 10 when you run around in battle you can like push on the dudes

But it doesn't seem to do anything in this game?

I do like that as the enemies die they like, fall into line and take up space

It's really interesting

Okay now I'm like officially tired of controlling everybody

so I'm gonna change it back

but I'll always have just me follow orders

There we go

I feel like every time someone new comes in they say I'm too quiet

but if I keep lowering the volume of the game, you're not gonna be able to hear the game music at all!

I'll lower it one more time

If I could plug in my headphones into the slime I'd be louder


I'm glad - thank you people answering questions in the chat

'cause I can't keep up with the chat very well

while I'm also trying to like, keep this entertaining

...mildly entertaining...

Let's do... this spell


They don't yell anything so I have to yell out the spells myself

If I remember correctly when they first introduced it

when your character is in the zone they - their regular attacks are stronger.

But I haven't like, gone back and read up on it since they first explained what it was to me in the game

There's so many people! Hi everybody

Look at this. Those aren't cacti!

I can't like...

What did I just hit?


The only thing I don't like about when I'm not controlling them is that they all just stay in one spot

and the camera doesn't like...

I'm sure there's a camera option to move around

but I haven't bothered with it

Look at that guy dance - Oh we're all laughing! Oh no!

Oh my gosh Veronica

I love Veronica

She is a treasure

I love her so much

You guys wanna ride a horse?

Let's ride a horse

Yes, spells and skills still work where you have to like target a group

There's probably ones that do more but

I have not experimented with it


Okay we're going to run back out

Oh my god the dancing in this game is amazing especially 'cause Camus's dance is

straight-up Michael Jackson Smooth Criminal and it's everything I've ever wanted in a game

If you squint

back there is a Captain EO poster 'cause that's how much I like Michael Jackson

Also yeah if you run into any enemies while you're on your horse you just fight them

Let's fight this guy

Let's just run into him


In the ZONE!

I'm, um, going to do that because I want to...

I love you, Silvia, but I really prefer Camus in battle, I'm sorry

Something like 30 hours, but take that with a grain of salt

'cause the game doesn't stop your counter

...which drives me a little crazy

because I'm really picky about knowing how far I am in a game

and I'm not... and it doesn't help

Give me one second

I got my slime table in today and it's just sitting on the floor next to me and I wanna use it


This game is beautiful!

I really, like, I don't have a plan for this stream

I was really busy today and I did not anticipate being so busy

so I got home and had like, no time to set up

or even like, figure out what I was going to do

And of course I was up 'til like 2 am playing this game and had to wake up before 8 am

I'm also really out of it 'cause I'm tired

My slimes - actually, here, you know what?

Not all of them

but a whole - Hi! There's my face way too big


A bunch of them are right there

That's the giant cushion, he lives up there right now

and there's just a bunch of my guys that live up there watching over

That's one of my cats

That's my other cat, and the table

And that's my house, and that's my face too big

Bye! Okay

There, those were- those were my friends

That's where they live

Now I'm off-center


And by "they" I mean

what there's 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 of them up there out of

122 slime plushies

The rest of my slime plushies are

in a box right now because we haven't set up the hammocks that they're supposed to live in

We've been talking about moving so like putting them up anywhere really isn't...

like I don't have the motivation to do that right now

Right now honestly I'm going to leave the slime cushion up there because I'm terrified of the cats messing it up

It cost way more than this guy who is already very big

and he's gotten a couple of

injuries from cats loving him too much

But he's plushy

The cushion is covered in more like a

nylon-type material

and like the second, like, a claw gets caught in that it's just gonna be the worst thing ever

I'm pretty good about keeping my cats' claws short, but

So I just want to enjoy it for a little while longer until the cats totally ruin it

The PS4 controller, honestly, I am totally fine with it

I'm super comfy with it

I've been playing with it for the last 3 days since it came in

The thing is if you look at - yeah that looks comfortable

I don't have very big hands, so my hands can very comfortably wrap around this whole thing


it's a slime, so maybe I just kind of Stockholm syndrome just make it work?

I don't know

But I played, what, 90 something hours of Dragon Quest 8 with the PS2 version slime controller

So I adapted pretty quickly to this one

But... Let's play like this so you can see him

That's not awkward

Hey, I can do it though!

So, one really fun thing about this game is collecting resources



Also let's just stop and appreciate how gorgeous that is


What are you?

What is over here?

I'm gonna find out!

Oh, it's those things

You guys, it's a new type of slime

That's legitimately what those are! They're slime family



Oops, the chat refreshed

Oh well

These are the color swap of them though

There's different colored versions of them at the beginning of the game



So every time - I wonder if there's a way to turn that off

Every single time you level up and you gain skill points it asks you if you want to use your new skill points

Every single time and I'm always like not really

Wow, that was just one?!

Okay I don't really wanna go through all of those

I really wanna find ...

Scattered through the world just like in Dragon Quest 10 are little shiny spots

Actually Heroes had it too, um, and they're back in this, which I really like

'cause I like going around and grabbing shiny spots

Oh there's definitely some in one of these poison swamps though

Leave me alone, I don't want to fight you

There's one!

Oh yeah, you can jump

I'm gonna do it!

Worth it. Not really.

Also since I just acquired some stuff - there's a bad guy coming at me isn't there?


I have not even seen that yet


We're fighting him now

Hey if there are people playing Heroes 2 multiplayer

tell me when 'cause I played multiplayer like once

like when the Japanese version came out, and I would love to play it again

Anyway let's actually fight this guy that appeared

Yes on him, there's no one else to attack

Why are you beating up Senya?

All right, I guess he wasn't that strong

Aren't Stone Men the next level up of Golems? I haven't even seen a Golem yet in this game

That's my first like anything Golem or Stone Man related

Don't just...

Go away

Saturday... Okay. Next Saturday that I'm home I'll try to remember to play Heroes 2 multiplayer

I love my king slime, he's a great decoration

Who needs fancy backdrops when I can have slimes instead?

Tomorrow, I'm...

going to a movie and then I'm going to be hopefully getting fabric and working on stuff for my next event

so I probably shouldn't be going home and playing games

Let's fight something first


You can control everybody. Right now I have my party set so that only

I only bother choosing what the hero does

That's because I'm lazy

I only use everybody when I'm in a boss battle basically

So you weren't here when I did so I'll do it so that everybody follows my orders

Like, yeah, so I can be everybody, like all the time

Let's just make everybody move all around the battlefield for funsies

I love you too, Kaeatri!

So far I don't know the point of moving around, but it's fun

In 10, in Dragon Quest 10 it actually does something but it doesn't seem to do anything in this

aside from kinda make it more dynamic

Also every single time I'm in battle we're just going to enjoy Veronica's cat outfit 'cause it's great


Oh, I killed them all

Alrighty, I'm going to...

You guys wanna see the ship moving around on the water or do you wanna see crafting?

'cause I could do either one right now

What's really fun about battle is that if you don't move at all it just plays like a regular, like

Dragon Quest 8 style

where it's 3D and everyone's like, out there but nobody moves out of place

We're gonna change it back 'cause LAZY

I can't craft on the ship!

Nobody in my group has learned Thwack yet

If I remember correctly Senya actually skipped the low level revival spell and got the second level of it

so I'm not really sure...


Let's do a special Zone between the two of them


Don't really need defense or magic ability up but whatever~

I am taking my sweet time with this game, but I'm really excited to play Dragon Quest 1 on my PS4 once I beat it

...whenever that is


I'm going - I don't have all the party members yet and I've been playing for at least 20 actual hours but 30 hours in my game


I've been doing like all the side quests as I find them... There's a lot of side quests

Those are here

So I cleared all of these, and those two

I'm working on the ones that are in yellow

I cleared these

So, these are all the ones I've done already

The sidequests are kinda fun


cows tell you the weather 'cause of course they do

Oh good, it's gonna stay nice and clear

Thanks, weather cow!

That was important information

I'm not gonna fight the cow!

The cow tells me the weather!

It's important!

How will I know if it's going to rain tomorrow or not if I kill the cow?

I'm like 99% certain we're going to get those...

Dragon Quest 1-2-3 on PS4 and 3DS in America

Anyway we're gonna go back on the ship, whee!

No, no weather cow hamburgers

We're not making weather cow hamburgers

So I only just recently got the ship, this is new

I was complaining recently - somebody was asking me about this game, and I was like

I haven't actually been able to see the world map yet

And then someone told me "here's how you see the world map" but I'm like no I didn't mean

this current visual, I meant like seeing the whole world which is what I can see right now

But it's fun.

This is the one place where you get random battles because...

I summoned one

So there's psycho umbrellas and baby squid

Stop beating up my friends!

You can move the camera around some but it always focuses just on me, 'cause

I'm the only one I'm controlling

I can like, watch the battle from over here

I've definitely been singing along to some of these tracks in a way that makes me think

I've heard them before this game, and I'm not just singing them because...

I've been playing this game for so long

So I'm pretty sure they put remixes into this

Because Sugiyama is a very old man, I don't blame them

Also weather cow, what the hell?

It's raining!

I guess he only meant - she only meant that it's gonna stay clear in the area I was in and not everywhere

Let's go that way

Oh god

This game also - someone else was saying this too

There's a lot of stuff about the story - and not in like a rehashed kind of way

There's a lot of stuff in the story and the characters and the feel that feels like they're kind of

putting little tributes to every Dragon Quest game into this one

since it is the first one since the 30th anniversary

So I wouldn't be surprised if they also on purpose re-purposed themes

There's already a couple things that happened where I was like "this feels like Dragon Quest blah-blah-blah"

But in a good way not like a "oh they're just redoing it"

It was more like a "oh this is like a nice little 'remember when?' kind of thing"

I wanna go... down

That was a sea golem

I think it's new to this one

It was a...

I had to fight him at one point

He's so upset

See, they get in line after you kill one

I'm gonna get back in my place now

Yeah, the um - it's called being in the zone...

It's called "Zone" in Japanese

It's pretty much like tension but it's when you can activate your special abilities

Like the cross powers that are like Chrono Trigger style

My existence playing this game is a spoiler, deal with it

Let's stop~

For more infomation >> [Ep 1] Dragon Quest XI Hero Chronicle: Rough Start - Duration: 32:40.


Japan Typhoon | Tokyo Flight Canceled and Stuck on an Island - Duration: 9:47.

For more infomation >> Japan Typhoon | Tokyo Flight Canceled and Stuck on an Island - Duration: 9:47.


Pregnancy in Brazil ブラジルの「産婦人科」ってどうなってるの?[Vlog#19] - Duration: 10:25.

When you think that you've got pregnant


Hey, what's up? It's Harumi.

Hospital in Brazil (pregnancy)

In another video

I talked about how the hospitals

in Brazil work.


I think I'll talk about hospital

regarding to pregnancy.

I had babies twice here

but I don't have an experience in Japan

so I can't compare here and there.

So I'm just gonna talk

how it was in my case.

First of all I wanted to say that

In Brazil


(got something in my throat)

(try again)

Brazil is

famous for caesarean section.

It's also called as "The Kingdom of Caesarean section".

I've seen that 70~80% of all

is caesarean section.

But this number isn't really exact

because in Brazil there're people

who don't give birth in hospital

or don't register

because they're poor or for some reason

so it seems to be quite difficult to investigate

the exact number.

But the percentage among the people

who give birth normally and register 70 to 80%...?

It seems a lot, isn't it?

But actually hearing stories

of some women

who had babies here I feel

that about 70~80% of them really did caesarean section.

So it really can be true.

It's that a lot!

Everyone does cesarean section.

I personally had natural chi...?

natural childbirth..?(That is what it's called?)

both twice.

If I say that everyone goes like


It's quite rare

and people say I'm brave.

(thinking where to start...)

Shall I start from where going to hospital..?

At first,

when you think you have a baby

you go to hospital

knowing that 80~90% positive already,

don't you?

here in Brazil

you go to

gynecological hospital...?

(can't remember) Did I go?

Wait, how was it?

(remembered!) So at first

when you think you probably got a baby

you go to a clinic

but you're not 100% sure

that's why you go there.

Then I'd imagined that

in gynecological hospital

they do ultra sound or blood test, I don't know,

then they go like "congratulations!".

Here, as I mentioned in another video

they don't do everything in one place

like tests

or whatever.

So even if you go to gynecological hospital,

or clinic

there isn't a machine for ultra sound,

don't do blood test or urinalysis.

Nothing like that.

So at first you search a clinic

that your insurance covers,

reserve and go there

and what you're going to do is

telling a doctor that you think you have a baby

and you want to make sure.

Then the doctor gives you a request papar

to have a blood test.

So the first moment is that's it.

That mean when you first go to clinic

they don't confirm that you're pregnant.

Later you go to laboratory with the paper

your doctor gave you

to do the blood test

in another day.

And the result will be out

in a few days

then you go back to the doctor

with your result.

And the doctor will see it

then give you "Congratulations!"

(even though I'd already knew it.)

But there is no ultra sound at this moment.


At the beginning of pregnancy,

according to my internet search,

using pregnancy test

if you get "positivo"...


even if it comes out positive,

how is it called?...gestation sac

until you see that the pregnancy isn't really confirmed.

Is that right?

The only way you find that out

is to do ultra sound.

That how I understood

but here they don't check it in the early pregnancy.

So even after your result comes out positive

you still get kinda nervous

for a while

in the early stages of pregnancy.

That's a big difference comparing to Japan, I think.


Speaking of ultra sound,

in Japan every time you go to clinic

you get to do..right?

But here in the whole process

in average about 5 times, I think.

It can be 4 times, too.

Depending on women it can be more

or less..

In my case I did 4 or 5 times, I think.

So it's the average.


When your pregnancy is confirmed

at that time you get a card like this.

"Pregnancy card"

In Japan it's called...


ah, it's maternity handbook!

Here it's nothing like a "book"

(depends on the clinic)

It's just a piece of paper like this.


It has all the information inside,

well there isn't that much ALL the info though.

Every time you go

they put the date, blood pressure,

well so, what you normally do there is

measuring your blood pressure

weigh yourself

he'll ask you how's everything..

and if there's some result of the examination

that you have to show your doctor

you bring them and

see if everything is ok.

(in the later stages the doctor may check your belly by touching it and hear the heart beat of the baby.)

But basically that's it.

Just talking.

So it can in my case,

fortunately everything went pretty well

so it didn't have any problem

and nothing to ask every time

so the check-up was always quick.

The fastest went like 5 minutes.

And at this check-up

if there's examination

like ultra sound at the specific stage

to check the growth of the baby

your doctor writes this paper

in order for you to do whatever the examination

that you may need.

And then you go to a clinic

where specifically does ultra sound

which you have to search by yourself,

make a reservation,

and you go there...

then you get the photo of ultra sound looks like this.

Ultra Vídeo Center

The quality of the machine vary depending on the clinic.

It may also vary depending on your insurance.

What I have is the minimum level

and especially in a small city like here in Cabo Frio

it's not easy to find a clinic.

It's already kinda common

to see your baby in 3D photo

but here didn't have

such a place

I only did the things

that I needed at least.

So doing this ultra sound

at the next check-up

which happens once a month,

you bring it to show the doctor

if everything is fine.


We do blood examination

in the early stage

in the middle..maybe

and then at the like 3 times.

4 or 5 times of ultra sound..

and the check-up once a month.

You've got to go to each different place.

On the last month of pregnancy

it says frequency of check-up increases

like once every 2 weeks,

or once a week..

but in my case!

Until towards the end it continued once a month.

Further more,

on the last month of pregnancy

when we actually have to increase the check-up,

in my case actually

there was no check up.

I just had to wait labor.


That's actually the part a bit

complicated when you have a baby in Brazil.

Especially for us, Japanese women.


As I said in the beginning of this video

Brazil is the Kingdom of cesarean section.

So for example let's say that you want to have a natural childbirth.

Can we do that if we want to?

Well it's not that simple..

It's hard to find a doctor.

(There're a lot more to talk..)

It's getting too long so

I'll split into 2 videos

like the next half would be a volume of childbirth...

For some of you

this video wasn't that interesting, maybe.

But anyway this's all for today.

For now I'd say bye!

(continues to the next video)

For more infomation >> Pregnancy in Brazil ブラジルの「産婦人科」ってどうなってるの?[Vlog#19] - Duration: 10:25.


Acting Swiftly! | Minecraft: Vapor SMP [S1E1] - Duration: 11:01.

What's going on guys, my name's HERO and in today's video this is the first episode of a brand new series, a brand new Minecraft SMP series on my channel,

which is called Vapor SMP of course. I'm late to the server by a month because I was invited at the very beginning, but I told the owner, which is Jack, you guys

know him already probably, and I told him that I want to wait a month because I was just getting adjusted to online school and it's been a month so I'm here ready to

join, make my first episode, and have a good start! But unfortunately, like I said I'm a month behind so I got some catching up to do. I need to act swiftly and get

caught up by the end of this episode, hopefully. So anyways, yeah let's get started with that. [Transition] So anyways guys for this series I'll be using and edit of the

default resource pack. As you can see I have my little pototos for the hunger bar, and I will not be using shaders. I was going to but I want to keep this series

As an above 60 FPS series and my computer just can't handle shaders that well to keep it above 60 FPS. So yeah- ooo.. Don't mind if I do! Nah I'll leave it.

For those of you who saw my CloudSMP series then you'll know I play SMPs a little differently and I do plan to make this series very different as well.

This series is going to be more of a personal series than a commercial series, if that makes any sense. So there we go, we got some stuff. Now I'm just going to quickly

get some essentials, and then we'll start heading towards where I want the base to be. Alright, as you guys can tell right there I'm a little hungry- in Minecraft, so

unfortunately, it's either you or me, cow. I'm sorry about this. Alright guys we have made it to- can you guess?- 15, 15. *Hundred, that is, for both of them. I was going to

2000, 2000 this season, but I decided not to. I don't need to be that far away, do I? No I don't think so. So yeah this is where the base is going to be. And now that this is

officially my territory, I gonna start mining and doing stuff. I mean I should at least get to full diamond armor by the end of this episode hopefully. But I am a very busy

person at the moment so I don't know. We'll see. I'll try, okay? Alright guys, during this little mining montage I wanted to talk to you guys about "acting swiftly", seeing

as that's what we're doing in the series and that's the name of the episode because we're late so we gotta catch up. But first before I begin that topic I wanna

to leave a comment guessing how ore you think I'll get during this montage. And then at the end of the montage you'll see how close you were. And yes this is inspired by

what Mumbo Jumbo does in his Hermitcraft series. Just gotta credit where I got the idea from. Anyways let's get started.

Whenever there's any form of drama or disagreement or conflict of any kind, it is really important to act immediately because just like whenever there's a

bleeding wound you have to act quickly before you bleed out and before it's too late- you gotta do the same for emotional wounds. That's just how it goes.

Whether is on yourself or someone else. Like there's no time to waste because every day you wait to do it, they're just emotionally bleeding out more and more and more.

And this applies to yourself too, of course. If you want to change yourself, you gotta act quickly and start making change ASAP, like today. You guys can make change in

your lives today I'm pretty sure. However, that doesn't mean it's ever too late, because it's never too late. You can always change. As long as you're alive then you can

change who you are an become a better person for the rest of your life and move on from the first part of your life where you weren't as awesome. But why do we mess

up in the first place? Well- I mean, we're only human so we're prone to mistakes and regrets, and unfortunately that's just how it goes. But knowing how to act upon

stuff like that, and improving relationships, and acknowledging when you've made a mistake so you can act swiftly, and repair the damage- That's an awesome

trait to have. Anyways I think I'm gonna put some music on now so you can enjoy the rest of the montage. I didn't really have any more to say, so here we go.

(Music: JJD Marin Hoxha - Lift)

Anyways guys, that's the end of the montage and if you haven't left your comment yet guessing how much ore I got for each thing go and guess now in the comments,

I'll give you a second. Mkay, I'm assuming you paused, so you're done guessing. Here are the results! Yeah.. no diamonds.. somehow. I kinda half-expected me to get

full diamond armor in the first episode but- I mean to be fair I've barely done any mining because I've been working on lots of different things at the same time.

I'm a very busy person nowadays in case you guys can't tell. Anyways guys, be sure to check out the channel next Sunday at 6:30 PM Pacific Standard Time, and today I

want you guys to leave a comment! Please, please just leave a comment- any comment. I want to read your comments and your feedback on the series.

And if you don't know what to comment then just tell me how your day is going, okay? I' love to hear how your day is going, okay? Anyways guys, hopefully you did enjoy

and if you did there's a BUTTON for that down below, and if you really liked it, there's a button for that too. But anyways guys, my name's HERO, and I'll see you in the

next episode! Next Sunday, 6:30 Pacific Standard Time. Goodbye!

For more infomation >> Acting Swiftly! | Minecraft: Vapor SMP [S1E1] - Duration: 11:01.


[STAR]I'm A Celebrity bosses delay filming of promotional shoot as host Ant McPartlin rests.... - Duration: 1:55.

I'm A Celebrity bosses delay filming of promotional shoot as host Ant McPartlin rests in Los Angeles after rehab

FILMING for I'm A Celebrity has been held up, as Ant McPartlin rests in Los Angeles. Bosses had hired a huge set for Ant, 41, and co-host Dec Donnelly to do a big-budget promo shoot this Friday.

Ant McPartlin pictured leaving LAX airport as he recovers from his painkiller addiction.

Ant McPartlin flew to LA to rest after spending time in rehab.   Ant McPartlin opens up to The Sun about his secret two-year addiction to painkilling drugs.

Ant McPartlin is taking time out ahead of presenting the next series of Im A Celebrity. Get Me Out Of Here with Declan Donnelly. But they postponed the session at London's Pinewood Studios while Ant continues to recover from painkiller addiction.

The new series starts next month. A TV source said: "It would have been the first day filming but with Ant away, there is no way they could get started.".

Ant, who got hooked after an agonising knee op, jetted off last week with agent Paul Worsley. A source close to the star said: "He's gone to get away from the spotlight.

He's in recovery and it's important he has time and space. "Paul's gone to provide support. He is one of his closest friends.".

Ant McPartlin admitted he got hooked on painkillers after an agonising knee op.

Ant and Dec set to appear on the new series of Im A Celebrity, which starts next month.

Best pals Ant and Dec were expected to do a big-budget promo, which has now been postponed.

One of Ants closest friends has travelled to LA with him to offer support. A TV insider added: "Ant needed some space away.

For more infomation >> [STAR]I'm A Celebrity bosses delay filming of promotional shoot as host Ant McPartlin rests.... - Duration: 1:55.


Panthers Pull Away From Pats As Cam Hits 50th Rush TD!! - Duration: 3:55.

Awe Man. In a game that matched up two teams with the

same record, most people would of never thought

that it would be the Carolina panthers who

came out with the 33 to 30 late victory win over the New England Patriots.

And when it came to the two quarterbacks who both finished the game with QBR ratings in

the 80s, most people would of never thought

that it would of been Cam Newton who came out with the better overall performance.

Tom Brady came out looking for another comeback in which he was able to tie the game late,

but it was not meant to be as the Carolina defense did what they had to do for the majority

of the game as the patriots protection package

had a tough time keeping up with the Panthers pressure.

Brady tried to do his best cam newton impersonation, but all that dodging and spin moving he was

doing only made him look like a run way model struggling to walk in some 9 inch heels.

The Panthers kept the Patriots in check as

Tom Brady was sacked 3 times, but felt like he was getting hit on every pass attempt.

And in a game in which he would drop back at least 45 times, the pressure that was applied

by Carolina's defense all game was the X factor as to why the Patriot's late game efforts fell short.

But on the other hand, New England defense came out and looked like a defense too scared

to catch a cold, let alone try to put a helmet on the Panthers offensive players.

This patriots secondary was atrocious. for the second week in a row, they were looking

more suspect than Jared Fogle buying cookies at a 4th grade bake sale.

Cam Newton and the Panthers offense had little in their way as they were able to ring up

33 points on the score board while on the road.

An accomplishment in itself, but it was how efficient they played that really got me impressed.

That dude Cam Newton had a monster game as only 7 of his passes were off target, finishing

the game going 22 out of 29 with three touchdowns.

but shoutout to the former Heisman winner who became the leagues first quarterback ever

to score 50 touchdowns with his legs. This boy Cam is a problem!

But again, getting the best of the Patriots defense, the Panthers were able to son New

England as they were unstoppable in the fourth quarter as they were able to use up valuable

time off the game clock as the Patriots defense

was unable to stop Carolina on 5 consecutive third down conversions.

You can't expect to win even with Tom Brady if your defense can't even stop a runny nose.

But what did you think of this improbable win by the Panthers?

Do think Carolina is on path to atone for their Super Bowl lost from 2 seasons ago?

Will New England Go only as far as their Terrible secondary will allow them?

Is the injury scare that Kelvin Benjamin had behind him, and that he and Devin Funchess

about to explode for the remainder of the year?

All I'm saying is that, with all the weapons this Panthers Squad has, Cam Newton is poised

to have a late season run that could knock

the Atlanta Falcons out of their way to reclaim supremacy of their division.

But You Already Know, I don't Have An Opinion, I Just Spit Faxx!

For more infomation >> Panthers Pull Away From Pats As Cam Hits 50th Rush TD!! - Duration: 3:55.


Senbonzakura (English Cover)【joy】 - Duration: 5:55.

With a bold and sudden calling

Western Revolution's starting

Let our hearts be open to it

Pacifist nation

Riding on a penny farthing

It's the flag of our sun rising

Warding evil spirits like an I C B M

On the train tracks running along the line

Let us move forward, don't look behind

Boys and girls becoming like samurai

Just like those from our previous life

Thousands of cherry blossoms dwindling in the light

Though I can't hear your voice, keep what I say in mind

This bouquet that surrounds is iron poison, see

Looking down at us from that big guillotine

Darkness has just engulfed the universe we know

The lament that you sing can't reach ears anymore

We are still far away from reaching clear blue skies

Go ahead, keep shooting, with that ray gun fight!

Veterans who've trained through struggles

Are now officers in battle

Here and there we see the harlots in procession

This one, that one, doesn't matter

Every single person gathers

March on to our saintly deaths now

1, 2, 3, 4!

Passing through the gates on the mountain peaks

Escaping this world, kill all the evil fiends

Surely this will end in a denouement

Among the crowd giving their applause

Thousands of cherry blossoms dwindling in the light

Though I can't hear your voice, keep what I say in mind

This bouquet that surrounds is iron poison, see

Looking down at us from that big guillotine

Darkness has just engulfed the universe we know

The lament that you sing can't reach ears anymore

We are still far away from reaching peaks of hope

Go ahead, keep shooting, use that flashing bolt!

On the train tracks, running along the line

Let us move forward, don't look behind

Boys and girls becoming like samurai

Just like those from our previous life

Thousands of cherry blossoms dwindling in the light

Though I can't hear your voice, keep what I say in mind

That bouquet that surrounds is iron poison, see

Leaping down to us from that big guillotine

Thousands of cherry blossoms, dwindling in the light

Once your song can be heard, we'll dance with all our might

This bouquet that surrounds, is iron poison see

Go ahead, keep shooting, with that ray gun lead!

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